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Unit 1 Communication Skills

Session 1

1. Name different forms of Communication.

Ans: Some common methods of communication are :

• Face-to-face : Face-to-face communication is a better way of communication. It

helps the message to be understood clearly and quickly. Also, body language adds
effectiveness to communication.
• E-mail : E-mail can be used to communicate quickly with one or many individuals
in various locations
• Notices/Posters : It is effective when the same message has to go out to a large
group of people. Generally used for where email communication may not be
• Business Meetings Communication : During business meetings at an organisation
are generally addressed to a group of people. It can be related to business,
management and organisational decisions.

2. What are the elements of communication cycle?

Ans: The various elements of a communication cycle are:

• Sender: The person beginning the communication.

• Message: The information that the sender wants to convey.
• Channel: The means by which the information is sent.
• Receiver: The person to whom the message is sent.
• Feedback: The receiver’s acknowledgement and response to the message.

Session 2

3. List the different types of verbal communication. Include examples for each verbal
communication type.
• Interpersonal Communication
This form of communication takes place between two individuals and is thus a
one-on-one conversation. It can be formal or informal.
1. Two friends discussing homework.
2. Two people talking to each other over phone or video call

• Written Communication
This form of communication involves writing words. It can be letters, circulars,
reports, manuals, SMS, social media chats, etc. It can be between two or more
1. A manager writing an appreciation e-mail to an employee.
2. Writing a letter to grandmother enquiring about her health.

• Small Group Communication

This type of communication takes place when there are more than two people
involved. Each participant can interact and converse with the rest.
1. Board meetings.
2. Press Conferences.

• Public Communication
This type of communication takes place when one individual addresses a large
1. Election campaigns.
2. Public speeches by dignitaries.

4. How can we enhance and master verbal Communication skills?

Think Before You Speak
• Think about your topic.
• Think about the most effective ways to make your listeners understand the
• Write or note down whatever you plan to say.
Concise and Clear
• Speak clearly, loudly and at moderate speed.
• Be sure the information you want to share is to the point.
• Do not repeat the same sentences.
Confidence and Body Language
• Be confident.
• Maintain eye contact, stand straight and be attentive.
• Be friendly.

Session 3
5. Draw any five common signs used for Visual Communication. Explain what each sign

-- No parking zone

-- No mobile phone

-- No pets allowed

-- Danger warning

-- Under CCTV surveillance

6. Name the different types of non-verbal communication.

a) Facial Expressions : Our expressions can show different feelings, such as
Happiness, Sadness, Anger, Surprise, Fear etc..
Ex: Smile when you meet someone
Keep your face relaxed.
Match your expressions with your words

b) Posture : Postures show our confidence and feelings.

Ex: Keep your shoulders straight and body relaxed.
Sit straight while resting your hands and feet in relaxed position.
While standing, keep your hands by your sides.

c) Gestures or Body Language : Gestures include body movements that express an

idea or meaning.
Ex: Keep your hands open.
Avoid pointing your finger at people.
Tilt your head a bit to show that you are attentive.

d) Touch : We communicate a great deal through touch.

Ex: Sake hands firmly while meeting someone.
Avoid other touch gestures during formal communication.

e) Space: Space is the physical distance between two people. The space between tow
persons while communicating, generally depends on the intimacy or closeness between
Ex: Maintain proper space depending on the relationship, which could be formal or
informal with whom you are talking

f) Eye Contact: The way we look at someone can communicate a lot

Ex: Look directly at the person who is speaking.
Avoid staring; keep a relaxed look.
Maintain eye contact with intermittent breaks.

g) Paralanguage: How we speak affects our communication and includes the tone,
speed and volume of our voice.
Ex: Use a suitable tone and volume
Maintain a moderate speed while talking

Session 4
7. What are the characteristic of effective communication?
Ans: Characteristic of effective communication are:
1. Completeness - The communication must be complete. It should convey all facts
required by the audience. The sender of the message must take into consideration
the receiver’s mind set and convey the message accordingly.
2. Conciseness - Means communicating what you want to convey in least possible words.
3. Consideration - Consideration implies “stepping into the shoes of others”. Ensure
that the self-respect of the audience is maintained and their emotions are not hurt.
4. Clarity - Clarity implies emphasizing on a specific message or goal at a time, rather
than trying to achieve too much at once. It makes understanding easier. Clear
message makes use of exact, appropriate and concrete words.
5. Concreteness - Concrete communication implies being particular and clear rather
than fuzzy and general. Concreteness strengthens the confidence.
6. Courtesy - Courtesy in message implies the message should show the sender’s
expression as well as should respect the receiver. The sender of the message should
be sincerely polite, judicious, reflective and enthusiastic.
7. Correctness - Correctness in communication implies that there are no grammatical
errors in communication.

8. What are the different types of feedback? Give one example each.
Positive Feedback
• I noticed you finished the work perfectly. Great job!

Negative Feedback
• You take really long to reply to e-mails! Are you always so busy?
No Feedback
• It is also a feedback in itself which indicates disagreement of ideas.

9. What is the importance of feedback in communication?

Ans: Certain reasons why feedback is important.

• It validates effective listening: The person providing the feedback knows they
have been understood (or received) and that their feedback provides some
• It motivates: Feedback can motivate people to build better work relationships
and continue the good work that is being appreciated.
• It is always there: Every time you speak to a person, we communicate feedback
so it is impossible not to provide one.
• It boosts learning: Feedback is important to remain focussed on goals, plan
better and develop improved products and services.
• It improves performance: Feedback can help to form better decisions to
improve and increase performance.

Session 5

10. Discuss different barriers of effective communication.

Ans: Few barriers to Effective Communication are:
• The use of unfamiliar words could be over-complicated.
• Emotional barriers and taboos.
• Differences in perception and viewpoint.
• Lack of attention, interest, distractions, or irrelevance to the receiver.
• Physical disabilities such as hearing problems or speech difficulties.
• Physical barriers to non-verbal communication: Not being able to see the
non-verbal cues, gestures, posture and general body language can make
communication less effective
• Language differences and the difficulty in understanding unfamiliar accents.
• Exceptions and prejudices which may lead to false assumptions or
stereotyping. People often hear what they except to hear than what is
actually said and jump to incorrect conclusions.
• Cultural differences: The norms of social interaction vary greatly in different
cultures, as do the way in which emotions are expressed.

11. What are the measures to overcome different barriers of communication?

Ans: Measures to overcome different barriers of communication

• Use simple language

• Do not measures to overcome different barriers of communication form
assumptions on culture, religion or geography
• Try to communicate in person as much as possible
• Use visuals
• Take help of a translator to overcome differences in language
• Be respectful of other’s opinions

Session 6

12. List out nine parts of speech. Select any three of them and create five simple
sentences which use these parts of speech
Ans: Word types can be divided into nine parts of speech:
• Nouns
• Pronouns
• Verbs
• Adjectives
• Adverbs
• Prepositions
• Conjunctions
• Articles
• Interjections

1. The girl rides a red bike.
2.Aman Played with a ball in the park.
3.This Flower is more beautiful than other.

Session 7
13. Write two sentences of each type of sentence—statement, question, exclamatory
and order
Ans: Statement or Declarative Sentence
1. I like ice-cream.
2. The wind is blowing from the west.

Question or Interrogative Sentence

1. Do you like coffee?
2. Where did you go?

Order or Imperative Sentence

1. Give me a cup of coffee.
2. Don't submit your assignment now.

Emotion/Reaction or Exclamatory Sentence

1. What a liar he is!
2. What an exciting movie it was!
14. Name the parts of a sentence. Give one example.
Ans: The different parts of a sentence are:
Subject : Person or thing that performs an action.
Verb : Describes the action.
Object : Person or thing that receives the action.

1. The children played football.
2. Ravi repaired his car.

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