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CBGS 6 SEM090323052730

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UIT-RGPV (Autonomous) Bhopal

Subject code-EX 601 Subject: Power Quality

Semester: VI
For credits & marks refer your scheme


Upon successful completion of the course students will be able to:

1. Discuss and evaluate power quality issues.

2. Discuss voltage sag and related issues
3. Discuss power system transients and related issues
4. Discuss power system harmonics and related issues
5. Discuss electromagnetic interference and related issues

Introduction, Power quality-voltage quality, power quality evaluations procedures term and definition:
general quality of power quality problem, causes and effects of power quality disturbances Unit-2

Voltage sags and interruption: sources of sags and interruption, estimating voltage sag performance,
fundamental principles of protection, monitoring sags.
Transient over voltages: sources of transient overvoltages, principle of over voltages protection, utility
capacitor switching transients, fundamentals of harmonics and harmonics distortion, harmonics sources
from commercial load and industrial loads.
Applied Harmonics: Harmonics distortion evaluations, principles for controlling harmonics, harmonics
studies devices for controlling harmonics distortion, passive input filters standards of harmonics.
Electromagnetic compatibility, constant frequency control, constant tolerance band control, variable
tolerance band control, discontinuous current control.

Reference Books:
1. Power Quality - by R.C. Duggan
2. Power system harmonics - by A.J. Arrillga
3. Power electronic converter harmonics - by Derek A. Paice
4. Power Quality in Electrical Systems-by Alexander and Thompson
5. Electrical Power Quality by- Surajit Chatopadhyay

Academic Session 2019-20

UIT-RGPV (Autonomous) Bhopal

Subject code-EX 602 Subject: Energy Conservation and Management

Semester: VI
For credits & marks refer your scheme


Upon successful completion of the course students will be able to:

6. Apply the concept of thermodynamics and electrical engineering in energy conservation.

7. Identify energy conservation opportunities in various sectors.
8. Recommend appropriate energy conservation measures in identified sectors.
9. Evaluate techno economic feasibility of the recommended measures

General energy problem: energy use patterns and scope for conservation. Energy audit: energy monitoring,
energy accounting and analysis, auditing and targeting. Energy conservation policy, energy management &
audit, energy audit, types of energy audit, energy management (audit), qualities and function of energy
managers, language of an energy manager, questionnaire, check list for top management, loss of energy in
material flow, energy performance, maximizing system efficiency, optimizing, input energy requirements,
energy auditing instruments, material load energy balance diagram.


Thermodynamics of Energy Conservation. Basic principle. Irreversibility and second law efficiency analysis
of systems. Primary energy sources, optimum use of prime-movers, energy efficient house keeping, energy
recovery in thermal systems, waste heat recovery techniques, thermal insulation. Thermal energy audit in
heating, ventilation and air conditioning. Maintenance and Energy audit – friction, lubrication and tribo-
logical innovations. Predictive and preventive maintenance.


Load curve analysis & load management DSM, Energy storage for power systems (Mechanical, Thermal,
Electrical & Magnetic) Restructuring of electric tariff from energy conservation consideration, Economic
analysis depreciation method, time value of money, Evaluation method of projects, replacement analysis,
special problems inflation risk analysis. Pay back period, Energy economics, Cost Benefit Risk analysis, Pay
back period.


Energy efficient electric drives, energy efficient motors v.s.d. Power factor improvement in power system.
Energy conservation in transportation system especially in electric vehicle. Energy flow networks,
simulation & modeling, formulation & objective & constraints, alternative option, matrix chart.

Energy conservation task before industry, Energy conservation equipments, Co-Generation, Energy
conservation process, Industry Sugar, Textiles, Cement Industry etc Electrical Energy Conservation in
building, heating and lighting. domestic gadgets

Academic Session 2019-20


1. Energy Management – W.R. Murphy & G. Mckey Butler worths .

2. Energy Management Head Book- W.C. Turner, John Wiley
3. Energy Management Principles- Craig B. Smith, Pergamon Press
4. Energy Conservation- Paul O Callagan- Pergamon Press
5. Design & Management of energy conservation. Callaghan,
6. Elect, Energy Utilization & Conservation. Dr. Tripathi S.C.,

Academic Session 2019-20

UIT-RGPV (Autonomous) Bhopal

Subject code-EX 603 Subject: Electronic Instumentation

Semester: VI
For credits & marks refer your scheme


Upon successful completion of the course students will be able to:

1. Discuss and Analyse working principal operation and construction of various measuring instruments.
2. Make use of electronic instruments for measurement and analysis of various mechanical
and electrical quantities.
3. Utilize various signal generators and oscillators in electronic and measuring circuits.
4. Understand working of various display and interface devices.


Introduction to CRO, Different parts of CRO, Its Block diagram, Electrostatic focusing, Electrostatic
deflection, post deflection acceleration, Screen for CRTs, Graticule, Vertical & Horizontal deflection
system, Time base circuit, Oscilloscope probes and transducers, Attenuators, Application of CROs,
Lissajous patterns, Special purpose CROs- Multi input, Dual trace, Dual beam, Sampling, Storage (Analog
& Digital) Oscilloscopes.


A.C. Bridge Measurement Sources and detectors, Use of Bridges for measurement of inductance,
Capacitance & Q factor Maxwells bridge, Maxwells inductance capacitance bridge, Hays bridge, Andersons
bridge, Owen's Bridge, De-sauty's Bridge, Schering Bridge, High Voltage Schering bridge, Measurement of
relative permittivity, Heaviside cambell's bridge, Weins bridge, Universal bridge, Sources of errors in
Bridge circuit, Wagner's Earthing device, Q meter and its applications and measurement methods.


Transducers : Transducers definition and classification, mechanical devices as primary detectors,

Characteristic & choice of Transducers, Resistive inductive and capacitive transducers, strain gauge and
gauge factor, Thermistor, Thermo couples, LVDT, RVDT, Synchros, Piezo-Electric transducers, Magnet
elastic and magnetostrictive Hall effect transducers, Opto-electronic transducers such as photo voltaic, Photo
conductive, photo diode and photo conductive cells, Photo transistors, Photo optic transducers. Introduction
to analog & Digital data acquisition systems-Instrumentation systems used, Interfacing transducers to
electronic control & measuring systems Multiplexing - D/A multiplexing A-D Multiplexing, Special
encoders. Digital control description


Signal Generators Fixed & variable frequency AF oscillators, Sine wave generators, Standard signal
generator, AF Sine and Square wave generator Function generator, Square and pulse generator, Random
noise generator, Sweep generator, TV Sweep generator, Marker generator, Sweep- Marker generator,
Wobblyscope, Video pattern generator Vectroscope, Beat frequency oscillator Wave analyser Basic wave

Academic Session 2019-20

analyzer, Frequency selective wave analyzer, Heterodyne wave analyzer, Harmonic distortion, analyzer,
spectrum analyzer digital Fourier analyzer.

Digital Instruments Advantages of Digital instruments over analog instruments, resolution and sensitivity
of Digital meters., Digital Voltmeter - Ramp type, Dual slope integration type, Integrating type, Successive
approximation type, Continuous balance DVM or Servo balancing potentiometer type VM. , compression of
Electronic & Digital Volt meter, Digital Multimeter, Digital frequency meter, Time period measurement,
High frequency measurement, Electronic counter, Digital tachometer, Digital PH meter, Digital phase
meter, Digital capacitance meter. Digital display system and indicators like CRT, LED, LCD, Nixies,
Electro luminescent, Incandescent, Electrophoretic image display, Liquid vapour display dot-matrix display,
Analog recorders, X-Y recorders. Instruments used in computer-controlled instrumentation RS 232C and
IEEE 488, GPIB electric interface.

List of Experiments:-

1. Measurement of inductance of a coil using Anderson Bridge.

2. Measurement of capacitance of a capacitor using schering bridge.
3. LVDT and capacitance transducers characteristics and calibration.
4. Resistance strain gauge- Strain Measurement and calibration.
5. Measurement of R,L,C & Q using LCR-Q meter.
6. Study & measurement of frequency using Lissajous patterns.
7. Measurement of pressure using pressure sensor.
8. Study of Piezo-electric Transducer and Measurement of impact using Piezo-electric Transducer
9. Measurement of Displacement using LVDT.
10. Measurement of speed of a Motor using photoelectric transducer.
11. Study & Measurement using ph meter.
12. Temperature measurement & Control using thermo couple & using thermistor.

1) Albert. D. Helfrick, W.D. Cooper, Modern Electronic Instrumentation and measurement techniques, PHI.
2) Kalsi H.S., Electronic Instrumentation, TMH.
3) A.K. Sawhney, Electrical and Electronic measurements and Instrumentation, Dhanpat Rai and Co.
4) E.W. Golding, Electrical Measurement and Measuring Instruments Sir Isaac Pitman and Sons, Ltd.
London 1940
5) C.S. Rangan, G.R. Sarma, V.S.V. Mani, Instrumentation Devices and Systems Tata McGraw-Hill
6) Company Ltd. B.C. Nakra, K.K. Choudhry, Instrumentation, Measurement and Analysi

Academic Session 2019-20

UIT-RGPV (Autonomous) Bhopal

Subject code-EX 604 Subject : Control System

Semester: VI
For credits & marks refer your scheme


Upon successful completion of the course students will be able to:

1. Develop mathematical models for physical systems

2. Determine the time response of 1st and 2nd order systems
3. Evaluate and analyse stability of a control system
4. Design compensators for a control system.


Modeling of dynamic systems: Electrical, Mechanical and hydraulic systems, Concept of transfer function,
Simulation of differential equations in analog computer, State space description of dynamic systems: Open and
closed loop systems, Signal flow graph, Mason’s formula, Components of control systems: Error detectors
(Synchros & Potentiometer), Servomotors (AC & DC), techo generators, power amplifier, steeper motors

Time – domain analysis of closed loop systems: Test signal s, time response of first and second order systems,
Time domain performance specifications, Steady state error & error constants Feedback control actions:
Proportional, derivative and integral control. Solution of state equation: Eigen values & eigenvectors digitalization
state transitive matrix, stability Routh-Hurwit stability analysis.

Characteristics equation of closed loop system root loci, construction of loci, Effect of adding, poles and Zeros on
the loci, Stability by root loci.

Frequency, Domain analysis, Bode plots, Effect of adding, poles and Zeros, Polar plot, Nyquist stability analysis,
Relative stability : Gain and phase margins.

Academic Session 2019-20

Frequency- Domain compensation: lead lag, Lag-lead compensation, Design of compensating networks

List of Experiments:

1. Time response of second order system.

2. Characteristics of Synchros.
3. Effect of feedback on servomotors.
4. Determination of transfer function of A-C servomotor
5. Determination of transfer function of D-C motor.
st nd
6. Formulation of PI & PD controller and study of closed loop responses of 1 and 2 order dynamic systems.

1. I.J. Nagrath and M. Gopal, Control system Engineering, New Age International.
2. K. Ogata, Modern Control Engineering, PHI.
3. B.C. Kuo, Automatic Control systems, PHI
4. Modern Control Systems by Roy Chaudhary, PHI
5. Gopal M., Control System : Principles & Design, TMH Third edition 2008.
6. Stefani, Shahian, Savant, Hostetter, “Design of feed back c ontrol System’s”, Oxford.
7. Krishna. K. Singh & Gayatri Agnihotri, System Design through MATLAB control tool & Simulink, Stringer
Verlag, U.K.
8. Rudra Pratap, Getting Started with MATLAB, Oxford.
9. Les Finical, Control Systems,Cengage learning,India Edition 2007.
10 Stephen J. Chapman, MATLAB Programming for Engineers, Cengage learning,India Edition 2004.

Academic Session 2019-20

UIT-RGPV (Autonomous) Bhopal

Subject code-EX 605 Subject : Switch Gear and Protection

Semester: VI
For credits & marks refer your scheme


Upon successful completion of the course students will be able to:

1. Analyse and evaluate various faults in Power system.

2. Recommend appropriate relay and circuit breaker for given protection scheme.
3. Recommend appropriate protection schemes for various power system apparatus.
4 Predict appropriate surge protection scheme.


Fault analysis fault analysis per unit, representation and its advantages, faults in power systems (symmetrical &
unsymmetrical), single line and equivalent impendence diagram representation of power system components.
symmetrical components and its application to power systems, fault analysis, sequence networks and their
interconnection for different types of faults, effect of fault impedance, current limiting reactors, its location and
application, short circuit calculation.


Proactive Relays Requirement Of Relays, Primary & Backup Protection, Desirable Qualities Of Relays, Concept Of
Pickup, Reset & Drop-Off, Drop Off/ Pickup Ratio, Inverse Time & Definite Time Charters Tics, Attracted
Armature, Balanced Beam, Induction Disc, Induction Cup, Moving Coil & Moving Iron, Rectifier , Thermal,
Bimetal Directional Relay, Frequency, Dc, All Or Nothing Relays.Pilot & Negative Sequence, Over Current, Over
Voltage, Directional, Differential And Distance Relays, R-X Diagram, Impedance Mho & Reactance
Relay.Introduction Of Static Analog & Digital Relays, Classification Of Static Relays.


Circuit Breakers Elementary principle of arc quenching, recovery & re-striking voltage, arc quenching devices,
description and operation of Bulk oil, Minimum oil, Air break, Air blast, SF6, Vacuum circuit breakers and DC
circuit breakers, their comparative merits, LT Switch gear, HRC fuses, current limiting reactor & influence of
reactors in CB ratings, Testing of circuit breaker.


System Protection Protection of Generators - Earth Fault, percentage, differential, Loss of excitation, Prime mover
failure, Over current, Turn to turn fault, Negative phase sequence, heating, Reverse power protection schemes
Protection of Transformers Internal & external fault protection, Differential, Earth fault, Over Current, Over
heating, Protection schemes, Protection of transmission lines, Over current, Distance and carrier current protection
Academic Session 2019-20

Surge Protection & insulation co-ordination Switching surges, Phenomena of Lightning, over voltage due to
lightning, Protection against lightning, Lightning arrestors, selection of lightning arrestors, Surge absorbers and
diverters, Rod gap, Horn gap expulsion type & valve type lightning arrestors, solid resistance and reactance
earthing, Arc suppression coil, Earthing transformers, Earthwires, Earthing of appliances, insulation co-ordination,
Definitions determination of line insulation, insulation level of substation equipment, co-ordination amongst items
of substation equipment.

List of Experiments:

1. Determination of drop out factor of an instantaneous over current relay.

2. Determination of operating characteristic of IDMT relay.
3. Determination of operating characteristic of differential relay.
4. Study and operation of gas actuated protective relay.
5. Study and operation of static over current relay.
6. Determination of transmission line parameters using MATLAB.
7. Analysis of power system faults (Symmetrical & Asymmetrical) using MATLAB.
8. Study of SF6 circuit breaker
9. Protectional simulation study of generator, Transformer, Feeder & Motor protection.


 B. Ravindran and M Chander, Power System protection and Switchgear, New Age International reprint
 Badrirka, Power System protection and switchgear, TMH.
 CL Wadhwa, Electrical Power systems, New age International.
 Hadi Saadet, Power System Analysis, TMH
 A.R. Bergen, Vijay Vittal, "Power System Analysis, Pearson Education, Asia.
 Switchgear & protection Sunil S. Rao. Khanna Publication.

Academic Session 2019-20

UIT-RGPV (Autonomous) Bhopal

Subject code-EX 606 Subject: Minor Project

Semester: III
For credits & marks refer the scheme


Upon successful completion of the course students will be able to:

1. Identify, discuss and justify the technical aspects of the chosen project with a comprehensive and systematic
2. Work as an individual or in a team in development of technical project
3. Develop communication, interpersonal and other soft skills.
4. Develop work ethics and etiquette.


1. Project work will be undertaken in a group under the direct supervision of a faculty member. The topic of
project undertaken will depend upon the common interests of the students and expertise of the supervisor.
Once the topic of the project is identified, the student will Undertake detailed technical work in the chosen
area, using either theoretical studies, computer simulations or hardware construction.

2. Produce progress reports and schedule additional work within the time frame specified for the project.

3. Deliver seminar on the general area of work being undertaken

4. Prepare a formal report in the prescribed format describing the work undertaken and outcome of the project.


Evaluation will be continuous as an integral part of the class, students will be evaluated on the basis of quality the
topic identified, quantum of work, understanding of the topic, quality of report, presentation, end semester external
assessment and viva voce of each candidate.

Academic Session 2019-20

UIT-RGPV (Autonomous) Bhopal

Subject code-EX 607 Subject: Self-study & Seminar

Semester: III
For credits & marks refer the scheme


Upon successful completion of the course students will be able to:

1. Learn or refine their knowledge of technical concepts traditionally not taught in a classroom.
2. Investigate, report and critically examine a given topic.
3. Develop teamwork skills and leadership quality to plan and present point of view/ document according to
specified requirements before a knowledge audience..
4. Develop work ethics and etiquette.


Students will be required to select those topics as part of self-study which are traditionally not taught in a
classroom.Apart from it students will be required to present seminars individually or in a group on varied topics.
Evaluation will be continuous based on content, knowledge, communication skills and presentation.

Academic Session 2019-20

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