Turbne_ FUll
Turbne_ FUll
Turbne_ FUll
3. Velocity of Wheel,
4. Overall Efficiency , OR
2. A Pelton wheel has to develop 13230 kW under a net head of 800 m while
running at a speed of 600 rpm. If the coefficient of Jet C y = 0.97, speed ratio is
0.46 and the ratio of the Jet diameter is 1 /16 of wheel diameter. Calculate
i) Pitch circle diameter
ii) the diameter of jet
iii) the quantity of water supplied to the wheel
Design of Pelton Wheel
3. Design a Pelton wheel for a head of 80m. and speed of 300 RPM. The Pelton
wheel develops 110 kW. Take co-eficient of velocity= 0.98, speed ratio= 0.48 and
overall efficiency = 80%.
4. A double jet Pelton wheel develops 895 MKW with an overall efficiency of 82%
under a head of 60m. The speed ratio = 0.46, jet ratio = 12 and the nozzle
coefficient = 0.97. Find the jet diameter, wheel diameter and wheel speed in
Design of Francis Turbine
1. Velocity of Wheel,
3. Velocity of Wheel,
4. Discharge,
Design of Francis Turbine
1. A reaction turbine works at 450 rpm under a head of 120 m. Its diameter at inlet
is 1.2 m and the flow area is 0.4 m2 . The angle made by the absolute and
relative velocities at inlet are 20º and 60º respectively with the tangential
velocity. Determine
(i) the discharge through the turbine
(ii) power developed (iii) efficiency.
Assume radial discharge at outlet.
2. A Francis turbine has inlet wheel diameter of 2 m and outlet diameter of 1.2 m.
The runner runs at 250 rpm and water flows at 8 cumecs. The blades have a
constant width of 200 mm. If the vanes are radial at inlet and the discharge is
radially outwards at exit, make calculations for the angle of guide vane at inlet
and blade angle at outlet
Design of Kaplan Turbine
1. Velocity of Wheel, where
4. Discharge,
5. Flow Ratio =
Kaplan Turbine
Design of Kaplan Turbine
1. A Kaplan turbine develops 9000 kW under a net head of 7.5 m. Overall
efficiency of the wheel is 86% The speed ratio based on outer diameter is 2.2
and the flow ratio is 0.66. Diameter of the boss is 0.35 times the external
diameter of the wheel. Determine the diameter of the runner and the specific
speed of the runner.
2. A Kaplan turbine working under a head of 25 m develops 16,000 kW shaft
power. The outer diameter of the runner is 4 m and hub diameter is 2 m. The
guide blade angle is 35˚. The hydraulic and overall efficiency are 90% and 85%
respectively. If the velocity of whirl is zero at outlet, determine runner vane
angles at inlet and outlet and speed of turbine.
Selection of Turbine
Draft Tube
The water after working on the turbine, imparts its energy to the vanes and
runner, there by reducing its pressure less than that of atmospheric Pressure. As
the water flows from higher pressure to lower Pressure, It can not come out of the
turbine and hence a divergent tube is Connected to the end of the turbine.
Draft tube is a divergent tube one end of which is connected to the outlet Of the
turbine and other end is immersed well below the tailrace (Water level).
The major function of the draft tube is to increase the pressure from the inlet to
outlet of the draft tube as it flows through it and hence increase it more than
atmospheric pressure. The other function is to safely Discharge the water that
has worked on the turbine to tailrace.
Draft Tube
Types of Draft Tube
Surge Tanks
Surge tank (or surge chamber) is a device introduced within a hydropower water
conveyance system having a rather long pressure conduit to absorb the excess
pressure rise in case of a sudden valve closure. The surge tank is located
between the almost horizontal or slightly inclined conduit and steeply sloping
penstock and is designed as a chamber excavated in the mountain.
It also acts as a small storage from which water may be supplied in case of a
sudden valve opening of the turbine.
Governing system or governor is the main controller of the hydraulic turbine. The
governor varies the water flow through the turbine to control its speed or power
1. Impulse Turbine
a) Spear Regulation
b) Deflector Regulation
c) Combined
2. Reaction Turbine
Governor of Pelton Wheel
Performance of Turbines under unit quantities
The unit quantities give the speed, discharge and power for a particular
turbine under a head of 1m assuming the same efficiency. Unit quantities
are used to predict the performance of turbine.
1. Unit speed (Nu) - Speed of the turbine, working under unit head
2. Unit power (Pu) - Power developed by a turbine, working under a unit head
3. Unit discharge (Qu) - The discharge of the turbine working under a unit head
Specific Speed of Turbine
Unit Quantities & Specific Speed
1. Suggest a suitable type of turbine to develop 7000 kW power under a head
of 20m while operating at 220 rpm. What are the considerations for your
2. A turbine is to operate under a head of 25m at 200 rpm. The discharge is 9
m3/s. If the efficiency is 90%, determine:
i) Power generated ii) Speed and Power at a head of 20m
Characteristics Curves of Turbine
These are curves which are characteristic of a particular turbine which helps in
studying the performance of the turbine under various conditions. These
curves pertaining to any turbine are supplied by its manufacturers based on actual
This curve also gives a good idea about the performance of the turbine at
various efficiencies.
Similitude of Turbines
Dimensionless Numbers:
Q = Discharge
N = Speed of Wheel
D = Dia. of Wheel
H = Head
P = Shaft Power
Similitude of Turbines - Problems
1. A hydraulic turbine develops 120 KW under a head of 10 m at a speed of
1200 rpm and gives an efficiency of 92%. Find the water consumption and
the specific speed. If a model of scale 1: 30 is constructed to operate under a
head of 8m what must be its speed, power and water consumption to run
under the conditions similar to prototype.
2. A model turbine 1m in diameter acting under a head of 2m runs at 150 rpm.
Estimate the scale ratio if the prototype develops 20 KW under a head of 225
m with a specific speed of 100.
If the pressure of a liquid in course of its flow becomes equal to its vapour pressure
at the existing temperature, then the liquid starts boiling and the pockets of vapour
are formed which create vapour locks to the flow and the flow is stopped. The
phenomenon is known as cavitation.
To avoid cavitation, the minimum pressure in the passage of a liquid flow, should
always be more than the vapour pressure of the liquid at the working temperature.
In a reaction turbine, the point of minimum pressure is usually at the outlet end of
the runner blades, i.e., at the inlet to the draft tube.
Methods to avoid Cavitations
Chapter 18
A Textbook of Fluid Mechanics and
Hydraulic Machines
Dr. R. K. Bansal
Laxmi Publications