HEADMASTER GRADE-II The Commissioner of School Education
K Y GOVT HIGH SCHOOL, MADDIPADU O/o CSE, Anjaneya Towers, B Block, MADDIPADU, PRAKASAM Ibraheempatnam, Vijayawada-521456 Sir, Sub: Medical Reimbursement - Submission of Proposals for Sanction of Medical Reimbursement in respect of - Smt MARRI ANJANA DEVI - SCHOOL ASSISTANT HINDI - K.Y. GOVT. HIGH SCHOOL, MADDIPADU - MADDIPADU - Reg. Ref: 1)G.O. Ms.No. 74, M&H Dept., dated: 15-03-2005. 2)G.O. Ms.No. 105, M&H Dept., dated: 09-04-2007 3)G.O.Ms.No.68 H,M&FW(K1) Dept, Dated:28-03-2011. 3)Medical Bills issued by the Hospital concerned. 4)Application of the Employee requesting for sanction of Medical Reimbursement. ********** With reference to the subject cited, I submit herewith the Medical Bills with all the enclosures and necessary documents submitted by Smt MARRI ANJANA DEVI , 0941412, working as SCHOOL ASSISTANT HINDI, K.Y. GOVT. HIGH SCHOOL, MADDIPADU, MADDIPADU ,PRAKASAM for kind sanction of the Reimbursement of Medical expenses for an amount of Rs. 485276 (In Words Rupees Four Lakh Eighty Five Thousands Two Hundred Seventy Six Only) as her Son MVSN SAI SRI RAM who is wholly dependent on her has undergone Treatment for disease RTA LEFT BASIFRONTAL CONTUSION,LEFT FRONTAL UN DISPLAED FRACTURE EXTENDING TO ACF in the AP State Govt Recognised Hopital i.e., at YASHODA HOSPITALS during the period from 09-07-2023 to 13-07-2023 and onward transmit to the higher authorities for further necessary action at an early date.
Details of the Proposals
Name of the Beneficiary (Patient) Sri. MVSN SAI SRI RAM Name of the Employee MARRI ANJANA DEVI Relation with Employee Son Name of the Hospital YASHODA HOSPITALS Whether Hospital Recognised Yes Date of Admisison 09-07-2023 Date of Discharge 13-07-2023 Amount Claimed Rs. 485276 I certify that I have physically verified the following documents subimitted by the employee and found correct. I also certify that the original bills are kept under my safe custody until the sanciton of the bill and whenever asked I will submit the original bills. Thanking You Enclosures: Essentiality Certificate Yours Sincerely Emergency Certificate Discharge Summary Appendix -II and IP Bills HEADMASTER GRADE-II Dependent Certificate Medical Bills Check List Non-Drawl Certificate