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- Service contents: Standardized services provided by the Seoul Healthy First Step Program
government to users are maternal health care, neonatal • The Seoul Baby Health First Step Project was introduced by
health care, maternal information provision, domestic the Seoul Metropolitan Government by benchmarking
activities support, and emotional support. Australia's Maternal and Early Childhood Sustained Home
Visiting (MECSH) program.
- Service Cost: The user is required to pay the difference from
the service price minus the government subsidy, which is - Target: Families who reside in the Seoul Autonomous
Region and are 20 or more weeks pregnant and/or have
differentiated according to the fetal type, birth order,
infants under two years of age can apply for the program
income range, and service period selected by the user (e.g.,
after registering.
87,000 won per day standard service, 29,000 won).
- Services are divided into universal and continuous visits.
∘ Universal visits take place within four weeks of childbirth.
Public postnatal care center
In this type of visit, a nurse with a professional degree and
• In South Korea, local governments can establish public postnatal experience visits the home of mothers and newborns to
care centers based on the Mother and Child Health Act. examine their health and provide counseling on baby care.
• Since the Seogwipo Public Postnatal Care Center was first ∘ Continuous visits are made to families with children with a
opened in March 2013, a total of 11 public postnatal care vulnerable health development. At least 25 home visits are
centers (as of December 2020) have been installed and are provided by nurses during pregnancy and two years after
operating. Other local governments are preparing to establish childbirth to educate the families regarding child care and
public postnatal care centers. monitoring and counseling on the health of children.
both offer maternal and newborn healthcare services. • A total of 79.0% and 83% of mothers and newborns were
However, the public postnatal care center encourages examined within three months after childbirth, respectively.
mothers to keep rooming-in(staying mother and baby • The average postnatal care period for mothers was 4.25
together). weeks, and the average response to the reasonable postnatal
care period was 6.37 weeks.
- Service costs vary by local government, but the cost range of
- A total of 49.8% of mothers, answered that their preferred
public postnatal care centers is 1.54 million to 1.9 million
and a reasonable place for help regarding postnatal care for
won, which is less than three -quarters of the 2.2 million
two weeks after giving birth is a postnatal care.
won(based on two weeks) of the private postnatal care
- A total of 48.3% of mothers, answered that their preferred
centers. Furthermore, vulnerable and multi-child
and a reasonable place for help regarding postnatal care
households can receive 50 to 70% additional discounts.
from three weeks to four weeks after giving birth is their
ISSUE 19 03
• The utilization rate of mothers' postnatal health care workers Health care support services for mothers and newborns
was 5.6% in the first week, 5.4% in the second week, 11.6% in need to improve the overall quality of services provided
the third week, and 10.0% in the fourth week. by improving the evaluation system of training and
- According to a survey to comprehend the reasons for not
using the healthcare support service for mothers and • Major postnatal care services, such as maternal and newborn
newborns, 35.8% of the total sample replied they were not health care support services and postnatal care centers, need
eligible due to exceeding the income standard, 11.6% due to to provide vouchers that can be commonly used for
additional costs, and 7.7% due to lack of professionalism in households with women who gave birth. This will expand the
the program. country's postnatal care support and strengthen the rights of
healthcare support services, 31.0% of healthcare providers, • To improve the overall quality of the mother and newborn
27.8% of service extension, 21.6% of service improvement, health management project, it is necessary to consider
14.1% of service cost, and 5.5% of resident health care introducing a certification system and strengthening job
providers. education. This will improve professionalism for managers.
Policy Suggestions