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grfu f+iqnf,q, ld-drc. rre;IT I r,;R$-

gR *rsc, fi-dgr, scrT-8oooo1 AY"'
{-td-diragd-bih@nic.in, iagr{e-state.bihar.gov.in/kishi/CitizenHome qF{rq :-0612-221ss95,

q, €-eqr-06 /eno6td e' ,-ft?/ 20.1.g /Fo. q-{r, fr,Ti6 2024

ttol{ul errtu I
qrfr 3rqtrT c-srE qR-6N 6 ffi frci6 ro.os.rsoz o) is sflqtn d c-q

Ti d fr cq ft-{i-6 31.07.2010 of ffigfl ri w t afr cR-6rq d gRT TAq qo$ofro or

<r-qr ttr{d & ql-l-fiq sa ;qr.[d-q. qrfl i froeqofrqfr. io-iszss/z}1a Erqq fu-ql

TqT I qrrffq (ta qrincFl, q-e=il 6RI ftqio zz.og.zoz+ o) clfud qtqrtyr 6Ri Bim sr(
6] ffi fu-q1rrqr, 6 Bqqd |:-
Leamed counsel for the petitioner and learned counsel for the State are

2. Leamed counsel for the petitioner submits that the relief sought by the

fresent petitioner is exactly similar and identical to the relief granted vide order dated
26.11.2020 passed in CWJC No.8407 of 2020. Counsel submits that liberty may be
granted to him to file representation before respondent No.3, the Director, Agriculture,
Bihar, Patna.
3. Learned counsel for the State submits that in the light of the submissions
made he has no objection.

4. In this view of the matter, this writ petition is disposed offwith liberty to the
petitioner that he may file representation before respondent No.3 and respondent No.3.
shall pass a reasoned and speaking order on his representation within 90 days thereafter.
Since election has been notified, therefore, 90 days shall be counted from the date of end
of election.
2. sftr ;q-qrtcr d s'qtt< srfr gM slci <rsi 6 qqu q ft-+6 zq.os.zozq d
orrifi sqffd frrqr rmr B't fusi srfr d ilr ftq qrd\ 6r sds fu-qi rrqr t:-
"q 3i-q)qT u-*n< qRER. ffiEf, iH q.Err6, w qR fttqro (cet-{) 6rqf?rq
gpfq q oid-ra snr trer fufu zht frfu 16.0s.1s82 tt g* uw {ofrofro 4soo-7ooo/-
gs trfiq sooo-8000/- n ffi ttttt Efru \0fr0fr fu et it fr *nq fr Errrfr{r
c.-qrE fq s6r+6', d vo fr qTeT frr-is 16.03.1s82 of frrrflq sv eft ftiqm (q*r)
$f.f t frd t, s-+ ER ftdpro. fusx, q-.{r 6 sqao ea7 ftqio 27.10.2016 q} ENI
Efi-o vo$ofro 6T EIIIT frqI
?TqT B. .ili
TS s?m dtrl i iifod rut .rqr * t"

E:\AIL Filc Section -06U024, A1l File\Randhir, 2024\Ordqr, 2o2a\sanjeev ji, 2024U9.09.2024 sakara n o.der {Parihar).docx
3. qmfi-q ;qnn-erq ErT qrRd qrqdrT d et-gvrol nqffid<rqtd
ig 6S fr*Tmq d 671 ftqio' 0e.08.2024 d av w qfr ft-tlro (cfrr)$fd +\
fr cR6is d +qr t {ftiB-f, qftn-q-{/{qrT Bqd-er 6qri tg fttRId fu-qr rqr t sffi d
sTrdtfi t w qft nttr6 (q$-d) qFffi a qiro 204 k{i6 210s.202a d dnr, uifuo
qfra-fi/lI{cT gqael 6grqr .rqr B t

sq efr ft*ro (qm+) $fzf t glR vffi qfrtrfi ss slfr * eldt{T e-flr<
qR-dri, ffid-gd is s'6r{fi asr qqffid qrnfi d ,pilo t Erqi +1sfret of .rfr sq
il{d e-ogw (ermm ETqrqfr) t oifud fr.i qq-{r6 or erre}-q,q fu-qr rrqt:-

fd{Fffq qq frtu/
6ff 6r qi.r<E o1 q0wr calc \o$ofio of tq Edrq \ofr"fio qt
rFrlqfirq fttu s$"Tdr I@ frE tq fttu
tuTfr +1 fttu

?fr frAvro' 6 qrteT

?fr ftArio d s{rttr
€'qr-ress frci6 zs. riqr-srgs Rci6 zz.
r. ftd oo.zoos S EM fu{i6 lz.zoot d snr ft-qi6
lfi erdtqr rsrc
cR-6R, Q.fto .16.03.1982 2. ilo-ftol
09.08.1999 dcqrs d 16.03.2006 6 crnq t
fs ser+o (ffl
A-drqn trrqn
s5s5) csoo-'tzs-zooo / 5OOO-150-8ooo/- t
carc ffiq sqfi ot Bfiq h-$-q sqq-{
rfifo fi,rfi Bt sn €pf, fi.rS tr

efreiT d o-q t gofrofro/\r{o(o1frofro t sdfu6 Fq erqqd ol orq-ct'rq fu-qr


ft-ax erorq, ft-fl ftqFr d eftq{rT riqr-468s fr{io 2s.06.20m d gRr
fu6,r rrw, o.dtrt 8?T yrd fgfrRq-d gfr s-<r-t dm-{r) 2oo3 tr'r omf,}6-{ M
fu-qr rTqT fuqfr rz qsl A fur Wf +i cr c2rq gq orrnfr 12 sfr o1fim Ea za sfr 01
ffid tqr Wf w Efiq ffiq sqqq 6r Efls frt qri tr-r cnrrm ol sde t t
(iD ft-an wrorq, ft-fl fr'+rirT d r+o-e rirqr-7566 frqio r+.oz.zo1o A a-{r
ffd sqrf,R-d gBtrdf, gft r<m qlqfl, zoro o.r Gi-q-dqr-{ ft-qr rrqr ffii ro, zo,
30 sfr qr1 +sr {fr o-ri w carq Efiq Vq Tfi-q ffiq vqq-q fun qd 6r Bcel-q t I

5. s<m rqtqn/deri t an ti-ot t fu aft cR6ri of ("frofro, 2om *wfl

ci-m.fd tq s'erq Ts ftfi-qqofiofto ?br Errq Td tt fr qrw d gor t Cs gqolofrofro
qts{r ai-<-,td fr-qr rMEr o-Ei q-r ft+io ro.os.zorz o} q++1frqr so s{ ot ['f E] Te
t r q-qfu fr cR-6ri fttiq sr.oz.zolo Ei fi 28 sq 04 qr6 1s k{ of Q-qr Ef ot
ffiEd d gd tr
d 3n+6 t srfr d Tfi'q ffi
qd: sc-ttffi sqq=r 6T ila F=+qrgsR
fufR-d 6rd-48 Wf r-€i wi d onq 3i-gqrq r6t tt

(frto{ qqn tud )
frerrcF, fuarq, qecTt

E:!qIL Fil. Secrio( -06U024, AII File\Randhir, 202arorder, 2024\sanjeev ji, 2024U9.09.2024 sakaran Ord€r (Pa.ihar).dod
E qm- / !o, ve.tt. R-rr6- .2024

qfrftfu:- fro(o-1l, q-dTfuq-ftT BgR. q--rT or orqfaq. q-afiq sq

qfqff,q. qe{rZ{igim Hh-{, ?R frqTrr, frEn, c--{T/rrgzm ntsrfi (arq) $ldlqg_fr
fttero. qz, {Fim, fra<7w frerro Fle') EilrT/qcnsT-s G z o) W-{t f tfro I

EE frsr-6. f+rn. qeqr r

sTcio-lD)9 /V".c'-n, frqi6- dgftzl.zoz

sftffi:- fr orq)uTr c-src qR-6R, ffigf, iq rr6rq-6 orqfds-sq ER
fttYro, [Fffi +€-c-trt, fu-XPtt o) tfq<rs, nfr-dt
"d" ttql. d\ n nq r{efud qr oi {-ta,z iRa r

gfr frcro,. v

E:\ALL Filc Secdon -06U024, All File\RandhiL 2024\Order, 2024\Sanjeev ii, 2024U9.09.2024 sakaran Ord€r ( Pariha r) docx

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