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Razonamiento verbal PURO DECO

24 pag.

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Descargado por matias vargas (matiasvvargas07@gmail.com)

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Descargado por matias vargas (matiasvvargas07@gmail.com)

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B) drama in opera is more important than the music

C) orchestras in operas can vary considerably in size
D) musical theater relies above all on music
E) there is argument over whether the music is important or the words in opera
3. It is stated in the reading that _________.
A) acting and costumes are secondary to music in musical theater
COMPRENSIÓN DE LECTURA B) many people find musical theater more captivating than opera
C) music in musical theater is not as important as it is in opera
(TEXTOS EN INGLÉS) D) an opera requires a huge orchestra as well as a large choir
E) opera doesn't have any properties in common with musical theater

Opera Dolphins
Opera refers to a dramatic art form, originating in Europe, in which the emotional content Dolphins are regarded as the friendliest creatures in the sea and stories of them helping
is conveyed to the audience as much through music, both vocal and instrumental, as it is drowning sailors have been common since Roman times. The more we learn about
through the lyrics. By contrast, in musical theater an actor's dramatic performance is dolphins, the more we realize that their society is more complex than people previously
primary, and the music plays a lesser role. The drama in opera is presented using the imagined. They look after other dolphins when they are ill, care for pregnant mothers and
primary elements of theater such as scenery, costumes, and acting. However, the words protect the weakest in the community, as we do. Some scientists have suggested that
of the opera, or libretto, are sung rather than spoken. The singers are accompanied by a dolphins have a language but it is much more probable that they communicate with each
musical ensemble ranging from a small instrumental ensemble to a full symphonic other without needing words. Could any of these mammals be more intelligent than man?
orchestra. Certainly the most common argument in favor of man's superiority over them that we can
kill them more easily than they can kill us is the least satisfactory. On the contrary, the
more we discover about these remarkable creatures, the less we appear superior when
TRADUCCIÓN we destroy them.

Ópera se refiere a una forma de arte dramático, originada en Europa, en la cual el TRADUCCIÓN
contenido emocional se transmite al público tanto a través de la música, tanto vocal como
instrumental, como lo es a través de las letras. Por el contrario, en el teatro musical la Delfines
actuación dramática de un actor es primordial, y la música juega un papel menor. El Los delfines son considerados como las criaturas más amigables del mar y las historias
drama en la ópera se presenta utilizando los elementos principales del teatro, como el de ellos ayudando a los marineros ahogados han sido comunes desde la época romana.
escenario, el vestuario y la actuación. Sin embargo, las palabras de la ópera, o libreto, se Cuanto más aprendemos sobre los delfines, más nos damos cuenta de que su sociedad
cantan más que se hablan. Los cantantes están acompañados por un conjunto musical es más compleja de lo que la gente imaginaba anteriormente. Cuidan de otros delfines
que va desde un pequeño conjunto instrumental hasta una orquesta sinfónica completa. cuando están enfermos, cuidan a las madres embarazadas y protegen a los más débiles
de la comunidad, como lo hacemos nosotros. Algunos científicos han sugerido que los
delfines tienen un lenguaje, pero es mucho más probable que se comuniquen entre sí sin
1. It is pointed out in the reading that opera ________. necesidad de palabras. ¿Podría alguno de estos mamíferos ser más inteligente que el
A) has developed under the influence of musical theater hombre? Ciertamente, el argumento más común a favor de la superioridad del hombre
B) is a drama sung with the accompaniment of an orchestra sobre ellos de que podemos matarlos más fácilmente de lo que ellos pueden matarnos
C) is not a high-budget production es el menos satisfactorio. Por el contrario, cuanto más descubrimos acerca de estas
D) is often performed in Europe criaturas notables, menos parecemos superiores cuando las destruimos.
E) is the most complex of all the performing arts

2. We can understand from the reading that ________. 4. It is clear from the passage that dolphins _________.
A) people are captivated more by opera than musical theater A) don't want to be with us as much as we want to be with them

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B) are proven to be less intelligent than once thought de hipotermia antes de que los rescatadores pudieran sacarlos del mar frío. La cifra de
C) have a reputation for being friendly to humans muertos final ascendió a 912 almas. Sin embargo, hubo una cantidad desagradable de
D) are the most powerful creatures that live in the oceans preguntas sobre por qué se hundió Estonia y por qué tantos sobrevivientes eran hombres
E) are capable of learning a language and communicating with humans en la vida, mientras que la mayoría de los muertos eran mujeres, niños y ancianos.

5. The fact that the writer of the passage thinks that we can kill dolphins more easily than
they can kill us ________. 7. One can understand from the reading that ________.
A) means that they are better adapted to their environment than we are A) the lifesaving equipment did not work well and lifeboats could not be lowered
B) shows that dolphins have a very sophisticated form of communication B) design faults and incompetent crew contributed to the sinking of the Estonia ferry
C) proves that dolphins are not the most intelligent species at sea C) 139 people managed to leave the vessel but died in freezing water
D) does not mean that we are superior to them D) naval architects claimed that the Estonia was unsinkable
E) proves that Dolphins have linguistic skills far beyond what we previously thought E) most victims were trapped inside the boat as they were in their cabins

6. One can infer from the reading that ________. 8. It is clear from the passage that the survivors of the accident ___________.
A) dolphins are quite abundant in some areas of the world A) helped one another to overcome the tragedy that had affected them all
B) communication is the most fascinating aspect of the dolphins B) were mostly young men but women, children and the elderly stood little chance
C) dolphins have skills that no other living creatures have such as the ability to think C) helped save hundreds of lives
D) it is not usual for dolphins to communicate with each other D) are still suffering from severe post-traumatic stress disorder
E) dolphins have some social traits that are similar to those of humans E) told the investigators nothing about the accident

9. According to the passage, when the Estonia sank, ___________.

A) there were only 139 passengers on board
Unsinkable Ship B) few of the passengers were asleep
C) there were enough lifeboats for the number of people on board
Naval architects never claim that a ship is unsinkable, but the sinking of the passenger-
D) faster reaction by the crew could have increased the Estonia's chances of survival
and-car ferry Estonia in the Baltic surely should have never have happened. It was well
E) all the passengers had already moved out into the open decks
designed and carefully maintained. It carried the proper number of lifeboats. It had been
thoroughly inspected the day of its fatal voyage. Yet hours later, the Estonia rolled over
and sank in a cold, stormy night. It went down so quickly that most of those on board, READING 4
caught in their dark, flooding cabins, had no chance to save themselves: Of those who
managed to scramble overboard, only 139 survived. The rest died of hypothermia before Erosion in America
the rescuers could pluck them from the cold sea. The final death toll amounted to 912 Erosion of America's farmland by wind and water has been a problem since settlers first
souls. However, there were an unpleasant number of questions about why the Estonia put the prairies and grasslands under the plow in the nineteenth century. By the 1930s,
sank and why so many survivors were men in the prime of life, while most of the dead more than 282 million acres of farmland were damaged by erosion. After 40 years of
were women, children and the elderly. conservation efforts, soil erosion has accelerated due to new demands placed on the land
by heavy crop production. In the years ahead, soil erosion and the pollution problems it
causes are likely to replace petroleum scarcity as the nation's most critical natural
TRADUCCIÓN resource problem.
Barco insumergible
Los arquitectos navales nunca afirman que un barco sea insumergible, pero el TRADUCCIÓN
hundimiento del crucero de pasajeros y automóviles Estonia en el Báltico seguramente
nunca debió haber ocurrido. Fue bien diseñado y mantenido cuidadosamente. Llevaba el La erosión en América
número adecuado de botes salvavidas. Había sido minuciosamente inspeccionado el día La erosión de las tierras agrícolas de Estados Unidos por el viento y el agua ha sido un
de su viaje fatal. Sin embargo, horas más tarde, la Estonia se volcó y se hundió en una problema desde que los colonos primero dejaron a las praderas y los pastizales bajo el
noche fría y tormentosa. Se hundió tan rápidamente que la mayoría de los que estaban arado en el siglo XIX. En la década de 1930, más de 282 millones de acres de tierras
a bordo, atrapados en sus oscuras cabañas inundadas, no tuvieron oportunidad de agrícolas fueron dañadas por la erosión. Después de 40 años de esfuerzos de
salvarse: de los que lograron trepar por la borda, solo 139 sobrevivieron. El resto murió conservación, la erosión del suelo se ha acelerado debido a las nuevas demandas

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impuestas a la tierra por la producción de cultivos pesados. En los próximos años, la que expulsan el humo también son responsables de la mitad de la contaminación del
erosión del suelo y los problemas de contaminación que causa pueden reemplazar a la aire. Eso podría ser considerado como un pequeño precio a pagar por el progreso. Pero
escasez de petróleo como el problema de recursos naturales más crítico del país. hay una alternativa, una que no produce humo y en realidad puede generar más
combustible del que consume. En muchas regiones es incluso más barato que la
electricidad de carbón, la energía nuclear. Puede traer directamente a la mente el peligro
10. As we understand from the reading, today, soil erosion in America ________. de la radiactividad, pero si otros tipos de poder no presentaran problemas iguales o
A) causes humans to place new demands on the land incluso peores, no tendría sentido considerar la energía nuclear en absoluto. Pero lo
B) is worse than it was in the nineteenth century hacen.
C) happens so slowly that it is hardly noticed
D) is the most critical problem that the nation faces
E) is worse in areas which have a lot of petroleum production 13. Although 3/4 of the electricity is generated from fossil fuels, _________
A) we should consider the potential dangers of nuclear power
11. The author points out in the passage that erosion in America ___________. B) everything has got an expense; and nuclear power's is its radioactivity
A) has damaged 282 million acres ever since settlers first put the prairies and C) it may contribute to global warming, the greenhouse effect
grasslands under the plow D) half of the air pollution is caused by the plants using them
B) has been so severe that it has forced people to abandon their settlements E) coal also contains a surprising amount of radioactive material
C) occurs only in areas with no vegetation
D) can become a more serious problem in the future 14. It's claimed in the passage that nuclear power __________
E) was on the decline before 1930s A) supplies three-quarters of the country's energy demand
B) is less dangerous and cheaper than other types of power
12. It is pointed out in the reading that in America _________. C) is a potential danger because it's radioactive
A) petroleum is causing heavy soil erosion and pollution problems D) will present us a more polluted environment
B) heavy crop production is necessary to meet the demands and to prevent a disaster E) is more expensive to generate, but not a pollutant
C) soil erosion has been hastened due to the overuse of farming lands
D) water is undoubtedly the largest cause of erosion 15. In the passage, the writer is worried that in the future __________
E) there are many ways to reduce erosion A) fossil based plants might bring bigger problems than nuclear energy
B) there's not a better alternative than fossil fuels
C) nuclear waste might be more dangerous than air pollution
READING 5 D) they will have to build nuclear power stations one day
Nuclear Danger E) there will always be possible dangers of nuclear power

Our demand for electricity is climbing so fast that over the next decade our generating
capacity must increase by a third. Fossil fuels supply nearly three-quarters of this energy. READING 6
But the smoke expelling coal, gas, and oil-fired plants are also responsible for half of our
Homer was a Greek epic poet. Both the date and the place of his birth and death are not
air pollution. That might be considered as a small price to pay for progress. But there's an
known precisely, but recent research suggests a date between 1050 and 800 BC. It has
alternative, one that produces no smoke and can actually create more fuel than it
even been claimed that no such man as Homer existed and that The Iliad and The
consumes. In many regions it's even cheaper than coal-fired electricity, nuclear power. It
Odyssey are collections of traditional ballads and not the work of one man. In any event
may directly bring danger of radioactivity to the mind, but if other types of power didn't
they were known all over the Greek-speaking world before the sixth century BC. The Iliad
present equal and even worse problems, it would make no sense to consider nuclear
is an epic poem dealing with the siege of Troy by the Greeks. The Odyssey describes the
power at all. But they do.
wandering of Odysseus, a Greek seafarer, on his way back to Ithaca after the fall of Troy.

Peligro nuclear
Homero fue un poeta épico griego. La fecha y el lugar de su nacimiento y muerte no se
Nuestra demanda de electricidad está aumentando tan rápido que en la próxima década conocen con precisión, pero investigaciones recientes sugieren una fecha entre 1050 y
nuestra capacidad de generación debe aumentar en un tercio. Los combustibles fósiles 800 a. Incluso se ha afirmado que no existía un hombre como Homer y que The Iliad y
suministran casi tres cuartos de esta energía. Pero las plantas de carbón, gas y petróleo The Odyssey son colecciones de baladas tradicionales y no obra de un solo hombre. En

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cualquier caso, eran conocidos en todo el mundo de habla griega antes del siglo VI aC. TRADUCCIÓN
La Ilíada es un poema épico que trata sobre el asedio de Troya por los griegos. La Odisea
describe el deambular de Odiseo, un marino griego, en su camino de regreso a Ítaca Los jaguares son los felinos más grandes de Sudamérica. Estas hermosas y poderosas
después de la caída de Troya. bestias eran prominentes en las antiguas culturas nativas americanas. El nombre de
jaguar se deriva de la palabra nativa americana yaguar, que significa "el que mata con
un salto".
16. We can infer from the passage that ________ A diferencia de muchos otros gatos, los jaguares no evitan el agua; de hecho, son
A) it's not definite when and where Homer was born bastante buenos nadadores. Los ríos proporcionan presas en forma de peces, tortugas
B) Homer only deals with poetry o caimanes. Los jaguares tambien comen animales más grandes como ciervos, pecaríes,
C) recent research shows the impossibility of finding Homer's birth date capibaras y tapires. A veces suben árboles para preparar una emboscada, matando a
D) some suggest that he was born in 800 BC sus presas con un poderoso mordisco.
E) Homer's birth place is known but his date of birth is still unknown
Los jaguares viven solos y definen territorios de muchas millas cuadradas marcando con
sus árboles de desecho o arañazos. Las hembras tienen camadas de uno a cuatro
17. The Odyssey __________
cachorros, que son ciegas y impotente al nacer. La madre se queda con ellos y los
A) belongs to another poet rather than Homer
defiende ferozmente de cualquier animal que puede acercarse, incluso a su propio padre.
B) explains the voyage of a sailor
Los jóvenes jaguares aprenden a cazar viviendo con su madre por dos años o más.
C) has no connection with the Iliad
D) doesn't have a specific protagonist Sartore, J. (2019). "Jaguar". En National Geographic. Recuperado de
E) is an anonymous work of the Greek nation <https://www.nationalgeographic.com/animals/mammals/j/jaguar/>

18. The works of Homer ____________

A) have no potential readers 19. What is the central topic of the passage?
B) deal with the siege of Troy by the Greeks A) The eating habits of the jaguar
C) have been thought to have different writers B) The main power of the jaguar
D) are collections of traditional ballads C) The jaguar like the largest cat
E) have affected the 6th century people in terms of life style D) The jaguar’s characteristics
E) The beautiful coat of the jaguar
20. In this passage, POWERFUL means
Jaguars are the largest of South America's big cats. These beautiful and powerful beasts A) fast. B) ominous. C) potential. D) lethal. E) active.
were prominent in ancient Native American cultures. The name jaguar is derived from the
Native American word yaguar, which means “he who kills with one leap”. 21. It is not compatible to assert that jaguars
A) protect their cubs.
Unlike many other cats, jaguars do not avoid water; in fact, they are quite good swimmers.
B) feed on alligators.
Rivers provide prey in the form of fish, turtles, or caimans. Jaguars also eat larger animals
C) can swim well.
such as deer, peccaries, capybaras, and tapirs. They sometimes climb trees to prepare
D) mark their territories.
an ambush, killing their prey with one powerful bite.
E) kill their prey slowly.
Jaguars live alone and define territories of many square miles by marking with their waste
or clawing trees. Females have litters of one to four cubs, which are blind and helpless at 22. It can be inferred from the passage that the jaguar's feeding
birth. The mother stays with them and defends them fiercely from any animal that may A) is only based on fish.
approach—even their own father. Young jaguars learn to hunt by living with their mothers B) is mainly carnivorous.
for two years or more. C) occurs sporadically.
D) is carried out in the water.
Sartore, J. (2019). «Jaguar». In National Geographic. Retrieved from
E) is provided by alphas.
23. If a jaguar tries to approach the cubs of another jaguar,
A) undoubtedly, the mother will react aggressively against him.

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B) this fact would create an atmosphere of discord in the herd. B) perception of colour.
C) the cubs will depend totally on him and will not learn to hunt. C) millions of existing colors.
D) will be because he wants to feed on them because is hungry. D) cells sensitive to light.
E) possibly, the mother begins to feel aversion towards the cubs. E) brain’s interpretation of colors.

25. In the passage, the word PRONE means

READING 8 A) promissory. B) tangential. C) likely. D) vulnerable. E) susceptible.
The human eye can physically perceive millions of colors. But we don’t all recognize these
colors in the same way. Some people can’t see differences in colors –so called color 26. It can be inferred that the cones are the ones in charge of ____________ the colors.
blindness– due to a defect or absence of the cells in the retina that are sensitive to high A) differentiating B) matching C) tying
levels of light: the cones. D) combining E) balancing

But the distribution and density of these cells also varies across people with ‘normal 27. With respect to passage, it is not compatible to affirm that
vision’, causing us all to experience the same color in slightly different ways. Besides our A) the human eye is not capable of detecting the colors of its surroundings.
individual biological make up, color perception is less about seeing what is actually out B) the perception of color is subjective and prone to personal experience.
there and more about how our brain interprets colors to create something meaningful. The C) the presence of the cones are determinants for the color differentiation.
perception of color mainly occurs inside our heads and so is subjective – and prone to D) there is a physical condition that prevents the differentiation of colors.
personal experience. E) the eye collects information that the brain processes to make sense.
Casaponsa, A. & Athanasopoulos, P. (2019). «The words that change what colors we
see». In BBC News. 28. If two people were looking at the same object,
A) one of them must suffer from “color blindness”.
Retrieved from http://www.bbc.com/future/story/20180419-the-words-that-change-the- B) they would begin to discuss its characteristics.
colours-we-see C) they probably can’t see it in the same color.
D) each of them would give it a different meaning.
E) both could see the object without any distinction.
El ojo humano puede percibir físicamente millones de colores. Pero no todos
reconocemos estos colores de la misma manera. Algunas personas no pueden ver las READING 9
diferencias en los colores (también llamada ceguera al color) debido a un defecto o (Pre San Marcos 2018-II)
ausencia de las células en la retina que son sensibles a altos niveles de luz: los conos. Both artificial intelligence and robotics have been improving over the past few years. Large
companies are betting billions that in the near future we will have cars that can drive
Pero la distribución y densidad de estas células también varía entre las personas con themselves, drones that can fly themselves to deliver packages, automatic fast food
"visión normal", lo que hace que todos experimentemos el mismo color de maneras chefs, AI personal assistants, manufacturing robots that can train themselves, and other
ligeramente diferentes. Además de nuestro maquillaje biológico individual, la percepción robots.
del color tiene menos que ver lo que realmente existe y más sobre cómo nuestro cerebro This has raised the following question:
interpreta los colores para crear algo significativo. La percepción del color ocurre
principalmente dentro de nuestras cabezas y, por lo tanto, es subjetiva y propensa a la What happens if a new technology causes millions to lose their jobs in
experiencia personal. a short period of time, or what if most companies simply no longer
need many human workers?
Casaponsa, A. y Athanasopoulos, P. (2019). «Las palabras que cambian los colores
que vemos». En BBC News. In the United States, the current society is built on the premise that companies and
Obtenido de http://www.bbc.com/future/story/20180419-the-words-that-change-the- government need human workers to function, and most able bodied adults can perform
colours-we-see tasks companies would pay for. Everything is based on this premise: from the way we
design our transit systems to allow for daily commutes to work, to how we structure health
insurance and how set monetary policy.
One of the most important policy decisions based around this concept of mass
24. Mainly, the passage is about the
employment is how the government is funded. Roughly 80 percent of all federal tax
A) so-called colour blindness.

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revenue comes from income or payroll taxes. If even a modest segment of workers are B) According to Gates, the robot tax would serve to mitigate the impact on budgets,
displaced, the impact on government budgets could be substantial. slow down the adoption of technology in jobs, and allow workers to adjust to the
To deal with this possible problem the world’s richest man, Bill Gates, has floated the idea new situation.
of a robot tax. Gates has suggested we tax robots at a rate similar to what we would’ve C) The automation of the different jobs, which humans used to do, will allow robots
taxed the workers so tax revenue could pay for more employment in education and Elder to be more efficient in production, which is why large companies are betting a lot
care. The idea is also to slow down the speed of the technology’s adoption, to give society of money on automation.
more time to adjust. D) Current societies are based on human work that is done by physically capable
adults, who receive a stipend; consequently, they pay taxes that governments
Walker, J. (2017). Robot Tax – A Summary of Arguments “For” and “Against”. Retrieved collect to finance themselves.
from E) Bill Gates, has argued that robots have to pay taxes like humans, so the adoption
https://www.techemergence.com/robot-tax-summary-arguments/ of robots in jobs will be paralyzed to preserve the current economic and social

30. The phrase OTHER ROBOTS implies

TRADUCCIÓN A) new ways in which all robots with AI work for a salary.
Tanto la inteligencia artificial como la robótica han ido mejorando en los últimos años. B) the production of robots with better human intelligence.
Las grandes empresas apuestan a miles de millones que en el futuro cercano tendremos C) other potential jobs in which robots could be adopted.
automóviles que pueden conducir, drones que pueden volar para entregar paquetes, D) the total destruction of current forms of automatic work.
chefs de comida rápida automáticos, asistentes personales de IA, robots de fabricación E) the competition of humans versus robots for paid jobs.
que pueden entrenarse y otros robots.
Esto ha planteado la siguiente pregunta: ¿Qué sucede si una nueva tecnología hace que 31. It is inferred that one way to adapt to technological changes in jobs is
millones pierdan sus trabajos en un corto período de tiempo, o qué pasa si la mayoría de A) to elect Bill Gates as president.
las empresas simplemente ya no necesitan muchos trabajadores humanos? B) to dedicate time to practice sports.
En los Estados Unidos, la sociedad actual se basa en la premisa de que las empresas y C) to live doing absolutely nothing.
el gobierno necesitan trabajadores humanos para funcionar, y la mayoría de los adultos D) to destroy all robots that steal jobs.
físicamente capaces pueden realizar tareas que las empresas pagarían. Todo se basa E) to find other forms of employment.
en esta premisa: desde la forma en que diseñamos nuestros sistemas de tránsito para
permitir los viajes diarios al trabajo, hasta cómo estructuramos el seguro de salud y cómo 32. It is incompatible to argue that the economy of a country
se establece la política monetaria. A) will be transformed once humans have to stop working because of robots.
Una de las decisiones políticas más importantes basadas en este concepto de empleo B) will be damaged when political reforms do not harmonize with labor reforms.
masivo es cómo se financia el gobierno. Aproximadamente el 80 por ciento de todos los C) will be damaged political reforms do not march in line with labor reforms.
ingresos fiscales federales proviene de los impuestos a la renta o a la nómina. Si incluso D) is independent of technological developments and the political constitution.
un segmento modesto de trabajadores es desplazado, el impacto en los presupuestos E) can be enhanced or slow down by the developments of robotic technologies.
del gobierno podría ser sustancial.
Para lidiar con este posible problema, el hombre más rico del mundo, Bill Gates, ha 33. If the robots were designed only to complement and improve human work, then
planteado la idea de un impuesto al robot. Gates ha sugerido que gravamos a los robots A) humans would be totally harmed by the dependence of robots.
a un ritmo similar al que habríamos impuesto a los trabajadores para que los ingresos B) humans could evolve successfully into another higher phase.
tributarios puedan pagar por más empleo en educación y atención a personas mayores. C) the labor problems of humans would cease to exist totally.
La idea también es frenar la velocidad de adopción de la tecnología, para dar a la D) to think that robots would have to "pay taxes" would be illogical.
sociedad más tiempo para adaptarse. E) robots should also tax when they are adopted by humans in jobs.

29. What is the best summarize? READING 10

A) The adoption of artificial intelligence and robotics in jobs will generate a negative
(Pre San Marcos 2018-II)
impact on the way governments obtain money to finance public budgets, because
workers won’t pay taxes. "Luddite" is a term that was coined in the 19th century to refer labor movement that railed
against the economic fallout of the Industrial Revolution. The original Luddites were British
weavers and textile workers who objected to the increased use of automated looms and

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knitting frames. Most were trained artisans who had spent years learning their craft, and unos pocos luditas fueron asesinados durante un ataque en un molino cerca de
they feared that unskilled machine operators were robbing them of their livelihood. When Huddersfield.
their appeals for government aid and assistance were ignored, a few desperate weavers
El ejército reunió a muchos de los disidentes en los días que siguieron, y decenas fueron
began breaking into factories and smashing textile machines. They called themselves
ahorcadas o transportadas a Australia. Para 1813, la resistencia de los luditas había
“Luddites” after Ned Ludd, a young apprentice who was rumored to have wrecked a textile
apparatus in the late-18th century. There’s no evidence Ludd actually existed—like Robin
Hood, he was said to reside in Sherwood Forest—but he eventually became the mythical Andrews. E. (7 de agosto de 2015). ¿Quiénes eran los luditas? Obtenido de
leader of the movement. The vandals claimed to be following orders from “General Ludd,” https://www.history.com/news/whowere-the-luddites
and they even issued manifestoes and threatening letters under his name.
The first major instances of machine breaking took place in 1811 in Nottingham, and the
practice soon spread across the English countryside. Sledgehammer-wielding Luddites 34. What is the subject?
attacked and burned factories, and in some cases they even exchanged gunfire with A) The movement of General Ludd
company guards and soldiers. The workers hoped their raids would encourage a ban on B) The destruction of textile machines
weaving machines, but the British government instead moved to quash the uprisings by C) The technophobia in the 17th century
making machine breaking punishable by death. The unrest finally reached its peak in April D) The history of the Luddite movement
1812, when a few Luddites were gunned down during an attack on a mill near E) The biography of General Ludd
The army rounded up many of the dissidents in the days that followed, and dozens were 35. The verb COIN implies
hanged or transported to Australia. By 1813, the Luddite resistance had all but vanished. A) the origin of a movement.
Andrews. E. (August 7, 2015). Who were the Luddites? Retrieved from B) the fight against dismissals.
https://www.history.com/news/whowere-the-luddites C) a new way of producing.
D) struggle for labor demands.
E) the creation of a concept.
36. It can be plausibly inferred that the British government crushed the Luddite revolt
"Ludita" es un término que fue acuñado en el siglo XIX para referirse al movimiento laboral because
que se opuso a las consecuencias económicas de la Revolución Industrial. Los luditas A) it was tolerant of pro-proletarian movements.
originales eran tejedores y obreros textiles británicos que se opusieron al mayor uso de B) it conceived that the law is above all the English.
telares automáticos y marcos de tejido. La mayoría eran artesanos entrenados que C) it understood that they were intolerant of technology.
habían pasado años aprendiendo su oficio, y temían que los operadores de máquinas no D) the demands of they characters were quite unfair.
calificados les estuvieran robando su sustento. Cuando sus solicitudes de ayuda y E) it preferred to favor the bosses of the big industries.
asistencia del gobierno fueron ignoradas, algunos tejedores desesperados comenzaron
a irrumpir en fábricas y aplastar máquinas textiles. Se llamaron a sí mismos "luditas" en
honor a Ned Ludd, un joven aprendiz que se rumoreaba que había destruido un aparato 37. It is incompatible with reading to say that the Luddites emerged to support the
textil a finales del siglo XVIII. No hay evidencia de que Ludd realmente existiera, como introduction of new technology in industries, because
Robin Hood, se dice que residía en Sherwood Forest, pero finalmente se convirtió en el A) they chose to destroy those machines with the aim of not dismissing them from
líder mítico del movimiento. Los vándalos decían estar siguiendo órdenes del "General their jobs.
Ludd", e incluso emitieron manifiestos y cartas de amenaza bajo su nombre. B) they were supported by the British government with fair labor reforms that
Los primeros casos importantes de rotura de máquinas tuvieron lugar en 1811 en prevented mass layoffs.
Nottingham, y la práctica pronto se extendió por el campo inglés. Los luditas portadores C) they organized with the bosses to perfect the new ways of producing during the
del martillo atacaron y quemaron fábricas, y en algunos casos incluso intercambiaron Industrial Revolution.
disparos con guardias de la compañía y soldados. Los trabajadores esperaban que sus D) the capitalists assured that they would respect the jobs and wages of all industrial
redadas alentaran la prohibición de tejer máquinas, pero el gobierno británico se propuso workers.
sofocar los levantamientos haciendo que la destrucción de la máquina sea punible con la E) the British government opposed the introduction of automatic textiles into the
muerte. Los disturbios finalmente alcanzaron su punto máximo en abril de 1812, cuando factories of England.

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38. If the British government of the 19th century had privileged the craft work of textile B) Great
workers and weavers, then C) Unlimited
A) the large-scale capitalist form of production would not have developed in England. D) Plural
B) workers and capitalists could have worked harmoniously in industrial factories. E) Enormous
C) England would inevitably have become a communist state ruled by the
proletarians. 41. According to the villagers that build the Q’eswachaka bridge, it is inconsistent to argue
D) General Ned Ludd would not have had to live hidden in the Sherwood forest. that
E) the British government would have laid the foundations of English human A) they will probably continue doing that every year.
capitalism. B) they have been doing that work for five centuries.
C) they rebuild the old rope bridge once in a century.
D) they do not belong to only one single community.
READING 11 E) they work on the bridge, but they also celebrate.
(Pre San Marcos 2018-II)
42. We can infer from the bridge’s construction that
On either side of a gorge high in the Peruvian Andes, an aging rope bridge sags A) it is very important to utilize different kinds of materials.
precariously over the Apurímac River. Every spring, communities gather to take part in a B) the ceremony was celebrated every spring for three days.
ceremony of renewal. Working together from each side of the river, the villagers run a C) every villager is as precarious as the rebuilt and new bridge.
massive cord of rope, more than a hundred feet long and thick as a person’s thigh, across D) not only the residents but some politicians help building it.
the old bridge. E) modern technology was not necessary to finish the structure.
Soon, the worn structure will be cut and tumble into the gorge below. Over three days of
work, prayer, and celebration, a new bridge will be woven in its place. The Q’eswachaka 43. If the cord of rope used to build the bridge were as thick as a person’s finger, then
bridge has been built and rebuilt continuously for five centuries. A) the future bridge over the Peruvian Andes would not be useful at all.
B) more rope would probably be needed to put human lives in danger.
Retrieved from https://www.nationalgeographic.com/travel/destinations/south- C) villagers would probably make a demonstration against the authorities.
america/peru/inca-grass-ropebridge-qeswachaka-unesco/ D) using it similarly to the thicker rope would probably be risky for people.
E) it would not be necessary to cut and tumble the old bridge every year.

A ambos lados de un barranco en lo alto de los Andes peruanos, un viejo puente de
What is the heaviest living creature in the world? It’s not an elephant or a blue whale, the
cuerda se hunde precariamente sobre el río Apurímac. Cada primavera, las comunidades
heaviest organism is actually an aspen. Pando, as it is called, is a clonal colony of a single
se reúnen para participar en una ceremonia de renovación. Trabajando juntos desde
male quaking aspen; basically, it looks like more trees, but it’s actually just one living
cada lado del río, los aldeanos corren un enorme cordón de cuerda, de más de cien pies
creature with one massive underground root system. The plant’s estimated weight is
de largo y grueso como el muslo de una persona, a través del puente viejo.
6,000,000 kg.
Pronto, la estructura desgastada se cortará y caerá en la garganta debajo. Durante tres
A clonal organism is a group of genetically identic individuals that have grown in a given
días de trabajo, oración y celebración, se tejerá un nuevo puente en su lugar. El puente
location; it’s basically just one individual, with more manifestations. In a way, all these tres
Q’eswachaka ha sido construido y reconstruido continuamente durante cinco siglos.
are actually one tree. All the individuals originated vegetatively, not sexually. Vegetative
reproduction is a form of asexual reproduction in plants, with new life emerging without
the production of seeds or spores. The plant is basically cloning itself!
39. What is the central topic of the reading?
A) The ancestral knowledge about Peruvian villagers Retrieved from https://www.zmescience.com/other/science-abc/heaviest-organism-
B) The continuous rebuild of the Q’eswachaka bridge pando-aspen/
C) The strategies to preserve an ancestral bridge of rope
D) The different bridges across the Peruvian Andes
E) The traditions of people living in the Apurimac River TRADUCCIÓN

40. What does MASSIVE most likely means? ¿Cuál es la criatura viva más pesada del mundo? No es un elefante o una ballena azul,
A) Different el organismo más pesado es en realidad un álamo. Pando, como se le llama, es una

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colonia clonal de un solo aspen macho tembloroso; Básicamente, parece más árboles, READING 13
pero en realidad es solo una criatura viva con un sistema radicular subterráneo masivo.
El peso estimado de la planta es de 6.000.000 kg. (Pre San Maros 2018-II)

Un organismo clonal es un grupo de individuos genéticamente idénticos que han crecido Sue, the Australian teacher, is really enjoying her new job in Mumbai. Tutoring Vijay, the
en un lugar determinado; Básicamente es un solo individuo, con más manifestaciones. son of a very famous Bollywood actress, has been one of the most relaxing jobs she´s
En cierto modo, todos estos tres son en realidad un árbol. Todos los individuos se ever had.
originaron vegetativamente, no sexualmente. La reproducción vegetativa es una forma Sue has been showing Vijay the “real” world. Being a celebrity´s son has not done a lot
de reproducción asexual en plantas, con una nueva vida emergiendo sin la producción for his outlook in life. So, when she took him to a local rugby match, no one knew what
de semillas o esporas. ¡La planta está básicamente clonándose a sí misma! was to happen next. But Vijay fell in love with the sport! It has been rugby morning, noon
Obtenido de https://www.zmescience.com/other/science-abc/heaviest-organism-pando- and night, playing nonstop. As soon as he started playing, he was spotted by a trainer
aspen/ from a team in Ireland, who was very impressed with Vijay´s skills. And at such a young
age! In no time Vijay was invited to play in Ireland, and his mum has asked Sue to go with
him as his personal English tutor.
44. What is the main idea of the reading? So now what? Sue has no idea what to do, for she was enjoying India so much.
A) There are many heavy individuals living nowadays like aspen Pando.
Next, the dialogue between Usha Shukla (Vijay´s mum) and Sue about the child´s trip to
B) The heaviest animal is the one which weight is more than 6,000,000 kg.
C) The weightiest living creature on earth is a quaking aspen called Pando. Ireland:
D) Pando is an exception of nature because it has a big amount of clones.
E) A clonal being is a set of genetically identic individuals in the same place. Usha: So, Sue, what have you decided? Please tell me you´re accompanying Vijay. I´ll
only trust him to go with you.
45. What is the synonym of the word EMERGING? Sue: I´d love to go with him, for he´s got a heart of gold. And we get along so well.
A) Arising B) Conveying C) Mixing
D) Evolving E) Disappearing Usha: Them what´s holding you?
Sue: It´s just that I love living here in India. You´ve got such a rich historical background,
46. According to the information about Pando, it is consistent to say that and the lovely countryside in the summertime!
A) its heavy weight could only be comparable to blue whale’s weight.
B) it belongs to a quaking aspen forest in which there are some clones. Usha: But you can have all that when you come back on vacation! Besides, you´ll get paid
C) it is one individual with a great amount of copies genetically identic. twice what you make here.
D) its vegetative reproduction is not a matter of interest for the author.
Sue: Well, I can live with that.
E) its weight is the sum of the different species of trees and aspens.
Selecciones Reader´s Digest, May 2012, p. 34.
47. We can infer from the Pando’s form of reproduction that
A) it is the only way how quaking aspens generate copies of themselves.
B) it did not need a female quaking aspen to create identic copies of itself. TRADUCCIÓN
C) it consists in a form of reproduction without the need of seeds or spores.
D) it was part of Pando’s evolution developed to create more aspen species. Sue, la profesora australiana, está disfrutando mucho su nuevo trabajo en Mumbai. La
E) it is not related to reproduction done by other living creatures on Earth. tutoría Vijay, el hijo de una actriz muy famosa de Bollywood, ha sido uno de los trabajos
más relajados que ha tenido nunca.
48. If a new research finds that Pando is just a forest of different types of genetically
Sue ha estado mostrando a Vijay el mundo "real". Ser hijo de una celebridad no ha hecho
different quaking aspens
mucho por su perspectiva en la vida. Entonces, cuando ella lo llevó a un partido de rugby
A) the male quaking aspen would suffer an increase of its original weight.
local, nadie sabía qué iba a pasar a continuación. ¡Pero Vijay se enamoró del deporte!
B) most of the ideas of the author would be corroborated by the evidence.
Ha sido rugby mañana, tarde y noche, jugando sin parar. Tan pronto como comenzó a
C) many lumberjacks would take advantage of this research to cut aspens.
jugar, fue descubierto por un entrenador de un equipo en Irlanda, que estaba muy
D) the blue whale or the elephant could be the heaviest animal on Earth.
impresionado con las habilidades de Vijay. ¡Y a una edad tan joven! En ningún momento
E) its copies’ would maintain the heavy weight that is common in aspens.
invitaron a Vijay a jugar en Irlanda, y su madre le pidió a Sue que lo acompañara como
su tutor personal de inglés.

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¿Y ahora que? Sue no tiene idea de qué hacer, porque estaba disfrutando mucho de la B) ask Vijay to learn more English.
India. C) let Vijay to travel to Australia.
D) look for another tutor for Vijay.
A continuación, el diálogo entre Usha Shukla (la madre de Vijay) y Sue sobre el viaje del E) pay Sue what they according.
niño a
Usha: Entonces, Sue, ¿qué has decidido? Por favor, dime que acompañas a Vijay. Solo
(Pre San Marcos 2018-II)
confiaré en él para que vaya contigo.
In a 2011 study of the world's 24-hour cities, Cairo was rated the "most 24-hour" of all.
Sue: Me encantaría ir con él, porque tiene un corazón de oro. Y nos llevamos tan bien.
Just behind Egypt's capital came Montevideo, Beirut, six Spanish cities (Malaga,
Usha: Ellos, ¿qué te detiene? Saragossa, Madrid, Barcelona, Valencia and Seville) and Buenos Aires. London was on
the 17th position, Paris 18th and New York 32nd. According to Marion Roberts, a
Sue: Es solo que me encanta vivir aquí en la India. Tienes un rico pasado histórico, y la professor of urban design at London's University of Westminster, extending late-night
hermosa campiña en el verano! hours extends the hours of a city's economy, but there are disadvantages too. “In the UK,
Usha: ¡Pero puedes tener todo eso cuando vuelvas de vacaciones! Además, te pagarán Europe and
el doble de lo que haces aquí. Australia, a lot of their "24-hourness” has meant extending entertainment. This has
Sue: Bueno, puedo vivir con eso. negative points for city centre inhabitants if it is not carefully managed,” explained Roberts.

Selecciones Reader´s Digest, mayo 2012, p. 34. “However, it generates more jobs, activities and social solidarities.” However, common
worries about keeping a city up all night relate to noise, traffic and alcohol consumption,
says the specialist.
49. What´s the topic or the reading?
A) The dialogue between Sue and Usha
B) The most relaxing job Sue has ever had TRADUCCIÓN
C) The way how Sue showed the world to Vijay En un estudio realizado en 2011 sobre las ciudades del mundo que duran 24 horas, El
D) Usher´s lovely care for his son Vijay Cairo fue calificado como el "mayor número de las 24 horas" de todos. Justo detrás de la
E) Vijay´s interest for sports like rugby
capital de Egipto llegaron Montevideo, Beirut, seis ciudades españolas (Málaga,
Zaragoza, Madrid, Barcelona, Valencia y Sevilla) y Buenos Aires. Londres estaba en la
50. In which country could vijay improve his skills in rugby?
17ª posición, París 18ª y Nueva York 32ª. Según Marion Roberts, profesora de diseño
A) Australia urbano en la Universidad de Westminster de Londres, extender las horas de la noche
B) India
extiende las horas de la economía de la ciudad, pero también hay desventajas. “En el
C) Ireland
Reino Unido, Europa y Australia, gran parte de su "servicio de 24 horas" ha significado
D) Europe extender el entretenimiento. Esto tiene puntos negativos para los habitantes del centro
E) England de la ciudad si no se gestiona cuidadosamente ", explicó Roberts.
51. It is most probably to believe than Usha Shukla is from "Sin embargo, genera más empleos, actividades y solidaridades sociales". Sin embargo,
A) Australia. B) Bollywood. C) India. D) Ireland. E) Mumbai. las preocupaciones comunes sobre mantener una ciudad despierta toda la noche se
relacionan con el ruido, el tráfico y el consumo de alcohol, dice el especialista.
52. Finally, Sue decided travelling with Vijay because of
A) going back to Australia.
B) her vacations. 54. According to the author, the main problems affecting 24-hour cities
C) his golden heart. A) are linked to the lack of jobs and entertainment.
D) Indian´s history. B) are usually related to crime at workplaces.
E) the payment. C) do not worry most residents and politicians.
D) increases corruption in the police.
53. If Vijay and Sue wouldn´t get along so well, Usha wouldn´t E) are associated with alcohol, noise and cars.
A) ask Sue to travel with her son.

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55. The word EXTENDS could be replaced by Por ejemplo, una planta completamente nueva se puede cultivar a partir de una sola hoja.
A) decrease. B) depress. C) benefit. D) subtract. E) crane. Ningún animal puede lograr eso! La forma en que las plantas distribuyen sus semillas
también es asombrosa. Las plantas pueden disparar semillas desde sus vainas, enviarlas
56. It is inferred from the reading that Several Spanish cities volando sobre el viento o cultivar espinas que adhieren semillas al pelaje de los animales,
A) never sleep for more than eight hours during the day. extendiendo nuevas generaciones a todas partes.
B) are over London in the study of 24-hour cities.
C) weren't in the top 10 in the list of 24-hour cities. Las plantas también son increíblemente adaptables, encontrando formas de crecer
D) are characterized by being quite noisy and polluted. incluso en entornos imposibles, tanto fríos como calientes. Las plantas fabrican sus
E) have a high rate of daytime unemployment. propios alimentos a partir de la luz solar, absorben los nutrientes del suelo y engañan a
los insectos para que extiendan su polen. En verdad, son algunas de las mejores
57. According to Profesor Roberts, it is true to say that creaciones de la naturaleza.
A) high percentages of depression are recorded in Cairo.
B) is impossible to find a night job, but diurnal, in Cairo.
C) people move away from the city center in Montevideo. 59. What is the main idea of the passage?
D) extending late-night hours is good for the economy. A) Plants are more complicated than us.
E) citizens will no longer sleep enough during the night. B) Plants absorb many insects.
C) Plants are exceptional living things.
58. If people did not work at night in the cities, D) Plants shoot seeds from their pods.
A) they could be more awake during their day jobs. E) Plants are actually very adaptable.
B) they would have more entertainment options.
C) they would have fewer health problems. 60. The word WAY means
D) it would diminish the income in 24-hour cities. A) road. B) course. C) route. D) travel. E) manner.
E) this would harm the economy of their countries.
61. According to the passage, all the following about plants are true except
A) they don’t manufacture their own food.
READING 15 B) they are extraordinary adaptable.
(Pre San Marcos 2018-II) C) they can shoot seeds from their pods.
D) they absorb nutrients from the ground.
Plants are extraordinary living things. Although they seem simple, they are actually, in E) they are some of nature’s finest creations.
some ways, more complicated than us.
62. It is inferred that plants can grow in any environment, because they are
For instance, a whole new plant can be grown from just a single leaf. No animal can
A) complicated. B) predictable. C) adaptable.
accomplish that! The way that plants distribute their seeds is amazing too. Plants can
D) despicable. E) easy.
shoot seeds from their pods, send them flying on the wind, or grow spines that attach
seeds to animals’ fur, spreading new generations everywhere.
63. If animals could not seem simple, then they
Plants are also amazingly adaptable, finding ways to grow even in imposible A) would live in the confusion for not having science.
environments, both hot and cold. Plants manufacture their own food from sunlight, absorb B) would not be able to perceive natural phenomena.
nutrients from the ground, and fool insects into spreading their pollen. Truly, they are some C) would lack ideas that would allow them to survive.
of nature’s finest creations. D) would never be able to experiment with reality.
E) would be unexceptional living things.

LECTURA 15 (Pre San Marcos 2018-II)
(Pre San Marcos 2018-II) My city isn’t a bad city however it’s nothing to get too excited about either. Because it’s a
Las plantas son seres vivos extraordinarios. Aunque parecen simples, en realidad son, quiet city with very little crime lots of people move here to start families. There are plenty
en cierto modo, más complicados que nosotros.

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of schools and several parks. There are also quite a number of jobs. People work in both C) was born in this city.
offices and factories. D) hates this city.
E) moved to this city.
Having grown up here, I know it well. Too well. I’m ready to move to another place. I want
to see other cities and other countries. I think it’s important to learn new things and explore
68. If the author lived in a city where there were many crimes, probably
other cultures. I like to spend time with people who have ideas that are different from my
A) that city would stop having many parks and schools by citizen insecurity.
ideas. It helps me to see things in a new way.
B) the author would consider his city as exciting and stay there forever.
C) a lot of people wanted to live there because they would consider it exciting.
D) the day would come when the author would like to move to another city.
TRADUCCIÓN E) the author would be happy and spend time talking to people of his city.
Lectura 16
(Pre San Marcos 2018-II) READING 17

Mi ciudad no es una ciudad mala, pero tampoco es para emocionarse demasiado. Debido (Pre San Marcos 2018-II)
a que es una ciudad tranquila con muy poco crimen, muchas personas se mudan aquí Metaphysical issues are concerned with the nature of reality. Traditional metaphysical
para formar familias. Hay un montón de escuelas y varios parques. También hay un buen issues include the existence of God and the nature of human free will (assuming we have
número de puestos de trabajo. La gente trabaja tanto en oficinas como en fábricas. any). Here are a few metaphysical questions of interest to contemporary philosophers:
Habiendo crecido aquí, lo sé bien. Demasiado bien. Estoy listo para mudarme a otro What is a thing? How are space and time related? Does the past exist? How about the
lugar. Quiero ver otras ciudades y otros países. Creo que es importante aprender cosas future? How many dimensions does the world have? Are there any entities beyond
nuevas y explorar otras culturas. Me gusta pasar tiempo con personas que tienen ideas physical objects (like numbers, properties, and relations)? If so, how are they related to
que son diferentes de mis ideas. Me ayuda a ver las cosas de una manera nueva. physical objects? Historically, many philosophers have proposed and defended specific
metaphysical positions, often as part of systematic and comprehensive metaphysical
views. But attempts to establish systematic metaphysical world views have been
64. The main intention of the author is notoriously unsuccessful.
A) to justify the family.
B) to expose what an office is.
C) to explain his boring life. TRADUCCIÓN
D) to define the old countries.
E) to describe his city. Lectura 17
(Pre San Marcos 2018-II)
65. The phrase TO MOVE TO ANOTHER PLACE connotes
A) difficult job. Las cuestiones metafísicas se ocupan de la naturaleza de la realidad. Los problemas
B) bad city. metafísicos tradicionales incluyen la existencia de Dios y la naturaleza del libre albedrío
C) other worlds. humano (asumiendo que tenemos alguno). Aquí hay algunas preguntas metafísicas de
D) new experiences. interés para los filósofos contemporáneos:
E) both offices.
¿Qué es una cosa? ¿Cómo se relacionan el espacio y el tiempo? ¿Existe el pasado?
¿Qué tal el futuro? ¿Cuántas dimensiones tiene el mundo? ¿Hay entidades más allá de
66. It is inferred that the author likes to meet new people for
los objetos físicos (como números, propiedades y relaciones)? Si es así, ¿cómo se
A) learning new languages.
relacionan con los objetos físicos? Históricamente, muchos filósofos han propuesto y
B) hearing new ideas.
defendido posiciones metafísicas específicas, a menudo como parte de puntos de vista
C) speaking languages.
metafísicos sistemáticos e integrales. Pero los intentos de establecer visiones del mundo
D) working with his brother.
metafísicas sistemáticas han sido notoriamente infructuosos.
E) eating new foods.

67. It is inconsistent with reading to affirm that the author

A) grew up in this city. 69. What is the topic?
B) explored other cities. A) Systematic metaphysic

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la nación está generando enojo y conflicto, y algunos políticos oportunistas y B) Wilder's Latinos would soon stop participating actively in the council.
comentaristas de los medios de comunicación están incrementando el conflicto que C) a future president of the United States would descend from Arabs.
critica a los latinos y crean la idea de que las personas blancas son víctimas en un D) some politicians could take advantage of this to obtain votes in favor.
Estados Unidos cada vez más diverso. Tales críticas, incluyendo E) Latinos would no longer be hated by all anti-Latino racist Americans.
El presidente Donald Trump, a menudo hizo que los latinos se vieran como pandilleros
violentos, ladrones de trabajo que no están interesados en aprender inglés, e inmigrantes READING 19
indocumentados que vienen a los Estados Unidos y tienen los llamados bebés ancla, los
niños que son ciudadanos estadounidenses al nacer pero sus padres son inmigrantes (Pre San Marcos 2018-II)
ilegales. El resentimiento por la inmigración —la mayoría de los aproximadamente 11 According to the U. S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, more than 80 million
millones de inmigrantes indocumentados en los Estados Unidos son latinos— facilitó los American adults are chronically sleep deprived, meaning they sleep less than the
cambios políticos que enviaron a Trump a la Casa Blanca. recommended minimum of seven hours a night. Insomnia is by far the most common
problem, the main reason 4 percent of U. S. adults take sleeping pills in any given month.
Insomniacs generally take longer to fall asleep, wake up for prolonged periods during the
74. What is the main idea?
night, or both. If sleep is such an omnipresent natural phenomenon, refined across the
A) Latinos in the United States are increasing, which stimulates a part of the
eons, you might wonder, why do so many of us have such trouble with it? Blame evolution;
Americans a xenophobic feeling.
blame the modern world. Or blame the mismatch between the two.
B) Latinos in Wilder are now the majority of the population, as a result, they are
participating in American politics. Retrieved from https://www.nationalgeographic.com/magazine/2018/08/science-of-
C) The current president Donald Trump took advantage of anti-Latino sentiment to sleep/
win the presidency of the United States.
D) The Latino population of the United States has grown six times since 1970,
reaching nearly 18 percent of the population
E) Wilder's Latinos are the majority of the population and have become influential in
the politics of the entire United States. Lectura 19
(Pre San Marcos 2018-II)
75. The phrasal verb MAKE UP can be replaced by
A) present. B) conclude. C) acquire. D) conciliate. E) constitute. De acuerdo con los Centros para el Control y la Prevención de Enfermedades de EE.
UU., más de 80 millones de adultos estadounidenses padecen de falta crónica de sueño,
76. From the image and the reading, we can conclude that, in Wilder, lo que significa que duermen menos del mínimo recomendado de siete horas por noche.
A) the anti-Latino political sentiment has been violently experienced for the first time. El insomnio es, con mucho, el problema más común, la razón principal por la cual el 4
B) is the focus of expansion of Latinos to Idaho first and then to the entire United por ciento de los adultos de EE. UU. toma pastillas para dormir en un mes determinado.
C) a Latin political movement has been initiated that aims to win government Los insomnes generalmente tardan más en conciliar el sueño, se despiertan durante
positions. períodos prolongados durante la noche o ambos. Si el sueño es un fenómeno natural tan
D) 24% of the population had an anti-Latino feeling because these were the majority. omnipresente, refinado a través de los eones, podría preguntarse, ¿por qué tantos de
E) a quarter of the population, who were Americans, did not participate in the nosotros tenemos tantos problemas con él? Culpa a la evolución; Culpar al mundo
Council. moderno. O culpar al desajuste entre los dos.
Obtenido de https://www.nationalgeographic.com/magazine/2018/08/science-of-sleep/
77. It is false to argue that the United States is a racially homogenous country, because
A) Latinos want to learn English to interact better.
B) Latinos in Wilder are a quarter of the population.
79. What is the main idea of the reading?
C) President Trump appreciates Latino immigrants.
A) Insomnia is the most common kind of sleep privation in U. S. adults.
D) racial diversity in the United States is increasing.
B) American adults have many problems to sleep seven hours a night.
E) Latinos are the only immigrants in this country.
C) A huge population in America have insomnia and take pills regularly.
D) Sleeping is a natural phenomenon affected by evolution and modernity.
78. If, in the United States, in the next few years, Arabs outnumber Latinos, then
E) Insomniacs are U. S. people who have problems to sleep seven hours
A) Latinos would be appreciated by future presidents of the United States.

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A) incredible. B) normal. C) strange. D) global. E) bizarre.
Lectura 20
81. According to the information about insomniacs, it is consistent to argue that (Pre San Marcos 2018-II)
A) they are more than 4 percent of the total population living in America.
B) they are all studied by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Sharon Lauricella, profesora de ciencias sociales y humanidades en el Instituto de
C) they are the American people who blame evolution and the modern world. Tecnología de la Universidad de Ontario, investigó cómo en el mundo académico de 18
D) their problems are all solved by taking sleeping pills before they go to sleep. a 24 años de edad usan el correo electrónico y el texto para comunicarse con los
E) they try to overcome their sleeping privation problems by taking pills. profesores. Descubrió que los estudiantes identifican el correo electrónico como formal y
una forma de comunicación que reconoce el estado y la antigüedad. "El correo
82. We can infer from the information given by U. S. Centers for Disease Control and electrónico es el medio de comunicación preferible en las relaciones en las que una
Prevention that persona es superior a la otra, como estudiantes y profesores, mientras que los canales
A) is necessary to take some pills to fight against the symptoms of insomnia. de texto o de redes sociales son preferidos cuando la relación es más íntima", dice ella.
B) at least more than 40 million American adults suffer from insomnia. La mensajería de texto es, por su propia naturaleza, más personal. Necesitas tener el
C) is useful to people who wants to know how to sleep healthy at night. número de móvil de la otra persona, o su nombre de WhatsApp o el nombre de Facebook
D) we need to consider sleeping as a natural phenomenon across the eons. Messenger, para iniciar la conversación. En la mayoría de los casos, habrán elegido
E) American adults sleep less than the recommended seven hours a night. compartir esto contigo.
83. If we consider a person as sleep deprived when he sleeps less than eight hours a Obtenido de http://www.bbc.com/capital/story/20180802-why-we-hate-using-email-but-
night instead of seven, love-sending-texts
A) most of sleep deprived people wouldn’t need to take any pills to sleep enough.
B) American adults would have enough reasons to blame evolution and modernity.
C) the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention would need to disprove that. 84. What is the central topic of the reading?
D) insomnia would not be considered as the principal reason why people can’t sleep. A) The personal nature of e-mail in contrast to the origin of texting
E) the number of American adults chronically sleep deprived would probably increase. B) An investigation from Sharon Laurella helped by her students
C) A research about the use young people give to e-mail and text
D) The revolution of technology in students from 18 to 24 years old
E) Some requirements that people need to communicate by texting
(Pre San Marcos 2018-II)
85. What is the synonym of the word SENIOR?
Sharon Lauricella, professor of social sciences and humanities at the University of Ontario A) Honorable B) Friendly C) Junior D) Older E) Strange
Institute of Technology, researched how 18 to 24-year-olds in academia use email and
text in communication with faculty members. She found that students identify e-mail as 86. According to e-mail as a way of communication, it is incompatible to say that
formal, and a way of communicating that recognizes status and seniority. “E-mail is the A) you do not need to have the others person's number.
preferable medium of communication in relationships where one person is more senior to B) it is perceived as more formal and decent than texting.
the other, such as student and faculty, while text or social media channels are preferred C) it will be preferred by students who look for more privacy.
when the relationship is more intimate,” she says. D) is one of the possibilities students have to send messages.
Text messaging is, by its very nature, more personal. You need to have the other person’s E) students will choose it to talk with someone older than they.
mobile number –or their WhatsApp handle, or Facebook Messenger name– to even
initiate the conversation. In most cases they will have chosen to share this with you. 87. We can infer from the requirements you need to start a conversation by texting that
A) the professor Lauricella found that e-mail requirements are very similar.
Retrieved from http://www.bbc.com/capital/story/20180802-why-we-hate-using-email- B) are not the same in the different platforms students have to communicate.
but-love-sending-texts C) all of them are required for both the sender and receiver in every platform.
D) one of them is to have the others person's name in Facebook Messenger.
E) just one is necessary for older people in the Faculty Lauricella teaches.

88. If one of the 18 to 24-year-olds students referred in the research considered that text
messaging is as formal as e-mail, then

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A) still the perception of status related to e-mail and text found by Lauricella would E) give students more homework
be similar.
B) the science professor that made the research would need to change all of her 90. We learn from the reading that when students graduate from high school __________.
conclusions. A) none of them are able to think critically
C) students would probably use text and e-mail indistinctly to communicate to each B) they can take the overall responsibility of anything
other. C) all of them have a good knowledge of computer usage
D) the different platforms that students use to send private messages would increase D) many of them have gained specific skills like writing essays and differentiating
a lot. equations
E) more studies would be needed to understand why young people prefer to use E) most of them lack knowledge because of unavailability of ideal learning conditions
91. According to the reading, it is true that _________.
A) teachers who are from a higher social class than their students should be hired
READING 21 B) it is not so difficult to constitute ideal learning conditions
One of the major processes that takes place in schools, of course, is that students learn. C) with close supervision every student can get high test scores
When they graduate from high school, many can use a computer, write essays with three- D) both the school and home environments greatly influence a student's achievement
part theses, and differentiate equations. In addition to learning specific skills, they learn in school
to think critically, to weigh evidence and to develop independent judgment. The extent to E) students learn best in a rigid classroom environment
which this development takes place is related to both school and home environments.
Teachers who are more open to new ideas and less authoritarian produce students who
have greater intellectual flexibility and higher achievement test scores. Studies show that READING 22
teachers are most demanding when they are of the same social class as their students.
The greater the difference between their own social class and that of their pupils, the more Prometheus and Fire
rigidly they structure their classrooms and the fewer demands they place on their students. Early man know about the natural fire of lightning and volcanoes long before he began to
use fire himself. He didn't know what fire was, but he had seen the damage it could cause.
Fire was powerful and dangerous, and so he was frightened. Greek legend tells how
TRADUCCIÓN Prometheus stole fire from God Zeus, and brought it to Earth for man to use. Zeus was
very angry. He ordered Prometheus to be chained to a rock. Every day an eagle pecked
Lectura 21 out his liver, and every night his liver grew again. So Prometheus suffered a terrible
punishment for his deed. The name "Prometheus" means "the fore thinker". One Greek
Uno de los principales procesos que tiene lugar en las escuelas, por supuesto, es que
philosopher wrote that all arts, all skills, men owe to the forethinker. By this he meant that
los estudiantes aprenden. Cuando se gradúan de la escuela secundaria, muchos pueden
civilization is founded on fire and using fire. When man eventually learned how to use fire,
usar una computadora, escribir ensayos con tesis de tres partes y diferenciar ecuaciones.
he guarded it carefully. Some ancient peoples worshiped fire as a goddess. Even when
Además de aprender habilidades específicas, aprenden a pensar críticamente, a sopesar
man learned to make fire whenever he liked, often kept sacred fires burning.
la evidencia y a desarrollar un juicio independiente. La medida en que se lleva a cabo
este desarrollo está relacionada con los entornos escolares y domésticos. Los maestros
que están más abiertos a nuevas ideas y menos autoritarios producen estudiantes que TRADUCCIÓN
tienen mayor flexibilidad intelectual y calificaciones más altas en los exámenes de Lectura 22
rendimiento. Los estudios demuestran que los maestros son más exigentes cuando
pertenecen a la misma clase social que sus estudiantes. Cuanto mayor es la diferencia Prometeo y fuego
entre su propia clase social y la de sus alumnos, más rígidamente estructuran sus aulas El hombre primitivo conoce el fuego natural de los rayos y los volcanes mucho antes de
y menos demandas imponen a sus estudiantes. que él mismo empezara a usar el fuego. No sabía qué era el fuego, pero había visto el
daño que podía causar. El fuego era poderoso y peligroso, y por eso estaba asustado.
La leyenda griega cuenta cómo Prometeo robó el fuego de Dios Zeus y lo llevó a la Tierra
para que lo usara el hombre. Zeus estaba muy enojado. Ordenó que Prometeo fuera
89. It is stated in the passage that teachers who are more open to new ideas _______.
encadenado a una roca. Cada día, un águila picaba su hígado y cada noche su hígado
A) produce more successful students in terms of test scores and intellectual flexibility
crecía nuevamente. Así que Prometeo sufrió un terrible castigo por su acción. El nombre
B) often come from a lower social class than their students
"Prometeo" significa "el pensador". Un filósofo griego escribió que todas las artes, todas
C) are more authoritarian towards students
las habilidades, los hombres deben al previsor. Con esto quiso decir que la civilización
D) discourage intellectual flexibility in schools
se basa en el fuego y el uso del fuego. Cuando el hombre finalmente aprendió a usar el

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fuego, lo guardó cuidadosamente. Algunos pueblos antiguos adoraban el fuego como pregunta extraña, pero muestra que Einstein estaba profundizando en el corazón de un
una diosa. Incluso cuando el hombre aprendió a hacer fuego cuando le gustaba, a problema. Diez años después surgiría su teoría de la relatividad.
menudo mantenía encendidos los fuegos sagrados.

95. Albert Einstein __________.

92. It's obvious from the passage that Prometheus __________. A) is the most genius scientist of all
A) doesn't mean a person who thinks beforehand B) was born in the 18th century
B) was able to protect himself from the eagle C) was spoiled by his teachers in school
C) intended to bring fire from the sky for human D) worried his parents of lacking intelligence
D) ordered the gods to be chained to a rock E) seemed special as early as at his infancy
E) was worshiped as a god by ancient people
96. When he was in school, Einstein __________.
93. It is made clear in the passage that __________. A) showed no signals about his genius
A) fire enabled early man to live in peace B) was afraid of his teachers due to their innocent questions
B) a bird of prey eats an organ of Prometheus C) asked difficult questions to his teachers
C) Prometheus is regarded as an hero by all Greek people D) was understood as genius by public when he was a teenager
D) man never realized how to use the advantages of fire E) couldn't learn science
E) when an eagle pecked out Prometheus' liver, he no longer survived
97. It's obvious in the passage, Einstein's __________.
94. A Greek philosopher thinks that __________. A) genius was a gift
A) if Prometheus hadn't stolen fire from Zeus, there wouldn't have been a civilization B) character was perfect to most of his teachers
B) Prometheus can't exactly imagine what will happen in the future C) life encouraged most of the scientist in the world
C) man has not got the ability to use fire D) theory of relativity couldn't have been found without him
D) Zeus can't have punished Prometheus E) question was the origin of his theory of relativity
E) Prometheus is the most evil creature
Work Animals
Albert Einstein The use of work animals began long before humankind started to practice agriculture. The
Albert Einstein was born in 1879 in the German city of Ulm. He was no prodigy as infant. use of animal power is now considered by many people to be archaic and inefficient. Yet,
In fact he was so late to speak that his parents were concerned he was fool. In school, despite the more than 50 years spent promoting tractorization in developing countries, the
his teachers saw no special talent in him though the signs of his intelligence were there. development gap between industrialized-countries and those with weak, highly dependent
He taught himself calculus for example, and it is said that his teachers seemed a little economies has increased. Moreover, the use of current production models, which are
afraid of him because he asked questions they could not answer. His gift was no secret. more critically dependent on fossil fuel, cannot be considered universally feasible.
At the age of 16, he asked himself whether a light wave would seem stationary if one ran Alternative energy sources such as the effective use of work animals must urgently be
with it. It may seem like a strange question, but it shows that Einstein was digging deep established. Animals not only provide the means by which millions of families make a
to the heart of a problem. Ten years later would arise his theory of relativity. living, but they also contribute to ecologically and socially acceptable production systems.
Moreover, the efficiency of their energy inputs into crop production is higher than that of
LECTURA 23 machines. The rational use of work animals has the potential to contribute, specifically, to
the living conditions and security of small-scale subsistence farmers.
Albert Einstein
Albert Einstein nació en 1879 en la ciudad alemana de Ulm. No era un prodigio de niño. TRADUCCIÓN
De hecho, llegó tan tarde para hablar que a sus padres les preocupaba que fuera un LECTURA 24
tonto. En la escuela, sus maestros no vieron ningún talento especial en él, aunque los Animales de trabajo
signos de su inteligencia estaban allí. Se enseñó a sí mismo cálculo, por ejemplo, y se El uso de animales de trabajo comenzó mucho antes de que la humanidad comenzara a
dice que sus maestros parecían tenerle un poco de miedo porque hacía preguntas que practicar la agricultura. El uso del poder animal ahora es considerado por muchas
no podían responder. Su regalo no era ningún secreto. A la edad de 16 años, se preguntó personas como arcaico e ineficiente. Sin embargo, a pesar de los más de 50 años
si una onda de luz parecería estacionaria si uno corriera con ella. Puede parecer una dedicados a promover la tractorización en los países en desarrollo, la brecha de

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desarrollo entre los países industrializados y aquellos con economías débiles y altamente First of all, don't see something because you want to see it. Secondly, try to stay relaxed.
dependientes ha aumentado. Además, el uso de los modelos de producción actuales, If you are tense, you are liable to see red when the color is blue.
que dependen más críticamente del combustible fósil, no puede considerarse
universalmente viable. Se deben establecer con urgencia fuentes de energía alternativas,
como el uso efectivo de animales de trabajo. Los animales no solo proporcionan los LECTURA 25
medios por los cuales millones de familias se ganan la vida, sino que también contribuyen
a sistemas de producción ecológicamente y socialmente aceptables. Además, la Testimonios
eficiencia de sus insumos de energía en la producción de cultivos es mayor que la de las Todos confiamos en lo que vemos. ¿Podemos realmente confiar en la evidencia de
máquinas. El uso racional de los animales de trabajo tiene el potencial de contribuir, nuestros ojos? Tomar deportes competitivos. Los fanáticos que ven el mismo juego no
específicamente, a las condiciones de vida y la seguridad de los pequeños agricultores estarán de acuerdo entre sí y no estarán de acuerdo con el árbitro. Es la misma historia
de subsistencia. en el tribunal. El procedimiento del juicio depende de que los testigos den testimonio
jurado. ¿Pero qué tan confiable es el testimonio de una persona que informa lo que ha
visto? En un estudio reciente, se pidió a diez mil testigos que describieran al hombre al
98. The writer maintains that the use of animal power _________. que habían visto cometer un crimen. El estudio revela que, en promedio, los testigos
A) is not acceptable for small-scale subsistence farmers sobreestimaron la altura del hombre en cinco pulgadas, su edad en ocho años, y dieron
B) has never been more widespread and accepted before than it is today el color de cabello incorrecto en el 83 por ciento de los casos. ¿Qué podemos hacer para
C) has not been practiced for nearly 50 years now mantener el error al mínimo? En primer lugar, no veas algo porque quieres verlo. En
D) should be encouraged as an alternative to existing energy sources segundo lugar, trate de mantenerse relajado. Si está tenso, es probable que vea rojo
E) is not a convenient method in many developing countries cuando el color es azul.

99. According to the passage, we can say that small-scale subsistence farmers _______.
A) urge for ecologically and socially acceptable production systems 101. One can infer from the passage that __________.
B) favor the policy of tractorization despite the disadvantages A) eyewitness testimony is the most trustworthy element in a criminal case
C) will particularly be positively affected by the use of work animals B) very few people rely on what they see
D) do not use the production models that rely on fossil fuel C) we can't completely trust the evidence of our eyes
E) have to face many problems especially in industrialized countries D) the sworn testimony given by the witnesses is always reliable
E) fans never give accurate descriptions of what they see
100. It is pointed out in the passage that supporting tractorization in developing countries
________. 102. According to the passage, statistical studies show that __________.
A) is not possible as the governments are not in favor of it A) fans at sports events make notes of what they see
B) will lead to increased outputs in near future B) witnesses feel comfortable when they are describing a crime to a jury
C) did not help them get closer to industrialized ones C) very few people are willing to report what they see
D) was popular in relatively few countries fifty years ago D) most fans believe referees' decisions are influenced by crowds
E) will make the living conditions better for everybody regardless of the sector E) eyewitnesses can make significant identification errors

103. We understand from the passage that eyewitnesses ___________.

READING 25 A) usually try to keep visual error to a minimum
B) are sometimes forced to lie about what they see
Testimonies C) shouldn't let their emotions interfere with their vision
All of us rely on what we see. Can we really trust the evidence of our eyes? Take D) have no respect for the truth
competitive sports. Fans who see the same game will not agree with each other and will E) generally stay calm when they are reporting an event
disagree with the referee. It is the same story in the courtroom. Trial procedure depends
on witnesses giving sworn testimony. But just how reliable is the testimony of a person
who reports what he has seen? In a recent study, ten thousand witnesses were asked to READING 26
describe the man they saw commit a crime. The study reveals that, on the average, the
witnesses overestimated the man's height by five inches, his age by eight years, and gave The Origins Of Written Literature
the wrong hair color in 83 percent of the cases. What can we do to keep error to minimum? The origins of a written literature can be found in most of the civilizations of the ancient
world; in India, China, and among the Jewish people whose great work of literature is

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taken to present. The start of Western literature is the Old Testament of the Bible. Their
greatest single contribution was drama, a form of literature that has continued CLAVES
undiminished to the present day. Other literary forms that developed from the time of the
Greeks and Romans onwards have been Poetry in its many different styles and forms; 1 B 46 C 91 D
the essay; biography and autobiography; and the novel. 2 C 47 B 92 C
3 C 48 D 93 B
4 C 49 B 94 A
LECTURA 26 5 D 50 C 95 D
Los orígenes de la literatura escrita 6 E 51 C 96 C
Los orígenes de una literatura escrita se pueden encontrar en la mayoría de las 7 E 52 E 97 A
civilizaciones del mundo antiguo; en la India, China, y entre el pueblo judío cuya gran 8 B 53 A 98 D
obra de literatura se toma para presentar. El comienzo de la literatura occidental es el 9 C 54 E 99 C
Antiguo Testamento de la Biblia. Su mayor contribución individual fue el drama, una forma 10 B 55 C 100 C
de literatura que no ha disminuido hasta nuestros días. Otras formas literarias que se 11 D 56 B 101 C
desarrollaron a partir de la época de los griegos y romanos en adelante han sido la poesía 12 C 57 D 102 E
en sus muchos estilos y formas diferentes; el ensayo; biografía y autobiografía; y la 13 D 58 E 103 E
novela. 14 B 59 C 104 D
15 A 60 E 105 A
16 A 61 A 106 C
104. According to the passage, _____________. 17 B 62 C
A) the ancient world was based upon the written literature 18 C 63 E
B) Bible is submitted to the Jewish people as their holy book 19 D 64 E
C) Western literature is considered to be constructed upon the Greek literature 20 D 65 D
D) Greek literature is not the start of western Chinese and Indian literatures 21 E 66 B
E) the origins of the Poetry can be traced back to Jewish literature 22 B 67 A
23 A 68 D
105. Written literature _______________. 24 B 69 B
A) has existed since the civilizations of the ancient world 25 E 70 A
26 A 71 C
B) is a branch of drama
27 A 72 E
C) is established primarily on poetry, biography, autobiography and the novel
28 C 73 D
D) is separated into two; oral literature and written literature
29 B 74 A
E) is as old as the Bible
30 C 75 E
31 E 76 E
106. It can be drawn out of the passage that ___________. 32 D 77 D
A) holy book Bible is a form of drama 33 D 78 D
B) although poetry was invented by Greeks and Romans, it was changed 34 D 79 A
considerably by the Chinese 35 E 80 D
C) the origin of drama is based upon the Old Testament 36 E 81 E
D) biography and autobiography are the only branches of Roman and Greek 37 A 82 B
literature 38 A 83 E
E) drama has been lasting for centuries contrary to written literature 39 B 84 C
40 E 85 D
41 C 86 C
42 E 87 B
43 D 88 A
44 C 89 A
45 A 90 D

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