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Centre Number

2023 P ublic Examination

Continuers Level
Wednesday 18 October: 2 pm Australian Eastern Daylight Time
Reading Time: 10 minutes
Working Time: 2 hours and 30 minutes
• You have 10 minutes to read all the papers and to familiarise yourself with the requirements
of the questions. You must not write during this time.
• Monolingual and/or bilingual printed dictionaries may be consulted during the reading time
and also during the examination.

Section 1: Listening and Responding (30 marks)

Instructions to Students

1. Allow approximately 40 minutes for Section 1.

2. Write all your answers to the questions in Section 1 in this booklet in black or blue pen. Space is
provided for you to make notes.
3. You must answer ALL questions in Part A and Part B.
4. Answer Part A in ENGLISH and Part B in SINHALA.
5. Write your student/registration number and the centre number (if required) on the front cover of this
6. All question booklets will be collected at the end of the examination.

© Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority 2023

Part A (Questions 1–3)
(15 marks)

Your response will be assessed on how well you:

• understand general and specific aspects of texts by identifying and analysing information and
convey the information accurately and appropriately.

You will hear THREE texts. Each text will be played twice. There will be a short break between the first and
second playings of each text. You may make notes at any time.

Listen carefully to each text and then answer the questions in ENGLISH.

Marks You may make notes in

Text 1 this space. These notes
will NOT be assessed.
1. State four experiences a first time customer to the ‘Hiru Tharu’ would 4

Marks You may make notes in
Text 2 this space. These notes
will NOT be assessed.
2. (a) Why is the Sigiriya considered an amazing man-made construction? 3

(b) Provide two views on the origin of the kingdom of Sigiriya. 2


Marks You may make notes in
Text 3 this space. These notes
will NOT be assessed.
3. What benefits do the organisers and presenters of the exhibition provide 6
for young people?

Part B (Questions 4–6)
(15 marks)

Your response will be assessed on how well you:

• understand general and specific aspects of texts by identifying and analysing information and
convey the information accurately and appropriately.

You will hear THREE texts. Each text will be played twice. There will be a short break between the first and
second playings of each text. You may make notes at any time.

Listen carefully to each text and then answer the questions in SINHALA.

Marks You may make notes in

Text 4 this space. These notes
will NOT be assessed.
4. (a) What made the race in which Ranathunga Karunananda participated 1
very special?
rK;=x. lrekdkkao iyNd.s jQ ;r.h iqúfYaIS jQfhA
l=ula ksid o@

(b) How did the Japanese acknowledge the Sri Lankan athlete? 3
cmka cd;slhka YS% ,dxlSh u,, lS%vlhdg m%;spdr
oelajQfha flfia o@


Marks You may make notes in
Text 5 this space. These notes
will NOT be assessed.
5. (a) What special features are included in Kavinda’s vehicle? 2
ldúkaof.a jdykfha we;s iqúfYaIS ,laIK fudkjd o@

(b) Why does Shamalee want to postpone the purchase of a new car? 3
Ydu,S w¨;a fudag¾ r:hla ñ,oS .ekSu l,a oukafka wehs@

Marks You may make notes in
Text 6 this space. These notes
will NOT be assessed.
6. How do the names given to three specific folk verses mentioned in the 6
text relate to the situations in which they were sung?
fuu fPaofha i`oyka jk úfYaI;
s cklú j¾. ;=kla i|yd §
we;s kï" tAjd .dhkd lrk ,o wjia:dj,g iïnkaO jkafka

End of Section 1

Centre Number

2023 P ublic Examination

Continuers Level

Section 2: Reading and Responding (25 marks)

Instructions to Students

1. Allow approximately 1 hour and 10 minutes for Section 2.

2. Write all your answers to the questions in Section 2 in this booklet in black or blue pen.
3. You must answer ALL questions in Part A and Part B.
4. Answer Part A in ENGLISH and Part B in SINHALA.
5. Write your student/registration number and the centre number (if required) on the front cover of this
6. All question booklets will be collected at the end of the examination.

© Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority 2023

Part A (Questions 7–8)
(10 marks)

Your response will be assessed on how well you:

• understand general and specific aspects of texts ( for example, by comparing, contrasting,
summarising and/or evaluating) and convey the information appropriately.

7. Read the text and then answer in ENGLISH the question that follows.

idïm%odhsl kQ,a rElv kdgH

idïm%odhsl kQ,a rElv kdgH › ,xldfõ ol=Kq iy ngysr fjr<nv m%foaYj,
s O
a l,djls' fï m%foaYj, cSj;ajk .ïjdß mrïmrdjg whs;s l,dlrejka
úsiska fï rElv kdgH bosßm;a flf¾' fïjdhska cd;l l;d iy b;sydi.;
isÿùï ir,j bosßm;a flfrk ksid ´kEu jhia ldKAvhl whg fïjd
krUd úfkdao úh yel' iuyr rElv kdgHj, .eñ ck;djg wdfõKsl
jQ wúysxil úys`: ;y`: iy WmfoaYd;aul mKsjqv we;=<;a fõ' tajdhska
ldg;a f.!rjfhka iy lreKdfjka ie,lsh hq;= wdldrh krUkakkag
W.kajhs¡ kQ,a rElv kdgH wdrïN jQfha ljodoehs wmeyeos<s kuq;a fïjdg
ishjia lsysmhl b;sydihla we;ehs ie,fla' bkaoshdfõ ol=Kq fyda ksß;os.
m%foaYj, isg › ,xldjg meñsKs ixl%uKslhka úiska fuu l,dj › ,xldjg
y÷kajd fokakg we;s njg úYajdi flf¾'
m%ùK rElv Ys,amSka úiska ,S j,ska rElvj, fldgia lmd" Tm oud" ;Ska;
.d" YÍr fldgiA tlg iïnkaO lrkq ,nhs' tu mjq,aj, ldka;djka w;ska
rElvj,g .e,fmk we÷ï uid wekaoùu;a" tajdg wjYH wfkl=;a ieris,s
oeóu;a isÿ flf¾' fï ksid krUkakkag ,xldfõ iqúfYaIS ixialD;sl
Wreuhla jk rElv kdgH ixo¾Yk keröug wjia:djla ,efí'
rElv kdgH m%ix. mj;ajkq ,nkafka fmdÿ ia:dk j,hs' fï ksid iduQyslj
úfkdaoùug iy úfõl .ekSug krUkakkag wjia:djla ,efí¡ tu.ska iudc
in|;d f.dvk.d .ekSug iy jeä oshqKq lr.ekSug Tjqkag yelsfõ'


How do Sri Lankans benefit from the traditional string puppetry performances? 5


8. Read the text and then answer in ENGLISH the question that follows.

lfvd,dk mßir moaO;s

ksfõosldj( wdhqfndajkaæ wo wm iu. idlÉPdjg weú;a bkafka jk Ôù
ixrËK fomd¾;fïka;=fõ m%pdrl ks,OdßkS ruHd fmf¾rd uy;añhhs'
ruHd fmf¾rd( wdhqfndajkaæ
ksfõosldj( uqyqÿ fjr<g wdikakfha l<mqj, oelsh yels lfvd,dk mrsir
moaO;s .ek jeo.;a mKsjqvhla wo Tn f.keús;a ;sfhkjd fkao@
ruHd fmf¾rd( Tõ" fï lfvd,dk mrsirfha ;sfhk Ydlj, jeo.;alu yqÕla
wh okafka kE¡ fï Ydl ;sfhk fjr< ;Srh b;d oel=ïl`: ksid ixpdrlhka
fïjd n,kak tkjd' ta jf.au fï Ydl iq<x wdjrKhla jf.a jev lrk
ksid ;o iq<x j,ska we;sjk fjr< Ldokh wvq lrkjd'
ksfõosldj( t;fldg fï mßirfha ;sfhkafka lfvd,dk j¾.fha Ydl
ú;rlau o@
ruHd fmf¾rd( ta ú;rla fkfuhs" uqyqÿ ;Kfld, iy fldr,amr wdosh;a"
fkdfhla j¾.fha ud`:ka iy fjk;a Ôùkq;a fïjdfha olskak mq`:jka' fï
Ydl yd i;=kaf.ka mßirhg tl;=jk fmdaIH foaj,a wdydrhg .kakd b;d
l=vd c,c cSùkq;a fïjdfha nyq,j bkakjd'
ksfõosldj( lfvd,dk mßirfha fujeks Ôj úúO;ajhla ;sîu wmsg f,dl=
ruHd fmf¾rd( Tõ" Tn okakj o lfvd,dk Ydlj, uq,aj,ska msgfjk
Tlaiscka c,hg tl;=fjkjd jf.au lfvd,dk Ydlj, uq,aj,ska c,fha
oshù ;sfhk úI øjH Wrd .kakd ksid c,h msßisÿùul=;a fjkjd lsh,d@
fï ksid ud`:ka iy fjk;a c,c i;=kaf.a fndaùug iy cSj;aùug iqÿiq
mßirhla ta wjg ;sfhkjd' ud`: nyq,j isàu ksid ud`: we,a,Su /lshdjla
úsosyg lrk whg fï mßirh b;d jeo.;a'
ksfõosldj( fï flá ld,h ;=< lfvd,dk mßir moaO;sfha we;s jeo.;alu
ms<sn|j wmj oekqj;a l<dg fndfydau ia;+;shsæ
ruHd fmf¾rd( ia;+;shsæ


Explain the ecological and economic benefits of the mangrove ecosystem. 5

Ecological benefits of the mangrove system

Economic benefits of the mangrove system


Part B (Question 9)
(15 marks)

Your response will be assessed on how well you:

• demonstrate an understanding of the stimulus text
• write text appropriate and relevant to context, purpose and audience
• structure and sequence information and ideas
• manipulate language structures and vocabulary in Sinhala.

9. Read the text and then answer the question in approximately 150 words in SINHALA on page 8.

zu,aj;= ThZ m%;sixialrKh i|yd Y%uodkhlaa

zu,aj;= Th fh!jk mokuZ u.ska wjg m%foaYhkays f.dú ck;djg c,h imhd
fok m%Odku Th jk mqrdK u,aj;= Th m%;sixialrKh lsÍfï Y%uodkhla
ixúOdkh lr we;'
zie,aùkshdZ kï jk c,c Ydlh fndaùu ksid fuys c, uÜgu iSs>%fhka wvq
fjñka mj;Ss'
c, ys`.fhka m%foaYjdiSka fírd .ekSfï wruqKska meje;afjk fuu Y%uodkh
l=uk wkaofï ld,.=Ksl ;;a;ajhla hgf;a jqj;a meje;aùug kshñ;h'
iyNd.S jk whg flá wdydr iy mdkSh c,h imhk w;r fï i|yd Tnf.a
odhl;ajh;a w.h lruq' Y%uodkhg iyNd.Sùu i|yd fmr m<mqreoaola wjYH
fkdjk ksid fuhg iyNd.Ssjk f,i Tn ieugu wdrdOkd lr isáuqæ
tÈkg kshñ; jev igyk
• Th fomi we;s rlaIs; jkh mÍlaId lr" úkdY ù we;s .ia fjkqjg w¨f;ka
me, frdamKh lsÍu
• Th wjg tl;= ù we;s l=Kq li, bj;a lsÍu ^fï i|yd mßir wêldßfha
iydh ,eîug kshñ;hs&
• zie,aùkshdZ bj;a lsÍug meñfKk úfYaIs; mqyqKqjla we;s lKavdhug lEu
îu j,ska ix.%y lsÍu
Èkh( wfm%a,a y;afjks fikiqrdod WoEik 7(00 isg iji 5(00 olajd ^fuu ld,
mrdih ;=< leu;s fõ,djl iyNd.Ss úh yel'&

You have participated in the working bee mentioned in the notice above. Write a letter to a friend about the
personal experience you have gained from participating in the working bee to restore the Malwathu River.

u,aj;= Th m%;sixialrKh i|yd meje;ajQ by; i`oyka Y%uodkhg iyNd.S

ùug Tng yels úh' tys§ Tn ,enQ fm!oa.,sl w;a±lSï i|yka lrñka Tfí
hy`:fjl=g$fhfy<shlg ,smshla ,shkak'

You may make notes in this space. These notes will NOT be assessed.


Do not remove this page from the question booklet.

Student/Registration Sinhala
Number Continuers Level

Centre Number

Question 9

End of Section 2

Centre Number

2023 P ublic Examination

Continuers Level

Section 3: Writing in Sinhala (20 marks)

Instructions to Students

1. Allow approximately 40 minutes for Section 3.

2. Write your answer to a question from Section 3 in this booklet in black or blue pen. Space is provided
for you to make notes.
3. You must answer ONE question in SINHALA.
4. Write your student/registration number and the centre number (if required) on the front cover of this
5. All question booklets will be collected at the end of the examination.

© Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority 2023

Section 3 (Questions 10–12)
(20 marks)

Your response will be assessed on how well you:

• demonstrate depth of treatment of information, ideas and/or opinions
• write text appropriate and relevant to context, purpose and audience
• structure and sequence information and ideas
• manipulate language structures and vocabulary in Sinhala.

Answer ONE question from this section in approximately 250 words in SINHALA.

10. You have recently watched a film that depicted how a student’s future was shaped by the influence of a
good teacher. Write a film review for a school magazine in which you persuade others to watch the film.

YsIHhl=f.a wkd.;h yev.eiaùu i|yd fyd| .=rejrfhl=g l< yels n,mEu

ksrEmKh flreKq Ñ;%mghla uE;loS Tng keröug yelsúh¡ th keröu i|yd wka
whj fmd<Ujñka mdi,a fh!jk iÕrdjlg Ñ;%mg úpdrhla ,shkak'

11. You have found a large envelope in your mailbox before Christmas with an invitation to attend Christmas
celebrations at the North Pole. Write an imaginative short story for a young writers’ competition about
what happened next.

k;a;,g fmr" ksjfia ,shqï fmÜáh újD; l<úg W;a;r O%ejfha k;a;, ieuÍug Tng
lr ;snQ wdrdOkdjla iys; úYd, ,shqï ljrhla yuqúh' bka wk;=rej isÿjQfha l=ula o
hkak ms<sn|j ;reK f,aLlhskaf.a ;r.hlg uk#l,ams; flá l;djla ,shkak'

12. You have recently attended an Invention Trade Show and Exhibition. Write an article for the science section
of a newspaper in which you evaluate an invention that impressed you.

uE;loS Tn kj ks¾udK we;=<;a fj<| m%o¾Ykhla keröug .sh w;r tysoS Tn ÿgq
is;a weo.;a ks¾udKhla we.hSug ,lalrñka mqj;am;l úoHd ;Srejg ,smshla ,shkak'

You may make notes in this space. These notes will NOT be assessed.


Question Number:

End of Section 3

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