Water Level Indicator: Description
Water Level Indicator: Description
Water Level Indicator: Description
This is the circuit diagram of a simple corrosion free water level indicator for home and industries.
In fact the the level of any conductive non corrosive liquids can be measured using this circuit. The
circuit is based on 5 transistor switches. Each transistor is switched on to drive the corresponding
LED , when its base is supplied with current through the water through the electrode probes.
One electrode probe is (F) with 6V AC is placed at the bottom of tank. Next probes are placed step
by step above the bottom probe. When water is rising the base of each transistor gets electrical
connection to 6V AC through water and the corresponding probe. Which in turn makes the
transistors conduct to glow LED and indicate the level of water. The ends of probes are connected to
corresponding points in the circuit as shown in circuit diagram.Insulated Aluminum wires with end
insulation removed will do for the probe. Arrange the probes in order on a PVC pipe according to the
depth and immerse it in the tank.AC voltage is use to prevent electrolysis at the probes. So this
setup will last really long. I guarantee at least a 2 years of maintenance free operation. That’s what I
got and is still going.
T1 – T5 BC 548 or 2N2222 Transistors
Use a transformer with 6V 500 mA output for power supply. Do not use a rectifier! we need pure AC.
Use good quality insulated Aluminum wire for probes. If Aluminum wires are not available try Steel or
Tin.Copper is the worst. Try the circuit first on a bread board and if not working properly, make
adjustments with the resistance values. This is often needed because conductivity of water changes
slightly from place to place. The type number of the transistors used here are not critical and any
small signal NPN transistor will do the job. Few other suitable type numbers are BC546, BC107,
PN2222, BC337, BF494, ZTX300, BEL187 etc. The circuit can be enclosed in a plastic box with
holes for revealing the LEDs .
If you need a fully automatic water level controller circuit then try this circuit Water level controller.
The circuit is fully based primarily on transistors. The sensing section is somewhat similar to this
circuit but there is additional circuitry for switching the pump ON when the water level falls below a
set level and the pump will be switched OFF when the tank is full. Few transistors , one 555IC and
an electromagnetic relay is used for realizing the control section. The circuit is very simple cost
effective , reliable and many guys have successfully assembled it.I am also working on a float type
water level indicator/controller using the float type fuel gauge mechanism used in motor cycles.The
level sensor section is finished and now I am working on the control circuitry. I will add the circuit
here as soon as it is finished
The Water Level Indicator employs a simple mechanism to detect and indicate the
water level in an overhead tank or any other water container. The sensing is done by
using a set of nine probes which are placed at nine different levels on the tank walls
(with probe 9 to probe 1 placed in increasing order of height, common probe (i.e. a
supply carrying probe) is placed at the base of the tank). The level 8 represents the
“tank full” condition while level 0 represents the “tank empty” condition.
Do you know – How Water Level Controller Circuit Works using 8051
When the water-level is below the minimum detectable level (MDL), the seven segment
display is arranged to show the digit 0, indicating that the tank is empty, when the
water reaches level1 (but is below level2) the connection between the probes gets
completed (through the conducting medium – water) and the base voltage of transistor
increases. This causes the base-emitter junction of transistor to get forward biased, this
switches transistor from cut-off to conduction mode thus PIN (B7) of microcontroller is
pulled to ground hence, the corresponding digit displayed by the seven segment display
is 1. The similar mechanism applies to the detection of all the other levels. When the
tank is full, all input pins of microcontroller become low. This causes the display to show
8 and also in this case a buzzer sound is given, thereby indicating a “tank full”
Most water level indicators are equipped to indicate and detect only a single level. The
Water Level Indicator implemented here can indicate up to nine such levels and the
microcontroller displays the level number on a seven segment display. So, the circuit
not only capable of cautioning a person that the water tank has been filled up to certain
level, but also indicates that the water level has fallen below the minimum detectable
level. This circuit is important in appliances such as the water cooler where there is a
danger of motor-burnout when there is no water in the radiator used up also it can be
used in fuel level indication.
Also Read the post: Water Level Alarm Using 555 Timer
In this project we show the water level indicator using eight transistors which conducts
as level rises, a buzzer is also added which will automatically start as the water level
becomes full, auto buzzer start with the help of microcontroller. With the help of this
project we not only show the level of water on seven segment display but also indicate
the water full condition using a buzzer.
Water Level Indicator Project Circuit
Easy installation.
Low maintenance.
Compact elegant design.
The Automatic water level controller ensures no overflows or dry running of pump
there by saves electricity and water.
Avoid seepage of roofs and walls due to overflowing tanks.
Fully automatic, saves man power.
Consume very little energy, ideal for continuous operation.
Automatic water level controller provides you the flexibility to decide for yourself the
water levels for operations of pump set.
Shows clear indication of water levels in the overhead tank.
Note:- We are selling a Project Kit for this Water Level Controller which can be bought from our
Online Store. The project kit is a modified version of the project shown above. This Water Level
Controller project kit uses 4 float switches to measure water level. The status of water level in the
tank and status of the motor is displayed using an LCD module. This system monitors the water level
of the tank and automatically switches ON the motor whenever tank is empty. The motor is switched
OFF when the overhead tank or container is FULL.
e use of float switches makes the circuit rugged and ensures a maintenance free operation over a
very long period of time.The project kit is available in plug and play form and do it yourself form. A
12-0-12 mains transformer is also available with the kit and it is not shown in the figure below.
The level sensor probes for the overhead tank are interfaced to the port 2 of the microcontroller
through transistors. Have a look at the sensor probe arrangement for the overhead tank in Fig1. A
positive voltage supply probe goes to the down bottom of the tank. The probes for sensing 1/4, 1/2,
3/4 and FULL levels are placed with equal spacing one by one above the bottom positive probe.
Consider the topmost (full level) probe, its other end is connected to the base of transistor Q4
through resistor R16. Whenever water rises to the full level current flows into the base of transistor
Q4 which makes it ON and so its collector voltage goes low. The collector of Q4 is connected to
P2.4 and a low voltage at P2.4 means the over head tank is not FULL. When water level goes
below the full level probe, the base of Q2 becomes open making it OFF. Now its collector voltage
goes high and high at P2.4 means the tank is not full. The same applies to other sensor probes (3/4,
1/2, 1/4) and the microprocessor understands the current level by scanning the port pins P2.4 ,P2.5,
P2.6 and P2.7. All these port pin are high (all sensor probes are open) means the tank is empty.
Port pin P0.5 is used to control the pump. When ever it is required start pumping, the controller
makes P0.5 low which makes transistor Q6 ON which in turn activates the relay K1 that switches the
pump. Also the LED d6 glows indicating the motor is ON. LED D7 is the low sump indicator. When
the water level in the sump tank goes low, the controller makes P0.7 low which makes LED D7 to
glow. The circuit diagram of the water level controller is shown in the figure below.
With the help of this circuit we can get the indicator of water
When the water level is in between a & b the red led on & give
light because red colour led get positive 6v supply direct by an
negative get supply by 680 r .so red light indicate filling water.
3- Used for measuring the occur flooding river, the over flooded
tank or river may be know by led or by speaker sound.
3.) LED : Light emitting diode .It is a forward biased diode the
energy produced by recombination of electrons and holes at the
junction can be emitted as light .Such a diode is called lead .the diode
are made form the semiconductor gallium, arsenide, or indium
phosphide. In the dry cell charger LED will emit light when the
current is switched on.