R. P. Evrard
Universit6 de l'Etat ~t Liege, Institut de Physique, Sart Tilman, B-4000 Libge, Belgium
Abstract. An exact analytical expression for the impact ionisation probability for the main
ionisation process in a semiconductor with a Kane-type bandstructure is derived. In a
parabolic approximation the integrals involved can be evaluated and the result reduces to
the simple relation vi(E) = C(E-Ei)20 (E-Ei) where C is a material constant related to the
transition matrix elements. From experimental results on the photo-quantum efficiency we
can estimate the value of C for InSb near 77 K, i.e. hC~0.012 eV- 1.-It is concluded that the
impact ionisation probability cannot be described with a unit step function at the threshold
energy as was done in many theories on the avalanche effect. The (effective) threshold is
smooth and a more detailed description, as derived here, is necessary.
PACS: 72.20
Impact ionisation is a process of still growing impor- is the threshold energy for the dominant impact ioni-
tance in semiconductors. When a free carrier is allowed sation process [2, 3]. This follows the original idea of
to gain sufficient energy it may collide with a bound Shockley [4]. The actual impact ionisation probability
carrier, freeing the latter in the process. This results in was calculated by Kane for Si [5] but this procedure
excess free electron hole pairs, in addition to the was not applied to other important semiconductors
original free carrier which looses most of its kinetic like the III-V compounds. An attempt by Curby and
energy. There is a whole class of semiconductor devices Ferry [6] for InSb has been criticized by Borodovskii
which operate on this principle [1], and in a large et al. [7]. A better approach is to replace Shockley's
number of other semiconductor phenomena in which unit step function by the intuitive formula given by
highly energetic carriers are involved it manifests itself Keldysh [8], as was recently done in Monte Carlo
either as a disturbance or as an important factor. calculations for GaAs [9].
Consequently there is fundamental interest to under- We shall give a rigorous derivation of the impact
stand and describe these processes. Usually there is not ionisation probability for semiconductors in which the
just one electron undergoing impact ionisation scatter- band structure, at the energies of interest, can still be
ing, but there will be a number of events resulting in an reasonably approximated by Kane's formulae
avalanche of electron-hole pairs. In order to be able to (Sects. 1-3). Next we shall derive a parabolic band
calculate the generation rate of these extra carriers one approximation of the general formula that leads to a
needs the (dynamical) distribution function and the simple expression which is comparable to that of
ionisation probability for a single event. Keldysh. Finally, we shall apply our results in a semi-
In this paper we shall concentrate on the latter aspect. empirical fashion to InSb at 77 K. From experimental
In most theories on the avalanche effect one still data we are able to calculate the impact ionisation
assumes a unit step probability U(E-Ei), in which E~ energy relationship vi(E) for this case.
126 J. T. Devreese et al.
- . 7S - - f J
-1O -S S lt3 9d3rd3r ' . (4)
k ( 10 8 m- I )
Fig. 1. Band structure of InSb at 77 K. A possible impact ionisation The sum in (4) is over all quantum numbers {ni, k'i, si}.
process, initiated by the conduction band electron in state 1, is
To calculate the probability per unit time for impact
indicated. The arrows show electron transitions
ionisation one needs to calculate the following matrix
elements :
1 k ~ = k l, n,~=c, s4=e
T,,k,~(r) = u~AU,,k, ~(r) e ik'r, (1)
V ~Z with k'l = k 4 , nl=vl, s i {=~ }fl , (6a)
where n = c , v l, v z is the band index, f2 the crystal
volume, and s the spin variable. We introduce the field
operators : k'i=ki, nl=c, sl=~
and The other terms, for which the spin indices are the
same, give zero.
k 2 =k 2 , Similarly, the choice of indices (6a) and (6d) results
in the following contributions.
For the r-dependence;
with k3=k3, n3=c, s3: , (6c)
~rtc*k3, a (r) ~tttc,kl ' ~(r) = 1 e-i(k3 -kl)'rS2(r) . (9a)
1 The reader may have noticed that at this stage our expressions
bear some resemblance to those derived by Anton6ik [E. Anton6ik :
~ ~___M~kl +k4,kz+k3 , (18)
Czech. J. Phys. B 17, 735 (1967)]. However, our approximation of the
wavefunctions is different. Moreover, the present work leads to
where M is a sum over reciprocal space, cf. (13) and
analytical final expressions (17).
Impact IonisationProbabilityin InSb 129
2~ 6
w(kl,k4;kz, k3) = ~ - ( E 1 - ] - E 4 - - E 2 - - E 3 ) ~ k ~ + k 4 , k 2 + k 3 ,,k
Fig.2. The four differentcombinationsof quantum numbers for the
9 IMI~(<olD~B~ IO>- <OlbJ-b~ IO>+ <OlbJ-b~ IO> electron states that contributematrix elements M 1 and M~
+ <OlbJ-b~ IO>- <Olb~-b~Io> + <Olb~-b,,lO>). (21)
The minus sign for the second and fifth term are /
associated with the matrix elements - 2 M 2 for the / bv-
"crossed" diagrams @ and (~) in Fig. 2. Terms of the
type (0[/)~-/)4[0) vanish because the electrons in the
conduction band have opposite spins for the inter-
' I,
mediate state.
The cross section for electron-hole pair creation then
becomes: C
-. 2S
4re o
w(ka, k 4 ; k2, k3) : ~ - [M[2 6(E~ + E 4 - E 2 - E3) L
95kl +k4,k2 +k3 9 (22) o
both spin directions. The probability per unit time that -11 -5 0 S 10
an electron with energy k2~/2 will create an electron- ( 10 8 m-1 )
hole pair equals Fig. 3. The two possible photon absorption processes between the
w(k~)= ~ (~ ~dak2~d3k3~d3k4
conduction band and the two highestvalencebands
The integrals involved can be evaluated analytically the ratio of the number of created electron-hole pairs
and the following expression results: to the number of absorbed photons - remains equal to
unity. As soon as the electron energy rises above Ei,
w(kl) = W m + 2 Eg O (25) and this will happen first for process A only, there is
m+l m+i 9, the possibility of creating secondary electron hole pairs
where the Heaviside function O ( x ) = l if x > 0 and by impact ionisation and t/ may rise above 1. Let us
O (x) = 0 for x < 0. It should be pointed out that (25) has consider the region near this critical photon energy E,..
been obtained as a simple approximation to (17). The If we introduce:
expression (17) is rather general and allows in principle N(A)
to evaluate the matrix elements needed here if the 7 - N(A) + N(B)' (27)
dielectric function ~(co,K) is known accurately. A suf- as the relative chance that a photon is absorbed by
ficiently accurate expression for w(k0 is a prerequisite process A and not by process B, one can readily derive
for any fundamental study of avalanche or photo the following expression for the quantum efficiency for
quantum yield in the avalanche regime. process A only
l. IS
dependent over this energy range, a value of 0.82 can
be calculated from Kane [10]. //
We are not aware of experimental data at 77 K so we
use the results at 90 K of Volkov et al. [14] (Fig. 4). 1.10
The apparent photon threshold energy E'c~0.54eV, O
N 1011
6. Discussion
kz k2
Equation (A.12) yields directly (25) with
k2 k2 32n 2 m+l 2 m 312
2 4]
Now integrate over the azimuthal and polar angles of k and choose in which the only remaining unknown parameter is now IM[ 2, which
the z-axis in the direction of kl to find: can in principle be evaluated from (17).
m +co +oo
I(kl)=(2n)2~ j ~ dk ~ dk2k z References
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