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Draconic Resistance.

You have
resistance to the damage type Chromatic Dragonborn ?
associated with your Metallic
Ancestry. The creation of the Dragonborn was
Metallic Breath Weapon. At 3rd level always a ploy of Tiamat’s to check two
you gain a second breath weapon. enemies at once: the forces of the demon
When you take the Attack action, lord Ablis in the west and the demon-
you can replace one of your attacks worshipping Torhoon in the east. With
with an exhalation of a magical gas the Empyrean Jiao remaining on Oerik
in a 15-foot cone. The save DC for following the binding of Ablis into the
this breath is 8 + your Constitution Demon Wall, Tiamat opted to loose her
modifier + your proficiency bonus. creations in the lands once ruled by the
When you use this ability, choose ancient Torhoon where they slaughtered
one: and replaced the native Olman. Few sages
on Oerth know of their existence and what
❉ Each creature in the area must the evil Dragon Queen has in store for her
succeed on a Strength saving throw creations remains unkown.
or be pushed 20 feet away from you
and be knocked prone. See the DM’s Guide to Oerik.
❉ Each creature in the area must
succeed on a Constitution saving
throw or become incapacitated
until the start of your next turn.

Once you use your Metallic

Breath Weapon, you can’t do
so again until you finish a
long rest.

Languages. You can speak,

read, and write Suh and

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