Chapter 02
Chapter 02
Chapter 02
• Both DSB-FC and DSB-SC consumes more bandwidth double side bands
• fc and fc + w USB
• fc and fc - w LSB
• Ideal SSB filter can extract the single side band of the modulated signal
Single Side Band –Suppressed Carrier (SSB-SC)
Conditions of the filter
• The desired side band should lie within the passband region of the filter
• The unwanted side band should lie outside the passband or should lie in the
stopband region of the filter
• The transition band (region between two passband) for the SSB filter is twice
the lowest frequency (2 fa)
• High stable oscillator may introduce small phase error causing phase
distortion (Donald duck voice effect)
Single Side Band –Suppressed Carrier (SSB-SC)
Generation of SSB-SC
• VSB all of the one sideband and part of the other sideband are
Vestigial Side Band (VSB)
• In VSB, non-zero transition band is allowed
• What is the condition imposed on the filter to recover the message signal
Vestigial Side Band (VSB)
VSB Transmitter
• Product modulator
• To get the message signal back, Vo(f) should be a scaled version of M(f), to
have this the filter frequency should be
• Now the task is to shift the modulated signal frequency from f1 to new
frequency f2
• What should be the frequency of LO connected to the mixer to get the desired
• After mixer, the signal will have new frequency range centered at fl+f1 = f2
Frequency Translation
• New frequency be
• f2 > f1 The new frequency is larger than the old frequency is translated
• f2 < f1 The new frequency is less than the old frequency is translated
Frequency Translation
Why BPF at the mixer?
• The BPF rejects the unwanted frequency and holds only the desired frequency
• LPF to limit the signals with low frequency components and to remove
unwanted high frequency signal that may interfere with other signal
• For modulation, any one of the modulation techniques can be used (DSB-FC,
Frequency Division Multiplexing
• Modulators to translate signals to different frequencies
• SSB-SC is suitable only for voice but not for video signal
• To have simple and cheap receiver like envelope detector, carrier signals are
transmitted along with modulated signal
VSB Transmission of Analog and Digital Television
Why VSB and not DSB-SC/ AM/ SSB?
• Information/ baseband signal lies in 1.25 MHz below and 4.5 MHz above carrier
of picture
• The power levels of the transmitted signals are high and controlling the side
bands of the filter will be expensive VSB filter is kept at all the receiver
• Transmitted signal USB, 25% of LSB and picture carrier are transmitted
• By VSB filter, the video signals can be recovered properly and is applied to
analog as well as digital TV signals
• Spectrum extends
0.31 MHz below carrier
5.69 MHz above carrier