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Communication Skills Revision Notes

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It is a process which involves sharing of information, opinion, ideas, and beliefs between two or more
persons through a continuous activity of speaking, listening and understanding.
The word ‘communication’ comes from the Latin word commūnicāre, meaning ‘to share’.


Communication has three important parts:

1. Transmitting — The sender transmits the message through one medium or another.
2. Listening — The receiver listens or understands the message.
3. Feedback — The receiver conveys their understanding of the message to the sender in the form of
feedback to complete the communication cycle.


The various elements of a communication cycle are:

 Sender: the person beginning the communication.
 Message: the information that the sender wants to convey.
 Channel: the means by which the information is sent.
 Receiver: the person to whom the message is sent.
 Feedback: the receiver’s acknowledgement and response to the message.

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Method Description Pictorial Description

Face-to-face There is nothing better than face-to-face
It helps the message to be understood clearly
and quickly.
Also, since body language can be seen in
this case; it adds to the effectiveness of the

E-mail E-mail can be used to communicate quickly

with one or many individuals in various
It offers flexibility, convenience and low-

Notices/Posters It is effective when the same message has to

go out to a large group of people.
Generally used for where email
communication may not be effective.
For example, ‘Change in the lunch time for
factory worker,’ or ‘XYZ Clothing will
remain closed for customers on Sunday.’

Business Communication during business meetings at

Meetings an organisation are generally addressed to a
group of people.
It can be related to business, management
and organisational decisions.

Other There can be various other methods like

Methods social networks, message, phone call for
communication, newsletter, blog, etc.

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Verbal communication includes sounds, words, language, and speech. Speaking is one of the most
effective and commonly used way of communicating. It helps in expressing our emotions in words.

Types of Verbal Communication

Type of Verbal Description

Interpersonal This form of communication takes place between two individuals and is
Communication thus a one-on-one conversation. It can be formal or informal.
1. A manager discussing the performance with an employee.
2. Two friends discussing homework.
3. Two people talking to each other over phone or video call.
Written This form of communication involves writing words. It can be letters,
Communication circulars, reports, manuals, SMS, social media chats, etc. It can be between
two or more people.
1. A manager writing an appreciation e-mail to an employee.
2. Writing a letter to grandmother enquiring about health.
Small Group This type of communication takes place when there are more than two
Communication people involved. Each participant can interact and converse with the rest.
1. Press conferences
2. Board meetings
3. Team meetings
Public This type of communication takes place when one individual addresses a
Communication large gathering.
1. Election campaigns
2. Public speeches by dignitaries

Advantages of Verbal Communication

 It is an easy mode of communication in which you can exchange ideas by saying what you want
and get a quick response.
 Verbal communication also enables you to keep changing your interaction as per the other
person’s response.

Disadvantages of Verbal Communication

Since verbal communication depends on written or spoken words, sometimes the meanings can be
confusing and difficult to understand if the right words are not used.


Non-verbal communication is the expression or exchange of information or messages without using

any spoken or written word.
In other words, we send signals and messages to others, through expressions, gestures, postures,
touch, space, eye contact and para language.

Importance of Non-verbal Communication

In our day-to-day communication
• 55% communication is done using body movements, face, arms, etc.
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• 38% communication is done using voice, tone, pauses, etc.
• only 7% communication is done using words.

Non-Verbal Communication Example

Gestures 1. Raising a hand to greet or say goodbye
2. Pointing your finger at someone
Expressions 1. Smiling when you are happy
2. Making a sad face when you are sad
Body Language Postures by which attitudes and feelings are
communicated. Standing straight, showing interest.


Type What it means How to use effectively?

Facial Our expressions can show different • Smile when you meet someone.
Expressions feelings, such as Happiness, Sadness, • Keep your face relaxed.
Anger, Surprise, Fear, etc. • Match your expressions with your
• Nod while listening.
Posture Postures show our confidence and • Keep your shoulders straight and
feelings. For example, a straight body body relaxed.
posture shows confidence while a • Sit straight while resting your hands
slumped posture is a sign of weakness. and feet in relaxed position.
• While standing, keep your hands by
your sides.
Gestures or Gestures include body movements that • Keep your hands open.
Body Language express an idea or meaning. For • Avoid pointing your finger at people.
example, raising a hand in class to ask • Tilt your head a bit to show that you
a question and biting nails when are attentive.
Touch We communicate a great deal through • Shake hands firmly while meeting
touch. For example, a firm handshake someone.
to display confidence and pat on the • Avoid other touch gestures during
back to encourage someone. formal communication.
Space Space is the physical distance between • Maintain proper space depending on
two people. The space between tow the relationship, which could be
persons while communicating, formal or informal or the closeness
generally depends on the intimacy or with the person with whom you are
closeness between them. talking.
Eye Contact The way we look at someone can • Look directly at the person who is
communicate a lot. Eye contact shows speaking.
that we are paying attention to the • Avoid staring; keep a relaxed look.
person as opposed to looking away, • Maintain eye contact with
which can make the other person feel intermittent breaks.
Paralanguage How we speak affects our • Use a suitable tone and volume
communication and includes the tone, • Maintain a moderate speed while
speed and volume of our voice. For talking
example, talking fast may show
happiness, excitement or nervousness
while speaking slow may show
seriousness or sadness.

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Visual communication proves to be effective since it involves interchanging messages only through
images or pictures and therefore, you do not need to know any particular language for understanding
it. It is simple and remains consistent across different places.

Examples of Visual Communication


Feedback is an important part of the communication cycle. For effective communication, it is

important that the sender receives an acknowledgement from the receiver about getting the message

While a sender sends information, the receiver provides feedback on the received message.
Translated to the work environment, when you observe someone perform their work and then,
communicate with them to help improve their performances, you are giving feedback.

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Type of Feedback Examples

Positive Feedback • I noticed you finished the work perfectly. Great job!
• I really appreciate you taking that call. Can you please also share the details?
Negative Feedback • You keep forgetting to smile at the hotel guests when you talk to them.
• You take really long to reply to e-mails! Are you always so busy?
No Feedback • It is also a feedback in itself which indicates disagreement of ideas.

A good feedback is one that is:

• Specific: Avoid general comments. Try to include examples to clarify your statement. Offering
alternatives rather than just giving advice allows the receiver to decide what to do with your
• Timely: Being prompt is the key, since feedback loses its impact if delayed for too long.
• Polite: While it is important to share feedback, the recipient should not feel offended by the
language of the feedback.
• Offering continuing support: Feedback sharing should be a continuous process. After offering
feedback, let recipients know you are available for support.


Feedback is the final component and one of the most important factors in the process of
communication since it is defined as the response given by the receiver to the sender. Let us look at
certain reasons why feedback is important.
• It validates effective listening: The person providing the feedback knows they have been
understood (or received) and that their feedback provides some value.
• It motivates: Feedback can motivate people to build better work relationships and continue the
good work that is being appreciated.
• It is always there: Every time you speak to a person, we communicate feedback so it is
impossible not to provide one.
• It boosts learning: Feedback is important to remain focussed on goals, plan better and develop
improved products and services.
• It improves performance: Feedback can help to form better decisions to improve and increase

7Cs of Effective Communication

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Some common barriers to effective communication include:
Physical Barriers:
Physical barrier is the environmental and natural condition that act as a barrier in communication in
sending message from sender to receiver. Not being able to see gestures, posture and general body
language can make communication less effective.
For example, text messages are often less effective than face-to-face communication.

Linguistic Barriers
The inability to communicate using a language is known as language barrier to communication.
Language barriers are the most common communication barriers, which cause misunderstandings and
misinterpretations between people.
For example, slang, professional jargon and regional colloquialisms can make communication

Interpersonal Barriers
Barriers to interpersonal communication occur when the sender’s message is received differently
from how it was intended. It is also very difficult to communicate with someone who is not willing to
talk or express their feelings and views.
Stage fear, lack of will to communicate, personal differences can create interpersonal barriers to

Organisational Barriers
Organisations are designed on the basis of formal hierarchical structures that follow performance
standards, rules and regulations, procedures, policies, behavioural norms, etc. All these affect the free
flow of communication in organisations and therefore, need to be suitably managed.
For example, Superior-subordinate relationships in a formal organisational structure can be a barrier
to free flow of communication.

Cultural Barriers
Cultural barriers is when people of different cultures are unable to understand each other’s customs,
resulting in inconveniences and difficulties. People sometimes make stereotypical assumptions about
others based on their cultural background, this leads to difference in opinions and can be a major
barrier to effective communication.

Ways to Overcome Barriers to Effective Communication

• Use simple language
• Do not form assumptions on culture, religion or geography

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• Try to communicate in person as much as possible
• Use visuals
• Take help of a translator to overcome differences in language
• Be respectful of other’s opinions


Writing skills are part of verbal communication and include e-mails, letters, notes, articles, SMS/chat,
blogs, etc.
In all these forms of written communication, we use sentences to express ourselves. Sentences are
important because they help to clearly present the message.
A sentence always begins with a capital letter, and it always ends with a question mark, full stop or
exclamation mark.

We know that all sentences begin with capital letters. However, there are certain other points in a
sentence where we should use capital letters. ‘TINS’is a set of simple rules that help you capitalise
words correctly. Each letter in the word TINS refers to one capitalisation rule as shown in below

Certain set of marks, such as full stop, comma, question mark, exclamation mark and apostrophe are
used in communication to separate parts of a sentence for better clarity of message. Some common
punctuation marks and their rules are shown here in Table

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The part of speech indicates how a particular word functions in meaning as well as grammatically
within the sentence. Some examples are nouns, pronouns, adjectives, verbs and adverbs as shown in

Supporting Parts of Speech Types


Parts of a Sentence
We all know that almost all English sentences have a subject and a verb while some also have an
Subject: Person or thing that performs an action.
Verb: Describes the action.
Object: Person or thing that receives the action.

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Types of Objects
In a sentence, there can be two types of objects — Direct
and Indirect.
The objects provided in the above examples are called direct objects since they are directly ‘acted on’
by the verb.
On the other hand, an indirect object answers questions, such as ‘to/ for who.’

Active and Passive Sentences
1. Radha is reading a book.
2. A book is being read by Radha.
The action (verb) in both sentences is reading a book. But the ‘subject’ of both sentences is different.
In the first sentence, the subject (Radha) does the action. In the second sentence, the subject (a book)
receives the action.
Sentences where the subject does an action are known to be in the Active voice, whereas sentences in
which the subject receives an action are known to be in the Passive voice.


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