Survivor Series
Survivor Series
Survivor Series
The Survivor Series is a 4 round narrative event in which players command ever
dwindling forces across the varied battlefield of Western Immoren.
1) Each player brings a 175pt army.
a) The list must have 2 Leaders, minimum of 4 cohort models and any combination
of solos, units, attachments, etc.
2) FA is doubled, Character Restrictions are still limited to 1.
3) Battlegroup/cohort assignments are not attached until army construction.
4) Command cards costs are not included in the 175 point total (choose 8 but only 5 are
allowed in army construction).
5) Prime Arena: MK4 or Legacy armies are allowed.
6) Scenarios are announced before army construction.
Each round, players will create a 50pt army from their available forces (1 Leader, a minimum
of Cohort models, any number of solos, troops, etc) and include command cards as normal.
Attachments for units may be used but must have been part of the original 175 army
points. Attachments assigned to units in the 175pt army, must be fielded with the unit to
which they were attached.
At the start of the round you will show your opponent your 175 point list. You will then set up
the table per the scenario for the round. You both will build a 50 point list in secret from your
175 point list, also choosing 5 command cards (ignoring the point cost of those cards.). You
then both reveal your army and start the match in standard form (roll for sides, initiative order,
After the first round, any model/unit/structure etc. that were destroyed during the game are
removed from the 175pt army roster and cannot be used as part of an army construction in later
rounds. Units are considered destroyed if all models are destroyed including any attachments.
If a player loses their Leader, the Leader can be reused in the following rounds but has its
maximum hit points reduced by 5 permanently each time they are killed.
Units come back to full model count in future rounds if not completely destroyed. If a model
survives with 1 hp left, they come back at full health, except the 5 less Leader rule from being
killed. (IE a unit of Ulkor Axers had 1 model left at the end of a game, if using the same unit next
round they are deployed with full unit/model strength.)
Tactical Retreat: After round 3 but before the start of round 4, 5, 6, or 7, starting with the first
player, they may call for a tactical retreat. If a player calls for a tactical retreat, they immediately
lose the game, but preserve the models on the board to be used in further rounds.
Each scenario has a fixed win condition. The win condition is to have the most VPs after 7
rounds. If a player loses before round 7, the winner may still play the remaining rounds.
At the start of each round roll a d6 and consult the map conditions for that scenario.
All scenarios use standard Steamroller game setup and deployment zones.
Each table should have 8-10 pieces of terrain of varying size and variety.
The winner of the event is determined by the following rules.
1. The only undefeated person.
2. Most VPs scored.
3. Most points left over in their army after the entire event.
4. Most points destroyed.
The Summit
The peak of this mountain was the site of a great battle between dragons and mortals.
According to ancient legends, the weapon of one of the mortal heroes lies broken into pieces at
the summit. That kind of power is not something that can be left by itself and must be secured.
Scenario: Place 9 40mm markers out. Two sets are placed 18 inches from each back table
edge, one set per side. One is placed 24 inches from the side edge and the other two are
placed 12 inches from each side. Repeat this setup 24 inches from the back edge.
A model may search the site by sacrificing its combat action, in which case roll a d6. On a 5+
that marker holds a portion of the artifact. Each horizontal row of locations may contain no more
than one artifact piece. If that piece has been found, remove the markers in that row. A player
gains 1 VP for each artifact piece they hold at the end of the game. Artifacts tokens are held by
the model that found the artifact, if the model is destroyed the token falls to the ground until
someone else claims that piece, friend or foe. Each artifact marker can only be searched once
a turn. Markers may be passed to other models if both models sacrifice their combat actions
and are within 1 inch of each other.
Map Conditions:
1-2: No Conditions
3-4: blinding snow rolls in. Line of sight is reduced to 8 inches.
5-6: The slippery ground causes any model that runs or charges to move an extra 2 inches but,
after moving, roll 1d6. On a 1-2 that model is knocked down.
The burning sun has been an ever present fact for days as you and your army move through the
deep desert. Heat exhaustion and dehydration threaten your very survival. A scout has returned
with unbelievable news, an oasis you can use to resupply has been found. Fate is a cruel
mistress however and another army, likely in the same condition as yours is also bearing down
on the oasis. It's now a race against time with survival on the line.
Scenario: The objective is to collect water from an oasis. Place a shallow water terrain feature
no larger than 6 inch diameter in the center of the table and a 40mm flag centered along the
table 12in from the back edge on both sides. Any model that ends its movement within 1 inch of
the terrain feature may use their combat action to collect water. Place a water token next to the
model. While carrying a water token, models cannot run. If the model is destroyed or knocked
down the token is lost as the water is spilled. When a model ends its move within 1 inch of the
flag on their side of the table they may deposit the water, and the player gains 1 VP for each
water token deposited.
Map Conditions
1-2: No condition
3-4: Sandstorm. All ranged weapons and offensive spell ranges are reduced by 4in.
5-6: a tunnel network carved by the flow of water has begun to collapse. At the end of each
model’s normal movement roll 1d6. On a 1-2 a model is stationary as they try to free themselves
from the collapsing ground.
This once quaint town has been reduced to rubble by warring armies. The people now seek to
flee with whoever will hopefully protect them. The battle is far from over and the other side is
collecting people for whatever dark and nefarious purpose they have in mind. You have to save
Scenario: Each terrain piece that is not a wall, defense, or Dust Devil contains people waiting
to be rescued. Any model/unit wholly within a terrain piece may sacrifice its combat action to
search for survivors.
When searching roll 1d6. On a 1-2 none are found on a 3-5 one is found and on a 6 two are
found. For each one found the player scores 1 VP. Each terrain piece can only be
searched once a turn.
Map Conditions:
1-2 No Conditions
3-4 a dense smoke chokes the battlefield. All models suffer -2 to all attack rolls.
5-6 some forgotten traps are set off. Whenever a model ends its activation wholly within a
terrain feature roll 1d6. On a result of 1-2 that models suffer a POW 10 damage roll. All models
within 1 inch of the model hit are hit as well, this is blast damage.
The dark depths of this jungle are home to a dark secret. Long ago, ancient tribes used this
area as a site for rituals to the Devourer Wurm. Some remnants of those dark rituals have been
found and must be secured lest they fall into the wrong hands. The site however is not dormant
and the prospect of fresh blood and supplication has made it hum with power.
Scenario: Place 8 ritual stones. Each ritual stone is a 50mm obstruction. On each side, place 2
of the artifacts 20 inches up from the back edge and 8 inches in from the side edges. Then
place 2 more artifacts 12 inches from the back edge and 20 inches from each side edge. Place
one flag in the direct center of the table. To control an artifact a player must have more models
within 2 inches of it than their opponent. After round 1 at the end of each player's turn they
score 1 VP if they hold more artifacts than their opponent. If your Leader model starts the turn
within 6 inches of the center flag they gain 2 additional VPs as their leader harnesses the power
of the ritual site.
Map Conditions:
1-2: No Conditions
3-4 a rainstorm has started, turning the jungle soil into muck. All open terrain is counted as
difficult terrain.
5-6 The wild animals hiding in the bushes have begun to move around. Any model that ends its
activation within a terrain feature must roll 1d6. On a result of 1-2 that model takes 1 point of
damage as it is attacked by the animals hiding in the terrain.