FS 1 1
This episode 1 provides an opportunity for students to examine and reflect on a school
environment that promotes learning and development.
❖ At the end of the Episode, I must be able to determine the characteristics of a school
environment that is safe, secure and is supportive of learning
Familiarize yourself with the different areas and facilities of the school. Check the column to
indicate their availability. Give a brief description of those that are available, and say how ach will
contribute to the students’ learning and development
School Canteen / It was located in center of When the learners are hungry
the campus, next to they can’t focus well on the
gymnasium discussion, they’ll crave for food
instead of listening to the teacher,
so it is significant to have school
canteen so that the students can
buy food without going outside of
the school campus.
Medical Clinic / The room was divided into Yes, it’ll contribute to their
two, the counseling room learning and development
and School clinic, since it because they will have a peace of
is big. The teachers makes mind that there’s a safe place
sure it’s always clean and when they got sick or got an
tidy. injury during school days.
Audio Visual/ X X X
Learning Resource
Science Laboratory / It was next to the Junior It contributes to the students
High Library, last room in learnings, because they will
the building in front of experience actual experiments
gymnasium. It has not just reading it on the books, it
laboratory equipment’s, it’s will help them understand the
organize, and the teacher topic easily.
who’s managing the
science laboratory makes
sure that the students will
not enter the lab when it’s
not needed or necessary, to
maintain their safety
because there are
chemicals inside.
Gymnasium / It is wide enough for Yes, because it can be used on
students and school their physical education activities
activities. and other activities that need
Auditorium X X X
Outdoor/Garden / It is wide, has different It helps students by giving them
crops planted by experience in actual activities and
agriculture students. working to the field, it helps
students to connect with nature.
Home Economics / It was clean, has complete Yes, because it can be use by
Room equipments to be use by students taking Home Economics
students. courses to enhance their skills
Industrial Workshop X It has equipments of the Yes, it can be used by learners
Area different strand. during their actual activities in
industrial works.
Comfort room for / There are 9 comfort room It helps students for urination
Boys ( how many ) for boys in every building and defecation. Student can’t
of the campus, it has focus on class when they feel
enough source of water to anything uncomfortable and
maintain the cleanliness. comfort room is helpful in that
Comfort Room for / There are 10 comfort room It helps students for urination
Girls ( How many) for girls in every buildingand defecation. Student can’t
of the campus, it has focus on class when they feel
enough source of water to anything uncomfortable and
maintain the cleanliness comfort room is helpful in that
Computer Room / The computer room has Yes, because it can be use by
enough computers and all students on searching resources
are well functioning, some and gathering data, furthermore
of it was brand new . it helps the students to gain
knowledge, and research their
Others _______
Read the following statements carefully. Then write your observation report on the space
Guide Question Classroom Observation Report
1. Describe the community or The community or neighborhood where the school found
neighborhood where the is only the Masarawag Elementary School, the HS and
school is found Elementary school was next to each other, the rest of
the neighborhood was coconut plantation, surrounded
by trees and plants, there also some Households but it’s
not affecting the school.
2. Describe the school campus. The school campus was perfect for students, safe and
What colors do you see? suitable to them. The color of the classroom was
What is the condition of their combination of white, beige and yellow green, the
buildings? surrounding of the school you will see mostly green
because it’s surrounded by trees. Their buildings are
3. Pass by the offices. What The moment I pass by to the office, I can say that it
impression do you have catches my attention because of it’s unique design, and
these offices eye pleasing for both students and teachers as well.
4. Walk through the school The other facilities that the campus has are comfort
halls, the library, the rooms in every buildings, they also have different
canteen. Look around and stations or rooms for the TVL strands like the Cookery, it
find out the other facilities contains different equipments that can be used in
that in the school has. baking, cooking and etc.
5. Visit the computer lab. What It has 5 rows, 3 tables on the middle and 2 on the left
was the setting of the and right sides, each tables has 7 computers and chairs
equipment? as well, the teachers desk was located at the left side in
front facing students, the computer are all functioning,
and wirings are all organized.
6. Describe the Learning The learning facilities I saw are libraries and computer
Resource Center. What are lab, it provides variety of services to help students and
the facilities that you see? teachers learn more and gave them resources. There are
How do they arranged? two libraries in the campus, libraries for junior high and
senior high, the computer lab and junior high library
was next to each other while the other library for seniors
was located at senior high building next to the
principal’s office.
Descriptive Paragraph
When I entered the school, I had noticed that the surroundings was already clean early in the
morning, It came to my mind that the learners in this school was discipline and well mannered
because at 6 am in the morning they are already at the campus doing the assigned task, the campus
was great for learning. There were benches and trees for students to rest.
The classrooms had good desks and chairs for students to sit. The walls had educational posters .
There was a library with many books for students to read. The science lab had new equipment for
experiments. The computer lab had the latest technology.
The school also had special areas. The counseling room was a safe place for students to talk
about their problems. The library room had things to help students with different learning needs. The
Industrial and home economics room had supplies and equipments for students to be creative and
enhanced their skills.
In general, the school was a place where students felt safe, inspired, and supported. They could
learn and grow well here.
“Dreams in every corner”
In my ideal school, calm and bright, Classrooms neat, just feels right. Colors soft, walls kept
clear, Space to learn, year by year.
Desks in rows or small round tables, With room for work, and friendly labels. A place to read, a
spot to write, Corners cozy, filled with light.
Friendly faces, helping hands, Teachers with big lesson plans. Learning feels like pure delight,
In this space, all feels right.
Outside green, a place to play, Fresh air each and every day. In this school, we grow and grow,
In a place that's safe and slow.
Resource Teacher: Mr. Andy Patrick I. Sara Teacher’s Signature:
School: Masarawag, National, High School
Grade/Year Level: 12 Subject Area: Practical Research 2 Date: November 04, 2024
2. Teacher’s Table The teachers desk was located in front, facing the learners.
3. Learner’s Desks They are using arm chairs, they have two cabinets at the back.
4. Blackboard The blackboard was in the front wall of the learners, at the back of
teachers desk, it was long and always clean.
Write your observation report here.
How do the school campus and the classroom in particular impact the learning of the students
going to school? What are your conclusions?
The school campus and classroom are very important for students’ learning and growth. A good
learning environment can improve students’ grades, social skills, and how they feel overall. That’s why
schools should spend money to make a safe, comfortable, and interesting place for students to learn.
How does this relate to your knowledge of child and adolescent development? How does this
relate to your knowledge of facilitating learning?
A good school campus and classroom are important for child and adolescent. It gives them a safe
and comfy place to grow and learn. This helps them do well in school and also learn to get along with
others and handle their feelings.
For learning, a nice environment helps students pay attention and get involved. They’ll be more
interested in what they’re learning and do better in school. Like, a classroom with a nice teacher and
cool stuff makes learning fun. And a campus with lots of things to do and see helps students learn new
things outside of class. So, a good school environment is really important for students to learn and
1. Would you like to teach in the school environment you just observed? Why? Why not?
Yes, because of it’s in perfect location, it was at the second floor, has 3 electric fans,
and the thing I like the most was it is surrounded by trees, trees gives calmness which can help
you when your stress beside of that it is not that hot despite of our climate.
As you look around and examine board displays, use the observation guide and forms provided
for you to document your observations.
Observation REPORT
(You may paste picture of the Board displays here.)
From among the board displays that you saw, pick the one that you get most interested in.
Evaluate it using the evaluation form below.
Topic of the Board Display:
Location of the Board Display in School:
Check the column that indicates your rating. Write comments to back up your ratings.
Criteria NI S VS O Comments
1 2 3 4
Effective / The grammars and words was well
Communication constructed, the sentence was simple nor
It conveys the message precise to easily understood by students.
quickly and clearly.
Durability / It’s good that they use plastic cover to avoid
It is well-constructed; the board display from getting wet.
items are securely
Strengths weaknesses
Description of the The bulletin board design Some of the letters in bulletin board was nit
Bulletin Board Layout was simple but the readable in distance.
contents are
informational and
Evaluation of educational There are science facts The information posted was not updated
content and other aspects and trivia are posted, because of the previous suspensions of
they also include the classes.
science activities so that
the students will be
Recommendations or
Suggestions for
Make the letters a little bigger that it can be read even in distance to catch students attention.
Update the bulletin board to display more knowledgeable information and trivia.
Based on your suggestions, make your board display lay-out. You may present your output through
any of these:
• A hand-made drawing or layout
• An electronic (computer) drawing/ illustration or layout
• A collage
My Board Display Lay-out
2. Is the board display design reflect the likes/interests of its target audience? Why? Why not?
It’s good, but I think it will be more attractive if they use aesthetic colors not the bright ones to
make it eye pleasing.
3. Was the language used clear and simple for the target audience? Why? Why not?
The grammars and words was well constructed, the sentence was simple nor precise to easily
understood by students.
Board Title:
Bravo Board
To motivate the students to do good in school or be participative and give affirmations for them to
feel seen and appreciated.
1. Motivate and inspire students.
2. Make them feel appreciated and valued.
3.Give boost towards confidence, happiness and motivation.
4. Reminds and update student on their rankings or works.
Content resources (Name each needed resource and give each a brief description):
Academic performance - to assess students academic performances and updated them on where
they excel and where they need to put more efforts on.
Extra- curricular - asses students multiple intelligences, motivate to pursue where they're good at
and acknowledge their talents aside from academic excellence.
Attitude/manners -appraise their feelings and find the right words to make them feel appreciated,
valued, seen and understand.
1. Name at least five skills that a teacher should have to be able to come up with effective
board displays. Elaborate on why each skill is needed.
1. Creativity skill
Teachers should be creative. They can use many materials like colored paper, stickers, to
make the board display look good and be remembered.
2. Adaptability skill
Teachers must be able to change their board displays to fit learning needs of the students.
This means showing information in different ways, like using various visual aids or giving more
explanations for hard concepts. By doing this, more students can understand and be interested
in what’s on the board.
3. Collaborative skill
The teachers should work with other teachers or students to create a collaborative board
display. This can help to share ideas and resources and create a more engaging learning
4. Technology Skills:
The teachers should have the ability to use technology tools such as interactive whiteboards to
enhance the board display or they can browse some ideas on the internet. This can make the
information more engaging.
5. Which of the skills you named in # 1 do you already have? Recall your past experiences in
making board displays. How do you practice these skills?
I have the creativity skill, because base on my past experiences in making board
displays, I can give suggestions on how our board display will be attracted to students, I know
how to combine colors and make it aesthetic, I’m also helping in making the designs used on
our previous board display making. I practice this skill by sometimes watching ideas on the
internet or other resources but not copying them.
6. Which skills do you still need to develop? What concrete steps will you take on how you can
improve on or acquire these skills.
I need to develop my Collaborative skills, because I’m an introvert person and I want to talk a lot, but
I can improve or acquire this skills by socializing to others, now I’m slowly pushing myself to come out
of my shell and try to interact and collaborate more in my co student teaches.
Vygotsky’s social development theory asserts that a child’s cognitive development and learning ability
can be guided and mediated by their social interactions. His theory (also called Vygotsky’s Sociocultural theory)
states that learning is a crucially social process as opposed to an independent journey of discovery. He expands
on this by stating that a child’s learning benefitted greatly from being guided by a more knowledgeable
community member such as a parent or teacher. Vygotsky’s sociocultural theory also suggested that children
internalize and learn from the beliefs and attitudes that they witness around them. He believed that culture
played an important role in shaping cognitive development and therefore that this development varied across
cultures. Vygotsky also stressed the importance of language as the root of all learning. Vygotsky believed that
learning was an active process rather than a natural or passive one, hе said that children were engaged in their
own learning and discovery but that their development happened in the context of social interaction, as opposed
to independently or in isolation. Vygotsky also highlighted the importance of learning that was guided by an
educator or teacher. Techniques used by the teacher to engage the child, such as performing the task
themselves as an example or providing verbal instruction was referred to as cooperative or collaborative
dialogue by Vygotsky theory.
As a future educator, this theory can guide me by giving me more strategies and widen my knowledge
about the importance of guiding students through their journey not only in school but also in their every day lives.
Like what I’ve said earlier teachers plays a vital role in the development of a students, it is important to guide
them early and teach them to become better and successful in the future, childrens spend more time in school
rather than home when they start their education, that’s why we also called as a “second parents” of the
students, we should be the good role model to them because we influenced them the most.
EVALUATE Performance Task
Evaluate Your Work Task Field Study 1, Episode 2 – Learner Diversity: Developmental
characteristics, Needs, and Interests
Learning Outcome: Determine the characteristics, needs and interests of learners from different
developmental levels.
Name of FS Student: Kim Princess B. Ordiz Date Submitted: November 23, 2024
Year & Section: IV-A Course: BSED ENGLISH
Learning Excellent Very Satisfactory Satisfactory Needs Improvement
Episode 4 3 2 1
Accomplished All observation One (1) to two (2) Three (3) observation Four (4) more observation
Observation questions/ observation questions/tasks not questions/ tasks not answered/
Sheet tasks completely questions/tasks answered/ accomplished.
answered/ not answered/ accomplished.
accomplished. accomplished.
Analysis All questions were All questions were Questions were not Four (4) more observation questions
answered answered answered completely; were not answered; answers are not
completely; answers completely; answers are not clearly connected to theories; more than
are depth and are answers are clearly connected to theories; four (4) grammatical/spelling errors.
thoroughly grounded connected to one (1) to three (3)
on theories; grammar theories; grammar grammatical/ spelling
and spelling are free and spelling are errors.
from error. free from errors.
Reflection Profound and clear; Clear but lacks Not so clear and shallow; Unclear and shallow; rarely
supported by what depth; supported somewhat supported by supported by what were observed
were observed and by what were what were observed and and analyzed
analyzed observe and analyzed
Learning Portfolio is reflected Portfolio is Portfolio is not reflected Portfolio is not reflected on in the
Artifacts on in the context of reflected on in the on in the context of the context of the learning outcomes; not
the learning context of the learning outcomes. complete; not organized, not relevant
outcomes; Complete, learning outcomes. Complete; not organized,
well-organized, Complete; well relevant to the learning
highly relevant to the organized, very outcome
learning outcome relevant to the
learning outcome
Submission Submitted before the Submitted on the Submitted a day after the Submitted two (2) days or more after
deadline deadline deadline the deadline
Over-all score (Based on