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Munication Skills X ES

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• Communication is the process by which two or more people

ideas, facts, feelings, information ,etc. about any topic.
• The term ‘communication’ is derived from latin word
which means to share.
• It involves not only written or oral speech but also music,
videos etc.
Methods of communication

Methods of
communication Visual
Sign Signs
Non- e Audio
Verbal Body Signs
Verbal communication

• Verbal communication means sharing information with the

help of words-spoken or written.
• It is important because if you do not use the appropriate
words where and when required, you will not be able to
communicate what you wish to communicate.
• The important forms of verbal communication are :
1.Oral communication
2.Written communication
Oral or spoken communication

• Oral communication is the mode of communication in which

messages are communicated between the sender and receiver
through spoken words.
• Video calls an video conference calls combine audio and video so
people in distant locations can both see and speak with each
• Other modern forms of oral communication include
Podcasts(audio clips that you can access on the internet)and
Voice over internet protocol (VOIP),which allow callers to
communicate over the internet and save telephone charges.
• Examples of VOIP : Whatsapp,Video Chat, Skype
Abilities of oral communication

 Being an effective negotiator.

 Being Persuasive to get others involved for the achievement
of a goal
 Being able to inculcate team spirit.
 Being helpful in developing listening skills
 Being helpful in resolving disputes
 Being effective in addressing issues
1. Verbal communication is always easy and fast. Exchange of
ideas takes place very fast.
2. In terms of flexibility also, verbal communication is better
than any other.
3. Verbal communication boosts up the morale of the concerned
persons and maintains energy and enthusiasm within a team.
4. It acts as everlasting record of an organisation and can prove
to be very useful for future reference.
5. Verbal communication portrays the image of the speaker or
the writer.
Disadvantages of
verbal communication

1. Style of writing or speaking is the soul of any content and

matters a lot in verbal communication.(some are good in
written but not in viva)
2. Cultural difference between the sender and the receiver of
the information.
3. Since verbal communication depends upon words,
sometimes the meaning becomes confusing and difficult to
understand if the words are not appropriate.
Written communication

• Communication which involves written or typed words is called

written communication.
• Some times it is better than oral because it can be edited and
revised several times before it is sent, to ensure the content is most
effective, whereas oral communication can be spontaneous an not
appropriate at times.
• Moreover writing strictly adheres to certain rules of grammar but
oral communication is flexible in nature.
Methods of Written communication

E-mails Notices Orders

Letters Quotations Circulars
Notifications Newspapers Books
Enquiries Notes forms
Contracts Mailers
Reports Complaints
Role of written communication in an

• It is an excellent way of passing on information.

• Written communication can serve as legal documents or manuals.
• In a school or an organisation, it is very important to maintain document
as oral records do not have any stand.
• Written warnings are also used to maintain discipline in schools.
• It is important for instructing or sharing certain tasks and projects.
• Whenever there is a need to convey important and urgent message to
various persons in an organisation, written communication may be of
great help and assistance and can save time and effort required to
conduct a meeting for that particular purpose.
• It provides permanency of records as well.
Public speaking

• Alexander Gregg once said, "There are three things to aim at

in public speaking: first to get into your subject, then to get
your subject into yourself and lastly, to get your subject into
the heart of your audience.”
• When we watch celebrities ,politicians or business leaders
speak on television or in public, they seem at so ease that
we wonder if great speakers are made or they are just born
that way.
• While it is true that some individuals are definitely born with
the gift of the gab, others can also train themselves to be so.
Handling Stage Fright

1. Concentrate on the Three P’s :Preapare,Practice and Perform-a speech presentation

should be well planned thoroughly prepared and rehearsed repeatedly.
2. Set Practical Goals: The speaker should be practical and should know his/her
limitations. If he/she is not a very effective oral communicator, he/she should set
practical goals.
3. No Negative Thoughts :Negative thoughts Sometimes create more anxiety. The
speaker should feel confident about his/her planning and preparation, have faith in
his/herself, tell him/herself that everything is fine and that the listeners are positive
about him/her.
4. Begin the Presentation with a Pause : The speaker should not start his/her speech
in hurry.
5. Don’t be Fast : Some speakers try to control their nervousness and stage fright by
speaking too fast.
6. Learn and Practice Stress Reduction Techniques : such as deep
breathing,workouts,mental relaxation and so on. They are useful in reducing stage
Some Stress Reduction techniques
1. Breathing Exercise :
2. Positive Self-Talk :
3. Emergency Stress Relievers :
4. Relaxing Methods :

Don’t worry if you find it difficult to relax at first. Relaxation

needs to be learned with practice.

• When communication occurs without using words, it is known as non-

verbal communication.
• It has been noticed that almost 55 percent of our communication takes
place through non-verbal communication.
• We send signals and messages to others through expressions, gestures
and body postures.
• In our day –to –day life, most communication is done using body
movements like facial expressions ,hand movements etc.
• No teacher or parent can teach non-verbal communication to a child, it
comes naturally. Let's see how it describes itself;
Non-verbal = Non + Verbal
Non = Not (without)
Verbal = Words
Types of non verbal communication
1. Auditory Method
The method which can be heard is called auditory
method. Sometimes hearing can be done without
the use of words; for example ,ringing bell, whistle
by conductor, siren of ambulance
2.Body Language Method
Roland defines, "I can do everything with my
language but not with my body. What I hide my
language, my body utters. I can deliberately mould
my message ,not my voice.by my voice, whatever
it says, the other will recognize that something is
wrong with me. I am a liar, not an actor. My body is
a stubborn child, my language is a very civilized
3.Visual Methods
Which involves sending and
comprehending messages only
through images or pictures. When
we communicate through visuals
like charts, pictures, graphs and
colours, the message conveyed
stays for a longtime in the mind of
the receiver. Even colours convey
different messages.
• Body Language can be divided into the following types :

1. Kinesics: It includes certain body movements and gestures that serve a

form of non-verbal communication.

I. Facial Expressions :
• The face of a person reflects
his/her mood.
• It is easy to recognise fear,
suprise,Sadness, hatred on
someone’s face Without being told.
II. Gestures :
• There are non-verbal cues that
Have a verbal counterpart.
• Thumbs up-wonderful/ok
III. Postures : The movement of the body also portrays the personality
of an individual. Shows attitude,confidence,nature.

V. Arms :
• Position of arms also
reflects your personality. IV. Handshakes :
• Happy/excited mood : • The palm of hand indicates
arms like windmills. who you really are deep
• Closed arm : sadness inside whereas the fingers
• Crossed arms : arrogant show only what do you
• Clenched hands: want to show others about
nervous/disturbed yourself.
• Unclenched : shows • It will also express your
confidence mood, nature.
2. Oculesics:
• Eye contact indicates interest,
openness and sometimes even aggression.
• Even lack of eye contact convey message .
• It means one is hiding something or is not confident.
• It also shows that you are ignoring the person.
• we communicate much through touch also.
• Teacher/parent pats the shoulder : appreciation
• Warm hug : expresses emotions
• Sometimes it may be negative also.
4. Space:
 Intimate relations : 6to 8 inches
 Personal Relations: 18 to 48 inches
 Public relations :4 to 12 feet
 Social Relations :more than 12 feet
5. Appearance:
• Whatever you carry or wear speaks a lot
about your personality,especially your
dressing sense ,has the greatest impact
with respect to influencing others.
• You spectacles ,watch, shoes, pen, cell
phone, everything which you own or carry with you speaks about you.
Communication cycle
• Communication is a physical ,social and psychological
1. Beginning of Communication Process : Sending the
2. Entry into the Sensory World :
Sight,hearing,smell,touch and taste
3. Detection by the senses :
This detection depends on a number of factors like
the ability of senses, mental alertness , cultural
background and will power.
4. The Filtering Process :
brain,decoding,persons knowledge and experience
5. Formation and Sending The Response :

It may be in the form of gestures, facial expressions,

diagrams on paper, movements
6. The Cycle Repeated :
• Feedback is the final component and one of the most important factors in
the process of communication. It competes the two way communication.
Communication is all about the response that you get and that is what
known as feedback.
• Feedback can be a verbal or non-verbal. A smile would be a positive non-
verbal feedback, whereas a frown would indicate negative feedback.
• Process of Feedback :
1. Listening and understanding the message properly.
2. Asking question if the message is not understood properly an getting it
3. Understanding the message in the sense originally intended.
4. Conveying the reaction to the sender of the message.
• Effective Feedback need to be :
1. Clear
2. Well-timed
3. Specific
4. Bearing Right Attitude
5. Truly Representative
6. Impersonal
7. informative
Advantages of Feedback

1. Feedback is effective listening

2. Feedback can motivate
3. Feedback leads to problem solving
4. Feedback can improve performance
5. Better understanding
6. Creating healthy relations
7. Effective coordination
Descriptive Specific non-specific

• It is specific
information in the form It provides
of written comments or detailed ,or specific
conversations that help information on the I can be
the learner to work no matter well or confusing, vague or
understand what she or poorly performed. general. This feedback
he needs to do in order can be delayed
For example: For example : For Example :
to improve.
It helps students to learn by “the way you crafted these response
“Good Work” to the
providing information about steps towards motivating your receiver.
“Try Hard”
their current achievements with team members was amazing” “Focus”
respect to goal and identifying (Honest and transparent
next steps. conversation)
Where I am ?
Where am I going ?
How can I close the gap?

1. Language: Incorrect words, unfamiliar language and lack of
details ,language can act as a barrier to communication.
2. Visual Perception : What we see with our eyes is not always the same.
3. Past Experience : Because of formed expressions based on earlier
4. Prejudice: If one is prejudiced against someone, he/she becomes defensive.
5. Feelings : Such as lack of interest or non trusting another person affect
6. Mechanical Factors : Mechanical instruments and machines need constant
7. Personal Factors :It include your own feelings, habits and way of thinking.
1. Linguistic Barriers :The use of slangs, jargon or unfamiliar terms
and regional colloquialism create linguistic barriers.
2. psychological and Emotional Barriers :Emotions such as anger,
depression, frustration and fear as well as factors like phobia or low
self-esteem can hinder good communication.
3. Physical Barriers : it include geographic distance,noise,closed
doors, faulty equipment and poor lighting.
4. Physiological Barriers :Disabilities like hearing difficulties, ill health,
dyslexia and shrillness of voice .
5. Attitudinal Barriers :Lack of attention, interest, distractions, or
irrelevance to the receiver obstruct smooth communication.
6. Cultural Barriers : The norms of social interaction differ greatly in
different cultures.

1. Active Listening :to concentrate on what is being said rather than just
‘hearing’.it involves listening with all senses.
2. Use of simple language :Use of simple vocabulary and sentence
structure is easily received and understood by listener(s).
3. Clear thoughts, concise and logical presentation: Accurately know
what to convey.
4. Analyse and recognise the need of the receiver :Analyse the level and
environment of the receiver and then prepare.
5. Reduction and elimination of physical barrier : people involved should
ensure to choose location with least or no disturbance in terms of
noise and errors in equipment used for communication.

Clear • Make easy to understand

Concise • To the point

Concrete • Facts and figures

Correct • Correct use of grammar

Coherent • Logical and smooth

• Includes all required
Complete information
Courteous • Being polite and friendly

Writing skills

• We always use sentences to express ourselves, be it in the form of

writing or speaking.
• Clearly written sentences are important because if you write
ambiguous sentences, it will be difficult to understand the meaning of
the sentence.
• Sentences : It is a group of words that communicate complete thought.
• Phrase : A group of words which does not make complete sense is
known as a phrase.(to the temple, in the morning, on the way)
• Punctuation: It also aims at making expressions clear. It means the
right of certain points, stops and marks which separates one sentence
from another or part of a sentence from another.
1.Capital Letters 2.Full Stop 3.Comma 4.questionmark(?)
5.Excalamation Mark(!) 6.Apostrophe(‘) 7.Inverted Commas(“”)
• Parts Of Speech :
Nouns, Pronouns, Verbs, Adjectives
• Parts Of Sentence :
(Subject +verb)
Direct And Indirect ,Active voice Vs. Passive voice
• Kinds of sentence :
1.Assertive 2. Imperative 3.Interrogative 4.Excalamatory
• Construction of a paragraph :
• A paragraph is a group of connected sentences focused on a selected topic
and developed on one central theme(main idea).
• Unity
• Coherence
• Adequate development
• Variety
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