24 2,529
3 authors:
G.L. Foresti
University of Udine
All content following this page was uploaded by Zahid Akhtar on 17 November 2017.
Real Face /
Iris / Fingerprint
Fake Face /
Iris / Fingerprint
Pre-processed Concatenated
User Sensors Input image image using LUCID features Classification Decision
blur kernel
(a) (b)
Fig. 2. (a) Top: LUCID feature construction method in 1 line of Matlab. Note: ∼ is used to ignore first return value of sort; and second value is the order
permutation. Bottom: An illustration of an image patch split into its RGB color channels, vectorized and then sorted; inducing a permutation on the indices.
(b) The proposed approach. The captured image of the respective biometric trait is preprocessed with averaging blur kernel and the resulting image is divided
into blocks according to LUCID patch size. Features are computed from each patch and are concatenated to devise a single feature vector. Finally, linear SVM
classifier is used to determine whether the input image belongs to a live user or not.
fake face, iris and fingerprint images. Our method learns Face Spoofing. We used five publicly available datasets.
the fine differences between images of real and fake faces,
Print Attack [18]. The data set is composed of 200 video
irises and fingerprints via Locally Uniform Comparison Image
clips of printed-photo attack attempts to 50 users, under
Descriptor (LUCID) [6]. LUCID is a novel approach to feature
different lighting conditions, and of 200 real-access attempts
description based on order permutations, that is computable in
from the same users.
linear time with respect to the number of pixels and does not
require floating point computation, beside the fact that typical Replay Attack [18]. It is consist of 1300 video clips of
mobile devices perform poorly for floating point applications. photo and video attack attempts to 50 clients, under different
Moreover, LUCID is surprisingly simple and efficient for lighting conditions. As we need to operate on images, we
feature construction, which implicitly encapsulate all possible extracted the ‘live’ and ‘spoofed’ face images from the corre-
intensity comparisons in a local area of an image. sponding videos of Print Attack and Replay Attack databases.
In particular, for each client, we extracted 20 ‘live’ face images
Let p be n × n image patch with c color channels. We can
and 20 ‘spoofed’ face images from each video clip.
compute LUCID descriptor for the patch in one line of Matlab
as shown in Fig. 2(a). Here desc is the order permutation NUAA Photograph Imposter Database [15]. The data set is
representations for p. LUCID has three parameters, blur kernel made of real-accesses and photo-attacks of 15 users utilizing
width, image patch size, and the option to use color or both photo-quality and laser-quality prints. On average, for
grayscale images. Before LUCID construction an averaging each user 340 ‘live’ and 500 ‘spoofed’ face images are
blur is applied to the entire image to remove noise that may available. The ‘live’ and ‘spoofed’ face images were collected
perturb the order permutation. Let m = cn2 , then native into three sessions, with a time interval of about 2 weeks
implementation makes use of a stable comparison-free linear between them, under different changing environmental and
time sort and thus takes O(m) time and space. Descriptor illumination conditions. The live subjects were asked to look
construction is depicted in Fig. 2(a). like a static by minimizing the movements and eye-blinking,
while attacks were with varying motions.
Our method adopts the LUCID descriptor to compute
feature vector of input image. The vectors in the feature space Personal Photo Attack. We collected ‘live’ face images of
are then fed to linear Support Vector Machine (SVM) classifier 40 clients into two sessions under different facial expressions.
which determines whether feature description corresponds to We then created the spoofed face images using the ‘photo
a live person or not. The proposed method for face, iris and attack’ method described in [39]. It consists in displaying a
fingerprint liveness detection is depicted in Fig. 2(b). photo of the targeted client on a laptop screen, which is then
put in front of the camera. We used personal photos of live
face data set’s clients taken from the Web, for instance from
social networks. On average, we collected 5 photos per client.
In this section we provide an experimental evaluation of
Yale Recaptured Database [39]. This data set is composed
the proposed liveness detection method for face, iris and
of 640 real faces (taken from 10 subjects with 64 different
fingerprint biometrics.
illumination conditions) and 1920 LCD spoofs by displaying
the images from the Yale Face Database B on three LCD
A. Data sets monitors and captured using a DELL Inspiron 1545 notebook.
Since no spoofing attack datasets are publicly available that Iris Spoofing. ATVS-FIr DB [24]. This is also a publicly
are collected using mobile device, we utilized existing datasets. available data set comprising 50 subjects × 2 eyes × 4 images
× 2 sessions = 800 fake iris images and its corresponding THE PROPOSED METHOD USING LUCID DESCRIPTOR ALONG WITH
original samples. In the experiments both eyes of same subject EXISTING IRIS [24], FACE [16] AND FINGERPRINT [34] METHODS IN
are considered as different users (i.e., 50 × 2 = 100 users). DISCRIMINATING LIVE FACE , IRIS AND FINGERPRINT IMAGES FROM FAKE
Notre Dame [40]. The data set contains 2800 live (without REPORTED IN THE LAST ROW.
contact lenses) and 1400 spoofed (with cosmetic contact System Proposed method Existing methods
lenses) iris images acquired using an LG 4000. Iris (ATVS) 1.03±0.34 4.66±1.15
Iris (Notre Dame) 0.07±0.67 1.64±0.34
Fingerprint Spoofing. ATVS-FFp DB [33]. This database, Face (Print Attack) 2.88±0.88 4.54±1.35
which comprises the index and middle fingers of both hands Face (NUAA) 1.54±0.16 0.54±0.10
of 17 users (17 × 4 = 68 different fingers), is available Face (Personal) 0.01±0.03 4.76±1.51
Face (Yale Recaptured) 1.90±0.20 0.80±0.11
for public as well. For each real finger, two fake imitations Face (Replay Attack) 5.46±0.55 7.30±3.61
were generated using silicon with two procedures (i.e., with Fingerprint (ATVS) 7.17±1.97 14.22±4.10
and without the user’s cooperation). Four samples of each Fingerprint (LivDet09-Crossmatch) 7.94±0.61 9.01±0.47
Fingerprint (LivDet09-Biometrika) 0.14±0.06 0.30±0.14
fingerprint (fake and real) were captured in one acquisition Fingerprint (LivDet09-Identix) 0.49±0.16 7.16±0.52
session with 3 sensors. Thus, the database comprises 68 fingers Fingerprint (LivDet11-Sagem) 8.54±0.75 9.71±0.71
× 4 samples × 3 sensors = 816 real image samples and as Fingerprint (LivDet13-Swipe) 12.24±0.86 16.17±0.77
many fake images for each procedure. Time (s) 0.0025 0.0814
LivDet09 [34]. It contains three subsets named Biometrika, than existing schemes on all data sets (except Yale and
CrossMatch and Identix. Each subset has 142 subjects with NUAA). Not only is it possible to detect face, iris and finger-
20 live and 20 spoofed fingerprint impressions. The gummy print spoofing attack from single image but also, contrary to the
fingers were generated using three different materials: silicone, state-of-the-art, presented individual image feature descriptor,
gelatine and playdoh under consensual procedure. i.e. LUCID, seems to deliver encouraging liveness detection
LivDet11-Sagem and LivDet13-Swipe [34]. Each data set performance for all three modalities, namely face, iris and
contains 2000 live and 2000 fake fingerprint samples. fingerprint. Likewise, the average time required for feature
extraction in proposed technique is much lesser than in existing
B. Experimental protocol methods.
For each above mentioned data set, we randomly selected We can notice that on average the LUCID descriptor
40% of the users (real and fake) as training set, whereas the performed best for iris liveness detection across the whole
remaining 60% users (real and fake) as testing set. We run the range of data sets. For instance, the HTER is 0.07% on Notre
above procedure five times. Reported results are average values Dame database, though the fake samples taken into account are
over the 5 runs with standard deviations. We applied LUCID- high quality spoofed contact lenses. While the method in [24],
24-RGB for face, LUCID-24-Gray for iris and fingerprint, which combines two focus (IQF15 and IQF16), two occlusion
which respectively are LUCID on image patches that are (IQF3 and IQF19) and one pupil dilation (IQF22) features,
24×24 in RGB color, 24×24 in grayscale. Before LUCID achieved 1.64% HTER. The HTERs of face spoof detection on
construction a 5×5 averaging blur is applied to the entire NUAA data set by proposed method and reflectance analysis
image. A liveness detection method is subject to two types based approach in [16] are 1.54% and 0.54%, respectively.
of errors, either the real access is rejected (false rejection) or In real-world, due to illumination a significant difference
a spoofing attack is accepted (false acceptance). We evaluated between real and spoofed face (iris) is that the spoofs can pos-
performance of liveness detection systems as in [18] using Half sibly consist specular reflections. Additionally, spoof artefacts
Total Error Rate (HTER), that combines the False Rejection may be clearly found locally, for instance on uniform surface
Rate (FRR) and the False Acceptance Rate (FAR) as: like cheek. LUCID therefore performs better for face and iris in
F AR(τ, D) + F RR(τ, D) comparison with fake fingerprint, since the order permutation
HT ER(τ, D) = [%] (1) is invariant to monotonic intensity transformations.
The HTERs on fingerprint data sets (except LivDet09-
where D denotes the used dataset. We have chosen thresh- Biometrika and Identix) are considerable, since they are more
old τ on the equal error rate (EER) at training set and reported challenging than face and iris databases. Namely, the error
HTER using the test set data. The experiments were conducted rate may be occurring because of less quality difference in
on Asus K52F laptop with 2.13 GHz Intel dual-core CPU with fake and real fingerprint images. LUCID and local phase
3 GB of RAM using un-optimized Matlab code. quantization [34] features thus may contain redundant or noisy
information, which contributes to the overlap between fake
C. Experimental results and live classes and hence their bad performance. But, it is
noteworthy that contrary to existing studies (which use only
In Table I, we report the performance attained by the
cooperative method), we have also used data set (i.e., ATVS)
proposed liveness detection system along with the existing
which is composed of fake fingerprints fabricated by both
methods corresponding for face, iris and fingerprint biometrics.
cooperative and non-cooperative method, since in a realistic
It can be discerned from Table I that the proposed method
scenario we may not know with what type of fake fingerprint
presents a very high potential as a simple, fast and novel
the attacker is trying to fool the system.
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