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Revision date: 20/12/2018 Revision: 4A Supersedes date: 15/08/2015


Nitobond EP Base

SECTION 1: Identification of the substance/mixture and of the company/undertaking

1.1. Product identifier

Product name Nitobond EP Base

1.2. Relevant identified uses of the substance or mixture and uses advised against
Identified uses Adhesive

1.3. Details of the supplier of the safety data sheet

Supplier Fosroc Chemical (India) Pvt. Ltd
Embassy Point, No 150, 2nd Floor,
Infantry Road,
Bangalore - 560001
+91 80 2355 1500/ 4252 1900
+91 80 2355 1510

1.4. Emergency telephone number

Emergency telephone +91 80 2355 1500/ 4252 1900

SECTION 2: Hazards identification

2.1. Classification of the substance or mixture

Classification (EC 1272/2008)
Physical hazards Not Classified

Health hazards Skin Irrit. 2 - H315 Eye Irrit. 2 - H319 Skin Sens. 1 - H317 Repr. 1B - H360

Environmental hazards Aquatic Acute 1 - H400 Aquatic Chronic 1 - H410

2.2. Label elements

Hazard pictograms

Signal word Danger

Hazard statements H315 Causes skin irritation.

H319 Causes serious eye irritation.
H317 May cause an allergic skin reaction.
H360 May damage fertility or the unborn child.
H410 Very toxic to aquatic life with long lasting effects.

Precautionary statements P264 Wash contaminated skin thoroughly after handling.

P273 Avoid release to the environment.
P280 Wear protective gloves/ protective clothing/ eye protection/ face protection.
P302+P352 IF ON SKIN: Wash with plenty of water.
P305+P351+P338 IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. Remove
contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue rinsing.
P501 Dispose of contents/ container in accordance with national regulations.

Revision date: 20/12/2018 Revision: 4A Supersedes date: 15/08/2015

Nitobond EP Base

Contains EPOXY RESIN (Type A) (Number average MW <= 700 ), DIBUTYL PHTHALATE: DBP

Supplementary precautionary P201 Obtain special instructions before use.

statements P202 Do not handle until all safety precautions have been read and understood.
P261 Avoid breathing vapour/ spray.
P272 Contaminated work clothing should not be allowed out of the workplace.
P308+P313 IF exposed or concerned: Get medical advice/ attention.
P321 Specific treatment (see medical advice on this label).
P332+P313 If skin irritation occurs: Get medical advice/ attention.
P333+P313 If skin irritation or rash occurs: Get medical advice/ attention.
P337+P313 If eye irritation persists: Get medical advice/ attention.
P362+P364 Take off contaminated clothing and wash it before reuse.
P391 Collect spillage.
P405 Store locked up.

2.3. Other hazards

This product does not contain any substances classified as PBT or vPvB.

SECTION 3: Composition/information on ingredients

3.2. Mixtures

reaction product: bisphenol-A-(epichlorhydrin) epoxy resin 60-100%

(number average molecular weight ≤ 700)
CAS number: 25068-38-6 EC number: 500-033-5 REACH registration number: 01-

Skin Irrit. 2 - H315
Eye Irrit. 2 - H319
Skin Sens. 1 - H317
Aquatic Chronic 2 - H411


CAS number: 84-74-2 EC number: 201-557-4
M factor (Acute) = 10 M factor (Chronic) = 10
Substance of very high concern (SVHC).

Acute Tox. 3 - H331
Repr. 1B - H360
Aquatic Acute 1 - H400
Aquatic Chronic 1 - H410


CAS number: 13463-67-7 EC number: 236-675-5 REACH registration number: 01-

Not Classified

Revision date: 20/12/2018 Revision: 4A Supersedes date: 15/08/2015

Nitobond EP Base

CAS number: 67-63-0 EC number: 200-661-7

Flam. Liq. 2 - H225
Eye Irrit. 2 - H319
STOT SE 3 - H336

The Full Text for all R-Phrases and Hazard Statements are Displayed in Section 16.

SECTION 4: First aid measures

4.1. Description of first aid measures

General information When symptoms persist or in all cases of doubt seek medical advice.

Inhalation Ensure supply of fresh air. Move affected person to fresh air and keep warm and at rest in a
position comfortable for breathing. Remove affected person from source of contamination.
Maintain an open airway. Get medical attention.

Ingestion Rinse mouth thoroughly with water. Do not induce vomiting. Remove affected person from
source of contamination. Never give anything by mouth to an unconscious person. Get
medical attention immediately.

Skin contact Remove affected person from source of contamination. Take off immediately all contaminated
clothing. Wash clothing and clean shoes thoroughly before reuse. Wash skin thoroughly with
soap and water. Get medical attention if symptoms are severe or persist after washing.

Eye contact Rinse with water. Remove any contact lenses and open eyelids wide apart. Continue to rinse
for at least 15 minutes and get medical attention. Get medical attention if symptoms are
severe or persist.

4.2. Most important symptoms and effects, both acute and delayed
General information The severity of the symptoms described will vary dependent on the concentration and the
length of exposure.

Inhalation May cause coughing and difficulties in breathing.

Ingestion May cause irritation. May cause discomfort.

Skin contact May cause irritation. May cause sensitisation by skin contact. May cause an allergic skin

Eye contact May cause severe eye irritation.

4.3. Indication of any immediate medical attention and special treatment needed
Notes for the doctor Treat symptomatically.

SECTION 5: Firefighting measures

5.1. Extinguishing media

Suitable extinguishing media Extinguish with foam, carbon dioxide or dry powder.

Unsuitable extinguishing Do not use water jet as an extinguisher, as this will spread the fire.

5.2. Special hazards arising from the substance or mixture

Hazardous combustion Thermal decomposition or combustion products may include the following substances:
products Carbon dioxide (CO2). Carbon monoxide (CO).

Revision date: 20/12/2018 Revision: 4A Supersedes date: 15/08/2015

Nitobond EP Base

5.3. Advice for firefighters

Protective actions during In case of fire: Do not inhale explosion and/or combustion gases. Evacuate area. No action
firefighting shall be taken without appropriate training or involving any personal risk. Move containers
from fire area if it can be done without risk. Do not enter storage areas or confined spaces
unless adequately ventilated. Ventilate closed spaces before entering them. Fight fire from
safe distance or protected location. Fire residues and contaminated fire-fighting water must be
disposed of in accordance within the local regulations.

Special protective equipment Self-contained breathing apparatus. Wear protective fire fighting clothing.
for firefighters

SECTION 6: Accidental release measures

6.1. Personal precautions, protective equipment and emergency procedures

Personal precautions Avoid contact with skin and eyes. Wear protective clothing, gloves, eye and face protection.

6.2. Environmental precautions

Environmental precautions Do not empty into drains. Do not flush into surface water or sanitary sewer system. Prevent
from entering into ditches, sewers, waterways and groundwater. Harmful to aquatic life with
long lasting effects.

6.3. Methods and material for containment and cleaning up

Methods for cleaning up Pick up with absorbent material (e.g. sand, universal absorbent, diatomaceous earth). Waste,
residues, empty containers, discarded work clothes and contaminated cleaning materials
should be collected in designated containers, labelled with their contents.

6.4. Reference to other sections

Reference to other sections For personal protection, see Section 8. For waste disposal, see Section 13.

SECTION 7: Handling and storage

7.1. Precautions for safe handling

Usage precautions Wear protective clothing, gloves, eye and face protection. Avoid contact with skin, eyes and
clothing. Avoid breathing gas, fume, vapours or spray. Provide adequate ventilation. Wash
contaminated skin thoroughly after handling. Provide eyewash station and safety shower.

Advice on general When using do not eat, drink or smoke. Good personal hygiene procedures should be
occupational hygiene implemented. Wash contaminated skin thoroughly after handling. Take off immediately all
contaminated clothing and wash it before reuse. Wash at the end of each work shift and
before eating, smoking and using the toilet.

7.2. Conditions for safe storage, including any incompatibilities

Storage precautions Store in tightly-closed, original container in a dry, cool and well-ventilated place. Keep away
from food, drink and animal feeding stuffs.

Storage class Chemical storage.

7.3. Specific end use(s)

Specific end use(s) The identified uses for this product are detailed in Section 1.2.

SECTION 8: Exposure controls/Personal protection

8.1. Control parameters

Occupational exposure limits
Long-term exposure limit (8-hour TWA): WEL 5 mg/m³
Short-term exposure limit (15-minute): WEL 10 mg/m³

Revision date: 20/12/2018 Revision: 4A Supersedes date: 15/08/2015

Nitobond EP Base

Long-term exposure limit (8-hour TWA): WEL 10 mg/m³ inhalable dust
Long-term exposure limit (8-hour TWA): WEL 4 mg/m³ respirable dust
Long-term exposure limit (8-hour TWA): WEL 400 ppm 999 mg/m³
Short-term exposure limit (15-minute): WEL 500 ppm 1250 mg/m³
WEL = Workplace Exposure Limit

Ingredient comments WEL = Workplace Exposure Limits

reaction product: bisphenol-A-(epichlorhydrin) epoxy resin (number average molecular weight ≤ 700) (CAS:

DNEL Workers - Inhalation; Short term systemic effects: 12.25 mg/m³

Workers - Inhalation; Long term systemic effects: 12.25 mg/m³

PNEC - Fresh water; 0.006 mg/l


DNEL Workers - Inhalation; Long term systemic effects: 0.13 mg/m³

Workers - Dermal; Long term systemic effects: 0.19 mg/kg bw/day

PNEC - Fresh water; 10 µg/l

- marine water; 1 µg/l


DNEL Industry - Inhalation; Long term local effects: 10 mg/m³

Consumer - Oral; Long term systemic effects: 700 mg/kg/day

PNEC - Fresh water; 0.127 mg/l

- Sediment (Freshwater); >=1000 mg/kg
- marine water; 1 mg/l
- Sediment (Marinewater); >= 100 mg/kg
- Soil; 100 mg/kg
- STP; 100 mg/l

PROPAN-2-OL (CAS: 67-63-0)

DNEL Workers - Dermal; Long term systemic effects: 888 mg/kg

Workers - Inhalation; Long term systemic effects: 500 mg/m³

PNEC - Fresh water, marine water, Intermittent release; 140.9 mg/l

8.2. Exposure controls

Protective equipment

Appropriate engineering Provide adequate general and local exhaust ventilation. Avoid inhalation of vapours and
controls spray/mists. Observe any occupational exposure limits for the product or ingredients.

Eye/face protection Wear tight-fitting, chemical splash goggles or face shield.

Revision date: 20/12/2018 Revision: 4A Supersedes date: 15/08/2015

Nitobond EP Base

Hand protection Nitrile gloves are recommended.

Other skin and body Wear appropriate clothing to prevent any possibility of skin contact.

Hygiene measures Good personal hygiene procedures should be implemented. Wash contaminated skin
thoroughly after handling. Do not eat, drink or smoke when using this product.

Respiratory protection Gas filter, type A2.

SECTION 9: Physical and chemical properties

9.1. Information on basic physical and chemical properties

Appearance Liquid.

Colour White

Odour Mild

Relative density 1.51 @ 27°C

Solubility(ies) Insoluble in water

Explosive properties Not considered to be explosive.

Explosive under the influence Not considered to be explosive.

of a flame

Oxidising properties The mixture itself has not been tested but none of the ingredient substances meet the criteria
for classification as oxidising.

9.2. Other information

Volatile organic compound This product contains a maximum VOC content of 5 g/l.

SECTION 10: Stability and reactivity

10.1. Reactivity
Reactivity The following materials may react with the product: Amines. Alcohols.

10.2. Chemical stability

Stability Stable at normal ambient temperatures and when used as recommended.

10.3. Possibility of hazardous reactions

Possibility of hazardous Under normal conditions of storage and use, no hazardous reactions will occur.

10.4. Conditions to avoid

Conditions to avoid Avoid heat.

10.5. Incompatible materials

Materials to avoid Acids. Alkalis.

10.6. Hazardous decomposition products

Hazardous decomposition Does not decompose when used and stored as recommended.

SECTION 11: Toxicological information

11.1. Information on toxicological effects

Acute toxicity - inhalation

Revision date: 20/12/2018 Revision: 4A Supersedes date: 15/08/2015

Nitobond EP Base

ATE inhalation (vapours mg/l) 65.38

Inhalation May cause coughing and difficulties in breathing.

Ingestion May cause discomfort.

Skin contact May cause irritation.

Eye contact Irritating to eyes.

Target organs Skin Eyes Respiratory system, lungs

Toxicological information on ingredients.

reaction product: bisphenol-A-(epichlorhydrin) epoxy resin (number average molecular weight ≤ 700)

Acute toxicity - oral

Acute toxicity oral (LD₅₀ 5,000.0


Species Rat

Notes (oral LD₅₀) NOAEL 750 mg/kg, Oral, Rat

ATE oral (mg/kg) 5,000.0

Acute toxicity - dermal

Acute toxicity dermal (LD₅₀ 20,000.0


Species Rabbit

Notes (dermal LD₅₀) LD₅₀ >1600 mg/kg, Dermal, Rat

ATE dermal (mg/kg) 20,000.0

Skin corrosion/irritation

Animal data Rabbit Moderately irritating.

Skin sensitisation

Skin sensitisation May cause sensitisation by skin contact.


Acute toxicity - oral

Acute toxicity oral (LD₅₀ 8,000.0


Species Rat

ATE oral (mg/kg) 8,000.0

Acute toxicity - dermal

Acute toxicity dermal (LD₅₀ 20,860.0


Species Rabbit

ATE dermal (mg/kg) 20,860.0

Acute toxicity - inhalation

Revision date: 20/12/2018 Revision: 4A Supersedes date: 15/08/2015

Nitobond EP Base

Acute toxicity inhalation 4.25

(LC₅₀ vapours mg/l)

Species Rat

ATE inhalation (vapours 4.25


Acute and chronic health INGESTION. May cause stomach pain or vomiting. Inhalation May cause
hazards respiratory system irritation. SKIN CONTACT. May cause skin irritation/eczema.
May cause sensitisation by skin contact. EYE CONTACT. Irritating to eyes.


Acute toxicity - oral

Acute toxicity oral (LD₅₀ 5,840.0


Species Rat

ATE oral (mg/kg) 5,840.0

Acute toxicity - dermal

Acute toxicity dermal (LD₅₀ 13,900.0


Species Rat

ATE dermal (mg/kg) 13,900.0

Acute toxicity - inhalation

Acute toxicity inhalation 72.6

(LC₅₀ vapours mg/l)

Species Rat

ATE inhalation (vapours 72.6



IARC carcinogenicity IARC Group 3 Not classifiable as to its carcinogenicity to humans.

Specific target organ toxicity - repeated exposure

Target organs Eyes Kidneys Liver Respiratory system, lungs Skin Central nervous system

SECTION 12: Ecological information

Ecotoxicity The product contains a substance which is toxic to aquatic organisms and which may cause
long-term adverse effects in the aquatic environment.

12.1. Toxicity
Ecological information on ingredients.

reaction product: bisphenol-A-(epichlorhydrin) epoxy resin (number average molecular weight ≤ 700)

Toxicity Ecotoxic to fish/daphnia/algae

Acute aquatic toxicity

Revision date: 20/12/2018 Revision: 4A Supersedes date: 15/08/2015

Nitobond EP Base

Acute toxicity - fish LC₅₀, 96 hours: 3.6 mg/l, Leuciscus idus (Golden orfe)
LC₅₀, 96 hours: 2 mg/l, Oncorhynchus mykiss (Rainbow trout)

Acute toxicity - aquatic EC₅₀, 48 hours: 1.8 mg/l, Daphnia magna


Acute toxicity - aquatic EC50, 72 hours: 11 mg/l, Scenedesmus capricornutum (fresh water algae)


Acute aquatic toxicity

LE(C)₅₀ 0.01 < L(E)C50 ≤ 0.1

M factor (Acute) 10

Acute toxicity - fish LC₅₀, 96 hours: 0.85 mg/l, Pimephales promelas (Fat-head Minnow)
LC₅₀, 96 hours: 1.6 mg/l, Salmo gairdneri

Acute toxicity - aquatic LC₅₀, 48 hours: 3.7 mg/l, Daphnia magna


Acute toxicity - aquatic EC₅₀, 96 hours: 0.75 mg/l, Selenastrum capricornutum


Chronic aquatic toxicity

M factor (Chronic) 10


Acute aquatic toxicity

Acute toxicity - fish LC50, 96 hours: 1400 - 9640 mg/l, Pimephales promelas (Fat-head Minnow)

Acute toxicity - aquatic EC₅₀, 48 hours: 13299 mg/l, Daphnia magna


12.2. Persistence and degradability

Persistence and degradability The product is not expected to be biodegradable.

Ecological information on ingredients.

reaction product: bisphenol-A-(epichlorhydrin) epoxy resin (number average molecular weight ≤ 700)

Persistence and The product is not readily biodegradable.


12.3. Bioaccumulative potential

Bioaccumulative potential No data available on bioaccumulation.

Ecological information on ingredients.

reaction product: bisphenol-A-(epichlorhydrin) epoxy resin (number average molecular weight ≤ 700)

Partition coefficient log Pow: 3.242


Partition coefficient log Pow: 0.05

12.4. Mobility in soil

Revision date: 20/12/2018 Revision: 4A Supersedes date: 15/08/2015

Nitobond EP Base

Mobility The product contains substances which are insoluble in water and which sediment in water

Ecological information on ingredients.

reaction product: bisphenol-A-(epichlorhydrin) epoxy resin (number average molecular weight ≤ 700)

Mobility The product has poor water-solubility.

Adsorption/desorption Water - Koc: 445 @ °C



Surface tension 22.7 mN/m @ 20°C

12.5. Results of PBT and vPvB assessment

Results of PBT and vPvB This product does not contain any substances classified as PBT or vPvB.

Ecological information on ingredients.

reaction product: bisphenol-A-(epichlorhydrin) epoxy resin (number average molecular weight ≤ 700)

Results of PBT and vPvB This product does not contain any substances classified as PBT or vPvB.


Results of PBT and vPvB This substance is not classified as PBT or vPvB according to current EU criteria.

12.6. Other adverse effects

Other adverse effects None known.

SECTION 13: Disposal considerations

13.1. Waste treatment methods

General information Waste, residues, empty containers, discarded work clothes and contaminated cleaning
materials should be collected in designated containers, labelled with their contents. Do not
empty into drains, sewers or water courses.

Disposal methods Dispose of waste to licensed waste disposal site in accordance with the requirements of the
local Waste Disposal Authority.

SECTION 14: Transport information

14.1. UN number
UN No. (ADR/RID) 3082

UN No. (IMDG) 3082

UN No. (ICAO) 3082

UN No. (ADN) 3082

14.2. UN proper shipping name

(ADR/RID) RESIN (Type A) (Number average MW <= 700 ), DIBUTYL PHTHALATE: DBP)

Revision date: 20/12/2018 Revision: 4A Supersedes date: 15/08/2015

Nitobond EP Base

RESIN (Type A) (Number average MW <= 700 ), DIBUTYL PHTHALATE: DBP)

RESIN (Type A) (Number average MW <= 700 ), DIBUTYL PHTHALATE: DBP)

RESIN (Type A) (Number average MW <= 700 ), DIBUTYL PHTHALATE: DBP)

14.3. Transport hazard class(es)

ADR/RID class 9

ADR/RID classification code M6

ADR/RID label 9

IMDG class 9

ICAO class/division 9

ADN class 9

Transport labels

14.4. Packing group

ADR/RID packing group III

IMDG packing group III

ICAO packing group III

ADN packing group III

14.5. Environmental hazards

Environmentally hazardous substance/marine pollutant

14.6. Special precautions for user

EmS F-A, S-F

ADR transport category 3

Emergency Action Code •3Z

Hazard Identification Number 90


Tunnel restriction code (-)

14.7. Transport in bulk according to Annex II of MARPOL and the IBC Code
Transport in bulk according to Not applicable.
Annex II of MARPOL 73/78
and the IBC Code

SECTION 15: Regulatory information

Revision date: 20/12/2018 Revision: 4A Supersedes date: 15/08/2015

Nitobond EP Base

15.1. Safety, health and environmental regulations/legislation specific for the substance or mixture
National regulations The Manufacture, storage and import of hazardous chemicals rules 1989.

EU legislation Commission Regulation (EU) No 453/2010 of 20 May 2010.

Regulation (EC) No 1272/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 16
December 2008 on classification, labelling and packaging of substances and mixtures (as
Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 18
December 2006 concerning the Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of
Chemicals (REACH) (as amended).

Guidance Safety Data Sheets for Substances and Preparations.

15.2. Chemical safety assessment

No chemical safety assessment has been carried out.

SECTION 16: Other information

Abbreviations and acronyms ATE: Acute Toxicity Estimate.

used in the safety data sheet ADR: European Agreement concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by
DNEL: Derived No Effect Level.
PBT: Persistent, Bioaccumulative and Toxic substance.
PNEC: Predicted No Effect Concentration.
REACH: Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of Chemicals Regulation
(EC) No 1907/2006.
vPvB: Very Persistent and Very Bioaccumulative.
LC50: Lethal Concentration, 50%
EC₅₀: 50% of maximal Effective Concentration.
IARC: International Agency for Research on Cancer.

General information Only trained personnel should use this material. The data and advice given apply when the
product is used for the stated application or applications. The product is not sold as suitable
for any other application. Use of the product for applications other than as stated in this sheet
may give rise to risks not mentioned in this sheet. The product should not be used other than
for a stated application or applications without seeking advice from Fosroc Ltd. Further copies
of this Safety Data Sheet may be obtained from Fosroc Limited.

Revision comments NOTE: Lines within the margin indicate significant changes from the previous revision.

Revision date 20/12/2018

Revision 4A

Supersedes date 15/08/2015

SDS number 23008

Hazard statements in full H225 Highly flammable liquid and vapour.

H315 Causes skin irritation.
H317 May cause an allergic skin reaction.
H319 Causes serious eye irritation.
H331 Toxic if inhaled.
H336 May cause drowsiness or dizziness.
H360 May damage fertility or the unborn child.
H400 Very toxic to aquatic life.
H410 Very toxic to aquatic life with long lasting effects.
H411 Toxic to aquatic life with long lasting effects.

Revision date: 20/12/2018 Revision: 4A Supersedes date: 15/08/2015

Nitobond EP Base

The information on this data sheet represents our current data and is reliable provided that the product is used under the
prescribed conditions and in accordance with the application specified on the packaging and/or in the technical guidance
literature. Any other use of the product which involves using the product in combination with any other product or any other
process is the responsibility of the user.

Revision date: 18/12/2018 Revision: 4A Supersedes date: 15/08/2015


Nitobond EP Hardener

SECTION 1: Identification of the substance/mixture and of the company/undertaking

1.1. Product identifier

Product name Nitobond EP Hardener

1.2. Relevant identified uses of the substance or mixture and uses advised against
Identified uses Adhesive

1.3. Details of the supplier of the safety data sheet

Supplier Fosroc Chemical (India) Pvt. Ltd
Embassy Point, No 150, 2nd Floor,
Infantry Road,
Bangalore - 560001
+91 80 2355 1500/ 4252 1900
+91 80 2355 1510

1.4. Emergency telephone number

Emergency telephone +91 80 2355 1500/ 4252 1900

SECTION 2: Hazards identification

2.1. Classification of the substance or mixture

Classification (EC 1272/2008)
Physical hazards Not Classified

Health hazards Acute Tox. 4 - H302 Acute Tox. 4 - H332 Skin Irrit. 2 - H315 Eye Dam. 1 - H318 Skin Sens. 1
- H317 Muta. 2 - H341 Carc. 1B - H350 STOT SE 1 - H370 STOT RE 2 - H373

Environmental hazards Aquatic Acute 1 - H400 Aquatic Chronic 1 - H410

Classification (67/548/EEC or -

Human health May cause serious eye damage. May cause skin sensitisation or allergic reactions in sensitive

Environmental The product contains a substance which is toxic to aquatic organisms and which may cause
long-term adverse effects in the aquatic environment.

2.2. Label elements

Hazard pictograms

Signal word Danger

Revision date: 18/12/2018 Revision: 4A Supersedes date: 15/08/2015

Nitobond EP Hardener

Hazard statements H302+H332 Harmful if swallowed or if inhaled.

H315 Causes skin irritation.
H318 Causes serious eye damage.
H317 May cause an allergic skin reaction.
H341 Suspected of causing genetic defects.
H350 May cause cancer.
H370 Causes damage to organs .
H373 May cause damage to organs through prolonged or repeated exposure.
H410 Very toxic to aquatic life with long lasting effects.

Precautionary statements P210 Keep away from heat, hot surfaces, sparks, open flames and other ignition sources. No
P273 Avoid release to the environment.
P303+P361+P353 IF ON SKIN (or hair): Take off immediately all contaminated clothing.
Rinse skin with water or shower.
P304+P340 IF INHALED: Remove person to fresh air and keep comfortable for breathing.
P305+P351+P338 IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. Remove
contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue rinsing.
P501 Dispose of contents/ container in accordance with national regulations.

Contains 4,4'-METHYLENEDIANILINE, EPOXY RESIN (Type A) (Number average MW <= 700 ),


Supplementary precautionary P201 Obtain special instructions before use.

statements P202 Do not handle until all safety precautions have been read and understood.
P233 Keep container tightly closed.
P240 Ground and bond container and receiving equipment.
P241 Use explosion-proof electrical equipment.
P242 Use non-sparking tools.
P243 Take action to prevent static discharges.
P260 Do not breathe vapour/ spray.
P261 Avoid breathing vapour/ spray.
P264 Wash contaminated skin thoroughly after handling.
P270 Do not eat, drink or smoke when using this product.
P271 Use only outdoors or in a well-ventilated area.
P272 Contaminated work clothing should not be allowed out of the workplace.
P280 Wear protective gloves/ protective clothing/ eye protection/ face protection.
P301+P312 IF SWALLOWED: Call a POISON CENTRE/doctor if you feel unwell.
P302+P352 IF ON SKIN: Wash with plenty of water.
P308+P311 IF exposed or concerned: Call a POISON CENTER or doctor.
P308+P313 IF exposed or concerned: Get medical advice/ attention.
P310 Immediately call a POISON CENTER/ doctor.
P314 Get medical advice/ attention if you feel unwell.
P321 Specific treatment (see medical advice on this label).
P330 Rinse mouth.
P332+P313 If skin irritation occurs: Get medical advice/ attention.
P333+P313 If skin irritation or rash occurs: Get medical advice/ attention.
P362+P364 Take off contaminated clothing and wash it before reuse.
P370+P378 In case of fire: Use foam, carbon dioxide, dry powder or water fog to extinguish.
P391 Collect spillage.
P403+P235 Store in a well-ventilated place. Keep cool.
P405 Store locked up.

2.3. Other hazards

This product does not contain any substances classified as PBT or vPvB.

Revision date: 18/12/2018 Revision: 4A Supersedes date: 15/08/2015

Nitobond EP Hardener

SECTION 3: Composition/information on ingredients

3.2. Mixtures

CAS number: 101-77-9 EC number: 202-974-4
M factor (Acute) = 1 M factor (Chronic) = 10
Substance of very high concern (SVHC).

Acute Tox. 3 - H301
Acute Tox. 2 - H330
Skin Sens. 1 - H317
Muta. 2 - H341
Carc. 1B - H350
STOT SE 1 - H370
STOT RE 2 - H373
Aquatic Acute 1 - H400
Aquatic Chronic 1 - H410

reaction product: bisphenol-A-(epichlorhydrin) epoxy resin 30-60%

(number average molecular weight ≤ 700)
CAS number: 25068-38-6 EC number: 500-033-5 REACH registration number: 01-

Skin Irrit. 2 - H315
Eye Irrit. 2 - H319
Skin Sens. 1 - H317
Aquatic Chronic 2 - H411


CAS number: 122-60-1 EC number: 204-557-2

Acute Tox. 4 - H302
Acute Tox. 4 - H332
Skin Irrit. 2 - H315
Skin Sens. 1 - H317
Muta. 2 - H341
Carc. 1B - H350
STOT SE 3 - H335
Aquatic Chronic 3 - H412


CAS number: 12001-26-2 EC number: 601-648-2

Not Classified

Revision date: 18/12/2018 Revision: 4A Supersedes date: 15/08/2015

Nitobond EP Hardener

CAS number: 1330-20-7 EC number: 215-535-7 REACH registration number: 01-

Flam. Liq. 3 - H226
Acute Tox. 4 - H312
Acute Tox. 4 - H332
Skin Irrit. 2 - H315

CAS number: 100-41-4 EC number: 202-849-4

Flam. Liq. 2 - H225
Acute Tox. 4 - H332
STOT RE 2 - H373
Asp. Tox. 1 - H304

The Full Text for all R-Phrases and Hazard Statements are Displayed in Section 16.

SECTION 4: First aid measures

4.1. Description of first aid measures

General information When symptoms persist or in all cases of doubt seek medical advice.

Inhalation Move affected person to fresh air and keep warm and at rest in a position comfortable for
breathing. Get medical attention.

Ingestion Do not induce vomiting. Rinse mouth thoroughly with water. Never give anything by mouth to
an unconscious person. Get medical attention immediately.

Skin contact Rinse immediately with plenty of water. Remove contaminated clothing. Wash contaminated
clothing before reuse. Get medical attention.

Eye contact Remove any contact lenses and open eyelids wide apart. Rinse immediately with plenty of
water. Continue to rinse for at least 15 minutes. Get medical attention immediately.

4.2. Most important symptoms and effects, both acute and delayed
General information The severity of the symptoms described will vary dependent on the concentration and the
length of exposure.

Inhalation May cause coughing and difficulties in breathing.

Ingestion May cause stomach pain or vomiting. May cause discomfort.

Skin contact Causes severe burns. May cause an allergic skin reaction.

Eye contact Severe irritation, burning and tearing.

4.3. Indication of any immediate medical attention and special treatment needed
Notes for the doctor Treat symptomatically.

SECTION 5: Firefighting measures

5.1. Extinguishing media

Suitable extinguishing media Extinguish with foam, carbon dioxide or dry powder. Larger fires: Water spray.

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Nitobond EP Hardener

Unsuitable extinguishing Do not use water jet as an extinguisher, as this will spread the fire.

5.2. Special hazards arising from the substance or mixture

Specific hazards Containers can burst violently or explode when heated, due to excessive pressure build-up.

Hazardous combustion Carbon monoxide (CO). Carbon dioxide (CO2). Oxides of nitrogen.

5.3. Advice for firefighters

Protective actions during Move containers from fire area if it can be done without risk. No action shall be taken without
firefighting appropriate training or involving any personal risk. Fire residues and contaminated fire-fighting
water must be disposed of in accordance within the local regulations.

Special protective equipment Wear positive-pressure self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA) and appropriate protective
for firefighters clothing.

SECTION 6: Accidental release measures

6.1. Personal precautions, protective equipment and emergency procedures

Personal precautions Avoid inhalation of vapours and contact with skin and eyes. Wear protective clothing, gloves,
eye and face protection.

6.2. Environmental precautions

Environmental precautions Do not discharge into drains or watercourses or onto the ground. Spillages or uncontrolled
discharges into watercourses must be reported immediately to the Environmental Agency or
other appropriate regulatory body.

6.3. Methods and material for containment and cleaning up

Methods for cleaning up Pick up with absorbent material (e.g. sand, universal absorbent, diatomaceous earth). Waste,
residues, empty containers, discarded work clothes and contaminated cleaning materials
should be collected in designated containers, labelled with their contents.

6.4. Reference to other sections

Reference to other sections For personal protection, see Section 8. For waste disposal, see Section 13.

SECTION 7: Handling and storage

7.1. Precautions for safe handling

Usage precautions Avoid inhalation of vapours and contact with skin and eyes. Wear protective clothing as
described in Section 8 of this safety data sheet. Avoid spilling.

Advice on general Do not eat, drink or smoke when using this product. Wash at the end of each work shift and
occupational hygiene before eating, smoking and using the toilet. Take off contaminated clothing and wash it before

7.2. Conditions for safe storage, including any incompatibilities

Storage precautions Store in tightly-closed, original container in a dry and cool place.

Storage class Chemical storage.

7.3. Specific end use(s)

Specific end use(s) The identified uses for this product are detailed in Section 1.2.

SECTION 8: Exposure controls/Personal protection

8.1. Control parameters

Occupational exposure limits

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Nitobond EP Hardener

Long-term exposure limit (8-hour TWA): WEL 0.01 ppm 0.08 mg/m³
Carc, Sk
Long-term exposure limit (8-hour TWA): WEL 1 ppm 6.2 mg/m³
Short-term exposure limit (15-minute): WEL
Long-term exposure limit (8-hour TWA): WEL 0,8 mg/m³
Long-term exposure limit (8-hour TWA): WEL 50 ppm 220 mg/m³
Short-term exposure limit (15-minute): WEL 100 ppm 441 mg/m³
Long-term exposure limit (8-hour TWA): WEL 100 ppm 441 mg/m³
Short-term exposure limit (15-minute): WEL 125 ppm 552 mg/m³
WEL = Workplace Exposure Limit
Carc = Capable of causing cancer and/or heritable genetic damage.
Sk = Can be absorbed through the skin.

reaction product: bisphenol-A-(epichlorhydrin) epoxy resin (number average molecular weight ≤ 700) (CAS:

DNEL Workers - Inhalation; Short term systemic effects: 12.25 mg/m³

Workers - Inhalation; Long term systemic effects: 12.25 mg/m³

PNEC - Fresh water; 0.006 mg/l


DNEL Workers - Inhalation; Long term systemic effects: 5 mg/m³

Workers - Dermal; Long term systemic effects: 2.3 mg/kg bw/day
Workers - Inhalation; Long term local effects: 5 mg/m³
General population - Inhalation; Long term systemic effects: 4 mg/m³

PNEC - Fresh water; 0.20 mg/l

- marine water; 0.020 mg/l
- Sediment (Freshwater); 1.42 mg/kg dw
- Soil; 0.17 mg/kg dw
- STP; 16.2 mg/l

XYLENE (CAS: 1330-20-7)

DNEL Workers - Inhalation; Long term systemic effects: 77 mg/m³

Workers - Inhalation; Short term systemic effects: 289 mg/m³
Workers - Dermal; Long term systemic effects: 180 mg/kg/day

PNEC - Fresh water; 0.327 mg/l

- marine water; 0.327 mg/l
- STP; 6.58 mg/l


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Nitobond EP Hardener

DNEL Workers - Inhalation; Long term systemic effects: 77 mg/m³

Workers - Dermal; Long term systemic effects: 180 mg/kg bw/day

PNEC - Fresh water; 0.1 mg/l

- marine water; 0.01 mg/l

8.2. Exposure controls

Protective equipment

Appropriate engineering Provide adequate general and local exhaust ventilation.


Eye/face protection Wear tight-fitting, chemical splash goggles or face shield.

Hand protection Chemical-resistant, impervious gloves complying with an approved standard should be worn if
a risk assessment indicates skin contact is possible. Wear protective gloves made of the
following material: Butyl rubber. Nitrile rubber. Viton rubber (fluoro rubber).

Hygiene measures Provide eyewash station and safety shower. Discard contaminated shoes and clothing. Do not
smoke in work area. Do not eat, drink or smoke when using this product. Wash promptly with
soap and water if skin becomes contaminated. Wash at the end of each work shift and before
eating, smoking and using the toilet. Use appropriate skin cream to prevent drying of skin.

Respiratory protection If ventilation is inadequate, suitable respiratory protection must be worn. Gas filter, type K.

SECTION 9: Physical and chemical properties

9.1. Information on basic physical and chemical properties

Appearance Liquid

Colour White

Odour Amine.

Flash point Not determined.

Relative density 1.51 @ 27°C

Solubility(ies) Miscible in water

Explosive properties Not considered to be explosive.

Explosive under the influence Not considered to be explosive.

of a flame

Oxidising properties The mixture itself has not been tested but none of the ingredient substances meet the criteria
for classification as oxidising.

9.2. Other information

Volatile organic compound This product contains a maximum VOC content of 5 g/l.

SECTION 10: Stability and reactivity

10.1. Reactivity
Reactivity The reactivity data for this product will be typical of those for the following class of materials:

10.2. Chemical stability

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Nitobond EP Hardener

Stability Will decompose at temperatures exceeding 200°C.

10.3. Possibility of hazardous reactions

Possibility of hazardous Under normal conditions of storage and use, no hazardous reactions will occur.

10.4. Conditions to avoid

Conditions to avoid Avoid heat.

10.5. Incompatible materials

Materials to avoid Alkali metals. Alkaline earth metals. Oxidising agents. Materials reactive with hydroxyl
Organic acids (i.e. acetic acid, citric acid etc.).
Mineral acids.
Sodium hypochlorite Acids.

10.6. Hazardous decomposition products

Hazardous decomposition Carbon monoxide (CO). Carbon dioxide (CO2). Oxides of nitrogen.

SECTION 11: Toxicological information

11.1. Information on toxicological effects

Acute toxicity - oral
ATE oral (mg/kg) 655.39

Acute toxicity - inhalation

ATE inhalation (gases ppm) 36,630.04

ATE inhalation (dusts/mists 1.32


Inhalation May cause coughing and difficulties in breathing.

Ingestion May cause stomach pain or vomiting.

Skin contact Causes severe burns. May be harmful in contact with skin. May cause an allergic
skin reaction.

Eye contact Causes serious eye damage.

Acute and chronic health Suspected of causing cancer. Suspected of causing genetic defects.

Target organs Liver Kidneys

Toxicological information on ingredients.


Acute toxicity - oral

Acute toxicity oral (LD₅₀ 260.0


Species Guinea pig

ATE oral (mg/kg) 260.0

Acute toxicity - dermal

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Nitobond EP Hardener

Acute toxicity dermal (LD₅₀ 2,080.0


Species Rat

ATE dermal (mg/kg) 2,080.0

Acute toxicity - inhalation

Acute toxicity inhalation 0.46

(LC₅₀ dust/mist mg/l)

Species Rat

ATE inhalation 0.46

(dusts/mists mg/l)


IARC carcinogenicity IARC Group 2B Possibly carcinogenic to humans.

reaction product: bisphenol-A-(epichlorhydrin) epoxy resin (number average molecular weight ≤ 700)

Acute toxicity - oral

Acute toxicity oral (LD₅₀ 5,000.0


Species Rat

Notes (oral LD₅₀) NOAEL 750 mg/kg, Oral, Rat

ATE oral (mg/kg) 5,000.0

Acute toxicity - dermal

Acute toxicity dermal (LD₅₀ 20,000.0


Species Rabbit

Notes (dermal LD₅₀) LD₅₀ >1600 mg/kg, Dermal, Rat

ATE dermal (mg/kg) 20,000.0

Skin corrosion/irritation

Animal data Rabbit Moderately irritating.

Skin sensitisation

Skin sensitisation May cause sensitisation by skin contact.


Acute toxicity - oral

Acute toxicity oral (LD₅₀ 1,400.0


Species Mouse

ATE oral (mg/kg) 1,400.0

Acute toxicity - dermal

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Nitobond EP Hardener

Acute toxicity dermal (LD₅₀ 2,990.0


Species Rabbit

ATE dermal (mg/kg) 2,990.0

Acute toxicity - inhalation

Acute toxicity inhalation 5,000.0

(LC₅₀ gases ppmV)

Species Rat

ATE inhalation (gases 5,000.0



Acute toxicity - oral

Acute toxicity oral (LD₅₀ 891.0


Species Rat

ATE oral (mg/kg) 891.0

Acute toxicity - dermal

Notes (dermal LD₅₀) LD₅₀ >2000 mg/kg, Dermal, Rat

Acute toxicity - inhalation

Notes (inhalation LC₅₀) LC50 >0.9 mg/l, Inhalation, Rat


Acute toxicity - dermal

ATE dermal (mg/kg) 1,100.0


IARC carcinogenicity IARC Group 3 Not classifiable as to its carcinogenicity to humans.



IARC carcinogenicity IARC Group 2B Possibly carcinogenic to humans.

SECTION 12: Ecological information

Ecotoxicity The product contains a substance which is toxic to aquatic organisms and which may cause
long-term adverse effects in the aquatic environment.

12.1. Toxicity
Ecological information on ingredients.


Acute aquatic toxicity

LE(C)₅₀ 0.1 < L(E)C50 ≤ 1

M factor (Acute) 1

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Nitobond EP Hardener

Acute toxicity - fish LC₅₀, 96 hours: 20.6 mg/l, Oryzias latipes (Red killifish)

Chronic aquatic toxicity

M factor (Chronic) 10

reaction product: bisphenol-A-(epichlorhydrin) epoxy resin (number average molecular weight ≤ 700)

Toxicity Ecotoxic to fish/daphnia/algae

Acute aquatic toxicity

Acute toxicity - fish LC₅₀, 96 hours: 3.6 mg/l, Leuciscus idus (Golden orfe)
LC₅₀, 96 hours: 2 mg/l, Oncorhynchus mykiss (Rainbow trout)

Acute toxicity - aquatic EC₅₀, 48 hours: 1.8 mg/l, Daphnia magna


Acute toxicity - aquatic EC50, 72 hours: 11 mg/l, Scenedesmus capricornutum (fresh water algae)


Acute aquatic toxicity

Acute toxicity - fish LC₈₀, : 90 mg/l, Leuciscus idus (Golden orfe)

LC₅₀, 96 hours: 1.3 mg/l, Pimephales promelas (Fat-head Minnow)

Acute toxicity - aquatic EC₈₀, 24 hours: 105 mg/l, Daphnia magna



Toxicity Not considered toxic to fish.

12.2. Persistence and degradability

Persistence and degradability The product is not readily biodegradable.

Ecological information on ingredients.

reaction product: bisphenol-A-(epichlorhydrin) epoxy resin (number average molecular weight ≤ 700)

Persistence and The product is not readily biodegradable.



Persistence and Expected to be not readily biodegradable.


12.3. Bioaccumulative potential

Bioaccumulative potential Bioaccumulation is unlikely to be significant because of the low water-solubility of this product.

Ecological information on ingredients.

reaction product: bisphenol-A-(epichlorhydrin) epoxy resin (number average molecular weight ≤ 700)

Partition coefficient log Pow: 3.242

12.4. Mobility in soil

Mobility The product is insoluble in water.

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Nitobond EP Hardener

Ecological information on ingredients.

reaction product: bisphenol-A-(epichlorhydrin) epoxy resin (number average molecular weight ≤ 700)

Mobility The product has poor water-solubility.

Adsorption/desorption Water - Koc: 445 @ °C



Mobility The product is insoluble in water.

12.5. Results of PBT and vPvB assessment

Results of PBT and vPvB This product does not contain any substances classified as PBT or vPvB.

Ecological information on ingredients.

reaction product: bisphenol-A-(epichlorhydrin) epoxy resin (number average molecular weight ≤ 700)

Results of PBT and vPvB This product does not contain any substances classified as PBT or vPvB.

12.6. Other adverse effects

Other adverse effects None known.

SECTION 13: Disposal considerations

13.1. Waste treatment methods

General information Do not empty into drains, sewers or water courses. The generation of waste should be
minimised or avoided wherever possible.

Disposal methods Dispose of waste to licensed waste disposal site in accordance with the requirements of the
local Waste Disposal Authority.

SECTION 14: Transport information

14.1. UN number
UN No. (ADR/RID) 3082

UN No. (IMDG) 3082

UN No. (ICAO) 3082

UN No. (ADN) 3082

14.2. UN proper shipping name

(ADR/RID) METHYLENEDIANILINE, EPOXY RESIN (Type A) (Number average MW <= 700 ))

METHYLENEDIANILINE, EPOXY RESIN (Type A) (Number average MW <= 700 ))

METHYLENEDIANILINE, EPOXY RESIN (Type A) (Number average MW <= 700 ))

METHYLENEDIANILINE, EPOXY RESIN (Type A) (Number average MW <= 700 ))

14.3. Transport hazard class(es)

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Nitobond EP Hardener

ADR/RID class 9

ADR/RID classification code M6

ADR/RID label 9

IMDG class 9

ICAO class/division 9

ADN class 9

Transport labels

14.4. Packing group

ADR/RID packing group III

IMDG packing group III

ICAO packing group III

ADN packing group III

14.5. Environmental hazards

Environmentally hazardous substance/marine pollutant

14.6. Special precautions for user

EmS F-A, S-F

ADR transport category 3

Emergency Action Code •3Z

Hazard Identification Number 90


Tunnel restriction code (-)

14.7. Transport in bulk according to Annex II of MARPOL and the IBC Code
Transport in bulk according to Not applicable.
Annex II of MARPOL 73/78
and the IBC Code

SECTION 15: Regulatory information

15.1. Safety, health and environmental regulations/legislation specific for the substance or mixture
National regulations The Manufacture, storage and import of hazardous chemicals rules 1989.

EU legislation Regulation (EC) No 1272/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 16
December 2008 on classification, labelling and packaging of substances and mixtures (as
Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 18
December 2006 concerning the Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of
Chemicals (REACH) (as amended).

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Nitobond EP Hardener

Guidance Workplace Exposure Limits EH40.

15.2. Chemical safety assessment

No chemical safety assessment has been carried out.

SECTION 16: Other information

Abbreviations and acronyms ATE: Acute Toxicity Estimate.

used in the safety data sheet CAS: Chemical Abstracts Service.
PBT: Persistent, Bioaccumulative and Toxic substance.
vPvB: Very persistent and Very Bioaccumulative
DNEL: Derived No Effect Level.
PNEC: Predicted No Effect Concentration.
IARC: International Agency for Research on Cancer.
ADR: European Agreement concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by
RID: European Agreement concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by
RRN = REACH Registration Number
EC₅₀: 50% of maximal Effective Concentration.
LD₅₀: Lethal Dose to 50% of a test population (Median Lethal Dose).

General information Only trained personnel should use this material.

Revision comments NOTE: Lines within the margin indicate significant changes from the previous revision.

Revision date 18/12/2018

Revision 4A

Supersedes date 15/08/2015

SDS number 23009

Hazard statements in full H225 Highly flammable liquid and vapour.

H226 Flammable liquid and vapour.
H301 Toxic if swallowed.
H302 Harmful if swallowed.
H304 May be fatal if swallowed and enters airways.
H312 Harmful in contact with skin.
H315 Causes skin irritation.
H317 May cause an allergic skin reaction.
H318 Causes serious eye damage.
H319 Causes serious eye irritation.
H330 Fatal if inhaled.
H332 Harmful if inhaled.
H335 May cause respiratory irritation.
H341 Suspected of causing genetic defects.
H350 May cause cancer.
H370 Causes damage to organs .
H373 May cause damage to organs (Hearing organs) through prolonged or repeated
H373 May cause damage to organs through prolonged or repeated exposure.
H400 Very toxic to aquatic life.
H410 Very toxic to aquatic life with long lasting effects.
H411 Toxic to aquatic life with long lasting effects.
H412 Harmful to aquatic life with long lasting effects.

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Nitobond EP Hardener

The information on this data sheet represents our current data and is reliable provided that the product is used under the
prescribed conditions and in accordance with the application specified on the packaging and/or in the technical guidance
literature. Any other use of the product which involves using the product in combination with any other product or any other
process is the responsibility of the user.


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