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SB Module1 L1

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❑ Wave Optics is the branch of optics dealing with the nature

of Light and its propagation.

❑ It deals with phenomenon like Interference, Diffraction and

polarization which can be discussed in the light of Huygen’s
wave theory of light (proposed in 1678).

Interference is the combination of two or more waves to form a
composite wave based on the superposition principle.

It is a phenomenon in which two or more waves of same frequency and constant phase
difference superimpose to form a resultant wave of redistributed intensity.

The equation representing a sinusoidal wave moving along x-axis is: y = a.sin(kx-wt),
where a= Amplitude, k=2π/λ (Wavenumber) and w= 2πν (Angular frequency).
Let’s consider two waves with amplitudes ‘a’ and ‘b’: y1 = a.sin(kx-wt) and y2 =
b.sin(kx-wt+δ), where δ is called the phase of the wave.
Then the Intensity of the resultant wave after interference is, I:
I = I1+I2+2√I1√I2. cosδ. Here, δ is called Phase difference between the two waves.
Note: Intensity α (Amplitude)2

Conditions of interference
In order to form an interference pattern, the incident light must satisfy
two conditions:

(i) The light sources must be coherent. This means that the plane
waves from the sources must maintain a constant phase relation.
For example, if two waves are completely out of phase with  = ,
this phase difference must not change with time.

(ii) The light must be monochromatic. This means that the light
consists of just one wavelength λ = 2/K.
Light emitted from an incandescent lightbulb is incoherent because
the light consists of waves of different wavelengths and they do not
maintain a constant phase relationship. Thus, no interference pattern
is observed.

Incoherent light source

Constructive Intereference:

Occurs at points of Maximum Intensity, Imax= (a+b)2 (when

cosδ=1 or δ=2nπ OR∆= nλ)

Destructive Intereference:

Occurs at points of Minimum Intensity, Imin= (a-b)2(when

cosδ=-1 or δ= (2n±1)π or∆= (n ± )λ)

Average Intensity in an Interference pattern is,

Iavg= a2+b2= I1+I2 ( Law of conservation of energy)

Note: Path difference, ∆= 2π
x Phase difference (δ)
These are the sources of light which produce waves of equal frequency in
all directions such that the phase difference between the waves should
either be zero or remains constant with time.

Various methods/experiments to generate coherent sources:

❑Young’s double slit
❑Fresnel Biprism
❑Michelson Interferometer
❑Newton’s Rings

Sustained interference pattern is the one with highvisibility/contrast.

❑Use of coherent sources
❑Use of monochromatic light.
❑Wavefronts must be in similar state of polarization.
❑Source separation must be very small (~λ of light used)
❑Source-Screen distance must be very large.
❑The amplitudes (a,b) of the interfering waves must be ideally same.
❑Sources/slits must benarrow
Division of Wavefront
Primary Wavefront gets divided into secondary wavefronts which then
result in an Interference pattern. Example: Young’s double slit and
Fresnel Biprism experiments.
Division ofAmplitude
The amplitude of incoming light beam gets divided due to partial
reflection or refraction and then the interference between the divided
beams result in an Interference pattern. This class of interference
requires broad source of light. Example: Uniform thin film/Wedge
shaped film and Newton’s rings experiments.
The Fresnel Biprism

❑ A Fresnel Biprism is a variation on the Young’s Slits experiment.

❑ The Fresnel biprism consists of two thin prisms joint at their bases to
form an isosceles triangle.

❑ A single wavefront impinges on both prisms; the left portion of the

wavefront is refracted right while the right segment is refracted left.

❑ In the region of superposition, interference occurs as here two virtual

sources exist.
For any point on the screen to be at the centre of a bright fringe
(d/D)x = nλ

(D/d)λ = x/n = β, the fringe width

The point will be at the centre of a dark fringe if its distance from C is
(2n+1)λD/2d, where n = 0, 1, 2, 3, … etc

Uses of Biprism: Determination of wavelength (λ) of light

For position L1: x/d = v/u
𝑑 = 𝑥𝑦
For position L2: y/d = u/v



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