Edit_ES__UNIT_1_Communication_Skills (1)
Edit_ES__UNIT_1_Communication_Skills (1)
Edit_ES__UNIT_1_Communication_Skills (1)
2. Multiple choice questions Read the questions carefully and circle the letter(s) (a), (b), (c)
or (d) that best answer(s) the question. (Note: There can be more than one correct choice)
2. You need to apply leave at work? Which method of communication will you use?
(a) e-mail (b) Poster (c) Newsletter (d) Blog
3. By which action can senders send their messages in non verbal way?
(a) Gestures (b) Speaking (c) Reading (d) Writing
2. What are the types of words we should use for verbal communication?
Non-verbal communication is the expression or exchange of information or messages
without using any spoken or written word. In other words, we send signals and messages to
others, through expressions, gestures, postures, touch, space, eye contact and para language.
3. Draw any five common signs used for Visual Communication. Explain what each
conveys and where did you see it?
2. Types of Feedback?
a. Positive Feedback
b. Negative Feedback
c. No Feedback
2. Types of sentences.
Ans: a. Active Sentence
b. Passive Sentence