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IPC-1902/IEC 60097

Grid Systems for

Printed Circuits

IPC-1902/IEC 60097
March 1999 An IEC standard adopted by IPC

2215 Sanders Road, Northbrook, IL 60062-6135

Tel. 847.509.9700 Fax 847.509.9798
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IPC-1902/IEC 60097

Grid Systems for

Printed Circuits

Developed by IEC Technical Committee No. 52: Printed Circuits

and approved by the Printed Board Design Committee of IPC

Users of this standard are encouraged to participate in the

development of future revisions.


2215 Sanders Road
Northbrook, Illinois
Tel 847 509.9700
Fax 847 509.9798
IPC-1902/IEC 60097 March 1999

Any Standard involving a complex technology draws material from a vast number of sources. While the principal members
of the IPC Printed Board Design Committee are shown below, it is not possible to include all of those who assisted in the
evolution of this standard. To each of them, the members of the IPC extend their gratitude.

Printed Board Design Technical Liaison of the

Committee IPC Board of Directors
Chairman Chairman
Joe Fjelstad Stanley Gentry
Tessera Inc. Noble Industries Ltd.

Printed Board Design Committee

Lance Auer, Raytheon Missile Werner Engelmaier, Engelmaier Les Hymes, Les Hymes Associates
Systems Company Associates, Inc. James Maguire, Boeing Defense &
Sherman Banks, Trimble Navigation Gary Ferrari, IPC Space Group
Rino Biasiolo, E.C.S. Joe Fjelstad, Tessera Inc. Raymond Stinger, Systems &
David Bittle, Raytheon Aircraft Karen Flewharty, Texas Instruments Electronics, Inc.
Company Inc. Gil Theroux, Honeywell Inc.
John Bourque, Shure Brothers Inc. Richard Grannells, United Lutz Treutler, Fachverband Elektronik
John Burke, Dynamix Technology Technologies Design e.V.
Ltd. Happy Holden, TechLead Eric Vollmar, Methode Electronics
Denis Caissie, Litton Industries Corporation Inc.


This standard is equivalent to CEI/IEC 60097, fourth edition 1991.

March 1999 IPC-1902/IEC 60097

Grid Systems for Printed Circuits

1 SCOPE For information regarding component terminations, see

This International Standard relates to grid systems for IEC 321.
printed circuits to ensure compatibility between the printed NOTE: It is recommended that persons who are respon-
circuits and parts to be mounted on them at the intersec- sible for the dimensional standardization of components
tions of the grid. should, whenever possible, avoid using metric dimensions
close to dimensions based on inch measurements. When
this is impossible, the metric component should be marked
The following standards contain provisions which, through with the letter M for identification See Appendix A.
reference in this text, constitute provisions of this Interna-
tional Standard. At the time of publication, the editions 5 PREFERRED GRID SYSTEM
indicated were valid. All standards are subject to revision,
and parties to agreements based on this International Stan- 5.1 For positioning connections on a printed board, a grid
dard are encouraged to investigate the possibility of apply- with a nominal spacing in the two directions of 0.5 mm
ing the most recent editions of the standards indicated shall be used.
below. Members of IEC and ISO maintain registers of cur-
rently valid International Standards. 5.2 Where a grid with a nominal spacing of 0.5 mm is not
adequate, a grid with a nominal spacing in the two direc-
IPC-T-50 Terms and Definitions for Printed Circuits. tions of 0.05 mm shall be used.
IEC 321: 1970 Guidance for the design and use of compo- This grid shall not be further subdivided.
nents intended for mounting on boards with printed wiring
and printed circuits. 6 ALTERNATIVE GRID SYSTEM
It is recognized that the previous editions of this standard
3 TERMINOLOGY contained (but were not limited to) an inch-based grid.
Where it is necessary to continue to use this grid (for
3.1 Grid An orthogonal network of two sets of parallel
example, to maintain compatibility with existing printed
equidistant lines for positioning connections on a printed boards and components), the following shall apply (3.1.1
board (see IPC-T-50). and 3.1.2 of IEC 97, third edition, 1970).
3.2 For definitions of other terms, see IPC-T-50. 6.1 For positioning connections on a printed board, a grid
with nominal spacings in the two directions of 2.54 mm
shall be used.
By definition, the connections of the components to be
mounted on a printed board are positioned at the intersec- 6.2 Where a grid with smaller spacings is necessary,
tions of the grid lines. 0.635 mm shall be used.
The center distances of these connections will be integer This secondary grid shall not be further subdivided.
multiples of the grid spacings, for example:
NOTE: The following millimeter-inch equivalents apply:
- n x 0.05 mm, n x 0.5 mm (millimeter-based grid), or
- n x 0.635 mm, n x 2.54 mm (inch-based grid) - 2.54 mm = 0.1 inch; - 0.635 mm = 0.025 inch.

where n is an integral number 1, 2, 3. ...

For other features of printed boards, for example land pat-
terns for test purposes or surface mounted devices, the
same principle shall be used.

IPC-1902/IEC 60097 March 1999

Appendix A
Recommended Practices for Grid Application

The following information is provided to assist component Shown hereinafter are two examples of how a user’s modu-
manufacturers and printed board designers in determining lar grid would be implemented for each of the two pre-
the use of the preferred grid system concepts. It is for ferred grid spacings of 0.5 mm and 0.05 mm.
information only.
Example 1:
A.1 COMPONENT DESIGN A user wishes to use the standard grid of 0.5 mm; however,
As indicated in the note to clause 4, a possibility exists of he has a test instrument that is made up of modular grid
a close overlap between the metric-based grid and the inch- intervals of 1.00 mm. Table A.1 shows the equivalencies.
based grid. As an example, for many years, components Table A.1
have been designed with terminations on 2.54 mm spacings
User grid units
in accordance with the inch-based grid. according to this Numerical value, Standardized grid
standard mm units
It is possible for a component manufacturer to design a
1 1.00 2
component whose terminations are spaced on 2.50 mm
under the preferred grid system. 2 2.00 4
3 3.00 6
Although the initial reaction of a component manufacturer 4 4.00 8
might be to attempt to make a new part to fit closely to the
5, etc. 5.00, etc. 10, etc.
old inch-based grid system, component manufacturers are
encouraged to avoid this practice. Tolerances on compo- Example 2:
nents and printed boards would soon have non-matching
terminations and holes or land patterns due to tolerance A user wishes to use the preferred metric grid of 0.05 mm.
run-out. Table A.2 shows how the user’s modular grid of 0.25 mm
may be converted to the preferred grid equivalents.
A preferred method of component replacement would be to
significantly modify the termination spacing. Thus, a com- Table A.2
ponent originally having terminations on 2.54 mm centers Standardized grid
Numerical value, units according to
would find that its future replacement would be a compo- User grid units mm this standard
nent with terminations on 2.00 mm centers, thus avoiding
1 0.25 5
visual confusion between the inch-based and metric com-
2 0.50 10
ponents. As stated in the note to clause 4, if this is not pos-
3 0.75 15
sible, appropriate markings should be placed on the com-
ponents to identify them as being designed for the metric 4 1.00 20
preferred grid system. 5, etc. 1.25, etc. 25, etc.

A.2 MODULAR EQUIVALENCE OF THE GRID These examples permit flexibility in future designs for both
component and printed board manufacturers and also allow
Many users may find that they need to develop a special
the use of existing equipment that has grid lock-in capabil-
modular grid that is an equivalent of the preferred grid.
ity consistent with the new grid standard.
This is an acceptable practice, provided that the special
modular grid is consistently equivalent to the preferred grid


Standard Improvement Form IPC-1902/IEC 60097

The purpose of this form is to provide the Individuals or companies are invited to If you can provide input, please complete
Technical Committee of IPC with input submit comments to IPC. All comments this form and return to:
from the industry regarding usage of will be collected and dispersed to the IPC
the subject standard. appropriate committee(s). 2215 Sanders Road
Northbrook, IL 60062-6135
Fax 847 509.9798

1. I recommend changes to the following:

Requirement, paragraph number
Test Method number , paragraph number

The referenced paragraph number has proven to be:

Unclear Too Rigid In Error

2. Recommendations for correction:

3. Other suggestions for document improvement:

Submitted by:

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Company E-mail


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ISBN #1-580981-94-1

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