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Yogini Dasha

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72, Janputh, VedJvfension
New Delhi - 110 001
Tel. : 3320648
( CONTENTS) . ~ii,':'

S. No. Chapter Page

I. How to Judge a Nativity I
2. Yogini Dasa 7
3. Results of Yogini Dasa 30
4. Yogini Dasa (Practicallllustrations) 38
5. Kalachakra Dasa Preliminaries Explained 53
6. Interpreting Kalachakra Dasa 77
7. Kalachakra-Dasa (Practical Illustrations) 99
8. Appendix-I ) 17
9. Appendix-2 (", 118

. "~ \

This book is meant for those students of Astrology who have at

least some predictive experience of Virnshottari-dasa, Therefore, basics
of Hindu astrology arc not being mentioned here. In this chapter basil:'
,. rules for interpreting a horoscope are given. The proper method for
applying Vimshottari-dasa is the subject matter of this chapter.
In Hindu Astrology great importance is attached to the 27
Nakshatras. One Nakshatra extends upto 13°20'. The Nakshatra occupied
by Moon at birth is called the Janma Nakshatra. The 27 Nakshatras
are given in Table I.J. The table also gives the starting dasa-Iord at
birth and number of years allotted to each planet as per Vimshottari-
dasa. For the method to calculate Vimshottari dasa, readers can refer
to any standard book on the subject.
The 27 Nakshatras arc divided into 9 groups of 3 Nakshutras
each. These nine groups and the likely effect of a planet occupying
them is given below. Here I stands for Janma Nakshatra, 2 for the
2nd from Janma Nakshatra and so on. The planets in malefic Nakshatras
- i.e., in Vapat Tara. Pratyak Tara and Vadha Tara should be carefully
scrutinised before giving predictions.
The groups are :
Name of Nakshatras from Effect
the group the Janma Nakshatras
I. Janma Tara 1,10,19 Benefic
2. Sampat Tara 2,11,20 Prosperity
3. Vipat Tara 3,12,21 Obstacles
4· Kshema Tara 4,13,22 Gains
5. Pratyak Tara 5,14,23 Destruction
6. Sadhaka Tara 6,15,24 Success
7. Vadha Tara 7,16,25 Destruction and Death
8. Mitra Tara 8,17,26 Benefic
9. Parma Mitra Tara 9.18,27 Prosperity
2 Yogini & Kalachakra Dasas
A Planet in Vipat Tara, Pratyak Tara and Vadha Tara becomes
weak and gives malefic results. Take the following horoscope.

Moon So Sat Ketu


Asc Venus

Jup Mercury
Rahu Sun

Here 1anma Nakshatra is Ashwini. Therefore Ashwini, Magha

and Moola (the three Nakshatra ruled by Ketu under Vimshottari-
Dasa System) become Janma Taras.
Similarly Kritika, U.Phalguni
and U. Shaddha belong to malefic Vipat Tara group for this native.
We should thus see planets that have become weak due to presence in
malefic Nakshatras.
. Sun, Mars, Saturn. Rahu and Ketu and waning moon ate natural
malefics in Hindu Astrology. 1upiter, Venus, Mercury associated with
benefics and waxing moon are benefics.
Besides natural significations, planets get functional nature also
for each nativity depending upon the ascendent.
The following rules should be remembered :-
(i) Lords of Kendras are benefics.
(ii) Lords of Trines are benefics.
(iii) A planet owning both a Kendra and a trikona (i.e. an angle
and a trine) becomes a Yogakaraka.
(iv) Lords of 3rd. 6th and II th are malefics.
(v) Lord of 8th house is always malefic except when it owns
ascendent also.
(vi) Nature of lord of 2nd house and 12th house depends upon
where the other house of the planet fulls
How to Judge a Native 3
(vi) A planet owning Angle and 3, 6 or 11th becomes neutral.
(vii) A planet owning Trine and 3, 6 and! I becomes benefic.
(ix) A planet whose both the houses fall in 3rd, 6th, 8th or 11 th
house becomes very evil for the native. .
Divisional Charts : A planet which occupies benefic signs in
divisional Chart. becomes powerful. If it is Vargottama it again becomes
very powerful except for in two circumstances: .'
(i) It is debilitated both in Rasi-Chart and Navamsa Chart.
Say for example, Mercury is in Pisces at 27°{)()', Despite
being Vargottama it will give malefic results.
(ii) If a planet is in the I st degree or the 30th degree of a sign.
For example if a planet is in 0" Cancer or 30° Virgo. despite
being Vargottama it will remain weak.
The divisional charts should always be studied along with the
natal horoscope and never separately. Take the following example:


Mars 11°

Here Mars is in 2nd house and is exalted in Navamsa and Dasamasa

chart. But despite being exalted in Dasamsa chart it cannot 'give native
success in business ventures. This is so, because it is the lord of 3rd
and the 8th house posited in the house of wealth i.e. the second house.
Being exalted in Dasarnsa it can give factories, but net resulr of these
will be losses as Mars being functional male ric for Virgo ascendent is
destroying the house of wealth.
The following points should be remembered while studying a
divisional chart. say Dasamsa chart:
( I) See position of Lord of 10th house \If Rasi Chart in Dasamsa.

4 Yogini & Kalachakra Dasas
(2) See how planets occupying the 10th house in Rasi-Chart
are posited in the Dasamsa Chart.

.,: ~:~e ~::::I~::~:;se::~:~ea~cendentof the Dasamsa Chart.




Yen 19°

Here Venus is in an upachaya sthana and exalted in the Dasamsa,

being lord of 10th house in natal chart. Therefore it will give career
betterment during its dasa.
Here Saturn occupies the 10th house. It is debilitated in Dasamsa
Chart. Therefore, it will give set backs in career during its period.

A planet in a Badhak house gets hindered to play its full role.
Lord of the Badhak houses cause obstacles concerning significations
of the house they are placed in. For moveable sign as ascendent, lith
house is Badhak.If ascendent is fixed sign 9th house is Badhak and if
ascendent is a dual sign then 7th house is Badhak. See, the horoscope
on the next page.
Here 5th lord Jupiter is in the 9th house aspected by Mars,
which is a Yogakaraka. Mars is also exalted in Navamsa and Dasamsa.
. But despite these factors native should not expect a career betterment
during the period of Jupiter as it' is aspected by Badhak lord Mars.
Mars in its period can give betterment in its period being a well
placed Yogakaraka.
22nd Drekkana and 64th Navamsa
22nd Drekkana from ascendent and the. 64th Navarnsa from the
Moon cause health problems when closely associated with a planet.
How to Judgea Native 5




A planet also becomes weak if it is :

(i) Combust
(ii) In 6th. 8th or the 12th house
(iii) Debilitated in Rasi Chart 01 Navamsa Chart
. (iv) If it is in Ist degree or the 30th degree of a house.
(v) If it is aspected by or in combination of natural malefics.
(vi) If it is hemmed between malefics.
A planet will become powerful when;
(i) It is exalted in Rasi or Navamsa Chart.
(ii) It is in friendly vargas.
(iii) It is in combination with benefics or aspected by benefics.
(iv) If it is hemmed between benefics.
(v) If its lord in a Kendra or a Trikona
(vi) If it is in Ist, 2nd, 4th or 8th Nakshatra.
If there are mixed influences medium results should be predicted.
By taking the above considerations astrologers should give predictions.
If all points mentioned above are properly studied, predictions given
will never go wrong.
6 Yogini & Kalachakra Dasas
Table 1.1
Nakshatras and their extents and lordships as per
S. Nakshatra Extent Dasha Lords No. of
No. from to as per Years
I. Ashwini 0'00°00' 0'13°20' Ketu 7
2. Bharani ,0'13°20' 0'26"40' Venus 20
3. Krittika 0'26°40' 1"10°00' Sun 6
4. Rohini 1'10°00' I"23'i20' Moon 10
5. Mrigashira 1'23°20' 2'06"40' Mars 7
6. Ardra 2'06°40' 2'2~000' Rahu 18
7. Punarvasu 2'20°00' 3'03°20' Jupiter 16
8. Pushya 3"03°20' 3116~40' Saturn 19
9. Ashlesha 3'16°40 4<00°00' Mercury 17
10. Magha 4 500°00'
4113°20' Ketu 7
II. Poorva Phalguni 4<13°20' 4'26°40' Venus 20
12. Uttara Phalguni 4"26°40' S'lOo00' Sun 6
13. Hasta S'1Oo00' S'23°20' Moon 10
14. Chitta 5'23°20' 6S06°40' Mars 7
IS. Swati 6'06°40' 6'20°00' Rahu 18
16. Vishakha 6 520°00' 7'03°20' Jupiter 16
17. Anuradha 7'03°20' 7'16°40' Saturn 19
18. Jyeshtha 7"16°40' 8'00°00' \ Mercury 17
19. Moola 8SOOooo' 8113°20' Ketu .>
20. Poorvashadha 8513°20' 8 526°40' Venus 20
21. Uttarashadha 8<26°40' 9"10°00 Sun 6
22. Sravana 9"10°00' 9'23°20' Moon ,10
23. Danishtha 9'23°20' 10'06°40' Mars 7
24. Shatabhishaj 10'06°40' 10"20°00' Rahu 18
2S. Poorva Bhadrapada 10"20°00' 11'03"20' Jupiter 16
26. Uuara Bhadrapada , 103"20' 1'·16<-40' Saturn II)
27. Revati 11'16°40' 12'00°00' Mercury 17
Yogini Dasa is an extremely popular Nakshatra dasa. It is widely
used in North India, especially the hilly areas of Uttarakhand and
Kashmir. Traditional pundits of North India as a rule always calcr late
Yogini Dasa besides Vimshottari dasa, It is said that Yogini dasa was
first taught by lord Shiva to Goddess Parvati. It is dealt in Mansagari
Paddhatti besides Brihat Parasara Hora Shashtra.


In Yogini dasa total number of 36 years are allotted to 8 yoginis.
These 8 yoginis are ruled by planets Moon to Rahu (Ketu does not
have lordship over any Yogini) as shown in Table 2.1. After end of
one cycle of yogini dasa of 36 years the next cycle automatically
starts again from Mangala. .

Table 2.1
(order of Major Dasa periods and theirs Lords)
S. Yogini Dasa-Lord No. of Janma Nakshatra
No. Years

.0~ CJ1I.
.;i. Mangala Moon 1 year Ardra. Chittra, Shravan
2. Pingala Sun 2 years Punarv asu, Swuti ,
~~V) Dhanishta

ey1~~3. Dhanya Jupiter 3 years Pushya, Vishaka, Satbisha

4 years Ashwini. Ashlcsha.
Bhramari Mars
Anuradha. Purva Bhadra
5. Bhadrika Mercury 5 years Bharani, Magha,' Jyesta,
tz4~~ Uttara Bhadra
6. Ulka Saturn 6 years Krittika, Purva Phalguni,

Meola, Revati

7. Siddha Venus 7 years Rohini, Uttara Phalguni,

~~ Purvashadda
8 years Mrigasira, Hasta,
Sankata Rahu
Tlltal Period 3(; Years

I 1
Yogini & Kalachakra Dasas

Table 2.1 Helps us to calculate the Balance of Yogini Dasa.

Male Born on November 21, 1966 at 12 hours 27 mts (1ST) in Delhi,
Janma Nakshatra-Satbisha.
Planet . Longitude Planet Longitude

Ascendent 9 s-27°-20' Sun 7 s-5°-7'

Moon IOs-19°-3' Mars

Mercury (R) 6 5-26°-32' Jupiter 35 - 11-7'

Venus 75-8°- 11' Saturn (R) 105-29°-32'
Rahu OS-22°-55' Balance of Dasa : 1Y 3M 9D



Sal Jul'

Asc Mars

Sun Mer'
Yen Ketu

Calculation of Yogini Dasa

In the standard horoscope Moon is in Aquarius at 19 degrees
and 3 minutes, therefore, it is in Satbisha 'Nakshtra. Satbisha Nakshatra
extends upto 20 degrees of Aquarius (Refer Table 1.1).
Now follow the following steps:
(I) Refer to table 2.1. As Janma Nakshatra is Satbisha, opening
dasa will be of Yogini Dhanya ruled by Jupiter. Total number
of years allotted to Dhanya (Jupiter) under Yogini dasa arc
3 years.
Yogini Dasa 9

(2) Longitude yet to be traversed by Moon in Satbisha is

(Aquarius 20") - (Aquarius 19°3') =57' or 57 minutes.
.'l (3) Total extent of a Nakshatra is 13°20' or (13x60) + 20 =
800 minutes. .
Therefore the Balance of Dasa is
Dhanya = 800
57 x 3 years =0 years 2 months 16 days.
Once the longitude of moon is known, the Balance of Yogini
dasa can be easily calculated by using Table 2.2(a) and 2.2(b)
As per Table 2.2 (a) :-When Moon is Aquarius 19°00'
Years Months Days
Step 1: Balance of Dhanya Dasa o 2 21
Step 2: As per Table 2.2 (b) for
proportional part of moon 3' o o 5
Balance of Dhanya Dasa o years 2 months 16 days
Step 1 : Find Balance of Dasa at birth.
Step 2: Add the years, months and days to the year, month and date
of birth as follows:
Year Month Date
Date of Birth 1966 11 21
Add Balance of Dasa at ¥irth 0 2 16
starting date of next dasa'
(Bhramani) 1967" 2 7
The next dasa and subsequent dasas can be known from Table
Step 3: Keep adding years of all subsequent dasas to know date of
starting of each major period.
In the standard horoscope the starting and ending dates of each
major period is as follows : -
10 Yogini & Kalachakra Dasas
Year Month Date
Date of Birth 1966 II 21
Add; Balance Dasha-Dhanya

Bhramari (4 years)

Bhadrika (5years) 5 0 0
1976 2 7
lnka (6years) 6 0 0
1982 2 7
Siddha (7years) . 7 0 0
1989 2 7
Sankata (8years) 8 0 . 0

Ending of first cycle of Yogini dasa 1997 2 7

After this will again start the next cycle from major period of

Step 1: Refer to Table 2.3. Add years, months and dates of each
sub-period to the begining of the major periods whose
sub-periods have to be calculated. \
For example, the following will be the sub-periods in the major
~riod of Sankata dasa in the standard horoscope ;-
Year Month Date
Begining of Sankata Dasa 1989 2 7
Sankata-Sankata I 9 10
1990 11 17
Sankata-Mangala 0 2 20
1991 2 7
Sankata-Pingala 0 5 10
Yogini Dasa II
1991 7 17
San kata-Dhanya 0 8 0
1992 3 17
Sankata-Bhramari 0 10 20
1993 2 7
Sankata-Bhadrika I 10
1994 3 17
Sankata-Ulka I 4 0
1995 7 17
Sankata-Siddha I 6 20
Ending of Sankata Dasa 1997 2 17
Step 2: Suppose you want to' find the sub-period o'~ a particular
date, say September 6. 1994. then use column of cumulative
periods, This way we do not have to add each sub-period,
Example 2: Male Born on August J!. 1948 at 17 hrs (1ST),

Rahu Venus



Jup Moon21°
Kelu Man

(l) Here Janma Nakshatra is Vishaka, As per Table 2.1 opening

dasa will be of Dhanya.
(2) Now see Table 2.2(a), for Libra 21 020' balance of Dhanya
dasa will be 2 years 8 months and 12 days.
(3) Now refer to Table 2.3 for calculating sub-periods.
12 Yogini & Kalachakra Dasas

TABLE 2.2(A)


6°.40' 23°.20' 10°.00' 1-00-00
7°.00' 23°.40' IO°·:W 0-11-21
7°.20' 24°.00' 10°.40' 0-11-12
7°.40' 24°.20' 11°.00' 0-11-03
8°.00' 24°.40' 11°.20' 0-10-24
8°.20' 25°.00' II °.40' 0-10-15
8°.40' '25°.20' 12°.00' 0-10-06
9°.00' 25°.40' 12°.20' 0-09-27
9°.20' ' 26°.00' 12°.40' 0-09-18
9°.40' 26~.20' 13°.00' 0-09-09
10°.00' 26°.40' 13°.20' 0-09-00
10°.20' 27°.00' 13°.40' 0-08-21
10°.40' 27°.20' 14°.00' 0-08-12
)) °.00 27°.40' 14°.20' 0-08-03
11°.20' 28°.00' 14°.40' 0-07-24
II °.40' 28°.20' 15°.00' 0-07-15
12°.00' 28°.40' 15°.20' 0-07-06
12°.20' 29°.00' 15°.40' 0-06-27
12°.40' 29°.20' 16"'.00' 0-06-18
13°.00' 29°.40' 16°.20' 0-06-09
Yogini Dasa 13
. Y':'M-D
)3°.20' 30°.00 16°.40' 0-06-00
)3°.40' . Libra 0°.20' 17°.00' 0-05-21
14°.00' 0°.40' 17°.20' 0-05-12
14°.20' 1°.00' 17°.40' 0-05-03
14°.40: 1°.20' 18°.00' 0-04-24
15°.00' 1°.40' 18°.20' 0-04-15
15°.20' 2°.00' 18°.40' 0-04-06
15°.40' 2°.20' 19°.00' 0-03-27
16°.00' 2°040' 19°.20' 0-03-18
16°.20' 3°.00' 19°.40' 0-03-09
16°.40' 3°.20' 20°.00' 0-03-00
17°.00' 3°.40' 20°.20 0-02-21
17°.20' 4°.00' 20°.40' 0-02-12
17°.40' 4°.20' 21°.00' 0-02-03
18°.00' 4°.40' 21°.20' 0-01-24
18°.20' 5°.00' 2 I °.40' 0-01-15
18°.40' 5°.20' 22°.00' 0-01-06
19°.00' 5°.40' 22°.20' 0-00-27
19°.20' 6°.00' 22°.40'
19°.40' 6°.20' 23°.00'
II 0-00-18
20°.00' 6°.40' 23°.20' I 0-00-00
14 Yogini & Kalachakra Dasas

20°.00' 6°.40' 23°.20' 2-00-00
20°.20' 7°.00' 23°.40' 1-11-12
20°.40' 7°.20' 24°.00' 1-10-24
21°.00' 7°.40' 24°.20' 1·10-06
21°.20' 8°.00' 24°.40' 1-9-18
21°040' 8°.20' 25°.00' 1·09-00
22°.00' gOAO' 25°.20' 1-08-12
22°.20' 9°.00' 25°.40' 1-07-24
22°.40' 9°.20' 26°.00' 1-07-06
23°.00' 9°.40' 26°.20' 1-06-18
23°.20' 10°.00' 26°.40' 1-06-00
23°.40' 10°.20' 27°.00' 1-05-12
24°.00 10°.40' 27°.20' 1-04-24
24°.20' II °.00' 27°.40' 1-04-06
24°.40' 11°.20' 28°.00' 1-03-18
25°.00' II °.40'· 28°.20' 1-03-00
25°.20' 12°.00' 28°.40' 1-02-12
25°.40' 12°.20' 29°.00' 1-01-24

26°.00' 12°.40' 29°.20' 1-01-06

26°.20' 13°.00' 29°.40' 1-00-18
26°.40' 13°.20' 30°.00' 1-00-00

27°.00' 13°.40' AQU OC.20' 0-11·12

27°.20' 14°.00' 0°.40' 0-10-24

27~.40' 14c.20' IC'.OO' 0-10-06

28°.00' 14°.40' I C.20' 0-9- 18

Yogini Dasa \5
~ Y-M-D
28°.20' 15°.00' \°.40' 0-9-00
28°.40' 15°.20' 2°.00' 0-8-12
29°.20' 15°.40' 2°.20' <)-7-24
29°.20' _ 16°.00' 2°.40' 0-07-06
29°.40' 16°.20' 3°.00' 0-06-18
30°.00' 16°.40' 3°.20' 0-06-00
CAN 0°.20' 17°.00' 3°.40' 0-05-12
0°.40' 17°.20' 4°.00' 0-04-24
1°.00' 17°.40' 4°.20' 0-04-06
1°.20' 18°.00' .4°.40' 0-03-18
\°.40' 18°.20' 5°.00' 0-03-00
2°.00' 18°.40' 5°.20' 0-02-12
2°.20' 19°.00' 5°.40' 0-01-24
2"040' \9".20' 6°.00' 0·01-06
3°.00' 19°.40' 6°.20' 0-00-18
3°.20' 20°.00' 6°.40' 0-00-00
16 Yogini & Kalachakra Dasas
~,'1!'(Y~"f~~">;j <:,ii 4"~

3°.20' 20°.00' 6°.40' 3-00-00
3°.40' 20°.20' 7°.00' 2-11-03
4°.00' 20°.40' 7°.20' 2-10-06
4°.20' 21°.00' 7°.40' 2-09-09
'4°.40' 21°.20' 8°.00' 2-08-12
5°.00' 21°.40' gO.20' 2-07-15
5°.20' 22"00' H" 040' 1-0()-1 S
5°.40' 22°.20' 9°.00' 2-05-21
6°.00' 22°.40' 9°.20' 2-04-24
6°.20' 23°.00 9°.40' 2-03-27
6°.40' 23°.20' 10°.00' 2-03-00
7°.00' 23°.40' 10°.20' 2-02-03
7°.20' 24°.00 10°.40' 2-01-06
7°.40' 24°.20' 11 °.00 2-00-09
8°.00' 24°.40' 11°20' 1-11-12
8°.20' 25°.00' 11°.40 1-10-15
8°040' 25°.20' 12°.00' 1-09-18
9°.00' 25°.40' 12°.20' 1-08':21
9°.20' 26°.00' 12°.40' 1-07-24
9°.40' 26°.20' 13°.00' 1-06-27
10°.00' 26°.40' 13°.20' 1-06-00
10°.20' 27°.00' 13°040' 1-05-03
10°.40' 27°.20' 14°.00' 1-04-06
II °.00 27°.40' 14°.20' 1-03-09
11°.20' 28°.00' 14°.40' 1-02-12
Yogin! Dasa 17
11°.40' 28°.20' 15.00' 1-0 I-IS
12°.00 28°.40 15°.20' 1-00-18
12°.20 29°.00 15°.40 0-11-21
12°.40' 29°.20' 16°.00' 0-10-24
13°.00' 29°.40' 16°.20' 0-09-27
13°.20' 30°.00 16°.40' 0-09-00
13°.40' Scorpio 0°.20' 17°.00' 0-08-03
14°.00' 0°.4(~' 17°.20' 0-07-06
14°.20' 1°.00' 17°.40' 0-06-09
14°.40' 1°.20' 18°.00' 0-05-12
15°.00' 1°.40' 18°.20' 0-04-15
15°.20' 2°.00' 0
18°.40' 0-03-18
15°.40' 2°.20' I 19°.00' 0-02-21
16°.00' 2°.40' i 19°.20' 0-01-24
16°.20' 3°.00' 19°.40' 0-00-27
16°.40' 3°.20' 20°.00' 0-00-00
J8 Yogini & Kalachakra Dasas

Ashwini AsbJesha Anuradba P. Bhadrapad Bhramari
Aries Cancer Scorpio Aquarius (4 Years)
, 0°.00' 16°.40' 3°.20' 20°.00' 4-00-00

0°.20' 17°.00' 3°.40' 20°.20' 3-10-24
0°.40' 17°.20' 4°.00' 20°.40' 3-09-J8
1°.00' 17°.40' 4°.20' 21°.00' 3-08-12
1°.20' 18°.00' 4°.40' 21°.20' 3-07-06
1°.40' 18°.20' 5°.00' 21 °.40' 3-06-00
2°.00' 18°.40' 5°.20' 22°.00' 3-04-24
2°.20' 19°.00' 5°.40' 22°.20' 3-03-18
2°.40' 19°.20' 6°.00' 22°.40' .3-02-12
3°.00' 19°.40' 6°.20' 23°.00 3-01-06
3°.20' 20°.00' 6°.40' 23°.20' 3-00-00
3°.40' 20°.20' 7°.00' 23"AO' 2-10-24
4°.00' . 20°.40' 7°.20' 24°.00 2-09-18
4°.20' 21 °.00' 7°.40' 24°.20' 2-08-12
4°.40' 21°.20' 8°.00' 24°.40' 2-07-06

5°.00' 21°.40' 8°.20' 25°.00' 2-06-00

5°.20' 22°.00' 8°.40' 25°.20' 2-04-24

5°.40' 2io.2o' 9°.00' 25°.40' 2-03-18

6°.00' 22°.40' 9°.20' 26°.00' 2-02-12

6°.20' 23°.00' 9°.40' 26°.20' 2-01-06

6°.40' 23°.20' 10°.00' 26".40' 2-00-00

7°.00' 23°.40' 10°.20' 27°.00' 1-10-24

7°.20' 24°.00' 10°.40' 27".20' 1-09-18

7°.40' 24°.20' 11°.00 27"AO' I-OR-12

8°.00' 24".40' 11°20' 28°.00' 1-07-06

Yogini Dasa i9
Ashwini Ashiesha Anuradha P. Bhadrapad Bhramari
Aries Cancer Scorpio Aquarius (4 Years)
8°.20' 25°.00' ii °.40 28°.20' 1-06-00
8°.40' 25°.20' )2°.00' 28°.40 1-04-24
9°.00' 25°.40' )2°.20' 29°.00 1-03-18
9°.20' 26°.00' J 2°.40' - 29°.20' 1-02- J 2
9°.40' 26°.20' 13°.00' 29°.40' 1-01-06
Jpo.OO' 26°.40' 13°.20' 30°.00 1-00-00
10°.20' 27°.00' 13°.40' PIS 0°.20' 0-10-24
10°.40' 27°.20' 14°.00' 0°.40' 0-09-18
))°.00 27°.40' 14°.20' 1°.00' 008-12
11°.20' 28°.00' 14°.40' 10.2P·
i 0-07-06
11°.40' 28°.20' 15°.00' 1°.40' 0-06-00
)2°.00' 28°.40' 15°.20' I
~2°.00· 0-04-24
12°.20' 29°.00' 15°.40'
2°.20' I 0-03-18
12°AO' 29".20' 16°.00' 2°.40' 0-12-12
13°.00' 29°.40' 16°.20' 3°.00' ."" ,0-01-06
J3°.20· 30°.00' 16°.40' 3°.20' 0-00-00
20 Yogini & Kalachakra Da3aS

Bharani Magha Jyeshtha U. Bhadrapad Bhadrika
Aries Leo Scorpio Pisces (S Years)
13~.20' 0°.00' 16~.40' 3°.20' i 5-00-00
13°.40' 0°.20' 17°.00' 3°.40' I 4-10-15
14°.00' 0°.40' " 17°.20' 4°.00' 4-09-00
14°.20' 1°.00' 17°.40' 4°.20' 4-07-15
14°.40' 1°.20' 18°.00' 4°.40' 4-06-00
15°.00:, . ]:°.40' 18°.20'· 5°.00' ·4-04-15
15°.20' 2°.00' 18°.40' 5°.20' 4-03-00
15°.40' , 2°.20' 19°.00' 5°.40' 4-01-15
16°.00' 2°.40' 19°.20' 6°.00' 4-00-00
16°.20' 3°.00' 19°.40' 6°.20' 3-10-15
16°.40' 3.0.20' 20°.00' 6°.40' 3-09-00
17°.00' 3°.40' 20°.20' 7°.00' 3-07-15
17°.20' 4°.00' 20°.40' 7°.20' 3-06-00
17°.40' 4°.20' 21°.00' 7°.40' 3-04-15
18°.00' 4°.40' 21°.20' ·8°.00' 3-03-00
18°.20' 5°.00' 21°.40' gO.20· 3-01-15
18°.40' 5°.20' 22°.00' 8°.40' 3-00-QO
19°.00' 5°.40' 22°.20' 9°.00' 2-10-15
19°.20' 6°.00' 22°.40' 9°.20' 2-09-00
19°.40' 6°.20' 23°.00' 9°.40' 2-07-15
20°.00' 6°.40' 23".20' 10°.00' 2-06-00
20°.20' 1".00' 23°-40' 10°.20' 2-04-15
20 0 AO' 7".20' 24°.00'
! 10".40'
2 IC.OO' I
7".40' 24°.20'
I 2-03-00

2 1°.20' I 8".00' I 24°.40' I 11'.00'

Yogini Dasa 21
Bharani Magha Jyeshtha U. Bhadrapad Bhadrika
_.",- Aries Leo Scorpio Pisces (SYears)
21 °.40' 8°.20' 25°.00' II °.40' 1-10-15
22°.00' 8°.40' 25°.20' 12°.00' I 1-09-00
22°.20' 9°.00' 25°.40' 12°.20' 1-07-15
22°.40' 9°.20' 26°.00' 12°.40' 1-06-00
23°.00' 9°040' 26°.20' 13°.00' 1-04-15
23°.20' 10°.00' 26°.40' 13°.20' 1-03-00
23°.40' 10°.20' 27°.00' 13°.40' 1-01-15
24°.00 10°.40' 27°.20' 14°.00' 1-00-00
24°.20' 11°.00 27°.40' 14°.20' 0-10-15
24°.40' 11°.20' 28°.00' 14°.40' 0-09-00
25°.00' 11°.40' 28°.20' 15°.00' 0-07-15
25°.20' 0
12°.00' 028°If' 15°.20' 0-06-00
25°.40' 12°.20' 029°.00' 15°.40' 0-04-15
26°.00' 12°.40' 29°.20' 16°.00' 0-03-00
26°.20' 13°.00' 29°.40' 16°.20' 0-01-15
26°.40' 13°.20' 30°.00' 16°.40' 0-00-00
22 Yogini & Kalachakra Dasas

Krittika P.FbaJguni Moola Revati Ulka
Aries 'f;((,~ Sagittarius Pisces (6Years)
26°040' 13°.20' 0°.00' 16°040' 6-00-00
27°.00' 13°040' 0°.20' 17°.00' 5-10-06

27°.20' 14°.00' 0°.40' 17°.20' 5-08-12

27°.40' - 14°.20' 1°.00' 17°.40' 5-06-18

28°.00' 14°040' 1°.20' 18°.00' 5-04-24

28°.20' 15°.00' 1°040' 18°.20' S-03-00

28°040' 15°.20' 2°.00', 18°.40' 5-01-06

29°.00' 15°.40' 2°.20' 19°.00' 4-11-12

29°.20' 16°.00' 2°.40' 19°.20' 4-09-18

29°.40' 16°.20' 3°.00' 19°.40' 4-07-24

30°.00' 16°.40' 3°.20' 20°.00' 4-06-00

TAU 0°.20' 17°.00' 3°.40' 20°.20' 4-04-06

0°040' )7°.20' 4°.00' 20°.40' 4-02-12

1°.00' 17°.40' 4°.20' 21 °.00' 4-00-18
1°.20' 18°.00' 4°.40' i 21°.20' 3-10-24
1°.40' 18°.20' 5°.00' 21°040' 3-09-00

2°.00' 18°.40' 5°.20' I 22°.00' 3-07-06

2°.20' 19°.00' 5°.40' 22°.20' 3-05-12

2°.40' 19°.20' 6°.00' 22°.40' 3-03-18

3°.00' 19°.40' 6°.20' 23°.00' 3-01-24

3°.20' 20".00' 6°.40' II 23°,20'

I 3-00-00

3°.40' , 20°.20' 7°.00'

I 23°.40' 2·10-06
YoginiDasa 23

Krittika P. Phalguni Moola Revati Ulka
Aries Leo Sagittarius Pisces (6Years)

4°.00' 20°.40' 7°.20' 24°.00' 2-0H-12

4°.20' 21°.00' 7°.40' 24°.20' 2-06-18

4°.40' 21°.20' 8°.00' 24°.40' 2-04-24

5°.00' 21°.40' 8°.20' 25°.00' 2-03-00
5°.20' 22°.00' 8°.40' 25°.20' 2-01-06
5°.40' 22°.20' 9°.00' 25°.40' I 1-11-12
6°.00' 22°.40' 9°.20' 26°.00' 1-09-18

6°.20' 23°.00' 9°.40' 26°.20' 1-07-24

6°.40' 23°.20' 10°.00' 26°.40' .-06-00

7°.00" 23°.40' 10°.20' . 27°.00' 1-04-06

7°.20' 24°.00' 10°,40' 27°.20' 1-02-12

7°.40' 24°.20' 11 °.00' 27°.40' 1-00-18
8°.00' 24°.40' 11°.20' 28°.00' 0-10-24
gO.20· 25".00' II °.40' 28°.20' 0-09-00

8°.40' 25°.20' ]2°.00' 28°.40' 0-07-06

9°.00' 25°.40' 12°.20' 29°.00' 0-05-12

9°.20' 26°.00' 12°.40' 29°.20' 0-03-18

9°.40' 26°.20' 13°.00' 29°.40' 0-01-24

10°.00' 26°.40' I 13°.20' 30°.00' 0-00-00

24 Yogini & Kalachakra Dasas

Rohini U. Phalguni P. Ashadha Siddha
Taurus Leo Sagittarius (7 Years)
10°.00' 26°.40' 13°.20' 7-00-00
10°.20' 27°.00' 13°.40' 6-09-27
10°.40' 27°.20' 14°.00' 6-07-24
11°.00 27°.40' 14°.20' 6-05-21
II °.20' 28".00' 14".40' 6-OJ-IN
11°.40' 28°.20' 15°.00' 6-01-15
12°.00 2R°.40' 15°.20' 5-11-12
12°.20 29°.00' 15°.40' 5-09-09
12°.40' 29°.20' 16°.00' 5-07-06
13°.00' 29°.40' 16°.20' 5-05-03
13°.20' 30°.00' 16°.40' 5-03-00
13°.40' CAN 00°20' 17°.00' 5-00-27
14°.00' 0°.40' 17°.20' \
)4°.~O' )°.00' 17°.40' 4-08-21
14°.40' )°.20' 18°.00' 4-06-18
15°.00' 1°.40' . 18°.20' 4-04-15
15°.20' 2°.00' 18°.40' 4-02-12
15°.40' 2~.2Q' 19°.00' 4-00-09
16°.00' 2°.40' 19°.20' 3-10-06
16°.20' 3°.00' 19°.40' 3-08-03
16°.40' 3°.20' 20°.00' 3-06-00
17°.00' 3°040' 20°.20' 3-03-27
Yogini Dasa 25
Rohini U. Phalguni P.Ashadha Siddba
Taurus ,Leo Sagittarius (7 Years)
17°.20' 4°·00' 20°.40' 3-01-24
17°.40' 4°.20' 21°.00' 2-11-21
18°.00' ~°.40' 21°.20' 2-09-18
18°.20' 5°.00' 21°.40' 2-07-15
1~°.40' 5io.20· 22°.00' 2-05-12
19".00' 5".40' 22°.20' 2-03-09
19G.20· 6°.00' 22°.40' 2-01-06
19°.40' I 6°.20' 23°.00' 1-11-03
20°.00' 6°.40' 23°.20' 1-09-00
20°.20' 7°.00' 23°.40' 1-06-27
20°.40' 7°.20' 24°.00' 1-04-24
21°.00' 7°.40' ~Ac.20' 1-02-21
21°.20' 8°.00' 24°.40' 1-00-]8
21°.40' 8°.20' '25°.00' 0-10-15
22°.00' 8°.40' 25°.20' 0-08-12
22°.20' 9°.00' 25°.40' 0-06-15
22°.40' 9°.20' 26°.00' 0-04-06
23°.00' 9°.40' 26°.20' 0-02-03
23°.20' 10°.00' 26°.40' I 0-00-00
26 Yogini &: Kalachakra Dasas ii

Mrigasira Hasta U. Ashadha Sankata
Taurus Virgo Sagittarius (8 Years)
23°.20' 10°.00' 26°.40' 8-00-00
23°.40' 10°.20' .: 27°.00' 7-09-18
24°.00' 10°.40' 27°.20' 7-07-06
24°.20' 11°.00' 27°.40' 7-04-24
24°.40' II °.20' 28°.00' 7-02-12

25°.00' ll°.40' 28°.20' 7-00-00

25°.20' 12°.00' 28°.40' 6-09-18

25°.40' 12°.20' 29°.00' 6-07-06 ~

26°.00' 12°.40' 29°.20' 6-04-24

26°.20' 13°.00' 29°.40' 6-02-12

26°.40' 13°.20' 30°.00' 6-00-00

27°.00' 13°.40' CAP 00°20' 5-09-18

27°.20' 14°.00'. 0°.40' 5-07-06

27°.40' 14°.20' 1°.00' 5-04-24

28°.00' 14°.40' 1°.20' 5-02-12

28°.20' Iso.00' 1°.40' S-OO-OO

28°.40' Iso.20· 2°.00' 4-09-18

29°.00' IS°.40' 2°.20' 4-07-06

29°.20' 16°.00' 2°040' 4-04-24

29°.40' 16°.20' 3".00' 4-02-12

30°.00' 16°.40' 3°.20' 4-00-00

Gem 0°.20' 17°.00' ~oAO' 3-09-18

Yogini Dasa 27
Mrigasira Hasta U. Ashadha Sankata
, Taurus : ~
Virgo Sagittarius ·(8 Years)
0°.40' 17°.20' 4°.00' 3-07-06
1°.00' 17°.40' 4°.20' 3-04-24
1°.20' ·18°.00' 4°.40' ;3-02-12
~" ..... '
1°.40' 18°.20' 5°.00' 3-00-00
2°.00' 18°.40' 5°.20' 2-09-18
2°.20' 19°.00' 5°.40' 2-07-06
2°.40' 19°.20' 6°.00' 2-04-24

3°.00' 19°.40' 6°.20' 2-02-~2

3°.20' 20°.00' 6°.40' . 2-00-00

3°.40' 20°.20' 7°.00' 1-09-18

4°.00' 20°.4D' 7°.20' 1-07-06

4°.20' 21°.00' 7°.40' 1-04-24

4°.40' 21°.20' go.OO' 1-02-12

5°.00' 21°.40' 8°.20' 1-00-00

5°.20' 22°.00' 8°.40' 0-09-18

5°.40' 22°.20' 9°.00' 00-07·06

6°.00' 22°.40' 9°.20' 0-04-24

6°.20' 23°.00' 9°.40' 0-02-12

.j 0-00-00
6°.40' 23°.20' 10°.00'
Table 2.2(b) : Proportional parts of Yogini Dasa
Mangala Plngala Dhanya Bhramari Bbadrlka U1ka Siddba Sankata
Nakshar13msha Day Hr Min Day I Hr Min Day I Hr Min MIh Day, Hr t..'Iin MIh' Day Hr ! 1
Mrh Day Hr : Min Mlh i Da) Hr Mlh Day Hr
J' 0 10 48 o 21 36 I 8 24 0 I ' 19 12 0 2 6 o ol 3 I 4 o
1 19 12 2 16 48 0 3 I 14 24 0
4 12 o oj 6 I 'i o 31'
2 16 48 4 I 12 0 5! 9 36 0 6 18 o o 19 II o 10 19
4' I 19 12 3 14 24 5 9 36 0 7 i 4 48 O! 9 o o o 12 14 o 14 10
S' 2 6 0 4 12 o 6 18 0
01 101 0 0
9 II 6 o 13\I 12 0 o1 15 18 o 18 0
6' 2 16 48 5 9 36 8
2 124 o I 10 19 12 0 i 13 12
o 16 4 -18 o I, 18 22 o 21 114
7' 3 3 36 6 7 12 9 10 48 o \ 12 14 I, 24 O!
18 o 18 i 21 36 o '22 I o 2.~ 5
8' 3 14 24 7 4 48 10 19 I 12 o 114 9! 36 0 18 ! 0 o 21
I 14 24 o 25 I5 o 28 i Ii)
9' 4 I 11 8 o 20 (6 o I7 I
,: I ~
10' 4120 I 24 12 o: 28 8 2 10
9 o o
6 0

~I~,: : ~ ::
22 12 I \ I 1_
II' 4 22 48 9 o 24 18 o 9 14
12' S 9 36 10 4 14 I 24
o 27
0 I \ \ 13 5
13' 5 20 24 II 16 48 17 13 , 11 o 23 iI 9 i .'1> I I 5 i 2 24 10 23 I 16 19

2~ ~ ~ I4
14' 6 7 12 12 14 24 18 o 25 48 I 7 I 19 12 14 2 I 20 10
IS' 6 18 0 o
13 o 112
12 20
~~ I~
1 10 0 17 6 I 24 0
16' 7 4 48 14 9 36 21 14 I24 o I 13 4 48 20 10 10 27 14
IT 7 15 36 i51 7 12 22 22 48 I I 0 14 24 1 I 8 6 I I 15 21 36 23 2
I 'I 5
18' 8 2 24 16 i 4 48 24 7 12 I 2 9 36 I 10 12 1 18 14 24 26
17 4 19
i 2
25 15
1 4 4 48 I 12 18 I 21 7 12 29 20 2 8 I 10
27 I 6 o o I i IS o I 24 0 0 -' 0 2 \ 12 \ 0

r,ll/tnt Mangala (Iy) Plngala l2y) Dbanya(J y) Bhramarl (4,1') IluIdrib (5.,') Ulka (6.'") Siddha (~t) Sank... (Xt) \'oginl

£1'. TIIII// 5.1'. Tn/I// S.P. TI/II/I S.P. TII/II/ S.P. T,I/I// S.P. TIIII// S.P. TIIIII/ S.P. 11111// Suh
Sub ptrlod.J :r.m.J ~·.m.J :,·.m.d :r·/ft·d .Nn.J ~··m.J :r'm-,I -,"·m.J .NII·J :r·m.J HII·J Y-IIl-J .t-IH.J .,·.m.J Y-I/I-d ~··I/I·d I'trifld

Mangla ().().IO ().().10 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Mancal

Pingala Q-0·20 Q-I·oo Q-I·IO Q-I·IO - - - - - - - - - - - - Pingal.
Q-l-OO Q-2·oo e-z.oc Q-3·10 (HO Q-3-0 - - - - - - - - - - Dhanya
Bhramari Q-I·IO Q-3·10 Q-2-20 0-6-0 0--1-0 0-7-0 0-5·10 0-.~·10 - - - - - - - - Bhramari
IShadrika Q-1-20 Q-S-OO 0-).10 0-9-10 o-S·O 1-0-0 Q-6-20 1-0-0 Q-S·IO Q-S·IO - - - - - - Bhadrik
Ulka 0-2-00
0-7-00 ll-4-OO 1·1-10 Q-6-0 \-6-0 Q-S-OO '.S·O Q-\O·OO 1-6-10 1-0-0 1-0-0 - - - - Vlka
Siddhll 0-2·10 0-9-10 0--1·20 1-6-0 0-7-0 2-\-0 0-9·\0 2·S-10 Q-11·20 2·6-0 1.2:0 2-2-0 I·~·IO 1-1-10 - - Siddha
Sankata Q-2·20 1·\0·00 Q-S·IO 1·11·10 o-SO 2·9-0 Q-10-20 3-4-0 1·1·10 3·7-10 1-4-0 1.6-0 )-6-20 2·11-0 1-9-10 1.9.10 Sankala
IIbngala - - Q-2-0 2..Q.0 0-1-0 2·10-0 0-1·10 3-5010 0-1-20 3-9-0 0-2-0 3-S-O Q-2-10 .\·'-10 0-2-20 2-0-0 Mangala
Pineala - - - - 0-2-0 3-0-0 Q-2·20 3-S-O Q-)·IO 4-0-10 0--1-0 4-0-0 0-4-20 3-6-0 0-5-\0 2-5·10 Pineala
Dhanya - - - - - - 0--1-00 4-0-0 Q-5-oo 4·5·10 0-6-0 4-6.(1 0-7-0 4·1-0 0-8-0 3-1·10 Phanya
Bhramarl - - - - - - - - Q-6-20 S-O-O Q-g-O S·2.(1 0-9·10 ~·IQ-IO 0-10·20 4-0-0 Bhramari
Bhadrika - - - - - - - - - - 0·10-0 6-0-0 0-11·20 S·IO-O 1-1·10
.1-4-0 5-)·10 BhaLrika
Ulka - - - - - - - - . - - - - 1·2-00 7-0-0 6·5-10 Ulka
Siddha - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1-6-20 S-O·O Siddha
, ,\~" CHAPTER 3

The results of Yogini dasa given here are based on Mansagari

Paddhati and my own experience of using Yogini Dasa over last
many years. Their results get modified according to the placement of .
planets ruling these Yoginis.
(1) Mangala (Moon)-lyear
This is a period of success and prosperity. The native becomes
religious. This period provides articles of comfort and luxury. The
native becames famous and popular, There is career betterment and
distinction in academic pursuits. The native enjoys the company of
opposite sex. There are celebrations of auspicious events. Native also
acquires conveyances.
If Moon is in the 6th. 8th or 12th house or otherwise afflicted
and weak. then there is only a talk of the above results. The native
may have to undergo some mental agony. There will distress to mother.
But yogini Mangala gives courage. patience and tenacity to overcome
the adversities of life with conviction. Mangala period helps a native
widen his intellectual horizons.
(2) Pingala (Sun)-2 Years
This is a period which can give both good and bad results though
the bad results are more pronounced. This period can give diseases.
suffering to father and close relations. troubles from government. loss
of wealth etc. It also gives worries. depression etc. and the native is
inclined to commit immoral acts.
If sun is weak and afflicted then the malefic results will be more
pronounced. If it is afflicted by SAturn. then the native may be imprisoned
or may have to go in exile. The native during Pingala period invites
trouble due to his rash. negligent and reckless behaviour. It is the duty
of the astrologer to warn the native not to indulge in such acts. But if
. Sun is wen placed the malefic influence will be reduced. The native
will face opposition but will crush his ol(ponents and win acclaim
from one and all, '
(3) Dhanya (Jupiter)-3years
This is usually a period of all round /'rosperity. It gives wealth.
knowledge. children. favours from higher authorities etc. Native
undertakes fruitful journeys and becomes famous. He gains victories
Results of Yogini Dasa 31
over adversaries. During Dhanya period opportunities fOl prosperity
wil1 certainly arrive. But if Jupiter is weak and afflicted the native
wil1 not be able to make best use of them. The native will undertake
unimaginative expansion program, which he will find difficult to
implement. There will be tendency toward making false claims and
exaggeration. Under severe affliction the native may earn money through
unlawful means.
(4) Bhramari (Mars)-4years
This usually gives mixed results. As the name signifies this is a
period of travels and trips to foreign lands. If Mars is afflicted the
native wanders aimlessly. It can also lead to loss of position and
injuries. But a well placed Mars gives recognition abroad.
Bhramari causes displacement, travels, shifting of residence etc.
If Mars is well placed then the native will have travels for fruitful
reason. But as Mars is a malefic and so is Yogini Bhramari, the
achievements may be marred by delays, obstacles and quarrels. Mars
in 7th for women, if well placed may give marriage leading to change
in residence. If it is afflicted it can give change of residence due to
separation from spouse. Similarly a well placed Mars gives good
career opportunities. because of which native shifts to a bigger and
better residence. But as Yogini Bhramari is malefic. the native's success
will be after a long. hard struggle. If Mars is in the l Oth, is weak and
afflicted the native may be thrown out of his job and may have to
leave town in dejection.
(5) Bhadrika (Mercury)-5years
This gives good results and the native rises in social status. He
develops important social contacts with people in high places. It gives
career betterment, auspicious events, enjoyment of sensuous pleasures
and makes the native famous. '
If Mercurv is weak and afflicted then the native remains nervous.
There is a tendency towards criticising others and makes him lose
temper easily during Bhadrika period. The native 'acquires knowledge
which he puts to criminal use. His mental application is more towards
creating trouhle for others. The native may acquire encyclopaedic
knowledge. but is not able to put it in actual practical use. The native
wastes time by going into needless details of every matter.
(6) Ulka (Saturn)-6years
This is usually a difficult period, full of obstucles and delays. If
Saturn is well placed the native is able to overcome the obstacles.
32 Yogini & Kalachakra Dasas

Otherwise the native suffers lot of mental tension, grief and depression.
It can give loss by theft. Anxiety due to children, subordinates and
diseases. Native faces wrath of higher authorities.
If Saturn is a Yogakaraka and well placed the malefic results
are reduced. The native is able to achieve prosperity after a long
struggle. But this prosperity is marred by death of parent or a close.
relative. If exalted or aspected by benefics, native gets qualities such'
as ability to work hard, patience, perseverance, concentration and
single mindedness, in pursuit of his goals.
(7) Siddha (Venus)-7years
This is usually an extremely fortunate period. Native enjoy a
company of opposite sex. acquires jewellery, conveniences. palatial
houses and earns much wealth. There are auspicious celebration at
home. Native has career betterment and gains from speculation. shares
If Venus is weak and afflicted, the enjoyment of romance is
with prostitutes and lowly females. He may contract some venreal
disease. There will be delays and bottlenecks. The native may be
duped and deceived by someone from the opposite sex. The native
will be lethargic, careless, shabby and will lack confidence. He will
believe more in luck then in hardwork and astrologer must warn him
against this tendency.
(8) Sankata (Rahu)-8 years
This can be an extremely unfortunate period. It can lead to losses,
death of near relations, diseases, legal cases, imprisonment and dishonour.
Native faces all round difficulties and dejections.
A well place Rahu in combination with a Yogakaraka in a kendra
or a trikona can give a Raja-Yoga. But during Sankata period it will
be a prelude to grave dangers. The Raja-Yoga won during Sankata
period will seldom last and may end with a violent death or disgrace
for the native. Afflicted Rahu can make a native handicapped for life.
Sankata will certainly give distress to the relative signified by the
house in which Rahu is posited. For example if Rahu is in the 5th
house, during Sankata period there will be some unfortunate event
concerning the children.. - .
Re;uhs of Yogini Dasa 33


Sub-periods in the major period of Mangala (1\loon)

Mangala-Mangala (1\loon-Moon): Increase in wealth, contacts

with influential persons, auspicious functions at home.
Mangala-Pingala (Moon-Sun): Quarrels, grief and dishonour
MangaJa-Dhanaya (Moon-Jupiter): Birth of children, acquisition
of articles of comfort and luxury.
Mangala-Bhramari(Moon-Mars): Differences with spouse,
injury, aimlessly wandering and restlessness..
Mangala-Bhadrika (Moon-Mercury): Gain of luxury articles.
recognition, enjoyment of picnics.
Mangala-U1ka (Moon-Saturn): Anxiety. Joss of money, disgrace
and obstacles.
Mangala-Siddha (Moon-Venus): Marriage if of marriageable
age, enjoyment of sensuous pleasures and acquisition of articles of
comforts and luxury.
Mangala-Sankata (Moon-Rahu): Losses, delays, obstacles and

Sub-periods in the major period of Pingala (Sun)

Pingala-Pingala (Sun-Sun): Injuries. diseases, obstacles. anxiety

Pin&~-Dhanya (Sun-Jupiter): Favours from higher authorities.
success in endeavours. comforts.
Pingala-Bhramari (Sun-Mars): Travels, exile, difficulties in
foreign lands.
Pingala-Bhadrika (Sun-Mercury): Happiness from children,
prosperity, career betterment.
Piogala-Ulka (Sun-Saturn): Quarrels with associates. facing wrath
of government authorities. losses etc.
Pingala-Siddha (Sun-Venus): Gain of wealth. ill-health. gains
from shares and lotteries.
. Pingala-Mangala (Sun-Moon): Mental worries, depression.
anxiety due to parents.
34 Yogini & Kalachakra Dasas
Sub-periods in the major period or Dhanaya (Jupiter)
Dhanya-Dhanya (Jupiter-Jupiter): Career betterment, financial
prosperity, name, fame, happiness from children and spouse.
Dhanya-Bharamari (Juplter-Marsu Grief, wanderings, gains
abroad, lot of travels. I

Dhanya-Bhadrika (jupiter-Mercury): Fortunate period,

happiness, career betterment and acquisition of luxury articles.
Dhanya-U1ka (Jupiter-Saturn): Grief, ill-health, anxiety because
of children, losses.
Dhanya-Siddha (jupiter-Venus): Happy family life, holidays
with spouse and children, success in endeavours.
Dhanya-Sankata (Jupiter-Rahu): Wrath of government, Joss
of confidence, confinement.
Dhanya-Mangala (jupiter-Moon): Auspicious celebrations,
comforts, prosperity.
Dhanya-Pingala (jupiter-Sun): Obstacles, hinderances, dejection,
III-health to father.

Sub-periods in the major period of Bhramari (Mars)

Bhramari-Bhramari (Mars-Mars): Detachment, anxiety, iII-

health, injuries, betrayal from close relations.
Bhramari-Bhadrika (Mars-Mercury). Foriegn travels, education,
skin disease, boils etc.
Bhramari-Ulka (Mars-Saturn): Diseases, anxiety due to close
relations, financial difficulties.
Bh~~mari-Siddha (Mars-Venus):' Success, wisdom, wealth,
venreal diseases, enjoyment of sensuous pleasures.
Bhrnmari-Sankata (Mars-Rahu): Injuries, grief, suicidal
tendencies, disgrace, diseases.
Bhramari-Mangala (Mars-Moon): Prosperity, foreign travel and
recognition abroad. change of residence.
Bhremarl-Plngala (Mars-Sun): Fear from higher authorities,
anxiety due to parents, health problems.
Bhrnn18ri-Dhllnll)'11 (~Inn-Jupiter): Financial prosperity, robust
health and confidence. luxuries.
Results of Yogini Dasa 35
Sub-periods In the major period of Bhadrika (Mercury)

Bhadrika-Bhadrika (Mercury-Mercury); Fame, comforts,

wealth, knowledge, prosperity.
Bhadrika-Ulka (Mercury-Saturn): Diseases, quarrels at place
of work. loss of wealth.
Bhadrika-Siddha (Mercury-Venus): All round prosperity and
happiness in professional and family life.
Bhadrika-Sankata (Mercury-Rahu): Disgrace in distant lands,
diseases. grief. obstacles and delays in endeavors.
Bhadrika-Mangala (Mercury-Moon): Prosperity, happiness.
celebrations in family.
Bhadrika-Pingala (Mercury-Sun): Loss of prosperi ties, grief
in family life and generally unhappy.
Bhadrika-Dhanya (Mercury-Jupiter): Prosperity, acquisition of
property. knowledge and a contended life.
Bhadrlka-Bhramar] (Mercury-Mars): Injuries, boils. property
disputes and anxieties.

Sub-periods in the major period of Ulka (Saturn)

Ulka-Ulka (Saturn-Saturn): Losses, defeats. setbacks, financial

difficulties. deaths in family and diseases.
Ulka-Siddha: (Saturn- Venus): Foreign travels, obstacles and
delays but success in end with lot of effort.
Ulka-Sankata: (Saturn-Rahu): Heaith problems, defeats,
bereavement, anxiety, betrayals and quarrels.
Olka-Mangala: (Saturn-Moon): Happiness and 'success in
Ulka-Pingala: (Saturn-Sun): Aimless wanderings, anxiety due
to parents, diseases.
Ulka-Dhanaya: (Saturn-Jupiter): Windy diseases, conflict and
quarrels with ussociates. generally status-quo.
Ulka-Bhramari: (Saturn-Mars): Agonies, pains, fear of enemies
and injuries,
Ulka-Bhadr'ikn: (Saturn-Mercury): Gains and prosperity.
36 Yogini & Kalachakra Dasas
Sub-period in the major period of Siddha (Venus)

Siddha-Siddha (Venus-Venus): Period of achievements,

distinction, a happy love and married life.
Siddha-Sankata (Venus-Rahu): Anxiety due to spouse.
confinement, theft, losses.
Siddha-Mangala (Venus-Moon): Acquisition of luxuries.
happiness and prosperity.
Siddha-Pingala (Venus-Sun): Quarrels with close associates.
illegal acts, injuries.
Siddha-Dhanaya (Venus-Jupiter): All round prosperity and
happiness and knowledge.
Slddha-Bhramari (Venus-Mars): Travels. shifting of residence.
foreign travels and ~ains from distunt land.
Siddha-Bhadrika (Venus-Mercury): Celebrations at home, career
betterment. name and fame.
Siddha-Ulka (Venus-Saturn): Loss of wealth. diseases. difficulties
in love life and feeling of detachment.

Sub-periods in the major period of Sankata (Rahu)

Sankata-Sankata (Rahu-Rahu): Wrath of rulers. loss due to

theft. obstacles.
Sankata-Mangala (Rahu-Moon): Diseases. ill-health of mother,
mental tension.
Sankata-Plngala (Rahu-Sun): Anxiety due to higher authorities,
grief due to spouse and children.
Sankata-Dhanya (Rahu-Juplter): Windy diseases, happiness in
family life. travels.
Sankata-Bhramari (Rahu-Mars): Foreign travels and difficulties
and losses abroad. health problems.
Sankata-Bhadrika (Rahu-Mercury): Acquisition of luxury items,
knowledge. victory over enemies.
Sankata-Ulka (Rahu-Saturn): Loss of property. ill health due
to overwork.
Sankata-Siddha (Rahu- Venus): Period of achievement, happiness
and distinction.
48 YoginiS; Kalachakra Dasas
main period and Mangala (Moon) sub-period, Saturn is in the 7th
house, while Moon ruling mind is with the 7th lord. This
clearly shows an emotional' link up with someone from the opposite
sex. The native's affair did not last long and he separated with the
'female during U1kalPingla (Saturn-Sun) period. Saturn lord of Yogini
Ulka is debilitated in the 7th house. Pingala usually causes distress.
Here its lord Sun is in the 5th house from the dasa lord showing
emotional distress.
(c) Case-History: The native lost his mother on Septamber 6,
1994, after a long illness.
Vimshottari Dasa : The native's mother passed away when he
was running Mercury Main period and Venus Sub-period. Mercury
is lord of the 6th house from the 4th house (ruling mother)
and is posited in 8th from the 4th house. This resulted in long
illness to mother. Both Mercury and Venus are in the 8th house from
the 4th house and in the 2nd house (Marakstana) from the Karaka
At the time of Mother's death, the native was under Sankata
Main pe~ioda'nd Sankata sub period. Yogni sankata means
dangers and is ruled by Rahu, Rahu is in the 6th house and is in the
12th from lord of the 4th house. It is with Saturn in the 12th house
in Dwadasamsa chart. Sankata or dangers came in shape of death of
llIustration 9. Female Born on April 7, 1939.
Planet Longit-ude Nav. Planet , Longitude Nav.
Ascendent 10-27°47' (3) Sun 11-23-14 (II )
Moon 6-28-49 (3) Mars 8-16-02 (5)
Mercury (R) 11-16-56 (8) Jupiter 10-29-31 (3)
Venus 10-14-48 (5) Saturn 11-27-24 (12)
Rahu 6-16-39 (II)
B.O.D. (Vimshouari) ; Jupiter sy SM ID
B.O.D. (Yogini) : Dhanya : IY OM 6D
Janma Na~shatra : Vishaka 3rd Qtr.
Yogini Dasa (Practical Illustrations) 49

Mer (R) Ketu

Born on April 7. 1939

Mars Moon

Case-History: Son of the native died on February 9, 1956 in

car accident.

Mars Moon Venus


Sun Kelu

I-----i 1----;

Rabu Asc


In this horoscope in Rasi Chart the 5th lord Mercury is debilitated

and afflicted by Saturn, Sun and also Mars from the II th house. Mars
is also with Saturn in the 8th house in Saptamsa-chart while Ketu is in
the 12th house showing exit from the world. Afflictions to the 5th
lord and also 5th house (by Mars) caused death of native's son in a
car accident. If reader's want to get a deeper knowledge on seeing
mishaps to children they must refer to my book- "MARRIAGE,
Vimshotrari-Dasa : The native's son died during Saturn sub-
period of main period of Ketu, Saturn afflicts the debilitated 5th lord
50 Yogini & Kalachakra Dasas
and is in the 8th house of Saptamsa chart with the planet of accidents-
Mars. Ketu is in 12th house in Saptamsa-chart.
Yogini-Dasa : The native was under main and sub-period of
Yogini U1ka ruled by Saturn. Saturn as already seen is afflicting the
debilitated 5th lord and is in the 8th house of Saptamsa-Chart along
with the Violent Mars.
Here again readers have seen how doubts are removed if we
. apply Yogini Dasa also along with Vimshottari Dasa. In the third part
of this book readers will see how we can be hundred percent sure if
we apply Kalachakra Dasa also along with Vimshottari and Yogini
D1ustration 10. Female born on June 10, 1960.
Planet Longitude Nav. Planet Longitude Nav.
Ascendent 9s-12°31' (1) Sun 1-26-29 (5)
Moon 8-13-14 (4) Mars 11-29-13 (12)
Mer 2-23-15 (I) Jup (R) 8-6-37 (2)
Venus 1-23-13 (4) Saturn (R) 8-23-40 (8)
Rahu 4-26-51 (9)
B.O.D. (Vimshottari) : Ketu OY OM 16D
B.O.D. (Yogini): Ulka: OY OM 16D
Janma Nakshatra : Moola -4th Qtr,

Sun Mer

FemaleBom on
June 10. 1960

Case-History : The native underwent a surgical operation on

her urinary system on the.right side, on March 28, 1990 and on March
20, 1991.
Yogini Dasa (Practical Illustrations) 51

Vimshottari-Dasa : The native was under the main period of

Moon and sub-period of Jupiter during the first operation. Both Moon
and Jupiter are in the 12th house showing hospitalisation. Jupiter, is
lord of the 22nd Drekkana a malefic for Capricorn lagan. It is in the
6th from its Rasi-Chart position in the Navamsa Chart. As lord of
22nd Drekkana, Jupiter causes operations. This is confirmed more so
because of its association with Saturn.
The second operation was during Moon-Saturn. Here again both
main period and sub-period lord are in the 12th house along with the
lord of the 22nd Drekkana and aspected by 6th lord Mercury.
Yogini-Dasa : The native underwent the first operation during
Bhadrika main period ruled by Mercury the lord of 6th house. Sub
period was of Bharamari ruled by Mars (signifying operations). Mercury
the 6th lord is afflicted by the lord of 22nd Drekkana and also Mars
and Saturn.
The second operation was during Ulka main period and Ulka
sub-period ruled by Saturn. Ulka is a period of suffering. In the present
case it is ascendent lord and also a Markesh and is posited in 12th
house of hospitalisation. This caused sufferings due to health problems.
D1ustration 11. Male born on Dec. 22 1926 at 1-20 P.M. (1ST) at
13N40; 80E15.
Planet Longitude Nav. Planet Longitude Nav.
Ascendent 11-28-26 (12) Sun 8-6-59 (3)

Moon 3-13-10 (7) Mars 0-13-14 (4)

Mercury 7-17-14 (9) Jupiter 10-1-39 (7)

Venus 8-14-37 (5) Saturn 7-9-25 (6)

Rahu 2-14-37 (II)

B.O.D. (Virnshottari) : Saturn: 4Y 11M 25D

B.O.D. (Yogini) : Dhanya : OY 9M 12D
Janma Nakshatra : Pushy a -3rd Qtr.
52 Yogini & Kalachakra Dasas


Mars Rahil

Moon •

Male Born on
0"1 12. 1926


Case-History : The native was snow bitten during Indo-China

war of December, 1962 and his feel had to he amputated.
Vimshottari-Dasa : As per Vimshottari dasa the native was under
Venus main period and Mars sub-period when his feet had to be
amputated. Venus is a great malefic for Pisces ascendent being lord of
the 3rd and the 8th houses. It is combust. But worst combination is
that it is in the exact degree conjunction with Ketu, Ketu is a planet
which can cause loss of limbs. Here the dangerous degree conjunction
caused amputation of feet. Mars the lord of 2nd house is debilitated in
Navamsa and is a Markesh. Therefore. during Venus-Mars period
almost death-like conditions prevailed.
Yoginl-Dasa : The tragedy happened during the main period of
Dhanya (Jupiter) and the sub-period fo Sankata (Rahu). Sankata as
the name suggests causes grave dangers. Its lord Rahu also represents
Ketu who is in degree conjunction with Venus and this caused amputation
of feet. The dispositor of Venus and Ketu is Jupiter- who is in the 12th
house of losses. Therefore loss of feet occurred during Jupiter (Dhanya)
Kalachakra Dasa is a unique dasa which contains peculiar fea-
tures such as Deha Rasi, Jeeva Rasi, Navamasa Rasi of moon (not the
usual Navamsa of Moon), gatis or Jumps etc. for predicting occurence
of events. This dasa wal first disclosed by Lord Shiva to Goddess
Parvati. Sage Parasara has devoted maximum space to Kalachakra
Dasa after Vimshottari Dasa in his voluminous treatise. The great
Sage further says that this dasa system can also be applied to a Horary


The 27 Nakshatras or constellations are divided into 15 Savya
and 12 Apsavya Nakshatras. The first three Nakshatras i.e. Ashwini,
Bharani and Kritika belong to Savya Nakshatras. The next three
Nakshatras i.e. Rohini, Mrigasira and Ardra belong to Apsavya group.
The next three will then belong to Savya group and so on. Thus there
will be 15 Nakshatras in Savya group and 12 Nakshatras in Apsavya
group. Table 5. I gives different Nakshatras in each of these two
SAVYAGROUP Aswini, Bharani, Kritika, Punarvasu,
Pushyami, Aslesha, Hasta, Chittra, Swati,
Moola, Purvashadda, Uttarshadda, Poorva
Bhadra, Uttarabhadra, Revati,
APSAVYA GROUP Rohini, Mrigasira, Ardra, Magha, P.
Phalguni, U. Phalguni, Vishaka,
Anuradha, Jyeshta, Sravan, Dhanishta,
(B) Two Sub-Groups each of Savya and Apsavya
Nakshatras :
Both Savya and Apsavya group of Nakshatras are further sub-
divided into two sub-groups each. The two sub-groups of Savya group
of Nakshatras are led by Ashwini and Bharani respectively. The Ashwini
54 Yogini & Kalachakra Dasas
sub-group has 10 Nakshatras while Bharani sub-group has 5 Nakshatras.
The two sub-groups of Apsavya group of Nakshatrasare led by
Rohini and Mrigasira respectively. The Rohini sub-group has 4
Nakshatras and Mrigasira sub-group has 8 Nakshatras.

Table 5.2. (a) gives the two sub-groups of Apsavya Nakshatras.
Table 5.2 (a)
Ashwini Sub-Group (10) Bharani Sub-Group (5)
Ashwini Bharani
Kritika Pushya
Punarvasu Chittra
Aslesha Poorvashadda
Hasta Uttara Bhadra
Uttara Shadd a
Poorva Bhadra

Table 5.2 (b)

Rohini Sub-Group (4) Mrigasira Sub-Group (8)
Rohini Mrigasira
Magha Ardra
Vishaka Purva Phalguni
Shravana Uttara Phalguni
Kalachakra Dasa Preliminaries Explained 55
In Kalachakra Dasa the period allocated to each sign is as given
in Table 5.3.
Sign Lord Number of
(1) Aries. Scorpio Mars 7 years
(2) Taurus. Libra Venus 16 years
(3) Gemini. Virgo Mercury 9 years
(4) Cancer Moon 21 years
(5) Leo Sun 5 years
(6) Sagittarius. Pisces 'Jupiter 10 years
(7) Capricorn, Aquarius Saturn 4 years

(4)Paramayus : In Vimshottari Dasa the total cycle is of 120

years. But in Kalachakra Dasa system it can be 100 years. 86 years,
85 years or 83 years depending upon Moon's Navamsa. Table 5.4
helps us to determine the Paramayas (or full Dasa cycle) for each
nativity depending upon the Quarter (or pada or Charan) of the Nakshatra
in which moon was placed at birth.
~ -
Quarter I

or -+ 1"1 2nd 3'" 4 1h

Savya Nakshatra 100 years '85 years 83 years '86 years,
Apsavya Nakshatra I 86 years 83 years 85 years 100 years
Say. for example. Janma Nakshatra is Satbisha 4th quarter.
Therefore. the birth is in Apsavya Nakshatra (Mrigasira sub-group)
and Paramayus (the full cycle of Kalachakra Dasa system) is 100
years for this native. We can also use Table 5.4A for finding Paramayus.
(0) Order of Each Maha Dasa (Main Period)
The order of each Mahadasa is different for each sub-group of
Savya andApsavya group stars. The order can be determined from
Table 5.4. Take the above example. where birth is in the 4th quarter
56 Yogini & Kalachakra Dasas
of Satbisha. Then look at Table 5.5(d) which is for Mrigasira sub-
group of Apsavya Nakshatras. The order of dasas will be :
Sagittarius (I Oyears), then Scorpio (7years), then Libra (16years),
Virgo (9years), Leo (5years), Cancer (21years), Gemini (9 years),
Taurus (16 years), Aries (7 years).
The total adds upto 100 years which is the Paramayus in the
above case.
(B) Deba and Jeeva Rasi
. In Kaia,;hakr~ Dasa system, Deha and Jeeva Rasi are two signs
which have a lot of bearing in pronouncing results. The TABLE 5.5 .
also gives ~eha and Jeeva Rasi for each quarter of Janma Nakshatra.
Take the above example of birth in 4th quarter of Satbisha
Nakshatra. As per Table 5.5(d) :
Deha Rasi = Aries
Jeeva Rasi = Sagittarius
Readers will note that in case of Savya Nakshatras the dasa
order starts with Deha Rasi and ends with Jeeva Rasi. In case of
Apsavya Nakshatras the dasa order starts with Jeeva Rasi and ends
with Deha Rasi.
(F) Gatis or Jumps
Sage Parasara describes three types of Gatis or Jumps which a
dasa or a sign period can take.
These three jumps are:
(i) Mandooki Gati (Frog Jump) : When the dasajumps from
one sign to another, skipping one sign, it is Mandooki
Gati. The movement from Virgo to Cancer and from Leo
to Gemini are Mandooki Gatis.
(ii) Markati Gati (Monkey Jumps) : Backward jump to the
previous sign is called Markati Gati. Jump from Leo to
Cancer is Markati Gati.
(iii) Simbavalokan Gati (Lion's Stare) : The trinal jump of a
dasa i.e. to the 5th or 9th sign is called Simhavalokan.
Movement from Pisces to Scorpio and from Sagittarius to
Aries is Simhavalokan Gati,
These Gatis or jumps are very important for declaring results
..... "·,..,11,, ",,,ric the turning points in a native's life. Table 5.5 also
Kalachakra Dasa Preliminaries Explained 57
gives different jumps for each of the 4 sub-group of Nakshatras. These
should invariably be marked when Kalachakra dasa is being interpreted.
(0) Navamsa oCMoon
Astrologers must mark the Moon's Navamsa before pronouncing
the results as per Kalachakra Dasas. For Savya group of stars this is same
as the position of Moon in Navamsa Chakra. But in Apsavya group oC
Nakshatras it is not the same as Moon's position in Navamsa Chakra.
TABLE 5.4A gives Moon's KaIachakra Navamsa depending upon the
quarter of Moon's Nakshatra. Over years of experience and after studying
various horoscopes, I have been convinced that secret to correct interpretation
of Kalachakra Dasa lies in Moon's Navamsa (for Kalachakra Dasa), This
experience is what I am trying to share with my readers. Without consider-
ing Navamsa Rasi of Moon results should never be announced. For example,
consider two natives, one born with Moon Navamsa and the other with
Moon in Sagittarius Navamsa in Aries. According to Sage Parasara, the re-
sults of Aries Dasa will be as follows, for both cases:
(i) Native born in Moon's Aries Navamsa : Distress due to
blood poisoning and disorders.
.(ii) Native born in Moon's Sagittarius Navamsa: Increase in
wealth and financial gains.
The above concept is dealt in more detail in Chapter 5.2.
(H) Calculating Balance oC Dasa at Birth :
Balance of dasa at birth is calculated considering distance tra-
versed by moon in particular quarter of 1anma Nakshatra and Paramayus.
Therefore, even slight difference in birth time can make big difference
in balance of dasa. Also, readers are adviced only to use Chitra Paksha
ayanamsa (popularly known as Lahiri ayanamsa). Otherwise they wilJ
not be able to give correct results.
Take the following standard Horoscope:
Male born on November 21,1966.


Moon Jup

I\,)vcmbcr 21. 1966

Sun Men:ury
Ven Kelu
58 Yogini & Kalachakra Dasas
Finding balance of dasa at birth, basically, involves two stages:
Stage 1 : Finding balance of Paramayus at birth.
Stage 2 : Finding balance of dasa at birth.
These two stages are discussed below in detail:
Stage 1 : (Calculating balance of Parmayus at birth)
Now follow the following steps:
Step 1: Mark (i) Janma Nakshatra and its quarter.
(ii) Whether Savya or Apsavya Nakshatra and the sub-
(iii) Mark Moon's Navamsa (iv) Mark Paramayus.
In the standard horoscope :
(i) Janma Nakshatra is Satbisha-dth quarter (Refer Table
(ii) Now refer to TABLE 5.2. Satbisha belongs to Apsavya
group of Nakshatras and Mrigasira sub-group.
(iii) Moon's Navamsa is Sagittarius as per TABLE 5.4A.
(iv) For finding Paramayus refer to TABLE 5.4. Pararnayus
is 100 years.
Step 2 : Find distance yet to be traversed by moon in a particu-
lar quarter of Nakshatra. For this use Table 5.6 as follows:
(a) Ending longitude of Satbisha-dth quarter J()s-20°-QO'
(b) Moon's longitude at birth 10"-19°-3'
Distance yet to be traversed by Moon [(a)-(b)] 57'
Step 3 : Now balance ofrParamayus at birth can be found by
using Table 5.7 . !

(From TABLE 5.7(a»

Balance of Paramayus when distance yet to be
"traversed is 1°00' 30 years 0 months 0 days
(from Table 5.7(b) Less: for 3' 1 year 6 months 0 days
Balance of Paramayus at birth .~~~.:~~~ "_~~_o~ths__O d~_~
Kalachakra Dasa PreliminariesExplained 59
Stage 2 : (Finding balance of dasa at birth)
Balance of dasa at birth can be easily found with the help of
Table 5.8. There are two steps involved;
Step 1 : As birth is in Apsavya group Mrigasira sub-group refer
Table 5.8(d). In our standard horoscope, balance of Paramayus is
28Y 6~ ODays. This is between 23 years and 32 years. Therefore,
opening dasa will be of Gemini.
Step 2 : Now, we take lesser of these two years given in Table
5.8. In our standard example the two years are 32 years and 23 years.
Subtract the lesser one (i.e. 23 years) from balance of Paramayus at
birth, to get balance of dasa at birth.
Balance of Paramayus at birth' 28Y-6M-oD
Less: Lesser of two figures obtained 23Y-OM-QD
from Table 5.8(d)
Balance of Gemini dasa at birth 5Y-6M-OD
Example 2: Male Born on February 19, 1899.

Moon Mars
25°15" Ketu

Mer Rasi-Chakra


Sat. Rahu Jup

Stage 1 : (Finding balance of Paramayus at birth)

. Step 1: (i) Janma Nakshatra : Mrigasira Ist Quarter (From Table
(ii) Mrigasira is Apsavya Nakshatra-Mrigasira sub-group
(Refer Tble 5.2)
(iii) Paramayus is 86 years (Refer Table 5.4)
(iv) Moon's Navamsa is Cancer. (Refer Table 5.4A).
60 Yogini & Kalachakra Dasas
(v) Deha Rasi is Cancer and Jeeva Rasi is Pisces (ReferTable
Step 2: Ending Longitude of Mrigasira 1st quarter
(Refer Table 5.(b) 1'-26°-40'
Less: Longitude of Moon at birth 1'-25°-15
Distance yet to be traversed by Moon 1°-25
Step 3 : From Table 5.7
Balance of Paramayus at birth when
Paramayus is 86 years (for 1°20') 34Y 4M 24D
Add: Proportional part for 5' -_. __
2Y 1M 15D

36Y 6M 19D
Stage 2 : (Finding Balance of dasa at birth)
S~ep 1 : Refer to Table 5.8(d). When balance of Paramayus is
between 35 years and 51 years, therefore balance of dasa will be of
Libra (Venus).
Step 2 : As lesser of these two figures (35 years and 51years) is
35 years we subtract this from balance of Paramayus, as follows:
Balance of Paramayus 36Y 6M 19D
Less: The lesser figure 35Y OM OD
Balance of Libra (Venus) dasa at birth IY 6M 19D
Example 3 : Take a hypothetical case with Moon in Gemini at
13°34'. Let us calculate the balance of dasa at birth for this nativity.
Stage 1 (i) As per Table 5.6 Janma Nakshatra is Ardra-3rd
(ii) As per Table 5.2(b) it belongs to Apsavya group and
Mrigasira sub-group.
(iii) Paramayus is 85 years (Refer Table 5.4)
(iv) Navamsa Rasi is Capricorn.
(v) Jeeva Rasi is Gemini and Deha Rasi is Capricorn.
(vi) From Table 5.6.~rdra 3rd quarter ends at 2s-16°-40'
Less: Longitude of Moon at birth 2"-13°-34
Distance yetto be traversed by Moon 3°-6'
Knluchukru Dasa Preliminaries tt'\plllhlCI.I 61

Stage 2 (i) As per Table 5.8(d) when balance of Paramayus is be-

tween 76 'years and 85 years, the opening dasa will be
of Gemini (Mercury).
(ii) Subtracting the lesser of above two figures (i.e. 76 years).
from balance of Paramayus at birth (i.e. 78Y - I 2M- I 80)
we get:
Balance! of Gemini (Mercury) dasa at birth is
Example 4 : Take an example where longitude of Moon is Is-
13°-21'. Therefore, Moon is in 2nd quarter of Rohini belonging to
Apsavya group of stars (Rohini sub-group). Navamsa Rasi is Libra.
Paramayus is 83 years. The distance yet to be traversed by Moon in
2nd quarter of Rohini is 3°19'. As per Table 5.7(a), if the distance is
3°20' and Paramayus is 83 years balance will be 83 years. As per
Table 5.7(b) for one (1') minute of arc the proportional part of dasa is
OY 4M 29Days. Therefore balance of Paramayus at birth will be 82
years 7 months and 1 day.
'Stage 2 : As per Table 5.8 (c) when balance of Paramayus is
between 74 years and 83 years the opening dasa will be of Virgo
(Mercury). Subtracting the lesser of these figures i.e. 7~ years from
balance of Paramayus at birth (i.e. 82Y 7 1D) we get:
Balance of Virgo (Mercury) at birth 8Y 07M 120. Deha Rasi is
Libra and Jeeva Rasi is Virgo.
(I) Next Cycle of Kalachakra Dasa
Readers should go through this part very carefully. There is a
great deal of confusion over this point. The method given here is the
only correct method. A close study of available Parasari texts will
convince anyone that it is only in the way enumerated below that the
next cycle of Kalachakra Dasa system should be considered.
The Moon's Navamsa gives the balance of Paramayus at birth.
After completion of these years we come to the next cycle. Here the
next cycle will begin with the first sign of the next Paramayus cycle
in the same group of Nakshatras (Savya or Apsavya).

Take an example, suppose birth is in 2nd quarter Krittika, It is
Savya group (Ashwini sub-group). After the end of Gemini dasa (which
is last dasa in this cycle) we will go on to the next cycle. This will
begin with Taurus dasa which is the first dasa of next Paramayus.
Therefore Paramayus will now be 83 years and dasa sequence will be
Taurus, Aries, Pisces and so on.
62 Yogini & Kalachakra Dasas
Take another example with birth in 4th quarter of Rohini. This
belongs to Rohini sub-group of Apsavya group of stars. Here the last
dasa is of Scorpio in Paramayus 100 years. After this we will go to
dasa sequence of Ist quarter of Mrigasira sub-group of Apsavya group
of Nakshatras. Therefore in new cycle Paramayus will be 86 years
and first dasa will be Pisces, then Aquarius and so on. Here it should
be noted that the dasa sequences will always revolve in only the same
group (Savya or Apsavya) only.
Certain learned astrologers are of the view that after completion
of one cycle we will go back to the first dasa of the same cycle. But
my discussions with many traditional pandits of Parasara Hora con-
vinced me that only the above is the correct way. Though, I admit,
that this question had perturbed me for a long time. But discussions
with traditional pandits and a research carried out over 200 horo-
scopes convinced me that the method followed by these traditional
pandits of Benares and Kashi is the only correct method.
The following are the reasons which show that we should move
on to the next Paramayus in the same group (i.e. Savya or Apsavya)
of Nakshatras after completion of one cycle of Paramayus :
(I) By following this sequence, the dasas continue in an order.
Say, if birth is in 2nd quarter of Ashwini sub-group of savya group of
Nakshatras. Then after last dasa, Gemini we will go on to Taurus then
Aries and soon and thus move in an orderly way (Refer Table 5.5).
(2) If birth is in 2nd quarter of Ashwini Nakshatra. Then by
going back to Deha sign of the same sequence after end of Jeeva sign
i.e. Gemini will mean that dasa shifts from Gemini to Capricorn which
is a big leap. Sage Parasara has described three types of possible
leaps. No leap of this type i.e. from Gemini to Capricorn or Capricorn
to Gemini is discussed by Sage Parasara. Therefore. this shift seems
quite absurd. If we go on to next Paramayus, we will get Taurus then
Aries which is quite in order.
(3) Sage Parasara has described leap from sagittarius to Aries as
a Simhavalokan dasa. In a copy of Brihat Parasara Horoshastra. I saw
in Kashi from 3rd quarter of Ashwini sub-group (savya group) of
Nakshatras sagittarius to Aries was clearly stated as Simhavalokan
Gati. But for lst quarter of Ashwini sub-group there was no
such mention of a jump from sagittarius to Aries. Therefore. it is clear
that what 'Sage Parasara meant was that after Sagittarius
dasa we will go on to next Paramayus and it will start with
Kalachakra Dasa Preliminaries Explained 63

(4) In the same copy of Brihat Parasara Hora Shashtra, Cancer

dasa (the deha Rasi dasa) for the 4th quarter of Bharani sub-group in
Savya group of Nakshatras was described as Mandook Gati. Therefore,
it seems, what Sage Parasara ment was that it had jumped from Virgo
(the last dasa of the preceding cycle) to Cancer. Only then can it be
called Mandook Gati.
From the above discussion it should be clear to readers that
what Sage Parasara had meant to be the correct method has only been
described above.
The readers should remember, two very important points regard-
ing the above :
(l) Navamsa Rasi of Moon and Deha and Jeeva Rasi depends
upon the quarter of Nakshatra occupied by Moon at birth and they do
not change with the change in cycle and Paramayus. For any native
. these three pivotals remain fixed for his entire lifespan.
(2) The new cycle. after completion of one cycle of Paramayus,
will be in the same group of Nakshatras. Therefore, for Bharani sub-
group 4th Quarter after Sagittarius dasa the next will be Aries dasa.
Therefore, sequence of dasas for 2nd cycle will be those that are
given in Table 5(a) for l st quarter of Ashwini sub-group.
In horoscope after horoscope and' case study after case study it
will be found that this method only gives correct results. The reason-
ing given above will leave no doubt in any mind how the correct dasa
sequence is to be considered.
(1) Sub-Periods
Sub-Periods for dasa of any sign can easily be calculated by
using Table 5.9. With help of these. sub-periods can be calculated
easily an.d no elaborate examples will be required.
(Navamsa Rasis and their Panmayus Years)
Nakshatra-Quarter '
Nakshatra 1st Qtr. 2nd Qtr, 3;iQtr.-~thQtr.__,
Ashwini, Punarvasu, Navamsa Aries Taurus Gemini \ . Cancer
Hasta, Moola,P Bhadra Paramayu lOOyrs. 85yrs. 83yrs. 86yrs.
Bharani, Pushya, Navamsa Leo Virgo Libra Scorpio
Chittra, P. Shadda, U, Shadda
Krittika, Aslesha, Swati,
Navamsa IOOy'~~r
Sagittarius Capricorn

U. Shadda, Revati lOOyrs. 83yrs. 86yrs.
, - -, 85yrs.
Rohini, Magha, Navamsa Scorpio Libra Virgo \
Visakha, Shravana Paramayu 86yrs. 83yrs. 85yrs.
II Aries
Mrigasira, P. Phalguni Navamsa Cancer Gemini Taurus I
Anuradha, Dhanishta Paramayu 86yrs. 3yrs. ,85yrs. I
---~-" '-" i

Ardra, U. Phalguni Navamsa Pisces Aquarius I Sagittarius

Jyeshta, Satbisha Paramavu 86yrs. 83yrs. , 85vrs. \ lOOyrs.

Table S.S(a)
Savya Nakshatras • (Aswini Group)
(Aswini, Krittika, Punar vasu, Aslesha,
Hastha, Swathi, Moola, Uttarshadha, ;r.
Poorvabhadra and Revathi 10 Nakshatras)
.-Qw~ner__ Order of Dasa Rasis with no. of Para- Deha Jeeva Sirnha- Mar- Mand-

ooki ~
yrs, shown below rasis mayu valokam kati
sign sign sign
years ~
1st I
10 =100
Ari Sag
2nd 10 II 12 8 7 6 4 5 3 Cap Gem Scorpio Leo Gemini ~.
4 4 10 7 16 9 21 5 9 =85 Cancer '"
3rd 2 1 12 11 10 9 I 2 3 Tau Gem Aries
16 7 10 4 4 10 7 16 9 =83 ::l
4th 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 Can Pis c'-

21 5 9 16 7 10 4 4 10 =86
42 ~
Table 5.5(b)

Savya Nakshatras - (Bharani Group)

(Bharani, Pushya, Chitta, Poorvashada and
Uttarbhadrapada = 5 Nakshatras)

Quarter Order of Dasa Rasis with. no. of Para- Deha Jceva Simha- Mar- Mand· 0-(

yrs. shown below rasis mayu valokam kati ooki r§.

years sign sign sign Ro
8 5 3 2 1 12 sco pis Scorpio "=
1st 7 6 4 Leo Cancer ~
7 .16 9 21 5 9 16 7 10 =100 Gemini
2nd 11 10 9 I 2 3 4 5 6 Aqu Vir Aries AI
4 4 10 7 16 9 21 5 9 = 85 0to>

3rd 7 8 9 10 H 12 8 7 6 Lib Vir Scorpio

16 7 10 4 4 10 7 16 9 ,= 83
4th 4 5 3 2 1 12 11 10 9 Can Sag Leo Cancer
21 5 9 16 7 10 4 4 10 =86 Gemini
.....-. ..,..,.,~.~.~

Table S.S(c)
Apasavya Nakshatras-(Rohini Group)
(Rohini, Magha,Visakha and Sravana = 4 Nakshatras)
Quart~~--·---Order of Dasa Rasis with no. of Para- Deha Jeeva Simha- Mar- Mand-
yrs. shown below rasis mayu valokam kati ooki
years sign sign sign
-------- ---------------------------~:.--_----=----=--
1st 9 10 11 12 I 2 354 Sag Can Sagittarius Cancer Leo
10 4 4 10 7 16 9 5 21 =86
2nd 6 7 8 12 11 10 987 Vir Lib Pisces Virgo
9 16 7 to 4 4 to 7 16 =83
3rd 6 5 4 3 2 9 10 II Vir Aqu Sagittarius
9 5 21 9 16 10 4 4 =85
4th 12 1 2 3 4 678 Pis Seo Cancer Leo
to 7 16 9 5 9 16 7 =100 Virgo

Table S.5(d)
Apasavya Nakshatras-(Mrigasira Group)
(Mrigasira, Ardra, Poorva & Uttara Phalgunis,
Anuradha, Jyesta, I)hanishta, and Sathabhisha = 8 Nakshatras)
Quarter Order of Dasa Rasi~ with no. of Para- Deha Jeeva Simha- Mar- Mand- a<
yrs. shown below rasis mayu valokam kati ooki lJQ
years sign sign sign S<?
.. _--- :;.:
J st 12 II 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 Pis Can Pisces c;
10 4 4 10 7 16 9 5 21 =86 :r'
2nd 3 2 I 9 10 II 12 I 2 =83 Gem Tau Sagittarius - tJ
9 16 7 10' 4 4 10 7 16 c;
3rd 3 5 4 6 7 8 12 JI 10 Gem Cap Pisces Cancer Leo
9 5 21 9 16 7 10 4 4 =85 Virgo

4th 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Sag Ari

10 7 16 9 5 21 9 16 7 = 100
Kalachakra Dasa Preliminaries Explained 69
Table 5.6
(Ending Longitude of 4 Quarters of each Nakshatra)
s. Nakshatra lst 2nd 3rd 4th
.. -'
•. • . • '
... '
J. Ashwini 0-3-20 0-6-40 0-10-0 0-13-20
I 0-20-00
4. Rohini 1-13-20 1-16-40 1-20-00 1-23-20
5. Mrigasira 1-26-40 2-0-00 2-3-20 2-6-40
6. Ardra 2-10-00 2-13-20 2-16-40 2-20-00
7. Punarvasu 2-23-20 2-26-40 3-0-00 3-3-20
8. Pushya 3-6-40 3-10-00 3-13-20 3-16-40
9. Aslesha 3-20-00 3-23-20 3-26-40 4-00-00
10. Magha 4-3-20 4-6-40 4-10-0 4-13-20
11. Purva PhaJguni 4-16-40 4-20-00 4-23-20 4-26-40
12. Uttara PhaJguni 5-0-0 5-3-20 5-6-40 5-10-00
13. Hasta 5-]3-20 5-]6-40 5-20-00 5-23-20
14. Chitra 5-26-40 6-0-00 6-3-20 6-6-40
15. Swati 6-10-00 6-13-20 6-16-40 6-20-00
16. Vishaka 6-23-20 6-26-00 7-00-00 7-3-20
17. Anuradha 7-6-40 7-10-00 7-13-20 7-]6-40
18. Jyeshta 7-20-00 7-23-20 7-26-40 8-00-00
19. Moola 8-3-20 8:6-40 8-10-00 8-13-20
20. Purvashadda 8-16-40 8-20-00 8-23-20 8-26-40
21. Uttara Shadda 9-0-0 9-3-20 9-6-40 9-10-00
22. Sravana 9-13-20 9-16-40 9-20-00 9-23-20
23. Dhanishta -
9-26-40 10-0-00 10-3-20 10-6-40
24. Satabhisha 10-10-00 10-13-20 10-16-40 10-20-00
25. Purva Bhadra 10-23-20 10-26-00 11-00-00 11-3-20
26. Uuara Bhadra 11-6-40 11-10-00 11-13-20 11 1
27. Revati 11-20-00 11-23-20 11-26-40
- 6-40
70 Yogini & KalachakraDasas
Table: 5.7
Balance of Dasa (Paramayus) at Birth on the basis of distance ye
to be traversed by Moon in the particular quarter of Janma

Distance yet to be
traversed by Moon 100 years 86iyears 8S years 83 year
in Nakshatra quarter Y-M-D Y-M-D Y-M-D Y-M-I
3°20' 100-0-00 186- 0 -0 85-0-0 83-0-(
3°00' 90-0-0 77-4-24 76-6-0 74-8- I:
2°40' 80-0-0 68-9-18
68-0-0 66-4-2<
2°20' 70-0-0 60-2-12 59-6-0 58-I-t
2°00' 60-0-0 51-7-6 51-0-0 49-9-lf
1°40' 50-0-0 43-0-0 42-6-0 41-6-(
1°20' 40-0-0 34-4-24 34-0-0 33-2-12
1°00' 30-0-0 25-9-18 25-6-0 24-6-C
0°40' 20-0-0 17-2-12 17-0-0 16-7-6
0°20' 10-0-0 8-7-6 8-6-0 8-3-18
5.7 (b)
Proportional Parts of Kalachakra Dasa Balance

Nakshatramsa 100 years 86year;s 85 years 83 years

l' 0-6-0 0-05-05 0-5-3 0-4-29
2' 1-0-0 0-10-10 0-10-6 0-9-29
3' 1-6-0 1-3-14 1-3-9 1-2-28
4' 2-0-0 1-9-19 1-8-12 1-7-28
5' 2-6-0 2-1-24 2-1-15 2-0-27
6' 3-0-0 2-7-29 2-6-18 2-5-26
7' 3-6-0 3-0-04 2-11-21 2-10-26
8' 4-0-0 3-5-08 3-4-24 3-3-25
9' 4-6-0 3-10-13 3-9-27 3-9-25
10' 5-0-0 4-3-18 4-3-00 4-1-24
Kalachakra Dasa Prelinunaries E.'l'l;ll\\\.'\i it

Table 5.8
(For Finding Sign whose Dasa operates at Birth)
5.8 (a)
(For Savya Group-Aswini Sub-group)
lst Qtr. 2nd Qtr. 3rd Qtr. 4th Qtr,
B.B. 0.0 B.B. 0.0. B.B. 0.0. B.B. 0.0
01010 Sag 0109 Gemini 0109 Gemini 01010 PIsces
101017 Scorpio 9to 14 Leo 91025 Taurus 101014 Aquarius
171033 Libra 14 to 35 Cancer 251032 Aries 141018 Capricorn
33 to 42 Virgo 35 to 44 Virgo 321042 Sag 181028 Sagittarius
421047 Leo 441060 Libra 421046 Capricorn 28 to 35 Scorpio
471068 Cancer 60 10 67 Scorpio 461050 .Aquarius 351051 Libra
681077 Gemini 671077 Pisces 50 to 60 Pisces " 1060 Virgo
77 1093 Taurus 77 to 81 Aquarius 60 to 67 Aries 60 10 65 Leo

9310100 Aries 811085 Capricorn 67 to 83 Taurus 651086 Cancer

Here. B.B. z Balance o(dasa (Pararnayus) is between

0.0. • Opening Dasa at binh

-: 5.8 (a)
(For Savya Group-Bharini Sub-group)
1st Qtr. 2nd Qtr. 3rd Qtr. 4th Qlr.
f-_._-_ .. - . . . -.-_.- ._-~.

B.B 00 B.B. 00 B.B. 0.0. B.B. 00.

01010 Pisces 0109 Virgo 0109 Virgo 01010 Sag

101017 Aries 91014 Leo 91025 Libra 10 to 14 Capricorn

171033 Taurus 141035 Cancer 25 to 32 Scorpio 14 to 18 Aquarius

331042 Gemini 351044 Gemini 32 to 42 Pisces 181028 Pisces

421047 Leo 44 to 60 Taurus 421046 Aquarius 28 to 35 Aries

47 to 68 Cancer 60 10 67 Aries 46 to 50 Capricorn 351051 Tlurus

Virgo 671077 Sag 501060 Sa. 511060 Gemini

Libra 77 to 81 Cepricem 60 10 67 Scorpio 60 10 65 Leo
811085 Aquarius 67 to 83 Libra 651086 Cancer
----_.-- -
72 Yogini & Kalachakra Dasas
Table S.8(c)
(For Apsavya Group-Rohini Sub-Group)
1st Qtr. 2nd Qtr. 3rd Qtr. 4th Qtr.
-- B.B. 0.0. B.B. 0.0. B.B. 0.0.
B.B.. 0.0
. Scorpio
01021 Cancer 01016 Libra 0104 Aquarius 0107

211026 Leo 161023 Scorpio 4108 Capricorn I 7102.1 Libra

261035 Gemini 231033 Sag 81018 Sag I 231032 Virgo

351051 Taurus 331037 Capricorn 181025 Aries I 321053 Cancer

511058 Aries 371041 Aquarius 251041 Taurus 531058 Leo

58 10 681 Pisces 411051 Pisces 411" SO Gemini 581067 Gemini

68 1072 Aquarius 511058 Scorpio SO 1071 Cancer 671083 Taurus
72 10 76 I Capricorn 5111074 Libra 711076 Leo 831090 Aries
761086 II Sag 741083 VirgO' 761085 Virgo 90 10100 I Pisces

Table S.8(d)
(For Apsavya Group-Mrigasira Sub-Group)
lst Qtr. 2nd Qtr. 3rd Qtr. 4th Qtr.
B.B. 0.0 B.B. 0.0. B.B. 0.0. i B.B. 0.0.
01021 Cancer Taurus 0104 Capricorn I 0107 ! Aries I
. Aries
810 IS
Pisces II
I' 71023
II 3310" II
!I I
'51051 Libra Aquarius 1810 25
I Scorpio 321053 Cancer
511058 Scorpio i "t041 Capricorn 25 to 41 Libra I 531058 Leo
58 to 68 Sag 411051 Sag 4110 SO Virgo 581067 Virgo I
681072 Capacorn 511058 Aries SO to 71 Cancer 671083 libra I
721076 Aquarius 581074 Taurus 71 to 76 Le" i
831090 Scorpio
I Sag
761086 Pisces 741083 Gemini 7610 85 Gemini 19010'100
Sub-periods in Kalachakra Dasa
Table 5.9 (a)
(when Paramayus - 100 years)
\.fain Leo Cancer Aries Gemini Sagittarius Taurus Capricorn
Period SC0I7Jio Virgo Pisces Libra Aquarius
Sub-period (5 years) L2 J \'('nl's~ (?ycars) (9 years) (J() years) (16 Years) (4 years)
Y-M-D Y-M-£) Y-M-V Y-M-D Y-M-/) Y-M-D Y-A1lJ
Leo 0-03-00 1-00-18 00-04-06 0-OS-12 00-06-00 0-09-18 -
Cancer 1-00-18 4-04-27 01-05-19 1·10-20 02-01-06 3-04-09 -
Aries Scorpio 0-04-06 1-05-19 00-OS-26 0-07-16 08-08-12 1-01-13 -
Gemini Virgo 0-OS-12 1-10-20 00-07-16 0-09-21 00-10-24 1-0S-08 -
Sagittarius Pisces 0-06-00 2-01-06 00-08-12 0-10-24 01-00-00 1-07-06 -
Taurus Libra 0-09-18 3-04-09 01-01·13 1-05-08 01-07-06 2-06-21 -
Capricorn Aquarius - - - - - - -
"lutes: (\) WhenPammayus=IOO years.dusaof any of the signs owned by Saturn is no\ there
(2) Suppose we want to knowthe sub-period of Ariesin Taurus main period: This will be IY 1M 13days.This will be true irrespective of the f~1
whetherbirth is in Savyaor Apsavagroupof Nakshnlru.~.
Table 5.9 (b)'
(when Paramayus=86 years)
Main Leo Cancer Aries Gemini Sagitta rius Taurus Capricorn
Period Scorpio Virgo Pisces Libra Aquarius
Sub-period (5 years} (2/ years] (7 years) (9 years) (10 years) (16 Years) (4 years)
Leo 00-03-14 01-02-19 00-04-26 00-06-08 00-06-29 00-11-04 00-02-23
Cancer 01-02-19 05-01-16 01-08-15 02-02-11 02-05-09 03-10-26 00-11-21
Aries Scorpio 00-04-26 01-08-15 00-06-25 00-08-23 01-09-23 01-03-18 00-03-27
Gemini Virgo 00-06-08 02-02-11 00-08-23 00-11-09 01-00-16 01-08-02 00-05-00
Sagittarius 00-06-30 02-05-09 00-09-23 01-00-16 01-01-26 01-10-09 00-05-17
Taurus Libra 00-11-04 03-10-26 01-03-18 01-08-02 01-10-09 02-11-21 00-08-27
Capricorn Aquarius 00-02-23 00-11-21 00-03-27 00-05-00 00-05-17 00-08-27 00-02-06
Table 5.9 (c)
(when Paramayus=85 years)

Main Leo Callcer Aries Gemini Sagittarius Taurus Capricorn

Period Scorpio Virgo Pisces Libra Aquarius
Sub-period (5 years) (21 years) (7 years) (9 years) (10 years) (/6 Years) (4 years)
Leo 00-03-15 01-01-24 00-04-28 00-06-10 00-01-01 00-11-08 00-02-24
Cancer 01-02-24 05-02-07 01-08-22 02-02-20 02-05-19 03-11-13 00-11-25
Aries Scorpio 00-04-28 01-08-22 00-06-27 00-08-26 00-09-26 01-03-24 00-03-28
Gemini Virgo 00-06-10 02-02-20 00-08-26 00-11-13 01-00-21 01-08-09 00-05-02
Sagittarius Pisces 00-07-01 02-05-19 00-09-26 01-00-21 01-02-03 01-io-17 00-05-29
Taurus Libra 00-11-08 03-11-13 01-03-24 01-08-09 Oi c10-11
03-00-04- 00-09-01
Capricorn Aquarius 00-02-24 00-11-25 00-03-28 00-05-02 00-05-19 00-09-01 00-02-05
Table 5.9 (d)
~ . (When Paramayus=83 years)

Main Leo Cancer· Aries Gemini Sagittarius Taurus Capricorn

Period Scorpio Virgo Pisces Libra Aquarius
Sub-period (5 years) (2/ years) (7 years] (9 years) (10 years) (/6 Years] (4 years)
Y-M-D . Y-M-D Y-M-D Y-M-D Y-M-D Y-M-D Y-MD

Leo - - -; - - ~ -
Cancer - - - - - - -
Aries Scorpio - - 00-07-02 00-09-03 00-10-03 01-04-05 00-04-01
Gemini Virgo - - 00-09-03 00-11-21 01-01-00 01-08-24 00-05-06
SagittariusPisces - - 00-10-03 01-01-00 01-02-13 01-11-03 00-05-23
Taurus Libra - - 01-04-05 01-08-24 02-11-03 03-01-00 00-09-07
Capricorn Aquarius - -~ 00-04-01 00-05-06 00-05-23 00-09-07 00-02-09

Note: (I) The signs owned by the Luminaries. Moon and Sun (i.e Cancer and Leo) do not have any dasa when Paramayus=83 years.
In this Chapter, I will explain the rules for interpreting Kalachakra
Dasa, In the beginning one may find it difficult to pronounce results
on the basis of Kalachakra dasa. But with little bit of practice, readers
will be able to see how Kalachakra Dasa can give amazing results.
This dasa system is said to be superior even to Vimshottari dasa. The
basic advantage Kalachakra dasa has over other dasa systems is that it
has an inbuilt system for taking into consideration transits also.
I have often combined Kalachakra dasa with Vimshottari and
Yogini dasas and found that near hundred percent accuracy is achieved.
I have discussed nearly 50 example cases in this book, where proper
use of Kalachakra dasa is explained. I am sure after going through.
these examples readers will be able to handle KaIachakra dasa with
great ease. The predictions made with the help of Kalachakra dasa
can seldom go wrong provided readers fully comprehend this predictive
technique as explained in this chapter.
One of the unique features of Kalachakra dasa system is Deha
and Jeeva Rasis. In Savya group of Nakshatras the first dasa is of
Deha Rasi and the last dasa is of Jeeva Rasi. In Apsavya group of
Nakshatras the first dasa is of Jeeva Rasi and the last dasa is of Deha
Rasi. This is for each cycle of Paramayus. The actual dasa of birth, of
course, can be of any sign depending upon the Moon's longitude.
Deha and Jeeva Rasis are very sensitive signs. Their dasa periods
prove to be very eventful in a native's life, one should closely
(i) When Dasas of Deha and Jeeva Rasis operate.
(ii) . Transits of planets from these signs, whether malefic or
benefic. Major transits such as those of Saturn,Rahu-Ketu
and Jupiter mark the significant events during a native's
(iii) Placement of planets in Deha and. Jeeva Rasis. These have
a bearing on native's psychology, thinking, behaviour pattern '.'
(iv) Transit of Rahu-Ketu, when Deha and Jeeva Rasi dasa
.operates and also that of Jupiter. Transit of Rahu and Ketu
78 Yogini & Kalachakra Dasas

over these signs, when the dasa is also of these signs can
prove to be very unfortunate. Transit of Jupiter over these
signs or its aspect on these signs when their dasa is operating,
l}i:Onstitutes :' fortunate period for the native.
Meaning or Deha and Jeeva
Deha rules the physical self of the native. It is his body. Jeeva
rules the life force. It determines the spiritual development of the native.
Affliction to Deha Rasi causes physical sufferings. Affliction to Jeeva
causes mental anguish. Raja-yogas in Deha Rasi give materialistic
prosperity.Raja-Yogas in Jeeva Rasi confer spiritual enlightenment benefits
of which the soul carries with it even after death.
Planets in Deha and Jeeva Rasis
Sun in Deha or Jeeva Rasi: Sun causes danger from fire. There
can be bilious complaints, fevers, eruptions etc. If Sun is well placed
i.e. in exaltation, own sign or friendly sign it can confer favours from
higher authorities. A weak or afflicted Sun leads to demotions. fear of
own enemies, death of close relations and lcauses confrontation with
higher authorities.
Moon in Deha or Jeeva Rasi: It causes dangers from water and
chemicals. A strong Moon gives success in foreign lands. wealth and
jewellery. One enjoys company of opposite sex and is much respected
in society. Afflicted Moon causes mental anguish and distress.
Mars in Deba or Jeeva Rasi : Mars causes danger from weapon
and fire. It can cause injury, quarrels, accidents and even a violent
death. A well placed Mars can help in setting up industries, possessing
properties and success in difficult ventures. Afflicted Mars causes
danger from poison, thefts, legal battles and loss of power and position.
It can cause distress to brother.
Mercury in Deha or Jeeva Rasi: Mercury in Deha or Jeeva Rasi
gives knowledge and education. It make the native a wealthy trader. a
journalist writer or author. Native acquires assets, both moveable and
immoveable and becomes famous. A well placed Mercury makes native
a learned and respected intellectual and can give him encyclopaedic
knowledge. Afflicted Mercury can cause skin diseases, make a person
timid and nervous and destitute who spends time with hooks, whose
intellectual achievements are never recognised.
Jupiter in Deha or Jeeva Rasi : Jupiter give's high position. and
favours and recognition from government. Native becomes affluent
and wealthy. He understands the scientific basis of body of knowledge
Interpreting Kalachakra Dasa 79

which interests him. There is birth of children and person develops

useful partnerships and intellectually stimulating relationships. Afflicted
Jupiter can cause liver and lung diseases. Native has little or no friends.
He is learned but does not get proper recognition.
Venus in Deha or Jeeva Rasi : Venus will give lasting
relationships. sexual pleasures. The native is expert in art and the dasa
of Rasi occupied by Venus (i.e. Deha or Jceva Rasi) gives native
unique opportunities to further his artistic pursuits. Native acquires all
sorts of articles of comfort. He becomes socially eminent. Afflicted
Venus denies the above results. Native habitually visits prosititutes.
He tries his luck in artistic pursuits. but gets only adverse publicity.
The native leads an indisciplined life.
Saturn in Deha or Jeeva Rasi : Saturn is a planet of sorrow.
grief. delays. obstacles and disappointments. If posited in Deha or
Jeeva Rasi it will certainly cause health problems. It creates obstacles
in whatever native tries to do. He changes jobs frequently out of
frustration. It causes disappointments in relationships and leads to
frequent emotional upheavcls. There are quarrels and disputes with
associates and close relatives. If afflicted, the obstacles and
disappointments can be so severe that it can lead to nervous breakdown.
There is bereavement, dishonour. thefts and losses.
Rahu in Deha or Jeeva Rasi : Rahu occupying Deha or Jeeva
cause trouble from opponents and enemies. There is erosion of reputation
and annoyance of government. Native may have to leave native land
under unfortunate circumstances.
Ketu in Deha or Jeeva Rasi : It cause thefts, loss due to fire,
blood disorders, misfortunes. This dasa can turn out to be a riches to
rags story.
The above -results should be. predicted for transits also. The.
results given below are also felt both in Natal horoscope and in transits.
These should be carefully noted in a horoscope:
(I) If Deha or signs are occupied by Sun, Mars, Saturn and
Rahu the native will surely die.
(2) Malefics in Deha sign cause ill health and in lee va Rasi
makes native lose confidence, makes him dejected and
(3) If both Deha sign and Jeeva sign are afflicted by malefics
native frequently faces professional setbacks due to
opp()sitinn from higher authorities. The native is arrogant
80 Yogini & Kalachakra Dasas

and proud which causes professional setbacks. He or she is

also very passionate. jealous. possessive hut also adulturous.
This leads to a lot of upheavel in emotional affairs.
(4) If dasa of Deha or Jeeva sign is in progress and malefics
transit the dasa sign. misfortunes are experienced.
(5) In case, both malefic and benefic influences are present,
mixed results are experienced.
(6) If lord of the Deha sign or Jceva sign are in 6th. 8th or
12th house from Deha or Jeeva sign or from the ascendant.
there is sufferings and humiliation for the native. Similar
results arc experienced if the lord is hemmed between
malefics , it is combust. afflicted by malcfics or debilitated
in Rasi or Navamsa chart.
(7) If lord of Dcha sign or Jeeva sign are exalted in Rasi or
Navamsa sign. friendly sign. in trinal houses or angular
houses. aspected by benefics all round prosperity is
expeienced. If the lord is subject to both malefic and benefic
influences mixed results should be pronounced.
In the last chapter we have already learnt about the three
types of gatis or leaps. There are few other types of Garis described
here and there in ancient Astological literature. But these have not
been discussed by Sage Parasara. Therefore, these are not discussed
(I) MANDOOKI GA TI:- The jump of one sign over another is
known as Mandooki Gati, The jump from Virgo to Cancer and from
Leo to Gemini is Mandooki gati. The results are as follows:-
. (i) Birth in SAVYA NAKSHATRA:- This is generally a period
of hardships. there is distress to close associates. relatives
and wife and children. The native experiences trouble
from enemies and their is confrontations with higher
(a) H birth is in Ashwini sub-groupe- If birth is in Ashwini
sub-group then Mandooki Gati is experienced only when
birth is in 2nd quarter of Janma Nakshatra. These can
be seen from TABLE 5.5. It should be remembered
that when jump is from Leo to Gemini, then sign Gemini
is known as Mandooki sign and the results ascribed
Interpreting Kalachakra Dasa 81

here are experienced in its dasa. This means in case of

all these types of jumps. the sign to which the jump is
made. gives the effects of the jump during its dasa,
When jump is from Leo to Gemini there can be brain
fever, fear of death and trouble from higher authorities.
If jump is from Virgo to Cancer then there can be
anxiety due to spouse, death of a close relative, eye
trouble and loss of wealth. There can also be litigation ...
due to property.
(b) If birth in in Bharani sub-groups- Then both types of
Mandooki Gatis are experienced, when birth is in 1st
or 4th quarter of the Janma Nakshatra. When jump is
from Leo to Gemini then when birth is in Ist quarter of
Janrna Nakshatra, native faces wrath of higher authorities,
has set back in career, has health problems and there are
quarrels with brothers. When birth is in 4th quarter of
the Janma Nakshatra, then native is separated from kith
and kin, there is loss due to fire and theft, distress to
spouse and rr'ental tension due to enemies.
When jump is from Virgo to Cancer. then for those
born in Ist1quarter of Janma Nakshtra there can be
loss by theft during travels, anxiety due to spouse and
love affairs, troubles due to children and demotions. If
birth is in ~th quarter of the Janma Nakshatra then
there is trouble from government, health problems, loss
of property and quarrels with close relatives and friends.
(ii) Birth in APSAVYA NAKSHATRAS:- Then the general
results experienced by the native are, distress to spouse,
anxiety due to progeny, health problems and setback in
(a) If birth is in Rohini sub-group: When quarter of the
Janma Nakshatra is Ist then jump Gemini to Leo is
Mandooki dasa. During this period native has serious
health problems, loss of wealth and death of a close
relative. When birth is in 2nd qua, ter then during Virgo
dasa there will be dangers to life, monetary losses, set
backs in career and confrontation with higher authorities.
When birth is 4th quarter of Janma Nakshatra, during
Leo dasa, native will have trouble from government,
ill health, anxiety due to children, trouble to father and
general misfortune.
82 Yogini & Kalachakra Dasas

(b) If birth is in Mrigasira sub-group: Only in case the

birth is in 3rd quarter of Janma Nakshatra, the Mandooki
gati will take place. During Leo dasa there will be
death of brother, loss of wealth, health problems, and
anxiety due to married life and love affairs. During
Virgo dasa there will be trouble to mother, loss of
conveyance, accidents and injuries, obstacles and delays
in implementation of plans. . .
(2)MARKATI GATI : Readers will note that the sequence of
dasas in Kalachakra dasa system is either straight or reverse. That is,
either it is going on like Aries, Taurus. Gemini etc. or it is in descending
order like Pisces, Aquarius, Capricorn etc. This dasa order often
takes an aboutturn or reverse turn during dasa of Leo or Cancer. This
backward jump from Leo to Cancer and Cancer to Leo is known as
Markati Gati. Say, for an example, birth is 2nd quarter of
Ashwini sub-group of Savya group of Nakshatras. Then backward
movement is halted at Cancer and dasa jumps to Leo. This is Markati
(i) Birth in SAVYA NAKSHATRA : The general results
experienced are loss of wealth, career set backs. accidents,
distress to father, and loss of confidence and vitality.
(a) If birth is Ashwini sub-group : When birth is in 2nd
quarter of Janma Nakshatra during Leo dasa native
will fall sick, there will be anxiety due to spouse and
loss of wealth.
(b) If birth is Bharani sub-group :. When the birth is in
l st quarter of Janma Nakshatra during Leo dasa native
has set back in career, there is anxiety due to father
and native has to undertake fruitless journeys. when
the birth is 4th quarter of Janma Nakshatra native has
loss of wealth, health problems. trouble to father,
confinement and injuries.
(ii) Birth in APSAVYA NAKSHATRA : During our discussion
on Markati Gati for those born in Savya Nakshatras, readers
must have noticed that jump is only from Cancer to Leo
and results are experienced during Leo dasa. For Apasavya
Nakshatras Markati Gati or jump is from Leo to Cancer
, and results are experienced during Cancer dasa. During
this dasa there can be dangers from watery places (Cancer
is a watery sign), demotions and set back in career, distress
Interpreting Kalachakra Dasa 83

to father. confrontation with higher authorities. loss in legal

battles and aimless wanderings. Native often starts leading
a destitute life.
(a) If birth is in Rohini sub-group: When the birth is in
Ist quarter of the Janma Nakshatra native has health
problems. watery diseases. windy disorders, trouble to
father and native generally remains depressed. When
birth in in 4th quarter of the Janma Nakshatra native
wanders aimlessly, has anxiety due to children.
confrontation with government and loss of position.
(b) If birth is in Mrigasira sub-groups- When birth is in
3rd quarter of Janma Nakshatra native faces financial
difficulties. injuries, trouble to children, mental tensions
and mostly remains depressed.
(3) SIMHAVALOKAN GA TI : Trinal jumps are known as
Simhavalokan Gati. These can be seen from TABLE 5.5. The general
results of this jump are as foIlows:
(i) Birth in Savya Nakshatras : There are injuries due to
terrorist actions and faIl, confrontation with, friends and
relations. distress to parents. accidents. loss of property.
harm from poisoning and legal battles concerning land and
property.' .,
(a) If birth is in Ashwini sub-group: When jump is from
Sagittarius to Aries native will have severe health
problems if he was born in the 1st quarter of the Janma
Nakshatra. In the 3rd quarter he will have loss of wealth.
Other resu1ts will be trouble to father. mental tension,
tension due to progeny and loss in speculation. When
the jump is from Aries to Scorpio, the native will have
high fever due to kidney ailments and trouble from
(b) If birth is in Bharani sub-group: When the jump is
from Sagittarius to Aries there is trouble to close relatives
particularly borthers, father-in-law may pass away, there
are skin diseases and problems of the spine. When the
jump is from Pisces to Scorpio and the birth is in the
first quarter of Janma Nakshatra, the native suffers
from long lasting health problems. etc. has loss of
property and conveyance. When the birth is in the 3rd
84 Yogini & Kalachakra Dasas

quarter of Janrna Nakshatra there is loss of property

and wealth. Native may turn from riches to rags. There
'are wounds and injuries due to animals.
(ii) Birth in APSA VYA NAKSHATRAS : During Simhavalokan
Gati there is destruction of the house native lives in. Father
of the native may die or face serious problems in life.
(a) If the birth is in Rohini sub-group: When the jump
is from Aries to Sagittarius native falls sick, has injuries
due to weapons, there is trouble from government and
career setbacks. If the birth is in the 3rd quarter of the
Janma 'Nakshatra, in addition to above, native may also
lose his house. If birth is in 2nd quarter of Janma
Nakshatra the jump is from Scorpio to Pisces. Native
experiences anxieties due to spouse, there are legal
. cases concerning prcpcrty. There is fear of drowning
and windy diseases.
(p) If the birth is in Mrigasira sub-group: When the birth
is in first quarter native has high fever and there is
trouble to father. When the bitth is the 2nd quarter of
the Janrna Nakshatra native has anxieties due to married
and love life and there is loss of wealth and health
problems. When the birth is in the 3rd quarter of Janma
Nakshatra native suffers set backs in career. There is
trouble to brother and native generally remains mentally
General Results of DifTerent Jumps : Sage Parasara gives certain
general results of different leaps or gatis, These are given for the
benefit of the readers. If the jump is from Pisces to Scorpio the native
suffers from fever. If the jump is from Virgo to Cancer there is distress
to brothers and family members. If it is from Leo to Gemini there are
health problems to spouse. If the jump is from Leo to Cancer, the
native man die. If it is Simhavalokan Gati from Sagittarius to Aries
there is death of close relatives. If sign is aspected by or occupied by
benefics, the malefic results are reduced and good results are felt. If it
is aspected by or occupied by malefics misfortunes should be expected
during the dasa period.
Gatis or Jumps and Favourable Directions
Sage Parasara has stated that certain directions will be favourable
"nd (·t>rHlinunfavourable for different gatis or jumps. These are now
Interpreting KaJachakra Dasa 85
GATI OR JUMP Favourable UnCavourable
Direction Direction
(i)Virgo to Cancer, East North West, South
(ii) Leo to Gemini South, West East, North
(iii) Cancer to Leo West South
(iv) Pisces to Scorpio North
(v) Leo to Cancer South West
The above given information is very helpful. The following are
possible benefits of this information:
(i) Journeys to unfavourable directions during the dasa periods
of these gatis should be avoided while journeys 10 favourable
directions will prove useful.
(ii) Industrialists and businessmen should set up offices and
factories only in favourable directions if they are under the
dasa of a particular gatis.
(iii) Interior designers and Architects should make sitting
arrangement and personal cabin of the owners in favourable
direction in the office if they are under a particular gati.
One businessman started having trouble soon after his Mandooki
gati (jump from Virgo to Cancer) started. In his office premises his
personal cabin was in the west. This I adviced him to shift to the east
side. In this manner the dasa of gatis can be put to good use.
Below are described general results which a native will experience
during the Kalachakra dasa of signs occupying different houses from
the ascendant.
(i) Dasa of sign in Ascendent: In the Kalachakra dasa of the
sign in the ascendent, native usually enjoys robust health
and many comforts. If sign is a moveable sign and Navamsa
ascendent is also moveable, native becomes rich in a foreign
land. If the ascendent is aspected and occupied by benefics
or is hemmed between benefics, then the native enjoys all
round prosperity. If there is a Raja-Yoga in the ascendent
native becomes very affluent. If lord of ascendent is well
placed in a Kendra (angle) or a Trikona (Trinal) house,
native enjoys favours from government and becomes rich:
86 Yogini & Kalachakra Dasas
If ascendent is occupied by malefics or aspected by malefics
and is subject to a Papakartari yoga (i.e. hemmed between
malefics) then the native remains sickly and remains dejected
and in low spirits. If there are malefic yogas in the ascendent
native has severe health problems and faces obstacles in all
walks of life.
(ii) Dasa of the sign in the second house : If the second house
is well placed and subject to Raj a-Yogas and Dhana Yogas,
the native enjoys good food, family life and becomes
rich. There is birth of a child. This proves to be a period ~f
distinction in academic matters. He is recognised as an
outstanding orator and his prestige and honour in the
society increases.
If the second house is afflicted and subject to malefic
influence their is danger to wife and close relations. Native
can be deprived of substantial portion of wealth during this
period. If the lord of the second house is afflicted or in the
6th, 8th or 12th house native suffers setbacks in educational
(iii) Dasa of the sign in the 3rd house: If the third house is well
placed there is happiness on account of co-borns, there is
acquisition of jewellery and expensive clothes and articles
of luxury. Native's interest in art and music increases. His
confidence increases and he undertakes difficult projects
and implements them witt: exemplary courage and
intelligence. The native becomes famous, undertakes useful
small trips and in these trips comes across person from
whom he gains very useful knowledge concerning own
line of profession. The native ..Iso acquires vehicles during
.this period. I
If the lord of the third house is afflicted and is weak the
native has troubles from co-horns. There is partition of
property. There are disruptio.is in education. Native may
be injured. He will undertake risky ventures and suffer
serious set backs. During such periods the father-in-law of
the native may pass away or his own brother may pass
away and his own brother may become his enemy.
(iv) Dasa of the sign in the 4th house: If the 4th house and
4th lord have benefic influences and are well placed then
native \lets happiness from family members. acquires
InterpretingKalacbakra nasa 87

properties and vehicles and articles of luxury. The native

derives income from property and land like from agriculture,
rent, sale of houses or running hotels etc.
(v) Dasa of the sign in the 5th house: The native enjoys marital
and love life during this period if the 5th house and the 5th
lord are well placed. The native. is blessed with children or
I • the children are otherwise a source of happiness for' him.
Native gets favours from government and higher-authorities.
He gets distinct career betterment and becomes socially
popular and famous. He makes good progress in his academic
pursuits. The native is honoured by the government.
If the 5th house is afflicted and so is the 5th lord, results
contrary to the above may be experience. Native's children
will become his enemies or will be otherwise a source of
sorrow for him. There can be mishap to children and the
spouse. The native suffers setbacks in educational. sphere
and profession. He may face the wrath of the government
and may be publicly reprimanded. He suffers from ·much
mental agony.
(vi) Dasa of the sign in the 7th house: During the dasa of the
sign in the 7th house native enjoys married life or may get
married. The native otherwise enjoys a fruitful love life
and also sex life. He develops good relationships which
prove useful to him for the rest of his life. He obtains
success in his professional sphere. He gets favours from
the government and gets famous. The native's children are
a source of happiness for him.
But if the 7th house and the 7th lord are afflicted. the
native's spouse is bereaved. The health of the spouse may
suffer or there may be strain in the relationship. If in
partnership. the native will have quarrels with the partners.
His health will suffer and there will be danger of death.
The native may contract venereal diseases. The native will
have to take fruitless journeys to distant countries.
(vii) Dasa of the sign in the 8th house: During the dasa of the
sign in the Rth house there will be dangers to native's life.
He will lose purentul or hereditary property IIc will suffer
due to enemy action and also has financial setbacks. Hc
will generally remain dejected and distressed. He will be
irritable and agitated over trivial matters. There may be death
in the family.
88 Yogini & Kalachakra Dasas

But if the 8th house is well placed and well so is the 8th
lord. Native inherits property. His health though weak will
recover and he will become much interested in occult subjects
and attain indepth knowledge of the subject.
Sage Parasara says that some learned are of the view that
the native will enjoy full life spun, if his birth is in tile
beginning of the quarter of the moon. It will be medium, if
the hirth is in the middle of the Janma Nakshatra's quarter
and the life span will he short if the birth is in the last part
of the quarter of the Junma Nakshatra.
(i x) Dasa of the sign in the 9th house : When the 9th house and
the l)th lord are subject to benefic influences, the native
. - gains much from foreign connections. He becomes very
successful and is much recognised. He gets favours from
the government and the higher authorities. His spouse,
children and close family members arc a source of joy for
him. The native takes much interest in religious matters.
The' native's father will achieve some distinction in his
But if the 9th house and the 9th lord are afflicted and weak.
then the native will suffer much mental agony. His father may
pass away or may otherwise suffer. The native may be implicated
in false cases. Sex scandals will bring disrepute to the native.
Native will generaIly be unfortunate and have an unsteady
mind. The native will have trouble from the government.
(x) Dasa of the sign in 10th house: If the I Oth house and lath
lord have benefic influences then during the dasa of the
sign in the 10th house. the native becomes very affluent.
He enjoys a Raja-yoga. He becomes famous and his work
is much recognised. There is recognition from the higher
authorities. The native is successful in all his ventures. He
gets some very important opportunities in life and is able
to make the most of them. The native's business expands
or he gets promotions.
If the 10th house and the 10th lord are weak. then the
native will become poor or may suffer setbacks in career.
His business may close down or he may be thrown out of
, his job. He will have trouble from higher authorities and
will become a victim of petty politics in the sphere of
work. His children will have health problems. The native
will hp nur 10 disgrace and various charges of corruption
Interpreting Kalachakra Dasa 89

friends and close associates may desert him and join hands
with his adversaries.
(xi) Dasa of the sign in the 11th house: If 11th house is well
aspected and the I Jth lord is well placed then the native
will have windfall gains from speculation. shares and similar
sources. He \\:11 have a mentally satisfying love life. children
and become famous. His income will increase manifold.
He will make new friends from whom he will gain much.
The native will become prosperous and affluent. He will
have gains depending up the planets posited in the l lth
house. Say, for example. if it is Venus he will gain from
art and music or from women and spouse. He may also
gain from jewellery etc. Similarly if the lord of the 5th
house is in the II th house and is well placed the native
will gain through children. friends and from speculation.
shares or lottery. In this manner after proper examination
should the results be announced.
But if the II th house and II th lord are afflicted and weak
then the native will have health problem. He will be deceived
by his friends and close-associates. He will have quarrels
with his close family members. There will be hindrance
and obstacles in realisation of objections. Success in
endeavors may elude the native. His adversaries willi be
given preference over him and he will feel much dejected.
(xii) Dasa of the sign in the 12th house: During the dasa of the
sign in the 12th house. native usually experiences financial
difficulties. If the 12th house a.id the 12th lord are weak
there will delays and obstacles in all ventures, there will be
health problems, career set backs, loss of wealth and wasteful
expenditures. and native may be forced to go in exile. He
can also be imprisoned, kidnapped or confined in any manner.
If the 12th house and 12th lord are well placed the native
will have gains from foreign lands. The expenditures will
be on useful matters such as property, marriage other
ceremonies and enjoyable excursions. The trips to distant
lands may prove very fruitful.
Below are given effects of the Kalachakra Dasa of the sign owned
or occupied by different planets:
(I) SUN: There are health problems due to inflammatory
diseases. There are blood disorders and bilious troubles. If
90 Yogini &: KalachakraDasas

well placed then Sun gives favours from higher authorities,

but if it is weak the native incurs their wrath.
(2) MOON: Native acquires jewellery and expensive cloth.
He becomes rich and earns narne and fame. There is birth
of children. If moon is weak and afflicted native remains
tense and emotionally disturbed.
(3) MARS: If Mars is well placed then the native earns fame
- in wars. But if it is weak, there are injuries, bilious fever
and differences with brothers.
(4) MERCURY: The native gains wealth and children. He
acquires vocational knowledge. If afflicted there are setbacks
in educational matters and the native remains nervous.
(5) JUPITER: There are birth of children, financial gains and
all round prosperity, if Jupiter is well placed. If Jupiter is
afflicted there is dishonour and loss of position.
(6) SA TURN : If Saturn is well placed, then the native will
rise in life with extreme hardwork. Otherwise there will be
. all round difficulties and adversities.
The following are the general effects of birth in different Navamsa
of Moon (As per Kalachakra dasa):-
(I) Aries Navamsa Courageous and a thief
(2) Taurus Navamsa The native is wealthy and
(3) Gemini Navamsa The native is learned and wise.
(4) Cancer Navamsa Like a king
(5) Leo Navamsa King or holding a high political
(6) Virgo Navamsa .Learned and knowledgeable
(7) Libra Navamsa Minister or a beau roc rat in
modem days
(8) Scorpio Navamsa The native is poverty stricken
(9) Sagittarius Navamsa The native is a wise man
(IO) Capricorn Navamsa The native is a sinner
(11) Aquarius Navamsa The native is a businesman
(12) Pisces Navamsa The native is wealthy
Now" I am giving below the effects of dasas of different signs
for birth in different Navamasas. There results are as described by
Sage Parasara and modified by my extensive experience.
Interpreting Kalachakra Dasa 91

(I) Birth in Aries Navamsa: The following are results of dasa of

different signs:-
* Aries Health problems, blood disroders and headaches
Taurus Expansion of business or work sphere.
Gemini Gain of the true knowledge
Cancer Increase of wealth
Leo Danger from enemies
Virgo Happiness from spouse and romance
Libra High government position
Scorpio Deathlike conditions
Cancer Tension because of married life life and spouse
Leo Eye trouble and loss of property
Gemini Health problems due to poison
3. Birth in Gemini Navamsa:
Taurus Gain of wealth and property
Aries Health problems including high fever
Pisces Gains from Maternal uncle and knowledge
Aquarius Fear from enemies
Capricorn Loss due to robbery
Sagittarius Gain of knowledge and education
Aries Trouble from enemies and adversaries
Taurus Quarrels and legal battles
Gemini A happy married life
4. Birth in Cancer Navasma:
Cancer Wrath of higher authorities
Leo Happiness and gain from close relatives

Libra Increase in honour and fame

Scorpio Distress to father . -
Sagillarius Gain of knowledge, wealth and prosperity

Capricorn Defame and public dishonour

92 Yogini & Kalachakra Dasas

Aquarius Loss in business ventures

Pisces . Foriegn travels
S. Birth in Leo Navamsa :
Scorpio Quarrels, legal battles
Libra' . Gain of wealth and acquisition of property
Virgo Financial prosperity
Cancer' Danger of accidents
Leo . Both happy and grief giving events
Gemini Danger from enemies and adverseries
Taurus Acquisition of property and happiness
Aries Obstacles and grief
Pisces Foriegn travels
6. Birth in Virgo Navamsa:
Aquarius Financial prosperity
Capricorn Increase in wealth
Sagittarius Happiness from mother and gain of property
Taurus Happiness from children
Gemini Trouble from enemies and adverseries
Cancer A happy married life and enjoyment of
Leo Health problems
Virgo Happiness from children

7. Birth in Libra Navamsa:
Libra Financial prosperity
Scorpio Gain from brothers and friends
Sagittarius Gain form close relations
Capricorn Distress to mother
Aquarius Gains and success in ventures
Pisces Acquisition of property and vehicles
Scorpio . Distress to spouse
Interpreting: Kalachakra Dasa 93

Libra Danger Irorn water and chemicals

\ irgo Acquisiuon of property and happiness
8,. Birth in Scorpio Navarnsa:
Cancer Financial difficulties
L e , J W r a t h of higher authonties
Gemini Acquisition of property
Taurus Increase in wealth
Aries Blood disorders
Aquarius Happiness and success
Capricorn Financial gains
Sagittarius Acquisition of property and vehicles
9. Birth in Sagittarius Navamsa :
Aries Financial gains
Taurus Gain of properties
Gemini Success in efforts
Cancer Gain of vehicles and luxury articles
Leo Comforts and happiness
Virgo Disputes
libra Financial gains
Scorpio Health problems
Sagittarius Happiness from children
i . \

10. Birth in Capricorn Navumsa :

Capricorn Birth of children
Aquanus,Fill\lncial gains
Pisces Prosperity -
Scorpio Danger of accidents and injuries
Libra Financial gains
Virgo Trouble from advcrsariers
Problems due to enemies
94 Yogini & Kalachakra Dasas

Gemini Poisoning and upset stomach

11. Birth in Aquarius Navamsa :
Taurus Increase in wealth
Aries Eye trouble
Pisces Foriegn Travels
Acquarius Financial gains
Capricorn Success and prosperity
Sagittarius Gains of knowledge and expertise
Aries Grief and mental tension
Taurus Death like conditions
Gemini Acquistion of properties and vehicles
12. Birth in Pisces Navamsa :
Cancer Financial gains
Leo Favours from higher authorities
Virgo Acquisiti on of prosperity and property
Libra Financial prosperity
Scorpio Health problems
Sagittarius Gain of knowledge and financial gains
Capricorn Romance and enjoyment of married life
Aquarius Danger from water
Pisces Success and prosperity'
, Below are given results of Antardasas in Main dasa periods if
(I) Aries Dasa: During sub-period of Mars (Aries and Scorpio):
There will be wounds. During sub period of signs owned
by Mercury, Venus, Moon and Jupiter there is all round
prosperity, During sub-period of Leo (Sun) there is danger
from enemies.
(2) Taurus Dasa : Sub period If Saturn lCapricorn and
Aquarius) ; There will be quarrel and disputes
Interpreting Kalachakra DJs~ " 95

Sub period of Jupiter (Sagittarius and Pisces): Exiles, death

and grief.
Sub-period of Mars (Aries and Scorpio) : Gains, Happiness,
and enjoyment of romance.
Sub-period of Venus and Mercury (Taurus, Gemini, Libra
and Virgo): Gain from women,
Sub-period of Sun (Leo): Wrath of government and wounds.
(3) Sub-period in Gemini Dasa : Distress to parents, dangers,
wounds and foreign travels
Jupiter (Sagittarius and Pisces): Knowledge. wisdom, name.
fame and popularity
Saturn (Capricon and Aquairus): Foreign travels, diseases.
loss of wealth and obstacles).
Mercury (Gemini or Virgo): Success in education, jewellery,
enjoyment of family life and popularity.
(4) Sub-period in Cancer Dasa :
Moon(Cancer) Sub-period: Happiness from wife and children.
financial gains and popularity.
Sun (Leo) : Danger from adverscrie s, enemies and
government and mental agony.
Mercury (Germini and Virgo)and Venus (Taurus and
Libra) : Happiness from spouse and children, increase in
wealth and popularity. . .
Mars (Aries and Scorpio) : Danger from Poison,' injuries
and diseases.
Jupiter (Sagittarius or Pisces): Gain of wealth, honours and
Saturn (Capricorn and Aquarius) : Disease and obstacles.
(S) Sub-periods in Leo Dasa : Mars (Aries and Scorpio)
Diseases of the mouth. fever and injuries.
Mercury and Venus sub-period: Gain of ornaments,
happiness from wife and children.
Moon (Cancer) : Danger of fall from heights, financial
difficulties and foreign travels
Sun (Let"> ,: Danger 'rum cnCI;IIC~.. k ..... i s. luss ut intei lcct.
·,.l-4 and death like situation.
Jupucr l Sap uranus and Pisu:s I ; l'.Il11S 01 wealth. knowledge
and all round prusperuy.
(6) SUb-periods in Virgo Dasa : Saturn (Capricorn and
Aqu,u ius ) . Obstacles, hinder anccs, rruiuess truvc!s. re vcrs
and health PWI1k'iIlS.
Jupiter (Sugurunus and Pisces) : Financial gains. fal ours
troru nigher authoriues and success In errorts.
. Mars (Aries and Scorpio) : Bilious levers. toriegn travels.
dangers from fire and weapons.
Mercury (Gemini or Virge) and Venus i Tuurus and Libra)
and Moon (Cancer) : financial gams :':ld ali round proSP"''!'II!,
Sun (Leo) : Dangers. disputes and cxiie.
The periods of Leo Dasa Mars (Aries and Scorpio): - Diseases
of the mouth. fever and injuries.
Mercury and Venus and Sun period: Gain of ornaments.
happiness from wife and children.
Moon (Cancer): Danger of fall from heights, financial
difficulties and foreign travels.
Sun (Leu ):- Danger from enemies. fevers, loss of intellect,
and death like.situation. .
Jupiter (Sagittarius and Pisce~):- Gains of ,\ealth. knowledge
and all round prosperity.
7. Sub-Periods in Libra Dasa: Venus (Taurus and Libra) :
• Knowledge. comforts. happiness from wife and children
and gain of ornaments.
Mars (Aries and SCOrpIO): Distress to father. quarrels.
diseases of the head. injuries.
Jupiter (Sagittarius or Pisces) : All roundgains and prosperity,
name. fame and popularity.
Saturn (Capricorn or Aquarius) Foreign travels. danger
from enemies and losses.
Melcur~' (Gemini <.lI Vi~gll). BIrth of children. fortunate
and happy.
Interpreting Kalachakra Dasa 97

8. Sub periods of Sccrpio Dasa: Moon (Cancer), Mercury

(Gemini, Virgo), Venus (Taurus and Libra):
Prosperity, gains, robust health and happiness.
Sun (Leo); Enemy trouble,
loss of wealth, distress to father
and injuries.
Mars (Aries and Scorpio): Windy and bilious diseases,
injuries and wounds.
Jupiter (Sagittarius and Pisces): Financial Prosperity,
education, favours from government.
Saturn (Capricorn, Aquarius): Loss of wealth, exile, mental
agony, trouble from adversaries and diseases.
9. Sub-Periods in Sagittarius Dasa : Mars (Aries and Scorpio):
Separation from spouse, diseases and trouble from all
Venus and Mercury and Moon (Taurus, Libra, Gemini, Virgo, j

and Cancer): Financial gains. success and prosperity "

Sun (Leo): Loss of spouse and wealth, disputes, danger 'I
from government, and fruitless travels.
Jupiter (Sagittarius and Pisces): Name and fame, popularity,
happines and financial gains.
10. Sub-periods in Capricorn Dasa: Saturn (Capricorn and
Aquarius):- Wrath of government, financial difficulties and
Signs of Venus, Mercury, Moon and Jupiter: Honours,
success and prosperity, spiritual advancement and acquisition
of property.
Mars (Aries and Scorpio): Distress to father, blood disorders,
and bilious trouble.
Saturn (Capricorn and Aquarius): Loss of parents, danger
from enemies and government.
1 I. Sub periods of Aquarius dasa: Venus (Taurus or Libra):
Success in academic pursuits, happiness from family members
and financial gains.
Mars (Aries or Scorpio): Diseases, danger from fire and
enemies and distress and mental agony.
Saturn (Capricorn or Aquarius): Danger of diseases, disputes,
trouble in distant lands, and deathlike situation.
98 Yogini & Kalachakra Dasas

Jupiter (Sagittarius or Pisces): Prosperity, success, happiness

and popularity. !
Mercury (Gemini or Virgo): Happiness from wife and children.
12. Sub-Periods in Pisces Dasa: Moon (Cancer) sub period:
Increase in knowledge, happines, success and prosperity
Sun (Leo): Disputes, confrontation with higher authorities,
career setbacks
Mercury : (Virgo and Gemini): Victory over adversaries,
birth of children, acquisition of property and gains.
Mars (Aries and Scorpio): Bilious diseases, quarrels with
family members and trouble from enemies.
Jupiter (Sagittarius and Pisces): Financial gains, happiness
_ from spouse and favours from higher authorities
Saturn (Capricorn and Aquarius): Loss due to robbery, exile,
dishonour and obstacles.
Results of sub-periods in Apsavya Nakshatra Dasas:
Sage Parasara after describing the above results says that results of
sub-periods for dasa of signs in Apsavya Chakra should be assessed after
taking into account malefic and benefic natures of lords of these signs.
The following points should be remembered before declaring
(I) If the Lord of main dasa and sub-period are friends the
results will be favourable.
(2) If the sub-period lord is a natural benefic but is enemy of
the lord of the dasa sign result will be. unfavourable.
. (3) . Native may die during any of the following signs:-
(i) Deha or Jeeva signs if they are afflicted.
(ii) If Lord of Deha or Jeeva sign is afflicted, the sign
where they are posited.
(iii) Sign in the 8th house if 8th lord is afflicted
(iv) Sign in the 2nd house, 7th house or the 12thhouse depending
upon which one of them has more malefic planets.
(v) See if the Lord of the dasa sign is friend or enemy of
the Lord of Moon's Navamsa as per Kalachakra Dasa.
If the dasa Lord is a friend results will be favourable
otherwise adverse.

(Practical Illustrations)

Illustration 1 Male Born on August 31. 1970 at 16:37 hrs (1ST)

Planet Longitude Nav. Planet Longitude Nav.
Ascendent: 9s-4°-29 (II) Sun: 4-14-11 (5)
Moon: 4-9-15 (3) Mars: 4-4-49 (2)
Mercury: (R) 5-4-26 (II) Jupiter :6-8-56 (9)
Venus: 6-00-17 (7) Saturn: 0-29-12 (9)
Rahu : 10-9-25 (3)
B.O.D. (Vimshottari) : Ketu : 2YIM20D
Janma Nakshatra : Magha-3rd Qtr.



D.O.8. Aug 31. 1970
. Sun

Ven Mer

CASE.HISTORY : The native passed away in July 1994 due to

Kalachakra Dasa Details: (i) Aksavya group (Rohini sub-group).
(ii) Deha sign : Aquarius ; Jeeva Sign : Virgo '(iii) Paramayus=85
years. (iv) Balance of Aries dasa at Birth: I year.
Thc first cycle ends at the end of August. 1989. Then Pararnayus
shifts to 100 years and the second cycle begins with, 10 years of
Pisces (Jupiter).
100 Yogini & Kalachakra Dasas

The native died when he was running Cancer (Moon) sub-period

of Pisces (Jupiter) Main period. The lord of Cancer sign i.e. Moon is
afflicted in the 8th house. It was also afflicted by transit Saturn from
Deha sign and transit Mars from Taurus. As both Pisces and Cancer
are watery signs, death was due to a watery disease. Cancer is a
Markati dasa showing dangers to life
Illustration 2 Male Born on November 21. 1966 at 12: 25 P.M. (1ST).
Planet' Longitude Nav. Planet Longitude Nav.
Ascendent 9-27-20 (6) Sun 7-5-7 (5)
Muon 10-19-3 (12) Mars 4-29-39 (9)
Me~ury(R) ~2~32 0) Jupiter 3-11-7 (7)
Venus 7-8-11 (6) Saturn 10-29-32 (3)
Rahu 0-22-55 (7)
B.O.D. (Vimshottari) : Rahu I Y 3M 90
Janma Nakshatra : Satbisha-4th Qtr.


Sat(R) Jup
Moon Rasi-Chart
Nov, 21. 1966
Asc Mars

Sun Mer(R)
Venus Kcru

(a) CASE-HISTORY: The native lost his father on February 6.

Kalachakra Dasa - details: (i) Puramayuse I00 years
(ii) Apsavya group (Mrigasira sub-group),
(iii) Dehae.Aries. Jeevae.Sagittarius.

The native lost his father during main period of Taurus (Venus)
• • ... :. "'7....... " .. e .. from sivnificator of
KaJachakra Dasa(Practical Illustrations) IOJ

Dispositor of Venus i.e. Mars is debilitated in Dwadasamsa

chart. Sagittarius is Jeeva sign but has gone to the 12th house
showing loss. Sagittarius is 2nd house from Sun. Coincidentally
as per Vimshottari dasa the native was under Jupiter-Venus
(b) CASE·HISTORY: The native got married in November, 1991.
At that time he was under Aries (Mars) main period and Cancer
(Moon) Sub-period. Aries is Deha sign and brings major changes
in life. Cancer is the 7th house showing marriage.
(c) CASE mSTORY : The native's mother died on September 6,
When native's mother died he was under main period of Aries
(Mars) and sub-period of Taurus (Venus). Aries is the afflicted deha
sign. Its lord Mars is in the 8th house and aspected by Saturn. Aries is
the 4th house. This caused death of Mother. Taurus (Venus) is the
second house from the 4th house and is 4th house from significator of
Illustration 3 Female Born on April 25, 1938.
Planet Longitude Nav. Planet Longitude Nav.
Ascendent 7s-9°-oo (6) Sun 0-12-0 -(4)
Moon 10-15-18 (10) Mars 1-8-22 (12)
Mercury (R) 0-6-13 (8) Venus 1-1-34 (10)
Jup 10-4-13 Saturn 11-17-15 (9)
Rahu 7-5-8 (5)
RO.D. (Vimshottari) ; Rahu': 6Y 4M 4D
Sat Sun Mars
MenR) Venus


102 Yogini & Kalachakra Dasas

CASE-IDSTORY : The native suffered from and died of cancer

of uterus in April, 1989.
KalachakraDasa: (i) Apsavya group Mrigasira sub-group
(ii) Paramayus=85 years (iii) Deha=Capricorn; Jee"a=Gemini
(iv) Balance of Paramayus=3Y 7M.
The second cycle begins in November, 1971. The native died
during Libra Main period and Libra (Venus) sub-period. Its lord Venus
is afflicted by Ketu and Mars in the maraka sthana i.e. 7th house and
also afflicted by Saturn from the 5th house. Libra is the 12th house in
this horoscope. The readers will notice how clear an event becomes
from Kalachakra dasa.
mustration 4: Male Born on August, II, 1948 at 17 hrs (1ST).
Planet Longitude Nav. Planet Longitude Nav.
Ascendent 85-21
°_3 (7) Sun 3-25-33 (II)
Moon 6-21-20 (I) Mars 5-22-4 (4)
Mercury 3-25-10 (II) Jupiter 7-25-59 (II)
Venus 2-12-11 (10) Saturn 4-2-0 (I)

Rahu 0-15-23 (5)

B.O.D. (Vimshottari) : Jupiter 14Y 4M 240

Kalachakra-Dasa : (i) Janma Nakshtra- Vishaka-I st Qtr.

(ii) Aksavya group (Rohini sub-group) (iii) Paramayus-86 years
Kalachakra Dasa (Practical Illustrations) 103

(iv) Deha-Cancer: Jeeva-Saginarius (v] Balance of Paruma~-us==SIY

7M 6D (vi) Balance of Aries Dasa=OY 7M 6D.
Case-History : The native lost his job during Cancer (Moon)
Main period and Aries (Mars) sub-period and suffered much mental
agony because of that.
Her Cancer (Moon) is Markati dasa. It is in the 8th house occu-
pied by 10th lord Mercury and Sun. This caused confrontation with
higher authorities. Lord of Aries i.e. Mars is in the 10th house and is
debilitated in Navamsa. This led to native's dismissal. As Aries is the
5th house the native suffered much mental agony.
Dlustration S: Female Born on October 30. 1954.
Planet Longitude Nav. Planet Longitude Nav.
Ascendent 3s-9°-46 (6) Sun
.. 6-13-42 (11)
Moon 7-28-52 (12) Mars 9-12-54 (I)
Mercury 6-13-43 (II) Jupiter 3-6-14 (5)
Venus 7-6-16 (5) Saturn 6-18-16 (12)
Rahu 8-14-15 (5)
B.O.D. (Virnshottari) : Mercury: lY 2M 24D


Rasi-Chart Jup
Oct. 30. 1954


Rahu Moon Sun
Venus Sal

Case-History: The native got married during Taurus (Venus)

Main period and Scorpio (Mars) sub-period.
Kalachakra Details: (i) Janrna Nakshatra : Jyeshta-4th Qtr ",(ii)
Apsavya- Mrigasira sub group. (iii) Jeeva : Sagittarius Deha : Aries.
(iv) Paramayus = 100 years.
104 Yogini & Kalachakra Dasas

The main period was of Taurus whose lord Venus is the natural
significator of marriage and Venus is in 5th house in this horoscope
showing love affairs. Scorpio is the 5th house whose lord Mars is
exalted in the 7th house. Mars is in own Navamsa and thus very
powerful. This clearly shows marriage during this period.
Wustration 6: Male Born on August 21, 1968.
Planet Longitude Nav. Planet Longitude Nav.

Ascendent 6s-17°-30 (12) Sun 4-4-49 (2)

Moon 3-2-2 (4) Mars 3-16-35 (8)
Mercury 4-17-56 (6) Jupiter 4-18-56 (6)
Venus 4-21-47 (7) Saturn (R) 0-02-32 (1)

Rahu 11-16-41 (9)

B.O.O. (Vlmshottari) : Jupiter: IY 6M 180
Janma Nakshatra : Punarvasu-4th Qtr.

Rahu Sat (R)

Rasi-Chart Mars
AUIUSI 21, 1968

Asc Ketu

(a) CASE-HISTORY: The native lost his father on February 6"

1976. . -
Kalachakra Dasa details: (i) Janma Nakshatra : Punarvasu-
4th Qtr. (ii) Savya,group-,Ashwini sub-group (iii) Paramayus=86 years
(iv) Deha=C~ncer; Jeeva=Pisces.
The native's father died when he was running Sagittarius (Jupi-
ter) Main period and Pisces (Jupiter) sub-period. Pisces is Jeeva Ravi l
which is afflicted by Rahu, Sagittarius is the 7th house from the 9th
• , ,_I ~r ~ .. ~itt"ri,,~ llnti Pisces i.e.
Kalachakra Dasa(Practical Illustrations) lOS

Jupiter is a great malefic for Libra ascendent and he closely afflicts

Mercury the Lord of the ninth house.
(b) CASE·HISTORY : The native ha,' a broken love-affair dur-
ing Capricorn main period and Cancer (Moon) sub-period. Cancer is
the deha sign. Both Cancer and its lord are afflicted due to presence
of debilitated Mars. Mars is lord of the 7th house. This shows that the
native underwent much mental agony due to some emotional setback.
(c) CASE·HISTORY : The native lost his mother on September
6, 1994.
The Kalachakra dasa was of Pisces (Jupiter) and the sub-period
was of Cancer (Moon). Pisces is Jeeva Rasi and Cancer is Deha Rasi.
Both are afflicted by malefics. Therefore, the native suffered the big-
gest setback of his life. Cancer. is occupied by moon the natural
significater of mother and both are afflicted by Mars. This sign is also
the 7th from the house of mother. All these malefic influences de-
prived native of his mother.
lIIustration 7: Female Born on April 27. 1939.
Planet Longitude Nav. Planet Longitude Nav.
Ascendent . IOS-2r-47 (3) Sun 11-23-14 (II)
Moon 6-28-49 (3) Mars 8-]6-02. (5)
Mercury (R) 11-16-56 (8) Jupiter 10-29-31 (3)
Venus 10-14-48 (5) Saturn 11-27-24 (12)
Rahu 6-16-39 (II)
B.O.D. (Vimshottari) Jupiter 5Y 5M ID
Janma Nakshatra : Vishaka-3rd Qtr.
Mer(Rl Ketu

Venus Rasi-Chan
April 7, 1939

Mars Moon
106 . Y,'gini & Kalachakra Dasas

CASE-HISTORY: Son of the native died on February 9, 1956,

in a car accident.

Mars Moon Venus


Sun Ketu


Rahu Asc

Kalachakra-Dasa Detalls:
(i) Janma Nakshatra : Vishaka-JrdQtr,
(ii) Apsavya group-Rohini sub-group.
(iii) Deha is Aquarius and Jeeva is Virgo
(iv) Balance of dasa : Taurus OY II M 3D
The second cycle began on 10th March, 1965 and Paramayus is
now 100 years. The native lost her son during Taurus (Venus) main
period and Gemini (Mercury) sub-period. Gemini is the 5th house
ruling son. Its lord Mercury is debilitated and afflicted by Saturn and
Mars. These Saturn and Mars occupy the 8th house in Saptamsa.
Therefore, once again we see how clearly Kalachakra dasa shows an
Kalachakra Dasa (Practical Illustrations) 107

In this Chapter practical examples are given which will help the
readers understand the proper use of Yogini and Kalachakra dasas.
All the illustrations are discussed with Vimshottari, the timing will be
so precise that the Astrologer will never be caughton the wrong foot.
In case of doubt an Astrologer must always cross-check with Yogini
and Kalachakra dasas. Then the chances of prediction going wrong
will almost be nil.
DIustration 1: Female Born on July 14, ]966 at 11.00 A.M. (1ST),
22 N 18, 70 E 56
Planet Longitude Nav. Planet Longitude Nav.
Ascendent 5 _2°_3 (10) Sun 2-27-56 (3)
Moon 1-6-25 (II) Mars 2-8-44 (9)
Mercury 3-19-12 (9) Jupiter 2-21-40 (I)
Venus )5-27°-40 (6) Saturn (R) 11-27-40 (5)
Rahu 11-6-29 .> (9)
B.O.D. (Vimshottari) : Sun IY 7M lID
B.O.D. (Yogini) : U1ka IY 7M 100
Janma Nakshatra : Kriuika-Jrd Qtr.
Sat (R) Moon Mars
Rahu Venus Jup

Female Born
On July 14. 1966


CASE.HISTORY : The native got married on May 31, 1989.

SIll' was blessed with n male child in December, 1991 hut also he-
came a widow in the same period (on Dec. 26, 1991)
108 Yogini & Kalachakra Dasas

VimshoUori Dasa : The native got married Juring Rahu main

period Jupiter sub-period. Jupiter is of course the lord o~ the I ~th
house well placed in a kendra. It is in Punarvasu, constellation which
"'is ruled by Jupiter (7th lord) under Vimshottari dasa system. Kindly
note that this nakshatra-lordship is applicable only in case of Vimshottari-
dasa system. The native was blessed with a child during Rahu-Saturn.
Saturn is lord of the 5th house placed in a kendra house (angle). But it
is also the lord of 6th house placed in the 7th house. It is also retrograde.
A retrograde planet in the 7th house always creates some deficiency
in married life. Here Saturn also aspects Venus the karaka for marriage.
This Venus is debilitated in Navamsa. No doubt, native lost her husband
during this period.
When marriage took place transit Jupiter was over natal Jupiter.
When the native lost her husband, Saturn in transit was aspecting natal
Saturn in the 7th house. Mars was afflicting Moon and Venus from
Scorpio. Saturn-the sub period Lord was in the 12th degree of Capricorn
in transit, at that time, and therefore was debilitated in Navamsa,
For more details about how to time marriage and predict disas-
ters in married life readers, must refer to my book "Marriage, Love,
Sex and Children".
Yogini-Dasa : Under Yogini dasa native was under Bhramari
main period and Bhramari sub-period. Bhramari causes movements,
shifting. travels etc. In this case native shifted to her husband's house.
Mars. the lord of Yogini Bhrarnari is also the lord of 7th house from
both Moon sign and Karaka Venus. It is posited with Jupiter which is
lord of the 7th house from ascendent.
The death of husband took place in Bhramari-Ulka (Mars-Sat-
urn). Bhramari-Ulka period is always fraught with dangers. Here Saturn
lord of Ulka is retrograde in the 7th house. No doubt it killed the
Here readers will note how cross-checking an event with Yogini
dasa can help us remove doubts in our mind and confirm an event.
Kalachakra Dasa : The Kalachakra Dasa details are as follows:
(i) Sav~a _Nakshatra (Ashwini sub-group). (ii) Paramayus=83 years
(iii) Deha Taurus and Jeeva Rasi is Gemini. Balance of Dasa at birth
is of Gemini-5Y 11M 13D. (iv) MOON'S NA VAMSA : Aquarius.
The first cycle of Kalachakra dasa ends on June 27, 1990 and
we enter the second cycle. Now Paramayus is 86 years and this will
be cycle of 4th quarter of Janma Nakshatra for Ashwini sub-group. '4
The native got married during Cancer (Moon) main period and the . .•~.
- " . ' ... :........,~~ o,,~; ,,,hi,,h brinzs ~
110 Yogini & Kalachakra Dasas

lord is hemmed between maJefics and its dispositor is afflicted t

Saturn and Mars in the 8th house. For greater details on how I
calculate longivity the readers should refer to my book - '·ASTROL
OGY AND LONGEVITY" ,which is due for release soon.
Yogini Dasa : The native died during main and sub-periods 0
Sankata (Rahu). There arc always dangers to life during Sankata perioc
Here Rahu is placed in the house of the lord of the 22nd Drekkana, 1
is in 22nd Drekkana that the ascendent lord Mercury and Mars an
posited. This led to a violent end during this period.
Kalachakra-Dasa : The Kalachakra dasa details are as follows
(i) Janma Nakshatra : Purva Phalguni-4th Quarter. (ii) Aksavya group
(Mrigasira sub-group) (iii) Balance of Paramayu at birth: 65Y years
(iv) Paramayus : 100 years (V) Deha Rasi : Aries; Jeeva Rasi :
The native was killed when he was under main period of Taurus
(Venus) and sub-period of Aries (Mars). Aries is deha Rasi and in the
8th house. It is in the 12th house from dasa sign Taurus. Deha sign is
occupied by ascendent lord Mercury and by Malefic Mars and aspecred
by malefic Saturn and Rahu (certain readers may not be aware but
Rahu and Ketu also have trinal aspects). Lord of the Deha sign
(Dehadipati) was debilitated on the day of assassination and transiting
over natal Saturn along with Rahu. They were opposed by Saturn and
Ketu in transit from Capricorn. Thus kendras from Deha Rasi were
afflicted in transit. In natal horoscope both Deha and Jeeva signs are
afflicted which acccording to classical dictums causes injury and death
due to weapons.
llIustration 3: Adolf Hitler April 20, at 6.26 p.M. (LMT)
Planet Longitude" Nav. Planet Longitude Nav.
Ascendent 6s-3°-00 (7) Sun 0-8-30 (3)
Moon 8-14-20 (5) Mars 0-24-5 (8)
Mercury 0-3-21 (2) Jupiter 8-15-18 (5)
Venus (R) 0-24-21 (8) Saturn 3-21-9 (10)

Rahu 2-22-47 (I)

B.O.D. (Vimshottari) : Venus: 18Y 6M

B.O.D. (Yogini) : Siddha OY 5M 21D.
Janma Nakshatra Purva Shadda-I st Qtr.
Kalachakra Dasa (Practical Illustrations) III


Mars Rahu
Yen R

Hitler Born on
April 20. 1889

Moon Asc
Jup, Ketu

(a) Case-History : The native became the Chancellor of

Germany on January 30, 1933.
Vimshottari Dasa : The native was under Rahu main period
and Rahu sub-period. Rahu is in a trine (9th house) and is aspected
10th lord Moon and is further strengthened by aspect of Jupiter from
the 3rd house. Third house is the house of valour arid al: Upachaya
Sthana. Presence of Moon. Jupiter and Ketu there forms a special
Raja-Yoga. Dispositor of Rahu is Mercury who is in a kendra (7th
house and forms a Raja-Yoga along with Mars, Venus and Sun. For
further details on how to read fructification and formation of Raja-
Yogas, the readers are referred to my book- "Determining Profession
and ups and down in career". Now let us have a look at his Dasamsa
chart. The proper method of studying the divisional charts has been
discussed in my forthcoming book "Master the art of Prediction through
Panch-Siddhanta or five basic principals".
Both in Navamsa chart and Dasamsa chart, Hitler's ascendent is

Vargottama. In Dasamsa chart the ascendent is occupied by exalted
Yogakaraka Saturn. Ascendent lord is with the lord of wars and armed
forces Mars in the house of valour and courage. Rahu is in a kendra
with dispositor exalted. All this explains Hitler's high rise during this
Yogini Dasa : The native was running the period of sankat-
sankata (Rahu- Rahu) when he became 'the chancellor. How Rahu can
give him a Raja-Yoga has already been explained. Yogini being Sankata,
it shows how Hitler had to beware of his enemies during this period.
But Rahu being well placed he crushed them.
112 Yogini & Kalachakra Dasas


Moon Jup SUll



Mars Asc
Venus Sal

Kalachakra-Dasa : The Kalachakra dasa details are as follows:

(i) SAVYA GR6up~' (Bharamari sub-group) (ii) Parumnyus is
100 years. '
(iii) Deha sign is Scorpio and Jeeva sign is Pisces.
(ivjBalanceof Virgo (Mercury) dasa at birth is 2 years.
The native became the chancellor of Germany during Taurus
(Venus) main period and Libra (Venus) sub-period. Venus is involved
in a powerfull Raja-Yoga. Libra is the ascendent and is fortified by
being Vargottama and aspected by four powerfull planets.
(b) Case-History: On August 2, 1934 Hitler became Fuhrer and
chancellor of the 'Third Reich'.
Vimshottari-Dasa : This was during the main period of Rahu
and sub-period of Jupiter. Jupiter is involved in a powerfull Gajakesari-
Yoga in a Upachaya Sthana. This is made even more powefull by
presence of Ketu also in the third house. Jupiter is in a fiery Navamsa
and a fiery sign showing the ruthlessness with which he must have
became the all powerfull man in the Nazi-Germany. Jupiter also forti-
fies another powerfull Raja-Yoga in the seventh house and dasa lord
Rahu in the 9th house by aspects.
Yogini-Dasa : The native was under Sankata-Dhanya (Rahu-
Jupiter) period. Therefore, the dasa lurds as per Vimshottari dasa and
Yogini dasa are the. same.The sub period being Dhanya (Jupiter),
native enjoyed the fruits of (he powerful Raja- Yoga.
Kalachakra-Dasa : The native was still running Taurus (Venus)
main period and Libra (Venus) sub-period. Therefore, he continued to
Kalachakra Dasa (Practical Illustrations) 113

gain power during Taurus-Libra period. The reasons for this has
already been discussed.
(c) Case-History: In August-September. 1939 Hitler ordered
the attack on Poland and this was the beginning of the world war II.
Vimshottari-Dasa : Hitler at that time was running Rahu main
period and Mercury sub period. Rahu and Mercury are both aspected
by third lord Jupiter from a fiery sign. Mercury itself is in a" fiery sign
involved in a powerfull Raja-Yoga with fiery planets Mars and Venus.
The time had thus come for the native to become the most most
feared soldier and military commander of the modern times.
Yogini-Dasa : The native was under Sankata (Rahu) and Venus
are aspected by Jupiter. Venus is the ascendent lord in degree conjunction
with fiery Mars in a fiery sign Aries. Rahu the lord of the Yogini
Sankata is powerfully placed. Venus is in third house of valour and
courage in the Dasamsa chart with the planet of wars Mars in Sagittarius-
war like sign. Thus because of these reasons the native started the
most devastating war of Kala-Yuga.
Kalachakra-Dasa : The native was under Taurus (Venus) main
"period and the sub-period of cancer (Moon). Cancer (Moon) is also a
Mandooki sign showing the dangerous path native took his country
and the world into. Moon is in the third house a fiery sign and Venus
is also in a fiery sign. Cancer is the tenth house occupied by a powerful
Yogakaraka Saturn. All this indicates far-reaching career decisions
native was taking.
(d) Case-History : The native committed suicide around
Mid -1945.
Vimshottari -Dasa : The native passed away during the period
of Rahu-Venus. Rahu is aspected by the 3rd and 6th lord Jupiter. Its
dispositor is in the Maraka sthana. Raja-Yoga gained during main
period of Rahu seldom lasts till the. end of Rahu period. Rahu was
_ afflicted by transitting Mars from the sign Pisces. Saturn was also
transitting over the dasa lord. Transit Rahu was also over natal Rahu,
Sub-period Lord Venus is the lord of the 8th house. 22nd Drekkana
and also the ascendent. It is in degree conjunction with Venus leading
to Hitler's violent death.
Yogini-Dasa : The native died during the main period of Dhanya
(Jupiter) and the sub-period of Sankata (Rahu), The Sankata came in
form of death as the lord of Yogini Sankata was afflicted by transit
Mars, Saturn and Rahu.
YogtOt lfl. KaJachakra Dasas

Kalacbakra-Dasa : The native died during Aries (Mars

period and the sub-period of Virgo (Mercury). Virgo is the 12th
showing exit from the world while Aries is a Maraka sthana
inflicting house). Lords of both Mercury and Mars are in the lY
sthana-the seventh house. Transit Mars and Saturn were afflictii
Jeeva Rasi, Pisces and Saturn and Rahu were transitting the 8th
from the deha-sign.
Illustration 4. Male born on November 5. 1968 at Delhi at 14': 13
Planet Longitude Nav. Planet Longitude r
Ascendent 10-12-9 (10)' Sun 6-19-35 (
MoonlJ..~I-34 (7) Mars 5-4.13 (
Mercury 6-2-9 (7) Jupiter 5-4-45 (i
Venus 7-25-1 (I I) Saturn 11-27-5 (l
Rahu 11-15-52 (8)
B.O.D. (Vimshottari) : Venus: 7Y 1M 26D
B.O.D. (Yogini) : Bhadrika : 1Y 10M 28D

Rahu Moon


Male Bom on
Nov. 5.1968

Venus Sun Jup
Mer Ketu

(a) Case-History: The native had health problems due to asthrr

in the first eight years of life. His survival was a miracle. The natix
has Mars and Jupiter in degree conjunction in the 8th house and the:
are afflicted by Rahu-Ketu and Saturn.
Vimshottari-Dasa : The native at that time was running tt
main period of Venus. Venus is in the 8th house from Moon and j
the house of Mars which is in the 8th house from the ascendent. Th
forms' a Balarishta yoga. The native ran the sub-periods of Jupite
Kalachakra Dasa (Practical Illustrations) 115

Saturn, Mercury and Ketu. Jupiter is in the 8th house from the ascendent
in degree conjunction with Mars. Is. is also afflicted by Rahu-Ketu
and the 12th lord Saturn. The next sub-period was of Saturn which is
in a Marak sthana, is afflicted and is also the lord of the 22nd
Drekkana besides ruling the 12th from the ascendent. The Saturn's
sub-period was followed by that of Mercury which is the 8th lord.
It is in the 8th house that the combination of Jupiter, Mars and
Ketu takes place. All this worsened his condition and he had severe
asthametic problems. The last sub-period in was of Ketu again
afflicted in the 8th house. It is Hasta Nakshatra which is a Vipat Tara
showing the dangers to life he had. But the main period lord was
Venus who is the Yogakaraka placed in a Kendra and he survived this
(b) Yogini-Dasa : The native was born in Bhadrika (Mercury)
period. This was followed by that of Ulka, Yogini Bhadrika is ruled
by Mercury which is the 8th lord. The next Yogini Ulka is ruled by
Saturn. Saturn is the afflicted ascendent lord besides being the lord of
the 22nd Drekkana and also the 12th lord. Dasa of Yogini Ulka will
almost always cause some health problems specially if Saturn is
(c) Kalachakra-Dasa : The Kalachakra details are as follows:
(i) Janma Nakshatra : Bharuni -3rd quarter. (ii) Savya groups
(iii) Paramayus = 83 years (ii) Deha is Libra and Jccva is Virgo
(v) Balance of Aquarius dasa : 2Y 1M 12D.
Here the Jeeva Rasi Virgo is in the IHh house and badly
afflicted. The opening dasa of Aquarius the ascendent whose lord
. is weak and afflicted. This was followed by the dasa of Pisces, a
sign which is occupied by Saturn and Rahu. Its lord is in
degree conjunction with malefic Mars in the 8th house. It was the
sub-period of Jeeva Rasi Virgo which was the worst. Virgo is the
8th house and is badly afflicted, therefore it caused severe health
(b) Case-History: The native got into some trouble with the
,overnment around June, 1994 and his work came to a stand still after
that. The following is the native's dasamsa Chart:
116 Yogini & Kalachakra Dasas


Venus Sun Mars
Rahu Jup

Born on
May 29.1917

Moon Mer

Vimshottari-Dasa : The native got into trouble with the gov-

ernment in Mars main period and Jupiter sub-period. Both the planets
being in degree conjunction are in the 8th house aspected by Rahu
and 121h lord Saturn causing a Bandhan Yoga (Imprisonment Yoga)
and Arishta (Misfortune). They are in Dasamsa ascendent. Mars is the
10th Lord and afflicted. This caused the work to come 10stand still.
Yogini Dasa : The nature was under Pingala (Sun) main period.
Pingala causes trouble with the government specially if Sun is weak
and afflicted. Here it is debilitated. Sub-period was of Sankata (Rahu)
denoting dangers. All this also brought his work to a stand still.
KaJachakra-Dasa : The Kalachakra Dasa was of Libra (Venus)
which has a debilitated Sun showing trouble with 'high authorities. Its
lord is in the 10th House, but weak as dispositor of Venus is in the
8th house. The sub-period was also of Libra. In Dasamsa Libra is the
5th hoyse where ascendent lord Mercury is afflicted by Ketu.
Kalachakra Dasa (Praclicallllustrations) 117


Yogini Dasha Operating at birth

The table for finding Yogini whose dasa wiII operate at birth has
been given earlier, Here. I am giving the rule on which that table was
Write down the number of Janma Nakshatra taking Ashwani as
1. Bharani as 2 and so on. Add three to give the Yogini dasa operating
at birth as given below : -
Remainder Dasa Ruler No, of years
I Mangala Moon I
2 Pingala Sun 2
3 Dhanya Jupiter 3
4 Bhramasi Mars 4
5 Bhadrika Mercury 7
6 U1ka Saturn 5
7 Siddha (" Venus 7
8 Sankata Rahu 8
Total years 36 Years
Example Take a case where a native was born with Moon in
Bharani. The number of Bharani is 2. Add 3 to it and divide by 8. We
get zero as quotient and 5 as remainder. Therefore, opening dasa will
be of Bhadrika.

118 Yogini & Kalachakra Dasas


Finding Moon's Navamsa as per Kalachakra Dasa

The Navamsa of Moon as per Kalachakra dasa is the same for
Savya group of Nakrashatras, as the navamsa occupied by Moon in
the Navamsa chart. But for Apsavya group of Nakshatras they are
diferent. The method for finding the Moon's Navamsa is given
Subtract 1 from the Janma Nakshatra. Multiply this figure by 4
and divide by 12. Now, see if the quotient is even or odd. (a) when
the quotient is even then add the figure obtained as remainder to the
quarter occupied by Moon in the Janma Nakshatra . Take an example.
Say Janma Nakshatra is Poorva Bhadrapad-2nd quarter. Its number is
25. Subtract one. we ger 24. Multiply by 4 and divided by 8. We get 8
as quotient and zero as remainder. 8 is an even number. Therefore,
add the remainder to the quarter occupied by Moon. In this case it is
2nd quarter. Therefore, 0 + 2 = 2 =Taurus is the Navamsa of Moon.
(b) When quotient is odd, then subtract the figure obtained as remain-
der to the quarter occupied by Moon in the Janma Nakshatra and add
five. Taken an example. Say, Janma Nakshatra is Satbisha -4th quar-
ter. Then the number of Satbisha is 24. Subtracting one we get 23.
Multiply 23 by .-t ~nd divide by 12, we get 7 as quotient and 8 as
remainder. We get [(8-4) + 5] = 9 = Sagittarius as Moon's Navamsa.

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