DesignandInstallationofa3.5KVASolarPhotovoltaicPowerSystem (2)
DesignandInstallationofa3.5KVASolarPhotovoltaicPowerSystem (2)
DesignandInstallationofa3.5KVASolarPhotovoltaicPowerSystem (2)
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Off-Grid Solar Electrical System of solar energy in the environment is the issue
of cost. Geyer and other contributors in their
research outcome believed that if the cost of
installing the solar power system is reduced, it
will completely replace other conventional
sources of energy. They proposed three
methods of reducing the cost of a solar
parabolic collector, they include: Cost reduction
by simplification of design, Cost reduction by
improvement of the optical performance of the
collectors, and Cost reduction achieved in
additional steps: possible tilt of the collector and
Figure 1: Off-Grid (stand-alone) PV System extension of collector length per drive unit. After
with battery backup and generator backup. the application of these methods, they were
able to achieve an overall cost reduction for the
The off-grid PV system as in figure solar field of 14%, an increase in the annual
1 above, also known as the stand-alone PV performance of the parabolic trough collector
system is designed to operate independent and an additional reduction of solar electricity
of the electric utility grid, and is generally costs.
designed and sized to supply certain DC as Future research for ways of reducing
well as AC electrical loads. These kinds of the cost of installing the solar power system will
systems might be powered by a PV array only, prove very efficient in the acceptance of solar
or may utilize wind, a motor generator or utility energy in the world. Another research carried
power as an assistant power source in what out by Dr. Okoro [10] reveals that solar energy
is known as a PV-Hybrid system. The most should be a necessary investment in a
well-known sort of stand-alone PV system developing country. In his research, Dr. Okoro
is the one in which batteries are utilized to analyzed and compared the advantages and
store energy created by the PV array. disadvantages of using conventional energy
sources and solar energy. According to him,
LITERATURE REVIEW solar energy is very important in a developing
Several researches have been done on country because the over-dependence of fossil
solar energy and its application. The study by fuels and other energy sources has caused
Arun et al clearly reveals that the increase in energy crisis in developing countries. After his
demand for conventional energy sources has work, he was able to conclude that, though the
driven the society towards the research and initial cost of installing the solar power system is
development of renewable energy sources; high as compared to the conventional sources,
hence solar energy [7]. The solar energy offers the cost of maintaining the solar power system
lots of advantages over the conventional is very low when also compared to the
sources of energy; the application of this energy conventional source. It is evident from his paper
is useful and provides power to remote areas of that the solar energy is the most attractive and
the world, it is environmental friendly and efficient way of electrical generation in a
inexhaustible. However, the limitations of day developing country. A study done by Harry [11]
and night cycles coupled with high costs in showed that solar energy has vast application.
comparison to other sources of energy hinders In his research “Solar to Fuels Conversion
its ready acceptance which calls for more Technologies”, harry pointed out that for solar
research to be done in the area of solar photo- energy to completely replace the conventional
voltaic, and solar energy as a whole with a view source of energy, two important challenges
of discovering alternative materials with higher must be addressed. According to him, the first
efficiency of conversion, reduced panel areas challenge is to provide adequate energy storage
per kilo-watt, more effective, economic and capabilities for solar-generated electricity, given
durable storage system for sustained the intermittent character of the solar resource.
production of power [8]. The second and perhaps the most important
According to Michael Geyer et al [9], the challenge, is utilizing solar energy to aid in the
major setback in the acceptance and application production of clean alternative fuels for the
Corresponding author: Maafan, M. A. Aerospace Engineering Department Airforce Institute of
Technology, Zaria. © 2022. Faculty of Technology Education. ATBU Bauchi. All rights reserved
ISSN: 2277-0011; Journal homepage:
transportation, industrial and housing sector. In research, “solar energy application in Nigeria”,
his attempt to address the second challenge, he described the solar thermal systems as solar
harry studied the conversion of solar energy to energy technologies for conversion of solar
fuel for use in the transportation sector. Solar radiation into heat which can be used directly or
energy collected and concentrated within a converted into mechanical energy and in turn
solar utility can be harnessed in different ways electricity. The solar radiation and conversion
to generate an environmentally friendly solar are done using the solar energy collector. The
fuel, this processes includes; efficiencies of these collectors can be improved
1. Photovoltaic system to convert sunlight by using spectrally selective surface. The
into electricity which, in turn, could be used conversion of solar heat into mechanical energy
to drive electrochemical (electrolysis) cells and then to electricity is termed concentrated
that decompose inert chemical species solar power (CSP). Also the PV system is a
such as H2O or CO2 into useful fuels. solar energy technology for direct conversion of
2. Photo electrochemical or photocatalytic sunlight into electricity using panels made of
system could be designed wherein semiconductor cells. After defining the solar
electrochemical decomposition reactions thermal system and the PV system, he gave
are driven directly by light, without the need different applications of solar energy which
to separately generate electricity. includes; solar water heaters, solar crop, fish
3. Photo thermal systems could be used and manure dryers, solar cookers, solar chicken
either to heat working fluids or help drive brooders, solar photovoltaic and solar
desired chemical reactions such as those concentrated power. In this research, much
connected with thermolysis, emphasis will be made on the solar PV system
thermochemical cycles, etc. and it applications that make it more viable than
conventional power supply. The conversion of
the solar cell to the solar photovoltaic system is
shown in figure 2 above.
The birth of PV technology dates back
to 1839 when Edmund Bacquerel, a French
experimental physicist, discovered the
photovoltaic effect while experimenting with an
electrolytic cell made up of two metal electrodes
In the design and establishment of
a solar photovoltaic system, there is an
arrangement for general improvement to
guarantee that the research is accomplished
successfully. A comprehensive literature review
Figure 2. From Solar Cell to a Photovoltaic is carried out to ascertain extent at which similar
System [13]
research has been conducted and identify
knowledge gap. This comprises of survey of the
solar PV system outline and development
throughout the years and furthermore a definite
The solar fuel so produced offer efficient clarification of the essentials of the fundamental
production, sufficient energy density, and
parts of the PV system. Furthermore, an energy
flexible conversion into heat, electrical, or
audit was carried out at the Department to
mechanical energy. Solar energy has numerous ascertain the required power rating for electricity
applications when it is converted to heat,
consumption. This comprises taking the power
electricity or biomass. The technologies for
rating for every required electrical appliance at
conversion of solar energy into heat and
the Department and sum up to give an
electricity can be classified into solar thermal
approximate power rating of 3.5kva considering
systems and PV systems [11]. A work carried
safety factor of 25%. Afterwards, a thorough
out by Ilenikhena [12] helps define the solar
market survey was made to meet the market
thermal system and the PV system. In his
Corresponding author: Maafan, M. A. Aerospace Engineering Department Airforce Institute of
Technology, Zaria. © 2022. Faculty of Technology Education. ATBU Bauchi. All rights reserved
ISSN: 2277-0011; Journal homepage:
solar array and ending with system wiring and system. After a legitimate PV System has
cost estimation. This part of the project is very been chosen, the next thing is to pick the parts
vital as it will determine the sizes of all other of the system. A grid-connected PV system with
components and the cost of the project. It battery will require a battery backup and a
involves checking the power rating of each charge controller which isn't required for the
device to be powered and summing them up, grid-connected PV system without battery
the result is then represented on a tabular form. reinforcement. Likewise, the kind of inverter
required for the stand alone inverter will be
Selection of the Best Grid quite different from the Grid-connected PV
Essentially, there are three kinds system. In general, the system sizing
of PV system; the grid-connected without incorporates; sizing of the solar array, sizing
battery backup, the grid-connected with the battery capacity, sizing the charge
battery backup and the off-grid or stand- controller, sizing of the inverter and
alone PV system. The selection of any of measuring of the wiring cables. The
the three kinds of PV system will be based on strategy utilized here is depicted by Ali et al
the following; Amount of solar radiation and [15].
span of sunlight per month on site, Energy audit
accomplished on the site, Availability of a grid Sizing of the Solar Array
power nearby, and Reliability of the grid power Before sizing the array, the total
nearby. daily energy in Watt-hours (E), the average
The amount of solar radiation and sun hour per day T min and the DC-voltage of
duration of solar radiation per day will determine the system (VDC) must be determined.
how well and how long the radiation from the Once these factors are made available then,
sun will hit the solar array, a very large amount the sizing process can commence. To avoid
of solar radiation will mean that the amount of under sizing, losses must be considered by
sunlight available to be converted into electricity dividing the total power demand in Wh/day by
will be significantly high, and the duration will the product of efficiencies of all components in
determine how long the solar array will convert the system to get the required energy Er. To
light into electricity. Basically, large solar avoid under sizing, we begin by dividing the
radiation and long hours of sunlight will need total average energy demand per day by the
fewer solar modules to charge the storage efficiencies of the system components to
battery and vice versa. The energy audit will obtain the daily requirement from the solar
help determine how much power is needed and array:
the size of the PV system. A large power will
need a grid-connected PV system with battery
backup while small power can use a stand-
alone PV system. =
The availability and reliability of the
grid-power on site is the most important factor = … … … … … … … … … … … … … … (1)
to be considered. Is there a reliable grid-power
on site, then a grid-connected PV system
without battery bank can be used to supply To obtain the peak power, the previous result is
power to devices when there is a grid power divided by the average sun hours per day for the
outage. If the grid-power on site is not reliable, geographical location Tmin.
then, there will be need for a storage battery;
hence, a grid-connected PV system with battery # $ %
backup will be used. On the other hand, if there
is no grid-power available, then the Stand-Alone $ −ℎ /
(off-grid) PV system with battery bank and/or
generator backup can be utilized. = . (2)
System Sizing
The system sizing involves sizing
of the significant components of the PV
Corresponding author: Maafan, M. A. Aerospace Engineering Department Airforce Institute of
Technology, Zaria. © 2022. Faculty of Technology Education. ATBU Bauchi. All rights reserved
ISSN: 2277-0011; Journal homepage:
4 5 48 2
4H II + 8 = … … … … … … … … … … 10)
2 2F
901 The connection of the battery bank
= … … … … … … … . . (5)
9 can then be easily figured out. The number
of batteries in series equals the DC voltage of
Finally, the total number of modules the system divided by the voltage rating of one
Nm equals the series module multiplied by the of the batteries selected.
parallel ones.
4* = … … … … … … … … … … … … … … (11)
= 48 ;46 … … … … … … … … … … … … … . (6) 9F
normal voltage)= (6640 x 3)/(0.85 x 0.5 x Fig 6: Sunshine hours against Global Solar
24)=19,920/10.2=1,952.9Ah. Assuming DOA-1, Radiation for Kaduna LGA.
Battery Capacity=650.9. This is equivalent to 4
x 200Ah, 12 V battery. The figure 6 above shows the monthly
sunshine hours and global solar radiation all
through the year for a typical weather condition
in Kaduna State. It can be observed that the
highest and lowest sunshine hours is 6.49 and
4.55 for February and August respectively. And
that of the monthly solar radiation is 18.22 and
12.02 for same months respectively.
The figure 5 shows above the Fig 7: Hourly Energy Consumption in the
comparison between the PV and grid. It can be Institute.
observed that the highest and lowest point is the
month of February and August respectively. Figure 7 shows the amount of power
This is due to the temperature of 340C and 220C usage in a typical day at the Department. It can
for the two months respectively. This goes be observed that power usage started rising
further to explain the effect of sunrise in power from about past 8am when workers started
generation for the PV array. clocking into the days’ job which starts at 9am
and stable till about 5pm when the days’ job
come to an end, and shorting down keeps some
Sunshine hours against National Solar workers using power up till about 7pm for those
radiation for Kaduna LGA doing overtime before it returned to normal level
20 at about 8pm.
The table 1 below shows the various
15 appliances, quantity, load, power rating and
Solar energy is predicted to play a The output of a solar PV system is
major important role in the nearest future, very reliant on good system design derived
thereby reducing reliance on petroleum from accurate site and demand data. It is
derivatives (fossil fuels), as well as diminishing important that exact assumptions are made
the environmental hazards as priority. This with respect to energy demand/pattern of
research introduces the utilization of solar PV operation and energy availability. Considering
system in producing a sustainable power solar PV system and energy availability, the
supply, likewise decreasing the over reliance daily variation in solar power generation
on conventional energy as PV system meets requires storage capacity of surplus of energy
the general requirement of power on sunny days for utilization on cloudy days.
production, being that it is renewable, This research will enable accurate valuation
sustainable, cost effective, almost of the solar PV system components to be
maintenance free, and suitable for off-grid expanded, additionally, further modification on
applications. It can be utilized to replace the the system can be completed to effectively
conventional source of generating power. The capture more sunlight and create more
solar PV power generation system converts electrical power during the day. Such
the DC energy by a solar cell array into AC modification may incorporate, solar tracking
energy that is fed into the utility. The PV mechanisms, increase in the quantity of solar
system composed of the solar array contains panels, or utilization of a solar concentrated
the solar cell that is used for the direct panels to focus sunlight over an enormous
conversion of sunlight into electricity, the region. Improving solar power generation
battery bank that stores the battery for use in capabilities will help to reduce the global carbon
less sun days mainly during the night, the footprint, meet climate change goals, and
charge controller or charge regulator reduce pollutants and greenhouse gases from
regulates the voltage entering the battery by traditional energy sources. If any cell in a solar
creating a short circuit if the voltage supply panel is blocked from the sun, it will disrupt the
is too much, and the inverter that converts energy output of the panel. Cleaning dust and
the DC produced by the solar array into AC dirt from the panel can be challenging, time
that is fed into the utility. Furtherm ore the consuming and dangerous considering the
proposed 3.5KVA power size was successfully location of solar panel mounting being the roof
generated, the system was design to feed out of the Faculty of Engineering, windshield self-
3.0KVA as utility output while 0.5KVA was wipers can be attached to solar panels in
reserved as factor of safety and for avoidance subsequent solar PV design and installation.
of power fluctuation and system overloading.
The authors wish to most profoundly
appreciate Tertiary Education Trust Fund
Corresponding author: Maafan, M. A. Aerospace Engineering Department Airforce Institute of
Technology, Zaria. © 2022. Faculty of Technology Education. ATBU Bauchi. All rights reserved
ISSN: 2277-0011; Journal homepage:
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Corresponding author: Maafan, M. A. Aerospace Engineering Department Airforce Institute of
Technology, Zaria. © 2022. Faculty of Technology Education. ATBU Bauchi. All rights reserved