From Egypt to Japan
From Egypt to Japan
From Egypt to Japan
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Two Gopieti ftwetveo
JUL 2y 1905
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in. The Temples of Egypt- Did Moses get his law from
THE Egyptians? 28
IV. The Egyptian doctrine of a future life, 37
V. The Religion of the Prophet, ......... 45
VL Modern Egypt and the Khedive, 63
around the world, and after six months in Europe, were now
to push on to the farthest East. It was an autumn afternoon
near the close of the year 1875, that they left Constantino-
pit, and sailed down the Marmora, and through the Darda-
nelles, between the Castles of Europe and Asia, whose very
names suggested the continents that they were leaving behind,
and set their faces towards Africa.
They could not go to Palestine. An alarm of cholera in
Damascus had caused a cordon sanitaire to be drawn along
the Syrian coast and though they might get in, they could
her Koman lovers and conquerors has yet in many parts
quite a modern aspect, and is almost a new city. It has felt,
jaore than most places in the East, the influence of European
civilization. Commerce is returning to its ancient seats
along the Mediterranean, and the harbor of Alexandria is
quity, yet to this day the source of the river is the problem
of geographers. Formerly it was a three days' journey from
Alexandria to Cairo, but the railroad shortens it to a ride of
four hours, in which we crossed both branches of the Nile.
Just at noon we came in sight of the Pyramids, and in half
an hour were driving through the streets of the capital of
"We two or three weeks, much better than
like Cairo, after
Constantinople. another climate and atmosphere
It has
f^nd is altogether a gayer and brighter city. The new
j^arrer occupied by foreigners is as handsomely built ai
any European city. The streets are wide and well paved,
like the new streets and boulevards of Paris. We are aA
was on my way around the world, lie exclaimed, " Ah, yon
Americans ! You are true Bedouins " I asked him what
toward me, calling out " Doctor, want a donkey ? " One of
them took me on my weak side the first day by saying that
the name of his animal was " Yankee Doodle," and so I have
patronized that donkey ever since, and a tough little beast
he is, scudding away with me on his back at a great rate.
every traveller who is assisted to the top, but that does not
relieve one from constant appeals going up and down. I
found it way to get rid of them to give somewhat
the easiest
freely, and thus paid three or four times the prescribed charge
before I got to the bottom. No doubt I gave far too much,
for they immediately quoted me to the rest of the party, and
held me up as a shining example. I am afraid I demoralized
the whole tribe, for some friends who went the next day were
told of an American who had been there the day before, who
had given " beautiful backsheesh." The cunning fellows,
finding I was an easy subject, followed me from one place to
another, and gaveme no peace even when wandering among
the tombs, orwhen taking our lunch in the Temple of the
Sphinx, but at every step clamored for more; and when I
had given them a dozen times, an impudent rascal came up
even to the carriage, as we were ready to drive away, and
said that two or three shillings more would " make all se-
rene !
" — a phrase which he had caught from some strolling
American, and which he turns to good account.
But one would gladly give any sum to get rid of petty an-
noyances, and to be able to look around him undisturbed.
Here we are at last on the very summit of the Great Pyraniid,
•nd begin to realize its immensity. Below us men look like
mice creeping about, and the tops of trees in the long ave-
nue show no larger than hot-house plants. The eye ranges
over the valley of the Nile for many miles —a carpet of the
richest green, amid which groups of palms rise like islands
way no time is lost, and one can see as much in throe weeki
as in a dahabeeah in three months.
Our boat carried twenty seven passengers, of whom more
than half were Americans, forming a most agreeable company
All on deck, we watched with interest the receding shores,
as we sailed past the island of Rhoda, where, according to
tradition, the infant Moses was found in the bulrushes; and
where the Nilometer, a pillar planted in the water ages ago,
still marks the annual risings and fallings of the great river
of Egypt. The Pyramids stood out clear against the western
sky. That evening we enjoyed the first of a series of glori-
ous sunsets on the Nile. Our first sail was very short — only
to Sakkara, a few miles above Cairo, where we lay to for the
night, the boat being tied up to the bank, in the style of a
steamer on the Mississippi.
Early the next morning our whole company hastened
ashore, where a large array of donkeys was waiting to re-
ceive us. These had been sent up from Cairo the night be-
fore. My faithful attendant was there with " Yankee Doo-
dle," and claimed me as his special charge. We were soon
mounted and pricking over what we should call " bottom
lands " in the valleys of our Western rivers, the wide plain
being relieved only by the palm groves, and rode through an
Arab where we were pursued by a rabble rout of
eral misery.
Leaving this noisy crowd, which gathers about us m every
village that we enter, it is easy to find different specimens of
Arab character, whicl; engage our interest and compel our
respect. One cannot look at these men without admiring
their physique. They remind me much of our American In-
Jiang Like them, they are indolent, unless goaded to «orir
all the burning sun and sky. These are the elements that
enter into every landscape. There is no change, no variety.
Look where you will, there is no vision in the distance of
lofty peaks dark with pines, or white with snow, no torrents
leaping down the mountain side (the silence of Egypt is one
of the things that most oppress me), no brooks that run
among the hills, no winding paths along their banks that
invite the stranger to lose himself in their shade. I see in*
deed hills on either horizon, but they are barren and deso
late. On all this double range, for six hundred mileSj tliert
exchange for half the year the climate of Egypt for that of
America. How refreshing it would be to him to see, just
mult and the roar of this more ancient Rome, when the char-
iots of mighty kings, and the tread of armies returning
victorious from distant wars, thundered through her hundred
Then did the kings of Egypt rear temples and palaces and
statues and obelisks worthy of all that greatness. Then
were built the most gigantic temples ever raised by the hand
of man — as much surpassing in vastness and grandeur thos«
reared centuries afterward by the Greeks, as the latter sur-
pass anything by the moderns. The temples of Thebes
including Luxor and Karnac, which are parts of one city
are as much grander than the Parthenon, as the Parthenon is
if any man wish to know how great I am, and where I lie,
let him surpass one of my works " What a comment on
not only of the sun, moon, and stars, but of beasts and birda
and reptiles — of the apis and the ibis — of the serpent and
the crocodile.
At Sakkara we visited one of the most stupendous mauso-
leums that we have seen in Egypt one which Herodotua —
described, but which for centuries was so buried by the
sands of the desert that its very site was not known until
brought to light by the researches of Mariette Bey, who haa
done so much to restore the monuments of ancient Egypt.
rhe approach was by an avenue of sphinxes, which led
to it
to a Tast subterranean gallery —
twenty feet wide and high
and leading two thousand feet, more than a third of a mile,
under the earth. This long, vaulted passage is hewn in the
solid rock —
out of which open on either side a series of
chambers or recesses, like side chapels each containing a —
sarcophagus, 15x8 feet. These tombs, hollowed out of the
solid granite, are so huge and massive that we wonder how
they ever could have been got there. Yet these great sarco-
phagi — fit for the burial places of a long line of kings —were
not for the Pharaohs or the Ptolemies, but for tlie Sacred
Bulls ! Thirty of these sarcophagi have been found, and on
the walls are tablets which record the birth, and death, and
burial of each one of these sacred beasts. These were the
gods of Egypt, mother of the arts, and civilizer of the earth !
rors, from which the}'^ seek relief and protection it, bowing
down to gods of wood and stone.
The Israelites coming out of Egypt, were out of the house
of t^ondage in one sense, but they were in it in another.
They were continually relapsing into idolatry. The golden
calf of Aaron was but an imitation of the sacred bulls of
Egypt. Often they pined for the products of the fertile val-
ley of the Nile. With nothing but the burning sands beneath
their feet, they might well long for the shade of the palm
treeand for its delicious fruit, and they said. Why hath this
man Moses brought us up to die in this wilderness ? It re-
quired forty years of wandering, and that a whole generation
should leave their bones to whiten the sands of the desert,
before their children could be wholly alienated from the wor-
ship of false gods. So not only with the Israelites, but with
all nations of men, ages of fiery discipline have been neces-
sary to bring back the race to this first article of our faith
I believe in God the Father Almighty, the Maker of heaven
and earth."
We might follow the comparison through all the tables of
the law, to show how absurd is the pretence that what Moses
taught to the Israelites he first learned from the Egyptians.
Tell us, ye learned antiquaries, where on all these temples,
and in all the records which they have left us, is there any
trace of the Ten Commandment? ?
And yet Egypt is connected very intimately, in history at
least, with the birth of our religion. No other country, ex-
cept Palestine, figures so largely in the Bible. Abraham
went down into Egypt. Here came the sons of Jacob to buy
corn, and found Joseph ruling in the house of Pharaoh.
And hithei centuries later fled the virgin mother with her
*' Oui
child from the wrath of Herod, fulfilling the prediction,
of Egypt have I called my son."
But Religion the Divine wisdom which at once instmctf
and saves mankind— came not from the valley of the Nile
like a sea, and not a shrub nor a blade of grass has survived
the universal deluge. Yet here where not a living thing can
be found, has been discovered underground the most remark-
able series of tombs which exists. A whole mountain is
pierced with deep excavations. Passages open into its rocky
sides, running many hundred feet into the bowels of the earth,
and branching off into recesses like side chapels. These Halls
of Death are like kings' palaces, with stately chambers broad
and high, whose sides and ceilings are covered with hie-
roglyphics and illustrative symbols.
A fact so remarkable as this, that the architecture of a
great empire which has built the most colossal structures in
the world, has this tomblike character, must have a meaning
The Egyptians were a very religious people. They were not a
gay and thoughtless race, like some of their Asiatic and Eu-
ropean neighbors. There is something grave even in theij
And the stars twinkle, hut speak not, and the palm trees
quirei in the night wind, but give no answer ; and the greai
Nile Adws on silently to the sea, as life flows on to eternity
ISTatuie is dumb ; the great secret is not revealed.
For the revelation of that secret we turn not to Egypt, but
to Jerusalem. While the Egyptians groped darkly after the
truth, how do these dim shadows, these poor emblems and
analogies, set forth by contrast the clearer and better truth
of revelation All that is written on the tombs of Egypt j
Dr. Potter read the service in his clear, riv^h voice, following
it with a sermon which was quite extempore and brief, but
so simple and so appropriate to the day that it went to every
heart. And when at the close was celebrated the commu-
nion, we all felt how pleasant it was in such a place, so far
from home, in a country surrounded by the ruins of the tem-
ples of old idolatries, to join in the worship of Him who on
this day was born to be the Light and the Hope of the world.
Better is this than all that Egypt can teach us about a life to
And so we turn from these great temples and tombs, which
only mock our hopes, to Him who has passed through the
grave, and lighted the way for us to follow Him. Let schol-
ars dispute the first intent of the words, yet nothing in the
Old Testament or the New, more distinctly expresses what I
rest upon than this ''
I know that my Redeemer liveth and
that he shall stand at the latter day upon the earth and ;
and offer worship to the unseen God. Indeed they are morfl
than believers, they are zealots, carrying their faith to fanat-
icism. A body so vast in number, composed of such fierce
religionists, is certainly a great power in the political and
military, as well as religious, forces, that are yet to contend
for the mastery of the Eastern world.
Nor is this power inactive in spreading its faith ; it is full
and then the ulema approached the grave, and began an ad-
dresa to the dead, telling her ( it was a woman ) not to be
afraid when the angel came to call her to judgment, but to
appear before the bar of the Almighty, and answer withci*
fear, for that no follower of the prophet should perish.
show itself in that sort of vices. His very ride makes tlit j.
That God is for him, the Mussulman never doubts ; and thia
confidence inspires him in danger, and on the field of battle,
so that he fights with desperation. But if the fortune of
war be against him, who so well as the devout Mussulman
knows how to suffer and to die? He murmurs not; but
bows his head, saying " God is great," and submits to hia
fate. Thus his creed carried out to its logical consequence
ends in fatalism. He believes so absolutely in God, that
the decrees of the Almighty become a fixed fate, which the
will of man is impotent to resist. All this comes from an
imperfect idea of God. Here Islam is defective, just where
Christianity is complete. t
away the sin of the world, no Holy Spirit to help our in-
firmities, to strengthen our weaknesses.
So with Moslem morality ; if we scan it closely, we find
it wanting in many virtues. Some writers give the most
elevated ideas of it. Says Chambers' Cyclopaedia " Aside :
other —
way in the Arab slave-hunters, who, though they are
Mohammedans, and devoutly pray toward Mecca, are the
most merciless of human beings. One cannot read fhe pages
of Livingstone without a shudder at the barbarities practised
on defenceless natives, which have spread terror and desola-
tion over a large part of the interior of Africa,
These cruel memories rise up to spoil the poetry and ro-
;nance which some modern writers have thrown about the re-
ligion of the prophet. They disturb my musings, when awed
or touched by some features of Moslem faith; when I listen
to the worship in St. Sophia, or witness the departure of
pilgrims for Mecca. Whatever Oriental pomp or splendor
may still survive in its ancient worship, at its heart the sys-
tem and hard, and cruel it does not acknowledge the
is cold, ;
much of the " waning crescent," but it wanes very slowly, and
I do not look for any great change in the Mohammedan
world, except in the train of political changes. That religion
is so bound up with political power, that until that is de-
power, when, finding that lie was becoming tjo strong for
justify such reasoning. And yet I could not but listen with
interest to Nubar Pasha (the most eloquent talker, as well
as the most enlightened statesman, of Egypt), as he defend-
ed the conduct of his hero. He, indeed, has a hereditary
allegiance to Mehemet Ali, which he derived from his
uncle, the prime minister. Said he :
" The rule of the
Mamelukes was anarchy of the worst kind ; it was death to
Egypt, and right to kill death." The reasoning is
it is
of the Nile to the other, there was perfect security. ^' Every
tree planted in Egypt," said Nubar Pasha, " is due to him
for till then the people in the country did not dare to plant
a tree, for the Mamelukes or the wandering Bedouins came
and pitched their tents under its shade, and then re \>bed the
village." But now every wandering tribe that hovered on
the borders of the desert, was struck with fear and dread,
and did not dare to provoke a power which knew no mercy.
Hence the plantations of palms which have sprung up
great," and tried more than once to remove him. But the
servant had become stronger than his master, and would not
be removed. He raised a large army, to which he gave the
benefit of European discipline, and in the latter part of his
life invaded Syria, and swept northward to Damascus and
him often and know him well. The Khedive has many
American officers in his service, some of them in high com-
mands (General Stone is chief of the " Etat-Major ") and
these are necessarily brought into intimate relations with him.
These officers I find without exception very enthusiastic in
their admiration. This is quite natural. They are brought
into relations with him of the most pleasant kind. He
wants an army, and they organize it for him. They disci-
pline his troops ; if need be, they fight his battles. As they
minister to his desire for power, and for military display, he
gives them a generous support. And so both parties are
equally pleased with each other.
But making full allowance for all these prepossessions in
his favor, there are certain things in which not only they,
but who know the present ruler of Egypt, agree, and
for irrigation have been dug here and there, to carry over
the country the fertilizing waters of the Nile and railroadfl
have been cut across the Delta in every direction, and one
is already advanced more than two hundred miles up the
gantic failures, and that they are at the bottom of the trouble
which now threatens the country.
Such is the present financial condition of the Khedive and
of Egypt. I couple the two together ; although an attempt
is made to distinguish them, and we hear that although
Egypt is nearly bankrupt, yet that the Khedive is personally
" the richest man in the world " But the accounts are so
and then to follow up the good course he has begun with hia
Suez Canal shares, by selling all his stock in every commer-
cialcompany (for one man must not ti'y to absorb all the in-
dustry of a kingdom) if he can persuade him to sell all the
sit to hear causes, and who decide them after the C>rieiit&
fashion — that is, they will decide in favor of a friend againsl
an enemy, or more commonly in favor of the man who can
pay the largest bribe ; but to sit patiently and listen to evi-
dence, and then decide according to abstract justice, is some-
thing not only foreign to their customs, but of which they
have absolutely no idea — they cannot conceive of it." He
saw that a feeling of insecurity was at the bottom of the
want of confidence at home and abroad and that to " estab- ;
lish justice " was the first thing both to encourage native
the first time in the history of Egypt that there has been
one law for ruler and people — for the Khedive and the
fellah, for the native-born and for the stranger within their
The completion of such a system, after so much labor, has
naturally been regarded with great satisfaction by those who
have been working for it, and its inauguraticn on the first
of the year was an occasion of congratulation. On that day
the new judges were inducted into office, and after taking
were all entertained at the house o\
their official oaths they
Judge Batcheller, where was present also Mr. Wa«»hburne
Egypt is an en-
believe that the best possible government for
and my complaint against the govern
lightened despotism /
ment of the Khedive is, not that he concentrates all powei
in himself, but that he does not use it wisely —that his gov-
ernment unites, with many features of a ci\'ilized state, some
of the very worst features of Oriental tyranny.
But with all that is dark in the present state of this coun-
try, and sad in the condition of its people, I believe that
Egypt has a great future before it; that it is to rise to a new
'dfe, and become a prosperous State of the modern world.
The Nile valley has a great part yet to play in the future
civilization of Africa, as an avenue of access to the in-
terior —
to those central highlands where are the Great
Lakes, which are the long-sought sources of the Nile and ;
sixty feet in front, are wholly covered by the sand. But th«
mighty head still lifts its unchanged brow above the waste,
looking towards the East, to see the sun rise, as it has every
morning for four thousand years.
On our return to the Pyramid, Dr. Grant pointed out the,
corner sockets " of the original structure, showing how
much larger it was when first built, and as it stood in the
time of the Pharaohs. It is well known that it has been mu-
tilated by the successive rulers of Egypt, who have stripped
off its outer layers of granite to build palaces and mosques
in Cairo. This process of spoliation, continued for centuries,
has reduced the size of the Pyramid two acres, so that now
it covers but eleven acres of ground, whereas originally it
Bcope that ever was made —pointed towards the North Stai
But stars and moon were soon and we were lost in
the darkness of this labyrinth. The descent is tasy, indeed
it is too easy, for the sides of the passage are of polished
limestone, smootk as glass, and the floor affords but a slight
hold for the feet, so that as we bent forward, we found it.
difficult to keep our balance, and might have fallen from top
to bottom we had not had the strong arms of our guides to
got ahead, and felt rewarded when we reached the top of thf-
remove the dust from our eyes and hands. Thus refreshed,
we relished our oranges and cakes, and the tiny cups of
Turkish cofi'ee.
and sacred lore which the science of the present day may
well study to reveal ? It may be Smyth argues
(as Piazzi
In his learned book) that we who are now upon the earth
whom the ends of the world are come. Without giving our
adhesion in advance to any theory, there are certain facts,
might **
touch heaven." From that great height one haa
almost a perfect horizon, looking off upon the level valley of
the Nile. It is said that it could not have been ascended
because its were covered with polished stone. But
may there not have been a secret passage to the top ? It is
hard to believe that such an elevation was not made use oi
by a people so much given to the study of the stars as were
the ancient Egyptians. In some way we would believe that
the priests and astrologers of Egypt were able to climb to
that point, where they might sit all night long looking at the
constellations through that clear and cloudless sky ; watching
Orion and the Pleiades, as they rose over the Mokattam hills
on the other side of the Nile, and set behind the hills of the
Libyan desert.
There is another very curious fact in the Pyramid, thai
the passage by which it is entered points directly to the
North Star, and yet not to the North Star that now is, bu* to
Alpha Draconis, which was the North Star four thousand
years ago. This is one way in which the age of the Pyramid
is determined, for it is found by the most exact calculations
throne, and mark how the stars *' return again " to their
places in the "jverlasting revolutions of the heavens.
also, and perhaps chiefly (so argues Prof. Smyth) was it de-
tions have been sent into all parts of the earth within the
lasttwo years to determine by more accurate observations of
the transit of Yenus, is more exactly told in the Great Pyra-
mid erected four thousand years ago !
Such are the lessons that we derive from even our slight
acquaintance with the Great Pyramid and so, as we looked
those five or six weeks we had grown very fond of the coun-
try, to which the society of agreeable travelling companions
lent an additional charm.
But the world was all before us, and necessity bade us
depart. It was the 6th of January, the beginning of the
feast of Bairam, the Mohammedan Passover. The guns of
the Citadel ushered in the day, observed by all devout Mus-
sulmaiis, which commemorates the sacrifice by Abraham not —
of Isaac, but of Jshmael, for the Arabs, who are descendants
of Ishmael, have no idea of his being set aside by the other
son of the Father of the Faithful. On this day every family
sacrifices the paschal lamb (which explains the flocks of
sheep which we had seen for several days in the streets of
the city), and sprinkles its blood upon the lintels and door-
posts of their houses, that the angel of death may j)ass them
by. The day is one of general rejoicing and festivity. TJic
Khedive gives a grand reception to all the foreign represen-
tatives at his palace of Gezireh, at which I had been invited
to be present. But from this promised pleasure I had tc
tear myself away, to reach the steamer at Suez on which W€
the sight of " busy cities far away," leaving one on the
boundless plain, as on the Ocean —alone with the Night.
Perhaps I may be indulged in some quiet musings here,
before we embark on the Bed Sea, and seek a new world in
But what can .me say of the desert? The subject seems
as barren as its own sands. Xi/e in the desert? There is
no life ; it is the very realm of death, where not a blade of
grass grows, nor even an insect's wing flutters over the
mighty desolation; the only objects in motion, the clouds
that flit across the sky, and cast their shadows on the barren
virastebelow ; and the only sign that man has ever passed
over it, the bleaching bones that mark the track of caravans.
But as we look, behold " a wind cometh out of the North,"
and stirring the loose sand, whirls it into a column, which
moves swiftly towards us like a ghost, as if it said :
" I am
the spirit of the desert ; man, wherefore comest thou here ?
Pass on. If thou invadest long my realm of solitude and
silence, I will make thy grave." We shall not linger, but
only " tarry for a night," to question a little the mystery
that lies hidden beneath these drifting sands.
We look again, and we see shadowy forms coming out of
the whirlwind — great actors in history, as well as figures of
the imagination. The horizon is filled with moving caravans
and marching armies. Ancient conquerors pass this way for
centuries from Asia into Africa, and back again, the wave
of conquest flowing and reflowing from the valley of the
Tigris to the valley of the Nile. As we leave the Land of
Goshen, we hear behind us the tramp of the Israelites be-
ginning their march ; and as the night closes in, we see in
another quarter of the horizon the wise men of the East
coming from Arabia, following their guiding star, which
leadsthem to Bethlehem, where Christ was born.
And so the desert which was '* dead " becomes ** alive ; "
a whole living world starts up from the sands, and glides
into view, appearing suddenly like Arab horsemen, and then
vanishing as if it had not been, and leaving no trace in the
sands any more than is left by a wreck that sinks in the
ocean. But like the sea, it has its passing life, which has a
deep human interest. And not only is there a life of the
aesert, but a literature which is the expression of that life
does Gerome give the Prayer in the Desert, with the caniel
kneeling on the sands, and his rider kneeling beside him,
with his face turned towards Mecca Death in the Desert,
; or
where the poor beast, weary and broken, is abandoned to diq,
yet murmurs not, but has a look of patience and resignation
that is most pathetic, as the vultures are seen hovering ii
the air, ready to descend on their prey !
the Arab mother sits at ease, and her child is lulled to rest
almost as if rocked in a cradle.
Thus moving on in these slow and endless marches, what so
natural as that the camel-riders should beguile their solitudb
with song ? The lonely heart relieves itself by pouring its
loves and its sorrows into the air; and hence come those
Arabian melodies, so wild and plaintive and tender, which
constitute the music of the desert. Some years since a sym
phony was produced in Paris, called " The Desert," which
created a great sensation, deriving its charm from its
unlikeness to European music. It awakened, as it were, a
new who had been listening all
sense in those their lives to
French and German operas. It seemed to tell —
as music only
*"ells —
the story of the life of the desert. In listening one could
almost see the boundless plain, broken only by the caravan,
moving slowly across the waste. He could almost " feel the
uilence" of that vast solitude, and then faintly in the dia
tanoe was heard the tinkling of the camel-bells, and the song
of the desert rose upon the evening air, as softly as if clois-
tered nuns were singing their vesper hymns. The novel con-
ception took the fancy of the pleasure seekers of Paris, always
eager for a new The symphony made the fame of
the composer, Felicien David, who was thought to have shown
a very original genius in the composition of melodies, such as
Europe had not heard before. The secret was not discovered
until some French travellers in the East, crossing the desert,
heard the camel-drivers singing and at once recognized the
airs that had so taken the enthusiasm of Paris. They were
the songs of the Arabs. The music was born on the desert,
and produced such an effect precisely because it was the out-
burst of a passionate nature brooding in solitude.
Music and poetry go together the : life that produces the onti
But in the desert one may say there is nothing but God. H
tih<»re is little of earth, there is much of heaven. The glory of
the desert is at niglit, when the full moon rises out of the level
plain, as out of the sea, and walks the unclouded firmament.
And when she retires, then all the heavenly host come forth.
The atmosphere is of such exquidte purity, that the stars
shine with all their splendor. No vapor rises from the earth,
no exhalation obscures the firmament, which seems all aglow
with the was such a sight that kindled the
celestial fires. It
mind of Job, up from the Arabian deserts three
as he looked
thousand years ago, and saw Orion and the Pleiades keeping
their endless march and as led him to sing of the time " when
the morning stars sang together, and all the sons of God
?houted for joy."
Is it strange that God should choose such a vast and silent
temple as this for the education of those whom He would set
apart for his own service ? Here the Israelites were led apart
to receive the law from the immediate presence of God. The
desert was their school, the place of their national education.
It separated them from their own history. It drew a long
track between them and the bitter past. It was a fit intro-
duction to their new life and their new religion, as to their
new country.
In such solitudes God has had the most direct commun-
ion with the individual soul. It was in the desert that Moses
hid himself in a cleft of the rock while the Lord passed by
that the Lord answered Job out of the whirlwind and from ;
it that John the Baptist came forth, as the voice of one cry-
ing in the wilderness.
So in later ages holy men who wished to shun the tempta-
tions of cities, that they might lead lives of meditation and
prayer, fled to the desert, that they might forget the world
and live for God alone. This was one of the favorite retreats
of Monasticism in the early Christian centuries. The tombs
of the Thebaid were filled with monks. Convents were built
on the cliffs of Mount Sinai that remain to this day.
We do not fool the need of such seclusion and separatioii
from the world, but this passing over the desert sets the mind
A forlorn and shipwrecked brother,
Beeisg m&y take heart again ?
Suez lies bet^vveen the desert and the and is the point
from the shores, which being the borders of the desert, have
its general sandy red, or yellow, appearance. I remember
years ago, when sailing along the southern coast of Wales,
a gentleman, pointing to some red-banked hills, said they
reminded him of the shores of the Red Sea.
But whether they have given it its name or not, these sur-
rounding deserts have undoubtedly given it its extreme heat,
from which it has become famous as " the hottest place in the
world." The wind blowing off from these burning sands,
scorches like a sirocco ; nor is the heat much tempered by
the coolness of tlie sea —for indeed the water itself becomes
heated to such a degree as to be a serious impediment to the
rapid condensation of steam.
We began to feel the heat immediately after leaving Suez.
The very next day officers of the ship appeared in white
linen pantaloons, which seemed to me a little out of season j
but I soon found that they were wiser than I, especially agf
the heat increased from day to day as we got more into the
tropics. Then, to confess the truth, they sometimes appeared
! ;
captain me, they turn the ship about, and steam a few
And when the Sunday morning came and the same piayerg
were read which, they had been accustomed to hear in Eng-
land, many who listened felt that, whatever oceans they
might cross, here was a tie that bound them to their island
home, and to the religion of their fathers.
On the morning of the sixth day we passed the island of
Perim, which guards the Gates of the Red Sea, and during
the day passed many islands, and were in full sight of the
Arabian coast, and at the evening t*'uched at Aden. Here
the heat reaches the superlative. In going down the Red
Sea, one may use all degrees of comparison — hot, hotter,
hottest — and the last is Aden. It is a barren point of rock
and sand, within twelve degrees of the Equator, and the town
is actually in the crater of an extinct volcano, into which the
and from England, but from every part of Asia and Africa,
and from Australia. A few weeks before had been witnessed
here a brilliant sight at the landing of the Prince of Wales.
A long arched way of trellis work, still hung with faded wreaths,
marked the spot where the future Emperor of India first set
foot upon its soil. Our ship, which had anchored off the
mouth of the harbor, now steamed up to her moorings, a tug
took us off to the Mazagon Bunder, the landing place of the
Peninsular and Oriental Company, where we mounted a long
flight of granite steps to the quay —
and were in India.
Passing through the Custom House gates, we were greeted
not by the donkey-boys of Egypt, but by a crowd of bare-
footed and barelegged Hindoos, clad in snowy white, and
with mountainous turbans on their heads, who were ambi-
tious of the honor of driving us into the city. The native
carriage (or gharri^ as it is called) is not a handsome equi-
page. It is amere box, oblong in shape, set on wheels, having
latticed windows like a palanquin, to admit the air and shut
out the sun. Mo'inting into such a " State carriage,'* our
any race that we have seen before. They fire not white like
Europeans, nor black like Africans, nor red like our Ameri-
can Indians but are pure Asiatics, of a dark-brown color,
around their loins, which they wear for decency, for in this
climate they scarcely need any garment for warmth. One thing
which is never omitted is the turban, or in its place a thick
blanket, to shield the head from the direct rays of the sun.
But there is nothing to hide the swarthy breast or limbs.
Those of a better condition, who do put on clothing, show
the Oriental fondness for gorgeous apparel by having the
richest silk turbans and flowing robes. The women find a
way to show their feminine vanity, being tricked out in
many colors, dark red, crimson and scarlet, with yellow and
orange and green and blue — the mingling of which produces
a strange efiect as one rides through the bazaars and crowded
streets, which gleam with all the colors of the rainbow.The
effect ofthis tawdry finery is heightened by the gewgaws
which depend from difierent parts of their persons. Earrings
are not sufficiently conspicuous for a Hindoo damsel, who has
a ring of gold and pearl hung in her nose ; which is considered
a great addition to female beauty. Heavy bracelets of silver
alsoadorn her wrists and ankles. Almost every woman who
shows herself in the street, though of the lowest condition,
and barefoot, still gratifies her pride by huge silver anklets
clasping her naked feet.
But these Asiatic faces, strange as they are, would not bo
unattractive but for artificial disfigurements — if men did not
chew the betel nut, which turns the lips to a brilliant red,
and did not have their foreheads striped with coarse pig
ments, which are the badges of their difierent castes !
had in Cairo —and one may have some idea of i\e picturesque
appearance of the streets of Bombay.
Wo are becoming accustomed to the manners and cus
toms of this eastern world. We never sit down to dinnei
but with the punka swinging over us, and the *' punka-
walla," the coolie who swings it, is a recognized institution.
In the hot months it is kept swinging all night, and Euro-
peans sleep under it. These things strike us strangely at
first, but we soon get used to these tropical devices, and in
fact rather like them. In a few days we have become quite
Oriental. To confess the truth, there are some things here
in the East that are not at all disagreeable to the natural
man, especially the devices for coolness and comfort, and the
extreme deference to Europeans, which we begin to accept as
naturally belonging to us.
At first Iwas surprised and amused at the manners of the
people. Itwas a new sensation to be in this Asiatic atmos-
phere, to be surrounded and waited upon by soft-footed Hin-
doos, who glided about noiselessly like cats, watching every
look, eager to anticipate every wish before they heard the
word of command. I was nev^er the object of such reverence
before. Every one addressed me as " Sahib." I did not
know at first what this meant, but took it for granted that
it was a title of respect —
an impression confirmed by the
deferential manner of the attendants. I could not walk
through the corridor of the hotel without a dozen servants
rising to their feet, wlio remained standing till I had passed.
I was a little taken aback when a turbaned Oriental, in flow-
ing robe, approached me with an air of profound reverence,
bending low, as if he would prostrate himself at my feet. If
crouches at our feet, with his legs dangling over the side in
and thus mounted we gallop olf gayly.
front of the wheels,
One of our morning excursions was to the Flower Markot,
where the fruits and flowers of the country are displayed
with truly tropical profusion. The building, designed with
Elngiish taste, is of great extent, surrounding a spacious
The English quarter is still called the Fort, being on the site
of an old fortress, the ramparts of which are all swept awa}'',
and in their place are wide streets (indeed too wide for shade),
and a number of public buildings Government offices, the
Postoffice,and the Telegraph Building, and the University—
which would be an ornament to any city in England. Here
English taste comes in to add to its natural beauty in the lay-
ing out of open squares. Our windows at the Hotel look out
upon the Es[)lanade, a large parade ground, the very spot
where the Sepoys were shot away from the guns after the
mutiny, and upon the sea, from which comes at evening
had satin trousers and vests of some bright color, and over
all white muslin or lace trimmings. The effect of such a
variety of colors was as if parterres of flowers were laid out
on the smooth shaven lawn. In another part of tlie city the
Victoria Gardens are set out like a Botanical Garden, with
all manner of plants and trees, especially with an endless
Nowhere was the effect of our civil war more felt than ii
A Bombay,
very singular people, found in and nowhere
else in India, are the Parsees, who differ from the Hindoos
the flesh. Such are their numbers and voracity, that in a few
— —
minutes so we are told every particle is stripped from the
bones, which are then slid down an inclined plane into a deep
pit, where they mingle with common clay.
no more sweep over the boundless sea, free as its own waves,
were nursed till they could fly again.
not crush the insects that buzz around them and sting them,
nor kill a cobra that crawls into their houses, even when it
beast of the field. And when their working days are over^
can they not he cared for as well as tlie Hindoos care for old
horses and camels ? If only these shattered wrecks (and
magnificent wrecks some of them are) were towed into port
and allowed to rest in tranquil waters ; or (to change the
figure) if these old veterans were housed and warmed and fed
and nursed as carefully as the Hindoos nurse their broken-
down animals, we should have fewer of those instances of
cruel neglect which we sometimes hear of to our sorrow and
shame !
hold it up, and pour water on its head, and would come all
right again. He did not say, but no doubt thought, *' and
will be all ready for torture when the next American or Eng
lishman comes a'long."
Bythis time the steam launch had come round to the Bun-
der, and we got on board. It was a little mite of a vessel,
just big enough for the half dozen of us, with a steam boiler not
much larger than a teapot, that wheezed as if it had the asthma.
But it did its work well, and away we shot swiftly across the
beautiful bay. The island of Elephanta is seven miles
from the city, and takes its name from a gigantic statue of
an elej^hant that once stood upon its shore. Landing here,
we found ourselves at the foot of a rocky liill, which we
mounted by several hundred steps, and stood at the entrance
of a gigantic cave or cavern cut into the hill-side, with a
lofty ceiling, pillared like a temple. The main hall, as it
might be called, runs back a hundred and thirty feet into the
iolid rock.
ally ''
cut out of a mountain," its roof the overhanging cliff,
serpent, the same hooded cobra, rearing its head on the front
of the Temples of Thebes, and in the Caves of Elephanta.
At the end of the great hall are the objects of worship in
Brahma, Yishnu, and Shiva. This is
three colossal images of
the Hindoo Trinity, and the constant recurrence of these fig-
ures in their mythology shows how the idea of a Trinity per-
vaded other ancient religions besides our own. It is a ques-
tion for scholars, whence c^ the original conception of this
tion that gives one but little hope for the future of the humAS
at night, to avoid the heat of the day. The sun was setting
over the waters as we moved slowly out of the station at
Bombay, and sweeping around the shores, caught our last
glimpse of the Western sea, and then rushed oflf for the
" You'll need to take beds with you," said our friends,
foreseeing that we might have to lie down in rough places.
So we procured for each of us what is called a resai, a well-
stuffed coverlet, which answered the purpose of a light mat-
tress. There are no sleeping-cars in India; but the first-
while on the broad open plain the birds most seen are crows I
They are very tame, and quite familiar with the rest of the
animal creation, a favorite perch being the backs of cows or
bufialoes,where they light without resistance, and make
themselves at home. They are said to be very useful as scav-
engers. That is quite possible ; but however useful, they are
certainly not beautiful.
In these long stretches of course we pass hundreds of vil-
lages, but these do not attract the eye nor form a feature in
the landscape, for the low mud hovels of which they are
composed hardly rise above the level of the plain. There is
no church spire to be seen, as from a New England village,
nor even the dome or minaret of a mosque, for we are not yet
In the Mohammedan part of India.
One feature there is which relieves the monotony the rail- —
way stations are the prettiest I have seen out of England.
Simply but tastefully built, they are covered with vines and
flowers, which with irrigation easily grow in this climate in
the open air at all seasons of the year. The railway adminis-
tration has offered prizes for the embellishment of stations,
BO that the natives, who are fond of flowers, and who are
thus tempted by the hope of reward, plant roses and trail
roads all over the country, and if Mr. Pullman would only
introduce his sleeping-cars, made more open to give more
ventilation in this hot climate, one might travel in India
with as perfect comfort as in any part of Europe or America.
But with all these comforts, and all that there is to diveit
the eye, the way seems long. It is not till one reaches India
that he comprehends how vast a country it is not only in —
density of population, but in extent of territory. In " mag-
nificent distances " it is almost equal to America itself all :
small ideas are dispelled as soon as one leaves the coast, and
penetrates into the interior. Our first stage from Bombay
to Allahabad was 845 miles, which took us not only the first
night and the day after, but the second night also, so that it
was not till the morning of the third day that we found our
selves crossing the long bridge over the Jumna into the city
which is the great railroad centre in India —a sort of half-
way station, both on the " trunk line " from Bombay to Cal-
cutta, and on the line to tlie ISTorth of India.
By this time we were glad of rest, and willingly exchanged
our railway carriage for a hotel, where we found the luxury
of baths, which refreshed us so that in an hour or two we
were able to come forth "clad in fine linen, white and
dean," and ride about +o see the sights of the town.
how can he mourn for impulses which are but the inspira-
tions of the God in him, or for acts which are but tLo mani-
festations of the Universal Soul ?
This was our first close contact with Hindooism, lOut still
we had not seen the Mela till we had seen the bathing of the
pilgrims in the Ganges, xvhich was still in reserve. The Fes
tival lasts a month- —like the Ramadan of the Mohammedans
—and is regulated by the changes of the moon. The day of
the new moon, which was last Wednesday, was the great day
of the feast.On that day there was a grand procession to the
river, in which there were twenty-five elephants, mouuted
by their mahants (a po^t of chief priests), with hundi^ds of
irith these there were some wretched objects, who could only
excite our pity —poor, haggard old women, who had dragged
themselves to this spot, and children borne on their mothers'
shoulders I In former times many infanta were thrown into
the Ganges. This was the most common form of infanticide.
But this practice has been stopped by the strong hand of the
government. And now they are brought here only to *'
and be cleansed." Even the sick were carried in palanquins,
to be dipped in the healing waters and here and there one
different parts of the ground, which made the place look like
a military encampment. These marked the headquarters of
the men who up these Melas, and in so doing contrive to
unite business with religion. During the year they peram-
bulate the country, drumming up pilgrims. A reputation for
sanctity is a stock in trade, and they are not too modest to
set forth their own peculiar gifts, and invite those who come
to the holy water to repair to their shop, where they can be
put through " in the shortest time, and for the least money.
This money-making feature is apparent in all the arrange-
ments of these pious pilgrimages.
In keeping with these coarser features of the scene, was
the presence of dancing girls, who gathered a group around
them close to the bathing places, and displayed their in-
decent gestures on the banks of the holy river, to those who
had just engaged in what they cousidered an act of moral
In other parts of the camp, retired from the river, was
carried on the business of " religious instruction." Here
and there pundits, or learned Brahmins, surrounded by large
companies, chiefly of women, were reading from the Shasters^
which, considering that they got over the ground with great
velocity, could hardly be very edifying to their hearers. This
Btudj its religion. I had read mucli of " the mild Hiadoo
and " the learned Brahmin," and I asked myself, May na
their religion have some elements of good ? Is it not better al
rosses »vhicli overlook every great city, and wliicli could lay
it in ruins in twenty-foar hours. The rule that was obtained
by the sword, must be held by the sword.
But the interest of Agra is not in the present, but in the
past. There are few chapters in history more interesting
than that of the Mohammedan invasion of India —a history
dating back to the Middle Ages, but culminating about the
time that Columbus discovered the New World. Those
fierce warriors, who had ravaged Central Asia, had long
made occasional incursions into India, but it was not till the
beginning of the sixteenth century that they became complete
masters of the country, and the throne was occupied by a
descendant of the house of Tamerlane.
The dominion thus introduced into India was an exotic,
but like other products of the North, transplanted into a
tropical clime, it blossomed and flowered anew. The Moguls
(a corruption of Mongols) had all the wealth of Ormus and of
Ind at their feet, and they lavished it with Oriental prodi-
gality, displaying a royal state which surpassed the grandeur
of European courts.
The Great Mogul What power there is in a name Ever
! !
since I was a child, I had read about the Great Mogul, until
there was a magic in the very word. To be sure, I had not
much idea who or what he was but perhaps this vagueness
&ble splendor.
Aud now here I was in the very Palace of the G reat Mogul
walking through the glittering halls where he held his goi
geous revelries, entering the private apartments of his harem,
and looking out of the very windows from which they looked
down upon the valley of the Jumna.
The Palace is in the Citadel of Agra, for those old Emper-
ors took good care to draw fortified walls around their palaces.
The river front presents a wall sixty feet high, perhaps half
a mile long, of red sandstone, which heightens by contrast
the effect of the white marble pavilions, so graceful and airy-
like, that rise above it. The Fort is of great extent, but it
is the mere casket of the jewels within, the Palace and the
lace, drawn before the flashing eyes that looked out from be-
ing early we were able to drive there and return the same
day. The site is a rocky hill, which might have been chosen
for a fortress. The outer wall enclosing it, with the two vil-
ing heir to the riches of the Indies, still preserved the style
of their former life, and when they could no longer dwell in
tents, dwelt in tabernacles. These palaces are almost all con-
It stands on the banks of the Jumna, a mile below the
Fort at Agra. As you approach it, it is not exposed abrupt-
ly to vieWj but is surrounded by a garden. You enter under
a lofty gateway, and before you is an avenue of cypresses a
thiT i of a mile long, whose dark foliage is a setting for a form
of dazzling whiteness at the end. That is the Taj. It
stands, not on the level of your eye, but on a double terrace
the first, of red sandstone, twenty feet high, and a thousand
feet broad ; which stand two mosques,
at the extremities of
of the same dark stone, facing each other. Midway between
&:om all others, and gives it a rare and ideal beauty, is the
anion of majesty and grace. This is the peculiar effect of
Saracenic architecture. The slender columns, the springing
arches, the swelling domes, the tall minarets, all combine to
give an impression of airy lightness, which is not destroyed
even when the foundations are laid with massive solidity.
walls are thick and strong, they are pierced by high arched
windows which relieve their heaviness. Vines and ara-
besques running over the stone work give it the lightness of
foliage, of trees blossoming with flowers. In the interioi
there is an extieme and almost feminine grace, as if here
the strength of man would pay homage to the delicacy of
woman. Enclosing the sacred spot is a screen of marble,
carved into a kind of fretwork, and so pure and white that
light shines through it as through alabaster, falling softly
on that which is within. The Emperor, bereaved of hia
wife, lavished riches on her very dust, casting precious
stones upon hor tomb, as if he were placing a string of
y^earla around her neck. It is cverrun witli vines »nd
flowers, cat in stone, and set with onyx and jasper and
lapis lazuli, carnelians and turquoises, and chaicedocies and
But the body rests in the crypt below. We descend a fe\f
that it might stand for ages to tell its history of faithful love
to future generations. Flow on, sweet Jumna, by the mar-
ble walls, reflecting the moonbeams in thy placid breast and ;
the capitals that had gone before it, if not in size, at least in
That distinction it still retains among the cities of India,
Though not a tenth of old Delhi in size, it has to-day over
160,000 inhabitants. It is surrounded by walls seven miles
in extent. We enter under lofty arched gateways, and find
our»elT3» in the midst of a picturesque population, represent-
ing all the races of Southern and Central Asia. The city is
much ga} er than Agra. Its streets are full of people of all
The Fort is very like that of Agra, being built of the same
red sandstone, but much
and encloses a Palace which
Bishop Heber thought superior to the Kremlin. In the Hall
of Audience, which still remains, stood the famous Peacock
Throne, which is estimated to have been worth thirty millions
of dollars. Here the Great Mogul lived in a magnificence
till then unknown even in Oriental courts. At the time that
Louis XIY. was on the throne of France, a French traveller,
Tavernier, made his way to the East, and though he had seen
all the glory of Yersailles, he was dazzled by this greater
Eastern splendor. But what a comment on the vanity of all
earthly power, that the monarch who built this Palace waa
not permitted to live in it He was dethroned by his son,
others deserted the fallen monarch, there was one true heart
that was faithful still. He had a daughter, the favorite
sister of that murdered brother, who shared her father's
captivity. She was famous throughout the East for her wi^
and beauty, but sorrow brought out the nobler traits of her
'»***racter. She clung to her father, and thus comforted th«
living while she mourned for the dead. She becajae verj
religious, and spent her life in deeds of charity. She is noi
buried in the Taj Mahal, but at Delhi in a hi imble grave
Lowly and broken in heart, she shrank from display
in spirit
even in her comb. She desired to be buried in the common
earth, with only the green turf above her. There she sleeps
beneath a lowly mound (though surrounded by costly marble
shrines), and near the head is a plain tablet, with an inscrip-
tion in Persian, which reads " Let no rich canopy C07er my
grave. This grass is the best covering for the tomb of one
who was poor in spirit the humble, the transitory Jehanara,
the disciple of the holy men of Cheest, the daughter of the
Emperor Shah Jehan." Was more touching
there ever a
inscription ? As I stood by this grave, on which the green
grass was growing, and read these simple words, I was mora
moved than even when standing by the marble sarcophagus
under the dome of the Taj. That covered an Emperor's
wife, and was the monument of a royal husband's affection;
this recalled a daughter's fidelity —broken in heart, yet
loving and faithful, and devoted to the last.
has died out, its forms only being still preserved. The re-
It was the great Mohammedan festival, which is sacred to the
memory of Hosein, the son of Ali. The history of Islam coutainfi
more touching than the event which gave rise to that solem-
nity.The mournful legend relates how the chief of the Fatimites,
when all his brave followers had perished round him, drank hia
latest draught of water and uttered his latest prayer ; how the assas-
sins carried his head in triumph how the tyrant smote the lifeless
lips with his staff and how a few old men recollected with tears that
they had seen those lips pressed to the lips of the Prophet of God,
After the lapse of twelve centuries, the recurrence of this solemn sea-
son excites the fiercest and saddest emotions in the bosoms of the
devout Moslems of India. They work themselves up to such ago-
nies of rage and lamentation, that some, it is said, have given up the
ghost from the mere effect of mental excitement."
not (so far as we saw) with weeping and (v^ailinc-, but 'athei
miles from here, where the Sepoys rose upon their officers,
and massacred the Europeans of both sexes, and then rushed
along the road to Delhi, to rouse the natives here to mutiny.
Had those in command anticipated such a blow, they might
have rallied their little force, and shut themselves up in the
Fort (as was done at Agra), with provisions and ammunition
for a siege, and there kept the tigers at bay. But they could
not believe that the native troops, that had been obedient
till noWj could "turn and rend them." They were unde
ceived when they saw these Sepoys drunk with blood, rush
ing into the town, calling on their fellow-soldiers to rise and
kill. Many perished on the spot. But they fell not inglo-
riously. A brave officer shut himself up in the Arsenal, and
when the mutineers had gathered around, ready to burst in,
applied the torch, and blew himself and a thousand natives
into the ftir. The little handful of troops fled fron the town^
fcnd were scarcely able to rally enough to be safe even at a
nearer, and the roar of their guns was louder and louder. Ap-
proaching the walls at one point, they wished to blow up the
Cashmere Gate. It was a desperate undertaking. But when
was English courage known to fail ? A dozen men were de-
tailed for the attempt. Four na.tives carried bags of powder
on their shoulders, but as they drew within rifle range, Eng-
lish soldiers stepped up to take their places, for they would not
ward, and seeing the train lighted sprang into the moat, the
bullets whizzed over him, and the next instant a tremendoui
explosion threw the heavy wall into the air.
Such are the tales of courage still told by the camp-fires of
the regiments here. More tlaan once did we walk out to the
Cashmere Gate, and from that point followed the track of
like pins, the sight of which, with the loads of happy life
Lng the tails and giving them a twist, which sets the beast*
have seen, less than two hundred years after his day, a Chris-
tian prince from that distant island of which he had per-
glory of the old suttee, and then the light of these fires
went out altogether. These were the last widows burnt
on the funeral pile, and to-day the old Lion of the Pun-
jaub is represented by his son Maharajah Dhuleep Sing,
of whose marriage we heard such a romantic story in Cairo,
and who now lives with his Christian wife in Christian Eng-
We had now reached almost the frontier of India. Two
hundred and fifty miles farther we should have come to Pesh-
uwur, thelast military post, on the border of Afghanistan,
VFhichno man crosses but at the peril of his life. We find
how far North we have come by the race and the language
of the people. Persian begins to be mingled with Hindos-
tanee. In the streets of Lahore we meet not only the
stalwart Punjaubees, but the hill tribes, that have come out
of the fastnesses of the Himalayas ; the men of Cabul —Af-
ghans and Beloochees —who have a striking resemblance to
the Circassians, who crossed the Mediterranean with us on
their pilgrimage to Mecca, the long dresses of coarse, dirty
flannel, looking not unlike the sheepskin robes of the wild
mountaineers of the Caucasus.
One cannot be so near the border line of British India
without having suggested the possibility of a Russian inva-
eion, the fear of which has been for the last twenty yeara
(since the Mutiny and since the (Crimean War) the bugbear
of certain writers who are justly jealous of tlie integrity oi
impossible that all this should yet come to pass. India has
been invaded again and again from the time of Alexander
the Great. Even the mighty wall of the Himalayas has not
proved an effectual barrier against invasion. Genghis Khan
and Tamerlane, with their Tartar hordes, crossed the moun-
tains and swept over the plains of JSTorthern India. A King
of Persia captured Delhi, and put out the eyes of the Great
Mogul, and carried off the Peacock Throne of Aurungzebe.
What has been, may be ; what Persia has done, Russia may
But while no one can say that it is impossible, all can set:
leave the railway and cross the country some forty miles.
We left Lahore Monday morning, and at noon were at
Lodiana, a place with sacred missionary associations ; which
we left at midnight, and in the morning reached Saharanpur,
where also is one of our Presbyterian missions. Rev. Mr.
Calderwood met us at the station, and made us welcome to
his home, and sped us on our way to the Hills.
Saharanpur is forty-two miles distant from Dehra Doon,
the beautiful valley which lies at the foot of the Himalayas.
A mail wagon runs daily, but as it suited our convenience
better, we chartered a vehicle not unlike an omnibus, and
which the natives, improving on the English, an omni-
Bleep soundly over all the joltings of the road. But we could
sleep about as well inside of a bass drum. So we gave up
the idea of repose, and preferred to travel by day to see the
country, for which this sort of conveyance is very well con-
trived. The canvas top keeps off the sun, while the latticed
slides (which are regular green blinds), drawn back, give a
fine view of the country as we go rolling over the road. Our
charioteer, excited by the promise of a liberal backsheesh if
the coachman blew his horn louder still to warn common folks
to get out of the way, and the natives drew to the roadside,
wondering what great man it was who thus dashed by.
But horses and mules were not enough to sustain such a
load of dignity, and at the last stage the driver took a pair
of the beautiful white hump-backed oxen of the country,
which drew us to the top of the pass. The hills which we
thus cross are known as the Sewalic range. The top oAce
attained, two horses were quite enough to take us down, and
we descended rapidly. And now rose before us a vision of
beauty such as we had not seen in all India. The vale cf
Dehra Doon is enclosed between two walls of mountains —the
Sewalic range on one side, and the first range of the Hima-
layas on the other. It is fifteen miles wide, and about sixty
miles long, extending from the Jumna to the Ganges. Thrr
it lies between two mountains and two rivers, and has a tern
peratxire and a moisture which keep it in perpetual green.
Nothing can be more graceful than the tall feathery bamboos,
which here grow to a great height. Here are fine specimens
of the peepul tree —the sacred tree of India, massive as an
English oak —and groves of mangoes. Everything seems to
grow here — tobacco, cinnamon,
tea, coffee, cloves. The ap-
pearance of this rich valley, thus covered with groves and
gardens, to us coming from the burnt plains of India,was like
that of a garden of Paradise. Riding on through this mass
of foliage, we rattled into the town, but were not obliged to
"find our warmest welcome at an inn." Kev. Mr. Herron
had kindly invited us to accept his hospitality, and so we
inquired for " Herron-sahib," and were driven along a smooth
road, embowered in bamboos, Compound,
to the Missionary
where a large building has been erected Female Semi-
for a
nary, chiefly by the labors of Messrs. Woodside and Herron,
the latter of whom is in charge of the institution, one of the
most complete in India. Here we were most cordially
received, and found how welcome, in the farthest part of the
world, is the atmosphere of an American home.
But once in presence of the great mountains, we were im-
patient to climb the first range, to get a view of the snows.
Mr. Herron ofiered to keep us company. We rose at four
the next morning, while the stars were still shining, and set
out, but could ride only five miles in a carriage, when we
came to the foot of the hills, and were obliged to take to the
saddle. Our " syces " had led three horses alongside, which
we mounted just as the starlight faded, and the gray light
of day began to show over the mountain-tops, while oui
attendants, light of foot, kept by our side in case their ser»
vices were needed.
And now we begin the ascent, turning hither and thither,
as the road winds along the sides of the mountain. Th€
slope of the Himalayas is not a smooth and even one, rising
for the wheat, fields are just springing up ; and even spacei
of but a few rods are planted with potatoes. Thus the sides
of the Himalayas are belted with lines of green, like the
sides of the Alps as one descends into Italy. The \iew la
Our final rision was to come three days later. Away to the
North and East the horizon was filled witli mouniains, whose
sumiiiits the foot of man had never trod, but the intervening
distance was covered with clouds, out of which rose the
snowy domes, like islands in a sea.
My first impression of the Himalayas was one of disap-
pointment, partly because we '' could not come nigh unto "
them. "We saw their summits, but at such a distance that
they did not look so high as Mont Blanc, where we could
come *'even to his feet " in the Yale of Chamouni. But the
Himalayas were seventy miles off,* filling the whole horizon.
Not did they rise up in one mighty chain, like the Cordilleras
of Mexico, standing like a wall of rock and snow against the
sky but seemed rather a sea of mountains, boundless and
huntress, and had often brought down a deer with her own
hand) was there, and bade us welcome. She showed us her
birds, both living and stuffed, the number of which made
her house look like an ornithological museum. To our inquiry
she said, " The woods were full of game. Two deer had been
shot the evening before."
We asked about higher game. She said that tigers were
not common up on
the mountain as in the valley. She had
** the brutes "
two enormous skins, but her husband had shot
over in Nepaul. But leopards seemed to be her special pets.
When I asked, " Have you many leopards about here ? " she
laughed as she answered, " I should think so." She often
saw them JTist across a ravine a few rods in front of her
to C , who "
was promoted " from a dandi to a jahnpoun^
which differs it is more spacious,
from the former only in that
and is by four bearers instead of two. Thus mount-
ed she was borne aloft on men's shoulders. She said the
motion was not unpleasant, except that the men had a habit,
when they came to some dangerous point, turning a rock, or
on the edge of a precipice, of changing bearers, or swinging
round the bamboo pole from one shoulder to another, which
made her a little giddy, as she was tossed about at such 8
height, from which she could look down a gorge hundreds of
feet deep. However, she takes all dangers very lightly, and
was enraptured with the wildness and strangeness of the
Bcene- -to find herself, an American girl, thus being trans*
ported over the mountains of A sia.
So we took up our line of march for the hills, and soon
Cound our pulses beating faster. Why is it that we feel sucfe
the spc t where, a few weeks before, his horse had backed ofl
I bound that the brute fell off, and the horse starting at
full speed, they escaped. But he felt that the escape was so
providential that he had thanks returned in the church the
oext Sabbath for his deliverance from a sudden death."
Thus listening to my companion's adventures, we rode
along the ridge of Mussoorie to its highest point, which com-
mands a grand view of the Snowy Kange. Here stands a
convent, which educates hundreds of the daughters of Prot-
estant Englishmen, as well as those of its own faith. Thus
the Catholic Church plants its outposts on the very crests of
the mountains.
At Landour is another Catholic institution (for boys)
called St. George's College, perhaps as a delicate flattery to
Englishmen in taking the name of their guardian saint. It
romantic because a tiger had once carried off a man from tlw
foot of the ravine a few rods below the house), and there,
around a cheerful and before a roaring fire, forgot the
fatigues of the day, and hoped for sunshine on the morrow.
was not yet daylight when we awoke. The stars were
shining when we came out on the terrace, and the waning
moon still hung its crescent overhead. A faint light began
to glimmer in the east. We were quickly muffled up (for it
was cold) and climbing up the steep path to Lai Tiba, hoping
yet trembling. I was soon out of breath, and had more than
once to sit down on But in a
the rocks to recover myself.
moment I would rise and rush on again, so eager was I with
hope, and yet so fearful of disappointment. One more pull
and we were on the top, and behold the glory of God spread
abroad upon the mountains Our perseverance was rewarded
(" High Asia ") which the Arabs in their poetical language
call " The Koof of the World." Yonder pass leads over into
Thibet. The trend of the mountains is from southeast to
northwest, almost belting the continent. Indeed, physical
geographers trace it much farther, following it down on one
hand through the Malayan Peninsula and on the other run-
ning it through the Hindoo Koosh (or Caucasus) northwest
to Mt. Ararat in Armenia and across into Europe, through
has a full mile of snow covering her virgin breast. But here
the traveller must ascend 18,000 feet, nearly two miles higher,
before he comes to the line of perpetual snow. It is consid-
ered a great achievement of the most daring Alpine climberf
the latter. Not only are they more accessible, but combine
in a smaller space more variety. Their sides are more gener-
ally clothed with forests, which are mirrored in those beauti-
ful sheets of water that giv3 such a charm both to Swiss and
trasting with the snow which had fallen on them the night
before. But the fairest blossom on that Alpine height is a
Christian church. Lai Tiba itself belongs to the Presbyte-
rian mission, and adjoining it is the house of the missiona-
ries. On the ridge is a mission church, built chiefly by the
indefatigable efforts of Mr. Woodside. It is a modest, yet
tasteful building, standing on a point of rock, which is in full
view of the Snowy Range, and overlooks the whole mountain
landscape. It was like a banner in tlie sky — that white
church —standing on such a height, as if it were in the cloudsj
looking across at the mighty range beyond, and smiling a4
into my lap, and looked up into my face with her great black
eyes, it was such an appeal for love and protection as I could
iiot resist ; and when she put her thin arms around my neck,
Our last day was spent in a visit to the tea plantatic ask
an ocean wave," and if it were not for the glory of the thing
I confess I should r9,ther have under me some steady old trot-
ter, such as I have had at home, or even one of the little don-
riding this morning was an old tiger hunter, that had often
been out in the jungle, and as he marched off, seemed as if he
would like nothing better than to smell his old enemy. In a
deadly combat the tiger has the advantage in quickness of
motion, and can spring upon the elephant's neck, but if the
latter can get his trunk around him he is done for, for he is
instantly dashed to the ground, and trampled to death under
the monster's feet. We had no occasion to test his courage,
though, if what we heard was true, he might have found game
not far off, for a native village through which we passed was
just then in terror because of a tiger who had lately come
about and carried ^ff several bullocks only a few da^^s before,
and they had sent to Mr Bell, a tea planter whom we met
later in the day, to come and shoot him. He told me he
would come willingly, but that the natives were of a low
caste, who had not the Hindoos' horror of touching such food,
and devoured the half eaten bullock. If, he said, they would
only let the carcass alone, the tiger always comes back, and
tf^rrible enemy.
beast was " deed," and went up to him, when the brute gave
a spring, and tore open his leg, which laid him up fcr two
months. But such beasts are really less dangerous than the
among the rows of plants, and as the field-
cobras, which crawl
hands go among them barefoot, some fall victims every year.
But an Englishman is protected by his boots, and Mr. Bell
gtrolls about with his dog and his gun, without the slightest
sense of danger.
We had now accomplished our visit to the Himalayas, and
were to bid adieu to the mountains and the valleys. But
how were we to get back to Saharanpur ? There was the
mail-wagon and the omnihuckus. But these seemed very
prosaic after our mountain raptures. Mr. Herron sug-
gested that —
we should try dooleys long palanquins in which
we could lie down and sleep (perhaps), and thus be carried
over the mountains at night. As we were eager for new
experiences, of course we were ready for any novelty. But
great bodies move slowly, and how great we were we began to
realize when we found what a force it took to move us. Mr.
Herron sent for the chaudri—a kind of public carrier whose
office it is toprovide for such services — and an
was formally entered into between the high contracting par-
ties that for a certain sum he was to provide two dooleys and
teen persons in all. As there were five stages (for one set
ofmen could only go about eight miles), it took seventy
men (besides the two high officials) to carry our sacred per-
sons these forty- two miles ! Of the reserve of four whc
walked beside us, two performed the function of torch-bear-
ers —
no unimportant matter when traversing a forest so full
of wild beasts that the natives cannot be induced to cross it
bottle carried for the purpose (just the mode of the wise
virgins in the parable). Our kind friends had put a mat-
tress in each dooley, with pillows and coverlet, so that if we
could not quite go to bed, we could make ourselves comforta-
ble for a night's journey. I took off my boots,
and wrapping
my feet in the soft fur of the skin of the Himalayan goat,
which I had purchased in the mountains, stretched myself
fhe interest of India is not wholly in the far histc ric p£>st<.
and calling usby name, took us to his home, and " kindly
entreated us," and the next morning rode about the city with
us to show the sadly memorable places.
The outbreak of the Mutiny in India in 1857, took ita
and made themselves masters of the fort and the city, which
was not retaken till months after, at the close of a long and
terrible siege.
At Cawnpore there was no fort. Sir Hugh Wheeler, who
was in command, had three or four thousand troops, but not
one man in ten was an English soldier. The rest were
Sepoys, who caught the fever of disaffection, and marched off
with horses and guns. Mustering the little remnant of his
force, he threw up intrenchments on the parade-ground, int
The next morning, June 27th, those who were left of the
little garrison marched out of their intrenchments, and were
escorted by the Sepoyarmy on their way to the boats. The
fveraen and children and wounded were mounted on ele-
phants, and thus conveyed down to the river. With eager-
ness they embarked on the boats that were to carry them to
a place of safety, and pushed oif into the stream. At that
moment a native officer who stood on the bank raised his
sword, and a masked battery opened on the boats with grape-
shot. Instantly ensued a scene of despair. Some of the
boats sunk, others took fire, and men, women, and children,
were struggling in the water. The Mahratta horsemen
pushed into the stream, and cut down the men who tried to
save themselves (only four strong swimmers escaped), while
the women and children were spared to a worse fate. All
the men who were brought back to the shore were massacred
on the spot, in the presence of this human tiger, who feasted
his eyes with their blood and about two hundred women
' The poor were ordered to come out, but neither threats
noi persuasions could inducethem to do so. They laid hold of each
other by dozens, and clung so close that it was impossible to sepa-
rate them, or drag them out of the building. The troopers there-
fore brought muskets, and after firing a great many shots from the
doors and windows, rushed in with swords and bayonets. [One ac-
count says that, as Hindoos shrink from the touch of blood, five
Mohammedan butchers were sent in to complete the work.] Some
of the helpless creatures, in their agony, fell down at the feet of
their murderers, clasped their legs, and begged in the most pitiful
manner to spare their lives, but to no purpose. The fearful deed
was done most deliberately, and in the midst of the most dreadful
shrieks and cries of the victims. From a little before sunset till
candlelight was occupied in completing the dreadful deed. The
ioors of the building were then locked up for the night, and the
murderers went to their homes. Next morning it was found, on
opening the doors, that some ten or fifteen women, with a few of
the children, had managed to escape from death by falling and hid-
ing under the murdered bodies of their fellow-prisoners. A fresh
order was therefore sent to murder them also but the survivors,
not being able to bear the idea of being cut down, rushed out into
the compound, and seeing a well, threw themselves into it without
hesitation, thus putting a period to lives which it was impossible for
them to save. The dead bodies of those murdered on the preceding
evening were then ordered to be thrown into the same well, and
'juUars' were employed to drag them along like dogs." *
* '
' Narrative of Mr. Shepherd. " He owed
his escape to the fad
that before the surrender of the garrison he had made an attempt
bo pass through the rebel lines and carry word to Allahabad to has-
ten the march of troops to its relief, and had been taken an* throwf
Into prison, and was there at the time of the massacre.
: !
the walls and pillars were the marks of bullets, and of cuts
i.aade by sword-strokes, not high up as if men had fought
with men, but low down, and about the corners, where the
poor crouching victims had been cut to pieces." *' Locks of
long silky hair, torn shreds of dress, little children's shoes
and playthings, were strewn around."
The sight of these things drove the soldiers to madness,
" When they entered the charnel house, and read the writ-
ing on the walls [sentences of wretchedness and despair],
and saw the still clotted blood, their grief, their rage, their
desire for vengeance, knew no bounds. Stalwart, bearded
men, the stern soldiers of the ranks, came out of that house
perfectly unmanned, utterly unable to repress their emo-
tions." Following the track of blood from the prison to the
well, they found the mangled remains of all that martyred com-
pany. There the tender English mother had been cast with
every indignity, and the child still living thrown down to die
upon its mother's breast. Thus were they heaped together,
the dying and the dead, in one writhing, palpitating mass.
Turning away from this ghastly sight, the soldiers asked
only to meet face to face the perpetrators of these horrible
atrocities. But the Sepoys, cowardly as they were cruel,
fled at the approach of the English. Those who were taken
had to sufier for the whole. ''
All the rebel Sepoys and
troopers who were captured, were collectively tried by a
drumhead court-martial, and hanged." But for such a crime
as the cold-bloodedmurder of helpless women and children,
death was not enough it should be death accompanied by
shame and degradation. The craven wretches were made tc
clean away the clotted blood —
a task peculiarly odious to a
Hindoo. Says General Neill
and a few lashes made the miscreant accomplish his task. When
done, he was taken out and immediately hanged, and after death,
buried in a ditch at the roadside. No one who has witnessed the
scenes of murder, mutilation, and massacre, can ever listen to the
word mercy, as applied to these fiends.
" Among other wretches drawn from their skulking places, was
the man who gave Nana Sahib's orders for the massacre. After this
man's identity had been clearly established, and his complicity in di-
recting the massacre proved beyond all doubt, he was compelled,
upon his knees, to cleanse up a portion of the blood yet scattered over
the fatal yard, and while yet foul from his sickening task, hung like
a dog before the gratified soldiers, one of whom writes The col- :
lector who gave the order for the murder of the poor ladies, was
taken prisoner day before yesterday, and now hangs from a branch
of a tree about two hundred yards ofE the roadside. '
later the Mutiny broke out, and he was one of its first vic-
tims. He was of the party from Futteghur, with a fate
nade more dreadful, because he had with him not only his
«dfe, but two children, and the monster spared neither age
tior sex. After the Mutiny, Mr. Woodside visited Cawn-
pore, and made diligent inquiry for the particulars of his
friend's death. It was difficult to get the details, as the
natives were very reticent, lest they shoiild be accused
; but
Yet was it not sweet that they could thus die together, and
could come up (like the family of Christian in Pilgrim's
Progress) in one group to the wicket gate ? Ko need had
he to sing any more :
Such memories might keep away one who had been a suf-
nati've cities of India —by native I mean one not taking iti
character, like Calcutta and Bombay, from tbe English ele-
ment. Lucknow is more purely an Indian
and haa city,
more of the Oriental domes and
style in its architecture — its
might have been saved if she had been where she could haiJi
jlosed up their ranks and kept their face to the foe. Their
spirit was magnificent. Death had lost its terrors for them,
and they made light of hardships and dangers. When faint-
ing with heatj if they found a little dirty water by the road-
side "it was like nectar." After marching all day in the
rain, they would lie down in the soaking mud, and grasp their
guns, and wrap their coats around them, and sleep soundly.
Says an ofiicer
"August 5th we marched toward Lucknow nine miles and then
encamped on a large plain for the night. You must bear in mind
that we had no tents with us, they are not allowed, so every day we
vere exposed to the burning sun and to the rain and dew by night
No baggage or beds were allowed but the soldier wrapped his cloals
around him, grasped his musket and went to sleep, and soundly we
(slept too. My Arab horse served me as a pillow, I used to lie down
alongside of him, with my head on his neck, and he never moved
with me except now and then to lick my hand." But he adds, " We
found that it was impossible to proceed to Lucknow, for our force
was too small for though we were a brave little band, and could
fight to Lucknow, yet we could not compel them to raise the siege
when we got there.
to defend it. Thus '* stripped for the fight," he began his
attack on the city. It was two miles to the Kesidency, and
every step the English had to fight their way through the
streets. The battle began in the morning, and lasted all
day. It was a desperate attempt to force their way through
a great city, where every man was an enemy, and they were
tired at from almost every house. " Our advance was
through streets of flat-roofed and loop-holed houses, each
forming a separate fortress." Our informant told us of
the frenzy in the Residency when they heard the sound of
the guns. " The Campbells were coming " indeed ! Some-
times the firing lulled, and it seemed as if they were driven
back. Then it rose again, and came nearer and nearer.
How the tide of battle ebbed and flowed, is well told in
the narratives of those who were actors in the scenes :
" Throughout tlie night of the 24th great agitation and alarm had
prevailed in the city ; and, as morning advanced, increased and ropid
dency nought but the smoke from the fire of the combatants could
be discerned. As the afternoon advanced, the sounds came nearer
and nearer, and then we heard the sharp crack of rifles mingled with
the flash of musketry the well-known uniforms of British soldiers
men and ofl&cers of the 78th Highlanders. Sir James Outram and
staff were the next to come in, and the state of joyful confusion and
excitement was beyond all description. The big, rough-bearded
soldiers were seizing the little children out of our arms, kissing
them, with tears rolling down their cheeks, and thanking God
they had come in time to save them from the fate of those at Cawn-
pore. We were all rushing about to give the poor fellows drinks of
water, for they were perfectly exhausted and tea was made down
ment of Havelock the garrison was still far too small to lioU
not come till Sir Colin Campbell, arriving with a larger force,
again fought his way through the city. The atrocities of th«
Sepoys had produced such a feeling that he could hardly r^
strain his soldiers. Remembering the murders and massacres
of their countrymen and countrywomen, they fought with a
savage fury. In one walled enclosure, which they carried by
storm, were two thousand Sepoys, and they killed every man !
Even then the work was not completed. Scarcely had Sir
Colin Campbell entered the Residency before he decided upon
its evacuation. Again the movement was executed at mid-
night, in silence and in darkness. While the watch-fires
were kept burning to deceive the enemy, the men filed out of
the gates, with the women and children in the centre of the
column, and moving softly and quickly through a narrow
lane, in the morning they were several miles from the city,
in a strong position, which made them safe from attack.
The joy of this hour of deliverance was saddened by the death
of Havelock. He had passed through all the dangers of bat-
tle and siege, only to die at last of disease, brought on by the
hardships and exposures of the last few months. But his work
was done. He
had nothing to do but to die. To his friend,
Sir Jaoies Outram, who came to see him, he stretched out his
hand and said " For more than forty years I have so ruled
Are attached to English men, while they do not like the Eng-
lish rule. Every man whose mind is elevated by knowledge
and reflection wishes to be his own master ; and if ruled a<
whether in the conflict which has come once, and may come
again, they can be quite sure that Infinite Justice will always
be on their side.
though I confess that when, far off here in Asia, among these
dusky natives, I see a white face,and hear my own mother
tongue, I feel that *'
blood is thicker than water," and am
ready to take part with my kindred against all comers. Even
Americans cannot but feel a pride in seeing men of their own
race masters of such a kingdom in the East. But this pridf
Bion and cruelty wliicli extended all over India, but which if
Even to this day there are some who think it hard that they
cannot thus sacrifice themselves.
So wedded are the people to their customs, that they are
very jealous of the interference of the government, when i\
religious merit to bury one's self alive, and on this the old man
had set his heart. If he could do this, he would go straight
to Paradise, but the hard English Governor, insensible to
such considerations, would not permit it. Was it not too
bad that he could not be allowed to go to heaven in his own
Breaking up these old barbarities — suicide, infanticide,
and the burning of widows the government has steadily
aimed to introduce a better system for the administration of
justice, in which, with due regard to Hindoo customs and
hand, but they established law and order, the first conditionf
of human society. So with the English in all their Asiatic
dependencies. Wherever they come, they put an end tc
anarchy, and give to all men that sense of protection and se-
had when riding over the " corduroys " through the Western
forests of America. Around the large towns the roads are
especially fine — broad and well paved, and often planted with
trees. The cities are embellished with parks, like cities in
England, with botanical and zo3logical gardens. The streets
ond-class by those less wealthy. But there are trains for the
people, run at very low fares. There are huge cars, built
with two stories, and carrying a hundred passengers each, and
these two-deckers are often very closely packed. The Hin-
doos have even learned to make pilgrimages by steam, and
find it mrch cheaper, as well as easier, than to go afoot.
Wnen one considers the long journeys they have been accus-
tomed to undertake under the burning sun of India, the
amount of suffering relieved by a mode of locomotion so coo?
ant; swift is beyoni computation.
The overflow from these streams, which are truly " fountains
in the desert," has kept whole districts from being burnt up,
by which in former years millions perished by famine.
While thus caring for the material comfort and safety of the
people of India, England has also shown regard to their en-
lightenment in providing a magnificent system of JSTational
touch the very life of India, and infuse the best blood ol
Europe into her languid veins.
With such results of English rule, who would not wish thai
it might continue ? It is not that we love the Hindoo less,
but the cause of humanity more. The question of English
lule in India is a question of civilization against barbarism.
These are the two forces now in conflict for the mastery of
Asia. India is the place where the two seas meet. Shall
she be shut up between her seas and her moun-
left to herself,
Is it not all a farce ? " said a
Major in the Bengal Stafl
Corps, as we came down from Upper India. We were talk-
ing of Missions. He did not speak of them with hatred, but
only with contempt. The missionaries *' meant well," but
they were engaged in an enterprise which was so utterly
hopeless, that no man in his senses could regard it as other
than supreme and almost incredible folly. In this he spoke
the opinion of half the military men of India. They have
no personal dislike to missionaries indeed many an officer
in an out-of-the-way district, who has a missionary family
for almost his only neighbors, will acknowledge that they
are **
a great addition to the English society." But as for
their doing any good, as an officer once said to me :
might as well go and stand on the shore of the sea and
preach to the fishes, as to think to convert the Hindoos !
If one were preaching a sermon to a Christian congrega-
tion, he might disdain a reply to objections whicli seem tc
to repeat the words of Him who said, " Go into all the world
and preach the Gospel to every creature." But I am not
pleaching, but conversing with an intelligent gentleman,
who has lived long in India, and might well assume that he
knows far more about the actual situation than I do. Such
men are not to be put down. They represent a large part of
the Anglo-Indian population. We may therefore as well
recognize the fact that Modern Missions, like any othei
enterprise which is proposed in the interest of civilization,
are now on trial before the world. We may look upon them
as too sacred for criticism ; but in this irreverent age nothing
is too sacred ; everything that is holy has to be judged by
reason, and by practical results, and by these to be justified
or to be condemned. would not therefore claim anything
on the ground of authority, but speak of missions as I would
of national education, or even of the railroad system of India.
The question here raised I think deserves a larger and
more candid treatment than it commonly receives either
from the advocates or the opponents of missions. It is
not to be settled merely by pious feeling, by unreasoning
sentiment on the one hand, nor by sneers on the other. To
convert a whole country from one religion to another, ia
arms and breast the Merchant caste, from his thighs and
; ;
of the people, that they cannot cast it out anymore than they
can cast out a poison in their blood. Indeed they seem to
glory in it. The lower castes crouch and bow down that
others may pass over them. A Brahmin, who had become a
Christian, told me that the people had often asked him to wash
his feet in the water of the street, that they might drink it
Caste is a cold and cruel thing, which hardens the heart
against natural compassion. I know it is said that high caste
is only an aristocracy of birth, and that, as such, it fosters
a certain nobility of feeling, and also a mutual friendliness
between those who belong to the same order. A caste is
ligion and that they are influenced only by the lowest mo-
In Johnson's '*
Tour to tlie Hebrides," he refers to tite
populations of Asia.
train rolled across the long bridge over the Jumna, fron
which we saw Miss Seward and Miss Wilson standing oi.
their veranda, and waving us farewell, it seemed as if we
were leaving home.
But the holy city was before us. Some seventy miles from
Allahabad stands a city which, to the devout Hindoo, is the
most sacred place on earth — one "ivhich overtops all others, as
pice on nuts and " sweets " for the monkeys, who are the
only ones entitled to " tribute " from visitors ; and then, re-
turning to the gharri, we rode disgusted away. In anothei
part of the city is the Golden Temple, devoted to the gof'
But perhaps the reader will think that we have had enough
of this, and will gladly turn to a less revolting form of super-
stition. The great sight of Benares is the bathing in the
Ganges. This takes place in tlie morning. We rose early
the next day, and drove down to the river, and getting a
boat, were rowed slowly for hours up and down the stream.
It is lined with temples and palaces, which descend to the
water by flights of steps, or ghauts, which at this hour are
thronged mth devout Hindoos. By hundreds and thousands
they come down to the river's brink, men, women, and chil-
dren, and wade in, not swimming, but standing in the water,
plunging their heads and mumbling their prayers, and per-
forming their libations, by taking the water in their hands,
and casting it towards the points of the compass, as an act of
worship to the celestial powers, especially to the sun.
As the boatmen rested on their oars, that we might ob-
erve the strange scene, — started with horror to see a corpse
in the water. It was already half decayed, and obscene birds
were fluttering over it. But this is too common a sight in
Benares to raise any emotion in the breast of the Hindoo,
whose prayer is that he may die on the banks of the Ganges.
Does his body drift down with the stream, or become fcxx/
for the fowls of the air, his soul floats to its final rest in the
Deity, as surely as the Ganges rolls onward to the sea.
But look here ! is another scene. We are approaching thg
Burning Ghaut, and I see piles of wood, and human bodies
and smoke and flame. I bade the boatmen draw to the shore,
that we might have a clearer view of this sbrange sight.
Walking along the bank, we came close to the funeral piles.
Several were waiting to be lighted. When all is ready, the
nearest male relative walks round and round the pile, and
then applies to it a lighted withe of straw. Here was a body
just dressed for the last rites. It was wrapped in coarse
garments, perhaps all that affection could give. Beside it
What a tale of affection was there ! — of love for the life that
was ended, and the form that was cherished, that was soon
to be but ashes, and to float away upon the bosom of the
sacred river.
Another pile was already lighted, and burning fiercely. I
stood close to it, till driven away by the heat and smoke.
As the flames closed round the form, portions of the body
were exposed. Now the hair was consumed in a flash, leav-
ing the bare skull ; now the feet showed from the other end
of the pile. was a ghastly sight. Now a horrid smell filled
the air, and still the pile glowed like a furnace, crackling
with the intense heat, and shot out tongues of flame that
seemed eager to lick up every drop of blood.
In this disposal of the dead there is nothing to soothe tho
mourner like a Christian burial, when the body is committed
to the earth, ashes to ashes, dust to dust, when a beloved
form is laid down under the green turf gently, as on a mother's
The spectacle of this morning, with the similar one at A
laliabad, have set me a- thinking. I ask, What idea do the
breath the hot plains of India, and giving fertility to the rice
fields of Bengal, it may well seem to the Hindoo the greatest
risible emblem of Almighty power and Infinite beneficence.
But it is more than an emblem. The ancient Egyptians
worshipped the Nile as a god, and in this they had the same
feeling which now exists among the Hindoos in regard to the
Ganges. It is not only a sacred river because of its associa-
tions ; it is itself Divine, flowing, like the Eiver of Life iy
the Book of Revelation, out of the throne of God. It de-
tcends out of heaven, rising in mountains whose tops toucll
ha? all the virtue and the divine power that belongs in the
Christian system to the biood of Christ. It makes atone
ment for sins that are past. " He that but looks on the
Ganges," says the Hindoo proverb, " or that drinks of it,
Siloa's brook
That flowed fast by the oracle of God.
lands singing
should be sent to our hotel for us the next morning, and thai
his boat would convey us across the river. We did not wait
for the carriage, as we were in haste to depart for Calcutta
the same forenoon, but rode down in our own gharri to the
river side, where we found the boat awaiting us. On the
other bank stood a couple of elephants of extraordinary size,
that knelt down and took us on their broad backs, and rolled
off at a swinging pace to a pleasant retreat of the Mahara-
when the train started for Calcutta, and the towers and
domes and minarets of the holy city of India faded from oui
holds a child in her arms. She starts back, and with a shriek
casts it to the river monsters. Such scenes are not frequent
now, because the government has repressed them by law,
though infanticide is fearfully common in other ways. But
even yet in secret —" darkly at dead of night " — does fanati-
cism sometimes pay its offering to the river which is wor-
shipped as a god. what Hindooism does for the mother
This is
tenacity did they cling to their faith, that even the religion
of the Prophet could make little impression, though armed
with all the power of the sword.
And now come modern civilization and Christianity. The
work of " tearing down " is not left to Missions alone. There
is in India a vast system of National Education. In Benares
there is an University whose stately halls would not look out
of place among the piles of Oxford. In the teaching there is a
rigid — I had almost said a religious —abstinence from religion.
and the moon rose over the plains and the palm groves, and
still we fled on and on, as if pursued by the storm spirits of
but for the turbans and the swarthy faces under them, would
make the traveller imagine himself in Hyde Park.
From this single picture it is easy to see why Calcutta is to
Connected with the different colleges are men who are dis-
tinguished Oriental scholars. Then there is a Bishop of Cal-
cutta, who is the Primate of India, with his clergj^ and Eng-
lish and American missionaries, who make altogether a very
miscellaneous society.* Here Macaulay lived for three years
* There are not many Americans in Calcutta, and as they are few,
we more concerned that they should be respectable, and not
are the
dishonor our national character. Sometimes I am told we have had
representatives of whom we had no reason to be proud. We are now
most fortunate in our Consul, General Litchfield, a gentleman of ex-
cellent character, who is very obliging- to his countrymen, and com-
mands in a high degree the respect of the English community.
There is here also an American pastor. Dr. Thorburn, who is very
popular, and whose people are building him a new church while he
is absent on a visit to his own country and what attracts a stranger
made ours for a part of the time that we were in Calcutta, for which,
and for all the kindness of these excellent ladies, we hold it in g^ rat©
ful remembrance,
would not only till the ignorant and vacant minds of the
Hindoos with the knowledge of modern science, but would
uproot the old idolatry. In the recently published volumes of
his letters is one to his father, dated Calcutta, Oct. 12, 1836,
in which he says ;
Our Eng-lirfh schools are flourishing wonderfully. We find it
difficult — in
some places impossible— to provide instruction for aU
who want it. At the single town of Hoogly 1400 boys are learning
English. The efEect of this education on the Hindoos is prodigious.
No Hindoo who has received an English education ever remains sin
cerely attached to his religion. Some continue to profess it as •
neglected children and train them from the begiun. ng. Bu\
for young men who are already educated in the goTernmeni
colleges, is there any way of reaching them f None, except
that of open, direct, manly argument. Several years since
President Seelye of Amherst College visited India, and
here addressed the educated Hindoos, both in Calcutta and
Bombay, on the claims of the Christian religion. He was
received with perfect courtesy. Large audiences assembled
to hear him, and listened with the utmost respect. What
impression he produced, I cannot say ; but it seems to me
that this is " the way to do it," or at least one way, and a
way which gives good hope of success.
In fighting this battle against idolatry, I think we should
welcome aid from any quarter, whether it be evangelical or
not. While in Calcutta, I paid a visit to Keshoob Chuuder
Sen, whose name is well known in England from a visit which
he made some years ago, as the leader of the Brahmo Somaj,
I found him surrounded by his pupils, to whom he was giv-
ing instruction. He at once interrupted his teaching for the
pleasure of a conversation, to which all listened apparently
with great interest. He is in his creed an Unitarian, so far
as he adopts the Christian faith. He recognizes the unity of
God, and gives supreme importance to prayer. The inter-
view impressed me both with his ability and his sincerity^
I cannot agree with some of my missionary friends who look
upon him with suspicion, because he does not go far enough.
On the contrary, I think it a matter of congratulation that
he has come as far as he has, and I should be glad if he could
getYoung Bengal to follow him. But I do not think fehe
Brahmo Somaj has made great progress. It has scattered
adherents in different par-ts of India, but the whole number
of followers is small compared with the masses that cling to
their idols. He frankly confessed that the struggle was very
unequal, that the power of the old idolatry was tremendous^
and especially that the despotism of caste was terriiic. Tf
not convert the Hindoo. The experiment has been tried and
failed. Some other and more powerful means must be taken
to quicken the conscience of a nation deadened by ages of
false religion — a religion utterly fatal to spiritual life. That
such a change may come speedily, is devoutly to be wished
No intelligent traveller can visit India, and spend here two
months, without feeling the deepest interest in the country
and its people. Our interest grew with every week of our
stay, and was strongest as we were about to leave.
The last night that we were in Calcutta, it was my privi-
lege to address the students at one of the Scotch colleges.
The hall was crowded, and I have seldom, if ever, spoken to
t finer body of young men. These young Bengalees had
iaany of them heads of an almost classical beauty ; and with
\heir grace of person heightened by their flowing white
robes, they presented a beautiful array of young scholars,
such as might delight the eyes of any instructor who should
have to teach them " Divine philosophy." My heart " went
out" to them very warmly, and as that was my last impres-
The steamer lay off in the stream, the tide was out, and even
the native boats could not come up to where we could step
on board. But the inevitable coolies were there, their long
caked legs sinking in the mud, who took us on their brawny
backs, and ?arried us to the boats, and in this dignified man-
ner we took our departure from India.
The next morning, as we went on deck, the steamer was
dropping down the river. The guns of Fort William were
firing a salute; at Garden Reach we passed the palace of thf
King of Oude, where this deposed Indian sovereign stil
keeps his royal state among his serpents and his tigers. We
were all day long steaming down the Hoogly. The country
is very flat there is nothing to break the monotony of its
present condition and its future prospects than its past his-
tory. Burmah is now a part of the great English Empire in
the East, and it has been the scene of events whi^'h make a
mouths of
variety of aspect, from the flats of Holland, at the
the Irrawaddy, to the more than Scottish beauty of the moun-
tainous valley of the Sal wen, and the Rhenish river banks of
the Irrawaddy near Prome." With the zest of an Alpine
tourist, he climbs the wild passes of the hills, and follows thf
streams coursing down their sides, to where they leap in
waterfalls over precipices fifty or one hundred feet high.
A.mid this picturesque scenery he finds a fauna and flora,
more varied and rich than those of any part of Europe.
The country produces a great variety of tropical fruits it ;
yields spices and gums while the natives make use for many
purposes of the bamboo and the palm. The wild beasts are
hunted for their skins, and the elephants furnish ivory. But
the staples of commerce are two rice and the teak wood.
Rice is the universal food of Barmah, as it is of India and
of China. And for timber, the teak is invaluable, as it is the
only wood that can resist the attacks of the white ants. It is
a red wood, like our cedar, and when wrought with any de-
gree of taste and skill, produces a pretty effect. The bettei
class of houses are built of and being raised on upright
Karens have been seeking fuel for their night-fires, or angling for
their suppers in the stream I have occupied myself with analyzing
lichens, and insects, its stunted shrubs and pale flowers, becomes a
paradise under the eye of observation and to the genuine thinkeJ
the sandy beach and the arid wild are full of wonders.' "
pieces and hang mats of bark, and you have a Burmese house.
To be sure it is a slender habitation " reeds shaken with the
wind " but it serves to cover the poor occupants, and if an
pert boatmen, and get a part of their living from the rivers
and the sea. Their wants are few and easily supplied.
"There is perhaps no country in the world," says Mason,
** where there are so few beggars, so little suffering, and so
pot, and has the power of life and death, which he exercises
on any who excite his displeasure. He has but to speak a
word or raise a hand, and the object of his wi*ath is led to
execution. Suspicion makes him cruel, and death is some-
times inflicted by torture or crucifixion. Formerly bodies
were often seen suspended to crosses along the river. Of
course no one dares to provoke such a master by telling him
the truth. Not long ago he sent a mission to Europe, and
when ambassadors returned, they reported to the King
that " London and Paris were very respectable cities, but not
to be compared to Mandelay " This was repeated to me by
people, but what a pity that they had no religion " In ! iais
ders of China.
But the excellent Chief Commissioner has no dieam of
annexation, his only ambition being to govern justly the
people entrusted to his care ; to protect them in tlieir i-ights
to put down violence and robbery, for the country has been
in such a fearful state of disorganization, that the interior
has been overrun with bands of robbers. Dacoity, as it is
he does not find in its origin and in the life of its founder
much that looks even like inspiration. There is no doubt that
Buddha, or Gaudama, if such a man ever lived (of which
there is perhaps no more reason to doubt than of any of the
great characters of antiquity), began his career of a religious
teacher, as a reformer of Brahminism, with the honest and
noble purpose of elevating the faith, and purifying the lives
of mankind. Mason, as a Christian missionary, certainly
did not desire to exaggerate the virtues of another religion,
and yet he writes of the origin of Buddhism :
" Three hundred years before Alexandria was founded about the ;
staff and scrip, who had left a throne for philosophy, was travelhng
from Gay a to Benares, and from Benares to Kanouj, exhorting the
people against theft, falsehood, adultery, killing and intemperance.
No temperance lecturer advocates teetotalism now more strongly
than did this sage Gaudama twenty-three centuries ago. Nor did
he confine his instructions to external vices. Pride, anger, lust,
envy and covetousness were condemned by him in as strong terms
as are ever heard from the Christian pulpit. Love, mercy, patience,
self-denial, alms-giving, truth, and the cultivation of wisdom, he
required of all. Good actions, good words, and good thoughts were
around. Here, on the summit of this laterite ledge, one hundred and
sixty feet above the river, they erected the standard of Buddhism,
which now lifts its spire to the heavens higher than the dome of St.
Buch as the vow of celibacy in both sexes, the object of their seclu
ascribes them to the devil, who had thus imitated holy mother
church in order to scandalize and oppose its rights. But as Davis
observes : To those who admit that most of the Romish ceremonies
" There stood fourteen priests, seven on each side of the altar,
erect, motionless, with clasped hands and downcast eyes, their shaven
heads and flowing gray robes adding to their solemn appearance. The
low and measured tones of the slowly moving chant they were sing-
ing might have awakened solemn emotions, and called away the
thoughts from worldly objects. Three priests kept time with the
music, one beating an immense drum, another a large iron vessel,
and a third a wooden bell. After chanting, they kneeled upon low
stools, and bowed before the colossal image of Buddha, at the same
time striking their heads upon the ground. Then risicg and facing
each other, they began slowly chanting some sentences, and rapidly
increasing the music and their utterance until both were at the cli-
max of rapidity, they diminished in the same way until they had re-
turned to the original measure. . The whole eervioe forcibly
. .
now, when the king, enraged at the English, seized all that
he could lay hands upon, and threw them into prison. He
could not distinguish an American, the same fea-who had
tures and spoke the same language, and so Judson shared
the fate of the rest. One day his house was entered by an
officer and eight or ten men, one of whom he recognized
whose devotion had saved, not only the life of her hiisbandj
hut the lives of all the English prisoners. The commander-
in-chief received her as if she had been an empress, and at a
great dinner given to the Burmese ambassadors placed her at
his right hand, in the presence of the very men to whom she
had often been to beg for mercy, and had been often driven
brutally from their doors. The tables were turned, and they
were the ones to ask for mercy now. They sat uneasy, giv-
ing restless glances at the missionary's wife, as if fearing lest
a sudden burst of womanly indignation should impel her to
demand the punishment of those who had treated her with
such cruelty. But they were quite safe. She would not
touch a hair of their heads. Too happy in the release of the
one she loved, her heart was overflowing with gratitude, and
she felt no desire but to live among this people, and to do
good to those from whom she had suffered so much. They
removed to Amherst, at the mouth of the Salwen Biver,
and had built a pretty home, and were beginning to realize
their dream of missionary life, when she was taken ill, and,
broken by her former hardships, soon sank in death.
Probably " The Life of Judson " has interested American
Christians in Burmah more than all the histories and geo-
graphical descriptions put together. General histories have
never the interest of a personal narrative, and the picture of
Judson in a dungeon, wearing manacles on his limbs, ex-
posed to death in its most terrible forms, to be tortured or
to be crucified, and finally saved by the devotion of hih wife,
has touched the hearts of the American people more than *iJ.i
coarse and brutal men, armed only with her own native mod-
esty and dignity who by the sick-bed or in a prison cast
The which has been the scene of such toils and sacri
into the sea, and turn southward, the shores begin to rise,
and rush matting, we flew l^efore the wind, and were scox
lauded at Amherst Point. This was holy ground, for here
Judson had lived, and here and was buried.
his wife died
Her grave is on the sea-shore, but a few rods from the water,
and we went straight to it. It is a low mound, with a plain
headstone, around which an American sea captain had placed
a wooden paling to guard the sacred spot. There she sleeps,
with only the murmur of the waves, as they come rippling up
the beach, to sing her requiem. But her name will not die,
and in all the world, where love and heroism are remembered,
what this woman hath done shall be told for a memorial of
her. Her husband is not here, for (as the readers of his life
will remember) his last years were spent at Maulmain, from
vhich he was taken, when very ill, on board a vessel, bound
for the Mauritius, in hope that a voyage might save him when
all other means had failed, and died at sea when but four
days out, and was committed to the deep in the Bay of Ben-
gal. One cannot but regret that he did not die on land, thai
he might have been buried beside his wife in the soil of
Burmah; but it is something that he is not far away, and
the waters that roll over him kiss its beloved shores.
Miss Haswell led the way up the beach to the little house
which Judson had built. It was unoccupied, but there was
an old bedstead on which the apostle had slept, and I
taking our rice and milk, how the tigers used to come around
and make theriselves at lioino, snufFmg about the doors, and
carrjing off dogs from the veranda, and kiUing a buffalo ir
the front yard. They are not quite so familiar now along
the <;oast, but in the interior one can hardly go thro igh a
forest without coming on their tracks. Only last year Misa
Has well, on her way to attend the meeting of an association,
camped in She found the men were getting
the woods.
sleepy, and neglected the and so she kept awake, and sat
GOV firing ofbamboo bent over it, was in shape not unlike a
gondola of Yenice. The arch of its roof was of course not
very lofty we could not stand up, but we could sit or lie
if we could only have had the rich i oices of the negro boat
men, singing
" Down on the Sawannee River,"
learned ; still more are serious and devout. Says Dr. Wil-
liams " Their largest monasteries contain extensive libraries,
and a portion of the fraternity are well acquainted with let-
ters, though numbers of them are ignorant even of theii
and for them it seems better *' not to be." Their heaven
their Nirvana — is annihilation, yet not absolute non-existence,
but only absorption of their personality, so that their separate
being is swallowed up and lost in God. They will still be con-
scious, but have no hope and no fear, no dread and no desire,
but only survey existence with the ineffable calm of the In-
finite One. This passive, emotionless state is expressed in
all the statues and images of Buddha.
If that be heaven, it is not earth ; and they who pass life
funds hereafter.
Burmah is a country which needs all good influences <
Give him fifteen cuts." Instantly the man was seized and
tied, arms extended, and legs fastened, so that he could not
highway of civilization,
At PenaDg we enter the Straits of Malacca, on ona side of
ivhich is the Malayan Peninsula, and on the other the island
of Sumatra, which is larger than all Great Britain, and
where just now, at this upper end, the Dutch have a war oa
their hands. Penang is opposite Acheen, and the Malays,
who are engaged in such a desperate resistance to the Dutch,
often cross the Straits, and may be seen at any time in the
streets of the English settlement. Perhaps it is but natural
that the English should have a sympathy with these natives,
who are defending their country against invaders, though J
have seen the stars on the desert and on the sea, but nevei
anything before that quite equalled these nights on the
But our voyage was coming to an end. We had already
been twice as long on the Bay of Bengal as in crossing the
Atlantic. was the last day of March when the captain
of the ship came to me, as I was standing on deck, and said :
" Do you see that low point of land, with the trees upon it,
coming down to the water? That is the most Southern
point of Asia." That great continent, which we saw first at
haps have said rather, There are the China Seas," but they
are a part of the great Ocean which rolls its waters from Asia
to America.
Singapore is on an island, at the very end of the penin-
sula, so that it may be "the jumping-off place."
called truly
On this point of land, but a degree and a half from the
Equator, England has planted one of those colonies by which
she keeps guard along the coasts, and over the waters, of
Bouthern Asia. The town, which has a population of nearly
a hundred thousand, is almost wholly Chinese, but it is tkj
English power which is seen in the harbor filled with ships,
and the fort mounted with guns and English taste which,
has laid out the streets and squares, and erected the public
buildings. This might be called the Island of Palms, which
grow here in gre{ t profusion the tall cocoanut palm witk
its slender stem, the fan palm with its bi Dad leaves, and many
other varieties which mantle the hillsides, forming a rich
background for the European bungaloes that peer out from
jnder a mass of tropical foliage.
were men who lived in the forests, with whom not only the Eu-
ropeans, but even the Malays, could have no intercourse. He
himself had never seen one. Yet, strange to say, they have
a petty traffic with the outer world, yet not through the me-
dium of They live in the woods, and live by the
chase. hunt tigers, not with the gun, but with a weapon
never seen. They bring what they have to the edge of the
and leave
forest, it there, and the Malays come and placa
fchey frequently came around the houses, but did not often
ente? them, except that they were very fonu of music (the dear
creatures !) and sometimes in the evening, as doors and win
dows were left open for coolness, if the music was very fine, s
head might be thrust in of a guest that had not been invited
may drag on for years, during which the Dutch territory will
not extend much beyond the place? occupied by troops, or
the ports defended by the guns of the fleet. If the Dutch
hold on with their proverbial tenacity, they may conquer in
the end, though at an immense cost in treasure and in life,
If the Malays are once subdued, and by a wise and lenient
policy converted to some degree of loyalty, they may prove,
like the Sikhs in India, the brave defenders of the power
against which they fought so well.
With such conversation to lighten the hours, fchey did not
seem long, as we were running through the Java Sea. On
the third day from Singapore, we came among the Thousand
Islands, and in the afternoon descried on the horizon the
mountains of Java, and List at sunset were in the roads of
war and merchant ships from all parts of the world. It was
two or three miles from the quay, but as the evening drew
on, we could see lights along the shore ; and at eight o'clock,
just as the gun was fired from the flagship of the Dutch Ad-
miral, we put ofi" in a native boat, manned by a Malay crew,
It was a beautiful moonlight night, and we seemed to bf
floating in a dream, as our swarthy boatmen bent to their
oars, and we glided silently over a tropical sea to this un-
known shore.
At the Custom House a dark-skinned official, whose but-
tons gave him a military air, received us with dignity, and
demanded if we had *' pistolets," and being satisfied that we
were not attempting an armed invasion of the island, gave
but a glance at our trunks, and politely bowed us to a car-
if they were built for comfort and not for show. They are
low and large, spreading out over a great deal of surface, but
QOt towering ambitiously upwards. A pretty sight it was to
Bee these fine old mansions, standing back from the street,
with ample space around them, embowered in trees ana
Bhrubbory, with lawns and gardens kept in perfect order; anc?
With all the doors and windows wide open, through which
we could see the breakfast tables spread, as if to invite even
strangers, such as we were, to enter and share their hospi-
tality. Before we left Java, we were guests in one of these
mansions, and found that Dutch hospitality was not merely
in name.
Among the ornaments of the city are two large and hand-
some public squares the King's Plain and Waterloo Plain.
The latter name reminds us that the Dutch had a part in the
battle of Waterloo. With pardonable pride they are per-
suaded that the contingent which they contributed to the
army of Wellington had no small part in deciding the issue
of that terrible day, and they thus commemorate their victory.
This plain is used as a parade-ground, and the Dutch cavalry
charge over it with ardor, inspired by such heroic memories.
It may surprise some of my readers accustomed to our new
American cities, to learn how old is Batavia. About the time
that the Pilgrim Fathers sailed from Holland, another expe-
dition from the same country carried the Dutch flag to the
other side of the world, and Batavia was settled the year
before the landing on Plymouth K-ock. Of course it was a
very small beginning of their power in the East, but slowly
the petty trading settlement grew into a colony, and its terri-
tory was extended by degrees till, more than a hundred years
after, it took in the whole island. In the old palace on
Waterloo Plain, now used as a museum, are the portraits of
Dutch governors who have ruled here for two hundred and
fifty years.
his friends of the forest, one would think he would almost beg
pardon of a beast that he was obliged to shoot and stuff in
the interest of science. He complained only that he could
not find enough of them. Snakes he " doted on," and if he
espied a monster coiling round a tree, or hanging from the
branches, his heart leaped up as one who had found great
spoil, for how its glistening scales would shine in
he thought
his collection. was much entertained by his adventures.
He left us one morning in company with our host Carlo, who
is a famous hunter, on an expedition after the rhinoceros —
royal game, which abounds in the woods of Java.
The beauty of this island is not confined to one part of
it. As yet we have seen only Western Java, and :^ut
little of that. But there is Middle Java and Eastern Jav %
The island is very much like Cuba in shape — long and narrow,
being near seven hundred miles one way, and less than a
hundred the other. Thus it is a great breakwater dividing
Khe Java Sea from the Indian Ocean. To see its generaJ
configuration, one needs to sail along the coast to g(;t a <iistani
view ; and thee, to appreciate the peculiar character of itj
fiom the coast, some of which are ten and twelve thousand
feet high, which make the background of the picture, whose
peculiar outline is derived from their volcanic character.
But if we did not see the " lion " of Solo, we saw the
tigers, which were perhaps quite as well worth seeing. The
Emperor, amid the diversions with which he occupies his
royal mind, likes to entertain his military and official visitors
with something better than a Spanish bull-fight, namely, a
tiger -fight with a bull or a buffalo, or with men, for which he
has a number of trained native spearmen. For these com^
bats his hunters trap tigers in the mountains ; and in a build-
ing made of heavy timbers fitted close together, with only
space between for light and air, were half a dozen of them in
reserve. They were magnificent beasts not whelped in a ;
cage and half subdued by long captivity, like the sleek crea-
tures of our menageries and zoological gardens but the real ;
kings of the forest, caught when full grown (some but a few
weeks before), and who roared as in their native wilds. It
was terrific to see the glare of their eyes, and to hear the
mutterings of their rage. One could not look at them, even
through their strong bars, without a shudder. A gentleman
of Java told me that he had once caught in the mountains a
couple of tigers in a pit, but that as he approached it, their
roaring was so terrific, as they bounded against the sides of
the pit, that it required all his courage to master a feeling of
indescribable terror.
Adjoining the dominion of Solo is that of Jookja, where,
instead of an Emperor, is a Sultan, not quite so great a po-
tentate as the former, but who has his chateau and his mili-
tary guard, and goes through the same performance of play-
ing the king. The Dutch Resident has a very handsome
palace, with lofty halls, where on state occasions he receives
the Sultan with becoming dignity —
a mark of deference made
all the more touching by the guns of the fort, which, from
the centre of the town, keep a friendly watch for the least
sign of rebellion.
This part of Middle Java is very rich in sugar planU
tions. One manufactory which we visited was said U
But on the best roads this spef'd could not be kept up foi
& long time. The stages were short, the relays being but five
the sea, ani take this beautiful island, from which it maj
pass on to the mainland of the continent of Australia.
speak, not only kindly, but familiarly, all the more so as the
SECOND day's drive. 851
tentions did this Javanese prince and his wives (none of whom
we had ever seen till a few hours before, and on whom we
had no claim whatever) win our hearts by their kindness, so
that, when the carriage came round to the door, we were sorrj
to depart. The Regent pressed us to stay a month, or as
long as we would. We could not accept a longer hospitality;
but we shall remember that which we had. We keep his
photograph, with others which we like to look upon ; and if
these words can reach the other side of the world, they will
tell him American friends have not forgotten, and
that his
will not forget, the kind manner in which they were enter-
tained in the island of Java by the Kegent of Magellang.
The drive of to-day was hardly less interesting than that of
yesterday, although our pride had a fall. It was a great
come-down, after riding with six horses to be reduced to
four ! But the mortification was relieved by adding now ajid
then, at the steep places, a pair of buffaloes. As we were
still in the hill country, we were all day among the coffee
plantations, which thrive best at a considerable elevation
above the Other products of the island flourished
Indeed it is very mucli the samCj having a rocky Led foi its
Tb enjojm^ni
i of this ride was increased by the charactei
of the day, which was i.ot all sunshine, bnt one of perpetiial
change. Clouds swept over the sky, casting shadows on the
aides of themountains and into the deep valleys. Some-
times the higher summits were wrapped so as to be hidden
from and the rain fell heavily then as the storm
sight, ;
drifted away, and the sun burst through the parted clouds,
the glorious heights shone in the sudden light like the J)e^
lectable Mountains.
The object of our journey was a mountain retreat four
thousand feet above the level of the sea — as high as the Righi
Kulm, but in no other respect like that mountain-top, which
from its height overlooks so many Swiss lakes and cantons.
It is rather like an Alpine valley, surrounded by mountains.
This is a favorite resort of the Dutch from Batavia. Here
the Governor-General has a little box, to which he retires,
from his grander residence at Buitenzorg, and here many
sick and wounded officers find a cool retreat and recover
strength for fresh campaigns. The place bears the musical
name of Sindanglaya, which one v/ould think might have
been given with some reference to the music of murmuring
winds and waters which fill the air. The valley is full of
streams, of brooks and springs, that run among the hills.
Water, water everywhere The rain pattering on the roof
tarns " that have settled in the craters of extinct volcanoes,
where not only wild deer break tlirough the tangled wojd of
the leafy solitudes, but the tiger and the rJainoceros come to
drink. Streams run down the mountain-sides, and springs
ooze from mossy banks by the roadside, and tempe" tlie ail
the land was like the garden of the Lord. Here we had at
last the tropical vegetation in its fullest glory. Nothing can
exceed the prodigality and luxuriance of nature when a
vertical sun beats down on fields and forests and jungles that
have been drenched for months in rain. Vegetation of every
kind springs up, as in the temperate zone it appears only
when forced in heated conservatories (as in the Dake of
Devonshire's gardens at Chatsworth), and the land waves
with these luxuriant growths. In the forest creeping plants
wind round the tall trunks, and vines hang in fe»: toons from
tree to tree.
Bui while the tropical forest presents such a wild luxu-
riance of growth, I find no single trees of such stature as ]
Why should not man smoke, when even the earth itself re
full glare of day, and the day as quickly darkens into night
How we should miss the long summer twilight, which in our
Northern latitudes lingers so softly and tenderly over the
quiet earth.
Remembering these things, we are reconciled to our lot in
living in the temperate zone, and turn away even from the
soft and easy life of the tropics, to find a keener delight in
our rugged clime, and to welcome even the snow-drifts and
the short winter days, since they bring the long winter even-
ings, and the roaring winter fires !
ceived calls from the neighbors, and went out to " take tea"
in the good old-fashioned way. We attended service, the
Sunday before going to Java, in the Cathedral, and on our
return, in the Scotch church ; so that around us, even at this
extremity of Asia, were the faces and voices, the happy do-
mestic life, and the religious worship, of dear old England.
But just as we began to settle into this quiet life, the
steamer was signalled from Ceylon which was to take us to
China, and we had to part from our new friends.
had been in my plan to go from here to Siam. It is but
three days' sail from Singapore up the Gulf to Bangkok but ;
poles to their shoulders, and walk off with you on the double
No country which we see for the first time is exactly as we
supposed it to be. Somehow I had thought of China as a
vast plain like India ; and behold the first view reveals
! a
who, besides the trifle of rowing our boat up the stream, hao
a baby strapped on her back Perhaps the weight helped
her to keep her balance as she bent to the oar. But it wai
certainly bringing things to a pretty fine point when human
muscles were thus economized. This boat, well called iv
Chinese a tan-ka or egg-house, was the home of the family.
It sheltered under its little bamboo cover eight souls (as manj
as Noah had in the Ark), who had no other habitation
Here they ate and drank and slept here perhaps children ;
gentleman and his wife, who had come with us from Singa-
pore, joined us, making, with a son of Dr. Happer and the
guide, a party of six, for whom eighteen bearers drew up
before the door, forming quite a procession as we filed through
the streets. The motion was not unpleasant, though they
swung us along at a good round pace, shouting to the people
to get out of the way, who forthwith parted right and left,
as if some high mandarin were coming. The streets were nar-
Yow and densely crowded. Through such a mass it required
no small effort to force our way, which was effected only by
our bearers keeping up a constant cry, like that of the gon-
doliers in Venice, when turning a corner in the canals —
signal of warning to any approaching in the opposite direc-
tion. I could but admire the good-nature of the people,
who yielded so readily. If we were thus to push through a
crowd in New York, and the policemen were to shout to the
Bowery boys " to '*
get out of the way," we might receive
a " blessing " in reply that would not be at all agreeable.
But the Chinamen took it as a matter of course, and turned
aside respectfully to give us a passage, only staring mildly
with their almond eyes, to see what great personages were
these that came along looking so grand.
Our way led through the longest street of the city,
bears the sounding name of the Street of Benevolence and
Love. This is the Broadway of Canton, only it is not half
as widj as Broadway. some of the
It is very narrow, like
old streets of Genoa, and paved, like them, with huge slabs
of stone. On either side it is lined with shops, iato which
we had a good opportunity to look as we brushed past them,
for they stood wide open. They were of the smallest dimen-
sions, most of them consisting of a single room, even when
hung with beautiful embroideries. There may be little re-
cesses behind, hidden interiors where they live, though ap
parently we saw the whole family. In many shojr^ they were
fcaking their meals in full sight of the passers-by There waf
Love " of " One Hundred C tandsons " and (more ambitious
Chinese loll and smoke till they are stupefied by the horrid
drug; for Canton has something more attractive. We founc
ftvery curious study in the Examination Hall, illustrating, as
yers to perplex the case with their arguments, but the judge
ifonnd pillars in the hall. Each man was on his knees, with
his feet chained behind him, so that he could not stir. He
was then placed with his back to one of these columns, and
small cords were fastened around his thumbs and great toes,
and drawn back tightly to the pillar behind. This soon pro-
duced intense suffering. Their breasts heaved, the veins on
their foreheads stood out like whipcords, and every feature
betrayed the most excruciating agony. Ev^ery few minutes
an the court asked if they were ready to confess,
officer of
But still the men did not give in, and I looked at them
with amazement mingled with horror, to see what human
nature could endure. The sight was too painful to witness
more than a few moments, and I rushed away, leaving the
men still hanging to the pillars of torture. I confess I felt f
relief when I went back the next day, to hear that they h&u
not yielded, but held out unflinchingly to the last.
To the objection that such methods may coerce the inno-
cent as well as the guilty —that the pain may be so great
that innocent men will confess crimes that they never com-
mitted, rather than suffer tortures worse than death— the
answer is, that as guilt makes men cowards, the guilty
will give up, while the innocent hold out. But this is
simply trusting to the trial by lot. It is the old ordeal by
fire. A better answer is, that the court has beforehand
strong presumptive evidence of the crime, and that a prisoner
is not put to the torture until it has been well ascertained
by testimony obtained elsewhere that he is a great ofiender.
When it is thus determined that he is a robber or a mur-
derer, who ought not to live, then this last step is taken tc
compel him to acknowledge his guilt, and the justice of hi»
which he was guilty, that all who saw him might know that
he was a thief
These were petty cases, such as might be disposed of iE
any police court. But now appeared a greater offender. A
man was led in with a chain around his neck, who had the
reputation of being a noted malefactor. He was charged
with both robbery and murder. The
had been pending
a long time. The crime, or crimes, had been committed four
years ago. The man had been brought up repeatedly, but as
no amount of pressure could make him confess, he could not
be executed. He was now to have another hearing. He
knelt down on the hard stone floor, and heard the accusation,
which he denied as he had done before, and loudly protested
his innocence. The judge, who was a man of middle age,
with a fine intellectual countenance, was in no haste to con-
demn, but listened patiently. He was in a mild, persuasive
mood, perhaps the more so because he was refreshing himself
as a Chinaman likes to do. As he sat listening, he took
several small cups of tea. A boy in attendance brought him
also his pipe, filled with tobacco, which he put in his mouth,
and took two or three pufis, when he handed it back and ;
the boy cleaned it, filled it, and lighted it again. With such
support to his physical weakness, who could not listen
patiently to a man who was on his knees before him plead-
ing for his life ? was a very bad one. It had
But the case
been referred back to the village in which the man was
born, and the " elders," who form the local government in
every petty commune in China, had inquired into the facts,
off the bodies. They were taken out of the city by a certain
gate, and here Dr. Williams engaged a man to count them as
they passed, and thus he kept the fearful roll of the dead
and comparing it with the published lists he found the num-
ber executed in fourteen months to be eighty-one thousand !
be long in the land which the Lord thy God giveth thee,''
having been fulfilled in the preservation of this country from
age to age.
As a consequence of this respect to parents, which im-
poses an authority over children, and binds them together, the
family feeling in China is very strong. This, however noble
in itself, has some evil effects, as it often separates the peo-
ple of a town or village by feuds and divisions, which are as
distinct, and as jealous and hostile, as the old Highland clans
in Scotland. This interferes with the administration of jus-
tice. If a crime is committed, all of one's clan are in league
to screen and protect the offender, while the rival clan is as
eager to pursue and destroy him. Woe to the man who is
accused, and who has no friend But the disposition to
at. least fclie right to exercise its authority over its own people,
by forbidding them to have any intercourse with foreigners.
Immediately every Chinese servant left them. No mar
could be had, for love or money, to render them any servicej
or even to sell them food. Thus they were virtually pris-
oners. This state of siege lasted about six weeks. At the
end of that time the British merchants surrendered all the
opium, at the order of their consular chief, Charles Elliot, for
him to hand it over to the Chinese; it amounted to 20,285
chests (nearly three million pounds in weight), mostly on
board ship at the time. The Chinese received it at the
^nouth of the river, near the Bogu-^ Forts, and there destroyed
it, by throwing it overboard, as our fathers destroyed the
tea in Boston harbor. To make sure work of it, lest it
should be recovered and used, they broke open the chests
and mixed it thoroughly with salt water. As it dissolved in
the sea, it killed great quantities of fish, but that opium at
least never killed any Chinamen.
This brought on war. Much has been said of other
causes, but no one familiar with affairs in the East doubts
that the controlling motive was a desire to force upon China
the trade in opium which is one chief source of the revenue
of India.
The war lasted two years, and ended in a complete victory
for the foreigners. The Bogue Forts were bombarded, and
foreign ships forced their way up the river. Canton was
ransomed just as it was to have been attacked, but Amoy,
Ningpo, Shanghai, and Chinkiang were assaulted and cap-
tured. The war was finally terminated in 1842 by a treaty,
by the terms of which China paid to England six millions of
dollars for the opium which had been destroyed, and opened
five ports to foreign trade. This, though a gain to European
and Indian commerce, was a heavy blow to Canton, which^
instead of being the only open port, was but one of five
The trade, which before had been concentrated here, no\r
I was present at the battle in the Pei-ho in 1859, and know al
them off, the Commodore left in his barge to go on board the British
flag-ship, to see the wounded Admiral. On the way his barge was
hit, his coxswain killed, and the rest just managed to get on board
the '• Lee " before their boat sunk, owing their lives probably tc
his presence of mind. It was only the men in this boat's crew who
helped to work the British guns. I suppose Tatnall never meant hit
words to be repeated, but Hope's aid overheard them, and thuF (pe
mortalized them."
asa vast Dead Sea, in whose leaden waters nothing can live.
Lloyds and Messagerics Maritimes it was pleasant to be at
last on one that bore the flag of our country, and bore it so
is satisfied that his horses will not run away, though he must
that fairly danced with us along the street, in such gay fash-
ion tliat uiy clerical garb was hardly sufficient to preserve mj
YEDO. 401
take off our shoes, and step very softly over the polished
floors. Hiding on through endless streets, our friend took us
to a hill, ascended by a long flight of steps, on the top of
which, in an open space, stood a temple, an arbor, and a tea-
house. This point commands an extensive view of Yedo.
It is a city of magnificent distances, spreading out for miles
on every side ; and yet, except for its extent, it is not at all
imposing, for it is, like Canton, a mere wilderness of houses,
relieved —
by no architectural magnificence not a single lofty
tower or dome rising above the dead level. But, unlike
Canton, the city has very broad streets, sometimes crossed
by a river or a canal, spanned by high, arched bridges. The
principal business street is much wider than Broadway, but
ithas not a shop along its whole extent that would make any
sh^w even in " The Boweiy." The houses are built only one
story higli, because of earthquakes which are frequent in
Japan, caused, as the people believe, by a huge fish which
lies under the island, and that shakes it whenever he tosses
his head or lashes his tail. Tlie houses are of such slight
i02 YBIX).
less than ten years since, an Englishman was cut down for
ottoman, a few inches above the floor. The temples are not
imposing structures, and have no beauty except that of posi-
tion. They generally stand on a hill, and are approached bj
an avenue or a long flight of steps, and the grounds are set
out with trees, which are left to grow till they som.etimea
attain a majestic height and breadth. In front of this tem-
ple stands a tree, which we recognized by its foliage as the
Salishuria adiantifolia —
a specimen of whicb we had in
A merica on our own lawn, but there it was a shrub brought
from the nursery, while here it was like a cedar of Lebanon.
It was said to be a thousand years old. Standing here, it
was regarded as a sacred tree, and we looked up to it with
more reverence than to the sombre temple behind, or the
sleepy old bonzes who were sauntering idly about the
The next morning, as we startedon our journey, we came
upon the Tokaido, tlie royal road of Japan, built hundreds
of years agofrom Yedo to Kioto, to connect the politica)
with the spiritual capital — the residence of the T f coon witi'
but for one who has any further use for his limbs, it is not
altogether agreeable. I lay passive for awhile, feeling as if I
had been packed and salted down in a pork-barrel. Then I
began to wriggle, and thrust out my head on one side and the
other, and at last had to confess, like the Irishman who was
offered the privilege of working his passage on a canal -boat
and was set to leading a horse, that "if it were not for the
honor of the thing, I had as lief walk." So I crawled out
and unrolled myself, to see if my limbs were still there, for
they were so benumbed that I was hardly conscious of their
existence, and then straightening myself out, and taking a
long bamboo reed, which is light and strong, lithe and springy,
for an alpenstock, I started off with my companions We all
Boon recovered our spirits, and
our friends were waiting for us, and over a warm cup of tea
talked over the events of the day. This is a favorite resort,
for its situation among the mountains, with lovely walks on
every side, and for its hot springs. Water is brought into
the hotel in pipes of bamboo, so hot that one is able to bear
t only after slowly dipping his feet into it, and thus sliding in
by degrees, when the sensation is as of being scalded alive.
But it takes the soreness out of one's limbs weary with a long
good terms with us. The effect was irresistible. I defy the
soberest man to resist it, for as soon as your visitor langha,
you begin to laugh from sym])atliy ; and when you have got
Into a hearty laugh together, you are alre}\,dy acjuain^ »d, aiiid
English friends bought right and left, till the next day they
Lad to load two pack-horses with boxes to be carried over
the mountains to Yokohama.
The next day was to bring the consummation of our jour-
ney, for then we were to go up into a mountain and see the
glory of the Lord. A few miles distant is the summit of
Otometoge, from which one obtains a view of Fusiyama,
looking fidl in his awful face. We started with misgivings,
for ithad been raining, and the clouds still hung low upon
the mountains. Our way led through hamlets clustered to-
gether in a narrow pass, like Alpine villages. As we wound
up the ascent, we often stopped to look back at the valley be-
low, from which rose the murmur of rushing waters, while
the sides of the mountains were clothed with forests. These
rich landscapes gave such enchantment to the scene as rejjaid
us for all our weariness. At two o'clock we reached the
top, and rushed to the brow to catch the vision of Fusiyama,
but only to be disappointed. The mountain was there, but
clouds covered his hoary head. In vain we watched and
waited still the monarch hid his face.
; Clouds were round
about the throne. The lower ranges stood in full outline, but
the heaven-piercing dome, or pyramid of snow, was wrajjped
in its misty shroud. That for v^hich we had travelled seventy
miles, we could not see at last.
Is it not often so in life ? The moments that we have
looked forward to with highest expectations, are disappoint-
ing when they come. We cross the seas, and journey far, to
easily, and gave them first only a gentle tiot of five miles tc
get their limbs a little supple, and then stopped for tiffin
sumed our and turned out of the yard, I had the curi-
osity to " time " their speed.I had a couple of athletic fel-
lows, who thought me a mere feather in weight, and made
me spin like a top as they bowled along. They started off ai
an easy trot, which they kept up, without breaking, mik
after mile. I did not need to crack the whip, but at the
word, away they flew through villages and over the open
country, never stopping, but when they came to slightly ris-
ing ground, rushing up like mettlesome horses, and down at
full speed. Thus they kept on, and never drew rein till they
came to the bank of a river, which had to be crossed in a
boat. I took out my watch. It was an hour and a quarter,
and they had come seven miles and a half This was doing
pretty well. Of course they could not keep this up all day
jet they will go thirty miles from sunrise to sunset, and even
forty, if spurred to it by a little extra pay. Sometimes, in
deed, they go even at a still greater speed for a short distance.
The first evening, as we came into Fujisawa, I do not doubt
that the last fifteen minutes they were going at a speed of ten
miles an hour, for they came in on a run. This is magnifi-
cent, but I cannot think it very healthful exercise. As gym
nasts and prize-fighters gi-ow old and die before their time.
Tennyson :
was a spot where one could but linger. The bay was aliv«
with boats, as
The fishers went sailing out into the West."
On the shore were divers, who plunged from the rocks int-^g
! ;
deep water, to bring up shells and coral for us, and a s'jrt ot
both the mountains and the sea, and taking to our chariots
once more, we struck into the Tokaido, and in four hours
were rolling along the Bund at Yokohama.
Three days after we made a second visit to Yedo, to visit
an American gentleman who held a position in the Foreign
Office, and spent a night at his pretty Japanese house in the
will teach him modesty. He will boast less of his own coun-
try, though perhaps he will love it more. He will see the
greatness of other nations, and the virtues of other people.
Even the tirrbaned Orientals may teach us a lesson in dignity
and courtesy —a lesson of repose, the want of which is a de-
fect in our national character. In every race there is some-
thing good —some touch makes the wholo
of gentleness that
world kin. Those that are most strange and far from us
as we approach them, show qualities that win our love anci
command our respect.
In all these wanderings, I have met no rudeness in word
or act from Turks or Arabs, Hindoos or Malays, Chinese
or Japanese ; but have often received kindness from strangers.
The one law that obtains in all nations is the law of kindness.
Have I not a right to say that to know men is to love them,
not to hate them nor despise them?
He who hath made of one blood all nations of men to dwell
on the earth, hath not forgotten any of His children. There
isa beauty in every country and in every clime. Each zone
of the earth is belted with its peculiar vegetation ; and there
Is a beauty alike in the pines on ITorwegiau hills, and the
palms on African So with the diversities of the
human race. Man inhabits aP climes, and though he changes
color with the sun, and has many varieties of form and fea-
ture, yet the race is the same ; all have the same attribi :m
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