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Wave Optics

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Wave Optics

Prepared by
Sandhya Velayudhan
PGT Physics, JNV Kozhikode
• Every point on a wave-front may be considered a
source of secondary spherical wavelets which
spread out in the forward direction at the speed of
light. The new wave-front is the tangential surface
to all of these secondary wavelets.
Wavelet and wavefront:
A wavelet is the point of disturbance due to propagation of light.
A wavefront is the locus of all points in space having the same phase
of vibration.
A line perpendicular to a wavefront is called a ‘ray’.

Spherical Cylindrical
Wavefront Wavefront
from a point • from a linear
source source

Plane Pink Dots – Wavelets

Wavefront Blue Envelope– Wavefront
Red Line – Ray
Refraction of a plane wave
• At a denser medium
PP’ - the surface separating medium 1
and medium 2
v1- the speed of light in medium 1
v2 – speed of light in medium 2,
AB - incident plane wavefront
EC – refracted wavefront
τ− the time taken to travel BC
BC = v1τ
AE = v2τ

Sini/ Sinr = v1/v2

Sini/ Sinr = n2/n1 Snell’s law

n1 – refractive index of medium 1
n2- refractive index of medium 2
Refraction of a plane wave
• At a rarer medium

Sini/ Sinr = v1/v2

Sini/ Sinr = n2/n1 Snell’s law

Reflection of a plane wave

MN – reflecting surface
AB – plane incident wavfront
EC- reflected wavfront
i- angle of incidence
r- angle of reflection
v- the speed of light
τ – time taken
AE = BC = vτ
Since the triangles EAC and BAC are

i = r , the law of reflection

Refraction of a plane wave by (a) a thin prism, (b) a
convex lens. (c) Reflection of a
plane wave by a concave mirror.


The phenomenon of one wave interfering with
another and the resulting redistribution of energy in
the space around the two sources of disturbance is
called interference of waves.
Coherent Sources

The sources emitting light waves of same

frequency or wavelength having either a zero
or constant phase difference are said to be
Interference of Waves:
E1 + E2
Bright Band

E2 Dark Band
Bright Band

Constructive Interference E = E1 + E2 S2
Dark Band
E1 - E2
E2 Bright Band

Destructive Interference E = E1 - E2 Trough
Bright Band
1st Wave (E1) 2nd Dark Band
Wave (E2)
Resultant Wave The phenomenon of one wave interfering
Reference Line with another and the resulting redistribution
of energy in the space around the two
sources of disturbance is called interference
of waves.
Condition for Constructive and destructive

For two coherent sources vibrating For two coherent sources vibrating
in phase, constructive interference in phase, destructive interference
occurs when occurs when

Path difference = n λ Path difference =( n +1/2 ) λ

(n = 0, 1, 2, 3,...) (n = 0, 1, 2, 3,...)

λ − wavelength
Intensity in interference
Consider two coherent light waves with intensity I0 each and
phase difference φ between them. The resultant intensity at
the point of interference will be
I = 4I0 Cos2 (φ/2)

Condition for constructive interference : φ = 0, ±2π,±4π…….

Condition for destructive interference : φ = ±π,±3π,…….

For incoherent waves the average intensity will be

< I > = 4I0 < Cos2 (φ/2) >

= 2I0
Double slit experiment
Path difference
The waves from S1 and S2 reach the point P with
Path difference ∆ = S2P – S1P
S2P2 – S1P2 = [D2 + {x + (d/2)}2] - [D2 + {x - (d/2)}2]
(S2P – S1P) (S2P + S1P) = 2 x d

∆ =xd/D
Positions of Bright Fringes: Positions of Dark Fringes:
For a bright fringe at P, For a dark fringe at P,
∆ = xd / D = nλ ∆ = xd / D = (2n+1)λ/2
where n = 0, 1, 2, 3, … where n = 0, 1, 2, 3, …

x=nDλ/d x = (2n+1) D λ / 2d
For n = 0, x0 = 0 For n = 0, x0’ = D λ / 2d
For n = x1 = D λ / d For n = x1’ = 3D λ / 2d
1, For n x2 = 2 D λ / d 1, For n
x2’ = 5D λ / 2d
= 2, For = 2, For xn’ = (2n+1)D λ / 2d
…… xn =
n = n, n = n,
Expression fornDark
D λ /Fringe
d Width: Expression for Bright Fringe Width:
βD = xn – xn-1 βB = xn’ – xn-1’
= n D λ / d – (n – 1) D λ / d = (2n+1) D λ / 2d – {2(n-1)+1} D λ / 2d
=Dλ/d =Dλ/d

The expressions for fringe width show that the fringes are equally spaced on
the screen.
Distribution of Intensity:
Intensity Suppose the two interfering waves
have same amplitude say ‘a’, then
Imax α (a+a)2 i.e. Imax α 4a2
All the bright fringes have this same
x 0 x
Imin = 0
All the dark fringes have zero
Conditions for sustained interference:
1. The two sources producing interference must be coherent.
2. The two interfering wave trains must have the same plane of
3. The two sources must be very close to each other and the pattern must
be observed at a larger distance to have sufficient width of the fringe.
(D λ / d)
4. The sources must be monochromatic. Otherwise, the fringes of different
colours will overlap.
5. The two waves must be having same amplitude for better contrast
between bright and dark fringes.
A computer generated pattern
Some Examples of Interference

One of the best examples of interference is

demonstrated by the light reflected from a film
of oil floating on water. Another example is the
thin film of a soap bubble, which reflects a
spectrum of beautiful colors when illuminated
by natural or artificial light sources.

The phenomenon of bending of light around

the sharp edges of an obstacle or aperture is
called diffraction.

Condition for diffraction of light

The wavelength of incident light should be
comparable to the size of the obstacle or aperture
The single slit experiment
The path difference between the wavelets is NQ.
If ‘θ’ is the angle of diffraction and ‘á’ is the slit width, then NQ = a sin θ
To establish the condition for secondary minima, the slit is divided into 2, 4,
6, … equal parts such that corresponding wavelets from successive regions
interfere with path difference of λ/2.
Or for nth secondary minimum, the slit can be divided into 2n equal parts.

For θ1, a sin θ1 = λ For θ2, a sin Since θn is very small,

θ2 = 2λ For θn, a sin θn = a θn = nλ

nλ θn = nλ / a (n = 1, 2, 3,
To establish the condition ……)
for secondary maxima, the slit is divided into 3, 5,
7, … equal parts such that corresponding wavelets from alternate regions
interfere with path difference of λ.
Or for nth secondary minimum, the slit can be divided into (2n + 1) equal
For θ1’, a sin θ1’ = 3λ/2 Since θn’ is very small,

For θ2’, a sin θ2’ = 5λ/2 a θn’ = (2n + 1)λ / 2

(n = 1, 2, 3, ……)
For θn’, a sin θn’ = (2n + 1)λ/2 θn’ = (2n + 1)λ / 2a
Diffraction pattern
Difference between Interference and Diffraction:

Interference Diffraction
1. Interference is due to the 1. Diffraction is due to the
superposition of two different superposition of secondary
wave trains coming from coherent wavelets from the different parts
sources. of the same wavefront.

2. Fringe width is generally constant. 2. Fringes are of varying width.

3. All the maxima have the same 3. Central maximum has
intensity. maximum intensity . The
intensity falls as we go to
successive maxima away
from the centre on either
side of central maximum
The pattern Width of central maximum
The first minima on either side is at θ
= λ/a on either side of the central

So the angular width of the central

bright fringe is

2 θ = 2 λ/a

The linear width of the central bright

fringe is β = 2 λD/a

a- the slit width,λ- the wavelength

θ- the angular position of the first

minimum from the central maximum
Fresnel’s Distance:

Fresnel’s distance is that distance from the slit at which the spreading
of light due to diffraction becomes equal to the size of the slit.
y1 = D λ / d
At Fresnel’s distance, y1 = d and D = DF
So, DF λ / d =d or DF = d2 / λ
If the distance D between the slit and the screen is less than Fresnel’s
distance DF, then the diffraction effects may be regarded as absent.
So, ray optics may be regarded as a limiting case of wave optics.
Polarisation of Light
Polarisation is the phenomenon in which
light or other radiation are restricted in
direction of vibration

Polarized light has electric fields oscillating in one

direction and Unpolarized light has electric fields
oscillating in all directions.
Polarisation of Transverse Mechanical Waves:

Narrow Slit

(up and down) Narrow Slit


disturbance Narrow Slit
(up and down)
Polarisation of Light Waves:
• • • • • • • • • •

- Parallel to the plane

• - Perpendicular to the plane

Natural Light Representation of Natural Light

In natural light, millions of transverse vibrations occur in all the

directions perpendicular to the direction of propagation of wave. But for
convenience, we can assume the rectangular components of the
vibrations with one component lying on the plane of the diagram and the
other perpendicular to the plane of the diagram.
Light waves are electromagnetic waves with electric and magnetic fields
oscillating at right angles to each other and also to the direction of
propagation of wave. Therefore, the light waves can be polarised.

Optic Axis

• • • • • •

• Unpolarised light Plane Plane

Polarised Polarised
light light
Polariser Analyser
Tourmaline Tourmaline
Crystal Crystal

• • • • • •
No light
Unpolarised light Polarised

• • • • • •
Unpolarised Plane
light Polarised
Polariser Analyser light

Plane of Vibration Plane of Polarisation

When unpolarised light is incident on the polariser, the vibrations parallel to

the crystallographic axis are transmitted and those perpendicular to the axis
are absorbed. Therefore the transmitted light is plane (linearly) polarised.
The plane which contains the crystallographic axis and vibrations
transmitted from the polariser is called plane of vibration.

The plane which is perpendicular to the plane of vibration is called plane

of polarisation.
Malus’ Law:
When a beam of plane polarised light is incident on an analyser, the
intensity I of light transmitted from the analyser varies directly as the
square of the cosine of the angle θ between the planes of transmission of
analyser and polariser.

I α cos2 θ E0sin θ
E0 cos θ
If E0 be the amplitude of the electric
vector transmitted by the polariser, A
then only the component E0 cos θ will
be transmitted by the analyser.
Intensity of transmitted light from
the analyser is
Case I : When θ = 0° or 180°, I = I0
I = k (E0 cos θ)2
Case II : When θ = 90°, I=0
I = I0 cos θ
Case III: When unpolarised light is incident on
the analyser the intensity of the transmitted
light is one-half of the intensity of incident
light. (Since average value of cos2θ is ½)
Polarisation by Reflection and Brewster’s Law:
When unpolarised light is incident on the
boundary between two transparent media, the
reflected light is polarised with its electric θB a
vector perpendicular to the plane of incidence
when the refracted and reflected rays make a 90° μ
right angle with each other. The angle of
incidence in this case is called Brewster’s angle rr b
and is denoted by θB

n21 = Sin θB / Sin r

= Sin θB / Sin (90 - θB )

n21 = tan θB Brewster’s Law

H – Polaroid is prepared by taking a sheet of polyvinyl alcohol (long chain
polymer molecules) and subjecting to a large strain. The molecules are
oriented parallel to the strain and the material becomes doubly refracting.
When strained with iodine, the material behaves like a dichroic crystal.

K – Polaroid is prepared by heating a stretched polyvinyl alcohol film in the

presence of HCl (an active dehydrating catalyst). When the film
becomes slightly darkened, it behaves like a strong dichroic crystal.

Uses of Polaroids:
1) Polaroid Sun Glasses
2) Polaroid Filters
3) For Laboratory Purpose
4) In Head-light of Automobiles
5) In Three – Dimensional Motion Pictures
6) In Window Panes
7) In Wind Shield in Automobiles

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