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writting skills format (1)

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(2) Statement of Purpose:

any of the streams of your (4)
You wish to purSue your graduallon al a repuled unlverslly In
cholce, elther arts,sclence, commerceor managemenl, medical, cngncerlng or any other deur (Wn
you have In your mlnd. You have ixcd yOur career goals and also have simllar background
nchteve your dreans.
Wrlle a 'Statement of Purpose', as a part ol your appllcatlon proccsS lo get admisslon at.
untverstty of your cholce.
the poor chu
I stUll remember my chlldhood days when my father, a teacher In school and also used to teach
dren who cannot afford coaching classes in and around our vlllage. I saw hin dolng his work Belflessly felt that t
too should follow the footsteps of my father. I was Lood at Engllsh whereas my father was a teacher of Mathematics
In my 1Otlh standard, Itold my father that after my 1Oth Iwould like to go In such a college where Icould learn
English and in future should do my graduatlon in English. Itold my father that I wanted to become aprofessor
or a teacher alter my graduation and asked him to guide me accordingly. Hence right from my chlldhood Ihave
abackground and environment of tcaching professlon. Just looking at my father I started tyachng 5th and 6th
standard students when Iwas in 11th standard. Iwas not good In other subjects in school but I had secured sat
isfactory marks in my school graduation.
My maternaluncle who was in Mumbal, reallsed my inclination towards English and teaching profession, Im
mediately asked me to come Mumbal and told me to seek an admission in his frlends college who was a reputed
teacher of English in ajunior college. While studylng with my uncle's friend my interest for teaching profession work
grew. My uncle, my father as well as uncle's friend helped nme in growing my teaching skills. They not only taught
me methods and tricks of teaching butalso directed me about the basics in the profession and gulded about the
varlous career opportunitles in It.Asper their guidance I pursued my 11th and 12th standard in arts stream from
a very reputed college in Mumbai and have secured distinction in the examination by standing 2nd in my college.
No sooner did I complete my 12th standard than my decision to become a professor become clear and my
belief alsogot strengthened and I decided that Iwill make my career as a professor. From this time, Iprepared for
getting an admission in Mumbai's reputed college for Arts like St. Xavier's college Churchgate which is reputed all
over India for its meritoriousness.
Ihave always tried my best to do my work with reasoning and proper analysis. My interest in teaching has
helped me a lot. In 12th standard Ihave represented my college in elocution and essay writing competition at na
tional level at Delhi and has won 1st prize in both the event.
Getting an admission in an institution named St. Xavier's college is always my dream. The chance of getting
admission and be a part of rigorous syllabus designed to suit the good students of the country would certainly
lead me in right direction to serve the students of the interlor part of our country through my passion of teaching.
[Marking scheme :
Content: 2 marks
Flow of ldeas: 1 mark
Approprialeness / Language usage: Imark
Total: 4 marks)
(3) Group Discussion: (4)
Sahil, Aniket, and Aliya have recently discussed on a topic Social media affecting teenager's
life'. Draft this group discussion in the form of dialogues on this topic.
|Aliya Hey. How are you?
Sahil Iam fine and what about you?
Aliya : Iamgood and annoyed as well.
Sahil Why so?
Aliya Becuse my mother says you are addicted to your phone but our whole work is now online so most
of the time, I am with gadgets only.
Sahil : Yes, it is true but nowadays teenagers are so much into social media that even studyisaffected. But
on other side, social media's are affecting our health too.
Aliya : Yes, this is true. Using much social media willaffect our life. Many people are soclal media addicts
and they just waste their time and energy.
Juls 2022
Sahil True, even some in the race to follow
trends and to shOw off force their parents too
things. buy expensiv
Aliya : But this is amajor issue as
youth is being distracted and thelr energyis
right direction. not being channalized in the
Sohail Yes, it pursues that social medla is
Aliya Okay, bye I am rushing late. affecting thelr life badly.
Aniket : See you soon, bye !

IMarkinq schcme:
Contenl: 2marks
Flom of lrleas: l mark
Appropriatene, / Lunquaqe usaqe: Imark
Total: 4tnurksl
q. 4 (B) Attempt any ONE of the following:
(1) Email Writing: |4 Marks]
You have planned a family trip to South India. You necd a (4)
in a proper tormat with all its supporting details you
leave for eight days. Write an email
leave approved. (100 to 150 words) wish to include to convince and get your
From :pravink@ 123.gmail.com
To : managersskford@gmail.com
Sub:An application for eight (08) days leave.
Dear Mr. Ashwin Kumar,
Sir, I Mr. Praveen Kumar a senior clerk in our office would like to inform you that in the first
week of the month
of May Iwould lke to av¡il my balance leave of 8 days. You know, that my son is appearing his 12th standard
examination and therefore last one whole year Iand my family have not spent quality of good time together as his
college, classes and board exam was important. Immediately after his board exam he has his JEENEET entrance
exam as he would like to do engineering later on. Therefore, Iand family are desperately need a break and family
get-together. As a result, we all family members including my parents and in-laws have planned a trip to South In
dia from 2nd May to 9th of May, 2023. I in advance request you to grant me a leave for above mentioned eight days.
You know, Iam a very sincere employee of our organisation and never take leave unless and untilit is required.I
hope that you willgrant my leave. I have already booked the tickets through Raja Rani Travels. For your reference I
am attaching my train tickets and Tours and travels booking. Once again, Iregquest you to grant me leave for above
mentioned eight days.
Thanking you in anticipation.
Yours Faithfully,
Mr. Praveen Kumar
1. Train bookings
2. Tours & travels Bookings
[Marking scheme :
Content: 2 marks
Use of proper format: 1mark
Overall presentation: 1l mark
Total: 4 marks]

(2) Report Writing: awareness week. You are the
Imagine your college recently observed a "Health and fitness" happenings of
editor of the notice board column. Write a report in about 100/150 words on the and details
required information
the awareness week and all the observations, adding all the
witnessed and experienced.
College NSS
Kolhapur June, 21 by student reporter: On the occasion of International Yoga Day Shahu Maharaj to Sunday
students wing of junior college organized "Health and fitness" awareness week from Mondav15thJune
21st June 2022. Shahu Maharaj College trustee Shri. S. S. Jadhav, Principal, DR. Srikant Gowekar and well
known Yoga teacher Nikam Guruji and 125 citizens from nearby area along with NSS volunteers were present 1or
the week long fitness camp. Our trustee Shri. S. S. Jadhav along with Yoga Guru Nikam Guruji inaugurated the
"Health & Fitness week."
The health and fitness week was organised to create an awareness among the students and the citizens around.
Principal, DR. Srikant Gowekar welcomed the trustee and the chief guest Nikam Gurujion the occasion. Alter he
inauguration Chief Guest Nikam Guruji &trustee S.S. Jadhav along with the principal sir lighted the larnp and
offered flowers at the image of Goddess Saraswati. Total 250 citizens including students took part in health and
fitness camp. Allstudents along with citizens took an oath about maintaining fitness and good health. Everybody
agreed to do exercise for half an hour every day in the morning or evening. Chief guest in his speech highlighted tne
importance of good health in our day-to-day life and told healthy mind stays in healthy body. He also highlighted
theimportance of good habit of exercise. The concluding day, function was followed by rally from college to M G
Road via Mahalaxmi temple and back to college. Chief guest Nikam Guruji in his speech highlighted the importance
of health and fitness and its effect on personality. At the end of the programme all NSS students and citizen
participants were awarded trophies at the hands of the guest. The function concluded with the vote of thanks by
NSS secretary Abhishek Pawar and singing of national anthem.
(Marking scheme :
Content: 2 marks
Accuracyof language: I nark
Appropriateness: Imark
Total : 4 marks)
July 2022

Name of the Interviewee SHRI CHIRAG SHETTY

(distinguished personallty)
Area of Success/Reputation Badmlnton
DateNenue/Time 21st July, 2022. GSCAuditoriunn, 11.00
Duration of Interview 40 minutes
()Interest developed Slr, our audience would like to know many things about you
and badminton. We
have hcard initlally you were a cricketer. Tell us what happened in your school
days that developed your tnterest in badminton?
(2) Idols in life Everyone has some or the other person as his Guru.
Whoaccording to you is your idol in badminton whom you adore?
(3) Early learning/training We have heard that initlally you had gone under rigorous
that you used to practice hours together. training, we were told
Sir, what would you say about your badminton trainings in your
(4)Support We all are aware that to scale the success we need
Who did support you in your journey as a successful badminton player?
(5) Schedule/time table Today you are youth icon and youngsters are following your footsteps. Our audi
ence would like to know more about your daily schedule.
Sir, what is your daily schedule that keeps you so strong and energetic
the match? throughout
(6) Recent achievements We know you have represented India at Olympic as well as in Asian Gamnes.
What are your recent achievements in the field of badminton?
(7) Goals in life Including Olympicand AllEngland Badminton Championship you have won many
competitions. These all are feathers in your cap and honour to our country.
Chirag, what is your final goal in your life that you would like to scale?
(8) Destination Finally at the end of our todays interview we all would like to know what destination
in your life you have decided?
Thank youvery much for sparing your valuable time and inspiring youngsters.
[Marking scheme:
Appropriate framing of questlons: 2 marks
Language and style: I mark
Overall impression: 1 mark
Total : 4 marlcs]

g. 4. (C) Attempt any ONE of the following: [4 Marks]

(1) Speech: (4)
Imagine you have taken part in an elocution competition. You have selected the topic "Nature
our true teacher"Draft aspeech in about 100/150 words that you wish to deliver before the
Respected judges, Principal Sir, mny teachers and my dear student friends Iwish you good morning, Today, on the
occasion of World Environment Day' Iwould like to share my views on the topic 'Nature our true teacher'
We all know that on 5th June, we celebrate world environment day all over the world. This day is celebrated to
show our gratitude towards the nature which is providing us all beautiful things for the ages. Whatever we are
having and getting is fromn this nature only and therefore isnt itour duty to be grateful towards this nature at least
once in a year?
Nature selfless that it knows only to give. We are getting sunlight, rain, trees, crop, water and each and every
thing from the nature only. Do you think we all can live without nature? The most important thing that is Oxy
gen which is needed for our survival we do get it from nature and that too free of charge. We nobody ever thínk
about it. During Corona pandemic outbreak we all realised how important oxygen is for us. Frlends, trees are
our best friends and it is dolng a lot for us. Trees gives us shade, trees hold water gives wood, frewood, fruts
and lowers. Have your thought about trees? We under the name of industrialization, urbanization are cutting
trees indiscriminately and killing our nature. We are pelting stones on tree still trees are giving us sweet fruits
and flowers. They give us pure oxygen and air to breathe. Trees are bringing rain so, mountains, glaciers, oceans
all things make this nature. Actually speaking nature is teachingus how without any expectation we should Je
to gve. Nature is our biggest teacher. Today rather than preservtng this nature we are killng nature. We haye
leftthe oceans and mountains too. Whatever is instde in it we are extracting/removingIrom It. But
whlle taking
Irom nature we all need to prescrve the nature for our future gencratlon clse they wlllive in concrete jungles a
in artificial world.
So, at the end, I propose you all to come together and take an oath to conserve the nature. Let us plant mo
and more trees. With these words. Iconclude my speech and thank you all for listening me with a patlenes
Jal Hind Jat Maharashtra.
|Marking scheme
Logleal scqucnce of ldeas: 2marks
Introducllon: Inark
Concluslon: Imark
Total: 4 marks
(2) Compering:
Imagine. you are given an opportunity and responsibility to compere a programme at your
college based on "Developing reading habits". As a compere,draft the required script to decide
on the flow of the overall programme. You make take help of the given hint:
(Welcome, introduction, felicitation, speakers, quests, students' presentatton, presidential
address, vote of thanks)

Compere: Good morning to all of you. This morning will be a memorable morning as we all have assembled here
to celebrate the greatest poet, dramatist Wiliam Shakespeare's birth anniversary. Before we start the inaugural
function, let's give a big round of applause and welcome to all dignitaries who have come for this function. Now I
request our group of girl singers from our college to sing the welcome song praising Goddess Saraswati.
Group of Girl Singers: They sing a prayer song and welcome song
Compere: Thank you for wonderful singing, Now Ireguest the principal of our college to escort the chief guest on
the dice and light the lamp and announce the inauguration of the 'Developing reading habit day to be started.
Principal &Chief Guest: Dignitaries light up the lamp and the chief guest announces `Developing reading habie
day to be started.
Compere: Thank you very much sir. Now I call upon our Principal sir and request him towelcome the guest and
three students who have won last years 'Best Reader's' award with token of love i.e., bouquets.
Principal: Delivers welcome speech and gives the details of the various activities conducted throughout the year
by AllLanguage Association and welcomes the chief guest.
Compere: Now, I request three /r. college students to come on the dice and present a model of good reading of an
excerpt from Shakespeare's drama Comedy of Errors'.
Compere: Thanks Amit, Rohidas and Sangita for an excellent model reading, Now I call'upon 2nd group of students
to read an excerpt from Maratht Novel Bangarwadi written by avery well-known writer Vyankatesh Madgulkar.
Compere: Well, done students. It is agood model reading in mother tongue which will enlighten and encourage
students to read more and more. Now I request the Chief Guest to give his speech.
Chief Guest: Delivers his Presidential speech.
Compere: Thank you sir for sharing your views and importance of reading to the students. Your speech will cer
tainly give a new insight to the students and all who love reading.
Compere: Sir, really thank you very much for your inspiring words and appreciation. We are really lucky to have
you as our chief guest for today's function. Now Irequest our student representative Manasvi Jadhav to give vote
of thanks.
Manasvi Jadhav: She gives vote of thanks.
Compere: Now,we all will stand to sing our national anthem. Now, I declare that today's programme is ended.
(Marking scheme :
Connective events: 2 marks
Impressive introduction: Imark
Summing up : 1 mark
Total: 4 marks|

(3) Expansion of Idea: (4)
Expand the following idea with the help of the points given below: (100-150 words)
Social Distancing- Aneed of today'.

Roles and responslbilitles Purpose
Acceptance of the fact

"Social Distancing- Anccd of today"

Ithink we all know how much important Is for we all to
matntaln soclal distanclng In today's 2 lst century. bspe
clally during the Corona pandemic, we all were constantly told to keep a soclal distance and avold golng crowded
places l1kecommuing by train, bus or market places so thatwe will be saved from thedisease named Corona. Not
only to save ourselves irOm the various discascs like tuberculosis.
nfluenza, corona ctc social distanclng Is must
but, also to avoid noise pollution in overcrowded cittes we need to maintaln soclal
we need to keep soclal distance from digital media too, This digtal media is distancing, With this distanCing
We all are losing our concentration capacity because of socal media and not
also becoming a cause of our unrest.
maintalhlng soclal
these things. Young generatlon and even the old people too have become part of thls hablt. To distance Irom all
we should develop interest in indoor/outdoor games, take parts in sports. doing Yoga, malntain this hablt,
we won't practice these things we will be away from mental peace and health. To develop the
etc. Unless and unul
ing we have to make our own schedule and learn to follow t. As and when it is needed, we
idea of soclal distanc
have to be with all but
all time you cannot be with everyone. Some time we need to be with ourselves. It is our
responsibility when to be
part of allthings and accordingly we should play our role in day-to-day life. One fact we all have to accept that man
is a social animal and we cannot stay away from the
Conclusion: Finally. Ican say that it is wise to naintain social distance whenever needed and required, we must
decide quickly and act promptly without wasting time. Later on, regretting about it won't help us.
(Marking scheme :
Expansion of Idea: 2 marks
Proper Introduction: I mark
Concluslon: I mark
Total: 4 marks]
Q. 4 (D) Attempt 'Any One' from the given activities: (4 Marks)
(1) Review: (4)
You have recently read a book/magazine. Write a Review' on the same with the help of the
following points: (100-150 words)
Title of the book
"Outcaste by Dr. Narendra Jadhav"
Outcaste' is an autobiographical reminisces of an outcaste economist from Maharashtra. This book has 283 pages
and was first published by Viking books on 1st January. 2003 its original title is Outcaste, aMemoir:' It is a book
with hardcover.Later on, this book has got published in 14 different languages in the world and is widely read by
readers all over the world. It is also published in writers own mother tongue i.e., Marathi and is titled "Aamcha
Baap aani Aamhi,"
Subject story &information: This novel is a multi-layered personalized saga of the social metamorphosis of Dal
it'sin India. At one level it a tribute from son to his father while at another level it is an intelligent appraisal of the
caste system in India especially in Maharashtra. This book is also a proof of awakening of Dalits traverstng from
three generations. The main thing, this novel highlights is the inhumanity and injustice of social order that treats
human worse than animals. The story begins in 1930 when Damu the protagonist of the novel who is constantly
addressed by humiliating word 'Mahar".Darmu refused to comply with the conventional casteist code of society and
religion. Damu had not taken formal education stillhad learnt bit English and also sent his children in school. He
had goatsin his house. He was an ordinary man but did an extraordinary thing, The novel chronicles Dalit history
and DR. Babasaheb Ambedkar's philosophy which had influence on Damu.
My opinion about the book: The language used in the book is very simple and heart touching, According to me it
is a must-read book and all should read it. Especially it has to be read by all strugglers. The book has got five-star
rating by the readers.
(Marking scheme :
Preseniation of the theme/storyline: 2 marks
Technical / Novel aspect: 1 mark
Overall presentation: 1mark
Total: 4 marks)

(2) Blog: Dlcl" with the help of the (4)

Write a'Blog'in proper format on "Food habits- Balanced
points: (100/150 words)
" Nutrition Do's and Don'ts, Balanceddlet need
fol owing
" Good food.
B On The Spot BX
Archive V
Food habits and Balanced Diet
In modern busy life we all need tobe more alerl about our food habltsand our diet. In blg cltes our dail.
and offices. Most of ha
schedule is so much hectic that many of us are spending our time in travelling
time both husband and wife are working and have a small family. Nobody has a time for one another
at time and prepare lood which ls
Being a working lady most of the women are not getting time to stay which is easily
healthy and homemade. Now a days majority of the youngsters enjoy ready to eat tood
all these fast foods are easily avallable. Malor.
available. There are many online apps and outlets where to go in
ity of the people are belonging to upper, middle-class fanily and it has become a prestige 0ssue
restaurants and eat on holidays or order online ready to eat food.
We seriously need to rethink about our changed habits. Once upon a time we were eating certain types of
Iood at certain time of the year. For e.g. during Diwali festival delicious Diwali Faral used to be made
home and served to all famtly. In winter season something which will keep us energlsed such food used
to make but now all 12 months of the vear these food items are available just a click away. It has totaly
affected our food habit. Above all we have forgotten the idea of doing exercise which is a must. Balanced
adapted by we all. New generation is late riser and have habit of sleeping late at night. This
to beaffecting
alet is also our food intake. Young generation love to eat tasty food which is salty and full of
additives. Now it is a time for us to reconsider all these things and set it rignt.
Conclusion: These are the only few things we see but there are many other issues where we need to
make, ourselves awareof many things. This food habit is resulting into many diseases and creating
health issues which are previously unheard. We hope now to change all these things and make future
generation healthy because in healthy body only healthy mind stays. (Marking scheme :
Man content: 2 marks
Header/Menu/Navgation Bar: I mark
Footer: lmark
Total: 4 marks]
(3) Appeal : (4)
Prepare an appeal on the topic, "Avoid Noise Pollution", with the help of the following points
(100to 150words)
Causes "Effects " Actiorn plan " Planning and Implementation
Hospital is 100 metre distance.
Heart diseases
Weakens hearing capacity and increases deafness
Respiratory agitations &High/low-pressure
Results into attack of depression, mental fatigue
Let us plan and be united against noise pollution.
Issued in Public Interest
[Marking scheme :
Presentation of content: 2 marks
Convincing language: 1mark
Inspiring and motivational message: l mark
Total: 4 marks|
9. 4 Complete the activities as per the instructions given below:
(A) Attempt 'Any one' of the following activities: [4 Marks]
(1) Drafting Virtual Message: (4)
You think of attending a programme on 'Environment Protection' at your college. At the same
time yOu find it difficult to meet your friend whom you have promised. Write a message to your
friend convincing about the same.
Draft this message in about 100-150 words specifying your own benefits to attend the
21st July, 2022
Tomorrow on Monday on the occasion of World Earth Day' my college has organised a special function to bring
awareness among the students on the topic Environment Protection'. College has also invited a well-known
environmentalist M. K. Tikkait to guide the students. Being a Geography student, I don't want to miss this golden
opportunity. Exactly on the same time we have scheduled our meeting at your house. Iregretfully would like to say
that because of above reason Iam unable to attend our tomorrow's meeting. I request you to reschedule it as per
your convenience in the next week after 5.00 pm. Sorry for inconvenience.
[Marking scheme:
Content: 2marks
Flow of ideas: l mark
Appropriateness / Language usage: 1mark
Total : 4 marks)

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