writting skills format (1)
writting skills format (1)
writting skills format (1)
IMarkinq schcme:
Contenl: 2marks
Flom of lrleas: l mark
Appropriatene, / Lunquaqe usaqe: Imark
Total: 4tnurksl
q. 4 (B) Attempt any ONE of the following:
(1) Email Writing: |4 Marks]
You have planned a family trip to South India. You necd a (4)
in a proper tormat with all its supporting details you
leave for eight days. Write an email
leave approved. (100 to 150 words) wish to include to convince and get your
From :pravink@ 123.gmail.com
To : managersskford@gmail.com
Sub:An application for eight (08) days leave.
Dear Mr. Ashwin Kumar,
Sir, I Mr. Praveen Kumar a senior clerk in our office would like to inform you that in the first
week of the month
of May Iwould lke to av¡il my balance leave of 8 days. You know, that my son is appearing his 12th standard
examination and therefore last one whole year Iand my family have not spent quality of good time together as his
college, classes and board exam was important. Immediately after his board exam he has his JEENEET entrance
exam as he would like to do engineering later on. Therefore, Iand family are desperately need a break and family
get-together. As a result, we all family members including my parents and in-laws have planned a trip to South In
dia from 2nd May to 9th of May, 2023. I in advance request you to grant me a leave for above mentioned eight days.
You know, Iam a very sincere employee of our organisation and never take leave unless and untilit is required.I
hope that you willgrant my leave. I have already booked the tickets through Raja Rani Travels. For your reference I
am attaching my train tickets and Tours and travels booking. Once again, Iregquest you to grant me leave for above
mentioned eight days.
Thanking you in anticipation.
Yours Faithfully,
Mr. Praveen Kumar
1. Train bookings
2. Tours & travels Bookings
[Marking scheme :
Content: 2 marks
Use of proper format: 1mark
Overall presentation: 1l mark
Total: 4 marks]
(2) Report Writing: awareness week. You are the
Imagine your college recently observed a "Health and fitness" happenings of
editor of the notice board column. Write a report in about 100/150 words on the and details
required information
the awareness week and all the observations, adding all the
witnessed and experienced.
College NSS
Kolhapur June, 21 by student reporter: On the occasion of International Yoga Day Shahu Maharaj to Sunday
students wing of junior college organized "Health and fitness" awareness week from Mondav15thJune
21st June 2022. Shahu Maharaj College trustee Shri. S. S. Jadhav, Principal, DR. Srikant Gowekar and well
known Yoga teacher Nikam Guruji and 125 citizens from nearby area along with NSS volunteers were present 1or
the week long fitness camp. Our trustee Shri. S. S. Jadhav along with Yoga Guru Nikam Guruji inaugurated the
"Health & Fitness week."
The health and fitness week was organised to create an awareness among the students and the citizens around.
Principal, DR. Srikant Gowekar welcomed the trustee and the chief guest Nikam Gurujion the occasion. Alter he
inauguration Chief Guest Nikam Guruji &trustee S.S. Jadhav along with the principal sir lighted the larnp and
offered flowers at the image of Goddess Saraswati. Total 250 citizens including students took part in health and
fitness camp. Allstudents along with citizens took an oath about maintaining fitness and good health. Everybody
agreed to do exercise for half an hour every day in the morning or evening. Chief guest in his speech highlighted tne
importance of good health in our day-to-day life and told healthy mind stays in healthy body. He also highlighted
theimportance of good habit of exercise. The concluding day, function was followed by rally from college to M G
Road via Mahalaxmi temple and back to college. Chief guest Nikam Guruji in his speech highlighted the importance
of health and fitness and its effect on personality. At the end of the programme all NSS students and citizen
participants were awarded trophies at the hands of the guest. The function concluded with the vote of thanks by
NSS secretary Abhishek Pawar and singing of national anthem.
(Marking scheme :
Content: 2 marks
Accuracyof language: I nark
Appropriateness: Imark
Total : 4 marks)
July 2022
Compere: Good morning to all of you. This morning will be a memorable morning as we all have assembled here
to celebrate the greatest poet, dramatist Wiliam Shakespeare's birth anniversary. Before we start the inaugural
function, let's give a big round of applause and welcome to all dignitaries who have come for this function. Now I
request our group of girl singers from our college to sing the welcome song praising Goddess Saraswati.
Group of Girl Singers: They sing a prayer song and welcome song
Compere: Thank you for wonderful singing, Now Ireguest the principal of our college to escort the chief guest on
the dice and light the lamp and announce the inauguration of the 'Developing reading habit day to be started.
Principal &Chief Guest: Dignitaries light up the lamp and the chief guest announces `Developing reading habie
day to be started.
Compere: Thank you very much sir. Now I call upon our Principal sir and request him towelcome the guest and
three students who have won last years 'Best Reader's' award with token of love i.e., bouquets.
Principal: Delivers welcome speech and gives the details of the various activities conducted throughout the year
by AllLanguage Association and welcomes the chief guest.
Compere: Now, I request three /r. college students to come on the dice and present a model of good reading of an
excerpt from Shakespeare's drama Comedy of Errors'.
Compere: Thanks Amit, Rohidas and Sangita for an excellent model reading, Now I call'upon 2nd group of students
to read an excerpt from Maratht Novel Bangarwadi written by avery well-known writer Vyankatesh Madgulkar.
Compere: Well, done students. It is agood model reading in mother tongue which will enlighten and encourage
students to read more and more. Now I request the Chief Guest to give his speech.
Chief Guest: Delivers his Presidential speech.
Compere: Thank you sir for sharing your views and importance of reading to the students. Your speech will cer
tainly give a new insight to the students and all who love reading.
Compere: Sir, really thank you very much for your inspiring words and appreciation. We are really lucky to have
you as our chief guest for today's function. Now Irequest our student representative Manasvi Jadhav to give vote
of thanks.
Manasvi Jadhav: She gives vote of thanks.
Compere: Now,we all will stand to sing our national anthem. Now, I declare that today's programme is ended.
(Marking scheme :
Connective events: 2 marks
Impressive introduction: Imark
Summing up : 1 mark
Total: 4 marks|
(3) Expansion of Idea: (4)
Expand the following idea with the help of the points given below: (100-150 words)
Social Distancing- Aneed of today'.
Roles and responslbilitles Purpose
Acceptance of the fact