1614252341_EOI final upload
1614252341_EOI final upload
1614252341_EOI final upload
Selection of Partner
RailTel Corporation of India Ltd.,(here after referred to as RailTel) invites EOIs from RailTel’s Empaneled
Partners for the selection of suitable agency for providing “Infra services to RCIL Customer”.
DD for EMD and EOI cost should be in the favor of RailTel Corporation of India Limited payable at Delhi.
Prospective bidders are required to direct all communications related to this Invitation for EoI document, through
the following Nominated Point of Contact persons:
NOTE: (i). All firms are required to submit hard copy of their EOI submissions, duly signed by
Authorized Signatories with Company seal and stamp.
(ii). The EOI response is invited from all empanelled partners of RailTel only. Only RailTel
empaneled partners are eligible for participation in EOI process.
(iii). Eligible MSMEs are exempted from cost of EOI Documents and EMD, more
details are given in clause 13.7 of EOI Document.
1. RailTel Corporation of India Limited–Introduction
For ensuring efficient administration across India, country has been divided into four regions namely, Eastern,
Northern, Southern & Western each headed by Regional General Managers and Headquartered at Kolkata, New
Delhi, Secunderabad & Mumbai respectively. These regions are further divided into territories for efficient
working. RailTel has territorial offices at Guwahati, & Bhubaneswar in East, Chandigarh, Jaipur, Lucknow in
North, Chennai & Bangalore in South, Bhopal, and Pune & Ahmedabad in West. Various other territorial
offices across the country are proposed to be created shortly.
RailTel’s business service lines can be categorised into three heads namely B2G/B2B (Business to Government
and Business to Business) and B2C (Business to customers):
Presently, RailTel holds IP-1, NLD and ISP (Class-A) licenses under which the following services are being
offered to various customers.
1. National Long Distance: Carriage of Inter & Intra -circle Voice Traffic across India using state of the art
NGN based network through its Interconnection with all leading Telecom Operators
2. Lease Line Services: Available for granularities from E1, DS-3, STM-1 & above
3. Dark Fiber/Lambda: Leasing to MSOs/Telco’s along secured Right of Way of Railway tracks
4. Co-location Services: Leasing of Space and 1000+ Towers for collocation of MSC/BSC/BTS of Telco’s
1. Managed Lease Line Services: Available for granularities from E1, DS-3, STM-1 & above
2. MPLS VPN: Layer-2 & Layer-3 VPN available for granularities from 64 Kbps to nx64 Kbps, 2 Mbps&
3. Dedicated Internet Bandwidth: Experience the “Always ON” internet connectivity at your fingertips in
granularities 2mbps to 155mbps.
Rail wire: Triple Play Broadband Services for the Masses. It is a pilot project undertaken by RailTel and
currently services are offered out of Bangalore and nearby places.
RCIL is exploring sutiable firm which can provide and Implement IT Netwrok and Security Imfrastructure
for RCIL’s Customer.
The proposal and all correspondence and documents shall be written in English. The hardcopy version will
be considered as the official proposal.
4. Payment terms
Payment will be back to back and as per the payment terms mentioned in agreement between RCIL and its
Customer, payment will be released after receiving the invoice for the work and after RailTel receives the
payment from Customer for the same work.
6. Evaluation criteria
Evaluation will be done on lowest offer quoted by the bidder as per SOR (Clause 5).
7. SLA’s
The service level arrangement will be back to back and all the penalty deducted by Customer will passed
on to selected bidder on proportionate basis.
RCIL reserves the right to accept or reject any bid and annual the bidding process or even reject all bids at
any time prior to award of contract, without thereby incurring any liability to the affected bidder or bidders
or without any obligation to inform the affected bidder or bidders about the grounds for RailTel’s action.
9. Bidding Document
The bidder is expected to examine all instructions, forms, terms and conditions and technical specifications
in the bidding documents. Submission of bids, not substantially responsive to the bidding document in
every aspect will be at the bidder’s risk and may result in rejection of its bid without any further reference
to the bidder.
All pages of the documents shall be signed in ink by the bidder including the closing page in token of his
having studies the tender document.
Bids shall remain valid for a period of 180 days from the date of issue of LOI by Customer.
The prices in the bid document shall be expressed in Indian Rupees only.
The bidding process will consist of single packet system. The detailed technical proposal i.e. the including
‘Price Bid’ shall be submitted in sealed envelope.
1.1. The tenderer shall furnish a sum as given in EOI Notice as Earnest Money in the form of
Demand Draft from any scheduled bank in India in favour of “RailTel Corporation of India
Limited” payable at Delhi which should remain valid for 90 days beyond the bid opening
1.2. The EMD may be forfeited if a bidder withdraws his offer or modifies the terms and
conditions of the offer during validity period and in the case of a successful bidder, if the
bidder fails to accept the Letter of Acceptance (LOA) and fails to furnish performance bank
guarantee (security deposit) in accordance with clause 13.
1.3. Offers not accompanied with valid Earnest Money shall be summarily rejected.
1.4. Earnest Money of the unsuccessful bidder will be discharged / returned as promptly as
possible but not later than 30 days after the expiry of the period of offer / bid validity
prescribed by the Purchaser.
1.5. The successful bidder’s EMD will be discharged after the first payment to selected
bidder and after deduction of Security deposit amount as per clause 13.
1.7.1. Certain benefits/preferential treatment shall be extended to the registered MSEs as per
guidelines issued in the latest notification of Ministry of MSME/ Government of India.
1.7.2. MSEs who are interested in availing themselves of these benefits will enclose with their
offer the proof of their being MSE registered with any of the agencies mentioned in the
notification of Ministry of MSME.
1.7.3. The MSEs must also indicate the terminal validity date of their registration
1.7.4. Failing 1.7.2 and 1.7.3 above, such offers will not be liable for consideration of benefits
detailed in the notification of Government of India.
a) In case RCIL’s Customer asks for PBG from RailTel then the successful bidder has to furnish security
deposit in the form of Performance Bank guarantee of amount euivelant to 3% of total Contract
Value, the same should be submitted within 30 days of issue of LOA/PO, failing which a penal
interest of 15% per annum shall be charged for the delay period i.e. beyond 30 (thirty) days from the
date of issue of LOA/PO. This PBG should be from a Scheduled Bank and should cover contarct
period (i.e 3 years) plus three months for lodging the claim. The performance Bank Guarantee will
be discharged by the Purchaser after completion of the supplier's performance obligations including
any warranty obligations under the contract.
b) The security deposit/PBG shall be submitted to Corporate Office & will bear no interest.
c) A separate advice of the BG will invariably be sent by the BG issuing bank to the RailTel’s Bank
through SFMS and only after this the BG will become acceptable to RailTel. It is therefore in interest
of bidder to obtain RailTel’s Bank IFSC code, Its branch and address and advise these particulars to
the BG Issuing bank and request them to send advice of BG through SFMS to the RailTel’s Bank.
d) The security deposit/Performance Bank Guarantee shall be released after successful completion of
Contract, duly adjusting any dues recoverable from the successful tenderer. Security Deposit in the
form of DD/Pay Order should be submitted in the favour of “Railtel Corporation of India Limited”
payable at New Delhi Only.
e) Any performance security upto a value of Rs. 5 Lakhs is to be submitted through DD/Pay order /
online transfer only.
Bids must be submitted to RCIL at the address specified in the preamble not later than the specified date
and time mentioned in the preamble. If the specified date of submission of bids being declared a holiday
for RCIL, the bids will be received up to the specified time in the next working day.
No bidder shall be allowed to withdraw the bid after the deadline for submission of bids.
In case of the successful bidder, he will not be allowed to withdraw or back out from the bid commitments.
The bid earnest money in such eventuality shall be forfeited and all interests/claims of such bidder shall be
deemed as foreclosed.
a. The financial bid should clearly bring out the cost of the work with detailed break-up of
b. The financial bid must be submitted as per the SOR in Tender document.
The selected bidder is required to provide 3 years on site warranty Post GO Live of Infra
Implementaiton. The warranty period can be further extended on same terms & conditions in case of
requirement from customer going forward and after approval of competent Authority of RailTel
+/- 25 % variation may be operated during the period of validity of agreement with the approval of
competent authority with similar terms and procedure as specified in the agreement.
1. Bidders are requested to quote their best prices considering the fact that price negotiation, if
required with the vendor will be passed on to the selected bidder.
2. Unless otherwise specified all prices quoted must remain firm except for statutory variation in taxes
and duties during contractual delivery period. Any increase in taxes and duties after expiry of the
delivery period will be to vendor account.
3. Bids should preferably be typewritten and any correction or over- writing should be initialed. Rates
to be indicated both in words and figures.
4. Sealed bids in envelope superscribing tender enquiry number and due date of opening must be sent
by Registered or Speed Post or to be dropped in the Tender Box specified for the purpose. Bids
received after specified date and time are liable to be rejected
5. Bid should be valid for a minimum period of 180 days from the date of issue of LOA by Customer.
7. If the tenderer is unable to quote against the Enquiry, Regret letter must be sent. Failure to do so
repeatedly may result in deletion of tenderer's name from the approved list of BA/SI.
9. Unless otherwise specified, the materials may be inspected by RCIL after implementation at sites.
RCIL may have option to carry out stage inspection/pre-dispatch inspection at Supplier's works.
10. Any increase in taxes and duties after expiry of the delivery period will be to supplier's account.
This will be without prejudice to the rights of RCIL for any other action including termination.
11. RCIL shall have the right to terminate the contract by giving 60 days notice without assigning any
reasons thereof. However, in the event of any breach of terms of the contract, RCIL will have right
to terminate the contract by written notice to the Seller.
12. FORCE MAJEURE: Any delay or failure to perform the contract by either party caused by acts of
God or acts of Government or any direction or restriction imposed by Government of India which
may affect the contract or the public enemy or contingencies like strikes, riots etc. shall not be
considered as default for the performance of the contract or give rise to any claim for damage.
Within 7 days of occurrence and cessation of the event(s), the other party shall be notified. Only
those events of force majeure which impedes the execution of the contract at the time of its
occurrence shall be taken into cognizance.
13. In case of any dispute or difference arising out of the contract which can not be resolved mutually
between RCIL and vendor, it shall be referred to a Sole Arbitrator to be appointed by the CMD,
14. The Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996 and rules made there under shall apply to the
Arbitration Proceedings.
15. The contract shall be governed by and construed according to the laws in force in India and subject
to exclusive jurisdiction of the Courts of Delhi only.
16. RCIL shall be awarding the contract only after receiving confirm order from Csutomer. The contract
awarding can be full or partial basis.
RailTel Corporation of India Ltd.
Plate-A, 6th Floor, Office Tower-2,
NBCC Building, East Kidwai Nagar, New Delhi-110023
Dear Sir,
Having examined the Invitation for EoI document bearing the reference number ____________________
released by your esteemed organization, we, undersigned, hereby acknowledge the receipt of the same and
offer to participate in conformity with the said Invitation for EoI document.
If our application is accepted, we undertake to abide by all the terms and conditions mentioned in the said
Invitation for EoI document.
We hereby declare that all the information and supporting documents furnished as a part of our response to
the said Invitation for EoI document, are true to the best of our knowledge. We unterstand that in case any
discrepancy is found in the information submitted by us, our EoI is liable to be rejected.
We hereby Submit EMD amount of Rs. _______ issued vide _________ from Bank _________.
We hereby confirm that Our Firm MSME Number is _____________ with validity date
___________ and our Firm is eligible for exemption as per clause number 13.
Authorized Signatory
1. Scope of Requirement
RCIL’s Customer intends to develop on premise data server room for tally and file data storage.
Technical Requirement is detailed as under:
Storage 1
1.3 SAN Storage 20 TB Usable
3 Year Warranty
1.4 LTO Tape LTO Tape auto loader 1
42U Smart Rack (800W X 1000D) 10KVA 1
1.5 Smart Rack UPS with
15minuts backup
2 Software
2.1 Virtualization VMware vSphere 7 Essentials Plus Kit for 3 1
Solution with 3 year hosts (Max 2
support processors per host)
The proposed solution requires to be integrated with Customer’s existing network. Scope also includes Three
Years Warranty Support and Operation & Maintenance of the proposed solution offsite.
2. Data Migration
Selected bidder will migrate the data to proposed solution.
3. Training
I. Selected Bidder shall provide training at customer office.
II. Two-day training will be provided for new environment.
4. Project Approach
III. Understanding of Existing Infrastructure
IV. System Requirement Study (SRS) for New Requirement
V. Project Architecture & Security Definition
VI. Integration Testing
VII. Deployment
VIII. Project Management
5. Deliverables
IX. Project Plan
X. Installation and configuration
XI. Migration of current servers
XII. Apply standard security polices
XIII. Email migration on cloud
XIV. Backup of application and data
Note : The Technical Architecture and Network Diagram provided above are tentative and final
architecture shall be as finalized by Customer.