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Conditional Sentence

In English grammar, conditionals are sentences that describe a possible condition or situation,
and the result. There are different types of conditionals, each with its own structure and usage.

1. Zero Conditional
The zero conditional is used to describe a general truth or a fact, and is typically formed using
the structure "if + present tense, present tense."


 If water boils, it turns into steam.

 If you heat ice, it melts.
 If a plant doesn't get enough light, it does not grow.
 If you mix acid and base, it neutralizes.
 If you press this button, the light turns on.

2. First Conditional or If Clause Type I

if + Simple Present, will-Future

Type I indicates what will happen, provided that a certain situation is given


 If she works hard, she will pass the test.

 If he wakes up early, he will catch the train.
 If it rains, the roads will be wet.

Complete the Conditional Sentences Type I.

 If you (eat) an ice-cream, I (have) a hot chocolate.

 If she (need) a computer, her brother (give) her his computer.

 If we (have / not) time this afternoon, we (meet) tomorrow.

 He (talk) to her if you (want / not) to do it.

 You (win / not) the game if you (know / not) the rules.
3. Second Conditional or If Clause Type II

if + Simple Past, would + infinitive

Type II indicates what could happen if a present situation were different.


 If she won the lottery, she would buy a new house.

 If he could speak Spanish, he could travel more.
 If it didn't rain so much, the crops would not be so abundant.

Complete the Conditional Sentences Type I.

 If you (wash) the dishes, I (cook) dinner tonight.

 If my dad (have) time next week, we (paint) my room.

 You (learn) a lot about American history if you (visit) the exhibition.

 If the weather (be / not) too bad tomorrow, we (play) golf.

 We (get / not) there on time if we (catch / not) the bus.

Conditional Sentence Type II

Complete the Conditional Sentences Type II.

 If I (have) more time, I (learn) to play the guitar.

 If she (study) harder, she (get) better marks.

 If we (know) more about history, we (be / not) afraid of the test.

 I (go) jogging with Tom and Sue if they (be) here this week.

 It (surprise) me if she (help / not) you.

4. Third Conditional or If Clause Type III

if + Past Perfect, would + have + past participle

Type III indicates what could have happened in the past if a situation had been different then.
 If she had studied harder, she would have passed the exam.
 If he had taken the train, he wouldn't be stuck in traffic.
 If they had known the recipe, they could have cooked the dish themselves.

Conditional Sentences Type I

Complete the Conditional Sentences Type I.

 If you (go) out with your friends tonight, I (watch) the football match on

 I (earn) a lot of money if I (get) that job.

 If she (hurry / not) , we (miss) the bus.

Conditional Sentences Type II

Complete the Conditional Sentences Type II.

 If he (try) harder, he (reach) his goals.

 I (buy) these shoes if they (fit) .

 It (surprise / not) me if he (know / not) the answer.

Conditional Sentences Type III

Complete the Conditional Sentences Type III.

 If we (listen) to the radio, we (hear) the news.

 If you (switch) on the lights, you (fall / not) over the chair.

 She (come) to our party if she (be / not) on holiday.

Reading Text with Conditional Sentences
Once upon a time, there was a young girl named Sarah. She was an avid reader and loved nothing
more than getting lost in the pages of a book.
She dreamed of becoming a writer one day, but she didn't think it was possible. She often thought
to herself, "If only I had the time to write a book, then I could become a writer."

But one day, Sarah's teacher assigned a writing project for the class and it was then when she
realized that if she set aside a little bit of time every day to work on her writing, she could
turn her dream into reality. So she began to write every day after school for a short period of
time. She wrote about her adventures, her friends, and her family.

And as she wrote, her stories started to take shape, and before she knew it, she had written an
entire novel.

She showed it to her teacher, who was impressed with her work and encouraged her to submit it
to a publisher. If she hadn't had that teacher that gave her an assignment, she would have
never started writing.

After a few rejections, one publisher finally accepted her book, and soon it was being read by
people all over the world.

Sarah realized that the key to achieving her dreams was persistence and dedication. If she had
given up after the first rejection, she would have never become a published author. But
because she kept going, she was able to make her dream a reality.

From that day on she wrote many books, and became a well-known author, who now has her own
readers and fans. If she had not believed in herself and her work, she would never have
reached that level of success.

But also, if she hadn't spent her free time reading, she wouldn't have developed the passion
for writing. And if the publisher had not taken a chance on an unknown author like her, her
book would have never been published.

Now, if she is invited to participate in a book fair, she will certainly go. When she receives a
good review, she will be very happy. If she sells out all her books, she will consider writing a
new one. And if she wins an award, she will be over the moon!
Conjunction (Kata Hubung)

A. Pengertian Conjunction
Conjunction adalah kata atau kelompok kata yang berfungsi menghubungkan dua konstruksi
gramatikal yang sama yaitu: kata, frasa (phrase), atau klausa (clause). Kata atau kelompok kata
ini dapat dibedakan menjadi coordinate, correlative, subordinate, dan adverbial conjunction
(conjunctive adverb).
B. Macam dan Contoh Kalimat Conjunction
1. Coordinate Conjunction
Coordinate conjunction terdiri dari: for, and, nor, but, or, yet, dan so (fanboys). Kata hubung ini
sering digunakan pada compound sentence untuk menghubungkan dua independent clause.
Contoh Kalimat Coordinate Conjunction
 I love running and swimming.
(Saya suka berlari dan berenang)
 She wants a house, but she can’t afford it.
(Dia menginginkan sebuah rumah, tetapi tidak dapat membelinya)

1. Correlative Conjunction
Correlative conjunction adalah kata hubung yang digunakan berpasangan.
Contoh Correlative Conjunction
 between … and … (diantara … dan …)
 both … and … (baik … maupun)
 either … or …, neither … nor
 from … to …
 hardly … when, no sooner … than, scarcely … when
 if … then
 not … but (tidak … tapi), not only … but also … (tak hanya … tapi juga)
 rather … than
 the more … the less (semakin banyak …, semakin sedikit …), the more … the
more (semakin banyak …, semakin banyak)
 whether … or …

Contoh Kalimat Correlative Conjunction

 Both Mirza and Vina are currently taking English classes.
(Baik Mirza maupun Vina saat ini sedang mengambil kelas bahasa Inggris.)
 The more we learn grammar, the less we face difficulties in writing.
(Semakin banyak kita mempelajari grammar, semakin sedikit kita menghadapi
kesulitan-kesulitan didalam menulis.)
3. Subordinate Conjunction
Subordinate conjunction adalah kata hubung yang berada di awal suatu subordinate clause yang
disebut adverbial clause yang berfungsi membangun hubungan ide antara subordinate clause
tersebut dengan main clause (berupa independent clause) yang membentuk complex sentence.
Rumus Complex Sentence
main clause (S + verb +/- …) + subordinate clause (subordinate conjunction + S + verb +/- …
Contoh Subordinate Conjunction
 after (setelah)
 as (ketika, sementara)
 as soon as (segera setelah)
 before (sebelum)
 once (segera setelah)
 since (sejak)
 until/till (sampai)
 when (ketika)
 whenever (kapan saja, sewaktu-waktu)
 while (ketika, sementara)
 where (dimana)
 wherever (dimanapun)
 although, even though, though (meskipun)
 whereas (sebaliknya, sedangkan)
 while (meskipun)
 even if (kalaupun)
 as (karena)
 because (karena)
 since (karena)
 so/so that (sehingga)
 in order that (agar)
 so that (agar)
 as long as (jika, dengan syarat)
 if (jika, dengan syarat)
 only if (hanya jika)
 otherwise (jika tidak)
 or else (jika tidak)
 provided /providing (that) (jika, dengan syarat)
 supposing (asumsikan, anggap)
 unless (jika tidak)
 as if (seperti)
 as though (seperti)
 how (bagaimana)
 the way (cara)
Contoh Kalimat Subordinate Conjunction
 I will call you when I get home.
(Saya akan menghubungimu ketika saya sampai di rumah.)
 We should be polite and humble wherever we live.
(Kita sebaiknya sopan dan rendah hati dimanapun kita tinggal.)
 Please open the window so that the smell will go away quickly.
(Tolong buka jendela supaya bau itu akan pergi dengan cepat.)
4. Conjunctive Adverb (Adverbial Conjunction)
Conjunctive adverb adalah adverb (kata keterangan) atau adverbial phrase yang dapat
menghubungkan dengan logis dua independent clause yang berurutan.

Contoh Conjunctive Adverb

 also
 besides
 furthermore
 moreover
 however
 in spite of
 nonetheless
 nevertheless
 instead
 nevertheless
 on the other hand
 still
 accordingly
 as a result
 consequently
 hence
 so
 therefore
 thus
 afterward
 at last
 at the same time
 meanwhile
 finally
 in the meantime
 then
 next

Contoh Kalimat Conjunctive Adverb

 I was up all night and therefore I fell asleep at my desk.
(Saya terjaga sepanjang malam. Karena itu saya tertidur di meja.)
 It was a difficult and boring task, but nevertheless she managed to finish on time.
(Itu merupakan tugas yang sulit dan membosankan, tapi dia berhasil
menyelesaikannya tepat waktu meskipun demikian.)
C. Contoh Soal Conjunction Pilihan Ganda
Pilihlah conjunction yang tepat untuk melengkapi kalimat di bawah ini!
1. Our new classmate is not bad; …, he’s very kind.
a. furthermore
b. rather
2. The more you prepare yourself for the Job Interview, … stress you may feel.
a. the more
b. the less
3. Neither Indah … her friends ate lunch here yesterday.
a. nor
b. or
4. To stay … to leave your job is your prerogative.
a. nor
b. or
5. It wasn’t my will, … yours.
a. but also
b. but
6. Kim eats many egg whites before work out … he wants to gain weight.
a. because
b. so that
7. … you gave him 10 great reasons to never give up, he wouldn’t listen.
a. even though
b. as

8. Sammy had someone handle her passport … he went to abroad.

a. when
b. before
9. The used car is very cheap; … , I want to buy it.
a. however
b. therefore
10. The weather was cold, … Bobby wore a jacket and gloves.
a. yet
b. so
Dalam Bahasa Inggris, kita mengenal jenis kata kerja bantu yang disebut modals. Modals pada
umumnya digunakan untuk mengungkapkan sikap penutur terhadap suatu hal: apakah hal
tersebut dibutuhkan, disarankan, diizinkan, mungkin terjadi, dan lain-lain. Pada dasarnya, semua
modal selalu diikuti oleh kata kerja bentuk pertama (V1).
A. Jenis-jenis Modals
1. Modals Present
(Modals: Will, Shall, Can, May, Must, Should)

a. Will (akan)
Digunakan untuk menyatakan:
– artinya “akan” dalam bentuk future simple tense, dan sama dengan to be going to
Contoh: I will go to Bandung tomorrow (Saya akan pegi ke Bandung besok)
– Permintaan dengan sopan atau menawarkan
Contoh: Will you carry that bag for me? (Maukah kamu membawakan tas itu untuk saya?)

b. Shall (akan)
Digunakan untuk menyatakan:
– artinya “akan” dalam bentuk future tense
Contoh: I shall go to Jakarta tomorrow (Saya akan pergi ke Jakarta besok)
– Menawarkan bantuan
Contoh: Shall i turn on the light? (Haruskah saya nyalakan lampunya?)
– Menyatakan janji
Contoh: I shall meet her tomorrow (Saya akan bertemu dengannya besok)
c. Must (harus, mesti)
Kata kerja bantu yang berarti harus atau wajib, digunakan untuk menyatakan:
– Keharusan/mesti
Contoh: You must go now (Kamu harus pergi sekarang)
– Dalam kalimat negatif dan membuat jawaban dari kalimat tanya, selalu gunakan need not atau
needn’t bukan must not atau mustn’t
Contoh: Must I go now? Yes you must / yes you need
-Must not (musn’t) menunjukkan larangan atau tidak boleh
Contoh: You must not smoke in the class (Kamu tidak boleh merokok di dalam kelas)
– Must = have to (she/he has to)
Contoh: You must read this book = You have to read this book
– Must tidak mempunyai bentuk past tense. Bentuk lampau yang memiliki arti yang sama adalah
“had to”, dan bentuknya sama untuk semua objek
Contoh: I had to meet my sister yesterday (Saya harus bertemu dengan saudara perempuanku

d. May (mungkin, boleh)

Kata kerja bantu yang berarti “boleh/mungkin”, digunakan untuk menyatakan:
– Permohonan izin
Contoh: May I borrow your motorcycle? Yes, you may
– Permohohonan atau harapan
Contoh: May you both full of happiness (Mudah-mudahan kalian berdua dilimpahi kebahagiaan)

e. Should/ought to (seharusnya)
Digunakan untuk:
– Kata kerja bantu yang artinya sebaiknya atau seharusnya
Contoh: She ought to be here now (Dia seharsunya ada di sini sekarang)
– Menyatakan tugas/pekerjaan yang tidak terselesaikan/terpenuhi atau terabaikan
Contoh: The work ought to have been finished last week (Pekerjaan itu seharusnya sudah
diselesaikan pekan lalu)
f. Can (dapat)
Digunakan untuk menyatakan:
– Kesanggupan atau kemahiran seseorang
Contoh: I can sing (Saya bisa bernyanyi)
– Minta izin
Contoh: Can I borrow your book? (Bolehkah saya meminjam bukumu?)
-Menyatakan kemungkinan
Contoh: He can be ill (Mungkin dia sakit)

Modals Past
Modals Past: Would, Should, Must/Had to, Might, Could)

a. Would
Digunakan untuk menyatakan:
– Bentuk lampau dari will yang berarti “akan”
Contoh: He would be punished before he escaped (Dia akan dihukum sebelum melarikan diri)
-Suatu permohonan/permintaan dengan sopan
Contoh: Would you please help me? (Maukah kamu membantu saya?)
-Jika digabung dengan kata “like” maka menunjukkan hasrat atau keinginan
Contoh: i would like to eat (Saya ingin makan)
– Digabung dengan kata “rather” menunjukkan arti lebih suka (prefer)
Contoh: I would rather be a doctor than a president (Saya memilih untuk menjadi dokter
dibanding menjadi presiden)

b. Should
Digunakan untuk menyatakan:
– Bentuk lampau dari shall
Contoh: When he came to my house I should go (Ketika dia datang ke rumah saya saya harus
– Anjuran, artinya “sebaiknya”
Contoh: You are ill, you should go to the doctor soon (Kamu sakit, kamu harus pergi menemui
dokter segera)
– Keharusan
Contoh: He should study hard (Dia harus belajar dengan giat)
– Dalam bentuk lampaunya berarti menunjukkan suatu kegiatan yang seharusnya dikerjakan
tetapi kenyataannya tidak dikerjakan, atau dapat juga berarti penyesalan di masa lampau
Contoh: You should have studied hard before take an exam (Kamu seharusnya belajar dengan
keras sebelum mengikuti ujian). Maksudnya subjek tidak belajar dengan giat namun tetap
mengikuti ujian.

c. Must/Had to
– Bentuk Past dari Must.
– Keharusan (tidak boleh tidak dikerjakan).
Contoh: You must/had to study in Biology class yesterday. (Kamu seharusnya kemarin belajar
lebih giat di kelas biologi)

d. Might
– Menyatakan kalimat berita berbentuk Past Tense.
Contoh: The newspaper said it might rain tomorrow. (Berita di koran menyatakan kemungkinan
besok hujan)
– Menyatakan ungkapan yang lebih sopan.
Contoh: Joni might do the exam well. (Joni akan mengerjakan ujian dengan baik)
– Menyatakan kemungkinan besar.
Contoh: Ariel was absent yesterday. He might be sick. (Ariel kemarin tidak masuk. Dia mungkin
saja sakit)

e. Could
adalah bentuk past tense dari can dan bentuknya sama untuk semua subjek. Namun, dalam
penggunaannya tidak selamanya berarti pas tense atau masa lampau. Could dapat dipakai untuk
– Bentuk lampau dari can
Contoh: Mary could sing a song when she was young (Mary dapat menyanyikan sebuah lagu
ketika dia masih kecil)
– Permintaan dengan sopan
Contoh: Could you help me now? (Dapatkah kamu membantuku sekarang?)
Contoh: She could be at home now, but she usually plays volleyball (Dia mungkin ada di rumah
sekarang, tetapi biasanya dia bermain bla voli)

3. Modals Perfect
(Modals perfect: Must, Might, Should, Could)

a. Must have + V3
Kesimpulan lampau.
Contoh: Anto passed the exam. He must have studied. (Anto berhasil dalam ujiannya. Dia pasti

b. Might have + V3
Kemungkinan lampau.
Contoh: Anto was absent. He might have been sick. (Anto tidak masuk. Dia mungkin saja sakit)

c. Should have + V3
Keharusan yang tak dikerjakan pada waktu lampau.
Contoh: Anto didn’t pass. He should have studied. (Anto tidak lulus. Dia seharusnya belajar )
Fakta berlawanan arti: he didn’t study.

d. Could have + V3
Kemampuan yang tak digunakan waktu lampau.
Anto could have done the homework himself. (Anto seharsunya bisa menyelesaikan PR nya
Fakta berlawanan arti: He didn’t do the homework himself.

Modal tidak membutuhkan akhiran –s, meskipun subjek kalimatnya he, she, atau it.
He cans drive fast. X
He can drive fast. √

Rumus Modals
Supaya lebih mudah dalam membuat kalimat modals, maka kamu bisa simak rumus modals di
bawah ini.

1. Modals Present
Rumus modals present, yaitu (S + Modals Present + Verb 1)

2. Modals Past
Rumus modals past, yaitu (S + Modals Past + Verb 1)

3. Modals Perfect
Rumus modals perfect, yaitu (S + Modals Perfect+ Have + Verb 3)

Penggunaan Modals
Kalimat modals ini bisa juga digunakan dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Berikut ini penggunaan
modals dalam kehidupan sehai-hari.

Dapat digunakan untuk mengungkapkan suatu keharusan (expressing necessity).

Dapat digunakan untuk menunjukkan tentang pilihan (expressing preference).
Dapat dijadikan sebagai petunjuk untuk mengetahui kemampuan (showing abilities).
Dapat digunakan untuk memberikan saran kepada orang lain (advisability).
Dapat digunakan untuk meminta bantuan (polite request).
Contoh Kalimat Modals Beserta Artinya
I can run fast. (Saya bisa/dapat berlari)
You can use my motorcycle (Kamu boleh menggunakan sepeda motor saya)
Can I borrow your notebook? (Bolehkah saya meminjam buku catatanmu?)
When I was a child, I could run fast (Ketika saya kecil, saya bisa berlari kencang)
Could you help me? (Bisakah kamu membantuku?)
You could talk to your teacher about your problem (Kamu bisa berbicara kepada gurumu tentang
I will cook dinner for my family (Saya akan memasak makan malam untuk keluarga saya)
Will you please turn the TV off? (Bisakah kamu mematikan TV?)
Would you please show me the way to the bus station? (Bisakah kamu tunjukkan pada saya jalan
menuju halte bus?)
I would rather stay at home than go for shopping (Saya lebih baik diam di rumah dari pada pergi
May I borrow your dictionary? (Bisakah saya meminjam kamusmu?)
You may leave earlier (Kamu bisa pergi lebih awal)
John might be at the canteen (John mungkin saja ada di kantin)
You should stay at home (Kamu harus berdiam di rumah)
I must go now (Saya harus pergi sekarang)
You must not cheat on the exam (Kamu tidak boleh/tidak seharusnya menyontek saat ujian)
Shall I close the window? (Haruskah saya menutup jendela?)
I shall go to school at 6:30 (Saya harus pergi ke sekolah pukul 06.30)
Why don’t you ask your sister to come along with us to the movie’?
‘I did, but she … stay at home.’
a. used to
b. might
c. can
d. could
e. would rather
Pembahasan: Conjunction ‘but’ menyatakan kalimat yang mengikutinya berkontradiksi dengan
pernyataan sebelumnya, yaitu walaupun diajak tapi tidak mau: dia malah memilih untuk diam di
rumah. Ungkapan pilihan kecenderungan untuk melakukan tindakan dinyatakan dengan pola
preference: would rather/ preference.
2. I heard Baron speak English, French, Dutch, and even Japanese to tourists, he … the best
tourist guide in town.
a. should
b. must be
c. had better be
d. ought to be
e. would rather be
Pembahasan: Dari fakta bahwa “Baron bisa berbicara Bahasa Inggris, Perancis, Belanda, dan
bahkan Jepang kepada para turis”, bisa ditarik kesimpulan dia pasti seorang pemandu wisatawan
terbaik di daerahnya. Untuk mengungkapkan kesimpulan dari apa yang ada/terjadi, digunakan
modal “must”.
3. Maria ___ sing well. All her friends likes her voice.
a. can’t
b. can
c. may not
d. shouldn’t
Pembahasan: Modal auxiliary yang tepat adalah ‘can’ yang menyatakan arti BISA.
4. When you have a small child in the house, you __ leave small objects lying around. Such
objects ___ be swallowed, causing serious injury or even death.
a. may ; may not
b. mustn’t ; may
c. can ; can’t
d. must ; may not
Pembahasan: Kata yang tepat mengisi kalimat adalah ‘mustn’t;may’. “kamu TIDAK BOLEH
meninggalkan benda-benda kecil berserakan. Seperti benda-benda yang MUNGKIN ditelan..”
5. Yanti looks so pale and weak, She must be sick. The italic sentence means:
a. she has to be sick
b. maybe she is sick
c. it’s possible that she is sick
d. she is rather sick
e. i conclude that she is sick
Pembahasan: Karena kalimat yang menggunakan must menunjukkan suatu kepastian.
Jawabannya adalah E.

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