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Day 29

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Wave Optics
Learning & Revision for the Day
u Wavefront u Coherent Sources u Polarisation of Light
u Interference of Light u Interference in Thin Films u Brewster’s Law
u Young’s Double Slit Experiment u Diffraction u Law of Malus
u Polaroids

According to Huygens’, light is a form of energy, which travels in the form of waves
through a hypothetical medium ‘ether’. The medium was supposed to be all pervading,
transparent, extremely light, perfectly elastic and an ideal fluid.
Light waves transmit energy as well as momentum and travel in the free space with a
constant speed of 3 × 10 8 ms −1. However, in a material medium, their speed varies from
medium to medium depending on the refractive index of the medium.

A wavefront is the locus of all those points (either particles) which are vibrating in the
same phase. The shape of the wavefront depends on the nature and dimension of the
source of light.

In an isotropic medium, for a point source of light, the wavefront is spherical in

For a line (slit) source of light, the wavefront is cylindrical in shape.

For a parallel beam of light, the wavefront is a plane wavefront.

Huygens’ Principle PREP

Every point on a given wavefront, acts as secondary source of light and emits secondary
wavelets which travel in all directions with the speed of light in the medium. A surface
Your Personal Preparation Indicator
touching all these secondary wavelets tangentially in the forward direction, gives the
new wavefront at that instant of time. u No. of Questions in Exercises (x)—
Laws of reflection and refraction can be determined by using Huygens’ principle. u No. of Questions Attempted (y)—
No. of Correct Questions (z)—
Interference of Light

(Without referring Explanations)

Interference of light is the phenomenon of redistribution of light energy in space when
two light waves of same frequency (or same wavelength) emitted by two coherent u Accuracy Level (z / y × 100)—
sources, travelling in a given direction, superimpose on each other. If a1 and a2 be the u Prep Level (z / x × 100)—
amplitudes of two light waves of same frequency and φ be the phase difference
between them, then the amplitude of resultant wave is given by In order to expect good rank in JEE,
your Accuracy Level should be above
85 & Prep Level should be above 75.
AR = a21 + a22 + 2 a1a2 cos φ

and in terms of intensity of light, xd λ

Case II If = (2n − 1) , then we get nth dark fringe.
I R = I 1 + I2 + 2 I 1I2 cos φ. D 2
Hence, for nth dark fringe,
Condition for Constructive Interference (2n − 1) Dλ
If at some point in space, the phase difference between x=
two waves, φ = 0 ° or 2nπ or path difference between two
waves, ∆ = 0 or nλ, where n is an integer, then AR = a1 + a2 where, n = 1, 2, 3, …… .
or I R = I 1 + I2 + 2 I 1I2 is maximum. Such an interference is
called constructive interference. Fringe Width
Condition for Destructive Interference The separation between any two consecutive bright or dark
fringes is called fringe width β.
If at some point in space, the phase difference between two
λ Dλ
waves, φ = (2 n − 1)π or path difference, δ∆ = (2 n − 1) , then at Thus, β=
2 d
such points AR = (a1 − a2 ) and I R = I 1 + I2 − 2 I 1I2 is and for a given arrangement, it is constant, i.e. all fringes are
uniformly spaced.
minimum leading to a destructive interference.
Moreover, fringe width β is
Amplitude Ratio 1
2 (i) β ∝ D, (ii) β ∝ λ and (iii) β ∝ .
I max I + I2 + 2 I 1 I2  I 1 + I2  d
= 1 = 
I min I 1 + I2 − 2 I 1 I2  I 1 − I2  Angular fringe width of interference pattern,
2 2 β λ
 a + a2  r + 1 α= =
= 1  =  D d
 a1 − a2  r − 1 If in a given field of view n1, fringes of light of wavelength
where, r = 1 = amplitude ratio. λ 1 are visible and n2 fringes of wavelength λ 2 are visible, then
a2 n1λ 1 = n2 λ 2
NOTE • For identical sources, I1 = I2 = I0
• For constructive interference, Imax = 4 I0 and I = 4 I0 cos 2 NOTE • If whole apparatus of Young’s double slit experiment is
• For destructive interference, Imin = 0 immersed in a transparent medium of refractive index nm,

then fringe width in the medium, β m = .
nm d
Young’s Double Slit Experiment
The arrangement is shown in figure monochromatic light of
one wavelength is used. Displacement of Fringe Pattern
P When a thin transparent plate is introduced in the path of one
of the interfering waves trains, it is found that the entire fringe
pattern is shifted through a constant distance. This shift takes
place towards the wave train, in the path of which the plate is
S1 d introduced.
Light S S2 t P
source D S1
Young’s experimental arrangement to produce O
interference pattern
Bright and dark fringes are formed on the screen with central
point O behaving as the central bright fringe, because for O, Young’s double slit experiment
the path difference ∆ = 0.
For light waves reaching a point P, situated at a distance x The fringe width of the patterns remains same. Effective
from central point ∆, the path difference, optical path that is equivalently covered in air is
xd S 1P + t (µ − 1).
∆ = S2 P − S 1 P =
D Thus, the path difference = S2 P − S 1P − t (µ − 1)
xd xd
Case I If = nλ, then we get nth bright fringe. Hence, = − t (µ − 1)
position of bright fringes on the screen are given by the
[Optical path = refractive index× width of the material]
relation, x = nDλ ⋅
d ∴ Extra path = µt − t = (µ − 1) t

Coherent Sources NOTE • Fresnel’s biprism is a device to produce coherent sources

by division of wavefront,
Two light sources are said to be coherent, if they emit light of d = 2 a ( n − 1) α
exactly same frequency (or wavelength), such that the
The distance between the coherent sources and screen,
originating phase difference between the waves emitted by
D=a+ b
them is either zero or remains constant. For sustained Dλ λ ( a + b)
interference pattern, the interfering light sources must be The fringe width is given by β = =
d 2a ( n − 1) α
coherent one.
There are two possible techniques for obtaining coherent
light sources.

In division of wavefront technique, we divide the
wavefront emitted by a narrow source in two parts by Diffraction of light is the phenomenon of bending of light
reflection, refraction or diffraction. around the edges of an aperture or obstacle and entry of light
even in the region of geometrical shadow, when size of

In division of amplitude technique, a single extended light
aperture or obstacle is comparable to wavelength of light
beam of large amplitude is splitted into two or more waves
by making use of partial reflection or refraction. used. Diffraction is characteristic of all types of waves.
Greater the wavelength, more pronounced is the diffraction
• Two independent sources of light can never be coherent. effect. It is due to this reason that diffraction effect is very
Two light sources can be coherent only, if these have been commonly observed in sound.
derived from a single parental light source.
Diffraction due to a Single Slit
Interference in Thin Films Fraunhofer’s arrangement for studying diffraction at a single
narrow slit (width = a) is shown in adjoining figure. Lenses L1
In white light thin films, whose thickness is comparable to
and L2 are used to render incident light beam parallel and to
wavelength of light, show various colours due to interference
focus parallel light beam.
of light waves reflected from the two surfaces of thin film.
For interference in reflected light condition of constructive W
interference (maximum intensity), A θ P
∆ = 2 nm t cos r = (2 n − 1) a θ
2 O
Condition of destructive interference (minimum intensity), S θ
λ f1 L1 B
∆ = 2 nm t cos r = (2 n) L2
2 f2
Slit Screen
For interference in refracted light condition of constructive
interference (maximum intensity), Fresnel diffraction through a slit
∆ = 2 nmt cos r = (2 n) As a result of diffraction, we obtain a broad, bright maxima at
symmetrical centre point O and on either side of it, we get
Condition of destructive interference (minimum intensity), secondary diffraction maxima of successively falling intensity
λ and poor contrast, as shown in figure.
∆ = 2 nmt cos r = (2 n − 1) , where n = 1, 2, 3,… .
2 I

Shift in Interference Pattern

If a transparent thin sheet of thickness t and refractive index
nm is placed in the path of one of the superimposing waves
(say in front of slit S2 of Young’s double slit experiment), then
it causes an additional path difference due to which –ve O +ve
θ (or x)
interference pattern shifts. Intensity curve

Additional path difference due to sheet = (nm − 1) t
D β

Condition of diffraction minima is given by

Fringe shift = (nm − 1)t = (nm − 1)t a sin θ = nλ
d λ

If due to presence of thin film, the fringe pattern shifts by n where, n = 1, 2, 3, 4,... .
fringes, then But the condition of secondary diffraction maxima is
(n − 1) t nλ λ
n= m or t = a sin θ = (2 n + 1)
λ (nm − 1) 2
Shift is independent of the order of fringe and wavelength. where, n = 1, 2, 3, 4,... .

Angular position of nth secondary minima is given by called plane polarised light. The vibrations in a plane
λ polarised light are perpendicular to the plane of polarisation.
sin θ = θ = n
NOTE • Only transverse waves can be polarised. Thus, it proved
nDλ nf2 λ
and linear distance, x n = Dθ = = that light waves are transverse waves.
a a
where, f2 is focal length of lens L2 and D = f2 . Brewster’s Law

Similarly, for nth maxima, we have According to this law, when unpolarised light is incident at an
(2 n + 1) λ (2 n + 1) Dλ (2 n + 1) f2 λ angle called polarising angle, i p on an interface separating air
sin θ = θ = and x n = = from a medium of refractive index µ, then the reflected light is
2a 2a 2a
fully polarised (perpendicular to the plane of incidence),
2λ provided
The angular width of central maxima is 2 θ =
a µ = tan i p
2 Dλ 2 f2 λ This relation represents Brewster’s law. Note that the parallel
or linear width of central maxima = =
a 2 components of incident light do not disappear, but refract into
the medium, with the perpendicular components.
NOTE • The angular width of central maxima is double as compared
to angular width of secondary diffraction maxima.
Law of Malus
When a beam of completely plane polarised light is incident
Polarisation of Light on an analyser, the resultant intensity of light (I ) transmitted

Light is an electromagnetic wave in which electric and from the analyser varies directly as the square of cosine of
magnetic field vectors very sinusoidally, perpendicular to angle ( θ) between plane of transmission of analyser and
each other as well as perpendicular to the direction of polariser.
propagation of wave of light. i.e. I ∝ cos2 θ

The phenomenon of restricting the vibrations of light If intensity of plane polarised light incidenting on analyser is
(electric vector) in a particular direction, perpendicular to I 0, then intensity of emerging light from analyser is I 0 cos2 θ.
the direction of wave motion is called polarisation of light.
The tourmaline crystal acts as a polariser. NOTE • We can prove that when unpolarised light of intensity I0
A gets polarised on passing through a polaroid, its intensity
D 1
E becomes half, i.e. I = I0 .
F 2

H G Polaroids
C Polaroids are thin and large sheets of crystalline polarising
material (made artifically) capable of producing plane
Polarisation of Light polarised beams of large cross-section.
Thus, electromagnetic waves are said to be polarised when The important uses are
their electric field vector are all in a single plane, called the ●
These reduce excess glare and hence sun glasses are fitted
plane of oscillation/vibration. Light waves from common with polaroid sheets.
sources are upolarised or randomly polarised. ●
These are also used to reduce headlight glare of cars.
Plane Polarised Light ●
They are used to improve colour contrast in old oil
The plane ABCD in which the vibrations of polarised light are paintings.
confined is called the plane of vibration. It is defined as The ●
In wind shields of automobiles.
light, in which vibrations of the light (vibrations of electric ●
In window panes.
vector) when restricted to a particular plane the light itself is ●
In three dimensional motion pictures.



1 The wavefront of a distant source of light is of shape 7 In a Young’s double slit experiment, two coherent
(a) spherical (b) cylindrical (c) elliptical (d) plane sources are placed 0.90 mm apart and the fringes are
2 Which of the following cannot be explained on the basis observed one metre away. If it produces the second dark
of wave nature of light? fringe at a distance of 1 mm from the central fringe, the
wavelength of monochromatic light used will be
(i) Polarisation (ii) Optical activity (a) 60 × 10−4 cm (b) 10 × 10−4 cm
(iii) Photoelectric effect (iv) Compton effect (c) 10 × 10−5 cm (d) 6 × 10−5 cm
(a) III and IV (b) II and III 8 In Young’s double slit experiment, the two slits act as
(c) I and III (d) II and IV coherent sources of waves of equal amplitude A and
wavelength λ. In another experiment with the same
3 A Young’s double slit experiment uses a monochromatic
arrangement the two slits are made to act as incoherent
source. The shape of the interference fringes formed on
sources of waves of same amplitude and wavelength. If
a screen is ª AIEEE 2005
the intensity at the middle point of the screen in the first
(a) hyperbola (b) circle I
(c) straight line (d) parabola case is I1 and in the second case I 2, then the ratio 1 is
4 Two light rays having the same wavelength λ in vacuum ª AIEEE 2012
are in phase initially. Then, the first ray travels a path L1
(a) 4 (b) 2 (c) 1 (d) 0.5
through a medium of refractive index µ1, while the
second ray travels a path of length L2 through a medium 9 A mixture of light consisting of wavelength 590 nm and an
of refractive index µ 2. The two waves are then combined unknown wavelength, illuminates the Young’s double slit
to observe interference. and gives rise to two overlapping interference patterns on
The phase difference between the two waves is the screen. The central maximum of both lights coincide.
2π 2π Further, it is observed that the third bright fringe of known
(a) (µ 1 L 1 − µ 2 L2 ) (b) (L2 − L 1)
λ λ light coincides with the 4th bright fringe of the
2 π  L 1 L2  2π unknown light. From this data, the wavelength of the
(c)  −  (d) (µ 2 L 1 − µ 1 L 2 )
λ  µ1 µ 2  λ unknown light is ª AIEEE 2003
(a) 885.0 nm (b) 442.5 nm
5 The Young’s double slit experiment is performed with (c) 776.8 nm (d) 393.4 nm
blue and with green light of wavelengths 4360 Å and 10 Two coherent point sources S1 and S 2 are separated by a
5460 Å respectively. If x is the distance of the 4th small distance d as shown. The fringes obtained on the
maxima from the central one, then screen will be ª JEE Main 2013
(a) x (blue ) = x (green )
(b) x (blue ) > x (green ) Screen
(c) x (blue ) < x (green )
(d) x (blue ) / x (green ) = 5460/4360 d

6 In Young’s double slit experiment, the length of band is S1 S2

1mm. The fringe width is 0.021 mm. The number of D
fringes is
(a) points (b) straight lines
A (c) semi-circle (d) concentric circles
0.5 mm 11 The source that illuminates the double-slit in ‘double-slit
C 1 mm interference experiment’ emits two distinct
monochromatic waves of wavelength 500 nm and
600 nm, each of them producing its own pattern on the
B screen. At the central point of the pattern when path
(a) 45 (b) 46
difference is zero, maxima of both the patterns coincide
(c) 49 (d) 48 and the resulting interference pattern is most distinct at
the region of zero path difference.

But as one moves out of this central region, the two fringe The percentage of incident light transmitted by the first
systems are gradually out of step such that maximum polariser will be
due to one wave length coincides with the minimum due (a) 100% (b) 50% (c) 25% (d) 125%
to the other and the combined fringe system becomes
completely indistinct. This may happen when path 19 A beam of ordinary unpolarised light passes through a
difference in nm is tourmaline crystal C1 and then it passes through another
tourmaline crystal C2 which is oriented such that its
ª JEE Main (Online) 2013
principal plane is parallel to that of C2. The intensity of
(a) 2000 (b) 3000 (c) 1000 (d) 1500
emergent light is I 0. Now, C2 is rotated by 60° about the
12 In Young’s double slit experiment, the intensity at a point ray. The emergent ray will have an intensity
where the path difference is (λ being the wavelength of (a) 2 I 0 (b) I 0 / 2 (c) I 0 / 4 (d) I 0 / 2
the light used) is I. If I 0 denotes the maximum intensity, I / I 0 20 A beam of light AO is incident on a glass slab (µ = 1.54) in
is equal to ª AIEEE 2007 a direction as shown in the figure. The reflected ray OB is
1 3 1 3 passed through a nicol prism. On viewing through a nicol
(a) (b) (c) (d)
2 2 2 4 prism, we find on rotating the prism that
13 In Young’s double slit experiment, the intensity at a point A N B
is 1/4 of the maximum intensity. Angular position of this
point is ª AIEEE 2005
33° 33°
λ −1 
λ  −1  λ  −1  λ 
(a) sin  
−1 
(b) sin   (c) sin   (d) sin   O
d   2 d   3 d   4d 
(a) the intensity is reduced down to zero and remains zero
14 The first diffraction minimum due to single slit diffraction (b) the intensity reduces down somewhat and rises again
is θ, for a light of wavelength 5000 Å. If the width of slit is (c) there is no change in intensity
1 × 10−4 cm. Then, the value of θ is (d) the intensity gradually reduces to zero and then again
(a) 30° (b) 45° (c) 60° (d) 15° increases
15 A parallel monochromatic beam of light is incident 21 When an unpolarised light of intensity I 0 is incident on a
normally on a narrow slit. A diffraction pattern is formed polarising sheet, the intensity of the light which does not
on a screen placed perpendicular to the direction of get transmitted is ª AIEEE 2005
incident beam. At the first maximum of the diffraction 1 1
(a) I0 (b) I0 (c) zero (d) I 0
pattern, the phase difference between the rays coming 2 4
from the edges of the slit is
22 Two beams, A and B of plane polarised light with
(a) 0 (b) π 2 (c) π (d) 2 π
mutually perpendicular planes of polarisation are seen
16 In Fraunhofer diffraction experiment, L is the distance through a polaroid. From the position when the beam A
between screen and the obstacle, b is the size of has maximum intensity (and beam B has zero intensity), a
obstacle and λ is wavelength of incident light. The rotation of polaroid through 30° makes the two beams
general condition for the applicability of Fraunhofer appear equally bright.If the initial intensities of the two
diffraction is beams are I A and IB respectively, then I A / IB equals
b2 b2 b2 b2 ª JEE Main 2014
(a) >>1 (b) =1 (c) <<1 (d) ≠1
Lλ Lλ Lλ Lλ 3 1
(a) 3 (b) (c) 1 (d)
17 In a Fraunhofer diffraction experiment at a single slit 2 3
using a light of wavelength 400 nm, the first minimum is 23 A ray of light is incident on the surface of a glass plate of
formed at an angle of 30°. The direction θ of the first refractive index 1.732 at the polarising angle. The angle
secondary maximum is given by of refraction of the ray is
2 3 (a) 45° (b) 60° (c) 15° (d) 30°
(a) sin− 1   (b) sin− 1  
 3  4
24 A beam of unpolarised light of intensity I 0 is passed
1 2
(c) sin  
− 1
(d) tan  
− 1 through a polaroid A and then through another polaroid B
 4  3 which is oriented, so that its principal plane makes an
18 An unpolarised beam of light is incident on a group of angle of 45° relative to that of A. The intensity of the
four polarising sheets which are arranged in such a way emergent light is ª JEE Main 2013
that the characteristic direction of each polarising sheet (a) I 0 (b) I 0 / 2
makes an angle of 30° with that of the preceding sheet. (c) I 0 / 4 (d) I 0 / 8

Direction (Q. Nos. 25-28) Each of these questions contains 26 Statement I To observe diffraction of light, the size of
two statements : Statement I and Statement II. Each of these obstacle/aperture should be of the order of10−7 m.
questions also has four alternative choices, only one of which
Statement II 10−7m is the order of wavelength of the
is the correct answer. You have to select one of the codes (a),
visible light.
(b), (c) and (d) given below:
(a) Statement I is true, Statement II is true; Statement II is 27 Statement I For a given medium, the polarising angle is
the correct explanation for Statement I 60°. The critical angle for this medium is 35°.
(b) Statement I is true, Statement II is true; Statement II is Statement II µ = tan ip .
not the correct explanation for Statement I
(c) Statement I is true; Statement II is false 28 Statement I In Young’s double slit experiment, the
(d) Statement I is false; Statement II is true number of fringes observed in the field of view is small
with longer wavelength of light and is large with shorter
25 Statement I The thick film shows no interference pattern. wavelength of light.
Take thickness of the order of a few cms.
Statement II In the double slit experiment the fringe
Statement II For interference pattern to be observed path
difference between two waves is of the order of few width depends directly on the wavelength of light.
wavelengths. ª JEE Main (Online) 2013



1 A parallel beam of light of intensity I 0 is incident on a
glass plate, 25% of light is reflected by upper surface S1
and 50% of light in reflected from lower surface. The
ratio of maximum to minimum intensity in interference P
θ O
region of reflected ray is A
d/4 Screen

AC = CO = D, S1C = S 2 C = d << D
5 5
(a) below point O (b) below point O
2 2
235 231
1 3 1 3 5 5
 +   +  (c) below point O (d) below point O
(a)  2 8  (b)  4 8  (c) 5 (d)
8 220 110
1− 3 1− 3 8 5
4 n identical waves each of intensity l0 interfere with each
   
2 8 2 8
other. The ratio of maximum intensities if the interference
2 White light is used to illuminate the two slits in a Young’s is (i) coherent and (ii) incoherent is
double slit experiment. The separation between the slits ª JEE Main (Online) 2013
is b and the screen is at a distance d ( >> b ) from the slits. 2 1 1
(a) n (b) (c) (d) n
At a point on the screen directly in front of one of the n n2
slits, certain wavelengths are missing. Some of these 5 In a Young’s double slit experiment, one of the slit is
missing wavelengths are wider than other, so that amplitude of the light from one
2b 2 b2 2b 2 3b 2 slit is double of that from other slit. If Im be the maximum
(a) λ = (b) λ = (c) λ = (d) λ =
3d 3d d d intensity, the resultant intensity I when they interfere at
phase difference φ is given by ª AIEEE 2012
3 A small transparent slab containing material of µ = 1.5 is
placed along AS 2 (figure). What will be the distance from (a)
(4 + 5 cos φ) (b)
Im  1 + 2 cos2 φ 
 
9 3  2
O of the principal maxima and of the first minima on
(c) m  1 + 4 cos2 φ  I
(d) m  1 + 8 cos2 φ 
either side of the principal maxima obtained in the    
5  2 9  2
absence of the glass slab.

6 An object 2.4 m in front of a lens forms a sharp image on (a) 25 µm (b) 50 µm

a film 12 cm behind the lens. A glass plate 1 cm thick, of (c) 75 µm (d) 100 µm
refractive index 1.50 is interposed between lens and film 11 The box of a pin hole camera of length L, has a hole of
with its plane faces parallel to film. At what distance radius a. It is assumed that when the hole is illuminated
(from lens) should object shifted to be in sharp focus on by a parallel beam of light of wavelength λ the spread of
film? ª AIEEE 2012 the spot (obtained on the opposite wall of the camera) is
(a) 7.2 m (b) 2.4 m (c) 3.2 m (d) 5.6 m the sum of its geometrical spread and the spread due to
7 In a YDSE, bichromatic light of wavelength 400 nm and diffraction. The spot would then have its minimum size
560 nm are used. The distance between the slits is (say bmin ) when ª JEE Main 2016 (Offline)
0.1 mm and the distance between the plane of the slits λ2  2 λ2   2 λ2 
and the screen is 1 m. The minimum distance between (a) a = and bmin =   (b) a = λL and bmin =  
L  L   L 
two successive regions of complete darkness is
ª AIEEE 2004 (c) a = λL and bmin = 4λL (d) a = and bmin = 4λL
(a) 4 mm (b) 5.6 mm (c) 14 mm (d) 28 mm
12 In the YDSE apparatus shown in figure ∆x is the path
8 The maximum number of possible interference maxima difference between S1 P and S 2 P.
for slit-separation equal to twice the wavelength in
Young’s double slit experiment, is P
ª AIEEE 2004
(a) infinite (b) five (c) three (d) zero O
9 Unpolarised light of intensity I passes through an ideal S2
polariser A. Another identical polariser B is placed
behind A. The intensity of light beyond B is found to be
. Now, another identical polariser C is placed between Now a glass slab is introduced in front of S 2, then match
the following columns.
A and B. The intensity beyond B is now found to be .
8 Column I Column II
The angle between polariser A and C is ª JEE Main 2018 A ∆x at P will 1. increase
(a) 0° (b) 30° (c) 45° (d) 60° B Fringe width will 2. decrease
10 The angular width of the central maximum in a single slit C Fringe pattern will 3. remain same
diffraction pattern is 60°. The width of the slit is 1 µm. The D Number of fringes 4. shift upward
slit is illuminated by monochromatic plane waves. If between O and P will
another slit of same width is made near it, Young’s fringes 5. shift downward
can be observed on a screen placed at a distance 50 cm
from the slits. If the observed fringe width is 1 cm, what is (a) 1 3 5 3 (b) 2 3 5 3
slit separation distance? (i.e. distance between the (c) 3 4 1 3 (d) 5 5 1 2
centres of each slit.) ª JEE Main 2018


SESSION 1 1 (d) 2 (a) 3 (a) 4 (a) 5 (c) 6 (c) 7 (d) 8 (b) 9 (b) 10 (d)
11 (d) 12 (d) 13 (c) 14 (a) 15 (d) 16 (c) 17 (b) 18 (b) 19 (c) 20 (d)
21 (a) 22 (d) 23 (d) 24 (c) 25 (a) 26 (a) 27 (a) 28 (a)

SESSION 2 1 (a) 2 (b) 3 (b) 4 (d) 5 (d) 6 (d) 7 (d) 8 (b) 9 (c) 10 (a)
11 (c) 12 (a)

Hints and Explanations

SESSION 1 10 It will be concentric circles. 15 The phase difference (f) between the
wavelets from the top edge and the
1 When the point source or linear source 11 Q nl1 = æç n + 1 ö÷ l1 2p
of light is at very large distance, è 2ø bottom edge of the slit is f = (d sin q)
wavefronts are plane wavefronts. l
Þ n ´ 500 ´ 10-9
where, d is the slit width. The first
2 Photoelectric effect and Compton effect
= æç n + ö÷ ´ 600 ´ 10-9
1 minima of the diffraction pattern occurs
cannot be explained on the basis of è 2ø l
wave nature of light while polarisation at sin q = ,
3 d
and optical activity can be explained. Þ n=
4 2p æd ´ l ö = 2p.
So, f = ç ÷
3 Shape of interference fringes formed on Now from the formula, Dx = nl l è dø
a screen is hyperbolic in nature. æn + 1öl
or ç ÷ 16 The general condition for Frounhofer
4 Optical path for 1st ray = m1 L1 è 2ø
we get, Dx = 1500 nm diffraction is << 1.
Optical path for 2nd ray = m2 L2 Ll
\ Path difference = ( m1 L1 - m2 L2 ) 12 Phase difference
Now, phase difference 2p 17 For first diffraction minimum,
= ´ path difference a sin q = l
2p l
= ´ (path difference) l
l 2p l p Þ a=
i.e. f= ´ = sin q
2p l 6 3
= ( m1 L1 - m2 L2 )
l f For first secondary maximum,
As, I = I max cos 2 æç ö÷ 3l
5 Distance of nth maxima, è2ø a sin q¢ =
f 2
= cos 2 æç ö÷
x = nl µl or 3l 1 3l sin q
d I max è2ø or sin q¢ = ´ = ´
2 a 2 l
As, lb < l g
p 3 3
= cos 2 æç ö÷ =
I 3 = ´ sin 30° =
\ x blue < x green I0 è 6ø 4 2 4
q¢ = sin -1 æç ö÷
6 The number of fringes on either side of 3
C of screen is 13 I = I max cos2 æç f ö÷ è 4ø
é AC ù é 0.5 ù
n1 = ê ú=ê = [23.8] » 24 18 First polariser just polarises the
ú f
= I max cos 2 æç ö÷
ë b û ë 0.021 û I max
\ unpolarised light. Therefore, intensity of
Total number of fringes 4 è2ø polarised light transmitted from first
= 2n1 + fringe at centre = 2n1 + 1 f 1 f p polariser is
cos = or = 1
= 2 ´ 24 + 1 = 48 + 1 = 49 2 2 2 3 I 0 = 50% I 0
7 x = ( 2n - 1 ) l D \ f=
2p æ 2p ö
= ç ÷ Dx ...(i)
2 d 3 èlø 19 Intensity of light from C2 = I 0
2 xd
or l = where, Dx = d sin q On rotating through 60°,
( 2n - 1 ) D I = I 0 cos 2 60°
Substituting in Eq. (i), we get
2 ´ 10-3 ´ 0.9 ´ 10-3 l 2
= sin q = = I 0 æç ö÷ = I 0 / 4
(2 ´ 2 - 1) ´ 1 3d è2 ø
= 6 ´ 10-7 m = 6 ´ 10-5 cm æ l ö
or q = sin -1 ç ÷ 20 As, i p = tan -1 (1.54) = 57°
è 3d ø
8 For coherent sources and in the figure given in question
I1 = 4 l 0 cos 2 f / 2 = 4 l 0 14 The distance of first diffraction i = 90° - 33° = 57° = i p
For incoherent sources minimum from the central principal
I2 = I 0 + I 0 = 2l 0 maximum is \ Reflected light along OB is plane
l1 Dl polarised. On rotating the nicol prism,
\ =2 x=
I2 d intensity gradually reduces to zero and
x l then increases again.
3 Dl k 4 Dl m =
9 We have, = D d
d d l 21 I = I 0 cos2 q
Þ d =
where, l k is the known wavelength and sin q I0
Intensity of polarised light =
l m is the unknown wavelength. Thus, l 5000 ´ 10-8 2
Þ sin q = =
we get d 1 ´ 10-4 \ Intensity of untransmitted light
3 lk 3 I I
lm = = ´ 590 = 442.5 nm = 0.5 = sin 30° = I0 - 0 = 0
4 4 Þ q = 30° 2 2

22 By law of Malus i.e. I = I 0 cos2 q ± l / 2 - 0.5 L

SESSION 2 or sin q1 =
Initially Finally 1 The intensity of light reflected from ± l /2 - d / 8
upper surface is =
IA IA 2d
25 I
IB IB I1 = I 0 ´ 25% = I 0 ´ = 0 ± l /2 - l / 8 1 1
Polaroid Polaroid 100 4 = =± -
2l 4 16
Intensity of transmitted light from
upper surface is [Q The diffraction occurs if the
I 3I wavelength of waves is nearly
Transmission axis Transmission axis I = I0 - 0 = 0 equal to the slit width (d)]
Now, I A¢ = I A cos 2 30° 4 4
\ Intensity of reflected light from lower On the positive side
I B¢ = I B cos 2 60° 1 1 3
surface is sin q¢1 = + - =
As, I ¢A = I ¢B 3I 50 3I 4 16 16
I A cos 2 30° = I B cos 2 60° I2 = 0 ´ = 0 On the negative side
4 100 8
3 1 I 1 1 1 5
Þ I A = IB Þ A = I max ( I1 + I2 )
2 sin q¢¢1 = - - =-
4 4 IB 3 = 4 16 16
I min ( I1 - I2 )2 The first principal maxima on the
23 From Brewster’s law, æ I0 3I 0 ö positive side is at distance
m = tan q p ç + ÷
I max è 4 8 ø sin q1¢
1.732 = tan q p = D tan q1¢ = D
I min æ I0
2 1 - sin2 q¢1
Þ q p = tan -1 (1.732) = 60° 3I 0 ö
ç - ÷
è 4 8 ø 3 3D
Since, the angle between i p and r is 90° =D = above point O.
2 2 247
2 16 - 3
when the ray is incident at polarising æ1 3ö
ç + ÷ The first principal minima on the
angle, then è2 8ø
= negative side is at distance
q p + r = 90° æ1 3ö

r = 90° - q p = 90° - 60° = 30° ç - ÷ D tan q¢¢1 =

è2 8ø
162 - 52 231
24 Relation between intensities is
2 Path difference = S2 P - S1 P . point O.
B From the figure, 4 When interference is coherent
45° (S2 P )2 - (S 1 P )2 = b 2 When two waves of intensities I1 and I2
I0 (I0/2)
or (S 2 P - S 1 P ) (S 2 P + S 1 P ) = b 2 having a phase difference f interfere, the
(Unpolarised) IR resultant intensity is given as
or (S 2 P - S 1 P ) =
2d I = I1 + I2 + 2 I1 I2 cos f …(i)
For dark fringes, The intensity will maximum, then f = 0
A b2 l or cos f = 1
= ( 2n + 1 )
I R = æç 0 ö÷ cos 2 (45° ) = 0 ´ = 0
I I 1 I maximum intensity.
2d 2
è2ø 2 2 4 \ I max = I1 + I2 + 2 I1 I2
b2 l b2
For n = 0, = or l =
25 For interference to occur, the path 2d 2 d = ( I1 + I1 )2
difference between two waves is of the 2 2 In case, n identical waves each of
b 3l b
order of few wavelength. For n = 1, = or l =
2d 2 3d intensities I 0 interfere,
26 For diffraction to occur, the size of an I max = ( I 0 + I0 + I0 + K + n
obstacle/aperture is comparable to the 3 In case of transparent glass slab of
wavelength of light wave. The order of refractive index m, the path difference times)2
wavelength of light wave is 10-7 m, so = 2d sin q + ( m - 1 ) L . = (n I 0 )2 …(i)
diffraction occurs. For the principal maxima, (path \ I max = n2 I 0 …(ii)
27 From the relation, difference is zero) When interference is incoherent
m = tan i p = tan 60° = 3 ...(i) i.e. 2 d sin q 0 + ( m - 1 ) L = 0 Since, the average value of cos f,
L( m - 1 ) - L (0.5) over a complete cycle is zero
1 1 or sin q 0 = - = The Eq. (i), becomes,
and sinC = = [from Eq. (i)] 2d 2d
m 3 I = I1 + I2 + 2 I1 I2 ´ 0
[\ L = d /4 ]
æ 1 ö -1 = I1 + I2 …(iii)
\ C = sin -1 ç ÷ = sin -1 (0.577) = 35° or sin q 0 =
è 3ø 16 In case, n identical waves, each of
-D intensities I 0 interfere,
28 The number of fringe is smaller in case or OP = D tan q 0 = D sin q 0 =
16 Minimum intensity,
of larger wavelength is used while in
For the first minima, the path difference I min = I 0 + I 0 + I 0 + K n times
case of smaller wavelength is used the
l I min = nI 0 …(iv)
number of fringe is larger. is ±
Also, fringe width is given by 2 I n2 I 0
\ Ratio max = =n
lD l I min nI 0
b= Þ bµl \ 2 d sin q1 + 0.5 L = ±
d 2

5 Given, a1 = 2a2 Next 11th minima of 400 nm will Þ l = 10-6 ´ sin 30°
Þ I1 = 4 I 2 = 4 I 0 coincide with 8th minima of 560 nm. 10-6
Þ l= m
\ I m = ( I1 + 2
I2 ) = (3 I2 ) 2 Location of this minima is, 2
(2 ´ 11 - 1)(1000)(400 ´ 10-6 ) Now, in case of interference caused by
Im Y2 =
= 9 I2 = 9 I 0 = I 0 = 2 ´ 01
. bringing second slit,
\ Fringe width,
Now, resultant intensity, = 42 mm lD
I = I1 + I2 + 2 I1 I2 cos f \ Required distance = Y2 - Y1 = 28 mm d

8 For possible interference maxima of the 10-6 1

= 4 I 0 + I 0 + 2 4 I 0 I 0 cos f [here, l = m, b = 1 cm = m,
screen, the condition is 2 100
= 5I 0 + 4 I 0 cos f d sin q = nl ...(i) 50
d = ? and D = 50 cm = m]
I Given, d = slit width = 2l 100
= m (5 + 4 cos f)
9 \ 2l sin q = nl lD 10-6 ´ 50
So, d = =
Im or 2 sin q = n b 2´
´ 100
= [1 + 4(1 + cos f)]
9 The maximum value of sin q is 1, hence, 100
I = 25 ´ 10 m
= m (1 + 8 cos 2 f / 2) n=2´1=2
9 or d = 25 mm
Thus, Eq. (i) must be satisfied by 5
é(1 + cos q) = 2cos 2 f ù integer values, i.e. - 2, - 1, 0, 1, 2. Hence, 11 In diffraction, first minima, we have
êë 2 úû l
the maximum number of possible sin q =
interference maxima is 5. a
6 Shift in image position due to glass
plate, 9 A C B
æ 1ö L λ/a
S = ç1 - ÷ t = æç1 -
1 ö 1 I/2
÷ ´ 1 cm = cm I
è mø è 1.5ø 3 I 8
For focal length of the lens, L a
1 1 1 1 1 20 + 1 α β
= - = - =
f v u 12 -240 240
Using Malus’s law, intensity available
240 I
Þ f = cm after C = ´ cos 2 a
21 2
Now, to get back image on the film, lens and intensity available after So, size of a spot,
has to form image at I 2 Ll
B = cos 2 a ´ cos 2 b b = 2a + …(i)
æ12 - 1 ö cm = 35 cm such that the glass 2 a
ç ÷
è 3ø 3 I Then, minimum size of a spot, we get
= (given)
plate will shift the image on the film. 8 ¶b Ll
= 0 Þ 1- 2 = 0
1 1 1 I I ¶a a
As, = - So, ´ cos 2 a × cos 2 b =
f v u 2 8 Þ a = lL …(ii)
1 1 1 Þ cos 2 a × cos 2 b =
Þ = - 4
u v f So, b min = 2 lL + 2 lL
This is satisfied with a = 45°
3 21
= - and b = 45° [by substituting the value of a from
35 240 Eq. (ii) in Eq. (i)]
1 48 ´ 3 - 7 ´ 21 1 So, angle between A and C is 45°.
= =- = 4 lL
u 1680 560 10 Angular width of diffraction pattern = 60°
So, the radius of the spot,
Þ u = - 5.6 m 4
b min = lL = 4lL
7 Let nth minima of 400 nm coincides 2
with mth minima of 560 nm, then 12 From YDSE,
(2n - 1) æç
400 ö æ 560 ö
÷ = (2m - 1) ç ÷ (A) Path difference D x =
è 2 ø è 2 ø 30° D
2n - 1 7 14
or = = =K So, as x increases, D x also
2m - 1 5 10
i.e. 4th minima of 400 nm coincides Dx
(B) Fringe width (b ) =
with 3rd minima of 560 nm. d
Location of this minima is, independent of D x.
(2 ´ 4 - 1)(1000)(400 ´ 10-6 ) For first minima, (C) Fringe pattern will shift
Y1 = a l downward.
2 ´ 01
. sin q = ,
2 2 (D) b is constant, so number of
= 14 mm
[here, a = 10-6 m, q = 30°] fringes unaffected.

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