Worksheet 515
Worksheet 515
Worksheet 515
Worksheet 5
1. Are the following sets vectors spaces over R (with their 5. Determine whether the following vector are linearly in-
usual addition and scalar multiplication)? dependent or not.
(a) Functions f : R → R which take positive values. 1 1 2
(a) ~v1 = 2 , ~v2 = −3, ~v3 = 1.
(b) Functions f : R → R such that f (x) = 0 for all
−3 2 5
x ≥ 0.
(c) 2 × 2 real matrices A = [aij ] such that a21 = 0. 1 2 7
(b) ~v1 = −2 , ~v2 = 1 , ~v3 = −4.
(d) Upper triangular n×n real matrices (where n ≥ 1). 1 −1 1
2. For the given vector space V , determine whether the 3 0 17
given subset W is a subspace or not. (c) ~v1 = 5 , ~v2 = 0, ~v3 = −4.
7 0 11
(a) V = Mn×n (R), W = lower triangular matrices.
1 1 −2
(b) V = Mn×n (R), W = diagonal matrices. (d) ~v1 = 10 , ~v2 = 5 , ~v3 = 5 .
(c) V = Mn×n (R), W = invertible matrices. 14 13 1
(d) V = Mn×n (R), W = non-invertible matrices (for 0 1 2 −6
this one, assume n ≥ 2). 0 1 −3 9
(e) ~v1 = , ~v2 = , ~v3 = , ~v4 =
(e) V = all polynomials on R with real coefficients, 0 1 0 0
W = polynomials of degree n, where n ≥ 1 is a 1 1 0 5
fixed number. 6. Determine all values of k for which the following vectors
(f) V = R3 , W = all vectors of the form ~v = (v1 , 0, v3 ) are linearly independent in R4 :
for some v1 , v3 ∈ R (that is, all vectors whose mid-
dle components are 0). (1, 0, 1, k), (−1, 0, k, 1), (2, 0, 1, 3).
(g) Same as above, but the middle component is 1.
1 3 3 2
(h) V = R , W = all vectors ~x = (x1 , . . . , xn ) such 7. Let A = 2 6 9 5.
that −1 −3 3 0
x1 + 2x2 + 3x3 + · · · + nxn = 0.
(a) Show that the row vectors of A are linearly depen-
(i) V any vector space, ~v1 , . . . , ~vk ∈ V are some fixed dent by finding a dependency relation.
elements, W = all vectors ~v of the form
(b) Show that the column vectors of A are linearly
~v = c1~v1 + · · · + ck~vk dependent by finding a dependency relation.
3 4 2
for some scalars c1 , . . . , ck .
8. Let A = 0 1 5.
(j) V = P3 = Real-valued polynomials of degree ≤ 3, 0 0 2
W = all polynomials of the form p(x) = ax2 + 1
for some a ∈ R. (a) Show that the row vectors of A are linearly inde-
3. Let S be the subspace of R3 consisting of all solutions
(b) Show that the column vectors of A are linearly
to the linear equation x − 2y − z = 0. Determine a set
of vectors that spans S.
(a) Yes.
(b) Yes.
(c) No.
(d) No.
(e) No.
(f) Yes.
(g) No.
(h) Yes.
(i) Yes.
(j) No.
3. A spanning set is {(2, 1, 0), (1, 0, 1)}.
4. Yes.
5. (a) LI, (b) LD ,(c) LD, (d) LI, (e) LD.
6. k 6= −1, 2.
7. (a) R3 = 2R2 − 5R1 , (b) 3C1 = C2 .