(Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority Life Insurance Registration No. 117) Registered Office: Unit No. 701, 702 & 703, 7th Floor,
West Wing, Raheja Towers, 26/27 M G Road, Bangalore -560001, Karnataka., www.pnbmetlife.com, Fax: +91-80-4120 4051
Write to us: 1st Floor, Techniplex -1, Techniplex Complex, Off Veer Savarkar Flyover, Goregaon (West), Mumbai – 400062.
Phone: +91-22-41790000, Fax: +91-22-41790203
SP/2775339 AY331901590IN
Certificate of Insurance
PNB MetLife Loan & Life Suraksha (Level Cover)
Your coverage shall be subject to the salient terms, conditions and exceptions as outlined in this Certificate of Insurance, and detailed under
the PNB MetLife Loan and Life Suraksha Policy.
Free look Provision:
Insured Member(s) have a period of 15 days from the date of receipt of this Certificate of Insurance ( 30 days in case of electronic policies and
policies obtained through distance mode) to review the terms and conditions of this Insurance Coverage. If the Member has any objections to any
of the terms and conditions, then he / she has the option to return the Certificate of Insurance stating the reasons for the objections and shall be
entitled to a refund of the premium paid subject to only a deduction of proportionate risk premium for the period of cover, stamp duty charges and
expenses towards medical examination. All rights of the member(s) under this Policy shall immediately stand extinguished at the cancellation of
the Certificate of Insurance.
The details of your coverage are provided below:
Your soft copy of Policy Document is available in the customer portal. You can access through www.pnbmetlife.com > Customer login >
Provide user ID and password (for existing customer), else click New User (for new customer).
a) If there are more than one Nominee the Company shall pay each Nominee the percentage specified for such Nominee in the Group
Policy Schedule;
b) If a Nominee pre deceases, the specified percentage for the deceased Nominee will be equally distributed to the other surviving
nominee(s) / legal heir(s);
c) If a Nominee is a minor on the date that payment under this Group Policy becomes due to such Nominee the Company shall pay the
benefit amount to the appointee named in the Member Data.
d) If there is no Nominee or all the Nominees have pre deceased the Insured Member then the Benefits payable under the Group Policy
shall be made to the legal heir or legal representative of that Insured Member.
Appointee name: NA
This is a computer generated certificate and does not require a physical signature and should be read together with the terms and
conditions printed along with this certificate.
Important Note
1) This certificate is issued based on the contract of insurance between PNB MetLife India Insurance Company Limited and PUNJAB
NATIONAL BANK not between PUNJAB NATIONAL BANK and the Insured Member.
2) Participation by PUNJAB NATIONAL BANK, PUNJAB NATIONAL BANK customer are purely on a voluntary basis.
3) The salient features of the Group Policy are set out hereunder for ease of reference. Members of PUNJAB NATIONAL BANK insured
under the Group Policy (hereinafter referred to as ‘Insured Member/s’) desirous of perusing the complete Terms and Conditions of
the Group Policy document may do so at the office of PUNJAB NATIONAL BANK
4) In an event of any conflict between the Terms mentioned herein and those mentioned under the Group Policy document issued to
PUNJAB NATIONAL BANK, Terms and Conditions as appearing in the Group Policy document shall prevail.
Schedule Outstanding Loan Amount
PNB MetLife Loan and Life PNB MetLife Loan and Life
Coverage Coverage
Suraksha Sum Assured (Scheduled Suraksha Sum Assured (Scheduled
Period (Month) Period (Month)
outstanding Loan Amount) outstanding Loan Amount)
The death benefit payable under this policy shall be applied firstly to offset any Outstanding Loan Amount of the Insured Member(s) to
the Group Policy holder. Where the actual Outstanding Loan amount on the date of death of the Insured Member is less than the
Scheduled Outstanding Loan Amount the difference between the Scheduled Outstanding Loan Amount and the actual Outstanding
Loan Amount shall be paid by the Group Policy Holder to the nominee / legal heir of the Insured Member. This will be applicable only for
regulated entities.
n The surrender value is payable in the event of the Insured member prepaying fully the outstanding amount of the loan covered under
the Policy or in the event of the Group Policy Holder cancelling the Group Policy under circumstances such as winding up or any other
form of corporate restructuring.
The Scheduled Loan Amount during the first month is equal to the initial coverage amount.
The premiums paid are eligible for deduction under section 80 C of the Income Tax Act 1961. The tax benefits are subject to Income
n Tax laws prevailing from time to time. For any further clarifications, please consult your tax adviser.
A Copy of Your Application Form is enclosed with this Certificate of Insurance.
PNB MetLife Loan and Life Suraksha (UIN : 117N080V02) 2775339 Page 3-6
Final CoI Date : 5th Mar 2020
Customer Service Toll free: 1800-425-6969, OR Call on: 022-4179 0300 (8:00 am to 8:00 PM)
• By E-mail : E-mail ID: complaints@irda.gov.in
• By Phone: 1800 4254 732
In case You are not satisfied with the decision/resolution, You may approach the
10. Payment of claim:
Upon the intimation of claim to the Company in the prescribed manner and after the Insurance Ombudsman at the address in the list.
Company’s scrutiny of the documents and satisfaction of the bonafides of the claim, the of Ombudsman below, if Your grievance pertains to:
Company shall pay the Sum Assured up-to the extent of outstanding loan balance to • Insurance claim that has been rejected or dispute of a claim on legal
the Master Policy Holder (if Regulated Entity) and balance to the Nominee(s) and/or the construction of the Policy;
Appointee If the Master Policy Holder is not a Regulated Entity the entire Sum Assured • Delay in settlement of claim;
shall be payable to the Nominee(s) and/or the Appointee.. Upon such payment, the
• any partial or total repudiation of claims by Us;
Company shall stand discharged of Our obligation under the Group Policy.
11. Regulated Entities • Dispute with regard to premium; or
Regulated entities” means entities falling in any of the below criteria: • Misrepresentation of terms and conditions of the Policy;
i. Reserve Bank of India (RBI) Regulated Scheduled Commercial Banks with RBI • Policy servicing related grievances against Us or Our agent/intermediary;
regulated Scheduled Banks (including Co-operative Banks). • Issuance of Policy in non-conformity with the proposal form;
ii. NBFCs having Certificate of Registration from RBI. • Non-issuance of the Policy after receipt of premium; or
iii. National Housing Bank (NHB) Regulated Housing Finance Companies. • Any other matter resulting from the violation of provisions of the Insurance Act,
1938 as amended from time to time or the Regulations, circulars, guidelines or
iv. NMDFC and its State Channelizing Agencies. instructions issued by the IRDA of India from time to time or the terms and
v. Small Finance Banks regulated by RBI. conditions of the Policy, in so far as they relate to issues mentioned above.
vi. Mutually Aided Coop Societies.
vii. Microfinance Companies registered under Section 8 of Companies Act,2013. 1) The complaint should be made in writing duly signed by You, Nominee, Assignee
viii. Any other entity as approved by Authority or by Your legal heirs with full name, address and contact information of the
complainant, the details of our branch or office against whom the complaint is
made, the facts giving rise to the complaint, supported by documents, the nature
and extent of the loss caused to the complainant and the relief sought from the
Insurance Ombudsman. Per Rule 14(3) of the Insurance Ombudsman Rules,
Grievance Redressal Mechanism
2017 (Rules), a complaint to the Insurance Ombudsman can be made if the
In case You have any query or complaint or grievance, You may approach Our office
complainant makes a written representation to the Insurer and either the Insurer
at the following address:
rejected the complaint or the complainant did not receive any reply within one
Level 1 month after the Insurer received the complaint, or the complainant is not satisfied
For any complaint/grievance, approach any of Our following touch points: with the reply given to him by the Insurer. Further, such a complaint to the
▪ Call 1800-425-69-69 (Toll free) or 080-26502244
Insurance Ombudsman can be made and filed, within one year.
▪ Email at indiaservice@pnbmetlife.co.in
• after the order of the Insurer rejecting the representation is received; or
▪ Write to
• after receipt of decision of the Insurer which is not to the satisfaction of the
Customer Service Department,
1st Floor, Techniplex -1, Techniplex Complex, Off Veer Savarkar Flyover,
Goregaon (West), Mumbai – 400062. • after expiry of a period of one month from the date of sending the written
Phone: +91-22-41790000, Fax: +91-22-41790203 representation to the Insurer if the Insurer fails to furnish reply to the
▪ Online through Our website www.pnbmetlife.com complainant.
2) The Insurance Ombudsman shall be empowered to condone the delay in such
▪ Our nearest PNB MetLife branch across the country
cases as he may consider necessary, after calling for objections of the Insurer
Level 2: against the proposed condonation and after recording reasons for condoning the
In case not satisfied with the resolution provided by the above touch points, or have not delay and in case the delay is condoned, the date of condonation of delay shall
received any response within 10 days, You may be deemed to be the date of filing of the complaint, for further proceedings under
• Write to Our Grievance Redressal Officer at gro@pnbmetlife.co.in or these Rules.
• Send a letter to 3) No complaint before the Insurance Ombudsman shall be maintainable on the
same subject matter on which proceedings are pending before or disposed of by
PNB MetLife India Insurance Co. Ltd,
any court or consumer forum or arbitrator.
Unit No 302, 3rd Floor, Tower 3 Worldmark, Maidawas Road,
Sector 65, Gurugram, Haryana 122018.
Please address Your queries or complaints to our customer services department, and
Your grievances to our grievance redressal officer on the address referred above, who
are authorized to review Your queries or complaints or grievances and address the
same. Please note that only an officer duly authorized by Us has the authority to resolve
Your queries or complaints or grievances. We shall in no way be responsible, or liable,
or bound by, any replies or communications or undertakings, given by or received from,
any financial advisor or any employee who was involved in selling You this Policy.
Level 3:
If You are not satisfied with the response or do not receive a response from Us within
fifteen (15) days, You may approach the IRDAI
PNB MetLife Loan and Life Suraksha (UIN : 117N080V02) 2775339 Page 4-6
Final CoI Date : 5th Mar 2020
Customer Service Toll free: 1800-425-6969, OR Call on: 022-4179 0300 (8:00 am to 8:00 PM)
Annexure of List of Ombudsmen
Office of the Insurance Ombudsman - Ahmedabad Office of the Insurance Ombudsman - Bhopal
Jeevan Prakash Building , 06th Floor, Tilak Marg, Relief Road, Janak Vihar Complex, 2nd Floor, 6, Malviya Nagar, Opp. Airtel
AHMEDABAD- 380001 Tel. 079- 25501201/02/05/06 Office, Near New Market, BHOPAL – 462 003.
Email: bimalokpal.ahmedabad@cioins.co.in Tel.: 0755 - 2769201 / 2769202
Area of Jurisdiction - Gujarat, Dadra & Nagar Haveli, Daman and Diu Email: bimalokpal.bhopal@cioins.co.in
Area of Jurisdiction - Madhya Pradesh & Chhattisgarh
Office of the Insurance Ombudsman - Bhubaneshwar Office of the Insurance Ombudsman - Chandigarh
62, Forest Park, BHUBNESHWAR – 751 009. S.C.O. No. 101, 102 & 103, 2nd Floor, Batra Building, Sector 17 –
Tel.: 0674 - 2596461 /2596455 D, CHANDIGARH – 160 017. Tel.: 0172 - 2706196 / 2706468
Email: bimalokpal.bhubaneswar@cioins.co.in Email: bimalokpal.chandigarh@cioins.co.in
Area of Jurisdiction - Odisha Area of Jurisdiction - Punjab, Haryana Himachal Pradesh,
Jammu & Kashmir, & Chandigarh
Office of the Insurance Ombudsman - Chennai Office of the Insurance Ombudsman – New Delhi
Fatima Akhtar Court, 4th Floor, 453, Anna Salai, Teynampet, 2/2 A, Universal Insurance Building, Asaf Ali Road,
CHENNAI – 600 018. Tel.: 044 - 24333668 / 24335284 NEW DELHI – 110 002. Tel.: 011 - 23239633 / 23237532
Email: bimalokpal.chennai@cioins.co.in Email: bimalokpal.delhi@cioins.co.in
Area of Jurisdiction - Tamil Nadu, Pondicherry Town and Area of Jurisdiction – Delhi
Karaikal (which are part of Pondicherry)
Office of the Insurance Ombudsman - Guwahati Office of the Insurance Ombudsman - Hyderabad
Jeevan Nivesh, 5th Floor, Nr. Panbazar over bridge, S.S. Road, 6-2-46, 1st floor, "Moin Court", Lane Opp. Saleem Function
GUWAHATI – 781001 (ASSAM). Tel.: 0361 - 2132204 / 2132205 Palace, A. C. Guards, Lakdi-Ka-Pool,
Email: bimalokpal.guwahati@cioins.co.in HYDERABAD - 500 004. Tel.: 040 - 65504123 / 23312122
Area of Jurisdiction - Assam, Meghalaya, Manipur, Mizoram, Email: bimalokpal.hyderabad@cioins.co.in
Arunachal Pradesh,Nagaland and Tripura Area of Jurisdiction - Andhra Pradesh, Telangana,
Yanam and part of Territory of Pondicherry
Office of the Insurance Ombudsman - Ernakulam Office of the Insurance Ombudsman - Kolkata
2nd Floor, Pulinat Bldg., Opp. Cochin Shipyard, M. G. Road, Hindustan Bldg. Annexe, 4th Floor, 4, C.R. Avenue,
ERNAKULAM - 682 015. Tel.: 0484 - 2358759 / 2359338 KOLKATA - 700 072. Tel.: 033 - 22124339 / 22124340
Email: bimalokpal.ernakulam@cioins.co.in Email: bimalokpal.kolkata@cioins.co.in
Area of Jurisdiciton - Kerala, Lakshadweep, Mahe – a part of Area of Jurisdiction - West Bengal, Sikkim, Andaman & Nicobar
Pondicherry Islands
Office of the Insurance Ombudsman - Lucknow Office of the Insurance Ombudsman - Noida
6th Floor, Jeevan Bhawan, Phase-II, Nawal Kishore Road, Bhagwan Sahai Palace, 4th Floor, Main Road,
Hazratganj, LUCKNOW - 226 001. Tel.: 0522 - 2231330 / 2231331 Naya Bans, Sector 15, Distt: Gautam Buddh Nagar,
Email: bimalokpal.lucknow@cioins.co.in UTTAR PRADESH (U.P.) - 201301. Tel.: 0120-2514250 / 2514252
Area of Jurisdiction - Districts of Uttar Pradesh : Laitpur, Jhansi, / 2514253 Email: bimalokpal.noida@cioins.co.in
Mahoba, Hamirpur, Banda, Chitrakoot, Allahabad, Mirzapur, Area of Jurisdiction - State of Uttaranchal and the following
Sonbhabdra, Fatehpur, Pratapgarh, Jaunpur,Varanasi,Gazipur, Districts of Uttar Pradesh: Agra, Aligarh, Bagpat, Bareilly, Bijnor,
Jalaun, Kanpur, Lucknow, Unnao, Sitapur, Lakhimpur, Bahraich, Budaun, Bulandshehar, Etah, Kanooj, Mainpuri, Mathura, Meerut,
Barabanki, Raebareli,Sravasti, Gonda, Faizabad, Amethi,Kaushambi, Moradabad, Muzaffarnagar, Oraiyya, Pilibhit, Etawah,
Balrampur, Basti, Ambedkarnagar, Sultanpur,Maharajgang, Farrukhabad, Firozbad, Gautam Buddh Nagar, Ghaziabad, Hardoi,
Santkabirnagar, Azamgarh, Kushinagar, Gorkhpur, Deoria, Mau, Shahjahanpur, Hapur, Shamli, Rampur, Kashganj,Sambhal,
Ghazipur, Chandauli, Ballia, Sidharathnagar Amroha, Hathras, Kanshiramnagar, Saharanpur
Office of the Insurance Ombudsman - Jaipur Office of the Insurance Ombudsman – Pune
Jeevan Nidhi – II Bldg., Gr. Floor, Bhawani Singh Marg, Jeevan Darshan Bldg., 3rd Floor, C.T.S. Nos. 195 to 198,
JAIPUR - 302 005. Tel.: 0141 - 2740363 N.C. Kelkar Road, Narayan Peth, PUNE – 411 030.
Email: bimalokpal.jaipur@cioins.co.in Tel.: 020-41312555 Email: bimalokpal.pune@cioins.co.in
Area of Jurisdiction – Rajasthan Area of Jurisdiction - Maharashtra, Area of Navi Mumbai and
Thane excluding Mumbai Metropolitan Region
Office of the Insurance Ombudsman - Bengaluru Office of the Insurance Ombudsman – Mumbai
Jeevan Soudha Building, PID No. 57-27-N-19 3rd Floor, Jeevan Seva Annexe, S. V. Road, Santacruz (W),
Ground Floor, 19/19, 24th Main Road, JP Nagar, Ist Phase, MUMBAI - 400 054. Tel.: 022 - 26106552 / 26106960
BENGALURU – 560 078. Tel.: 080 - 26652048 / 26652049 Email: bimalokpal.mumbai@cioins.co.in
Email: bimalokpal.bengaluru@cioins.co.in Area of Jurisdiction – Goa, Mumbai Metropolitan Region excluding
Area of Jurisdiction – Karnataka Navi Mumbai & Thane
Office of the Insurance Ombudsman – Patna
2nd Floor, Lalit Bhawan, Bailey Road,
PATNA – 800001 Tel No: 0612-2547068
Email id : bimalokpal.patna@cioins.co.in
Area of Jurisdiction - Bihar, Jharkhand