mtech design
mtech design
mtech design
Design Engineering
for Working
Programme Introduction 01
Who Should Apply 02
Programme Highlights 03
Programme Objectives 04
WILP Presence and Impact 05
Student Learning Outcomes 06
Mode of Learning 07
Experiential Learning 09
Continuous Assessment
Case Studies and Assignments
Dissertation/Project Work
Programme Curriculum 11
Eligibility Criteria 12
Fee Structure 13
Virtual Lab 14
Remote Lab 24
Mode of Examination 28
How to Apply 30
Students Speak 32
Program introduction
Professionals engaged in
Design function who want to
evolve to a Project Manager
role, and build computational
competencies that can be
applied in new product
development and product
improvement initiatives.
45+ 1,24,000+
Years of Working
Educating Working Professionals
Professionals Graduated
46,000+ 1100+
Working Professionals
Currently Enrolled Faculty Members
Practice engineering
Use techniques, skills and
responsibly, understanding
modern engineering tools
the contemporary issues
necessary for general
of the organisation
engineering practices
& society
The innovative Work Integrated Learning Programs (WILP) of BITS Pilani are
quite aligned with the above definition and requirements. The programs are
designed in collaboration with its industry partners, subject matter experts from
industry and academia that enable the students to remain relevant in their
chosen profession, grow in their career and retain the habit of lifelong learning.
The continued availability of workplace related experiences along with the
weekly instruction sessions promote integration of theory with practice. An active
participation of the organization mentor in the learning process of the student
plays a key role. Case studies, simulation exercises, labs and projects further
strengthen this integration.
● Can pursue the programme without any career break and along with the job.
● Contact sessions with faculty take place mostly over weekends or after
business hours and are conducted over a technology platform that can be
accessed from anywhere.
● Mid semester and End semester examinations for every semester are
conducted mostly at designated examination centres distributed across the
country (for details refer to link mode of examinations).
● Introduction to MEMS ● Computer Aided Analysis
● Mechatronics & Design
● Fracture Mechanics ● Theory of Elasticity and Plasticity
● Computational Fluid Dynamics ● Design for Additive Manufacturing
● Advanced Composites ● Advanced Control Engineering
● Project Management
● Model Based System Design
● Design for Industrial Internet
● Mechanical System Design
of Things
● Concurrent Engineering
● Advanced Finite Element
● Advanced Engineering Mathematics
Modelling & Analysis
Important: For every course in the programme, institute will recommend textbooks,
students would need to procure these textbooks on their own.
Lab Architecture
The lab is organised around six The structured lab exercises are
engineering domains such as, packaged as simulation-capsules
thermal, design, materials, that guide the students through a
manufacturing, circuits and sequence of practice problems of
operations increasing complexity
Learning Outcomes
On completion of the
experiment, participants can
Apply the gained knowledge in
download the results, analyse
solving creative industry scale
and submit the report in the
learning management system
for evaluation
● The real-time fluid behaviour and interactions can be simulated with near accuracy
● Virtual lab using the simulation tool, Flowvision provides a platform to apply various
numerical techniques and study the flow field characteristics
List of Experiments
Simulation of laminar, turbulent and varying mass flow
Learning Outcomes
Apply the techniques of numerical analysis to solve industrial problems
Analyse the various conditions that govern the fluid flow characteristics
● ANSYS Virtual Lab deals with various numerical analysis and predicts the structural and
thermal behaviour of components to check and validate its design more accurately and
List of Experiments
Evaluating static and dynamic performance of various design under structural and
thermal loading
Estimating the safety margin, and to identify the nweakness of the design accurately
Determining the influence of selection of various materials on design of components
Learning Outcomes
List of Experiments
Computer programming experiments
Design the points, curves and surfaces and validate mathematically using curve
fitting toolbox
Mathematical model based simulations for dynamics, vibrations, robotics and
Model in the loop & hardware in the loop testing using Simulink
Learning Outcomes
Model any process mathematically, develop control strategies for typical engineering
applications and perform model in the loop testing
Develop programming knowledge and create functional blocks which will replicate
the real system
List of Experiments
Crack propagation simulation by considering surface crack, single edge crack,
and double edge crack
Prediction of crack propagation life on plates, pipes, welded joints and Revit
Single and multiple crack propagation analysis.
Learning Outcomes
Predicts Stress Intensity Factors associated with all three modes of fracture
for different components and loading
Perform crack propagation analysis on various components and structures to
determine critical crack length and to predict the remaining life
Main objective of this lab is to simulate the molecular behaviour of soft materials such as
plastics, rubber, elastomer, paint, adhesive, fuel cell and so on. And also to test various
mechanical properties of soft materials through simulation
List of Experiments
Polymerization of LPDE, HPDE, LLDPE, PVC and PC
Dissipative particle dynamics of PSB and EPDM
Mechanical properties evaluation of polymers
Learning Outcomes
Material property evaluation such as permeability, interfacial tension, rheological
calculations, solubility, polymer-solid interface peeling, thermal conductivity, coating,
deformation, and so on
Design, model and optimise the polymer structure to achieve the desired mechanical /
electrical / chemical properties
● By applying industry-tested minimum part count criteria, the software finds parts that
can be consolidated/eliminated while maintaining 100% functionality
List of Experiments
DFA analysis for simple assembly
DFM analysis for cost estimation
Optimise the assembly line against the cost.
Learning Outcomes
The outcome of a DFMA-based design is a more elegant product that is both
functionally efficient and easy to assemble
DFMA re-designs also have the added impact of increased quality and reliability, faster
development time, and require fewer suppliers
● It allows students to build and select their mechatronics circuits including hydraulic,
pneumatics, electronic, electrical, PLC and combination of these elements
List of Experiments
PLC programming for specific automation processes
Hydraulics and pneumatics circuit simulation using different control valves
Mechanism simulation including mechatronics circuits
Selecting suitable actuators for the specific automation application
Learning Outcomes
Understand the behaviour of the circuit elements
Design and optimize hydraulic circuits and pneumatic circuits
Understand behaviour of each mechatronics elements like valve, cylinders, actuators
etc has context menu
Software used:
Automation Studio
● It deals with various numerical analysis and predicts the electrical, electromagnetic and
various other behaviour of components to check and validate its design more
accurately and economically
List of Experiments
Acoustic modal analysis of a car cabin
Structural analysis of MEMS component
Electro-chemical design for battery modelling
Learning Outcomes
To analyse various components under various boundary condition to evaluate electrical,
electromagnetic and various properties and which helps to enable the problem solving
Perform design validation to optimum condition
● The IoT enabled lab equipments and the integrated remote access network makes this
possible. The lab is open 24x7, 365 days
● Remote Lab is one more attempt by the work integrated learning programs division of
BITS Pilani to bring the campus learning experience to the working professionals
complementing their work-life-learning balance
Lab Architecture
Participants required to perform experiments as a part of their course work, they can
select their suitable time, schedule the session and perform the experiments by
accessing equipment remotely
A detailed step by step instruction enables students to perform the experiments
Participants can control the machines using equipment console while watching them
through multiple cameras installed around
Participants can pan, tilt or zoom to have a better view of the machines
Learning Outcomes
On completion of the experiment, participants can download the results, analyse and
submit the report in the learning management system for evaluation
Interact with equipment, get the real time experience and apply the gained knowledge in
solving industry scale problems
List of Experiments
System Modelling and Validation
DC Motor Speed and Position Control
Nyquist and Routh Hurwitz
State Space and Moment of Inertia
PID Balance Control, LQR, Swing-up
Digital Control Design and IoT Haptic
Learning Outcomes
Model a first-order system both experimentally and theoretically
Create a control system to meet a set of desired specifications,
Determine the stability of a system
Create a controller to control an unstable system
Control a digital system with a limited sampling rate
Create an optimal controller to govern the behaviour of a complex
coupled system
List of Experiments
Sensor behaviour and calibration
Approaches to sensing, linear and rotational position
Long and short distance, touch, encoder decoding
Switch de-bouncing.
Introduction to filtering and Combining Sensors
Learning Outcomes
List of Experiments
Learning Outcomes
Students can take their examination at any of our 34 designated examination centres in India
at the following locations:
● South Zone: Bangalore, Chennai, Hyderabad, Mysore, Vijayawada, Visakhapatnam,
Kochi, Thiruvananthapuram, Hosur, Madurai, Kancheepuram and Coimbatore.
● North Zone: Delhi NCR, Faridabad, Jaipur, Chandigarh, Lucknow, Bhilwara, Udaipur
and Pilani.
● West Zone: Mumbai, Thane, Pune, Ahilya Nagar, Goa, Ahmedabad, Vadodara, Surat,
Indore and Nagpur.
● East Zone: Kolkata, Guwahati, Jamshedpur, and Bhubaneswar.
In addition to these locations, the Institution also has a designated examination
centre in Dubai.
a). Scanned copy of the visa for the country in which you are currently residing. The visa
should be currently valid. No expired visas shall be considered,
b). Scanned copy of government-issued ID from the residing country
c). HR recommendation or endorsement letter from the employer, stating the location of
your work.
● Indian students, who are temporarily based out of India, can also avail of online
examinations on request by meeting the above-mentioned requirements of the institute.
Step 1 2 3 4
Fill and submit
Download a PDF
Pay the application
Print the downloaded
your application copy of the fee of INR 1,500 using Application Form and
form for your application form. Net banking/Debit note your Application
chosen program. Card/Credit Card. Form Number.
In the printout of the downloaded Application Form, you will notice on page no. 3 a section called the
Employer Consent Form. Complete the Employer Consent Form. This form needs to be signed and
stamped by your organisation’s HR or any other authorised signatory of the company.
Important: In view of work-from-home policies mandated by many organisations, a few candidates may
not be able to get the physical forms signed by their HR/other authorised organisational representative.
Such candidates may instead request an email approval to be sent to their official email ID by the HR
using the format available through this link.
On page 4, complete the Mentor Consent Form, Due to remote work policies, some candidates
which needs to be signed by your Mentor. may struggle to get physical mentor signatures.
They can request email approval using a
provided format.
Aswin Kumar R
Mechanical Engineer
Participant of M.Tech. Design Engineering
Naganandini Ravichandran
Senior Software Engineer
Sanjay Sonar
New Product Manufacturing Engineer
Participant of M.Tech. Automotive Engineering
The material in this brochure is provided for educational and informational purposes only. All the
images that have been used belong to their respective owners and have been picked up from the
public domain.
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