Recruitment and Staffing Agency - Business Canvas Model
Recruitment and Staffing Agency - Business Canvas Model
Recruitment and Staffing Agency - Business Canvas Model
Key Partners Key Activities Value Propositions Customer Relationships Customer Segments
IT Firms (Website Talent sourcing and Access to top talent Personalized Employers in the
Development) screening Streamlined hiring candidate and client similar segments
Business Hiring Interns for process interactions and other
Development firms firms Industry-specific Continuous update segments.
Various consulting Internal Hiring expertise on job opportunities Job seekers across
businesses for External Hiring for Delivering best and interview skill levels
talent pipelines clients candidates to feedbacks. Recent gradudates
Various Clients Matching clients. Maintaining and experienced
across several candidates to job Maintining high relationships post professionals
domains seeking openings level of candidate hiring. Consulting
talent Recruitment End to relationship Client relationship businesses
Educational end. management. and candidate Federal and
institutions for talent Delivery of Maintaining strong relationship Government
pipeline candidates to ethics in business. management. customers.
Industry clients. Candidate trust Various Tech and
applications for Handling building. Manufacturing
networking Grievances. businesses.
candidate retention
and relatonships.
Reaching consulting
firms for talent
Reaching various
firms for positions
and conducting