1.4 Final Technical Schedule
1.4 Final Technical Schedule
1.4 Final Technical Schedule
Construction of 2-lane with Paved Shoulder Greenfield Bypass for Lalganj Ajhara, Mohanganj & Raniganj on
Raebareli – Jaunpur Section (Design Km 0+000 to 53+177) of NH 31 in the state of Uttar Pradesh on Hybrid
Annuity Mode
1.1 Site of the Project Highway shall include the land, buildings, structures and road works as
described in Annex-I of this Schedule-A.
1.2 An inventory of the Site including the land, buildings, structures, road works, trees and any
other immovable property on, or attached to, the Site shall be prepared jointly by the
Authority Representative and the Concessionaire, and such inventory shall form part of the
memorandum referred to in Clause 10.3.1 of the Agreement.
1.3 Additional land required for Toll Plazas, Traffic Aid Posts, Medical Aid Posts and vehicle
rescue posts or for construction of works specified in the Change of Scope Order issued
under Clause 16.2.3 of this Agreement shall be acquired in accordance with the provisions
of Clause 10.3.6 of this Agreement. Upon acquisition, such land shall form part of the Site
and vest in the Authority.
Annexure – I
1.1 Project Highway
Project road starts from NH 31 (Existing km 150+900) in District Pratapgarh and ends at NH 31
(Existing Km 203+542) at Fatehpur Village Near Raniganj. Existing length of NH-31 is 52.582
kms. Project road passes through One district i.e. Pratapgarh District. Project road crosses NH
330 & NH 731A. Total Design Length of Project Road is 53.177 km.
Alignment traverses through Greenfield Starting km. 0.000 (Design Chainage) on NH 31
Starting point of NH -31 (Near Existing km 150.900) at village Raepur Tiyae near Lalganj
Ajhara Tehsil) and terminates at km. 53.177 (Design Chainage) (near Existing km 203.542) on
NH 31 near Raniganj Tehsil in the state of Uttar Pradesh on HAM mode under NH (O) Scheme.
1.2 Alignment
1.3 Land
The Site of the Project Highway comprises the land described below:
Chainage ROW
SL No Length Total Remarks
9 52+900 53+000 100.00 15 0 15
10 53+000 53+100 100.00 15 15 30
11 53+100 53+177 77.00 15 15 30
1.4 Carriageway:
The carriageway width of the project road is shown in the following table:
Table No-1.3 Carriageway Width of the Existing Part
S.No. Existing Chainage (Km) Carriageway Lane
Width (m) Configuration
From To
1 150+900 151+600 1.5+7+1.5 m 2 Lane+ PS
2 202+900 203+542 1.5+7+1.5 m 2 Lane+ PS
Table No-1.6 Details of Major Bridges
Type of Structure No. of
The Site includes the following ROB (road over railway line)/ RUB (road under railway line)
Table No-1.8 Details of RUB
Chainage Type of Structure No. of
Spans Deck
S. No. Width
(km) Foundation Superstructure with span RUB/ROB
length(m) (m)
The Greenfield Alignment crosses a railway line near design chainage 35.790 on which a ROB is
proposed and mentioned in schedule -B.
1.10 Existing Pavement Composition
BT (SG-500mm,
1 150+900 151+600 0.7 WMM-220mm,
DBM-80 to 100 mm,
BC-30 to 35 mm)
BT (SG-500mm,
2 202+900 203+542 0.642 WMM-220mm,
DBM-80 to 100 mm,
BC-30 to 35 mm)
1.12 Culverts
The site includes the following Culverts:
Table No-1.12 Details of Culverts
S.No. Chainage(km) Type
1 0+600 Box
Table No-1.13 Details of total number of Proposed structures
(a) No. of Major Bridges -
The total number of bus bays and truck lay byes on the Project is noted below:
• No. of Bus Bay on LHS- NIL
• No. of Bus bays on RHS - NIL
• No. of Truck lay-byes on LHS -NIL
• No. of Truck lay-byes on RHS -NIL
1 38.52 - - - - - 0 0 0 1 0
2 50.4 - - - - - 0 0 0 1 0
Table No-1.14 Details of HT/ Low-tension Line
Along the Project Across the Highway
Sl.No. Design Km. Transformers
Highway (M) (Nos.of Crossings)
35 42.65 42.72 - - - - - 2 - -
36 42.72 42.79 - - - - 1 - - -
37 42.79 42.9 - - - - 1 - - -
38 42.9 44.4 - - - - 1 - - -
39 44.4 44.61 - - - - 4 - - -
40 44.61 44.66 - - - - 2 - - -
41 44.66 44.76 - - - - 2 - - -
42 44.76 44.97 - - - - 5 - - -
43 44.97 45.5 - - - - - - 1 25KV
44 45.5 45.84 - - - - - - 1 25KV
45 45.84 46.55 - - - - 2 - - -
46 46.55 47.44 - - - - - 2 - -
47 47.44 47.87 - - - - - 3 - -
48 47.87 48.07 - - - - - 3 - -
49 48.07 48.1 - - - 4 - - -
50 48.1 48.5 100 - - - - - - -
51 48.5 48.62 120 - - - - - - -
52 48.76 48.87 - - - 2 - - - -
53 48.87 49.15 - - - - - 2 - -
54 49.15 49.5 - - - 2 - - -
55 49.5 49.57 - - - - - 1 63KV
56 49.57 50.4 - - - - 2 - - -
57 50.4 50.45 - - - - 2 - 1 25KV
58 50.45 53.175 600 1400 1800 1 5 9 6 25KV
(iii) Chainage wise Well / Tube well affected: Nil
Note: All utility relocations, both above and below ground, will fall within the concessioner's
purview. For any variation over/under ground utility shifting activities, no COS is allowed. The
LT-11/33KV & EHT transmission line crossings’ & OH/UG utilities Chainage/quantity details as
mentioned above may be varied & differ, It will be subjected to utility department. It may be
varied as per department cost. The concessioner will provide all necessary safety framework/
protection like culvert etc. for all but not limited to utilities such as Gas/oil, water, OFCs & electric
cable lines etc.
Any quantity variations in the under/over ground utilities specified in this schedule A/B shall
not constitute any Change of Scope.
Note: Demolition of existing structures is under the scope of Concessionaire.
A 10
Annexure -II PROW
Dates for providing Right of Way
The Dates on which the Authority shall provide Right of way to the concessionaire on different stretches
of the site are state below:
Table No-1.18 Details of Right of Way
Chainage ROW
SL No Length Total Remarks
1 0+700 0+800 100.00 21 53 74
2 0+800 0+900 100.00 16 32 48
3 0+900 34+100 33200.00 16 29 45
4 34+100 34+200 100.00 80 29 109
5 34+200 34+300 100.00 85 29 114
6 34+300 34+400 100.00 85 29 114
7 34+400 34+500 100.00 85 29 114 TRUMPET
8 34+500 34+600 100.00 85 29 114
9 34+600 34+750 150.00 16 90 106
10 37+480 52+900 15420.00 16 29 45 PROW
Design Side
Chainage km Width of
Sr.No. Length (km) Remarks
Strip (m)
From To
A 11
(i) The Authority shall provide the Right of Way not less than 80% (eighty per cent) of the total length of
project Highway on or before appointed date in compliance to clause 10.3 of Agreement. Right of way of
balance length to be provided as per provisions of CA
Appendix III- (Key Map)
A 12
(See Clause 2.1)
1 Development of the Project Highway
Development of the Project Highway shall include detailed design, including plan
& profile within available proposed ROW and construction of the Project
Highway as described in Schedule-B and Schedule-C.
2 Project Highway
Description of the Project
1. Development of the Project Highway
The Project Highway shall generally follow the horizontal alignment shown in the plan
specified in Annexure- III of Schedule-A, unless otherwise specified by the Authority.
Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in this Agreement or IRC: SP:73,
the proposed plan & profile, locations of different structures/drains/service & slip
road/RS walls, chainages of different structures/drains/service & slip road/RE walls,
length of different structures/drains/service & slip road/RS walls etc. of the project
highway as indicated in the Schedule A, Schedule B, Schedule C and their Annexures
shall be treated as minimum requirement. Based on site/design requirement, the
Concessionaire shall finalize their Detailed Designs (Development Stage) including
plan & profile of the project highway and submit the same to Authority & its Engineer
for its Consent/Approval and Safety Audit by Safety Auditor, before the start of the
execution of project. The designs so approved shall not be in contradiction with the
scope of the project. For avoidance of doubt, the provisions mentioned in schedule B
& C cannot be changed, only the design of the components is to be submitted for
consent/ approval.
1.1 . Width of Carriageway
1.1.1 Two Laning with paved shoulders shall be undertaken. The paved carriageway shall
be 10 metres for Two laning (including paved shoulder and kerb shyness/edge
strip). The earthen shoulder shall be 1.0 metre on either side. (Circular: Morth E
File No. RW/NH-33044/22/2020-S and R P and b (Computer No.186381) dated
4th June 2024). and Edge strip shall be minimum 0.6
1.1.2 In built-up sections/areas the width of paved carriageway shall be 10 metres for
Two laning (including paved shoulder and kerb shyness/edge strip)
1.1.3 Except as otherwise provided in this Agreement, the width shall be adjusted to fit
into appropriate plans and cross sections developed in accordance with TCS
1.2.1 Deleted
1.2.2 Deleted
1.2.3 Deleted
1.2.4 Deleted
2. Geometric Design and General Features:
2.1 . General: Geometric design and general features of the Project Highway shall be
in accordance with Section 2 of the Manual, Intermediate Sight distance (Desirable
Minimum Sight Distance) shall be followed for design of all vertical curves including
structures as well as highways.
2.2 Design Speed: The Project Road shall be designed for 100 Km/h for plain and
rolling terrain. and 60 Kmph for mountainous and steep terrain.
2.3 Improvement of the existing road geometrics.
2.3.1 The existing road geometrics shall be improved as per the codal provisions.
In the sections, where improvement of the existing road geometric to the prescribed
standards is not possible, the existing road geometrics shall be improved to the extent
possible within the given right of way and appropriate road signs, pavement markings
and safety measures shall be provided.
2.3.2 Realignments:
The existing road shall be improved to the standards as specified in the manual at the
following locations:
No. Fro To
2.3.3 Bypasses:
The existing road shall be bypassed to the standards as specified in the manual at the following
2.5.6 The earthen shoulder shall be 1m wide on outer side in case of open country with isolated built-
up areas/approaches to bridges/ grade separated structures / ROBs with free slope. additional 1m
extra earthen width shall be constructed in order to have desirable offset for installation of W
beam/ Thrie Beam crash barrier along free slope stretches, placement of road signs on outer side
of the crash barrier and provision of kerb and channel drain for chute drain on high embankment
slope as per site requirement. (Circular: EFile No.RW/NH-33044/22/2020-S&R dated 4th June,
2.5.7 The Design specification of earthen shoulder shall confirm to the requirement specified
in para 5.11 of the manual.
2.5.8 The earthen shoulder of 1.0 m width on shoulder side shall be provided with top 150
mm on earthen shoulder with well graded naturals and murram gravel crust stones or
combination thereof, confirming to Clause 401 of MoRTH specification and having
soaked CBR value of not less than 30%.
2.5.9 Deleted
(MCW – main carriageway, LHS – Left Hand Side and RHS – Right Hand Side)
Note: The Pavement design of Junction point of slip/service road /connecting road with main carriageway shall
be designed as per Main Carriageway.
2.8.3 The parking bays shall be provided along the service road as per manual.
(MCW – main carriageway, LHS – Left Hand Side and RHS – Right Hand Side)
2.8.4 Slip Road: The height of embankment of slip road shall confirm to clause 4.2.1. The Slip
roads Speed = 40 Kmph) shall be constructed at the locations and for the lengths
indicated below
SL TCS width Total
From To Length(m) Side Remarks
No Type including Length(km)
Two Lane Flyover
1 0+780 0+930 2A 150 5.5 LHS 0.15
approach with service road
Note: The Pavement design of Junction point of slip/service road /connecting road with main
carriageway shall be designed as per Main Carriageway.
2.8.5 Separator between Main Carriageway and Service/Slip Road
A separator with Crash Barrier/ pedestrian guard Rail between main carriageway and
service/slip road shall be provided to prevent the pedestrians, local vehicles and animals
entering the highway.
Length of Separator
Sr. Design Chainage (Km)
(km) Total Remarks
(MCW – main carriageway, LHS – Left Hand Side and RHS – Right Hand Side)
(i) Above length of the service/slip roads is minimum specified. The actual length of the
service/slip/connecting roads shall be determined by the Concessionaire in accordance with the
approved plan & profile and design approved from the Independent Engineer.
Any increase/decrease up to 5 percent length from the length specified in this Clause of
Schedule-B shall not constitute a Change of Scope. Any additional length shall be dealt in
Change of Scope. Any additional requirement at new location shall be dealt in COS clause as per
respective CA.
(ii) The Acceleration, deceleration lane, right turning storage lane, entry/exit lanes shall
be constructed in addition to length given in above table and shall be deemed to be part
of the scope and no Change of Scope shall be considered for the same. Grade Separated
(iii) Any structures falling within acceleration / deceleration lane /taper shall be constructed to the
required width. These changes shall not be treated as change of scope.
2.9 Grade separated structures shall be constructed as per paragraph 2.13 of the Manual.
Proposed levels at structure locations as shown in plan & profile specified in Annexure-III of
schedule-B are minimum requirement and only for guidance and any increase in levels shall
not constitute any change of scope. Entry/Exit arrangement from main carriageway shall be
50m before/after the start/end of approach road to grade separator i.e. start/end of valley curve
(IRC: SP: 73). RCC barrier shall start from start of valley curve and end after grade separator
at end of valley curve.
The sub-structure shall be continued in the median portion with RCC barrier wherever
superstructure has not been proposed in median portion
Where crash barrier on the median side is not continuous along the project highway, 50m long MBCB
Safety barriers on median side shall be provided on both sides approaches of the structures. MBCB
provided towards median side of each of the structure with corresponding end treatment. (Clause No. 4.3.5
and 4.9, IRC 119).
Where crash barrier on the shoulder sides is not continuous along the project highway, 50m long MBCB
Safety barriers on shoulder side shall be provided on both sides approaches of the bridge/ structures or
till 3m embankment height whichever is more.
2.5m wide footpaths for VUP and Flyovers and 1.5m for LVUP, SVUP and Cattle Underpass shall
be provided at grade intersection below structures for each direction of pedestrian movement (refer fig
3.8 to 3.10 IRC: SP:84-2019/ refer fig 3.1 to 3.3 IRC: SP:87-2019).
LHS RHS Structure Minimum
Square Skew
Design Roadway Provision Vertical
Roadway clear” Span Angle (to be
S.No. Chainage Width Clearance Remarks
Width (m) in Arrangement specified)
(Km) (m) (m)
Median (m)
2.9.2 Vehicle Underpasses (VUP)
Refer to
1 4+292 11 1x20 5.5 24o
Refer to
2 6+812 11 1X20 5.5 0o
Refer to
3 11+660 11 1X20 5.5 16o
Refer to
4 15+225 11 1X20 5.5 20o
Refer to
5 22+280 11 1X20 5.5 12o
Refer to
6 27+915 11 2X30 5.5 10o
Refer to
7 29+845 11 1X20 5.5 29o
Refer to
8 42+575 11 1X20 5.5
Refer to
9 46+850 11 1X20 5.5 30o
Refer to
10 49+670 11 1X20 5.5 10o
Refer to
11 52+420 11 1X20 5.5 0o
Refer to
1 1+740 11 1X12 4 0o
Refer to
2 21+335 11 1X12 4 0o
Refer to
3 26+150 11 1X12 4 42o
Refer to
4 27+400 11 1X12 4 36o
Refer to
5 38+650 11 1X12 4 12o
Refer to
6 39+540 11 1X12 4 30o
Refer to
7 41+450 11 1X12 4 35o
Refer to
8 42+940 11 1X12 4 45o
Refer to
9 43+600 11 1X12 4 0o
Refer to
10 51+690 11 1X12 4 55o
Note: The above-mentioned Skew Angle is considered according to Site Survey. However,
Concessionaire to make their own assessment as per site and design requirements. Any variation to same
shall not constitute Change of Scope.
2.9.4 Small Vehicle Underpasses (SVUP)
Design Roadway Span Skew Angle
S.No. Chainage Width Arrangement (to be Remarks
(Km) (m) (m) specified)
13 44+685 11 1X15 4 0 BOX
Note: The above-mentioned Skew Angle is considered according to Site Survey. However,
Concessionaire to make their owns assessment as per site and design requirements. Any variation to
same shall not constitute Change of Scope.
2.9.5 Cattle and Pedestrian underpasses
Cattle and pedestrian underpass shall be constructed as follows.
Structure Minimum
Square clear”
Design Roadway Roadway Provision Vertical Skew Angle Remarks
S.No. Chainage Width Width Clearance (to be
in Arrangement
(Km) (m) (m) (m) specified)
Median (m)
Skew Angle
Design Size of opening
Sr. Width (m) (to be Remarks
(Km) (No. X W x H) specified)
2.9.7 Flyover
Square clear Minimum Skew
Design Roadway Structure
Span Vertical Angle (to
S.No. Chainage Width Provision Remarks
Arrangement Clearance be
(Km) (m) in
(m) (m) specified)
Note: The above-mentioned Skew Angle is considered according to Site Survey. However,
Concessionaire to make their own assessment as per site and design requirements. Any variation to same
shall not constitute Change of Scope.
2.9.8 Viaduct
Minimum Skew
Design LHS RHS Super Square
Vertical Angle (to
Sr. Chainage Structure clear” Span Remarks
Roadway Roadway Clearance be
(Km) Provision in Arrangement
No. Width Width Median (m) (m) specified)
(m) (m)
2.9.9 Tunnel
Sr. Tunnel
Design Chainage (Km)
No. LHS RHS Remarks
(Single/ Twin)
From To
1. All underpasses without slip roads shall be provided with steps for accessing the bottom in
alternate two-cone filling portion.
2. 2 (two) height barriers on either side of the underpasses for height less than 5.5m to be provided.
Refer to
1 34+280 Trumpet 2x30 11 3 GAD
1 11 400 NH 330
SL No Chainage (Km)
TCS Type Length(m) Remarks
From To
1 0 670 5 670.00 Two Lane Flyover approach
Two Lane Flyover approach with service road on
2 670 930 2A 260.00
Existing NH-31
3 930 975 3A 45.00 Two lane Bridge Falling in underpass Approaches
Two Lane Flyover approach with service road on
4 975 1400 2A 425.00
Existing NH-31
5 1400 3760 1 2360.00 Two Lane paved Shoulder
6 3760 4920 2 1160.00 Two Lane Underpass approach with service road
7 4920 5020 1 100.00 Two Lane paved Shoulder
8 5020 5035 3 15.00 Two lane Bridge
9 5035 6160 1 1125.00 Two Lane paved Shoulder
10 6160 7660 2 1500.00 Two Lane Underpass approach with service road
11 7660 8825 1 1165.00 Two Lane paved Shoulder
12 8825 8835 3 10.00 Two lane Bridge
13 8835 10400 1 1565.00 Two Lane paved Shoulder
14 10400 10410 3 10.00 Two lane Bridge
15 10410 10750 1 340.00 Two Lane paved Shoulder
16 10750 10762 3 12.00 Two lane Bridge
17 10762 11200 1 438.00 Two Lane paved Shoulder
18 11200 12100 2 900.00 Two Lane Underpass approach with service road
19 12100 13550 1 1450.00 Two Lane paved Shoulder
20 13550 14500 2 950.00 Two Lane Underpass approach with service road
21 14500 14820 1 320.00 Two Lane paved Shoulder
22 14820 14940 3A 120.00 Two lane Bridge Falling in underpass Approaches
23 14940 15800 2 860.00 Two Lane Underpass approach with service road
24 15800 16010 1 210.00 Two Lane paved Shoulder
25 16010 16022 3A 12.00 Two lane Bridge Falling in underpass Approaches
26 16022 17010 2 988.00 Two Lane Underpass approach with service road
27 17010 18140 1 1130.00 Two Lane paved Shoulder
28 18140 18164 3 24.00 Two lane Bridge
29 18164 20060 1 1896.00 Two Lane paved Shoulder
30 20060 20070 3 10.00 Two lane Bridge
31 20070 23230 1 3160.00 Two Lane paved Shoulder
32 23230 23240 3 10.00 Two lane Bridge
33 23240 23940 1 700.00 Two Lane paved Shoulder
34 23940 23960 3 20.00 Two lane Bridge
35 23960 24390 1 430.00 Two Lane paved Shoulder
36 24390 24460 2 70.00 Two Lane Underpass approach with service road
37 24460 24470 3 10.00 Two lane Bridge
38 24470 26700 2 2230.00 Two Lane Underpass approach with service road
39 26700 26920 1 220.00 Two Lane paved Shoulder
40 26920 28520 2 1600.00 Two Lane Underpass approach with service road
41 28520 29500 1 980.00 Two Lane paved Shoulder
42 29500 29580 3A 80.00 Two lane Bridge Falling in underpass Approaches
43 29580 30620 2 1040.00 Two Lane Underpass approach with service road
44 30620 30700 1 80.00 Two Lane paved Shoulder
45 30700 30745 3 45.00 Two lane Bridge
46 30745 32060 1 1315.00 Two Lane paved Shoulder
47 32060 32940 2 880.00 Two Lane Underpass approach with service road
48 32940 34150 1 1210.00 Two Lane paved Shoulder
49 34150 34600 2 450.00 Two Lane Underpass approach with service road
50 34600 34875 1 275.00 Two Lane paved Shoulder
51 34875 34900 3 25.00 Two lane Bridge
52 34900 35360 1 460.00 Two Lane paved Shoulder
53 35360 37710 4 2350.00 Two Lane ROB+VUP approaches
54 37710 39375 1 1665.00 Two Lane paved Shoulder
55 39375 39425 3 50.00 Two lane Bridge
56 39425 41785 1 2360.00 Two Lane paved Shoulder
57 41785 41800 3 15.00 Two lane Bridge
58 41800 44960 1 3160.00 Two Lane paved Shoulder
59 44960 47230 2 2270.00 Two Lane Underpass approach with service road
60 47230 47255 3A 25.00 Two lane Bridge Falling in underpass Approaches
61 47255 49100 2 1845.00 Two Lane Underpass approach with service road
62 49100 50055 1 955.00 Two Lane paved Shoulder
63 50055 50800 2 745.00 Two Lane Underpass approach with service road
Two Lane Flyover approach with service road on
64 50800 51420 2A 620.00
Existing NH-31
65 51420 51800 5 380.00 Two Lane Flyover approach
66 51800 52012 1 212.00 Two Lane paved Shoulder
Chainage (Km)
SL No TCS Type Length(m) Remarks
From To
1 0 670 5 670.00 Two Lane Flyover approach
Two Lane Flyover approach with service road (7.00m
2 670 930 2A 260.00
Service Road)
3 930 975 3A 45.00 Two lane Bridge Falling in underpass Approaches
Two Lane Flyover approach with service road (7.00m
4 975 1350 2A 375.00
Service Road)
5 1350 3860 1 2510.00 Two Lane paved Shoulder
6 3860 4820 2 960.00 Two Lane Underpass approach with service road
7 4820 5020 1 200.00 Two Lane paved Shoulder
8 5020 5030 3 10.00 Two lane Bridge with Footpath
9 5030 6260 1 1230.00 Two Lane paved Shoulder
10 6260 7560 2 1300.00 Two Lane Underpass approach with service road
11 7560 8833 1 1273.00 Two Lane paved Shoulder
12 8833 8843 3 10.00 Two lane Bridge with Footpath
13 8843 10400 1 1557.00 Two Lane paved Shoulder
14 10400 10410 3 10.00 Two lane Bridge with Footpath
15 10410 10740 1 330.00 Two Lane paved Shoulder
16 10740 10752 3 12.00 Two lane Bridge with Footpath
17 10752 10900 1 148.00 Two Lane paved Shoulder
18 10900 12000 2 1100.00 Two Lane Underpass approach with service road
19 12000 12760 1 760.00 Two Lane paved Shoulder
20 12760 14450 2 1690.00 Two Lane Underpass approach with service road
Chainage (Km)
SL No TCS Type Length(m) Remarks
From To
21 14450 14800 1 350.00 Two Lane paved Shoulder
22 14800 14920 2 120.00 Two Lane Underpass approach with service road
23 14920 14940 3A 20.00 Two lane Bridge Falling in underpass Approaches
24 14940 15720 2 780.00 Two Lane Underpass approach with service road
25 15720 16014 1 294.00 Two Lane paved Shoulder
26 16014 16026 3 12.00 Two lane Bridge with Footpath
27 16026 18140 1 2114.00 Two Lane paved Shoulder
28 18140 18164 3 24.00 Two lane Bridge with Footpath
29 18164 18200 1 36.00 Two Lane paved Shoulder
30 18200 18600 . 400.00 TOLL PLAZA
31 18600 18800 1 200.00 Two Lane paved Shoulder
32 18800 20070 2 1270.00 Two Lane Underpass approach with service road
33 20070 20680 1 610.00 Two Lane paved Shoulder
34 20680 21340 2 660.00 Two Lane Underpass approach with service road
35 21340 21980 1 640.00 Two Lane paved Shoulder
36 21980 22500 2 520.00 Two Lane Underpass approach with service road
37 22500 23950 1 1450.00 Two Lane paved Shoulder
38 23950 23970 3 20.00 Two lane Bridge with Footpath
39 23970 24460 1 490.00 Two Lane paved Shoulder
40 24460 24470 3 10.00 Two lane Bridge with Footpath
41 24470 24940 1 470.00 Two Lane paved Shoulder
42 24940 26330 2 1390.00 Two Lane Underpass approach with service road
43 26330 27020 1 690.00 Two Lane paved Shoulder
44 27020 28255 2 1235.00 Two Lane Underpass approach with service road
45 28255 28275 3A 20.00 Two lane Bridge Falling in underpass Approaches
46 28275 28420 2 145.00 Two Lane Underpass approach with service road
47 28420 30720 1 2300.00 Two Lane paved Shoulder
48 30720 30745 3 25.00 Two lane Bridge with Footpath
49 30745 33415 1 2670.00 Two Lane paved Shoulder
50 33415 33427 3 12.00 Two lane Bridge with Footpath
51 33427 33900 1 473.00 Two Lane paved Shoulder
52 33900 34250 2 350.00 Two Lane Underpass approach with service road
53 34250 34740 4 490.00 Two Lane paved Shoulder in RE Wall
no treatment (NH-330 BYPASS under Construction By
54 34740 37480 - 2740.00
55 37480 37900 1 420.00 Two Lane paved Shoulder
56 37900 39540 2 1640.00 Two Lane Underpass approach with service road
57 39540 40530 1 990.00 Two Lane paved Shoulder
58 40530 40580 3 50.00 Two lane Bridge with Footpath
59 40580 41130 1 550.00 Two Lane paved Shoulder
60 41130 42580 2 1450.00 Two Lane Underpass approach with service road
61 42580 42960 1 380.00 Two Lane paved Shoulder
62 42960 42975 3 15.00 Two lane Bridge with Footpath
63 42975 46000 1 3025.00 Two Lane paved Shoulder
Chainage (Km)
SL No TCS Type Length(m) Remarks
From To
64 46000 49670 2 3670.00 Two Lane Underpass approach with service road
65 49670 51080 1 1410.00 Two Lane paved Shoulder
66 51080 52000 2 920.00 Two Lane Underpass approach with service road
Two Lane Flyover approach with service road (7.00m
67 52000 52430 2B 430.00
Service Road)
68 52430 53177 5 747.00 Two Lane Flyover approach
2A 635 Two Lane Flyover approach with service road (7.00m Service Road)
Note: -
1) Any variations in the lengths specified in the above table shall not constitute a Change
of Scope. However, any authorized/ approved change in the length of the project highway, CoS
clause as per respective CA.
2) Lengths mentioned in the above list for cross section types concerned to structures are
inclusive of structure length.
3) Toe wall (0.6m height) or retaining wall up to full height (height as required for side slopes) above
0.6m to maintain the slope of filling wherever restriction in ROW is required leaving space for utility
corridor/ drain/ service road etc. as applicable and water bodies along the proposed highway on the
sections specified in Schedule-B.
4) Chainages may be adjusted according to location of structures as per site conditions.
5) Deleted
6) Carriageway width tapering shall be provided 1 in 50 as per Manual.
7) Intermediate Sight Distance (Desirable Minimum Sight Distance) shall be followed for
design of all vertical curves (Summit and Valley Curves) including structures as well as
8) A 2m wide utility corridor, along with earthen Drain/ Lined drain/Covered Drain as per TCS shall
be accommodated in the ROW. Suitable Earth Retaining Structures (Toe Wall/ RS Wall &
Retaining Wall with full Height shall be provided as per TCS maintain required slope of
embankment as mentioned in TCS).
All at-grade intersections and grade separated intersections shall be as per Section 3
of the manual. Existing at-grade intersections shall be improved to the prescribed
Properly designed intersections shall be provided at the locations and of types and
features given in the tables below
1 NIL As As
per per
foot foot
Leads to Length of
Carriageway cross road
Design Category
Sr. width to be
Chainage Junction Median
of Cross
Type Opening developed
No. (Km) Left Right Road of cross
road LHS RHS
note No.
No. 2 2
3.1.1 Note:
Typical Layout as per type Designs for Intersections on National Highways, 1992, Geometric Design and
Typical Cross Sections of Major Junction is included in Annexure – IV to schedule-B
Length of
crossroad to Remark
Leads to
Design Media Catego Carriag be s
Sr. Chaina n ry of eway developed
No. ge Openi Cross width Rig
(Km) ng road (m) Left ht
Left Right
Right Sid
1 0+930 T Lalganj - No VR 3 100 100
2 4+292 x Lalganj Manikpur No MDR 5.5 100 100
3 6+812 x Lalganj Jasmerha No VR 5.5 100 100
4 7+080 T Lalganj - No VR 3.5 100 100
Ramgarhra service/
5 7+080 T - No VR 3.5 100 100
ila Slip
6 11+010 x Lalganj - No VR 3.5 100 100
Chandanip service/
7 11.640 x Babuganj No VR 3 100 100
ur Slip
8 12+765 x Paraspur lalganj No VR 3.5 100 100
Sagrasunda service/
9 13+880 T - No VR 3 100 100
rpur Slip
10 13+880 T - Babuganj No VR 3S 100 100
Length of
crossroad to Remark
Leads to
Design Media Catego Carriag be s
Sr. Chaina n ry of eway developed
No. ge Openi Cross width Rig
(Km) ng road (m) Left ht
Left Right
Right Sid
Sagrasunda service/
11 13+995 x Babuganj No VR 3.5 100 100
rpur Slip
12 14+438 T Rampur - No VR 3.5 100 100
13 14+438 T - - No VR 3.5 100 100
Sagrasunda service/
14 14+930 x Babuganj No VR 3.5 100 100
rpur Slip
Sagrasunda Lakshama service/
15 15+225 x No VR 3.5 100 100
rpur npur Slip
16 18+925 T Ghuripur - No VR 3 100 100
17 18+925 T - Katwarh No VR 3 100 100
18 19+135 X - - No VR 3 100 100
19 20+070 x - - No VR 3 100 100
20 20+680 x - - No VR 3 100 100
Length of
crossroad to Remark
Leads to
Design Media Catego Carriag be s
Sr. Chaina n ry of eway developed
No. ge Openi Cross width Rig
(Km) ng road (m) Left ht
Left Right
Right Sid
21 21+332 x - - No VR 3 100 100
22 22+280 x - - No VR 3 100 100
23 24+945 x - - No VR 3.5 100 100
24 25+480 T - - No VR 3.5 100 100
25 25+480 T - - No VR 3.5 100 100 Slip
Shrikantpu service/
26 26+150 x Pure Tulsi No VR 3.5 100 100 Slip
27 27+400 x Bhuwalpur Dhanipur No VR 3.5 100 100
28 38+650 x - - No VR 5.5 100 100
29 39+545 x - - No VR 5.5 100 100
30 41+455 x - - No MDR 5.5 100 100
Length of
crossroad to Remark
Leads to
Design Media Catego Carriag be s
Sr. Chaina n ry of eway developed
No. ge Openi Cross width Rig
(Km) ng road (m) Left ht
Left Right
Right Sid
31 42+565 x - - No MDR 5.5 100 100
32 46+850 x Raniganj Durgaganj No MDR 7 100 100
33 47+670 x Raniganj Husenpur No VR 3.5 100 100
34 48+585 x - - No VR 3 100 100
35 48+880 T - - No VR 3 100 100
36 48+880 T - No VR 3 100 100
37 49+255 T - No VR 3 100 100
38 49+670 x Barhada Sandila No VR 3 100 100
39 51.335 T - - No VR 3 100 100
40 51.335 T - - No VR 3 100 100
Length of
crossroad to Remark
Leads to
Design Media Catego Carriag be s
Sr. Chaina n ry of eway developed
No. ge Openi Cross width Rig
(Km) ng road (m) Left ht
Left Right
Right Sid
41 51.690 x Raniganj Pure Basu No VR 5.5 100 100
42 51+940 T Raniganj - No VR 5.5 100 100
43 51+940 T - Pure Basu No VR 5.5 100 100
(i) Typical Layout as per type Designs for Intersections on National Highways, 1992,
Geometric Design and Typical Cross Sections of Minor Intersections of At-Grade
Intersections below Grade Separators/ Interchanges are included in Annexure –
IV to schedule-B
(ii) The Concessionaire shall take up ‘Detailed Engineering study’ to ascertain
further details of all intersections and treatment of the intersections shall be
designed in accordance with the latest guidelines mentioned out in section-3 of
(iii) The cross road at the junctions which are having a level difference from the main
carriageway, are to be improved at the level of main carriageway for the length
of 30 metre and then to be merged with the cross road at the gradient not more
than 1:50.
(iv) Junction improvement under grade separators shall be carried out as per
manual with proper entry/exit to crossroads and slip/service roads, etc.
Auxiliary lanes including storage, acceleration and deceleration lane along
with physical islands to be provided.
(v) Location of grade-separated structures is indicative. Exact location should be
decided in consultation with Independent Engineer as per site requirement and
(vi) Intersection Layout, Entry/Exit, Right Turning Lane, U-Turns, Geometric Design
and Typical Cross Sections of Interchange are enclosed in Annexure III to schedule-
(vii) Only Entry or Exit shall be designed at any location (provision of entry/exit by
Ghost Island not permitted).
Based on site/design requirement, the Concessionaire shall design the alignment plans
and profiles of the project highway based on site/design requirement mentioned in
Schedule B with approval from the Independent Engineer within the available Right of
Way. However, it is clarified that minimum FRL given in enclosed drawing shall have
to be achieved by Concessionaire provided that minimum difference of Ground Level on
either side, whichever is higher, and subgrade Top to be maintained according to Plan &
Profile drawing attached in Volume-III.
In case of green field stretches / realignments stretches / bypasses/ full reconstruction of existing
stretches (if the existing stretches have been overtopped in past during rains /floods), the bottom of
subgrade shall be 1000 mm above highest flood level (HFL)/ ground water table/ Natural ground level
/pond level, whichever is higher.
The side slopes shall not be steeper than 2H: 1V. In case, there is a ROW constraint than,
suitable soil retaining structures shall be provided.
For stability of slope upto 3 meter height the turfing can be adapted. For the slope from
3-6 metre suitable, geocell, geo-grid, geo-green etc. can be provided with suitable
drainage chutes and suitable energy dissipaters as per IRC 56. For the slope more than 6
metre height, a complete slope stability analysis as per IRC:75 shall be done and the
slopes shall be compulsory protected with stone pitching within stone masonry grid
structure of 4x4 metre and suitable drains/chutes and energy dissipaters etc. shall be
provided for effective drainage of the water.
Use of Pond Ash and Design of Pond Ash embankment shall be specified (Clause No. 4.2.4
& 4.4.4.i (d) IRC: SP:84-2019/ IRC: SP:87-2019)
Mitigation measures work for slope be provided as per specifications wherever steep
cutting section is involved.
5 Pavement Design
5.1 Pavement design shall be carried out in accordance with Section 5 of the Manual.
5.2 Type of Pavement and Design requirement
The pavement shall be flexible type for entire length of project highway.
5.2.1 Design Period and Strategy Pavement shall be constructed for the entire length of
Project Highway including paved shoulders. Flexible Pavement shall be designed
for a minimum design period of 20 years and minimum sub grade CBR of 8%
(Effective CBR). Whereas rigid pavement shall be designed for a minimum design
period of 30 years. Stage construction shall not be permitted.
5.2.2 Recommended Pavement Design Notwithstanding anything to the contrary
contained in this Agreement or the manual, the Concessionaire shall design the
pavement of main carriageway for design traffic of minimum 50 MSA.
5.2.3 The pavement for service road/slip roads shall be designed for projected traffic
10MSA subject to minimum as follows.
(i) Service Roads in Built-up areas for minimum 10 MSA
(ii) Slip Roads for minimum 100MSA
(iii) Service Roads in Rural Area for minimum 10 MSA
5.2.4 If Plastic waste material is available, it shall be used for construction of Bituminous Concrete
pavement in service road in confirmation to IRC SP 98-2020.
5.2.5 In case the contractor uses the service road as diversion road. Then the pavement for service road
shall be designed for a traffic 10 MSA
5.2.6 The pavement for slip roads shall be designed for projected traffic 10 MSA
5.2.7 For widening of existing carriageways, thickness of pavement layers for new pavement shall
match with the layer thicknesses of existing layers with special attention to GSB layer.
5.3 In order to meet the intended functional requirement of respective pavement layers on main
carriageway, the minimum thickness of respective pavement layers for main carriageway
and connecting crossroads/ service roads/ slip roads/ entry/exit locations, acceleration/
deceleration lane, right turning lanes shall, however in no case be less than as given below:
5.4 In case of widening of existing Highway retaining the existing pavement with overlay of
top layer The GSB layer of widened portion should be proposed matching the same level
of existing GSB level.
Main carriageway, Paved shoulder, median side paved strip, entry/exit locations, acceleration/
deceleration lane, right turning lanes, toll plaza
Subgrade 500
GSB 200
WMM 250
DBM 115
BC 40 Bituminous Surface Course with CTSB, WMM, DBM and BC Layer
BC Bituminous Surface Course with CTSB and Emulsion /Foam Bitumen Stabilised RAP/
Virgin Aggregate
Pavement Composition Minimum Crust Thickness (mm)
Subgrade N/A
Subgrade N/A
BC Bituminous Surface Course with CTSB and Emulsion /Foam Bitumen Stabilised RAP/
Virgin Aggregate DLC/PQC
Service roads
BC Bituminous Surface Course with CTSB, CTB and Granular Crack Relief Layer Bituminous Surface Course with CTSB and Emulsion /Foam Bitumen Stabilised RAP/
Virgin Aggregate DLC/PQC
Pavement Composition Minimum Crust Thickness (mm)
Subgrade N/A
Slip roads
Subgrade 500
GSB 200
WMM 250
DBM 60
BC 30 Bituminous Surface Course with CTSB, WMM, DBM and BC Layer Bituminous Surface Course with CTSB and Emulsion /Foam Bitumen Stabilised RAP/
Virgin Aggregate DLC/PQC
BC Bituminous Surface Course with CTSB, CTB and Granular Crack Relief Layer Bituminous Surface Course with CTSB and Emulsion /Foam Bitumen Stabilized RAP/
Virgin Aggregate DLC/PQC
Summary of type of Pavement for Service Road, Slip Road, Diversion Road
Reconstruction as per
Same as
1. new flexible Pavement
0+000 0+700 5.3.1/5.3.2/5.3.4
Reconstruction as per
Same as
2. 52+535 53+177 new flexible Pavement
5.6 Bituminous Mix for Overlay: The following stretches of the existing road shall
be provided bituminous overlay as follows:
6 Roadside Drainage
6.1 Drainage system
Including surface and subsurface drains for the Project Highway including crossroads
shall be provided as per section 6 of the manual. Contractor shall provide a drainage plan
along with its drainage profile which should be reviewed and approved by the Engineer
RCC Drain cum footpaths shall conform to the cross- sectional features and other details as given in
Annexure – II (Schedule – B) and shall be provided as under:
Details of RCC Drain Cum Footpath/ Traffic Load (Clause No. 2.13 & 6.2.6 IRC: SP:84-2019/ IRC:
SP: 87-20190
Sr. Design Chainage (Km) Length (m) Min bottom Min Width Total
Width x Min of Footpath Length Remarks
No. From To LHS RHS Depth of Drain (m) (m)
Top of drain shall be finished with paver blocks/ interlocking/ chequered tiles. Sides of drain
should be provided with kerb stone of appropriate size along with GI grating of designed intervals
of minimum 10m for entry of surface water. Width of footpath cum drain shall be slightly
increased due to kerb stones as shown in the TCS.
Sl. No. Spacing of inlets Remarks
From To
The size of Unlined drain should have a minimum width of 0.6m at bottom, minimum depth
of 0.6m and a minimum slide slope of 2H to 1V. The Bed slope should be based on drainage
The drainage plan shall account for the water from the ROW area along with the area outside
the ROW as well.
Lined drain shall be provided in the center of the median at super elevation locations and
depressed median. Draining of strom water from one carriageway to another carriageway is
not permitted. the Concessionaire/ Contractor shall design the median drain based on
site/design requirement mentioned in Schedule D with approval from the Independent
Engineer and shall be connected with the nearest culvert/ outfall.
1 N/A
A suitable drainage arrangement for draining storm water of the main carriageway shall be
provided. Storm water of main carriageway to service road is not permitted.
6.5 Drainage where Embankment Height is more than 3m:
Drainage chutes shall be provided at suitable interval on embankment slopes. The
drainage arrangement shall include kerb, cement concrete drainage channel at the edge
roadway, Cement Concrete Chutes, CC bedding, energy dissipation basin, etc.
Mountable Kerb shall be provided beyond the post of MBCB to channelize storm
water into chute.
6.6 Drainage for Structure
A suitable drainage arrangement for draining storm water from deck slab shall be
provided. Water shall not fall on any surface of the structures or remain standing or
flowing over the road below structure.
A suitable drainage arrangement for draining storm water from Underpass and Subways
shall be provided.
Vertical Drop-down drainage pipes with suitable cleaning provision shall be provided at
suitable interval. Drainage fixtures and dropdown pipes shall be of rigid, corrosion
resistant material not less than 100mm dia. The Storm water of main carriageway draining
on service road is not permitted.
7 Design of Structures
7.1 General
Project Highway is proposed to be constructed to 2 lanes with paved shoulder with
provision for widening to four/ six lane configuration in future according to available
ROW. As such, superstructure of all bridges, culverts and structures is to be designed for
edge movement of the vehicle considering stitching of new superstructure in future due
to widening for additional lane. Special vehicle loading is to be considered in design of
all bridges, culverts and structures.
The overall width of structures shall be including width of main carriageway and slip/service
roads/Entry ramps/Exit Ramps/ Acceleration/Deceleration lanes, etc.
All structures except wherever expansion joints have been provided, the pavement layers
WMM, DBM & BC shall be continued over the structures for smooth riding quality of
the project highway. These structures shall be designed considering the dead load of
pavement (WMM, DBM, BC, etc.) la2Cyers.
All major structures will be designed preferably as continuous slab to reduce the
number of expansion joints on the MJB/ ROBs/ flyover/ Interchange etc.
7.1.1 All bridges, culverts and structures shall be designed for IRC class Special Vehicle
(SV) loading as per IRC: 6 and constructed in accordance with section-7 of the
manual and shall conform to the cross-sectional features and other details specified
7.1.2 Deleted
7.1.3 Clear deck width of bridges/grade separated structures/RoBs (measured
from inside to inside of crash barrier) shall be equal to the roadway width
(carriageway width+ paved shoulder width+ earthen shoulder width+ width of
median including shyness for raised median /depressed median as applicable) in
their approaches. Wherever footpath is provided on bridge/RoB, RCC crash
barrier should be provided between footpath and carriageway and pedestrian
guard rail at outer edges of the bridge/RoB. In case of footpath on bridge/RoB, the
width of earthen shoulder shall be tapered at the rate of 1:15 Circular EFile
No.RW/NH-33044/22/2020-S&R dated 4th June 2024
7.1.4 The Safety Barrier and Footpath on Bridges and RoB shall continue on
approaches. The footpath shall be provided with paved surface & railing till the
embankment height is more than 3m.
1 MNB @ 0+950 52o 1.5 1.5
8 MNB @18+155 25o 1.5 1.5
9 12o 1.5 1.5 SLAB TYPE
LVUP @ 20+070
13 MNB @28+265 0o 1.5 1.5
14 60o 1.5 1.5 SLAB TYPE
SVUP @ 29+575
15 MNB @30+730 0o 1.5 1.5
17 MNB @40+555 0o 1.5 1.5
7.2 Culverts:
7.2.1 Overall width of all culverts shall be equal to the roadway width of the
The overall width of culverts shall be including width of main carriageway and
slip/service roads/Entry ramps /Exit Ramps/ Acceleration/Deceleration lanes, etc. All
culverts shall also be continued in median and in gap between main carriageway and
service road.
Design Span/ Crossing Type Remarks size
Chainag e Repairs /
Sr. Culvert Skew Opening (Balancing/ of existing
No (km) Type Angle (m) culvert to be
proposals Stream, etc)
7.2.4 Deleted
7.2.5 Construction of Box/ Pipe Culverts:
New culverts (given in table below) shall be constructed for width equal to the
proposed roadway width of the Project Highway & as per typical cross-section
given in schedule B. The details are given as under:
Box Culvert
Span Skew
Design Chainage Arrangement(m) angle Culvert Crossing
Sr.no. Remarks
(km) (Degree) Type
Nos. X Span
Note: Structures proposed at Irrigation/ Tank/ Pond/ Navigational canal crossing locations shall be
designed, constructed and maintained as per the requirement of Irrigation Department/ Inland
waterway authority of India/ concerned authorities. Designs and Drawings shall be prepared in
consultation with concerned authorities and concurrence shall be obtained from concerned
authorities before construction.
The invert levels of Culverts to be matched according to U/S and D/S levels to facilitate
efficient flow of stream/ field canal crossings.
7.2.6 Widening of existing box culverts
All existing culverts which are to be retained shall be widened to the proposed
roadway width of the Project Highway as per the typical cross section given in
Schedule-B. Repairs and strengthening of existing structures where required shall be
carried out
Sr.no. Chainage Type Box/Pipe Remarks
Skew Angle Nos. X Diameter
Note: - The Concessionaire shall provide RCC Box culvert/pipe culvert (1200mm Dia)
to maintain the continuity of drainage on all crossroad/ meeting roads along the project
highway of suitable length and span in consultation with Independent Engineer to
facilitate efficient drainage of the Stretch and it must be ensured that no water stagnation
should be their due to invert level below highest ground profile of surrounding GL.
7.2.8 Utility ducts in bypasses (Greenfield as well as Brownfield projects which are being
upgraded) in form of NP-4 RCC Pipe dia 600 mm with adequate Earth cushion as per
specification shall be provided across the Project Highway @ 0.50 km c/c and along
with inspection chamber were directed for crossing of utilities anywhere as per manual
Location for utility Ducts
At every 0.5km
1 0.000 34.75 c/c in consultation
with IE
2 34.75 37.48
At every 0.5km
3 37.480 53.177 c/c inconsultation
with IE
Note: The locations of the utility ducts shall be finalized in consultation with Engineer/NHAI
7.3 Bridges
7.3.1 Existing bridges to be re-constructed/widened:
(i) Existing bridges proposed for reconstructed as new structures:
Square Total Proposed
Design clear width (m) Typical Cross
Sr. Chainage Span Type of Skew Angle Remarks
(Km) Arrangem Crossing MCW SR Section
ent (m)
(ii) All Major and Minor Bridges to be designed for approach protection with concrete
Toe wall with filter media and stone/ block pitching up to HFL of bridge +0.6 m
with full height stone/ block pitching in cone filling portion of all four sides of
(iii) All river bridges & underpasses without slip roads shall be provided with steps for
accessing the bottom in all four-cone filling portion for easy assessable bridges and
(iv) Existing narrow bridges proposed to be retained and widened: NIL
(v) In GAD of River ridges the hydraulic aspect considered in design of GAD such as
catchment area, design discharge, stream velocity & scour depth, bearing capacity of the
founding strata etc. should be stipulated by the Concessionaire/ contractor
(vi) In case of canal crossings Bridges the service road or canal bund roads should be
accommodated in the proposed span with appropriate Vertical clearance of 4.5 mt
and location of abutment shall be out of canal banks.
4 10+405 10 Nala 16 - 0
5 10+745 12 Nala 16 - 0
15 30+730 45 Stream 16 - 0o
17 40+555 50 Canal 16 - 0o
In case of canal crossings Bridges the service road or canal bund roads should be
accommodated in the proposed span with appropriate Vertical clearance of 4.5 mt and
location of abutment shall be out of canal bank
Note: Vertical Clearance of Major /Minor Bridges shall be kept minimum as per Drawings
referred in Volume-III.
The above-mentioned Skew Angle is considered according to Site Survey. However,
Concessionaire to make their own assessment as per site and design requirements. Any
variation to same shall not constitute Change of Scope.
7.3.3 The railings of existing bridges shall be replaced by crash barriers at the
following locations:
Total Remarks
7.3.4 The existing bridges/ RoB/ Grade Separators/ RUB retained on the project highway
shall be upgraded and rehabilitation measures/proposals shall be specified as
Location at
Sr. No. Rehabilitation Proposals Remarks
1 N/A
Sr. Design Chainage Total Proposed Total Proposed Typical Cross Section Skew
No (Km) length (m) width (m) of Manual Angle
1 N/A
7.4.3 Note:
(i) The details of span and type of super-structure have to be mentioned by the DPR
Consultant as per approved GAD by the railways. If the length/width of the span/ type
of super-structure is changed due to any reason the COS shall be considered
(ii) ROB shall be designed, constructed, and maintained as per the requirements of Railway
authorities. The construction plan shall be prepared in consultation with the concerned
railway authority.
(iii) The ROB shall be constructed and maintained by the concessionaire under supervision
of the Railways.
(iv) All charges payable to the Railways like D&G, Capitalized maintenance, signaling,
cabling, OHE modification, any other Utility Shifting pertains to Railway Department,
earthing etc. except P&E charges shall be borne by the Concessionaire/ Contractor.
(v) All bridges/structures shall be designed for sever exposure condition as per IRC:112-2020. in
addition, steel reinforcement shall be given corrosion protection by use of Fusion bonded Epoxy
Coating (FBEC) or Galvanized Steel / stainless steel shall be used for reinforcement.
(vi) The above-mentioned Skew Angle is considered according to Site Survey. However,
Concessionaire to make their own assessment as per site and design requirements. Any
variation to same shall not constitute Change of Scope.
7.4.4 Road under bridges (road under railway line) shall be provided at the
following level crossings, as per GAD drawings attached:
7.5 Grade Separated Structures: The grade separated structures shall be provided at the
locations and of the type and length specified in paragraphs 2.9 and 3 of Annexure-I of
7.6 FoB/ Skywalks: FoB/Skywalks shall be provided in built up areas/ near schools.
1 Major Bridge 0 -
2 Minor Bridge 19 -
3 ROB/RUB 00 -
6 LVUP 10 -
7. SVUP 15 -
9 Flyover 2
10 Interchange 1
11 Tunnel -
13 FoB - -
14 Box Culverts 51 -
15 Pipe Culverts 19 -
7.8 Span lengths for all the culvert and structures under this clause (7) are the base lengths for the
Contract. Any authorized/ approved increase or decrease in the span length or/ and type/ specification
of the structures will be subject to positive/ negative change of scope
Traffic signs shall be provided as per IRC 67 & MoRTH circular no. RT-25035/07/2023-RS
(part) (221534 dated 20th July 2023 as mentioned in Schedule-C.
Pavement markings shall be completed as per IRC 35 & MoRTH circular no. RT-25035/07/2023-
RS (part) (221534 dated 20th July 2023 as mentioned in Schedule-C.
The safety barriers shall be provided in accordance with Section-9 of Clause 9.7 of the
manual & MoRTH circular no. RW/NH-2923/02/2019-S&R (P&B) dated 01.01.2020. The
Safety Barrier length proposed excludes the safety barrier already proposed on Culverts, Grade
Separated Structures, Interchange, Bridges, RoB and RUB as applicable cross sections
End Treatment of Steel barriers/Rope Barrier shall be specified i.e. MELT or P-4
confirming toEN 1317-4, TT, MBCB barrier to Concrete Barrier.
9 Roadside Furniture
9.1 It shall be provided as per the details mentioned in Schedule-C.
10 Hazardous Locations
The safety barriers shall be provided at the following hazardous location such as
ponds, well, electric sub-station, Electric tower, spilt carriageway, etc.
11 Special Requirement
Retaining Structure and protection works shall be provided at locations as indicated
below and is provided in TCS schedule in Cl. 2.10 of schedule-B.
The Retaining/Toe Wall schedule is as follows: -
1 0+000 0+670 670.00 BHS RE WALL CRASH REFER TO TCS
Design Retaining Type of
Sr. Chainage (m) Length (m) Side Structure/ Safety Remarks
Toe Wall Barrier
From To
2 0+670 0+930 260.00 BHS RE WALL CRASH REFER TO TCS
3 0+975 1+350 375.00 BHS RE WALL CRASH REFER TO TCS
4 3+860 4+820 960.00 BHS RE WALL CRASH REFER TO TCS
5 6+260 7+560 1300.00 BHS RE WALL CRASH REFER TO TCS
6 10+900 12+000 1100.00 BHS RE WALL CRASH REFER TO TCS
7 12+760 14+450 1690.00 BHS RE WALL CRASH REFER TO TCS
8 14+800 14+920 120.00 BHS RE WALL CRASH REFER TO TCS
9 14+940 15+720 780.00 BHS RE WALL CRASH REFER TO TCS
10 18+800 20+070 1270.00 BHS RE WALL CRASH REFER TO TCS
11 20+680 21+340 660.00 BHS RE WALL CRASH REFER TO TCS
Design Retaining Type of
Sr. Chainage (m) Length (m) Side Structure/ Safety Remarks
Toe Wall Barrier
From To
12 21+980 22+500 520.00 BHS RE WALL CRASH REFER TO TCS
13 24+940 26+330 1390.00 BHS RE WALL CRASH REFER TO TCS
14 27+020 28+255 1235.00 BHS RE WALL CRASH REFER TO TCS
15 28+275 28+420 145.00 BHS RE WALL CRASH REFER TO TCS
16 33+900 34+250 350.00 BHS RE WALL CRASH REFER TO TCS
17 34+250 34+740 490.00 BHS RE WALL CRASH REFER TO TCS
Filling Slab on
Material Top of
Sr. Chainage Well Well Remarks
forWell Well
No. Dimension Depth
13 Shifting of Utilities
The Concessionaire shall undertake the work of shifting of any utility (including electric
lines, water pipes, gas pipelines and telephone cables) to an appropriate location or
alignment, in accordance with the provisions of Concession Agreement.
13.2 The type/ spacing/ size/ specifications of poles/ towers/ lines/cables to be used in shifting work
shall be as per the guidelines of Utility Owning Department and it is to be agreed solely between
the Concessionaire and the Utility Owning Department. Nochange of scope shall be admissible,
and no cost shall be paid for using different type/ spacing/ size/ specifications in shifting work
in comparison to those in the existing work or for making any overhead crossings to
underground as per requirement of utility Owning department and/ or construction of project
highway. The Concessionaire shall carry out joint inspection with Utility Owning Department
and get the estimates from Utility Owning Department. The assistance of the Authority is limited
to giving forwarding letter on the proposal of Concessionaire to Utility Owning Department
whenever asked by the Concessionaire. The decision/ Approval of utility owning department
shall be binding on the Concessionaire.
13.3 The dismantled material/ scrap of existing Utility to be shifted/ dismantled shall belong to the
Concessionaire who would be free to dispose-off the dismantled material as deemed fit by them
unless the Concessionaire is required to deposit the dismantled material to Utility Owning
Department as per the norms and practice and, in that case the amount of credit for dismantled
material may be availed by the Concessionaire as per estimate agreed between them.
13.4 The utilities shall be handed over after shifting work is completed to Utility OwningDepartment
up to their entire satisfaction. The maintenance liability shall rest with the Utility Owning
Department after handing over process is complete as far as utility shifting works are concerned.
13.5 The supervision charges at the rates / charges applicable of the utility owing department shall
be paid directly by the authority to the. utility owing department as and when Concessionaire/
Contractor furnishes demand of utility owing department along with a copy of estimated cost
given by the letter.
13.6 Existing lights, junction boxes, connection to individual properties along the affected section
shall be disconnected and reconnected as part of utility relocation and the same shall be in the
scope of the Concessionaire.
13.7 All the Electrical crossings less than equal to 66 KV shall be underground
1 0+720 0+820 FLYOVER - (Safety III -
2 34+280 34+340 CUM - (Safety III - -
3 52+535 52+615 FLYOVER - (Safety III -
1 Project Facilities
The Concessionaire shall construct the Project Facilities in accordance with the provisions
of this Agreement. Such Project Facilities shall include:
a) Toll Plaza
b) Roadside furniture
i. Kilometer and Hectometer Stones
ii. Traffic Signs
iii. Overhead Signs
iv. Road Marking
v. Road Delineators
vi. Reflective Pavement Markers & Solar Studs
vii. Traffic Impact Attenuators
viii. Boundary wall and Fencing
c) Operation and Maintenance centers
d) Way side Amenities / Service Areas
e) Truck lay-byes
f) Bus Bay and Bus shelter
g) Pedestrian Facilities
h) Highway Lighting
i) Rainwater Harvesting
j) Environmental Management Plan
k) Land Scaping and Tree Plantation
l) Advanced Traffic Management System (ATMS)
m) Highway Patrol Units
n) Emergency medical services
o) Crane Service
p) Buildings for Traffic Aid Posts (For Ham Projects)
q) Building for Medical Aid Post (For Ham Projects)
1.1 Project Facilities to be completed on or before project completion date have been
described in Annexure-I of this Schedule-C.
Annexure – I
1 Project Facilities
The Concessionaire shall construct the Project Facilities described in this Annexure-I to form
part of the Project Highway. The Project Facilities shall include:
r) Toll Plaza
s) Roadside furniture
i. Kilometer and Hectometer Stones
ii. Traffic Signs
iii. Overhead Signs
iv. Road Marking
v. Road Delineators
vi. Reflective Pavement Markers & Solar Studs
vii. Traffic Impact Attenuators
viii. Boundary wall and Fencing
t) Operation and Maintenance centers
u) Way side Amenities / Service Areas
v) Truck lay-byes
w) Bus Bay and Bus shelter
x) Pedestrian Facilities
y) Highway Lighting
z) Rainwater Harvesting
aa) Environmental Management Plan
bb) Land Scaping and Tree Plantation
cc) Advanced Traffic Management System (ATMS)
dd) Highway Patrol Units
ee) Emergency medical services
ff) Crane Service
gg) Buildings for Traffic Aid Posts (For Ham Projects)
hh) Building for Medical Aid Post (For Ham Projects)
1 - 18+450 NIL
1.1 Note:
(i) The Toll Plaza shall be constructed as per Manual (Schedule D) considering the
modification as per NHAI Circular NHAI/Policy Guidelines/Management of Toll
Plaza/2021 Policy Circular No. 17.5.82 dated 24th May, 2021. However, layout as
mentioned in Schedule-C shall be followed.
(ii) Based on the toll lanes as given above, toll Booth complex, weigh bridges, electrical
systems, and all other facilities required/ mentioned in manual shall be provided as per
specification mentioned in Schedule D
(iii) No. of toll lane specified above are to be provided. The Concessionaire shall design
and provide toll lane as per Manual (Schedule D) & NHAI Circular NHAI/Policy
Guidelines/Management of Toll Plaza/2021 Policy Circular No.17.5.82 dated 24th May,
2021 subject to as specified above.
(iv) All Toll Lanes to be equipped with Hybrid ETC equipment’s as per NHAI/Policy
Guidelines/Management of Toll Plaza/2021 Policy Circular No. 17.5.82 dated 24th May,
2021. DPR consultant to specify details of equipment’s with their numbers.
(v) A separate Highway Nest with toilet facility for road users shall be provided near
toll plaza location along with parking facility. One toilet block on each direction shall be
provided. These toilet facilities shall follow CPWD specifications for sanitary ware items
and fittings such as WC, wash basin, Wash basin-Under counter, Urinal flat back, PVC
Cistern, IWC Orissa Pan, Flush Value –CP, Wash Basin pillar cock-CP, Bib Cock—CP,
Health Faucet, W/c Bib cock, Wash Basin angle cock. One WC shall be provided for
specially challenged persons.
(vi) Point of Sale (POS) with card swapping machines shall be provided.
(vii) Provide Lane markings and Traffic Signs as per IRC: SP: 73, IRC 35 and IRC 67
(viii) Solar panels shall be erected over the either on FOB or over Toll Plaza / Admin
building to generate the green energy. Same shall be utilized for toll plaza lighting and
other energy requirement within toll plaza area along with conventional lighting
(ix) Medium speed Weigh in Motion (MSWIM) devices shall be provided in all toll lanes
at Toll Plaza Location. In addition to MSWIM, Static weigh Bridge (SWBs) shall be
provided on each direction as per manual.
(x) Provide Impact Attenuators on Toll Plaza islands in the direction of traffic. Impacts
attenuators shall be self-restoring confirm to section 10.6 of IRC SP 99 i.e. Manual of
Specifications and Standards for Expressways.
(xi) Provide Staircase on either side of the FoB at Median Island location by widening
the island appropriately.
2 Roadside furniture
Note: Vertical Support Members of Gantry shall be 7 m away from the edge of Paved
Shoulder. Vertical Clear Height of the Gantry shall be at least 6 m from FRL (from the lowest
point of Gantry Sign Board)
The detailed minimum number of signage’s indicating places, direction, distances, and other
features shall be marked on the alignment plan and submitted, which are as mentioned below.
I Mandatory/Regulatory
5 No Stopping signs 25
Compulsory Direction
10 53
Control and other signs
II Cautionary/Warning
4 Series of Bends -
6 Side Road -
7 Y-intersection 2 At Y Junction
8 Cross Road 48
9 Roundabout -
10 Traffic Signals -
11 T-intersection -
13 Staggered Inter-section
14 Merging Traffic Ahead 27 Merging/Diverging
16 Road Widens
18 Steep Ascent/Descent
20 Reduced Carriageway
23 Gap in Median -
24 Pedestrian Crossing 2
26 School Ahead 0
27 Built Up Area 0
/service road
32 Cycle Crossing -
34 Dangerous Dip -
35 Speed Breaker -
36 Rumble Strip 5
37 Rough Road -
38 Dangerous Ditch -
39 Slippery Road -
42 Overhead Cable 2
47 Falling Rocks -
48 Cattle Crossing -
Unguarded Railway
52 -
55 U- Turn -
2 Double Chevron - -
3 Triple Chevron - -
V Informatory/Guide
13 Expressway Sign -
20 - -
Tourist Destination
23 Direction Information - -
Signs With Photograph
Finger Destination
24 direction Information Sign - -
for Pedestrians
1 Eating Place - -
2 Light Refreshment - -
3 Resting Place - -
5 Toilet 5 At every 10 km
7 Hospital - -
9 U-Turn Ahead - -
10 Pedestrian Subway - -
11 Police Station - -
12 Picnic Site - -
13 Repair Facility - -
Railway Station/Metro
14 - -
Station/Monorail Station
15 Industrial Area - -
17 Taxi Stand - -
19 Home Zone - -
20 Camp Site - -
21 Airport - -
22 Golf Course - -
23 National Heritage - -
24 No Through Road - -
28 Country Border - -
31 Expressway Symbol - -
32 End of Expressway - -
33 Bus Stop - -
34 Bus Lane - -
36 Cycle Lane - -
38 Holiday Chalets - -
39 Emergency Exit - -
Other Useful Information
VII - -
International symbol of
2 - -
3 Parking Information - -
4 Parking Areas - -
Ramped Entrance to
5 - -
Subway/Over Bridge
6 Telephone Facilities - -
7 Toilet Facilities - -
8 Way Finding - -
9 Parking Signs - -
11 Cycle Parking - -
14 Taxi Parking - -
At causeways and
17 Flood Gauge Sign 74 submersible bridges
or culverts
Note: (i) The locations of the placement of signage’s shall be finalized in consultation with
Independent Engineer/ NHAI, as per site requirement.
(ii) The above-mentioned signs are minimum numbers and the same to be provided as per
provisions of Manual. Any quantity variations shall not constitute Change of Scope.
(iii) The above table are excluding the required signages for construction zone traffic
management and diversions that is to be provided as per traffic management during
construction and maintenance considering all safety aspects.
2.4 Road Marking (Clause No. 9.2 IRC: SP: 73)
Road Markings shall be Hot applied thermoplastic materials with reflectorized beads to
achieve visibility confirming to clause 2.7.2 of IRC35.
The cold applied plastics pavement markings shall be used for School Zone Markings,
Audible raised Profile Edge Lines and Block Markings (BM 01/02/03).
S.No. Item Remarks
Length (m) Number
Mentioned in SI.no.9 to
1 Longitudinal Marking 13 and 15
2 Transverse Marking - - -
5 Arrow Marking - - -
7 Facility Marking - - -
Longitudinal Markings
13 for Undivided Roads - - -
Longitudinal Markings
for divided Roads - - -
Longitudinal Markings
As per Table no.4.5 of
15 for Ramps/Slip
IRC 35
Roads/One Way Streets - -
18 Diagonal Markings - - -
19 Chevron Markings - - -
20 Continuity Line - - -
21 Word Messages 15
22 Lane Change - ` -
23 53
24 Hatch Markings - - -
Lane Reduction /
Narrowing Situations
26 - - -
and Transitions (lane
27 Directional Arrows - - -
29 Guidance Arrows - - -
30 Deflection Arrows - - -
31 Bifurcation Arrows - 12 AM20
34 Word Messages - - -
36 Ghost Island
38 Pedestrian Crossing 5
Transverse Bar
40 - - -
41 Busbay Marking - - -
Objects Markings
46 - - -
Adjacent to Carriageway
i. Subway Piers,
Abutments, Culverts
- - -
Head Walls, Concrete
v. Kerbs - - -
Directional Markings as
47 per Annexure: A 6 Table: - - -
A.6 of IRC:35-2015
Note: (i) The locations of the marking shall be finalized in consultation with Independent
Engineer/NHAI, as per site requirement. Raised profile edge lines as per Clause 7.7 of IRC
(ii) The above-mentioned length/ numbers are minimum numbers and the same to be
provided as per provisions of Manual. Any quantity variations shall not constitute Change of
2.5 Road Delineators
Number/ Length
S.No. Item Remarks
3 Object Markers - -
At locations of metal
i. On Metal Beam Barrier 30 beam crash barrier
Note: (i) The locations of the marking shall be finalized in consultation with Independent
Engineer/NHAI, as per site requirement.
(ii)The above-mentioned length/ numbers are minimum numbers and the same to be provided
as per provisions of Manual. Any quantity variations shall not constitute Change of Scope.
2.6 Reflective Pavement Markers & Solar Studs (IRC: SP: 73). The Prismatic
Retro-Reflective type confirming to ASTM D-4280 Pavement Markers & Solar
Power Studs on Highway shall be provided in accordance with Schedule - D.
Solar Studs on
Major/Minor bridge, RoB,
and all structures
4 600 -
and Builtup areas, In
storage lane of median
opening and Exit/Entry
from main carriageway
(i) The locations of Pavement Markers/ Solar Studs shall be finalized in consultation with
Independent Engineer/NHAI, as per site requirement.
(ii) The above-mentioned length/ numbers are minimum numbers and the same to be provided
as per provisions of Manual. Any quantity variations shall not constitute Change of Scope.
2.7 Traffic Impact Attenuators
2.7.1 Provide Impact Attenuators in Gore Areas. It shall be self-restoring confirming to
section10.6 of IRC SP 99 i.e., Manual of Specifications and Standards for Expressways
at following locations
S.No. Item Number Remarks
On flyover/grade -
separated structure, at exit
1 At Km 0.72, 9
from maincarriageway
0.960, 4.30, 6.82,
15.22, 27.92,
34.6, 46.85,
Chainage /
S.No. Item Remarks
Chainage Length Side
S.No. (Boundary wall / Toe wall
From To
3 Operation and Maintenance centers:
There shall be operation and maintenance center(s) as per Clause 12.15 of Schedule-D, either
near the toll plaza location or at any other location along the Project Highway, as identified
by the Concessionaire. The minimum land for O & M center shall be 2000 sq. and shall be
acquired by the Concessionaire at his own cost and risk. Dedicated operation and
maintenance center shall be provided in accordance to Schedule D.
4 Way side Amenities / Service Areas/Rest Area:
S.No Item Side Remarks
The Site needs to level/ graded for the whole of Way side Amenities area and
boundary wall of the height of 1.5 m shall be constructed along the periphery of the
5 Truck lay-byes:
5.1 The truck lay-bye shall be provided at below given location and as per the design
mentioned in Schedule-D.
1 2.80 RHS
2 3.18 LHS
3 40.950 LHS
S.NO Design Chainage (Km) SIDE
4 40.950 RHS
Total Nos. 4
5.2 Toilet block along with Janitor room on each Truck Lay bye shall be provided. The
toilet block shall consist of at least 1 block for bathing, at least 2 fixtures each for
urinals, WC and wash basin. There shall be 24-hour lighting facility in toilet
These toilets facilities must be functional round the clock including proper
maintenance. For arrangement of water, 1 no. of boring along with water pump shall
be provided to keep the toilet clean. For upkeep and maintenance of Toilet, 3 Safai
wale (1 in each 8-hour shift) shall be engaged and is in the scope throughout
Concession period.
5.3 Truck Lay Bye Pavement Provide Pavement Composition (Flexible/Rigid/ Paver
Blocks)as follows:
Design (Existing)
Sr. Entry Bus Exit
Taper Bay Taper Remar
(Km) Length Length Length k
Left Right
6.2 Kerb Side Bus Stop with Pedestrian shelter shall be provided at the
following locations.
7 Pedestrian Facilities:
Pedestrian Facilities shall be provided in accordance with the Manual of Specifications and
Standards as referred in Clause 9.8 of Schedule D and IRC 103 2022. This shall consist of
footpath (sidewalks), pedestrian guard rails and pedestrian crossing.
The details are as mentioned below
From To
v. Overpass - -
Pedestrian Crossing
(iv)At School
8 Highway Lighting
The street light poles shall be 1 piece, continuous-tapered, octagonal poles and shall be
manufactured from one length of steel sheet, formed in continuous tapered tube, with one
continuous arc-welded vertical seam. The minimum wall thickness for lighting poles shall
not beless than 4 mm. The Bottom Diameter shall be minimum 175 mm. The Top Diameter
shall be minimum 75 mm. The door on window of pole shall be antitheft. All electrical cable
should be concealed. All electrical lighting fixers shall be LED. The fixtures shall be
concealed except on poles. Lighting poles shall be fixed on outer side of steel/concrete
barrier. The lighting shall be providing at the following locations:
(i) The locations of Highway Lighting/ Lighting facilities for each location shall be finalized in
consultation with Independent Engineer/NHAI, as per site requirement & specifications.
(ii) The above-mentioned length/ numbers are minimum numbers and the same to be provided as
per provisions of Manual. Any quantity variations shall not constitute Change of Scope.
9 Rainwater Harvesting
The provision of rainwater harvesting shall be provided at every 500m staggered in the
entire project length and shall be executed as per requirement of IRC SP: 42-2014 and IRC
SP: 50-2013. Additionally, wherever urban drains are provided, which do not have a definite
outfall for discharge of water, at such location one pit for rainwater harvesting shall be
provided along the side drains at the lowest point/ where the water stagnates. The type and
location of rainwater harvesting is as follows:
Depth of
Rainwater Harvesting Type Chainage Side Recharge
@500 m
in the entire
Type 4 confirming to clause 10.7.5 of project Both As per Fig.10.6
4 length
IRC SP 42 Side of IRC SP 42
0 +000 Km
to 53 +177
Type of
Sr.no. Location No.of Tree to be planted Remarks
Drip irrigation system for median plantation by gravity/pressure sources with all necessary
components / systems and emitting devices at plants shall be provided.
The Concessionaire shall maintain the trees and shrubs in good condition during concession
period as per the concession agreement.
(i) The location of trees/ shrubs/ plantation/ landscaping shall be finalized in consultation with
Independent Engineer/NHAI, as per site requirement.
(ii) The above-mentioned numbers are minimum and the same to be provided as per provisions
of Manual. Any quantity variations shall not constitute Change of Scope.
12 Advanced Traffic Management System (ATMS) (NHAI Policy Circular
No11.53/2023 dated 10th October 2023)
The Concessionaire is required to design, install, operate and maintain Advanced Traffic
Management System (ATMS) as part of the project facilities. Advanced Traffic Management
System shall be provided as per standards and specifications specified in the manual and as
per NHAI circular 11.53/2023 dated 10th October 2023 and shall be maintained throughout
the contract period.
12.1 General
The ATMS Project shall broadly include the following sub-systems to be provided as per the
standards & specifications mentioned in NHAI Policy Circular No.11.53/2023 dated 10th
October 2023
** [The Table should include a column informing whether full Gantry is available at
thatlocation or not. VIDS system requires full Gantry on both LHS & RHS]
12.4 Vehicle Actuated Speed Display (VASD) System
The VASD system shall include gantry mounted Radar and Speed Display system for each
lane to warn the road users of their speed. The system shall act as a Speed Calming Measure.
(i) Cl. 2.6.1 Width of Paved and Paved Shoulder: Adopted Width as
Earthen Shoulder 2.0 m Earthen per Bharat Mala
Shoulder: 1.5m circular: Paved
Shoulder: 1.5 m
Earthen Shoulder:
1.0 m (RW-NH-
S&R(P&B) dated
17th July 2020)