Input Unit :The input unit consists of input devices that are attached to the
computer. These devices take input and convert it into binary language that
the computer understands. Some of the common input devices are keyboard,
mouse, joystick, scanner etc.
Central Processing Unit (CPU) : Once the information is entered into the
computer by the input device, the processor processes it. The CPU is called
the brain of the computer because it is the control center of the computer. It
first fetches instructions from memory and then interprets them so as to know
what is to be done. If required, data is fetched from memory or input device.
Thereafter CPU executes or performs the required computation and then
either stores the output or displays on the output device. The CPU has three
main components which are responsible for different functions – Arithmetic
Logic Unit (ALU), Control Unit (CU) and Memory registers
Arithmetic and Logic Unit (ALU) : The ALU, as its name suggests performs
mathematical calculations and takes logical decisions. Arithmetic calculations
include addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. Logical decisions
involve comparison of two data items to see which one is larger or smaller or
Control Unit : The Control unit coordinates and controls the data flow in and
out of CPU and also controls all the operations of ALU, memory registers and
also input/output units. It is also responsible for carrying out all the
instructions stored in the program. It decodes the fetched instruction,
interprets it and sends control signals to input/output devices until the required
operation is done properly by ALU and memory.
Memory Registers : A register is a temporary unit of memory in the CPU.
These are used to store the data which is directly used by the processor.
Registers can be of different sizes(16 bit, 32 bit, 64 bit and so on) and each
register inside the CPU has a specific function like storing data, storing an
instruction, storing address of a location in memory etc. The user registers can
be used by an assembly language programmer for storing operands,
intermediate results etc. Accumulator (ACC) is the main register in the ALU
and contains one of the operands of an operation to be performed in the ALU.
Memory : Memory attached to the CPU is used for storage of data and
instructions and is called internal memory The internal memory is divided into
many storage locations, each of which can store data or instructions. Each
memory location is of the same size and has an address. With the help of the
address, the computer can read any memory location easily without having to
search the entire memory. when a program is executed, it’s data is copied to
the internal memory and is stored in the memory till the end of the execution.
The internal memory is also called the Primary memory or Main memory.
This memory is also called as RAM, i.e. Random Access Memory. The time
of access of data is independent of its location in memory, therefore this
memory is also called Random Access memory (RAM). Read this
for different types of RAMs
Output Unit : The output unit consists of output devices that are attached with
the computer. It converts the binary data coming from CPU to human
understandable form. The common output devices are monitor, printer, plotter
A bus is a set of electrical wires (lines) that connects the various hardware
components of a computer system.
It works as a communication pathway through which information flows from
one hardware component to the other hardware component.
A bus that connects major components (CPU, memory and I/O devices) of a
computer system is called as a System Bus.
Why Do We Need Bus?
2) Control Bus-
As the name suggests, control bus is used to transfer the control and timing
signals from one component to the other component.
The CPU uses control bus to communicate with the devices that are connected
to the computer system.
The CPU transmits different types of control signals to the system
It is bi-directional.
What Are Control & Timing Signals?
A device that initiates data transfers on the bus at any given time is called a bus master.
In a computer system, there may be more than one bus master such as a DMA controller
or a processor etc.
These devices share the system bus and when a current master bus relinquishes another bus
can acquire the control of the processor.
Bus arbitration is a process by which next device becomes the bus controller by transferring
bus mastership to another bus.
Types of Bus Arbitration
There are two types of bus arbitration namely
1. Centralised Arbitration.
2. Distributed Arbitration.
Only single bus arbiter performs the required arbitration and it can be either a processor or a
separate DMS controller.
There are three arbitration schemes which run on centralized arbitration.
a) Daisy Chaining − It is a simple and cheaper method where all the masters use the same
line for making bus requests.
b) Polling Method − In this method, the controller is used to generate address lines for the
master. For example, if there are 8 masters connected in a system at least 3 address lines
are required.
c) Independent Request − In this scheme, each bus has its own bus request and a grant.
The built-in priority decoder selects the highest priority requests and asserts the system.
Distributed Arbitration
Here, all the devices participate in the selection of the next bus master.
Each device on the bus is assigned a4 bit identification number.
When one or more devices request control of the bus, they assert the start arbitration signal
and place their 4-bit identification numbers on arbitration lines through ARB3.
Each device compares the code and changes its bit position accordingly.
It does so by placing a 0 at the input of their drive.
The distributed arbitration is highly reliable because the bus operations are not dependant
on devices.
Register Transfer
The term Register Transfer refers to the availability of hardware logic circuits that can
perform a given micro-operation and transfer the result of the operation to the same or
another register.
Most of the standard notations used for specifying operations on various registers are stated
Memory Transfers:
Memory transfers simply mean to a transfer from a specific location of memory to a register.
However a memory transfer can be either ways. It can work either from Memory to Register or
from Register to Memory.
A transfer from Memory to Register is called READ operation.
A transfer from Register to Memory is called WRITE operation.
Memory Read Operation: A memory read operation first searches for a location in the memory
and then transfers the value located at that location to a register. Ex.:
Memory Transfer
Most of the standard notations used for specifying operations on memory transfer are stated below.
o The transfer of information from a memory unit to the user end is called a Read operation.
o The transfer of new information to be stored in the memory is called a Write operation.
o A memory word is designated by the letter M.
o We must specify the address of memory word while writing the memory transfer
o The address register is designated by AR and the data register by DR.
o Thus, a read operation can be stated as:
1. Read: DR ← M [AR]
o The Read statement causes a transfer of information into the data register (DR) from the
memory word (M) selected by the address register (AR).
o And the corresponding write operation can be stated as:
1. Write: M [AR] ← R1
o The Write statement causes a transfer of information from register R1 into the memory
word (M) selected by address register (AR).
Memory Write Operation: A memory write operation simply extracts data from a register and
transfers it to a memory location. Ex.:
Addressing Modes–
The term addressing modes refers to the way in which the operand of an instruction is
specified. The addressing mode specifies a rule for interpreting or modifying the address field
of the instruction before the operand is actually executed.
Addressing modes are discussed below:
Implied mode:: In implied addressing the operand is specified in the instruction itself. In
this mode the data is 8 bits or 16 bits long and data is the part of instruction.Zero address
instruction are designed with implied addressing mode.
Example: MOV AL, 35H (move the data 35H into AL register)
Register mode: In register addressing the operand is placed in one of 8 bit or 16 bit
general purpose registers. The data is in the register that is specified by the instruction.
Here one register reference is required to access the data.
For example, ADD 8 will increment the value stored in the accumulator by 8.
Register Direct Addressing Mode
The operands that reside within the CPU are stored in the registers. The specific register is
selected from a register field in the instruction. No reference to the memory is required to fetch
the operand. The only difference between the Direct addressing mode and the register direct
addressing mode is that the instruction address field refers to a CPU register instead of the main
For example: ADD R1, R2: Here, the content of R2 is added to R1. R1 R2 represents registers.
Advantage: The instruction address field uses fewer bits to select a register than required to
specify a memory address directly. Direct Addressing Mode
The effective address of the operand resides in the address field of the instruction.
The operand resides in the memory, and the address field of the instruction gives its address.
Only one reference to the memory is required to fetch the operand, and no additional calculations
need to be done to find the effective address of the operand. It is also known as absolute
addressing mode.
For example, ADD X will increment the value stored in the accumulator by the value stored at
X's memory.
EA = A + (R)
Here, the address field holds two values, A: Base value R: displacement value.
Relative Addressing Mode
This mode is another version of the displacement address mode. The program counter’s content
is added to the instruction’s address part to obtain the effective address.
EA = A + (PC)
Here, EA: Effective address, PC: program counter.
The instruction’s address part is usually a signed number that can be positive or negative. After
the instruction’s address is fetched, the value of the program counter increases immediately,
irrespective of whether the fetched instruction has been executed or not. PC: It contains the
address of the next instruction to be executed.
The program counter contains the number 422, and the address part of the instruction contains
the number 17. The instruction at location 421 is read during the fetch phase, and the program
counter is then incremented by one to 422 + 17 = 439.
Indexed Addressing Mode
The index register’s content is added to the instruction’s address to obtain the effective address.
EA = content of index register + Instruction address part
In the multiplication process we are considering successive bits of the multiplier, least significant
bit first.
If the multiplier bit is 1, the multiplicand is copied down else 0’s are copied down.
The numbers copied down in successive lines are shifted one position to the left from the previous
Finally numbers are added and their sum form the product.
The sign of the product is determined from the sign of the multiplicand and multiplier. If they are
alike, sign of the product is positive else negative.
Half - Adder
A Half-adder circuit needs two binary inputs and two binary outputs. The input variable shows the
augend and addend bits whereas the output variable produces the sum and carry. We can
understand the function of a half-adder by formulating a truth table. The truth table for a half-adder
o 'x' and 'y' are the two inputs, and S (Sum) and C (Carry) are the two outputs.
o The Carry output is '0' unless both the inputs are 1.
o 'S' represents the least significant bit of the sum.
The simplified sum of products (SOP) expressions is:
S = x'y+xy', C = xy
Full - Adder
This circuit needs three binary inputs and two binary outputs. The truth table for a full-adder is:
o Two of the input variable 'x' and 'y', represent the two significant bits to be added.
o The third input variable 'z', represents the carry from the previous lower significant
o The outputs are designated by the symbol 'S' for sum and 'C' for carry.
o The eight rows under the input variables designate all possible combinations of 0's, and 1's
that these variables may have.
o The input-output logical relationship of the full-adder circuit may be expressed in two
Boolean functions, one for each output variable.
o Each output Boolean function can be simplified by using a unique map method.
Maps for a full-adder:
Half Adder
The output obtained from the EX-OR gate is the sum of the two numbers while that obtained by
AND gate is the carry. There will be no forwarding of carry addition because there is no logic gate
to process that. Thus, this is called the Half Adder circuit.
Logical Expression of Half Adder
The Logical Expression for half added is given as
Sum = A ⊕ B
Carry = A AND B
Truth Table of Half Adder
Full Adder
The equation obtained by the EX-OR gate is the sum of the binary digits. While the output obtained
by AND gate is the carry obtained by addition.