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Banker’s Casino

Salinas, CA


Based on industry trends and customer demands, the Banker’s Casino (BC) is
proposing to add the game of Mexican Poker- Salinas version, to its customers. The
game is a modified version of 5 Card Draw Poker with the addition of a Joker.


The following details are provided per BGC-APP. 026:

Standards of Play

The game is played in the traditional manner of a poker game such as Texas Hold’em
with the standard poker hand values and rankings applied.

Type of Card Deck

A standard 52 deck of cards is utilized and one Joker card is added for a total deck of
53 cards used for each round of play.

Dealing Procedure

At the start of a game a player is selected to have the “dealer” button placed in front of
them by the dealer dealing a single card to each player. The person with the highest
ranking card will have the dealer button placed in front of their position.

Number of Players in the Game

A minimum of 5 and a maximum of 7 players can participate in the game.

Description of How and When House Fees are Collected

The house collection fee is taken by the dealer after the bets are collected from the
players and put in the middle of the table.

Betting Limits

This game will be offered in a “no limit” format with a minimum of a $40 and a maximum
of a $100 buy-in. The betting, which is decided on by the player with the dealer button
in front of them will range from a minimum of $2 to a maximum of $5. Checking, raising
and folding apply as in other standard poker games.
Betting Scheme

The game is offered in a “no limit format. Once the player with the dealer button make
their initial bet, the player to their left must fold, call or raise from $1 above the previous
bet to “all-in”.

How Winners are Determined and Paid

After all bets are made and all hands are set, each player will show their hand. The
dealer will determine who has the highest ranking poker hand and that person(s) will be
declared the winner.

The Joker is totally wild in this game and can be used as any card and any suit in that
player’s particular hand.

Round of Play

¾ The player with the dealer button makes a bet between $2 and $5.
¾ The player to the left must decline to play that round, match the bet or raise it.
¾ After all bets are made, the dealer brings the bets into the middle of the table and
takes the casino collection and places it in the affixed locked drop box.
¾ The dealer then deals each player 5 cards, one at a time starting with the player
with the dealer button.
¾ After the cards are dealt, the player starting to the left of the dealer button may
check or make a wager up to “all-in”.
¾ After the bets are made, the players choose to discard from 0 to all 5 of their
cards and receive the same amount from the dealer in order starting with the
player to the left of the dealer button.
¾ The player with the dealer button may only discard a maximum of 4 of their 5
¾ After all cards are dealt, another round of betting is conducted.
¾ After all bets are made, the players show their hands and a winner(s) is
determined based on the best five card poker hand and is awarded the pot.
¾ The cards are collected and shuffled.
¾ The dealer button is rotated and a new round of play begins.

Type of Gaming Table Used

A standard oblong poker table is used with the dealer position in the middle and 7 chairs
affixed around the table.

Other Equipment Used

A Shuffle Master shuffler will be affixed to the table and utilized. In the event that the
shuffle machine does not work, the dealer will shuffle the cards.
Glossary of Terms

Dealer Button A white plastic disc with the word “dealer” affixed on it.

Joker A card with a joker’s picture on it. The joker can be used to
make any hand better. It is totally wild.


$5 will be collected each round of play regardless of the number of players. If, after the
first round of betting, there are not sufficient funds in the pot to cover the collection fee,
the difference will be collected in subsequent betting rounds so that a total of $5 has
been collected. However, if after the first round of betting, there are not sufficient funds
in the pot to cover the collection fee, and there are no additional monies added to the
pot, the collection fee will be considered complete for that round of play. No modified or
jackpot collection will be taken.
Texas Hold’em is a community card poker game that is played with a standard 52-card deck. The
game starts to the left of the dealer button. The blind bet(s) are made from the position(s) left of
the dealer button and are forced bets, which must be made before the cards are dealt. Two cards
(hole cards) are dealt to each player, one at a time, face down, in rotation. This is followed by the
first round of betting. A player may check, bet, call, raise or fold.
Three cards (the flop) are then dealt face up in the middle of the table as community cards (board
cards) and the second round of betting occurs. The fourth community card is dealt face up (the
turn), followed by the third round of betting. The final community card (the river) is dealt face
up and followed by the fourth (final) round of betting.
At the showdown, each player may use any combination of the hole cards and community cards,
or may play the board and use no hole cards to make the highest ranking five-card poker hand.
The player with the highest ranking five-card poker hand wins the pot. In the event of a tie, the
pot is split equally.
1. In Hold’em, all blinds are ‘live’ (except for the ‘dead collection blind’). Players posting a
blind have the option of raising the pot when it is their turn to act.
2. When there are two blinds in a game with three or more players, the small blind is to the
immediate left of the dealer button. In heads-up play, the small blind is on the button.
3. A new player entering a Hold’em game has the following options:
a) Post all blinds and receive a hand.
b) Wait for the big blind.
4. A new player cannot be dealt in when in between the small blind and the button unless the
player “buys the button” (see rule 9 below); otherwise the player must wait until the button
5. The big blind serves as an opening bet. When it becomes the big blind’s turn to act, the
player can either call the action or raise.
6. Players must meet all of their blind obligations for every round they play. Players cannot
have the button twice; the button always moves forward, and the blinds are adjusted
7. Players missing all or any portion of their blinds can resume play by either posting the total
amount of the blinds for that limit game or waiting for the big blind.
8. When posting the total of the blinds, the portion of big blind bet is live and the small blind
portion becomes a part of the pot (dead). Player has the option of calling the action or raise
when it is their turn to act.
9. Blinds may be made up between the big blind and the button only by “buying the button”
(posting both blinds with little blind dead. In this case the player becomes the only blind and
receives the button the next hand). Otherwise, player must wait for the dealer button to pass
and then make up the missed blinds.

10. When a game starts a player who drew for the button is considered active in the game and is
required to make up both blinds if he or she misses a blind.
11. A “live straddle” may be done only in the position in front of the big blind. This is
accomplished by putting in twice the amount of the big blind before receiving the first card.
12. A “live straddle” entitles that player to act last during the first round of betting and allows
the player to either call the action or to raise.
13. Players initiating a “live straddle” must begin the hand with at least four times the amount of
the big blind. For example, in a $2-$4 game the minimum required amount of chips in front
of player before he/she straddles is $16.
14. If the first card off the deck is exposed on the deal, a misdeal will be declared. (Refer to
misdeal rules)
15. If a hole card is exposed by the dealer during the deal:
a) Player cannot keep that card.
b) The dealer finishes dealing the hole cards to all players.
c) The exposed hole card is taken back.
d) The first card from the deck is given to the player with the exposed card.
e) The exposed card is then placed on top of the deck and it will be used for the first
burn card.
16. If the cards are prematurely flopped before the betting is complete, or if it contains too many
a) The flop is taken back and out of play for that round.
b) Players who did not have the chance to act will be given the opportunity to
complete their actions and betting is completed.
c) Burn cards and the muck remain intact and out of play.
d) The board cards that were taken back will be mixed with the stub and reshuffled
(scramble, shuffle, shuffle, box, shuffle).
e) The newly shuffled deck will be cut onto the cut card.
f) Without burning another card a new flop will be placed on the table.
17. If the turn card (the fourth card on the board) is prematurely dealt before the betting round is
a) The turn card is taken out of play for that round.
b) Players who did not have the chance to act will be given the opportunity to
complete their actions and the betting is completed.
c) The dealer then burns and turns what would have been the fifth card in the fourth
card’s place.
d) After that round of betting, the dealer reshuffles the deck, including the card that
was taken out of play, but not including the burn cards or discards.
e) The dealer then cuts the deck and turns the final card without burning a card.
18. If the river card (fifth card) is turned up prematurely, the deck is reshuffled and dealt in the
same manner as the turn card according to 17a, 17b, 17d and 17e.

19. If the dealer mistakenly deals the first player an extra card (after all players have received
their starting hands), the card will be returned to the deck and used for the burn card. If the
dealer mistakenly deals more that one extra card, it is a misdeal.
20. In order to win a pot, players must show both hole cards.
21. Players must declare that they are playing the board and turn their two hole cards face up in
order to win or receive a pot; otherwise all claims to the pot are relinquished.

Omaha is a community card poker game that is played with a standard 52-card deck. The game
starts to the left of the dealer button. The blind bet(s) are made from the position(s) left of the
dealer button and are forced bets which must be made before the cards are dealt.
Each player is dealt four cards, one at a time, in turn and face down (hole cards) as their initial
hand. A round of betting occurs for players who are continuing to contend for the pot. Three
board cards are turned face up (flop) in the middle of the table (community cards). The
community cards are available for all players to use. The second round of betting occurs. The
fourth community card is turned face up (the turn), followed by a third round of betting. A final
community card (the river) is turned up and a fourth and final round of betting occurs. After the
final round of betting has been completed, a player must use a combination of two hole cards and
three community cards to make their highest ranking five-card poker hand. The highest five card
poker hand wins the pot. In the event of a tie, the pot will be equally split.
1. All Hold’em rules apply to Omaha except as noted.
2. Players must use two of the four cards in their hands and three cards on the board to make a
valid five card hand.
3. All rules of Hold’em apply to Omaha, except the rule on playing the board, which is not
possible in Omaha.
4. All rules governing “kill pots” are listed in the section on kill pots. For specific details, see
the Shift Manager.

In Omaha High-low split (8 or better), the best high hand wins half the pot, and the best low
hand wins the other half, as long as the low hand consists of five cards of different ranks, with no
card being higher than an eight. Straights and flushes do not affect the value of a low hand, and
an ace can be used for both high and low.
1. All rules of Omaha apply to Omaha high low split 8 or better.
2. A qualifier of eight or better for low is required in all high low split games, unless a specific
posting to the contrary is displayed.
3. If there is no low hand, the high hand wins the entire pot, which is referred to as ‘scooping
the pot’
4. A player may use one combination of cards to make a high hand and the same or any other
combination to make a low hand, as long as each hand consists of exactly two hole cards
with three board cards.

Seven Card Stud Poker is played with a standard 52-card deck. Standard poker rankings apply.
Each player is dealt two cards face down (hole cards) and one card face up. There is a round of
betting (forced opening bet, bet, call, raise, or fold). Each remaining player is dealt one card face
up. There is a second round of betting. Each remaining player is dealt a second card face up.
There is a third round of betting. Each remaining player is dealt a third card face up. There is a
fourth round of betting. Each remaining player is dealt a final card face down (hole card). There
is a fifth (final) round of betting. The player with the highest ranking five-card poker hand wins
the entire pot. In the event of a tie, the pot will be split equally.
1. Beginning and sequence of action in various betting rounds are as follows:
a) In the first round:
• The player with a lowest card and lowest suit initiates the betting by a
forced bet referred to as ”bring in.”
• Subsequent players have the option of completing a short bring in bet,
and then calling, raising or folding.
b) In all subsequent rounds:
• The player with the highest hand or card(s) on board starts the action by
checking or betting. Ties in determining the high hand are broken by
position, with the player who received cards first acting first.
• Following players have the option of calling, raising or folding.
2. Completing an opening forced bet does not constitute a raise; it is merely completing the bet.
FOR EXAMPLE; If in a $15-$30 game, the low card opens for $5 and the next player
completes the bet by putting $15 in the pot, the following player(s) can still raise three times.
3. In all fixed limit games, open pairs on the fourth street (second up card) allows players the
option of betting either the lower or the higher limit of the game. FOR EXAMPLE: the high
hand in a $5-$10 game with open pairs has the option of betting either $5 or $10. If the high
hand chooses to bet $5, any succeeding player has the option to call $5, raise $5 or raise $10,
however, if a $10 raise is made, all subsequent raises must be in increments of $10. If the
player who makes the open pair on fourth street checks, all other players still have the same
4. Rearranging of the board cards is not permitted.
5. Cards speak. Although dealers announce the low card, the high hand, all new pairs, all raises
and all possible straights and flushes in the lower limit games, ultimately cards determine
the value of a player’s hand.
NOTE: In $2-$10 and higher limit games, dealers will not announce pairs and/or possible
straights and flushes.
6. If any of the player’s initial hole cards are accidentally dealt face up, the third card will be
dealt to the player faced down.
7. If both hole cards are dealt up, that hand will be declared dead and the ante will be returned
to the player. In an instance where the dead hand would have been the bring in low hand, the
action will start with the first player to the left of the dead hand; that player may either fold,
open for amount of the forced bet, or open for a full bet.

8. Players must be present at the table when it is their turn to act on their hands; an absent
player’s ante, forced bet if any, and the player’s hand will be killed and forfeited in turn.
9. If a player folds after making a forced bet or folds when there is no wager, that player will
continue receiving cards until a bet is made.
10. If a player is all in for the antes and has the lowest up-card, the next active player to the left
of the low hand must initiate the action by making a forced bet, make the maximum bet or
fold the hand.
11. If the wrong player is designated as low and that person bets, the action will be corrected to
the proper low card, if at all possible. The player with the true low card must then bet, and
the player with the improperly designated low card may take back the incorrectly forced
12. If a dealer burns two cards for one round or fails to burn a card, the cards will be corrected
to their proper positions, if at all possible.
13. A player who receives a final down-card that is incorrectly dealt due to a burn error and the
card is intermingled with the player’s other hole cards or the player looks at that card will
become the player’s card and it cannot be readjusted.
14. If a dealer burns and deals one or more cards before a round of betting has been completed:
a) The card(s) will be eliminated from play along with one additional card for each
remaining player still active in the hand.
b) Players will be given the opportunity to complete their actions.
c) The dealer re-burns and play resumes by dealing the next round of cards.
NOTE: Removed cards are held off to the side in the event that the dealer runs out
of cards.)
15. If a prematurely dealt card is the final down-card and it has been viewed by a player or
intermingled with his or her hole cards, that player must keep the card. If there is further
betting on Sixth Street, a player who has seven cards may not raise.
16. If there are not enough cards left in the deck for each player:
a) The dealer will deal all of the cards in the deck, except the last card.
b) With prior notice to the Shift Manager, the dealer will then scramble the last card
and four burn cards.
c) The dealer will cut the deck.
d) Then burn a card.
e) The dealer will then deliver the remaining down cards, using the last card if
17. If there are five players remaining without a card on the seventh street:
a) The dealer will not burn so that each player will receive a fresh card.
b) If the dealer determines that with using the above procedure does not provide
each player with a fresh card, the dealer then:
i. Announces that there are not enough cards for all players and that a
community card will be used.

ii. The dealer will then burn a card and turn a card up in the center of the
table. This card plays in everybody’s hand. The action begins with the
high hand, using all the cards including the community card. If the dealer
is uncertain, or a player questions this procedure, a Shift Manager will be
18. Players picking up their up-cards and by doing so causing another player to act behind them-
even in a heads up situation-have a dead hand. This does not apply in a check-check
situation or a bet and call situation.
19. Players must have seven cards to win at show down.
20. A card dealt off the table must play; it is treated as an exposed card.
21. If the dealer delivers the last card face up to any player, the following rules apply;
a) If there are two or more players remaining, everyone else receives the last card
face down. Prior to action for that round of betting, a player whose last card is
exposed has the options of participating in the wagering or declaring all in.
b) If only two players remain and the first player’s final card is dealt face up, the
second player’s final card will also be dealt face up, and the betting proceeds as
normal (same as sixth street).
c) If only two players remain and only one of those players receives the final card
face up, and the other player has received it down, the player with the exposed
card has the option of declaring all in. This decision must be made prior to any
action on that round.
d) In either of the situations just described in a, b or c, the player who is high on
sixth street will initiate the action.
e) Player who calls a bet and is beaten by an opponent’s Up-cards is not entitled to a
22. If two players tie, player holding the highest card by suit receives the odd chip.
1. . If the low hand is tied, the first player clockwise from the dealer starts the action.
2. Dealers announce all pairs the first time they occur, except pairs of face cards, which are
never announced.
3. All seven-card stud rules apply in razz, except as otherwise noted.
4. If two players tie, player holding the lowest card by suit receives the odd chip.

Lowball (Ace-to-five), also known as California Lowball, is played with a standard 52-card deck
and one Joker. The Joker is considered to be the lowest card not present in a hand. Straights and
flushes do not count against the player.
Players are dealt five cards face down, in turn, in rotation. The game starts to the left of the
dealer button. The blind bet(s) are made from the position(s) left of the dealer button and
sometimes on the button are forced bets, which must be made before the cards are dealt.
A round of betting occurs. Players are required to bet or fold. The players who remain in the pot
have the option to improve their hand by replacing cards in their hands with new ones. A player
may draw up to five consecutive cards. After all players have drawn players a round of betting
occurs. The best possible low hand is A, 2, 3, 4, and 5. The lowest five card poker hand wins the
pot. In the event of a tie the pot is split equally among winning hands.
1. Cards speak; cards read for themselves.
2. A verbal declaration in regard to a player’s hand is binding. For example, if a player
announces an ‘8’, that player must produce at least an eight low or better to win.
3. In a heads up situation, a miscalled hand is ruled dead if it causes the other player to foul his
or her hand. If both hands remain intact however, the best hand will win and the miscall will
have no effect on the outcome.
4. If a miscalled hand occurs in a multi-handed pot, the miscalled hand is dead and the best
remaining hand wins the pot. Players must protect their hands until after seeing the
opponent’s hand.
5. Any player spreading a hand with a pair in it must announce “pair” in it or risk losing the
pot. The failure to announce the pair causing another player to fold a hand will be treated the
same as miscalling a hand. If two or more hands remain intact, the best hand wins.
6. A player who has less than half a blind may receive a hand. However, the next player is
obligated to take the blind.
7. In the event that an all-in player who posted less than half a blind wins the pot or buys in
again, that player will be obligated to take the blind the next hand.
8. A player who fails to take the blind must wait for the big blind or may kill the pot, as long as
no other player at the table objects to the kill pot.
9. In multiple blind games, if a player misses the big blind for any reason that player can either
wait for the big blind or post it during the next hand to receive a hand. This does not apply to
seat changes.
10. When changing seats and moving away from the big blind, players must wait a number of
hands equal to the positions they moved in order to receive hand or post all blinds.
11. When changing seats and moving closer to the big blind, players can continue receiving
hands as normal.
12. Exposed card before the draw:
a) Player must keep seven’s or under.

b) Receive a replacement card for cards higher than seven. The exposed card will be
replaced with the first card off the deck after all players have received their initial
hands. The exposed card will then be placed on top of the deck, still exposed, and
will be used for the burn card.
13. Players cannot keep the exposed cards during the draw, instead:
a) The dealer leaves the exposed card exposed and continues with draw until
everyone has drawn.
b) Afterward, the exposed draw card is taken back and replaced with the first card
off the stub.
14. A flashed card before the draw is not treated as an exposed card. Players must keep all
flashed cards. Flashed card is one that for any reason its value is potentially revealed during
the delivery, however, it lands face down in front of a player.
15. After the draw, all flashed cards are considered exposed and are replaced as described
16. Cards exposed by players’ error or action will play and they will not be replaced.
17. Any player may draw up to four consecutive cards. Players wishing to draw 5 cards must
wait until all other players have drawn in order to receive their 5th draw card. Two or more
players drawing for five cards will receive four draw cards at first in turn and then receive
their 5th draw cards, once again, in turn.
18. Five cards constitute a playing hand. Fewer or more than five cards after the draw constitute
a fouled hand.
19. Before the draw, players holding fewer than five cards in their hands may receive additional
cards provided that no action has taken place, except when the action occurs before the deal
is completed.
20. A player on the dealer button position who is holding four cards will receive the missing
fifth card even if action has taken place.
21. Any player missing more than one card after action has been taken is entitled to receive the
number of cards necessary to complete a five card hand on the draw.
22. A player may reconsider and change the number of cards that he/she wishes to draw
a) No cards have been dealt off the deck in response to the request, and/or
b) No player has acted on his/her hand based on the number of cards that the player
23. After the draw, before the action has taken place both the dealer and the players are
obligated to respond to other active players’ inquiries in the number of cards drawn.
24. After the draw and after the action has taken place players are not obligated to respond to
other active players’ inquiries in the number of cards drawn; dealers are prohibited to
25. In limit games with multi players a bet and six raises are allowed.
26. In limit games check and raise is permitted.

27. The minimum opening bet is the size of the big blind.
28. Rapping the table in turn indicates either a pass or the declaration of a pat hand.
29. In limit games players having a seven or better must bet unless they are last to act and no
one has bet in front of them.
30. Players checking a seven or better whose hands are found to be the best hand during
showdown can only win the pot that was created before the draw. All action after the draw is
void, and bets made after the draw is returned to players involved.
31. Players checking a seven or better whose hands lose during the showdown will lose all of
the pot.
32. After the draw in an ace to five lowball game:
a) If a seven or better calls an all in bet that is less that half a bet and produces a
better hand will win the pot.
b) If another player overcalls the seven-or-better’s short bet and loses, the person
who overcalled will receive the bet back.
c) If the seven or better fulfills his or her obligation by completing to a full bet, all
subsequent betting action will stand.
33. For rules governing ‘kill pots’ refer to the section on kill pots.
1. Straights and flushes count against the value of a hand, and an ace is considered as high
2. Note the 5-4-3-2-A is not considered to be a straight, but rather an A-5 high. So it beats
other ace high hands and pairs.
3. Before the draw, an exposed card of 7,5,4,3 or 2 must be taken. Any other exposed card,
including a 6, must be replaced.
4. Check and raise is permitted on any hand after the draw.

Draw Poker Jacks or Better is played with a standard 52-card deck and one Joker. The Joker may
be used as an Ace or as any card that completes a straight, flush, or a straight flush.
Players are dealt five cards face down, one at a time, in rotation. A round of betting begins
(check, bet, call, raise, or fold). A player's hand must qualify with a pair of Jacks or better
(higher) to open the pot. If no player has a pair of Jacks or better, the hand ends and the ante
remains in the pot. A player who opens the pot must show openers, whether the hand is called or
not, in order to win the pot. The remaining players may discard any number of their original
cards and have the same number of cards replaced by the dealer. Another round of betting
occurs. The player with the highest ranking five-card poker hand wins. Five Aces is the best
possible hand (four Aces and the Joker). In the event of a tie, the pot is split equally.
1. A pair of jacks or better is required to open the pot. If no player opens the pot, the button
moves forward and each player must ante again, unless the limit if antes has been reached
for that particular game.
2. If the opener should show false openers before the draw:
a) Any other active player has the opportunity to declare the pot open. However,
any player who originally passed openers is not eligible to declare the pot open.
b) The false opener has a dead hand, and the opening bet stays in the pot.
c) Any other bet placed in the pot by the opener may be withdrawn, provided the
action before the draw has not been completed.
d) If no other player declares the pot opened, all bets are returned, except the
opener’s first bet.
e) The first bet and antes remain in the pot, and all players who were involved in that
hand are entitled to play the next hand after anteing again.
3. A player who opens the pot in jacks or better, in order to win the pot must show the openers,
whether the hand is called or not.
4. In the following cases the pot will play even if the opener shows or declares a fouled hand:
a) If there has been a raise after the opening bet.
b) Two or more players have called the opening bet.
c) All action has been completed before the draw.
5. Once action has been completed before the draw, the opener may not withdraw any bets,
whether or not the hand contains qualifying openers.
6. An opener may be allowed to retrieve his or her hand to prove openers at the Shift
Manager’s discretion.
7. Any player may request that the openers retain the opening hand and show it after the
winner of the pot has been determined.
8. Players may split openers, but they must declare that you are doing so. That player must
place all discards under a chip to be exposed by the dealer after the completion of the hand.
9. If it is determined that a player could not possibly have had the openers after splitting them,
that player will lose the pot even if the player is holding the best hand.

10. A player starting with Joker, Ace, king, and queen of spades, and the ten of clubs, is not
splitting if he/she discards the ten of clubs. That is considered breaking a straight to draw to
a royal flush; therefore, the player has retained the openers.
11. If a player who is all in falsely declares the pot opened, they will lose the antes and may not
continue playing on any subsequent deals until a winner is determined, even if the player
decides to buy in again. That player must wait until the pot has been legally opened and
someone else has won it. Thereafter, that player can resume playing.
12. After the draw, players calling but not able to beat the openers will not get their bets
13. Any player may draw up to five consecutive cards.
14. Five cards constitute a playing hand. Fewer or more than five cards after the draw is a fouled
15. Before the draw, players holding fewer than five cards in their hands may receive additional
cards provided that no action has taken player, except when the action occurs before the deal
is completed.
16. A player on the dealer button position who is holding four cards will receive the missing
fifth card even if action has taken place.
17. Any player missing more than one card after action has been taken is entitled to receive the
number of cards necessary to complete a five card hand on the draw.
18. After the draw, before the action has taken place both the dealer and the players are
obligated to respond to other active players’ inquiries in the number of cards drawn.
19. After the draw and after the action has taken place players are not obligated to respond to
other active players’ inquiries in the number of cards drawn; dealers are prohibited to
20. A player may reconsider and change the number of cards that he/she wishes to draw
a) No cards have been dealt off the deck in response to the request, and/or
b) No player has acted on his/her hand based on the number of cards that the player
21. Cards that are exposed by the dealer before the draw must be kept.
22. Cards that are exposed by the dealer on the draw cannot be kept and will be replaced at the
end of the draw.
23. Check and raise is permitted.
24. A bet and six raises are allowed in multi-handed pots.
25. Players may not change their seats between hands when there are multiple antes otherwise
they must forfeit the money in the pot.
26. Players who are all in for just the antes may still declare the pot opened if they have openers.
27. Any player has the right to pay an ante at any time and receive a hand, unless additional
money is in the pot that was forfeited during previous hand(s) in which the player did not
anted for.

28. If an all in player is playing for just the antes and has declared the pot open, all callers must
come in for the full opening bet.
29. A player who only has a full ante and no other chips on the table may play for just the antes.
If no one opens and there is another round of antes, that player may still play for the first
round of the antes that he/she has matched, without being required to put any more chips
into the pot.
30. Rapping the table in turn indicates a pass, but rapping the table in turn also may mean the
declaration of a pat hand. A player, who indicates a pat hand by rapping the table, not
knowing the pot has been raised, may reconsider his or her action.

Banker’s Casino
Pai-Gow Poker (Double Hand Poker)

1) Pai Gow Poker is played with a standard fifty-two (52) card deck or with 53
cards when played with a joker, 54 cards when played with two jokers, etc.

2) The game is played on a table with seven seated-positions.

3) All players are competing against the player/dealer. The object of the
game, as a player, is to make two hands which are both superior to the
player/dealer's. The object of the game, as the player/dealer, is to make
two hands which are the same or superior to each player’s two hands.

4) Player/dealers win all hands that copy (are ties).


1) Players and the player/dealer put up any bets they wish to place for the
next hand.

2) The player/dealer selects a specific pile of seven cards to be given out first
on the deal (the action pile).

3) The player/dealer shakes the dice cup to determine which player will
receive the action pile (chosen by the player/dealer in the previous step)
and which player will have his/her bet settled first.

4) Each seated-position (with at least one bet on it) receives a pile of seven

5) Players arrange their cards into a two card high hand and a five card high
hand. A player's five card hand must rank higher than his/her two card

6) Once all players have set their hands, the player/dealer's cards are
exposed and set into a two card hand and a five card hand. A
player/dealer's five card hand must rank higher than his/her two card

7) Once the player/dealer's hands are set, each player's hand is exposed, in
turn, to decide the winners and the losers.

8) The winner is determined by comparing a player's two card hand against

the player/dealer's two card hand and a player's five card hand against the
player/dealer's five card hand. A player wins if his/her two card hand is
superior to the player/dealer's two card hand and his/her five card hand is
superior to the player/dealer's five card hand. The player/dealer wins if
his/her two card hand is superior to or "copies" a player's two card hand
and the player/dealer's five card hand is superior to or "copies" the
player's five card hand.

9) If a player has one hand that ranks higher than the player/dealer and one
hand that ranks lower or “copies”, it is a push and no one wins.

10) The player/dealer position will be rotated or offered to all positions after
every two hands.

11) Players and the player/dealer may only win or lose, on any given hand, an
amount equal to the chips bet when the dice cup was opened. Bets are
collected and paid only to the extent that the player/dealer's bet is in

Glossary of Terms for Double Hand Poker

Action Pile The pile chosen by the player/dealer, before the hand
begins, which will be given out to the seated-position
determined by the shake of the dice cup.

Action Button A token used to designate where the settling of bets will
begin (the action).

Action (1) The player position where the settling of bets begins.

Action (2) When a player or player/dealer's bet is either paid or


Action (3) A bet made in front of the first betting spot in the
player/dealer position which allows a player to take the first
action. This bet is the first settled against the players;
starting with the seated-position with the action button.

Dai-Su A bet made along side the first, second, or third betting spot
in the player/dealer position, which wins if the appropriate
spot wins money overall or loses if the spot loses money
overall. In order for the dai-su bet to win or lose the entire
amount bet, the spot must win or lose twice as much as the
dai-su bet is for. If the spot wins or loses only as much as
the dai-su bet, then the player/dealer wins or loses half as
much as the dai-su bet and the dai-su bet wins or loses half
of his bet.

Player/dealer Seated-position that, for any given hand of play, all other
players at the table are playing against. The player(s) in that
position taking the player/dealer position is/are also referred
to as the player/dealer(s).

Backline Wagering The practice of allowing players, other than the seated
player, to bet on a seated player's position.

Side Bet A bet not placed on the table as part of the action.

Seated-positions The seven designated positions on the table (often

designated with a number) where players may place bets
and receive a hand.

Hand (1) The seven cards that each seated-position, with a bet on it,
receives. The seven cards are then split up to make two
individual hands, one with two cards and the other with five.
The two card hand must be lower than the five card hand.
Hand (2) A period of play starting at the beginning (opening up the
dice cup) to the end (settling the last bet on the table).

Kum-Kum When two or more players put two bets of equal amount
together on the same betting square, on the same seated-

Proposition Bet A bet whereby a player in the player/dealer position and

another player agree to make a bet between them, as long
as all the other players have action.

3-Ways, 4-Ways, Etc. When two or more players put bets together on the
same square, on the same seated-position, which at the end
of the hand may be split up (evenly) three or more ways in
order for everyone to get their fair share of the bet.

House Way A predetermined strategy for setting a hand into two and five
card hands which may vary from house to house.

Copy When a players hand is ranked equally to the player/dealers


Push When a player wins either the high or the low hand and the
player/dealer wins the other.

Joker Either the joker counts as an ace or it can be used to

complete a straight, a flush, or a straight flush or it is wild.

Go Button A button with the word "GO" on one side. The "GO" button
is turned over by the player/dealer so that the word "GO" is
face up on the table to signal that the player/dealer agrees
that his hand is set the way he wants and now may be
compared to the player’s hands.

Wild A card that can be a duplicate of any card in the deck of a

standard 52 card deck of playing cards. It will take on the
value of any card that will give the hand its highest overall

Banker’s Casino

Pai-Gow Tiles

Rules of Play
Pai Gow Tiles is played with 32 Chinese dominoes or ‘tiles’, which form 16
possible pairs. The game utilizes a player/dealer position and an ‘action’ button.
The object of the game is for the player to beat both the high and low hands of
the player/dealer. The player/dealer position, which is determined by starting at
seat #1, is offered in a continuous and systematic manner counterclockwise
every two hands. Pai Gow Tiles also utilizes a dice cup with three die which
determines who receives the first set of four tiles and where the ‘action’ begins.
The player/dealer shakes the dice cup, and once opened, the total count of the
dice designates placement of the Action button. The player/dealer position is
always 9 and 17, no matter how many players are playing. The count begins
with the banker and proceeds counter-clockwise. If the point total of the dice
equal the player/dealer’s position, the player/dealer will receive the first four tiles,
but the Action button will go to the first player to the right (counter-clockwise) of
the banker. All players post wagers in the betting circles on the table in front of
their position before the dice cup is opened. A collection fee is taken per betting
circle of every player, prior to the start of any play of hand or round. The
player/dealer also pays a per hand fee collection.

The house dealer shuffles the tiles and stacks them in rows, with four tiles face
down in each row. Starting with the Action button and proceeding
counterclockwise, the house dealer then deals four tiles to each player, and to
the player/dealer. Players then proceed to set their tiles into two hands; each
consisting of two tiles, with the high hand in one stack and the low hand in
another. Players may also ask the house dealer to set the tiles in a “house”
way. Once this is complete, the player/dealer sets his/her hand.

The goal is to make two hands that are both higher than the two hands made by
the player/dealer, and as close to 9 as possible. All bets are against the
player/dealer. A player wins if both hands rank higher than both hands of the
player/dealer. If only one hand ranks higher, it is a tie or a “push.” If both of the
player’s hands rank lower then the player/dealer’s hands, the player loses to the
player/dealer. The player/dealer wins all situations where both hands are
identical to the player’s hands. The player/dealer can only receive action on the
amount wagered and cannot win or lose more than their original wager.

The value of a hand is based on both the numeric and symbolic ranking of the
tiles. To find the numeric value of a tile, count the total of the dots on each tile.
Use only the right hand digit value if the total is over 9. Example: A 12-spot tile
has a value of 2. The object is to make both your high hand and low hand as
close to 9 as possible.

To form a hand, add the total number of spots contained on two tiles, again using
only the right hand digit value of any two-digit value. Example: An 8-spot tile and
a 9-spot tile have a value of 17 which equals 7. When two hands have the same
numeric value, the symbolic ranking of the tile determines the winner. To find
which is higher, take the highest ranked tile in each hand and compare them.

When two hands have the same numeric value and identical high tiles, it is called
a ‘copy’ hand. The player/dealer wins all copy hands. When two hands have a
numeric value of zero (0), regardless of the high tile, the player/dealer also wins.

How to Arrange the Tiles:

1. Supreme Pair
2. Matched Pairs
3. Unmatched Pairs
4. Wongs
5. Gongs
6. Any two tiles that total 9 or less
7. Largest tile with the smallest tile

Hand Rankings: The color of the dots has no significance and does not change
the value of any tile numerically or symbolically.


Jee Goon

MATCHED PAIRS: Any matched pair.

Heaven Earth Man Goose Flower


Board Hatchet Partition Long Leg 7 Big Head 6

UNMATCHED PAIRS: Any of the below mixed pairs.

Mixed 9s Mixed 8s Mixed 7s Mixed 5s

WONG: Any 2 or 12-spot tile and any 9-spot tile.

with either or OR with either or

GONG: Any 2 or 12-spot with any 8-spot tile.

with either or or OR

with either or or

SINGLE Tile by Ranking: Any Combination that totals as close to 9 as


1.Teen 2.Day 3.Yun 4.Gor 5.Mooy 6.Chong 7.Bon 8.Foo

9.Ping 10.Ti 11.Look 12. Chop Gow 13. Chop Bot 14. Chop Chit

15. Chop Ng 16. Jee Goon

House Way:
• Most valuable high hand is a pair.
• Split paired Supreme Pair (Gee Joon) if the third tile has 6-spots and the fourth
tile has 4, 5 or 6-spots.
• Split 7-spot tiles if hand has a Teen, Day and the low hand after the split has a
value of 7 or higher.
• Split 8-spot tiles if the low hand after the split has a value of 7 or higher.
• Split 9-spot tiles if the low hand after the split has a value of 9 or higher.
• Split the Teen or Day tiles if the low hand after the split has a value of 6 or
higher, or with tiles containing 9 or 11-spots.
• Never split pairs with tiles that have 4, 5, 6, 10 or 11 spots.
Collection Fees
There are two collection fees are taken. A) Per betting circle of each player, prior
to the start of any play of hand or round. B.) Per hand from the player/dealer.
There are 10 betting circles per seated position.

Table Limit Player Fee Player/Dealer Fee

$10 - $20 $1.00 $2.00

Pai Gow Tiles utilizes a player/dealer position and is a CA/Asian style game. So
that no person or entity acting as the player/dealer, or any person or entity acting
as a portion of the player/dealer position may occupy the banking position
continuously, the player/dealer position will be offered systematically and
continuously every two hands. The gambling establishment does not participate
in the actual play of the game and has no interest in the outcome of the play.
The object of Pure 21.5 Blackjack is for the players and the Player/Dealer to
add the numerical value of their cards and:

• Achieve the best possible point total of 21.5 by getting Bonus Card and
an Ace on the initial two cards dealt. This hand pays 6 to 5.
• Get as close to 21.5 as possible, without going over.
• Draw additional cards if needed.


A fifty-two card deck with aces through nines (the standard spades, hearts,
clubs, and diamonds) and sixteen “Bonus” cards (four “King” bonus cards,
four “Queen” bonus cards, four “Jack” bonus cards, and four “10” bonus
cards) is used in the play of the game. The games can be played with a
minimum of one (1) and a maximum of eight (8) decks.

• A “BONUS” card and an Ace, on the initial deal, is the best possible
hand. It is known as a PURE 21.5 BLACKJACK and pays 6 to 5.
• A “BONUS” card dealt with any other card is worth 10 and is added to
the other card(s) point total.
• An Ace has a value of either 1 or 11.
• All cards from 2-9 have their face value.
• "BONUS" cards have a value of 10 unless dealt with an ace on the initial


BONUS* 10 or 10.5 when dealt w/an ace

Ace 1 or 11
Two 2
Three 3
Four 4
Five 5
Six 6
Seven 7
Eight 8
Nine 9

* Bonus card is worth 10, except when dealt with an Ace on the first two
cards of the initial deal, whereupon, it will be worth 10.5 and the hand a
Pure 21.5 Blackjack.

1. Pure 21.5 Blackjack is played on a raised gaming table. The table seats
eight players who face the dealer in a 180-degree seating arrangement.
The tables are the standard blackjack tables commonly used in the casino
industry. The casino dealer stands opposite the players, and in the center
of the table. The casino dealer’s chip tray is set in front of the dealer.
The play starts from the right of the dealer and proceeds in a clockwise

2. The game uses a 52-card deck with aces through nines (the standard
spades, hearts, clubs and diamonds) and 16 bonus cards (four of each
“king”, “queen”, “jack” and “ten”). The game is played with a minimum
of a single deck, totaling 52 cards and to a maximum of eight decks
totaling 416 cards.

3. All tables will have some type of signage where the name of the game is
displayed, along with the minimum and maximum wager allowed the
collection fee for the players and Player/Dealer will also be displayed. A
maximum of three collection rates is allowed in compliance with the
California Penal Code.

4. A standard round of play begins when a Player/Dealer is designated. The

Player/Dealer will place an amount of money (casino chips) in a betting
circle in front of their seat. That money will be used to pay the winners
and will set the amount that he/she can collect for the losers. The casino
will place a button in front of the Player/Dealer, which designates that
they are taking the “bank position and further designate whether it is the
first or second turn for the Player/Dealer in the banking position. The
Player/Dealer will place the collection fee in front of his/her betting

5. Players at a table then place their wagers in designated betting circles.

The players may place a wager at his/her seat along with other
unoccupied betting circles. Each player must pay the posted collection
for the wager they placed in any betting circle where they have money or

6. Once the Player/Dealer has posted the amount of money, he/she will
wager against the other players, and once the players have placed their
wagers, the casino dealer will collect all of the fees. This will always be
accomplished before the start of the game in accordance with the
California Penal Code. The casino dealer will take the collection fees and
drop them into a locked collection box affixed to the gaming table.

7. After the fees have been collected, the dealer will deal the cards to the
players and the Player/Dealer. All cards dealt throughout the game are
face up, with the exception of the Player/Dealer’s second card, which
will remain “face down” until all players have acted on their hands. The
casino dealer is the only person on the table allowed to touch the cards.
The players will signal the dealer with hand gestures that indicate
whether the wish to hit or stand. The hand signals will be consistent with
the industry standard signals of a sweeping motion towards a players
body, indicating a hit, or a side to side hand motion, indicating the desire
to stand. The casino dealer deals the first card to the player seated to the
left of the designated Player/Dealer, in a clock-wise manner. Each player
will be dealt one card face up with the Player/Dealer receiving the last
card. The Player/Dealer’s cards will be placed in front of the casino

8. The casino dealer will deal a second card to the players in the same order
noted above. The players are given an opportunity, starting with the
player seated to the left of the Player/Dealer, to be dealt additional cards
to make the best possible hand. (Rules and procedures for splitting,
doubling down, and surrendering will be outlined later)

9. Players must follow the below listed Charts 1A and 1B in deciding

whether to hit of stand on a particular hand.
10. After all players have acted on their hands and indicated to the casino
dealer that they do not want or cannot receive additional cards, the
Player/Dealers down card will be turned up. This down card will
determine where the “action button” is placed.

11. The “action button” determines where the action starts and who will be
first to be paid for their winning hand or lose their wager. The action
button is placed based on the numerical value of the Player/Dealer’s
down card. A chart (Diagram #1) outlining the placement of the action
button follows.

12. The Player/Dealer’s hand will then be completed according to the rules
listed on Chart 1B. Once the Player/Dealer’s hand is completed, the
payoff and/or collection of wagers will begin in the seat designated by
the action button and continue in a clockwise manner until all wagers
have been acted on.

13. In the event that the Player/Dealer does not have enough money on the
table to cover all the wagers on the table, there will be no free collection
button, refund, or other conciliatory action given to the affected players
by the casino or the Player/Dealer.

14. The Player/Dealer’s cards will always be dealt and placed in front of the
casino dealer’s tray. The placement of the Player/Dealer’s cards is
standard in all games and is depicted below. See Diagram #2


15. After all wagers are settled, the cards are collected and discarded. The
bank button is changed from 1st Bank to 2nd Bank and after every two
hands, the Player/Dealer position is rotated in a clockwise fashion around
the table.

16. The next round of play begins when the casino dealer collects all the
cards from the table and places them in the discard tray. The casino
dealer will also change the bank button, and if necessary (if the same
person has already held the Player/Dealer position twice) rotate the
Player/Dealer position clockwise to the next position on the table. If there
is no person that intervenes on the Player/Dealer’s position, the game will
be “broken” or stopped, as required by the California Penal Code.


Must Stand on Must Hit on Have Option on

Hard 19 or more Hard 11 or less All other counts


Must Stand on Must Hit on Have Option on

Hard 17 or more Soft 17 or less None

1. A PURE 21.5 BLACKJACK (an Ace and a Bonus card) is the best
possible hand. If the player and the Player/Dealer’s hand are both PURE
21.5 BLACKJACK the hand is a push or tie, and no action is taken on
the wager.

2. If the Player/Dealer does not have a Pure 21.5 Blackjack, the Players will
be given the option to draw to improve their hands, in accordance with
Chart 1A above. The Player/Dealer's down card will be checked, by the
casino dealer for a "Pure 21.5 Blackjack" when the Player/Dealer's first
or up card is an Ace or Bonus Card.

3. After all Players have been given a chance to act on their hands, the
Player/Dealers hand will be completed in accordance with Chart 1B.

4. If a Player's total is less than a "Pure 21.5 Blackjack" and the

Player/Dealer's total is more than a "Pure 21.5 Blackjack", the Player
wins the hand.

5. If a Player's total is more than a "Pure 21.5 Blackjack" and the

Player/Dealer's total is less than a "Pure 21.5 Blackjack", the Player loses
the hand.

6. If a Player and the Player/Dealer have the same total and it is less than a
"Pure 21.5 Blackjack", the hand is a push or tie. No action is taken on the

7. If a Player's total and the Player/Dealer's total are less than a "Pure 21.5
Blackjack", the hand closest to a "Pure 21.5 Blackjack" will win.
8. If a Player's total and the Player/Dealer's total and more than a "Pure 21.5
Blackjack", the following will apply:

a) If the Player/Dealer’s hand is 888 (three eights) all Players whose

total is more than 21.5 Push
b) If the Player/Dealer’s hand is not 888 (three eights) all Players whose
total is more than 21.5 Lose

9. The game is played on an industry standard Blackjack table where up to

eight primary players can be seated.

10. All collection fees will be collected by the casino dealer, prior to the start
of play. Collection fees will be determined by the casino and can be up to
three separate rates per game.

11. All collection rates and wagering limits will be posted at the table. They
will not be based on any percentage.

12. Backline betting is allowed; subject to local ordinance or code.

13. Third Party Providers of Proposition Player Services, as defined in

Section 19984 of the California Business and Professions Code, are
permitted to play.


1. Players can double-down on their first two cards dealt to them. The
player must place a second wager equal to the player’s original wager.
The player will only receive one additional card, regardless of the total.
Doubling down for less is allowed.

2. Players can split any pair or two BONUS cards. The player must place a
second wager equal to the original wager. The player may draw as many
cards as desired per split card. When splitting two Aces, the player only
receives one additional card per ace. There is no splitting for less.

3. A maximum of three splits is allowed per hand.

4. Players can surrender after their first two cards are dealt to them. If they
choose to surrender, half of their wager will be forfeited. The player must
indicate their desire to surrender before the Player/Dealer’s down card is
exposed. Their play for the hand will then cease.

5. The casino will take no extra collection fee on double downs or splits
from the player or Player/Dealer.

6. All payoffs are to the extent that the Player/Dealer’s money covers the
action on the table. A Player/Dealer cannot win or lose more than the
entire amount of money placed on the table before the start of the hand.


The following options are available for individual casinos to cater to the
needs of their customers:

Pure 21.5 Blackjack Payoff Options

3 to 2 Option – Pure 21.5 Blackjack pays 3 to 2 when dealt to a Player.

A Pure 21.5 Blackjack consists of an Ace and a Bonus card on the initial
two cards dealt to a Player.

7 to 5 Option – Pure 21.5 Blackjack pays 7 to 5 when dealt to a Player.

A Pure 21.5 Blackjack consists of an Ace and a Bonus card on the initial
two cards dealt to a Player.

Insurance- If the Player/Dealer’s upcard is an Ace, all Players will have the
option to place separate “insurance” wager. They are wagering that the
Player/Dealer’s undercard is a Bonus card giving the Player/Dealer a Pure 21.5
Blackjack. Winning Insurance wagers pay 2 to 1. Insurance wagers may be
equal to no more than ½ of a Player’s original wager. Insurance may not be
offered in casinos where Pure 21.5 Blackjacks pay 6/5 or 7/5.
Even Money- In conjunction with offering insurance, when the Player/Dealer’s
upcard is an Ace, Players that have a Pure 21.5 Blackjack (an Ace and a Bonus
Card) may opt to take even money on their wagers before the Player/Dealer’s
undercard is checked for a Bonus Card. The Player is actually making an
insurance wager equal to ½ of the original wager. If the Player/Dealer has a
Bonus card as the undercard (a Pure 21.5 Blackjack), the Player wins the
insurance bet (a wager equal to ½ of the original wager that pays 2 to 1) and
pushes on the original wager. If the Player/Dealer does not have a Bonus Card
as the undercard, the Player will lose the insurance bet and is paid 6 to 5 (for the
Pure 21.5 Blackjack) on the original wager. The result in each case is the same
as the Player wins an amount equal to the original wager (even money).
Player/Dealer 888 Option- If the Player/Dealer’s hand is 888 (three eights), all
Players who have a total exceeding 21.5 win. (The option currently being
offered is the same as this one, except all Players exceeding 21.5 push).
Player/Dealer 888 Bonus or Jackpot- Casinos could offer a Bonus or Jackpot
to be paid when the Player/Dealer’s hand is 888 (three eights). Each individual
casino will decide collection fees, distribution percentages, and funding
Player/Dealer Same Color 888 Bonus or Jackpot- Casinos could offer a
Bonus or Jackpot to be paid when the Player/Dealer’s hand is 888 of one color
(three eights of one color). Each individual casino will decide collection fees,
distribution percentages, and funding methods.
Player/Dealer Suited 888 Bonus or Jackpot- Casinos could offer a Bonus or
Jackpot to be paid when the Player/Dealer’s hand is a suited 888 (three eights
all the same suit). Each individual casino will decide collection fees,
distribution percentages, and funding methods.
Suited 777, Suited 678, and Unsuited 777- Casinos could offer Bonuses to
Players that have hands that consist of three suited sevens, three unsuited
sevens, and a six, seven, and eight of the same suit. Each individual casino will
decide collection fees, distribution percentages, and funding methods.
Same color 777 and same color 678- Casinos could offer Bonuses to Players
that have hands that consist of three sevens of the same color and also a six,
seven, and eight of the same color. Each individual casino will decide collection
fees, distribution percentages, and funding methods.
Seven Card Charlies- Casinos could offer Bonuses to Players that have hands
that contain seven or more cards that total less than 21.5. Each individual casino
will decide collection fees, distribution percentages, and funding methods.
Bonuses or Jackpots for Two, Three, Four, Five, or more Pure 21.5
Blackjacks in a row- Casinos could offer Bonuses or Jackpots to Players that
have a Pure 21.5 Blackjack on consecutive hands. Payoffs could increase as the
number of consecutive hands increases. Each individual casino will decide
collection fees, distribution percentages, and funding methods.

The Player/Dealer position must rotate in a continuous and systematic
fashion, and cannot be occupied by one person for more than two
consecutive hands. There must be an intervening Player/Dealer so one
person cannot continually occupy the position and the “bank” hand within
the meaning of OLIVER V. COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES (1988) 66 Cal.
App. 4th1397, 1408-1409. And in addition to the meaning of AB 1416 (the
Wesson Bill) which added section 330.11 to the California Penal Code
relating to the California licensed gambling establishments and any future
regulatory guidelines from the California Department of Justice, Bureau of
Gambling Control, with respect to the operation of a controlled game
featuring a Player/Dealer position.


Banker’s Casino

The object of Three Card Poker is to beat the player/dealer in a three-card poker game.
The ranking of hands are as follows:
1 Royal Flush
2 Straight Flush
3 Three of a kind
4 Straight
5 Flush
6 Pair
7 High Card

Rules for Three Card Poker:

1. Three Card Poker is played on either a blackjack-style or poker-style table.

2. The game is played with up to six standard 52-card decks.

3. Table Fees: Fees will be charged for all wagers and shall be determined prior to
the start of play of any hand or round. The actual collection of the fee will occur
prior to the start of a hand. Ample notice shall be provided to players relating to
the assessment of fees. Flat fees on each wager may be assessed at different
collection rates (see table).

4. The game is played with up to seven players and a player/dealer for a total of
eight seated positions. The house dealer deals the game.

5. Players must make an Ante wager and pay a collection to be dealt in.

6. Each player receives three cards face-down. The player/dealer receives three
cards, two face-down and one face-up.

7. Once players inspect their hand, they have two options:

a) Fold the hand and forfeit the Ante; or

b) Stay in the game by making a Play bet; this bet must equal the Ante.

8. The player/dealer must qualify to play with a minimum Queen-high.

a) If the player/dealer does NOT qualify, the play bet receives no action.
The dealer shall immediately refund this bet to players.

b) The Ante will receive action. If the player’s hand beats the
player/dealer’s hand, the dealer will then pay each ante – the ones not
surrendered by folding (i.e. even money). If the player’s hand does
not beat the player/dealer’s hand, the dealer does not pay.

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Banker’s Casino
c) If the player/dealer’s hand qualifies, the dealer shall immediately stack
each player’s play bet atop the ante.
1) If the player’s hand beats the player/dealer’s, the player wins
even money.

2) If the player/dealer’s hand beats the player’s, the player loses.

9. All bets receive action to the extent that the player/dealer wager covers.

10. The round of play ends when the player/dealer exhausts his bankroll, or when all
player wagers receive full action, whichever occurs first.

11. The player/dealer position rotates in a systematic and continuous way among the
seated players, and no one player may serve as the player/dealer for more than
two consecutive hands. The player/dealer button rotates clockwise around the

Bonus Bet:

The Bonus Bet is an optional bet for players who placed an ante bet. The rules are as

1. Bonus Bets must be placed prior to the initial deal.

2. Bonus Bet must equal the Ante to qualify for a Bonus Bet payoff.

3. The Player/Dealer will pay all winning bonus bets and will collect all losing bonus

4. In the event that the player/dealer’s wager does not cover the amount wagered
by the players, an action button will be used to designate where the action will
begin. Additionally, each player’s wager receives action in the following order:
Ante Bet, Play Bet, Bonus Bet.

5. Once the player/dealer’s wager has been exhausted, the wagers not covered by
the player/dealer will be returned to the players.

6. Bonus Bets pay as follows:

Hand Payoff
Royal Flush 200:1
Straight Flush 40:1
Three of a Kind 30:1
Straight 6:1
Flush 3:1
One Pair 1:1

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Banker’s Casino
Glossary of terms used in the controlled game:

Action Button A token used to designate where the settling of bets will begin (the

Ante The mandatory wager players make before seeing their hand.

Bonus Bet An optional bet for players who place an ante bet. See bonus bet pay
chart in rules.

Fold The player option to surrender his/her ante, rather than continue the

Play Bet An optional bet that players make after seeing their three‐card hand.
The play bet must equal the ante bet.

Play Wager If players make the play bet, it means they wish to enter the showdown
against the player/dealer. If players decide not to make the play bet,
they forfeit their ante wager, and are no longer in the game.

Player/Dealer Seated‐position that, for any given hand of play, all other players at the
table are playing against. The player(s) in that position taking the
Player/dealer position is/are also referred to as the Player/dealer(s).

Qualifier A specific set of card(s) that a player and/or the Player/dealer must
have to play.

Seated‐positions The designated positions on the table (often designated with a number)
where players and/or the player/dealer may place bets and receive a

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Buster Blackjack

US Patent 6,845,981


P. O. BOX 82225, LAS VEGAS, NV 89180

Rules of Play

Buster Blackjack features a side bet that allows the player to bet that the dealer
will bust. The more cards in the dealer’s busted hand, the higher the payoff is.

The game can be played on any Blackjack style table. It can be dealt with six to
eight decks of cards. In addition to the mandatory blackjack bet, the player has
the option to make a “Buster” side bet. After all bets are made, the dealer deals
himself and each player two cards. One of the dealer’s cards is revealed. All
players then play out their hands according to the house rules.

The Buster side bet remains in action whether or not the player busts or has a

Once all players have played out their hands, the dealer will reveal his hole card
and play out his hand. If the dealer does not bust, all Buster side bets lose. If the
dealer busts, all Buster side bets are paid according to the below pay tables. The
payoff odds vary with the number of cards in the dealer’s busted hand.

Note that if all players have a blackjack, as long as there are Buster side bets, the
dealer must complete his hand, if not 17 or greater.

Buster Blackjack Pay Tables

(All payouts are “to 1”)

Number of Cards in Table
Dealer’s Busted Hand B
3 2
4 2
5 4
6 15
7 50
8 or more 200

The Benefits of Buster Blackjack

‰ Camaraderie
A feature that is almost nonexistent in other blackjack side betting games.
In Buster Blackjack, everyone roots for the dealer to bust.

‰ Suspense
This is the only blackjack side bet that keeps the player in the game after
they bust. The outcome of the side bet won’t be determined until the
dealer’s last card is drawn. A player who has busted remains in action. So,
his participation and anticipation to win also remain till the last second of
the round. There is no such thing as “watching the paint dry” after the
player busts.

‰ High hit frequency

The hit frequency is over 28%. The player will win once every 3.5 hands.

‰ Easy to deal
If the dealer doesn’t bust, all Buster Blackjack bets are swept. Otherwise,
all bets are paid the same odds. Unlike other blackjack side bets, the
dealer need not check to see whether each player has a qualified winning
hand and how much it pays.

Fortune Pai Gow Poker
Standards of play:
Fortune Pai Gow Poker 1.1 adds a bonus bet element to the traditional game of Pai
Gow Poker played in California Cardrooms. Each player competes against the
Player-dealer to make the best possible hand.

In Fortune Pai Gow Poker 1.1, a player can place an optional Fortune Bonus Bet. A
player that wagers at least $5 on the Fortune Bonus Bet qualifies for an Envy Bonus

Type of card deck used:

Fortune Pai Gow Poker 1.1 is played with a standard 52 card deck including a Joker
for a total of 53 cards. The Joker is used with Aces, Straights and Flushes only.

The rank of each card used in Fortune Pai Gow Poker 1.1, in order of highest to
lowest rank, shall be: Ace, King, Queen, Jack, Ten, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2. The Joker
is fully wild. All suits shall be considered equal in rank.

The hand rankings for the game of Fortune Pai Gow Poker 1.1, in order of highest to
lowest, are as follows:

Hand Dealt Hand Requirements

A hand that consists of seven cards of the same suit in

consecutive ranking that does not utilize a joker. An
7 Card
ace, king, queen, jack, 10, 9, and 8 is the highest
Straight Flush
ranked 7 Card Straight Flush (No Joker) hand and a 7, 6,
(No Joker)
5, 4, 3, 2 and ace is the lowest ranked 7 Card Straight
Flush (No Joker) hand.
Royal Flush + A hand that consists of ace, king, queen, jack, 10 and
Royal Match king, queen suited.
A hand that consists of seven cards of the same suit in
consecutive ranking that utilizes a joker. An ace, king,
queen, jack, 10, 9, and 8 is the highest ranked 7 Card
7 Card
Straight Flush (With Joker) hand, with one of those
Straight Flush
cards being substituted with a joker, and a 7, 6, 5, 4, 3,
(With Joker)
2 and ace is the lowest ranked 7 Card Straight Flush
(With Joker) hand, with one of those cards being
substituted with a joker.
Five Aces A hand that consists of five cards containing all aces.

BGC ID: GEGA-003498 (April 2012)

Fortune Pai Gow Poker
A hand that consists of an ace, king, queen, jack and 10
Royal Flush
of the same suit.
A hand that consists of five cards of the same suit in
consecutive ranking. A king, queen, jack, 10 and 9 is
Straight Flush
the highest ranked Straight Flush and a 5, 4, 3, 2 and
ace is the lowest ranked Straight Flush.
A hand that consists of four cards of the same rank.
Four of a Kind Four aces is the highest ranked Four of a Kind and four
2’s is the lowest ranked Four of a Kind.
A hand that consists of a Three of a Kind and a Pair.
Three aces and two kings is the highest ranked Full
Full House
House and three 2’s and two 3’s is the lowest ranked Full
A hand that consists of a Three of a Kind and a Pair.
Three aces and two kings is the highest ranked Full
Full House
House and three 2’s and two 3’s is the lowest ranked Full
A hand that consists of five cards of the same suit, but
that are not in consecutive ranking. An ace, king,
queen, jack and 9 is the highest ranked Flush and a 7, 6,
5, 4, 2 is the lowest ranked Flush.
A hand that consists of five cards that are in consecutive
ranking, but that are not the same suit. An ace, king,
queen, jack and 10 is the highest ranked Straight and a
5, 4, 3, 2 and ace is the lowest ranked Straight.
A hand that consists of three cards of the same rank.
Three of a
Three aces is the highest ranked Three of a Kind and
three 2’s is the lowest ranked Three of a Kind.
A hand that consists of two pairs. Two aces and two
Two Pairs kings is the highest ranked Two Pairs and two 3’s and
two 2’s is the lowest ranked Two Pairs.
A hand that consists of two cards of the same rank. Two
One Pair aces is the highest ranked Pair and two 2’s is the lowest
ranked Pair.
A hand that consists of five cards that do not make any
of the hands listed above. An ace, king, queen, jack and
High Card
9 is the highest ranked High Card hand and 7, 6, 5, 4, 2
is the lowest ranked High Card hand.

BGC ID: GEGA-003498 (April 2012)

Fortune Pai Gow Poker
Dealing procedures:
 The casino dealer will complete the deal of seven piles of seven cards face down
in front of the casino dealer. When dealing the seven piles of seven cards, the
casino dealer shall deal one card at a time to in front of them until there are
seven cards, starting from left to right. Once there are seven cards laid out, the
casino dealer shall deal each pile another card, from right to left, giving each pile
a total of two cards. This process of dealing cards left to right, then right to left,
shall be completed until each pile has seven cards. The remaining four cards
shall be placed in the discard pile.

 Once cards have been stacked, the Player-dealer randomly selects which pile will
be distributed to the first player who receives the “Action” button. The casino
dealer identifies the hand by placing a button marked "Action” on this pile by
pushing it forward and turning the pile behind it side ways.

 To determine the placement of the “Action” button, the Player-dealer shakes a

Dice Cup containing three standard dice. The sum of the dice indicates to which
seat the first pile of seven cards will be distributed. The Player-dealer’s position
is always one, eight, and fifteen. Other seats, in clockwise rotation, respectively
represent the other numbers. If the numerical total of the dice are one, eight,
or fifteen, the Player-dealer shall receive the first set of cards and the player to
the left of the Player-dealer shall receive the “Action” button. Wagers shall be
settled in a clockwise manner around the table, starting with the player with the
“Action” button. Furthermore, all wagers shall be settled from seat to seat in
the following order: the Fortune Pai Gow Poker 1.1 game wager, then the
Fortune Bonus Bet wager, and then the Envy Bonus. Once the Player-dealer’s
wager has been exhausted, the wagers not covered by the Player-dealer shall be
returned to the respective players.

 Once the “Action” button position is determined, the casino dealer shall
distribute the seven piles of cards, starting with the pile that has the “Action”
button and continuing clockwise around the table. All seven piles of cards will be
distributed to all seats at the table, regardless of whether a player is seated at
each position or a wager has been placed. Once all of the piles of cards have
been distributed, the casino dealer will collect the cards distributed to seats
without a wager and place them in the discard pile.

BGC ID: GEGA-003498 (April 2012)

Fortune Pai Gow Poker
Type of gaming table utilized for this game:
An industry standard Pai Gow Poker table will be used to play Fortune Pai Gow
Poker 1.1. A table felt with the game name and segregated marked Fortune Bonus
Bet areas. The game will be played on a standard pai gow poker table

Number of players in the game:

Fortune Pai Gow Poker 1.1 is played on a standard Pai Gow Poker table which seats
up to six players and the Player-dealer position for a total of seven seated positions.

How and when are house fees collected:

 Backline betting permitted on the base game wagers only.

 Fortune Pai Gow Poker 1.1 utilizes a Player-dealer position and is a California
game. The position shall be offered systematically and continuously in a
clockwise manner around the table after every two hands. Additionally, the
Player-dealer position is identified with a “Bank” tile and is placed in front of that
player’s seat position. The Player-dealer shall collect all losing wagers, pay all
winning wagers, and may not win or lose more than the original amount
wagered. Once the Player-dealer’s wager has been exhausted, the wagers not
covered by the Player-dealer shall be returned to the respective players. The
gambling establishment does not participate in the actual play of the game and
has no interest in the outcome of the play.

Betting scheme:
Players may place wagers bearing in mind the posted table minimum and
maximum. Players must make a Fortune Pai Gow Poker 1.1 game wager and will
then have the option to make a Fortune Bonus Bet wager as well. If a player
wagers at least $5 on the Fortune Bonus Bet, the player qualifies for the Envy
Bonus and the casino dealer must place an “Envy” button next to that player’s
Fortune Bonus Bet wager.

The Player-dealer may place a wager to cover some or all of the action on the table.

Round of Play
 Each player and the Player-dealer put up any bets they wish to place for the
next hand. Players have the option of placing a Fortune Bonus Bet wager at this
time as well.

BGC ID: GEGA-003498 (April 2012)

Fortune Pai Gow Poker
 The casino dealer will then follow dealing procedures and standards of play, as
described above.

 Once the cards have been distributed, each player shall set their hands by
arranging the seven cards into a two card hand which is placed in front of the
five card hand, and a five card hand which is placed behind the two card hand.
The five card hand must rank higher than the two card hand, according to the
ranking of hands, as shown above.

 When all Players' hands have been set, the casino dealer exposes the Player­
dealer's hand, and sets it according to the “House Way” chart, as shown below.


Hand Dealt Set Hand Accordingly

No Pair 2nd and 3rd highest cards in front

NO PAIR PLUS THE JOKER Put the second highest card plus the joker in the back, the
highest & the third highest cards in front.

One Pair Pair in back, highest two other cards in front.

TWO PAIRS (One pair plus the joker - Use two pairs rule.)

High Pairs: A’s, K’s, Q’s Small pair in front.

High Pairs: J’s, 10’s, 9’s Two pairs in back with at least an Ace in front: otherwise

High Pairs: 8’s, 7’s, 6’s Two pairs behind if King or Higher in front: otherwise split.

Big Pair is 5's, 4's, 3's, 2's Needs at least a QUEEN in front; otherwise split.

TWO PAIRS PLUS THE JOKER Put the highest single card and the joker in front, unless
either pair is larger than the single largest card, then place
the largest pair in front.

Three Pair Highest pair in front.

Three of a Kind—Aces Ace + Highest card and pair Aces behind.

BGC ID: GEGA-003498 (April 2012)

Fortune Pai Gow Poker
Three of a Kind—Kings and Below Never split. Highest card in front. Trips in the back.

Two Sets Split the highest one

THREE OF A KIND PLUS THE JOKER Always put a joker and the highest single card in front,
three of a kind in the back. Exception: Play the complete
hand with a pair in front If it is possible.

Straight, Flush, Straight Flush/ No Pair Always play the complete hand ( Straight or Flush).

Straight, Flush, Straight Flush/ One Pair Always play the complete hand ( Straight or Flush).

Straight, Flush, Straight Flush/ Two Use Two Pair Strategies.


Straight, Flush, or Straight-Flush Play what ever gives you the highest front.

Full House Put the pair in front, the three of a kind in the back.

Four of a Kind: A’s, K’s, Q’s Always Split.

Four of a Kind: J’s, 10’s, 9’s Needs at least a Ace in front , otherwise split.

Four of a Kind: 8’s, 7’s, 6’s Needs at least a King in front, otherwise split

Four of a Kind: 5’s and Below Needs at least a Queen in Front, otherwise split.

Four of a Kind + Joker Put the Joker and the highest single card in Front, Four of a
Kind in the back.

 Once the Player-dealer's hands are set according to the “House Way,” each
player's hand is exposed, in turn, and compared to the Player-dealer’s hands to
determine the winners, losers, or tie hands.

 Each Player's five card hand will be compared to the Player-dealer's five card
hand, and each player’s two card hand will be compared to the Player-dealer’s
two card hand, in turn, starting with the “Action” button, to determine the
winner according to the following criteria:
a. The Fortune Pai Gow Poker 1.1 game wager wins if the two card hand and the
five card hand held by the player ranks higher than the Player-dealer’s two
card hand and the five card hand. Winning Fortune Pai Gow Poker 1.1 game
wagers are paid 1 to 1.
BGC ID: GEGA-003498 (April 2012)
Fortune Pai Gow Poker
b. The Fortune Pai Gow Poker 1.1 game wager loses if the two card hand and the
five card hand held by the player ranks lower than the Player-dealer’s two
card hand and the five card hand.
c. The Fortune Pai Gow Poker 1.1 game wager “pushes” if one of the hands held
by the player ranks higher than the Player-dealer’s corresponding hand, and
the player’s other hand ranks lower than the Player-dealer’s corresponding
hand. In this case, neither the player nor the Player-dealer wins or loses; the
wager is a “push” and is returned to the player.
d. If one hand is identical in rank to the Player-dealer’s hand, it is a “copy hand.”
The Player-dealer wins all “copy hands.”

 Once the standard Pai Gow Poker wagers are settled (win, lose, tie/push) the
casino dealer will determine if the player’s hand qualifies for the Fortune Bonus
Bet and/or the Envy Bonus.

 The Fortune Bonus bet considers the best hand possible among the player’s
seven cards.

 If the player’s hand qualifies for payouts, the player is paid according to the
posted pay table.
 The casino dealer leaves the “Envy” button, if applicable, next to the
player’s original wager and payouts. The casino dealer will not pick up
“Envy” buttons until all wagers are reconciled.

 If the player’s hand does not qualify for payouts, the Player-dealer collects the
Fortune Bonus Bet wager.
 The casino dealer leaves the “Envy” button, if applicable, next to the player’s
Fortune Pai Gow Poker 1.1 game wager and payouts. The casino dealer will
not pick up “Envy” buttons until all wagers are reconciled.

 The Player-dealer pays any Envy Bonuses at the end of the round.
 If at least one player has a Four of a Kind or higher, all players with “Envy”
buttons win (see pay table).
 In the event more than one player has at least Four of a Kind, then all
players with “Envy” buttons win multiple payouts.
 A player cannot win an Envy Bonus for their own hand or for the Player­
dealer’s hand.

 The Player-dealer collects all losing Fortune Bonus Bet wagers and pays all
winning Fortune Bonus Bet wagers.

BGC ID: GEGA-003498 (April 2012)

Fortune Pai Gow Poker
 The cards are collected, shuffled, and a new round begins.

 The Player-dealer position rotates in a systematic and continuous way among

the seated players, and no one player may serve as the Player-dealer for more
than two consecutive hands. The Player-dealer position rotates clockwise
around the table.

Fortune Bonus Bet

 For each seated position, there shall be one separate and specifically designated
area for the placement of a Fortune Bonus Bet wager. A player may only place a
Fortune Bonus Bet wager if they have also placed a Fortune Pai Gow Poker 1.1
game wager prior to the initial deal.

 Only seated players are eligible to place a Fortune Bonus Bet wager.

 The Fortune Bonus Bet wager may be less than, equal to, or greater than the
Fortune Pai Gow Poker 1.1 game wager. However, the Fortune Bonus Bet wager
must be within the minimum and maximum table limits.

 The Fortune Bonus Bet takes into account the first seven (7) cards dealt as a
player’s hand. In the event that the first seven (7) cards dealt to a player that
placed a Fortune Bonus Bet wager is a pre-determined and designated qualifying
hand, as shown below, the Fortune Bonus Bet wager shall win. The player shall
then receive a monetary payout based on the bonus hand that the player has
received and the paytable, as shown below. Any other combination of the first
seven (7) cards dealt, other than the hands shown below, shall lose. There is no
opportunity for the Fortune Bonus Bet wager to tie as it is dependent on the
cards dealt as the player’s hand, not a comparison of cards or hands.

 The Joker is fully wild.

 The Fortune Bonus Bet wager remains in action regardless of whether the
player’s Fortune Pai Gow Poker 1.1 game wager wins, loses, or pushes.

 The player-dealer shall pay all qualifying Fortune Bonus Bet wagers and
shall collect all Fortune Bonus Bet wagers that did not qualify. Wagers
are collected or paid, to the extent that the player-dealer’s wager covers. Once
BGC ID: GEGA-003498 (April 2012)
Fortune Pai Gow Poker
the player-dealer’s wager has been exhausted, the wagers not covered by the
player-dealer shall be returned to the respective players.

 Qualifying Fortune Bonus Bet wagers shall be paid according to the table, as
shown below.

Envy Bonus
 A player that places a wager of at least $5 on the Fortune Bonus Bet shall
receive an “Envy” button and may qualify for the Envy Bonus payout if another
player who placed a Fortune Bonus Bet wager receives a pre-determined and
designated qualifying hand, as shown below. Players shall receive one (1)
“Envy” button for each Fortune Bonus Bet wager in an amount equal to or
greater than $5.

 Seated players as well as back-line bettors are eligible to receive an “Envy”


 The Envy Bonus takes into account the first seven (7) cards dealt as a player’s
hand. In the event that the first seven (7) cards dealt to a player that has
placed a Fortune Bonus Bet wager is a pre-determined and designated qualifying
hand, as shown below, all players with an “Envy” button shall win. However, a
player is not eligible to win an Envy Bonus for their own hand if it qualifies for an
Envy Bonus payout. However, if multiple players have made a seven (7) card
qualifying Fortune Bonus Bet and Envy Bonus hand, then all players with an
“Envy” button shall win, other than for their own hand. Players shall receive a
fixed monetary payout based on the qualifying hand that another player has
received and the paytable, as shown below. Any other combination of the first
seven (7) cards dealt, other than the hands shown below, shall lose.

 The Envy Bonus may win regardless of the outcome of the Fortune Pai Gow
Poker 1.1 game wager.

 The player-dealer shall pay all qualifying Envy Bonuses and shall collect
all “Envy” buttons that did not qualify. Wagers are collected or paid, to the
extent that the player-dealer’s wager covers. Once the player-dealer’s wager
has been exhausted, the wagers not covered by the player-dealer shall be
returned to the respective players.

BGC ID: GEGA-003498 (April 2012)

Fortune Pai Gow Poker

 Qualifying Envy Bonus buttons shall be paid according to the table, as shown

Fortune Bonus Bet and Envy Bonus Paytable –FPG-05

Hand Dealt Fortune Bonus Bet Envy Bonus
7 Card Straight Flush 5,000 to 1 $5,000
Royal Flush + Royal Match 2,000 to 1 $1,000
7 Card Straight Flush (With Joker) 1,000 to 1 $500
5 Aces 400 to 1 $250
Royal Flush 150 to 1 $50
Straight Flush 50 to 1 $20
Four of a Kind 25 to 1 $5
Full House 5 to 1 N/A
Flush 4 to 1 N/A
Three of a Kind 3 to 1 N/A
Straight 2 to 1 N/A

Glossary of terms used in the controlled game:

Action Pile The pile chosen by the Player-dealer, before the hand begins,
which will be given out to the seated-position determined by the
shake of the dice cup.
“Action” button A token used to designate where the settling of bets will begin
(the action).
Action The player position where the settling of bets begins.
Copy When a players hand is ranked equally to the Player-dealers
Envy Bonus A payout that is made if a player wagers at least $5 on the
Fortune Bonus bet and at least one player has a four of a kind or
higher, all players with Envy buttons win.
Fortune Bonus An optional wager that can be placed by a player and paid
according the paytable.

BGC ID: GEGA-003498 (April 2012)

Fortune Pai Gow Poker
Player-dealer Seated-position that, for any given hand of play, all other
players at the table are playing against. The player in that
position taking the Player-dealer position is also referred to as
the Player-dealer.
Seated-positions The seven designated positions on the table (often designated
with a number) where players may place bets and receive a
Push When a player wins either the high or the low hand and the
Player-dealer wins the other.

For schedule option 1 through 5, a collection fee shall be taken per hand from the player-dealer
position based on the total table action, which is the sum of all players’ controlled game and
bonus bet wagers placed prior to cards being dealt. For schedule options 1 and 2 a collection
fee shall also be taken from each player for each Fortune Pai Gow Poker game wager placed.
There shall be no additional collection fee taken from players or the player-dealer for placing a
Fortune Pai Gow Poker Bonus Bet wager. For schedule options 3 through 5, a collection fee
shall be taken from each player based on the amount wagered on each Fortune Pai Gow Poker
game wager placed. There shall be no additional collection fee taken from players or the
player-dealer for placing a Forunte Pai Gow Poker Bonus Bet wager. The collection fees shall be
collected from each player and the player-dealer and dropped by the house dealer prior to the
dice cup being opened.

Schedule Player Fee Total Table Player-Dealer

Table Limit
per spot Action Fee

$5 - $100 $1.00
1 $5 - $50 $0.50
$100+ $2.00

$10- $100 $1.00

2 $10 - $100 $1.00
$100+ $2.00

BGC ID: GEGA-003498 (April 2012)

Banker’s Casino

Pure Spanish 21.5™

Masque Publishing, Inc.

U.S. Patent 5,615,888, 5,806,846

BGC ID: GEGA-003958 (August 2013) 1

Banker’s Casino


The object of Pure Spanish 21.5 is for the players and the player-dealer to add the numerical value of
their cards and:

• Achieve the best possible point total of 21.5 by getting a King, Queen, or Jack Bonus Card
and an ace on the initial two cards dealt (Example King Bonus Card below). This hand is
called a Pure Spanish 21.5 Blackjack and pays 6 to 5.

• Get as close to 21.5 as possible, without going over.

• Draw additional cards if needed.


The game uses a 48-card deck with aces through nines (the standard spades, hearts, clubs
and diamonds) and 12 cards specially marked with the word “Bonus” (four of each "king",
"queen", and "jack" cards). All 10’s shall be removed from each deck. The game shall be
played with a minimum of four decks (totaling 192 cards) to a maximum of eight decks
(totaling 384 cards).

• A King, Queen, or Jack Bonus card and an ace, on the initial deal, is the best possible
hand. It is known as a “Pure Spanish 21.5” and pays 6 to 5.
• A King, Queen, or Jack Bonus card dealt with any other card is worth 10 and is added
to the other card(s) point total.
• An ace has a value of either 1 or 11.
• All cards from 2-9 have their face value.
• King, Queen, or Jack Bonus cards have a value of 10 unless dealt with an Ace on the
initial deal, and then they have a value of 10.5.

Card Ranking Chart

Card Value
K, Q, J Bonus card 10 or 10.5 when dealt w/ an ace
Ace 1 or 11
2–9 Hold their face value

BGC ID: GEGA-003958 (August 2013) 2

Banker’s Casino

1. Pure Spanish 21.5 is played on a raised gaming table. The table seats up to eight players
who face the house dealer in a 180-degree seating arrangement. The tables are the
standard blackjack tables commonly used in the casino industry. The house dealer stands
opposite the players, and in the center of the table. The house dealer's chip tray is set in
front of the dealer.

2. All tables will have some type of signage where the name of the game is displayed, along
with the minimum and maximum wager allowed. The collection fee for the players and
player-dealer shall also be displayed. A maximum of five collection rates is allowed in
compliance with the California Penal Code.

3. A standard round of play begins when a player-dealer is designated. The player-dealer will
place a wager in a betting circle in front of their seat. That wager will be used to pay the
winners and will set the amount that he/she can collect for the losers. The casino will
place a button in front of the player-dealer, which designates that they are taking the
“bank” position and further designates whether it is the first or second turn for the player-
dealer in the banking position. The player-dealer will place the appropriate collection fee in
front of his/her betting circle.

4. Players at a table then place their wagers in designated betting circles. The players may
place a wager at his/her seat along with other unoccupied betting circles. Each player
must pay the appropriate collection fee based on the posted schedule for the cardroom.
Prior to the start of play the house dealer will take collection fees and drop them into a
locked collection box affixed to the gaming table.

5. After the fees have been collected, the house dealer will deal the cards to the players and
the player-dealer. All cards dealt throughout the game are face up, with the exception of
the player-dealer's second card, which will remain face-down until all players have acted on
their hands. The house dealer is the only person on the table allowed to touch the cards.
The players will signal the dealer with hand gestures that indicate whether they wish to hit
or stand. The hand signals will be consistent with the industry standard signals of a
sweeping motion towards a player’s body, indicating a hit, or a side to side hand motion,
indicating the desire to stand. The house dealer deals the first card to the player seated to
the left of the player-dealer, and continues in a clock-wise manner. Each player will be
dealt one card face up with the player-dealer receiving the last card. The player-dealer's
cards will be placed in front of the house dealer.

6. The house dealer will deal a second card to the players in the same order noted above and
the last card will go to the player-dealer and will be dealt face down. The players are given
an opportunity, starting with the player seated to the left of the player-dealer, to be dealt
additional cards to make the best possible hand.

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Banker’s Casino

7. Players must follow the below listed Chart 1A in deciding whether to hit or stand on a
particular hand.

8. After all players have acted on their hands and indicated to the house dealer that they do
not want or cannot receive additional cards, the player-dealer’s down card will be turned
up. This down card will determine where the "action button" is placed.

9. Both the deal and settling of wagers will start with the player to the left of the player-
dealer and continue in a clockwise manner.

10. The player-dealer's hand will then be completed according to the rules listed on Chart 1B.
Once the player-dealer's hand is completed, the payoff and/or collection of wagers will
begin in the seat designated by the action button and continue in a clockwise manner until
all wagers have been acted on.

11. Player-dealers are never required to cover all opposing players’ wagers. Payoffs of wagers
are limited to the amount of the player-dealer wager. The house shall not participate as
the player-dealer. The house shall not take a percentage of wagers placed in the game.
There is no maximum on the player-dealer’s wager.

12. The player-dealer's cards will always be dealt and placed in front of the house dealer's tray.
The placement of the player-dealer's cards is standard in all games and is depicted below.
See Diagram #1

13. The next round of play begins when the house dealer collects all the cards from the table
and places them in the discard tray. The player-dealer position shall be offered
systematically and continuously in a clockwise manner around the table after every two
hands. The player-dealer shall collect all losing wagers, pay all winning wagers, and may
not win or lose more than the original amount wagered. Once the player-dealer’s wager
has been exhausted, the wagers not covered by the player-dealer shall be returned to the
respective players. The gambling establishment does not participate in the actual play of
the game and has no interest in the outcome of the play.

BGC ID: GEGA-003958 (August 2013) 4

Banker’s Casino


PLAYER Options
Must Stand on Must Hit on Have Option on
Hard 17 or more Players Option All other counts
A “Hard” hand is achieved when a hand does not contain an Ace, or when it does
contain an Ace, the Ace is counted as 1, not 11.

Must Stand on Must Hit on Have Option on
Hard 17 or more Soft 17 or less No Options
A “Soft” hand is achieved when a hand contains an Ace with a combination of two or
more cards that add up to 17, and the Ace may be counted as either 1 or 11.
A “Hard” hand is achieved when a hand contains any combination of three or more
cards adding up to 17. In the event that the hand includes an Ace, the Ace is counted
as 1, not 11.

BGC ID: GEGA-003958 (August 2013) 5

Banker’s Casino

1. A Pure Spanish 21.5 Blackjack (an ace and a King, Queen, or Jack Bonus card) is the best
possible hand. If the player and the player-dealer's hand are both Pure Spanish 21.5
Blackjack the player wins.

2. If the player-dealer does not have a Pure Spanish 21.5 Blackjack, the players will be given
the option to draw to improve their hands, in accordance with Chart 1A above. The player­
dealer’s face-down card will be checked by the house dealer, for a Pure Spanish 21.5
Blackjack, when the player-dealer’s face-up card is an ace or King, Queen, or Jack Bonus
Card. This will happen prior to any additional cards being given to players. If the player-
dealer has Pure Spanish 21.5 Blackjack, no additional action will take place and all players’
hands that do not have a Pure Spanish 21.5 Blackjack will lose.

3. After all players have been given a chance to act on their hands, the player-dealer’s hand
will be completed in accordance with Chart 1B.

4. If a player's total is less than a Pure Spanish 21.5 Blackjack and the player-dealer’s total is
more than a Pure Spanish 21.5 Blackjack, the player wins the hand.

5. If a player's total is more than a Pure Spanish 21.5 Blackjack and the player-dealer's total
is less than a Pure Spanish 21.5 Blackjack, the player loses the hand.

6. If a player and the player-dealer have the same total and it is less than a Pure Spanish
21.5 Blackjack, the hand is a push or tie. No action is taken on the wager.

7. If a player's total and the player-dealer's total are less than a Pure Spanish 21.5 Blackjack,
the hand closest to a Pure Spanish 21.5 Blackjack will win.

8. If the player and the player-dealer’s total are both 21 and neither hand is a Pure Spanish
21.5 Blackjack hand, the player wins the hand.

9. If a player's total and the player-dealer's total are more than a Pure Spanish 21.5
Blackjack, the following will apply:

a. If the player-dealer’s hand is 888 (three eights) all players whose total is more than
21.5 push.
b. If the player-dealer's hand is not 888 (three eights) all players whose total is more
than 21.5 lose.

10. All collection rates and wagering limits will be posted at the table. They will not be based
on any percentage.

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Banker’s Casino

11. Backline betting is not permitted on any wagers.

12. Third Party Providers of Proposition Player Services, as defined in Section 19984 of the
California Business and Professions Code, are permitted to play.


1. Players can double-down on the first two cards dealt to them. The player must place a
second wager which may be equal to or less than the player's original wager. The player
will only receive one additional card, regardless of the total.

2. After doubling, if a player is dissatisfied with his/her non-busted hand, he/she may “rescue”
(take back) the last doubled portion of the bet and forfeit the remainder of the wager.
Their play for the hand will then cease.

3. If the player-dealer hits on a soft 17, the casino may allow an option known as "double-
double down.” If the casino allows the double-double down option, once a player elects to
double and receives a double card, the player then has the option to double-double down
(double his total wager again), rescue the last doubled portion of the bet, or stand. A
player may double the total wager up to three times, once via double down and twice via
double-double down, creating a maximum wager up to 8 times the original wager. After
doubling a third time and receiving a double card, a player only has the option to stand or
rescue. When a player "rescue" (take back) the last doubled portion of the bet and forfeit
the remainder of the wager. Their play for the hand will then cease.

a. Important: The "double-double down" option is not available to the player when the
player-dealer stands on all totals of 17. Doubling for less is only allowed if the double-
double down option is not allowed. In other words, when the double-double down option is
allowed there is no doubling for less.

4. Players can split any pair or two cards of the equal value, including aces and Bonus cards.
The player must place a second wager equal to the original wager. The player may draw as
many cards as desired per split card. There is no splitting for less.

5. A maximum of three splits is allowed per hand, giving a player up to 4 hands. Doubling-
down is permitted after splitting.

6. Players can surrender after the first two cards are dealt to them. If they choose to
surrender, half of their wager will be forfeited. The player must indicate their desire to
surrender before the player-dealer's down card is exposed. Their play for the hand will
then cease.

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Banker’s Casino

7. Late surrender option:

a. Players will have to option to surrender after the dealer has checked for Pure
Spanish 21.5 Blackjack. If the player-dealer has Pure Spanish 21.5 Blackjack, the
hand is over there will be no draw; the player will not have the option to surrender.
b. If the player-dealer does not have Pure Spanish 21.5 Blackjack the player will have
the option on their original first two cards dealt to them to surrender, whereas half
of their wager will be forfeited. The player must indicate their desire to surrender
before the player-dealer’s down card is exposed. Their play for the hand will then

8. The casino will take no extra collection fee on double downs or splits from the player or

9. All payoffs are to the extent that the player-dealer's money covers the action on the table.
A player-dealer cannot win or lose more than the entire amount of money placed on the
table before the start of the hand.

Match the Dealer Up Card Bonus Bet

1. In addition to the regular base game wager, casinos may offer a Match the Dealer Up-Card
bonus wager

2. A Match the Dealer Up Card bonus wager is a wager that one or both of a player's original
two cards of the hand will exactly match the dealer’s up-card in rank.

3. In order to play the Match the Dealer Up Card bonus wager, the player must make a
regular base game wager.

There are two payoff amounts for each respective wager, a suited rank match and an
unsuited rank match. All payoffs are shown in the below Match the Dealer Card bonus bet
pay tables.

Match the Dealer Card Bonus Bet Pay Tables

Table D 48 Card Deck 6 Decks

2 suited matches 16 to 1
1 suited + 1 non-suited match 12 to 1
1 suited match 8 to 1
2 non-suited matches 8 to 1
1 non-suited match 4 to 1
No match lose

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Banker’s Casino

Lighted Sign Table Layout

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Bankers Casino



*EZ Baccarat Panda 8 is owned, patented and/or copyrighted by DEQ Systems Corp. Please submit your agreement with the
Owner authorizing play of Game in your gambling establishment together with any request for Bureau of Gambling Control (Bureau)
approval to play this game. Please note that the Bureau is making the details of this game available to the public as required by
subdivision (g) of Business and Professions Code section 19826, but the posting does not waive any rights to the game content
which may be held by Owner. The terms of any agreement with Owner are to be negotiated between the gambling establishment
and Owner, and any dispute or asserted breach related thereto are private matters which will not be resolved by the Bureau.

BGC ID: GEGA-003975 (August 2013) 1

Banker’s Casino

Type of Game
The game of EZ Baccarat Panda 8 utilizes a player-dealer position and is a California game. The position
shall be offered systematically and continuously in a clockwise manner around the table after every two
hands. The player-dealer shall collect all losing wagers, pay all winning wagers, and may not win or lose
more than the original amount wagered. Once the player-dealer’s wager has been exhausted, the
wagers not covered by the player-dealer shall be returned to the respective players. The gambling
enterprise does not participate in the actual play of the game and has no interest in the outcome of the

Object of the Game

The object of the game is to assemble two hands of two or three cards with an accumulated point value
as close to nine as possible.

Description of the Deck and Number of Decks Used

The game is played using a standard 52-card deck and no jokers. Cards will be dealt using a multiple
deck shoe. A minimum of three decks and a maximum of eight decks shall be used during the play of the

Card Values and Hand Rankings

The value of each card used in EZ Baccarat Panda 8, shall be as follows: picture cards (king, queen,
jack) and 10’s have a value of zero, an ace has a value of one, and all other cards have their face value.
When the total numerical value of the cards equals ten or more, only the right-hand digit (numeric count)
is considered. The ranking of hands for EZ Baccarat Panda 8, in order from highest to lowest rank, shall

Hand Dealt Hand Requirements

A two card hand that has a value of nine. A Natural 9 shall only be
Natural 9 achieved when the first two cards dealt to a hand is valued at nine,
according to the rules above.
A two card hand that has a value of eight. A Natural 8 shall only be
Natural 8 achieved when the first two cards dealt to a hand is valued at eight,
according to the rules above.
Nine or Eight A three card hand that has a value of nine or eight.
A two or three card hand that has a value of seven, six, five, four, three,
Seven through Zero
two, one or zero.

Description of Table Used and Total Number of Seated Positions

The game shall be played on either a standard blackjack table that accommodates up to seven players
and a player-dealer position for a total of eight seated positions or a standard baccarat table that
accommodates up to thirteen players and a player-dealer position for a total of fourteen seated positions.
Within each betting area for each seated player, there shall be five separate betting spaces specifically
designated for five separate wagers; the player line, the banker line, the Tie Bet, the Panda 8 wager, and
the Dragon 7 Bonus Bet. Each betting space at the table has a fixed amount for wagering limits defining
the minimum and maximum amounts that may be wagered. Players must bet at least the table minimum.
Back-line betting is not permitted on any wager.

Method used to Determine Action and Distribution of Cards

The action on payouts will always begin with the player to the left of the player-dealer position and
continue clockwise. All wagers shall be settled from seat to seat in the following order: all player line
wagers, all banker line wagers, all Tie Bet wagers, all Panda 8 wagers, and then all Dragon 7 Bonus Bet
wagers. Once the player-dealer’s wager has been exhausted, the wagers not covered by the player-
dealer shall be returned to the respective players. Both the deal and settling of wagers will start with the
player to the left of the player dealer and continue in a clockwise manner.

BGC ID: GEGA-003975 (August 2013) 2

Banker’s Casino

Dealing Procedures and Round of Play

At the start of a game a player is offered the player-dealer position. Once accomplished, the house
dealer shall wait for each player to make their wager in accordance with the table limits.

Each player has the following options when placing their wager(s):
• The player line which pays 1 to 1;
• The banker line which pays 1 to 1;
• The Tie Bet, which pays 8 to 1;
• If a player placed a wager on either the player line or the banker line, that player may place a wager
on the Dragon 7 Bonus Bet, which pays 40 to 1.
• If a player placed a wager on either the player line or the banker line, that player may place a wager
on the Panda 8, which pays 25 to 1.

Once all wagers are placed, the house dealer deals one card to the right and one card to the left, one by
one in rotation, until each hand has a total of two cards each. All cards are dealt face-up. The hand to the
left of the house dealer is a community hand that belongs to those that placed a bet on the banker line.
The hand to the right of the house dealer is a community hand that belongs to those that placed a bet on
the player line. The player’s hand is resolved first and then the banker’s hand is resolved. The hand that
is closest to nine wins. After the house dealer delivers the first two cards to both the Player line and
Banker line, the following Baccarat rules are followed.

• The player’s hand must stand when the hand is valued at 6 through 9, and must hit when the hand is
valued at 5 or less.
• If the player’s hand stands, then the dealer hand hits on a total of 5 or less.
• If the player’s hand hits for a complete hand then the banker’s hand hits using the following rules:
o If the banker’s hand total is 3, then the banker’s hand is dealt a third card unless the third card
dealt to the player’s hand was an 8.
o If the banker’s hand total is 4, then the banker’s hand is dealt a third card unless the third card
dealt to the player’s hand was a 0, 1, 8, or 9.
o If the banker’s hand total is 5, then the banker’s hand is dealt a third card if the third card dealt to
the player’s hand was 4, 5, 6, or 7.
o If the banker’s hand total is 6, then the banker’s hand is dealt a third card if the third card dealt to
the player’s hand was a 6 or 7.

The following chart shows when the banker hits (H) or stands (S) according to the rules above:

Banker's Player's Third Card

Score 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
7 S S S S S S S S S S
6 S S S S S S H H S S
5 S S S S H H H H S S
4 S S H H H H H H S S
3 H H H H H H H H S H
2 H H H H H H H H H H
1 H H H H H H H H H H
0 H H H H H H H H H H

The house dealer must use the “house way” when a player requests the house dealer to play an
additional wager. House way hands shall be set as follows: player hand hits on five or below and stands
on six or more

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Banker’s Casino
How Each Wager Wins, Loses, or Pushes
Once both hands have been completed, according to the guidelines above, the player’s wagers are
settled. The following shall apply for each possible outcome when determining the winner. The player-
dealer shall pay and collect all wagers accordingly:

• The player-dealer shall pay all winning player line wagers made by players when the player hand is
closer to nine than the banker hand.
• The player-dealer shall pay all winning banker line wagers made by players when the banker hand is
closer to nine than the player hand.
• The player-dealer shall collect all losing player line wagers made by players when the banker hand is
closer to nine than the player hand.
• The player player-dealer shall collect all losing banker line wagers made by players when the player
hand is closer to nine than the banker hand.

Tie Bet
• For each seated position, there shall be one separate and specifically designated area for the
placement of a Tie Bet wager. A player may place a Tie Bet wager even if he/she has not also
placed either a Player line wager or a Banker line wager prior to the initial deal.
• The player-dealer shall pay all winning Tie Bet wagers when the total of the player’s hand and the
total of the banker’s hand are equal.
• The player-dealer shall collect all losing Tie Bet wagers when the total of the player’s hand and the
total of the banker’s hand are not equal.
• Backline betting is not permitted on the Tie Bet wager.
• See the collection rate schedule for restrictions on the amount that may be wagered on the Tie Bet
and any collection fees that may be taken.
• The Tie Bet takes into account the total value of the player’s hand and the total value of the banker’s
hand, regardless of the number of cards each hand has, at the completion of the round. Each hand
must be played according to the guidelines above. In the event that the player’s hand and the
banker’s hand are of the same value (tie), the tie bet wager shall win. In the event that the player’s
hand and the banker’s hand are not of the same value, the player-dealer shall win the tie bet wager.
• All winning Tie Bet wagers shall be paid 8 to 1.
• Wagers are collected or paid, to the extent that the player-dealer’s wager covers. Once the player­
dealer’s wager has been exhausted, the wagers not covered by the player-dealer shall be returned to
the players.

Dragon 7 Bonus Bet

• For each seated position, there shall be one separate and specifically designated area for the
placement of a Dragon 7 Bonus Bet wager. A player may only place a Dragon 7 Bonus Bet wager if
they have also placed a wager on either the player line or on the banker line prior to the initial deal.
• Back-line betting is not permitted on the Dragon 7 Bonus Bet.
• See the collection rate schedule for restrictions on the amount that may be wagered on the Dragon 7
Bonus Bet and any collection fees that may be taken.
• If the banker hand has a point value of seven using three cards and the player’s hand has a value of
six or less, regardless of the number of cards, the Dragon 7 Bonus Bet wins. The Dragon 7 Bonus
Bet shall lose on all other outcomes.
• All winning Dragon 7 Bonus Bet wagers shall be paid 40 to 1.
• The player-dealer shall pay all winning Dragon 7 Bonus Bet wagers and shall collect all losing Dragon
7 Bonus Bet wagers. Once the player-dealer’s wager has been exhausted, the wagers not covered
by the player-dealer shall be returned to the players.

Panda 8 Bet
• For each seated position, there shall be one separate and specifically designated area for the
placement of a Panda 8 Bet wager. A player may only place a Panda 8 Bet wager if they have also
placed a wager on either the player line or on the banker line prior to the initial deal.
• Back-line betting is not permitted on the Panda 8 Bet.

BGC ID: GEGA-003975 (August 2013) 4

Banker’s Casino
• See the collection rate schedule for restrictions on the amount that may be wagered on the Panda 8
Bet and any collection fees that may be taken.
• If the player hand has a point value of eight using three cards and the banker’s hand has a value of
seven or less, regardless of the number of cards, the Panda 8 Bet wins. The Panda 8 Bet shall lose
on all other outcomes.
• All winning Panda 8 Bet wagers shall be paid 25 to 1.
• The player-dealer shall pay all winning Panda 8 Bet wagers and shall collect all losing Panda 8 Bet
wagers. Once the player-dealer’s wager has been exhausted, the wagers not covered by the player-
dealer shall be returned to the players.

Equipment Used

EZTRAK™: Baccarat Edition is an LCD-based hand tracking system that provides players with valuable
statistical data, enabling them to calculate trends and percentages for any type of Baccarat table games
including the very popular EZ Baccarat™.

Key Features
• Table game min and max amounts
• Numbers and percentages for Player, Banker, Tie Bets, Dragon 7 and Panda 8 bets
• The occurrence of Naturals
• The number of hands per shoe
• Previous shoe statistics
• A timer (optional) that automatically closes all bets for the hand, speeding up hands per hour.

BGC ID: GEGA-003975 (August 2013) 5

Bankers Casino

BGC ID: GEGA-003975 (August 2013) 7

*Three Card Poker 6 Card Bonus is owned, patented and/or copyrighted by ShuffleMaster Inc. Please submit your agreement with
Owner authorizing play of Game in your gambling establishment together with any request for Bureau of Gambling Control (Bureau)
approval to play this game. Please note that the Bureau is making the details of this game available to the public as required by
subdivision (g) of Business and Professions Code section 19826, but the posting does not waive any rights to the game content
which may be held by Owner. The terms of any agreement with Owner are to be negotiated between the gambling establishment
and Owner, and any dispute or asserted breach related thereto are private matters which will not be resolved by the Bureau.

Standards of play:

Three Card Poker 6 Card Bonus (TCP) is a Three Card Poker game that utilizes a player-dealer position.
As in other games featuring a player-dealer, the players play against another player who will collect all
winnings and pay all losing wagers to the extent that their wagers covers.

The player-dealer will only “bank” the hand (including bonus bets) for two consecutive times before it is
offered in a clockwise fashion around the gaming table.

Type of gaming table utilized for this game:

Three Card Poker 6 Card Bonus shall be played on a standard blackjack table having eight places on one
side for the players and the player-dealer, and a place for the house dealer on the opposite side. Each
Three Card Poker 6 Card Bonus table shall have a drop box attached to it.

The cloth covering a Three Card Poker 6 Card Bonus table (the layout) shall have wagering areas for
eight players.

The wagering areas shall be designated as follows:

1. For Ante wagers the word “Ante”;

2. For Play wagers the word “Play”;

3. For Pair Plus wagers the words “Pair Plus”; and

4. For 6 Card Bonus wagers on the words “6 Card Bonus.”

Number of players in the game:

A maximum of eight players including the player-dealer position.

Type of card deck used:

1. Shuffling Machine: Cards used to play Three Card Poker 6 Card Bonus shall be dealt from a single
deck automatic card shuffling device (‘shuffler’).

2. Physical Characteristics: Cards used to play Three Card Poker 6 Card Bonus shall be in standard
decks of 52 cards. No jokers shall be utilized.

3. Number of Decks: Cards used to play Three Card Poker 6 Card Bonus shall be played with two
alternating decks, each consisting of a 52-card deck with backs of the same design.
a. The backs of each deck will be a different color;
b. One deck will be shuffled by the automated card shuffling device while the other deck is being
dealt or used to play the game;
Banker’s Casino
BGC ID: GEGA-003718 (July 2014) 1
c. Both decks will be continuously alternated in and out of play, with each deck being used for every
other round of play; and
d. The cards from only one deck shall be placed in the discard rack at any given time.

Ranking of Hands:

1. All suits of cards shall have the same rank.

2. Hands of cards shall rank, from highest to lowest, as follows:

3-Card Hand Dealt Hand Requirements

Mini Royal Flush A hand that consists of an ace, king, and queen of the same suit.
A hand that consists of three cards of the same suit in consecutive
Straight Flush ranking. Ace, king, and queen are the highest ranked straight flush
and 4, 3 and 2 is the lowest ranked straight flush.
A hand that consists of three cards of the same rank. Three aces is
Three of a Kind the highest ranked three of a kind and three 2’s is the lowest ranked
three of a kind.
A hand that consists of three cards that are in consecutive ranking,
Straight but that are not the same suit. Ace, king, and queen are the highest
ranked straight and ace, 2, 3 is the lowest ranked straight.
A hand that consists of three cards of the same suit, but that are not
Flush in consecutive ranking. An ace, king, and jack is the highest ranked
flush and a 5, 3, and 2 is the lowest ranked flush.
A hand that consists of two cards of the same rank. Two aces is the
One Pair
highest ranked pair and two 2’s is the lowest ranked pair.
A hand that consists of three cards that do not make any of the hands
High Card listed above. An ace, king, and 9 is the highest ranked high card
hand and 5, 3, and 2 is the lowest ranked high card hand.

Betting scheme:

1. All wagers in Three Card Poker 6 Card Bonus shall be made by placing gaming chips on the
appropriate betting areas of the table layout keeping in mind the table minimum and maximum
wagering limits.

2. All wagers shall be placed prior to the house dealer announcing, "no more bets.” No bets shall be
made, increased, or withdrawn after the house dealer has announced, “no more bets.”

3. At the beginning of each round of play, each player shall be required to place an Ante wager. Each
player will have the option to place a Play wager, after inspecting their hand, which must be equal to
the Ante wager.

4. Each player at a Three Card Poker 6 Card Bonus table, who has placed the Ante wager required
above, shall also have the option to make an additional "Pair Plus" wager or a “6 Card Bonus” wager
that awards a bonus payout to the player(s) who receives a poker hand consisting of certain hand
combinations as listed in the Bonus Bet Payout Table(s).

5. Backline betting is not permitted on any wager.

Banker’s Casino
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Dealing procedures:

1. Immediately prior to the commencement of play and after each round of play has been completed, the
house dealer shall shuffle the cards by use of a shuffle machine so that the cards are randomly
intermixed. Upon completion of the shuffle, the device shall dispense cards in stacks of three.

2. The house dealer shall wait for each player to place their Ante wagers as well as any bonus wagers.
After each player has had the opportunity to place his/her bonus wager, the house dealer will
announce, “no more bets.”

a. The house dealer shall deliver the first stack of cards dealt by the shuffler to the player to the left
of the player-dealer position. As the remaining stacks are dispensed by the shuffler, the house
dealer shall deliver a stack in turn to each of the other players, including the player-dealer, moving
clockwise around the table. The house dealer shall deliver each stack face-down. The stack
given to the player-dealer shall be delivered face-down after which the bottom card will be turned

3. After the stacks have been delivered to each player and the player-dealer, the house dealer shall
unload the remaining cards in the shuffler and place them into the discard rack without exposing the

Round of Play

1. After the dealing procedures above have been completed, each player shall examine his/ her cards.

2. Each player who wagers in Three Card Poker 6 Card Bonus shall be responsible for his/ her own
hand and no person other than the player or the house dealer may touch the cards of that player.
Each player shall be required to keep his/ her three cards in full view of the house dealer at all times.

3. After examination of the cards, each player who has placed an Ante wager shall have the option to
either make a Play wager in an amount equal to the player's Ante wager or forfeit the Ante wager and
end his or her participation in the round of play with the exception of a player that placed a 6 Card
Bonus wager. The house dealer shall offer this option to each player, starting with the player to the left
of the player-dealer and moving clockwise around the table in order.

a. If a player has placed a Pair Plus wager, but does not make a Play wager, the player shall forfeit
the wager, as well as, the Ante wager.
b. If a player has placed a 6 Card Bonus wager, but does not make a Play wager, the player shall
still be eligible for the 6 Card Bonus payout.

4. After each player has either placed a wager on the table in the Play wager area or forfeited his/ her
wager and hand, the house dealer shall collect all forfeited wagers and associated cards, placing
them in the discard rack.

5. The house dealer shall then reveal the remaining player-dealer's cards and place the cards so as to
form the highest possible ranking hand. The player-dealer must qualify to play with a minimum of

a. If the player-dealer does NOT qualify, the Play wager receives no action. The house dealer shall
immediately refund these wagers to players.

Banker’s Casino
BGC ID: GEGA-003718 (July 2014) 3
b. If the player-dealer’s hand did NOT qualify, the Ante wager receives action. The player-dealer will
automatically pay each Ante, not surrendered by folding, even money regarless of whether the
player’s hand ranks higher than the player-dealer’s or not.

c. If the player-dealer’s hand qualifies, the house dealer shall immediately stack each player’s Play
wager atop the Ante.

i. If the player’s hand beats the player-dealer’s hand, the player wins even money on the Ante
and the Play wagers.
ii. If the player-dealer’s hand beats the player’s hand, the player loses both the Ante and the
Play wagers.

d. If the player’s hand and the player-dealer’s hand are equal in rank and value, the hand is
considered a tie and the Ante and Play wagers shall push and be returned to the player.

6. The house dealer shall then reveal the three card hand of each active player, starting with the player
to the left of the player-dealer position.

7. All cards collected by the house dealer shall be picked up in order and placed in the discard rack in
such a way that they can be readily arranged to reconstruct each hand in the event of a question or

8. The action on payouts will always begin with the player to the left of the player-dealer position and
continue clockwise. Wagers will be settled in the following order from player to player: the Ante
wager, then the Play wager, then the Pair Plus wager (if placed), and then the 6 Card Bonus wager (if
placed). Once the player-dealer’s wager has been exhausted, the wagers not covered by the player-
dealer will be returned to the players.

9. Player-dealers are never required to cover all opposing players’ wagers. Payoffs of wagers are
limited to the amount of the player-dealer wager. The house shall not participate as the player-dealer.
The house shall not take a percentage of wagers placed in the game. There is no maximum on the
player-dealer’s wager.

10. The player-dealer position shall be offered systematically and continuously in a clockwise manner
around the table after every two hands. The player-dealer shall collect all losing wagers, pay all
winning wagers, and may not win or lose more than the original amount wagered. Once the player­
dealer’s wager has been exhausted, the wagers not covered by the player-dealer shall be returned to
the respective players. The gambling establishment does not participate in the actual play of the
game and has no interest in the outcome of the play.

Pair Plus:

The Pair Plus is an optional bonus bet for Three Card Poker. The rules are as follows:

1. A player shall only place a Pair Plus wager if he/she has also placed an Ante wager prior to the
initial deal.
2. Pair Plus wagers must be placed prior to the initial deal.
3. See the collection rate schedule for restrictions on the amount that may be wagered on the Pair
Plus Bonus Bet and any collection fees that may be taken.
4. The Pair Plus only considers the three cards each player receives.

Banker’s Casino
BGC ID: GEGA-003718 (July 2014) 4
5. If the player’s hand qualifies for payouts, the player is paid according to the posted pay below by
the player-dealer.
6. If the player’s hand does not qualify for payouts, the player-dealer collects the Pair Plus wager.
7. The player-dealer will pay all winning Pair Plus wagers and will collect all losing Pair Plus wagers.
8. The Pair Plus wager may win or lose regardless of the outcome of the base game wager.
However, the Pair Plus wager shall be forfeited if the player folds their hand and does not place a
Play wager.
9. Once the player-dealer’s wager has been exhausted, the wagers not covered by the player-dealer
will be returned to the players.
10. Winning Pair Plus wagers pay as follows:

3- Card Hand Payoff

Mini Royal Flush 200:1
Straight Flush 40:1
Three of a Kind 30:1
Straight 6:1
Flush 3:1
One Pair 1:1

6 Card Bonus:

The 6 Card Bonus is an additional optional bonus bet for Three Card Poker. The rules are as follows:

1. A player shall only place a 6 Card Bonus wager if he/she has also placed an Ante wager prior to
the initial deal.
2. 6 Card Bonus wagers must be placed prior to the initial deal.
3. See the collection rate schedule for restrictions on the amount that may be wagered on the 6 Card
Bonus Bet and any collection fees that may be taken.
4. The 6 Card Bonus wager considers the three cards dealt to the player’s hand and the three cards
dealt to the player-dealer’s hand. A player then uses any of those six cards, regardless of the
number of cards used from their hand or the player-dealer’s hand, to make the best possible five
card poker hand.
5. If the player’s hand qualifies for payouts, the player is paid according to the posted pay below by
the player-dealer.
6. If the player’s hand does not qualify for payouts, the player-dealer collects the 6 Card Bonus
7. The player-dealer will pay all winning 6 Card Bonus wagers and will collect all losing 6 Card Bonus
8. The 6 Card Bonus wager may win or lose regardless of the outcome of the Ante wager. The 6
Card Bonus wager shall not be forfeited if the player folds their hand and does not place a Play
9. Once the player-dealer’s wager has been exhausted, the wagers not covered by the player-dealer
will be returned to the players.

Banker’s Casino
BGC ID: GEGA-003718 (July 2014) 5
10. Winning 6 Card Bonus wagers pay as follows:

Royal Flush 1,000:1
Straight Flush 200:1
Four of a Kind 100:1
Full House 20:1
Flush 15:1
Straight 9:1
Three of a Kind 8:1
House Advantage 6.74%
Hit frequency 7.2798%

Banker’s Casino
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Glossary of terms used in the controlled game:
Action The player position where the settling of wagers begins.
Ante The mandatory wager players make before seeing their hand.
Backline Betting Any wager made by a player on any position other than their own position.
Bet Chips placed on the table in a betting square.
Betting Square A specially marked area on the table designated specifically for wagers.
Bonus Bet An optional bet for players who place an Ante wager. See bonus bet pay chart in
Boxed Card A card that is turned face up in the deck.
Cut Separating the deck or decks into two parts, placing the top cards on the bottom
and the bottom cards on the top.
Cut Card A card used to determine the location of the cut.
Fold The player option to surrender his/her ante, rather than continue the game.
Hand A five card poker hand formed for each player by combining the three cards dealt
to the player and the two community cards.
Play An optional wager that players make after seeing their three-card hand. The Play
wager must equal the Ante wager. If players make the play, it means they wish to
enter the showdown against the player-dealer. If players decide not to make the
play, they forfeit their ante wager, and are no longer in the game.
Player-dealer Seated-position that, for any given hand of play, all other players at the table are
playing against. The player in that position taking the player-dealer position is
also referred to as the player-dealer.
Qualifier A specific set of card(s) that a player and/or the player-dealer must have to play.
Round of Play One complete cycle of play during which all wagers have been placed, all cards
have been dealt and all remaining wagers have been paid off or collected in
accordance with the game rules.
Seated-positions The designated positions on the table (often designated with a number) where
players may place wagers and receive a hand.
Suit One of the four categories of cards: club, diamond, heart, or spade.

Banker’s Casino
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Banker’s Casino
BGC ID: GEGA-003718 (July 2014) 9
Banker’s Casino
Ultimate Texas Hold’em

*Ultimate Texas Hold’em is owned, patented and/or copyrighted by ShuffleMaster Inc. Please submit your agreement with Owner
authorizing play of Game in your gambling establishment together with any request for Bureau of Gambling Control (Bureau)
approval to play this game. Please note that the Bureau is making the details of this game available to the public as required by
subdivision (g) of Business and Professions Code section 19826, but the posting does not waive any rights to the game content
which may be held by Owner. The terms of any agreement with Owner are to be negotiated between the gambling establishment
and Owner, and any dispute or asserted breach related thereto are private matters which will not be resolved by the Bureau.

Standards of play:

Ultimate Texas Hold’em features head-to-head play against the player/dealer and an optional bonus bet.

The player/dealer position will be selected as in other games approved by the Bureau of Gambling
Control; and the player/dealer will only “bank” the hand (including bonus bets) for two (2) consecutive
times before it is rotated in a clockwise fashion around the gaming table.

Players and the player/dealer each receive two cards. They combine them with five community cards to
make their best five-card hand.

Ultimate Texas Hold’em lets players bet aggressively. The earlier they bet, the more they can risk and
win. If players bet pre-flop, they may risk 3x or 4x their ante. If they bet on the flop, they may bet 2x their
ante. If they wait until the river, when all community cards are out, they may only bet 1x their ante.

This game also features an optional bet, the Trips bonus. Players win the Trips bonus if their final five-
card hand is three of a kind or higher. Odds will be printed on layout. Backline betting is not permitted on
any wager.

Type of gaming table utilized for this game:

Ultimate Texas Hold’em shall be played on a table having seven (7) places on one side for the players and
the player/dealer for a total of eight seated positions, including a place for the Casino dealer on the
opposite side of the table. Each Ultimate Texas Hold’em table shall have a drop box attached to it.

The layout cloth covering the table shall bear an inscription to the effect that the “Player/Dealer only plays
with a pair or higher.”

The wagering areas shall be designated as follows:

1. For ante wagers on the word “Ante”;

2. For blind wagers on the word “Blind”;

3. For trips bonus wagers on the word “Trips”; and

4. For play wagers on the word “Play.”

Number of players in the game:

A maximum of seven players plus the player/dealer position for a total of eight seated positions.
BGC ID: GEGA-003659 (November 2012)
Banker’s Casino
Ultimate Texas Hold’em

Type of card deck used:

1. Shuffling Machine: Cards used to play Ultimate Texas Hold’em shall be dealt from an automatic card
shuffling device (“shuffler”).

2. Physical Characteristics: Cards used to play Ultimate Texas Hold’em shall be in standard decks of
fifty-two (52) cards.

3. Number of Decks: Cards used to play Ultimate Texas Hold’em shall be played with two (2)
alternating decks, each consisting of fifty-two (52) cards with backs of the same design.

a. The backs of the cards of the two decks are of different color;

b. One deck will be shuffled by the automated card shuffling device while the other deck is being
dealt or used to play the game;

c. Both decks will be continuously alternated in and out of play, with each deck being used for
every other round of play; and

d. The cards from only one deck shall be placed in the discard rack at any given time.

Ranking of Hands:

1. All suits of cards shall have the same rank.

2. Cards shall rank, from lowest to highest, as follows:

a. 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, jack, queen, king, ace.

3. Hands of cards shall rank, from lowest to highest, as follows:

a. 1 Pair 2 cards of the same value. A higher pair beating a lower pair. Aces shall
be high.

b. 2 Pairs 2 different sets of pairs. The highest pair has priority when comparing
hands. If the high pairs are the same, then the low pairs are compared,
and then the remaining card.

c. 3 of a Kind 3 cards of the same value.

d. Straight 5 cards of any suit in sequence. An ace may be counted as high or low.

e. Flush 5 cards of the same suit, not in sequence. The value of the highest card in
the hand shall decide the ranking between 2 flushes, and where the highest
cards in both hands are the same value, the next card and so on.

BGC ID: GEGA-003659 (November 2012)

Banker’s Casino
Ultimate Texas Hold’em

f. Full House 3 cards of the same value and a pair (two cards of the same value). The
hands take their rank from the threesome.

g. 4 of a Kind 4 cards of the same value.

h. Straight Flush 5 cards of the same suit in sequence.

i. Royal Flush Ace, king, queen, jack, and 10 of the same suit.

Betting scheme:

1. All wagers at Ultimate Texas Hold’em shall be made by placing gaming chips on the appropriate
betting areas of the table layout, keeping in mind the table minimum and maximum wagering limits.

2. All wagers shall be placed prior to the dealer announcing "No more bets.” No bets shall be made,
increased, or withdrawn after the dealer has announced, “No more bets.”

3. Before the first card is dealt in a round, each player shall make either:

a. An equal wager in the “Ante” and “Blind” circles; or

b. An equal wager in the “Ante” and “Blind” circles and a “Trips Bonus Wager.”

An ante wager and a blind wager are required to play the round.

4. The player/dealer will collect all losing wagers and will pay all winning wagers to the extent of their
wager. Once the player/dealer’s wager is exhausted, all player wagers not covered by the
player/dealer will be returned to the players.

Dealing procedures:

1. Immediately before the start of each round of play and after all ante wagers, blind wagers, and any
trips bonus wagers have been made, the casino dealer shall:

a. Call “No more bets”; and then

b. Starting on his/her left and continuing clockwise around the table, deal the cards.

2. All cards shall be dealt face down.

3. When a card shoe is used the cards shall be dealt as follows:

a. 1 card to each wagering area containing an ante wager and blind wager and then 1 card to
the player/dealer; followed by

b. A further card to each such wagering area and the player/dealer, so that each player and the
player/dealer have 2 cards each; followed by

BGC ID: GEGA-003659 (November 2012)

Banker’s Casino
Ultimate Texas Hold’em

c. 5 community cards in the center of the table.

4. When an automatic shuffler is used the cards shall be dealt as follows:

a. 2 cards at a time to each wagering area containing an ante wager and blind wager; followed

b. 2 cards to the player/dealer; followed by

c. 5 community cards in the center of the table.

5. After the cards have been dealt and delivered to each player and the player/dealer, the dealer shall
unload the remaining cards in the shuffler and place them into the discard rack without exposing the

Round of Play

1. After the dealing procedures above have been completed, each player shall examine his or her cards
and decide whether to check (do nothing) or to make a play wager three or four times the value of
their ante wager. Once players bet, they cannot bet again and they cannot change their bet.

2. When players have made their player wagers (if any), the casino dealer shall proceed to turn over the
first three community cards.

3. Players who have not already made a play wager may decide to either check again or to make a play
wager two times the value of their ante wager.

4. The casino dealer shall proceed to turn over the remaining two community cards (the turn and the

5. When all five community cards are revealed, players who have not yet made a play wager can either
fold or make a play wager equal to the value of their ante wager.

6. A player who decides to fold shall place his/her cards face down on the table. The casino dealer shall
then, in relation to each player who has folded:

a. Collect the ante wager, blind wager, any trips bonus wager (if the hand is not a 3 of a Kind or
better) on behalf of the player/dealer, and the player’s cards;

b. Individually spread out the cards, face down, and count them; and

c. Place the cards in the discard rack.

7. For all remaining players, the casino dealer will turn over the player/dealer’s two cards. Each player
and the player/dealer’s two cards will be combined with three of the community cards to make the
best five-card poker hand.

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Banker’s Casino
Ultimate Texas Hold’em

8. When handling the cards, players shall at all times ensure that the cards remain on or above the area
of the table. The cards must not be removed from the table.

When the player/dealer does not qualify:

9. Where the player/dealer’s hand is not 1 pair or higher, the player/dealer does not qualify. Starting with
the player on the player/dealer’s left, the casino dealer shall:

a. Expose each player’s cards, signal a push for the ante and return the ante wager to each
player that did not fold;

b. Resolve the play, blind, and trips bonus bets normally (see below “When player/dealer
qualifies”); and

c. Collect, count and place the player’s cards in the discard holder.

NOTE: Ultimate Texas Hold’em handles qualifying differently than other games. When the dealer does
not qualify, it is not an automatic win for the player.

When the player/dealer qualifies:

10. If the player/dealer’s hand has a poker value of a pair or higher, the casino dealer reconciles the
hands of those players who remain in the game. Starting with the player to the left of the
player/dealer, the casino dealer will:

a. Bring the player’s cards into the “work area” between the player/dealer’s hand and the trips
bonus wager area and reveal the player’s cards;

b. Determine the player’s best 5-card poker hand utilizing any of the 7 cards available (player’s 2
hole cards and 5 community cards);

c. Compare the player’s hand with that of the player/dealer; and

d. Announce the value of the player’s hand and whether it wins or loses.

11. A player’s hand shall:

a. Win if it has a higher poker value than that of the player/dealer’s hand;

b. Lose if it has a lower poker value than that of the player/dealer’s hand;

c. Constitute a push if it has a poker value equal to that of the player/dealer’s hand.

d. If a player wins with less than a straight, the blind bet pushes.

12. If a player’s hand loses, the casino dealer shall:

a. Collect on behalf of the player/dealer, in order, the play, ante and blind wagers;
BGC ID: GEGA-003659 (November 2012)
Banker’s Casino
Ultimate Texas Hold’em

b. Determine whether the trips bonus wager qualifies and pay accordingly on behalf of the
player/dealer; and

c. Collect, count and place the player’s cards in the discard holder.

13. If a player’s hand wins, the casino dealer shall on behalf of the player/dealer:

a. Pay the ante wager and play wager on the hand;

b. Pay the blind wager if the hand is a straight or better;

c. Pay any trips bonus wager if the hand is a 3 of a kind or better; and

d. Collect, count and place the payer’s cards in the discard holder.

14. If a player’s hand constitues a push, the casino dealer shall:

a. Pay any trips bonus wager if the hand is a 3 of a kind or better;

b. Collect, count and place the player’s cards in the discard holder.

15. Winning ante wagers and play wagers shall be paid 1 to 1.

16. Winning blind wager and trips bonus wagers shall be paid in accordance with the approved pay table
for the cardroom.

17. Where a player has made a trips bonus wager at the beginning of the round and has received a 3 of a
Kind or higher, the casino dealer shall leave the particular cards face up on the table and those cards
shall not be collected or discarded until the payout on the hand has been made.

18. If the player receives a 3 of a Kind or higher, the trips bonus payouts are made regardless of whether
the hand wins, loses, or pushes.

NOTE: If the player has a 3 of a Kind or better, the trips bet always wins – even if the player folds.

19. The player/dealer is never required to cover all opposing players’ wagers. Payoffs of wagers are
limited to the amount of the player/dealer wager. The house never participates as the player/dealer.
The house never takes a percentage of wagers placed in the game. There is no maximum on the
player/dealer’s wager.

20. The player/dealer position rotates in a systematic and continuous way among the seated players, and
no one player may serve as the player/dealer for more than two consecutive hands. The player/dealer
button rotates clockwise around the table.

BGC ID: GEGA-003659 (November 2012)

Banker’s Casino
Ultimate Texas Hold’em

Ultimate Texas Hold’em Paytables

Hand Trips Bonus Blind

Royal Flush 50 to 1 500 to 1
Straight Flush 40 to 1 50 to 1
Four of a Kind 30 to 1 10 to 1
Full House 8 to 1 3 to 1
Flush 6 to 1 3 to 2
Straight 5 to 1 1 to 1
Three of a Kind 3 to 1

Collection Rates
For schedule options 1 through 5, a collection fee shall be taken per hand from the player-dealer based
on the total monetary value of all Ante, Blind and Trips Bonus wagers that are initially placed on the table
by players prior to cards being dealt, referred to as total table action. A collection fee shall also be taken
per player based on the total amount the player has wagered on the Ante, Blind, and Trips Bonus. Only
one collection schedule option, which utilizes one table limit and the specified collection fees for that table
limit, as listed below, shall be used at a table at any one time. Rates may not be calculated as a fraction
or percentage of wagers made or winnings earned. Flat fees on wagers may be assessed at different
collection rates; however, no more than five collection rates may be established per table limit. The
approved collection fees and schedule for the game of Ultimate Texas Hold’em are as shown below:

Schedule Player Player-Dealer

Table Limit Player Wager Total Table Action
Options Fee Collection

$5 - $100 $1
1 $5 - $100 $5 - $100 $1
$101+ $2

$10 - $100 $1
2 $10 - $100 $10 - $100 $1
$101+ $3

BGC ID: GEGA-003659 (November 2012)

Banker’s Casino
Ultimate Texas Hold’em

$10 - $100 $1 $10 - $100 $1

3 $10 - $200 $101 - $200 $2

$101 - $200 $2
$301+ $3

$100 - $200 $2 $100 - $300 $3

4 $100 - $500 $301 - $1,000 $8

$201 - $500 $3
$1,001 + $15

$500 - $1,000 $5 $1,000 - $3,000 $15

5 $500 – $5,000 $3001 - $10000 $25

$1,001+ $10
$10,001+ $50

Glossary of terms used in the controlled game:

Ante Wager The initial wager placed by a player in the ante circle.

Blind Wager The initial wager that must be equal to the ante wager placed by each player in
the blind circle. Unlike a blind bet made in a standard Poker game, this payout
for this bet is based on the value of the hand made by the player. This bet is paid
if the player gets a straight or better.

Check To pass on placing a play wager.

Community Cards Cards dealt face upward which can be used by all players to complete their best
possible hand.

Fold In relation to a hand of cards, means to no longer continue with the hand.

Play Wager An additional wager made by a player on his/her hand.

Player/Dealer Seated-position that, for any given hand of play, all other players at the table are
playing against. The player in that position is also referred to as the player/dealer.

BGC ID: GEGA-003659 (November 2012)

Banker’s Casino
Ultimate Texas Hold’em

Poker Value In relation to a hand of cards, the ranking of that hand as determined by the
ranking of hands in the rules.

Round of Play One complete cycle of play during which all wagers have been placed, all cards
have been dealt and all remaining wagers have been paid off or collected in
accordance with the game rules.

Trips Bonus Wager An additional wager which is paid if the player gets 3 of a kind or higher
regardless of whether he or she beats the player/dealer.

BGC ID: GEGA-003659 (November 2012)

Mexican Stud Poker
Type of Game
The players of Mexican Stud Poker play against each other for “the pot” of money on the table.
The game does not utilize a player-dealer position, it is a Poker game. The gambling
establishment does not participate in the actual play of the game and has no interest in the
outcome of the play.

Object of the Game

The object of the game is for players to form a five-card poker hand that ranks higher than the
other players’ five-card poker hand, according to the rankings as shown below.

Description of the Deck and Number of Decks Used

The game shall be played using a standard deck of cards stripped to 40 cards (the 8s, 9s, and
10s are removed and one joker is added for a total of 41 cards).

Card Values and Hand Rankings

The rank of each card used in Mexican Stud Poker, in order of highest to lowest rank, shall be:
ace, king, queen, jack, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, and 2. All suits shall be considered equal in rank.

A joker shall rank according to whether it is dealt face up or face down. If a player is dealt a
joker face up during any round, the joker will be considered “partially wild” may be used as an
ace or to complete a straight or flush. If a player is dealt a joker face down it will be
considered “wild” and the joker is wild and may be used as any card. If the player with the
joker later turns it face up, the joker will remain “wild”. An “off” button will be delivered along
with the joker when dealt face up to indicate the “partially wild” status of the joker. The rank of
suits, in order of highest to lowest rank shall be: spades, hearts, diamonds, and clubs. The
highest ranked five card hand for Mexican Stud Poker, in order from highest to lowest, shall be:

Hand Dealt Hand Requirements

A hand that consists of four cards of the same rank and a wild
Five of a Kind joker. Four aces and a wild joker is the highest ranked five of a
(w/Joker) kind and four 2’s and a wild joker is the lowest ranked five of a
A hand that consists of an ace, king, queen, jack and 7 of the
Royal Flush
same suit.
A hand that consists of five cards of the same suit in consecutive
ranking. A king, queen, jack, 7 and 6 is the highest ranked
Straight Flush straight flush and a 5, 4, 3, 2 and ace is the lowest ranked
straight flush. Other acceptable straight flush hands include: 4-5-
6-7-J, 5-6-7-J-Q, and 6-7-J-Q-K of the same suit.
A hand that consists of four cards of the same rank. Four aces is
Four of a Kind the highest ranked four of a kind and four 2’s is the lowest ranked
four of a kind.
A hand that consists of five cards of the same suit, but that are
Flush not in consecutive ranking. An ace, king, queen, jack and 6 is the
highest ranked flush and a 7, 5, 4, 3, 2 is the lowest ranked flush.
A hand that consists of a three of a kind and a pair. Three aces
Full House and two kings is the highest ranked full house and three 2’s and
two 3’s is the lowest ranked full house.

BGC ID: GEGA-003513 (August 2012)

Mexican Stud Poker
A hand that consists of five cards that are in consecutive ranking,
but that are not the same suit. An ace, king, queen, jack and 7 is
Straight the highest ranked straight and a 5, 4, 3, 2 and ace is the lowest
ranked straight. Other acceptable straight hands include: 4-5-6-
7-J, 5-6-7-J-Q, and 6-7-J-Q-K.
A hand that consists of three cards of the same rank. Three aces
Three of a Kind is the highest ranked three of a kind and three 2’s is the lowest
ranked three of a kind.
A hand that consists of two pairs. Two aces and two kings is the
Two Pair highest ranked two pairs and two 3’s and two 2’s is the lowest
ranked two pairs.
A hand that consists of two cards of the same rank. Two aces is
One Pair
the highest ranked pair and two 2’s is the lowest ranked pair.
A hand that consists of five cards that do not make any of the
hands listed above. An ace, king, queen, jack and 6 is the
High Card
highest ranked high card hand and 7, 5, 4, 3, 2 is the lowest
ranked high card hand.

Description of Table Used and Total Number of Seated Positions

The game shall be played on a standard poker table which shall accommodate up to ten seated
positions for patrons. Within each betting area for each seated position, there shall be a single
betting space specifically designated for players to place a wager. Each seated position at the
table shall have the same minimum and maximum wagering limits during each betting round,
as specified by the table limits. Back-line betting is not permitted.

Action and Distribution of Cards

The game also utilizes a flat disk called a “dealer button” to visually designate which player is in
the dealer position (in theory) for that hand. The dealer button rotates clockwise after each
hand. The dealer button is the last to receive cards on the initial deal, but does not determine
where action begins. The player with the highest card clockwise of the dealer button will make
a mandatory opening bet (the bring in). When two cards of equal value are present, the first
player to receive their card will open the betting. (when the joker is dealt face up on the initial
round it will be considered an Ace for the purpose of determining the bring in) The opening
better has the option of opening at either the lower or upper limit in limit games, or opening for
at least the minimum in no-limit games.

Dealing Procedures and Round of Play

When first opening a game, all players are dealt one card. The player with the highest ranked
card, by suit, shall receive the dealer button. Once the dealer button has been established, the
cards are collected and each player shall be required to place an “ante.” Antes are used to
initiate action and are posted before players receive any cards. All antes shall be placed in the
center of the table, which is known as “the pot.” Once the antes have been posted, the card
room dealer shall deal one card face up to each player, starting with the player to the left of the
dealer button and continuing clockwise around the table until all players have one face up card.
The card room dealer shall then deal one face down to each player, starting with the player to
the left of the “dealer button” and continuing clockwise around the table until all players have a
total of two cards; one face up and one face down. Once the initial two cards have been
distributed to each player, the first round of betting will occur. The player that that has been

BGC ID: GEGA-003513 (August 2012)

Mexican Stud Poker
dealt the highest face up card, clockwise of the dealer button, according to card rank and suit,
shall be required to place a bet equal to the amount of the lower table limit, referred to as the
“bring in.” Players are then given the following options, starting with the player to the left of
the player that placed the bring in, and then continuing clockwise around the table:

• Call the bring in by placing a wager equal to the bring in;

• Raise the pot by placing a wager equal to the bring in as well as an amount equal
to the lower table limit In no-limit games the amount of the raise must be equal to
or larger than the amount of the bring in and may be up to the entire amount of
chips that player has on the table. If a player raises the pot, all other players shall
be required to call the raise, re-raise the pot by an amount equal to the lower table
limit, or fold their hand. In no limit games the player must re-raise the pot for
amount equal to or greater than the amount of the previous raise. There is a
maximum of three raises per round of betting, unless there are only two active
players, in which case there is no limit to the number of raises. In no limit games
there is no limit to the number of raises, regardless of the number of players
remaining in the pot. When a raise or re-raise occurs, checking is not permitted;
• Fold their hand, which shall be collected by the card room dealer;

After all players have acted in turn and either called all bets or folded their hand, the card room
dealer shall move all player bets into the pot. Players are now given the opportunity to expose
their down card. If a player chooses to expose their down card, the next card will be dealt face
down. If they do not choose to expose their down card, the next card will be dealt face up.
The card room dealer shall then take the top card of the deck and place it in the discard pile
without exposing it. The card room dealer shall then deal one card face up or face down,
depending on the player’s decision to expose their already dealt face down card, to each player,
starting with the player to the left of the “dealer button” and continuing clockwise around the
table until all players have a total of three cards; two face up cards and one face down card.
The face up cards are not community cards and are only available to the player whose hand
they belong. Once each player has been dealt their third card, the second round of betting will
occur. All active players, which are players that called all wagers and did not fold their hand,
shall be given the following options, starting with the player that has the highest ranked face up

• Fold their hand according to the rules and guidelines used in the previous betting
• Check their hand according to the rules and guidelines used in the previous betting
• Raise the pot according to the rules and guidelines used in the previous betting
• Call a raise according to the rules and guidelines used in the previous betting

After all players have acted in turn and either called all bets or folded their hand, the card room
dealer shall move all player bets into the pot. Players are now given the opportunity to expose
their down card. If a player chooses to expose their down card, the next card will be dealt face
down. If they do not choose to expose their down card, the next card will be dealt face up.
The card room dealer shall then take the top card of the deck and place it in the discard pile

BGC ID: GEGA-003513 (August 2012)

Mexican Stud Poker
without exposing it. The card room dealer shall then deal one card face up or face down,
depending on the player’s decision to expose their already dealt face down card, to each player,
starting with the player to the left of the “dealer button” and continuing clockwise around the
table until all players have a total of four cards; three face up cards and one face down card.
The face up cards are not community cards and are only available to the player whose hand
they belong. Once each player has been dealt their fourth card, the third round of betting will
occur. All active players shall be given the following options, starting with the player that has
the highest ranked face up cards:

• Fold their hand according to the rules and guidelines used in the previous betting
• Check their hand according to the rules and guidelines used in the previous betting
• Raise the pot according to the rules and guidelines used in the previous betting
• Call a raise according to the rules and guidelines used in the previous betting

After all players have acted in turn and either called all bets or folded their hand, the card room
dealer shall move all player bets into the pot. Players are now given the opportunity to expose
their down card. If a player chooses to expose their down card, the next card will be dealt face
down. If they do not choose to expose their down card, the next card will be dealt face up.
The card room dealer shall then take the top card of the deck and place it in the discard pile
without exposing it. The card room dealer shall then deal one card face up or face down,
depending on the player’s decision to expose their already dealt face down card, to each player,
starting with the player to the left of the “dealer button” and continuing clockwise around the
table until all players have a total of five cards; four face up cards and one face down card.
The face up cards are not community cards and are only available to the player whose hand
they belong. Once each player has been dealt their fifth card, which is final card dealt to each
active player, the fourth and final round of betting will occur. All active players shall be given
the following options, starting with the player that has the highest ranked face up cards:

• Fold their hand according to the rules and guidelines used in the previous betting
• Check their hand according to the rules and guidelines used in the previous betting
• Raise the pot according to the rules and guidelines used in the previous betting
• Call a raise according to the rules and guidelines used in the previous betting

How The Pot Is Awarded

After the fourth and final round of betting has been completed, the house dealer shall move all
player bets into the pot. All active players shall then enter into a showdown with each other
and compare their hands. The following shall apply for determining which player wins the pot:

• The pot shall be awarded to the player with the highest ranking five-card poker hand,
according to the hand and card rankings shown above. All other players shall lose;

BGC ID: GEGA-003513 (August 2012)

Mexican Stud Poker
• In the event that more than one player has the highest ranking hand, the pot shall be
split equally among the winners. In the instance that there are an odd number of chips,
the odd chips shall be awarded to the player closest to the left of the dealer button. For
the purpose of determining a winner, suit will not be used to determine the ranking of
tied hands.

Collection Fee Schedule

For schedule options 1 through 12, the early round fee shall be taken from the pot when
the initial hole cards and up-card is dealt to each player and the first round of betting begins.
The regular table fee (when applicable) shall be taken from the pot when the hand proceeds
past the opening round and the second card is dealt to each player. The late round fee (when
applicable) shall be taken from the pot when the fourth up-card is dealt to each player. The
collection fees shall be pre-determined and conspicuously posted on each table prior to any
cards being dealt or a round of play commencing. Only one collection schedule option, which
utilizes one table limit and the specified collection fees for that table limit, as listed below, shall
be used at a table at any one time. Rates may not be calculated as a fraction or percentage of
wagers made or winnings earned. However, no more than five collection rates may be
permitted per table limit. The approved collection fees and schedules for the game of Mexican
Poker are as shown below:

Schedule Table Designated Table Fee Regular

Option Limit Early Late Table Fee
$0.50 $1.00
$0.50 $1.50
1 $1 - $2 $0.50 $2.00
$0.50 $2.50
$0.50 $3.00
$0.50 $0.50 $0.50
$0.50 $0.50 $1.00
2 $1 - $2 $0.50 $0.50 $1.50
$0.50 $0.50 $2.00
$0.50 $0.50 $3.00
$1.00 $1.00
$1.00 $2.00
3 $2 - $4 $1.00 $3.00
$1.00 $4.00
$1.00 $5.00
$1.00 $1.00
$1.00 $1.00 $1.00
4 $2 - $4 $1.00 $1.00 $2.00
$1.00 $1.00 $3.00
$1.00 $1.00 $4.00
$1.00 $1.00
$1.00 $2.00
5 $3 - $6
$1.00 $3.00
$1.00 $4.00

BGC ID: GEGA-003513 (August 2012)

Mexican Stud Poker
$1.00 $5.00
$1.00 $1.00
$1.00 $1.00 $1.00
6 $3 - $6 $1.00 $1.00 $2.00
$1.00 $1.00 $3.00
$1.00 $1.00 $4.00
$1.00 $1.00
$1.00 $2.00
7 $4 - $8 $1.00 $3.00
$1.00 $4.00
$1.00 $5.00
$1.00 $1.00
$1.00 $1.00 $1.00
8 4 - $8 $1.00 $1.00 $2.00
$1.00 $1.00 $3.00
$1.00 $1.00 $4.00
$1.00 $1.00
$1.00 $2.00
9 $6 - $12 $1.00 $3.00
$1.00 $4.00
$1.00 $5.00
$1.00 $1.00
$1.00 $1.00 $1.00
10 6 - $12 $1.00 $1.00 $2.00
$1.00 $1.00 $3.00
$1.00 $1.00 $4.00
$1.00 $1.00
$1.00 $2.00
11 $10 - $20 $1.00 $3.00
$1.00 $4.00
$1.00 $5.00
$1.00 $1.00
$1.00 $1.00 $1.00
12 $10 - $20 $1.00 $1.00 $2.00
$1.00 $1.00 $3.00
$1.00 $1.00 $4.00

Schedule Min. Designated Table Fee Regular

Option Buy Early Late Table Fee
$1.00 $1.00
13 $1 $1.00 $2.00
$1.00 $3.00
$1.00 $4.00
$1.00 $1.00
14 $1
$1.00 $1.00 $1.00

BGC ID: GEGA-003513 (August 2012)

Mexican Stud Poker
$1.00 $1.00 $2.00
$1.00 $1.00 $3.00
$1.00 $1.00 $4.00
$1.00 $1.00
$1.00 $2.00
15 $2 $1.00 $3.00
$1.00 $4.00
$1.00 $5.00
$1.00 $1.00
$1.00 $1.00 $1.00
16 $2 $1.00 $1.00 $2.00
$1.00 $1.00 $3.00
$1.00 $1.00 $4.00

For all poker games, the collection of player fees shall be conducted by one of two methods,
either by a time collection or a pot collection. This document will detail the pot collection fee
schedule and procedure for poker games. The following collection procedures shall be followed
as authorized by Penal Code §337j (f):

1. The amount of fees charged shall be determined prior to the start of play of any hand or
2. Fees may not be calculated as a fraction or percentage of wagers or made from
winnings earned.
3. Flat fees on each wager may be assessed at different collection rates, but no more than
five collection rates may be established per table.
4. The actual collection of the fee may occur before or after the start of play.

The five collection rates will all consist of one or more of the following:

I. Early Round Fee

II. Regular Table Fee
III. Late Round Fee (if applicable)

Bankers Casino will collect the Early Round Fee for all hands that are dealt but not
declared a misdeal. For the purposes of this document, a hand will be considered dealt:

1. In poker games using community board cards, when the initial hole cards are dealt to
each player and the first round of betting is initiated;

2. In Stud games inclusive of variations and Mexican Poker, the initial hole card(s) and up
card(s) is dealt to each player and the first round of betting begins;

3. In Lowball, High Draw, Mexican Poker (Salinas Version) and other poker games that use
the process of drawing cards, a Regular Table Fee will be taken before the draw;

4. In all other poker games when the initial round of cards has been dealt and betting has

BGC ID: GEGA-003513 (August 2012)

Mexican Stud Poker
Bankers Casino will collect the Regular Table Fee in all hands that proceed past the Opening
Round. In hands that extend beyond the Opening Round, Bankers Casino will collect the
Regular Table Fee as set forth below. For purposes of these procedures, a hand that plays past
the Opening Round occurs when:

1. In poker games using community board cards, there is a Flop;

2. In Stud games inclusive or variations and Mexican Poker, the second card is delivered

3. In Lowball, High Draw and other poker games that use the process of drawing cards,
the draw is complete and before the showdown of hands;

4. In all other poker games when the second round of betting is initiated.

The Late Round (when indicated) Table Fee will be collected as follows:

1. In poker games using community board cards, a Late Round Table Fee will be taken
after the turn;

2. In Stud games inclusive of variations and Mexican Poker, a Late Round Table Fee will be
taken when the fourth up-card is delivered and;

3. In all other poker games when the third round of betting is initiated.

Dealer Procedure for Collection

-The table fee shall be dropped immediately after the pot has been pushed to the winner(s).
-When making a collection drop, the dealer must clear their hand immediately after dropping
the collection. This procedure will require the dealer to show an open palm face up after
dropping any collection chip.

In addition to the fee schedule posted on each game, the table fees shall be in readily available
in a binder on the casino floor.

Bankers Casino will use the above procedures and their approved collection rates.

BGC ID: GEGA-003513 (August 2012)

Banker’s Casino – CA Games Collection Rates

Pure 21.5 Blackjack (GEGA-002134) - For schedule option 1, a collection fee shall be taken
per hand from the player-dealer based on the total monetary value of all base game wagers that
are initially placed on the table by players prior to cards being dealt, referred to as “aggregate
action total.” There shall also be a collection fee taken from each player for placing a base game
wager per betting spot. No collection fee will be taken for bonus bets. For schedule options 2
through 5, a collection fee shall be taken per hand from the player-dealer based on the total
monetary value of all base game wagers that are initially placed on the table by players prior to
cards being dealt, referred to as “aggregate action total.” There is no collection fee taken when a
player doubles-down, splits cards, surrenders their hand, places an insurance wager, or places
any Bonus Bet wagers. The collection fees shall be collected and dropped by the casino dealer
after each player has placed their wagers but prior to cards being dealt or any round of play being

Schedule Player Aggregate Action Player-Dealer

Player Fee
Options Wager Total Collection
$10-$100 $1.00
1 $10-$100 $1.00
$101+ $2.00
$5-$100 $1.00
$101-$300 $2.00
2 $5-$1,000 $0 $301-$500 $4.00
$501-$800 $6.00
$800+ $10.00
$10-$99 $1.00
$100-$299 $2.00
3 $10-$1,000 $0 $300-$499 $4.00
$500-$799 $6.00
$800+ $10.00
$15-$50 $0.50
$51-$300 $2.00
4 $5-$5,000 $0
$301-$600 $5.00
601+ $10.00
$100-$300 $2.00
$301-$1,000 $5.00
5 $100-$5,000 $0
$1,001-$2,500 $10.00
$2,501+ $25.00

BGC ID: GEGA-003536 (08/10/2012) 1

Banker’s Casino – CA Games Collection Rates

Pai Gow Poker (GEGA-002133) - for schedule options 1 and 2, a collection fee shall be taken
per hand from the player-dealer. There shall also be a collection fee taken from each player for
placing a base game wager per betting spot. No collection fee will be taken for bonus bets. The
collection fees shall be collected from the players and player-dealer and dropped by the house
dealer after all wagers have been placed on the table but prior to cards being dealt or any round
of play being conducted.

Schedule Betting Limit Player-Dealer

Player Fee
Options (per circle) Collection
1 $10-$100 $1.00 $2.00
2 $100-$200 $2.00 $3.00

Fortune Pai Gow Poker (GEGA-003498) - For schedule option 1 through 5, a collection fee
shall be taken per hand from the player-dealer position based on the total table action, which is
the sum of all players’ controlled game and bonus bet wagers placed prior to cards being dealt.
For schedule options 1 and 2 a collection fee shall also be taken from each player for each
Fortune Pai Gow Poker game wager placed. There shall be no additional collection fee taken
from players or the player-dealer for placing a Fortune Pai Gow Poker Bonus Bet wager. For
schedule options 3 through 5, a collection fee shall be taken from each player based on the
amount wagered on each Fortune Pai Gow Poker game wager placed. There shall be no
additional collection fee taken from players or the player-dealer for placing a Forunte Pai Gow
Poker Bonus Bet wager. The collection fees shall be collected from each player and the player-
dealer and dropped by the house dealer prior to the dice cup being opened.

Schedule Player Fee Total Table Player-Dealer

Table Limit
Options per spot Action Fee
$5 - $100 $1.00
1 $5 - $50 $0.50
$100+ $2.00
$10- $100 $1.00
2 $10 - $100 $1.00
$100+ $2.00

Schedule Total Table Player-Dealer

Table Limit Player Wager Player Fee
Options Action Fee
$10 - $100 $1.00 $10 - $100 $1.00
3 $10 - $200 $101 - $200 $2.00 $101 - $300 $2.00
$301+ $3.00
$100 - $200 $2.00 $100 - $300 $1.00
4 $100 - $500 $201 - $500 $3.00 $301 - $1,000 $2.00
$1,001+ $3.00
$500 - $1,000 $5.00 $500 - $3,000 $5.00
$3,001 -
5 $500 – $5,000 $1000+ $10.00 $10.00
$10,001+ $25.00

BGC ID: GEGA-003536 (08/10/2012) 2

Banker’s Casino – CA Games Collection Rates

Pai Gow Tiles (GEGA-002370) - for schedule options 1 and 2, a collection fee shall be taken
per hand from the player-dealer. There shall also be a collection fee taken from each player for
placing a base game wager per betting spot. The collection fees shall be collected from the
players and player-dealer and dropped by the house dealer after all wagers have been placed on
the table but prior to cards being dealt or any round of play being conducted.

Schedule Betting Limit Player-Dealer

Player Fee
Options (per circle) Collection
1 $10-$100 $1.00 $2.00
2 $100-$200 $2.00 $3.00

Three Card Poker (GEGA-002135) - for schedule options 1 and 2, a collection fee shall be
taken per hand from the player-dealer. There shall also be a collection fee taken from each
player for placing a base game wager per betting spot. No collection fee will be taken for bonus
bets. The collection fees shall be collected from the players and player-dealer and dropped by
the house dealer after all wagers have been placed on the table but prior to cards being dealt or
any round of play being conducted.

Schedule Betting Limit Player-Dealer

Player Fee
Options (per circle) Collection
1 $10-$100 $1.00 $2.00
2 $100-$200 $2.00 $3.00

Collection Procedures
California Games - California games utilize a player-dealer position. The position shall be
offered systematically and continuously in a clockwise manner around the table after every two
hands. All controlled game wagers, including bonus bets, are collected or paid, to the extent that
the player-dealer’s wager covers. Once the player-dealer’s wager has been exhausted, the
wagers not covered by the player-dealer shall be returned to the respective players. The
gambling establishment does not participate in the actual play of the game and has no interest in
the outcome of the play.

• Only one collection schedule option, which utilizes one table limit and the specified
collection fees for that table limit, as listed above, shall be used at a gaming table at any
one time.

• Collection rates and fees shall be determined prior to the start of play of any hand or
round. Rates shall not be calculated as a fraction or percentage of wagers made or
winnings earned. Flat fees on wagers may be assessed at different collection rates;
however, no more than five collection rates may be established per table limit.

• The Casino shall provide ample notice to patrons regarding the collection rates and fees,
as well as the procedure for collecting them. Collection fees shall be conspicuously
posted on or within view of every gaming table.

BGC ID: GEGA-003536 (08/10/2012) 3

CA Games Collection Rates

Although the Bureau has approved these collection rates, games offering a zero collection are
currently under Bureau review. Additionally, approval of these collection rates does not affect
any rules regarding player-dealer rotation. The Bureau reserves the right to: (1) review the
lawfulness of the California Games Collection Rates; (2) notify all law enforcement agencies
and gambling establishments if further review determines the California Games Collection Rates
to be unlawful; (3) require gambling establishments to cease and desist offering the California
Games Collection Rates if found to be unlawful; and (4) take action against those gambling
establishments that decline to abide by the Bureau’s cease and desist notification.

Pure 21.5 Blackjack (GEGA-002134), Pure Spanish 21.5 (GEGA-003958) - For schedule
options 1 through 20, a collection fee shall be taken per hand from the player-dealer position
based on the Total Table Action, which is the sum of all players’ controlled game and bonus
bets. There shall be no collection fee taken from the players or player-dealer on double-down,
split, surrender, or insurance options. There shall also be no collection fee taken from any
players for placing any wagers. The collection fees shall be collected prior to the cards being
dealt or any round of play being conducted.

Schedule Total Table

Player Wager Player-Dealer Fee Player Fee
Options Action
$10-$200 $1.00
$201-$500 $2.00
1 $10-$300 $501-$700 $5.00 $0.00
$701-$1,200 $7.00
$1,201+ $12.00
$10-$150 $1.00
$151-$400 $2.00
2 $10-$300 $401-$700 $5.00 $0.00
$701-$1,100 $9.00
$1,101+ $15.00
$10-$100 $1.00
$101-$300 $2.00
3 $10-$300 $301-$500 $4.00 $0.00
$501-$800 $6.00
$801+ $10.00
$10-$75 $1.00
$76-$300 $2.00
4 $10-$300 $301-$700 $5.00 $0.00
$701-$1,100 $9.00
$1,101+ $15.00
$10-$75 $1.00
$76-$200 $2.00
5 $10-$300 $201-$500 $5.00 $0.00
$501-$900 $9.00
$901+ $15.00

Bankers Casino 1
BGC ID: GEGA-003536 (March 2018) 000668
CA Games Collection Rates

$10-$200 $1.00
$201-$500 $2.00
6 $10-$1,000 $501-$700 $5.00 $0.00
$701-$1,200 $7.00
$1,200+ $12.00
$10-$150 $1.00
$151-$400 $2.00
7 $10-$1,000 $401-$700 $5.00 $0.00
$701-$1,100 $9.00
$1,101+ $15.00
$10-$100 $1.00
$101-$300 $2.00
8 $10-$1,000 $301-$500 $4.00 $0.00
$501-$800 $6.00
$801+ $10.00
$10-$75 $1.00
$76-$300 $2.00
9 $10-$1,000 $301-$700 $5.00 $0.00
$701-$1,100 $9.00
$1,101+ $15.00
$10-$75 $1.00
$76-$200 $2.00
10 $10-$1,000 $201-$500 $5.00 $0.00
$501-$900 $9.00
$901+ $15.00
$25-$200 $1.00
$201-$500 $3.00
11 $25-$500 $501-$700 $6.00 $0.00
$701-$1,200 $8.00
$1,201+ $14.00
$25-$100 $1.00
$101-$300 $2.00
12 $25-$500 $301-$600 $5.00 $0.00
$601-$1,500 $10.00
$1501+ $15.00

Bankers Casino 2
BGC ID: GEGA-003536 (March 2018) 000668
CA Games Collection Rates

$25-$300 $1.00
$301-$500 $4.00
13 $25-$500 $501-$1,000 $8.00 $0.00
$1,001-$1,700 $12.00
$1,701+ $20.00
$25-$200 $1.00
$201-$400 $4.00
14 $25-$500 $401-$900 $7.00 $0.00
$901-$1,800 $15.00
$1,801+ $20.00
$25-$300 $2.00
$301-$600 $4.00
15 $25-$500 $601-$1,000 $10.00 $0.00
$1,001-$1,500 $15.00
$1,501+ $20.00
$100-$200 $1.00
$201-$500 $3.00
16 $100-$1,000 $501-$700 $6.00 $0.00
$701-$1,200 $9.00
$1,201+ $16.00
$100-$300 $2.00
$301-$500 $4.00
17 $100-$1,000 $501-$900 $7.00 $0.00
$901-$1,900 $14.00
$1,901+ $25.00
$100-$300 $2.00
$301-$700 $5.00
18 $100-$1,000 $701-$1,200 $10.00 $0.00
$1,201-$2,000 $15.00
$2,001+ $25.00
$100-$200 $2.00
$201-$500 $5.00
19 $100-$1,000 $501-$1,000 $10.00 $0.00
$1,001-$2,000 $15.00
$2,001+ $25.00
$100-$300 $3.00
$301-$600 $6.00
20 $100-$1,000 $601-$1,000 $10.00 $0.00
$1,001-$2,000 $20.00
$2,001+ $30.00

Bankers Casino 3
BGC ID: GEGA-003536 (March 2018) 000668
CA Games Collection Rates

EZ Baccarat Panda 8 (GEGA-003975) - For schedule options 1 through 16, a collection fee
shall be taken per hand from the player-dealer position based on the total table action, which is
the sum of all players’ controlled game and bonus bets. There shall be no collection fee taken
from any players for placing any wagers. The collection fees shall be taken prior to cards being
dealt or any round of play being conducted.

Schedule Total Table

Player Wager Player-Dealer Fee Player Fee
Option Action
$10-$200 $1.00
$201-$500 $2.00
1 $10-$500 $501-$700 $5.00 $0.00
$701-$1,200 $7.00
$1,201+ $12.00
$10-$150 $1.00
$151-$300 $2.00
2 $10-$500 $301-$700 $4.00 $0.00
$701-$1,100 $8.00
$1,101+ $12.00
$10-$100 $1.00
$101-$300 $2.00
3 $10-$500 $301-$700 $5.00 $0.00
$701-$1,100 $9.00
$1,101+ $15.00
$10-$75 $1.00
$76-$300 $2.00
4 $10-$500 $301-$700 $5.00 $0.00
$701-$1,100 $9.00
$1,101+ $15.00
$10-$75 $1.00
$76-$200 $2.00
5 $10-$500 $201-$500 $5.00 $0.00
$501-$800 $7.00
$801+ $15.00
$10-$200 $1.00
$201-$500 $2.00
6 $10-$1,000 $501-$700 $5.00 $0.00
$701-$1,200 $7.00
$1,201+ $12.00

Bankers Casino 4
BGC ID: GEGA-003536 (March 2018) 000668
CA Games Collection Rates

$10-$150 $1.00
$151-$300 $2.00
7 $10-$1,000 $301-$700 $4.00 $0.00
$701-$1,100 $8.00
$1,101+ $12.00
$10-$100 $1.00
$101-$300 $2.00
8 $10-$1,000 $301-$700 $5.00 $0.00
$701-$1,100 $9.00
$1,101+ $15.00
$10-$75 $1.00
$76-$300 $2.00
9 $10-$1,000 $301-$700 $5.00 $0.00
$701-$1,100 $9.00
$1,101+ $15.00
$10-$75 $1.00
$76-$200 $2.00
10 $10-$1,000 $201-$500 $5.00 $0.00
$501-$800 $7.00
$801+ $15.00
$100-$300 $1.00
$301-$500 $3.00
11 $100-$1,000 $501-$1,000 $5.00 $0.00
$1,001-$2,000 $10.00
$2,001+ $20.00
$100-$200 $1.00
$201-$500 $2.00
12 $100-$1,000 $501-$700 $5.00 $0.00
$701-$1,200 $9.00
$1,201+ $16.00
$100-$300 $2.00
$301-$500 $4.00
13 $100-$1,000 $501-$900 $7.00 $0.00
$901-$1,900 $14.00
$1,901+ $25.00

Bankers Casino 5
BGC ID: GEGA-003536 (March 2018) 000668
CA Games Collection Rates

$100-$300 $2.00
$301-$700 $5.00
14 $100-$1,000 $701-$1,200 $10.00 $0.00
$1,201-$2,000 $15.00
$2,001+ $25.00
$100-$200 $2.00
$201-$500 $5.00
15 $100-$1,000 $501-$1,000 $10.00 $0.00
$1,001-$2,000 $15.00
$2,001+ $25.00

Three Card Poker (GEGA-002135), Three Card Poker 6 Card Bonus (GEGA-003719) - For
schedule options 1 through 15, a collection fee shall be taken per hand from the player-dealer
position based on the Total Table Action, which is the sum of all players’ controlled game and
bonus bet wagers. The Total Table Action does not include the Play wagers. There shall be no
collection fee taken from any players for placing any wagers. The collection fees shall be
collected prior to cards being dealt or any round of play being conducted.

Schedule Total Table

Player Wager Player-Dealer Fee Player Fee
Option Action
$5-$100 $1.00
$101-$300 $2.00
1 $5-$500 $301-$700 $5.00 $0.00
$701-$1,100 $9.00
$1,101+ $15.00
$5-$75 $1.00
$76-$300 $2.00
2 $5-$500 $301-$700 $5.00 $0.00
$701-$1,100 $9.00
$1,101+ $15.00
$5-$50 $1.00
$51-$300 $2.00
3 $5-$500 $301-$700 $5.00 $0.00
$701-$1,500 $10.00
$1,501+ $15.00
$5-$50 $1.00
$51-$200 $2.00
4 $5-$500 $201-$600 $5.00 $0.00
$601-$1,200 $10.00
$1,201+ $15.00

Bankers Casino 6
BGC ID: GEGA-003536 (March 2018) 000668
CA Games Collection Rates

$5-$50 $1.00
$51-$300 $3.00
5 $5-$500 $301-$600 $6.00 $0.00
$601-$1,200 $12.00
$1,201+ $20.00
$10-$100 $1.00
$101-$300 $2.00
6 $10-$500 $301-$700 $5.00 $0.00
$701-$1,101 $9.00
$1,101+ $15.00
$10-$75 $1.00
$76-$300 $2.00
7 $10-$500 $301-$700 $5.00 $0.00
$701-$1,100 $9.00
$1,101+ $15.00
$10-$50 $1.00
$51-$300 $2.00
8 $10-$500 $301-$700 $5.00 $0.00
$701-$1,500 $10.00
$1,501+ $15.00
$10-$50 $1.00
$51-$200 $2.00
9 $10-$500 $201-$600 $5.00 $0.00
$601-$1,200 $10.00
$1,201+ $15.00
$10-$50 $1.00
$51-$300 $3.00
10 $10-$500 $301-$600 $6.00 $0.00
$601-$1,200 $12.00
$1,201+ $20.00
$10-$100 $1.00
$101-$300 $2.00
11 $10-$1,000 $301-$700 $5.00 $0.00
$701-$1,100 $9.00
$1,101+ $15.00
$10-$75 $1.00
$76-$300 $2.00
12 $10-$1,000 $301-$700 $5.00 $0.00
$701-$1,100 $9.00
$1,101+ $15.00

Bankers Casino 7
BGC ID: GEGA-003536 (March 2018) 000668
CA Games Collection Rates

$10-$50 $1.00
$51-$300 $2.00
13 $10-$1,000 $301-$700 $5.00 $0.00
$701-$1,500 $10.00
$1,501+ $15.00
$10-$50 $1.00
$51-$200 $2.00
14 $10-$1,000 $201-$600 $5.00 $0.00
$601-$1,200 $10.00
$1,201+ $15.00
$10-$50 $1.00
$51-$300 $3.00
15 $10-$1,000 $301-$600 $6.00 $0.00
$601-$1,200 $12.00
$1,201+ $20.00

For schedule options 16 through 20, a collection fee shall be taken per hand from the player-
dealer based on the Total Table Action, which is the sum of all players’ controlled game wagers
and bonus bets. A collection shall also be taken per player for the ante wager they place. There
shall be no fee taken from a player for placing a Play wager or any bonus bets. The collection
fees shall be collected prior to cards being dealt or any round of play being conducted.

Schedule Total Table

Player Wager Player-Dealer Fee Player Fee
Option Action
$5-$100 $1.00
$101-$300 $2.00
16 $5-$500 $301-$700 $5.00 $1.00
$701-$1,101 $9.00
$1,101+ $15.00
$5-$75 $1.00
$76-$300 $2.00
17 $5-$500 $301-$700 $5.00 $1.00
$701-$1,100 $9.00
$1,101+ $15.00
$5-$50 $1.00
$51-$300 $2.00
18 $5-$500 $301-$700 $5.00 $1.00
$701-$1,500 $10.00
$1,501+ $15.00

Bankers Casino 8
BGC ID: GEGA-003536 (March 2018) 000668
CA Games Collection Rates

$5-$50 $1.00
$51-$200 $2.00
19 $5-$500 $201-$600 $5.00 $1.00
$601-$1,200 $10.00
$1,201+ $15.00
$10-$50 $1.00
$51-$300 $3.00
20 $5-$500 $301-$600 $6.00 $1.00
$601-$1,200 $12.00
$1,201+ $20.00

Pai Gow Poker (GEGA-002133), Fortune Pai Gow Poker (GEGA-003498), Pai Gow Poker
Tiles (GEGA-002370) - For schedule options 1 through 8, a collection fee shall be taken per
hand from the player-dealer based on the Total Table Action, which is the sum of all players’
controlled game and bonus bets. A collection shall also be taken per player for their base game
wager. There shall be no fee taken from a player for placing a bonus bet. The collection fees
shall be collected prior to cards being dealt or any round of play being conducted.

Schedule Table Limit Total Table

Player-Dealer Fee Player Fee
Options (per circle) Action
$10-$100 $1.00
1 $10-$100 $1.00
$101+ $2.00
$10-$100 $1.00
2 $10-$100 $101-$200 $2.00 $1.00
$201+ $3.00
$10-$300 $1.00
$301-$600 $2.00
3 $10-$1,000 $601-$1,000 $5.00 $1.00
$1,001-$2,000 $8.00
$2,001+ $10.00
$10-$100 $1.00
$101-$200 $2.00
4 $10-$1,000 $201-$400 $3.00 $1.00
$401-$600 $5.00
$601+ $8.00
$100-$100 $1.00
5 $100-$1,000 $1.00
$101+ $2.00
$100-$100 $1.00
6 $100-$1,000 $101-$200 $2.00 $1.00
$201+ $3.00

Bankers Casino 9
BGC ID: GEGA-003536 (March 2018) 000668
CA Games Collection Rates

$100-$300 $1.00
$301-$600 $2.00
7 $100-$1,000 $601-$1,000 $5.00 $1.00
$1,001-$2,000 $8.00
$2,001+ $10.00
$100-$300 $1.00
$301-$600 $3.00
8 $100-$1,000 $601-$1,000 $6.00 $1.00
$1,001-$2,000 $10.00
$2,001+ $15.00

For schedule options 9 through 10, a collection fee shall be taken per hand from the player-
dealer position based on the Total Table Action, which is the sum of all players’ controlled game
and bonus bets. There shall be no collection fee taken from any players for placing any wagers.
The collection fees shall be collected prior to cards being dealt or any round of play being

Schedule Table Limit Total Table
Collection (per Player Fee
Options (per circle) Action
$10-$300 $1.00
$301-$600 $3.00
9 $10-$1,000 $601-$1,000 $6.00 $0.00
$1,001-$2,000 $10.00
$2,001+ $15.00
$10-$300 $1.00
$301-$600 $3.00
10 $100-$1,000 $601-$1,000 $6.00 $0.00
$1,001-$2,000 $10.00
$2,001+ $15.00

Ultimate Texas Hold’em (GEGA-003659) - For schedule options 1 through 5, a collection

fee shall be taken per hand from the player-dealer based on the total monetary value of all Ante,
Blind and Trips Bonus wagers that are initially placed on the table by players prior to cards
being dealt, referred to as Total Table Action. A collection fee shall also be taken per player
based on the total amount the player has wagered on the Ante, Blind, and Trips Bonus. The
collection fees shall be collected prior to cards being dealt or any round of play being

Schedule Total Table Player-

Table Limit Player Wager Player Fee
Options Action Dealer Fee
$5-$100 $1.00
1 $5-$100 $5-$100 $1.00
$100+ $2.00
$10-$100 $1.00
2 $10-$100 $10-$100 $1.00
$101+ $3.00

Bankers Casino 10
BGC ID: GEGA-003536 (March 2018) 000668
CA Games Collection Rates

$10-$100 $1.00 $10-$100 $1.00

3 $10-$200 $101-$200 $2.00
$101-$200 $2.00
$301+ $3.00
$100-$200 $2.00 $100-$300 $3.00
4 $100-$500 $301-$1,000 $8.00
$201-$500 $3.00
$1,001+ $15.00
$500-$1,000 $5.00 $500-$3,000 $15.00
5 $500-$5,000 $3,000-$10,000 $25.00
$1,000+ $10.00
$10,001+ $50.00

Collection Rates for California Games

• The collection fees shall be pre-determined and conspicuously posted on each table
prior to any cards being dealt or a round of play commencing.
• Ample notice shall be provided to the patrons of gambling establishments relating to the
assessment of collection fees.
• Collection rates and fees shall be determined prior to the start of play of any hand or
• Only one collection schedule option, which utilizes one table limit and the specified
collection fees for that table limit, as listed above, shall be used at a table at any one
• Rates may not be calculated as a fraction or percentage of wagers made or winnings
• Flat fees on wagers may be assessed at different collection rates, but no more than five
collection rates may be established per table.

Bankers Casino 11
BGC ID: GEGA-003536 (March 2018) 000668
Poker Games Collection Rates

Texas Hold’em (GEGA-002127), Omaha (GEGA-002128), Omaha High-Low Split (GEGA-


For schedule options 1 through 42, the Player Fee shall be taken by the house dealer from
the pot after the flop. If the round of play ends before the flop, Modified Fee A shall be taken
from the pot. Modified Fee B is taken by the house dealer from the pot after the river card is
dealt. The appropriate fees are dependent on the number of players as shown below.

Texas Hold’em, Omaha, Omaha High-Low Split

Minimum of a $1 - $2 limit game to a maximum of a $1,000 - $2,000 limit game
Schedule Number of
Player Fee Modified Fee A Modified Fee B
Option Players
1 7 or more $3 $1 $1
2 7 or more $4 $1 $1
3 7 or more $5 $1 $1
4 7 or more $6 $1 $1
5 7 or more $3 $1 $0
6 7 or more $4 $1 $0
7 6 $2 $1 $1
8 6 $3 $1 $1
9 6 $4 $1 $1
10 6 $5 $1 $1
11 5-6 $2 $1 $0
12 5-6 $3 $1 $0
13 5 $1 $1 $1
14 5 $2 $1 $1
15 5 $3 $1 $1
16 5 $4 $1 $1
17 4 or less $1 $1 $1
18 4 or less $2 $1 $1
19 4 or less $3 $1 $1
20 4 or less $4 $1 $1
21 4 or less $1 $1 $0

Texas Hold’em No Limit, Pot Limit Omaha, Omaha High-Low Split

Minimum Buy-In is $1; No maximum Buy-in
Schedule Number of
Player Fee Modified Fee A Modified Fee B
Option Players
22 7 or more $3 $1 $1
23 7 or more $4 $1 $1
24 7 or more $5 $1 $1
25 7 or more $6 $1 $1
26 7 or more $3 $1 $0
27 7 or more $4 $1 $0
28 6 $2 $1 $1
29 6 $3 $1 $1
30 6 $4 $1 $1
31 6 $5 $1 $1
32 5-6 $2 $1 $0

Bankers Casino 1
BGC ID: GEGA-003382 (June 2018) 000681
Poker Games Collection Rates

33 5-6 $3 $1 $0
34 5 $1 $1 $1
35 5 $2 $1 $1
36 5 $3 $1 $1
37 5 $4 $1 $1
38 4 or less $1 $1 $1
39 4 or less $2 $1 $1
40 4 or less $3 $1 $1
41 4 or less $4 $1 $1
42 4 or less $1 $1 $0

For schedule options 43 through 74, the Player Fee shall be taken by the house dealer from
the pot after the flop. If the round of play ends before the flop, the Modified Fee shall be taken
from the pot. The appropriate fees are dependent on the number of players as shown below.

Texas Hold’em Limit, Omaha, Omaha High-Low Split

Minimum of a $1 - $2 limit game to a maximum of a $300 - $600 limit game
Schedule Option Number of Players Player Fee Modified Fee
43 7 or more $3 $1
44 7 or more $4 $1
45 7 or more $5 $1
46 7 or more $6 $1
47 6 $2 $1
48 6 $3 $1
49 6 $4 $1
50 6 $5 $1
51 5 $1 $1
52 5 $2 $1
53 5 $3 $1
54 5 $4 $1
55 4 or less $1 $1
56 4 or less $2 $1
57 4 or less $3 $1
58 4 or less $4 $1

Texas Hold’em No Limit, Pot Limit Omaha, Omaha High-Low Split

Minimum Buy-In is $1; No maximum Buy-in
Schedule Option Number of Players Player Fee Modified Fee
59 7 or more $3 $1
60 7 or more $4 $1
61 7 or more $5 $1
62 7 or more $6 $1
63 6 $2 $1
64 6 $3 $1
65 6 $4 $1
66 6 $5 $1
67 5 $1 $1
68 5 $2 $1
69 5 $3 $1

Bankers Casino 2
BGC ID: GEGA-003382 (June 2018) 000681
Poker Games Collection Rates

70 5 $4 $1
71 4 or less $1 $1
72 4 or less $2 $1
73 4 or less $3 $1
74 4 or less $4 $1

For schedule options 75 through 106, the Player Fee shall be taken by the house dealer from
the pot after the flop. However, if the hand ends before the flop, no collection fee shall be taken.
The appropriate fees are dependent on the number of players as shown below.

Texas Hold’em Limit, Omaha, Omaha High-Low Split

Minimum of a $1 - $2 limit game to a maximum of a $300 - $600 limit game
Schedule Option Number of Players Player Fee
75 7 or more $3
76 7 or more $4
77 7 or more $5
78 7 or more $6
79 6 $2
80 6 $3
81 6 $4
82 6 $5
83 5 $1
84 5 $2
85 5 $3
86 5 $4
87 4 or less $1
88 4 or less $2
89 4 or less $3
90 4 or less $4

Texas Hold’em No Limit, Pot Limit Omaha, Omaha High-Low Split

Minimum Buy-In is $1; No maximum Buy-in
Schedule Option Number of Players Player Fee
91 7 or more $3
92 7 or more $4
93 7 or more $5
94 7 or more $6
95 6 $2
96 6 $3
97 6 $4
98 6 $5
99 5 $1
100 5 $2
101 5 $3
102 5 $4
103 4 or less $1
104 4 or less $2
105 4 or less $3
106 4 or less $4

Bankers Casino 3
BGC ID: GEGA-003382 (June 2018) 000681
Poker Games Collection Rates

For schedule options 107 through 138, the Player Fee shall be taken by the house dealer
from the pot after the flop. An additional collection fee is taken by the house dealer from the pot
after the river card is dealt. However, if the hand ends before the flop, no collection fee shall be
taken. The appropriate fees are dependent on the number of players as shown below.

Texas Hold’em Limit, Omaha, Omaha High-Low Split

Minimum of a $1 - $2 limit game to a maximum of a $300 - $600 limit game
Schedule Option Number of Players Player Fee Added Fee after the River Card
107 7 or more $3 $1
108 7 or more $4 $1
109 7 or more $5 $1
110 7 or more $6 $1
111 6 $2 $1
112 6 $3 $1
113 6 $4 $1
114 6 $5 $1
115 5 $1 $1
116 5 $2 $1
117 5 $3 $1
118 5 $4 $1
119 4 or less $1 $1
120 4 or less $2 $1
121 4 or less $3 $1
122 4 or less $4 $1

Texas Hold’em No Limit, Pot Limit Omaha, Omaha High-Low Split

Minimum Buy-In is $1; No maximum Buy-in
Schedule Option Number of Players Player Fee Added Fee after the River Card
123 7 or more $3 $1
124 7 or more $4 $1
125 7 or more $5 $1
126 7 or more $6 $1
127 6 $2 $1
128 6 $3 $1
129 6 $4 $1
130 6 $5 $1
131 5 $1 $1
132 5 $2 $1
133 5 $3 $1
134 5 $4 $1
135 4 or less $1 $1
136 4 or less $2 $1
137 4 or less $3 $1
138 4 or less $4 $1

Bankers Casino 4
BGC ID: GEGA-003382 (June 2018) 000681
Poker Games Collection Rates

For schedule options 139 through 154, the Player Fee shall be taken by the house dealer
from each player at 30 minute time intervals.

Texas Hold’em Limit, Omaha, Omaha High-Low Split

Minimum of a $1 - $2 limit game to a maximum of a $300 - $600 limit game
Schedule Option Number of Players Player Fee
139 2 or more $8
140 2 or more $9
141 2 or more $10
142 2 or more $11
143 2 or more $12
144 2 or more $13
145 2 or more $14
146 2 or more $15

Texas Hold’em No Limit, Pot Limit Omaha, Omaha High-Low Split

Minimum Buy-In is $1; No maximum Buy-in
Schedule Option Number of Players Player Fee
147 2 or more $8
148 2 or more $9
149 2 or more $10
150 2 or more $11
151 2 or more $12
152 2 or more $13
153 2 or more $14
154 2 or more $15

Lowball (GEGA-002131), Draw Poker Jacks or Better (GEGA-002132)

For schedule option 1, the Player Fee shall be taken by the house dealer from each player at
30 minute time intervals. A Player Fee shall not be taken if 5 or fewer players are participating in
round of play.

Schedule Option Number of Players Player Fee

1 6 or more $4

Draw Poker Jacks or Better (GEGA-002132), Seven Card Stud (GEGA-002130), Mexican
Poker (GEGA-003513), Mexican Poker Salinas Version (GEGA-002462)

For schedule options 1 through 28, a Player Fee shall be taken by the house dealer from the
pot after the first round of betting. If the pot does not reach the first betting round, the Modified
Fee shall be taken from the pot. An additional collection fee is taken by the house dealer from
the pot after the second round of betting. The appropriate fees are dependent on the number of
players as shown below.

Minimum of a $4-$8 limit game to a maximum of a $75-$150 limit game

Schedule Number of Added Fee After Second
Player Fee Modified Fee
Option Players Round of Betting
1 7 or more $4 $1 $0
2 7 or more $4 $1 $1

Bankers Casino 5
BGC ID: GEGA-003382 (June 2018) 000681
Poker Games Collection Rates

3 7 or more $5 $1 $0
4 7 or more $5 $1 $1
5 6 $3 $1 $0
6 6 $3 $1 $1
7 6 $4 $1 $0
8 6 $4 $1 $1
9 5 $2 $1 $0
10 5 $2 $1 $1
11 5 $3 $1 $0
12 5 $3 $1 $1
13 4 or less $1 $1 $0
14 4 or less $1 $1 $1
15 4 or less $2 $1 $0
16 4 or less $2 $1 $1

Minimum of a $2-$4 limit game to a maximum of a $3-$6 limit game

Schedule Number of Added Fee After Second
Player Fee Modified Fee
Option Players Round of Betting
17 7 or more $3 $1 $0
18 7 or more $3 $1 $1
19 7 or more $4 $1 $0
20 7 or more $4 $1 $1
21 6 $2 $1 $0
22 6 $2 $1 $1
23 6 $3 $1 $0
24 6 $3 $1 $1
25 5 or less $1 $1 $0
26 5 or less $1 $1 $1
27 5 or less $2 $1 $0
28 5 or less $2 $1 $1

Seven Card Stud (GEGA-002130), Mexican Poker (GEGA-003513), Mexican Poker Salinas
Version (GEGA-002462)

For schedule options 1 through 9, the collection fee shall be taken by the house dealer from
the pot after the second betting round based on the number of players. However, a Modified
Fee shall be taken if the round ends prior to the second betting round. The appropriate fees are
dependent on the number of players as shown below.

Schedule Table 6 to 8 2 to 3 Modified

5 Players 4 Players
Options Limit Players Players Fee
1 $1-2 $2.50 $2 $1.50 $1 $1
2 $2-4 $3 $2.50 $2 $1 $1
3 $3-6 $4 $3 $2 $1 $1
4 $4-8 $4 $3 $2 $1 $1
5 $5-$10 $4 $3 $2 $1 $1
6 $6-$12 $4 $3 $2 $1 $1
7 $10-$20 $5 $3 $2 $1 $1
8 $15-$30 $5 $3 $2 $1 $1
9 $20-$40 $5 $3 $2 $1 $1

Bankers Casino 6
BGC ID: GEGA-003382 (June 2018) 000681
Poker Games Collection Rates

Collection Fees for Poker Games

• The players of the poker games, as shown above, play against each other for the pot of
money on the table. The games do not utilize a player-dealer position, they are Poker
• The collection fees shall be pre-determined and conspicuously posted on each table
prior to any cards being dealt or a round of play commencing.
• Collection rates and fees shall be determined prior to the start of play of any hand or
• Only one collection schedule option, which utilizes one table limit and the specified
collection fees for that table limit, as listed above, shall be used at a table at any one
• Rates may not be calculated as a fraction or percentage of wagers made or winnings
• Flat fees on wagers may be assessed at different collection rates; however, no more
than five collection rates may be established per table limit.
• The Casino shall provide ample notice to patrons regarding the collection rates and fees,
as well as the procedure for collecting them.

Bankers Casino 7
BGC ID: GEGA-003382 (June 2018) 000681
Fortune Pai Gow Poker - Joker Fully Wild

Type of Game
The game of Fortune Pai Gow Poker - Joker Fully Wild utilizes a player-dealer position and is a
California game. The player-dealer shall collect all losing wagers, pay all winning wagers, and
may not win or lose more than the original amount wagered. Once the player-dealer’s wager
has been exhausted, the wagers not covered by the player-dealer shall be returned to the
respective players. A player shall only remain in the player-dealer position for two consecutive
rounds of play before it is offered in a clockwise fashion around the gaming table. The gambling
enterprise does not participate in the actual play of the game and has no interest in the outcome
of the play.

Object of the Game

The object of the game of Fortune Pai Gow Poker - Joker Fully Wild is to make a five-card and a
two-card hand that ranks higher than the player-dealer’s five-card and two-card hands.

Fortune Pai Gow Poker - Joker Fully Wild adds a bonus bet element to the traditional game of
Pai Gow Poker. In Fortune Pai Gow Poker - Joker Fully Wild, a player can place an optional
Fortune Bonus Bet. A player that wagers at least $5 on the Fortune Bonus Bet also qualifies for
an Envy Bonus payout if another player receives a qualifying hand for the Fortune Bonus Bet.

Description of the Deck and Number of Decks Used

Fortune Pai Gow Poker - Joker Fully Wild is played with a standard 52 card deck including a
joker for a total of 53 cards. The cards may be shuffled by hand or by using an automatic
shuffling machine.

Card Values and Hand Rankings

The rank of each card used in Fortune Pai Gow Poker - Joker Fully Wild, in order of highest to
lowest rank, shall be as follows: ace, king, queen, jack, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, and 2. The joker is
fully wild and may be used as any card. The ace would be considered low any time the ace
begins a Straight or a Straight Flush. All suits shall be considered equal in rank.

The hand rankings for the game of Fortune Pai Gow Poker - Joker Fully Wild, in order of highest
to lowest, are as follows:

Fortune Pai Gow Poker – Joker Fully Wild Hand Ranking Chart
Hand Dealt Hand Requirements
A hand that consists of Four of a Kind and a joker. Five aces is the highest
Five of a Kind
ranked Five of a Kind and five 2s is the lowest ranked Five of a Kind.
Royal Flush A hand that consists of an ace, king, queen, jack and 10 of the same suit.
A hand that consists of five cards of the same suit in consecutive ranking.
Straight Flush A king, queen, jack, 10 and 9 is the highest ranked Straight Flush and a 5,
4, 3, 2 and ace is the lowest ranked straight flush.
A hand that consists of four cards of the same rank. Four aces is the
Four of a Kind highest ranked Four of a Kind and four 2s is the lowest ranked Four of a
A hand that consists of a Three of a Kind and a Pair. Three aces and two
Full House kings is the highest ranked Full House and three 2s and two 3s is the
lowest ranked Full House.
A hand that consists of five cards of the same suit, but that are not in
Flush consecutive ranking. An ace, king, queen, jack and 9 is the highest ranked
Flush and a 7, 5, 4, 3, and 2 is the lowest ranked Flush.

Bankers Casino 1
BGC ID: GEGR-002134 (December 2019)
Fortune Pai Gow Poker - Joker Fully Wild

A hand that consists of five cards that are in consecutive ranking, but that
Straight are not the same suit. An ace, king, queen, jack and 10 is the highest
ranked Straight and a 5, 4, 3, 2 and ace is the lowest ranked Straight.
A hand that consists of three cards of the same rank. Three aces is the
Three of a Kind highest ranked Three of a Kind and three 2s is the lowest ranked Three of
a Kind.
A hand that consists of two Pairs. Two aces and two kings is the highest
Two Pairs
ranked Two Pairs and two 3s and two 2s is the lowest ranked Two Pairs.
A hand that consists of two cards of the same rank. Two aces is the
One Pair
highest ranked Pair and two 2s is the lowest ranked Pair.
A hand that consists of five cards that do not make any of the hands listed
High Card above. An ace, king, queen, jack and 9 is the highest ranked High Card
hand and 7, 5, 4, 3, 2 is the lowest ranked High Card hand.

Description of Table Used and Total Number of Seated Positions

Fortune Pai Gow Poker - Joker Fully Wild is played on a standard Pai Gow Poker table which
seats a maximum of seven players including the player-dealer position. The game may be
played on a larger table that seats more than seven players; however, a maximum of seven
players may be active in the game during each round of play. The table felt will be marked with
the game name and segregated areas for the base game wager, Fortune Bonus Bet, and Envy
Bonus Bet.

Dealing Procedures and Round of Play

1. At the start of a game, a player is offered the player-dealer position. Once the player-
dealer position is accepted, the house dealer shall wait for each player to make their
wager in accordance with the table limits.
2. Third-Party Providers of Proposition Player Services (TPPPS), as defined in Section
19984 of the California Business and Professions Code, are permitted to play.
3. Backline betting is permitted on all wagers.
4. The house dealer will utilize an automatic shuffle machine to form seven piles of seven
cards face-down to distribute to each player and the player-dealer.
5. Once cards have been stacked by the house dealer, the player-dealer selects which pile
will receive the “Action” button. The house dealer identifies the hand by placing a button
marked "Action” on this pile by pushing it forward and turning the pile behind it side
6. To determine the placement of the pile with the Action button, the player-dealer shakes a
dice cup containing three standard dice.
a. Before revealing the value of the dice, all players post wagers in the betting circles in
front of their position before the dice cup is opened.
7. The value of the three dice indicates which seat the first pile of seven cards will be
distributed to. The player-dealer’s position is always one, eight, and fifteen. Other seats,
in clockwise rotation, respectively represent the other numbers. Unoccupied seats are
counted in the rotation. However, if the Action button lands on an unoccupied seat, it will
go to the next occupied spot.
8. If the total of the three dice is eight or fifteen, the player-dealer shall receive the first set
of cards and the player to the left of the player-dealer shall receive the Action button.
9. The house dealer shall then distribute the seven hands in order to each seat, starting
with the hand that has the Action button and continuing clockwise around the table. All
seven hands will be distributed to all seats at the table, regardless of whether a player is
seated at each position or a wager has been placed.

Bankers Casino 2
BGC ID: GEGR-002134 (December 2019)
Fortune Pai Gow Poker - Joker Fully Wild

10. Once all cards have been distributed, the house dealer will collect the cards distributed
to seats without a wager and place them face-down in the discard pile.
11. Each player shall then set their hands by arranging the seven cards into a two-card hand
which is placed in front, and a five-card hand which is placed in the back. The five-card
hand must rank higher than the two-card hand according to the Hand Ranking Chart as
shown above.
12. When all players have set their hands, the house dealer exposes the player-dealer's
hand and sets it according to the House Way chart below.
13. Once the player-dealer's hand has been set, each player's hand is exposed, in turn, and
compared to the player-dealer’s hands to determine if the hand wins, loses, or pushes.

Fortune Pai Gow Poker - Joker Fully Wild House Way Chart
Hand Dealt House Way Example
♦ ♣
High Card Put 2nd and 3rd highest cards in front.
A 10 7 5 3
♥ ♣ ♠ ♥ ♦

Put the 2nd highest card plus the ♠ ♦
No Pairs Plus the Joker joker in back, the highest and 3rd
A J 8 4
highest cards in front.
♣ ♥ ♦ ♣

Put Pair in back, highest two cards in ♣ ♦
One Pair
front. 3 3 J 8 4
♠ ♣ ♥ ♦ ♣
3 3
Two Pair: ♦ ♠
Put small Pair in front.
High Pair is As, Ks, or Qs K K 7 6 2
♥ ♠ ♥ ♣ ♦

A 7
Two Pair:
Put both Pairs in back if an ace can ♣ ♥
be played in the front, otherwise put
High Pair is Js, 10s, or 9s J J 8 8 4
small Pair in front.
♦ ♠ ♣ ♥ ♠

K 9
Two Pair:
Put both Pairs in back if a king or ♠ ♠
higher can be played in the front;
High Pair is 8s, 7s, or 6s 8 8 4 4 7
otherwise put small Pair in front.
♣ ♦ ♦ ♥ ♣

Q 8
Two Pair:
Put both Pairs in back if a queen or ♥ ♣
higher can be played in the front,
High Pair is 5s, 4s, or 3s 5 5 4 4 2
otherwise put small Pair in front.
♥ ♠ ♥ ♣ ♠

Bankers Casino 3
BGC ID: GEGR-002134 (December 2019)
Fortune Pai Gow Poker - Joker Fully Wild

9 9
Three Pair: ♣ ♠
With or without a Straight, Put highest Pair in front.
7 7 5 5 A
Flush, or Straight Flush
♦ ♣ ♥ ♠ ♣

A 8
Three of a Kind: Put an ace and highest single card in ♣ ♦
Aces front. A A 5 4 2
♦ ♠ ♦ ♣ ♠

J 10
Three of a Kind: ♥ ♣
Put two highest single cards in front.
Kings and below K K K 7 5
♥ ♦ ♣ ♠ ♥

♣ ♦
Two Three of a Kinds Put highest Pair possible in front.
5 5 5 J A
♠ ♥ ♣ ♠ ♦

A 9
Straight, Flush, or Straight
Put the highest possible two cards in ♠ ♠
front that will leave a complete hand
Flush with no Pair 6 5 4 3 2
in back.
♠ ♠ ♣ ♦ ♠

J 8
Straight, Flush, or Straight
Put the highest possible two cards ♥ ♦
(Pair or no Pair) in front that will
Flush with one Pair 9 8 6 5
leave a complete hand in back.
♠ ♥ ♠ ♦

7 7
Straight, Flush, or Straight
Put a Pair in front with a complete ♦ ♣
hand in back otherwise play Two Pair
Flush with two Pair 9 9 Q J 4
♥ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦

5 5
Straight, Flush, or Straight Put Pair or ace in front with complete ♣ ♥
Flush with Three of a Kind hand behind. 7 6 5 4 3
♦ ♠ ♦ ♠ ♥

Full House with or without a 4 4

Straight, Flush, or Straight
Put the highest Pair in front while ♣ ♥
keeping at least Three of a Kind
Flush. 8 8 8 A K
(Three of a Kind and a Pair) ♥ ♠ ♦ ♣ ♥

Four of a Kind ♣ ♦
Split to Pair-Pair.
As, Ks, or Qs Q Q 9 7 5
♥ ♠ ♠ ♦ ♣

Bankers Casino 4
BGC ID: GEGR-002134 (December 2019)
Fortune Pai Gow Poker - Joker Fully Wild

Four of a Kind:
Play Four of a Kind in back if at least ♦ ♠
a king can be played up front,
Js, 10s, or 9s J J Q 10 7
otherwise split.
♥ ♣ ♦ ♠ ♥

8 8
Four of a Kind:
Play Four of a Kind in back if at least ♥ ♦
a queen can be played up front,
8s, 7s, or 6s 8 8 J 7 4
otherwise split.
♣ ♠ ♣ ♠ ♦

9 8
Four of a Kind: ♥ ♣
Always play Four of Kind behind.
5s or below 5 5 5 5 2
♠ ♦ ♥ ♣ ♠

4 4
Play the Pair in front and play Four of ♣ ♥
Four of a Kind with a Pair
a Kind in back. 5 5 5 5 2
♥ ♦ ♣ ♠ ♠

Q 10
Five of a Kind Play the Five of a Kind in the back ♦ ♠
(2 through king) hand. J J J J
♥ ♣ ♦ ♠

♣ ♠
Five Aces Play a Pair of aces in front.
A A K 5
♥ ♦ ♠ ♣

How Winners are Determined and Paid

Each player's five-card hand will be compared to the player-dealer's five-card hand, and each
player’s two-card hand will be compared to the player-dealer’s two-card hand, in turn, starting
with the Action button, to determine the winner according to the following criteria:

1. Wagers shall be settled in a clockwise manner around the table, starting with the player
with the Action button. Furthermore, all wagers shall be settled from seat to seat in the
following order: Fortune Pai Gow Poker – Joker Fully Wild base game wager, Fortune
Bonus Bet, Envy Bonus. Backline bettors are paid immediately after the seated player.
2. The Fortune Pai Gow Poker - Joker Fully Wild base game wager wins if the two-card
hand and the five-card hand held by the player ranks higher than the player-dealer’s
two-card hand and the five-card hand. Winning Fortune Pai Gow Poker - Joker Fully
Wild game wagers are paid 1 to 1.
3. The Fortune Pai Gow Poker - Joker Fully Wild base game wager loses if the two-card
hand and the five-card hand held by the player ranks lower than the player-dealer’s two-
card hand and the five-card hand.

Bankers Casino 5
BGC ID: GEGR-002134 (December 2019)
Fortune Pai Gow Poker - Joker Fully Wild

4. The Fortune Pai Gow Poker - Joker Fully Wild base game wager pushes if one of the
hands held by the player ranks higher than the player-dealer’s corresponding hand, and
the player’s other hand ranks lower than the player-dealer’s corresponding hand. In this
case, neither the player nor the player-dealer wins or loses; the base game wager is a
push and is returned to the player.
5. If one hand is identical in rank to the player-dealer’s hand, it is a “copy hand.” The
player-dealer wins all copy hands.
6. The house dealer will then determine if the players’ hand’s qualifies for the Fortune
Bonus Bet and/or the Envy Bonus. The Fortune Bonus Bet considers the best hand
possible among all seven of the player’s cards, regardless of how they are set between
the five-card and two-card hands.
7. The player-dealer collects losing Fortune Bonus Bets and pays winning Fortune Bonus
Bets to the extent of the player-dealer’s wager. Once the player-dealer’s wager has been
exhausted, the wagers not covered by the player-dealer shall be returned to the
respective players.
8. The house dealer leaves the “Envy” button, if applicable, next to the player’s Fortune Pai
Gow Poker - Joker Fully Wild game wager and payouts. The house dealer will not collect
the “Envy” buttons until all wagers have been reconciled.
9. The player-dealer pays any Envy Bonuses at the end of the round as noted below:
a. If multiple players have made a seven-card qualifying Fortune Bonus Bet and Envy
Bonus hand, then all players with an Envy button will receive a payout for each
qualifying hand, other than for their own hand.
10. After wagers are settled, the cards are collected, and a new round begins.

Bonus Bets

Fortune Bonus Bet

For each seated position, there shall be one separate and specifically designated area for the
placement of a Fortune Bonus Bet. A player may only place a Fortune Bet if they have also
placed a Fortune Pai Gow Poker - Joker Fully Wild base game wager prior to the initial deal.

• Backline betting is permitted on the Fortune Bonus Bet.

• The Fortune Bonus Bet takes into account all seven cards dealt as a player’s hand.
• In the event the seven cards dealt to a player that placed a Fortune Bonus Bet make a
predetermined and designated qualifying hand, as shown below, the Fortune Bonus Bet
shall win.
• The player shall then receive a monetary payout based on the bonus hand that the
player has received, as shown below. Any other combination of the first seven cards
dealt, other than the hands shown below, shall lose.
• There is no opportunity for the Fortune Bonus Bet to push as it is dependent on the
cards dealt as the player’s hand, not a comparison of cards or hands.
• The Fortune Bonus Bet remains in action regardless of whether the player’s Fortune Pai
Gow Poker - Joker Fully Wild base game wager wins, loses, or pushes.
• The player-dealer shall pay all qualifying Fortune Bonus Bets and shall collect all losing
Fortune Bonus Bets.
• Fortune Bonus Bets may be less than, equal to, or greater than the base game wager,
but may not exceed the table limits.
• Fortune Bonus Bets shall be paid according to the pay table as shown below.

Bankers Casino 6
BGC ID: GEGR-002134 (December 2019)
Fortune Pai Gow Poker - Joker Fully Wild

Envy Bonus
A player that places a wager of at least $5 on the Fortune Bonus Bet shall receive an “Envy”
button and may qualify for the Envy Bonus payout if another player receives a predetermined
and designated qualifying hand as shown in the chart below. Players shall receive one Envy
button for each Fortune Bonus Bet in an amount equal to or greater than $5.

• Backline line bettors are eligible for the Envy Bonus.

• The player-dealer position is not eligible to receive an Envy Bonus.
• In the event that the first seven cards dealt to a player that has placed a Fortune Bonus
Bet is a predetermined and designated qualifying hand as shown in the chart below, all
players with an Envy button shall win.
• A player is not eligible to win an Envy Bonus for their own hand.
• If multiple players have made a seven-card qualifying Fortune Bonus Bet, all players
with an Envy button shall win, other than for their own hand.
• Players shall receive a fixed monetary payout based on the qualifying hand that another
player has received and the pay table as shown in the chart below.
• The Envy Bonus may win regardless of the outcome of the Fortune Pai Gow Poker -
Joker Fully Wild base game wager.
• Wagers are collected or paid, to the extent that the player-dealer’s wager covers. Once
the player-dealer’s wager has been exhausted, the wagers not covered by the player-
dealer shall be returned to the respective players.
• Envy Bonuses shall be paid according to the pay table below.

Fortune Bonus Bet and Envy Bonus Pay Table

Hand Dealt Hand Requirements Fortune Pays Envy Pays
A hand that consists of seven cards of
7 Card Straight
the same suit in consecutive ranking that 1,000 to 1 $500
Flush (No Joker)
does not utilize a joker.
7 Card Straight A hand that consists of seven cards of
Flush (With the same suit in consecutive ranking that 500 to 1 $100
Joker) utilizes a joker.
A hand that consists of four aces and a
Five Aces 400 to 1 $50
A hand that consists of a Four of a Kind
Five of a Kind 250 to 1 $25
and a joker.
A hand that consists of an ace, king,
Royal Flush 100 to 1 $10
queen, jack and 10 of the same suit.
A hand that consists of five cards of the
Straight Flush 40 to 1 $5
same suit in consecutive ranking.
A hand that consists of four cards of the
Four of a Kind 25 to 1 $5
same rank.
A hand that consists of a Three of a Kind
Full House 5 to 1
and a Pair.
A hand that consists of five cards of the
Flush same suit, but that are not in consecutive 3 to 1
A hand that consists of five cards that
Straight are in consecutive ranking, but that are 2 to 1
not the same suit.

Bankers Casino 7
BGC ID: GEGR-002134 (December 2019)
Fortune Pai Gow Poker - Joker Fully Wild

Table Layout

Bankers Casino 8
BGC ID: GEGR-002134 (December 2019)
Fortune Pai Gow Poker - Joker Fully Wild

Collection Rates Schedule

For schedule options 1 through 2, the Player-Dealer Fee shall be taken from the player-
dealer position based on the Total Table Action, which is the sum of all players’ base game
wagers and bonus bets placed prior to cards being dealt. The Player Fee shall be taken from
each player and backline bettor for each base game wager they place. There shall be no
additional collection taken from any player or backline bettor for placing a Fortune Bonus Bet.
The Fortune Bonus Bet may be less than, equal to, or greater than the base game wager, but
may not exceed the table limits. The collection fees shall be taken prior to the dice cup being
opened by the house dealer.

Schedule Option Table Limit Player Fee Total Table Action Player-Dealer Fee
$5-$100 $1
1 $5-$50 $0.50
$101+ $2
$10-$100 $1
2 $10-$100 $1
$101+ $2

For schedule options 3 through 5, the Player-Dealer Fee shall be taken from the player-
dealer position based on the Total Table Action, which is the sum of all players’ base game
wagers and bonus bets placed prior to cards being dealt. The Player Fee shall be taken from
each player and backline bettor based on the total amount of their base game wager. There
shall be no additional collection taken from any player or backline bettor for placing a Fortune
Bonus Bet. The Fortune Bonus Bet may be less than, equal to, or greater than the base game
wager, but may not exceed the table limits. The collection fees shall be taken prior to the dice
cup being opened by the house dealer.

Schedule Player Total Table Player-Dealer

Table Limit Player Fee
Option Wager Action Fee
$10-$100 $1 $10-$100 $1
3 $10-$200 $101-$300 $2
$101+ $2
$301+ $3
$100-$200 $2 $10-$300 $1
4 $100-$500 $301-$1,000 $2
$201+ $3
$1,001+ $3
$500-$1,000 $5 $500-$1,000 $5
5 $500-$5,000 $3,001-$10,000 $10
$1,001+ $10
$10,001+ $25

Bankers Casino 9
BGC ID: GEGR-002134 (December 2019)
Fortune Pai Gow Poker - Joker Fully Wild

Collection Rates for California Games

• California games utilize a player-dealer position. The position shall be offered
systematically and continuously in a clockwise manner around the table after every two
• All controlled game wagers, including bonus bets, are collected or paid, to the extent that
the player-dealer’s wager covers.
• Once the player-dealer’s wager has been exhausted, the wagers not covered by the
player-dealer shall be returned to the respective players.
• The gambling establishment does not participate in the actual play of the game and has
no interest in the outcome of the play.
• Only one collection schedule option, which utilizes one table limit and the specified
collection fees for that table limit, as listed above, shall be used at a gaming table at any
one time.
• Collection rates and fees shall be determined prior to the start of play of any hand or
round. Rates shall not be calculated as a fraction or percentage of wagers made or
winnings earned.
• Flat fees on wagers may be assessed at different collection rates; however, no more
than five collection rates may be established per table.
• Bankers Casino shall provide ample notice to patrons regarding the collection rates and
fees, as well as the procedure for collecting them.
• Collection fees shall be conspicuously posted on or within view of every gaming table.

Bankers Casino 10
BGC ID: GEGR-002134 (December 2019)

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