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From Egypt to Japan

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This volume is complete in itself though
^ it is the

Se 'ond Part of a Journey Round the World, of which

the First Part was published earlier^ with the title

** From the Lakes of Killarney to the Golden Horn.^'

The volumes are uniform in style ajtd 7taturally go to-

gether though either

^ is complete without the other.

By HENEY M. field, D.D.



Two Gopieti ftwetveo

JUL 2y 1905


Copyright by

Copyright by





®!)Cj5 'Foiumjc is Mt'^iUnUTs,



L Crossing the Mediterranean— Alexandria— Caiko—

The Pyramids, j

IL On the Nile, ^ 1^5

in. The Temples of Egypt- Did Moses get his law from
THE Egyptians? 28
IV. The Egyptian doctrine of a future life, 37
V. The Religion of the Prophet, ......... 45
VL Modern Egypt and the Khedive, 63

VII. Midnight in the Heart of the Great Pyramid, . . 80

Vni. Leaving Egypt—The Desert, 96

IX. On the Red Sea and the Indian Ocean, 106

X. Bombay— First Impressions of India, 115

XL Travelling in India —Allahabad—The Mela, . . . 131

XIL Agra. Visit of The Prince of Wali':s~Palace of the

Great Mogul— The Taj, 148

XIII. Delhi— A Mohammedan Festival— Scenes in the

Mutiny, 163

XIV. From Delhi to Lahore, 173

XV. A Week in the Himalayas, 183

XVI. The Tragedy of Cawnpore, 310

XVII. The Story of Lucknow, ............ 333

XVIU. The English Rule in India, 236

XIX. Missions in India— Do Missionaries do any good? . 349

XX. Benares, the Holy City of the Hindoos, .... 265

XXI. Calcutta —Farewell to India, . . . , » . , . . 280

XXII. Burmah—The Malayan Peninsula— Singapore, . . . 393

XXIII. The Island of Java , . ; 326

XXIV. Up the China Seas— Hong Kong and Canton, . . . 365

XXV. Three Weeks in Japan, 397





On tlie Bosphorus there are birds which the Turks call

lost souls," as they are never at rest. They are always on
the wing, like stormy petrels, flying swift and low, just
skimming the waters, yet darting like arrows, as if seeking
for something which they could not find on land or sea.
This spirit of unrest sometimes enters into other wanderers
than those of the air. One feels it strongly as he comes to
the end of one continent, and ''
casts ofi* " for another ; as
he leaves the firm, familiar ground, and sails away to the
distant and the unknown.
So felt a couple of travellers who had
America to go left

around the world, and after six months in Europe, were now
to push on to the farthest East. It was an autumn afternoon
near the close of the year 1875, that they left Constantino-
pit, and sailed down the Marmora, and through the Darda-
nelles, between the Castles of Europe and Asia, whose very
names suggested the continents that they were leaving behind,
and set their faces towards Africa.
They could not go to Palestine. An alarm of cholera in
Damascus had caused a cordon sanitaire to be drawn along
the Syrian coast and though they might get in, they could

act so easily get awaj j or would be detained ten days in a


Lazaretto before thej could pass into Egypt ; and so tbey

were obliged at the last moment to turn from the Holy Land,
and Alexandria ; touching, however, at Mity-
sail direct for

lene and Scio and passing a day at Smyrna and at Syra.


With these detentions the voyage took nearly a week, almost

tis long as to cross the Atlantic.
But was not without its compensations. There was a

motley company in the cabin, made up of all nations and

all religions English and Americans, French and Germans

and Russians, Greeks and Turks, Christians and Mohamme-

dans. There was a grand old Turk, who was going out to be
a judge in Mecca, and was travelling with his harem, eight
svomen, who were carefully screened from the observation of
profane eyes. And there were other Mussulmans of rank,
gentlemen in manners and education, who would be addressed
as Eifendis or Beys, or perhaps as Pashas, who did not hesi-
tate to spread their small Persian carpets in the cabin or on
tlie deck at any hour, and kneel and prostrate themselves,
;)nd say their prayers.
Besides these, the whole forvfard part of the ship was
packed with pilgrims (there were four hundred of them)
going to Mecca Turks in white turbans and baggy trous-

ers ; and Circassians in long overcoats, made of undressed

sheepskins, with tall, shaggy hats, like the bear-skin shakos
of Scotch grenadiers. Som(?i of them had their belts stuck
thick with knives and pistol?, aa if they expected to have to
fight their way to the tomb of tlie Prophet. Altogether they
were not an attractive and yet one could not view, with-

3ut a certain respect, a body of men animated by a strong

i^eligious feeling which impelled them to undertake this long

pilgrimage ; it requires three months to go and return. Nor

could one listen quite unmoved as at different hours of the
day, at sunrise, or midday, or sunset, the muezzin climbed to
the upper deck, and in a wailing voice called the hour of
prayer, and the true believers, standing up, rank or ra£JC|

turned their faces towards Mecca, and reverently bowed

themselves and worshipped.
On the aftei^noon of the sixth day we came 11 sight of a
/ow-lying coast, with not a hill or elevation of any kind
risingabove the dreary waste, the sea of waters breaking on
a sea of sand. The sun sinking in the west showed the
lighthouse at Alexandria, but as the channel is narrow and
intricate, ships are not allowed to enter after sunset ; and so
we lay outside all night, but as soon as the morning broke,
steamed up and entered the harbor. Here was the same
scene as at Constantinople —a
crowd of boats around the
ship, and boatmen shouting and yelling, jumping over one
another in their eagerness to be first, climbing on board, and
rushing on every unfortunate traveller as if they would tear
him to pieces. But they are not so terrible as they appear,
and so it always comes to pass, that whether *' on boards or
broken pieces of the ship," all come safe to land.
In spite of this wild uproar, it was not without a strange
feeling of interest that we first set foot in Africa. A few
days before we had touched the soil of Asia, on the other
side of the Bosphorus —
the oldest of the continents, the cra-
dle of the human race. And now we were in Africa ^in —
Egypt, the land of the Pharaohs, out of which Moses led the
Israelites ; the land of the Pyramids, the greatest monuments
of ancient civilization.
As soon as one comes on shore, he perceives that he is in

a different country. The climate is different, the aspects of

nature are different, the people are different, the very animals
are different. Caravans of camels are moving slowly through
the streets, and outside of the city, coming up to its very walls,
fts if threatening to overwhelm it, is the " great and terrible
desert, a vast and billowy plain, whose ever-drifting sands
would speedily bury all the works of man, if they were not
kept back from destruction by the waters of the Nile, which
is at once the creator and preserver of Egypt.

Alexandria, although founded by Alexander tJie Great

whose name it and therefore more than two thousand
years old — and in its monumente, Cleopatra's
Needle and Pompey^s Pillar, it carries back the mind to th«
last of the Ptolemies, the proud daughter of kings, and to

her Koman lovers and conquerors has yet in many parts
quite a modern aspect, and is almost a new city. It has felt,
jaore than most places in the East, the influence of European
civilization. Commerce is returning to its ancient seats
along the Mediterranean, and the harbor of Alexandria is

filled with a forest of ships, that reminds one of New York

or Liverpool. i

But as it becomes more European, it is less Oriental ; and

though more prosperous, is less picturesque than other parts
of Egypt; and so, after a couple of days, we left for Cairo,
and now for the first time struck the Nile, which reminds an
American traveller of the Missouri, or the lower Mississippi.
It is the same broad stream of turbid, yellow waters, flowing
between low banks. This is the Great River which takes its
rise in the heart of Africa, beyond the equator, at a point

so remote that, though the Valley of the Nile was four

thousand years ago the seat of the greatest empire of anti-

quity, yet to this day the source of the river is the problem
of geographers. Formerly it was a three days' journey from
Alexandria to Cairo, but the railroad shortens it to a ride of
four hours, in which we crossed both branches of the Nile.
Just at noon we came in sight of the Pyramids, and in half
an hour were driving through the streets of the capital of
"We two or three weeks, much better than
like Cairo, after
Constantinople. another climate and atmosphere
It has
f^nd is altogether a gayer and brighter city. The new
j^arrer occupied by foreigners is as handsomely built ai
any European city. The streets are wide and well paved,
like the new streets and boulevards of Paris. We are aA

fche "Grand Newr Hotel," fronting on the EzbeklBh gardens,

a large square, filled with trees, i^ith kiosks for music,
and other entertainments. Our windows open en a broad
balcony, from which w© can hear the band playing every
afternoon, while around us is the city, with its domes and
minarets and palm trees.
The great charm of Egypt is the climate. It is truly the
Land of fche Sun. We landed on the first day of December,
but we cannot realize that this is winter. The papers tel
us that it is very cold in New York, and that the Hudson
river is frozen over ; but here every thing is in bloom, as in
mid-summer, and I wear a straw hat to protect me from the
heat of the sun. But it is not merely the warmth, but the
exquisite purity of the atmosphere, that makes it so deli-
cious. The great deserts on both sides drink up every drop
of moisture, and every particle of miasm that is exhaled
from the decaying vegetation of the Yalley of the Nile, and
send back into these streets the very air of Paradise.
Having thus the and a much more balmy
skies of Italy,
air, it is not strange that Egypt attracts travellers from

France, and England, and America. It is becoming more

and more a resort not only for invalids, but for that wealthy
class who float about the world to find the place where they
can pass existence with the most of languid ease. Many
come here European winters, and to enjoy the
to escape the
delicious climate, and they are from so many countries, that
Cairo has become a cosmopolitan city. As it is on the road
to India, it is continually visited by English officers and
civilians, going or returning. Of late years it has become a
pesort also for Americans. A number army officers
of our
have taken service under the Khedive, who rendezvoua
chiefly at this New Hotel, so that with the travellers of the
same country, we can talk across the table of American
affairs, as if we were at Newport or Saratoga. Owing to
the influx of so many foreigners, this Hotel and '^ Shep

beard's " seem like small colonies of Europeans. Hearing

only English, or French., or German, one might believe him-
self at one of the great hotels in Switzerland, or on the
Rhine. A stranger who wishes to pass a winter in Cairo,
aeed not die of ennui for want of the society of his country-
Besides these officers in the army, the only Americana
here in official positions, are the Consul Greneral Beardsley,
and Judge Batcheller, who was appointed by our Govern-
ment to represent the United States in the Mixed Court
lately established in Egypt. Both these gentlemen are very
courteous to their countrymen, while giving full attention
to their duties. As we have sometimes had abroad con-
suls and ministers of whom we could not be proud, it ii

something to be able to say, that those here now in official

position are men of whom we need not be ashamed as re •

presentatives of our country.

Another household which should not be overlooked, since
it American a home feeling in Cairo, is that of the
gives an
American Mission. This has been here some years, and so
won the favor of the government, that the former Viceroy
gave it a site for its schools, which proved so valuable that
the present Khedive has recently bought it back, by giving
a new site and £7000 into the bargain. The new location is
one of the best in Cairo, near the Ezbekieh square, and here
with the proceeds of the sale, and other funds contributed
for the object, the Mission is erecting one of the finest build-
ings for such purposes in the East, where their chapel and
schools, in which there are now some five hundred children,
will be under one roof.
This Mission School some years ago was the scene of a
romantic incident. An Indian prince, then living in Eng-
land, was on his way to India, witli the body of his mother,
who had died far from her country, but with the prejudicea
of a Hind )o strong in death, wished her liody to be taker

JDack to the land of her birth. While passing thrcvugl:

Cairo, he paid a visit to the American Mission, and was

struck with the face of a young pupil in the girls' school,

and after due inquiry proposed to the missionaries to take

her as his wife. They gave their consent, and on his retura
they were married, and he took her with him to England.
This was the Maharajah Dhuleep Sing, a son of old Runjeet
Sing, the Lion of Lahore, who up a race of warriors^
that after his death fought England, and whose country, the
Punjaub, the English annexed to their Indian dominions;
and here, as in other cases, removed a pretender out of the
way by settling a large pension on the heir to the throne.
Thus the Maharajah came into the possession of a large
revenue from the British government, amounting, I am told,
to some £30,000 a year. Having been from his childhood
under English pupilage, he has been brought up as a Christian,
and finds it to his taste to reside in England, where he is
able to live in splendor, and is a gi'eat favorite at court.
His choice of a wife proved a most happy one, as the modest
young pupil of Cairo introduced into his English home,
with the natural grace of her race, for she is partly of Arab
descent, the culture and refinement learned in a Mission
school. Nor does he what he owes to the care of those
who watched over her in her childhood, but sends a thousand
pounds every year to the school in grateful acknowledgment
of the best possible gift it could make to him, that of a noble
Christian wife.
Besides this foreign society, there is also a resident society
which, to those who can be introduced to it, is very attrac-
tive. The government of the Khedive has brought into his
service some men who would be distinguished in any Euro-
pean court or capital. The most remarkable of these ia
Nubar Pasha, long the Minister of Foreign Affairs.
Judge Batcheller kindly took me to the house of the old
statesman, who r63eived us cordially. On hearing that 1

was on my way around the world, lie exclaimed, " Ah, yon
Americans ! You are true Bedouins " I asked him what

was the best guide-book to Egypt ? He answered instantly,

" The Bible." It was delightful to see his enthusiasm fox
Egypt, although he is not an Egyptian. He is not an Arab,
nor a Turk, nor even a Mussulman ; but an Armerian by
birth and by His uncle, Nubar Pasha, came over
with Mehemet whose prime minister he was for forty
years and his nephew, who inherits his name, inherits also

the traditions of that great reign. Though born on the other

side of the Mediterranean, he is in heart an Egyptian. He
loves the country of his adoption, and all his thoughts and
-•ifi political ambition are for its greatness and prosperity.
lie has lived here so long that he sometimes speaks of him-
self playfully as " one of the antiquities of Egypt." " Of
the first dynasty?" we ask. "Yes, of the time of Menes."
I do not believe he could exist anywhere else. He loves
not only the climate, but even the scenery of Egypt, which
is more charming to his eyes than the hills and vales of Scot-

land or the mountains of Switzerland. "But you must

admit," I said, " that it has a great monotony." " No," he
replied, " in Lombardy there is monotony but Egypt is im- ;

mensity, infinity, eternity. The features of the landscape

may be the same, but the eye never wearies." Surely his
eye never does, for it is touched with a poetic vision ; he
Bees more than meets the common eye every passing cloud ;

changes the lights and shadows and to him there is more oi


beauty in the sunset flashing through the palm groves, as the

leaves are gently stirred by the evening wind, than in all the
luxuriance of tropical forests. Even if we did not quitf
Bhare his enthusiasm, we could not but be charmed by the
pictures which were floating before his mind's eye, and by
the eloquence of his descriptior.. As he loves the country
BO he lovos the people of Egypt. Poor and helpless as they
we, they have won upon his aflfection ; he says " they are

hut children;" but if fchey have the weakness of children,

fchey have also their simplicity and trustfulness; and T couln
Bee that his great ambition was to break up that system oi
forced labor which crushes them to the earth, and to secuic
to them some
at least degree of liberty and of justice.
With all its newness and freshness this city retains its
Oidental character. Indeed Grand Cairo is said to be the
most Oriental of cities except Damascus. It has four hun-
dred thousand inhabitants, and in its ancient portions has
all the peculiar features of the East. Not only is the
city from Constantinople, but the people are
different; they are another race, and speak another lan-
guage. Turks and Arabs are as different as Englishmen
and Frenchmen.
"We are entertained every time that we go out of doors,
with the animated and picturesque life of the streets. There
are all races and all costumes, and all modes of locomotion.
There are fine horses and carriages. I feel like Joseph riding
in Pharaoh's chariot, when we take a carriage to ride out to
Shoobra, one of the palaces of the Khedive, with syces
dressed in white running before to herald our royal progress,
and shout to the people to get out of our way. But one
who prefers a more Oriental mode of riding, can mount a
camel, or stoop to a donkey, for the latter are the smallest
creatures that ever walked under the legs of a man, and if

the rider be very tall, he will need to hold up his feet to

keep them from dangling on the ground. Yet they are hardy
little creatures, and have a peculiar amble which they keep
up all day. They are very useful for riding, especially in
«ome parts of the city where the streets are too narrow to
allow a carriage to pass.
The donkey-men are very sharp, like their tribe in all parts
of the world. The Arabs have a great deal of natural wit,
which might almost entitle them to be called the Irish of the
East. They have ]ncked up a few words of English, and i<

is amusing to hear them saj, with a most peculiar accent^

"All right," "Yery good," "Go ahead." They seem to
know everybody, and soon find out who are their best custom-
ers. 1 cannot go down the steps without a dozen rushing

toward me, calling out " Doctor, want a donkey ? " One of
them took me on my weak side the first day by saying that
the name of his animal was " Yankee Doodle," and so I have
patronized that donkey ever since, and a tough little beast
he is, scudding away with me on his back at a great rate.

His owner, a fine looking Arab, dressed in a loose blue gown

and snowy turban, runs barefooted behind him, to prick
him up, if he lags in his speed, or if perchance he goes too
fast, to seize him by the tail, and check his impetuosity.

We present a ludicrous spectacle when thus mounted, setting

out for the bazaars, where our experience of Constantinople
is repeated.
Of course the greatest sight around Cairo is the Pyra-
mids. It is an event in one's life to see these grandest
monuments of antiquity. The excursion is now very
easy. They are eight miles from Cairo, and it was formerly
a hard day's journey to go there and back, as one could only
ride on a donkey or a camel, and had to cross the river in
boats and the country was often inundated, so that one had

to go miles around. But the Khedive, who does everything

here, has changed all that. He has built an iron bridge over
the Nile, and a broad road, raised above the height of the
annual inundations, so as never to be overflowed, and lined
vv^ith trees, the rapid-growing acacia, so that one may drive
through a shaded avenue the whole "^v^ay. A shower which
had fallen the night before we went (a very rare thing in
Egypt had laid the dust and cooled the air,
at this season)
so that the daywas perfect, and we drove in a carriage in
an hour and a half from our hotel to the foot of the Pyra-
mids!. The two largest of these are in sight as soon as on«
crosses the Nile, but though six miles distant they seem quit*

near. Yet and even when close to them, they hardl*

at first,
impress the beholder with their real greatness. This is ow-
ing to their pyramidal form, which, rising before the eye like
the slope of a hill, does not strike the senses or the imagina-
tion as much as smaller masses which rise perpendicularly.

One can hardly realize that the Pyramid of Cheops is the

largest structure in the world —the largest probably ever
reared by human hands. But as it slopes to the top, it doea
not present its full jDroportions to ihe eye, nor impress one
so much as some of the Greek temples with their perpen-
dicular columns, or the Gothic churches with their lofty
arches, and still loftier towers, soaring to heaven. Yet the
Great Pyramid is higher than them all, higher even than the
spire of the Cathedral at Strasburg; while in the surface of
ground covered, the most spacious of them, even St. Peter's

at Kome, seems small in comparison. It covers eleven acres,

a space nearly as large as the Washington Parade Ground in
New York and is said by Herodotus to have taken a hundred

thousand men twenty years to build it. Pliny agrees in the

length of time, but says the number of workmen employed
was over three hundred thousand
But mere figures do not give the best impression of
height ; the only way Pyramid is to
to judge of the Great
see it and to ascend it. One can go to the top by steps, but
as these steps are blocks of stone, many of which are four
feet high, it is not quite like walking up stairs. One could
hardly get up at all but with the help of the Arabs, who
swarm on the ground, and make a living by selling their ser-
yioes. Four of them set upon me, seizing me by the hands,
srtiid dragging me forward, and with pulling and pushing and

* boosting," urged on by my own impatience for I would not —

\?.t them rest a moment —
in ten minutes we were at the top,
vrhich they thought a great achievement, and rubbed down
my legs, as a groom rubs down a horse after a race and
dapped me on the back, and shouted ''All right," ^' Yery

good." I felt a little pride in being the first of our party o»

the top, and the last to leave i:.

These Arab guides are at once very troublesome and Very

necessary. One cannot get along without them, and yet
they are so importunate in their demands for backsheesh that
they become a nuisance. They are nominally under the
'orders of a Sheik, who charges two English shillings foi

every traveller who is assisted to the top, but that does not
relieve one from constant appeals going up and down. I
found it way to get rid of them to give somewhat
the easiest
freely, and thus paid three or four times the prescribed charge
before I got to the bottom. No doubt I gave far too much,
for they immediately quoted me to the rest of the party, and
held me up as a shining example. I am afraid I demoralized
the whole tribe, for some friends who went the next day were
told of an American who had been there the day before, who
had given " beautiful backsheesh." The cunning fellows,
finding I was an easy subject, followed me from one place to
another, and gaveme no peace even when wandering among
the tombs, orwhen taking our lunch in the Temple of the
Sphinx, but at every step clamored for more; and when I
had given them a dozen times, an impudent rascal came up
even to the carriage, as we were ready to drive away, and
said that two or three shillings more would " make all se-
rene !
" — a phrase which he had caught from some strolling
American, and which he turns to good account.
But one would gladly give any sum to get rid of petty an-
noyances, and to be able to look around him undisturbed.
Here we are at last on the very summit of the Great Pyraniid,
•nd begin to realize its immensity. Below us men look like
mice creeping about, and the tops of trees in the long ave-
nue show no larger than hot-house plants. The eye ranges
over the valley of the Nile for many miles —a carpet of the
richest green, amid which groups of palms rise like islands

In a sea. To the east beyond the Nile is Cairo, its donaef


fcnd minarets standing out against tlio background of hfl

Mokattam hills, while to the west stretches far aw Ay hr

Libyan desert.
Overlooking this bioad landscape, one can trace distincth
the line of the overflow of the Nile. Wherever the wateis\
come, there is greenness and fertility ; at the point when-
they cease, there is barrenness and desolation. It is a per
petual struggle between the waters and the sands, like that
which is always going on in human history between bar bar
ism and civilization.
In the Pyramids the two things which impress us most are
their vast size and their age. As we stand on the top, and
look down the long flight of steps which leads to the valley
below, we find that we are on the crest of a mountain oi
stone. Some idea of the enormous mass imbedded in the
Great Pyramid may be gathered from the fact, ascertained

by a careful computation (estimating its weight at seven mil-

lions of tons, and considering it a solid mass, its chambers
and passages being as far as discovered but -^-q^-q^^ of ^^i®
whole), that these blocks of stone, placed end to end, would
make a wall a foot and a half broad, and ten feet high around
England, a distance of 883 miles —a wall that would shut in

the island up to the Scottish border.

And the Pyramids are not only the greatest, but the
oldest monuments of the human race, the most venerable
structures ever reared by the hand of man. They are far
older than any of the monuments of Roman or Grecian anti-
quity. They were a marvel and a mystery then as much aa
they are to-day. How much older cannot be said with cer
fcainty. Authorities are not fully agreed, but the general be-
lief among the later chronologists is that the Great Pyramid
was built about two thousand one hundred and seventy
years before the time of Christ, and the next in size a cen-
tury later. Thus both have been standing about four thou-
Band years Napoleon was riglit therefore when he said to

battle fought with the Mameluke«

his soldiers before the
ander the shadow of the Pyramids, " From those heights
forty centuries behold you." This disposes of the iiea which
some have entertained, that they were built by the children
^f Israel when they were in Egypt ; for according to this
%hej were erected two hundred years before even the time
of Abraham. Jacob saw them when he came down into
Egypt to buy corn ; and Joseph showed them to his brethren.
The subject Hebrews looked up to them in the days of their
bondage. Moses saw them when he was brought up in the
court of Pharaoh, and they disappeared from the view of the
Israelites only when they fled to the Red Sea. They had
been standing a thousand years when Homer sang of the
siege ofTroy and here came Herodotus the father of history,

four hundred years before Christ, and gazed with wonder,

and wrote about them as the most venerable monuments of
antiquity, with the same curious interest as Rawlinson does
to-day. So they have been standing century after century,
while the generations of men have been flowing past, like the
waters of the Nile.
We visited the Great Pyramid again on our return from
Upper Egypt, and explored the interior, but reserve the
deacriptiou to another chapter.


At last we are on the Nile, floating as in a dream, in thi

finest climate in monuments and memo-
the world, amid the
ries of thousands of years. Anything more delightful than
this climate for winter cannot be imagined. The weather is
always the same. The sky is always blue, and we are bathed
in a soft, delicious atmosphere. In short, we seem to have
come, like the Lotus-eaters, to " a land where it is always
afternoon." In such an air and such a mood, we left Cairo
to make the voyage to which we had been looking forward
as an event in our lives.
To travellers who desire to visit Egypt, and to see its
principal monuments, without taking more time than they
have at command, it is a great advantage that there is now a
line of steamers on the Nile. The boats belong to the Khe-
dive, but are managed by Cook & Son, of London, the well-
known conductors of excursions in Europe and the East.
They leave Cairo every fortnight, and make the trip to the
First Cataract and back in twenty days, thus comprising the
chief objects of interest within a limited time. Formerly
there was no way to go up the Nile except by chartering a
boat, with a captain and crew for the voyage. This mode of
travel had many charms. —
The kind of boat called a dcuiOr
heeah —was well fitted for the purpose, with a cabin large
enough for a single family, or a very small party, and an up-
per deck covered with awnings and as it spread its three-

cornered lateen sail to the wind, it presented a pretty and

picturesque object, and the traveller floated along at his own


sweet will. This had only the drawback of taking a whole

winter. But to leisurely tourists, who like to do everything
thoroughly, and so take but one country in a year; oi
learned Egyptologists, who wish, in the intervals of seeing
monuments, to make a special study of the history of Egypt
or invalids, who desire only to escape the damps and fogs of
Northern States of America—
Britain, or the bitter cold of the
nothing can be imagined more delightful. There is a class
of overworked men for whom no medicine could be pro-
scribed more effectual than a winter idled away in this sooth
ing, blissful rest. Nowhere in the world can one obtain
more of the dolce far niente, than thus floating slowly and
dreamily on the Nile. But for those of us who are wander-
ing over all the earth, crossing all the lands and seas in the
round world, this slow voyaging will not answer.
Nor is it necessary. One can see Egypt —not of course
minutely, but sufficiently to get a general impression of the
country —in a much less time. It must be remembered that
this is not like other countries which lie four-square, pre-
senting an almost equal length and breadth, but in shape is

a mere line upon the map, being a hundred times as long as

it is broad. To be exact, Egypt from the apex of the Delta
—that is from Cairo —to the First Cataract, nearly six hun-
dred miles, is all enclosed in a valley, which, on an average,
is only six miles wide, the whole of which may be seen from
the deck of a steamer, while excursions are made from day
to day to the temples and ruins. It is a mistake to suppose
that one sees more of these ruins on a boat because he is so
much longer about it, when the extra time consumed is noi
spent at Denderah or Thebes, but floating lazily along with
a light wind, or if the wind be adverse, tied up to a bank to
await a change. In a steamer the whole excursion is well
divided, ample time being allowed to visit every point of in-
terest, as at Thebes, where the boat stops three days. Ai
ioon as one point is done, it moves on to another. In thif

way no time is lost, and one can see as much in throe weeki
as in a dahabeeah in three months.
Our boat carried twenty seven passengers, of whom more
than half were Americans, forming a most agreeable company
All on deck, we watched with interest the receding shores,
as we sailed past the island of Rhoda, where, according to
tradition, the infant Moses was found in the bulrushes; and
where the Nilometer, a pillar planted in the water ages ago,
still marks the annual risings and fallings of the great river
of Egypt. The Pyramids stood out clear against the western
sky. That evening we enjoyed the first of a series of glori-
ous sunsets on the Nile. Our first sail was very short — only
to Sakkara, a few miles above Cairo, where we lay to for the
night, the boat being tied up to the bank, in the style of a
steamer on the Mississippi.
Early the next morning our whole company hastened
ashore, where a large array of donkeys was waiting to re-
ceive us. These had been sent up from Cairo the night be-
fore. My faithful attendant was there with " Yankee Doo-
dle," and claimed me as his special charge. We were soon
mounted and pricking over what we should call " bottom
lands " in the valleys of our Western rivers, the wide plain
being relieved only by the palm groves, and rode through an
Arab where we were pursued by a rabble rout of

ragged children. The dogs barked, the donkeys brayed, and

the children ran. Followed by such a retinue, we approached
the Pyramids of Sakkara, which stand on the same plateau
as those of Ghizeh, and are supposed to be even older in
date. Though none of them are equal to the Great Pyramid,
thoy belong to the same order of Cyclopean architecture, and
are the mighty monuments of an age when there were giants
in the earth.
There is a greater wonder still in the Tombs of the Sa-
cred Bulls, which were long buried beneath the sands of the
desert, but have been brought to ligbt by a modern explorer,

but whiih I will n3t describe here, as I shall speak of then

again in illustration of the religious ideas of the Egyptians.
Near the Pyi-amids of Sakkara is the site of Memphis, the
capital of ancient Egypt, of whose magnificence we have the
XKiost authentic historic accounts, but of which hardly a trace

remains. We galloped our donkeys a long distance that we

might pass over the spot where it stood, but found only great
mounds of earth, with here and there a few scattered blocks
of granite, turned up from the soil, to tell of the massive
structures that are buried beneath. The chief relic of its
former glory is a statue of Rameses the Great, one of the

most famous of the long line of the Pharaohs a statue which —

was grand enough to be worthy of a god being some fifty —
feet high, but which now lies stretched upon the earth, with its
face downward, all its fine proportions completely buried in

a little pond or rather puddle of dirty water —At certain !

when the Nile subsides, the features are

seasons of the year,
exposed, and one may look upon a countenance " whose bend
once did awe the world " but at present, seeing only the
badk, and that broken, it has no appearance or shape of any-
thing, and might be a king, or queen, or crocodile. What a
bitter satire is it on all human pride, that this mighty king
and conqueror, the Napoleon of his day who made nations —

tremble now lies prone on the earth, his imperial front
buried in the slime and ooze of the Nile That solitary stone

is all that is left of a city of temples and palaces, which are

here entombed, and where now groves of palms wave their

tasselled plumes, like weeping willows over the sepulchre of
departed greatness.
Our next excursion was to the remains of a very remore
antiquity on the other side of the Nile—the Rock-Tombs of
Beni -Hassan —immense caverns cut in the of a mountain, side

in which were buried the great ones of Egyjit four thousand

years ago. Many of them ai'e inscribed with hieroglyphics,
and decorated with frescoes and bas-reliefs, in which wf

recogni<5e not only the appearance of the ancient Egyptians^

but even of the animals which were familiar in that day,
such as the lion, the jackal, and the gazelle, and more fre-

quently the beasts of burden — bulls and donkeys ; but in none

do we discover the horse, nor, what is perhaps even more
remarkable in a country surrounded by deserts —the camel.
In the King's tomb, or sepulchral chamber, a room some
forty feet square, hollowed out of the solid rock, the vaulted
roof is supported by Doric pillars, which shows that the
Greeks obtained many of their ideas of architecture in
Egypt, as well as of philosophy and religion.
As we continue our course up the river, we observe more
closely the features of the valley of the Nile. It is very
narrow and is abruptly bounded by barren and ragged moun-
tains. Between these barriers the river winds like a serpent
from side to side, now to the east, and now to the west,
but inclining more to the range of Eastern or Arabian hills,
leaving the greater breadth of fertility on the western bank.
Here is the larger number of villages; here is the rail-
road which the Khedive has built along the valley, beside
which runs the long line of telegraph poles, that sign of
civilization, keeping pace with the iron track, and passing
beyond it,carrying the electric cord to the upper Nile, to Nubia
and Soudan. The Khedive, with that enterprise which marks
his administration, has endeavored to turn the marvellous
fertility of this valley to the most profitable uses. He has
encouraged the culture of cotton, which became very exten-
sive during our civil war, and is still perhaps the chief in-

dustry of the country. Next to this is the growth of the

sugar-cane : he has expended millions in the erection of
great manufactories of sugar, whose large white wails and
tall chimneys are the most conspicuous objects at many
points along the Nile
Now, as thousands of years ago, the great business of the
people is irrigation. The river does everything. It fertilizes

the land; it yields the crops. Tlie only thicg is to brin^

the water to the land at the seasons when the river does not
overflow. This is done by a very simple and rude apparatus^
somewhat an old-fashioned well-sweep, by which a bucket
is lowered into the river, and as it is swung up the water ia
turned into a trench which conducts it over the land. This
is tl[ie'shadoofj the same which was used in the time of Moses.
There is another method by which a wheel is turned by an
ox, lifting uj) a series of buckets attached to a chain, but
this is too elaborate and expensive for the greater part of the
poor people who are the tillers of the soil.

We pass a great number of villages, but, larger and small-

er, all present the same general features. At a distance they
have rather a pretty effect, as they are generally embowered Id
palm trees, out of which sometimes peers the white minaret
of a mosque. But a nearer approach destroys all the pic-
turesqueness. The houses are built of unburnt brick, dried
in the sun. They are mere huts of mud as wretched habi- —
tations as an Irish hovel or an Indian wigwam. The floor is
the earth, where all sexes and ages sit on the ground, while
in an enclosure scarcely separate from the family, sheep and
goats, and dogs and asses and camels, lie down together.
The only pretty feature of an Arab village is the doves.
Where these Africans got their fondness for birds, I know
not, but their mud houses are surmounted —and one mighi
almost say castellated — with dove-cotes, which of couise are
literally ''pigeon-holed," and stuck round with branches, to
seem like trees, and these rude aviaries are alive with wings
all day long. It was a pretty and indeed a touching sight to
•ee these beautiful creatures, cooing and fluttering above,
presenting such a contrast, in their airy flights and bright
plumage, to the dark and sad liuman creatures below.
But if the houses of the people are so mean and poor, theij
clothing is still WDrse, consisting generally of but one gar-
ment, a kind of sack of coarse stuft'. The men working at thi

thudooj on Ihe river brink have only a strip of cloth around

their loins. The women have a little more dress than the
men, though generally barefoot and bareheaded while car- —
rying heavy jars of water on their heads. The children have
the merest shred of a garment, a clout of rags, in such tatters
that you wonder how it can hold together, while many arc
absolutely naked.
This utter destitution would entail immense suffering, and
perhaps cause the whole race to die out, but for the climate,
which is so mild that it takes away in a great degree the
need of shelter and raiment, which in other countries are
necessary to human existence.
This extreme poverty is aggravated by one disease, which
is almost universal. The bright on the white
sun, glaring
sands, produces an inflammation of the eyes, which being
neglected, often ends in blindness. I have seen more men in
Egypt with one eye, or with none, than in all Europe.
It might be supposed that a people, thus reduced by pov-
erty and smitten by disease, would be crushed out of
all semblance of humanity. And yet this Arab race is
one which has a strong tenacity of life. Most travellers
judge them harshly, because they are disgusted by the un-
ceasing cry for backsheesh, which is the first word that a stran-
ger hears as he lands in Egypt, and the last as he leaves i-^

But even this (although it is certainly a nuisance and a pest)

might be regarded with more merciful judgment, if it wer«
considered that it is only the outward sign of an internal dis-
ease that general beggary means general poverty and gen-

eral misery.
Leaving this noisy crowd, which gathers about us m every
village that we enter, it is easy to find different specimens of
Arab character, whicl; engage our interest and compel our
respect. One cannot look at these men without admiring
their physique. They remind me much of our American In-
Jiang Like them, they are indolent, unless goaded to «orir

by necessity, and find nothing so pleasant as to sit idly in the

sun. But when they stand up they have an attitude as erect
as any Indian chief, and a natural dignity, which is the badge
of their race. Many a man who has but a single garment tc
cover him, will wrap it about him as proudly as any Spanisl
cavalier would toss his cloak over his shoulders, and stalk
away with a bold, free stride, as if, in spite of centuries of
humiliation, he were still the untamed lord of the desert.
Their old men are most venerable in appearance. With their
long beards, white turbans, and flowing garments, they might
stand for the picture of Old Testament patriarchs. The wo-
men too ( who do not cover their faces as much as those in
lower Egypt), though coarsely and meanly dressed, yet as they
walk with their water-jars on their heads, stand more erect
than the fashionable ladies of our cities, I see them every
" "
day coming to fill their pitchers precisely as Rebecca and
Rachel came three thousand years ago, and if I should ap-
proach one, saying, Give me to drink, (which I might well do,
for the water of the Nile —though containing so much sedi-

ment, that it needs to be — as

filtered and sweet
is soft as
that of our own Croton), she would let down her jar from
ier head just as Rebecca let down her jar for the servant
of Abraham, when he came to ask her in marriage for his
master's son Isaac.
The children too, though often naked, and if clothed at
all, always in rags, yet have fine oiive complexions, and
dazzling teeth, and those bright eyes which are the sign of
a degree of native intelligence.
Nor can I refuse to say a word for the poor donkey- boy.
Many years ago a Scotchman in the Cape Colony, South
Africa, who was accustomed to make long journeys in the
buah, wrote a little poem, depicting the joys of tha^ solitary

life, which began,

" Afar in the desert I love to ride,
With the silent bush-boy by my side."
A88IOUT. ^4

The donkey-boy in never silent, he is always sdnging or

calling to his donkey, urging him forward with stick and
voice ; yet who could wish a more patient or faithful attend-
ant, who, though OD foot, trots by your side from morning
to night, the slave of your caprice, taking meekly all your
rebukes, perhaps undeserved, and content at last with a
pittance for his service ?
So have I had a little girl as a water-carrier, running
close to my saddle all day long, keeping up with the don-
key's pace, and carrying a small jar of water on her head,
to wash my hands and face, or assuage my thirst, thankful
at last for a few piastres as her reward.
We reached Assiout, the capital of Upper Egypt, early
Sunday morning, and laid up for the day. While our boat's
company were preparing to go on shore to see the town, I
mounted a donkey and started off to find the American Mis-
sion, which is at work among the Copts, who claim to be
the descendants of the ancient Egyptians. I arrived at the
chapel in time to hear a sermon and an address to the Sun-
day-school. As the services were in Arabic, I could not
understand what was said, but 1 could perceive at once the
earnestness of the speakers, and the close attention of the
hearers. After the sermon there was a baptism. The con-
gregation was a very respectable one both in numbers and
appearance. There were perhaps two hundred present, all
decently, although some were very poorly clad, and presented
a striking contrast to the ragged and dirty people around
them. In the quiet and orderly worship, and the songs that
were sung, which were Arabic words to American tunes,
there was much to make one think of home. There was
nothing to distinguish the congregation except the Oriental
turbans and dress, and the fact that the women sat apart
from the men, separated by a screen, which shows that the
seclusion of women is not confined to the Mohammedans,
[t is an Oriental custom, and is observed by the Copts as


well as tlio Moslems. I am told that even among Cbrietia*

families here, it is not considered quite **
the thing " foi
women to go abroad and show impertinent curiosity, and
that ladies of good position, who are as intelligent as most
Orientals, have never seen the Nile, but two miles distant
Such is the power of fashion even in Africa. In the church
are several men of wealth, who give freely of their means,
as well as use their influence, for its support. The Copts
are nominal Christians, although, lite most of the Christian
sects of the East, they are very ignorant and very super-
stitious. But they have not the fanatical hatred to Chris-
tianity of the They acknowledge the authority
of the Bible, and are thus more open to argument and persua-
sion. Besides this congregation, the mission has some dozen
schools in the surrounding country. In the town itself,
besides the schools' for the poorest children, it has a board
ing-school for those of a better class, an academy which is
the beginning of a college, and half a dozen young men are
preparing for the ministry. The field is a very hopeful one,
and I was assured that the success of the mission was limit-
ed only by the means at its disposal.
After visiting the schools. Rev. Mr. Strang accompanied
me through the town. It has over twenty-five thousand in-
habitants, and is the point of departure for the caravans
which cross the Great Desert to Darfour and the far in-
terior of Africa, returning laden with ivory and ostrich
feathers, as in the days of King Solomon. We sa\« in an
open square, or market-place, some hundred camels, that, aa
they lay wearily on the earth, looked as if they might have
made the long journey over the trackless sands. Laborers
were at work, with no respect for the day, for Friday is the
Mohammedan Sabbath and my friend pointed out, where a

number of workmen were building a house, the '* task-

master" on the top of the wall to overlook them, as

In the days of the Bible. As we returned by an old porta/

in the city walls, we found a number of long-bearded and

venerable men, who were " sitting in the gate " as " elders "
to administer justice. The city gate is the place of honoi
and of justice now, as it was thousands of years ago.
In the mountain behind the town are a great number ol
fcombs, like those of Beni-Hassan, vast chambers hewn oul
of the rock ages ago for burial places. We walked along
by these silent memorials of the mighty dead, to the sum-
mit, from which is one of the most beautiful views of the
valley of the Nile. Below the plain is spread out for many
miles, well watered like the garden of the Lord, the em(5rald
green coming up to the very foot of the barren hills^ But
tnere it ceases instantly, giving place to the desert.
These contrasts suggest some comparisons bet^/'een the
scenery and the climate of Egypt, and our owiy country.
Whoever breathes thisbalmy air, and looks up to this cloud-
less sky, must feel that the Lord of all the earth has been
bountiful to Egypt^ As we read of the winter {itorms now
raging over half of Europe, we bless the more kindly skies
that are over us now. But after a few weeks of this dreamy,
languid life, one begins *-o feel the want of something else to
stirhis bload. He finds that nature in Egypt, like the
works of man, like the temples and the pyramids, is a sublime
monotony The landscapes are all the same. There are
four or fi>«9 grand features, the river, the valley, the hills

that enclose and b-^yond the boundless desert, and over


all the burning sun and sky. These are the elements that
enter into every landscape. There is no change, no variety.
Look where you will, there is no vision in the distance of
lofty peaks dark with pines, or white with snow, no torrents
leaping down the mountain side (the silence of Egypt is one
of the things that most oppress me), no brooks that run
among the hills, no winding paths along their banks that
invite the stranger to lose himself in their shade. I see in*
deed hills on either horizon, but they are barren and deso

late. On all this double range, for six hundred mileSj tliert

is not a single green thing —not a tree, not a shrub, not a

blade of grass, not even a rock covered with moss, only a
waste of sand and stone. If you climbed those hills yonder
across the valley you would look off upon a boundless plair
of sand that stretches to the Red Sea while behind where

we stand is the Libyan Desert, which is only an arm of the

Great Sahara, that crosses almost the whole of the continent
In all this the one narrow
waste the valley of the Nile is

strip of fertiKty. And even and burnt up to

this is parched
the very water's edge. Hence the monotony of vegeta-
tion. There is not a forest in all Egypt, only the palm
groves, which are planted like garden flowers, but no tangled
wild wood, no lofty elms, no broad-spreading oaks that cast
their grateful shadow on the burning plains. All that va-
riety of nature, with which in other lands she beguiles the
weary heart of man, is wanting here. It is indeed the land
of the sun, and in that is at once its attraction and its terror,
KS the fiery orb beats down upon it, withering man and beast,
>j7id turning the earth into a desert.
Seeing this monotony of nature, and feeling this monot-
my of life, one begins to pine after awhile, for a return to
he scenes more varied, though more wild and rugged, of his
own more northern clime. We hear much of the beauty of
a " cloudless sky." It is indeed a relief for a few weeks to
those who escape from wintry storms, from bitter winds and
blinding snow. But who would have sunshine jor ever?
The light and warmth are better when softened and subdued
by clouds that intercept the overpowering rays. But here
the clouds are few, and they do not " return after the rain,**
for there is no rain. In Lower Egypt there is what may be
called a rainy season. In the Delta, as the clouds roll up
jfrom the Mediterranean, there is sometimes a sound of abun-
tiance of rain. But in Upper Egypt it may be said that it

nevor rains. In Assioui it has rained bnt three times is


ten jrears ! Of course the heat is sometimes fearful, l^ovi

It is mid-winter, and the air is comparatively cool and bra-
cing, but in midsummer it reaches 110 and 112 degrees in the
shade ! For days and nights together the heat is so intense
that not a leaf stirs in the palm groves. Not only is there
u.'Xj —
a drop of rain there is not a breath of air. This it is
to have a " cloudless sky" Gladly then would our friend

exchange for half the year the climate of Egypt for that of
America. How refreshing it would be to him to see, just

for once, great masses of black clouds gathering over the

Arabian Hills, to see the lightnings flash as he has seen
them in his native Ohio, and to hear the thunder-peals roll-

ing across the valley from mountain to mountain, and at lasf

dying away on the Libyan desert.

Think of this, ye who shiver in your winter storms at
home, and sigh for Egypt. Tak** »*• «J1 in all, would jop
mftke the exchange ?


In the distribution of the monuments of Egypt, it is a

curious fact that the Pyramids are found almost wholly in
Lower Egypt, and the great Temples in Upper Egypt. It
was not till we had been a week on the Nile, that we had
our first sight of the latter at Denderah. We have since
spent three days at Thebes, the great centre of historical in-
terest,and have made a regular campaign of sight-seeing,
starting on excursions every morning,and thus have explored
the ruins on both sides of the river —
for Thebes, like many

other great cities like London and Paris was built on two—
sides of a river, but one much greater than the Thames or
the Seine, yet not so great but that it was spanned by a

bridge (at least this is inferred from some ancient sculptures

and inscriptions), over which poured a population such as
pours over London Bridge to-day. The site seems made for
a great capital, for here the mountains retire from the river,
sweeping round in a circuit of some fifty miles, leaving a
broad plain to be filled with human habitations. Here four
thuusand years ago was built a city greater than that on the
banks of the Tigris or the Euphrates, than Nineveh or Baby-
lon. Here was the centre of power and dominion for two
continents —not only for Africa, but for Asia — to which
flocked the multitudinous nations of Assyria and Arabia and
Persia and the farthest East, as well as the tribes of Ethiopia
—as two thousand years later all the peoples of the earth

flocked to Kome. It is easy, from historical records and


monumental inscriptions, to form some idea of the glory of

this capital of the ancient world. We can imagine the tu-

mult and the roar of this more ancient Rome, when the char-
iots of mighty kings, and the tread of armies returning
victorious from distant wars, thundered through her hundred
Then did the kings of Egypt rear temples and palaces and
statues and obelisks worthy of all that greatness. Then
were built the most gigantic temples ever raised by the hand
of man — as much surpassing in vastness and grandeur thos«
reared centuries afterward by the Greeks, as the latter sur-
pass anything by the moderns. The temples of Thebes
including Luxor and Karnac, which are parts of one city
are as much grander than the Parthenon, as the Parthenon is

grander than the Madeleine at Paris, which is a feeble at-

tempt to copy it.

We have now been a week —beginning with Denderah —

studying these ruins, and may give certain general impres-
sions. We do not attempt any detailed description, which
must necessarily be inadequate, since neither words nor fig-
ures convey an idea of them, any more than they do of the
Alps. What would be thought of an avenue nearly two
miles long, lined with over twelve hundred colossal sphinxes ?
Yet such was the avenue from Luxor to Karnac -an ap- —
proach worthy to lead to the temple of the gods. What can
we say of a forest of columns, each twelve feet in diameter,
stretching out in long colonnades ; of the massive walls cov-
and obelisks in single shafts of granite,
ered with bas-reliefs ;

of such height and weight that it is the wonder of modern

how they could be cut from the side of the hills,
and be brought a hundred and forty miles, and erected o»
their firm bases.
But this temple —or rather cluster of temples and palaces
—^was not, like the temple of Solomon, finished in a singla
reign. Karnac was not the work of one man, or of one gmk-

eration. It was twenty-five hundred years in building, sue

cessive kings and dynasties adding to the mighty whole,
which was to represent all the gloiy of Egypt.
The general impression of these temples and the same is —
true of the Egyptian statues and sculptures is one of gran- —
deur rather than beauty. They seek to overpower the senses
by mere size. Sometimes they overdo the matter. Thus in
the temples at Karnac the columns seem to me too large
and too much crowded for the best effect. Ordinary trees
may be planted in a dense grove, but great, broad- spreading
oaks or elms require space around them ; and if these col-

umns were a little —

more spaced to use a printer's word
the architectural effect would be still grander. So in the
Egyptian sculpture, everything is colossal. In the granite
lions and sphinxes theie is always an aspect of power in re-
pose which is very impressive, and strikes one with awe. But
in any lighter work, such as frescoes and bas-reliefs, there is
a total absence of delicacy and grace. Nothing can be more
stiff. They sometimes have a rude force of drawing, but
beauty they have none. That was born in Greece. All the
sculptures on all the temples of Egypt are not worth except —
as historical monuments-— the friezes of the Parthenon.
One thing else has struck me much as to the plan of these
temples, viz : that we see in them the types and models of
much that has been reproduced in various forms of ecclesi-
astical architecture. One has but to observe with some care
the construction of these vast basilicas, to see how many fea-

tures of Jewish, and even of Christian and Moslem architec-

ture, have been aiopted from still older temples ind an
earlier religion. Thus in the temple at Edfoo there is first

the vast enclosure surrounding the whole, and then within

the walls an outer court open to the sky, corresponding to
the Court of the Gentiles in the Temple at Jerusalem, to
the Court of the Fountains leading to the Mosques, and the
iloister surrounding the approaches to old abbeys and cathe


drais. One might find a still closer resemblance ia foiias oi

worship, in the vestments of priests, in the altars, and in the
burning of incense, etc., a parallel which scholars have often
And now of all this magnificence and glory of the ancient
capital of Egypt,what remains ? Only these vast ruins of
temples aiid palaces. The " plain of Thebes " is still here,
but deserted and silent. A few columns and statues rise
above the plain to mark where the city stood, but the city
itself is gone as much as the people who inhabited it four
thousand years ago. A few miserable mud huts are built
against the walls of mighty temples, and the ploughman
drives his team over the dust of the city of a hundred gates.
I saw a fellah ploughing with a cow and a camel yoked to-
gether, and a couple of half-naked Arabs raising water with
their shadoofhetween the Memnon (the statue which was
said to sing when its stony lips were touched by the rising
of the sun) and its brother statue —
the two great Colossi,
between which ran the Royal street to Luxor. Was there
ever a more complete and utter desolation ? In the temple
Rameseum once stood the largest statue that ever
called the

was known that of Rameses the Great (the same who had
a statue at Memphis, for he erected monuments to himself
everywhere), cut out of a single block of granite brought
from the First Cataract, and weighing nearly nine hundred
tons On this was inscribed, as Herodotus writes, who saw

it twenty-three hundred years ago :

I am the king of kings :

if any man wish to know how great I am, and where I lie,
let him surpass one of my works " What a comment on

the emptiness of human ambition, that this colossal statue,

which was to last to the end of the world, was long ago
pulleddown by a later conqueror, Cambyses, the Persian,
and now lies on its back, with its nose knocked c ff, and eye«
p at out, and all its glory in the dust
.In studying the figures and the inscriptions on tLi walls

of temples, there are many things which throw light on the

manners and customs of the ancient Egyptians. Here is a
Bcene of hunting, or of fishing, or of feasting. Here are tha
different trades, which show the skill of the people in the
mechanic arts, and many scenes which give us an insight
into their domestic life. These have been the subjects of
two* learned and most interesting works by Wilkinson,
which open the very interior of ancient Egypt to our modern
eyes. —
They show a very high degree of civilization of skill
in all the useful arts, a skill fully equal in many things, and
in some greatly superior, to that of our own day. Wendell
Phillips, in his famous lecture on " The Lost Arts," finds
many of his illustrations in ancient Egypt. I could not but
think that this furnished a very effective answer to those
advocates of evolution, who hold that mankind sprung from
animals, and have gradually developed to their present
state. How much
progress have the Egyptians made in four
thousand years ? Here the race has gone backward, so thai
there is certainly no inherent tendency in our nature to
But I was less interested in studying the domestic life of
the ancient Egyptians, than their religious ideas. Herodotus
says that the Egyptians were a very religious people, excel-
ling all others in the honors paid to their gods ; and this we
can well believe, seeing the temples that they reared for their
worship. But what were the gods they adored, and what
sort of worship did they render, and how did all this act on
the life Here we obtain a less
and character of the people ?

exalted estimate of the ancient Egyptians. The remaina

which they have left, while they illustrate the greatness of
the empire, which four thousand years ago had its seat in
the valley of the Nile, do not give a high idea of its Keligion.
The land was wholly given to idolatry. The Egyptians had
as many gods as the Greeks and Romans, only baser and
lower, indicating baser and lower ideas. They made goda,

not only of the sun, moon, and stars, but of beasts and birda
and reptiles — of the apis and the ibis — of the serpent and
the crocodile.
At Sakkara we visited one of the most stupendous mauso-
leums that we have seen in Egypt one which Herodotua —
described, but which for centuries was so buried by the
sands of the desert that its very site was not known until
brought to light by the researches of Mariette Bey, who haa
done so much to restore the monuments of ancient Egypt.
rhe approach was by an avenue of sphinxes, which led
to it
to a Tast subterranean gallery —
twenty feet wide and high
and leading two thousand feet, more than a third of a mile,
under the earth. This long, vaulted passage is hewn in the
solid rock —
out of which open on either side a series of
chambers or recesses, like side chapels each containing a —
sarcophagus, 15x8 feet. These tombs, hollowed out of the
solid granite, are so huge and massive that we wonder how
they ever could have been got there. Yet these great sarco-
phagi — fit for the burial places of a long line of kings —were
not for the Pharaohs or the Ptolemies, but for tlie Sacred
Bulls ! Thirty of these sarcophagi have been found, and on
the walls are tablets which record the birth, and death, and
burial of each one of these sacred beasts. These were the
gods of Egypt, mother of the arts, and civilizer of the earth !

This great repository of dead divinities is a colossal monu-

ment, at once of the architectural skill of the ancient Egyp-
tians, and of their degrading superstition.
This single fact is enough to answer those who would im-
ply, if they do not quite dare to assert, that the inspiration
of the Books of Moses was derived from the Egyptians. li

IS a favorite theory of certain writers that Moses, being

brought up in Egypt, here obtained both the Law an i the
Religion which he gave to the Israelites. No doubt he did
learu much from a country that was at that time the mosi
civilized in the world. He vas brought up in a court, and €»

joyed every advantage of a royal education. He was " learned

in all the wisdom of the Egyptians." And it detracts not at
all from his inspiration, to suppose that he may have been
instructed to embody in his new and better code whatever
was excellent in tne older system, and had been approved by
the experience of centuries. The ceremonial laws such as —
those of purijS.cation —
may have been adopted from the
Egyptians. But these are the mere fringes of the garment
of the great Lawgiver. As soon as we open the Hebrew
Scriptures, we find traces of a wisdom such as the Egyptians
never knew. The very first sentence —
" In the beginning
God created the heavens and the earth" — scatters the fables
of Isis and Osiris, and substitutes for the troop of heathen
deities the worship of One Living and True God. This single
declaration marks a stupendous advance in the religious faith
and worship of mankind.
The same first principle appears as the corner-stone of the
law given on Mount Sinai :
I am the Lord thy God which
brought thee out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of
bondage. Thou shalt have no other gods before me."
The second law of the first table breaks in pieces the im
ages of the gods of the Egyptians :
Thou shalt not make
unto thee any graven image, nor any likeness of any thing
that is in heaven above, nor in the earth beneath, nor in the
waters under the earth." This was spoken to a people that
had just come out of a country where they worshipped beasts
and birds and reptiles, and where the walls of the temples
were covered with the images of all kinds of foul and creep-
ing things.
In this age of the world, and among civilized nations, we
cannot understand the passion for idolatry. Yet it is one of

the most universal and ineradicable instincts of a half barba-

rous people. They see tokens of an unseen power in thi
forces of natv >e, in clouds and winds, in lightning and tei»
I it, and •"> J torment themselves with all imaginable ter

rors, from which the}'^ seek relief and protection it, bowing
down to gods of wood and stone.
The Israelites coming out of Egypt, were out of the house
of t^ondage in one sense, but they were in it in another.
They were continually relapsing into idolatry. The golden
calf of Aaron was but an imitation of the sacred bulls of
Egypt. Often they pined for the products of the fertile val-

ley of the Nile. With nothing but the burning sands beneath
their feet, they might well long for the shade of the palm
treeand for its delicious fruit, and they said. Why hath this
man Moses brought us up to die in this wilderness ? It re-
quired forty years of wandering, and that a whole generation
should leave their bones to whiten the sands of the desert,
before their children could be wholly alienated from the wor-
ship of false gods. So not only with the Israelites, but with
all nations of men, ages of fiery discipline have been neces-
sary to bring back the race to this first article of our faith
I believe in God the Father Almighty, the Maker of heaven
and earth."
We might follow the comparison through all the tables of
the law, to show how absurd is the pretence that what Moses
taught to the Israelites he first learned from the Egyptians.
Tell us, ye learned antiquaries, where on all these temples,
and in all the records which they have left us, is there any
trace of the Ten Commandment? ?
And yet Egypt is connected very intimately, in history at
least, with the birth of our religion. No other country, ex-
cept Palestine, figures so largely in the Bible. Abraham
went down into Egypt. Here came the sons of Jacob to buy
corn, and found Joseph ruling in the house of Pharaoh.
And hithei centuries later fled the virgin mother with her
*' Oui
child from the wrath of Herod, fulfilling the prediction,
of Egypt have I called my son."

But Religion the Divine wisdom which at once instmctf
and saves mankind— came not from the valley of the Nile

Abraham and Jacob and Moses saw the Pyramids standing

we see them now, but they did not point them to the
just as
true God. That knowledge came from a higher source.
"History," says Bunsen, "was born on that night when
Moses, with the law of God in his heart, led the people oi
Israel out of Egypt." And not History only, but Religion
then came to a new birth, that was to be the herald of new
and better hopes, and of a higher civilization than vas known
to the ancient world.


The valley of the Nile is one vast sepulchre. Tombs an^

temples ! Temples and tombs ! This is the sum of the
monuments which ancient Egypt has left us. Probably no
equal portion of the earth's surface was ever so populous, at
once with the living and the dead. It is but a narrow strip
of territory —
a line of green between two deserts; and
yet on this mere ribbon of Africa lived the millions that
made one of the most populous and powerful of ancient
empires. They were fed by the marvellous fertility of
the Nile valley, till they stood upon it almost as thick aa
the ranks of corn that waved around them and here, when :

life was ended, they found a resting-place in the bosom of the

earth that nourished them, on which they slept as children on

a mother's breast. This strip of earth, long and narrow like
a grave, has been the sepulchre of nations. Here the
myriads of Egypt's ancient reigns— from the time of Menea
—through the long Pharaohs and Ptolemies the
line of the —
generations that built the Pyramids and those that came aftei
—laid themselves down to sleep in the great valley. Thug
the very dust of Egypt was made up of the dust of ancient
But this was only the lot of the common people, to mingle
their dust with common clay —their tomb the ccmmon earthy
their end to be exhaled into the common air, or to reappear
in other natural forms, living in plants, blooming in flowerSj
or in broad-leaved palms, casting a shadow on the eavth fi'oiB

vnicli they sprung. But more enduiiag

for her great ones,
monuments were reared to guard their dust and perpetuate
their names. No people, ancient or modern, ever lavished
«o much on these sacred and pious memorials. They ex
poinded more on the tombs of the dead than on the houses of
thfo living, for they reasoned that the latter were but tem-

porary dwellings, while the former were everlasting habita

tions. The kings of Egypt cared more for great tombs than
great palaces, and they reared such mausoleums as the eai-th
E.e^'er saw before. The Pyramids were their tombs, and the
mountains were hollowed into royal sepulchres. The rock
tombs of Beni-Hassan are cut in the side of the hills.
The barren mountain that looks off upon the great Libyan
desert, is honeycombed with vast and silent halls of the dead.
At Thebes the traveller, ascending from the Nile, winds his
way among hills of sand into a valley of desolation. The
summits around are not covered with pines like our own
darkly wooded hills, nor do even the rocks gather moss but —
all is bare and desolate. The desert has overflowed the earth

like a sea, and not a shrub nor a blade of grass has survived
the universal deluge. Yet here where not a living thing can
be found, has been discovered underground the most remark-
able series of tombs which exists. A whole mountain is
pierced with deep excavations. Passages open into its rocky
sides, running many hundred feet into the bowels of the earth,
and branching off into recesses like side chapels. These Halls
of Death are like kings' palaces, with stately chambers broad
and high, whose sides and ceilings are covered with hie-
roglyphics and illustrative symbols.
A fact so remarkable as this, that the architecture of a
great empire which has built the most colossal structures in
the world, has this tomblike character, must have a meaning
The Egyptians were a very religious people. They were not a
gay and thoughtless race, like some of their Asiatic and Eu-
ropean neighbors. There is something grave even in theij

fitces, as seen in ancient statues and monuments. Their very

architecture had this heavy and solemn character. These
seem oppressed with
colossal temples, these silent sphinxes,
Borae great mystery which they cannot reveal. These tombs
ahow that the Egyptian mind was full of the idea of death,
and of another life. The Egyptians were not Atheists, nor
Sadducees. They believed devoutly in God, and in a life to
How strongly the idea of another life had taken hold of the
Egyptian mind is evident from the symbols in their religion.
The symbol most frequently employed is that of the scarahoeiu
— or beetle — the image of which appears everywhere, which
by analogy teaches that life, in passing through death, may
be born to a new life. The beetle lays its eggs in the slime
of the Nile ; it buries them in mud, which it works into a
ball, and rolls over and over, back to the edge of the desert,
and buries in sand. There its work is ended : nature does
the rest. Out of this grave comes in time a resurrection, and
life is born of death. The ostrich eggs hung up in mosques,
have the same symbolical meaning. The ostrich buries its
eggs in the sand, and nature, that kind mother which watches
over all life, gives them Thus is conveyed the same
idea as in the analogy of the chrysalis and the butterfly.
Studying the religious faith of the Egyptians a little more
closely, we see that they believed not only in the immortality
of the soul, but in the resurrection of the body. The doctrine
taught by Paul, was long before taught by the priests of
Eg}^pt. Their tombs were not merely memorials of those
who had ceased to live, but resting-places for the bodies of
those whose spirits were absent but would some day return.
For this, bodies were emba toed with religious care ; they
were buried in tombs hewn out of the solid rock, laid away
in Pyramids, or in caverns hollowed out of the heart of the
mountains. There, embedded in the eternal rocks, locked
up with the bars of .the everlasting hills, it seero'^d that tlieii

remains would rest secure till the morning of the resurrection

Further, they believed not only in immortality and in
resurrection, but also in retribution. The soul that was to
pass into another life, was to go into it to be judged. There
it was to be called to account for the deeds done in the body.
Even the funeral rites indicated how strong was the belief of
a judgment to come for all who departed this life. After the
bodies were embalmed, they were borne in solemn procession
to the Nile (most of the tombs being on the western bank),
or to a sacred lake, across which they were to be ferried,
(Did not this suggest to later Roman mythologists the river
Styx, and the boatman Charon who conveyed departed souls
to the gloomy shades of Pluto ?) As the funeral procession
arrived at the borders of the lake, it paused till certain
questions were answered, on which it depended whether the
dead might receive burial or should be condemned to

wander in darkness three thousand years. If it passed

this ordeal, it moved forward, not to its everlasting repose,
but to the Hall of Judgment, where Osiris sits upon his
throne as the judge of all mankind. This scene is constantly
represented in sculptures, in bas-reliefs, and in frescoes on
the walls of tombs. In one of them a condemned wretch is

driven away in the shape of a pig ! (Was it here that Pytha-

goras, who studied in Egypt, obtained his doctrine of the
transmigration of souls ?) Before Osiris is the scribe, the
recording angel, who keeps a faithful record of the deeds done
in the body A long line of judges — forty- two in number
Bit arrayed as the final arbiters of his fate —each with his
q^aestion, on the answer to which may depend the destiny of
the departed soul.
The " Book of the Dead '
(copies of which are still found
wrapped up with mummies : several are in the British Mu-
seum) gives the answers to b« made to these searching que»
tions, and also tlie j)rayers to be offered, .and the hymns tha^

are to be sung, as the soul enters the gloomy shades of the

In this Egyptian doctrine of a future life there are Ohrie-
tiaL ideas. Some indeed will say that Egypt gave rather
than received ; that she was the mother of all learning and
all wisdom in the ancient world ; that the Greeks obtained
their philosophy from her (for Plato as well as Pythagoras
studied in Egypt) ; that the Eleusinian mysteries came from
Africa ; that Moses here found what he taught the Hebrews
and that even the Christian mysteries and the Christian faith

came from the banks of the Nile.

There is certainly much food for reflection in this reappear-
ance of certain religious ideas in different countries and under
different forms. But there is a contrast as well as a resem-
blance. While the Hebrews learned so much from the
Egyptians, it is very remarkable that they did not imbibe
that strong faith in the reality of the invisible world, which
lies at the foundation of religion. One would snppose that
the Israelites, coming out of Egypt, would be full of these
thoughts, and of the hopes and fears of a life to come. Yet
in all the books of Moses, rarely, if ever, are these motives
addressed to the Hebrews. The German critics argue from
this that the Hebrews did not believe in another life. The
late Dr. Edward Kobinson, the distinguished Hebrew scholar,
said that he could not find that doctrine in the Old Testa-
ment. Without admitting such an extreme view, it is cer-

tainly remarkable that that idea is much less prominent in

the Old Testament than in the New. It is not Moses, but
Christ who has brought life and immortality to light.
But the Egyptian doctrine of a future life, while very cu
rious and interesting as a study of ancient belief, is utterly
unsatisfying. The ideas are detached and fragmentary, and
wholly without evidence or authority ; they are m3rely the
crude fancies of mythology, and not the precise teachings of
Revelation. And so in all the tombs and temples of Egyp t

fchere is nothing which can relieve the doubts of a troubled

mind, or the sorrows of a heavy heart.
I have had some sober thoughts while floating on the bcecm
of the Nile. We cannot but see the world through our owd
eyes and through our moods of mind. To those who have
left their dead beyond the sea, foreign travel has many sad
and lonely hours. The world seems cold and empty, and
even the most religious miud is apt to be haunted with gloomy
thoughts. This is not a mood of mind peculiar to atheists
and unbelievers. Many devout men, in seasons of mental
depression, are tortured with doubts whether, after all, their
religious faith is not a delusion and a dream.
And so many dark and bitter questionings come tome here
in this land of sepulchres. I have come to Egypt to learn
something of the wisdom of the Egyptians. Tell me then,
ye tombs and temples and pyramids, about God ; tell me
about the life to come ! But the Pyramids speak not ; and
the Sphinx still looks towards the East, to watch for the rising
sun, but is voiceless and mute. This valley of the Nile
speaks of nothing but death. From end to end its rock-
ribbed hills are filled with tombs. Yet what do they all

teach the anxious and troubled heart of man ? Nothing I

All these hills are silent. Not a sonnd, or even an echo,

comes from these dark sepulchres. No voice of hope issues
out of the caverns hollowed in the bosom of the hills. The
hard granite of the tombs itself is not more deaf to the cry
of human anguish, or the voice of supplication.
I turn from the monuments of man to nature. I stand
on the bank of the Great Kiver, and ask if it brings not some
Becret out of the heart of Africa ? Tell me, ye night winds,
blowing from African deserts tell me, ye stars shining in the

African heaven (this sky of Egypt is so pure and clear that

the stars seem higher and mori^ distant from this lower world),
what light can ye throw on this great m^'^stery of death ?

And the stars twinkle, hut speak not, and the palm trees

quirei in the night wind, but give no answer ; and the greai
Nile Adws on silently to the sea, as life flows on to eternity
ISTatuie is dumb ; the great secret is not revealed.
For the revelation of that secret we turn not to Egypt, but
to Jerusalem. While the Egyptians groped darkly after the
truth, how do these dim shadows, these poor emblems and
analogies, set forth by contrast the clearer and better truth
of revelation All that is written on the tombs of Egypt j

all that is carved in stone, or written in hieroglyphics on an-

cient sarcophagi ; is built in temples and pyramids ;
all that
is not worth that one saying of our Lord, " I am the Resur-
rection and the Life ; he that believeth in me, though he
were dead, yet shall he live."

We spent Christmas day at Thebes, where a number of

English boats had drawn up to \.„e landing to keep the day,
so dear to the hearts of Englishmen throughout the world.
On Christmas eve they were decorated with palm branches,
and at night were lighted up with Chinese lanterns, while
row-boats were floating about, the Arab boatmen singing
their wild, plaintive melodies.
Christmas brought a scene, if not so picturesque, yet far
more sweet and tender. It had been our good fortune to
meet there Rev. Dr. Potter of New York, the rector of Grace
Church. He was going up the Nile with Miss Wolfe, of Mad-
ison square. They were on two dahabeeahs, but kept com-
pany, and anchored every night together. On Christmas day
there was a service on board Miss Wolfe's boat, which was
attended by all the English parties. It was held on the up-
per deck, which was spread with carpets and covered with
an awning on the top and sides to protect us from the sun.
Whether it was the strange scene, occurring in a distant part
of the world, or sad memories which were recalled by these
anniversary days, seldom has a service touched me more. It
was very sweet to hear the old, old prayers —some of there
almost as old as Christianity itself — to which we had so oftexi
; ;


listened in other lands, and to join with the little companjp

in the Christmas hymn :

" Haxk I the herald angels smg-,

Glory to the new-bom King
Peace on earth and mercy mild
God and man are reconciled."

Dr. Potter read the service in his clear, riv^h voice, following
it with a sermon which was quite extempore and brief, but
so simple and so appropriate to the day that it went to every
heart. And when at the close was celebrated the commu-
nion, we all felt how pleasant it was in such a place, so far
from home, in a country surrounded by the ruins of the tem-
ples of old idolatries, to join in the worship of Him who on
this day was born to be the Light and the Hope of the world.
Better is this than all that Egypt can teach us about a life to

And so we turn from these great temples and tombs, which
only mock our hopes, to Him who has passed through the
grave, and lighted the way for us to follow Him. Let schol-
ars dispute the first intent of the words, yet nothing in the
Old Testament or the New, more distinctly expresses what I
rest upon than this ''
I know that my Redeemer liveth and

that he shall stand at the latter day upon the earth and ;

though worms destroy ttia body, yet in my flesh shall I sat



In a re^ lew of the faiths of Egypt, one cannot overlook

that which has ruled in the land for more than a thousand
years, and still rules, not only in Egypt, but over a large
part of Asia and Africa. We arrived in Cairo a few days
too late to witness the departure of the pilgrims for Mecca.
Once in the year there is a gathering of the faithful for a
journey which is the event of their lives. The spectacle is
one of the most picturesque in the East, as a long procession,
mounted on camels, many of which are richly caparisoned,
files through the streets of the city, amid the admiring gaze

of the whole population, and takes the way of the desert.

Slowly it moves Eastward to the Red Sea, and passing
around it, turns South to the heart of the Arabian Peninsula,
A caravan of pilgrims crossing the desert to visit the birth'
place of the prophet, is a proof that religious enthusiasm still

lives even in this unbelieving age. Perhaps the MosIcdi

spirit is not so bigoted here as at Constantinople. The Turk
with his heavy stolid nature, is a more obstinate icrligionist

than the Arab. And yet Mohammed was not a Turk ; he

was an Arab, and the faith which he taught still fires the
heart of his race.
In one view Cairo may be considered the capital of Islam^^
as it is the seat of the great University, from which its
priests go forth to all parts of the Mohammedan world.
This University is nine hundred years old — older than Ox-
ford, and still flourishes with as much vigor as in the palmj

days of the Arabian conquest. A visit to it is the mosi

interesting sight in Cairo. There I saw collected together—
not one hundred or two hundred students, such as are found
in our Theological Seminaries in America —but ten thou-
sand ! As one expressed it, '*
there were two acres of turbans,"
ussembled in a vast inclosure, with no floor but a pavement,
and with a roof over it, supported by four hundred columns,
ttnd at the foot of every column a teacher, surrounded by
pupils, who sat at his feet precisely as Paul sat at the feet
of Gamaliel. As we entered there rose a hum of thousands
of voices, reciting the Koran. These students are not only
from Egypt, but from all parts of Africa, from Morocco tc
Zanzibar. They come from far up the Nile, from Nubia
and Soudan; and from Darfour beyond the Great Desert,
and from the western coast of Africa. Asia too is largely
represented in from Western Asia, from
students both
Turkey, Arabia, and Persiaand from Central Asia, from

Khiva and Bokhara, and Turkistan and Afghanistan, and

the borders of China. They come without staff or scrip.
There no endowment to support them ; no Students' Fund

or Education Board. They live on the charities of the faith-

ful,and when their studies are ended, those who are to be
missionaries on this continent mount their camels, and join-
ing a caravan, cross the Desert, and are lost in the far
interior of Africa.
This strange sight has set me »-thinking, and the more
I think, the more the wonder grows. A religion that sup-
ports great universities from generation to generation; and
that sends forth caravans, that are like armies, on long pil
grimages, is not dead ; it is full of life, and can bring into the
fieldtremendous forces to uphold its empire in the East,
What is the secret of its power, by which it lives on from
century to century, and seems as if it could not but by anni-
hilating die ? There isno question of more interest to the
historical student ; and no one which it is more necessary tc

understand in order to form some just idea of the greal

Eastern War wliich is already looming above the horizon,
A full recognition of that whichgood in Islam, and of tha4

which gives it power, would prevent many mistakes in fore

casting the future, although it might abate the sanguine con
fidence of our missionary friends in the speedy triumph of
Christianity over its hereditary foe.
First of all, we must recognize the fact of its existence as
one of the great religions of the world. The number of its

adherents is variously estimated at from a hundred and fifty

to a hundred and eighty millions. It holds but a corner of

Europe, but extends its empire over a large part of Asia and
Africa. The whole of Africa which is not Pagan, is Moslem.
In Asia Islam disputes the sway of Hindooism in India,
where the Queen has more Moslem subjects than the Sultan
himself, and of Buddhism in the islands of the Malayan
Archipelago. Over so large a part of the earth's surface is
extended the wide dominion of the Prophet. His followers
number one-tenth, perhaps one-eighth, or even one-sixth part
of the human race.
Nor is this dominion a merely nominal thing. On the
contrary, the true believers are strong believers. It may
well be doubted, whether among the nations nominally
Christian the mass of the people really believe with half the
fi.rmness and the fervor of Mussulmans. The Moslems are as
sincere, and in their way as devout, as the adherents of any
religionon the face of the globe. ISTo one can enter the
mosque of St. Sophia, and. see the worshippers turning their
faces towards Mecca, not only kneeling but prostrating them-
selves, touching the pavement with their foreheads, and re-
peating, in a low, mournful tone, passages from the Koran,
without feeling that these men really believe. Thu»a pros-
trate forms, those wailing voices, are not the signs cf hypoc-
••isy, but of a faith that, however mistaken, is at least sincere.

in their owk minds they are in the presence of the llighes\


and offer worship to the unseen God. Indeed they are morfl
than believers, they are zealots, carrying their faith to fanat-
icism. A body so vast in number, composed of such fierce
religionists, is certainly a great power in the political and
military, as well as religious, forces, that are yet to contend
for the mastery of the Eastern world.
Nor is this power inactive in spreading its faith ; it is full

of missionary zeal. Max Miiller divides all the religions of

the world into proselyting and non-proselyting. Moham-
medanism belongs to the former class as much as Christianity.
The days are past when the followers of the Prophet swept
over large parts of Asia and Africa, converting tribes and
nations by the sword. And yet even at the present day it
keeps up a Propaganda as vigorous as that of the Catholics
at Rome. Its university here is training ten thousand young
apostles. Moslem missionaries preach the Koran, and make
proselytes, in all parts of India. But the chief field of their
labors is in Africa, where they have penetrated far into the
interior, and converted numerous tribes to the faith. It is
difficult to obtain accurate statistics in regard to the spread
of Islam in Africa. Livingstone thought the reports greatly
exaggerated. That is quite possible, and yet, making every
allowance, there can be no doubt that it has obtained a sue
cess much greater than that of Christian missions.
A religion which has such a foundation on the solid earth,
holding nations and empires in its wide dominion ; and which
has such a history, stretching over twelve centuries ; is a sub-
ject worthy the closest attention of scholars. Its history is

not unlike that of Christianity itself, in the feebleness of iti

beginning and the greatness of its results. It started in an

obscure corner of the world — in the deserts of Arabia- -and
rapidly conquered the East, overrunning- all the adjacert
parts of Asia and Africa, and extending along the Mediter
ranean to the Straits of Gibraltar, and thence crossed intci
Spain, where it maintained itself for eight hundred year^

ftgainst all the power of Europe to expel it. Such oonqiiesta

show a prodigious vitality-—a vitality not yet exhausted, a»
it still holds the half of Asia and Africa. A faith which
commands the allegiance of so large a part of mankind must
have some elements of truth to give it such tremendous
power. Perhaps we can find the key in the character of its
Founder, and in the faith which he taught.
A great deal has been written about the life of Moham-
med, but even yet his character is imperfectly understood.
Perhaps we cannot fully understand it, for there are in it
contradictions which perplex the most patient and candid
student. ( By many he is dismissed at once as a vulgar im-
postor, a sort of Joe Smith, who invented monstrous lies, and
by stoutly sticking to them got others to believe in them, and
as soon as he rallied a few followers about him, compelled
neighboring tribes to accept his faith by the unsparing use
of the sword.
This is an easy way to get rid of a difficult historical ques-

tion, but unfortunately it does not explain the facts. It is

by that sort of cheap reasoning that Gibbon undertakes to
explain the rapid spread of Christianity. But if Mohammed
had been a cunning impostor, his first claim would have been
to work miracles, which on the contrary he never clafmed at
all, but distinctly repudiated. Nor was he a greedy merce-
nary; he was a poor man; his followers relate with pride
how he mended his own clothes, and even pegged his own
shoes. But he combined every element of the visionary and
the enthusiast. He had that vivid imagination that ceii^
ceives strongly of things invisible to the natural sense, to
which "things that are not become as things that ai.**/' and that
ardent temperament that kindles at the sight of these unseen
realities. Perhaps temperament was connected with his
bodily constitution; from his youth he was subject to epilep*
tic fits, and his revelations were accompanied with conviiT-

sions. Such things are found in other religions. They are


quite common in the history of devout and passionate Roman

ists. Nor are thej unknown even among Protestants, wh(
profess to be more sober and rational. Among the Metho-
dists, at camp-meetings, a very frequent effect of religious
emotion has been that strong men were so prostrated that
they fell to the ground and became as dead, and when they
recovered, retained impressions never to be effaced, as if they
had seen things which itwas not lawful to utter. The reve-
lations of Mohammed were all accompanied by these "phy

sical manifestations." Sometimes the angel spoke to him as

one man to another ; at other times something within his
bosom sounded like a bell, which he said " rent him in
pieces." At such times he fell to the ground and foamed at
the mouth, or his eyes turned red, and he streamed with per-
spiration, and roared like a camel, in his struggle to give
utterance to the revelation of God. This does not look like
imposture, but like insanity. The constitution of such a man
is a psychological study.
This natural ardor was inflamed by long seclusion. From
ids youth he loved solitude. Like the old prophets, he with-
Jlrew from the world to be alone with God. Like Elijah, he
fcid himself in a cave. Every year, during the month of
Ramadan, he retired to a cave in Mount Hera, three miles
from Mecca, to give himself up to religious contemplation
and there, it is said, amid spasmodic convulsions, he had his
first vision, in which the angel Gabriel appeared to him.

This explanation of a mind half disordered, subject to

dreams and visions and fanatical illusions, is much more
rational than that of supposing in him an artful design ty
impose a new religion on his countrymen. Like other en-
thusiasts, own illusions. His
he became the victim of his
imagination so wrouglit upon him that he came to accept his
visions as Divine revelations. In this he was not playing a
part; he was not the conscious hyprocrite. No doubt h«
believed himself what he wislied others to believe. Indoecil

he made them believe, by the very sincerity and intensity o*

his own convictions.
Mohammedanism may be considered as a system of theol
ogy, and as a system of morality. The former seems to have
been derived largely from Judaism. Mohammed belonged to
the tribe of the Koreishites, who claimed to be descended from
A-braham through Ishmael. His family were the keepers of
the Caaba, or holy place of Mecca, where is the black stone
(vhich was brought from heaven, and the spring Zemzem,
which sprang up in the desert to save the life of Hagar and
her child. Thus he was familiar from his earliest years with
the traditions of the patriarchs.
When a boy of fourteen he made a journey with his uncle
into Syria, where he may have learned more of the ancient
faith. Muchis said of his becoming acquainted with a Nes

torian bishop or monk, from whom he is supposed, to have

learned something of Christianity. But he could not have
learned much, for his views of it were always extremely vague.
It is doubtful whether he ever saw the New Testament, or had
any knowledge of it other than that derived from some apocry-
phal books. There is no trace in the Koran of the sublime
doctrines of the Gospel, or even of its moral precepts. Al-
though Mohammed professed great reverence for Jesus, whom
w\\h. Moses he considers the greatest of prophets next to him-
self, yet his ideas of the Religion which He taught were of the
most indefinite kind.
But one thing he did which was common to Judaism
and Christianity —that is but one God.
there The Mono-
theism of the Hebrews took the stronger hold of him, from its
contrast to the worship around him, which had degenerated
into gross idolatry. The tribes of Arabia had become as base
idolaters as the Canaanites. Even the holy Caaba was filled
with idols, and the mission of the prophet as he regarded —
it— was to restore the worship of thQ One Li Fing and Trup
God. His first burst of prophetic fire and prcphe dc wvati

was a fierce explosion against idolatry, and it was a moment of

triumph when he was able to walk through the Caaba, and see
the idols dashed in pieces.
Here then is the first and last truth of Islam, the existence
of one God. The whole is comprehended in this one saying,
'*God is God, and Mohammed is his prophet."
With the homage due to God, is the respect due to Hii

revealed will. Moslems claim for the Koran what many

Christians do not claim f«r the Bible —a literal and verbal
inspiration. Every word is Divine.
And not only is the unity of God the cardinal truth, but
it is vital to salvation. In this respect Islam is a Religion.
It is not a mere philosophy, the acceptance or rejection of
which is a matter of indifference. It is not merely a system
of good morals — it is a Divine code for the government of
mankind, whose acceptance is a matter of life and death — of
salvation or damnation.
The doctrine of retribution is held by the Moslems in its

most rigid form more rigid indeed than in the Christian
system: for there is no atonement for sin. The judgment is
inexorable it is absolute and eternal.
; Before their eyes
ever stands the Day of Judgment the Dies Irse when all — —
men shall appear before God to receive their doom.
But in that last day, when unbelievers shall be destroyed,
the followers of the prophet shall be saved. They can go to
the tribunal of their Maker without trembling. One day rid-
ing outside the walls of Constantinople, we approached a
cemetery just as a funeral procession drew near, bearing the
form of the dead. We stopped to witness the scene. The
mourners gathered around the place where the body was laid,

and then the ulema approached the grave, and began an ad-
dresa to the dead, telling her ( it was a woman ) not to be
afraid when the angel came to call her to judgment, but to
appear before the bar of the Almighty, and answer withci*
fear, for that no follower of the prophet should perish.

Tlie religious observances of the Moslems are very strict

A-S God is the sole object of worship, so the great act of E.»
ligion is communion with Him. Five times a day the voice
of the muezzin calls them to prayer. The frequent ablu-
tions were perhaps derived from the Jewish law. Fasting is

imposed with a severity almost unknown in the Christian

world. The most rigid Catholics hardly observe the forty
days of Lent as the Moslems do the month of Ramadan
Almsgiving is not only recommended, but required. Every
true believer is commanded to give one-tenth of his income
10 charity.

As to the moral results of Mohammedanism^ it produces

some excellent effects. It inculcates the strictest temper-
ance. The Koran prohibits the use of wine, even though
wine is one of the chief products of the East. In this virtue
of total abstinence the Moslems are an example to Chris-

So in point of integrity the honesty of the Turk is a pro


verb in the East, compared with the lying of Christians.

Perhaps this comes in part not only from his religion, but
from the fact that he belongs to the conquering race. Ty-
rants and masters do not need to deceiA^e, while falsehood
and deceit are the protection of slaves."] Subject races,
which have no defence before the law, or from cruel masters,
seek it in subterfuge and deception. But this claim of in-
tegrity may be pushed too far. However it may be in Asia
Minor, among simple-minded Turks, who have not been
" spoiled by coming in contact with Christians," those who
have to do with Turks in the bazaars of Constantinople, are
compelled to confess, that if they do not tell lies, they tell

very big truths. However, as between the Turk and the

Greek, in point of honesty, it is quite possible that thoss
who know them both would give the preeminence to the
Whatever the weakness of Mohammedanism, it does ncl

show itself in that sort of vices. His very ride makes tlit j.

Mussulman scorn these meaner sins. His religion, as it lifts

him up with self-esteem, produces an effect on his outward
bearing. He has an air of independence which is unmis-
takable. I think I never saw a Mussulman that was afraii^
to look me in the face. He has none of the sneaking ser-
vilit}'' that we see in some races. This is a natural conse
quence of his creed, according to which God is so great that
no man is great in his sight. Islam is at once a theocracy
and a democracy. God Lawgiver and King, before
is sole
whom all men stand on the same level. Hence men of all
nations and races fraternize together. In Constantinople
blacks and whites, the men of Circassia and the men of
Ethiopia, walk arm in arm, and stand on the level of abso
lute equality.
This democratic spirit is carried everywhere. There is no
caste in Islam, not even in India, where it is at perpetual
war with the castes of Hindooism. So as it spreads in the
interior of Africa, it raises the native tribes to a degree of
manliness and self-respect which they had not known before.
It " levels up " the African race. Our missionaries in
Liberia, who come in contact with certain Moslem tribes
from the interior, such as the Mandingoes, will testify that

they are greatly superior to those farther South, on the Gold

Coast, the Ashantees and the people of Dahomey, who have
filled the world with horror by their human sacrifices. All
this disappears before the advance of Islam. It breaks in

pieces the idols; it destroys d'3vil worship and fetichism and

witchcraft, and puts an end tohuman sacrifices. Thus il

renders a service to humanity and civilization.

So far Islam is a pretty good religion not so good indeed
as Christianity, but better than any form of Paganism. I<

has many elements of truth, derived chiefly from Judaism

So far as Mohammed followed Moses so far as the KoraB
followed the Old Testament —they uttered only the tr ith,

and truth whicli was fundamental. The unity of God is

tl\e foundation of religion. It is not oiAj a truth, but the

greatest of truths, the first condition of any right religious

worship. In declaring this, Mohammed only proclaimed to
the Arabs what Moses had proclaimed to the Hebrews
" Hear, O Israel, the Lord our God is one Lord. " But he
repeated it with great vehemence and effect, wielding it as
a battle-axe to break in pieces the idols of the heathen.
And so far —as against idolatry —Islam has served a great
purpose in history. But there its utility ends. It teaches
indeed that there is but one God. But what a God is that
which it presents to our worship !
" This God is not our
God," The Mohammedan idea of God is very different from
the Christian idea of a Father in heaven. It is the idea of
the Awful, the Invisible —grand indeed, yet cold and distant
and far away, like the stars on the desert, or in the Arctic
night, " wildly, spiritually bright," shining with a glittering
splendor, but lofty and inaccessible, beyond the cries of
human agony or despair. This view of God is so limited
and partial as to produce the effect of positive error. In a
just religious system there must be included the two ideas of
God and man ; and these in their proper relation to each
other. Exclusive contemplation of either leads astray.
When man fastens on the idea of one God, he plants him-
self on a rock. But he must not bow himself upon the rock^
and clasp it so as to forget his own separate individuality,
lest the mighty stone roll over upon him and crush him.

This the Mussulman does. He dwells so on the idea of God,

that his own existence is not only lost sight of, but annihil-
ated. The mind, subdued in awe, is at length overpowered
by what it beholds. Man is nothing in that awful presence,
as his life is but a point in the Divine eternif \r.

It cannot be denied that the idea of God, and Go i alone,

may produce some grand effects on human character. It ir
spires courage. If God 1^ for us, who can be against us *

That God is for him, the Mussulman never doubts ; and thia
confidence inspires him in danger, and on the field of battle,
so that he fights with desperation. But if the fortune of
war be against him, who so well as the devout Mussulman
knows how to suffer and to die? He murmurs not; but
bows his head, saying " God is great," and submits to hia
fate. Thus his creed carried out to its logical consequence
ends in fatalism. He believes so absolutely in God, that
the decrees of the Almighty become a fixed fate, which the
will of man is impotent to resist. All this comes from an
imperfect idea of God. Here Islam is defective, just where
Christianity is complete. t

There is nothing in Mohammedanism that brings God

down to earth, within the range of human sympathy or
even of human conception. There is no incarnation, no
Son of God coming to dwell among men, hungry and weary,
bearing our griefs and carrying our sorrows, suffering in the
garden, and dying on the cross.
The Mussulman does not feel his need of such help. In
his prayers there is no acknowledgment of sin, no feeling of
penitence, no confession of unworthiness. He knows not
how poor and weak he is, with a religion in which there
is no Saviour and Kedeemer, no Lamb of God that taketh

away the sin of the world, no Holy Spirit to help our in-
firmities, to strengthen our weaknesses.
So with Moslem morality ; if we scan it closely, we find
it wanting in many virtues. Some writers give the most
elevated ideas of it. Says Chambers' Cyclopaedia " Aside :

from the domestic relations, the ethics of the Mohammedac

religion are of the highest order. Pride, calumny, revenge,
avarice, prodigality, and debauchery, are condemned through-
out the Koran ; while trust in God, submission to His will,
patience, modesty, forbearance, love of peace, sincerity, fru-
gality, benevolence, liberality, are everywhere insisted upon."
This is very high praise. But mark the exception

"Aside from the domestic relations." Tkat exception takes

out of the system a ^hole class of virtues, and puts a class
of vices in their place. Here is the great crime of Islam
Rgainst humanity — its treatment of woman. We will not
charge against it more than belongs to it. The seclusion of
woman is not a Mohammedan custom so much as an Oriental
one, and one of a very ancient date. When Abraham sent
a servant to find a wife for Isaac, and he returned bringing
Rebekah, as the caravan drew near home, and Isaac went
out to meditate at eventide, as soon as Rebekah saw him in
the distance, she lighted off from her camel and " veiled her-
self." Polygamy too existed before Mohammed : it existed
among the patriarchs. It is claimed that Mohammed re-

pressed it, limiting a man to four wives, although he fax

exceeded the number himself. Gibbon, who never misses
an opportunity of making a point against the Bible, says
If we
remember the seven hundred wives and three hundred
concubines of the wise Solomon, we shall applaud the modesty
of the Arabian who espoused no more than seventeen or
fifteen wives." But this pretence of self-restraint is a
mockery. It is notorious that Mohammed was a man of the
grossest licentiousness and the horrible and disgusting thing

about it is that he grew more wicked as he grew older and ;

while trying to put restraint upon others put none upon

himself. He punished licentiousness with a hundred stripes,
and adultery with death, and yet he was a man of unbounded
profligacy, and to make it worse, pleaded a Divine revelation
to justify it
This example of the prophet has had its influence on all

the generations of his followers. It has trailed t> e slime of

the serpent over them all. Any one who has been in a
Mohammedan country must have felt that the position of
woman is a degradation. One cannot see them gliding through
the streets of Cairo or Constantinople, with their faces vail-
ed as if it were a shame to lock on them, and passirg swift^'

as if indeed it were a sin for them to be seen abroad, with

out a feeling of pity and indignation.
And in what a position are such women at home, if it can
be called a home, where there is no family, no true domestic
life ! The wife of a Mohammedan —the mother of his chil
dren — is little better than a slave. She is never presented to
his friends —indeed you could not offer a greater insult to a

Turk than to ask after his wife ! Of course there is no such

thing as society where women are not allowed to appear.
Such a society as that of London or Paris, composed of men
eminent in government, in science and literature —a society
refined and elevated by the presence of women of such edu-
cation and manners aod knowledge of the world as to be the
fit companions of such men —could not possibly exist in Con-
But the degradation of woman is not the only crime to be
charged to Islam. In fit companionship with it is cruelty.
Mohammed had many virtues, but he had no mercy. He
was implacable toward his enemies. He massacred his prison
ers, not from hard necessity, but with a fierce delight. Fan-

aticism extinguished natural compassion, and he put his ene-

mies to death with savage joy. In this his followers have
" bettered his instructions." The Turks are cruel, perhaps
partly by nature, but partly also because any tender sympa-
thies of nature are kept down by a fiery zeal. Their religion
does not make them merciful. When a people have become
possessed with the idea that they are the peojjle of God, and
that others are outcasts, they become insensible to the suffer-
ings of those outside of the consecrated pale.
In the Greek Revolution the people of Scio joined in the
rebfiillion. A
Turkish army landed on the island, an i in two
months put 23,000 of the inhabitants to the sword, ^\ithout
distinction of age or sex ; 47,000 were sold into slavery, and
6,000 escaped to Greece. In four months the Christian pop
Illation was reduced from 104,000 to 2,000.

What Europe and Asia, the Arabs are in

the Turks are in
Africa. The spread of Mohammedanism is a partial civiliza-
tion of some heathen tribes. But, alae, the poor natives
come in contact with " civilization and " religion " in an

other —
way in the Arab slave-hunters, who, though they are
Mohammedans, and devoutly pray toward Mecca, are the
most merciless of human beings. One cannot read fhe pages
of Livingstone without a shudder at the barbarities practised
on defenceless natives, which have spread terror and desola-
tion over a large part of the interior of Africa,
These cruel memories rise up to spoil the poetry and ro-

;nance which some modern writers have thrown about the re-
ligion of the prophet. They disturb my musings, when awed
or touched by some features of Moslem faith; when I listen
to the worship in St. Sophia, or witness the departure of
pilgrims for Mecca. Whatever Oriental pomp or splendor
may still survive in its ancient worship, at its heart the sys-
tem and hard, and cruel it does not acknowledge the
is cold, ;

brotherhood of man, but exalts the followers of the prophet

into a caste, who can look down on the rest of mankind
with ineffable scorn. Outside of that pale, man is not a
brother, but an enemy —an enemy not to be won by love, but
to be conquered and subdued, to be made a convert or a
slave. Not only does the Koran not bid mercy to be shown
to unbelievers, but it offers them, as the only alternatives,
conversion, or slavery, or death.
Needs it any argument to show how impossible is good
government under a creed in which there is no recognition
of justice and equality ? I think it is Macaulay who says
that the worst Christian government is better than the best
Mohammedan government. Wherever that religion exists,
there follow inevitably despotism and slavery, by which it

crushes man, as by polygamy and organized licentiousness,


it degrades and crushes woman. Polygamy*, despotism and


slavery form the trinity of woes which Mohr^ftimedALJsm hai



^used to weigh for ages, like a nightmare, on the whol«

Eastern world. Such a system is as incompatible with
civilization as with Christianity, and sooner or later must paaa
away, unless the human race is to come to a standstill, or to
go backward
But when and how ? I am not sanguine of any speedy
change. Such changes come slowly. We expect too much
and too soon. In an age of progress we think that all forms
of ignorance and superstition must disappear before the ad-
vance of civilization. But the vis inertice opposes a steady
resistance. It has been well said, ''
We are told that know-
ledge is power, but who has considered the power of igno-
rance ? " and how hard it dies We hear
How long it lives !

much of the " waning crescent," but it wanes very slowly, and

it sometimes seems as if the earth itself would grow old and

perish before that waning orb would disappear from the

heavens. Christian Missions make no more impression upon
Islam than the winds of the desert upon the cliffs of Mount

I do not look for any great change in the Mohammedan
world, except in the train of political changes. That religion
is so bound up with political power, that until that is de-

stroyed, or terribly shaken, there is littlehope of a generaJ

turning to a better faith. War and Revolution are the fiery
chariots that must go before the Gospel, to herald its coming
and prepare its way. Material forces may open the door to
moral influences ; the doctrines of human freedom and of
human brotherhood may be preached on battle plains as well
as in Christian temples. When the hard iron crust of Islam
is broken up, and the elements begin to melt with fervent
heat, the Eastern world may be moulded into new forma,
Then will the Oriental mind be brought into an impressibU
tate, in which argument and persuasion can act upon it

and it may yield combined influence of civilization and

to the
Christianity. The change will be slow. It will take years

it may take centuries. But sooner or later the fountains of

the great deep will be broken up. That cold, relentless sys-
tem must pass away before the light and warmth of that mil del
faith which recognizes at once the brotherhood of man and
the fatherhood of God.
In that coming age there may be other pilgrimages and
processions going up out of Egypt. *'
The dromedaries shall
come from far." But then, if a caravan of pilgrims issues
from Cairo, to cross the desert, to seek the birthplace of the
founder of its religion, it \\dll not turn South to Mecca, but
North to Bethlehem, asking with the Magi of old, " Where
is he that is born King of the Jews ? for we have seen bii
star in the East, and are come to w^irship him."

Egypt is a country with a long past, as we found in going

up the Nile ; may we not hope, also, with a not inglorious
future ? For ages it was sunk so low that it seemed to b«
lost from the view of the world. No contrast in history
could be greater than that between its ancient glory and its

modern degradation. Its revival dates from about the begin-

ning of the present century, and, strange to say, from the
invasion of Egypt by Napoleon, which incidentally brought
to the surface a man whose rise from obscurity, and whose
subsequent career, were only less remarkable than his own.
When Napoleon landed in Egypt at the head of a French
army among the forces gathered to oppose him
of invasion,
was a young Albanian, who had crossed over from Greece ai
the head of three hundred men. This was Mehemet Ali,
who soon attracted such attention by his daring and ability,
that a few years after the French had been driven out, as the
country was still in a distracted state, which required a man of
vigor and capacity, he was made Pasha of Egypt —
a position
which he retained from that time (1806) until liis death ic
1850. Here he had new dangers, which he faced with thf^
same intrepidity. That which first made his name known
to the world as asynonym of resolute courage and implaca-
ble levenge, was the massacre of the Mamelukes. These

had long been the real masters of Egypt a terror to every
successive government, as were the Janissaries tc» the Sultan
in Constantinople. Mehemet Ali had been but *lve yo'dvs in

power, when, finding that lie was becoming tjo strong for

them, they plotted to destroy him. He learned of the con-

spiracy just in time, and at once determined to '' fight fire
with fire ; " and, inviting them to the Citadel of Cairo fur
acme public occasion, suddenly shut the gates, and manning
the walls with his troops, shot them down in cold blood. Only
one man escaped by leaping his horse from the wall. This
savage butchery raised a cry of horror throughout Europe,
and Mehemet Ali was regarded as a monster of treachery
and of cruelty. It is impossible to justify such a deed by
any rules of civilized warfare. But this, it is said, was not
civilized warfare was simply a plot of assassination on
; ii

one by assassination on the other. I do not

side, forestalled

justify such reasoning. And yet I could not but listen with
interest to Nubar Pasha (the most eloquent talker, as well
as the most enlightened statesman, of Egypt), as he defend-
ed the conduct of his hero. He, indeed, has a hereditary
allegiance to Mehemet Ali, which he derived from his
uncle, the prime minister. Said he :
" The rule of the
Mamelukes was anarchy of the worst kind ; it was death to
Egypt, and right to kill death." The reasoning is
it is

not very difierent from that by which Mr. Eroude justifies

Cromwell's putting the garrison of Drogheda to the sword.
Certainly in both cases, in Egypt as in Ireland, the end was
peace. Erom that moment the terror of Mehemet Ali's name
held the whole land in awe
and from one end of the valley

of the Nile to the other, there was perfect security. ^' Every
tree planted in Egypt," said Nubar Pasha, " is due to him
for till then the people in the country did not dare to plant
a tree, for the Mamelukes or the wandering Bedouins came
and pitched their tents under its shade, and then re \>bed the
village." But now every wandering tribe that hovered on
the borders of the desert, was struck with fear and dread,
and did not dare to provoke a power which knew no mercy.
Hence the plantations of palms which have sprung up

around the Arab villages, and the beautiful avenues of treei

which have been planted along the roads.
It is not strange that such a man soon became too power-
ful, not only for the Mamelukes, but for Turkey.The Sul-
'tan did not like it thai one of his subjects had grown so **

great," and tried more than once to remove him. But the
servant had become stronger than his master, and would not
be removed. He raised a large army, to which he gave the
benefit of European discipline, and in the latter part of his
life invaded Syria, and swept northward to Damascus and

Aleppo, and was only prevented from marching to Constan-

tinople by the intervention of foreign powers. It seems a
pity now that France and England interfered. The Eastern
question might have been nearer a solution to-day, if the
last blow to the Grand Turk had been given by a Moslem

power. But at least this was secured, that the rule of

Egypt was confirmed in the family of Mehemet Ali, and the
Viceroy of Egypt became as fixed and irremovable as the
Sultan himself.
Mehemet Ali died in 1850, and was succeeded by his son
Ibrahim Pasha, who inherited much of his father's vigor.
Ismail Pasha, the present Khedive, is the son of Ibrahim
Pasha, and grandson of Mehemet Thus he has the
blood of warriors in his veins, with which he has inherited
much of their proud spirit and indomitable will.
No ruler in the East at the present moment attractsmore
of the attention of Europe. I am sorry to go away from
Cairo without seeing him. I have had two opportunities
of being presented, though not by any seeking or suggestion
of my own. But friends who were in official positions had
arranged and the time was fixed twice, but in both cases

I had to leave on the day appointed, once to go up the Nile,

and the other to embark at Suez. I cannot give therefore a
personal description of the man, but can speak of him only
from the repoHs of others, among whom are some who aea

him often and know him well. The Khedive has many
American officers in his service, some of them in high com-
mands (General Stone is chief of the " Etat-Major ") and
these are necessarily brought into intimate relations with him.
These officers I find without exception very enthusiastic in
their admiration. This is quite natural. They are brought
into relations with him of the most pleasant kind. He
wants an army, and they organize it for him. They disci-

pline his troops ; if need be, they fight his battles. As they
minister to his desire for power, and for military display, he
gives them a generous support. And so both parties are
equally pleased with each other.
But making full allowance for all these prepossessions in
his favor, there are certain things in which not only they,
but who know the present ruler of Egypt, agree, and

which therefore may be accepted without question, which

show that he has a natural force of mind and character
which would be remarkable in any man, and in one of his
position are still more extraordinary. Though living in a
palace, and surrounded by luxury, he does not pass his time
in idleness, but gives himself no rest, hardly taking time for
food and sleep. I am told that he is *'
the hardest- worked
man in Egypt." He rises very early, and sees his Ministers
before breakfast, and supervises personally every department
of the Government to such extent indeed as to leave little
for others to do, so that his Ministers are merely his secre-
taries. He is the government. Louis XIV. could not more
truly say, " I am the State," than can the Khedive of Egypt,
BO completely does he absorb all its powers.
Such activity seems almost incredible in an Oriental. II
would be in a Turk. But Ismail Pasha boasts that "he
has not a drop of Turkish blood in his veins." It is easy to
see in his restlessand active mind the spirit of that fierce
old soldier, Mehemet Ali, though softened and disciplined by
an European education.

This may be a proof of great mental energy, but it is no^

necessarily of the highest wisdom. The men wh j accomplish
most in the world, are those who use their brains chiefly to
plan, and who know how to choose fit instruments to carry
out their plans, and do not spend their strength on pett^
details which might be done quite as well, or even better,
by others.
The admirers of the Khedive point justly to what he has
done for Egypt. Since he came into power, the Suez Canal
has been completed, and is now the highway for the com-
merce of Europe with India ; great harbors have been made
or improved at Alexandria, at Port Said, and at Suez canals ;

for irrigation have been dug here and there, to carry over
the country the fertilizing waters of the Nile and railroadfl

have been cut across the Delta in every direction, and one
is already advanced more than two hundred miles up the

Nile. These are certainly great public works, which justly

Khedive to be regarded as one of the most enlight-
entitle the
ened of modern rulers.
But while recognizing all this, there are other things
which I see here in Egypt which qualify my admiration. I
cannot praise without reserve and many abatements. The
Khedive has attempted too much, and in his restless ac-
tivity has undertaken such vast enterprises that he has
brought his country to the verge of bankruptcy, Egypt,
like Turkey, is in a very bad way. She has not indeed yet
gone to the length of repudiation. From this she has been
saved for the moment by the sale of shares of the Suez Canal
to England for four millions sterling. But this is only a tem-
porary relief, it is not a permanent cure for what is a deep-
seated disease. The financial troubles of Egypt are caused
by the restless ambition (^f the Khedive to accomplish in a
few years the work of a century and to carry out in an im-

poverished country vast public works, which would task the

resources of the richest country in Europe. The Khedive ha<

the reputation abroad of being a great ruler, and he certainly!

shows an energy that is extraordinary. But it is not always
a well regulated energy. He does too much. He is a man of
magnificent designs, and projects public works with the gran
ieur of a Napoleon. This would be very well if his means
ivGTQ at all equal to his ambition. But his designs are so
v^ast that they would requii-e the capital of France or Great
Britain, while Egypt is a very poor country. It has always
of course the natural productiveness of the valley of the
Nile, but beyond that it has nothing ; it has no accumulated
wealth, no great capitalists, no large private fortunes, no
rich middle class, from which to draw an imperial revenue.
With all that can be wrung from the miserable fellahs, taxed
to the utmost limit of endurance, still the expenses outrun
enormously the income.
It is true that Egypt has much more to show for her
money than Turkey. If she has gone deeply in debt, and
contracted heavy foreign loans, she can at lea8t point to
great public works for the permanent good of Egypt ; although
in the construction of some of these she ha^ anticipated,
if not the wants of the country, at least its resources for
many years to come.
For example, at the First Cataract, I foun4 men at work
upon a railroad that is designed to extend to Khartoum,
the capital of Soudan, and the point of junct/on of the Blue
and the White Nile In the latter part of itM course tc this

point, it is to cross the desert as it must still farther, if


carried eastward, as projected, to Massowah cq the Ked Seal

These are gigantic projects, but about as n^'fcessary to th€»

present commerce of Egypt as would be a raihvay to the very

heart of Africa.
But all the money has not gone in this way. The Khedire
bas had the ambition to make of Egypt a grt-^t African Em-
pire, by adding to it vast regions in the intf^vior. For thii
he has sent repeated expeditions up the NilOj ii*d is in a con

tinual conflict with his barbarous neighbors, and has at liur*

got into a serious war with Abyssinia.

But even this is not all. Not satisfied with managing the
affairs of government, the Khedive, with that restless spirit
which characterizes him, is deeply involved in all sorts oi

private enterprises. He is a speculator on a gigantic scale,

going into every sort of mercantile adventure. He is a great
real estate operator. He owns whole squares in the new
parts of Cairo and Alexandria, on which he is constantly
building houses, besides buying houses built by others. H€
builds hotels and opera houses, and runs steamboats and rail-
roads, like a royal Jim Fisk. The steamer on which we
crossed the Mediterranean from Constantinople to Alexan-
dria, belonged to the Khedive, and the railroad that brought
us to Cairo, and the hotel in which we were lodged, and the
steamer in which we went up the Nile.
Nor is he limited in his enterprises to steamers and rail-

roads. He is a great cotton and sugar planter. He owns a

large part of the land in Egypt, on which he has any number
of plantations. His immense sugar factories, on which he
has expended millions of pounds, may be seen all along the
valley of the Nile ; and he exports cotton by the shipload
from the port of Alexandria.
A man who is thus "up to his eyes" in speculation, who
tries to do everything himself, must do many things badly,
or at least imperfectly. He cannot possibly supervise every
detail of administration,and his agents have not the stim*
ulus of a personal interest to make the most of their oppor-
tunity. I asked very often, when up the Nile, if these
great sugar factories which 1 saw paid, and was uniformly
answered " No ; " but that they would pay in private hands,
if managed by those who had a personal stake in saving
every needless expense, and increasing every possible source
of income. But the Khedive is cheated on every side, and
in a hundred ways. And even if there were not actut]


fraud, the system is one which necessarily involves immense

waste and loss. Here in Cairo I find it the universal opin-
ion that almost all the Khedive's speculations have been gi-

gantic failures, and that they are at the bottom of the trouble
which now threatens the country.
Such is the present financial condition of the Khedive and
of Egypt. I couple the two together ; although an attempt
is made to distinguish them, and we hear that although
Egypt is nearly bankrupt, yet that the Khedive is personally
" the richest man in the world " But the accounts are so

mixed that it is very difficult to separate them. There is no

doubt that the Khedive has immense possessions in his hands
but he is, at the same time, to use a commercial phrase, enor
mously " extended ; " he is loaded with debt, and has to borrow
money at ruinous rates
; and if his estate were suddenly
wound up, and a " receiver " appointed to administer upon
it, it is extremely doubtful what would be the " assets " left.

Such an administrator has appeared. Mr. Cave has just

come out from England, to try and straighten out the Khe-
dive's affairs. But he has a great task before him. Wise
heads here doubt whether his mission will come to anything,
whether indeed he will be allowed to get at the " bottom facts,"
or to make anything more than a superficial examination, as
the basis of a " whitewashing report " which may bolster up
Egyptian credit in Paris and London.
But if he does come to know ''
the truth and the whole
truth," then I predict that he will either abandon the case in
despair, or he will have to recommend to the Khedive, as the
only salvation for him, a more sweeping and radical reform
than the latter has yet dreamed of. It requires some degree
of moral courage to talk to a sovereign as to a private indi'
ridual ; to speak to him as if he were a prodigal son who had
wasted his substance in riotous living ; to tell him to moder-
and restrain his ambition, and to live a quiet
ate his desires,
and sober life; and to "livo within his means." But thu

he must do, or it is easy to see where this brilliant financier

ing will end.
If Mr. Cave can persuade the Khedive to restrain his ex
travagance ; to stop building palaces (he has now more than
he can possibly use) ; and to give up, once for all, as the fol-
lies of his youth, his grand schemes of annexing the whole
interior of Africa, as he has already annexed Nubia and
Soudan ; and to " back out " as gracefully as he can (although
it is a very awkward business), of his war with Abyssinia j

and then to follow up the good course he has begun with hia
Suez Canal shares, by selling all his stock in every commer-
cialcompany (for one man must not ti'y to absorb all the in-
dustry of a kingdom) if he can persuade him to sell all the

railways in Egypt and to sell every steamship on the Medi-


terranean, except such as may be needed for the use of the

government ; and every boat on the Nile except a yacht or
two for his private pleasure ; to sell all his hotels and thea-
tres ; his sugar factories and cotton plantations ; and aban-
doning all his private speculations, to be content with being
simply the ruler of Egypt, and attending to the affairs of
government, which are quite enough to occupy the thoughts
of " a mind capacious of such things " then he may succeed

in righting up the ship. Otherwise I fear the Khedive will

follow the fate of his master the Sultan.
But impending bankruptcy is not the worst feature in
Egypt. There is something more rotten in the State than
bad financial management. It is the want of justice estab-
lished by law, which shall protect the rights of the people.
At present, liberty there is none ; the government is an
absolute despotism, as much as it was three thousand years
ago. The system under which the Israelites groaned, and
for which God brought the plagues upon Egypt, is in full
force to-day. The Khedive has obtained great credit abroad
by the expeditions of Sir Siimuel Baker and others up the
Nile, which were said to be designed to break up the slave


trade. But what signifies destroying slavery in the interior

of Africa, when a system still more intolerable exists in
Egypt itself ? It is not called slavery; it is simply /brcea
labor, which, being interpreted, means that when the Khedive
wants ten thousand men to dig a canal or build a railroad,
he sends into the requisite number of villages, and " con-
scripts " them en masse, just as he conscripts his soldiers
(taking them away from their little farms, perhaps, at the
very moment when their labor is most needed), and sets
them to work for himself, under taskmasters, driving them
to work under the goad of the lash, or, if need be, at the
point of the bayonet. For this labor, thus cruelly exacted,
they receive absolutely nothing —neither
pay nor food. A
man who has constructed some of the greatest works of

Modern Egypt, said to me, as we were riding over the Delta,

" I built this railroad. I had under me twenty thousand
men — all forced labor. In return for their labor, I gave
tliem water ! " ''
But surely you paid them wages ? " " No."
"But you gave them food?" "No." "But how
at least
did they live?" **
The women worked on the land, and
brought them bread and rice." " But suppose they failed
to bring food, what became of the workmen ? " " They
starved." And not only were they forced to work without
pay and without food, but were often required to furnish
their own tools. Surely this is making bricks without straw,
as much as the Israelites did. Such a system of labor, how-
ever grand the public works it may construct, can hardly
excite the admiration of a lover of free institutions.
On all who escape this forced labor, the taxation is fearful,

The hand of the government is as heavy upon them as in the

ancient days. To one who was telling me of this and —

no man knows Egypt better I said, " Why, the govern-
ment takes half of all that the country yields." '' Half? "
he answered, "7^ takes ally To the miserable fellahs whc
kiJ] the soil it leaves only their mud hovels, the rags thai

scarcely hide their nakedness,and the few herbs and fmitt

that but just keep soul and body together. Every acre of
ground in Egypt is taxed, and every palm tree in the valley
of the Nile. What would our American farmers say to »
tax of twelve dollars an acre on their land, and of from
twenty-five to fifty cents on every apple tree in their or-
chards ? Yet this enormous burden falls, not on the rich
farmers of New England, or New York, or Ohio, but on the
miserable fellahs of Egypt, who
are far more destitute than
the negroes of the Yet in the midst of all this
poverty and wretchedness, in these miserable Arab villages
the tax gatherer appears regularly, and the tax, though it
be the price of blood, is remorselessly exacted. If anybody
refuses, or is unable to pay, no words are wasted on him, he
is immediately bastinadoed till his cries avail —not with the
officers of the law, who know no mercy, but with his neigh-
bors, who yielding up their last penny, compel the executioner
to let go his hold.
Such is the Egyptian Government as it presses on the peo-
ple. While its hand is so heavy in ruinous taxations, the
administration of justice is pretty much as it was in the time
of the Pharaohs. It has been in the hands of a set of native
officials, who sometimes executed a rude kind of justice on
the old principle of strict retaliation, " an eye for an eye, and
a tooth for a tooth," but commonly paid no regard to th*^

merits of a case, but decided by other considera-

it entirely

tions. In matters where the Government was concerned, no

private individual had any chance whatever. The Khedive
was the source of all authority and power, a central divimty^
of whom every official in the country was an emanatior^ be-
fore whom no law or ju.stice could stand. In other ma ttera
judges decided according to their own pleasure —their lik«

or dislike of one or the other of the parties — or more often

according to their interest, for they were notoriously open to

bribes Thus in the whole land of Egypt justice there xvMt


none. In every Arali village the sheik was a petty tyrani^

who could bastinado the miserable fellahs at his will.
This rough kind of government answered its purpose — or

at least therewas no one who dared to question it so long —

as they had only their own people to rule over. But when
foreigners came to settle in Egypt, they were not willing to be
subjected to this Oriental justice. Hence arose a system of
Consular Courts, by which every commercial question between
a foreigner and a native was decided by a mixed tribunal,
composed of the Consul of the country and a native judge.
This seemed very fair, but in fact ifc only made confusion worse
confounded. For naturally the Consul sided with his own
countryman (if he did not, he would be considered almost a
traitor), his foreign prejudices came into play and so what

was purely a question of law, became a political question.

It was not merely a litigation about property between A
and B, but a matter of diplomatic skill between France (or
any other foreign power) and Egypt and as France was the

stronger, she was the more likely to succeed. Hence the

foreigner had great advantages over the native in these Con-
sular Courts, and if in addition the native judge was open
to a bribe, and the foreigner was willing to give it, the native
suitor, however wronged, was completely at his mercy.
Such was the state of things until quite recently. But
here at least there has been a reform in the introduction of
a new judicial system, which is the greatest step forward
that has been taken within half a century.
The man who was the first to see what was the radical
vice of the country, the effectual hindrance to its prosperity,
was Nubar Pasha. He had the sagacity to see that the
first want of Egypt was not more railroads and steamboats,

but simple justice —the protection of law. How clearly he

saw the evil, was indicated by a remark which I once heard
him make. He said " The idea of justice does not exisi

in the Oriental mind. We have governors and judges, wb?


sit to hear causes, and who decide them after the C>rieiit&
fashion — that is, they will decide in favor of a friend againsl
an enemy, or more commonly in favor of the man who can
pay the largest bribe ; but to sit patiently and listen to evi-
dence, and then decide according to abstract justice, is some-
thing not only foreign to their customs, but of which they
have absolutely no idea — they cannot conceive of it." He
saw that a feeling of insecurity was at the bottom of the
want of confidence at home and abroad and that to " estab- ;

lish justice " was the first thing both to encourage native

industry, and to invite the capital of France and England to

expend itself in the valley of the Nile. To accomplish this
has been his single aim for many years. He has set himself
todo away with the old Oriental system complicated by the
Consular Courts, and to introduce the simple administration;
of justice,by which there should be, in all mixed transactions,
one law for natives and foreigners, for the rich and the poor,
for the powerful and the weak.
To inaugurate such a policy, which was a virtual revolu-
tion, the initiative must be taken by Egypt. But how could
the Khedive propose a change which was a virtual surrender
of his own absolute power? He could no longer be abso-
lute within the courts : and to give up
no Oriental despot
would consent, for it was parting with the dearest token of
his power over the lives and fortunes of his subjects. But
the Khedive was made to see, that, if he surrendered some-
thins:, he ofained much more that it was an immense advan-

tage to himself and his country to be brought within the

pale of European civilization and that this could not be

until it was placed under the protection of European law.

But Egypt was not the only power to be consulted. The
change could only be made by treaty with other countries^
and Egypt was not an independent State, and had no right
to enter into negotiations with foreign powers wi^liout th(

consent of the Porte To obtain this involved long aii<?


tedious delays at Constantinople. And last of all, the

foreign States themselves had to be persuaded into it, for oi
course the change involved the surrender of their consular
jurisdiction; and all were jealous lest it should be giving up
the rights of their citizens. To persuade them to the con-
trarywas a slow business. Each government considered
how would affect its own subjects. France especially,

which had had great advantages under the old Consular

Courts, vras the last to give its consent to the new system.
It was only a few days before the New Year, at which it
was to be inaugurated, that the National Assembly, after a
debate lasting nearly a week, finally adopted the measure by
a majority of three to one, and thus the great j udicial re-
form, on which the wisest statesman of Egypt had so long
fixed his heart, was consummated.
The change, in a word, is this. The civil jurisdiction of the
old Consular Courts, in questions between foreigners and
natives, is abolished, and instead are constituted three mixed
courts — one at Cairo, one at Alexandria, and one at Ismailia
— each composed of seven judges, of whom four are nomina-
ted by foreign powers, France, England, Germany, Austria,
K-ussia, Italy, and the United States. In the selection of
judges, as there are three benches to be filled, several are
taken from the smaller states of Europe. There is also a
higher Court of Appeal constituted in the same way.
The judges to fill these important positions have already
been named by the different governments, and so far as the
personnel of the new courts is concerned, leave nothing to
be desired. They are all men of reputation in their own
countries, as having the requisite legal
knowledge and ability,
and as men of character, who will administer the law in the
interest of justice, and that alone. The United States is
represen''ed by Judge Barringer at Alexandria, and Judge
Batcheller at Cairo — both of whom will render excellent
service to Egypt, and do honor to their own country.

The law which these courts are to administer, is net Moa

lem law (until now the supreme law of Egypt was the
Koran, as it still is in Turkey), nor any kind of Oriental

law but European law. Guided by the same intelligence
which framed the new judicial system, Egypt has adopted
the Code Napoleon. The French language will be used in
the courts for the European judges, and the Arabic for the
In administering this law, these courts are supreme ; they
cannot be touched by the Government, or their decisions
annulled ; for they are constituted and any attempt
hy treaty,
to interfere with them would at once be resented by all the
foreign powers as a violation of a solemn compact, and bring
down upon Egypt the protest and indignation of the wliole
civilized world.
The change involved in the introduction of such a system
can hardly be realized by Europeans or Americans. It is
the first attempt to inaugurate a reign of law in Egypt, or
perhaps in any Oriental country. It is a breakwater equally
against the despotism of the central power, and the meddle-
someness of foreign governments, acting through the Con-
sular Courts. For the first time the Khedive is himself put
under law, and has some check to his power over the lives
and property of his subjects. Indeed we may say that it is

the first time in the history of Egypt that there has been
one law for ruler and people — for the Khedive and the
fellah, for the native-born and for the stranger within their
The completion of such a system, after so much labor, has
naturally been regarded with great satisfaction by those who
have been working for it, and its inauguraticn on the first
of the year was an occasion of congratulation. On that day
the new judges were inducted into office, and after taking
were all entertained at the house o\
their official oaths they
Judge Batcheller, where was present also Mr. Wa«»hburne

our Minister at Paris, and where speeches were made in

English, French, German, and Arabic, and the warmest
wishes expressed both by the foreign and native judges, that
a system devised with so much care for the good of Egypt,
might be completely successful. Of course it will take time
for the people to getaccustomed to the new state of things.
They are so unused to any form of justice that at first they
hardly know what it means, and will be suspicious of it, as
if itwere some new device of oppression. They have to be
educated to justice, as to everything else. By and bye they
will get some new ideas into and we may see a
their heads,
real administration of justice in the valley of the Nile. That
it may realize the hopes of the great man by whom it haa

been devised, and " establish justice " in a country in which

justice has been hitherto unknown, will be the wish of every
This new judicial system is the one bright spot in the state
of Egypt, where there is so much that is dark. It is the one
step of real progress to be set over against all the waste and
extravagance, the oppression and tyranny. Aside from that
I cannot indulge in any rose-colored views. I cannot go into
ecstasies of admiration over a government which has had
absolute control of the country for so many years, and has
brought it to the verge of ruin.
And yet these failures and disasters, great as they are, do
not abate my interest in Egypt, nor in that remarkable man
who has I would not ask
at present its destinies in his hands.
too much, nor up an unreasonable standard. I am not so
foolish as to suppose that Egypt can be a constitutional mon-
archy like England or a republic like America.
; This would
be carrying republicanism to absurdity. I am not such ao
enthusiast for republican institutions, as to believe that they
are the best for all peoples, whatever their degree of intelli-
gence. They would be unsuited to Egypt. The people ara
aot fit for them. They are not only very poor, but verj

Ignorant. There is no middle class in Egypt in which to fintE

the materials of free institutions. Kepublican as I am, 1

Egypt is an en-
believe that the best possible government for
and my complaint against the govern
lightened despotism /
ment of the Khedive is, not that he concentrates all powei
in himself, but that he does not use it wisely —that his gov-
ernment unites, with many features of a ci\'ilized state, some
of the very worst features of Oriental tyranny.
But with all that is dark in the present state of this coun-
try, and sad in the condition of its people, I believe that
Egypt has a great future before it; that it is to rise to a new
'dfe, and become a prosperous State of the modern world.

The Nile valley has a great part yet to play in the future
civilization of Africa, as an avenue of access to the in-
terior —
to those central highlands where are the Great
Lakes, which are the long-sought sources of the Nile and ;

from which travellers and explorers, merchants and mission-

aries, may descend on the one hand to the Niger, and to
the Western Coast ; or, on the other, to those vast regions
which own the rule of the Sultan of Zanzibar. I watch
with interest every Expedition up the Nile, if so be it is an
advance, not of conquest, but of peaceful commerce and civ-

Perhaps the Khedive will rise to the height of the emer-

gency, and bring his country out of all its difficulties, and set

it on a new career of prosperity. He has great qualities,

great capacity and marvellous energy. Has he also the gift
of political wisdom ?
Never had a ruler such an opportunity. He has a part to
act —
^if he knows how to act it well —
which will give him
a name in history greater than any of the old kings of
Egypt, since to him it is given to reconstruct a kingdom, and
to lead the way for the regeneration of a continent. If only
he can see that his true inteiest lies, not in war, but in
peacCj not in conquering all the tribes of Africa, and annex

ing their territory, but in developing the resouroes of his own

country, aad in peaceful commerce with his less civilized
neighbors, he will place himself at the head of a continent,
and by the powerful infl^uence of his example, aad of his own
prosperous State, become not only the Restorer of Egypt, b?i<

fcLe Civilize r of Afric«



Our last night in Cairo we spent in riding out tc

Ghiaeh by moonlight, and exploring the interior of the
Great Pyramid. We had already been there by day, and
climbed to the top, but did not then go inside. There is
no access but by a single narrow passage, four feet wide
and high, which slopes at a descending angle, so that one
must stoop very low while he slides down an inclined plane,
as if he were descending into a mine by a very small shaft.
There is not much pleasure in crouching and creeping along
such a passage, with a crowd of Arab guides before and be-
hind, lighting the darkness with their torches, and making
the rocky cavern hideous with their yells. These creatures
fastenon the traveller, pulling and pushing, smoking in his
face,and raising such a dust that he cannot see, and is almost
choked, and keeping up such a noise that he cannot hear, and
can hardly think. One likes a little quiet and silence, a
little chance for meditation,when he penetrates the sepulchre
of kings, where a Pharaoh was laid down to rest four thousand
years ago. So I left these interior researches, on our first
visit to the Pyramid, to the younger members of our party,

and contented myself with clambering up its sides, and look-

ing off upon the desert and the valley of the Nile, with Cairo
in the distance.
But on our up the Nile, I read the work Df Piazzi

Smyth, the Astronomer Royal of Scotland, " Our Inheritance

in the Great Pyramid," and had my curiosity excited to aee

again a structure which a^ as not only the oldest and greatest

in the world, but in which he thought to have discovered
the proofs of a divine revelation. Dr. Grant of Cairo, who
had made a study of the subject, and had spent many nights
in the heart of the Pyramid, taking accurate measurements,
kindly offered to accompany us; and so we made up a partj
of those who had come down the Nile —an Episcopal clergy
man from New England, a Colonel from the United States
Army, a lady from Cambridge, Mass., and a German lady
and her daughter who had been with us for more than two
months, and my niece and myself. It was to be our last

excursion together, as we were to part on the morrow, and

should probably never all meet again.
At half-past eight o'clock we drove away from the Ez-
bekieh square in Cairo. was one of those lovely nights
found only in Egypt. The moon, approaching the full, cast
a soft light on everything —
on the Nile, as we crossed the
long iron bridge, and on the palms, w^Txng gently in the
night wind. We rode along under the a. venue of trees plant-
ed by old Mehemet Ali, keeping up an animated conver-
sation, and getting a great deal of information about Egypt.
It was two hours before we reached the Pyramid. Of course
the Arabs, who had seen the carriages approaching along the
road, and who like vultures, diecern their prey from a great
distance, were soon around us, offering their services. But
Dr. Grant, whose experience had ta,ught him whom to seek,
sent for the head man, whom he knew, who had accompanied
him in his explorations, and bade him seek out a sufficient
number of trusty guides for our party, and keep off the rest.
While the sheik was seeking for his retainers, we strolled
away to the Sphinx, which looked more strange and weird
than ever in the moonlight. How many centuries has he
sat there, crouching on the desert, and looking towards the
rising sun. The body is that of a recumbent lion. The
back only is seen, as the giant limbs, which are stretched out

sixty feet in front, are wholly covered by the sand. But th«
mighty head still lifts its unchanged brow above the waste,
looking towards the East, to see the sun rise, as it has every
morning for four thousand years.
On our return to the Pyramid, Dr. Grant pointed out the,
corner sockets " of the original structure, showing how
much larger it was when first built, and as it stood in the
time of the Pharaohs. It is well known that it has been mu-
tilated by the successive rulers of Egypt, who have stripped
off its outer layers of granite to build palaces and mosques
in Cairo. This process of spoliation, continued for centuries,
has reduced the size of the Pyramid two acres, so that now
it covers but eleven acres of ground, whereas originally it

covered thirteen. Outside of was a pavement of

all this

granite, extending forty feet from the base, which surround-

ed the whole.
By the time we had returned, the sheik was on hand with
his swarthy guides around him, and we prepared to enter the
Pyramid. It was not intended to be entered. If it had been
so designed —as it is the largest building in the world — it

would have had a lofty gateway in keeping with its enor-

mous proportions, like the temples of Upper Egypt. But it

is not a temple, nor a place for assembly or for worship, nor

even a lofty, vaulted place of burial, like the tombs of tlie

Medici in Florence, or other royal mausoleums. Except thu

King's and Queen's chambers (which are called chambers by
courtesy, not being large enough for ordinary bedrooms in a
royal palace, but more like a hermit's rocky cell), the whole
Pyramid is one mass of stone, as solid as the cliff of El Capi-
tan in the Yo Semite valley. The only entrance is by the
narrow passage already described and even this was walled ;

up so as to be concealed. If it were intended for a tomb,

whoever built it sealed it might remain
up, that its secret
forever inviolate ; and that the dead might slumber undis-
turbed until the Judgment day. It was only by accident

that an entrance was discovered. About a thousand yeara

ago a Mohammedan ruler, conceiving the idea that the
Pyramid had been built as a storehouse for the treasures of
the kings of Egypt, undertook to break into it, and worked
for months to pierce the granite sides, but was about to give
it up in despair, when the accidental falling of a stone led to

the discovery of the passage by which one now gains access

to the interior.
In getting into the Pyramid one must stoop to conquer.
But this stooping is nothing to the bodily prostrations he has
to undergo to get into some passages of the temples and un-
derground tombs. Often one has not only to crouch, but to
crawl. Near the Pyramid are some tombs, the mouths of
which are so choked up with sand that one has actually to
forego all use of hands and knees. I threw myself in despair
on the ground, and told the guides to drag me in by the
heels. As one lies prone on the earth, he cannot help feeling
that this horizontal posture is rather ridiculous for one who
is in the pursuit of knowledge. I could not but think to
what a low estate I had Sometimes one feels indeed,

as he is thus compelled to " lick the dust," as if the curse of

the serpent were pronounced upon him, " On thy belly shalt
thou go, and dust shalt thou eat all the days of thy life."

We had trusted to the man in authority to protect us

from the horde of Arabs; but nothing could keep back the
irrepressible camp-followers, who when
flocked after us, and
we got into the King's chamber, we found we had twenty-
four ! With such a bodyguard, each carrying a lighted
candle, we took up our forward march, or rather our forward
stocp^ for no man can stand upright in this low passage.
Thus bending one after another, like a flock of sheep, we
vanished from the moonlight. Dr. Grant led the way, and,
full of the wonders of the construction of the Pyramid, he
called to me, as he disappeared down its throat, to
jok bach
and see how that long tube —longer an 1 larger thai any tele

Bcope that ever was made —pointed towards the North Stai
But stars and moon were soon and we were lost in
the darkness of this labyrinth. The descent is tasy, indeed
it is too easy, for the sides of the passage are of polished
limestone, smootk as glass, and the floor affords but a slight
hold for the feet, so that as we bent forward, we found it.

difficult to keep our balance, and might have fallen from top
to bottom we had not had the strong arms of our guides to

hold us up. With such a pair of crutches to lean upon, we

slid down the smooth worn pavement till we came to a huge

boulder, a granite portcullis, which blocked our way, around

which a passage had been cut. Creeping around this, pulled
and hauled by the Arabs, who lifted us over the dangerous
places, we were shouldered on to another point of rock, and
now began our ascent along a passage as slippery as that be-
fore. Here again we should have made poor progress alone,
with our boots which slipped at every moment on the smooth
stones, but for the Arabs,whose bare feet gave them a better
hold, and who held us fast.
And now we are on a level and move along a very low
passage, crouching almost on our hands and knees, till we
raise our heads and stand in the Queen's Chamber so called —
for no reason that we know but that it is smaller than the
Returning from this, we find ourselves at the foot of the

Grand Gallery, or, as it might be called. Grand Staircase

(as in its lofty proportions it is not unlike one of the great
staircases in the old palaces of Genoa and Venice), which
ascends into the heart of the Pyramid. This is a magnifi-
cent hall, 157 feet long, 28 feet high, and 7 feet wide. But
the ascent as before is over smooth and polished limestone, tc
climb which is like climbing a cone of ice. We could not
have got on at all but for the nimble Arabs, whose bare feet
enabled them to cling to the slippery stone like cats, and
who, grasping us in their naked arras, dragged us forward b^
THE king's CHAMBEK. 8^

main The ladies shrank from this kind of assis^iincej

as they were sometimes almost embraced by these swarth^^
creatures. But there was no help for it. This kind of
bodily exercise, passive and active, soon brought on an ex-
cessive heat. We were almost stifled. Our faces grew
re i ; I tore off my cravat to keep from choking. Still, like

a true American, I was willing to endure anything if only 1

got ahead, and felt rewarded when we reached the top of thf-

Grand Gallery, and instead of looking up^ looked down.

From this height we creep along another passage till we
reach the object of our climbing, in the lofty apartment
called the King's Chamber. This is the heart of the Great
Pyramid —the central point for which apparently it was
built, and where, if anywhere, its secret is to be found. At
one end lies the sarcophagus was if the Pyra-
(if such it ;

mid was designed to be a tomb) in which the great Cheops

was buried. It is now tenantless, except by such fancies as
travellers choose to fill it withal. I know not what sudden
freak of fancy took me just then, perhaps I thought, How
would it seem to be a king even in his tomb ? and instantly
I threw myself down at full length within the sarcophagus,

and lay extended, head thrown back, and hands folded on

my breast, lying still, as great Cheops may have lain, when
they laid him in his royal house of death. It was a soft bed
of dust, which, as I sank in it, left upon my whole outward
man a marked impression. It seemed very like ordinary
dust, settled from the clouds raised by the Arabs in theii
daily entrances to show the chamber to visitors. But it was
much more poetical to suppose that it was the mouldering
dust of Cheops himself, in which case even the mass that
olung to my hair might be considered as an anointing from
the historic past. From this I was able to relieve myself,
after I reached home that night, by a plentiful application
of soap and water ; but alas, my gray travelling suit bore
^h& scars of battle, the " dust of conflict," much longer, and
86 THE king's CHAMBEK.

itwas not till we left Suez that a waiter of i^ ship took

the garment in hand, and by a vigorous beatitrg exor.ised
the stains of Egypt, so that Pharaoh and his host or kia —

dust were literally cast into the Ked Sea.
And now we were all in the King's Chamber, our part-y
of eight, with three times the number of Arabs. The lattei
were at first quite noisy, after their usual fashion, but Dr
Grant, who speaks Arabic, hushed them with a peremptorj/
command, and they instantly subsided, and crouched down
by the wall, and sat silent, watching our movements. One
of the party had brought with him some magnesium wire,
which he now lighted, and which threw a strong glare on
the sides and on the ceiling of the room, which, whether or
not intended for the sepulchre of kings, is of massive solid-
ity —faced
round with red granite, and crossed above with
enormous blocks of the same rich dark stone. With his
subject thus illuminated. Dr. Grant pointed out with great
clearness those features of the King's Chamber which have
given it a scientific interest. The sarcophagus, which is an
oblong chest of red granite, in his opinion, as in that of
Piazzi Smyth, is not a sarcophagus at all ; indeed it looks
quite as much like a huge bath-tub as a place of burial for one
of the Pharaohs. He called my attention to the fact that it

could not have been introduced into the Pyramid by any of

the known passages. It must, therefore, have been built in
it. It is also a singular fact that it has no cover, as a sarco-

phagus always has. No mummy was ever found in it so

far as we have any historic record. Piazzi Smyth, in his
book, which is full of curious scientific lore, argues that it

was not intended for a tomb, but for a fixed standard of

measures, such as was given to Moses by Divine command.
It is certainly a remarkable coincidence, if nothing more,
that it is of the exact size of the Ark of the Covenanii
But without giving too much importance to real or sup-
posed analogies and correspondences, we must acknowledge
TnE king's chamber. 8^

that there are many points in the King'r Chamber which

make it a subject of curious study and of scientific interest j

and which seera to was constructed with refer-

show that it

ence to certain mathematical proportions, and had a design

beyond that of being a mere place of burial.
After we had had this scientific discussion, we prepared
for a discussion of a difierent kind —
that of the lunch which
we had brought with us. A night's ride sharpens the appe
bite. As the only place where we could sit was the sarco-
phagus itself, we took our places in it, sitting upon its granite
sides. An Arab who knew what we should want, had
brought a pitcher of water, which, as the heat was oppres-
sive, was most grateful to our lips, and not less acceptable to

remove the dust from our eyes and hands. Thus refreshed,
we relished our oranges and cakes, and the tiny cups of
Turkish cofi'ee.

To add to the weirdness of the scene, the Arabs asked if

we would like to see them perform one of their native dances :

Having our assent, they formed in a circle, and began mov-

ing their bodies back and forth, keeping time with a strange
chant, which was not very musical in sound, as the dance
was not graceful in motion. It was quickly over, when, of
course, the hat was passed instantly for a contribution.
The Colonel proposed the health of Cheops Poor old!

Cheops ! What would he have said to see such a party dis-

turbing the place of his rest at such an hour as this ? J
looked at my watch it was midnight
; —
an hour when tho
dead are thought to stir uneasily in their graves. Might he
not have risen in wrath out of his sarcophagus to see these
frivolous moderns thus making merry in the place of his
sepulture ? But this miduight feast was not altogether gay,
for some of us thought how we should be " far awa,y on
the morrow," For weeks and months we had been travel
ling together, but this excursion was to be our last. We

were taking our parting feast a fact which gave it a touot

of sadness, as the place and the hour gave it a peculiai

And now we prepared to descend. T lingered in the
chamber to the last, waiting till all had gone — till even the
.ast attendant had crawled ont and was heard shouting afar
off— that I might for a moment, at least, be alone in the
silence and the darkness in the heart of the Pyramid ; and
then, crouching as before, followed slowly the lights that
were becoming dimmer and dimmer along the low and narrow
passage. Arrived at the top of the Grand Gallery, I waited
with a couple of Arabs till all our party descended, and then
lighting a magnesium wire, threw a sudden and brilliani

light over the lofty walls.

It was one o'clock when we emerged from our tomb to the
air and the moonlight, and found our carriages waiting for
QS. The moon was setting in the West as we rode back un-
der the long avenue of trees, and across the sacred Nile. It
was three o'clock when we reached our hotel, and bade each
other good-night and good-bye. Early in the morning two
of us were to leave for India on our way around the world,
and others were to turn their faces towards the Holy Land
and Italy. But however scattered over Europe and America,
none of us will ever forget our Midnight in the Heart of the
Great Pyramid.
In recalling this memory of Egypt, my object is not
merely to furnish a poetical and romantic description, but to
invite the attention of the most sober readers to what may
well be a study and an instruction. This Pyramid was the
greatest of the Seven Wonders of the World in the time of
th e Greeks, and it is the only one now standing on the earth.

May it not be that it contains some wisdom of the ancients that

is worthy the attention of the boastful moderns some secret ;

and sacred lore which the science of the present day may
well study to reveal ? It may be Smyth argues
(as Piazzi

In his learned book) that we who are now upon the earth

have " an iulieritance in the Great Pyramid waa ;

" that it

built not merely to swell the pride of the Pharaohs, and to

be the wonder of the Egyptians but for our instruction, on

whom the ends of the world are come. Without giving our
adhesion in advance to any theory, there are certain facts,

clearly apparent, which give more than a

to this structure
monumental interest. For thousands of years it had been
supposed to have been built for a royal tomb for that and —
that only. —
So perhaps it was and perhaps not. At any
rate a very slight observation will show that it was built also
for other purposes. For example :

Observe its geographical position. It stands at the apex

of the Delta of the Nile, and Piazzi Smyth claims, in the
centre of the habitable globe ! He has a map in which
itspoint is fixed in Africa, yet between Europe and Asia,
and which shows that it stands in the exact centre of the
land surface of the whole world. This, if it be an accident,
is certainly a singular one.
Then it is exactly on the thirtieth parallel of latitude,
and it stands four-square, its four sides facing exactly the
four points of compass —North, South, East, and West,
Now the chances are a million to one that this could not
occur by accident. There is no need to argue such a matter.
It was certainly done by design, and shows that the old
Egyptians knew how to draw a meridian line, and to take
the points of compass, as accurately as the astronomers of the
present day.
Equally evident is it that they were able to measure the
solar year as exactly as modern astronomers. Taking the
sacred cubit as the unit of measure there are in each side of
the Pyramid just 365^ cubits, which gives not only the
aumber of days in the year, but the six hours over !

That it was built for astronomical purposes, seems prob-

able from its very structure. Professor Proctor argues that
It was erected for purposes of astrology ! Never was there

such an observatory in the world. Its pinnacle is the lofbi

est ever placed in the air by human hands. It seems as if
the Pyramid were built like the tower of Babel, that its toji

might **
touch heaven." From that great height one haa
almost a perfect horizon, looking off upon the level valley of
the Nile. It is said that it could not have been ascended
because its were covered with polished stone. But
may there not have been a secret passage to the top ? It is
hard to believe that such an elevation was not made use oi
by a people so much given to the study of the stars as were
the ancient Egyptians. In some way we would believe that
the priests and astrologers of Egypt were able to climb to
that point, where they might sit all night long looking at the
constellations through that clear and cloudless sky ; watching
Orion and the Pleiades, as they rose over the Mokattam hills
on the other side of the Nile, and set behind the hills of the
Libyan desert.
There is another very curious fact in the Pyramid, thai
the passage by which it is entered points directly to the
North Star, and yet not to the North Star that now is, bu* to
Alpha Draconis, which was the North Star four thousand
years ago. This is one way in which the age of the Pyramid
is determined, for it is found by the most exact calculations

that 2170 years before Christ, a man placed at the bottom of

that passage, as at the bottom of a well, and looking upward
through that shaft, as if he were looking through the great
telescope of Lord Posse, would fix his eye exactly on the

North Star the pole around which was revolving the whole
celestial sphere. As is well known, this central point of the
heavens changes in the lapse of ages, but that star will
come around to the same point in 25,800 years more, when,
if the Pyramid be still standing, the observers of that remote
period can again look upward and see Alpha Draconis on hii

throne, and mark how the stars *' return again " to their
places in the "jverlasting revolutions of the heavens.

As to tho measurement of time, all who have visited as

fcronomical observatories know the extreme and almost infi

nite pains taken to obtain an even temperature for clocks.

The slightest increase of temperature may elongate the pen-
dulum, and so affect the duration of a second, and this,

though it be in a degree so infinitesimal as to be almost

inappreciable, yet becomes important to the accuracy of com-
putations, when a unit has to be multiplied by hundreds of
millions, as it is in calculating the distances of the heavenly
bodies. To obviate this difficulty, astronomical clocks are
sometimes placed in apartments under ground, closed in with
ihick walls (where even the door is rarely opened, but the
observations are made through a glass window), so that it

cannot be affected by the variations of temperature of the

outer world. But here, in the heart of this mountain of
stone, the temperature is preserved at an absolute equilibrium,
so that there is no expansion by heat and no contraction by
cold. WTiat are all the observatories of Greenwich, and Paris
and Pulkowa, to such a rock-built citadel as the Great Pyra-
mid ?
But not only was the Pyramid designed to stand right in
its position towards the earth and the heavenly bodies but ;

also, and perhaps chiefly (so argues Prof. Smyth) was it de-

signed for metrological (not meteorological) purposes —to

furnish an exact standard of weights and measures. The unit
of lineal measure used in the Pyramid he finds to correspond
not to the English foot, nor to the French metre, but to the
Hebrew sacred cubit. This is certainly a curious coincidence,
may it not prove simply that the latter was derived from

the forme' ? Moses was learned in all the wisdom of the

Egyptians, and may have brought from the Valley of the
Nile weights and measures, as well as customs and laws.
But this cubit itself, wherever it came from, has some very
remarkable correspondences. French and English mathema-
ticians and astronomers have had great difficulty to fix upon

an exact standard of lineal measure. Their metliod has been

to take some length which had an exact relation to one oi
the unchangeable spaces or distances of the globe itself.

Thus the English inch is one five hundred millionth part of

the axis of the earth. But Prof. Smyth finds in the Great
Pyramid a still better standard of measure. The cubit con-
tains twenty-five of what he calls " Pyramid inches," and
fifty of these are just equal to one ten-millionth part of the
earth's axis of rotation ! He finds in the Pyramid a greater
wonder still in a measure for determining the distance of the
earth from the sun, which is the unit for calculating the dis^
tances of the heavenly bodies ! That which scientific expedi-

tions have been sent into all parts of the earth within the
lasttwo years to determine by more accurate observations of
the transit of Yenus, is more exactly told in the Great Pyra-
mid erected four thousand years ago !

It is a very fascinating study to follow this learned profes-

sor in his elaborate calculations. He seems to think the
whole of the exact sciences contained in the Great Pyramid.
The vacant chest of red granite in the King's Chamber, over
which Egyptologists have puzzled so much, is to him as the
very ark of the Lord. That which has been supposed to be
a sarcophagus, with no other interest than as having once
held a royal mummy, he holds not to be the tomb of Cheops,
or of any of the kings of Egypt, but a sacred coffer intended
to serve as a standard of weights and measures for all time to
come. He thinks it accomplishes perfectly the arithmetical
feat of squaring the circle ! —the height being to the circum-
ference of the base, as the radius is to the circumference of &

But the Great Pyramid has, to Professor Smyth, more

than a scientific — it has a religious interest. He is a Scotch-
man, and not only a man of science, but one who believes,
with all the energy of his Scotch nature, in a Divine revela-
tion; and as might be suppos(!d, bo connects this monumem

of scientific learnino: with One who is the source of all (vis-

d )m and knowledge. However great may have been the

wisdom of the Egyptians, he does not believe that they had
a knowledge of geodesy and astronomy greater than the most
learned scientific men of our day. He has another explana-
tion, that the Great Pyramid was built by the guidance of
Him who led the Israelites out of Egypt,and who, as he
shone upon their path in the desert, now shines by this light-
house and signal tower upon the blindness and ignorance of
the world. He believes that the Pyramid was constructed
by Divine inspiration just as much as the Jewish Tabernacle
that asMoses was commanded to fashion everything accord-
ing to the pattern showed to him in the Mount, so some an-
cient King of Egypt, woi'king under Divine inspiration,
builded better than he knew, and wrought into enduring
stone, truths which he did not perhaps himself understand,
but which were to be revealed in the last time, and to testify
to a later generation the manifold wisdom of God. As to its
age he places it somewhere between the time of Noah and
the calling of Abraham. Dr. Grant even thinks it was built
before the death of Noah But mankind could hardly have

multiplied in the earth in the lifetime of even the oldest of

the patriarchs, so as to be capable of building such monu-
ments. The theory is that it was not built by an Egyptian
architect. There is a tradition mentioned in Herodotus of a
shepherd who came from a distant country, from the East,
who had much to do with the building of the Pyramid, and
was regarded as a heavenly visitant and director. Prof.
Smyth thinks it probable, that this visitor was Melchisedek !

He even gives the Pyramid a prophetic character, and thinks

that the different passages and chambers are designed to be
symbolical of the diiferent economies through which God
educates the rice. The entrance at first descends. That may
represent the gradual decadence of mankind to the time of

the Flood, or to the exodus of the Israelites. Then the pa*


sage begins to ascend, but slowly and painfully, wliicb repr&

sents tlie Jewish Dispensation, when men were struggling
towards the light. After a hundred and twenty-seven feei
of this stooping and creeping upward, there is a sudden en
largement, and the low passage rises up into the Grand Gal-
lery, just as the Mosaic economy, after groping through man;^
centuries, at last bursts into the full glory of the Christian
Believing in its inspired character, he finds in every part
of this wonderful structure signs and symbols. Taking it

as an emblem of Christian truth, whete is the chief corner-

stone ? Not at the base, but at the top —the apex ! At the
bottom, there are four stones which are equal —no one of
which is above another —the chief corner-stone therefore
must be the capstone !

It will be perceived that this is a very original and very

sweeping theory ; that it overturns all our ideas of the Great
Pyramid ;that it not only turns Cheops out of it, but turns
Science and Revelation together into it. We may well
hesitate before accepting it in its full extent, and yet we
must acknowledge our indebtedness to Prof. Smyth. He
has certainly given a new interest to this hoary monument
of the past. Scientific men who reject his theory are still
4eeply interested in the facts which he brings to light, which
inQj recognize as very extraordinary, and which show a
degree of scientific knowledge which not only they did not
believe to exist among the Egyptians, but which hardly
exists in our day.
So much as this we may freely concede, that the Pyramid
has a scientific value, if not a sacred character ; that it is

full of the wisdom of the Egyptians, if not of the inspira-

tion of the Almighty ; and that it is a storehouse of ancient
knowledge, even if it be not the very Ark of the Covenant,
in which the holiest mysteries are enshrined I

Leaving out what may be considered fanciful in the spec


nlationa of the Scotch astronomerj there is yet nnich in the

facts he presents worthy the consideration of the man of
science, as well as the devout attention of the student of
the Bible, and whiijh, if duly weighed, will at once enlarge
our knowledge and strengthen our faith.

Such are the lessons that we derive from even our slight
acquaintance with the Great Pyramid and so, as we looked

back that night, and saw it standing there in the moonlight,

its cold gray summit, its " chief corner-stone," pointing

upwards to the clear unclouded firmament, it seemed to

point to something above the firmament — to turn our ejea
and thoughts to Heaven and to God.
Wo left Cairo the next morning. Our departure from
Egypt was not exactly like that of the Israelites, though we
came through the land of Goshen, and by the way of the
Red Sea. We did not flee away at night, nor hear the rusli
of horses and chariots behind us. Indeed we were very
reluctant to flee at all we did not like to go away, for in

those five or six weeks we had grown very fond of the coun-
try, to which the society of agreeable travelling companions
lent an additional charm.
But the world was all before us, and necessity bade us
depart. It was the 6th of January, the beginning of the
feast of Bairam, the Mohammedan Passover. The guns of
the Citadel ushered in the day, observed by all devout Mus-
sulmaiis, which commemorates the sacrifice by Abraham not —
of Isaac, but of Jshmael, for the Arabs, who are descendants
of Ishmael, have no idea of his being set aside by the other
son of the Father of the Faithful. On this day every family
sacrifices the paschal lamb (which explains the flocks of
sheep which we had seen for several days in the streets of
the city), and sprinkles its blood upon the lintels and door-
posts of their houses, that the angel of death may j)ass them
by. The day is one of general rejoicing and festivity. TJic
Khedive gives a grand reception to all the foreign represen-
tatives at his palace of Gezireh, at which I had been invited
to be present. But from this promised pleasure I had tc
tear myself away, to reach the steamer at Suez on which W€

were to embark the next day for India. But if we missedi

the Khedive, we had at least a compensation, for as we werr
at the station, who should appear but Nubar Pasha ! H('
had just resigned the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, which
took a load off his shoulders, and felt like a boy out of
school, and was now going off to a farm which he has a few
miles from Cairo, to have a holiday. He immediately came
to us and took a seat in the same carriage, and we sat to
gether for an hour, listening to his delightful conversatior*^,
as he talked of Egypt with a patriot's love and a poefa
enthusiasm. is no man who more earnestly wishes
its prosperity, and it would be well for the Khedive if he

were always guided by such advisers. At the station hxs

servants met him with one of those beautiful white donkey s,
so much prized in the East, and as he rode away waving his
hand to us, we felt that we were parting from one of the
wisest and wittiest men whom it had been our good fortune
to meet in all our travels.
At Zagazig, the railroad from Cairo unites with that from
Alexandria. Here we stopped to dine, and while waiting, a
special train arrived with Mr. Cave, who has come out from
London to try and put some order into the financial affairs
of Egypt. If he succeeds, he will deserve to be ranked very
high as a financier. He was going on to Ismailia to meet
M. de Lesseps, that they might go through the Suez Cana^
And now we leave behind us the rich land of Goshen,
where Joseph placed his father Jacob and his brethren, with
and herds; we leave the fertile meadows and the
their flocks
palm groves. We are on the track of the Israelites we ;

have passed Eameses, the first station in their march, and

entered the desert, that ''great and terrible wilderness " in
which they wandered forty years. Wf enter it, not on
camels or horses, but drawn by a steed of fire. A railway
in the desert This is progress indeed.
! There is something


very imposing to tlie imagination in the idea of aL iron

track laid in the pathless sands, over which long trains move
swifter than " the swift dromedaries," and carrying burdens
greatei than the longest caravans. These are the highways
of civilization, which may yet carry it into the heart of
Africa. Here, too, are the great ships, passing through the
Suez Canal, whose tall masts are outlined against the hori-
zon, as theymove slowly from sea to sea.
And now we are approaching the border line between
Asia and Africa. It is an invisible line; no snow-capped
mountains divide the mighty continents which were the seats
of the most ancient civilisation ; no sea flows between them
the Red Sea terminates over seventy miles from the Mediter-
ranean ; even the Suez Canal does not divide Asia and Africa,
for it is Nothing marks where Africa
wholly in Egypt.
ends and Asia begins, but a line in the desert, covered by
drifting sands. And yet there is something which strangely
touches the imagination, as we move forward in the twilight,
with the sun behind us, setting over Africa, and before us
the black night coming on over the whole continent of Asia.

So would I take leave of Africa in the Night and in the
Desert. Byron Harold with an apostrophe
closes his Childe
to the Ocean, his Pilgrim ending his wanderings on the shore.
The Desert the Sea it fills the horizon, and shuts out
is like :

the sight of " busy cities far away," leaving one on the
boundless plain, as on the Ocean —alone with the Night.
Perhaps I may be indulged in some quiet musings here,
before we embark on the Bed Sea, and seek a new world in
But what can .me say of the desert? The subject seems
as barren as its own sands. Xi/e in the desert? There is
no life ; it is the very realm of death, where not a blade of
grass grows, nor even an insect's wing flutters over the
mighty desolation; the only objects in motion, the clouds
that flit across the sky, and cast their shadows on the barren


virastebelow ; and the only sign that man has ever passed
over it, the bleaching bones that mark the track of caravans.
But as we look, behold " a wind cometh out of the North,"
and stirring the loose sand, whirls it into a column, which
moves swiftly towards us like a ghost, as if it said :
" I am
the spirit of the desert ; man, wherefore comest thou here ?
Pass on. If thou invadest long my realm of solitude and
silence, I will make thy grave." We shall not linger, but
only " tarry for a night," to question a little the mystery
that lies hidden beneath these drifting sands.
We look again, and we see shadowy forms coming out of
the whirlwind — great actors in history, as well as figures of
the imagination. The horizon is filled with moving caravans
and marching armies. Ancient conquerors pass this way for
centuries from Asia into Africa, and back again, the wave
of conquest flowing and reflowing from the valley of the
Tigris to the valley of the Nile. As we leave the Land of
Goshen, we hear behind us the tramp of the Israelites be-
ginning their march ; and as the night closes in, we see in
another quarter of the horizon the wise men of the East
coming from Arabia, following their guiding star, which
leadsthem to Bethlehem, where Christ was born.
And so the desert which was '* dead " becomes ** alive ; "
a whole living world starts up from the sands, and glides
into view, appearing suddenly like Arab horsemen, and then
vanishing as if it had not been, and leaving no trace in the
sands any more than is left by a wreck that sinks in the

ocean. But like the sea, it has its passing life, which has a
deep human interest. And not only is there a life of the
aesert, but a literature which is the expression of that life

a history and a poetry, which take their color from these

peculiar forms of nature —and even a music of the desert,
Bung by the camel-drivers, to the slow movement of the cara*

van, its plaintive cadence keeping time to the tinkling of

the bells.
L. of C,

It has been one of the prollems of physical geographers

What was the use of deserts in the economy of nature ? A
large part of Africa is covered by deserts. The Libyan
Desert reaches to the Sahara, which stretches across the con-
tinent. All this seems an utterly waste portion of the earth's
surface. The same question has been raised in regard to the
sea : Why is it that three-fourths of the globe are covered by
water? Perhaps the same answer may be given in both
cases. These vast spaces may be the generators and puri-
fiers of the air we breathe —the renovators of our globe's at-
And the desert has its beauty as well as its utility. It is
aot all a dead level, a boundless monotony, but is billowy
like the sea, with great waves of sand cast up by the wan-
dering winds. The color, of course, is always the same, for
there is no green thing to relieve the yellow sand. But na-
ture sometimes produces great effects with few materials.
This monotony of color is touched with beauty by the glow
>f sunset, as the light of day fades over the wide expanse.
5unrise and sunset on the desert have all the simple but
ip:-and effects of sunrise and sunset on the ocean. What
jainter that has visited Egypt has not tried to put on canvas
;hat after-glow on the Nile, which is alike his wonder and
his despair ? Egypt is one of the favorite countries sought
by European artists, who seek to catch that marvellous color
which is the effect of its atmosphere. They find many a
subject in the desert. With the accessories of life, few as
they are, it presents many a scene to attract a painter's eye,
and furnishes full scope to his genius. A great artist finds
ample material in its bare and naked outlines, relieved by a
few solitary figures —the Arab and his tent, or the camel and
his rider. Perhaps the scene is simply a few palm trees be-
side a spring, r nder whose shade a traveller has laid him down
to rest from the noon- tide heat, and beside him are cameli
feeding ! But here is already a picture. With what effect

does Gerome give the Prayer in the Desert, with the caniel
kneeling on the sands, and his rider kneeling beside him,
with his face turned towards Mecca Death in the Desert,
; or
where the poor beast, weary and broken, is abandoned to diq,
yet murmurs not, but has a look of patience and resignation
that is most pathetic, as the vultures are seen hovering ii
the air, ready to descend on their prey !

A habitat so must produce a life aa

peculiar as the desert
peculiar. It is of necessity a lonely life. The dweller in
tents is a solitary man, without any fixed ties, or local habi-
tation. Whoever lives on the desert must live alone, or with
few companions, for there is nothing to support existence.
It must be nomadic life. If the
also a hisArab camps, with
flocks and herds, in some green spot beside a spring, yet it
is only for a few days, for in that time his sheep and cattle

have consumed the scanty herbage, and he must move on to

some new resting-place. Thus the life of the desert is a life
always in motion. The desert has no settled population, no
towns or villages, where men are born, and grow up, and live
and die. Its only ^'
inhabitants " are " strangers and pil-

grims," that come alone or in caravans, and pitch their tents,

and tarry for a night, and are gone.
Such a life induces peculiar habits, and breeds a peculiar
class of virtues and vices. Nomadic tribes are almost always
robbers, for they have to fight for existence, and it is a des-
perate struggle. But, on the other hand, their solitary life

as well as the command of the prophet, has taught them the

virtue of hospitality. Living alone, they feel at times the
sore need of the presence of their kind, and welcome the
companionship even of strangers. An Arab sheik may live
by preying on travellers, but if a wanderer on the desert ap-
proaches his tent and asks shelter and protection, he gives it
freely. Even though the old chief be a robber, the stranger
sleeps in peace and safety, and his entertainer is rewai ded by
the comfort of seeing a human face and hearing a human voice

To traverse spaces so vast and so desolate would not b^

possible were it not for that faithful beast of burden which
nature Las provided. Horses may be used by the Bedouins
on their marauding expeditions, but they keep near the bor-
ders of the desert, where they can make a dash and fly ; but
on the long journey across the Great Sahara, by which the
outer world communicates with the interior of Africa, no
beast could live but the camel, which is truly the ship of the
desert. Paley might find an argument for design in the pe-
culiar structure of the camel for its purpose ; in its stom-
ach, that can carry water for days, and its foot, which is not
small like that of the horse, but broad, to keep the huge ani-
mal from sinking in the sands. It serves as a snow-shoe,
and bears up both the beast and his rider. Then it is not
hard like a horse's hoof, that rings so sharp on the pavement,
but soft almost like a lion's paw. And tall as the creature
is, he moves with a swinging gait, that is not unpleasant to
one accustomed to it, and as he comes down on his soft foot,

the Arab mother sits at ease, and her child is lulled to rest
almost as if rocked in a cradle.
Thus moving on in these slow and endless marches, what so
natural as that the camel-riders should beguile their solitudb
with song ? The lonely heart relieves itself by pouring its

loves and its sorrows into the air; and hence come those
Arabian melodies, so wild and plaintive and tender, which
constitute the music of the desert. Some years since a sym
phony was produced in Paris, called " The Desert," which
created a great sensation, deriving its charm from its
unlikeness to European music. It awakened, as it were, a
new who had been listening all
sense in those their lives to
French and German operas. It seemed to tell —
as music only
*"ells —
the story of the life of the desert. In listening one could
almost see the boundless plain, broken only by the caravan,
moving slowly across the waste. He could almost " feel the
uilence" of that vast solitude, and then faintly in the dia

tanoe was heard the tinkling of the camel-bells, and the song
of the desert rose upon the evening air, as softly as if clois-

tered nuns were singing their vesper hymns. The novel con-
ception took the fancy of the pleasure seekers of Paris, always
eager for a new The symphony made the fame of
the composer, Felicien David, who was thought to have shown
a very original genius in the composition of melodies, such as
Europe had not heard before. The secret was not discovered
until some French travellers in the East, crossing the desert,
heard the camel-drivers singing and at once recognized the
airs that had so taken the enthusiasm of Paris. They were
the songs of the Arabs. The music was born on the desert,
and produced such an effect precisely because it was the out-
burst of a passionate nature brooding in solitude.
Music and poetry go together the : life that produces the onti

produces the other also. And as there is a music of the des-

ert, so there is a poetry of the desert. Indeed the desert may
be almost said to have been the birthplace of poetry. The
Book of Job, the oldest poem in the world, older than Homer,
and grander than any uninspired composition, w^as probably
written in Arabia, and is full of the imagery of the desert.
But while the mind carols lightly in poetry and music, its

deeper musings take the form of Religion. It is easy to see

how the life of the desert must act upon a thoughtful and
'* naturally religious " mind. The absence of outward objects
throws it back upon itself; and it broods over the great
mystery of existence. Coleridge's Ancient Mariner, when he

*' Alone on the wide, wide sea,"

foTmd that
" So lonely 'twas that God himself
Scarce seemed there to be."

But in the desert one may say there is nothing but God. H
tih<»re is little of earth, there is much of heaven. The glory of

the desert is at niglit, when the full moon rises out of the level
plain, as out of the sea, and walks the unclouded firmament.
And when she retires, then all the heavenly host come forth.
The atmosphere is of such exquidte purity, that the stars
shine with all their splendor. No vapor rises from the earth,
no exhalation obscures the firmament, which seems all aglow
with the was such a sight that kindled the
celestial fires. It
mind of Job, up from the Arabian deserts three
as he looked
thousand years ago, and saw Orion and the Pleiades keeping
their endless march and as led him to sing of the time " when

the morning stars sang together, and all the sons of God
?houted for joy."
Is it strange that God should choose such a vast and silent
temple as this for the education of those whom He would set
apart for his own service ? Here the Israelites were led apart
to receive the law from the immediate presence of God. The
desert was their school, the place of their national education.
It separated them from their own history. It drew a long
track between them and the bitter past. It was a fit intro-
duction to their new life and their new religion, as to their
new country.
In such solitudes God has had the most direct commun-
ion with the individual soul. It was in the desert that Moses
hid himself in a cleft of the rock while the Lord passed by
that the Lord answered Job out of the whirlwind and from ;

it that John the Baptist came forth, as the voice of one cry-
ing in the wilderness.
So in later ages holy men who wished to shun the tempta-
tions of cities, that they might lead lives of meditation and
prayer, fled to the desert, that they might forget the world
and live for God alone. This was one of the favorite retreats
of Monasticism in the early Christian centuries. The tombs
of the Thebaid were filled with monks. Convents were built
on the cliffs of Mount Sinai that remain to this day.
We do not fool the need of such seclusion and separatioii

from the world, but this passing over the desert sets the mind

at work and theme for religious meditation. Is not

supplies a
life a desert, where, as on the sea, all paths are lost, and the

traveller can only keep his course by observations on the

stars ? And are we not all pilgrims ? Do we not all belong
to that slow moving caravan, that marches steadily across the
waste and disappears in the horizon? Can we not help some
poor wanderer who may be lonely and friendless, or who may
have faltered by the way ; or guide another, if it be only to

go before hini, and leave our footprints in the sands, that

A forlorn and shipwrecked brother,
Beeisg m&y take heart again ?



Suez lies bet^vveen the desert and the and is the point

of departure both for ships and caravans. But the great

canal to which it gives its name, has not returned the favor
by giving it prosperity. Indeed the country through which
it passes derives little benefit from its construction. Before
it was opened, Egypt was on the overland route to India,

from which it derived a large revenue. All passengers had

to disembark at Alexandria and cross by railroad to Suez
while freight had to be unshipped at the one city and re-
shipped at the other, and thus pay tribute to both. Now
ships pass directly from the Mediterranean into the canal,
and from the canal into the Ked Sea, so that the Englishman
who embarks at Southampton, need not set his foot on the
soil of Egypt. Thus it is not Egypt but England that profits
by the opening of the Suez Canal while Egypt really suffers

by the completion of a work which is of immense benefit to

the commerce of the world.
Though the Suez Canal is an achievement of modern timeS;
yet the idea is not modern, nor indeed the first execution. It
was projected from almost the earliest period of history, and
was begun under the Pharaohs, and was at one time com-
pleted, though not, as now, solely for the passage of ships,
but also as a defence, a gigantic moat, which might serve m
a barrier against invasions from Asia.

There is nothing in Suez to detain a traveller, and with

the morning we were sailing out in one of the native boats,
before a light wind, to the great ship lying in the harbor,
which was to take us to India. We had, indeed, a foretaste,
or rather foresight, of what we were soon
upon in theto look
farthest East, as we saw some huge elephants moving along
the quay ; but these were not familiar inhabitants, but had
just been disembarked from a ship arrived only the day before
from Bombay —a present from the Viceroy of India to the
Viceroy of Egypt.
Once on board ship I was as in mine own country, for now,
for the first time in many months, did I hear constantly the
English language. We
had been so long in Europe, and
heard French, German, Italian, Greek and Turkish ; and
Arabic in Egypt ; that at first I started to hear my own
mother tongue. I could not at once get accustomed to it, but
called to the waiter " gargon," and was much surprised that
he answered in English. But it was very pleasant to come
back to the speech of my childhood. Henceforth English
will carry me around the globe. It is the language of the sea,
and of " the ends of the earth ; " and it seems almost as if the
good time were coming when the whole earth should be of one
language and of one speech.
And now we are on the Bed Sea, one of the historical seas
of the world. Not far below the town of Suez is supposed
to be the spot where the Israelites were hemmed in between
the mountains and the sea; where Moses bade the waves
divide, and the fleeing host rushed in between the uplifted
walls, feeling that, if they perished, the waters were more
merciful than their oppressors ; while behind them came the
chariots of their pursuers.
was long before we lost sight of Egypt. On our right
was the Egyptian coast, still in view, though growing
dimmer on the horizon; and as we sat on deck at evening
the gorgeous sunsets flamed over those shores, as they did

on the Nile, as if reluctant to leave the scene of so mud

On the other side of the sea stretched the Peninsula of
Sinai, with its range of rugged mountains, among whiob
the eye sought the awful summit from which God gave the
This eastern side of the Red Sea has been the birthplace
of religions. Half way down the coast is Jhidda, the port
of Mecca. Thus Islam was born not far from the birth-
place of Judaism, of which in many features it is a close
I have asked many times. What gave the name to the Red
Sea ? Certainly it is not the color of the water, which is blue
as the sea anywhere. It is said that there is a phosphorescent
glow, given by a marine insect, which at night causes the
waters to sparkle with a faiut red light. Others say it is

from the shores, which being the borders of the desert, have
its general sandy red, or yellow, appearance. I remember
years ago, when sailing along the southern coast of Wales,
a gentleman, pointing to some red-banked hills, said they
reminded him of the shores of the Red Sea.
But whether they have given it its name or not, these sur-
rounding deserts have undoubtedly given it its extreme heat,
from which it has become famous as " the hottest place in the
world." The wind blowing off from these burning sands,
scorches like a sirocco ; nor is the heat much tempered by
the coolness of tlie sea —for indeed the water itself becomes
heated to such a degree as to be a serious impediment to the
rapid condensation of steam.
We began to feel the heat immediately after leaving Suez.
The very next day officers of the ship appeared in white
linen pantaloons, which seemed to me a little out of season j

but I soon found that they were wiser than I, especially agf
the heat increased from day to day as we got more into the
tropics. Then, to confess the truth, they sometimes appeared
! ;


on deck in the early morning in the most neglige attire. At

first I was a little shocked to see, not only officers of the

ship, but officers of the army, of high rank, coming on deck

after their baths barefoot but I soon came to understand

how they should be eager, when they were almost burning

with fever, to be relieved of even the slightest addition to
weight or warmth. In the cabin punkas, long screenSj
were hung over the tables, and kept swinging all day long.
The deck was hung with double awnings to keep off the
sun ; and here the " old Indians " who had made this
voyage before, and knew how to take their comfort in the
hot climate, were generally stretched out in their reclining
bamboo-chairs, with a cigar in one hand and a novel in the
The common work of the ship was done by Lascars, from
India, as they can stand the heat much better than English
sailors. They are docile and obedient, and under the train-
make excellent seamen.
ing of English officers
But we must not complain, for they tell us our voyage has
been a very cool one. The thermometer has never been
above 88 degrees, which however, considering that this is

midwinter^ is doing pretty well

If such be the heat in January, what must it be in July ?

Then it is fairly blistering ; the thermometer rises to 110

and 112 degrees in the shade; men stripped of clothing to
barely a garment to cover them, are panting with the heat
driven from the deck, they retreat to the lower part of the
ship, to find a place to breathe sometimes in despair, the

captain me, they turn the ship about, and steam a few

miles in the opposite direction, to get a breath of air ; and

yet, with all precautions, he adds that it is not an infrequent
thing, that passengers overpowered sink under a sunstroke
or apoplexy.
Such heat would make the voyage to India vne of real
Buffering, and of serious exposure, were it not for the admir

able ships in which it can be made. But these of the Pen

insular and Oriental company are about as perfect as any-
thing that swims the seas. We were fortunate in hitting
upon the largest and best of the fleet, the Peshawur. Accus-
tomed as we have been of late to the smaller steamers on the
Mediterranean, she seems of enormous bulk, and is of great
strength as well as size and being intended for hot climates,

is constructed especially for coolness and ventilation. The

state-rooms are much larger than in most sea-going steamers,
and though intended for three persons, as the ship was not
crowded (there were berths for 170 passengers, while we had
out 34, just one-fifth the full complement) we had each a
whole state-room to ourselves. There were bath-rooms in
ample supply, and we took our baths every morning as
regularly as on land.
On the Peshawur, as on English ships, the order and

discipline were admirable.Every man knew his place,

and attended to his duty. Everything was done silently,
and yet so regularly that one felt that there was a sharp eye
in every corner of the ship that there was a vigilant watch

night and day, and this gave us such a sense of safety,

that we lay down and rose up with a feeling of perfect
Besides, the officers, from the captain down, not only took
good care for the safety of our lives, but did everything for
our comfort. They tried to make us feel at home, and were
never so well pleased as when they saw us all pleasantly
occupied ;some enjoying games, and others listening to
music, when some amateur was playing on the piano, at
times accompanied by a dozen manly and womanly voices.
Music at sea helps greatly to beguile the tedium of a voyage.
Often the piano was brought on deck, at which an extempo-
rized eho'.r practised the hymns for public service ; among
which there was one that always recurred, and that none c&n

** Eternal Father, strong to save,

Whose arm hath bound the restless wave,
Who bid'st the mighty ocean deep
Its ownappointed limits keep :

Oh, hear us when we cry to Thee

For those in peril on the sea."

And when the Sunday morning came and the same piayerg
were read which, they had been accustomed to hear in Eng-
land, many who listened felt that, whatever oceans they
might cross, here was a tie that bound them to their island
home, and to the religion of their fathers.
On the morning of the sixth day we passed the island of
Perim, which guards the Gates of the Red Sea, and during
the day passed many islands, and were in full sight of the
Arabian coast, and at the evening t*'uched at Aden. Here
the heat reaches the superlative. In going down the Red
Sea, one may use all degrees of comparison — hot, hotter,
hottest — and the last is Aden. It is a barren point of rock
and sand, within twelve degrees of the Equator, and the town
is actually in the crater of an extinct volcano, into which the

sun beats down with the heat of Nebuchadnezzar's furnace.

But the British Government holds it, as it commands the
entrance to the Red Sea, and has fortified it, and keeps a
garrison here. However it mercifully sends few English
soldiers to such a spot, but supplies the place chiefly with
native regiments from India. All the officers hold the place
in horror, counting it a very purgatory, from which it is

Paradise to be ".ransferred to India.

But from this point the great oppression of the heat ceased.
Rounding this rock of Aden, we no longer bore southward
(which would have taken us along the Eastern coast of
Africa, to the island of Zanzibar, the point of departure foi
Livingstone to explore the interior, and of Stanley to find
him), but turned to the East, and soon met the Northeast


monsoon, which, blowing in our faces, kept us comparatively

cool all the way across the Indian Ocean.
And now our thoughts began to be busy with the strange
land which we were soon to see, a land to which most of those
on board belonged, and of which they were always ready to
converse. Strangers to each other, we soon became acquaint-
ed, and exchanged our experiences of travel. Beside me at
the table sat a barrister from Bombay, and next to him three
merchants of that city, who, leaving their families in Eng-
land,were returning to pursue their fortunes in India. One
had been a member of the Governor's Council, and all were
familiar with the and the business of that great
Empire. There was Free Church of
also a missionary of the
Scotland, who, after ten years' service, had been allowed a
year and a half to recruit in the mother country, and was
now returning to his field of labor in Bombay, with whom I
had many long talks about the religions of India and the
prospects of missions. There was a fine old gentleman who
had made his fortune in Australia, to which he was returning
with his famil}'^ after a visit to England.
The military element, of was very prominent. A
large proportion of the passengers were connected in some
way with the army, ofl&cers returning to their regiments, or
officers' wives returning to their husbands. Of course those
who live long in India, have many experiences to relate
and was somewhat exciting to hear one describe the par-

ticulars of a tiger hunt —

how the game of all kind was driven
in from a circuit of miles around by beaters, and by elephants
trained for the work ; how the deer and lesser animals fled
fiightened by, while the hunter, bent on royal game, dis-
dained such feeble prey, and every man reserved his fire, sit-

ting in his howdah on the back of an elephant till at last a

magnificent Bengal tiger sprang into view, and as the balla
rained on his sides, with a tremendous bound he fell at the
feet of the hunters ; or to hear a Major who had been is

India during the Mutiny, describe the blowing away of

the Sepoys from the mouths of cannon ; with what fierce

pride, like Indian warriors at the stake, they shrank not

from, the trial, but even when not bound, stood un-
moved before the guns, till they were blown to pieces, their
legs and arms and mangled breasts scattered wide over the

There was a surgeon in the Bengal Staff Corps, Dr. Bel-

lew, who had travelled extensively in the interior of Asia,
attached to sf^veral missions of the Government, and had pub-
lished a volume, entitled " From the Indus to the Tigris."
He gave me some of his experiences in Afghanistan, among
the men of Cabul, and in Persia. Three years since he was
attached to the mission of Sir Douglas Forsyth to Kashgar
and Yarkund. This was a secret embassy of the govern-
ment to the Tartar chief, who by his courage as
Yakoob Beg,
a soldierhad established his power in those distant regions
of Central Asia. In carrying out this mission, the party
crossed the Himalayas at a height far greater than the top
of Mont Blanc. Our fellow traveller gave us some fearful
pictures of the desolation of those snowy wastes, as well as
some entertaining ones of the strange manners of some parts
of High Asia. He passed through Little Thibet, where
prevails the singular custom of polyandry —instead of one
man having many wives, one woman may have many husbands,
although they cannot be of different families. She can marry
half a dozen brothers at once, but must not extend her house-
bold into another family. He was now bound for ISTepaul,
under the shadow of the Himalayas, being ordered to report
at once tc the Maharajah, who is preparing to receive the
Prince of Wales, and to entertain him with the grandest
tiger hunt ever known in India.
With such variety of company, and such talk to enliven
the hours, as we sat on deck at twilight, or by moonlight
for we had the full moon on the Indian Ocean the days did —

not seem and we were almost taken ly surprise as wt


approached the end of our voyage.

On the afternoon of the twelfth day from Suez we
were nearing our destined port, and eyes and glasses were
turned in that direction; but it was not till the sun was
setting that his light shone full on the Ghauts, the range
of mountains that line the western coast of India — steps, as
their name implies, to the high table-land of the interior.
Presently as the darkness deepened, the revolving light of
the lighthouse shot across the deep signal guns from the

city announced the arrival of the mail from England ; rows

of lamps shining for miles round the bay lighted up the
waters and the encircling fchore ; and, there was India I


Never did open their eyes with more of wondei

and curiosity than we, as we awoke the next morning and
went on deck and turned to the unaccustomed shore. The sun
had risen over the Ghauts, and now cast his light on the
islands, covered with cocoanut palms, and on the forest of
shipping that lay on the tranquil waters. Here were ships
from all parts of the world, not only from the Mediterranean

and from England, but from every part of Asia and Africa,
and from Australia. A few weeks before had been witnessed
here a brilliant sight at the landing of the Prince of Wales.
A long arched way of trellis work, still hung with faded wreaths,
marked the spot where the future Emperor of India first set
foot upon its soil. Our ship, which had anchored off the
mouth of the harbor, now steamed up to her moorings, a tug
took us off to the Mazagon Bunder, the landing place of the
Peninsular and Oriental Company, where we mounted a long
flight of granite steps to the quay —
and were in India.
Passing through the Custom House gates, we were greeted
not by the donkey-boys of Egypt, but by a crowd of bare-
footed and barelegged Hindoos, clad in snowy white, and
with mountainous turbans on their heads, who were ambi-
tious of the honor of driving us into the city. The native
carriage (or gharri^ as it is called) is not a handsome equi-
page. It is amere box, oblong in shape, set on wheels, having
latticed windows like a palanquin, to admit the air and shut
out the sun. Mo'inting into such a " State carriage,'* our

Hindoo gave rein to his steed, and we tiott(<d off into

Bombay. As our destination was Watson's Ho';el, in the
English quarter at the extreme end of the city, we traversed
almost its whole extent. The streets seemed endless. On
and on we rode for miles, till we were able to realize that we
veve in the second city in the British empire — larger than
any in Great Britain except London —larger than Liverpool
or Glasgow, or Manchester or Birmingham.
Of course the population is chiefly native, and this it is

which excites my constant wonder. As I ride about I ask

myself, Am I on the earth, or in the moon ? Surely this
must be some other planet than the one that I have known
before. I see men as trees walking, but they are not of any
familiar form or speech. Perhaps it is because we are on the
other side of the world, and everything is turned topsy-turvy,
and men are walking on their heads. We may have to
adopt the Darwinian theory of the origin of man for ;

these seem to be of another species, to belong to another

department of the animal kingdom. That old Hindoo that I
see yonder, sitting against the wall, with his legs curled up
under him, seems more like a chimpanzee than a man.
He has a way of sitting on his heels (a posture which would
be impossible for a European, but which he will keep for
hours), which is more like an animal than a human creature.
Truly we have never been in such a state of bewilderment
since we began our travels, as since we landed in Bombay.
Constantinople seemed strange, and Egypt stranger still but ;

India is strangest of all. The streets are swarming with life,

as a hive swarms with bees. The bazaars are like so many
ant-hills, but the creatures that go in and out are not like

any race that we have seen before. They fire not white like
Europeans, nor black like Africans, nor red like our Ameri-
can Indians but are pure Asiatics, of a dark-brown color,

the effect of which is the greater, as they are generally clad

in the garments which nature gives them. The laboring clasa

go half naked, or more than half. It is only the he ase-

servants that wear anything that can be called a costume.

The coolies, or common laborers, have only a strip of cloth

around their loins, which they wear for decency, for in this
climate they scarcely need any garment for warmth. One thing
which is never omitted is the turban, or in its place a thick
blanket, to shield the head from the direct rays of the sun.
But there is nothing to hide the swarthy breast or limbs.
Those of a better condition, who do put on clothing, show
the Oriental fondness for gorgeous apparel by having the
richest silk turbans and flowing robes. The women find a
way to show their feminine vanity, being tricked out in
many colors, dark red, crimson and scarlet, with yellow and
orange and green and blue — the mingling of which produces
a strange efiect as one rides through the bazaars and crowded
streets, which gleam with all the colors of the rainbow.The
effect ofthis tawdry finery is heightened by the gewgaws
which depend from difierent parts of their persons. Earrings
are not sufficiently conspicuous for a Hindoo damsel, who has
a ring of gold and pearl hung in her nose ; which is considered
a great addition to female beauty. Heavy bracelets of silver
alsoadorn her wrists and ankles. Almost every woman who
shows herself in the street, though of the lowest condition,
and barefoot, still gratifies her pride by huge silver anklets
clasping her naked feet.
But these Asiatic faces, strange as they are, would not bo
unattractive but for artificial disfigurements — if men did not
chew the betel nut, which turns the lips to a brilliant red,
and did not have their foreheads striped with coarse pig
ments, which are the badges of their difierent castes !

Imagine a whole city crowded with dark skinned men and

women thus dressed or not dressed half naked on the one —
hand, or bedizened like harlequins on the other, walking
about, or perchance riding in little carriages drawn hy oxen —
a small breed that trot off almost as fast as the donkeys w«

had in Cairo —and one may have some idea of i\e picturesque
appearance of the streets of Bombay.
Wo are becoming accustomed to the manners and cus
toms of this eastern world. We never sit down to dinnei
but with the punka swinging over us, and the *' punka-
walla," the coolie who swings it, is a recognized institution.
In the hot months it is kept swinging all night, and Euro-
peans sleep under it. These things strike us strangely at
first, but we soon get used to these tropical devices, and in
fact rather like them. In a few days we have become quite
Oriental. To confess the truth, there are some things here
in the East that are not at all disagreeable to the natural
man, especially the devices for coolness and comfort, and the
extreme deference to Europeans, which we begin to accept as
naturally belonging to us.
At first Iwas surprised and amused at the manners of the
people. Itwas a new sensation to be in this Asiatic atmos-
phere, to be surrounded and waited upon by soft-footed Hin-
doos, who glided about noiselessly like cats, watching every
look, eager to anticipate every wish before they heard the
word of command. I was nev^er the object of such reverence
before. Every one addressed me as " Sahib." I did not
know at first what this meant, but took it for granted that
it was a title of respect —
an impression confirmed by the
deferential manner of the attendants. I could not walk
through the corridor of the hotel without a dozen servants
rising to their feet, wlio remained standing till I had passed.
I was a little taken aback when a turbaned Oriental, in flow-
ing robe, approached me with an air of profound reverence,
bending low, as if he would prostrate himself at my feet. If

he desired to present a petition to my august majesty (which

was, probably, that I would buy a cashmere shawl), he bowed
himself almost to the ground, and reached down his hand
very low, and then raising it, touched his forehead, as if he
vrould take up the di;st of the earth and cast it on his h^ad,

in token that lie was unworthy to enter into such an awful

presence. I never knew before how great a being I was.
There is nothing like going far away from home, to the other
side of the world, among Hindoos or Hottentots, to be fully
After a little experience, one learns to accept these Hin-
doo salaams and obeisances. walk down the
Now, when I
passages of the hotel, and snowy turbans rise on either side
in token of homage, I bow in acknowledgment, though very
slightly, so as not to concede a particle of my dignity, or
encourage any familiarity. When I open my door in the
morning, I find half a dozen coolies in the passage, who have
curled up on mats and slept there all night, as Napoleon's
Mameluke slept before his master's door. It gives one a
sense and importance to be thus served and
of dignity
guarded and defended I suspect all of us have a littl*^ (or

a good deal) of the Asiatic in our composition, and could

easily play the pasha and drop into these soft Eastern ways,
and fiud it not unpleasant to recline on a divan, apd i e

waited on by dusky slaves !

We find that we are in a tropical climate by the heat that

oppresses us. Although it is midwinter, we find it prudent,
as well as pleasant to remain indoors in the middle of the
day (time which is very precious for writing), and make our
excursions in the morning or evening.
Morning in the tropics is delightful. There is a dewy
freshness in the air. Kising at daylight we take a small open
carriage —a kind of ''
one horse shay " — for our ride. It has
but one seat, but the Hindoo driver, nimble as a cat,

crouches at our feet, with his legs dangling over the side in
and thus mounted we gallop olf gayly.
front of the wheels,
One of our morning excursions was to the Flower Markot,
where the fruits and flowers of the country are displayed
with truly tropical profusion. The building, designed with
Elngiish taste, is of great extent, surrounding a spacious

court, whicli is laid out like a garden, with fountains ind

ferns, and flowering shrubs and creepers growing luxuriantly.
Here are offered for sale all kinds of poultry and birds, par-
rots, and even monkeys. The Flower Market is especially

brilliant, as flowers are the customary offerings at temples.

They are very cheap. Five cents bought a large bunch of

roses. White jessamines and yellow marigolds are wrought

into wreaths and garlands for their festivities. The fruits
we liked less than the flowers. They were very tempting to
the eye, but too rich for our appetite. The famous mango
cloyed us with its sweetness. Indeed, I made the observa-
fcion here, which I had to repeat afterwards in Java, that the
tropical fruits, though large and luscious, had not the deli-

cate flavor of our Northern fruits. A good New Jersey

peach would have been far sweeter to my taste than the
ripest orange ormango, or the longest string of bananas.
Tn the evening we ride out to Malabar Hill, or go to the
public gardens which English taste has laid out in different
parts of the city. Although Bombay is a city of Hindoos,
yet the stamp of English rule is everywhere impressed upon
it. Like the cities of Great Britain, it is thoroughly gov-
erned. The hand of a master is seen in its perfect police,
its well ordered and well lighted streets. There are signs of
its being gained by conquest and held by military power.

The English quarter is still called the Fort, being on the site
of an old fortress, the ramparts of which are all swept awa}'',

and in their place are wide streets (indeed too wide for shade),

and a number of public buildings Government offices, the
Postoffice,and the Telegraph Building, and the University—
which would be an ornament to any city in England. Here
English taste comes in to add to its natural beauty in the lay-
ing out of open squares. Our windows at the Hotel look out
upon the Es[)lanade, a large parade ground, the very spot
where the Sepoys were shot away from the guns after the
mutiny, and upon the sea, from which comes at evening

a soft, delicious air from the Indian ocean. It is a

pretty sight to go here at sunset,when the band is play-

ing and there is a great turnout of carriages, bringing
the fashion and wealth of Bombay to listen to the music
and inhale the fresh breezes from the sea, that no doubt
ftre sweeter to many in that they seem to come from
their beloved England. In the crowd of well dressed people
wealthy Parsees (distinguished by their high hats), and Hin-
doos by their turbans, mingle with English officers, and the
children of all run about together on the lawn. My com-
panion noticed particularly the Parsee children, whose dresses

were gay with many colors little fellows shining in pink
trousers, blue shirts, green vests, and scarlet caps Others !

had satin trousers and vests of some bright color, and over
all white muslin or lace trimmings. The effect of such a
variety of colors was as if parterres of flowers were laid out
on the smooth shaven lawn. In another part of tlie city the
Victoria Gardens are set out like a Botanical Garden, with
all manner of plants and trees, especially with an endless

variety of palms, under which crowds saunter along the

avenues, admiring the wonders of tropical vegetation, and
listening to the music that fills the evening air.
The environs of Bombay are very beautiful. Few cities
have a more delightful suburb than Malabar Hill, where the
English merchant, after the business of the day is over, re-
treats from the city to enjoy a home which, though Indian
without, is English within. Hundreds of bungalows are
clustered on these eminences, shaded with palms and embow-
ered in tropical foliage, with steep roofs, always thatched as a
better protection from the sun. Here the occupants sit at

evening on the broad verandahs, stretched in their long bam-

boo chairs, enjoying the cool air that comes in from the sea,
and talk of England or of America.
There are not many Americans in Bombay, although in ol«
way the city is, or was, closely connected with our country,

Nowhere was the effect of our civil war more felt than ii

India, as it gave a great impetus to its cotton production.

Under the sudden and powerful stimulus, Bombay started up
into an artificial prosperity. Fortunes were made rapidly
The close of the war brought a panic from which it has not
yet recovered. But the impulse given has remained, and I
am told that there is at this moment more cotton grown in
India than ever before, although the fall in prices has cut ofi

the great profits. But the cost of transportation is much less,

as the railroads constructed within a few years afford the

means of bringing it to market, where before it had to be
draM^Ti slowly over the mountains in ox-carts. This flow of
cotton to the seaports has been turned to account by the
erection of cotton mills (several of which have been started
here in Bombay), which, under the direction of Englishmen,
and having the double advantage of native cotton and native
labor, may yet supplant English fabrics in the markets of
Though there are few Americans (except the missionaries)
here, yet there is onewho has all the enterprise of his coun-
trymen, Mr. Kittredge, who came out to India many years ago,
and is now the head of the old house of Stearns, Hobart & Co,
He has introduced that peculiarly American institution, the
street railway — or tramway, as it is which is a
called here —
great comfort in moving about the city, where transportation
before was chiefly by little ox-carts. The cars run smoothly,
and as they are open at the sides are delightfully cool. The
Hindoos, though slow in adopting new ideas or new ways,
take to these as an immense convenience. Not the least good
eifect is the pressure which they bring to bear on caste, by
forcing those of different castes to by side
sit side !

A Bombay,
very singular people, found in and nowhere
else in India, are the Parsees, who differ from the Hindoos

both in race and religion. They are followers of Zoroaster,

the philosopher of Persia, from which tliey were driven out cen

fcuries ago by the merciless followers of the Prophet, and

took refuge in Western India, and being, as a c ass, of supe-
rior intelligence and education, they have risen to a high posi-
tion. They are largely the merchants of Bombayj and among
them are some of its wealthiest citizens, whose beautiful
houses, surrounded with gardens, line the road to Parell, the
residence of the Governor. They are fire -worshippers, ador-
ing it as the principle of life. Morning and evening they
may be seen uncovering their heads, and turning reverently
to the rising or the setting sun, and offering their adoration
to the great luminary, which they regard as the source of
all life on earth. As I have seen them on the seashore,
turning their faces to the setting sun, and lifting their hands
as if in prayer, I have thought, that if this be idolatry, it is

at least not so degrading as that of the Hindoos around them,

for if they bow to a material object, it is at least the most

glorious which they see in nature. The more intelligent of

them, however, explain that it is not the sun itself they wor-
ship, but only regard it as the brightest symbol and manifesta-
tion of the Invisible Deity. But they seem to have an idola-
trous reverence for fire, and keep a lamp always burning in
their houses. It is never suffered to go out day nor night,
from year to year. The same respect which they show to
fire, they show also to the other elements —
earth, air, and
A revolting application of their principles is seen in their
mode of disposing of the dead. They cannot burn them, as
do the Hindoos, lest the touch of death should pollute the
flames ; nor can they bury them in the earth, nor in the sea,
for earth and water and air are all alike sacred. They there-
fore expose the bodies of their dead to be devoured ly birds
of the air. Outside of Bombay, on Malabar Hill, are three
or four circular towers — called The Towers of Silence,
which are enclosed by a high wall to keep observers at a dis-

tance. When a Parsee dies, his body is conveyed to tlic


gates, and taeie received by the priests, by whom it i» e3po»

ed on gratings constructed for the purpose.
Near at hand, perched in groves of palms, are the vultures.
We saw them there in great numbers. As soon as a funeral
procession approaches, they scent their prey, and begin to
circle in the air ; and no sooner is a body uncovered, and
left by the attendants, than a cloud of black wings settles
down upon it, and a hundred horned beaks are tearing at

the flesh. Such are their numbers and voracity, that in a few
— —
minutes so we are told every particle is stripped from the
bones, which are then slid down an inclined plane into a deep
pit, where they mingle with common clay.

Compared with this, the Hindoo mode of disposing of

the dead, by burning, seems almost like Christian burial.
Yet it is done in a mode which is very offensive. In re-
turning from Malabar Hill one evening, along the beautiful
drive around the bay, we noticed a number of furnace-like
openings, where fires were burning, from which proceeded a
ifickening smell, and were told that this was the burning of
the bodies of the Hindoos !

This mode of disposing of the dead may be defended on

(grounds of health, especially in great cities. But, at any
rate, I wish there was nothing worse to be said of the Hin-
doos than their mode of treating the forms from which life

has departed. But their religion is far more cruel to the

living than to the dead.
To one who has never been in a Pagan country, that which
is most new and strange is its idolatry. Bombay is fall of
temples, which at certain hours are crowded with worship-
pers. Here they flock every morning to perform their de-
votions. There is nothing like the orderly congregation
gathered in a Christian house of worship, sitting quietly in
their places, and listening to a sermon. The people come
and go at will, attending to their devotions, as they would to
any matter of business. A large part of their '*
^vorship '•

Cuusists in vyashing themselves. With the Hindoos as with

the Mohammedans, bathing is a part of their religion. The
temple grounds generally enclose a large tank, into which
they plunge every morning, and come up, as they believe,
clean from the washing. At the temple of Momba Davi (the
god who gives name to Bombay), we watched these purifica-
tions and other acts of worship. Within the enclosure, be-
side the temple filled with hideous idols, there was the sacred
cow (which the people would consider it a far greater crime
to kill than to kill a Christian) which chewed her cud undis-
turbed, though not with half so much content as if she had
oeen in a field of sweet-scented clover and there stood the

peepul tree, the sacred tree of India (a species of banyan),

round which men and women were walking repeating their
prayers, and leaving flowers as oiFerings at its foot. This
latter custom is not peculiar to Pagan countries. In Chris-
tian as well as in heathen lands flowers are laid on the
altar, as if their beauty were grateful to the Unseen Eye,
and their perfume a kind of incense to the object of devo-
tion. Inside the enclosure men were being washed and
shaved (on their heads as well as on their faces), and painted
on their foreheads (as Catholics might be with the sign of
the cross) to mark the god they worship. And not only in
the temples, but along the streets, in the houses, which were
open to the view of passers-by, people were taking plentiful
ablutions, almost a full bath, and making their toilet, quite
unembarrassed by the presence of strangers.
These observances (if divested of any religious value) are
not to be altogether condemned. The habit of frequent
bathing is very useful in a sanitary point of view, especially
in this hot climate. But most excites our
that which
admiration is the scrupulous regularity of the Hindoos
in their worship. They have to " do their pooja " (that
in, make their offerings and perform their devotions) befo^

they go to their work, or even partake of foodl Here if


an example of reKgious fidelity worthy of Cliristian imit&


The religious ideas of the Hindoos show themselve* in

other ways, which at least challenge our respect for their
consistency. In their eyes all life is sacred, the life of beast
and bird, nay, of reptile and insect, as well as of man. Tc
carry out this idea they have established a Hospital for Ani-
mals, which is one of the institutions of Bombay. It is on a
very extensive scale, and presents a spectacle such as I do
not believe can be seen anywhere else in the world. Here,
in an enclosure covering many acres, in sheds, or stables, or
in the open grounds, as may best promote their recovery, are
gathered the lame, the halt, and the blind, not of the human
species, but of the animal world —
cattle and horses, sheep
and goats, dogs and cats, rabbits and monkeys, and beasts
and birds of every description. Even poor little monkeys
forgot to be merry, and looked very solemn as they sat on
their perch. The cows, sacred as they were, were yet not
beyond the power of disease, and had a most woe-begone
look. Long rows of stables were filled with broken-down
norses, spavined and ring-boned, with ribs sticking out of
their sides, or huge sores on their flanks, dripping with blood.
In one pen were a number of kittens, that mewed and cried
for their mothers, though they had a plentiful supply of milk
for their poor little emaciated bodies. The Hindoos send
out carts at night and pick them up wherever they have been
cast into the street. Rabbits, whom no man would own,
have he\e a snug warren made for them, and creej) in and
out with a feeling of safety and comfort. In a large enclo-
sure were some hundred dogs, more wretched-looking than
the dogs of Constantinople —
" whelps and curs of low de-
gree." These poor creatures had been so long the compan
ions of man that, ill-treated as they were, starved and kicked,
they still apparently longed for human society, and as soon
as they saw us they seenif d to recognize us as their deliv

erers, and set up a howling and yelping, and leaped against

the bars of their prison house, as if imploring ub to give then?

And here is a collection of birds to fill an extensive aviary,

though in their present condition they do not look exactly
like birds of Paradise. There are not only ''
four black
crows," but more than any farmer would like to see in hia
wheat field (for India is the land of crows). Tall cranes^
that had been wont to step with long legs by the marshy
brink of ri vei-s, here were bandaged and .splintered till they
could walk once more. Broken-winged seagulls, that could

no more sweep over the boundless sea, free as its own waves,
were nursed till they could fly again.

The spectacle thus presented was half touching and half

ludicrous. One cannot but respect the Hindoo's regard for
life, as a thing not to be lightly and wantonly destroyed.
And yet they carry it to an extent that is absurd. They will
not take the life of animals for food, nor even of creatures
that are annoying or dangerous to themselves. Many v/ill

not crush the insects that buzz around them and sting them,
nor kill a cobra that crawls into their houses, even when it

threatens to bite them or their children. It has been said

that they even nurse serpents, and when recovered, turn them
loose into the jungle ; but of this we saw no evidence. But
certainly many wretched creatures, whose existence is not
worth keeping, which it were a mercy to let die, are here res-
cued and brought back to life.

While walking through these grounds in company with a

couple of missionaries, I thought how much better these ani-
mals were cared for than some men. I was thinking of some
of our broken-down ministers at home, who, after serving
their people faithfully for a whole generation, are at last sent

adrift without ceremony, like an old horse turned out by the

roadside to die ! What lives of drudgery and toil do such
ministers lead ! They are " beasts of burden," more than any

beast of the field. And when their working days are over^
can they not he cared for as well as tlie Hindoos care for old
horses and camels ? If only these shattered wrecks (and
magnificent wrecks some of them are) were towed into port
and allowed to rest in tranquil waters ; or (to change the
figure) if these old veterans were housed and warmed and fed
and nursed as carefully as the Hindoos nurse their broken-
down animals, we should have fewer of those instances of
cruel neglect which we sometimes hear of to our sorrow and
shame !

Of the antiquities of India, one of the most notaljle is found

here in the Caves of Elephanta, which are on an island lying
off the harbor. We set apart a day to this visit, which we
made with a couple of Americans and a couple of Englishmen,
the latter of whom we met first in Bombay, but who were to
keep us company a large part of our journey around the
world. We were to embark at the Apollo Bunder, and while
ivaiting here for our boat ( a steam launch which is used for

this purpose), a snake-charmer desired to entertain us with

the dexterous manner in which he handled cobras, taking
them up like kittens, coiling them round his neck, and toss-
ing them about in a very playful and affectionate manner.
No doubt their fangs had been completely extracted before
he indulged in these endearments. A very cruel form of
sport was to throw one on the ground, and let it be set up-
on by a mangoose, a small animal like a weasel, that is not
poisoned by the bite of serpents, and attacks them without
hesitation. One of these the man carried in a hag for the
purpose. As soon as let loose, the little creature flew at the
snake spitefully, as a terrier dog would at a rat, and seized
itby the head, and bit it again and again with its sharp t(\eth,
and left it covered with blood. As we expressed our disgust
at this cruelty, the juggler assured us that the deceitful rep-
tile was not dead (in fact as sron as laid on the ground it be-
gan to wriggle), and that he would take it by the tail *n<I

hold it up, and pour water on its head, and would come all

right again. He did not say, but no doubt thought, *' and
will be all ready for torture when the next American or Eng
lishman comes a'long."

Bythis time the steam launch had come round to the Bun-
der, and we got on board. It was a little mite of a vessel,
just big enough for the half dozen of us, with a steam boiler not
much larger than a teapot, that wheezed as if it had the asthma.
But it did its work well, and away we shot swiftly across the
beautiful bay. The island of Elephanta is seven miles
from the city, and takes its name from a gigantic statue of
an elej^hant that once stood upon its shore. Landing here,
we found ourselves at the foot of a rocky liill, which we
mounted by several hundred steps, and stood at the entrance
of a gigantic cave or cavern cut into the hill-side, with a
lofty ceiling, pillared like a temple. The main hall, as it

might be called, runs back a hundred and thirty feet into the
iolid rock.

The first thing that struck me on entering was the resem-

blance to the temples of Egypt. Though in size and extent
it does not approach the ruins of Karnak, yet one recognizes
the same massive architecture in this temple, which is liter-

ally ''
cut out of a mountain," its roof the overhanging cliff,

supported by rows of heavy columns.

The resemblance to Egypt appears also in the symbol of
divinity and the objects of worship; the sacred bull in one
country answering to the sacred cow in the other and the ;

serpent, the same hooded cobra, rearing its head on the front
of the Temples of Thebes, and in the Caves of Elephanta.
At the end of the great hall are the objects of worship in
Brahma, Yishnu, and Shiva. This is
three colossal images of
the Hindoo Trinity, and the constant recurrence of these fig-
ures in their mythology shows how the idea of a Trinity per-
vaded other ancient religions besides our own. It is a ques-
tion for scholars, whence c^i.me the original conception of this

threefold personaKty in the Divine BeiLg, whether from rer

elation, orfrom a tradition as old as the human race.

The fajes are Egyptian immobile like the Sphinx, with
no expression of eagerness or desire, but only of calm anc
eternal repose. Such was the blessedness of the gods, and
Buch the beatitude sought by their worshippers.
The age of the Caves of Elephanta is not known, but they
must be of a great antiquity. For many centuries this rock-
temple has been the resort of millions of worshippers.
Generation after generation have the poor people of India
crossed these waters to this sacred island, and climbed weari-
ly up this hill as if they were climbing towards heaven.
That such a religion should have lived for thousands of
years,and be living still (for the worship of Brahma and
Vishnu and Shiva is still the religion of India), is a reflec-

tion that gives one but little hope for the future of the humAS

We had been in Bombay a week, and began to feel quite

athome, wben we bad to leave. A
man who undertakes to
go around the world, must not stop too long in the soft
places. He must be always on the march, or ready to start
at the tap of the drum. We had a long journey before us, to
the North of India, and could not linger by the way. So we
set out just at evening. Much of the travelling in India ia

at night, to avoid the heat of the day. The sun was setting
over the waters as we moved slowly out of the station at
Bombay, and sweeping around the shores, caught our last
glimpse of the Western sea, and then rushed oflf for the
" You'll need to take beds with you," said our friends,
foreseeing that we might have to lie down in rough places.
So we procured for each of us what is called a resai, a well-
stuffed coverlet, which answered the purpose of a light mat-
tress. There are no sleeping-cars in India; but the first-

class carriages have generally a sofa on either side, which

may be turned into a sort of couch. On these sofas, having
first secured a whole compartment, we spread our resais, with
pillows on which to rest our weary heads, and stretch our-
selves " to sleep —perchance to dream." But the imagina-
tion is so busy that sleep comes but slowly. I often lio
awake for hours, and find a great peace in this constant

It was quite dark when we found ourselves clin^bing the

Ghauts (what in California would be called the Coast Range),
a chain of mountains not very high, but which separates the
coast from the table-land of the interior. As the train
moved more slowly, we perceived that we were drawing up
a heavy incline. l^his slow motion soothes one to slumberj
and at length we closed our eyes, and when the morning
broke, found that we had passed the summit, and were rush-
ing on over an open country, not unlike our Western prai-
ries. These were the Plains of India —a vast plateau, broken
here and there, but j^reserving its general character across the
whole peninsula from Bombay to Calcutta, and North to the
In month of January, these plains are without verdura
to give them beauty. The trees keep their foliage, and here
and there is a broad-spreading banyan, or a mango grove,
with its deejj shade. But we miss the fresh green grass and
the flowers that come only with the Spring. Landscapes
which are not diversified in surface by hills and valleys are
only relieved from monotony by varieties of color. These
are wanting now, and hence the vast plain is but " a gray
and melancholy waste " like the sea. We visit India in
winter because the summer would be too oppressive. But in
choosing this season, we have to sacrifice that full glory
when nature comes forth in all the richness of tropical vege-
tation. It is in the rainy season that the earth bursts sud-
denly into bloom. Then the dead and bare,
plain, so bleak

in a few days is covered with a carpet of green, and decked

with innumerable flowers. But there are drawbacks to that
gorgeous time and that prodigality of nature. With the
bursting into light of the vegetable world, the insect world
also ccmes forth. All the insects that buzz and sting, fill the
Bummer air ; and then the reptile world creeps abroad. Oat
of millions of holes, wViere they have slept all winter long,
crawl cobras and other deadly serpents, and all slimy thinga

On tLe whole, therefore, I am content to see India in its som*

bre dress, and be spared some other attendants of this tropi-
cal world.
Nor is there much animal life to gi\e animation to the
scene. A few cattle are grazing here and there. Now a
deer startled looks up, as we go by, or a monkey goes leaping
across the fields, but not a wild beast of any kind is seen
not even a wild-cat or a jackal. As for birds, storks are at
home in India as much as in Holland. E,ed flamingoes
" The plashy brink, or marge of river wide,"

while on the broad open plain the birds most seen are crows I

They are very tame, and quite familiar with the rest of the
animal creation, a favorite perch being the backs of cows or
bufialoes,where they light without resistance, and make
themselves at home. They are said to be very useful as scav-
engers. That is quite possible ; but however useful, they are
certainly not beautiful.
In these long stretches of course we pass hundreds of vil-
lages, but these do not attract the eye nor form a feature in
the landscape, for the low mud hovels of which they are
composed hardly rise above the level of the plain. There is
no church spire to be seen, as from a New England village,
nor even the dome or minaret of a mosque, for we are not yet
In the Mohammedan part of India.
One feature there is which relieves the monotony the rail- —
way stations are the prettiest I have seen out of England.
Simply but tastefully built, they are covered with vines and
flowers, which with irrigation easily grow in this climate in
the open air at all seasons of the year. The railway adminis-
tration has offered prizes for the embellishment of stations,
BO that the natives, who are fond of flowers, and who are
thus tempted by the hope of reward, plant roses and trail

vines everywhere, so that the eye is relieved from the glan


of the barren plain by resting on a mass of flowers and

In their internal arrangements, too, these stations are mo*
dels of comfort, which might furnish an example to us in
America. Wherever we are to breakfast or lunch (" take
tiffin ") or dine, we find a table neatly spread, with soft-footed
Hindoos gliding about to serve us, and with plenty of time
to eat in peace, without that rushing which makes travel in
America such a hurry and fatigue. I am often asked about
the difficulty of travelling in India, to which I answer that
there is no difficulty, except from the climate, and that is to
be guarded against by going in the cold season. There are rail-

roads all over the country, and if Mr. Pullman would only
introduce his sleeping-cars, made more open to give more
ventilation in this hot climate, one might travel in India
with as perfect comfort as in any part of Europe or America.
But with all these comforts, and all that there is to diveit
the eye, the way seems long. It is not till one reaches India
that he comprehends how vast a country it is not only in —
density of population, but in extent of territory. In " mag-
nificent distances " it is almost equal to America itself all :

small ideas are dispelled as soon as one leaves the coast, and
penetrates into the interior. Our first stage from Bombay
to Allahabad was 845 miles, which took us not only the first

night and the day after, but the second night also, so that it

was not till the morning of the third day that we found our
selves crossing the long bridge over the Jumna into the city
which is the great railroad centre in India —a sort of half-
way station, both on the " trunk line " from Bombay to Cal-
cutta, and on the line to tlie ISTorth of India.
By this time we were glad of rest, and willingly exchanged
our railway carriage for a hotel, where we found the luxury
of baths, which refreshed us so that in an hour or two we
were able to come forth "clad in fine linen, white and
dean," and ride about +o see the sights of the town.

Allahabad is not a city of so mucli historical interest aa

many others, but it has grown very much within a few yeara
The railroads have given such an impulse to its business, and
increase to its population, that it has now 130,000 inhabitants.
It is the capital of the Northwest Provinces, and thus has a
political as well as a commercial importance. Owing to its
position, it has been chosen as a convenient centre for mis-
sionary operations, and is the seat of one of the best organ-
ized missions of our Presbyterian Board. Here we met
some excellent countrymen, who at once took us to their
hearts and homes and though reluctant to accept hospital-

ity, or to trespass on their kindness, yet it was impossible

to refuse an invitation so cordially given, which took ua

from a great barrack of a hotel to a refined American home.

Our Board is fortunate in owning for its mission premises a
large " compound," an enclosure of many acres, on the banks
of the Jumna — obtained years ago at a nominal price, and
which costs now only the small tax of fifty rupees (twenty-
five dollars) a year. Here under one broad roof were Bev.

Mr. Kellogg and his family a wife and four children and —
Mr. Wynkoop, and Mr. Heyl Dr. Brodhead had just left

for America. In the compound stands a neat chapel, in

which met three years ago the great conference of mission-
aries of difierent denominations from all parts of India, the
most memorable gathering of the kind ever held in this
country. Here there is a service in Hindostanee every Sab-
bath. In another building is a school of 300 pupils, under
charge of Mr. Heyl. He has also, to give sufficient variety

to his occupation, to look after an asylum for the blind, and

another for lepers. Bev. Messrs. Holcomb and Johnson live

in other parts of the city, where there is a Printing-press and

a large Depository for the sale of Bibles and Tracts in the
different languages of India. All of these missionaries, be-
sides preaching in churches, preach in the streets and bazaars,
and spend some months of the year in itinerating through

the villages in a large circuit of country, living in tents, and,

speaking to tlie people by the roadside, or in groves, or iu
their houses, wherever they can find them —a work which
they enjoy greatly. Thus with preaching in city and country^
and keeping up their schools, and looking after printing
presses, writing and publishing books and tracts, they have
their hands full.

Kor can I overlook our countrywomen in Allahabad.

There is here a " Zenana Mission," supported by the so-
ciety of the good Mrs. Doremus, and also two ladies con
nected with the Presbyterian Board, one of whom. Miss Wil-
son, devotes herself to visiting in the Zenanas, while the
other. Miss Seward, is a physician, practising with great suc-
cess in many of the best native families, thus rendering a
physical as well as a spiritual service. She is a niece of the
late Secretary of State, William H. Seward, who when in
India paid her a and was so impressed with what she

was doing so quietly and yet so effectively ; with the access

which her medical skill and her feminine tact gave her to
the interior life of the people ; that on his return to America
he summed up the result of all his observations of missions
in this brief counsel :
'' Make all your missionaries women,
and give them all a medical education."

Allahabad has a proud name the City of God but one ;

sees not much to render it worthy of that exalted title. It

is however, in the estimation of the Hindoos a sacred city,

as it stands at the junction of the Jumna and the Ganges,

the two sacred rivers of India, which issuing out of the glaciers
of the Himalayas, hundreds of miles to the north, here unite,
and flow on in a broader stream, and with an increased
volume of sanctity. The point of junction is of course a
very holy place — one most sacred in India and
of the —
draws to it more pilgrims than Mecca. Every year hundreds
of thousands of pilgrims, come from all parts of India to
bathe in these ho]y waters. This is the Mela or grea/

religious festival — which was now in progress. The mission-

aries congratulated us that we had arrived at such an oppor-
tune moment, as we had thus an opportunity of witnessing
a spectacle which would show more of Hindooism than any
other that we could see in India, unless it might be in the
Qoly city of Benares.
On a Saturday evening we rode down to the place of the
encampment, which we found covering a wide sandy plain at
the junction of two rivers. It was a camp-meeting of mag-
nificent dimensions. The tents or booths were laid out in
streets,and sometimes grouped in a hollow square, which for
the time being was a compact and populous city. As the
evening was not the hour for bathing, we did not go down
to the river bank, but strolled among the camps to see the
people. At every tent fires were burning, and they were
cooking their food.
Our friends led the way to the camp of the Sikhs, the
famous warrior race of the Punjaub, who form a sect by
themselves, and, strange to say, are not idolators. They
follow the teachings of a prophet of their own, and like the
Mohammedans, make it a special virtue, that they do not wor-
ship idols. But the old instinct is too strong for them, and
while they do not bow to images, they pay a reverence to
their sacred book — the writings of their teacher — which is

little short of idolatry. At several places in their camp was

something like an altar, a raised platform which was too
hoi}' for us to ascend, where sat a priest reading from this
volume, before which all knelt as at the shrine of a saint,
while they scattered flowers around it as a kind of incense or
In other parts of the camp men were blowing horns and
making all sorts of hideous noise, as an intense way of offer-
ing devotions. This mockery of religion moved the indigna-
tion of our friends, who opened their mouths boldly in expo-
sure of such folly and superstition, but they found that those

whom thej addressed did not shrink from the encotinter,

Some of them were very keen in argument. They have a
subtle philosjoj)hy at the bottom of their worship, which they
explained with a good deal of ingenuity, and tried to illumine
by apt analogies and illustrations. Like all Hindoos, tliey

were most liberal in their tolerance of other religions much —

more so than the Mohammedans generously conceding thu(
our religion was best for us, while claiming that theirs was best
Jvr them. They did not try to convert us, and saw no reasor
why we should try to convert them. This was the Broad
Church indeed, large enough for " all sorts and conditions of
men." They even went further, and paid us not only the
respect due to men, but to gods. One of the fakirs said to
us in so many words ''
You are God and I am God " This
: !

tells the whole story in a sentence. Their creed is the

baldest Pantheism : that God is in everything, and therefore
everything is God. As all life comes from Him, He is in

everything that lives —not only in man, but in beasts, and

birds, and reptiles. All alike are incarnations of a Divine
life,and hence all alike are fit objects of adoration. Maj,
can adore himself. He need not carry any burden of soi
row or guilt he need not know repentance or shame ; for

how can he mourn for impulses which are but the inspira-
tions of the God in him, or for acts which are but tLo mani-
festations of the Universal Soul ?
This was our first close contact with Hindooism, lOut still

we had not seen the Mela till we had seen the bathing of the
pilgrims in the Ganges, xvhich was still in reserve. The Fes
tival lasts a month- —like the Ramadan of the Mohammedans
—and is regulated by the changes of the moon. The day of
the new moon, which was last Wednesday, was the great day
of the feast.On that day there was a grand procession to the
river, in which there were twenty-five elephants, mouuted
by their mahants (a po^t of chief priests), with hundi^ds of


fakiiH on and a vast crowd in all the frenzy of devotion


On Monday, as the nioon was approaching her first quarter,

there was likely to be a large concourse, though not equal to
the and we made arrangements to be on hand to witness

a spectacle such as we had never seen before, and should pro

bably never see again. Rev. Mr. Holcomb came very early
in the morning with his carriage, to take us to the riverside.
As we drove along the roads, we passed thousands who were
flocking to the place of bathing. Some rode in ox -carts,
which carried whole families; now and then a mounted horse-
man dashed by ; while a long row of camels told of a caravan
that had toiled woaril}' over a great distance, perhaps from
the foot of the Himalayas or the Vale of Cashmere, to reach
the sacred spot. But the greater part of those who came
were on foot, and looked like pilgrims indeed. Most of them
carried on their shoulders a couple of baskets, in one of
which was their food, and in the other the ashes of their dead,

which th(;y had brought from their homes, sometimes

hundreds of miles, to cast into the sacred waters of the
The carriage brought us only to the Bund, near the Eort
a huge embankment of earth raised to keep out the waters at
the time of the annual risings, and which during the past
year had saved the city from inundation. Here our friends
had provided an elephant to take us through the crowd. The
huge creature was waiting for us The mahout who stood
at his head now mounted in an extraordinary manner. He
merely stepped in front of the elephant, and took hold of the
flaps of his ears, and put up a foot on his trunk, which the
beast raised as lightly as if the man had been a feather, and
thus tossed his rider upon his head. A word of command
then brought him to his knees, when a ladder was placed
against his side, and we climbed to the top, and as he rose
up, were lifted into the air. An elephant's back is a capita]
h>okout for observation. It raises one on high, from whic]j

he can look down upon what is passing below; and tLt

mighty creature has not much difficulty in making his way
through even the densest crowd. He moved down the em^
bankment a little slowly at first, but once on level ground,
he strode along with rapid strides ; while we, sitting aloft,
regarded with amazement the scene before us.
Indeed it was a marvellous Here was a vast
samp, extending from river to river. Far as the eye could
reach, the plain was covered with tents and booths. We had
no means of estimating the number of people present. Mr.
Kellogg made a rough calculation, as he stood in his preach-
ing tent, and saw the crowd pouring by. Fixing his eye on
the tent-pole, with watch in hand, he counted the number
that passed in a minute, and found it to be a hundred and
fifty, which would make nine thousand in an hour. If this
steady flow were kept up for four hours (as it began at day-
light,and was continued, though with varying volume,
through the forenoon), it would make thirty-six thousand;
and reckoning those encamped on the ground at twenty thou-
sand, the whole number would be over fifty thousand.
This is a very small number, compared with that present
at some times. Last Wednesday it was twice as great, and

some years the multitude which overflows the country for
miles, like an inundation of the Ganges —
has been estimated
at hundreds of thousands, and even millions. Every twelve
years there is a greater Mela than at other times, and the
concourse assumes extraordinary proportions. This came
Bix years ago, in 1870. That year it was said that there were
present 75,000 fakirs alone, and on the great day of the feast
it was estimated that a million of people bathed in the Gcin-
ges. So fearful was the crush that they had to be marshalled
by the police, and marched down to the river by ten or twenty
thousand at a time, and then across a bridge of boats to the
other side, returning by another way, so as to prevent a coL
lision of the entering and returoing mass, that might have

occasioned a fearful loss of life. That year it was estimated

that not less than two millions of pilgrims visited the M61a.
Allowing for the common exaggeration in estimating multi-
tudes, there is no doubt whatever that the host of pilgrims
here has often been " an exceeding great army."
I could not but look with pity at the ignorant creatures
flocking by, but the feeling of pity changed to disgust at the
sight of the priests by whom they were misled. Everywhere
were fakirs sitting on the ground, receiving the reverence of
the people. More disgusting objects I never looked upon,
not even in an asylum for the insane. They were almost
naked ; their hair, which they suffer to grow long, had become
tangled and knotted, and was matted like swamp grass, and
often bound round with thick ropes and their faces smeared

with filth. The meagerness of their clothing is one of the

tokens of their sanctity. They are so holy that they do not
need to observe the ordinary rules of decency. Yet these
filthy creatures are regarded not only with reverence, but
ilmost worshipped. Men—and women also — stoop down
and kiss their feet. On Wednesday some three hundred of
these fakirs marched in procession absolutely naked, while
crowds of women prostrated themselves before them, and
kissed the very ground over which they had passed. One is
amazed that such a disgusting exhibition was not prevented
by the police. Yet it took place under the guns of an Eng-
lish fort, and —
greatest shame of all —
instead of being sup-
pressed, was accompanied and protected by the police, which,
though composed of natives, wore the uniform, and obeyed
the orders, of Christian England There are not many

sights which make one ashamed of the English government

in India, but surely this is one of them.*

* That we may not do injustice, we add the excuse which is given,

wrhich is, that such attendance of the police is necessary to prevent
a general melee and bloodshed. It seems that these fakirs, holy as
they ard, belong to different sects, between which there aie deadly

How such. *'

brute beasts " can have any respect or influ
ence, is one of the mysteries of Hindooism. But the coiU'
mon people, ignorant and superstitious, think these men have
a power that is more than human, and fear to incur their dis-
pleasure. They dread their curses for these holy men have

a fearful power of imprecation. Wherever they stroll

through the country, no man dares to refuse them food or
shelter, lest one of their awful curses should light upon his
nead, and immediately his child should die, or disaster should
overtake his house. ^
But let us pass on to the banks of the river, where the
crowd is already becoming very great. To go among them,
we get down from our elephant and walk about. Was there
ever such a scene —men, women, and children, by tens of
thousands, in all stages of nakedness, pressing towards the
sacred river? The men are closely shaved, as for every hair
of their heads they gain a million of years in Paradise ! Some
had come in boats, and were out in the middle of the stream,
from which they could bathe. But the greater part were
along the shore. The water was shallow, so that they could
wade in without danger ; but to afford greater security, lines
of boats were drawn around the places of bathing, to keep
them from drowning and from suicide.
It would not have been easy to make our way through such
a crowd, had not the native police, with that respect for
Englishmen which is seen everywhere in India, cleared the
way for us. Thus we came down to the water's edge, passing
through hundreds that weve coming up dripping from the
water, and other hundreds that were pressing in. They were
of all ages and sexes. It was hard to repress our disgust at
the voluntary debasement of men who might know better, bui

feuds, and if left to themselves unrestrained, when brought int«

olose contact in a procession, they might tear each other in piecea

But this would be no great loss to the vorld.

irith these there were some wretched objects, who could only
excite our pity —poor, haggard old women, who had dragged
themselves to this spot, and children borne on their mothers'
shoulders I In former times many infanta were thrown into
the Ganges. This was the most common form of infanticide.
But this practice has been stopped by the strong hand of the
government. And now they are brought here only to *'
and be cleansed." Even the sick were carried in palanquins,
to be dipped in the healing waters and here and there one

who seemed ready to die was brought, that he might breathe

his last in sight of the sacred river.
I observed a great number of flags flying from tall poles in

different parts of the ground, which made the place look like
a military encampment. These marked the headquarters of
the men who up these Melas, and in so doing contrive to
unite business with religion. During the year they peram-
bulate the country, drumming up pilgrims. A reputation for
sanctity is a stock in trade, and they are not too modest to
set forth their own peculiar gifts, and invite those who come
to the holy water to repair to their shop, where they can be
put through " in the shortest time, and for the least money.
This money-making feature is apparent in all the arrange-
ments of these pious pilgrimages.
In keeping with these coarser features of the scene, was
the presence of dancing girls, who gathered a group around
them close to the bathing places, and displayed their in-
decent gestures on the banks of the holy river, to those who
had just engaged in what they cousidered an act of moral
In other parts of the camp, retired from the river, was
carried on the business of " religious instruction." Here
and there pundits, or learned Brahmins, surrounded by large
companies, chiefly of women, were reading from the Shasters^
which, considering that they got over the ground with great
velocity, could hardly be very edifying to their hearers. This

mattered little, however, as these sacred books aii in Sau

Bcrit,which to the people is an unknown tongue.
I was glad to see that these blind leaders of the blind did
not have it all their own way. Nsar by were the preaching-
tents of several missionaries, who also drew crowds, to whonj
they spoke of a better religion. Among them was Rev. Mr
Macombie, who is a famous preacher. He is a native of
India, and is not only master of their language, but familial
with their ideas. He knows all their arguments and theii
objectioDS, and if a hearer interrupts him, wliether a Hindoo,
or a Mohammedan, he is very apt to get a shot which makes
him sink back in the crowd, glad to escape without further
notice. Whether this preaching converts many to Christian-
ity, there can be no doubt that it diffuses a widespread sense
of the folly of these M61as, and to this as one cause may be
ascribed the falling-off in the concourse of pilgrims, who were
formerly counted by millions and are now only by hundreds
of thousands.
While " religion " thus
went on vigorously, business wag
not forgotten. In the remoter parts of the camp it was turned
into a market-place. A
festival which brings together hun-
dreds of thousands of fteople, is an occasion not to be lost for
traffic and barter. So the camp becomes a huge bazaar (a
vast fair, such as one may see in America at a cattle show or
a militia muster), with streets of shops, so that, after one hag
performed his religious duties, as he comes up from the hoi}
waters and returns to " the world," he can gratify his pride
and vanity by purchasing any quantity of cheap jewelry.
There are shops for the sale of idols. We could have
bought a lovely little beast for a few pence. They are as
" cheap as dirt ; " in fact, they are often made of dirt. As wa
Btood in front of one of the shops, we saw a group rolling up
a little ball of mud, as children make mud pies who re

quested a lady of our party to step one side, as her shadow

falling on this holy object, polluted it

It is hard to believe that even the most ignorant and de

graded of men can connect such objects with any idea ol

sacredness or religion. And yet the wretched-looking crea-

lures seemed infatuated with their idolatries. To bathe in
the Ganges washes away their sins. It opens to them the
gates of paradise. Such value do they attach to it that even
death in its sacred waters is a privilege. Formerly suicides
were very frequent here, till they were stopped by the Gov-
ernment. Fanaticism seems to destroy the common sympa-
thies of life. Last Wednesday, while the great procession
was in progress, a fire broke out in one of the booths. As
they are made of the lightest material it caught like tinder,
and spread so rapidly that in a few minutes a whole camp
was in a blaze. But for the presence of mind and energy of
a few English soldiers from the Fort who were on the
ground, and who seized an engine, and played upon the
burning wood and thatch, the entire encampment might
have been destroyed, involving an appalling loss of life. As
it was, some thirty perished, almost all women. Mr. Kel-
logg came up in time to see their charred and blackened re-
mains. Yet this terrible disaster awakened no feeling of
compassion for its victims. They were accounted rather
favored beings to have perished in such a holy spot. Thus
does the blindness of superstition extinguish the ordinary
feelings of humanity.
Weary and heart-sick at such exhibitions of human folly,
we mounted our elephant to leave the ground. The noble
beast, who had waited patiently for us (and was duly re-
warded), now seemed as if he could stand it no longer, and
taking us on his back, strode oif as if disgusted with the
whole performance, and disdaining the society of such de-
based human creatures.
This Mela, with other things which I have seen, has quite
destroyed any illusions which I may have had in regard
to Hindooism. In coming to India, one chief object was to

Btudj its religion. I had read mucli of " the mild Hiadoo
and " the learned Brahmin," and I asked myself, May na
their religion have some elements of good ? Is it not better al

least than no religion ? But the more I study it the worsf

it seems. I cannot understand the secret of its power. I car
see a fascination in Bomanism, and even in Mohammedanism.
The mythology of the Greeks had in it many beautiful crea-
tions of the imagination. But the gods of the Hindoos are
but deified beasts, and their worship, instead of elevating men
intellectually or morally, is an \inspeakable degradation.
Hindooism is a mountain of lies. It is a vast and mon
strous system of falsehood, kept in existence mainly for the
sake of keeping up the power of the Brahmins. Their ca-

pacity for deceit is boundless, as is that of the lower castes

for being deceived. Of this I have just had a specimen. In
the fort here at Allahabad is a subterranean passage which is
held in the highest veneration, as it is believed that here a
river flows darkly underground to join the sacred waters of
the Jumna and the Ganges, and here —prodigy of nature— is a
sacred tree, which has been here (they tell us) for hundreds
of years, and though buried in the heart of the earth, still it

lives. It is true it does show some signs of sap and green-

ness. But the mystery is when the fact comes out
that the tree is changed every year. The sergeant-major^
who has been here four years, told me that he had himself
given the order three times, which admitted the party into the
Fort at midnight to take away the old stump and put in a
fresh tree He said it was done in the month of February

BO that with the first opening of spring it was ready to bloom

afresh ! How English ofiicers can reconcile it with their
honor to connive at such a deception — even though it be to
please the Brahmins—I leave them to explain. But the fact,
thus attested, is sufficient to show the unfathomablo lying of
this ruling caste of India, and the immeasurable cvediUity of
their disciples.

A religion that is founded on imposture, and supported by

falsehood, cannot bear the fruits of righteousness. In the
essence of things truth is allied to moral purity. Its very
nature is " sweetness and light." But craft and deceit in
sacred things breed a vicious habit of defending by false rea-
soning what an uncorrupted conscience would reject, and the
holy name of religion, instead of being a sacrament of good,
becomes a sacrament of evil, which is used to cover and con.
secrate loathsome immoralities. Thus falsehood works like
poison in the blood, and runs through every vein till tkt
whole moral being is spotted with leprosj.



We left Allahabad at midnight, and by noon of the next

day were at Agra, in the heart of the old Mogul Empire. Aa
we approached from the other side of the Jumna, we saw be •

fore us wha*; seemed a royal castle, of imposing dimensions,

strongly fortified, with walls and moat, like one of the strong-
holds of the Middle Ages, a castle on the Rhine, built for a
double purpose, half palace and half fortress. As we crossed
*he long bridge flags were flying in honor of the Prince of
'T^ales, who had arrived the week before. His entry into this
!>ld Mogul capital was attended with a display* of magnifi-
cence worthy of the days of Aurungzebe. At the station he was
aaet by a great number of Hajahs, mounted on elephants rich-

ly caparisoned, of which there were nearly two hundred in

the procession, with long suites of retainers, who escorted

him to his camp outside of the city. Kev. Mr. Wynkoop
(who came on a few days before to witness the fetes, and was
staying with a friend who had a tent quite near to that of
the Prince), met us at the station and took us out to the
Royal camp. It was indeed a beautiful sight. The tents,
many of which were very large, were laid off in an oblong
square, with the marquee of the Prince at the end, in front
of which floated the royal standard of England. The rest of
the camp was laid off in streets. On the outskirts of the
Maidan (or parade ground) were the military selected from
different corps of the Indian army. Some of the native t7D0|)f

in drill and discipline were equal to the Englisli. The Pun-

jaubees especially were magnificent fellows. Tall aad athletic
in figure, they are splendid horsemen, so that a regiment of
Punjaubee (or Sikh) cavalry is one of the sights of India,
English artillery manned the guns with which they saluted
the native princes according to their rank, as they came to
pay their respects. Here, on the Saturday before, the Prince
had held a grand Durbar, to which the E-ajahs came riding on
elephants, and each with a body-guard of cavalry, mounted
sometimes on horses and sometimes on camels, making alto-

gether such a scene of barbaric splendor as could not be wit

nessed in any country in the world but India.
The Prince was absent from the camp, having gone off s
day or two before to pay a visit to the Maharajah of Gwalior,
but an hour later, while we were making a first visit to the
Taj, we heard the guns which announced his return. A day
or two after we saw him starting for Jeypore, when, although
he drove off in a carriage very quietly, the camels and ele-

phants that went rolling along the different roads, as we drove

out once more to the camp, told of the brilliant pageant
that was ended.
This visit of the Prince of Wales is a great event. It
has excited a prodigious interest in and military cir-

cles. His progress through the country has been in a blaze

of processions and illuminations. To himself it must have
been very gratifying. As he said, " It had been the dream
of his life to visit India." It was a matter of political wis-
dom that he should know it, not only through others but by
personal observation- Mr. Disraeli, in proposing it in Par-
liament, said justly that " travel was the best education for
princes." was well that the future King of England,
should make himself acquainted with the great Empire that
he was one day to rule. But whether this royal visit will
result in any real benefit to India to correspond with the
enormous expense it has involved, is a question which J


hear a good deal discussed among Englislimen. In some

ways it cannot fail to do good. It has presented to
the people of India an impersonation of sovereignty, a
visible representative of that mighty power, the British
Empire. It has conciliated the native princes, who have
been greatly pleased by the frank and manly courtesy of
their future sovereign. In the art of courtesy he is a mas-
ter. History will give him this rank among princes, that he
was not greatj but gracious. This is a kingly virtue which it

was well to have exhibited in the person of one of such ex-

alted rank, the more as English officials in India are charged
with showing, often in the most. offensive way, the insolence
of power. Perhaps it was on this very account that he took
such pains to show a generous and even chivalrous courtesy
to natives of rank, even while he did not hesitate, so I was
told by Englishmen, to " snub " his own countrymen. Such a
bearing has certainly commanded respect, and given him a
personal popularity. But it has not converted the people to
loyalty any more than to Christianity. They run to see the
parades, the Rajahs, and the elephants. But as to its exciting
any deeper feeling in them, no Englishman who has lived
long in the country will trust to that for a moment. Even
though English rule be for their own safety and protection,
yet their prejudices of race and religion are stronger than
even considerations of interest. It is a curious illustration
of the power of caste that the very Kajalis who entertain the
Prince of Wales with such lavish hospitality, who build
palaces to receive him, and spread before him sumptuous
banquets, still do not themselves sit down at the table ; they
will not even eat with their Royal guest ; and count his touch
of food, and even his shadow falling upon it, a pollution
Such a people are not to be tr'\sted very far beyond the range
of English guns. The security of English rule in India i?
not to be found in any fancied sentiment of loyalty, which
4oes not exist, but in the overwhelming proof of Englisl

power. Britisli possession is secured by the well-armed fort«

rosses »vhicli overlook every great city, and wliicli could lay
it in ruins in twenty-foar hours. The rule that was obtained
by the sword, must be held by the sword.
But the interest of Agra is not in the present, but in the
past. There are few chapters in history more interesting
than that of the Mohammedan invasion of India —a history
dating back to the Middle Ages, but culminating about the
time that Columbus discovered the New World. Those
fierce warriors, who had ravaged Central Asia, had long
made occasional incursions into India, but it was not till the
beginning of the sixteenth century that they became complete
masters of the country, and the throne was occupied by a
descendant of the house of Tamerlane.
The dominion thus introduced into India was an exotic,
but like other products of the North, transplanted into a
tropical clime, it blossomed and flowered anew. The Moguls
(a corruption of Mongols) had all the wealth of Ormus and of
Ind at their feet, and they lavished it with Oriental prodi-
gality, displaying a royal state which surpassed the grandeur
of European courts.
The Great Mogul What power there is in a name Ever
! !

since I was a child, I had read about the Great Mogul, until
there was a magic in the very word. To be sure, I had not
much idea who or what he was but perhaps this vagueness

itself added to the charm in my imagination. He ivas an

Oriental potentate, living somewhere in the heart of Asia, in
a pomp and glory quite unknown among barbarians of the
West. He was a sort of Haroun al Raschid, whose masjnifi-
cence recalled the scenes of the Arabian Nights. Even
more, he was like the Grand Lama, almost an object of wor-
ship. To keep up the illusion, he withdrew from observation
into his Palace, where he sat like a god, rare y seen by mor-
tal eyes, except by his court, and dwelling in unajriroacb

&ble splendor.

Aud now here I was in the very Palace of the G reat Mogul
walking through the glittering halls where he held his goi
geous revelries, entering the private apartments of his harem,
and looking out of the very windows from which they looked
down upon the valley of the Jumna.
The Palace is in the Citadel of Agra, for those old Emper-
ors took good care to draw fortified walls around their palaces.
The river front presents a wall sixty feet high, perhaps half
a mile long, of red sandstone, which heightens by contrast
the effect of the white marble pavilions, so graceful and airy-
like, that rise above it. The Fort is of great extent, but it
is the mere casket of the jewels within, the Palace and the

Mosque, in which one may see the infinite beauty of that

Saracenic architecture, which is found nowhere in Europe in
such perfection, except in the Alhambra. The Mohammedan
conquerors of India, like the same conquerors of Spain, had
gorgeous tastes in architecture. Both aimed at the grandeur
of effect produced by great size and massive construction,
combined with a certain lightness and airiness of detail,
which give it a peculiar delicacy and grace. Here the im-
agination flowers in stone. The solid marble is made to
bend in vines and wreaths that run along the walls. The
spirit of Oriental luxury finds expression in cool marble
halls, and open courts, with plashing fountains, where the
monarch could dally with the beauties of his court. In all
these things the life of the Great Mogul did not differ from
that of the Moorish Kings of Spain.
The glory of Agra dates from the reign of Akbar the Great
who made it the capital of the Mogul Empire. He built the
Fort, with its long line of castellated walls, rising above the
river, and commanding the country around. Within this
enclosure were buildings like a city, and oj)en spaces with
canals, among which were blooming with
laid out gardens,
flowers. Ou the river side of the Fort was a lofty terrace^
an which stood the Palace, built of the purest marble. I*

flras divided into a number of pavilions w^hose while walla

and gilded domes glittered in the sun. Passing from one
pavilion fco another over tessellated pavements, we enter
apartments rich in mosaics and manner of precious stones.

Along the walls are little kiosks or balconies, the windows

of which are half closed by screens of marble, which yet are
so exquisitely carved and pierced as to seem like veils of

lace, drawn before the flashing eyes that looked out from be-

hind them. Straying through these rich halls, one cannot

but reproduce the scenes of three centuries ago, when Akbar
ruled here in the midst of his court ; when the beauties of hia
seraglio, gathered from all the East, sported in these gardens,
and looked out from these latticed windows.
Of equal beauty with the palace is the mosque. It is call-
ed the Pearl Mosque, and a pearl indeed it is, such is the
simplicity of outline, and such the exquisite and almost tender
grace in every arch and column. Said Bishop Heber " This

spotless sanctuary, showing such a pure spirit of adoration,

made me, a Christian, feel humbled when I considered that
no architect of our religion had ever been able to produce any-
thing equal to this temple of Allah."
But these costly buildings have but little use now. The
Mosque is still here, but few are the Moslems who come to
pray and the palace is tenantless. The great Moguls are

departed. Their last descendant was the late Eling of Delhi,

who was compromised in the Great Mutiny, and passed the
rest of his life as a state prisoner. Not a trace remains here
nor at Delhi of the old Imperial grandeur. Yet once in a long
while these old palaces serve a purpose to entertain some
royal guest. Last week they were fitted up for a fete given
to the Prince of Wales, when the stately apartments were
turned into reception rooms and banqueting halls. It was a
very brilliant spectacle, as the British officers in their uni-
forms mingled with the native princes glittering with dia-
leiorids. But it would seem as if the old Moguls must turn

in their coffins to hear this sound of revelry in their vacant

palaces, and to see the places where the Mohammedan ruled
BO long now filled by unbelievers.
Perhaps one gets a yet stronger impression of the magnifi
cence of the Great Mogul in a visit to the Summer Palace of
Akbar at Futtehpore-Sikri, so called from two villages em-
braced in the royal retreat. This was the Yersailles of the
old Moguls. It is over twenty miles from Agra, but start-

ing early we were able to drive there and return the same
day. The site is a rocky hill, which might have been chosen
for a fortress. The outer wall enclosing it, with the two vil-

lages at its foot, is nine miles in extent. The buildings were

on a scale to suit the wants of an Imperial Court —the plateau
of the hiJl being laid off in a vast quadrangle, surrounded by
palaces, and zenanas for the women of the Imperial house-
hold, and mosques and tombs. Perhaps the most exquisite
building of all is a tomb in white marble —
the resting place
of Selim, a Moslem saint, a very holy shrine to the true be-
lievers; although the Mosque is far more imposing, since
before it stands the loftiest gateway in the world. Around
the hill are distributed barracks for troops, and stables for
horses and camels and elephants. The open court in the
centre of all these buildings isan esplanade large enough to
draw up an army. Here they show the spot where Akbar
usCv' to mount his elephant, and here his troops filed before

him, or subject princes came with long processions to pay him

As this palace was built for a summer retreat, everything
is designed for coolness ;
pavilions, covered overhead, screen
from the sun, while open at the sides, they catch whatever
BTimraer air may be stirring. In studying the architecture
of the Moors or the Moguls, one cannot but perceive, that in
its first inception it has been modelled after forms familiar
to their nomadic ancestors. The tribes of Central Asia ^rst
dwelt in tents, and when they came to have more fixed haM


jations built of wood or stone, they reproduced the same fornr

«o that the canvas tent became the marble pavilion —just as
the builders of the Gothic cathedrals caught the lines of their
mighty arches from the interlacing branches of trees which
made the lofty aisles of the forest. So the tribes of the desert,
accustomed to live in tents, when endowed with empire, fall-

ing heir to the riches of the Indies, still preserved the style
of their former life, and when they could no longer dwell in
tents, dwelt in tabernacles. These palaces are almost all con-

structed on this type. There is one building of singular

structure, five stories high, which is a series of terraces, all

open at the side.

If we believe the tales of travellers and historians, noth-

ing since the days of Babylon has equalled the magnificence of
the Great Mogul. But magnificence in a sovereign generall}^
means misery in his subjects. The wealth that is lavished on
the court is wrung from the people. So it is said to have been
with some of the successors of Akbar. The latest historian
of Mussulman India* says " They were the most shameless

tyrants that ever disgraced a throne. Mogul administration

.... was a monstrous system of oppression and extortion,
which none but Asiatics could have practised or endured.
Justice was a mockery. Magistrates could always be bribed
false witnesses could always be bought .... The Hindoos
were always in the hands of grinding task-masters, foreigners
who knew not how to pity or to spare."
But Akbar was not merely a magnificent Oriental poten-
tate —he was truly a great king. A Mohammedan himself,
he was free from Moslem fanaticism and bigotry. Those col
querors of India had a difficult task (which has vexed their
English successors after two centuries), to rule a people of a

different race and a different religion. It was harder for the

Moslem than for the Christian, because his creed was mors

* Mr. Talboys Wheeler.


intolerant ; it made it his duty to destroy those whom h*

could not convert. The first law of the Koran was the ex
termination of idolatry, but the Hindoos were the grossest of
idolaters. How then could a Mohammedan ruler establish
his throne without exterminating the inhabitants? But the
— —
Moslems like many other conquerors learned to bear the
ills which they could not remove. Necessity taught them
the wisdom of toleration. In this humane policy they were
led by the example of Akbar, who, though a Mussulman,
was not a bigot, and thought it a pity that subtle questions
of belief should divide inhabitants of the same country. He
admitted Hindoos to a share in his government, and endeav-
ored by complete tolerance to extinguish religious hatreds.
He had even the ambition to be a religious reformer, and
tried to blend the old faith with the new, and to make an
by putting together the systems of Zoroaster,
eclectic religion
of the Brahmins, and of Christianity, while retaining some of
the Mohammedan forms. But he could not convert even his
own Hindoo wives, of whom he had one or two, and built a
house for each, in Hindoo architecture, with altars for idol
worship. What impression then could he make outside of
the circle of his court ?

But greatness commands our homage, even though it

sometimes undertakes tasks beyond human power. Akbar,
though he could not inspire others with his own spirit of
justice and toleration, deserves a place in history as the
greatest sovereign that ever sat in the seat of the Great Mo-
gul. And therefore, when in the Fort at Agra I stood be-
side the large slab of black marble, on which he was wont to
sit to administer justice to his people, it was with the same
feeling that onewould seek out the oak of Vincennes, undei
which St. Louis sat for the same purpose ; and at Secundra,
a few miles from Agra, we visited his tomb, as on anothei
continent we had visited the trmb of Frederick the Great
and of Napoleon.

THE JAJ. 157

But the jewel of India —the Koh-i-noor of its beauty —i?

the TaJj the tomb built by the Emperor Shah Jehaii, the
grandson of Akbar, for his wife, whom he loved with an
idolatrous affection, and on her deathbed promised to rear
to her memory such a mausoleum as had never been erected
before. To carry out his purpose he gathered architects
from all countries, who rivalled each other in the extrav-
agance and costliness of their designs. The result was a
structure which cost fabulous sums of money (the whole
empire being placed under contribution for it, as were the
Jews Temple of Solomon), and employed twenty
for the
thousand workmen for seventeen years. The building thus
erected is one of the most famous in the world like the —

Alhambra or St. Peter's and of which enthusiastic travel-
lers are apt to say that it is worth going around the world
to see. This would almost discourage the attempt to de-
scribe it, but I will try and give some faint idea of its mar-
vellous beauty.
But how can I convey to others what is but a picture
in my memory ? Descriptions of architecture are apt to
be vague unless aided by pictorial illustrations. Mere
figures and measurements are dry and cold. The most I
shall aim at will be to give a general (but I hope not in-

distinct) impression of it. For this let us approach it

It stands on the banks of the Jumna, a mile below the
Fort at Agra. As you approach it, it is not exposed abrupt-
ly to vieWj but is surrounded by a garden. You enter under
a lofty gateway, and before you is an avenue of cypresses a
thiT i of a mile long, whose dark foliage is a setting for a form
of dazzling whiteness at the end. That is the Taj. It
stands, not on the level of your eye, but on a double terrace
the first, of red sandstone, twenty feet high, and a thousand
feet broad ; which stand two mosques,
at the extremities of
of the same dark stone, facing each other. Midway between

rises the second terrace, of marble, fifteen feet higl, 'Jid

three hrndred feet square, on the corners of which stand fou2

marble minarets. In the centre of all, thus " reared in air,"
stands the Taj. It is built of marble —no other material
ihan this of pure and stainless white were fit for a puipos«
so sacred It is a hundred and fifty feet square (or rather
it is eight-sided, since the corners are truncated), and sur-
mounted by a dome, which rises nearly two hundred feet
above the pavement below.
These figures rather belittle the Taj, or at least disappoint
those who looked for great size. There are many larger
buildings in the world. But that which distinguishes it

&:om all others, and gives it a rare and ideal beauty, is the
anion of majesty and grace. This is the peculiar effect of
Saracenic architecture. The slender columns, the springing
arches, the swelling domes, the tall minarets, all combine to
give an impression of airy lightness, which is not destroyed
even when the foundations are laid with massive solidity.

But it is in the finish of their structures that they excelled

all the world. Bishop Heber said truly :
" They built like
Titans and finished like jewellers." This union of two
opposite features makes the beauty of the Taj. While its

walls are thick and strong, they are pierced by high arched
windows which relieve their heaviness. Vines and ara-
besques running over the stone work give it the lightness of
foliage, of trees blossoming with flowers. In the interioi
there is an extieme and almost feminine grace, as if here
the strength of man would pay homage to the delicacy of
woman. Enclosing the sacred spot is a screen of marble,
carved into a kind of fretwork, and so pure and white that
light shines through it as through alabaster, falling softly
on that which is within. The Emperor, bereaved of hia
wife, lavished riches on her very dust, casting precious
stones upon hor tomb, as if he were placing a string of
y^earla around her neck. It is cverrun witli vines »nd

flowers, cat in stone, and set with onyx and jasper and
lapis lazuli, carnelians and turquoises, and chaicedocies and
But the body rests in the crypt below. We descend a fe\f

Bteps and stand by the very sarcophagus in which all that

koveliness is enshrined. Another sarcophagus contains the
body of her husband. Their tombs were covered with fresh
flowers, a perpetual tribute to that love which was so strong
even on the throne ; to those who were thus united in life,

and in death are not divided.

Here sentiment comes in to affect our sense of the beauty
of the place. If it were not for the touching history con-
nected with it, I could not agree with those who pronounce
the Taj the most beautiful building in the world. Merely as
a building, it does not overcome me so much as another
marble structure —the Cathedral of Milan. I could not say
with Bishop Heber that the mosques of Islam are more
beautiful, or more in harmony with the spirit of devotion,

than Christian churches or cathedrals. But the Taj is

not a mosque, it is a tomb — a monument to the dead. And

that gives it a tender interest, which spiritualizes the cold
marble, and makes it more than a building —a poem and a
This impression grew upon us the more we saw it. On
our last night in Agra we drove there to take our last view
by moonlight. All slept peacefully on the banks of the
Jumna. Slowly we walked through the long avenue of dark
cypresses, that stood like ranks of mourners waiting for the
dead to pass, their tops waving gently in the night wind, as
if breathing a soft requiem over the departed. Mounting
the terrace we stocd again before the Taj, rising into the
calm blue heavens. A
few nights before the Prince of Wales
had been here, and the interior had been illuminated. Aa
we had not seen it then, we had engaged attendants with
blue lights, who gave us an illumination of our own. It

was a weird scene as these swarthy natives, with ikaked

arms, held aloft their torches, whose blue flames, flaring and
flickering, cast a spectral light upward into the dim vault
To add to the ghostly effect, we heard whispers above us,
lUB if there were unseen witnesses. It was the echo of our
own voices, but one starts to hear himself in such a place.
The dome is a whispering gallery ; and as we stood beside
the tomb, and spoke in a low voice (not to disturb the sleep
of the dead), our words seemed to be repeated. Any sound
at the tomb —a sigh of pity, or a plaintive melody — rising
upward, comes back again, — faintly indeed, yet distinctly and
sweetly —as if the very air trembled in sympathy, repeating
the accents of love and of despair, or as if unseen spirits
were floating above, and singing the departing soul to its


Then we went down once more into the crypt below,

where sleeps the form of the beautiful empress, and of Shah
Jehan, who built this monument for her, at her side. The
place was dark, and the lights in the hands of the attendants
cast but a feeble glimmer, but this deep shadow and silence
suited the tenor of our thoughts, and we lingered, reluctant
from the resting-place of one so much beloved.
to depart
As we came out the moon was riding high overhead, flood-
ing the marble pile with beauty. Round and round we
walked, looking up at arch and dome and minaret. At such
an hour the Taj was so pale and ghostlike, that it did not
seem like a building reared by human hands, but to have

grown where it stood like a night-blooming Cereus, rising
slowly in the moonlight— lifting its domes and pinnacles
(like branches growing heavenward) towards that world
which is the home of the love whish it was to preserve in
perpetual memory.
With such thoughts we kept our eyes fixed on that glitter
ing vision, %s if we feared that even as we gazed it might

vanish out of our sight. Below us the Jumna, flowing silent-

ly, seemed like an image of human life as it glided by. And

so at last we turned to depart, and bade farewell to the Taj,
feeling that we should never look on it again but hoping

that it might stand for ages to tell its history of faithful love
to future generations. Flow on, sweet Jumna, by the mar-
ble walls, reflecting the moonbeams in thy placid breast and ;

in thy gentle murmurs whispering evermore of Love and

Death, and L>ve that cannot die I


Delhi is the Rome of the old Mogul Empire. Agra was

the capital in the time of Akbar, but Delhi is an older city.
It had a history before the Moguls. It is said to have been
destroyed and rebuilt seven times, and thus is overspread
with the ashes of many civilizations. Its very ruins attest
its ancient greatness. The plain around Delhi is like the
Campagna around Rome —covered with the remains of pal-
aces and mosques, towers and tombs, which give credit to the
historical statement that the city was once thirty miles in cir-

cuit, and had two millions of inhabitants. This greatness

tempted the spoiler. In 1398 it was plundered by Tamer-
lane ; in 1525 it was taken by his descendant, Baber, the
founder of the Mogul dynasty. Akbar made Agra, 112
miles to the south, his capital ; but Shah Jehan, the monarch
of magnificent tastes, who built the Taj, attracted by the
mighty memories of this Rome of Asia, returned to Delhi,
and here laid the foundations of a city that was to exceed all

the capitals that had gone before it, if not in size, at least in

That distinction it still retains among the cities of India,
Though not a tenth of old Delhi in size, it has to-day over
160,000 inhabitants. It is surrounded by walls seven miles
in extent. We enter under lofty arched gateways, and find
our»elT3» in the midst of a picturesque population, represent-
ing all the races of Southern and Central Asia. The city is

much ga} er than Agra. Its streets are full of people of all

colorsand costumes. Its shops are ricli in Indian jewelry,

which is manufactured here, and in Cashmere shawls and
other Oriental fabrics ; and in walking through the Chand-
ney Chook, the Broadway of Delhi, one might imagine him-
Belf in the bazaars of Cairo or Constantinople.

The Fort is very like that of Agra, being built of the same
red sandstone, but much
and encloses a Palace which
Bishop Heber thought superior to the Kremlin. In the Hall
of Audience, which still remains, stood the famous Peacock
Throne, which is estimated to have been worth thirty millions
of dollars. Here the Great Mogul lived in a magnificence
till then unknown even in Oriental courts. At the time that
Louis XIY. was on the throne of France, a French traveller,

Tavernier, made his way to the East, and though he had seen
all the glory of Yersailles, he was dazzled by this greater
Eastern splendor. But what a comment on the vanity of all
earthly power, that the monarch who built this Palace waa
not permitted to live in it He was dethroned by his son,

the wily Aurungzebe, who imprisoned his father and mur-

dered his brother, to get possession of the throne. Shah
Jehan was taken back to Agra, and confined in the Fort,
where he passed the last years of his life. But as it is only
a mile from the Taj, the dethroned King, as he sat in his high
tower, could see from his windows the costly mausoleum he
had reared. Death came at last to his relief, as it comea
alike to kiugs and captives, and he was laid in his marble
tomb, beside the wife he had so much loved.
This story of crime is relieved by one of the most touch-
ing instances of fidelity recorded in history. When all

others deserted the fallen monarch, there was one true heart
that was faithful still. He had a daughter, the favorite
sister of that murdered brother, who shared her father's
captivity. She was famous throughout the East for her wi^
and beauty, but sorrow brought out the nobler traits of her
'»***racter. She clung to her father, and thus comforted th«

living while she mourned for the dead. She becajae verj
religious, and spent her life in deeds of charity. She is noi
buried in the Taj Mahal, but at Delhi in a hi imble grave
Lowly and broken in heart, she shrank from display
in spirit
even in her comb. She desired to be buried in the common
earth, with only the green turf above her. There she sleeps
beneath a lowly mound (though surrounded by costly marble
shrines), and near the head is a plain tablet, with an inscrip-
tion in Persian, which reads " Let no rich canopy C07er my

grave. This grass is the best covering for the tomb of one

who was poor in spirit the humble, the transitory Jehanara,
the disciple of the holy men of Cheest, the daughter of the
Emperor Shah Jehan." Was more touching
there ever a
inscription ? As I stood by this grave, on which the green
grass was growing, and read these simple words, I was mora
moved than even when standing by the marble sarcophagus
under the dome of the Taj. That covered an Emperor's
wife, and was the monument of a royal husband's affection;
this recalled a daughter's fidelity —broken in heart, yet
loving and faithful, and devoted to the last.

But humiliations were to come to the house of Aurung-

»!ebe. As Louis XIY. on his deathbed had to mourn his
haughty policy, which had ended in disaster and defeat, so
Aurungzebe was hardly in his grave when troubles gathered
round his house.* About thirty years after, a conqueror
from Persia, Nadir Shah, came down from the passes of the
Himalayas, ravaged the North of India to the gates of Delhi,
plundered the city and the palace, and carried off the Pea-

cock Throne putting out the eyes of the Great Mogul, tell-

• There are many parallels between Louis XIV. and Aurungzebe.

They were contemporaries and both had long reigns, the former a
little over, and the latter a little less than, half a century. They

were the most splendid sovereigns of their time one in Europe, and
the other in Asia, and with both the extravagance and prodigality of
the monarchs prepared the way for revolution after their deaths.
! !


ing him mockery that he had no more need of his

in bit ter
throne, since he had no longer eyes to see it
Other sorrows followed hard after. The kingdom was
overrun by the terrible Mahrattas, whose horses' hoofs had
BO often trampled the plains of India. Then came the Eng-
lish, who took Delhi at the beginning of this century. But
still the phantom of the old Empire lived, and there was an

Indian Rajah, who bore the sounding name of the Great

Mogul. The phantom continued till the Mutiny twenty
years ago, when this King of Delhi " was set up by the

Sepoys as their rallying cry. The overthrow of the Rebel-

lion was the end of his house. His sons were put to death,
and he was sent into exile, and the Great Mogul ceased to
But though he no longer reigns in Delhi, yet it is one of
the chief centres of Islam in the world. Queen Victoria has
more Mohammedan subjects than the Sultan. There are
forty millions of Moslems in India. Delhi is their Mecca.
Et has some forty mosques, whose tall minarets and gilded

domes produce a very brilliant effect. One especially, the

Jumma Musjid, is the most magnificent in India. It stands
on a high terrace, mounted by long flights of steps, which give
it an imposing effect. Huge bronze doors open into a large
court, with a fountain in the centre, and surrounded by arched
passages, like cloisters. Here are preserved with religious
care some very ancient copies of the Koran, and the footprint
of Mohammed in black marble (!), and (holiest relic of a]])
a coarse red hair, which is said to have been plucked from
the beard of the prophet
Nor is Mohammedanism in India a dead faith, whose fire

has died out, its forms only being still preserved. The re-

currence of one of their festivals arouses their religious ^leal

to the highest pitch of fanaticism. We were in Delhi at the

time of the Mohurrim, the Moslem " Feast of Martyrs,' de-

signed to commemorate the bloody deaths of the grandsoxu


of Mohammed. Macaulay, in his review of the Life of Loro

Clive, gives an instance in which this day was chosen for a
military assault because of the frenzy with which it kindled
all true Mussulmans. He says :

It was the great Mohammedan festival, which is sacred to the
memory of Hosein, the son of Ali. The history of Islam coutainfi
more touching than the event which gave rise to that solem-
nity.The mournful legend relates how the chief of the Fatimites,
when all his brave followers had perished round him, drank hia
latest draught of water and uttered his latest prayer ; how the assas-
sins carried his head in triumph how the tyrant smote the lifeless

lips with his staff and how a few old men recollected with tears that

they had seen those lips pressed to the lips of the Prophet of God,
After the lapse of twelve centuries, the recurrence of this solemn sea-
son excites the fiercest and saddest emotions in the bosoms of the
devout Moslems of India. They work themselves up to such ago-
nies of rage and lamentation, that some, it is said, have given up the
ghost from the mere effect of mental excitement."

Such was the celebration that we witnessed in Delhi. The

martyrdom of these Moslem saints is commemorated by little
shrines in their houses, made of paper and tinsel, and on the
great day of the feast they go in procession out of the city to
a cemetery five miles distant, and there bury them in hun-
dreds of newly-opened graves. As we drove out of Delhi,
we found march
the procession on men, women, and
its ;

children by tens of thousands on foot, and others in bullock

carts, or mounted on horses, camels, and elephants. Immense
crowds gathered by the roadside, mounting the steps of old
palaces, or climbing to the tops of houses, to see this mighty
procession pass, as it went rolling forward in a wild frenzr
to its Golgotha — its place of a skull. There they lay down
these images of their saints as they would bury their dead . We
went into the cemetery, and saw the open graves, and the lit-
tle shrines garlanded with flowers, that wrre laid in the earth,

not (so far as we saw) with weeping and (v^ailinc-, but 'athei

with a feeling of triumph and victory.


Leaving this scene of wild fanaticism, we rode on a few

miles farther to the Kootub Minar, the loftiest isolated
tower in the world, that has stood there six hundred years,
looking down on all the strange scenes that have passed with-
in its horizon, since watchers from its summit saw the armies
of Tamerlane wiarch by. We rode back through a succession
of ruins, stopping at several royal tombs, but most interested
in one where the sons of the aged king of Delhi took refuge
bfter the fall of the city, and from which they were taken out
\>y Captain Hodson, and shot in the presence of their deluded
followers,and their bodies exposed in the Chandney Chook, to
the terror of the wretched people, who had seen the cruelty
0/ these young princes, and were awed to see the retribution
that overtook those who had stained their hands with blood.
This tragedy took place less than twenty years ago, and
lecalls that recent history from which fresh interest gathera
round the walls of Delhi. This city played a great part in
the Mutiny of 1857. Indeed it broke out at Meerut, thii-ty

miles from here, where the Sepoys rose upon their officers,
and massacred the Europeans of both sexes, and then rushed
along the road to Delhi, to rouse the natives here to mutiny.
Had those in command anticipated such a blow, they might
have rallied their little force, and shut themselves up in the
Fort (as was done at Agra), with provisions and ammunition
for a siege, and there kept the tigers at bay. But they could
not believe that the native troops, that had been obedient
till noWj could "turn and rend them." They were unde
ceived when they saw these Sepoys drunk with blood, rush
ing into the town, calling on their fellow-soldiers to rise and
kill. Many perished on the spot. But they fell not inglo-
riously. A brave officer shut himself up in the Arsenal, and
when the mutineers had gathered around, ready to burst in,
applied the torch, and blew himself and a thousand natives
into the ftir. The little handful of troops fled fron the town^
fcnd were scarcely able to rally enough to be safe even at a

distance. But tlien rose the unconquerable English spirit

With this small nucleus of an army, and such reinforcements
as could be brought from the Punjaub, they held out through
the long, dreadful Summer, till in September they had mus-
tered all together seven thousand men (half of whom were
natives), with which they proposed to assault a walled city
held by sixty thousand native troops ! Planting their guna
on the Kidge, a mile or two distant, they threw shells into the
town, and as their fire took efiect, they advanced their lines
nearer and nearer. But they did not advance unopposed.
Many of the Sepoys were practised artillerists (since the
Mutiny all the artillery regiments in India are English), and
answered back with fatal aim. Still, though the English ranks
were thinned, they kept pushing on they came nearer and

nearer, and the roar of their guns was louder and louder. Ap-
proaching the walls at one point, they wished to blow up the
Cashmere Gate. It was a desperate undertaking. But when
was English courage known to fail ? A dozen men were de-
tailed for the attempt. Four na.tives carried bags of powder
on their shoulders, but as they drew within rifle range, Eng-
lish soldiers stepped up to take their places, for they would not

expose their native allies to a danger which they were ready

to encounter themselves. The very daring of the move-
ment for an instant bewildered the enemy. The Sepoys with-
in saw these men coming up to the gate, but thinking per-
haps that they were deserters, did not fire upon them, and it
was not till they darted back again that they saw the design.
Then came the moment of danger, when the mine was to be
fired. A sergeant advanced quickly, but fell mortally wound •

ed ; a second sprang to the post, but was shot dead ; the

third succeeded, but fell wounded ; the fourth rushed for-

ward, and seeing the train lighted sprang into the moat, the
bullets whizzed over him, and the next instant a tremendoui
explosion threw the heavy wall into the air.
Such are the tales of courage still told by the camp-fires of


the regiments here. More tlaan once did we walk out to the
Cashmere Gate, and from that point followed the track of

the English troops as they stormed the city, pausing at the

Bpot where the bravo General Nicholson fell. With mingled
pride and sadness, we and those of othera
visited his grave,
who fell in the siege. The English church is surrounded
with them, and many a tablet on its walls tells of the heroic
dead. Such memories are a legacy to the living. We at-
tended service there, and as we saw the soldiers filing into
the church, and heard the swords of their officers ringing on
the pavement, we felt that the future of India was safe when
committed to such brave defenders
This church was standing during the siege, and above it

which was an object of

rose a gilded ball, supporting a cross,
hatred to both Mohammedan and Hindoo, who wished to
see this symbol of our religion brought to the ground. Again
and again they aimed their guns at it, and the globe was rid-
dled with balls, but still was
the cross stood, until the city

completely subdued, when it was reverently taken down by

English hands, and carried to the Historical Museum, to be
kept as a sacred relic. May we not take this as a sign of the
way in which the Christian faith will stand against all the
false religions of India?
But I turn from battles and sieges to a lighter picture.
One may find great amusment in the street scenes of Delhi,
which will relieve these " dun clouds of war." In the Mo-
hammedan procession we had seen hundreds of the drollest
little carts, drawn by oxen, on which the natives were stuck

like pins, the sight of which, with the loads of happy life

they bore, excited our envy. Before leaving Delhi, we

thought would be very " nice " to take a turn around the

town in one of these extraordinary vehicles. We had tried

almost every kind of locomotion ; we had ridden on horses
iind donkeys, on camels and elephants, and had been borne
in palanquins; but one more glorv awaited us to ride in 9 —

"baJi," —and so we commanded one to attend us for oui

royal pleasure. But when it drew up in the yard of th«
hotel, we looked at it in amazement. There stood the oxen,
as ready to draw us as a load of hay ; but what a " chariot "
was this behind was a kind of baby-house on cart-wheel?
! It
— —
a cushion and a canopy one seat, with a sort of umbrella
over it, under which a native " lady " sits in state, with her
feet curled up between her. How we were to get into it was
the question. There were three of us, for the surgeon of the
Peshawur had joined us. C. of course had the place of
honor, while the Doctor and I sat on the edge of the seat,
with our lower limbs extended at right angles. The " bali "
is rigged somewhat like an Irish jaunting-car, in which one
sits sidewise, hanging over the wheels ; only in a jaunting-
car there is a board for the feet to rest upon, whereas here
the feet are literally " nowhere." In the East there is no
provision for the lower part of a man. Legs are very much in
the way. A
Turk or Hindoo curls them up under him, and
has done with them. But if an impracticable European will
dangle them abou?t where they ought not to be, he must take
the consequences. I find that the only way is to look out
for the main chance —to see that the body is safe, and let the
legs take care of themselves. Then if an accident happens,
I am not responsible ; I have done my duty. So we now
faced the situation," and while the central personage re-
posed like a Sultana on a soft divan, her attendants faced iii

either direction, with their extremities flying all abroad.

We felt as if sitting on the edge of a rickety chair, that
might break any moment and pitch us into the street. But
we held fast to the slender bamboo reeds that supported the
canopy, and, thrusting c ur feet into the air, bade tl «e chario*
The driver sits astride the tongue of the cart, and sets the
thing going by giving the animals a kick in the rear, or seiz-

Lng the tails and giving them a twist, which sets the beast*

into an awkward, lumbering gallop. He was proud of his

team, and wished to show us their mettle, and now gave the
tails a Herculean twist, which sent them tearing like mad

bulls along the street. Everybody turned to look at us,

while we laughed at the absurdity of our appearance, and
wished that we could have our photograph taken to send
home. Thus we rode to the great Mosque of the city, and
through the Chandney Cbook, the street of the bazaars, and
beck to our hotel, having had glory enough for one day.


Times have changed since twenty years ago, when Delhi

was the head and front of the Rebellion. It is now as tran-
quil and loyal as any city in India. As we rode out to the
Ridge, where the English planted their guns during the
siege, we found it surmounted by a lofty Memorial Tower,
reared to mark the spot where the courage of a few thousand
men saved India. So completely is the English power re-
established, that Delhi was lately chosen over all Indian
cities as the one where should be gathered the most imposing

display of troops to do honor to their future sovereign, the

t*rince of Wales. Some forty regiments, native and English,
were mustered here to form a grand Camp of Exercise.
Never before had India witnessed such a military display.
Here were native regiments in the picturesque costumes of
the East —the superb Sikh cavalry; a corps of guides
mounted on camels and heavy artillery drawn by elephants,

which, as they came before the Prince, threw up their trunks

and trumpeted a salute to the Majesty of England. Two
weeks passed in military manceuvres, and the nights in a
constant round of festivities. The Fort was brilliantly illu-
minated, and the Palace was thronged with ''
fair women and
brave men," but they were those of another race, and speak •

ing another language, from any known to the Great Mogul.

Manly English forms took the place of the dusky Hindoos,
and bright English eyes shone where once the beauties of the
Seraglio " looked out from the lattice." As we walked
through these marble halls that had just witnessed these

splendid festivities, I could but think, What would the :•! J

fanatical Mohammedan Aurungzebe have said, if he cJi^ld

have seen, less than two hundred years after his day, a Chris-
tian prince from that distant island of which he had per-

haps scarcely heard, received in his palace, the heir of a

power ten thousand miles away, that from its seat on the
banks of the Thames stretches out its hand across the seas
to grasp and hold the vast empire of the house of Tamer
The change has been from darkness to light. If England
has not done as much for Delhi as the Great Mogul to give
it architectural beauty, it has done far more for the people.
It has given them good government for their protection, just
laws rigidly enforced against the rich as well as the poor, a
police which preserves perfect order ; and it even cares for the
material comfort of its subjects, giving them good roads, clean
and well-lightedstreets, and public gardens thus providing

forornament and pleasure as well as for utility.

The Camp of Exercise was breaking up as we left Delhi,
and the troops were marching home. We saw them filing
out of the gates of the city, and drew up by the roadside to
see the gallant warriors pass. Among them was the corps of
Sikh guides, or couriers, mounted on '' swift dromedaries."
As they were scattered along the road, our guide asked some
of them to show us how they could go. In an instant they
dashed their feet against the sides of their " ooursers," and
set them off at full speed. I cannot say that they were very
beautiful objects. The camel with his long strides, and with
the legs of his rider outspread like the wings of a bird, looked
like an enormous ostrich flying at once with legs and wings
in swift chase over the desert. But certainly it was a pictur
esque sight. The infantry marched in column. The spectar-
clewas very gay, as the morning sun shone on the waving
banners and gleaming bayonets, and the sound of their bugles
died aw^ay in the distance. Regiments had been leaving for

days, and were scattered at intervals far to the North. At

we travelled at night, we saw their camp-fires for a hundred
miles. Indeed the whole country seemed to be a camp.
Once or twice we came upon a regiment at sunset, just as
they had pitched their tents. They had parked their guns,
and picketed their horses, and the men were cooking their
evening meal. It was a busy scene for an hour or two, till
suddenly all became quiet, and the silence of night was broken
only by the sentinel's tramp and the jackal's cry.
At Gazeeabad we met Sir Bartle Frere, the chief of the
suite of the Prince of Wales, and Canon Duckworth, his
chaplain, who were going North on the same train, and found
them extremely courteous. The former, I think, must be of
French descent from his name (although his family has been
settled in England for generations), and from his manners,
which seemed to me more French than English, or rather to
have the good qualities of both. When French courtesy is
united with English sincerity, it makes the finest gentleman
in the world. He is an " old Indian," having been many
years in the Indian service, and at one time Governor of
Bombay. I could but share the wish (which I heard often
expressed) that in the change which was just taking place, ho
were to be the new Governor-General of India.
Canon Duckworth seemed to me also a very " manly
man." Though coming to India in the train of royalty, he
is much less interested in the fetes which are setting the
country ablaze, than in studying missions, visiting native
churches and schools and orphanages. Our American mis-
sionaries like his bearing, and wish that he might be appoint-
ed the new Bishop of Bombay. One fact should be mentioned
to his credit —that he is one of the strongest temperance men
in England, carrying his principles and his practice to the
point of rigid total abstinence, which, for one travelling in
Buch company, and sitting at such entertainments, shows a
firmness in nvsisting temptation, greatly to his honor. It ii

A good sign when such men are chosen to accompany the

future King of England on his visit to this great dependency,
oyer which he is one day to rule.
That night we had our first sight of the Himalayas. Just
at evening we saw on the horizon a fire spreading on the
side of a mountain. It was kindled by the natives, as fires
are sometimes lighted in our forests or on our prairies.
There were the Himalayas !

We now entered the most Northwestern Province of India,

the Punjaub, which signifies in Persian " the land of the
five streams," which coming together like the fingers of a
hand, make the Indus. About midnight we crossed the
Sutlej, which was the limit of the conquests of Alexander
the Great.
Morning brought us to XJmritzur, the holy city of the
Sikhs —a sect of reformed Hindoos, who began their " re-
forms" by rejecting idolatry, but have found the fascination
of the old worship too strong for them, and have gradually
fallen back into their old superstitions. Their most holy
place is a temple standing in the centre of a large tank of
Lake of Immortality, and with its
water, which they call the
pure white marble, and its roof made of plates of copper,
richly gilded, merits the title of theGolden Temple. This
is a very holy place, and they would not let us even cross

the causeway to it without taking off our shoes; and when

we put on slippers, and shuffled about, still they followed,
watching us with sharp eyes, lest by any unguarded step we
should profane their sanctuary. They are as fanatical as
Mussulmans, and glared at us with such fierce looks that the
wore almost frightened. In the centre of
ladies of our party
the temple sat two priests, on raised mats, to whom the rest
^ere making wl ile
offerings, half a dozen musicians kept up
a hideous noise, towhich the people responded in a way thai
reminded us of the Howling Dervishes of Constantinople.
A pleasant change from this disgusting scene was a visj?


fco the bazaars, and to the places where Cashmere stawls ar*
manufactured. Of the latter I must say that (as a visit to a
dirty kitchen does not quicken one's appetite for the steam-
ing dinner that comes from it), if our fine ladies could see
the dens in which these shawls are woven, they might not
wear them with quite so much pride. They are close, narrow
rooms, in which twenty or thirty men are crowded together,
working almost without light or air. The only poetical thing
about it is that the patterns are written out in rhyme, which
they read or sing as they weave, and thus keep the patterns
so regular. But the rooms themselves seem like breeding
places for the cholera and the plague. But out of this filth
comes beauty, as a flower shoots up from the damp, black
soil. Some of the shawls were indeed exquisite in pattern
and fabric. One was offered to us for eight hundred rupees
(four hundred dollars), which the dealer said had taken two
years and a half in its manufacture
We left Umritzur at five o'clock, and in a couple of hours
rolled into the station at Lahore. As the train stopped a
friendly voice called our name, and we were greeted most
heartily by Dr. Newton, the father of the Mission. Coolies
were waiting to carry our baggage, and in a few minutes we
were in an American home, sitting before a blazing fire, and
receiving a welcome most grateful to strangers on the other
side of the world. Dr. Newton is the head of a missionaiy
family, his four sons being engaged in the same work, whiJe
his only daughter is the wife of Mr. Forman, another mis-
gionary. Yery beautiful it was to see how they all gathered
round their father, so revered and beloved, happy to devote
their lives to that form of Christian activity to which he
had led them both by instruction and example. Here wt
spent four happy days in one of the most pleasant homes
in India.
Lahore, like Delhi, has a historical interest. It was a
great citv a thousand years ago. In 1241 it was taken and

plundered hy Genghis Khan ; a century and a half later came

Tamerlane, who did not spoil it only because it was too poci
to reward his rapacity. But as it recovered a little of its
prosperity, Baber, in 1524, plundered it and partially burnt
it. But again it rose from its ashes, and became a great
city. The period of its glory was during the time of the
Moguls, when it covered a space eighteen miles in circum-
ference, and this vast extent is still strewn with the ruins ol
its former greatness. Huge mounds, which Lay-
like those
ard laid open at Nineveh, cover the mighty wreck of former

But though the modern city bears no comparison to the

ancient, still it has a political and commercial importance.
It is the capital of the Punjaub, and a place of commerce
with Central Asia. The people are the finest race we have
seen in India. They are not at all like the efieminate Ben-
galees. They are the Highlanders of India. Tall and athle-
tic, they seem born to be warriors. Their last great ruler,
old Bunjeet Sing, was himself a soldier, and knew how to
lead them to victory. Uniting policy with v£.lor, he kept peace
with the English, against whom his successors dashed them-
selves and were destroyed. All readers of Indian history will
remember the Sikh war, and how desperate was the struggle
before the Punjaub was subdued. But English prowess con-
quered at last, and the very province that had fought so
bravely became the most loyal part of the Indian empire. It
was fortunate that at the breaking out of the mutiny the
Governor of the Punjaub was Sir John Lawrence, who had
a great ascendancy over the natives, and by his courage and
prompt measures he succeeded not only in keeping them
quiet, but in mustering here a considerable force to restore
English authority in the rest 3f India. The Punjaubees took
part in the siege of Delhi From that day they have beeu
the most trusted of natives for their courage and their fidelity.
They are chosen for police duty in the cities of India, aucf

three months later we were much pleased to recognize oui

old friends keeping guard and preserving order in the streets
of Hong Kong.

Old Kunjeet Sing is dead and well dead, as I can tes-
tify, having seen his tomb, where his four wives and seven

concubines, that were burnt on his funeral pile, are buried

with him. His son too sleeps in a tomb near by, but only
seven widowed women were sacrificed for him, and for a
grandson only four Thus there was a falling oflf in the

glory of the old suttee, and then the light of these fires
went out altogether. These were the last widows burnt
on the funeral pile, and to-day the old Lion of the Pun-
jaub is represented by his son Maharajah Dhuleep Sing,
of whose marriage we heard such a romantic story in Cairo,
and who now lives with his Christian wife in Christian Eng-
We had now reached almost the frontier of India. Two
hundred and fifty miles farther we should have come to Pesh-
uwur, thelast military post, on the border of Afghanistan,
VFhichno man crosses but at the peril of his life. We find
how far North we have come by the race and the language
of the people. Persian begins to be mingled with Hindos-
tanee. In the streets of Lahore we meet not only the
stalwart Punjaubees, but the hill tribes, that have come out
of the fastnesses of the Himalayas ; the men of Cabul —Af-
ghans and Beloochees —who have a striking resemblance to
the Circassians, who crossed the Mediterranean with us on
their pilgrimage to Mecca, the long dresses of coarse, dirty
flannel, looking not unlike the sheepskin robes of the wild
mountaineers of the Caucasus.
One cannot be so near the border line of British India
without having suggested the possibility of a Russian inva-
eion, the fear of which has been for the last twenty yeara
(since the Mutiny and since the (Crimean War) the bugbear
of certain writers who are justly jealous of tlie integrity oi

fclie English Empire in the East. Russia Las been steadilj

pushing Eastward, and establishing her outposts in Centra^
Asia. These gradual advances, it is supposed, are all to the
end of finally passing through Afghauistan, and attacking
the English power in India. The appearance of Russian
soldiers in the passes of the Hindoo Koosh, it is taken for
granted, will be the signal for a general insurrection in
India ; the country will be in a state of revolution ; and at
the end of a struggle in which Russians and Hindoos will
fight together against the English, the British power will
have departed never to return. Or even should the Russians
be held back from actual invasion, their approach in a threat-
ening attitude would be such a menace to the Indian
Epipire, as would compel England to remain passive, while
Russia carried out her designs in Europe by taking posses-
sion of Constantinople.
This is a terrible prospect, and no one can say that it is

impossible that all this should yet come to pass. India has
been invaded again and again from the time of Alexander
the Great. Even the mighty wall of the Himalayas has not
proved an effectual barrier against invasion. Genghis Khan
and Tamerlane, with their Tartar hordes, crossed the moun-
tains and swept over the plains of JSTorthern India. A King
of Persia captured Delhi, and put out the eyes of the Great
Mogul, and carried off the Peacock Throne of Aurungzebe.
What has been, may be ; what Persia has done, Russia may
But while no one can say that it is impossible, all can set:

that the difficulties are enormous. The distance to be tra-

versed, the deserts and the mountains to be crossed, are so
many up by nature itself. An army from the
obstacles set
Caspian Sea must march thovsands of miles over great des-
erts, where even a small caravan can hardly subsist, and theu

only by carrying both food to eat and water to drink. Many

a caravan is buried by the sands of tlie desert. Wha ther

must be the difficulty of passing a whole army over such 9

distance and such a desert, with food for men and horseSj
and carrying guns and all the munitions of war Five years !

ago, Kussia attempted a campaign against Khiva, and sent out

three separate expeditions, one of which was forced to turn
back, not by hostile armies, but by the natural obstacles in
its path, while the main column, under Gen. Kaufman, came

very near succumbing to heat and thirst before reaching ita

destination. But if the deserts are crossed, then the army
is at the foot of the loftiest mountains on the globe, in the
passes of which it may have to fight against savage enemies.
It is assumed that Kussia will have the support of Afghan-
istan, which will give them free access to the country, and
aid them in their march on India though how a govern-

ment and people, which are fanatically Mussulman, should

aid Russia, which in Europe is the bitterest enemy ot Tur-
key, the great Mohammedan power, is a point which these
alarmists seem not to consider.
But suppose all difficulties vanquished —the deserts crossed
and the mountains scaled, and the Russians descending the
passes of the Himalayas —
what an army must they meet at
its foot Not a feeble race, like that which fled before Nadir

Shah or Tamerlane. With the railways traversing all India,

almost the whole Anglo-Indian army could be transported to
the Punjaub in a few days, and ready to receive the in-
With these defences in the country itself, add another
supreme fact, that England is absolute master of the sea, and
that Eusisia has no means of approach except over the deserts
and the mountains, and it will be seen that the difficulties in the
way of a Russian invasion render it practically impossible, at
least for a long time to come. What may come to pass in
another century, no man can foresee ; but of this I feel well

assured, that there will be no Russian invasion wdthin thf

lifetime of this generation.

"We had now reached the limit of our jouruey to the

North, though we would have gladly gone farther. Dr. New-
ton had spent the last summer in Cashmere, and told ua
much of its beauty. We longed to cross the mountains, but
itwas too early in the year. The passes were still blocked
up with snow. It would be months before we could make
our way over into the Vale of Cashmere. And so, though
we ^* lifted up our eyes unto the hills," we had to turn back
from seeing the glory beyond. Might we not comfort our-
selves by saying with Mohammed, as he looked down upon
Damascus, " There is but one Paradise for man, and I wiJ'i
turn away my eyes from this, lest I lose that which is to
And so we turned away our eyes from beholding Paradise.
But we had seen enough. So we thought as on Saturday
evening we rode out to the Shalamir gardens, where an em-
peror had made a retreat, and laid out gardens with foun-
tains, and every possible accompaniment of luxury and pride.

All remains as he left it, but silent and deserted. Emperor

and court are gone, and as we walked through the gardens,
our own footfall on the marble pavement was the only sound
that broke the stillness of the place. But the beauty is as

great as ever under the clear, full moon, which, as we rode

back, recalled the lines of Scott on Melrose :

* And home returning, sooth declare^

Was OTer scene so sad and fair i "

mnce we landed in India my chief desire has been to


see the Himalayas, I had seen Mont Blanc, the highest

mountain in Europe, and now wished to look upon the high-
est mountains in Asia, or the world. To reach them we had
travelled nearly fifteen hundred miles. We had already had
a distant view of them at night, lighted up by fires blazing
along their sides but to come into their presence one must

leave the railway and cross the country some forty miles.
We left Lahore Monday morning, and at noon were at
Lodiana, a place with sacred missionary associations ; which
we left at midnight, and in the morning reached Saharanpur,
where also is one of our Presbyterian missions. Rev. Mr.
Calderwood met us at the station, and made us welcome to
his home, and sped us on our way to the Hills.
Saharanpur is forty-two miles distant from Dehra Doon,
the beautiful valley which lies at the foot of the Himalayas.
A mail wagon runs daily, but as it suited our convenience
better, we chartered a vehicle not unlike an omnibus, and
which the natives, improving on the English, an omni-

hukus. It is a long covered gharri^ that looks more like a

prison van than anything else to which 1 can compare it,
and reminded me of the Black Maria that halts before the
Tombs in New York to convey prisoners to Blackwell'a
Island. There are only two seats running lengthwise, as
they are made to lie down upon in case of necessity. Much
of the travelling is at night, and **
old Indians," who are used
to the ways of the country, will spread their '*
resais " and

Bleep soundly over all the joltings of the road. But we could
sleep about as well inside of a bass drum. So we gave up
the idea of repose, and preferred to travel by day to see the
country, for which this sort of conveyance is very well con-
trived. The canvas top keeps off the sun, while the latticed
slides (which are regular green blinds), drawn back, give a
fine view of the country as we go rolling over the road. Our
charioteer, excited by the promise of a liberal backsheesh if

he should get us into Dehra Doon before nightfall, drove at

full speed. Every five or six miles the blast of his horn told
those at the next stage that somebody was coming, and that
A relay of fresh horses must be ready. As we approached
the hills he put on an extra horse, and then two, so that we
were driving four-in-hand. Then as the hills grew steeper,
he took two mules, with a horse in front as a leader, mounted
by a postilion, who, with his white dress and turbaned head,
made a very picturesque appearance. How gallantly he rode !

He little pony and set him

struck his heels into the spirited
into a gallop, which the mules could but follow, and so we
went tearing up hill and down dale at a furious rate while ;

the coachman blew his horn louder still to warn common folks
to get out of the way, and the natives drew to the roadside,
wondering what great man it was who thus dashed by.
But horses and mules were not enough to sustain such a
load of dignity, and at the last stage the driver took a pair
of the beautiful white hump-backed oxen of the country,
which drew us to the top of the pass. The hills which we
thus cross are known as the Sewalic range. The top oAce
attained, two horses were quite enough to take us down, and
we descended rapidly. And now rose before us a vision of
beauty such as we had not seen in all India. The vale cf
Dehra Doon is enclosed between two walls of mountains —the
Sewalic range on one side, and the first range of the Hima-
layas on the other. It is fifteen miles wide, and about sixty
miles long, extending from the Jumna to the Ganges. Thrr

it lies between two mountains and two rivers, and has a tern
peratxire and a moisture which keep it in perpetual green.
Nothing can be more graceful than the tall feathery bamboos,
which here grow to a great height. Here are fine specimens
of the peepul tree —the sacred tree of India, massive as an
English oak —and groves of mangoes. Everything seems to
grow here — tobacco, cinnamon,
tea, coffee, cloves. The ap-
pearance of this rich valley, thus covered with groves and
gardens, to us coming from the burnt plains of India,was like
that of a garden of Paradise. Riding on through this mass
of foliage, we rattled into the town, but were not obliged to
"find our warmest welcome at an inn." Kev. Mr. Herron
had kindly invited us to accept his hospitality, and so we
inquired for " Herron-sahib," and were driven along a smooth
road, embowered in bamboos, Compound,
to the Missionary
where a large building has been erected Female Semi-
for a
nary, chiefly by the labors of Messrs. Woodside and Herron,
the latter of whom is in charge of the institution, one of the
most complete in India. Here we were most cordially
received, and found how welcome, in the farthest part of the
world, is the atmosphere of an American home.
But once in presence of the great mountains, we were im-
patient to climb the first range, to get a view of the snows.
Mr. Herron ofiered to keep us company. We rose at four
the next morning, while the stars were still shining, and set
out, but could ride only five miles in a carriage, when we
came to the foot of the hills, and were obliged to take to the
saddle. Our " syces " had led three horses alongside, which
we mounted just as the starlight faded, and the gray light
of day began to show over the mountain-tops, while oui
attendants, light of foot, kept by our side in case their ser»
vices were needed.
And now we begin the ascent, turning hither and thither,
as the road winds along the sides of the mountain. Th€
slope of the Himalayas is not a smooth and even one, rising

gently through an unbroken forest. The mountain side haa

been torn by the storms of thousands of years. In the
spring, when the snows melt and the rains come, every tor-
rent whose rocky bed is now bare, becomes a foaming flood,
rushing down the hills, and tearing its way through the low-
lands, till lost in the Jumna or the Ganges. Thus the
m^^vintain is broken into innumerable spurs and ridges that
shoot out into the valley. Where the scanty herbage can
gather like moss on the rocks, there is grazing for sheep and
goats and cattle ; and these upland pastures, like those of
the Alps or the Tyrol, are musical with the tinkling of bells.
High up on the mountains they are dark with pines ; while
on the inner ranges of the Himalayas the mighty cedars
" shake like Lebanon."
One can imagine how lovely must be the Yale of Dehra
Doon, with its mass of verdure, set in the midst of such
rugged mountains. Although we were climbing upward, we
could but stop, as we came to turning points in the road, to
look back into the valley. Sometimes a projecting ledge of
rock ofiered a fine point of view, on which we reined up our
horses ; or an old oak, bending its gnarled limbs over us,
made a frame to the picture, through which we looked down
into the fairest of Indian vales, unless it be the Yale of
Cashmere. From such a point the landscape seemed to com-

bine every element of beauty plains, and woods, and streams
and mountains. Across the valley rises the long serrated ridge
of the Sewalic range. Within this space is enclosed a great
variety of surface —
undulating in hill and valley, with green
meadows, and villages, and gardens, while here and there,
along the banks of the streams, whose beds are now dry, are
oclts of virgin forest.

The industry of the people, which turns every foot of soil

to account, is shown by the way in which the spurs of the
mountains are terraced to admit of cultivation. Where vei
tbere is an acre of level ground, there is a patch of green^

for the wheat, fields are just springing up ; and even spacei
of but a few rods are planted with potatoes. Thus the sides
of the Himalayas are belted with lines of green, like the
sides of the Alps as one descends into Italy. The \iew la

especially beautiful at this morning hour as the sun rises,

causing the dews to lift from the valley, while here and there
a curl of smoke, rising through the mist, marks the place of
human habitation.
But we must prick up our horses, for the sun is up, and
we are not yet at the top. It is a good ride of two hours
(we took three) to the ridge on which are built the two
** hill stations " of Mussoorie and Land our which are great —
resorts of the English during the summer months. These
" stations " do not deserve the name of towns they are ;

merely straggling Alpine villages. Indeed nowhere in the

Alps is there such a cluster of houses at such a height, or
in such a spot. There is no " site " for a regular village, no
place for a " main street." One might as well think of
laying out " a village along the spine of a sharp backed
whale, as on this narrow mountain ridge. There is hardly an
acre of level ground, only the jagged ends of hills, or points
of rocks, from which the torrents have swept away the earth
on either side, leaving only the bare sui'face. Yet on these
points and edges —wherever there is a shelf of rock to fur-
nish a foundation, the English have built their pretty bunga-
lows,which thus perched in air, 7,500 feet high, look like
mountain eyries, and might be the home of the eagles that
we see sailing over the valley below. From such a height
do they look over the very top of the Sewalic range to the
great plains of India.
But we did not stop afc mountain to look back.
Dashing through tlie little straggling bazaar of Landour, we
spurred onto the higli est point, '' Lai Tiba"; from which
we hoped for the great view of " the snows." We reachoa
the spot at nine o'clock, but as yet we saw *'
only in part.''

Our final rision was to come three days later. Away to the
North and East the horizon was filled witli mouniains, whose
sumiiiits the foot of man had never trod, but the intervening
distance was covered with clouds, out of which rose the
snowy domes, like islands in a sea.
My first impression of the Himalayas was one of disap-
pointment, partly because we '' could not come nigh unto "
them. "We saw their summits, but at such a distance that
they did not look so high as Mont Blanc, where we could
come *'even to his feet " in the Yale of Chamouni. But the
Himalayas were seventy miles off,* filling the whole horizon.
Not did they rise up in one mighty chain, like the Cordilleras
of Mexico, standing like a wall of rock and snow against the
sky but seemed rather a sea of mountains, boundless and

billowy, rising range on range, one overtopping the other,

and rolling away to the heart of Asia ; or, to change the
figure, the mountains appeared as an ice continent, like that

of the Polar regions, tossed up here and there into higher

and still higher summits, but around which, stretching away
to infinity, was the wild and interminable sea.
Thus the view, though different from what I expected^
was very grand, and though we had not yet the full, cleai*
vision, yet the sight was sublime and awful, perhaps even
more so from the partial obscurity, as great clouds came
rolling along the snowy heights, as if the heavenly host up-
rose at the coming of the day, and were moving rank on
rank along the shining battlements.
We had hoped by waiting a few hours to get an unob-
structed view, but the clouds seemed to gather rather than
disperse, warning us to hasten our descent.

* This is given as an average distance in an air line. The nearest

peak, Boonderpuncli (Monkey's Tail), is forty-five miles as the crow
flies,though by the nearest accessible route, it is a hundred and
forty Nunda Davee is a, hundred and ten in an air line, but by tbfl

paths ofer the mountaina^ must be over two hundred

188 A hunter's hoube.

In going up tli3 mountain, C liad kept along with uj

on horseback, but the long ride to one not used to the saddle
had fatigued her so that on the return she was glad to accept
Mr. Herron's offer of a dandi, a chair borne by two men,
which two others accompanied as relays, while we, mounted
as before, followed as outriders. Thus mustering our Kttle
force, we began to descend the mountain.
A mile or so from the top we turned aside at the house of
a gentleman who was a famous hunter, and who had a large
collection of living birds, pheasants and manauls, while the
veranda was covered with tiger and leopard skins. He was
jibsent, but his wife (who has the spirit and courage of a

huntress, and had often brought down a deer with her own
hand) was there, and bade us welcome. She showed us her
birds, both living and stuffed, the number of which made
her house look like an ornithological museum. To our inquiry
she said, " The woods were full of game. Two deer had been
shot the evening before."
We asked about higher game. She said that tigers were
not common up on
the mountain as in the valley. She had
** the brutes "
two enormous skins, but her husband had shot
over in Nepaul. But leopards seemed to be her special pets.
When I asked, " Have you many leopards about here ? " she
laughed as she answered, " I should think so." She often
saw them JTist across a ravine a few rods in front of her

house, chasing goats or sheep. " It was great fun." Of

late they had become rather troublesome in killing dogs.
And had been obliged to set traps for tbem.
so they They
framed a kind of cage, with two compartments, in one of
which they tied a dog, whose yelpings at night attracted the
leopard, who, creeping round and round, to get at his prey,
at length dashed in to seize the poor creature, but found bara
between them, while the trap closed upon him, and Mr. Leo-
pard was a prisoner. In this way they had caught four the
last summer. Then this Highland lady camo out from her

and with a rifle put an end to tie leopard's carevsr in

devouring dogs. The number of skins on the veranda told
of their skill and success.
Pursuing my
inquiry into the character of her neighbors^
I asked, " Have you any snakes about here ? " ** Oh no,"
she replied carelessly ;
that is to say not many. The
cobras do no come up so high on the mountain. But there
is a serpent in the woods, a kind of python, but he is a
large, lazy creature, that doesn't do any mischief. One day
that my husband was out with his gun, he shot one that was
eighteen feet long. It was as big around as a log of wood,
so that when I came up I sat down and took my tiffin upon

While listening to these tales, the clouds had been gather-

ing, and now they were piled in dark masses all around the
horizon. The lightning flashed, and we could hear the
heavy though distant peals of thunder. Presently the big
drops began to fall. There was no time to be lost. We
could see that the rain was pouring in the valley, while
heavy peals came nearer and nearer, reverberating in the
hollows of the mountains. It was a grand sjDectacle of
Nature, that of a storm in the Himalayas. Thunder in front
of us, thunder to the right of us, thunder to the left of us ! I

never had a more exciting ride, except one like it in the

Pocky Mountains four years before. At our urgent request,
Mr. Herron spurred ahead, and galloped at full speed down
the mountain. I came more slowly with C in the dandi.
But we did not lose time, and after an hour's chase, in which
we seemed to be running the gauntlet of the storm, *' dodg-
ing the rain," we were not a little relieved, just as the
scattered drops began to fall thicker and faster, to come into
the yard of the hotel at Pajpore.
The brave fellows who had brought the dandi deserved a
reward, although Mr. Herron said they were his servants. 1
wanted to give them a rupee each, but he would not hear of

it,and when I insisted on giving at least a couple of rupees

for the four, which would be twenty -five cents a piece, the
poor fellcws were so overcome with my generosity that they
bowed almost to the ground in acknowledgment, and went
off hugging each other with delight at the small fortune
which had fallen to them.
At Kajpore the carriage was waiting for us, and under its
ccver from the rain, we rode back, talking of the incidents
of the day ; and when we got home and stretched ourselves
before the blazing fire, the subject was renewed. I have a
boy's fDudness for stories of wild beasts, and listened with
eager interest to all my host had to tell. It was hard to

realize that there were such creatures in such a lovely sj)ot.

Do you really mean to say," I asked, " that there are
tigers here in this valley ? " '*
Yes," he answered, " within
five miles of where you are sitting now." had seen one He
himself, and showed us the very spot that morning as we
rode out to the hills, when he pointed to a ravine by the
roadside, and said " As I was riding along this road one

day with a lady, a magnificent Bengal tiger came up out of

that ravine, a few rods in front of us, and walked slowly
across the road. He turned to look at us, and we were
greatly relieved when, after taking a cool survey, he moved
off into the jungle."
But leopards are still more common and familiar. They
have been in this very dooryard, and on this veranda. One
summer evening two years ago, said Miss P., I was sitting on
the gravelled walk to enjoy the cool air, when an enormous
creaturo brushed past but a step in front between us and the
bouse. At first we thought might be a
in the gloaming it

dog of very unusual size, but as and came into

it glided past,
the light of some cottages beyond, we perceived that it was a
very different beast. At another time a leopard crossed the
and brushed over the face of a native womao
vreranda at night,
sleeping with her child in her arms. It was well the beast

was not hungry, or he would have snatched the child, as thej

often do when playing in front of native houses, and carried
it off into the jungle.
But we will rest to-night in sweet security in this mission-
ary home, without fear of wild beasts or thunder storms. The
clouds broke away at sunset, leaving a rich " after-glow " up-
on the mountains. It was the clear shining after the rain.
Just then 1 heard the voices of the native children in the
chapel, singing their hymns, and with these sweet suggestions
of home and heaven, "I will lay me down in peace and sleep,
for thou Lord only makest me dwell in safety."

We had had a glimpse of the Himalayas, but the glimpse

only made us eager to get the full " beatific vision " : so, after
resting a day, we determined to try again, going up in the
afternoon, and spending the night, so as to have a double
chance of seeing the snows — both at sunset and at sunrise.
This time we had also the company of Mr. Woodside, beside
whom I rode on horseback while Mr. Herron gave his escort

to C , who "
was promoted " from a dandi to a jahnpoun^
which differs it is more spacious,
from the former only in that
and is by four bearers instead of two. Thus mount-
ed she was borne aloft on men's shoulders. She said the
motion was not unpleasant, except that the men had a habit,
when they came to some dangerous point, turning a rock, or
on the edge of a precipice, of changing bearers, or swinging
round the bamboo pole from one shoulder to another, which
made her a little giddy, as she was tossed about at such 8
height, from which she could look down a gorge hundreds of
feet deep. However, she takes all dangers very lightly, and
was enraptured with the wildness and strangeness of the
Bcene- -to find herself, an American girl, thus being trans*
ported over the mountains of A sia.
So we took up our line of march for the hills, and soon
Cound our pulses beating faster. Why is it that we feel sucfe

exhilaration in climbing mountains? Is it something in the

air, that quickens the blood, and reacts upon the brain? Oi
is itthe sensation of rising into a higher atmosphere, of " go-
ing up into heaven ? " So it seemed that afternoon, as we
"left the earth" behind us, and went up steadily inio the
Himalayas grew upon acquaintance. They
I found that the
looked more grand the second time than the first. The land-
scape was changed by the westering sun, which cast new
lights and shadows across the valley, and into the wooded
bosom of the hills. To these natural beauties my companion
added the charm of historical associations. Few places in
India have more interest to the scholar. The Sewalic range
was almost the cradle of the Brahminical religion. Sewalic,
or Sivalic, as it might be written, means literally the hills
of Shiva, or the hills of the gods, where their worshippers
built their shrines and worshipped long before Christ was
born in Bethlehem. The same ridge is a mine to the natural-
ist. It is full of fossils, the bones of animals that belonged
to some earlier geological epoch. The valley has had a part
in the recent history of India. Here the Goorkas one of —
the hill tribes, which stood out longest against the English
fought their last battle. It was on yonder wooded height
which juts out promontory into the plain, where the
like a
ruin of an old fort marks the destruction of their power. To-
day the Goorkas, like the Punjaubees, are among the most
loyal defenders of English rule.
At present the attraction of this valley for " old Indians "
is not so much in its historical or scientific associations, as
the field which it gives to the hunter. This belt of country,
running about a hundred miles along the foot of the Him-
alayas, is composed of forest and jungle, and is a favorite
habitat of wild beasts —
tigers and leopards and wild ele-
phants. It was in this belt, called the Terai, though furthei
to the East, in Nepaul, that the Prince of Wales a £e^

leeeks later made his great tiger-hunting expedition. He

might perhaps have found as good sport in the valley right
under our eyes. " Do you see that strip of woods yonder ? "
said Mr. Woodside, pointing to one four or five miles dis-
tant. " That is full of wild elephants." An Indian Rajah
came here a year or two since for a grand hunt, and in two
days captured twenty-four. This is done by the help of tame
elephants who are trained for the purpose. A large tract of
forest is enclosed, and then by beating the woods, the herd
is driven towards a corner, and when once penned, the tame

elephants go in among them, and by tender caressing engage

their attention, till the coolies slip under the huge beasts
and tie their feet with ropes to the trees. This done, they
can be left till subdued by hunger, when they are easily tamed
for the service of man.
These creatures still have the range of the forests. In
riding through the woods one may often hear the breaking
of trees, as wild elephants crash through the dense thicket.
I had supposed that all kinds of wild beasts were very much
reduced in India under English rule. The hunters say they
are so much But my companion
so as to destroy the sport.
thinks not, for two reasons the government has made

stringent laws against the destruction of forests and since ;

the mutiny the natives are not allowed to carry fire-arms.

We might have startled a leopard anywhere on the moun-
tain side. A young Scotchman whom we met with his rifle
on his shoulder, said he had shot two a fortnight ago,
but that there was a very big one about, which he had seen
several times, but could never get a shot at, but he hoped to
bring him dawn before long.
With such chat as this we trotted up the mountain road,
till we came to where it divides, where, leaving Mr. Herron

and C to go on straight to Landour, we turned to the

left to make a flying visit to the other hill station of Mus-
soorie. As we lode along, Mr. Woodside pointed out to me

the spc t where, a few weeks before, his horse had backed ofl

a precipice, and been dashed to pieces. Fortunately he waa

not on his back (he had alighted to make a call), or the
horse and his rider might have gone over together. As we
wound up the road he recalled another incident, which
occurred several years ago: ''I had been to attend an
evening reception at the Young Ladies' school (which we
had just left),and about eleven o'clock mounted to ride
home. I had a white horse, and it was a bright moonlight
night, and as I rode up the hill, just as I turned a corner in
the road there (pointing to the spot) I saw a huge leopard
crouching in the attitude of preparing to spring. I rose up
in the saddle (my friend is a man of giant stature) and
shouted at the top of my voice, and the beast, not knowing
what strange monster he had encountered, leaped over the
Dank and disappeared."
The next day," he added, " I was telling the story to a gen-
'Jeman, who replied, You were very fortunate to escape so,'

ind then related an incident of his own, in which a leopard

'.prang upon his horse, which the fright caused to give such

I bound that the brute fell off, and the horse starting at
full speed, they escaped. But he felt that the escape was so
providential that he had thanks returned in the church the
oext Sabbath for his deliverance from a sudden death."
Thus listening to my companion's adventures, we rode
along the ridge of Mussoorie to its highest point, which com-
mands a grand view of the Snowy Kange. Here stands a
convent, which educates hundreds of the daughters of Prot-
estant Englishmen, as well as those of its own faith. Thus
the Catholic Church plants its outposts on the very crests of
the mountains.
At Landour is another Catholic institution (for boys)
called St. George's College, perhaps as a delicate flattery to
Englishmen in taking the name of their guardian saint. It

has a chine of bells, which at that height and thac houi


strikes the ear with singular and toucbirg etTect. It ma;y

well stir up our Protestant friends, both to admire and to

imitate, as it furnishes a new proof of the omnipresence of
Rome, when the traveller finds its convents, and hears the
chime of its vesper bells, on the heights and amid the valleys
of the Himalayas.
But the sun was was four miles from Mus-
sinking, and it

Boorie to Landour, where we were to make our second

attempt to see the snows. Turning our horses, we rode at
full speed along the ridge of the mountain, and reached the

top of Lai Tiba before sunset, but only to be again dis-

appointed. Northward and eastward the clouds hung upon
the great mountains. But if one part of the horizon was
hidden, on the other we looked over the top of the Sewalio
range, to where the red and fiery sun was sinking in a bank
of cloud — not '*
clouds full of rain," but merely clouds of
dust, rolling upward " like the smoke of a furnace " from the
hot plains of India. In the foreground was the soft, green
valley of Dehra Doon, more beautiful from the contrast with
the burning plains beyond. It was a peaceful landscape, as
the shadows of evening were gathering over it. From this
we turned to watch the light as it crept up the sides of the
mountains. The panorama was constantly changing, and
every instant took on some new feature of grandeur. As
daylight faded, another light flashed out behind us, for the
mountains were on fire. It is a custom of the people, who
are herdsmen, to burn off the low brush (as the Indians
burned over the prairies), that the grass may spring up fresh
and green for their flocks and cattle ; and it was a fearful
spectacle, that of these great belts of fiie running along the
mountain side, and lighting up the black gorges below.
Giving our horses to the guides to be led down the decliv-
ity, we walked down a narrow path in the rocks that led to

Woodstock, a female seminary, built on a kind of terrace

half a mile balow--a most picturesque spot (none the less


romantic because a tiger had once carried off a man from tlw
foot of the ravine a few rods below the house), and there,
around a cheerful and before a roaring fire, forgot the
fatigues of the day, and hoped for sunshine on the morrow.
was not yet daylight when we awoke. The stars were
shining when we came out on the terrace, and the waning
moon still hung its crescent overhead. A faint light began
to glimmer in the east. We were quickly muffled up (for it

was cold) and climbing up the steep path to Lai Tiba, hoping
yet trembling. I was soon out of breath, and had more than
once to sit down on But in a
the rocks to recover myself.
moment I would rise and rush on again, so eager was I with
hope, and yet so fearful of disappointment. One more pull
and we were on the top, and behold the glory of God spread
abroad upon the mountains Our perseverance was rewarded

at last. There were the Himalayas — the great mountains of

India, of Asia, of the globe. The snowy range was in full
view for more than a hundred miles. The sun had not yet
risen, but his golden limb now touched the east, and as the
great round orb rose above the horizon, it seemed as if G-od
himself were coming to illumine the universe which he had
created. One after another the distant peaks caught the light
upon their fields of snow, and sent it back as if they were
the shining gates of the heavenly city. One could almost
look up to them as Divine intelligences, and address them in
the lines of the old hymn
Those glorious minds^ how bright they shine,
Whence all their white array ?
How came they to the happy seats
Of everlasting day ?

But restraining our enthusiasm for the moment, let us look

at the configuration of this Snowy Kange, simply as a study in
geography. We are in presence of the highest mountains on
the globe. We are on the border of that table land of Asii
"the koof of the would." 197

(" High Asia ") which the Arabs in their poetical language
call " The Koof of the World." Yonder pass leads over into
Thibet. The trend of the mountains is from southeast to
northwest, almost belting the continent. Indeed, physical
geographers trace it much farther, following it down on one
hand through the Malayan Peninsula and on the other run-
ning it through the Hindoo Koosh (or Caucasus) northwest
to Mt. Ararat in Armenia and across into Europe, through

Turkey and Greece, to the Alps and the Pyrenees, forming

what the Arabs call " The Stony Girdle of the Earth." But
the centre of that girdle, the clasp of that mighty zone, is here.
It is difficult to form an idea of the altitude of mountains,
when we have no basis of comparison in those which are fa-
miliar. But nature here is on another scale than we have
seen it before. In Europe Mont Blanc is " the monarch of
mountains," but yonder peak, Nunda Davee, which shows
above the horizon at the distance of a hundred and ten miles,
is 25,600 feet high —
that is, nearly two miles higher than
Mont Blanc !There are others still higher Kinchinganga —
and Dwalaghiri —but they are not in sight, as they are
farther east in Nepaul. But from Darjeeling, a hill station

much frequented in the summer months by residents of Cal-

cutta, one may get an unobstructed view of Mount Everest,
29,000 feet high, the loftiest summit on the globe. And here
before us are a number of peaks, twenty-two, twenty-three,
and twenty-four tliousand feet high — higher than Chimborazo,
or any peak of the Andes.
Perhaps the Himalayas are less impressive than the Alps
in proportion, because the snow line is so much higher. In
Switzerland we reach the line of perpetual snow at 8,900
feet, so that the Jungfrau, which is less than 14,000 feet,

has a full mile of snow covering her virgin breast. But here
the traveller must ascend 18,000 feet, nearly two miles higher,
before he comes to the line of perpetual snow. It is consid-
ered a great achievement of the most daring Alpine climberf

to reach the top of the Jungfrau or the Matterhorn, biit hen

many of the passes are higher than the summit of either.
Dr. Bellew,who accompanied the expedition of Sir Douglas
Forsyth three years since to Yarkund and Kashgar, told me
they crossed passes 19,000 feet high, nearly 4,000 feet higher
than Mont Blanc. He said they did not need a guide, for
that the path was marked by bones of men and beasts that
had perished by the way ; the bodies lying where they fell^

for no beast or bird lives at that far height, neither vulture

nor jackal, while the intense cold preserved the bodies from
But the Himalayas are not all heights, but heights and
depths. The mountains are divided by valleys. From
where we stand the eye sweeps over the tops of nine or ter.

separate ranges, with valleys between, in which are scattered

hundreds of villages. The enterprising traveller may descend
into these deep places of the earth, and make his toilsome
way over one range after another, till he reaches the snows.
But he will find it a fourteen days' "march. My companion
had once spent six weeks in a missionary tour among tliese

Wilson, the author of " The Abode of Snow," * who spent

months in travelling through the Inner Himalayas, from
Thibet to Cashmere, makes a comparison of these mountains
with the Alps. There are some advantages to be claimed for

the latter. Not only are they more accessible, but combine
in a smaller space more variety. Their sides are more gener-
ally clothed with forests, which are mirrored in those beauti-
ful sheets of water that giv3 such a charm both to Swiss and

* A very fascinating book, especially to Alpine tourists, or those

fond of climbing- mountain.^. The title, " The Abode of Snow," is a
translation of the word Himalaya. The writer is a son of the late
Dr. Wilson, of Bombay. Taking a new field, he has produced a
Btory of travel and adv^enture, which will be apt to tempt others t*
follow him.

Scottish scenery. But in the Himalayas there is hardly a

lake to be seen until one entei-s the Vale of Cashmerss, Then
the Alps have more of the human element, in the picturesque
Swiss villages. The traveller looks down from snow-covered
mountains into valleys with meadows and houses and the
spires of churches. But in the Himalayas there is not a sign
of civilization, and hardly of habitation. Occasionally a vil

lage or a Buddhist monastery may stand out i)icturesquely

on the top of a hill, but generally the mountains are given
up to utter desolation.
" But," says Wilson, "when all these admissions in favor of Swit-
zerland are made, the Himalayas still remain unsurpassed, and even
unapproached, as regards all the wilder and grander features of
mountain scenery. There is nothing in the Alps which can afford
even a faint idea of the savage desolation and appalling sublimity of
many of the Himalayan scenes. Nowhere have the faces of the
rocks been so scarred and riven by the nightly action of frost and
the midday floods from melting snow. In almost every valley we
see placeswhere whole peaks or sides of great mountains have very
recently come shattering down."

This constant action of the elements sometimes carves the

sides of the mountains into castellated forms, like the canons
of the Yellowstone and the Colorado :

"Gigantic mural precipices, bastions, towers, castles, citadels,

xnd spires rise up thousands of feet in height, mocking in their im-
"oaensity and grandeur the puny efforts of human art ; while yet
higher the domes of pure white snow and glittering spires of ice far
enrpass in perfection, as well as in immensity, all the Moslem mus'-
iids and minars."

But more impressive than the most fantastic or imposing

jforms are the vast spaces of untrodden snow, and the awful
solitudes and silences of the upper air. No wonder that the
Hindoos made this inaccessible region the dwelling-place of
their gods. It is their Kylas, or The peak of Bad-
rinath, 24,000 feet high, is the abode of Vishnu; and thai

of Kedarnath, 23,000, is the abods of Shiva — two of the Hin

doo Trinity.. Nunda Davee (the goddess Nunda) is the wifi
of Shiva. Around these summits gathers the whole Hindoo-
mythology. Yonder, where we see a slight hollow in the
mountains, is Gungootree, where the Ganges takes its rise,

issuing from a great glacier by a fissure, or icy cavern, worn

underneath, called the Cow's Mouth. Farther to the west is

Jumnootree, the source of -the Jumna. Both these places

are very sacred in the eyes of the Hindoos, and as near to
them as any structure can be placed, are shrines, which are
visited by hundreds of thousands of pilgrims from all parts
of India.
Thus these snowy heights are to the Hindoo Mount Sinai
and Calvary in one. Here is not only the summit where
God gave the law, but where God dwells evermore, and out
of which issue the sacred rivers, which are like the rivers of
the water of life flowing out of the throne of God ; or like
the blood of atonement, to wash away the sins of the world.
But the associations of this spot are not all of Hindooism
and idolatry. True, we are in a wintry region, but there is
an Alpine flower that grows at the foot of the snows. Close
to Lai Tiba I observed a large tree of rhododendrons, in full

bloom, although was February, their scarlet blossoms con-


trasting with the snow which had fallen on them the night
before. But the fairest blossom on that Alpine height is a
Christian church. Lai Tiba itself belongs to the Presbyte-
rian mission, and adjoining it is the house of the missiona-
ries. On the ridge is a mission church, built chiefly by the
indefatigable efforts of Mr. Woodside. It is a modest, yet
tasteful building, standing on a point of rock, which is in full
view of the Snowy Range, and overlooks the whole mountain
landscape. It was like a banner in tlie sky — that white
church —standing on such a height, as if it were in the cloudsj
looking across at the mighty range beyond, and smiling a4

the eternal snows I

THE girls' school ai dehra doon. 201

The hardest thing in going round the world, is to break

away from friends. Not the friends we have left in America,
for those we may hope to see again, but the friends made
along the way. One meets so many kind people, and enters
so many hospitable homes, that to part from them is an ever-
renewing sorrow and regret. We have found many such
homes none in which we would linger more than
in India, but
in this lovely Vale of Dehra Doon.
One attraction is the Girls' School, which we might almost
call the missionary flower of India. The building, which
'* Seminary " at home,
would be a stands in the midst of
ample grounds, where, in the intervals of study, the inmates
can find healthful exercise. The pupils are mostly the
daughters of native Christians —converted Hindoos or Mo-
hammedans. Some are orphans, or have been forsaken by
their parents, and have thus fallen to the care of an institution
which is more to them than their natural fathers and mothers.
Many of these young girls had very sweet faces, and all were
as modest and well behaved as the girls I have seen in any
similar institution in our own country. Some are adopted by
friends in America, who engage to provide for their education.
Wishing to have a part in this good work, we looked about
the school till we picked out the veriest morsel of a creature,
as small as Dickens's Tiny Tim —but
whose eyes were very
bright, and her mind as active as her body wasfrail, and C

thereupon adopted her and paid down a hundred rupees for a

year's board and teaching. She is by birth a Mohammedan,
but will be trained up as a Christian. She is very winning in
her ways and, dear me, when the little creature crept up

into my lap, and looked up into my face with her great black
eyes, it was such an appeal for love and protection as I could
iiot resist ; and when she put her thin arms around my neck,

I felt richer than if I had been encircled with one of those

necklaces of pearl, which the Rajahs were just then throwing

around the neck of the Prince of Wales,


Our last day was spent in a visit to the tea plantatic ask

The culture of tea has been introduced into India within s

few years, and portions of the country are found so favorable

that the Jea is thought by many equal to that imported from
China. Mr. Woodside took us out in a carriage a few miles,
when we the road and crossed the fields on the back of an

elephant, which is a better " coigne of vantage " than the

back of a horse, as the rider is lifted up higher into the air,
and in passing under trees can stretch out his hand (as we
did) and pick blossoms and birds' nests from the branches
but there is a rolling motion a little too much like " life on

an ocean wave," and if it were not for the glory of the thing
I confess I should r9,ther have under me some steady old trot-
ter, such as I have had at home, or even one of the little don-

keys with which we used to amble about the streets of Cairo.

But there are times when one would prefer the elephant, as
if he should chance to meet a tiger The beast we were

riding this morning was an old tiger hunter, that had often
been out in the jungle, and as he marched off, seemed as if he
would like nothing better than to smell his old enemy. In a
deadly combat the tiger has the advantage in quickness of
motion, and can spring upon the elephant's neck, but if the
latter can get his trunk around him he is done for, for he is
instantly dashed to the ground, and trampled to death under
the monster's feet. We had no occasion to test his courage,
though, if what we heard was true, he might have found game
not far off, for a native village through which we passed was
just then in terror because of a tiger who had lately come
about and carried ^ff several bullocks only a few da^^s before,
and they had sent to Mr Bell, a tea planter whom we met
later in the day, to come and shoot him. He told me he
would come willingly, but that the natives were of a low
caste, who had not the Hindoos' horror of touching such food,
and devoured the half eaten bullock. If, he said, they would
only let the carcass alone, the tiger always comes back, and

he woTiId plant himself in some post of cbservatioL, and \rith

» which never failed would soon relieve them of their

tf^rrible enemy.

After an hour of this cross-country riding, our elephant

drew up before the door of a large house a ladder iraa ;

brought, and we clambered down his sides. Just then we

heard the sharp cracks of a gun, and the planter came in,
saying that he had been picking off monkeys which were a
little troublesome in his garden. This was Mr. Nelson, one
of the largest planters in the valley, with whom we had en-
gaged to take tiffin. He took us over his plantation, which
is laid out on a grand scale, many acres being set in rows

with the tea plant, which is a small shrub, about as large aa

a gooseberry bush, from which the leaves are carefully picked.
The green tea is not a different plant from the black tea, but
only differently prepared. From the plantation we were
taken to the roasting-house, where the tea lay upon the floor
in great heaps, like heaps of grain and where it is subjected

to a variety of processes, to prepare it for use or for exporta-

tion. It is first *'
wilted " in large copper pans or ovens ;

then " rolled " on a table of stretched matting ; then slightly

dried, and put back in the ovens ; then rolled again ; and
finally subjected to a good " roasting," by which time every

drop of moisture is got out of it, and it acquires the peculiar

twist, or shrivelled look, so well known to dainty lovers of
the cup which cheers but not inebriates. How perfect was
the growing and the preparation appeared when we sat down
at the generous table, where we found the flavor as delicate a3
that of any we had ever sipped that came from the Flowery
Leaving this kind and hospitable family, we rode on to the
plantation of Mr. Bell, who had the "engagement" to shoot
the tiger. He is a brave Scot, very fond of sport, and had
a room which he was going to send oft' to
full of stuffed birds,

^LUBtralia. Occasionally he had a shot at other game. Onc«

he had brought down a leopard, and, as he said, thought thfl

beast was " deed," and went up to him, when the brute gave
a spring, and tore open his leg, which laid him up fcr two
months. But such beasts are really less dangerous than the
among the rows of plants, and as the field-
cobras, which crawl
hands go among them barefoot, some fall victims every year.
But an Englishman is protected by his boots, and Mr. Bell
gtrolls about with his dog and his gun, without the slightest

sense of danger.
We had now accomplished our visit to the Himalayas, and
were to bid adieu to the mountains and the valleys. But
how were we to get back to Saharanpur ? There was the
mail-wagon and the omnihuckus. But these seemed very
prosaic after our mountain raptures. Mr. Herron sug-
gested that —
we should try dooleys long palanquins in which
we could lie down and sleep (perhaps), and thus be carried
over the mountains at night. As we were eager for new
experiences, of course we were ready for any novelty. But
great bodies move slowly, and how great we were we began to
realize when we found what a force it took to move us. Mr.
Herron sent for the chaudri—a kind of public carrier whose
office it is toprovide for such services — and an
was formally entered into between the high contracting par-
ties that for a certain sum he was to provide two dooleys and

a sufficient number of bearers, to carry us over the moun-

tains to Saharanpur, a distance of forty-two miles. This was
duly signed and sealed, and the money paid on the spot, with
promise of liberal backsheesh at the end if the agreement
was satisfactorily performed.
Thus authorized and empowered to enter into negotiations
with inferior parties, the chaudri sent forward a courier, or
sarbarahf to go ahead over the whole route a day in advance,
and to secure the relays, and thus prepare for our royal
This seemed very magnificent, but when our retinue filed

Into the yard on the evening of our departure, and dre^i^ up

befere the veranda, we were almost ashamed to see what a
prodigious ado it took to get us two poor mortals out of the
v&lley. Our escort was as follows Each dooley had six

bearers, or kahars —four to carry and two to be ready as a


reserve. Besides these twelve, there were two hahangi-wal-

las to carry our one trunk on a bamboo pole, making four-

teen persons in all. As there were five stages (for one set
ofmen could only go about eight miles), it took seventy
men (besides the two high officials) to carry our sacred per-
sons these forty- two miles ! Of the reserve of four whc
walked beside us, two performed the function of torch-bear-
ers —
no unimportant matter when traversing a forest so full
of wild beasts that the natives cannot be induced to cross it

at night without lights kept burning.

The torch was made simply by winding a piece of cloth
around the end of a stick, and pouring oil upon it from a

bottle carried for the purpose (just the mode of the wise
virgins in the parable). Our kind friends had put a mat-
tress in each dooley, with pillows and coverlet, so that if we
could not quite go to bed, we could make ourselves comforta-
ble for a night's journey. I took off my boots,
and wrapping
my feet in the soft fur of the skin of the Himalayan goat,
which I had purchased in the mountains, stretched myself

Like a warrior taking his rest,

With his martial cloak around him,

and bade the cavalcade take up its march. They lighted

their torches, and like the wise virgins, " took oil in their
vessels with their lamps," and set out on our night journey.
At first we wound our way through the streets of the town,
through bazaars and past temples, till at last we emerged
from of human habitation, and were alone with the
all signs

forests and the stars.

When we were fairly in the woods, all the stories I had

heard of wild b<^asts came back to me. For a week pas'. 1

had been listening to thrilling incidents, jnsiJiy of vhich

occurred in this very mountain pass. The Sewaiic range is

entirely uninhabited except along the roads, and is thus

given up to wild beasts, and nowhere is one more likely to

meet an adventure. That very morning, at breakfast, Mrs.

Woodside had given me her experience. She was once
crossing this pass at night, and as it came near the break of
day she saw men running, and heard the cry of '* tiger," but
thought little of it, as the natives were apt to give false
alarms ; but presently the horses began to rear and plunge,
them and let them go, and just then
80 that the driver loosed
she heard a tremendous roar, which seemed close to the wag-
on, where a couple of the brutes had come down to drink
of a brook by the roadside. She was so terrified that she
did not dare to look out, but shut at once the windows of
the gharri. Presently some soldiers came up the pass witt
elephants, who went in pursuit, but the monsters had
retreated into the forest.
That was some years ago, but such incidents may still hap-
pen. Onl^ a few weeks since Mr. Woodside was riding
through the pass at night in the mail-wagon, and had
dropped asleep, when his companion, a British officer, awoke
him, telling him he had j ust seen a couple of tigers distinctly
in the moonlight.
One would suppose we were safe enough with more than a
dozen attendants, but the natives are very timid, and a
tiger's roar will set tbem flying. A lady at Dehra, the
daughter of a missionary, told us how she was once carr^'ed
with her mother and one or two other children in dooleys,
when just at break of day a huge tiger walked out of a
wood, and came right towards them, when the brave coolies
at once dropped them and ran, leaving the mother and hef
children to their fate. Fortunately she had presecce of
mind to light a piece of matting, and throw it out to the

bmte, who either from that, or perhaps because he was too

noble a beast to attack a woman, after eyeing them for Hom«
moments, deliberately walked away.
Such associations with the road we were travelling, gav©
an excitement to our night journey which was not the most
composing to sleep. It is very well to sit by the fireside
and talk about tigers, but I do not know of anybody who
would care to meet one in the woods, unless well armed and
on an elephant's back.
But what if a wild elephant should come out upon us?
In general, I believe these are quiet and peaceable beasts, but
they are subject to a kind of madness which makes them un-
tamable. A "rogue elephant" —
one who has been tamed,
and afterwards goes back to his savage state —
is one of the

most dangerous of wild beasts. When the Prince of Wales

was hunting in the Terai with Sir Jung Bahadoor, an alarm
was given that a rogue elephant was coming, and they pushed
the Prince up into a tree as quickly as possible, for the monstei
has no respect to majesty. Mrs. Woodside told me that they
once had a servant who asked to go home to visit his friends.
On his way he lay down at the foot of a tree, and fell asleep,
when a rogue elephant came along, and took him up like a
kitten, and crushed him in an instant, and threw him on the
The possibility of such an adventure was quite enough to
keep our imagination in lively exercise. Our friends had
told us that there was no danger with flaming torches, al
tjiough we might perhaps hear a distant roar on the moun-
tfdns, or an elephant breaking through the trees. We listened
intently. When the men were moving on in silence, we
strained our ears to catch any sound that might break the
stillness of the forest. If a branch fell from a tree, it might
be an elephant coming through the wood. If we could not
Bee, we imagined forms gliding in the darkness. Even the
shadows ca^st by the starlight took i— pes that we drer dea

Hush ! there is a stealthy step over the fallen leaves. No,

it is the wind whispering in the trees. Thus was it all night
long. If any wild beasts glared on us out of the covert, oui
flaming torches kept them at a respectful distance. We did
not hear the tramp of an elephant, the growl of a tiger, or
Bven the cry of a jackal.
But though we had not the excitement of an adventure,
the scene itself was wild and weird enough. We were en-
tirely alone, with more than a dozen men, with not one of

whom we could exchange a single word, traversing a moun-

tain pass, with miles of forest and jungle separating us from
Any habitation. Our attendants were men of powerful phy-
sique, whose swarthy limbs and strange faces looked more
strange than ever by the torchlight. Once in seven or eight
miles they set down their burden. We halted at a camp fire
by the roadside, where a fresh relay was waiting. There our
fourteen men were swelled to twenty-eight. Then the cur-
tain of my couch was gently drawn aside, a black head was
thrust in, and a voice whispered in the softest of tones
Sahib, backsheesh !
" Then the new bearers took up their
load, and jogged on their way.
I must say they did very well. The motion was not un-
pleasant. The dooley rested not on two poles, but on one
long bamboo, three or four inches in diameter, at each end of
which two men braced themselves against each other, and
moved forward with a swinging gait, a kind of dog trot,
which they accompanied with a low grunt, which seemed to
relieve them, and be a way of keeping time. Their burdens
iid not fatigue them much —
at least they did not groan under
the load, but talked and laughed by the way. Nor were
luxuries forgotten. One of the men carried a hooka, which
served for the whole party, being passed from mouth to
mouth, with which the men, when off duty, refreshed them*
selves with many a puff of the fragrant weed.
Thus refreshed they kept up a steady gait of about thros

Diilej an hour through the night. At length th 5 day began

to break. As we approached the end of our journey the
men pricked up speed, and I thought they would come in on
a run. Glad were we to come in sight of Saharanpur. At
ten o'clock we entered the Mission Compound, and drew up
before the door of " Calderwood Padre," who, as he saw me
stretched out at full length, " like a warrior taking his rest,"
if not " with his martial cloak around him," yet with his
Scotch plaid shawl covering " his manly Dreaat," declared
that I was ^'
an old Indian 1

fhe interest of India is not wholly in the far histc ric p£>st<.

V; tthin our own times it has been the theatre of stirring

eTieucs. In coming down from Upper India, we passed over
the •"
dark and bloody ground " of the Mutiny one of the —
most lii<!»rrible struggles of modern times a struggle unrelieved—
by any of the amenities of civilized warfare. On the banks
of the Ganges stands a dull old city, of which Bayard Taylor
once wrot/c :
Cawnpore is a pleasant spot, though it con-
tains nothing whatever to interest the traveller." That was
true when he saw it, twenty-four years ago. It was then a
*^ sleepy " pla»5e. Everything had a quiet and peaceful look.
The river flowed peacefully along, and the pretty bungalovN^s
of the English residents on its banks seemed like so many
castles of indolence, as they stood enclosed in spacious
grounds, under the shade of trees, whose leaves scarcely
stirred in the sultry air. But four years after that American
travellerhad passed, that peaceful river ran with Christian
blood, and that old Indian town witnessed scenes of cruelty
worse than that of the Black Hole of Calcutta, committed by
a monster more inhuman than Surajah Dowlah. The mem-
ory of those scenes now gives a melancholy interest to the
place, such as belongs tono other in India.
was midnight when we reached Cawnpore (we had left
Saharanpur in the morning), and we were utter strangers ;

but as we stepped from the railway carriage, a stalwart Amer-

ican (Ray Mr. Mansell of the Methodist Mission) came ur»^
THE MUTINY IN 1857. 211

and calling usby name, took us to his home, and " kindly
entreated us," and the next morning rode about the city with
us to show the sadly memorable places.
The outbreak of the Mutiny in India in 1857, took ita

English rulers by surprise. They had held the country foi

a hundred years, and thought they could hold it forever. Sc

secure did they feel that they had reduced their army to a
minimum. In the Hussian war, regiment after regiment was
called home to serve in the Crimea, till there were left not
more than twenty thousand British troops in all India an —
insignificant force to hold such a vast dependency ; and weak-
ened still more by being scattered in small bodies over the
country, with no means of rapid concentration. There was
hardly a railroad in India. All movements of troops had to
be made by long marches. Thus detached and helpless, the
military power was really in the hands of the Sepoys, who
garrisoned the towns, and whom the English had trained to be
good soldiers, with no suspicion that their skill and discipline
would ever be turned against themselves.
This was the opportunity for smothered discontent to
break out into open rebellion. There had long been among
the people an uneasy and restless feeling, such as is the pre-

cursor of revolution a ground swell, which sometimes comes
before as well as after a storm. It was just a hundred years
since the battle of Plassey (fought June, 1757), which decid-
ed the fate of India, and it was whispered that when the cen-
tury was complete, the English yoke should be broken, and
India should be free. The Crimean war had aroused a spirit
of fanaticism among the Mohammedans, which extended
across the whole of Asia, and fierce Moslems believed that if
the English were but driven out, there might be a reconstruc
tion of the splendid old Mogul Empire. This was, therefore,
a critical moment, in which the defenceless state of India
offered a temptation to rebellion. Some there were (like the
liawreuoes — Sir John in the Punjaub, and Sir Henry in

Lucknow) whose eyes were opened to the danger, and wh<i

warned the government. But it could not believe a rebellion
was possible ; so that when the storm burst, it was like «
peal of thunder from a clear sky.
Thus taken by surprise, and off their guard, the English
were at a great disadvantage. But they quickly recovered
themselves, and prepared for a desperate defence. In towns
where the garrisons were chiefly of native troops, with only
a small nucleus of English officers and soldiers, the latter had
no hope of safety, but to rally all on whom they could rely,
and retreat into the and hold out to the last. Such a

quick movement saved Agra, where Sir William Muir told

me, he and hundreds of refugees with him, passed the whole
time of the mutiny, shut up in the fort. The same prompt-
ness saved Allahabad. But in Delhi, where the rising took
place a few days before, the alarm was not taken quickly
enough the Sepoys rushed in, shooting down their officers,

and made themselves masters of the fort and the city, which
was not retaken till months after, at the close of a long and
terrible siege.
At Cawnpore there was no fort. Sir Hugh Wheeler, who
was in command, had three or four thousand troops, but not
one man in ten was an English soldier. The rest were
Sepoys, who caught the fever of disaffection, and marched off
with horses and guns. Mustering the little remnant of his
force, he threw up intrenchments on the parade-ground, int

which he gathered some two hundred and fifty men of differ-

ent regiments. Adding to these " civilians " and native
servants, and the sick in the hospital, there were about
300 more, with 330 women and children. The latter, of
course, added nothing to the strength of the garrison, but
were a constant subject of care and anxiety. But with this
little force he defended himself bravely for several weeks,
beating off every attack of the enemy. But he was in no
condition to sustain a siege ; his force was becoming rapidlj

I educed, while foes were swarming around him. In this ex-

fcrs^mity, uncertain when an English army could come to his
relief,he received a proposal to surrender, with the promise
that all — —
men, women, and children should be allowed to
depart in safety, and be provided with boats to take them
down the Ganges to Allahabad. He did not listen to these
smooth promises without inward misgivings. He was suspi
cious of treachery but the case was desperate, and Nana

Sahib, who up to the time of the Mutiny had protested great

friendship for the Englisli, took a solemn oath that they should
be protected. Thus tempted, they yielded to the fatal surren

The next morning, June 27th, those who were left of the
little garrison marched out of their intrenchments, and were
escorted by the Sepoyarmy on their way to the boats. The
fveraen and children and wounded were mounted on ele-
phants, and thus conveyed down to the river. With eager-
ness they embarked on the boats that were to carry them to
a place of safety, and pushed oif into the stream. At that
moment a native officer who stood on the bank raised his
sword, and a masked battery opened on the boats with grape-
shot. Instantly ensued a scene of despair. Some of the
boats sunk, others took fire, and men, women, and children,
were struggling in the water. The Mahratta horsemen
pushed into the stream, and cut down the men who tried to
save themselves (only four strong swimmers escaped), while
the women and children were spared to a worse fate. All
the men who were brought back to the shore were massacred
on the spot, in the presence of this human tiger, who feasted
his eyes with their blood and about two hundred women

and children were taken back into the town as prisoners, in

deeper wretchedness than before. They were kept in ckse
confinement nearly three weeks in dreadful uncertainty of
their fate, till the middle of July, when Havelock was ap
proaching by forced marches; and fearful that his prej

should escape, Nana Sahib gave orders that they should b€

put to death. No element of horror was wanting in that
fearful tragedy. Says one who saw the bodies the next day,
and whose wife and children were among those who per-
ished :

' The poor were ordered to come out, but neither threats
noi persuasions could inducethem to do so. They laid hold of each
other by dozens, and clung so close that it was impossible to sepa-
rate them, or drag them out of the building. The troopers there-
fore brought muskets, and after firing a great many shots from the
doors and windows, rushed in with swords and bayonets. [One ac-
count says that, as Hindoos shrink from the touch of blood, five
Mohammedan butchers were sent in to complete the work.] Some
of the helpless creatures, in their agony, fell down at the feet of
their murderers, clasped their legs, and begged in the most pitiful
manner to spare their lives, but to no purpose. The fearful deed
was done most deliberately, and in the midst of the most dreadful
shrieks and cries of the victims. From a little before sunset till
candlelight was occupied in completing the dreadful deed. The
ioors of the building were then locked up for the night, and the
murderers went to their homes. Next morning it was found, on
opening the doors, that some ten or fifteen women, with a few of
the children, had managed to escape from death by falling and hid-
ing under the murdered bodies of their fellow-prisoners. A fresh
order was therefore sent to murder them also but the survivors,

not being able to bear the idea of being cut down, rushed out into
the compound, and seeing a well, threw themselves into it without
hesitation, thus putting a period to lives which it was impossible for
them to save. The dead bodies of those murdered on the preceding
evening were then ordered to be thrown into the same well, and
'juUars' were employed to drag them along like dogs." *

The next day after the massacre, Havelock entered the

city, and officers and men rushed to the prison house, hop

* '
' Narrative of Mr. Shepherd. " He owed
his escape to the fad
that before the surrender of the garrison he had made an attempt
bo pass through the rebel lines and carry word to Allahabad to has-
ten the march of troops to its relief, and had been taken an* throwf
Into prison, and was there at the time of the massacre.
: !


Ing to )>3 unhappy company of English

iu time to save that
women and children. But what horrors met their sight
ISTot on< living remained. The place showed traces of the
late butchery. The floors were covered with blood. " Upon

the walls and pillars were the marks of bullets, and of cuts
i.aade by sword-strokes, not high up as if men had fought

with men, but low down, and about the corners, where the
poor crouching victims had been cut to pieces." *' Locks of
long silky hair, torn shreds of dress, little children's shoes
and playthings, were strewn around."
The sight of these things drove the soldiers to madness,
" When they entered the charnel house, and read the writ-
ing on the walls [sentences of wretchedness and despair],
and saw the still clotted blood, their grief, their rage, their
desire for vengeance, knew no bounds. Stalwart, bearded
men, the stern soldiers of the ranks, came out of that house
perfectly unmanned, utterly unable to repress their emo-
tions." Following the track of blood from the prison to the
well, they found the mangled remains of all that martyred com-
pany. There the tender English mother had been cast with
every indignity, and the child still living thrown down to die
upon its mother's breast. Thus were they heaped together,
the dying and the dead, in one writhing, palpitating mass.
Turning away from this ghastly sight, the soldiers asked
only to meet face to face the perpetrators of these horrible
atrocities. But the Sepoys, cowardly as they were cruel,
fled at the approach of the English. Those who were taken
had to sufier for the whole. ''
All the rebel Sepoys and
troopers who were captured, were collectively tried by a
drumhead court-martial, and hanged." But for such a crime
as the cold-bloodedmurder of helpless women and children,

death was not enough it should be death accompanied by
shame and degradation. The craven wretches were made tc
clean away the clotted blood —
a task peculiarly odious to a
Hindoo. Says General Neill

Whenever a rebel is caught, he is immediately tried, and anleat


he can prove a defence, he is sentenced to be hanged at once but ;

the chief rebels, or ringleaders, I make first clear up a certain per-

still two inches deep in
tion of the pool of blood, the shed where the
fearfulmurder and mutilation of women and children took place.
To touch blood is most abhorrent to the high -caste natives ; they
think by doing so, they doom their souls to perdition. Let them
ihink so My object is to inflict a fearful punishment for a revolting,
cowardly, and barbarous deed, and to strike terror into these rebels.
The first I caught was a subahdar, or native officer a high-caste

Brahmin, who tried to resist my order to clean up the very blood he
had helped to shed but I made the provost-marshal do his duty

and a few lashes made the miscreant accomplish his task. When
done, he was taken out and immediately hanged, and after death,
buried in a ditch at the roadside. No one who has witnessed the
scenes of murder, mutilation, and massacre, can ever listen to the
word mercy, as applied to these fiends.
" Among other wretches drawn from their skulking places, was
the man who gave Nana Sahib's orders for the massacre. After this
man's identity had been clearly established, and his complicity in di-
recting the massacre proved beyond all doubt, he was compelled,
upon his knees, to cleanse up a portion of the blood yet scattered over
the fatal yard, and while yet foul from his sickening task, hung like
a dog before the gratified soldiers, one of whom writes The col- :

lector who gave the order for the murder of the poor ladies, was
taken prisoner day before yesterday, and now hangs from a branch
of a tree about two hundred yards ofE the roadside. '

What b(3came of Nana Sahib after the Mutiny, is

a mystery that probably will never be solved. If he

lived he sought safety in flight. Many of the Mutineers
took refuge in the jungle. The Government kept up a hur.l
for him for years. was thought that he was
Several times it

discovered. Only a year or two ago a man was arrested^

who was said to be Nana Sahib, but
it proved to be a case oi

mistaken identity. In going up from Delhi we rode in the

same railway carriage with an old army surgeon, whose tes-
timony saved the life of the suspected man. He had lived
in Cawnpore before the Mutiny, and knew Nana Sahib well.

indeed had been bis physician, and gave me mucli informa-

tion about the bloody Mahratta chief. He said he was not
BO bad a man by nature, as he became when he was put for-
ward as a leader in a desperate enterprise, and surrounded
by men who urged him on to every crime. So long as he wafl
under the wholesome restraint of English power, he was a
fair specimen of the " mild Hindoo," " as mild a mannered

man as ever scuttled ship or cut a throat.'' His movement

was as soft as that of a cat or a tiger. But like the tiger,
when once he tasted blood, it roused the wild beast in him,
and he took a delight in killing. And so he who might have
lived quietly, and died in his bed, with a reputation not worse
than that of other Indian rulers, has left a name in history
as the most execrable monster of modern times. It seems a
defeat of justice that he cannot be discovered and brought to
the scaffold. But perhaps the judgment of God is more se-

vere than that of man. If he still lives, he has suffered a

thousand deaths in these twenty years.
My informant toldme of the punishment that had come
on many of these men of blood. Ketribution followed hard
after their crimes. When the rebellion was subdued, itwas
stamped out without mercy. The leaders were shot away
from guns. Others who were only less guilty had a short
trial and a swift punishment. In this work of meting out
retribution, this mild physician was himself obliged to be an
instrument. Though his profession was that of saving lives,
and not of destroying them, after the Mutiny he was ap-
pointed a Commissioner in the district of Gawnpore, where
he had lived, to try insurgents, with the power of and life

death, and with no appeal from his sentence It was a


terrible responsibility, but he could not shrink from it, and

he had to execute many. Those especially who had been
guilty of acts of cruelty, could not ask for mercy whic}\ "^hey

had never shown. Among those whom he captured was the

native officer who had given the signal, by raising his sword

to the masked battery to fire on the boats. He said, "1

took him to that very spot, and hung him there " All this !

Bad history was in mind as we went down to the banks of the

Ganges, where that fearful tragedy took place not twenty
years before. The place still bears the name of the Slaughter
Ghat, in memory of that fearful deed. We imagined the
scene that summer's morning, when the stream was covered
with the bodies of women and children, and the air was filled

with the shrieks of despair. With such bitter memories, we

recalled the swift retribution, and rejoiced that such a crime
had met with such a punishment.
From the river we drove to '^
the well," but here nothing
ispainful but its memories. It is holy ground, which pious
hands have decked with flowers, and consecrated as a shrine
of martyrdom. Around it many acres have been laid out as
a garden, with all manner of tropical plants, and well-kept
paths winding between, along which the stranger walks
slowly and sadly, thinking of those who suffered so much in
life, and that now sleep peacefully beyond the reach of pain
In the centre of the garden the place of the well is enclosed,
and over the sacred spot where the bodies of the dead were
thrown, stands a figure in marble, which might be that of the
angel of Resignation or of Peace, with folded wings and face
slightly bended, and arms across her breast, and in her hands
palm-branches, the emblems of victory.
The visit to these spots, consecrated by so much suffering,
had an added tenderness of interest, because some of our own
countrymen and countrywomen perished there. In those
fearful scenes the blood of Americans —
men, women, and chil-
dren —
mingled with that of their English kindred. One of
the most terrible incidei.ts of those weeks of crime, was the
massacre of a party from Futteghur that tried to escape
down the Ganges, hoping to reach Allahabad. As they ap«
preached Cawnpore, they concealed themselves in the tall

^.rvMR on an island, but were discovered by the Sepoys, 2J\^



made prisoners. Some of the party were wealthy English

residents, who offered a large ransom for their lives. But
their captors answered roughly :
" What they wanted waa
not money, but blood !
" Brought before Nana Sahib, he
ordered them instantly to be put to death. Among them
were four American missionaries, with their wives, who
showed in that hour of trial that they knew how to suffer and
to die. Of one of these I had heard a very touching story
but a few days before from my friend, Mr. Woodside. When
we were standing on the lower range of the Himalayas, looi-
ing off to " the snows," he told me how he had once made an
ex2)edition with a brother missionary among these mountains,
which are full of villages, like the hamlets in the High Alps.
He pointed out in the distance the very roube they took, and
even places on the sides of the successive ranges where they
pitched their tents. They started near the close of Septem-
ber,and were out all October, and came in about the middle
ofNovember, being gone six weeks. After long and weary
marches for many days, they came to a little village called
Karsaii near Jumnootree, the source of the sacred river Jum-
na, nearwhich rose a giant peak, 19,000 feet high (though we
could but just see it on the horizon), that till then had never
been trodden by human foot, but which they, like the daring
Americans they were, determined to ascend. Their guides
shrank from the attempt, and refused to accompany them
but they determined to make the ascent if they went alone,
and at last, rather than be left behind, their men followed,
although one sank down in the snow, and could not reach the
summit. But the young missionaries pressed on with fresh
B.rdor, as they climbed higher and higher. As they reached
vlie upper altitudes, the summi+, which to us at a distance of
fdnety miles seemed but a peak or cone, broadened out into
a plateau of miles in extent ; the snow was firm and hard •

t.iey feared no crevasse?, and strode on with fearless steps.

But there was something awful in the silence and the soli

tude. Not a living thing could be seen on the face of earti

or skj Not a bird soared to such heights not an eagle oi
. ;

a vulture was abroad in search of prey not a bone on the ;

waste of snow told where any adventurous explorer had per-

ished before them. Alone they marched over the fields of

untrodden snow, and started almost to hear their own voices

in that upper air. And yet such was their sense of free-
dom, that they could not contain their joy. My companion,
said Mr. Woodside, was very fond of a little hymn in Hindoa •

tanee, a translation of the familiar lines :

I'm a pilgrira, I'm a stranger,

And I tarry but a night,

and as we went upward, he burst into singing, and sang joy«

ously as he strode over the fields of snow. Little he thought
that the end of his pilgrimage was so near But six months

later the Mutiny broke out, and he was one of its first vic-
tims. He was of the party from Futteghur, with a fate
nade more dreadful, because he had with him not only his
«dfe, but two children, and the monster spared neither age
tior sex. After the Mutiny, Mr. Woodside visited Cawn-
pore, and made diligent inquiry for the particulars of his
friend's death. It was difficult to get the details, as the
natives were very reticent, lest they shoiild be accused
; but

as near as he could learn, " Brother Campbell," as he spoke

of him, —
was led out with his wife he holding one child
in his arms, and she leading another by the hand and thus —
ill together they met their fate Does this seem very hard?

Yet was it not sweet that they could thus die together, and
could come up (like the family of Christian in Pilgrim's
Progress) in one group to the wicket gate ? Ko need had
he to sing any more :

I'm a pilgrim, I'm a stranger,

And I tarry but a night,

for ou that summer morning he passed np a shining pathway,

whiter than the fields of snow on the Himalayas
crest of th.e
that led him straight to the gates of gold. Let no man com-
plain of the sacrifice, who would claim the reward for so i! ;

is written, " It is through much tribulation that we laTig'

rater into the Kingdom of God."


** You are going to Lucknow ? " she said. It was a laJj

in black, who sat in the corner of the railway carriage, as
we came down from Upper India. A cloud passed over her
face. **
I cannot go there ; I was in the Residency during
the siege, and my husband and daughter were killed there.
I cannot revisit a place of such sad memories." It was
nothing to her that the long struggle had ended in victory,
and that the story of the siege was one of the most glorious
in English history. Nothing could efface the impression of
those months of suffering. She told us how day and night
the storm of fire raged around them ; how the women took
refuge in the cellars ; how her daughter was killed before
her eyes by the bursting of a shell and how, when they ;

grew familiar with this danger, there came another terrible

fear —
that of death by famine ; how strong men grew weak
for want of food how women wasted away from very hun-

ger, and children died because they could find no nourish

ment on their mother's breasts.
But amid those horrors there was one figure which she
love|d to recall —
that of Sir Henry Lawrence, the lion-
hearted soldier, who kept up all hearts by his courage and
his iron will —
till he too fell, and left them almost in de-

Such memories might keep away one who had been a suf-

ferer in these fearful scenes, but they stimulated our (lesire

to see a spot associated with such courage and devotion, and


led us from the scene of the tragedy of Cawnpore to that of

the eicge of Lncknow.
Bwt how soon nature washes awaj' the stain of blood !

As we crossed the Ganges, the gentle stream, rippling against

the Slaughter Ghat, left no red spots upon its stony steps,
N^ear the station was a large enclosure full of elephants, some
of which perhaps had carried their burden of prisoners down
to the river's brink on that fatal day, but were now " taking

their ease," as beasts and men like to do. Familiar as we

are with the sight, it always gives us a fresh impression of
our Asiatic surroundings, to come suddenly upon a herd of
these creatures of such enormous bulk, with ears as large aa
umbrellas, which are kept moving like punkas to keep off
the fliesthem drawing up water into their trunks,
; to see
as "Behemoth drinketh up Jordan," and spurting it over
their backs or what is more ludicrous still, to see them at

play, which seems entirely out of character. We think of

the elephant as a grave and solemn creature, made to figure
on grand occasions, to march in triumphal processions, carry-
ing the howdahs of great E^ajahs, covered with cloth of gold.
But there is as much of " youth " in the elephant as in any
other beast. A baby elephant is like any other baby. Aa
little tigers play like kittens, so a little elephant is like a colt,
or like " Mary's little lamb."
Lucknow is only forty miles from Cawnpore, with which
it is connected by railway. A vast plain stretches to the
gates of the capital of Oude. It was evening when we
reached our destination, where another American friend,
Bev. Mr. Mudge of the Methodist Mission, was waiting to
receive us. A ride of perhaps a couple of miles through the
atreets and bazaars gave us some idea of the extent of a city
which ranks among the first in India. Daylight showed ua
more of its extent and its magnificence. It spreads out

nany miles over the plain, and has a population of three

hundred thousand, while in spiciidor it is the first of th*

nati've cities of India —by native I mean one not taking iti
character, like Calcutta and Bombay, from tbe English ele-
ment. Lucknow is more purely an Indian
and haa city,
more of the Oriental domes and
style in its architecture — its

minarets reminding us of Cairo and Constantinople. Bayard

Taylor says *'
The coup d'oeil from one of the bridges ovei

the Goomtee, resembles that of Constantinople from the bridge

over the Golden Horn, and is more imposing, more pictur-
esque, and more truly Oriental than any other city in India."
It is a Mohammedan city, as much as Delhi, the mosques
quite overshadowing the Hindoo temples and the Mohur- ;

rim, the great Moslem festival, is observed here with the

same fanaticism. But it is much larger than Delhi, and
though no single palaces equal those of the old Moguls, yet it
has more the appearance of a modern capital, in its busy
and crowded streets. It is a great commercial city, with rich
merchants, with artificers in silver and gold and all the
fabrics of the East.
But the interest of Lucknow, derived from the fact of its
being one of the most populous cities of India, and one of
the most splendid, is quite eclipsed by the thrilling events
of its recent history. All its palaces and mosques have not
the attraction of one sacred spot. This is the Residency,
the scene of the siege, which will make the name of Luck
now immortal. How the struggle came, we may see by
recalling one or two facts in the history of India.

A quarter of a century ago, this was not a part of the

British possessions. It was the Kingdom of Oude, with a
sovereign who still lives in a palace near Calcutta, with large
revenues wherewith to indulge his royal pleasure, but
without his kingdom, which the English Government has
taken from him. This occurred just before the Mutiny,
and has often been alleged as one of the causes, if not th^

cause, of the outbreak and England has been loudly

; ac-

cused of perfidy and treachery towards an Indian prinoei,


ani of having brought upon herself the terrible events which

No doubt the English Governpcjent has often carried things
with a high hand in India, and done which cannot be ac ts

defended, just as we must confess that our own Government,

in dealing with our Indian tribes, has sometimes seemed to

ignore both j ustice and mercy. But as to this king of Oude,

his ** right" to his dominion (which is, being interpreted, a
right to torture his unhappy same as
subjects) is about the
the right of a Bengal tiger to his jungle a right which —
holds good till some daring hunter can put an end to his
Whenthis king ruled in Oude he was such a father to hia
and such was the affection felt for his paternal govern-

ment, that he had to collect his taxes by the military, and it

is said that the poor people in the country built their villages
on the borders of the jungle, and kept a watch out for the
approach of the soldiers. As soon as they were signalled as
being in sight, the wretched peasants gathered up whatever
they could carry, and fled into the jungle, preferring to face
the wild beasts and the serpents rather than these mercena-
ries of a tyrant. The troops came, seized what was left and
set fire to the village. After they were gone, the miserable
people returned and rebuilt their mud hovels, and tried by
tilling the to gain a bare subsistence.
soil, Such was the
patriarchal government of one of the native princes of
This king of Oude now finds his chief amusement in col-
lecting a great menagerie. He has a very large number of
wild beasts. He has also a " snakery," in which he haa
collected all the serpents of India. must be confessed
that such a man seems more at home among his tigers
and cobras than in oppressing his wretched people. If
Americans who visit his palace near Calcutta are moved to
Bj'^mpathy with this deposed king, let them remember what
his government was, and they may feel a little pity for hit
miserable subjects.
To put such a monster
off the throne, and thus put an end
to his tyrannies, was about as much of a " crime *" as it
should be to restrain the king of Dahomey or of Ashantee
from perpetuating his " Grand Custom." I am out of
patience with this mawkish sympathy. There is too much
real misery in the world that calls for pity and relief, to have
us waste our sensibilities on those who are the scourges of
But once done, the deed ecald not be undone. Having
seized the bull by the horns, it was necessary to hold him,
and this was not an easy matter. It needed a strong hand,
which was given it in Sir Henry Lawrence, who had been
thirty years in India. Hardly had he been made governor
before he felt that there was danger in the air. Neither he
nor his brother John, the Governor of the Punjaub, were
taken by surprise when the Mutiny broke out. Both ex-
pected it, and it did not find them unprepared. Oude was
indeed a centre of rebellion. The partisans of the ex-king
were of course very active, so that when the Sepoys muti-
Oude waa
nied at Meerut, near Delhi, the whole kingdom of
in open Every place was taken except Lucknow,

and that was saved only by the wisdom and promptness of

its new governor.
His first work was to fortify the Kesidency (so called from
having been occupied by the former English residents), which
had about as much of a militar^f character as an old English
manor-house. The grounds covered some acres, on which
were scattered a few buildings, official residences and guard-
houses, with open spaces between, laid out in lawns and
gardens. But the quick eye of the governor saw its capa-
bility of defence. It was a small plateau, raised a few feet

above the plain around, and by connecting the different

buildings by walls, which could be mounted with batteriei

and loopholed for musketry, the whole could be constructed

into a kind of fortress. Into this he gathered the European
residents with their women and children. And behind such
rude defences a few hundred English soldiers, with as manj
natives who had proved faithful, kept a large army at baj
for six months.
There was a fort in Lucknow well supplied with guns and
ammunition, but it was defended by only three hundred
men, and was a source of weakness rather than strength,
since the English force was too small to hold it, and if it
should fall into the hands of the Sepoys with all its stores, it

"would be the arsenal of the rebellion. At Delhi a similar

danger had been averted only by a brave officer blowing up

the arsenal with his own hand.

was a matter of the
utmost moment to destroy the fort and yet to save the
soldiers in it. The only hope of keeping up any defence was
to unite the two feeble garrisons. But they were more than
half a mile apart, and each beleaguered by watchful enemies.
Sir Henry Lawrence signalled to the officer in command :

" Blow up the fort, and come to the Residency at twelve

o'clock to-night. Bring your treasure and guns, and destroy

the remainder." This movement could be executed only by
the greatest secrecy. But the order was promptly obeyed.
At midnight the little band filed silently out of the gates,
and stole with muffled steps along a retired path, almost
within reach of the guns of the enemies, who discovered the
movement only when they were safe in the Residency, and
the fuse which had been lighted at the fort reached the
magazine, and exploding two hundred and fifty barrels of
gunpowder, blew the massive walls into the air.
But the siege was only just begun. Inside the Residency
"were collected abouttwo thousand two hundred souls, of
"whom over five hundred were women and children. Only
about six hundred were Eni'lish soldiers, and seven or eiohi
hundred natives who had remained faithful, held to their sd


by the personal ascendancy of Sir Henry Lawrence^


There were also some three hundred civilians, who, though

unused to arms, willingly took part in the defence. Thus
all together the garrison did not exceed seventeen hundred
men, of whom many
were disabled by sickness and wounds^.
The force of the besiegers was twenty to one. There is in
the Indian nature a strange mL\ture of languor and ferocity,
and the latter wa^ aroused by the prospect of vengeance on the
English, who were penned up where they could not escape,
and where their capture was certain ; and every Sepoy wished
to be in at the death. Under the attraction of such a pros-
pect it is said that the besieging force rose to fifty thousand
men. Many of the natives, who had been in the English
service, were practised artillerists, and trained their guns on
the slender defences with fat^U effect. Advancing over the
level sirouud, thev drew theii* lines nearer and nearer, till
their riliemen picked otf the soldiers serving in the batteries.
Three times they made a breach by exploding mines under
the walls, and endeavored to carry the place by storm. But
* As the historian of the mutmj ha« frequent occasion to speak of
the treachery of the Sepoys, it should not be forgotten that to this
there were splendid exceptions ; that some were '
' found faithful
among the faithless." Even in the regiments that mutinied there
were some who were not c^irried away by the general madness ; and,
when the little remnant of English soldiers retreated into tJie Resi-
dency, these loy:il went with them, and shared all the dan-
gers and hardships of the siege. Even after it was begun, they were
exposed to every temptation to seduce them from their allegiance
for as the lines of the besiegers drew closer to the Residency and
hemmed it in on every side, the assaihints were so neiu: that they
could t;\lk with those within over the palisades of the intrench-
ments, and the Sepoys appealed to their late feUow-soldiers bj
threats,and taunts, and promises by pride of race and of ca?te bj
; ;

their love of country and of their religion, to betray the garrison

But not a man deserted his post. Hundreds were killed in the siege
and their blood mingled with that of their English companions-ia
arms. History does »iot record a more noble instance of fidelity.


fchen rose high the unconquerable English spirit. They ex-

pected to die, but they were determined to .sell their lives

dearly. When the alarm of these attacks reached the hospi
tal, the sick and wounded crawled out of their beds and
threw away their crutches to take their place ai th'3 guns
or if they could not stand, lay down flat on theii faces and
fired through the holes made for musketry.
But brave as were the defenders, the long endurance told
upon them. They were worn out with watching, and their
ranks grew thinner day by day. Those who were killed
w^re carried off in the arms of their companions, who gathered
at midnight for their burial in some lonely and retired spot,
and while the chaplain in a low voice read the service, the
survivors stood around the grave, thinking how soon their
turn would come, the gloom of the night in fit harmony with
the dark thoughts that filled their breasts.
But darker than any night was the day when Sir Henry
Lawrence fell. He was the beloved, the adored commander.
" While he lived," said our informant, " we all felt safe."
But exposing himself too much, he was struck by a shell.
Those around him lifted him up tenderly and carried him

away to the house of the surgeon of the garrison, where two

days after he died. When all was over " they did not dare
to let the soldiers know that he was dead," lest they should
give up the struggle. But he lived long enough to inspire
them with his unconquerable spirit.
He died on the 4th of July, and for nearly three months
the siege went on without change, the situation becoming
every day more desperate. It was the hottest season of the
year, and the sun blazed doTrn fiercely into their little camp,
aggravating the sickness and suffering, till they longed for
death, and were glad when they covld find the grave.
When my daughter was struck down by a fragment of a
shell that fell on the floor, she did not ask tc live. Sh<t

might have been saved if she had been where she could haiJi

had careful nursing. But there was no proper food to nour

ish the strength of the sick, and so she sunk away, feeling
was better to die than to live."
fchat it

But still they would not yield to despair. Havelock had

taken Cawnpore, though he came too late to save the Englisl
from massacre, and was straining every nerve to collect a
force sufficient to reJieve Lucknow. As soon as he could
muster a thousand men he crossed the Ganges, and began his
march. The movement was known to the little garrison,
and kept up their hopes. A faithful native, who acted as a
spy throughout the siege, went to and fro, disguising himself,
and crept through the lines in the night, and got inside the
Residency, and told them relief was coming. " He had seen
the general, and said he was a little man with white hair,"
who could be no other than Havelock. Word was sent back
that, on approaching the city, rockets should be sent up to
notify the garrison. Night after night officers and men
gazed toward the west for the expected signal, till their
hearts grew sick as the night passed and there was no sign.
Delivei-ance was to come, but not yet.
Havelock found that he had attempted the impossible.
His force was but a handful, compared with the hosts of hia
enemies. Even nature appeared to be against him. It was
the hot and rainy season, when it seemed impossible to march
over tlie plains of India. Cannon had to be drawn by bul-
locks over roads and across fields, where they sank deep in
mud. Men had to march and fight now in the broiling sun,
and now in Hoods of rain. " In the full midday heat of the
worst season of the year, did our troops start. The sun
struck down with frightful force. At every step a man
reeled out of the ranks, and threw himself fainting by the
side of the road ; the calls for water were incessant all along
the line." " During the interval between the torrents of rain,
the sun's rays were so overpowering that numbers of the
men were smitten down and died." But the sarvivort
: '


jlosed up their ranks and kept their face to the foe. Their
spirit was magnificent. Death had lost its terrors for them,
and they made light of hardships and dangers. When faint-
ing with heatj if they found a little dirty water by the road-
side "it was like nectar." After marching all day in the
rain, they would lie down in the soaking mud, and grasp their
guns, and wrap their coats around them, and sleep soundly.
Says an ofiicer
"August 5th we marched toward Lucknow nine miles and then
encamped on a large plain for the night. You must bear in mind
that we had no tents with us, they are not allowed, so every day we
vere exposed to the burning sun and to the rain and dew by night
No baggage or beds were allowed but the soldier wrapped his cloals

around him, grasped his musket and went to sleep, and soundly we
(slept too. My Arab horse served me as a pillow, I used to lie down
alongside of him, with my head on his neck, and he never moved
with me except now and then to lick my hand." But he adds, " We
found that it was impossible to proceed to Lucknow, for our force

was too small for though we were a brave little band, and could
fight to Lucknow, yet we could not compel them to raise the siege
when we got there.

Another enemy also had appeared. Cholera had broken

out in the camp ; eleven men died in one day. The Rebels
too were rising behind them. As soon as Havelock crossed
the Ganges they began to gather in his rear. Nana Sahib
was mustering a force and threatened Cawnpore. Thus beset
behind and before, Havelock turned and marched against the
Mahratta chief, and sent him flying towards Delhi. In read-
ing the account of these marches and battles, it is delightful
to see the spirit between the commander and his men. After
this victory, as he rode along the lines, they cheered him
vehemently. He returned their salute, but said, ^'
cheer me, my lads, you did it all yourselves.'' Such men,
fighting together, were invincible.
In September Havelock had collected 2,700 men, and
Lucknow. Three days they marched '' ur de^
again set out for

a d3l age of rain." were " steadfastly set '^

But their eyes
towards the spot where their countrymen were in peril, and
they oared not for hardshipsand dangers. The garrison was
ippiised of their coming, and waited witli feverish anxiety,
(n the relieving force was a regiment of Highlanders, and if
no crazy woman could put her ears to the ground (according
to the romantic story so often told) and hear the pibroch,
and shout " The Campbells are coming," they knew that those
brave Scots never turned back. As they drew near the city
over the Cawnpore road, they found that it was mined to
blow them up. Instantly they wheeled oflf, and marched
round the city, and came up on the other side. Capturing
the Alumbagh, one of the royal residences, which, sur-
rounded b}^ a wall, was easily converted into a temporary
fortress, Havelock left here his heavy baggage and stores of
ammunition, with an immense array of elephants and camels
and horses and all his sick and wounded, and the whole train

of camp followers and three hundred men, with four guns


to defend it. Thus '* stripped for the fight," he began his
attack on the city. It was two miles to the Kesidency, and
every step the English had to fight their way through the
streets. The battle began in the morning, and lasted all
day. It was a desperate attempt to force their way through
a great city, where every man was an enemy, and they were
tired at from almost every house. " Our advance was
through streets of flat-roofed and loop-holed houses, each
forming a separate fortress." Our informant told us of
the frenzy in the Residency when they heard the sound of
the guns. " The Campbells were coming " indeed ! Some-
times the firing lulled, and it seemed as if they were driven
back. Then it rose again, and came nearer and nearer.
How the tide of battle ebbed and flowed, is well told in
the narratives of those who were actors in the scenes :

" Throughout tlie night of the 24th great agitation and alarm had
prevailed in the city ; and, as morning advanced, increased and ropid

moy^ements of men and horses, gave evidence of the excited Btate ot

the rebel force.At noon, increasing noise proclaimed that street
fighting was growing more fierce in the distance but from the Resi-

dency nought but the smoke from the fire of the combatants could
be discerned. As the afternoon advanced, the sounds came nearer
and nearer, and then we heard the sharp crack of rifles mingled with
the flash of musketry the well-known uniforms of British soldiers

were next discerned."

A lady who was in the Residency, and has written a Diary

of the Siege, thus describes the coming in of the English

"Never shall I forget the moment to the latest day Hive. We

^ad no idea they were so near, and were breathing the air in the
portico as usual at that hour, speculating when they might be in
when suddenly just at dusk, we heard a very sharp fire of musketry
close by, and then a tremendous cheering. An instant after, the
— —
sound of bagpipes then soldiers running up the road our compound
and veranda filled with our deliverers, and all of us shaking hands
frantically, and exchanging fervent God bless you's with the gallant

men and ofl&cers of the 78th Highlanders. Sir James Outram and
staff were the next to come in, and the state of joyful confusion and
excitement was beyond all description. The big, rough-bearded
soldiers were seizing the little children out of our arms, kissing
them, with tears rolling down their cheeks, and thanking God
they had come in time to save them from the fate of those at Cawn-
pore. We were all rushing about to give the poor fellows drinks of
water, for they were perfectly exhausted and tea was made down

in the Tye-khana, of which a large party of tired, thirsty oflBcers par-

took, without milk or sugar. We had nothing to give them to eat.
Every one's tongue seemed going at once with so much to ask and to
; and the faces of utter strangers beamed upon each other like
those of dearest friends and brothers."

It was indeed a great deliverance, but the danger was no*

over. Of all that were in the Residency when the siege
oegan, three months before, more than half were gone. Out of
twenty-two hundred but nine hundred were left, and of these
less than one-half were fighting men. Even with the reinforce-

ment of Havelock the garrison was still far too small to lioU

such a position in the midst of a city of such a population,

The siege went on for two months longer. The final relief did

not come till Sir Colin Campbell, arriving with a larger force,
again fought his way through the city. The atrocities of th«
Sepoys had produced such a feeling that he could hardly r^
strain his soldiers. Remembering the murders and massacres
of their countrymen and countrywomen, they fought with a
savage fury. In one walled enclosure, which they carried by
storm, were two thousand Sepoys, and they killed every man !

Even then the work was not completed. Scarcely had Sir
Colin Campbell entered the Residency before he decided upon
its evacuation. Again the movement was executed at mid-
night, in silence and in darkness. While the watch-fires
were kept burning to deceive the enemy, the men filed out of
the gates, with the women and children in the centre of the
column, and moving softly and quickly through a narrow
lane, in the morning they were several miles from the city,
in a strong position, which made them safe from attack.
The joy of this hour of deliverance was saddened by the death
of Havelock. He had passed through all the dangers of bat-
tle and siege, only to die at last of disease, brought on by the

hardships and exposures of the last few months. But his work
was done. He
had nothing to do but to die. To his friend,
Sir Jaoies Outram, who came to see him, he stretched out his
hand and said " For more than forty years I have so ruled

my life, that when death came, I might face it without fear."

The garrison was saved, but the city was still in the hands
of the Kebels, who were as defiant as ever. It was some
months before Sir Colin Campbell gathered forces sufficient
for the final and crushing blow. Indeed it was not till win-
ter that he had collected a really formidable army. Then he
mo^ed on the city in force and carried it by storm. Two
days of terrible fighting gave him the mastery of Lucknow,
and tlie British flag was once more raised over the capital of
Oude, where it has fioited in triumph unto this day.

B it the chief interest gathers about the earlier defence

The siege of Lucknow is one of the most thrilling events in
modern history, and may well be remembered with pride by
all \*ho took part in it. A few weeks before we were here
the Prince of Wales had made his visit to Lucknow, and re-

queLted that the survivors of the siege might be presented t(i

him. Mr. Mudge was present at the interview, and told mo

he had never witnessed a more affecting scene than when
these brave old soldiers, the wrecks of the war, some of them
bearing the marks of their woimds, came up to the Prince,
and received his warmest thanks for their courage and fidel-


These heroic memories were fresh in mind as we took

our morning walk in Lucknow, along the very street by
which Havelock had fought his way through the city.
The Residency is now a ruin, its walls shattered by shot and
shell. But the ruins are overrun with vines and creeping
plants, and are beautiful even in their decay. With sad in-
terest we visited the spot where Sir Henry Lawrence was
struck by the fatal shell, and the cemetery in which he is
buried. He was a Christian soldier and before his death re-
ceived the communion. He asked that no eulogy might be
written on his tomb, but only these words " Here lies :

Henry Lawrence, who tried to do his duty. May God have

mercy on his soul." This dying utterance is inscribed on the
plain slab of marble that covers his dust. It is enough. No
e[)itaph could say more. As I stood there and read these
simple words and thought of the noble dead, my eyes were
full of tears. With such a consciousness of duty done, who
could fear to die ? How well do these words express that
which should be the highest end of human ambition. Happy
will it be for any man of whom, when he has passed from
the world, it can with truth be written above his giave,
"Here lies one who tried to do his duty " !


In reviewing the terrible scenes of the Mutiny, one can-

not help asking whether such scenes are likely to occur again .;

irhether there will ever be another Rebellion; and if so.

what may be the chance of its success ? Will the people of

India wish to rise ? How are they affected towards the

English government ? Are they loyal ? We can only
answer these questions by asking another Who are meant

by the people of India ? The population is divided into

different classes, as into different castes. The great mass of
the people are passive. Accustomed to being handed over
from one native ruler to another, they care not who holds
the power. He is the best ruler who oppresses them the
least. But among the high caste Brahmins, and especially
those who have been educated (among whom alone there is
anything like political life in India), there is a deep-seated
disaffection towards the English rule. This is a natural re-

sult of an education which enlarges their ideas and raises

their ambition. Some of the Bengalees, for example, are
highly educated men, and it is but natural that, as they in-

crease in knowledge, they should think that they are quite

competent to govern themselves. Hence their dislike to the
foreign power that is imposed upon them. Not that they
have any personal wrongs to avenge. It may be that they

Are attached to English men, while they do not like the Eng-
lish rule. Every man whose mind is elevated by knowledge
and reflection wishes to be his own master ; and if ruled a<

all, he likes to be ruled by tliose of his own blood and race

and language. Tliis class of men, whether Hindoos or ISio-
hammedans, however courteous they may be to the English
in their personal or business relations, are not thereby con-
verted to loyalty, any more than they are converted to
But however strong their dislike, it is not very probable
that it should take shape in organized rebellion, and still less

likely that any such movement should succeed. The Eng-

lish are now guarded against it as never before. In the
Mutiny they were taken at every possible disadvantage. The
country was almost stripped of English troops. Only 20,000
men were left, and these scattered far apart, and surrounded
by three times their number of Sepoys in open rebellion.
Thus even the military organization was in the hands of the
enemy. If with all these things against them, English skill
and courage and discipline triumphed at last, can it ever be
put to such a test again ?
When the Mutiny was over, and the English had time to
reflect on the danger they had escaped, they set themselves
to repair their defences, so that they should never more be
in such peril. The first thing was to reorganize the army,
to weed out the elements of disaffection and rebellion, and to
see that the power was henceforth in safe hands. The Eng-
lish troops were tripled in force, till now, instead of twenty,

they number sixty thousand men. The native regiments

were carefully chosen from those only who had proved faith-
ful, such as the Goorkas, who fought so bravely at Delhi,
and other hill tribes of the Himalayas ; and the Punjaubees,
who are splendid horsemen,and make the finest cavalry.
But not even and loyal as they had been, were
these, brave
mustered into any regiment except cavalry and infantry.
Not a single native soldier was left in the artillery. In the
Mutiny, if the Sepoys had not been practised gunners, thej
would not have been so formidable at the siege of Lueknow

and elsewhere. Now they are stripped of this powerful arm^

and in any future rising they could do nothing against forti-
fied places, nor against an army in the field, equipped with

modern artillery. In reserving this arm of the service to

themselves, the English have kept the decisive weapon in
their own hands.
Then it is hardly too much to say that by the present com-
plete system of railroads, the English force is quadrupled^ as
this gives them the means of concentrating rapidly at any
exposed point.
To these elements of military strength must be added the
greater organizing power of Englishmen. The natives make
good soldiers.They are brave, and freely expose themselves
in battle. In the Sikh war the Punjaubees fought desper-
ately. So did the Sepoys in the Mutiny. But the moment
the plan of attack was disarranged, they were " all at sea."
Their leaders had no " head " for quick combinations in pres-
ence of an enemy. As it has been, so it will be. In any
future contests it will be not only the English sword, Eng-
lish guns, and English more than all, the Eng-
discipline, but
them the victory.
lish brains, that will get

Such is the position of England in India. She holds a

citadel girt round with defences on every side, with strong
walls without, and brave hearts within. I have been round
about her towers, and marked well her bulwarks, and I see
not why, so guarded and defended, she may not hold her
Indian Empire for generations to come.
But there is a question back of all this. Might does not
make right. A government may be established in powei
that is iiot established in justice. It may be that the Eng-
lish are to remain masters of India, yet without any right to
that splendid dominion. As we read the thrilling stories of
the Mutiny, it is almost with a guilty feeling (as if it betray-

ed a want of sympathy with all that heroism), that we admit

any inquiry as to the cuase of that fearful tragedy. But hon

same all this blood to be shed ? Has not England sometliing

to answer for ? If she has suffered terribly, did she not pay
the penalty of her own grasping ambition? Nations, like
mdividnals, often bring curses on themselves, the retribution
of their oppressions and their crimes. The fact that men
fight bravely, is no proof that they fight in a just cause.
Nay, the very admiration that we feel for their courage in
danger and in death, but increases our horror at the *' politi-
cal necessity " which requires them to be sacrificed. If Eng-
land by her own wicked policy provoked the Mutiny, is sh«
not guilty of the blood of her children ? Thomas Jefferson,
though a slaveholder himself, used to say that in a war of
races every attribute of Almighty God would take part with
the slave against his master and Englishmen may well ask

whether in the conflict which has come once, and may come
again, they can be quite sure that Infinite Justice will always
be on their side.

In these sentences I have put the questions which occur to

an American travelling in India. Wherever he goes, he sees

the English flag flying on every fortress the sign that India
is a conquered country. The people who inhabit the country
are not those who govern it. With his Republican ideas of
the right of every nation to govern itself, he cannot help ask-
ing : What business have the English in India ? What right
have a handful of Englishmen, so far from their native island,
in another hemisphere, to claim dominion over two hundred
millions ofmen ?
As an American, I have not the bias of national feeling
to lead me to defend and justify the English rule in India ;

though I confess that when, far off here in Asia, among these
dusky natives, I see a white face,and hear my own mother
tongue, I feel that *'
blood is thicker than water," and am
ready to take part with my kindred against all comers. Even
Americans cannot but feel a pride in seeing men of their own
race masters of such a kingdom in the East. But this pridf

of empire will not extinguish in any fair mind the sense ot

justice and humanity.
Have the English any right in India ? " If"a que»
it be
fcion of titles," we may find it difficult to prove our own right
in America, from which we have crowded out the original
inhabitants. None of us can claim a title from the father of
the human race. All new settlers in a country are " invad-
ers." But public interest and the common law of the world
demand that power, once established, should be recognized.
According to the American principle, that **all just gov-
ernment derives its authority from the consent of the gov-
erned," there never was a just government in India, for the
consent of the governed was never obtained. The people of
India were never asked to give their " consent " to the gov-
ernment established over them. They were ruled by native
princes,who were as absolute, and in general as cruel tyrants,
as ever crushed a wretched population.
No doubt in planting themselves in India, the English have
often used the rights of conquerors. No one has denounced
their usurpations and oppressions more than their own histo-

rians, such as Mill and Macaulay. The latter, in his eloquent

reviews of the lives of Olive and Warren Hastings, has
spoken with just severity of the crimes of those extraordinary
but unscrupulous men. For such acts no justification can be
pleaded whatever. But as between Olive and Surajah Dow
lah, the rule of the former was infinitely better. It would be
carrying the doctrine of self-government to an absurd extent^
to imagine that the monster who shut up English prisoners in
the Black Hole had any right which was to be held sacred.
The question of right, therefore, is not between the English
and the people of India, but between the English and the
native princes. Indeed England comes in to protect the peo-
ple against the princes, when it gives them one strong mastei
in place of a hundred petty tyrants. The King of Gude col
lecting his taxes by soldiers, is but an instance of that opprea

Bion and cruelty wliicli extended all over India, but which if

now brought to an end.

And how has England used her power ? At first, we must
confess, with but little of the feeling of responsibility which
should accompany the possession of power. Nearly a hundred
years ago, Burke (who was master of all facts relating to tlie
history of India, and to its political condition, more than any
other man of his time) bitterly arraigned the English govern-
ment for its cruel neglect of that great dependency. He de-
nounced his countrymen, the agents of the East India Com-
pany, as a horde of plunderers, worse than the soldiers of
Tamerlane, and held up their greedy and rapacious adminis-
tration to the scorn of mankind, showing that they had left

no beneficent monuments of their power to compare with

those of the splendid reigns of the old Moguls. In a speech
in Parliament in 1783, he said

""England ha,s erected no churches, no palaces, no hospitals, no

schools England has built no bridges, made no high roads, cut no


navigations, dug out no reservoirs. Every other conqueror of every

other description has left some monument either of State or benefi-
cence behind him. Were we to be driven out of India this day^
nothing would remain to tell that it had been possessed, during the
inglorious period of our dominion, by anything better than the
orang-outang or the tiger."

This is a fearful accusation. What answer can be made

to it ? Has there been any change for the better since the
gieat impeacher ot Warren Hastings went to his grave?
How has England governed India since that day? She
has not undertaken to govern Model Republic
it like a
If she had, her rule would soon have come to an end.
She has not given the Hindoos universal sufi'rage, or repie-
Bentation in Parliament. But she has given them something
better —
Peace and Order and Law, a trinity of blessings that
they never had before. When the native princes ruled in
India, they were constantly at war among themselves, and

thus Overrunning and harassing the country. Now the Eng

lishgovernment rules everywhere, and Peace reigns frotn
Cape Comorin to the Himalayas.
Strange to say, this quietness does n^t suit some of the
natives, who have a restless longing for the wild lawlessness
of former times. A missionary was one day explaining to a
crowd the doctrine of original sin, when he was roughly in-
terrupted by one who said, " I know what is original sin it :

is the English rule in India." '^

You ought not to say that,"
was the reply, " for if it were not for the English the people
of the next village would make a raid on your village, and
oarry off five thousand sheep." But the other was not to be
put down so, and answered promptly, ^^
J should like ihat^ for
tihen we would make a raid on them and carry off ten thou-
sand !
" This was a blunt way of putting it, but it expresses
the feeling of many who would prefer that kind of wild jus-
tice which prevails among the Tartar hordes of Central Asia
to They would rather have
a state of profound tranquility.
European civilization.
Asiatic barbarism than
With peace between States, England has established order
in every community. It has given protection to life and

property a sense of security which is the first condition of
the existence of human society. It has abolished heathen
Customs which were inhuman and cruel. It has extirpated
ihuggism, and put an end to infanticide arid the burning of
widows. This was a work of immense difficulty, because
these customs, horrid as they were, were supported by reli-
gious fanaticism. Mothers cast their children into the Ganges
as an offering to the gods ; and widows counted it a happy
escape from the sufferings of life to mount the funeral pile.

Even to this day there are some who think it hard that they
cannot thus sacrifice themselves.
So wedded are the people to their customs, that they are
very jealous of the interference of the government, when i\

prohibits any of their practices on the ground of humanity


Dr. Newton, of Lahore, the venerable missionary, told me

that he knew a few years ago a fakir, a priest of a temple,
who had grown to be very friendly with him. One day the
poor man came, with his heart full of trouble, to tell his
griefs. He had a complaint against the government. He
said that Sir John Lawrence, then Governor of the Punjaub,
was very arbitrary. And why ? Because he wanted to bury
himself alive, and the Governor wouldn't let him He had !

got to bs a very old man (almost a hundred), and of course

must soon leave this world. He had had a tomb prepared in
the grounds of the temple (he took Dr. Newton to see
what a nice place it was), and there he wished to lie down
and breathe his last. With Hindoos it is an act of

religious merit to bury one's self alive, and on this the old man
had set his heart. If he could do this, he would go straight
to Paradise, but the hard English Governor, insensible to
such considerations, would not permit it. Was it not too
bad that he could not be allowed to go to heaven in his own
Breaking up these old barbarities — suicide, infanticide,

and the burning of widows the government has steadily
aimed to introduce a better system for the administration of
justice, in which, with due regard to Hindoo customs and

prejudices, shall be incorporated, as far as possible, the prin-

ciples of English law. For twenty years the ablest men that
jould be found in India or in England, have been engaged in
perfecting an elaborate Indian Code, in which there is one
law for prince and pariah. What must be the effect on the
Hindoo mind of such a system, founded in justice, and en-
forced by a power which they cannot resist ? Such laws
administered by English magistrates, will educate the Hin-
doos to the idea of justice, which, outside of English colonies,
can hardly be said to exist in Asia.
The English are the Romans of the modern world. Where-
ever the Roman L?gions marched, they ruled with a strong

hand, but they established law and order, the first conditionf
of human society. So with the English in all their Asiatic
dependencies. Wherever they come, they put an end tc

anarchy, and give to all men that sense of protection and se-

curity, that feeling of personal safety — safety both to life and

property —without which there is no motive to human effort,

and no human progress.

possibility of
The English are like the Romans in another feature of their
administration, in the building of roads. The Romans were
the great road-builders of antiquity. Highways which be-
gan at Rome, and thus radiated from a common centre, led
to the most distant provinces. Not only in Italy, but in
Spain and Gaul and Germany, did the ancient masters of the
v/orld leave these enduring monuments of their power. Fol-
lowing til is example, England, before the days of railroads,
built a broad macadamized road from Calcutta to Peshawur,
over 1,500 miles. This may have been for a military pur-
pose ; but no matter, it serves the ends of peace more than of
war. It becomes a great avenue of commerce it opens com-

munication between distant parts of India, and brings to-

gether men of different races, speaking different languages ;

and thus, by promoting peaceful and friendly intercourse, it

becomes a highway of civilization.

Nor is Every
this the only great road in this country.
where I have found the public highways in excellent condi-
tion. Indeed I have not found a bad road in India not one —
which gave me such a shaking up " as I have sometimes

had when riding over the " corduroys " through the Western
forests of America. Around the large towns the roads are
especially fine — broad and well paved, and often planted with
trees. The cities are embellished with parks, like cities in
England, with botanical and zo3logical gardens. The streets

a~3 kept clean, and strict sanitary regulations are enforced —

a matter of the utmost moment in this hot climate, and in a
dense population, where a sudden outbreak of cholera would

sweep off thousands in a few days or hours. The streets are

weU lighted and well policed, so that one raay go about at

any hour of day or night with as much safety as in London

or New York. If these are the effects of foreign rule, even
the most determined grumbler must confess that it has proved
a material and substantial benefit to the people of India.
Less than twenty years ago the internal improvements of
India received a sudden and enormous development, when to
the building of roads succeeded that of railroads. Lord Dal-
housie, when Governor-General, had projected a great railroad
system, but it was not till after the Mutiny, and perhaps in
consequence of the lessons learned by that terrible experience,
that the work was undertaken on a large scale. The govern-
ment guaranteed five per cent, interest for a term of years,
and the capital was supplied from England. Labor was
abundant and cheap, and the works were pushed on with un-
relaxing energy, till India was belted from Bombay to Cal
cutta, and trunk lines were running up and down the coun
try, with branches to every large city. Thus, to English
foresight and sagacity, to English wealth and engineering
skill, India owes that vast system of railroads which now

spreads over the whole peninsula.

In no part of the world are railroads more used than in
India. Of course the first-class carriages are occupied chiefly
by rank and the sec-
English travellers, or natives of high ;

ond-class by those less wealthy. But there are trains for the
people, run at very low fares. There are huge cars, built
with two stories, and carrying a hundred passengers each, and
these two-deckers are often very closely packed. The Hin-
doos have even learned to make pilgrimages by steam, and
find it mrch cheaper, as well as easier, than to go afoot.
Wnen one considers the long journeys they have been accus-
tomed to undertake under the burning sun of India, the
amount of suffering relieved by a mode of locomotion so coo?
ant; swift is beyoni computation.

"Will anybody tell me that the people of Ir dia if left alone

would have built their own railways ? Pe^L-haps in the course
of ageSj but not in our day. The Asiatic nature is torpid
and slow to move, and cannot rouse itself to great exertion^
In the whole Empire of China there is not a railroad, except
at Shanghai, where a few months ago was opened a little
" one 'horse concern," a dozen miles long, built by the for-
eigners for the convenience of that English settlement. This
may show how rapid would have been the progress of rail-

roads in India, if left wholly to native " enterprise." It

would have taken hundreds of years to accomplish what the
English have wrought in one generation.
Nor does English engineering skill expend itself on rail-
roads alone. It has dug canals that are like rivers in their
length. The Ganges Canal in Upper India is a work equal
to our Erie Canal. Other canals have been opened, both for
commerce and for irrigation. The latter is a matter vital to
India. The food of the Hindoos is rice, and rice cannot be
cultivated except in fields well watered. A drought in the
rice fields means a famine in the province. Such a calamity
is now averted in many places by this artificial irrigation.

The overflow from these streams, which are truly " fountains
in the desert," has kept whole districts from being burnt up,
by which in former years millions perished by famine.
While thus caring for the material comfort and safety of the
people of India, England has also shown regard to their en-
lightenment in providing a magnificent system of JSTational

Education. Every town in India has its government school,

while many a large city has its college or its university. In-
deed, so far has this matter of education been carried, that I

heard a fear expressed that it was being overdone — at least the

higher education —because the young men so educated were
unfitted for anything else than the employ of the government.
All minor places in India are filled by natives, and veli
filled too. But there are not enough for all. And heno€

inany, finding no profession to enter, and educated above .he

ordinary occupations of natives, are left stranded on the
These great changes in India, these schools and colleges,
the better administration of the laws, and these vast inter-
nal improvements, have been almost wholly the work of the
generation now living. In the first century of its dominion
the English rule perhaps deserved the bitter censure of
Burke, but

" If 'twere so, it were a grievous fault,

And grievously hath Caesar answered it."

England has paid misgovernment of India in the blood

for the
of her children, and within the last few years she has striven
nobly to repair the errors of former times. Thus one gener-
ation makes atonement for the wrongs of another. She hfjs
learned that justice is the highest wisdom, and the truest
political economy. The change is due in part to the constant
pressure of the Christian sentiment of England upon its gov-
ernment, which has compelled justice to India, and wrought
those vast changes which we see with wonder and admiration.
Thus stretching out her mighty arm over India, England
rules the land from sea to sea. I say not that she rules it in
absolute righteousness —that her government is one of ideal
perfection, but it is immeasurably better than that of the old
•native tyrants which it displaced. It at least respects the
forms of law, and while it establishes peace, it en leavers also
to maintain justice. The railroads that pierce the vast inte-
rior quicken the internal commerce of the country, while the
waters that are caused to flow over the rice-fields of Bengal
abate the horrors of pestilence and famine. Thus England
gives to her Asiatic empire the substantial benefits of modern
civilization ; while in her schools and colleges she brings the
subtle Hindoo •nind into contact with the science and lean*
ing of the West. At so many points does this foreign : il«


touch the very life of India, and infuse the best blood ol
Europe into her languid veins.
With such results of English rule, who would not wish thai
it might continue ? It is not that we love the Hindoo less,
but the cause of humanity more. The question of English
lule in India is a question of civilization against barbarism.
These are the two forces now in conflict for the mastery of
Asia. India is the place where the two seas meet. Shall
she be shut up between her seas and her moun-
left to herself,

tains ? That would be an unspeakable calamity, not only to

her present inhabitants, but to unborn millions. I believe in
modern civilization, as I believe in Christianity. These are
the great forces which are to conquer the world. In con-
quering Asia, they will redeem it and raise it to a new life.

The only hope of Asia is from Europe

"Better fifty years of Europe than a cycle of Cathay;"

and the only hope of India is from England. So whatever

contests may yet arise for the control of this vast peninsula,
with two hundred millions of people, our sympathies must

always be against Asiatic barbarism, and on the side of Euro

pean civilization.


Is it not all a farce ? " said a
Major in the Bengal Stafl
Corps, as we came down from Upper India. We were talk-
ing of Missions. He did not speak of them with hatred, but
only with contempt. The missionaries *' meant well," but
they were engaged in an enterprise which was so utterly
hopeless, that no man in his senses could regard it as other
than supreme and almost incredible folly. In this he spoke
the opinion of half the military men of India. They have

no personal dislike to missionaries indeed many an officer
in an out-of-the-way district, who has a missionary family
for almost his only neighbors, will acknowledge that they
are **
a great addition to the English society." But as for
their doing any good, as an officer once said to me :
might as well go and stand on the shore of the sea and
preach to the fishes, as to think to convert the Hindoos !

Their success, of which so much is said in England and

America, is " infinitesimally small." Some even go so far
as to say that the missionaries do great mischief; that they
stiv up bad blood in the native population, and perpetuate
an animosity of races. Far better would it be to leave
the **
to let him worship his
mild Hindoo " to his gods ;

sacred cows, and monkeys and serpents, and his hideous

idols, so long as he is a quiet and inofiensive subject of the

If one were preaching a sermon to a Christian congrega-
tion, he might disdain a reply to objections whicli seem tc

come out of mouths of unbelie^vers it would be en^ugk

tlie ;

to repeat the words of Him who said, " Go into all the world
and preach the Gospel to every creature." But I am not
pleaching, but conversing with an intelligent gentleman,
who has lived long in India, and might well assume that he
knows far more about the actual situation than I do. Such
men are not to be put down. They represent a large part of
the Anglo-Indian population. We may therefore as well
recognize the fact that Modern Missions, like any othei
enterprise which is proposed in the interest of civilization,
are now on trial before the world. We may look upon them
as too sacred for criticism ; but in this irreverent age nothing
is too sacred ; everything that is holy has to be judged by
reason, and by practical results, and by these to be justified
or to be condemned. would not therefore claim anything
on the ground of authority, but speak of missions as I would
of national education, or even of the railroad system of India.
The question here raised I think deserves a larger and
more candid treatment than it commonly receives either
from the advocates or the opponents of missions. It is
not to be settled merely by pious feeling, by unreasoning
sentiment on the one hand, nor by sneers on the other. To
convert a whole country from one religion to another, ia

an undertaking so vast that it is not to be lightly entered

upon. The very attempt assumes a superior wisdom on the
part of those who make it, which is itself almost an offence.
If it be not " a grand impertinence," an intrusion into
matters with which no stranger has a right to intermeddle,
it is upon a man our
at least taking a great liberty to thrust
opinion in censure of his own. We may think him vei-y
ignorant;, and in need of being enlightened. But he may
have a poor opinion of our ability to enlighten him. We
think him a fool, and he returns the compliment. At any
rate, right or wrong, he is entitled to the freedom of his

opinion as much as we are to ours. If a stranger were to


come t6 us day by day, to argue -witli us, and to fcrce his

opinions upon us, either in politics or religion^ we rright
listen civilly and patiently at first, but we should end by
tarning him out of doors. What right have we to pronounce
on his opinions and conduct any more than he upon ours ?
In the domain of religion, especially, a man's opinions are
sacred. They are between himself and God. There is no
greater ofience against courtesy, against that mutual conces
sion of perfect freedom, which is the first law of all human
intercourse, than to interfere wantonly with the opinions
nay, if you please, with the false opinions, with the errors

and prejudices of mankind. Nothing but the most iraper^
ative call of humanity —
a plea of *' necessity or mercy "
can justify a crusade against the ancestral faith of a whole
I state the case as strongly as I can, that we may look
upon it as an English officer, or even an intelligent Hindoo,
looks upon it, and I admit frankly that we have no more
right to force our religion upon the people of India, than to
force upon them a republican form of government, unless we
can give a reason for it, which shall be recognized at the bar
of the intelligent judgment of mankind.
Is there then any good reason —
any raison d'etre for the —
establishment of missions in India ? If there be not some
very solid and substantial ground for their existence, they
are not to be justified merely because their motive is good.
Is there then any reasor whatever which can justify any
man, or body of men, in invading this country wdth a new
religion, and attacking the ancient faith of the people ?
All students of history will acknowledge that there are
certain great revolutions in the opinions of mankind, wVich
are epochs in history, and turning points in the life of

nations. India has hal many such revolutions, dating far

back before the Christian eia. Centuries before Christ was
born, Buddha preached his new faith on the banks of the


Ganges. For a time it conquered the country, driving out

the old Brahminism, which however came back and con-
quered in its Buddhism, retiring slowly from the
turn, till

plains of India, planted its pagodas on the shores of Bur-

mah and among the mountains of Ceylon.
Thus India is a land of missions, and has been from the
very beginnings of history. It was traversed by mission-

aries of its ancient faith ages before Tamerlane descended

the passes of the Himalayas with the sword in one hand and
the Koran in the other; or Francis Xavier, the Apostle of
the Indies, laid his bones in the Cathedral of Goa. If then
Buddhists and Brahmins, and Moslems and Bomanists, have
so long disputed the land, there is certainly no reason why
we should condemn at the very outset the entrance of Pro
testant Christianity.
Beside this great fact in the history of India place another
that there no country in the world where religion is such

a power, such an element in the life of the people. The Hin-

doos are not only religious, they are intensely so. They have
not indeed the fierce fanaticism of the Moslems, for their
creed tolerates all religions, but what they believe they be-
lieve strongly. They have a subtle philosophy which per-
vades all their thinking, which digs the very channels in
which their thoughts run, and cannot overflow ; and this phi-
losophy, which is imbedded in their religious creed, fijcea
their castes and customs, as rigidly as it does their forms of
worship. Beligion is therefore the chief element in the na-
tional life. more to do in moulding the ideas and
It has
habits, the manners and customs, of the people, than laws or
government, or any other human institution. Thus India
furnishes the most imposing illustration on earth of the
power of Beligion to shape the destiny of a country or a
Whether there be anything to justify a friendly invasion
of India, and the attempt to convert its people to a better re

ligion, may appear if we What is Hindooism ? Is it a

good or bad faith ? Does it make men better or worse^
happy or unhappy ? Does it promote the welfare of humar
beings, or is it a system which is false in belief and deadly
in its effects, and against which we have a right to wage a
h/Aj war ?

Hindooism has a thousand shapes, spreading out its arms

like a mighty banyan tree, but its root is one-— Pantheism.

When an old fakir at the Mela at Allahabad said to me,

You are God and I am God " he did not utter a wild

rhapsody, but expressed the essence of Hindoo philosophy,

according to which all beings that exist are but One Being
all thoughts are but the pulse-beats of One Infinite Mind

all acts are but the manifestation of One Universal Life.

Some may think this theory a mere abstraction, which has
no practical bearing. But carried out to its logical conse-
quences, it overthrows all morality. If all acts of men
are God's acts, then they are all equally good or bad ; or
rather, they are neither good nor bad. Thus moral distinc-
tions are destroyed, and vice and virtue are together banished
from the world. Hence Hindooism as a religion has noth-
ing whatever to do with morality or virtue, but is only a
means of propitiating angry deities. It is a religion of ter-
ror and fear. It is also unspeakably vile. It is the worship
of obscene gods by obscene rites. Its very gods and god-
dessescommit adultery and incest. Thus vice is deified.
Such a mythology pollutes the imaginations of the people,
whereby their very mind and conscience are defiled. Not only
the heart, but even the intellect is depraved by the loathsome
objects set up in their temples. The most common object
of worship in India is an obscene image. Indeed, so well
understood is this, that when
was passed by the Gov
a law
ernment against the exhibition of obscene images, an express
exception was made in favor of those exposed in templei^
and which were objects of religious worship. Thus Hie ioo

ism has the privilege of indecency, and is allowed fco hreaV

over S.11 restraints. It is the licensed harlot, that is per-
mitted, in deference to its religious pretensions, to disregard
the common decencies of mankind. The effect of this on
public morals can be imagined. The stream cannot rise
higher than its source. How can a people be pure, when
their very religion is a fountain of pollution ? But this is a
subject on which we cannot enlarge. It is an abyss into
which no one would wish to look. It is sufficient to indi-
cate what we cannot for very loathing undertake to describe.
There is another element in the Hindoo religion, which
cannot be ignored, and which gives it a tremendous powei
for good or evil. It is Caste. Every Hindoo child is born
in a certain caste, out of which he cannot escape. When I
landed at Bombay I observed that every native had upon hia
forehead a mark freshly made, as if with a stroke of the fin-
ger, which indicated the god he worshipped or the caste to
which he belonged. Of these there are four principal ones
— the Priest, or Brahmin caste, which issued out of the
mouth of Brahm the Warrior caste, which sprung from his

arms and breast the Merchant caste, from his thighs and
; ;

the Shoodras, or Servile caste, which crawled out from be-

tween his feet beside the Pariahs, who are below all caste.

These divisions are absolute and unchangeable. To say that

they are maintained by the force of ancient custom is not
enough they are fixed as by a law of nature. The strata of

society are as immovable as the strata of the rock-ribbed

hills. No man can stir out of his place. If he is up he stays
up by no virtue of his own and if he is down, he stays

down, beyond any power of man to deliver him. No gift of

genius, or height of virtue, can ever raise up one of a low
caste into a higher, for cas'^jC is a matter of birth. Upon
these sub-strata this fixity of caste rests with crushing weight.
It holds them down as with the force of gravitation, as if th«
Himalayas were rolled upon them to press them to ^he earth


Against this oppression there no power of resistance, no


Lifting up from beneath to throw it off. One would suppose

that the people themselves would revolt at this servitude,
that every manly instinct would rise up in rebellion against
such a degradation. But so ingrained is it in the very life

of the people, that they cannot cast it out anymore than they
can cast out a poison in their blood. Indeed they seem to
glory in it. The lower castes crouch and bow down that
others may pass over them. A Brahmin, who had become a
Christian, told me that the people had often asked him to wash
his feet in the water of the street, that they might drink it
Caste is a cold and cruel thing, which hardens the heart
against natural compassion. I know it is said that high caste
is only an aristocracy of birth, and that, as such, it fosters
a certain nobility of feeling, and also a mutual friendliness
between those who belong to the same order. A caste is

only a larger family, and in it there is the same feeling, a mix-

ture of pride and affection, which binds the family together.
Perhaps it may nurture to some extent a kind of clannish-
ness, but it does this at the sacrifice of the broader and
nobler sentiment of humanity. It hardens the heart into
coldness and cruelty against all without one sacred pale.
The Brahmin feels nothing for the sufferings of the Pariah,
who is of another order of being as truly as if he were one
of the lower animals. Thus the feeling of caste extinguishes
the sentiment of human brotherhood.
Taking all these elements together, Hindooism must rank
as the most despotic, the most cruel, and the vilest of all
that is called religion amonsj men. There is no other that
so completely upturns moral distinctions, and makes evil

good and good evil. Other religions, even though false,

have some sejitiment that ennobles them, but Hindooism, the

product of a land fertile in strange births, is the lowest and
basest, the most truly earth-born, of all the religions that
c\i"se mankind.

And wliAt burdens does upon a poor, patient, and

it lay
suffering people, in and pilgrimages
prayers, penances, I

The faith of Hindooism is not a mild and harmless form of

human credulity. It exacts a terrible service, that must be
paid with sweat and blood. Millions of Hindoos go every
year on pilgrimages. The traveller sees them thronging the
roads, dragging their weary feet ovei the hot plains, many
literally crawling over the burning earth, to appease the
wrath of angry gods ! A religion which exacts such service
is not a mere creature of the imagination — it is a tremendous
reality, which makes its presence felt at every moment. It
is therefore not a matter of practical indifference. It is not
a mere exhibition of human folly, which, however absurd,
does no harm to anybody. It is a despotism which grinds
the people to powder.
Seeing this, how they suffer under a power from which
they cannot escape, can there be a greater object of philan-
thropy in all the world than to emancipate them from the
bondage of such ignorance and superstition ? Scientific
men, the apostles of " modern thought," consider it not only
a legitimate object, but the high " mission " of science, by
unfolding the laws of nature, to disabuse our minds of idle
and superstitious fears ; to break up that vague terror of un-
seen forces, which is the chief element of superstition. If
they may fight this battle in England, may we not fight the
oattle of truthwith error and ignorance in Hindostan ?
Englishmen think it a noble thing for brave and adventurous
spirits toform expeditions to penetrate the interior of Africa
to break up the slave trade. But here is a slavery the most
terrible which ever crushed the life out of human beings.
Brahmiuism, which is fastened upon the people of India, em-
braces them like an anaconda, clasping and crushing them in
its mighty folds. It is a devouring monster, which takes

out of the very body of every Hindoo, poor and naked

and wretched as he may be, its pound of quivering fle«b

Car. these things be, and we look on unmoved ? Can we see

a whole people bound, like Laocoon and his sons, in the giasp
of the serpent, writhing and struggling in vain, and not come
to their rescue ?
Such is Hindooism, and such is the condition to which it

has reduced the people of India. Do we need any other ar-

gument for Christian missions ? Does not this simple state

ment furnish a perfect defence, and even an imperative de-
mand for their establishment ? Christianity is the only hope
of India. In saying this I do not intend any disrespect to the
people of this country, to whom I feel a strong attraction.
We are not apt to hear from our missionary friends much
about the virtues of the heathen but virtues they have, which

it were wrong to ignore. The Hindoos, like other Asiatics, are

a very domestic people, and have strong domestic attachments.

They love humble though they be, and their chil-
their homes,
dren. And while they have not the active energy of Western
races, yet in the passive virtues —
meekness, patience under
injury, submission to wrong —
they furnish an example to
Christian nations. That submissiveness, which travellers
notice, and which moves some to scorn, moves me rather to
pity, and I find in this patient, long-suffering race much to
honor and to love. Nor are the^^ unintelligent. They have
very subtle minds. Thus they have many of the qualities of
a great people. But their religion is their destruction. It
makes them no better, it makes them worse. It does not lift
them up, it drags them down. It is the one terrible and
overwhelming curse, that must be removed before there is
any hope for the people of India.
Is there not here a legitimate ground for an attempt on the
part of the civilized and Christian world to introduce a better
faith into that mighty country which holds two hundred mil-
lions of tue human race ? This is not intrusion, it is simple
humanity. In seeking to introduce Christianity into India,
we invade no ri^ht of any native of that country, Mohamm&

dan or Hindoo ; we would not wantonly wound their feelings,

nor even sliock their prejudices, in attacking their hereditary

faith. But we claim that here is a case where we cannot
keep silent. If we are told that we " interfere with the peo-
ple," we answer, that we interfere as the Good Samaritan
interfered with the man who fell among thieves, and was left
by the roadside to die ; as the physician in the hospital inter-
feres with those dying of the cholera; as one who sees a
brother at his side struck by a deadly serpent applies his
mouth to the wound, to suck the poison from his blood ! If
that be interference, it is where it would be
cruelty to stand aloof, for he would be less than man who
could be unmoved in presence of misery so vast, which it was
in any degree in his power to relieve.
Thus India itself is the sufficient argument for missions
in India. Let any one visit this country, and study its
religion, and see how it enters into the very life of the
people ; how all social intercourse is regulated by caste how ;

one feels at every instant the pressure of an ancient and un-

changeable religion, and ask how its iron rule is ever to be
broken ? Who shall deliver them from the body of this
death ? There is in Hindooism no power of self-cure. For
ages it has remained the same, and will remain for ages still.
Help, if it come at all, must come from without, and where
else cancome from, but from lands beyond the sea ?

Therefore it is that the Christian people of England and

America come to the people of India, not in a tone of self-
righfceousness, assuming that we are better than they, but in
the name of humanity, of the brotherhood of the human race.
We believe that " God hath made of one blood all nations of
men to dwell on the face of the earth," and these Hindoos,
though living on the other side of the globe, are our brothers.
They are born into the same world; they belong to the same
human family, and have the same immortal destiny. To such
a people, capable of great things, but crushed and oppressed,

we come to do them good. We would break tlie terrible

bondage of caste, and bring forth woman out of the prison-
liouse where she passes her lonely existence. This involves
a social as well as a religious revolution. But what a sigh ol
relief would it bring to milliDns who, under their present
conditions, are all their lifetime subject to bondage.
There is a saying in the East that in India the flowers
yield no perfume, the birds never sing, and the women never
smile. Of course this is an exaggeration, and yet it has a
basis of truth. It is true that the flowers of the tropics,
though often of brilliant hues, do not yield the rich perfume
Df the roses of our Northern clime ; and many of the birds
whose golden plumage flashes sunlight in the deep gloom of
tropical forests, have only a piercing shriek, instead of the
soft, delicious notes of the robin and the dove; and the women
have a downcast look. Well may it be so. They lead a
secluded and solitary life. Shut up in their zenanas, away
from society, they have no part in many of the joys of human
existence, though they have more than their share of life's
burdens and its woes. No wonder that their faces should be
sad and sorrowful. Thus the whole creation seems to groan
and travail in pain.
Now we desire to dispel the darkness and tne gloom of
ages, and to bring smiles and music and flowers once more
into this stricken world. Teaching a religion of love and
good will to men, we would cure the hatred of races, and
bring all together in a common brotherhood. We would so lift
up the poor of this world, that sorrow and sighing shall flee
away, and that every lowly Indian hut shall be filled with the
light of a new existence. In that day will not nature share
in the joy of man's deliverance? Then will the birds begin
to sing, as if they were let loose from the gates of heaven to
go flying through the earth, and to fill our common air with
the voice of melody. Then shall smiles be seen once more
on hum ^n faces ; not the loud cackling of empty laughter

but smiles breaking through tears (the reflection of a peac€

that passeth understanding), shall spread like sunshine ovei
the sad faces of the daughters of Asia.
But some " old Indian " who has listened politely, yet
Bmiling and incredulous, to this defence of missions, may
answer, " All this is very fine ; no doubt it would be a good
thing if the people of India would change their religion j

would cast off Hindooism, and adopt Christianity. But is

it not practically impossible ? Do all the efforts of mission-

aries really amount to anything." This is a fair question,
and I will try to give it a fair answer.
" Do missionaries do any good ? " Perhaps we can best
answer the question by drawing the picture of an Indian
village, such as one may see at thousands of points scattered
over the country. It is a cluster of huts, constructed some-
times with a light frame-work of bamboo, filled in with
matting, but more commonly of mud, with a roof of thatch to
prevent its being washed away in the rainy season. These
huts are separated from each other by narrow lanes that can
hardly be dignified with the name of streets. Yet in such a
hamlet of hovels, hardly fit for human habitation, may be a
large population. Every doorway is swarming with children.
On the outskirts of the village is the missionary bungalow^
%, mud, but neatly white-
large one-story house, also built of
washed and protected from the rains by a heavy thatched
roof,which projects over the walls, and shades the broad
veranda. In the *' compound " are two other buildings of
the same rude material and simple architecture, a church and
a schoolhouse. In the latter are gathered every day ten,
twenty, fifty — perhaps a hundred —children, with bare feet
and poor garments, though clean, but with bright eyes, and
who seejm eager to learn. All day long comes from that lo"W

building a buzz and hum as from a hive of bees. Every

Sunday is gathered in the little chapel a congregation chieflj
of poor people, plainly but neatly dressed, and who, as thej

ait there, reclaimed from heathenism, seem to be "clothed

and in their right minds." To the poor the Gospel ia
preached, and never does it show its sweetness and power,
as when it comes down into such abodes of poverty, and
gives to these humble natives a new hope and a new life
— a life of joy and peace. Perhaps in the same compound
is an orphanage, in which are gathered the little castaways

who have been deserted by their parents, left by the road-

side to die —or whose parents may have died by cholera—and
who are thus rescued from death, and given the chance which
belongs to every human and of happiness.
creature of life

Perhaps the missionary is a little of a physician, and has a

small chest of medicines, and the poor people come to him
for cures of their bodily ailments, as well as for their spir-
itual troubles. After awhile he gains their confidence, and
becomes, not by any appointment, but simply by the right
of goodness and the force of character, a sort of unofficial
magistrate, or head man of the village, a general peacemaker
and benefactor. Can any one estimate the influence of such
a man, with his gentle wife at his side, who is also active
Doth in teaching and in every form of charity? Who does
not see that such a missionary bungalow, with its school,

its orphanage, and its church, and its daily influences of

teaching and of example, is a centre of civilization, when
planted in the heart of an Indian village ?

How extensive is this influence will of course depend on

the many or the few devoted to this work, and the wisdom
and energy with which they pursue it. The number of mis-
sionaries in India is very small compared with the vast popu-
lation. And yet the picture here drawn of one village is

reproduced in hundreds of villages. Take the representatives

of all the churches and societies of Protestant Christendom,
they would make a very respectable for^e. But even this
does not represent the full amount of influence they exeit.
Moral influences cannot be weighed and measured like

material forces. Nor are missionaries to be counted, lik«

the soldiers of an army. They are not drawn up on parade,
and do not march through the streets, with gleaming bayonets,
Their forces are scattered, and their work is silent and un
But in all quiet ways, by churches, schools, and orphan
ages, their influence is felt ; while by the printing-press thej
scatter religious truth all over India, the effect of which, ii:

tens of thousands of those whom it does not '^

convert," is to

destroy the power of their old idolatry.

That more Hindoos do not openly embrace Christianity is
not surprising, when one considers the social influences which
restrain them. When a Hindoo becomes a Christian, he ia
literally His most intimate friends will not know
an outcast.
him. His own family turn him from their door, feeling that
he has brought upon them a disgrace far greater than if he
had committed a crime for which he was to perish on the
scaffold. To them he is dead^ and they perform his funeral
rites as if he were no more in this world. The pastor of the
native church in Bombay has
thus been buried or hurned by
his own Another told me that his own father turned
from him in the street, and refused to recognize him. These
things are very hard to bear. And so far from wondering
that there are not more conversions among the natives of In-
dia, I wonder that there are so many.

But what sort of Christians are they ? Are they like

English or American Christians ? When I landed in India,
and saw what a strange people I was among, how unlike
our own race, I asked a question which many have asked
before: Whether these people could become Christians? It
is a favorite idea of many travellers —and cfmanj English
residents in India —that not only
is the m mber of conver-
sions small, but that the " converts " are not worth having
when they are made. It is said that it is only low caste na-
tives, who b'i.ve nothing to lose, that will desert their old ro

ligion and that they are influenced only by the lowest mo-

tives, and that while they profess to be converted, they are

in no wise changed from what they were, except that to their

old heathen vices they have added that of hypocrisy. Hear-
ing these things, I have taken some pains to ascertain what
sorb of people these native converts are. I have attended

their religious services, and have met them socially, and, sc

far as I could judge, I have never seen more simple-minded
Christians. Some of them are as intelligent as the best in-

structed members of our New England churches. As to their

low caste, statistics show, among them, a greater proportion
of Brahmins than of any other caste, as might be expected
from their greater intelligence.
The work, then, has not been in vain. The advance is

alow, but it is something that there is an advance. I am

told, as the result of a careful estimate, that if the progress

continues in the future as it has for the last fifteen years, in

two centuries the whole of India with its two hundred mil-
lions of people, will be converted to the Christian religion.
This is more rapid than that in the
a spread of Christianity
age of the apostles, forwas three centuries before the faith

which they preached became master of the Roman empire.

With such a record of what Christian Missions have done
in India, with such evidences of their good influence and
growing power, they are entitled to honor and respect as one of
the great elements in the problem of the future of that coun-
try. To speak of them flippantly, argues but small acquain-
tance with the historical forces which have hitherto governed
India or indeed Britain itself. It ill becomes Englishmen to
sneer at missions, for to missionaries they owe it that their
island has been reclaimed from barbarism. When Augustine
landed in Britain their ancestors were clothed in skins, and
roaming in forests. It was the new religion that softened
their manners, refined their lives, and in the lapse of genera
tions wrought out the slow process of civilization.

In Johnson's '*
Tour to tlie Hebrides," he refers to tite

early missionaries who civilized Britain in a passage which if

one of the most eloquent in English literature; " We were
now treading that illustrious island which was once the lu-
minary of the Caledonian regions, whence savage clans and
roving barbarians derived the benefits of knowledge and the
blessings of religion. Far from me and from my friends,
. . .

bo such frigid philosophy as may conduct us indifferent and

unmoved over any ground which has been dignified by wis-
dom, bravery or virtue. That man is little to be envied
whose patriotism would not gain force upon the plain of
Marathon, or whose piety would not grow warmer among
the ruins of lona."
That power which has made England so great ; which has
made the English race the foremost race in all this world ; is

now carried to another hemisphere to work the same grad-

ual elevation in the East. It is a mighty undertaking.
The lifting up of a race is like the lifting up of a continent.
Such changes cannot come suddenly but in the slow lapse;

of ages the continent may be found to have risen, and to be

covered, as it were, with a new floral vegetation ; as that
faith, which is the life of Europe, has entered into the Tftst

populations of Asia.

We had begun to feel ourselves at home 11 India, A

Kranger takes root quickly, as foreign plants take root in the
soil, and spring up under the sun and rain of the tropics. A
traveller makes acquaintances that ripen into friendship and
bind him so fast that it is a real pain when he has to break
away and leave these new Thus Allahabad
friends behind.
had become our Indian home. The missionary community
was so delightful, and everybody was so kind and hospitable,
that we had come to feel as if we were only in an outlying
corner of America. The missionary bungalow was like a
parsonage in New England and when we left all, and the

train rolled across the long bridge over the Jumna, fron
which we saw Miss Seward and Miss Wilson standing oi.
their veranda, and waving us farewell, it seemed as if we
were leaving home.
But the holy city was before us. Some seventy miles from
Allahabad stands a city which, to the devout Hindoo, is the
most sacred place on earth — one "ivhich overtops all others, as

the Himalayas overtop all other mountains on the globe.

Inhere are holy shrines in different countries, which are held
sacred by the devotees of different religions , but there are
four chief holy cities —Rome, Jerusalem, Mecca, and Benares.
As the devout Catholic makes a pilgrimage to Rome, to re-
ceive the blessing of the Holy Father ; as the Jew traverses
land and sea, that his feet may stand within the gates of Je-
rusalem, where he weeps at the place of wailing under the
walls of the ancient temple ; as the caravan of the Arab siilJ


Mecca so does the devout Hindoo come

crosses the desert to ;

to Benares,and count it his supreme joy if he can but see its

domes and towers and eternal felicity to die on the banks of

the sacred river.

A couple of hours brought us to the Ganges, from which
we had a full view of the city on the other side of the river.
If the sight did not awaken in us the same emotions as

in the mind of the Hindoo, the scene was picturesque enough

to excite our admiration. The appearance of Benares is very
striking. For two miles it presents a succession of palaces
and temples which are built not only on, but almost m, the
river, as Venice is built in the sea ; the huge structures
crowding each other on the bank, and flights of steps going
down into the water, as if they would receive the baptism of
the sacred river as it flowed gently by ; as if the people lis-

tened fondly to its murmurs, and when wakened in their

dreams, were soothed to hear its waters lapping the very stones
of their palaces.
We crossed the river on a bridge of boats, and drove out
to the English quarter, which is two or three miles distant,
and here rested an hour or two before we took a courier and
plunged into the labyrinth of the city, in which a stranger
would soon be lost who should attempt to explore it without
a guide. Benares would be well worth a visit if it were only
for its Oriental character. It is peculiarly an Indian city,
with every feature of Asiatic and of Indian life strongly mark-
ed. and as rich as any in Asia,
Its bazaars are as curious
with shawls of cashmere, and silks wrought by fine needle-
work into every article of costly array. It has also cunning
workmen in precious metals and precious stones — ^in gold and
silver and diamonds.One special industry is workmanship
in brass. We brought away a number of large trays, curious*
ly wrought like shields. One contains a lesson in Hindoo
mythology for those who are able ^*o read it, as on it art
fcra 3ed all the incarnations of Vishnu.

While tlms rambling about tbe city, we had au opportun-

ity to see something of the marriage customs of the Hindoos,
as we met in the streets a number of wedding processions.
The heavenly influences were favorable to such unions. The
Hindoos are great astrologers, and give high importance to
the conjunction of the stars, and do not marry except when
Jupiter is in the ascendant. Just now he rides high in the
heavens, and this is The proces-
the favored time of love.
sions were very curious. The bridegroom was mounted on
horseback, tricked out in the dress of a harlequin, with a
crowd on horses and on foot, going before and following after,
waving flags, beating drums, and making all manner of noises,
to testify their joy; while the bride, who was commonly a

mere child, was borne in a palanquin, covered with ribbons

and trinkets and jewelry, looking, as she sat upright in her
doll's house, much more as if she were a piece of frosted cake

being carried to the wedding, than a living piece of flesh and

blood that had any part therein. Altogether the scene was
more lik© a Punch-and-Judy show, than any part of the seri-

ous business of Engagements are often made when the


parties are in childhood, or even in infancy and the marriage ;

consummated at twelve. These child-marriages are a great

curse to the country, as they fill the land with their puny off"-

spring, that wither like weeds in the hot sun of India. It is a

pity that they could not be prohibited ; that marriages could
not be forbidden until the parties had reached at least six-

teen years of age.

Another thing which greatly amused us was to see how
the people made way for us wherever we came. The streets
are very narrow, and there is not room for a jostling crowd
But their politeness stopped at no obstacle. They meant to
give us a free passage. They drew to one side, making them-
selves very small, and even hugging the wall, to get out of
our way. We accepted this delicate attention as a mark of
resj)ect, which we thought a touching proof of Oriental cour

tesy 5 and with the modesty of our countrymen, regarded it

as an homage to our greatness. We were a little taken aback

at being informed that, on the contrary, it was to avoid pollu-
tion ; that if they but touched the hem of our garments,
they would have had to run to the Ganges to wash away the
stain !

But we need not make merry with these strict observances

of the people, for with them Religion is the great business of
life, and it is as the Mecca of their faith that Benares has

such interest for the intelligent traveller. No city in India,

perhaps none in all Asia, dates back more re-
its origin to a
mote antiquity. It is the very cradle of history and of reli-
gion. Here Buddha preached his new faith centuries before

Christ was born in Judea a faith which still sways a larger
part of mankind than any other, though it has lost its domin-
ion in the place where it began. Here Hiudooism, once
driven out, still fought and conquered, and here it still has
its seat, from which it rules its vast and populous empire.

It is always interesting to study a country or a religion in

its capital. As we go to Rome to see Romanism, we come
fco Benares to see Hindooism, expecting to find it in its
purest form. "Whether that is anything to boast of, we can
*;ell better after we have seen a little of 6his, its most holy
city. Benares is full of temples and shrines. Of course we
could only visit a few of the more sacred. The first that
we entered was like a menagerie. It was called the Monkey
Temple ; and rightly so, for the place was full of the little

creatures. It fairly swarmed with them. They were over-

head and all around us, chattering as if they were holding a
council in the heart of a tropical forest. The place was for
all the world like the monkey-house in the Zoological Gar-
dens in London, or in our Central Park in New York, and
would be an amusing resort for children were it not regarded
as a place for religious worship. Perhaps some innocent
traveller thinks this a touching proof of the charming sim

plicity of tlie Hindoos, that they wish to call on all animated

nature to unite in devotion, and that thus monkeys (speaking
the language which monkeys understand) are permitted to
join with devout Hindoos in the worship of their common
Creator. But a glance shows the stranger that the monkeys
are here, not to worship, but to be worshipped. According
to the Pantheism of the Hindoos, all things are a part of
God. Not only is he the author of life, but he lives in
his creatures, so that they partake of his divinity ; and
therefore whatsoever thing liveth and moveth on the earth —
beast, or bird, or reptile — is a proper object of worship.
But the monkeys were respectable compared with the
hideous idol which is enthroned in this place. In the court
of the Temple is a shrine, a Holy of Holies, where, as the
gilded doors are swung open, one sees a black divinity, with
thick, sensual lips, that are red with blood, and eyes that
glare fiendishly. This is whose sacred
the goddess Doorgha,
presence is guarded by Brahmin priests, so that no profane
foot may come near her. While they kept us back with holy
horror from approaching, they had no scruples about reach-
ing out their hands to receive our money. It is the habit of
strangers to drop some small coin in the outstretched palms.
But I was too much disgusted to give to the beggars. They
were importunate, and said the Prince of Wales, who was
there a few days before, had given them a hundred rupees.
Perhaps he felt under a necessity of paying such a mark of
respect to the religion of the great Empire he was to rule.
B\it ordinary travellers are under no such obligation. The
rascals trade in the curiosity of strangers. It might be well
if they did not find it such a source of revenue. So I would
not give them a psnny though I confess to spending a few

pice on nuts and " sweets " for the monkeys, who are the
only ones entitled to " tribute " from visitors ; and then, re-
turning to the gharri, we rode disgusted away. In anothei
part of the city is the Golden Temple, devoted to the gof'

Shiva, wiiich divides with that of the monkeys the homage ol

the Hindoos. Here are no chattering apes, though the place
is profaned with the presence of beasts and birds. Some
dozen cows were standing or lying down in the court, making
itseem more like a stable or a barnyard than a holy place.
Yet here was a fakir rapt in the ecstasies of devotion, with
one arm uplifted, rigid as a pillar of iron. He was looked
upon with awe by the faithful who crowded around him, and
who rewarded his sanctity by giving him money ; but to our
profane eyes he was a figure of pride (though disguised under
the pretence of spirituality), as palpable to the sight as the
peacock who spread his tail and strutted about in the filthy

But perhaps the reader will think that we have had enough
of this, and will gladly turn to a less revolting form of super-
stition. The great sight of Benares is the bathing in the
Ganges. This takes place in tlie morning. We rose early
the next day, and drove down to the river, and getting a
boat, were rowed slowly for hours up and down the stream.
It is lined with temples and palaces, which descend to the
water by flights of steps, or ghauts, which at this hour are
thronged mth devout Hindoos. By hundreds and thousands
they come down to the river's brink, men, women, and chil-

dren, and wade in, not swimming, but standing in the water,
plunging their heads and mumbling their prayers, and per-
forming their libations, by taking the water in their hands,
and casting it towards the points of the compass, as an act of
worship to the celestial powers, especially to the sun.
As the boatmen rested on their oars, that we might ob-
erve the strange scene, — started with horror to see a corpse
in the water. It was already half decayed, and obscene birds
were fluttering over it. But this is too common a sight in
Benares to raise any emotion in the breast of the Hindoo,
whose prayer is that he may die on the banks of the Ganges.
Does his body drift down with the stream, or become fcxx/

for the fowls of the air, his soul floats to its final rest in the
Deity, as surely as the Ganges rolls onward to the sea.
But look here ! is another scene. We are approaching thg
Burning Ghaut, and I see piles of wood, and human bodies
and smoke and flame. I bade the boatmen draw to the shore,
that we might have a clearer view of this sbrange sight.
Walking along the bank, we came close to the funeral piles.
Several were waiting to be lighted. When all is ready, the
nearest male relative walks round and round the pile, and
then applies to it a lighted withe of straw. Here was a body
just dressed for the last rites. It was wrapped in coarse
garments, perhaps all that affection could give. Beside it

stood awoman, watching it with eager eyes, lest any rude

hand should touch the form which, though dead, was still
beloved. I looked with pity into her sad, sorrowful face.

What a tale of affection was there ! — of love for the life that
was ended, and the form that was cherished, that was soon
to be but ashes, and to float away upon the bosom of the
sacred river.
Another pile was already lighted, and burning fiercely. I

stood close to it, till driven away by the heat and smoke.
As the flames closed round the form, portions of the body
were exposed. Now the hair was consumed in a flash, leav-

ing the bare skull ; now the feet showed from the other end
of the pile. was a ghastly sight. Now a horrid smell filled
the air, and still the pile glowed like a furnace, crackling
with the intense heat, and shot out tongues of flame that
seemed eager to lick up every drop of blood.
In this disposal of the dead there is nothing to soothe tho
mourner like a Christian burial, when the body is committed
to the earth, ashes to ashes, dust to dust, when a beloved
form is laid down under the green turf gently, as on a mother's
The spectacle of this morning, with the similar one at A
laliabad, have set me a- thinking. I ask, What idea do the

Hindoos attach to bathing in the Ganges ? Is it purificafcioi

or expiation, or both? Is it the putting away of sin by the
washing of water ; the cleansing of the body for the sins of
the soul ? Or is there in it some idea of atonement ? What
is the fascination of this religious observance ? Perhaps no
stranger can fully understand it, or enter into the feeling
with which the devout Hindoo regards the sacred river. The
problem grows the more we study it. EEowever we approach
the great river of India, we find a wealth of associations
gathering around it such as belongs to no other river on the
face of the earth. No other is so intimately connected with
fche history and the whole life of a people. Other rivers have
poetical or patriotic associations. The ancient Romans kept
watch on the Tiber, as the modern Germans keep watch on
the Khine. But these are associations of country and of pa-
triotic pride —not of life, not of existence, not of religion.
In these respects the only river in the world which approaches
the Ganges is the Nile, which, coming down from the High-
lands of Central Africa, floods the long valley, which it has
itself made in the desert, turning the very sands into fertility,
and thus becoming the creator and life-giver of Egypt.
What the Nile is to Egypt, the Ganges is to a part of
[ndia, giving life and verdure to plains that but for it were
a desert. As it bursts through the gates of the Himalayas,
and sweeps along with resistless current, cooling with its icy

breath the hot plains of India, and giving fertility to the rice
fields of Bengal, it may well seem to the Hindoo the greatest
risible emblem of Almighty power and Infinite beneficence.
But it is more than an emblem. The ancient Egyptians
worshipped the Nile as a god, and in this they had the same
feeling which now exists among the Hindoos in regard to the
Ganges. It is not only a sacred river because of its associa-
tions ; it is itself Divine, flowing, like the Eiver of Life iy
the Book of Revelation, out of the throne of God. It de-
tcends out of heaven, rising in mountains whose tops toucll


the clouds —the sacred mountains which form the Hindoo

Kylas, or Heaven, the abode of the Hindoo Trinity of —
Brahma and Shiva and Yishnu. Rushing from under a gla-

cier in the region of everlasting snow, it seems as if it gushed

from the very heart of the Dweller on that holy mount; as
if that flowing stream were the life-blood of the Creator.
When the Hindoo has seized this idea, it takes strong hold
of his imagination. As he stands on the banks of the Ganges
at night, and sees its broad current quivering under the rays
of the full moon, it seems indeed as if it were the clear stream
flovring through the calm breast of God himself, bearing life

from Him to give life to the world. Hence in his creed it

ha? all the virtue and the divine power that belongs in the
Christian system to the biood of Christ. It makes atone
ment for sins that are past. " He that but looks on the
Ganges," says the Hindoo proverb, " or that drinks of it,

washes away the stains of a hundred births ; but he that

bathes in it washes away the stains of a thousand births."
This is a virtue beyond that of the Nile, or the rivers of Da-
mascus, or of the Jordan, or even of

Siloa's brook
That flowed fast by the oracle of God.

It is a virtue which can be found alone in that blood which

" cleanse th from all sin."
The spectacle of such superstition produced a strong revr""-
sion of feeling, and made me turn away from these waters
that cannot cleanse the guilty soul, nor save the dying, to
the Mighty Sufierer, whose blood was shed for the sins of
the world, and I seemed to heai \Aoices in far-ofi Christian

lands singing

B'er since by faith I saw the stream

Thy flowing wounds supply,
Redeeming lov^e has been my theme,
And shall bo till I die.

But judgment on the Hindoos, nor include

I do not sit in
a whole people in one general condemnation. Some of them
are as noble specimens of humanity, with as much " natural
goodness " as can be found anywhere and are even religiou&

in their way, and in zeal and devotion an example to their

Christian neighbors. Of this, a very striking instance can
be given here.
On the other side of the Ganges lives a grand old Hindoo,
the Maharajah of Benares, and as he is famed for his hospi-
"^ality to strangers, we sent him a letter by a messenger (be-
was the proper thing to do), saying that
ing assured that that
we should be hajDpy to pay our respects to my lord in his
castle and in a few hours received a reply that bis carriage

should be sent to our hotel for us the next morning, and thai
his boat would convey us across the river. We did not wait
for the carriage, as we were in haste to depart for Calcutta
the same forenoon, but rode down in our own gharri to the
river side, where we found the boat awaiting us. On the
other bank stood a couple of elephants of extraordinary size,

that knelt down and took us on their broad backs, and rolled
off at a swinging pace to a pleasant retreat of the Mahara-

jah a mile or two from the river, where he had a temple of

his own, situated in the midst of beautiful gardens.
On our return we were marched into the courtyard of the
castle, where the attendants received us, and escorted us
within. The Maharajah did not make his appearance, as it

was still early, but his secretary presented himself to do the

honors, giving his master's respects with his photograph, and
showing us every possible courtesy. We were
shown through
the rooms of state, where the Prince of Wales had been re
ceived a few weeks before. The view from the terrace on
the river side is enchanting. It is directly on the water, and
commands a view up and down the Ganges for miles, while
across the smooth expanse rise the temples ar.d palaces of the
Holy City. What a place for a Brahmin to live or to die !

This Maharajah of Benares is well known all over India

He is a member of the Viceroy's Council at Calcutta, and
held in universal respect by the English community. Sir
William Muir, who is one of the most pronounced Christian
men in India, whom some would even call a Puritan for his
strictness, told me that the Maharajah was one of the best ot

men. And yet he is of the straitest sect of the Hindoos,

who bathes in the Ganges every morning, and " does his
pooja." In all religious observances he is most exemplary,
often spending hours in prayer. The secretary, in excusing
his master's absence, said that he had been up nearly all
night engaged in his devotions. How this earnest faith in a
religion so vile can consist with a life so pure and so good, is

one of the mysteries of this Asiatic world which I leave to

those wiser than I am to explain.
We had lingered so long that it was near the hour of our
departure for Calcutta, and we were three miles up the river.
The secretary accompanied us to the boat of the Maharajah,
which was waiting for us, and bade us farewell, with many
kind wishes that we might have a prosperous journey. Lying
against the bank was the gilded barge in which the Mahara-
jah had received and escorted the Prince of Wales. Waving
our adieu, we gave the signal, and the boatmen pushed off

into the stream. It was now a race against time. We had

a long stretch to make in a very few minutes. I offered the
men a reward if they should reach the place in time. The
stalwart rowers bent to their oars, their swarthy limbs mak-
ing swift strokes, and the boat shot like an arrow down the
stream. I stood up in the eagerness and excitement of the
chase, taking a last look at the sacred temples as we shoi
swiftly by. It wanted but two or three minutes of the houi
as our little pinnace struck against the goal by the bridge of
boats,and throwing the rupees to the boatmen, we J:'urried
up the bank, and had just time to get fairly bestowed in the
roomy first-class carriage, which we had all to ov4rselves

when the train started for Calcutta, and the towers and
domes and minarets of the holy city of India faded from oui

Thinking ! Still thinking ! What does aU mean ?


Who can understand Hindooism —where it begins and where

it ends? It is like the fabled tree that had its roots dowi.
in the Kingdom of Death, and spread its branches over the
world. Behind it, or beneath it, is a deep philosophy, which
goes down to the very beginnings of existence, and touches
the most vital problems of life and death, of endless dying
and living. Out of millions of ages, after a million births,
following each other in long succession, at last man is cast
upon the earth, but only as a bird of passage, darting swiftlj
through life, and then, in an endless transmigration of souls,
passing through other stages of being, till he is absorbed in
the Eternal All. Thus does man find his way at last back
to God, as the drop of water, caught up by the sun, lifted

into the cloud, descends in the rain, trickles in streams

down the mountain side, and finds its way back to the ocean.
So does the human soul complete the endless cycle of exis-
tence, coming from God and returning to God, to be swallow-
ed up and lost in that Boundless Sea.
Much might be said, by way of argument, in support of
this pantheistic philosophy. But whatever may be urged in
favor of Hindooism in the abstract, its practical results are

terrible. By a logic as close and irresistible as it is fatal, it

takes away the foundation of all morality, and strikes down

all goodness and virtue — all that is the glory of man, and all

that is the beauty of woman. It is nothing to the purpose

to quote the example of such a man as the Maharajah of
Benares, for there is a strange alchemy in virtue, by which a

pure nature, a high intelligence, and right moral instincts,

will convert even the most pernicious doctrines to the pur-
pose of a spiritual life. But with the mass of Hindoos it is
only a system of abject superstition and terror. As we roUeo

along the bants of the Ganges, I thought what tales that

stream could tell. Could we but listen in the dead of night,
what sounds we might hear Hush hark ! There is a
! !

footstep on the shore. The rushes on the bank are parted,

and a Hindoo mother comes to the water's edge. Look she !

holds a child in her arms. She starts back, and with a shriek
casts it to the river monsters. Such scenes are not frequent
now, because the government has repressed them by law,
though infanticide is fearfully common in other ways. But
even yet in secret —" darkly at dead of night " — does fanati-
cism sometimes pay its offering to the river which is wor-
shipped as a god. what Hindooism does for the mother
This is

and for her child. Thus it wrongs at once childhood and

motherhood and womanhood. Who that thinks of such
scenes can but pray that a better faith may be given to the
women of India, that the mother may no longer look with
anguish into the face of her own child, as one doomed to
destruction, but like any Christian mother, clasp her baby to
her breast, thanking God who has given it to her, and bidden
her keep it, and train it up for life, for virtue and for hap-
But is there any hope of seeing Hindooism destroyed?
I fear not very soon. When I think how many ages it has
stood, and what mighty forces it has resisted, the task seems al-
most hopeless. For centuries it fought with Buddhism for the
conquest of India, and remained master of the field. Theu
came Mohammedanism in the days of the Mogul Empire. It
gained a foothold, and reared its mosques even in the Holy
City of the Hindoos. To this day the most splendid structure
in Benares is the great Mosque of AuruDgzebe. As I climbed
its tall minaret, and looked over the city, I saw here and
there the gilded domes and slender spires that mark the tem-
ples of Islam. But these fierce iconoclasts, who set out from
Arabia to break the idols in pieces, could not destroy them
here. The fanatical Aurungzebe could build liis mosque,


with its minaret so loftj as to overtop all the temples of Pa

ganism ; but he could not convert the idolaters. With sucl:

tenacity did they cling to their faith, that even the religion
of the Prophet could make little impression, though armed
with all the power of the sword.
And now come modern civilization and Christianity. The
work of " tearing down " is not left to Missions alone. There
is in India a vast system of National Education. In Benares
there is an University whose stately halls would not look out
of place among the piles of Oxford. In the teaching there is a
rigid — I had almost said a religious —abstinence from religion.

But science is taught, and science confutes the Hindoo cos-

mogony. When it is written in the Puranas that the world
rests on the back of an elephant, and that the elephant stands
on the back of a tortoise, and the tortoise on the back of the
great serpent Naga, it needs but a very little learning to con-
vince the young Hindoo that his sacred books are a mass of
fables. But make him a Christian. It lands
this does not
him in infidelity, and leaves him there. And this is the state
of the educated mind of India, of what is sometimes designat-
ed as Young India, or Young Bengal. Here they stand
deep in the mire of unbelief, as if they had tried to plant their
feet on the low-lying Delta of the Ganges, and found it sink
beneath them, with danger of being buried in Gangetic ooze
and slime. But even this is better than calling to gods that

cannot help them ; for at least it may give them a sense of

theirweakness and danger. It may be that the educated
mind of India has to go through this stage of infidelity before

it can come into the light of a clearer faith. At present they

believe nothing, yet conform to Hindoo customs for social rea-
sons, for fear of losing caste. This is all-powerful. It is hard
for men to break away from it in detail. But once that a
breachis made in their ranks, the same social tyranny may
carrythem over en masse, so that a nation shall be born in a
day. At present the work that is going on is that of sapping

and mming; of boring holes into the foundation of Hindoo-

ism ; and this is done as industriously, and perhaps as effeo-

tivelj^ by Governoient schools and colleges as by Missions.

At Benares we observed, in sailing up and down thtr

Ganges, that the river had undermined a number of temples

built upon its banks, and that they had fallen with their huge
columns and massive architecture, and were lying in broken
and shapeless masses, half covered by the water. What a
spectacle of ruin and decay in the Holy City of the Hindoos !

This is a fit illustration of the process which has been going

on for the last half century in regard to Hindooism. The
waters are washing it away, and by and by the whole colossal
fabric, built up in ages of ignorance and superstition, will

come crashing to the earth. Hindooism will fall, and gretki

will be the fall of it.


good rule in travelling, as in rhetoric, to keep the

It is a
best to the last, and wind up with a climax. But it would
be hard to find a climax in India after seeing the old Mogul
capitals, whose palaces and tombs outshine the Alhambra
after climbing the Himalayas, and making a pilgrimage
to the holy city. And yet one feels a crescendo of interest in
approaching the capital. India has three capitals — Delhi,
where once reigned the Great Mogul, and which is still

the centre of the Mohammedan faith ; Benares, the Mecca

of the Hindoos ; and Calcutta, the capital of the modern
British Empire. The two former we have seen it is ;

the last which is now before us.

Our route was southeast, along the valley of the Ganges,
and through the province of Bengal. What is the magic
of a name ? From childhood the most vivid association
I had with this part of India, was that of Bengal tigers,
which were the wonder of every menagerie and it was not ;

strange if we almost expected to see them crouching in

the forest, or gliding away in the long grass of the jun-
gle. But Bengal has other attractions to one who rides
over it. This single province of India is five times as
large as the State of New York. It is a vast alluvial
plain, through which the Ganges pours by a hundred mouths
to the sea, its overflow giving to the soil a richness and
fertility like that of the valley of the Nil 3, so that it

supports a pojjulation equal to that of the whole of the


United States. The cultivated fields that we pass show

the natural wealth of the country, as the frequent towns
show the density of the population. Of these the largest is
Patna, the centre of the opium culture. But we did not
stop anywhere, for the way was long. From Benares to
Calcutta is over four hundred miles, or about as far as
from New York city to Niagara Falls. We started at elev-
en o'clock, and kept steadily travelling all day. Night fell,

and the moon rose over the plains and the palm groves, and
still we fled on and on, as if pursued by the storm spirits of

the Hindoo Kylas, till the morning broke, and found us on

the banks of a great river filled with shipping, and opposite
to a great city. This was the Hoogly, one of the mouths of
the Ganges, and there was Calcutta ! A carriage whirled us
swiftly across the bridge, and up to the Great Eastern Hotel,
where we were glad to rest, after travelling three thousand
miles in India, and to exchange even the most luxurious
railway carriage for beds and baths, and the comforts of civ-
ilization. The hotel stands opposite the Government House,
the residence of the Viceroy of India, and supplies every-
thing necessary to the dignity of a " burra Sahib. " Soft-
footed Hindoos glided silently about, watching our every mo-
tion, and profoundly anxious for the honor of being our ser-

vants. A stalwart native slept on the mat before my door,

an<l attended on my going out and my coming in, as if I had

betMi a grand dignitary of the Empire-

Calcutta bears a proud name in the East — that of the City
of Palaces —from which a traveller is apt to experience
a feeling of disappointment. And yet the English por
tion of the city is sufficiently grand to make it worthy to
rank with the second class of European capitals. The Gov-
ernment House, from its very size, has a massive and stately
appearance, and the other public buildings are of correspond-
ing proportions. The principal street, called the Chow
cinghee road, is lined for two miles with the handsome

houses of government officials or wealthy English rcsidtmts.

But the beauty of Calcutta is the grand esplanade, caJed the

Maidan an open space as large as our Central Park in
New York beginning at the Government House, and reach-

ing to Fort Yv^illiam, and beyond it ; stretching for two

or three miles along the river, and a mile back from it to i/he

mansions of the Chowringhee Road. This is an immense pa-

rade-ground for military and other displays. Here and there
are statues of men who have distinguished themselves in the
history of British India. Tropical plants and trees give to
the landscape their rich masses of color and of shade, while
under them and around them is spread that carpet of green
so dear to the eyes of an Englishman in any part of the

world a wide sweep of soft and smooth English turf. Here
at sunset one may witness a scene nowhere equalled except in
the great capitals of Europe. In the middle of the day the
place is deserted, except by whom, being " children
of the sun," he does not '' smite by day," though the moon
may smite them by night. The English residents are shut
closely within doors, where they seek, by the waving of
punkas, and by admitting the air only through mats drip-
ping with water, to mitigate the terrible heat. But as the
sun declines,and the palms begin to cast their shadows
across the plain, and a cool breeze comes in from the sea, the
whole English world pours forth. The carriage of the Vice-
roy rolls out from under the arches of the Government
House, and the other officials are abroad. A stranger is sur-
prised at the number of dashing equipages, with postilions
and servants in liveries, furnished by this foreign city.
These are not all English. Native princes and wealtly ba-
boos vie with Englishmen in the bravery of their equipages,
and give to the scene a touch of Oriental splendor. Officers
ifii horseback dash bj^ accompanied often by fair English
faces ; while the band from Fort William plays the martial
airs of England It is indeed a brilliant spectacle, which,

but for the turbans and the swarthy faces under them, would
make the traveller imagine himself in Hyde Park.
From this single picture it is easy to see why Calcutta is to

an Englishman the most attractive place of residence in

[ndia, or in al] the East. It is more like London. It is a
great capital — the capital of the Indian Empire ; the seat of
government ; the residence of the Viceroy, around whom is

assembled a kind of viceregal court, composed of all the high

officials, both civil and military. There is an Army and
Navy Club, where one may meet many old soldiers who have
seen service in the Indian wars, or who hold high appoint-
ments in the present The assemblage of such a num-

ber of notable men makes a large and brilliant English so-


Nor is it confined to army offi.cers or government officials,

Connected with the different colleges are men who are dis-
tinguished Oriental scholars. Then there is a Bishop of Cal-
cutta, who is the Primate of India, with his clergj^ and Eng-
lish and American missionaries, who make altogether a very
miscellaneous society.* Here Macaulay lived for three years
* There are not many Americans in Calcutta, and as they are few,
we more concerned that they should be respectable, and not
are the
dishonor our national character. Sometimes I am told we have had
representatives of whom we had no reason to be proud. We are now
most fortunate in our Consul, General Litchfield, a gentleman of ex-
cellent character, who is very obliging- to his countrymen, and com-
mands in a high degree the respect of the English community.
There is here also an American pastor. Dr. Thorburn, who is very
popular, and whose people are building him a new church while he
is absent on a visit to his own country and what attracts a stranger

still more, an excellent family of American ladies, engaged in the

Zenana Mission, which is designed to reach Hindoo women, who, as

they live in strict seclusion, can never hear of Christianity except
through those of their own sex. This hospitable Home waa '

made ours for a part of the time that we were in Calcutta, for which,
and for all the kindness of these excellent ladies, we hold it in g^ rat©
ful remembrance,

as a member of the Governor's Council, and was the centit

of a society which, if it lacked other attractions, must hav*i
found a constant stimulus in his marvellous conversation.
And 7et with all these attractions of Calcutta, English re-
sidents still pine for England. One can hardly converse
with an English officer, without finding that it is his dream
to get through with his term of service as soon as he may,
and return to spend the rest of his days in his dear native
Island. —
Even Macaulay with all the resources that he had
ir. himself, with all that he found Anglo-Indian society, and

all that he made it —regarded life in India as only a splen-

did exile.
The climate is a terrible drawback. Think of a country,
where in the hot season the mercury rises to 117—120° in the
shade ; while if the thermometer be exposed to the sun, it
quickly mounts to 150, 160, or even 170°! —a heat to which
no European can be exposed for half an hour without danger
of sunstroke. Such is the heat that it drives the government
out of Calcutta for hilf the year. Eor six months the Vice-
roy and his staiT emigrate, bag and baggage, going up the
country twelve hundred miles to Simla, on the first range of
the Himalayas, which is about as if the President of the
United States and his Cabinet should leave Washington on
the first of May, and transfer the seat of government to some
high point in the Rocky Mountains.
But the climate is not the only, nor the chief, drawback
to life in India. It is the absence from home, from one's
country and people, which makes it seem indeed like exile.
Make the best of it, Calcutta is not London. What a man
like Macaulay misses, is not the English climate, with its
rains and fogs, but the intellectual life, which centres in the
British capital. It was this which made him write to hia
sister that " A lodgings up three pairs of stairs in London
was better than a palace in a compound at Chowringhee."
I confess I cannot understand how any man, who has a re

spectable position in his own country, should choose Calcuttaj

or any other part of India, as a place of residence, except for
a time merchant goes abroad for a few years, in tlie
; as a
hope of such gain as shall enable him to return and live in
independence in England or America ; or as a soldier goes
to a post of duty (" Not his to ask the reason why ") ; or aa
a missionary, with the purely benevolent desire of doing
good, for which he accepts this voluntary exile.
But if a man has grown, by any mental or moral process, to
the idea that life is not given him merely for enjoyment

that its chief end is not to make himself comfortable to sit —

at home in England, and hear the storm roar around the
British Islands, and thank God that he is safe, though all the
rest of the world should perish ; if he but once recognize
the fact that he has duties, not only to himself, but to man-
kind ; then for such a man there is not on the round globe a
broader or nobler field of labor than India. For an English
statesman, however great his talents or boundless his ambi-
tion, one cannot conceive of a higher place on the earth than
that of the Viceroy of India. He is a ruler over more than
two hundred millions of human beings, whose welfare he may
contribute by a wise and just administration. What immeas-
urable good may be wrought by a Governor- General like Lord
William Bentinck, of whom it was said that " he was William
Penn on the throne of the Great Mogul." A share in this bene-
ficent rule belongs to every Englishman who holds a place in

the government of India. He is in a position of power, and

therefore of responsibility. To such men is entrusted the pro-
tection, the safety, the comfort, and the happiness of multi«
tudes of their fellow-men, to whom they are bound, if not by
national ties, yetby the ties of a comuion humanity.
And for those who have no official position, wLo have
neither place nor power, but who have intelligence and a de-
sire to do good on a wide scale, India ofiers a field as broad

as their ambition, where, either as moral or intellectual m


structors, as professors of science or teachers of religion, tLej

may contiibute to the welfare of a great people. India is a

country where, more than in almost any other in the world,

European civilization comes in contact with Asiatic barbar-
ism. Its geographical j30sition illustrates its moral and in-

tellectual position. It is a peninsula stretched out from the

lower part of Asia into the Indian Ocean, and great seas dash
against it on one side and on the other. So, intellectually
and morally, is it placed " where two seas meet," where mod-
ern science attacks Hindooism on one side, and Christianity
attacks it on the other.
In this conflict English intelligence has already done much
for the intellectual emancipation of the people from childish
ignorance and folly. In Calcutta there are a number of
English schools and colleges, which are thronged with young
Bengalees, the flower of the city and the province, who are
instructed in the principles of modern science and philosophy.
The efiect on the mind of Young Bengal has been very great.
An English education has accomplished all that was expected
from it, except the overthrow of idolatry, and here it has con-
spicuously failed.
When Macaulay was in India, he devoted much of his
time to perfecting the system of National Education, from
which he expected the greatest results which he believed ;

would not only till the ignorant and vacant minds of the
Hindoos with the knowledge of modern science, but would
uproot the old idolatry. In the recently published volumes of
his letters is one to his father, dated Calcutta, Oct. 12, 1836,
in which he says ;

Our Eng-lirfh schools are flourishing wonderfully. We find it

difficult — in
some places impossible— to provide instruction for aU
who want it. At the single town of Hoogly 1400 boys are learning
English. The efEect of this education on the Hindoos is prodigious.
No Hindoo who has received an English education ever remains sin
cerely attached to his religion. Some continue to profess it as •

matter of policy but many profess themselves pure Deists, and


some embrace Christianity. It is m^y firm belief that, if our plans ol

education are foLowed up, there will not be a single idolater among
the reputable classes in Bengal thirty years hence. And this will be
effected without any efforts to proselytize without the smallest in-

terference with religious liberty merely by the natural operation oi


knowledge and reflection."

These sanguine expectations have been utterly disappointed,

Since that letter was written, forty years have passed, and
every year has turned out great numbers of educated young
men, instructed in all the principles of modern science; and yet
the hold of Hindooism seems as strong as ever. I find it

here in the and I do

capital, as well as in the provinces,
not find that any better by coming in contact with mod-
it is

ern civilization. Nothing at Benares was more repulsive

and disgusting than what one sees here. The deity most
worshipped in Calcutta is the goddess Kali, who indeed gives
name which is Anglicized from Kali-ghat. She
to the city,
delights in blood, and is propitiated only by constant sacri-
fices. As one takes his morning drive along the streets lead-
ing to her shrine, he sees tliem filled with young goats, who
are driven to the sacred enclosure, which is like a butcher's
shambles, so constantly are the heads dropping on the pave-
ment, which is kept wet with blood. She is the patron of
thieves and robbers, the one to whom the Thugs always made
ofibrings, in setting out on their expeditions for murder. No
doubt the young men educated in the English colleges despise
this horrid worship. Yet in their indifference to all religion,
they think it better to keep up an outward show of cor form-
ity, to retain the respect, or at least the good will, of their
Hindoo countrymen, among whom it is the very first condi-
tion of any social recognition whafcev3r, that they shall not
break away from the religion of their ancestors.
How then are they to be reached? The Chiistiao
schools educate the very young ; and the orphanages tak«

neglected children and train them from the begiun. ng. Bu\
for young men who are already educated in the goTernmeni
colleges, is there any way of reaching them f None, except
that of open, direct, manly argument. Several years since
President Seelye of Amherst College visited India, and
here addressed the educated Hindoos, both in Calcutta and
Bombay, on the claims of the Christian religion. He was
received with perfect courtesy. Large audiences assembled
to hear him, and listened with the utmost respect. What
impression he produced, I cannot say ; but it seems to me
that this is " the way to do it," or at least one way, and a
way which gives good hope of success.
In fighting this battle against idolatry, I think we should
welcome aid from any quarter, whether it be evangelical or
not. While in Calcutta, I paid a visit to Keshoob Chuuder
Sen, whose name is well known in England from a visit which
he made some years ago, as the leader of the Brahmo Somaj,
I found him surrounded by his pupils, to whom he was giv-
ing instruction. He at once interrupted his teaching for the
pleasure of a conversation, to which all listened apparently
with great interest. He is in his creed an Unitarian, so far
as he adopts the Christian faith. He recognizes the unity of
God, and gives supreme importance to prayer. The inter-
view impressed me both with his ability and his sincerity^
I cannot agree with some of my missionary friends who look
upon him with suspicion, because he does not go far enough.
On the contrary, I think it a matter of congratulation that
he has come as far as he has, and I should be glad if he could
getYoung Bengal to follow him. But I do not think fehe
Brahmo Somaj has made great progress. It has scattered
adherents in different par-ts of India, but the whole number
of followers is small compared with the masses that cling to
their idols. He frankly confessed that the struggle was very
unequal, that the power of the old idolatry was tremendous^
and especially that the despotism of caste was terriiic. Tf

break away from it, required a degree of moral courage that

was very rare. The great obstacle to its overthrow was a
social one, and grew out of the extreme anxiety of Hindoo
parents for the marriage of their children. If they once
broke away from caste, it was all over with them. They
were literally outcasts. Nobody would speak to them, and
they and their children were delivered over to one common
curse. This social ostracism impending over them, is a ter-
ror which even educated Hindoos dare not face. And so
they conform outwardly, while they despise inwardly.
Hence, Keshoob Chunder Sen deserves all honor for the
stand he has taken, and ought to receive the cordial support
of the English and Christian community.
What I have seen in Calcutta and elsewhere satisfies me
that in all wise plans for the regeneration of India, Christian
missions must be a necessary part. One cannot remember
but with a feeling of shame, how slow was England to re-
ceive missionaries into her Indian Empire. The first attempt
of the English Church to send a few men to India was
met with an outcry of disapprobation. Sydney Smith hoped
the Government would send the missionaries home. When
Carey first landed on these shores, he could not stay in Brit-
ish territory, but had to take refuge at Serampore, a Danish
settlement a few miles from Calcutta, where he wrought a
work which makes that a place of pilgrimage to every Chris-
tian traveller in India. We spent a day there, going over
the field of his labor. He is dead, but his work survives.
There he opened schools and founded a college, the first of

its kind in India (unless it were the government college of

Fort William in Calcutta, in which he was also a pro-
fessor),and which led the way for the establishment of thai
magnificent system of National Education which is now the
glory of India.
What Carey was in his day, Dr. Duff in Calcutta and Di.
Wilson in Bombay were a generation later, rigorous advo

cates of education as an indispensable means to quicken th«

torpid mind of India. They were the trusted advisers and
counsellors of the government in organizing the present
system of National Education. This is but one of many
benefits for which this country has to thank missionaries.
And if ever India is to be so renovated as to enter into the
family of civilized and Christian nations, it will be largely by
their labors. One thing
certain, that mere education will

not convert the Hindoo. The experiment has been tried and
failed. Some other and more powerful means must be taken
to quicken the conscience of a nation deadened by ages of
false religion — a religion utterly fatal to spiritual life. That
such a change may come speedily, is devoutly to be wished
No intelligent traveller can visit India, and spend here two
months, without feeling the deepest interest in the country
and its people. Our interest grew with every week of our
stay, and was strongest as we were about to leave.
The last night that we were in Calcutta, it was my privi-
lege to address the students at one of the Scotch colleges.
The hall was crowded, and I have seldom, if ever, spoken to
t finer body of young men. These young Bengalees had
iaany of them heads of an almost classical beauty ; and with
\heir grace of person heightened by their flowing white
robes, they presented a beautiful array of young scholars,
such as might delight the eyes of any instructor who should
have to teach them " Divine philosophy." My heart " went
out" to them very warmly, and as that was my last impres-

sion of India, I left it with a very different feeling from that

with which I entered it —with a degree of respect for its
people, and of interest in them, which I humbly conceive if

the very first condition of doing them any good.

Itwas Sunday evening the : ship on which we were to
embark for Burmah was to saiJ at daybreak, and it was nec-
essary to go on board at once. So hardly had we returned
from our evening service, before we drove down to the river

The steamer lay off in the stream, the tide was out, and even
the native boats could not come up to where we could step
on board. But the inevitable coolies were there, their long
caked legs sinking in the mud, who took us on their brawny
backs, and ?arried us to the boats, and in this dignified man-
ner we took our departure from India.
The next morning, as we went on deck, the steamer was
dropping down the river. The guns of Fort William were
firing a salute; at Garden Reach we passed the palace of thf
King of Oude, where this deposed Indian sovereign stil
keeps his royal state among his serpents and his tigers. We
were all day long steaming down the Hoogly. The country
is very flat there is nothing to break the monotony of its

swamps and jungles, its villages of mud standing amid rice

fields and palm groves. As we approach the sea the river
divides into many channels, like the lagoons of "Venice. All
around are low lying islands, which now and then are swept
by terrible cyclones that come up from the Bay of Bengal.
At present their shores are overgrown with jungles, the
home of wild beasts, of serpents, and crocodiles, of all slimy
and deadly things, the monsters of the land and sea. Through
a net-work of such lagoons, we glide out into the deep ;

slowly the receding shores sink till they are submerged, as if

they were drowned; we have left India behind, and aU
iu*ound i£ only a watc rj horizon


In America we speak of the Far West, which is an unda-

fined region, constantly receding in the distance. So in Asia
there is a Far and Farther East, ever coming a little nearer
to the rising sun. When we have done with India, there ia
still a Farther India to be ** seen and conquered." On the
other side of the Bay of Bengal is a country, which, though
called India, and under the East Indian Government, is not
India. The very face of nature is different. It is a country
not of vast plains, but of m.ountains and valleys, and spi'inga
that run among the hills a country with another people

than India, another language, and another religion. Looking

upon the map of Asia, one sees at its southeastern extremity
a long peninsula, reaching almost to the equator, with a cen-
tral range of mountains, an Alpine chain, which runs through
its whole length, as the Apennines run through Italy. This
isthe Malayan peninsula, on one side of which is Burmah,
and on the other, Siam, the land of the White Elephant.
Such was the " undiscovered country " before us, as we
went on deck of the good ship Malda, four days out from
Calcutta, and found her entering the mouth of a river which
once bore the proud name of the Kiver of Gold, and was said
to flow through a land of gold. These fabled riches have
disappeared, but the majestic river still flows on, broad-
bosomed like the Nile, and which of itself might make the
riches of a country, as the Nile makes the riches of Egypt

Tliis is the miglity Irrawaddy, one of the great rivers of

Eastern Asia ; which takes its rise in the western part of
Thibet, not far from the head waters of the Indus, and runs
along the northern slopes of the Himalayas, till it turn?
south, and winding way through the passes of the loft}

mountains, debouches into Lower Burmah, where it divides

into two large branches like the Nile, making a Delta of ten

thousand square miles larger than the Delta of Egypt
whose inexhaustible fertility, yielding enormous rice harvests,
has more than once relieved a famine in Bengal.
On the Irrawaddy, twenty-five miles from the sea, stands
Kangoon, the capital of British Burmah, a city of nearly a
hundred thousand inhabitants. As we approach it, the most
conspicuous object is the Great Pagoda, the largest in
the world, which is a signal that we are not only in a
new country, but one that has a new religion— not Brahmin,
but Buddhist — whose towering pagodas, with their gilded
roofs, take the place of Hindoo temples and Mohammedan
mosques. Rangoon boasts a great antiquity ; it is said
to have been founded in the sixth century before Christ, but
its new masters, the English, with their spirit of improve-
ment, have given it quite a modern appearance. Large
steamers in the river and warehouses along its bank, show
that the spirit of modern enterprise has invaded even this
distant part of Asia.
Burmah is a country with a history, dating back far into
the past. It was once the seat of a great empire, with
a population many fold larger In the interior are
than now.
to be found ruins like those in the interior of Cambodia,
which mark the sites of ancient cities, and attest the great-
ness of an empire that has long since passed away. This is a
subject for the antiquarian ; but I am more interested ir »ta

present condition and its future prospects than its past his-
tory. Burmah is now a part of the great English Empire in
the East, and it has been the scene of events whi^'h make a

very thrilling chapter in the history of American Missions

Remembering this, as soon as we got on shore we took a

gharri, and rode off to find the AnLeriian missionaries,

of whom and of their work I shall have more to say. We
brought a letter also to the Chief Commissioner, Mr. RivevH
Thompson, who invited us to be his guests while in Rangoon
This gentleman is a representative of the best class of Eng
lish officials in the East, of those conscientious and labori-
ous men, trained in the civil service in India, whose intelli-

gence and experience make the English rule such a blessing

to that country. The presence of a man of such character
and such intelligence in a position of such power for he is —
virtually the ruler of Burmah — is the greatest benefit to the
country. We shall long remember him and his excellent
wife— a true Englishwoman — for their courtesy and hospital
ity,which made our visit to Rangoon so pleasant. The Gov-
ernment House is out of the city, surrounded partly by the
natural forest, which was alive with monkeys, that were
perched in the trees, and leaping from branch to branch.
One species of them had a very wild and plaintive cry,
almost like that of a human creature in distress. It is said
to be the only animal whose notes range through the whole
scale. It begins low, and rises rapidl}'', till it reaches a pitch
at which it sounds like a far-off wail of sorrow. Every
morning we were awakened by the singing of birds, the first
sound in the forest, with which there came through the open
windows a cool, delicious air, laden with a dewy freshness as
of Spring, the exquisite sensation of a morning in the tropics,
Then came the tramp of soldiers along the walk, changing
guard. In the midst of these strange surroundings stood the
beautiful English home, with all its culture and refinement,
and the morning and evening praj^ers, that were a sweetei
incense to the Author of so much beaafcy than '' the spicy
breezes that blow soft o'er Ceylon's isle." The evening drivi
to the public gardens, where a band of music was playing

gave one a sight of the English residents jf Rangoon, ajjd

made even an American feel, in hearing his familiar iongue,
that he was not alogether a stranger in a strange land. The
Commissioner gave me his Report on British Burmah, made
to the Government of India. It fills a large octavo volume,
and in reading it, one is surprised to learn the extent of the
)ountry, which is twice as large as the State of New York,
and its great natural wealth in its soil and its forests —the
resources for supporting a dense population.
T found the best book on Burmah was by an American
missionarj. Dr. Mason, who, while devoted to his religious
work, had the tastes of a naturalist, and wrote of the country
with the enthusiasm of a poet and a man of science.* He
describes the interior as of marvellous beauty, with rugged
mountains, separated by soft green valleys, in which some-
times little lakes, like the Scottish lochs, sleep under the
shadow of the hills ; and rivers whose banks are like the banks
of the Rhine. He says :
" British Burmah embraces all

mouths of
variety of aspect, from the flats of Holland, at the
the Irrawaddy, to the more than Scottish beauty of the moun-
tainous valley of the Sal wen, and the Rhenish river banks of
the Irrawaddy near Prome." With the zest of an Alpine

* This book furnishes a good illustration of the incidental servdce

which missionaries aside from the religious work they do render —
to the cause of geography, of science, and of literature. They are
the most indefatigable explorers, and the most faithful and authentic
narrators of what they see. Its full title is " BmiMAH its People
: :

and Natural Productions or Notes on the Natives, Fauna, Flora,


and Minerals, of Tenasserim, Pegu, and Burmah; With systematio

catalogues of the known Mammals, Birds, Fishes, Reptiles, Insects,
Mollusks, Crustaceans, Anellides, Radiates, Plants, and Mine"als, with
vernacular names." In his preface the writer says :

"No pretensions are made in this work to completencteS. It is noil

a book composed in the luxury of literary leisure, but a collection of
Notes [ Wnat is here so modestly caU od Notes, is an octavo of ovei
900 pagesj ^thich I have been making during the twenty yean of mj

tourist, he climbs the wild passes of the hills, and follows thf
streams coursing down their sides, to where they leap in
waterfalls over precipices fifty or one hundred feet high.
A.mid this picturesque scenery he finds a fauna and flora,
more varied and rich than those of any part of Europe.
The country produces a great variety of tropical fruits it ;

yields spices and gums while the natives make use for many

purposes of the bamboo and the palm. The wild beasts are
hunted for their skins, and the elephants furnish ivory. But

the staples of commerce are two rice and the teak wood.
Rice is the universal food of Barmah, as it is of India and
of China. And for timber, the teak is invaluable, as it is the
only wood that can resist the attacks of the white ants. It is

a red wood, like our cedar, and when wrought with any de-
gree of taste and skill, produces a pretty effect. The bettei
class of houses are built of and being raised on upright

posts, with an open story beneath, and a broad veranda above,

they look more like Swiss chalets than like the common East
ern bungalows. The dwellings of the poorer people are mere
huts, like Irish shanties or Indian wigwams. They are con-
structed only with a frame of bamboo, with mats hung be-
tween. You could put up one as easily as you would pitch
a tent. Drive fonr bamboo poles in the ground, put cross

residence in this country, in the corners of my time that would other-

wise have been wasted. Often to forget my weariness when travel-
ling, when it has been necessary to bivouac in the jungles while the ;

Karens have been seeking fuel for their night-fires, or angling for
their suppers in the stream I have occupied myself with analyzing

the flowers that were blooming around my couch or examining the


fish that were caught or an occasional reptile, insect, or bird, that


attracted my attention. With such occupations I have brightened

many a solitary hour and
; often has the most unpromising situation
proved fruitful in interest for the barren heath, with its mosses,

lichens, and insects, its stunted shrubs and pale flowers, becomes a
paradise under the eye of observation and to the genuine thinkeJ

the sandy beach and the arid wild are full of wonders.' "

pieces and hang mats of bark, and you have a Burmese house.

To be sure it is a slender habitation " reeds shaken with the
wind " but it serves to cover the poor occupants, and if an

earthquake shakes it down, little harm is done. It costs

nothing for house-rent and the natives are ex

; rice is cheap,

pert boatmen, and get a part of their living from the rivers
and the sea. Their wants are few and easily supplied.
"There is perhaps no country in the world," says Mason,
** where there are so few beggars, so little suffering, and so

much actual independence in the lower strata of society."

Thus provided for by nature, they live an easy life. Ex-
istence is The earth brings forth
not a constant struggle.
plentifully for their humble wants. They do not borrow
trouble, and are not weighed down with anxiety. Hence the
Burmese are \'ery light-hearted and gay. In this they pre-
sent a marked contrast to some of the Asiatics. They have
more of the Mongolian cast of countenance than of the Hin-
doo, and yet they are not so grave as the Hindoos on the one
hand, or as the Chinese on the other. The women have
much more freedom than in India. They do not veil
their faces, nor are they shut up in their houses. They
go about as freely as men, dressed in brilliant colored
silks, wound simply and gracefully around them, and car-
rying the large They enjoy also the
Chinese umbrellas.
glorious liberty of smoking tobacco. We meet them
men in
with long cheroots, done up in plantain leaves, in their
mouths, grinning from ear to ear. The people are fond of
pleasure and amusement, of games and festivals, and laugh
and make merry to-day, and think not of to-morrow. This
natural and irrepressible gayety of spirit has given them the
name of the Irish of the East. Like the Irish too, they are
wretchedly improvident. Since they can live so easily, they
are content to live pocrly. It should be said, however, that
up to a recent period they had no motive for saving. The
least sign of wealth was a temptation to robbery on the par

of officials. Now that they ha^e security under the Englisli

goveminent, they can save, and some of the natives have
giown ricli.

This is one of the benefits of English rule, which make me

iejoi<;e whenever I see the English flag in any part of Asia.
Wherever that flag flies, there is protection to property and
life ; there is law and order —
the first condition of civilizea
society. Such a government has been a great blessing to
Burmah, as to India. It is not necessary to raise the ques-
tion how England came into possession here. It is the old
story, that when a civilized and a barbarous power come in
contact, they are apt to come into conflict. They cannot be
quiet and peaceable neighbors. Mutual irritations end in
var, and war ends in annexation. In this way, after two
wars, England acquired her possessions in the Malayan
Peninsula, and Lower Burmah became a part of the great
Indian Empire. We cannot find fault with England for
doing exactly what we should do in the same circumstances,
what we have done repeatedly with the American Indians.
Such collisions are almost inevitable. So far from regretting
that England thus " absorbed " Burmah, I onlv resrret tLat
instead of taking half, she did not take the whole. For
British Burmah is not the whole of Burmah ; there is still a

native kingdom on the Upper Irrawaddy, between British

Burmah and China, with a capital, Mandelay, and a sovereign
of riiost extraordinary character, who preserves in full force
the notions of royalty peculiar to Asiatic countries. Recently
a British envoy, Sir Douglas Forsyth, was sent to have some
negotiations with him, but there was a difficulty about hav-
ing an audience of owing to the peculiar
his Majesty,
which he was required
etiquette of that court, according to
to take ofi" his boots, and get down on his knees, and ap-
proach the royal presence on all fours I forget how the

great question was compromised, but there is no doubt thai

the King of Burmah considers himself the greatest poter tat€

m earth. His capital is a wretched place. A Russian

gentleman whom we metRangoon, had just come down
from Mandelay, and he described it as the most miserable
mass of habitations that ever assumed to be called a city,
The -e were no roads, no carriages, no horses, only \ few buL
lock carts. Yet the lord of this capital thinks it a great

metropolis, and himself a great sovereign, and no one about

him dares tell him to the contrary. He an absolute des-

pot, and has the power of life and death, which he exercises
on any who excite his displeasure. He has but to speak a
word or raise a hand, and the object of his wi*ath is led to
execution. Suspicion makes him cruel, and death is some-
times inflicted by torture or crucifixion. Formerly bodies
were often seen suspended to crosses along the river. Of
course no one dares to provoke such a master by telling him
the truth. Not long ago he sent a mission to Europe, and
when ambassadors returned, they reported to the King
that " London and Paris were very respectable cities, but not
to be compared to Mandelay " This was repeated to me by

the captain of the steamer whi^h brought them back, who

said one of them told him they did not dare to say anything
else ; that they would lose their heads if they should intimate
to his majesty that there was on the earth a greater sove-
reign than himself.
But in spite of his absolute authority, this old King lives
in constant terror, and keeps himself shut up in his palace,
or within the walls of his garden, not daring to stir abroad
for fear of assassination.
It requires a few hard knocks to get a little sense into
such a thick head ; and if in the course of human events the
English were called to administer these, we should br sweetly
submissive to the ordering of Providence.
But though so ignorant of the world, this old king ia

accounted a learned man among his people, and is quite reli

gious after his fashion. Indeed he is repor'ed to have said

to an English gentleman that "the English were a g ^.

people, but what a pity that they had no religion " In ! iais

own faith he is very " orthodox." He will no ' t.ave an^

" Dissenters " ahoiit him —not he. If any man has do*ibtSj
lethim keep them to himself, lest the waters of the Irra
waddy roll over his unbelieving breast.
But in the course of nature this holy man will be gathered
to his rest, and then his happy family may perhaps not live

in such perfect harmony. He is now sixty-five years old,

and has thirty sons, so that the question of succession is
somewhat difficult, as there is no order of primogeniture
He has the right to choose an heir ; and has been urged to

do so by his English neighbors, to obviate all dispute to the

succession. But he did this once and it raised a storm about
his ears. The twenty-nine sons that were nob chosen, with
their respective mothers, raised such a din about his head
that the poor man was nearly distracted, and was glad to
revoke his decision, to keep peace in the family. He keeps
his sons under strict surveillance lest they should assassinate
him. But if he thus gets peace in his time, he leaves things
in a state of glorious uncertainty after his death. Then
there may be a household divided against itself. Perhaps
they will fall out like the Kilkenny cats. If there should
be a disputed succession, and a long and bloody civil war, it
might be a duty for their strong neighbors, " in the interest
of humanity," to step in and settle the dispute by taking the
country for themselves. Who could regret an issue that
should put an end to the horrible oppressior and tyranny of
the native government, with its cruel punishments, its tor
tures and crucifixions ?
It would give the English the mastery of a magnificeni
country. The valley of the Irra waddy is rich as the valle;
of the Nile, and only needs " law and order " for the wilder
ness to bud and blossom as the rose. Should the English
take Upper Burmah, the great East Indian Empire would b*

extended over the whole South of Asia, and up to .ho bor-

ders of China.
But the excellent Chief Commissioner has no dieam of
annexation, his only ambition being to govern justly the
people entrusted to his care ; to protect them in tlieir i-ights
to put down violence and robbery, for the country has been
in such a fearful state of disorganization, that the interior
has been overrun with bands of robbers. Dacoity, as it is

called, has been the terror of the country, as much as brig-

andage has been of But the
Sicily. English are now putting
it down with a To develop the resources of
strong hand.
the country, the Government seeks to promote internal com-
munication and foreign commerce. At Bangoon the track
is already laid for a railroad up the country to Prome. The
seaports are improved and made safe for ships. With such
Burmah may have a large commerce, for which she

has ample material. Her vast forests of teak would supply

the demand of all Southern Asia while the rice from the

delta of the Irrawaddy may in the future, as in the past, feed

the millions of India who might otherwise die from famine.
With the establishment of this civilized rule there opens a
prospect for the future of Burmah, which shall be better
than the old ag? of splendid tyranny. Says Mason :
" The
golden age when Pegu was the land of gold, and the Irra-
waddy the river of gold, has passed away, and the country
degenerated into the land of paddy (rice), and the stream
into the river of teak. Yet its last days are its best days.
If the gold has vanished, so has oppression ; if the geiua
have have the taskmasters ; if the palace of the
fled, so
Brama of Toungoo, who had twenty-six crowned heads at
Ms command, is in ruins, the slave is free." The poor native
has now some encouragement to cultivate his rice field, for
its fruit will not be taken from him. The great want of the
country is the same as that of the Western States of Amer«
ica—population. British Burmah has but three mf lliojis of

inhabitants, while, if tlie country were as thicklj settled M

Belgium and Holland, or as some parts of Asia, it might
support thirty millions. Such a population cannot come at
once, or in a century, but the country may look for a slow
jut steady growth from the overflow of India and China,
that shall in time rebuild its waste places, and plant towns
and cities along its rivers.
While thus interested in the political state of Burmah we
cannot forget its religion. In coming from India to Farther
India we have found not only a new race, but a new faith
and worship. While Brahminism rules the great Southern
Peninsula of Asia, Buddhism is the religion of Eastern Asia,
numbering more adherents than any other religion on the
globe. Of this new faith one may obtain some idea by a visit
to the Great Pagoda, The Buddhists, like the priests of
some other religions, choose lofty sites for their places of wor-
ship, which, as they overtop the earth, seem to raise them
nearer to heaven. The Great Pagoda stands on a hill, oi

rocky ledge, which overlooks the city of Rangoon and the

valley of the Irrawaddy. It is approached by a long flight of

steps, which is occupied, like the approaches to the ancient

temple in Jerusalem, by them that buy and sell, so that it is
a kind of bazaar, and also by lepers and blind men, who
stretch out their hands to ask for alms of those who mount
the sacred hill to pray. Ascending to the summit, we find a
plateau, onwhich there is an enclosure of perhaps an acre or
two of ground. The Pagoda is a colossal structure, with a
broad base like a pyramid, though round in shape, sloping
upwards to a slender cone, which tapers at last to a sort of
spire over three hundred feet high, and as the whole, from
base to pinnacle, is covered with gold leaf, it presents a very
dazzling appearance, when it reflects the rays of the sun. Asa
pagoda is always a solid mass of masonry, with no inner place
of worship — not even a shrine, or a chamber like that in the
heart of the Great Pyramid — there was more of vor than fei 0/

fitness in the language of an English friend of missions;, \rho

prayed " that the pagodas might resound with the praises of
God !
They might resound, but it must needs be on the out-
side. The tall spire has for its extreme point, what architecti?
call a finial —
a kind of umbrella, which the Burmese call a
htee," made of a series of iron rings gilded, from which hang
many little silver and brass bells, wh\ch, swinging to and fro
with every passing breeze, give forth a dripping musical sound.
The Buddhist idea of prayer is not limited to human speech ;

it may be expressed by an offering of flowers, or the tinkling

of a bell. It is at least a pretty fancy, which leads them

to suspend on every point and pinnacle of their pagodas
these tiny bells, whose soft, aerial chimes sound sweetly in
the air, and floating upward, fill the ear of heaven with a
constant melody. Besides the Great Pagoda, there are other
smaller pagodas, one of which has lately been decorated with
a magnificent " htee," presented by a rich timber merchant
of Maulmain. It is said to have cost fifty thousand dollars
as we can well believe, since it is gemmed with diamonds am
other precious stones. There was a great festival whei.
it was set up in its place, which was kept up for several
days, and is just over. At the same time he presented an
elephant for the service of the temple, who, being thus con-
secrated, is of course a sacred beast. We met him taking
his morning rounds, and very grand he was, with his crimson
and gold trappings and howdah, and as he swung along with
becoming gravity, he was a more dignified object than the
worshippers around him. But the people were very good-
natured, and we walked about in their holy places, and made
our observations with the utmost freedom. In the enclosure
are many pavilions, some of which are places for worship
and others rest-houses for the people. The idols are hide us
objects, as ail idols are, though perhaps better looking thau
those of the Hindoos. They represent Buddha in all post
fcions, before whose image candles are kept burning.

In the grounds is an enormous bell, wliich is constantly

struck by the worshippers, till its deep vibrations make the
very air around holy with prayer. With my American
curiosity to see the inside of everything, I crawled under it
(it was hung but a few inches above the ground), and rose

up within the hollow bronze, which had so long tiembled

with pious devotion. But at that moment it hung in silence,
and I crawled back again, lest by some accident the enormous
weight should fall and put an extinguisher on my further
comparative study of religions. This bell serves another
purpose in the worship of Buddhists. They strike upon it

before saying their prayers, to attract the attention of the

recording angel, so that they may get due credit for their
act of piety. Those philosophical spirits who admire all reli-

gions but the Christian, will observe in this a beautiful econ-

omy in their devotions. They do not wish their prayers to
be wasted. By getting due allowance for them, they not
only keep their credit good, but have a balance in their favor.
same economy which leads them to attach prayers to
It is the
water-wheels and windmills, by which the greatest amount of
praying may be done with the least possible amount of labor
or time. The one object of the Buddhist religion seems to
be to attain merit, according to the amount of which they
will spend more or less time in the realm of spirits before
returning to this cold world, and on which depends also the
form they will assume on their reincarnation. Among those
who sit at the gate of the temple as we approach, are holy
men, who, by a long course of devotion, have accumulated
Buch a stock of merit that they have enough and to spare,
and are willing to part with it for a consideration to others
less fortunate than themselves. It is the old idea of works
of supererogation over again, in which, as in many othe?
things, they show the closest resemblance to Bomanism.
But however puerile it may be in its forms of worship
y^et as a religion Buddhism is an immeasurable advance ob

BrahminisDQ. In leaving India we have left behind Hindoo

ism, and are grateful for the change, for Buddhism is alto-

gether a more respectable religion. It has no bloody rites likt

those of the goddess Kali. It does not outrage decency nor
morality. no obscene images nor obscene worship. It
It has
has no caste, with its bondage and its degradation. Indeed, the
scholar who makes a study of different religions, will rank
Buddhism among the best of those which are uninspired if ;

he does not find in its origin and in the life of its founder
much that looks even like inspiration. There is no doubt that
Buddha, or Gaudama, if such a man ever lived (of which
there is perhaps no more reason to doubt than of any of the
great characters of antiquity), began his career of a religious
teacher, as a reformer of Brahminism, with the honest and
noble purpose of elevating the faith, and purifying the lives
of mankind. Mason, as a Christian missionary, certainly
did not desire to exaggerate the virtues of another religion,
and yet he writes of the origin of Buddhism :

" Three hundred years before Alexandria was founded about the ;

time that Thales, the most ancient philosopher of Europe, was

teaching in Greece that water is the origin of all things, the soul of
the world and Zoroaster, in Media or Persia, was systematizing the

fire-worship of the Magi and Confucius in China was calling on the


teeming multitudes around him to offer to guardian spirits and the

manes of their ancestors and Nebuchadnezzar set up his golden

image in the plains of Dura, and Daniel was laboring in Babylon to

establish the worship of the true Grod a reverend sage, with hia

staff and scrip, who had left a throne for philosophy, was travelhng
from Gay a to Benares, and from Benares to Kanouj, exhorting the
people against theft, falsehood, adultery, killing and intemperance.
No temperance lecturer advocates teetotalism now more strongly
than did this sage Gaudama twenty-three centuries ago. Nor did
he confine his instructions to external vices. Pride, anger, lust,
envy and covetousness were condemned by him in as strong terms
as are ever heard from the Christian pulpit. Love, mercy, patience,
self-denial, alms-giving, truth, and the cultivation of wisdom, he
required of all. Good actions, good words, and good thoughts were


the frequent subjects of his sermons, and he was unceasing in hie

cautions to keep the mind free from the turmoils of passion, and
^.;'^ cares of life. Immediately after the death of this venerable
peripatetic, his disciples scattered themselves abroad to propagate
the doctrines of their master, and tradition says, one party entered
the principal mouth of the Irrawaddy, where they traced its banks
to where the first rocks lift themselves abruptly above the flats

around. Here, on the summit of this laterite ledge, one hundred and
sixty feet above the river, they erected the standard of Buddhism,
which now lifts its spire to the heavens higher than the dome of St.

In its practical effects Buddhism is favorable to virtue

and its adherents, so far as they follow it, are a quiet and
inoffensive people. They are a kind of Quakers, who follow
an inward light, and whose whole philosophy of life is one of
repression of natural desires. Their creed is a mixture of
mysticism and stoicism, which by gentle meditation subdues
Ae mind to '^
a calm and heavenly frame," a placid indiffer-
ence to good or ill, to joy or sorrow, to pleasure and pain.
It teaches that by subduing the desires — pride, envy, and
ambition —one brings himself into a state of tranquillity, in
which there is neither hope nor fear. It is easy to see
where such a creed is defective ; that it does not bring out
the heroic virtues, as shown in active devotion to others'
good. This active philanthropy is born of Christianity.
There is a spiritual selfishness in dreaming life away in this
idle meditation. But so far as others are concerned, it bids
no man wrong his neighbor.
Buddha's table of the law may be compared with that of

Moses. Instead of Ten Commandments, it has only Five,

which correspond very nearly to the latter half of the Deca-
logue. Indeed three of them are precisely the same, viz.

Do not kill ; Do not steal ; and Do not commit adultery j

and the fourth. Do not lie, includes, as a broader statement,

the Mosaic command not to bear false witness against one'fl
neighbor; but the last one of all, instead of being "not to

^ret," is, Do not become intoxicated. These commands are

all prohibitions, and enforce only the negative side of vir-
tue. They forbid injury to property and life and reputation,
and thus every injury to one's neighbor, and the last of all
forbids injury to one's self, while they do not urge active
benevolence to man nor piety towards God.
These Five Commandments are the rule of life for all men.
But to those who aspire to a more purely religious life, there
are other and stricter rules. They are required to renounce
the world, to live apart, and practice rigid austerities, in
order to bring the body into subjection„ Every day is to be
one of abstinence and self-denial. To them are given five
other commands, in addition to those prescribed to mankind
generally. They must take no solid food after noon (a fast
not only Friday, but every day of the week) ; they must
not visit dances, singing or theatrical representations must ;

use no ornaments or perfumery in dress must not sleep in


luxurious beds, and while living by alms, accept neither gold

nor silver. By this rigid self-discipline, they are expected to
be able to subdue their appetites and passions and overcome
the world.
This monastic system is one point of resemblance between
Buddhism and Romanism. Both have orders of monks and
nuns, who take vows of celibacy and poverty, and live in
convents and monasteries. There is also a close resemblance
in their forms of worship. Both have their holy shrines,
and use images and altars, before which flowers are placed,
and lamps are always burning. Both chant and pray in an
unknown tongue.*

* Dr. S. Wells WiUiams, who was familiar with Buddhism during

his forty years residence in China, says ("Middle Kingdom," Vol-
11., p. 257):
The numerous points of similarity between the rites of the Budd'
hists and those of the Romish Church, early attracted attention. .

Buch as the vow of celibacy in both sexes, the object of their seclu


This resemblance of the Buddhist creed and worship U

their own, the Jesuit missionaries have been quick to st>e,

and with their usual artfulness have tried to use it ao ac

new name and looking after the care of

sion^ the loss of hair, taking- a
the convent. There are many grounds for supposing that their fav'
orite goddess Kwanyin, i. e., the Hearer of Cries, called also Holy
Mother, Queen of Heaven, is only another form of Our Lady. The
monastic habit, holy water, counting rosaries to assist in prayer, the
ordinances of celibacy and fasting, and reciting masses for the dead,
worship of relics, and canonization of saints, are alike features of
both sects. Both bum candles and incense, and bells are much used
tiltheir temples both teach a purgatory, from which the soul can

be delivered by prayers, and use a dead language for their liturgy,

and their priests pretend to miracles. These striking resemblances
led the Romish missionaries to suppose that some of them had been
derived from the Romanists or Syrians who entered China before the
twelfth century others referred them to St. Thomas, but Premare

ascribes them to the devil, who had thus imitated holy mother
church in order to scandalize and oppose its rights. But as Davis
observes : To those who admit that most of the Romish ceremonies

are borrowed directly from Paganism, there is less difficulty in ac

counting for the resemblance.
The following scene in a Buddhist temple described by an eye>
witness, answers to what is often seen in Romish churches :

" There stood fourteen priests, seven on each side of the altar,
erect, motionless, with clasped hands and downcast eyes, their shaven
heads and flowing gray robes adding to their solemn appearance. The
low and measured tones of the slowly moving chant they were sing-
ing might have awakened solemn emotions, and called away the
thoughts from worldly objects. Three priests kept time with the
music, one beating an immense drum, another a large iron vessel,
and a third a wooden bell. After chanting, they kneeled upon low
stools, and bowed before the colossal image of Buddha, at the same
time striking their heads upon the ground. Then risicg and facing
each other, they began slowly chanting some sentences, and rapidly
increasing the music and their utterance until both were at the cli-
max of rapidity, they diminished in the same way until they had re-
turned to the original measure. . The whole eervioe forcibly
. .

reminded me of scenes in Romish chanelfi."


argtiiiient smooth the way fo" the conversion of the

Asiatics by representing the change as a slight one. But
the Buddhist, not to be outdone in quickness, answers that
the difference is so slight that it is not worth making the
change. The only difference, they say, is " we worship a
man and you worship a woman !

But Christianity has had other representatives in Burmah

than the Jesuits. At an American missionaries,
early day
as if they could not go far enough away from home, in their
zeal to carry the Gospel where it had not been preached be-
fore, sought a field of labor in Southeastern Asia. More
than sixty years ago they landed on these shores. They
planted no colonies, waged no wars, raised no and made

no annexation. The only flag they carried over them was

that of the Gospel of peace. And yet in the work they
wrought they have left a memorial which will long preserve
and heroic names. While in Rangoon I took
their sainted
up again The Life of Judson " by Dr. Way land, and read it
with new interest on the very spot which had been the scene
of his labors. Nothing in the whole history of missions is
more thrilling than the story of his imprisonment. It was
during the second Burmese war. He was at that time at
Ava, the capital of Burmah, where he had been in favor till

now, when the king, enraged at the English, seized all that
he could lay hands upon, and threw them into prison. He
could not distinguish an American, the same fea-who had
tures and spoke the same language, and so Judson shared
the fate of the rest. One day his house was entered by an
officer and eight or ten men, one of whom he recognized

by his hideous tattooed face as the executioner, who seized

him in the midst of his family, threw him on the floor, drew
out the instrument of torture, the small cord, with which he
hound him, and hurried him to the death prison, where he
was chained, as were the other foreigners, each with three
|..airs of fetters to a pole. He expected nothing but death^

out the imprisonment dragged on for months, varied "witk

every device of horror and of cruelty. Often he was chained

to the vilest malefactors. Sometimes he was cast into an
inner prison, which was like the Black Hole of Calcutta,
where his limbs were confined with five pairs of fetters. Sc
loathsome was his prison, that he counted it the greatest
favor and indulgence, when, after a fever, he was allowed to
sleep in the cage of a dead lion ! This lasted nearly two
years. Several times his keepers had orders (as they con-
fessed afterward) to assassinate him, but, restrained perhaps
by pity for his wife, they withheld their hand, thinking that
disease would soon do the work for them.
During all that long and dreadful time his wife watched
over him with never-failing devotion. She could not sleep
in the prison, but every day she dragged herself two miles
through the crowded city, carrying food for her husband and
the other English prisoners. During that period a child was
born, whose first sight of its father was within prison walls.
Some time after even his heathen jailors took pity on him,
and allowed him to take a little air in the street outside of
the prison gate. And history does not present a more touch-
ing scene than that of this man, when his wife was ill, carry-
ing his babe through the streets from door to door, asking
Burman mothers, in the sacred name of maternity, of that
instinct of motherhood which is universal throughout the
world, to give nourishment to this poor, emaciated, and dying
But at length a day of deliverance came. The English
army had taken Rangoon and was advancing up the Irra
waddy. Then all was terror at Ava, and the tyrant that had
thrown Judson into a dungeon, sent to bring him out and
to beg him to go to tlie English camp to be his interpreter,
and to sue for terms of peace. He went and was received
with the lionor due to his character and his sufferings. But
the heroine of the camp was that noble American woman,

whose devotion had saved, not only the life of her hiisbandj
hut the lives of all the English prisoners. The commander-
in-chief received her as if she had been an empress, and at a
great dinner given to the Burmese ambassadors placed her at
his right hand, in the presence of the very men to whom she
had often been to beg for mercy, and had been often driven
brutally from their doors. The tables were turned, and they
were the ones to ask for mercy now. They sat uneasy, giv-
ing restless glances at the missionary's wife, as if fearing lest
a sudden burst of womanly indignation should impel her to
demand the punishment of those who had treated her with
such cruelty. But they were quite safe. She would not
touch a hair of their heads. Too happy in the release of the
one she loved, her heart was overflowing with gratitude, and
she felt no desire but to live among this people, and to do
good to those from whom she had suffered so much. They
removed to Amherst, at the mouth of the Salwen Biver,
and had built a pretty home, and were beginning to realize
their dream of missionary life, when she was taken ill, and,
broken by her former hardships, soon sank in death.
Probably " The Life of Judson " has interested American
Christians in Burmah more than all the histories and geo-
graphical descriptions put together. General histories have
never the interest of a personal narrative, and the picture of
Judson in a dungeon, wearing manacles on his limbs, ex-
posed to death in its most terrible forms, to be tortured or
to be crucified, and finally saved by the devotion of hih wife,

has touched the hearts of the American people more than *iJ.i

the learned histories of Eastern Asia that ever were written.

And when humble grave on Amherst Point,
I stood at a
looking out upon the sea, and read upon the stone the na.ne
of Ann Hasseltine Judson, and thought of that gentle
American wife, coming out from the peace and protection of
her New England home to face such dangers, I felt that I
had never bent over the dust of one more worthy '"f all th#

honors of womanhoo.1 and sainthood ; tender and shrinking,

but whom made strong and brave who walked among
love ;

coarse and brutal men, armed only with her own native mod-
esty and dignity who by the sick-bed or in a prison cast

light in a dark place by her sweet presence and who united ;

all that is noble in woman's love and courage and de\otion.

Judson survived this first wife about a quarter of a century

— a period full of labor, and in its later years, full of precious
fruit. That was the golden autumn of his life. He that had
gone forth weeping, bearing precious seed, came again re-

joicing, bringing his sheaves with him. I wish the Church

in America could see what has been achieved by that well-
spent life. Most of his fellow-laborers have gone to their
rest, though Mr. and Mrs. Bennett at Rangoon, and Dr. and

Mrs. Haswell at Maulmain, still live to tell of the trials and

struggles of those early days.* And now appears the fruit of
all those toilsome years. The mission that was weak has
grown strong. In Rangoon there are a number of missiona-
ries, who have not only established churches and Christian
schools, but founded a College and a Theological Seminary.
They have a Printing Press, under the charge of the veteran
Mr. Bennett, who has been here forty-six years. In the in-
terior are churches in great numbers. The early missionaries
found a poor people —a sort of lower caste among the Bur-
mese — the Karens. It may almost be said that they caught
them in the woods and tamed them. They first reduced their
language to writing they gave them books and schools, and

to-day there are twenty thousand of this people who are

members of their churches. In the interior there are man^
Christian villages, ^^ith native churches and native pastors,
supported by the people themselves, whose deep povertj
alounds to their liberality in a way that recalls Apostolic

• Dr. Haswell died a few months after we left Burmah.



The which has been the scene of such toils and sacri

fices properly belongs t^ the denomination which has giver

such examples of Christian devotion. The Baptists were the

first to enter the country, led by an apostle. The Mission
in Burmah is the glory of the Baptist Church, as that of the
Sandwich Islands is of the American Board. They have a
sort of right to the land by reason of first occupancy —
right made sacred by these early and heroic memories; and I
trust will be respectedby other Christian bodies in the exer-
cise of that comity which ought to exist between Churches

as between States, in the possession of a field which they

have cultivated with so much zeal, wisdom, and success.

It is not one leaves Rangoon that he sees the beauty


of Burmah. The banks of the Irrawaddy, like those of the

Hoogly, are low and jungly but as we glide from the river

into the sea, and turn southward, the shores begin to rise,

till after a few hours' sail we might be on the coast of Wales

or of Scotland. The next morning found us at anchor off the
mouth of the Salwen River. The steamers of the British
India Company stop at all the principal ports, and we were
now to pass up the river to Maulmain. But the Malda was
too large to cross the bar except at very high tide, for which
we should have to wait over a day. The prospect of resting
here under a tropical sun, and in full sight of the shore, was
not inviting, andwe looked about for some way of escape.
Fortunately we had on board Miss Haswell, of the well-
known missionary family, who had gone up from Maulmain
to Rangoon to see some friends off" for America, and was now
returning. With such an interpreter and guide, we det<^r-
mined to go on shore, and hailing a pilot-boat, went down
the ship's ladder, and jumped on board. The captain thought
us very rash, as the sea was rough, and the boat rose and
plunged in the waves ; but the Malays are like sea-gulls ?n

the water, and raising their sail, made of bamboo poles,


and rush matting, we flew l^efore the wind, and were scox
lauded at Amherst Point. This was holy ground, for here
Judson had lived, and here and was buried.
his wife died
Her grave is on the sea-shore, but a few rods from the water,
and we went straight to it. It is a low mound, with a plain
headstone, around which an American sea captain had placed
a wooden paling to guard the sacred spot. There she sleeps,
with only the murmur of the waves, as they come rippling up
the beach, to sing her requiem. But her name will not die,
and in all the world, where love and heroism are remembered,
what this woman hath done shall be told for a memorial of
her. Her husband is not here, for (as the readers of his life
will remember) his last years were spent at Maulmain, from
vhich he was taken, when very ill, on board a vessel, bound
for the Mauritius, in hope that a voyage might save him when

all other means had failed, and died at sea when but four

days out, and was committed to the deep in the Bay of Ben-
gal. One cannot but regret that he did not die on land, thai
he might have been buried beside his wife in the soil of
Burmah; but it is something that he is not far away, and
the waters that roll over him kiss its beloved shores.
Miss Haswell led the way up the beach to the little house
which Judson had built. It was unoccupied, but there was
an old bedstead on which the apostle had slept, and I

stretched myself upon it, feeling that I caught as much in-

spiration lying there as when I lay down in the sarcophagus

of Cheops in the heart of the Great Pyramid. found a We
rude table too, which we drew out upon the veranda, and a
family of native Christians brought us rice and milk and
eggs, with which we made a breakfast in native style. Tho
family of Miss Haswell once occupied this mission house,
and was quite enlivening to hear, as we sat there quietly

taking our rice and milk, how the tigers used to come around
and make theriselves at lioino, snufFmg about the doors, and
carrjing off dogs from the veranda, and kiUing a buffalo ir

the front yard. They are not quite so familiar now along
the <;oast, but in the interior one can hardly go thro igh a
forest without coming on their tracks. Only last year Misa
Has well, on her way to attend the meeting of an association,
camped in She found the men were getting
the woods.
sleepy, and neglected the and so she kept awake, and sat

up to throw on the wood. It was well, for in the night sud-

denly all the cattle sprang up with every sign of terror, and
there came on the air that strong smell which none who have
perceived it can mistake, which shows that a tiger is near.
Doubtless he was peering at them through the covert, and
nothing but the blazing fire kept him away.
After our repast, we took a ride in native style. A pair
of oxen was brought to the door, with a cart turned up at
both ends, in such a manner that those riding in it were
dumped into a heaj) and thus well shaken together, we rode

down to the shore, where we had engaged a boat to take us

up the j.t was a long slender skiff, which, with its

GOV firing ofbamboo bent over it, was in shape not unlike a
gondola of Yenice. The arch of its roof was of course not
very lofty we could not stand up, but we could sit or lie

dowiA, and here we stretched ourselves in glorious ease, and

as a ftleasant breeze came in from the sea^ our little bark
moved swiftly before it. The captain of our boat was a
venerable- looking native, like some of the Arabs we saw on
the Nile, with two boatmen for his ** crew," stout fellows,
whose brawny limbs were not confined by excess of clothing.
In fact, they had on only a single garment, a kind of French
blouse, which, by way of variety, they took off and washed
in the river as we However, thev had another
sailed along.
clout for a change, which they drew over them with great
dexterity before they took off the first, so as not to offend ua.
Altogether the scene was not mlike what some of my read-
ers may have witnessed on one cf our Southern rivers j and

if we could only have had the rich i oices of the negro boat
men, singing
" Down on the Sawannee River,"

fche illusion would have been complete. Thus in a dreamy

mood, and with a gentle motion, we glided up the beautiful
Salwen, between low banks covered with forests, a distance of
thirty miles, till at five o'clock we reached the lower end of

Maulmain, and went ashore, and rode two or three miles up

the river to Dr. Haswell's, where Miss H. claimed C for
her guest, while T was entertained at her brother's in the old
missionary compound, where Dr. Judson lived for so many
years, and which he left only to die. These American
friends, with their kind hospitalities, made us feel quite at
home in Burmah
and as if to bring still nearer Christian

England and America, we were taken the same evening to a

prayer-meeting at the house of an English officer who is in
command here, where they sang Sankey's hymns !

Maulmain is a place of great natural beauty. Though on

the river, it rises from the water's edge in steep and wooded
banks, and has a background of hills. One can hardly find
a loveKer view in all the East than that from the hill behind
it, on which stands an old Buddhist monastery and pagoda.
Here the eye ranges over a distance of many miles. Sev-
which flow together give the country the appear-
eral rivers
ance of being covered with water, out of which rise many
elevated points, like islands in a sea. In clear weather, after
the rains, one may see on the horizon the distant peaks of
the mountains in Siam. This was a favorite resort of Dr.
Judson, who, being a man of great physical as well as intel-
was fond of walking, and loved to climb the
lectual vigor,
hills.Miss Haswell, who as a child remembered him, told
us how she once saw him here *' playing tag " with his wife,
chasing her as she ran down the hill. This picture of tht
old man delighted me — to think that not all his labors and

Buirerings could si.bdue that unconquerable spiritj but that

he retained even to old age the freshness of a boy, and waa
as hearty in play as in preaching. This is the sort of muscu
lar Christians that are needed to face the hardships of a mis-
sionary life — men who will not faint in the heat of the
tropics, nor falter at the prospect of imprisonment or death.
While we stood here the Buddhist monks were climbing
slowly up the hill, and T could but think of the difference

betweei] our intrepid missionary and these languid, not to

Bay lazy, devotees. We had a good chance to observe them,
and to remark their resemblance to similar orders in the
Church of Home. The Buddhist monk, like his Komish
brother, shaves his head, eats no animal food (the command
of Buddha not to kill, is interpreted not to take life of any
kind), and lives only by the alms of the faithful. Seeing
them here, with their shaven heads and long robes, going
about the streets, stopping before the doors to receive their
daily tributes of rice, one is constantly reminded of the men-
dicant friars of Italy. They live in monasteries, which are
generally situated, like this, on the tops of hills, retired
from the world, where they keep together for mutual instruc-
tion, and to join in devotion. They do no work except to
cultivate the grounds of the temple, but give up their lives
to meditation and to prayer.
It would be wrong to speak of such men but with proper
respect. They are quiet and inoffensive some of them are

learned ; still more are serious and devout. Says Dr. Wil-
liams " Their largest monasteries contain extensive libraries,
and a portion of the fraternity are well acquainted with let-
ters, though numbers of them are ignorant even of theii

own books." "Their moral character, as a class, is on a

par with their countrymen, and many of them are rcFpecta-
ble, intelligent, and sober-minded persons, who seem to be
sincerely desirous of making themselves better, if possible^
by their religious observances."
" —


But this life of a recluse, while favorable to study anG

meditatiorij does not inspire active exertion. Indeed the
whole Buddhist philosophy of life seems to be comprised in
this, that man should dream away existence here on earth,
and then lapse into a dreamy eternity.

" To be or not to be, that's the question ;

and for them it seems better *' not to be." Their heaven
their Nirvana — is annihilation, yet not absolute non-existence,
but only absorption of their personality, so that their separate
being is swallowed up and lost in God. They will still be con-
scious, but have no hope and no fear, no dread and no desire,
but only survey existence with the ineffable calm of the In-
finite One. This passive, emotionless state is expressed in
all the statues and images of Buddha.
If that be heaven, it is not earth ; and they who pass life

in a dream are not the men to revolutionize the world. This

whole monastery, full of monks, praying and chanting for gen-
orations, cannot so stir the mind of Asia, or make its power
felt even in Burmah, as one heroic man like Judson.

Miss Haswell belongs to a family of missionaries. Her

father and mother were companions of Judson, f^nd the
children are in one way and another devoted to the same
work. She has a school for girls, which is said to be
the best in Burmah. The Chief Commissioner at Rangoon
spoke of it in the highest terms, and makes special mention
of it in his Report. She told us with great modesty, and
almost with a feeling of shame, of the struggle and mor-
tification with which she had literally " begged " the money

for it in America. But never did good seed scattei»d on the

waters bear richer fruit. If a deputation from all the Bap-
tist churches which contributed to that school could but pa^f

it a visit, and see what it is doing, it would never want foi

funds hereafter.
Burmah is a country which needs all good influences <

moral and religious. It needs also a strong govornmeni;, jnst

laws rigidly enforced, to keep peace and order in the land
For though the people are so gay and merry, there is a fear-
ful degree of crime. In Maulmain tiiere is a prison, which
holds over a thousand prisoners, many of whom have been
guilty of the worst crimes. A few days since there was an
outbreak, and an attempt to escape. A number got out of
the gate, and were running till they were bro ught up by shots
from the military. Seven were killed and seven wounded.
I went through this prison one morning with the physician
as he made his rounds. As we entered a man was brought
up who had been guilty of some insubordination. He had
once attempted to kill the jailer. The Doctor inquired
briefly into the offence, and said, without further words :

Give him fifteen cuts." Instantly the man was seized and
tied, arms extended, and legs fastened, so that he could not

move, and his back uncovered, and an attendant standing off,

so that he could give his arm full swing, gave him fifteen
cuts that made the flesh start up like whip-cord, and the
blood run. The man writhed with agony, but did not
scream. I suppose such severity is necessary, but it was a
very painful sight. In the hospital we found some of the
prisoners who had been concerned in the mutiny. The ring-
leader had been shot in the leg, which had been amputated
They had found that the ways of transgressors were hard.
Continuing our walk, we went through the different work-
shops, and saw the kinds of labor to which the men were
put, such as making chairs of bamboo, weaving cloth, beating
cocoauut husks to make stuff for mattresses, carving, making
furniture, blacksmithing, &c. The worst offenders were pui
to grinding corn, as tliat was a species of labor in which they

had no tools which, could be used as deadly weapons. The

— —
men in this ward perhaps a hundred in number were des-
perate characters. They were almost all highway robbers^
Dacoits, bands of whom have long been the terror of thf

country. They all had irons on their ankles, and stood up

to their tasks, working with their hands. I was not sorry
to see " their feet made fast in the stocks," for in looking
into their savage faces, one could but feel that he would
rather see them in chains and behind iron bars, than meet
them alone in a forest.
But I turn to a more agreeable spectacle. It is sometimes
more pleasant to look at animals than at men, certainly when
men make beasts of themselves, and when, on the other
hand, animals show an intelligence almost human. One of
the great industries of Burmah is the timber trade. The
teak wood, which is the chief timber cut and shipped, is very
heavy, and requires prodigious force to handleand as the it ;

Burmese are not far enough advanced to use machinery for

the purpose, they employ elephants, and bravely do the noble
beasts perform their task. In the timber yards both
Ban- at
goon and at Maulmain, all the heavy work of drawing and
piling the logs is done by them. I have never seen any ani-
mals showing such intelligence, and trained to such docility
and obedience. In the yard that we visited there were seven
elephants, five of which were at that moment at work. Their
wonderful strength came into play in moving huge pieces of
timber. I did not measure the logs, but should think that
many were at least twenty feet long and a foot square. Yet
a male elephant would stoop down, and run his tusks under
a log, and throw his trunk over it, and walk off with it as
lightly as a gentleman would balance his bamboo cane on the
tip of his finger. Placing it on the pile, he would measure
it with his eye, and if it projected too far at either end,

would walk up to it, and with a gentle push or pull, make

the pile even. If a still heavier log needed to be moved on
the ground to some part of the yard, the mahout, sitting on
the elephant's head, would tell him what to do, and the greal
Dreature seemed to have a perfect understanding of his
master's will. He would put out hin enormous foot, ane

push it along ; or he would bend his head, and crouching

half way to the ground, and doubling up his trunk in front
thiow his whole weight against it, and thus, like a ram,
would "butt" the log into its place; or if it needed to be
taken a greater distance, he would put a chain around it,

and drag it off behind him. The female elephant especially

was employed in drawing, as having no tusks, she could not
lift like her big brothers, but could only move by her power
of traction or attraction. Then using her trunk as deftly as
a lady would use her fingers, she would untie the knot or
unhitch the chain, and return to her master, perhaps putting
out her trunk to receive a banana as a reward for her good
conduct. It was a very pretty sight, and gave us a new idea
of the value of these noble creatures, and of the way in which
they can be trained for the service of man, since they can be
not only made subject to his will, but taught to understand
it, thus showing equal intelligence and docility.
After a day or two thus pleasantly passed, we went on
board the Malda (which had finally got over the bar and

come up Maulmain), and dropped down the river, and

were soon sailing along the coast, which grows more beauti-
ful as we steam southward. Wenumber of
pass a great
islands, which form the Mergui Archipelago, and just now
might be off the shores of Greece. Within these sheltered
waters is Tavoy, from which it is proposed to build a road
over the mountains to Bangkok in Siam. There has long
been a path through the dense forest, but one that could o aly
be traversed by elephants. Now it is proposed to have'
good road, the expense to be borne by the two kingdoms. I?
not this a sign of progress, of an era of peace and good will 7

Formerly Burmah and Siam were always at war. Being

neighbors and rivals, they were " natural enemies," as much
aswere France and England. But now the strong English
hand imposes peace, an i the two countries seek a closer oon*
aection. The road thus inaugurated will bind them ta

gether, arid prove not only an avenue of commerce bat a

highway of civilization,
At PenaDg we enter the Straits of Malacca, on ona side of
ivhich is the Malayan Peninsula, and on the other the island
of Sumatra, which is larger than all Great Britain, and
where just now, at this upper end, the Dutch have a war oa
their hands. Penang is opposite Acheen, and the Malays,
who are engaged in such a desperate resistance to the Dutch,
often cross the Straits, and may be seen at any time in the
streets of the English settlement. Perhaps it is but natural
that the English should have a sympathy with these natives,
who are defending their country against invaders, though J

do not perceive that makes them more ready to yield

the ground on their own side of the Straits, where just now,
at Perak, they have a little war of their own. To this war
in Acheen I may refer again, when I come to write of the
Dutch power in Java.
Bayard Taylor celebrates Penang as " the most beautiful
island in the world," which is a great deal for one to say vho
has travelled so far and seen so much. I could not be quite
so enthusiastic, and yet I do not wonder at any degree of
rapture in one who climbs the Peak of Penang, which com-
mands a view not only of the town and harbor below, but of
other islands and waters, as well as of mountains and valleys
in the interior, which are a part of Siam. Turning seaward,
and looking down, this little island of Penang appears as the
gem of the scene — a mass of the richest tropical vegetation,
Bet in the midst of tropical seas.
We were now in the tropics indeed. We had been for
weeks, but we had a more *' realizing sense " of it as we got
into the lower latitudes. The heat grew intense as we ap
preached the Equator. One after another we laid aside thf
garments of the colder North, and put on the lightest and
thinnest costume, till we did not know but our
only relief
«vould be that suggested by Sydney Smith, " to take off oiu

flesh and sit in our bones." With double awnings spread

over the deck, and the motion of the ship stiiring the air,

still ^e vertical sun was quite overpowering. We were

obliged to keep on deck day and night, although there was
ample room below. As there were but eight passengers in
the cabin, each had a state-room; but with all this space, an<l
portholes wide open, still it was impossible to keep cool. An
iron ship becomes so heated that the state-rooms are like
ovens. So we had to take refuge on deck. Every evening
the servants appeared, bringing our mattresses, which were
spread on the skylight above the cabin. This was very well
for the gentlemen of our company, but offered no relief of

coolness for our only lady passenger. But a couple of gal-

lant young Englishmen, who with us were making the tour
of the world, were determined that she should not be im-
prisoned below, and they set up on deck a screen, in which
she was enclosed as in a tent and not Cleopatra, when

floating in her gilded barge, reclined more royally than she,

thus lifted up into the cool night air. Then we all had our
reward. The glory of the night made up for the lervors of
the day. From our pillows we looked out upon the sea, and
as the hot day brought thunderstorms, the lightning playing
on the distant horizon lighted up the watery leagues around,
till it seemed as if we were

" Alone, alone, all, all alone,

Alone on the wide, wide sea,"

floating on in darkness over an unfathomable abyss. At

other times the sea was luminous with the light which she
carries in her own bosom. These Southern seas are full of
those marine insects which shine like glow-worms in the
dark ; and when the waters were calm and still, when there
was not a ripple on the bosom of the deep, we leaned ovei
the stern of the ship to watch the long track of light which
bhe left in the phos}>horesceiit sea. But brighter than tliis

524 SOUTtfERN point: of ASIA — SDTGAPOBE.

watery illumination was the sky above, whicli was all aglo"»
with celestial fires. We
had long become familiar with the
Southern Cross, which we first saw in Egypt on the Nile,
near the First Cataract. But then it was just above the
horizon. ]S ow it shone in mid-heaven, while around it were

gathered the constellations of the Southern hemisphere. J

have seen the stars on the desert and on the sea, but nevei
anything before that quite equalled these nights on the
But our voyage was coming to an end. We had already
been twice as long on the Bay of Bengal as in crossing the
Atlantic. was the last day of March when the captain
of the ship came to me, as I was standing on deck, and said :

" Do you see that low point of land, with the trees upon it,
coming down to the water? That is the most Southern
point of Asia." That great continent, which we saw first at

Constantinople, and had followed so far around the globe,

ended here. An hour afterward, as we rounded into Singa-
pore, a hand pointed Eastward, and a voice at my side said
Uncle, there's the Pacific " She who spoke might per-

haps have said rather, There are the China Seas," but they
are a part of the great Ocean which rolls its waters from Asia
to America.
Singapore is on an island, at the very end of the penin-
sula, so that it may be "the jumping-off place."
called truly
On this point of land, but a degree and a half from the
Equator, England has planted one of those colonies by which
she keeps guard along the coasts, and over the waters, of
Bouthern Asia. The town, which has a population of nearly
a hundred thousand, is almost wholly Chinese, but it is tkj
English power which is seen in the harbor filled with ships,
and the fort mounted with guns and English taste which,

has laid out the streets and squares, and erected the public
buildings. This might be called the Island of Palms, which

grow here in gre{ t profusion the tall cocoanut palm witk

its slender stem, the fan palm with its bi Dad leaves, and many
other varieties which mantle the hillsides, forming a rich
background for the European bungaloes that peer out from
jnder a mass of tropical foliage.

Whoever goes around the world must needs pass by Sin-

gapore. It is the one inevitable point in Asia, as San Fran-
cisco is in America. One is sure to meet here travellers,
mostly English and American, passing to and fro, from India
to China, or from China to India, making the Grand Tour.
So common are they that they cease to inspire as much awe
as Marco Polo or Capt. Cook, and have even received the
nickname of " globe-trotters," and are looked upon as quite
ordinary individuals. Singapore is a good resting -poimt for
— —
Americans a convenient half-way house as it is aWost
exactly on the other side of the globe from New Y')rk,
Having *' trotted " thus far, we may be allowed to res ', at
least over Sunday, before we take a new start, arxii a^^ ( ; vaj
into the Southen hsmisphere.

Most travellers who touch sweep lound that

at Singapore
point like a race-horse, eager to be on the " home stretch.''
But in turning north, they turn away from a beauty of which
they do not dream. They know not what islands, embow-
ered in foliage, lie in those Southern seas — what visions
would reward them if they would but those realms ex-

plore." The Malayan Peninsula is a connecting link between

two great divisions of the globe it is a bridge hundreds of

miles long — Causeway, reaching out from the

a real Giants'
mainland of Asia towards the Island World beyond a world —
with an interest all its own, which, now that we were so near,
attracted us to its shores. Leaving our fellow-travellers to
go on to Siam or to China, we took the steamer of the Neth-
erlands India Company for Java. It was a little boat of but
250 tons, but it shot away like an arrow, and was soon flying
like a sea-bird among islands covered with palm groves. On
our right was the long coast of Sumatra. Towards evening
we entered the Straits of Rhio, and in the night crossed the
Equator. When as a child I turned over the globe, I found
this line indicated by a brass ring, and rather expected that
the ship would get a thump as she passed over it ; but sho
crossed without a shock, or even a jar ; ocean melted into
ocean ; the waters of the China and the Java seas flowed to-
gether,and we were in the Southern hemisphere.
The first thing on board which struck us strangely was that
we had lost our language. The steamer vas Dutch, and the

officers spoke onlj Dutch But on all these waters will be

found passing to and fro gentlemen of intelligence, holding
official positions here, but who have lived long in Europe, and
who speak English or French. At Khio we were joined by
the Resident, the highest official of that island, and by the
Inspector of Schools from Batavia and the next day, as ;

we entered the Straits of Banca, by the Resident of Pa-

lembang in Sumatra all of whom were very polite to us as
strangers. We saw them again in Java, and when we parted,
felt almost that they were not only acquaintances, but friends.
They were of course thoroughly informed about the new
world around us, and were ready to enlighten our ignorance.
We sat on deck at evening, and as they puffed their cigars
with the tranquillity of true Dutchmen, we listened to their
discourse about the islands and people of the Malayan Archi-
This part of the world would delight Mr. Darwin by the
strange racesit contains, some of which approach the animal

tribes. In the island of Rhio the Resident assured me there

were wild men who lived in trees, and had no language but
cries and in Sumatra the Resident of Palembang said there

were men who lived in the forests, with whom not only the Eu-
ropeans, but even the Malays, could have no intercourse. He
himself had never seen one. Yet, strange to say, they have
a petty traffic with the outer world, yet not through the me-
dium of They live in the woods, and live by the
chase. hunt tigers, not with the gun, but with a weapon

called a sumpitan, which is a long tube, out of which they

blow arrows with such force, and that are so keen of point,
and touched with such deadly poison, that a wound is al-
most immediately fatal. These tiger skins or elephant tusks
they bring for barter —not for sale —they never sell any-
thing, for money is about the most useless thing they could
have ; they cannot eat it, or drink it, or w^ear it. But as
they have wants, they exchange ;
yet they themselves are

never seen. They bring what they have to the edge of the
and leave
forest, it there, and the Malays come and placa

what they have to dispose of, and retire. If the offer la

satisfactory, when the Malays return they find what thev
brought gone, and take what is left and depart. If not, they
add a few trifles more to tempt the eyes of these wild men of
the woods, and so at last the exchange is effected, yet all the
while the sellers keep themselves invisible. This mode of
barter argues great honesty on both sides.
This island of Sumatra is a world in itself. The Resident
of Palembang has under him a country as large as the whole
of Java. The people of Palembang are Malays and Chinese,
thousands of whom live on rafts. In the interior of the
island there are different races, speaking a dozen different
languages or dialects. But with all its population, the
greater part of the country is still given up to forest and
home of wild beasts- -of the tiger and the rhino-
jungle, the
ceros.Wild elephants range the forests in great numbers.
He had often seen them in herds of two or three hundred.
It seemed strange that they were not tamed, as in India and
Burmah. But such is not the habit of the people, who hunt
them for ivory, but never attempt to subdue them, or use
them as beasts of burden. Hence they become a great
nuisance, as they come about the villages and break into the
plantations and it is only when a grand hunt is organized

for their destruction, that a neighborhood can be for a time

rid of the pest.
But if these are uncomfortable neighbors, there are others
that are —
more so the reptiles, which abound here as in In-
dia. But familiarity breeds contempt or indifference. The
people are not afraid of them, and hardly notice them, but
Bpeak of them in an easy sort of way, as if they were the

most harmless things in nature poor innocent creatures,
which might almost be pets in the family, and allowed to run
about the house at their will. Soberly, there are certain do

mestic snakes which are indulged with these liberties. Said

Mr. K. : "I
was once visiting in Sumatra, and spending a
night at the house of a friend. I heard a noise overhead,
and asked, * What is that ? ' * Oh, nothing,' they said it's ; *

only the serpent.' 'What! do you keep a family snake?'

' Yes,' they said ;was a large black snake which frequented

Mie house, and as it did no mischief, and hunted the rats,

they let it roam about wherever it liked." Thinking this
rather a big story, with which our friend might practise on
fhe credulity of a stranger, I turned to the Resident of
Palembang, who confirmed it. He said this domestication
of serpents was not uncommon. There was a kind of boa
that was very useful as an exterminator of rats, and for this
purpose the good Dutch housekeepers allowed it to crawl
about or to lie coiled up in the pantry. Sometimes this in-
teresting member of the family was stretched out on the

veranda to bask in the sun a pleasant object to any stranger
who might be invited to accept hospitality. I think I should
have an engagement elsewhere, however pressing the invita-
tion. I never could " abide " snakes. From the Old Serpent
down, they have been my aversion, and I beg to decline their
company, though they should be as insinuating as the one
that tempted Eve. But an English merchant in Java after-
wards assured me that " snakes were the best gardeners ; that
they devoured the worms andand small animals;
and that for his part, he was rather pleased than otherwise
when he saw a big boa crawling among the vines or in the
rice-fields." I thought that the first instance of a serpent's
gardening was in Paradise, the effect of which was not en-
couraging, but there no disputing about tastes. He said

fchey frequently came around the houses, but did not often

ente? them, except that they were very fonu of music (the dear
creatures !) and sometimes in the evening, as doors and win

dows were left open for coolness, if the music was very fine, s
head might be thrust in of a guest that had not been invited

But our convei-sation was not limited to this harrowing

topic, but ranged over many features of Sumatra — its scenes-

and climate, soil and vegetation. It is indeed a magnific^|li

island. Over a thousand miles long, and with more square
miles than Great Britain and Ireland together, it is large
8nough for a kingdom. In some parts the scenery is as grand
as that of Switzerland. Along the western coast is a range
of mountains like the Alps (some peaks are 15,000 feet
high), among which is set many an Alpine valley, with its
glistening lake. That coast is indented with bays, on one
of which is the Dutch capital, Padang. East of the moun-
tains the island spreads out into vast plains, watered by no-
ble rivers. The soil is very rich, yielding all the fruits of
the tropics in great abundance. The tobacco especially is of
amuch finer quality than that of Java, and brings twice as
much in the market. This fertility will attract population
both from Asia and from Europe, and under a good govern-
ment this island may yet be the seat of an empire worthy of
its greatness.
But just now the Dutch have a task to bring it into sub
jection. They have an enemy in the North harder to sub
due than tigers and wild elephants. These are the terrible
Malays, against whom has been kept up for years the war in

Acheen a war waged with such deadly and unrelenting
hate and fury, that it has taken on a character of ferocity.
Of the right or wrong of this savage contest, I cannot judge,
for I hear only one side of the story. I am told that the
Malays are a race of pirates, with whom it is impossible to
live in good neighborhood, and that there can be no peace
till they are subdued. At the same time, one cannot refuse
a degree of sympathy even to savages who defend their own
country, and who fight with such conspicuous bravery. To
this all the Dutch officers bore testimony, saying that they
fought " like devils." The Malaya are very much like our
American Indians, both in features and in character —

proud, hign-spitited race, capable of any act of courage o?

devotion, but full of that hot blood that resents an ingul^^
If you have a Malay servant," I heard often in the East,
" you may scold him or send him away, but never strike Mm.
for that is an indignity which he feels more than a wound ;

which he never forgets or forgives but which, if he has an


opportunity, he will avenge with blood." Such a people,

when they come into battle, sacrifice their lives without a
moment's hesitation. They have a great advantage, as they
ar*^ in their own territory, and can choose their own time
and place of attack, or keep out of the way, leaving the
enemy to be worn out by the hot climate and by disease. Of
course if the Dutch could once bring them within range of
their guns, or entice them into a pitched battle, European
skill and discipline would be victorious. But the Malays are
too wary and active they hide in the fastnesses of the hills,

and start up here and there in unexpected quarters, and after

a sudden dash, fly to the mountains. They have a powerful
which brings on those deadly
ally in the pestilential climate,

fevers that more than perish in battle. Such a war


may drag on for years, during which the Dutch territory will
not extend much beyond the place? occupied by troops, or
the ports defended by the guns of the fleet. If the Dutch
hold on with their proverbial tenacity, they may conquer in
the end, though at an immense cost in treasure and in life,
If the Malays are once subdued, and by a wise and lenient
policy converted to some degree of loyalty, they may prove,
like the Sikhs in India, the brave defenders of the power
against which they fought so well.
With such conversation to lighten the hours, fchey did not
seem long, as we were running through the Java Sea. On
the third day from Singapore, we came among the Thousand
Islands, and in the afternoon descried on the horizon the
mountains of Java, and List at sunset were in the roads of

Batavia. There is no harbor, but an open roadstead ; and


here a "whole were riding at anchOT-^ships di

fleet of ships

war and merchant ships from all parts of the world. It was
two or three miles from the quay, but as the evening drew
on, we could see lights along the shore ; and at eight o'clock,
just as the gun was fired from the flagship of the Dutch Ad-
miral, we put ofi" in a native boat, manned by a Malay crew,
It was a beautiful moonlight night, and we seemed to bf
floating in a dream, as our swarthy boatmen bent to their
oars, and we glided silently over a tropical sea to this un-
known shore.
At the Custom House a dark-skinned official, whose but-
tons gave him a military air, received us with dignity, and
demanded if we had *' pistolets," and being satisfied that we
were not attempting an armed invasion of the island, gave
but a glance at our trunks, and politely bowed us to a car-

riage that was standing outside the gates, and away we

rattled through the streets of Batavia to the Hotel Neder-
The next morning at an early hour we were riding about
to "take our bearings'' and adjust ourselves to the situa-
tion. If we had not known where we were, but only that wf
were in some distant part of the world, we could soon guess
that we were in a Dutch rather than in an English colony.
Here were the inevitable canals which the Dutch carry with
them to all pai^ts of the earth. The city is intersected by
these watery streets, and the boats in them might be lying at
the quays of Rotterdam or Amsterdam. The city reminds us
a good deal of the Hague, in its broad streets lined with
trees, and its houses, which have a substantial Dutch look, as

if they were built for comfort and not for show. They are
low and large, spreading out over a great deal of surface, but
QOt towering ambitiously upwards. A pretty sight it was to
Bee these fine old mansions, standing back from the street,
with ample space around them, embowered in trees ana
Bhrubbory, with lawns and gardens kept in perfect order; anc?

With all the doors and windows wide open, through which
we could see the breakfast tables spread, as if to invite even
strangers, such as we were, to enter and share their hospi-
tality. Before we left Java, we were guests in one of these
mansions, and found that Dutch hospitality was not merely
in name.
Among the ornaments of the city are two large and hand-

some public squares the King's Plain and Waterloo Plain.
The latter name reminds us that the Dutch had a part in the
battle of Waterloo. With pardonable pride they are per-
suaded that the contingent which they contributed to the
army of Wellington had no small part in deciding the issue
of that terrible day, and they thus commemorate their victory.
This plain is used as a parade-ground, and the Dutch cavalry
charge over it with ardor, inspired by such heroic memories.
It may surprise some of my readers accustomed to our new
American cities, to learn how old is Batavia. About the time
that the Pilgrim Fathers sailed from Holland, another expe-
dition from the same country carried the Dutch flag to the
other side of the world, and Batavia was settled the year
before the landing on Plymouth K-ock. Of course it was a
very small beginning of their power in the East, but slowly
the petty trading settlement grew into a colony, and its terri-
tory was extended by degrees till, more than a hundred years
after, it took in the whole island. In the old palace on
Waterloo Plain, now used as a museum, are the portraits of
Dutch governors who have ruled here for two hundred and
fifty years.

But the capital of Java — at least the residence of the Gov-

ernor-General — is not at Batavia, but at Buitenzorg, nearly
which one can go by railroad
forty miles in the interior, to
in two hours. As we took our seats in the carriage we had
the good fortune to meet Mr, Fraser, an English merchant,
who has lived many years in Java, and is well known and
highly respected throughout the island, who gave us infor

mation of the 3oiintry over which we were passing. Th«

plains near the sea had at this time an appearance of great
beauty. They were laid out in rice fields which have a more
vivid color than fields of grain, andnow shone with an emer-
ald green. was the time of the gathering of the harvest,
and the fields were filled with reapers, men and women,
young men and maidens. But one hears not the click of
the reaper. I am told that the attempt to introd.uce a mow-
ing machine or a patent reaper would make a revolution in
the island. All the rice of Java is cut by hand, and not
even with the sickle, which is an instrument much too coarse
for this dainty work, but with a knife three or four inches
long, so that the spears are clipped as with a pair of scissors
Taking a few blades gently, they cut them off", and when they
have a handful bind it in a tiny sheaf about as large as a
bunch of asparagus. When they have cut and bound up
five, one is laid aside for the landlord and four go to the cul-
This slow progress might make a young American farmer
very impatient. Perhaps not, if he knew all the charms of
the rice field, which might make a country swain quite will-
ing to linger. Mr. Eraser explained that this season was
the time, and the rice field the scene, of the matrimonial
engagements made during the year ! Ah, now it is all ex-
plained. Who can wonder that the gentle reapers linger over
the rice blades while they are proposing or answering ques-
tions on which their whole life may depend ? No doubt in
merry England it has often happened that hay-making and
love-making have gone on in the fields together. And we
cannot wonder that such rural arts should be known iu a
land warmed by a tropical sun.
But the food of the natives is not found in the rice fieldf

alone ; it is brought down from the top of the cocoanut palni)

and drawn up from the bottom of caves of the earth. " Dc
ycu see yonder small mountain ? " said Mr. F. " That is 8

ftimous hunting-ground for the edible birds' nests, which are

esteemed such a delicacy bj the Chinese. The birds are
swallows and build their nests in caves, into which the liunt-

ers are let down by long bamboo and drawn up laden

with spoil. So great has been the yield, and so highly prized,
that the product of that hill exported to China in one year
returned a profit of £4,000. Of late this has been much
reduced, owing to the diminished production, or that the
Chinese are not ready to pay so much for such dainty lux-
At Buitenzorg the low land of the coast is exchanged for
the hd-lls. We are at the foot of the range of mountains
which forms the backbone of the island. To give an idea of
the character of the scenery, let me sketch a picture from my
own door in the Bellevue Hotel. The rooms, as in all tropical
climates, open on a broad veranda. Here, stretched in one
of the easy chairs made of bamboo, we look out upon a scene
which might be in Switzerland, so many features has it which
are Alpine in their character. The hotel stands on a pro-
jecting shelf of rock or spur of a hill, overlooking a deep
gorge, through which flows, or rather rushes, a foaming
mountain torrent, whose ceaseless murmurs come up from
below ; while in front, only three or four miles distant, rises
the broad breast of a mountain, very much like the lower
summits or foothills of the Alps, which hang over many a

sequestered vale in Switzerland or in the Tyrol.

But here the resemblance ends. For as we descend from
the broad outlines of the landscape to closer details, it changet
from the rugged features of an Alpine pass, and takes its

true tropical character. There are no snow-clad peaks, for

we are almost under the Equator. The scene might be in the

Andes rather than in the Alps. The mountain before us, the
Salak, is a volcano, though not now in action. As we look
down from our perch, the eye rests upon a forest such as is
never seen in the Alps. Here are no dark pines, such a;

ciotloe' the sides of the vale of Chamouni. In the foregroiiiid

on the river bank, at the foot of the hill, is a cluster of. native
huts, half hidden by long feathery bamboos and b^-oad-leavcc!
palms. The forest seems to be made up of palms of every
variety —
the cocoanut palm, the sago palm, and the sugar
palm, with which are mingled the bread-fruit tree, and the
nutmeg, and the banana and not least of all, the cinchona^

lately imported from South American forests, which yields

the famous Peruvian bark. The attempt to acclimatize this
shrub, so precious in medicine, has been completely successful,
so that the quinine of Java is said to be even better than
that of South America. In the middle distance are the rice
fields, with their intense green, and farther, on the side of

the mountain, are the coffee plantations, for which Java is so

Buitenzorg has a Botanical Gardeu, the finest by far to be
found out of Europe, and the richest in the world in the
special department of tropical plants and trees. All that the
tropics pour from their bounteous stores ; all those forms of
vegetable life created by the mighty rains and mightier sun
of the Equator —gigantic ferns, like trees, and innumerable
orchids (plants that live on air) — are here in countless pro-
fusion. One of the glories of the Garden is an india-rubber
tree of great size, which spreads out its arms like an English
oak, but dropping shoots here and there (for it is a species
of banyan) which take root and spring up again, so that the
tree broadens its shade, and as the leaves are thick and tough
as leather, offers a shield against even the vertical sun. There
are hundreds of varieties of palms — African and South Ameri
can — some enormous height and breadth, which, as we
walked under their shade, seemed almost worthy to stand on
the banks of the Eiver of Life.
Such a vast collection offers an attraction like the Gar del
of Plants in Paris. I met here the Italian naturalist Beo
cari, who was spending some weeks at Buitenzorg to make fi


study of a garden in which he had the wnjle tropics in a

space of perhaps a hundred acres. He has spent the last
eight years of his life in the Malayan Archipelago, dividing
his time, except a few months in the Moluccas, between Bor-
neo and New Guinea. The latter island he considered riiher
in its fauna and flora than any other equal spot on the sur-
face of the globe, with many species of plants and animals un-
known elsewhere. He had his own boat, and sailed along the
coast and up the rivers at his will. He penetrated into the
forest and the jungle, living among savages, and for the time
adopting their habits of life, not perhaps dressing in skins,
but sleeping in their huts or on the ground, and living on
their food and such game as he could get with his gun. He
laughed at the dangers. He was not afraid of savages or wild
beasts or reptiles. Indeed he lived in such close companion-
ship with the animal kingdom that he got to be in very inti-
mate, not to say amicable, relations and to bear him talk of

his friends of the forest, one would think he would almost beg
pardon of a beast that he was obliged to shoot and stuff in
the interest of science. He complained only that he could
not find enough of them. Snakes he " doted on," and if he
espied a monster coiling round a tree, or hanging from the
branches, his heart leaped up as one who had found great
spoil, for how its glistening scales would shine in
he thought
his collection. was much entertained by his adventures.
He left us one morning in company with our host Carlo, who
is a famous hunter, on an expedition after the rhinoceros —
royal game, which abounds in the woods of Java.
The beauty of this island is not confined to one part of
it. As yet we have seen only Western Java, and :^ut
little of that. But there is Middle Java and Eastern Jav %
The island is very much like Cuba in shape — long and narrow,
being near seven hundred miles one way, and less than a
hundred the other. Thus it is a great breakwater dividing
Khe Java Sea from the Indian Ocean. To see its generaJ
configuration, one needs to sail along the coast to g(;t a <iistani
view ; and thee, to appreciate the peculiar character of itj

scenery, he should make excursions into the interior. The

Kesidents of E.hio and Palembang called to see us and madF
out an itin^raire ;and Mr. Levyssohn Norman, the Sec
retary General, to whom I brought a letter from a Dutci:
officer whom we met at Naples, gave me letters to the Resi-
dents Middle Java. Thus furnished we returned to
Batavia, and took the steamer for Samarang two days' sail —
Co the eastward along the northern shore. As we put out
(0 sea a few miles, we get the general figure of the island.

riie great feature in the view is the mountains, a few miles

fiom the coast, some of which are ten and twelve thousand
feet high, which make the background of the picture, whose
peculiar outline is derived from their volcanic character.

Java lies in what may be called a volcano belt, which is just

under the Equator, and reaches not only through Java, but
through the islands of Bali and Lombok to the Moluccas.
Instead of one long chain of equal elevation in every part, or
a succession of smooth, rounded domes, there is a number of

sharp peaks thrown up by internal fires. Thus the sky line

is changing every league. European travellers are familiar
with the cone-like shape of Yesuvius, overlooking the Bay
of Naples. Here is the same form, repeated nearly fort;y

times, as there are thirty-eight volcanoes in the island.

A.round the Bay of Samarang are nine in one view ! Some
of them are still active, and from time to time burst out in
fearful eruptions ; but just now they are not in an angry
mood, but smoking peacefully, only a faint vapor, like a fleecy
cloud, curling up against the sky. All who have made the
ascent of Vesuvius, remember that its cone is a blackened
mass of ashes and scoriae. But a volcano here is not left
to be such a picture of desolation. Nature, as if weary
of ruin, and wishing to hide the rents she has made, ha«
mantled its sides with the richest tropical vegetation. Af


we stand on the deck of our ship, and look landward, the

mountains are seen to be covered near their base with forests
of palms ; while along their breasts float belts of light cloudy
above which the peaks soar into the blue heavens.
A-t the eastern end of the island, near Sourabaya, there is a

volcano with the largest crater in the world, except that of

Kilauea in the Sandwich Islands. It is three miles across, and
is filled with a sea of sand. Descending into this broad space,
and wading through the sand, as if on the desert, one cornea
to a new crater in the centre, a thousand feet wide, which is

always smoking. This the natives regard with superstitious

dread, as a sign that the powers below are in a state of anger
and once a year they go in crowds to the mountain, dragging
a bullock, which is thrown alive into the crater, with other

offerings, to appease the wrath of the demon, who is raging

and thundering below.
Wednesday morning brought us to Samarang, the chief
port of Middle, as Batavia is of Western, and Sourabaya of
Eastern Java. As we drew up to the shore, the quay was
lined with soldiers, who were going off to the war in Acheen.
The regiments intended for that service are brought first to
Java, to get acclimated before they are exposed to what would
These were now in fine
be fatal to fresh European troops.
and made a brave sight, drawn up in rank, with
the band playing, and the people shouting and cheering.
This is the glittering side of war. But, poor fellows ! they
have hard times before them, of which they do not dream.
It is not the enemy they need to fear, but the hot climate and
the jungle fever, which will bemore deadly than the kris of
the Malay. These soldiers are not all Dutch; some are
French. On our return to Batavia, the steamer carried down
another detachment, in which I found a couple of Erench
zouaves (there may have been others), one of whom told me
ne had been in the surrender at Sedan, and the other had
taken part in the siege of Paris. After their terms had

expired in the French army, the} enlisted in the Dutch ser

and embarked for the other side of the world, to fight

in a causewhich is not their own. I fear they will nevei se€

France again, but will leave their bones in the jungles of
But our thoughts are not of war, but of peace, as we ride
through the long Dutch town, so picturesquely situated be-
tween the mountains and the sea, and take the railway for
the interior. We soon leave the lowlands of the coast, and
penetrate the forests, and wind among the hills. Our first

stop is at Solo, which is an Imperial residence. It is a curious

relic of the old native governments of Java, that though the
Dutch are complete masters, there are still left in the island
an Emperor and a Sultan, who are allowed to retain their
lofty titles, surrounded with an Imperial etiquette. The
Emperor of Solo lives in his " Kraton," which what the is

Seraglio is among the Turks, a which is

large enclosure in
the palace. He has a guard of a few hundred men, who
gratify his vanity, and enable him to spend his money in
keeping a number of idle retainers but there is a Dutch

Resident close at hand, without whose permission he cannot

leave the district, and hardly his own grounds while in the ;

very centre of the town is a fort, with guns mounted, pointing

towards his palace, which it could soon blow about his ears.
Thus *' protected," he is little better than a State prisoner.
But he keeps his title " during good behavior," and once a
year turns out in grand state, to make an official visit to the
Resident, who receives him with ; and having
greab distinction
thus " marched up the hill," he marches down again." We
had a and hoped to pay our respects
letter to the Resident,

to his Majesty, but learned that it would require several days

to arrange an audience. It is a part of the Court dignity

wrhich surrounds such a potentate, that he should not be easilj
accessible, and we should be sorry to disturb the harmles#

But if we did not see the " lion " of Solo, we saw the
tigers, which were perhaps quite as well worth seeing. The
Emperor, amid the diversions with which he occupies his
royal mind, likes to entertain his military and official visitors
with something better than a Spanish bull-fight, namely, a
tiger -fight with a bull or a buffalo, or with men, for which he
has a number of trained native spearmen. For these com^
bats his hunters trap tigers in the mountains ; and in a build-
ing made of heavy timbers fitted close together, with only
space between for light and air, were half a dozen of them in
reserve. They were magnificent beasts not whelped in a ;

cage and half subdued by long captivity, like the sleek crea-
tures of our menageries and zoological gardens but the real ;

kings of the forest, caught when full grown (some but a few
weeks before), and who roared as in their native wilds. It
was terrific to see the glare of their eyes, and to hear the
mutterings of their rage. One could not look at them, even
through their strong bars, without a shudder. A gentleman
of Java told me that he had once caught in the mountains a
couple of tigers in a pit, but that as he approached it, their
roaring was so terrific, as they bounded against the sides of
the pit, that it required all his courage to master a feeling of
indescribable terror.
Adjoining the dominion of Solo is that of Jookja, where,
instead of an Emperor, is a Sultan, not quite so great a po-
tentate as the former, but who has his chateau and his mili-
tary guard, and goes through the same performance of play-
ing the king. The Dutch Resident has a very handsome
palace, with lofty halls, where on state occasions he receives
the Sultan with becoming dignity —
a mark of deference made
all the more touching by the guns of the fort, which, from

the centre of the town, keep a friendly watch for the least
sign of rebellion.
This part of Middle Java is very rich in sugar planU
tions. One manufactory which we visited was said U

yield a profit of $400,000 a year. For is this the product

of slave labor, like the sugar of Cuba. Yet it is not alto-
gether free labor. There is a peculiar system in Java by
which the government, which is the owner of the land, in
renting an estate to a planter, rents those who live on it with
the estate. It guarantees him sufficient labor to work his
plantation. The people are obliged to labor. This is exacted
partly as a due to the government, amounting to one or two
days in the week. For the rest of the time they are paid
small wages. But they cannot leave their employer at will.
There is no such absolute freedom as that which is said to
have ruined Jamaica, where the negro may throw down his
tools and quit work at the very moment when the planter is
saving his crop. The government compels him to labor, but
it also compels his master to pay him. The system works
well in Java. Laborers are kept busy, the lands are cul-
tivated, and the production is enormous — not only mak-
ing the planters rich, but yielding a large revenue to Holland.
At Jookja the railroad ends. Further excursions into
the country must be by a private carriage. Some thirty
miles distant is an ancient ruin, which is in Java what the
Great Pyramid is in Egypt, with which it is often compared.
To reach this, we ordered a carriage for the next morning.
Probably the landlord thought he had a Milord Anglais for
his guest, who must make his progress through the island
with royal magnificence ; for, when we rose very early for our
ride, we found in front of the door a huge carriage with six
horses The horses of Java are small, but full of spirit, like

the Canadian ponies. On the box was a fat coachman, who

outweighed both of us inside. Behind us stood two feliowg
of a lighter build, whose high office it was to urge our gal-
lant steeds by voice and lash to their utmost speed. They
were dressed in striped jackets, like circns-riders, and were
as agile as cats. Whenever the mighty chariot lagged a

little, they leaped to the ground, and running forward witl


extraordinary swiftness, shouted and lashed the horses till,

with their g(^adings and their cries, the beasts, driven to

madness, reared and plunged and raced forward so wildly,
that we almost expected to Le dashed in pieces. Such is the
price of glory ! What grandeur was this ! When we were
in Egypt, riding aboiit the streets of Cairo with two " syces

(sei'vants dressed in white, who run before a carriage to clear

the way), I felt like Joseph riding in Pharaoh's chariot. But
now I felt as if I were Pharaoh himself.
Our route was through long avenues of trees, of palms
and bamboos. The roads, as everywhere in Java, are excel-
lent, smooth as a floor, solidly built, To con-
and well kept.
struct such roads, and keep them in repair, must be a work
of great difficulty, as in the rainy season the floods come in
such force as would sweep away any but those which are
firmly bedded. These roads are said to be owing to a famous
Dutch governor, Marshal Dsendels, who ruled here in the
early part of this century. According to tradition he was
a man of tremendous will, which he enforced with arbitrary
and despotic authority. He laid out a system of highways,
and assigned to certain native officers each his portion to
build. Knowing that things moved slowly in these Eastern
countries, and that the officers in charge might try to make
excuses for delay, he added a gentle admonition that he
should hold each man responsible ; and by way of quickening
their sense of duty, he erected gibbets at convenient intervals
along the road, and if an official failed to " come to time,"

he simply had him executed. The spectacle of a few of these

native gentry hanging by the roadside had such an enlivening
effect on the Javanese imagination, that the roads were built
aa if by magic. Perhaps the system might be applied with
excellent effect to " contractors " in other parts of the
world !

But on the best roads this spef'd could not be kept up foi
& long time. The stages were short, the relays being but five

miles apart. Every three-quarters of an hout we changed

horses. The were built over the roads, something
in the style of an old-fashioned turnpike gate; so that we
drove under the shelter, and the horses, dripping with foam,
were slipped out of the carriage, and left to cool under tht
shade of the trees, or rolled over in the dust, delighted to bo

As we advanced, our route wound among the hills. On

our right was Merap6, one of the great mountains of Java
his topsmoking gently, while rice-fields came up to his foot.
This middle part of the island is called the Garden of Java,
and it might be called one of the gardens of the world.
Nowhere in Europe, not even in Lombardy nor in England,
have I seen a richer country. Every foot of ground is in a
high state of cultivation. Not only are the plains and val-
leys covered with rice-fields, but the hills are terraced to admit
of carrying the culture far vip their sides. Here, as in West-
ern Java, it was the time of the harvest, and the fields were
filled with joyous reapers. To this perfect tilling of the earth
it is due that this island is one of the most populous portions
of the globe. The country literally swarms with inhabitants,
as a hive swarms with bees but so few are their wants, that

everybody seems to "live and be merry." We passed

through a number of villages which, though the dwellings
were of the rudest, yet had a pretty look, as they were em-
bowered in foliage of palms and bamboos. As the country
grew more hilly, our progress was not so swift. Sometimes
we went down a steep bank to cross a river on a boat, and
then it was not an easy task to draw up the carriage on the
cppcsite bank, and we had to call on Caesar for help. Al-
most a whole would turn out. At one time I counted
eighteen men pushing and tugging at our wheels, of course
with no eye to the small coin that was scattered among
them when the top of the bank was reached. So great wai
the load of dignity we bore I

A.t nooD we reached the object of our journey in the

-amous rains of Borobodo. Sir Stamford Raffles says
that all the labor expended on the Pyramids of Egypt siuka
into insignificance when compared with
that bestowed ca
the grand architectural remains of Java ; but after seeing
Miis, th'"5 greatest on the island, his estimate seems to me

very extravagant. This is much smaller than the Gr^at Py-

ramid, in the space of ground which it covers, and lower in
height, and altogether less imposing. But without making
comparisons, it is certainly a wonderful pile. It is a pyra-
mid in some four hundred feet square, and nine stories
high, being ascended by a series of gigantic steps or terraces.
That it was built for Buddhist worship is evident from the
figures of Buddha which cover its sides. It is the monu-
ment not only of an ancient religion, but of an extinct civ-
ilization, of a mighty empire once throned on this island,

which has left remains like those of ancient Egypt. What a

population and what power must have been here ages ago, to
rear such a structure ! One can imagine the people gathered
at great festivals innumbers such as now assemble at pil-
grimages in India. Doubtless this hill of stone was often
black with human beings (for as many could stand on its
sides as could be gathered in the Coliseum at Rome), while
on the open plain in front, stretching to a mountain in the
background, a nation might have encamped, like the Israel-
ites before Sinai, to receive the law. But the temple is in
ruins, and there is no gathering of the people for worship
anj more. The religion of the island is changed. Buddh-
ism has passed away, and Islam has taken its place, to pass
away in its turn. was Good Friday, in 1876, that I stood
on the top of this pyramid, and thought of Him who on this
day sufifered for mankind, and whose religion is yet to pos-
sess the world. When it has conquered Asia, it will cross

the sea, ani take this beautiful island, from which it maj
pass on to the mainland of the continent of Australia.

In such musings we lingered for hours, wandering about

the ruins and enjoying the landscape, which is one of the
most beautiful we have seen in all our travels the wide —
Bweep in the foreground reminding us of the view from
Stirling Castle in Scotland.
But the carriage is waiting, and once more the driver
cracks his whip, his horses prance, and away we fly along
the roads, through the valleys, and over the hills. At even*
ing we reached Magellang, the centre of one of the districts
into which Java is divided, and a town of some importance.
It is a curious geographical fact that it stands exactly in the
centre of the island. One spot is called the I^avel of Java.
The Javanese think a certain hill is the head of a great nail,
which is driven into the earth and holds the island firm in
its place. If this be so, it is strange that it does not keep it

more quiet. For if we may use the language of the brokers,

we might say with truth that in Java '' real estate is active,"
since it is well shaken up once or twice a year with earth
quakes, and is all the time smouldering with volcanoes.
But however agitated underground, the country is very
beautiful above it. Here as in all the places where the
Dutch most do congregate," there is a mixture of European
civilization with the easy and luxurious ways of the East.
Some of the villages are as pretty as any in our own New
England, and reminded us of those in the Connecticut val-

ley, being laid out with a broad open square or common in

the centre, which is shaded by magnificent trees, and sur-
rounded by beautiful residences, whose broad verandas and
open doors give a most inviting picture of domestic comfort
and generous hospitality. There is a club-house for the
officers, and musio by the military band. The Residents
always live very handsomely. They are the great men in
every district. Each one has a spacious residence, with a

military guard, and a salary of six or eight thousand dol-

lars a year, with extras for the expense of entertaining or of

I ravelling, and a liberal pension at the close of twenty yeara

cf service.
Magellang marked with a white stone in our memories

cf Java, as it was the scene of a novel experience. When

V, e drove into the town, we found the hotel full, which obliged

us to fall back upon our letter to the Kesident. He was

absent, but his secretary at once took us in hand, and re-
quested the " Regent " (a native prince who holds ojB&ce
under the Dutch government, and has special oversight of
the native population) to entertain us. He responded in
the most courteous manner, so that, instead of being lodged
at a hotel, we were
received as guests in a princely residence.
His '' palace " was in the Eastern style, of but one storj?
(as are most of the buildings in Java, on account of earth-
quakes), but spread "ut over a large surface, with rows of

columns supporting its ample roof, presenting in front in its

open colonnade what might be regarded as a spacious hall of
audience ; and furnishing in its deep recesses a cool retreat
from the heat of the tropical sun. A native guard pacing
before the door indicated the official character of the occu-
pant. The Regent received us with dignity, but with great
cordiality. He was attired in the rich costume of the East.
His feet were without stockings, but encased in richly em-
broidered sandals. He could speak no English, and but a
few words of French —only Malay, Dutch, and Javanese.
j3ut he sent for a gentleman to dine, who was of Spanish
descent,and who, though a native of Java, and had never
been out of it, yet spoke both French and English, and thus
we were able to converse.
The Regent had a wife, and after a time she entered the
hall, and welcomed my niece with a cordiality almost like
that of two school-girls meeting. She was simply dressed,
in the lightest costume, with bare feet, but in gold-embroid
ered slippers. Everything in her attire was very plain
except that her ears were hung with diamonds that fairly
348 AND HIS TWO wrvEB.

dazzled us with their brilliaucy. She began talking witi

great volubility, and seemed not quite to comprehend why it
was that we did not understand Malay or Javanese. How
©ver, with the help of our interpreter, we got along, and werC:
soon in the most contidcntial relations. She had very vague
ideas of the part of the world we came from. We tried to
make her understand that the world was round, and that we
lived on the other side of the globe. We asked why the
Regent did not go abroad to see the world ? But she signi-
fied with a peculiar gesture, as if counting with her fingers,
tliat it took a i^rreat deal of monev. She asked " if we were
rich," to which we re})lied modestly that we had enough for
Dur wants. As she talked of ftimily matters, she informed us
that her lord had another wife. Of this she spoke without
the least reserve. It was quite natural that he should desire
this. She (his first wife) had been married to him over
twenty years, and was getting a little passee, and he needed
a young face to make the house bright and gay. Presently
the second wife entered, and we were presented to her. She
was very young —I should think not twenty years of age.
Evidently the elder occupied the first place in the household,
and the younger took the second. They seemed to stand in
a kind of sisterly relation to each other, without the slightest
feeling of jealousy be ween them. Both were very pretty,
after the Malayan type —that is, with mild, soft eyes, and
but of a rich brown color.
skins, not black, like Africans,
They would have been even beautiful if they had had also,
what the Africans so often have, dazzling whit« teeth but ;

this is prevented by the constant chewing of the betel-nut and

At half-past eight o'clock we went to dinner. C had
the honor of sitting between the two wives, and enjoyed the
courtesy of both, who prepared fruit for her, and by many little
attentions, such as are understood in all parts of the world,
howed that they belonged '^o the vrue sisterhood of woman

The j)osition of woman

Java is somewhat peculiar. The
people are MohainmedanSj and yet the women are not secluded,
aor do they veil their faces ; they receive strangers in their
houses and at their tables; thus they have much greater free-
dom than their sisters in Turkey or Egypt. The Regent,
being a Mussulman, did not take wine, though he provided
it for his guests. After the dinner, coffee was served, of a
rich, delicious flavor — for Java is the land of coffee — followed
by the inevitable cigar. I do not smoke, but could not allow
my refusal to interfere with the habits of those whose guest
I was, and could but admire the ineffable satisfaction with
which the Kegent and his friend puffed the fragrant weed.
While they were thus wreathed in clouds, and floating in a
perfectNirvana of material enjoyment, the gentler sex were
not forgotten. The two wives took their pleasure in their
own fashion. A small box, like a tea-caddy, was brought on
the table, full of little silver cups and cases, containing leaves
of the betel-nut, and spices, cassia and gambier, a little lime,
and a cup of the finest tobacco. Out of these they prepared
a delicate morsel for their lips. With her own dainty fingers,
each rolled up a leaf of the betel-nut, enclosing in it several
kinds of spices, and filling it with a good pinch of tobacco,
which, our Spanish friend explained, was not so much for the
taste, as to make the morsel plump and round, large enough
to fill the mouth (or, as a wine-taster would say of his favorite
madeira or port, to give it sufficient body) ; and also, he
added, it was to clean the teeth, and to give an aromatic fra-

grance to the breath ! I repeat, as exactly as I can recall them,

bis very words.
Whether the precious compound had all these virtues, cer-
^inly these courtly dames took it with infinite
and relish,

rolled it as a sweet morsel under their tongues, and looked

on their lord with no jealousy of his enjoyment of his cigar.
Here was a picture of conjugal felicity. The family was
evidently an affectionate an i happy one. The Regent loved

both his wives, and they sat side by side without er vy or an

charitableness, kappy in the sunshine of his face, and chewed
their betel-nut with a composure, an aspect of tranquil enjoy-
ment, which many in more civilized countries may admire,
but cannot equal.
In the morning, when the family came together, I remai ked
that the first wife, who then apparently saw her husband for
the first time, came forward, and bending low, kissed his
jewelled hand; and soon after the second wife entered, and
kissed the first wife's hand, thus observing that natural order
of precedence which is so beautiful in every well-regulated
I observed also with curious interest the relations of master
and servant in this Oriental household. The divisions are
very marked. The Hegent, for example, is regarded by his
retainers with an awe as if he were a sacred person. No one
approaches him standing. The theory is, that no inferior
must ever be in a position or attitude where his head ia
higher than his master's. If the Kegent but looks jxt a man,
he drops as if shot with a bullet. If a servant wishes to
communicate with his master, he falls, not on his knees, but
on his haunches, and in this posture shuffles forward till he
comes behind his and meekly whispers a word into his
ear. He receives his orders, and then shuffles back again.
In one way, the division of ranks in Java is more marked
even than that of castes in India. The Javanese language,
which is a branch of the Malay, has three separate forms
of speech —
one, that used by a superior addressing an infiB-
rior; second, that of an inferior addressing a superior; and
a third, that used between equals. Such divisions would
seem to cut ofi" all relations between those of different rank
And yet, with all this stooping and bowing, abject as it seemi
to us, the relation of the master to his dependants is rather
patriarchal ; and to these same servants the Regent will

speak, not only kindly, but familiarly, all the more so as the
SECOND day's drive. 851

drawn that there is no danger that they should

lines are so
ever presume on undue familiarity.
In the morning the Regent took me out for a ramble. We
strolled along under the trees, admiring the beauty of the
country. After half an hour's walk, suddenly, like an appa-
rition, an open phaeton stood beside us, with two beautlfu}
ponies, into which the Kegent invited me to step, and taking
his seat by my side, drove me about the town. We returned
for breakfast, and then he sent for his musicians to give us a
performance, who, beating on drums and other native instru-
ments, executed a plaintive kind of music. With such at-

tentions did this Javanese prince and his wives (none of whom
we had ever seen till a few hours before, and on whom we
had no claim whatever) win our hearts by their kindness, so
that, when the carriage came round to the door, we were sorrj
to depart. The Regent pressed us to stay a month, or as
long as we would. We could not accept a longer hospitality;
but we shall remember that which we had. We keep his
photograph, with others which we like to look upon ; and if

these words can reach the other side of the world, they will
tell him American friends have not forgotten, and
that his
will not forget, the kind manner in which they were enter-
tained in the island of Java by the Kegent of Magellang.
The drive of to-day was hardly less interesting than that of
yesterday, although our pride had a fall. It was a great
come-down, after riding with six horses to be reduced to
four ! But the mortification was relieved by adding now ajid
then, at the steep places, a pair of buffaloes. As we were
still in the hill country, we were all day among the coffee
plantations, which thrive best at a considerable elevation
above the Other products of the island flourished

around us in rich abundance the spices aloes and cassia,

: —
and nutmeg and pepper. And there was our old friend, the
peanut. They were gathering perhaps the very nuts that
were yet to ornament the st^i^nds of the apple- w^omen of Ne^F

York, and to be a temptation to bootblacks and newsboys

Amid such, fields and forests, over mountain roads, and lis*

tening to the roar of mountain streams, we came down tc

Ambarrawa, a place of note in Java, as containing the
strongest fortress in the island. It is planted here right in
the heart of Middle Java, where, half a century ago, was a
formidable insurrection, which was quelled only after an ob
stinate contest, lastincj five vears —from 1825 to 1830. Am-
barrawa is connected by railroad with Samarang, It is easy
to see that both the railroads which start from that point,
and which have thus a base on the sea (the one leading to
Solo and Jookja, the residences of the Emperor and the
Sultan, who might make trouble, and the other to the great
fortress of Ambarrawa), have been constructed with a mili-
tary as well as a commercial purpose.
So the Dutch have had their wars in Java, as the English
have had in India ; but having conquered, it musi be said
that on the whole they have ruled wisely and well. The best
proof of this is the perfect tranquillity that reigns everywhere,
and that with no great display of armed force. What a con-
trast in this respect between the two most im2)oitant islanda
in the East and West Indies —
Java and Cuba They are

about equal in the number of square miles. Both have been

settled by Europeans for nearly three centuries, and yet to-
day Cuba has less than two millions of inhabitants, and is in
a chronic state of insurrection; while Java has over fifteen
millions (or eight times as many), and is as quiet as Holland
itself. The whole story is told in one word the one is —
Dutch rule, and the other is Spanish rule.

We spent our Easter in Samarang a day which is not
forgotten in this part of the world, although Sunday is not
observed after the manner of Scotland or New England, bui
rather of Continental Europe, with bands playing on the
public square, and all the European world abroad keeping
holiday. From Samarang, another two days' sail along th*

same northern coast, with the grand outline of mountains ca

the horizon, brought us back to Batavia.
Batavia was not the same to us on the second visii as on
the first ; or rather it was a great deal more, for now we
knew the place, the streets were familiar, and we felt at

home the more so as a Scotch gentleman, to whom we
brought a letter from Singapore, Mr. James Greig (of the
old house of Syme, Pitcairn & Co., so well known in the
East), took us in charge, and carried us off to one of those
large mansions which we had so much admired on our former
visit, set far back from the street, and surrounded with trees
and constructed especially for this climate, with spacious
rooms, wide hall, high ceilings, and broad veranda, and all
the devices for mitigating the heat of the tropics. More
than all, mansion was lighted up by the sweet-
this hospitable
est feminine presence in one who, though of an old Dutch
family well known in Java, had been educated in Paris, and
spoke English and French, as well as Dutch and Malay, and
who gave us such a welcome as made us feel that we were
not strangers. Not only did these friends open their house
to us, but devoted themselves till our departure in going
about with us, and making our visit pleasant. I do not
know whether to call this Scotch or Dutch hospitality, but
itwas certainly of the most delightful kind.
As we had three or four days before the sailing of the
French steamer for Singapore, our friends planned an excur-
sion into the mountains of Western Java, for which we re-

turned to Buitenzorg, and engaged a couple of cahars,

carriages as light as if made of wicker-work, with the
Email Javanese ponies, and thus mounted, began to climb the
hills. Our route was over the great post-road, which runa
through the island to Sourabaya —a road which must have
been constructed with immense labor, as it passes over high
mountains, but which and as well kept ae
is as solidly built
Napoleon's great road over the Simplon Pass of the AJpg

Indeed it is very mucli the samCj having a rocky Led foi its

foundation, with a macAdaniized surface, over which the car-

riage rolls smoothly. But it does not climb so steadily up-
ward as the Simplon or the Mont Cenis. The ascent is act
one long pull, like the ascent of the Alps, but by a succession
of hills, one beyond another, with many a deep valley between,
B3 that we go alternately up hill and down dale. The hills are
very steep, so that the post-carriage, which heavy and
is as

lumbering as a French diligence, has to be drawn up by

buffaloes. Thus it climbs slowly height after height, and
when it has reached the summit, goes thundering down the
mountain, and rolls majestically along the road. But our
liglit much better than these ponder-
carriages suited us
ous vehicles and as our little ponies trotted swiftly along,

we were in a very gay mood, making the woods ring with

our merry talk and glee. Sometimes we got out to stretch
our limbs with a good walk up the hills, turning as we reached
the top to take in the landscape behind us, which spread out
broader and broader, as we rose higher and higher. At
every stage the view increased in extent and in majesty, till

the whole island,

" From the centre all round to the sea,"

was piled with mountains, which here, as in Middle Java,

showed their volcanic origin by their forms, now rising in
solitary cones, and now lying on the horizon in successive
ridges, like mighty billows tossed up on a sea of fire, that in
cooling had cracked in all fantastic shapes, which, after being
worn down by the storms of thousands of years, were mantled
thick with the verdure of forests. As in England the ivy creeps
over old walls, covering ruined castles and towers with its per*
petual greeuj so here the luxuriance of the tropics has over-
spread the ruin wrought by destroying elements. The effect
isa mingled wildness and beauty in these mountain land
wapes, which often reminded us of Switzerland and the Tyrol,

Tb enjojm^ni
i of this ride was increased by the charactei
of the day, which was i.ot all sunshine, bnt one of perpetiial
change. Clouds swept over the sky, casting shadows on the
aides of themountains and into the deep valleys. Some-
times the higher summits were wrapped so as to be hidden
from and the rain fell heavily then as the storm
sight, ;

drifted away, and the sun burst through the parted clouds,
the glorious heights shone in the sudden light like the J)e^
lectable Mountains.
The object of our journey was a mountain retreat four
thousand feet above the level of the sea — as high as the Righi
Kulm, but in no other respect like that mountain-top, which
from its height overlooks so many Swiss lakes and cantons.
It is rather like an Alpine valley, surrounded by mountains.
This is a favorite resort of the Dutch from Batavia. Here
the Governor-General has a little box, to which he retires,
from his grander residence at Buitenzorg, and here many
sick and wounded officers find a cool retreat and recover
strength for fresh campaigns. The place bears the musical
name of Sindanglaya, which one v/ould think might have
been given with some reference to the music of murmuring
winds and waters which fill the air. The valley is full of
streams, of brooks and springs, that run among the hills.
Water, water everywhere The rain pattering on the roof

all night long carried me back to the days of my childhood,

when I slept in a little cot under the eaves, and that sound
was music to my ear. The Scotch mist that envelopes the
mountains might make the traveller fancy himself in the
Highlands and so he might, as he seeks out the little

tarns " that have settled in the craters of extinct volcanoes,
where not only wild deer break tlirough the tangled wojd of
the leafy solitudes, but the tiger and the rJainoceros come to
drink. Streams run down the mountain-sides, and springs
ooze from mossy banks by the roadside, and tempe" tlie ail

vfith their dripping coolness. What a place to res' ! FIoi^

! —


tliis must bring repose to the brave fellows from

perfect quiet
Acheen, and how sweet must sound this music of mountain
streams to ears accustomed to the rude alarms of war
That we were in a new quarter of the world far awaj, —
not only from America and Europe, but even from Asia
we were reminded by the line of telegraph which kept us
company over the mountains, and which here crosses the
island on its way to Australia It goes down the coast to

Bangaewangi, where it dives into the sea only to come up on

the mainland of the great Southern Continent. Indeed we
were strongly advised to extend our journey around the world
bo Australia, which we could have reached in much less time

than it had taken to come from Calcutta to Singapore. But

we were more interested to ^i^it old countries and old nations
than to set foot on a virgin continent, and to see colonies and
cities, which, with all their growth, could only be a smaller
edition of what we have so abundantly in the new States of
We were now within a few miles of the Southern Ocean,
the greatest of all the oceans that wrap their watery mantle
around the globe. From the top of the Cede, a mountain
which rose above us, one may look off upon an ocean broader
than the Pacific —a sea without a shore — whose waters roll

In an unbroken sweep to the Antarctic Pole.

From all these seas and shores, and woods and waters, we

now turned away, and with renewed delight in the varied

landscapes, rode back over the mountains to Buitenzorg, and
came down by rail to Batavia.
Before I depart from this pleasant land of Java, I must
gay a word about the Dutch and their position in South-
eastern Asia, The Dutch have had possession of Java over
250 years — since 1623 —without interruption, except from
1811 to 1816, when Napoleon had taken Holland; and as
England was using all her forces on land and sea to cripple
the French empiro in different parts of the world, she sent i

fleet against Java. It yielded almost without opposition;

indeed many of the Dutch regarded the surrender as simply
placing the island under British protection, which saved it

from the French. For five years it had an English Governs r^

Sir Stamford Raffles, who has written a large work on Java.

After the fall of Napoleon, England restored Java to the
Dutch, but kept Ceylon, Malacca, and the Cape of Good
Hope. Thus the Dutch have lost some of their possession?
in the East, and yet Holland is to-day the second colonial
power in the world, being inferior only to England. The
Dutch flag in the East waves not only over Java, but over
almost the whole of the Malayan Archipelago, which, with the
intervening waters, covers a portion of the earth's surface
larger than all Europe.
There are some peculiar physical features in this part of
the world. The Malayan Archipelago lies midway between
Asia and Australia, belonging to neither, and yet belonging
to both. It is a very curious fact, brought out by Wallace,
whose great work on " The Malayan Archipelago " is alto-
gether the best on the subject, that this group of islands is in
itself divided by a very narrow space between the two conti-

nents, which it at once separates and unites. Each has its

own distinct fauna and flora. The narrow Strait of Bali, only
fifteen miles wide, which separates the two small islands of

Bali and Lombok, separates two distinct animal and vegetable

kingdoms, which are as unlike as are those of the United
States and Brazil. One group belongs to Asia, the other to
Australia. Sumatra is full of tigers ; in Borneo there is not
one. —
Australia has no carnivora no beasts that prey on
flesh —but chiefly marsupials, such as kangaroos.
There are a good many residents in the East who think
Holland, in the management of her dependencies, has shown
a better political economy than England ha? shown in India,
An English writer (a Mr. Money), in a rolume ^^ntitled
* How to Govern a Colony," has brought some features of

the Dutch policy to the notice of his cjuntrymen. I v?ill

oaeution but one as an illustration. Half a century ago Java

was very much run down. A native rebellion which lasted
five years had paralyzed the industry of the country. To
reanimate it, a couple of years after the rebellion had been
subdued, in 1832, the home government began a very liberal
system of stimulating production by making advances to
planters, and guaranteeing them labor to cultivate their
estates. The eifect was marvellous. By that wise system of
helping those who had not means to help themselves, a new
life was at once infused into all parts of the island. Out of
that has grown the enormous production of coffee, sugar, and
tobacco. Now Java not only pays all the expenses of her
own government, (which India does not do, at least without
contracting very heavy loans,) but builds her own railroads,
and other roads and bridges, and supplies the drain of the
Acheen war, and remits every year millions to the Hague to
build railroads in Holland.
Is it too much to believe that there is a great future in
store for South Eastern Asia ? We talk about the future of
America. But ours is not the only continent that offcra
vast unoccupied wastes to the habitation of man. Be-
sides Australia, there are these great islands nearer to Asia,
which, from the overflow of India and China, may yet have
a population that shall cultivate their waste places. I found
in Burmah number of Bengalees and Madrasees, who
a great
had crossed the Bay of Bengal to seek a home in Farther In-
dia while the Chinese, who form the population of Singa-

pore, had crept up the coast. They are here in Java, in

every seaport and in every large town in the interior, and
thers is every reason to suppose that there will be a yet
greater overflow of population in this direction. Sumatra
and Borneo are not yet inhabited and cultivated like Java,
but in their great extent they offer a magnificent seat foi

future kingdoms or empires, which, Asiatic in populatioit,


may be governed by European laws, and moulded by Euro-

pean civilization.
One thing more before we Equator a word
cross the —
about nature and life in the tropics. I came to Java partly
to see the tropical vegetation, of which we saw but little in
India, as we were there in winter, which is at once the cold
and the dry season, when vegetation withers, and the vast
plains are desolate and dreary. Nature then holds herself
In reserve, waiting till the rains come, when the earth will
^loom again. But as I could not wait for the change of sea-
sons, I must needs pass on to a land where the change had
already come. We marked the transition as we came down
the Bay of Bengal. There were signs of changing seasons
and a changing nature. We were getting into the rainy
t)elt. In the Straits of Malacca the air was hot and thun-
derous, and we had frequent storms; the heavens were full
of rain, and the earth was fresh with the joy of a newly-
opened spring. But still we kept on till we crossed the
Equator. Here in Java the rainy season was just over. It
ends with the last of March, and we arrived at the beginning
of April. For months the windows of heaven had been
opened, the rains descended, and the floods came ; and lo !

the land was like the garden of the Lord. Here we had at
last the tropical vegetation in its fullest glory. Nothing can
exceed the prodigality and luxuriance of nature when a
vertical sun beats down on fields and forests and jungles that
have been drenched for months in rain. Vegetation of every
kind springs up, as in the temperate zone it appears only
when forced in heated conservatories (as in the Dake of
Devonshire's gardens at Chatsworth), and the land waves
with these luxuriant growths. In the forest creeping plants
wind round the tall trunks, and vines hang in fe»: toons from
tree to tree.
Bui while the tropical forest presents such a wild luxu-
riance of growth, I find no single trees of such stature as ]

have seen in other parts of the world. Excep t an occasioum

broad- spreading banyan, I have seen nothing whicL, standing
alone, equals in its solitary majesty the English oak or, the
American elm. Perhaps there is a difference in this respect
between countries in the same latitude in the Eastern and
Western hemispheres. An English gentleman whom wc
found here in charge of a great sugar plantation, who had
spent some years in Rio Janeiro, told me that the trees of
Java did not compare in majesty with those of Brazil. Nor
is this superiority confined to South America. Probably
no trees now standing on the earth equal the Big Trees of
California. And besides these there are millions of lofty
pines on the sides of the Sierra Nevada, which I ha f e seen
nowhere equalled unless it be in the mighty cedars which
line the great Tokaido of Japan. On the whole, I am a
little inclined to boast that trees attain their greatest height
and majesty in our Western hemisphere.
But the glory of the tropics is in the universal life of
nature, spreading through all her realms, stirring even under
ground, and causing to spring forth new forms of vegetation,
which coming up, as it were, out of the darkness of the
grave, seek the sun and air, whereby all things live.
Of coarse one cannot but consider what effect this marvel-
lous production must have upon man. Too often it overpow-
ers him, and makes him its slave, since he cannot be its
master. This is the terror of the Tropics, as of the Polar
regions, that nature is too strong for man to subdue her.
What can he do —poor, puny creature—against its terrible
forces ; against the heat of a vertical sun, that while if

quickens the earth, often blasts the strength of man, subdu

ing his energy, if not destroying his life ? What lan man do
in the Arctic circle against the cold that locks up whole con-
tinents in ice? Much as he boasts of his strength and of his
all- conquering will, be is but a child in the loo of nature,
tossed about by material forces as a leaf is b>6wn by thr

wind. The best region for human development and energj

is the temperate zone, where nature stimulates, but dt-es not

overpower, the energies of man, where the winter''s cold

does not benumb him and make him sink into torpor, but
only pricks him to exertion and makes him quicken his
The effect of this fervid climate shows itself not only upon
natives, but upon Europeans. It induces a languor and in-
disposition to effort.It has two of the hardest and toughest
races in the world to work upon, in the English in India and
the Dutch in Java, and yet it has its effect even upon them,
and would have a still greater were it not that this foreign
element is constantly changing, coming and going, whereby
there is all the time a fresh infusion of European life. Here
in Java the Dutch have been longer settled than the English
in India ; they more often remain in the island, and the effect
of course is more marked from generation to generation. The
Dutchman is a placid, easy-going creature, even in his native
Holland, except when roused by some great crisis, like a
Spanish invasion, and then he fights with a courage which has
given him a proud name in history. But ordinarily he is of
a calm and even temper, and likes to sit quietly and survey
his broad acres, and smoke his pipe in blissful content with
himself and all the world beside. When he removes from
Holland to the other side of the world, he has not changed
his nature ; he is a Dutchman still, only with liis natural love
of ease increased by life in the tropics. amusing to see
It is
how readily his Dutch nature falls in with the easy ways of
jhis Eastern world.
If I were to analyze existence, or material enjoyment in this
part of the world, I should say that the two great elements
in one's life, or at least in his comfort, are sleep and smoke.
They smoke in Holland, and they have a better right to
smoke in Java for here they but follow the course c f nature.

Why should not man smoke, when even the earth itself re

spires through smoke and flame ? The mountains smoke, axul

why not the Dutch
r Only there is this difference the :

volcanoes sometimes have a period of rest, but the Dutch

never. Morning, noon, and night, before breakfast and after
dinner, smoke, smoke, smoke It seems to be a Dutchman's

ideal of happiness. I have been told of some who dropped

to sleep with the cigar in their lips, and of one who required
his servants to put his pipe between his teeth while he was
yet sleeping, that he might wake up with the right taste in
his mouth. It seemed to me that this must work injury to
their health, but they think not. Perhaps there is something
in the phlegmatic Dutch temperament that can stand this
better than the more mercurial and excitable English or
And then how they do Bleep ! Sleep is an institution in
Java, and indeed everywhere in the tropics. The deep still-

ness of the tropical noon seems to prescribe rest, for then

mature itself sinks into repose. Scarcely a leaf moves in the
forest —the birds cease their musical notes, and seek for rest
under the shade of motionless palms. The sleep of the Dutch
is like this stillness of nature. It is profound and absolute
repose. For certain hours of the day no man is visible. I
had a letter to the Resident of Solo, and went to call on him
at two o'clock. He lived in a grand Government House, or
^>alace but an air of somnolence pervaded the place, as if it

were the Castle of Indolence. The very servant was asleep

on the marble pavement, where it was his duty to keep watch
and when I sent in my letter, he came back making a very
significant gesture, leaning over his head to signify that hii
master was asleep. At five o'clock I was more fortunate, but
even then he was dressed with a lightness of costume more
suitable for one who was about to enter his bath than to givs
There is a still graver question for the moralist to considei
— the efieijt of these same physical influences upon humar

character. No observer of men in different parts of the

world can fail to see that different races have been modified
by climate, not only in color and features, but in tempera-
ment, in disposition, and in character. A hot climate make?
hot blood. Burning passions do but reflect the torrid sun
What the Spaniard is in Europe, Malay is in Asia
There is a deep philosophy in the question of Byron :

**Kiiow ye the land where the cypress and myrtle

Are emblems of deeds that are done in their clime,
Where the rage of the vulture, the love of the turtle,
Now melt into sorrow, now madden to crime ? "

But must not wander into deep philosophy. 1 only say

that great as is the charm of life in the tropics, it is not
without alloy. In landing in Java it seemed as if we had
touched the shores of some enchanted island, as if we had
found the Garden of Paradise lying far off in these Southern
seas. We had come to the land of perpetual spring and per-
petual summer, where nature is always in bloom, and frost
and snow and hail have fled away to the bleak and wintry
North. But as we are obliged to go back to that North, we
wish to be reconciled to it. We find that one may have too
much even of Paradise. a monotony in perpetual
There is

summer. The only change of seasons here is from the dry

season to the rainy season and the only difference between

these, so far as we can see, is that in the dry season it

rains, and in the rainy season it pours. W^e have been here
in the dry season, and yet we have had frequent showers,
with occasional thunderstorms. If we should stay here a
year, w^e should weary of this unrelieved monotony of sun
and rain. We should long for some more marked change of
seasons, for the autumn leaves and the winter winds, and
the gradual coming on of spring, and all those insensible gra
dations of nature which make the glory of the full rounfl



And what a loss should we find in the absence of twilight

Java, being almost under the Equator, the days and night?
are almost equal throughout the year ; there are no shori
days and no long days. Day and night come on suddenly
not instantly, but in a few minutes the night breaks into tlif

full glare of day, and the day as quickly darkens into night
How we should miss the long summer twilight, which in our
Northern latitudes lingers so softly and tenderly over the
quiet earth.
Remembering these things, we are reconciled to our lot in
living in the temperate zone, and turn away even from the
soft and easy life of the tropics, to find a keener delight in
our rugged clime, and to welcome even the snow-drifts and
the short winter days, since they bring the long winter even-
ings, and the roaring winter fires !

We leave Java, therefore, not so much with regret that we

can no longer sit under the palm groves, and indulge in the
soft and easy life of the tropics, as that we part from friends.
Our last night in Batavia they took us to a representation
given by amateurs at the English Club, where it was very
pleasant to see so many English faces in this distant part
own mother tongue. The next
of the world, and to hear our
morning they rode down with us to the quay, and came off
to the steamer, and did not leave us till it was ready to
move and it was with a real sadness that we saw them over

the ship's side, and watched their fluttering signals as they

sailed back to the shore. These partings are the sore pain of
travel. But the friendships remain, and are delightful in
memory. A pleasure past is a pleasure still. Evan now ii

gives us a warm feeling at the heart to think of those kind

friends on the other side of the globe.

In Singapore, as in Batavia, the lines fell to us in pleasant

places. An English merchant, Mr. James Graham, carried
us off to his hospitable bungalow outside the town, where we
passed four days. It stood on a hill, from, which we looked
off on one side to the harbor, where were riding the ships o"
all nations, and on the other to an undulating country, witl
here and there an English residence embowered in trees.

In this delightful retreat our hosts made us feel perfectly at

home. We talked of England and America we romped


with the children ; we played croquet on the lawn we re- ;

ceived calls from the neighbors, and went out to " take tea"
in the good old-fashioned way. We attended service, the
Sunday before going to Java, in the Cathedral, and on our
return, in the Scotch church ; so that around us, even at this
extremity of Asia, were the faces and voices, the happy do-
mestic life, and the religious worship, of dear old England.
But just as we began to settle into this quiet life, the
steamer was signalled from Ceylon which was to take us to
China, and we had to part from our new friends.
had been in my plan to go from here to Siam. It is but
three days' sail from Singapore up the Gulf to Bangkok but ;

it is not so easy to get on from there. Could we have been

Bure of a speedy passage to Saigon^ to connect with the French
steamer, we should not have hesitated; but without this, we
might be detained for a week or two, or be obliged to come
back to Singaj)ore. Thus uncertain, we felt that i' was safe?

to take the steamer direct for Hong Kong, though it was t

Bore disappointment to pass across the head of the Gulf ol

Siam, knowing that we were so near the Land of the White

Elephant, and leave it un visited.
The China seas have a very bad name among sailors and
travellers, as they are often swept by terrible cyclones; but
we crossed at a favorable season, and escaped. The heat was
great, and passengers sat about on deck in their easy cane
chairs, as on the Red Sea ; but beyond that, we experienced
uot so much discomfort as on the Mediterranean. On the
sixth morning we saw in the distance an island, which, as
we drew nearer, rose up so steeply and so high that it ap-
peared almost like a mountain. This was the Peak of Hong

Kong a signal-station from which men, with their glasses,
can look far out to sea, and as soon as one of the great steam-
ers is descried on the horizon, a flag is run up and a gun
tired to convey the news to the city below. Coming up be-
hind the island, we swept around its point, and saw before us
a large town, very picturesquely situated on the side of a hill,
rising street above street, and overlooking a wide bay shut
in by hills, so that it is sheltered from the storms that
vex the China seas. The harbor was full of foreign ships,
among which were many ships of war (as this is the ren-
dezvous of the British jfleet in these waters), which were
firing salutes; among those flying the flags of all nations was
one modest representative of our country, of which we did
not need to be ashamed —the Kearsarge, We afterwa-rda
went on board of her, and saw and stroked with aftection,
mingled with pride, the big gun that sunk the Alabama.
Hong Kong, like Singapore, is an English colony, but with
a Chinese population. You can hardly set foot on shore be-
fore you are snapped up by a couple of lusty fellows, with
Rtraw hats as large as umbrellas on their heads, and who,
though in bare feet, stand up as straight as grenadiers, and
as soon as you take youi seat in a chair, lift the bam''00

poles to their shoulders, and walk off with you on the double
No country which we see for the first time is exactly as we
supposed it to be. Somehow I had thought of China as a

vast plain like India ; and behold the first view reveals
! a

wild, mountainous coast. As we climb Yictoria Peak above

Hong Kong, and look across to the mainland, we see only
Darren hills —a prospect almost as desolate as that of the
Arabian shores on the Red Sea.
But what wonders lie beyond that Great Wall of moun-
tains which guards this part of the coast of China One !

^'annot be in sight of such a country without an eager im-

pulse to be in and after two or three days of rest we set

out for Canton, which is only eight hours distant. Our

boat was an American one, with an American captain, who
took us into the wheel-house, and pointed out every spot of
interest as we passed through the islands and entered the
Canton river. Forty miles south is the old Portuguese port
of Macao. At the mouth of the river are the Bogue Forts,
which played such a part in the English war of 1841, but
which were sadly battered, and now lie dismantled and un-
garrisoned. Going by the stately Second Bar Pagoda, we
next j)ass Whampoa, the limit to which foreign vessels could
come before the Treaty Ports were opened. As we ascend
the river, it is crowded with junks —
strange craft, high at
both ends, armed with old rusty cannon^ with which to beat
off the pirates that infest these seas, and ornamented at the
bow with huge round eyes, that stand out as if from the head
of some sea-monster, some terrible dragon, which keeps
watch over the deep. Amid such fantastic barks, with their
Btrange crews, we steamed up to Canton.
At the landing, a son of Dr. Happer, the American mis-
sionary, came on board with a letter from his father inviting
us to be his guests, and we accordingly took a native boat^
ftnd were rowed up the riv(jr. Our oarsmaf* was a woman^

who, besides the trifle of rowing our boat up the stream, hao
a baby strapped on her back Perhaps the weight helped

her to keep her balance as she bent to the oar. But it wai
certainly bringing things to a pretty fine point when human
muscles were thus economized. This boat, well called iv
Chinese a tan-ka or egg-house, was the home of the family.
It sheltered under its little bamboo cover eight souls (as manj
as Noah had in the Ark), who had no other habitation
Here they ate and drank and slept here perhaps children ;

were born and old men died. In Canton it is estimated that

a hundred and fifty thousand people thus live in boats, lead-
ing a kind of amphibious existence.
Above the landing is the island of Shameen, a mile long,
which is the foreign quarter, where are the Hongs, or Fac-
tories, of the great tea-merchants, and where live the wealthy
foreign residents. we drew up to the
Rounding this island,
quay, in front of Dr. Happer's door, where we found that
welcome which is never wanting under the roof of an Amer-
ican missionary. Dr. Happer has lived here thirty-two years,
and was of course familiar with every part of Canton, and
was an invaluable guide in the explorations of the next three
or four days.
When we were in Paris, we met Dr. Wells Williams, the
well-known missionary, who had spent over forty years iD
China, twelve of them in Peking, of which he said, thai
apart from its being the capital, it had little to interest a

stranger —at least not enough to repay the long journey to

*"each it. He said it would take a month to go from Shang-
hai to Tientsin, and then cross the country cramped up in
carts to Peking, and visit the Great Wall, and return to
Shanghai. Canton was not only much nearer, but far mere
biteresting, and the best representative of a Chinese city in
the Empire.
The next morning we began our excursions, not wi^h
horses and chariots, but with coolies and chairs. An I aglia^i


gentleman and his wife, who had come with us from Singa-
pore, joined us, making, with a son of Dr. Happer and the
guide, a party of six, for whom eighteen bearers drew up
before the door, forming quite a procession as we filed through
the streets. The motion was not unpleasant, though they
swung us along at a good round pace, shouting to the people
to get out of the way, who forthwith parted right and left,
as if some high mandarin were coming. The streets were nar-
Yow and densely crowded. Through such a mass it required
no small effort to force our way, which was effected only by
our bearers keeping up a constant cry, like that of the gon-
doliers in Venice, when turning a corner in the canals —
signal of warning to any approaching in the opposite direc-
tion. I could but admire the good-nature of the people,
who yielded so readily. If we were thus to push through a
crowd in New York, and the policemen were to shout to the
Bowery boys " to '*
get out of the way," we might receive
a " blessing " in reply that would not be at all agreeable.
But the Chinamen took it as a matter of course, and turned
aside respectfully to give us a passage, only staring mildly
with their almond eyes, to see what great personages were
these that came along looking so grand.
Our way led through the longest street of the city,
bears the sounding name of the Street of Benevolence and
Love. This is the Broadway of Canton, only it is not half
as widj as Broadway. some of the
It is very narrow, like
old streets of Genoa, and paved, like them, with huge slabs
of stone. On either side it is lined with shops, iato which
we had a good opportunity to look as we brushed past them,
for they stood wide open. They were of the smallest dimen-
sions, most of them consisting of a single room, even when
hung with beautiful embroideries. There may be little re-
cesses behind, hidden interiors where they live, though ap
parently we saw the whole family. In many shojr^ they were
fcaking their meals in full sight of the passers-by There waf

no variety of courses ; a bowl of rice in the centre of tht

tablo was the universal dish (for rice is the staff of life in
Asia, as bread is in America), garnished perchance with some
" little pickle," in the shape of a bit of fish and soy, to serve
as a sauce piquante to stimulate the flagging appetite. But
apparently they needed no appetizer, for they plied their
chop-sticks with unfailing assiduity.
Our first day's ride was probably ten or twelve miles, and

fcook us through such " heavenly streets " as we never knew

before, and did not expect to walk in till we entered the
gates of the New Jerusalem. Besides the Street of Benevo-
lence and Love, which might be considered the great high-
way of the Celestial City, there were streets which bore the
enrapturing names of " Peace," " Bright Cloud," and " Lon-
gevity " of '' Early-bestowed Ble-soiugs " and of '* Everlasting

Love " of " One Hundred C tandsons " and (more ambitious

still) of " One Thousand Grandsons " of " Five Happi-


nesses " and of '' Refreshing Breezes " of *' Accumulated


Blessings " and of " Ninefold Brightness." There was a

" Dragon street," and others devoted to " The Ascending
Dragon," "The Saluting Dragon," and "The Reposing
Dragon " while other titles came probably a little nearer
the plain fact, such as "The Market of Golden Profits."
All the shops have little shrines near the door dedicated to
Tsai Shin, or the God of Wealth, to whom the shopkeepers
offer their prayers every day. I think I have heard of
prayers ofiered to that divinity in other countries, and no
one could doubt that these prayers at least were fervent and
But names do not always designate realities, and though
WQ passed through the street of a " Thousand Beatitudes " and
that of a " Thousandfold Peace," we saw sorrow and misery
enough before the day was done.
One gets an idea of the extent of a city not only by tra-
rersing its streets, but by ascending seme high point il th«

vicinity that overlooks The best point for such a bird's*


eye view is the Five-storied Pagoda, from which the eye

ranges over a distance of many miles, including the city and
the country around to the mountains in the distance, with
the broad river in front, and the suburb on the other side.
The appearance of Canfe )n is very different from that of a
European city. It has no architectural magnificence. There
are some fine houses of the rich merchants, bi ilt of brick,
with spacious rooms and courts but there are no great ;

palaces towering over the city —

no domes like St. Paul's in
London, or St. Peter's in Romo, nor even like the domes
and minarets of Constantinople. The most imposing struc-
ture in view is the new Koman Catholic Cathedral. Here
and there a solitary pagoda rises above the vast sea of hu-
man dwellings, which are generally of but one, seldom two
stories in height, and built very much alike ; for there is

the same monotony in the Chinese houses as in the figures

and costumes of the Chinese themselves. Nor is this level
surface relieved by any variety of color. The tiled roofs,
with their dead color, but increase the sombre impression of
the vast dull plain ;
yet beneath such a pall is a great city,
intersected by hundreds of streets, and occupied by a mil'
lion of human beings.
The first impression of a Chinese city is of its myriad,
multitudinous life. There are populous cities in Europe,
and crowded streets ; but here human beings swarTn, like
birds in the air or fishes in the sea. The wonder is how
they all li^ e ; but that is a mystery which I could not solve
in London any more than here. There is one street a mile
long, which has in it nothing but shoemakers. The people
amused us very much by their strange appearance and dress,
in both which China differs wholly from the Orietnt. A
Chinaman is not at all like a Turk. He does not wear a
turban, ncr even a long, flowing beard. His head is shaved

above and below face, chin, and skull and inste? \l of th« —

patriarchal beard before him, he carries only a pigtail behind

The women whom we met in the streets (at least those of
any position, for only the common work- women let their feel
grow) hobbled about on their little feet, which were like dolia'
feet —a sight that was half ludicrous and half painful.
But ifwe were amused at the Chinese, I dare say they
were as much amused at us. The people of Canton ough<
by this time to be familiar with white faces. But, strange to
say, wherever we went we attracted a degree of attention
which had never been accorded us before in any foreign city.
Boys ran after us, shoutijig as they ran. If the chairs were
set down in the street, as we stopped to see a sight, a crowd
gathered in a moment. There was no rudeness, but mere
curiosity. If we went into a temple, a tlirong collected
about the doors, and looked in at tlie windows, and opened
a passage for us as we came out, and followed us till we got
into our chairs and disappeared down the street. The ladies
of our party especially seemed to be objects of wonder.
They did not hobble on the points of their toes, but stood
erect, and walked with a firm step. Their free and inde-
pendent air The children
apparently inspired respect.

seemed to hesitate between awe and terror. One little fel-

low I remember, who dared to approach too near, and whom
my niece cast her eye upon, thought that he was done for,
and fled howling. I have no doubt all reported, when they
went home, that they had seen some strange specimens of
foreign devils."
But the Chinese are a highly civilized people. In some
things, indeed, they are mere children, compared with Euro-
peans but in others they are in advance of us, especially thosa

arts which require great delicacy, such as the manufacture of

Bome kinds of jewelry, exquisite trinkets in gold and silvei,
in which Canton rivals Delhi and Lucknow, and in the finesi
work in ivory and in precious woods also in those which ;

require a degree of patience to be found nowhere except


among Asiatics. For saw a man carving an

exam2)le, I
elephant's tusk, which would take him a whole year The !

Chinese are also exquisite workers in bronze, as well as in

porcelain, inwhich they have such a conceded mastery that
^j^ecimens of "old China" ornament every collection in
Europe. Their silks are as rich andany that are prO'
fine as

duced from the looms of Lyons or Antwerj). This need not

surprise us, for we must remember the great antiquity of
China ; that the Chinese were a highly civilized people when
our ancestors, the Britons, were barbarians. They had the
art of printing and the art of gunpowder long before they were
known in Europe. Chinese books are in some respects a
model for ours now, not only in cheapness, but in their ex-
treme lightness, being made of thin bamboo paper, so that a
book weighs in the hand hardly more than a newspaper.
Of course every stranger must make the round of temples
and pagodas, of which there are enough to satisfy any num-
ber of worshippers. There is a Temple of the Five Genii,
and one of the Five Hundred Arhans, or scholars of Buddha.
There is a Temple of Confucius, and a Temple of the Em-
peror,where the mandarins go and pay to his Majesty and to
the Sage an homage of divine adoration. I climbed up into
and thought I was quite as fit an object of
his royal seat,
worship as he There is a Temple of Horrors, which out-

does the " Chamber of Horrors " in Madame Tussaud's

famous exhibition of wax- works in London. It is a repre-
sentation of all the torments which are supposed to be en-
dured by the damned, and reminds one of those frightful
pictures painted in the Middle Ages in some Roman Catholic
countries, in which heretics are seen in the midst of flames,
tossed about by devils on pitchforks. But the Chinese soften
the impression. To restore the balance of mind, terrified bj
these frightful representations, there is a Temj^le of Lf iigevity,
in which there is a figure of Buddha, such as the ancient
Romans might have made of Bacchus or Silenus a moua


tain of flesh, with fat eyes, laughing mouth, and enormoua

paunch. Even the four Kings of Heaven, that rule over the
four points of the compass — North, South, East, and West—
have much more of an earthly than a heavenly look. AU
these figures are grotesque and hideous enough ; but to their
credit be it said, they are not obscene, like the figures in the
temples of India. Here we made the same observation as in
Burmah, that Buddhism is a much cleaner and more decent
religion than Hindooism. This is to its honor. '* Buddhism,"
says Williams, " is the least revolting and impure of all
false religions." Its general character we have seen else-

where. Its precepts enjoin self-denial and practical benevo-

lence. no cruel or bloody rites, and nothing gross
It has
in its worship. Of its priests, some are learned men, but the
mass are ignorant, yet sober and inoffensive. At least they
are not a scandal to their faith, as are the priests of some
forms of Christianity. That the Chinese are imbued with
religious ideas is indicated in the very names of the streets
already mentioned, whereby, though in a singular fashion,
they commemorate and glorify certain attributes of character.
The idea which seems most deep-rooted in their minds is
that of retribution according to conduct. The maxim most
frequent in their mouths is that good actions bring their own
reward, and bad actions their own punishment. This idea
was very pithily expressed by the famous hong-merchant,
Howqua, in reply to an American sea-captain, who asked
him his idea of future rewards and punishments, to which he
replied in pigeon- English :
" A man do good, he go to Joss ;
he no do good, very much bamboo catchee he !

But we will leave the temples with their grinning idols ; as

we leave the restaurants, where lovers of dainty dishes are
regaled with dogs and cats and the opium-shops, where the

Chinese loll and smoke till they are stupefied by the horrid
drug; for Canton has something more attractive. We founc
ftvery curious study in the Examination Hall, illustrating, as

it does, the Chinese manner of elevating m^n to office. We

hear much in our country of ''
civil service reform," which
some innocently suppose to be a new discovery in political

economy an American invention. But the Chinese have
had it for a thousand years. Here appointments to office are
made as the result of a competitive examination and al- ;

though there may be secret favoritism and bribery, yet the

theory is one of perfect equality. In this respect China is
the most absolute democracy in the world. There is no
hereditary rank or order of nobility the lowest menial, if

he has native talent, may raise himself by study and perse-

verance to be Prime Minister of the Empire.
In the eastern quarter of Canton is an enclosure of many
acres, laid off in a manner which betokens some unusual pur-
pose. The ground is divided by a succession of long, low
buildings, not much better than horse-sheds around a New
England meeting-house of the olden time. They run in
parallel lines, like barracks for a camp, and are divided into
narrow compartments. Once in three years this vast camp-
ing-ground presents an extraordinary spectacle, for then are
gathered in these courts, from all parts of the province, some
ten thousand candidates, all of whom have previously passed
a first examination, and received a degree, and now ap-
pear to compete for the second. Some are young, and some
are old, for there is no limit put upon age. As the candi-
dates present themselves, each man is searched, to see that he
has no books, or helps of any kind, concealed upon his per-
son, and then put into a stall about three feet wide, just
large enough to turn around in, and as bare as a prisoner's
cell. There is a niche in the wall, in which a board can l»e
placed for him to sit upon, and another niche to support a
board that has to serve as breakfast-table and writing-tablej.

This is the furniture of his room. Here he is shut in from

all communication with the world, his food being passed to
Uim through the door, as to a prisoner. Certain themes are

then submitted to him in writing, on which he is to furnisi

written essays, intended generally, and perhaps always, to
determine his knowledge of the Chinese classics. It is some-
times said that these are frivolous questions, the answers to
which afford no proof whatever of one's capacity for office ^

but it should be remembered that these classics are the wri-

tings of Confucius, which are the political ethics of the coun-
try, the very foundation of the government, without knowing
which one is not qualified to take part in its administration.
The candidate goes into his cell in the afternoon, and
spends the night there, which gives him time for reflection,
md all the next day and the next night, when he comes out,
and after a few days is put in again for another trial of the
same character and this is repeated a third time at the end
; ;

of which he is released from solitary confinement, and his

essays are submitted for examination. Of the ten thousand,
only seventy-five can obtain a degree not one in a hundred — !

The nine thousand and nine hundred must go back disap-

pointed, their only consolation being that after three years
they can try again. Even the successful ones do not thereby
get an office, but only the right to enter for a third competi-
tion,which takes place at Peking, by which of course their
ranks are thinned still more. The few who get through this
threefold ordeal take a high place in the literary or learned
class, from which all appointments to the public service are
made. Here is the system of examination complete. No
trial can be imagined more severe, and it ought to give the
Chinese the best civil service in the world.
May we not get a hint from this for our instruction
in America, where some of our best men are making
earnest efforts for civil service reform? If the candidates,
who flock to Washington at the beginning of each adminis-
tration, were to be put into cells, and fed on bread and water,
it might check the rage for office, and the number jf appli

cants might be diminished ; and if tliey were required to pasd


ftn examination, and to furnish written essays, showing at

leastsome degree of knowledge of political affairs, we might

have a more intelligent class of officials to fill consular posts
in different parts of the world.
But, unfortunately, it might be answered that examina-
tions, be they ever so strict, do not change human nature, nor
make men just or humane ; and that even the rigid system of
China does not restrain rulers from corruption, nor protect
the people from acts of oppression and cruelty.
Three spots in Canton had for me the fascination of horror
—the court, the prison, and the execution ground. I had

heard terrible tales of the trial —

by torture of men racked to
extort the secrets of crime, and of the punishments which
followed. These stories haunted me, and I hoped to find
some features which would relieve the impression of so much
horror. I wished to see for myself the administration of
justice —to witness a trial in a Chinese court. A few years
ago this would have been impossible ; foreigners were ex-
cluded from the courts. But now they are open, and all can
see who have the nerve to look on. Therefore, after we had
made a long circuit through the streets of Canton, I directed
the bearers to take us to the Yamun, the Hall of Justice.
Leaving our chairs in the street, we passed through a large
open court into a hall in the rear, where at that very mo-
ment several trials were going on.
The court-room was very plain. A couple of judges sat
behind tables, before whom a number of prisoners were
brought in. The mode of proceeding was very foreign to
American or European ideas. There was neither jury nor
witnesses. This simplified matters exceedingly. There is no
trialby jury in China. While we haggle about impanelling
juries and getting testimony, and thus trials drag on for
weeks, in China no such obstacle is allowed to impede the
rapid course of justice md what is more, there are no law-

yers to perplex the case with their arguments, but the judge


has it all his own way. He is simply confronted Nvdth tht

accused, and they have it all between them.

While we stood here, a number of prisoners were brought
in; some were carried in baskets (as they are borne to exe-
cution), and dumped on the stone pavement like so many
bushels of potatoes ; others were led in with chains around
their necks. As each one's name was called, he came for-
ward and on his knees before the judge, and lifted up his

hands to beg for mercy. He was then told of the crime of

which he was accused, and given opportunity if he had any-
thing to say in his own defence. There was no apparent
harshness or cruelty towards him, except that he was pre-
sumed to be guilty, unless he could prove his innocence
contrary to the English maxim of law, that a man is to be
presumed innocent until he is proved guilty. In this, how-
ever, the Chinese practice is not very different from that
which exists at this day in so enlightened a country as
For example, two men were accused of being concerned to-

gether in a burglary. As they were from another prefecture,

where there is another dialect, they had to be examined
through an interpreter. The judge wished to find out who
were leagued with them, and therefore questioned them sep-
arately. Each was brought in in a basket, chained and dou-
bled up, so that he sat helplessly. No witness was examined,
but the man himself was simply interrogated by the judge.
In another case, two men were accused of robbery with
violence —
a capital offence, but by the Cliinese law nc man
can be punished with death unless he confesses his crime
hence every means is employed to lead a criminal to ac-
knowledge his guilt. Of course in a case of life and death he
will deny it as long as he can. But if he will not confess,
the court proceeds to take stringent measures to mahe him
confess, for which purpose these two men were now put to
the torture. The mode of torti-re was this There were two :

ifonnd pillars in the hall. Each man was on his knees, with
his feet chained behind him, so that he could not stir. He
was then placed with his back to one of these columns, and
small cords were fastened around his thumbs and great toes,
and drawn back tightly to the pillar behind. This soon pro-
duced intense suffering. Their breasts heaved, the veins on
their foreheads stood out like whipcords, and every feature
betrayed the most excruciating agony. Ev^ery few minutes
an the court asked if they were ready to confess,
officer of

and as often they answered, " No ; never would they confess

that they had committed such a crime." They were told if

they did not confess, they would be subjected to still greater

torture. But they still held out, though every moment
seemed an hour of pain.
While these poor wretches were thus writhing in agony, I

turned to the judge to see how he bore the spectacle of such

suffering. He sat at his table quite unmoved ;
yet he did
not seem like a brutal man, but like a man of education,
such as one might see on the bench in England or America.
He seemed to look upon it as in the ordinary course of pro-
ceedings, and a necessary stej) in the conviction of a criminal.
He used no bravado, and offered no taunt or insult. But
the cries of the sufferers did not move him, nor prevent his
taking his accustomed ease. He sat fanning himself and
smoking his pipe, as if he said he could stand it as long as
they could. Of course he knew that, as their heads were at
stake, they would deny their guilt till compelled to yield
but he seemed to look upon it as simply a question of endur-
ance, in which, if he kept on long enoughj there could be
but one issue.

But still the men did not give in, and I looked at them
with amazement mingled with horror, to see what human
nature could endure. The sight was too painful to witness
more than a few moments, and I rushed away, leaving the
men still hanging to the pillars of torture. I confess I felt f

relief when I went back the next day, to hear that they h&u
not yielded, but held out unflinchingly to the last.

Horrible as this seems, I have heard good men men of —

humanity argue in favor of torture, at least " when applied
in a mild waj." They affirm that in China there can be no
administration of justice without it. In a country where
testimony is absolutely worthless —where as many men can
be hired to swear falsely for ten cents apiece as you have
money to buy —there is no possible way of arriving at the
truth but by extorting it. No doubt it is a rough process,
but it secures the result. As it happened, the English gen-
lleman who accompanied us was a magistrate in India, and
he confirmed the statement as to the difficulty, and in many
cases the impossibility, of getting at the truth, because of the
unfathomable deceit of the natives. Many cases came before
him in which he was sure a witness was lying, but he was
helpless to prove it, when a little gentle application of the
thumbscrew, or even a good whipping, would have brought
out the truth, which, for want of it, could not be dis-

To the objection that such methods may coerce the inno-
cent as well as the guilty —that the pain may be so great
that innocent men will confess crimes that they never com-
mitted, rather than suffer tortures worse than death— the
answer is, that as guilt makes men cowards, the guilty
will give up, while the innocent hold out. But this is
simply trusting to the trial by lot. It is the old ordeal by
fire. A better answer is, that the court has beforehand
strong presumptive evidence of the crime, and that a prisoner
is not put to the torture until it has been well ascertained
by testimony obtained elsewhere that he is a great ofiender.
When it is thus determined that he is a robber or a mur-
derer, who ought not to live, then this last step is taken tc
compel him to acknowledge his guilt, and the justice of hi»


But there are cases in which a man may be wror-gfully ac-

cused ; an enemy may bribe a witness to make a complaint

against him, upon which he is arrested and cast intc
prison. Then, unless he can bring some powerful influence
to rescue him, his case is hopeless. He denies his guilt, and
is put to the rack for an offence of which he is wholly inno-
cent. Such cases, no doubt, occur and yet men who have

lived here many years, such as Dr. Happer and Archdeacon

Gray, tell me that they do not believe there is a country in
the world where, on the whole, justice is more impartially
administered than in China.
I was so painfully interested in this matter, that I went
oack to the Yamun company with Dr. Hap
the next day in
per, to watch the proceedings further. As before, a number
of prisoners were brought in, with chains around their necks,
each of whom, when called, felldown on his knees before the
judge and begged for mercy. They were not answered
harshly or roughly, but listened to with patience and atten-
tion. Several whose cases were not capital, at once con-
fessed their offence, and took the punishment. One young
fellow, a mere overgrown boy of perhaps eighteen, was
brought up, charged with disobedience to parents. He con-
fessed his fault,and blubbered piteously for mercy, and was
let off for this time with rather a mild punishment, which

was to wear a chain with a heavy stone attached, which he

was to drag about after him in the street before the prison,
where he was exposed to the scorn of the people. The
judge, however, warned him that if he repeated the disobedi-
ence, and was arrested again, he would be liable to be pun^
ished with death Such is the rigor with which the laws

of China enforce obedience to parents.

man accused of theft confessed it, and was sentenced to

wear the cangue a board about three feet square aroui^d —
his neck for a certain time, perhaps several weeks, on whicb
his name wa» painted in large characters, with the crime of


which he was guilty, that all who saw him might know that
he was a thief
These were petty cases, such as might be disposed of iE
any police court. But now appeared a greater offender. A
man was led in with a chain around his neck, who had the
reputation of being a noted malefactor. He was charged
with both robbery and murder. The
had been pending
a long time. The crime, or crimes, had been committed four
years ago. The man had been brought up repeatedly, but as
no amount of pressure could make him confess, he could not
be executed. He was now to have another hearing. He
knelt down on the hard stone floor, and heard the accusation,
which he denied as he had done before, and loudly protested
his innocence. The judge, who was a man of middle age,
with a fine intellectual countenance, was in no haste to con-
demn, but listened patiently. He was in a mild, persuasive
mood, perhaps the more so because he was refreshing himself
as a Chinaman likes to do. As he sat listening, he took
several small cups of tea. A boy in attendance brought him
also his pipe, filled with tobacco, which he put in his mouth,
and took two or three pufis, when he handed it back and ;

the boy cleaned it, filled it, and lighted it again. With such
support to his physical weakness, who could not listen
patiently to a man who was on his knees before him plead-
ing for his life ? was a very bad one. It had
But the case
been referred back to the village in which the man was
born, and the " elders," who form the local government in
every petty commune in China, had inquired into the facts,

and reported that he was a notorious offender, accused of no

less than seven crimes —
five robberies, one murder, and one
maiming. This was a pretty strong indictment. But the
man protested that he had beenmade the victim of a con-
spiracy to destroy him. The judge replied that it might be
fchat he should be wrongfully accused by one enemy, but i1

was hardly possible that a hundred people of liis nati\'e vU


lage should combine to accuse him falsely. Their written

report was read by the clerk, who then held it up before the
man, that he might see it in white and black. Still he
denied as before, and the judge, instead of putting him to
ihe torture, simply remanded him to prison for further ex
amination. In all these cases there was no eagerness to con
vict or to sentence the accused. They were listened to with
patience, and apparently all proper force was allowed to what
they had to say in their own defence.
This relieves a good deal the apparent severity of the
Chinese code. It does not condemn without hearing. But,
on the other hand, it does not cover up with fine phrases or
foolish sentiment the terrible reality of crime. It believes
in crime as an awful fact in human society, and in punish
ment as a repressive force that must be applied to keep
society from destruction.
Next to the Yamun is the prison, in which are confined
those charged with capital ofiences. We were admitted by
paying a small fee to the keepers, and were at once sur-
rounded by forty or fifty wretched objects, some of whom
had been subjected to torture, and who held up their limbs
which had been racked, and showed their bodies all covered
with wounds, as an appeal to pity. We gave them some
money to buy tobacco, as that is the solace which they crave
next to opium, and hurried away.
But there is a place more terrible than the prison ; it is

the execution-ground. Outside the walls of Canton, be-

tween the city gate and the river, is a spot which may w^el]

be called Golgotha, the place of a skull. It is simply a dirty

vacant lot, partly covered with earthenware pots and paxis, a
few rods long, on one side of which is a dead wall ; but
within this narrow space has been shed more blood than on
any other spot of the earth's surface. Here those sentenced
to death are beheaded. Every few days a gloomy procession
files into the lane, and the condemned are ranged against the


wall on thei) knees, when an assistant pills up i tiei r pinioned

arms from behind, which forces their heads forward, and the
executioner coming to one after another, cleaves the neck with
a blow. A number of skulls were scattered about — of those
whose bodies had been removed, but whose heads were left
unburied. In the lane is the house of the executioner o
thick, short-set man, in a greasy frock, looking like a
butcher fresh from the shambles. Though a coarse, ugly
fellow, he did not look, as one might suppose, like a monstei
of cruelty, but was simply a dull, stolid creature, who under-
took this as he would any other kind of business, and cut off
human heads with as little feeling as he would those of
so many sheep. He picks up a little money by exhibiting
himself and his weapon of death. He brought out his sword
to show it to us. It was short and heavy, like a butcher's
cleaver. I took it in my hand, and felt of the blade. It
was and rusted with stains of blood. He apologized
for its appearance, but explained that it had not been used
recently, and added that whenever it was needed for service,
he sharpened it. I asked him how many heads he had cut
off. He did not know — had notbut supposed
kept count —
some hundreds. Sometimes there were two or three tens "
— that is, twenty or thirty at once. —
Rev. Mr. Preston
told me he had seen forty cut off in one morning. Dr.
Williams had such a horror of blood that he could never be
present at an execution, but he one day saw nearly two
hundred headless trunks lying here, with their heads, which
had just been severed from the bodies, scattered over the
ground. Mr. Preston had seen heads piled up six feet high
It ought to be said, however, that in ordinstry times no
criminal convicted of a capital offence can be executed any-
where in the province (which is a district of nearly eighty
thousand square miles, with twenty millions of inhabitants)
except in Canton, and with the cognizance of the governor.
The carnival of blood was d iring the Taiping rebellion ir

1856* That rebellion invaded this province ; it had posses-

sion of Whampoa, and even endangered Canton. When h
was suppressed, it was stamped out in blood. There were
executions by wholesale. All who had taken part in it were
Bentenced to death, and as the insurgents were numbered by
tens of thousands, the work went on for days and weeks and
months. The stream of blood never ceased to flow. The
rebels were brought up the river in boat-loads. The magis-
trates in the villages of the province were supposed to have
made an examination. It was enough that they were found
with arms in their hands. There were no prisons which
could hold such an army, and the only way to deal with them
was to execute them. Accordingly every day a detachment
was marched out to the execution ground, where forty or
fifty men would be standing with coffins, to receive and carry

off the bodies. They were taken out of the city by a certain
gate, and here Dr. Williams engaged a man to count them as
they passed, and thus he kept the fearful roll of the dead
and comparing it with the published lists he found the num-
ber executed in fourteen months to be eighty-one thousand !

An Aceldama indeed ! It is not, then, too much to say that

taking the years together, within this narrow ground blood
enough has been shed to float the Great Eastern.
But decapitation is a simple business compared with
that which the executioner has sometimes to perform. 1
observed standing against the wall some half a dozen ruds
crosses, made of bamboo, which reminded me that death is

sometimes inflicted by crucifixion. mode of punish-

ment is reserved for the worst malefactors. They are not
nailed to the cross to die a lingering death, but lashed tc

it by ropes, and then slowly strangled or cut to pieces.

The executioner explained coolly how he first cut out an eye
or sliced off a piece of the cheek or the breast, and so pro
(jeeded deliberately, till with one tremendous stroke tl '^ bodj
was cleft in twain.


Til US Chinese law illustrates its idea of punishment, whici

is to inflict it with tremendous rigor. It not onlj holds tc
capital punishment, but sometimes makes a man in dying
A gentleman at Fuhchau told me
suifer a thousa.nd deaths.
that hehad seen a criminal starved to death. A man who
had robbed a woman, using violence, was put into a cage in
a public place, with his head out of a hole, exposed to the
8un, and hisbody extended, and there left to die by inches.
The foreign community were horror-struck the consuls ;

protested against it, but in vain. He lingered four days

before deathcame to put an end to his agony. There were
ibout twenty so punished at Canton in 1843, for incen-
We shudder at these harrowing tales of "man's inhuman-
ity to man." But we must not take the pictures of these
terrible scenes, as if they were things which stare in the
eyes of all which give the fairest impression
beholders, or
of Chinese law as if this were a country in which there

i& nothing but suffering and crime. On the contrary, it is

pre-eminently a land of peace and order. The Chinese are a
law-abiding people. Because a few hundred bad men are
found in a city of a million inhabitants, and punished with
severity, we must not suppose that this is a lawless commu-
riity. Those who would charge this, may at least be called
on to point out a better-governed city in Europe.
This fearful Draconian code can at least claim that it is
successful in suppressing crime. The law is a terror to evil-
doers. The proof of this is that order is so well preserved.
This great city of Canton is as quiet, and life and property
are as safe, as in London or New York. Yet it is done with
no display of force. There is no obtrusion of the police ii

the military, as in Paris or Vienna.The gates of the city

make their rounds,
are shut at night, and the Tartar soldiers
bu* the armed hand is not always held up before the public
eye. The Chinese Government has learned to make its an

thoritj respected without the constant display of railitarj

The Chinese are the most industrious people on the face
of the earth, for only by constant and universal industry can
a population of four hundred millions live. When such
masses of human beings are crowded together, the strug-
gle for existence is so great, that it is only by keeping the
millions of hands busy that food can be obtained for the
millions of mouths. The same necessity enforces peace with
each other, and therefore from necessity, as well as from
moral considerations, this has been the policy of China from
the beginning. Its whole political economy, taught long
sinceby Confucius, is contained in two words Industry and —
Peace. By an adherence to these simple principles, the Em-
pire has held together for thousands of years, while every
other nation has gone to pieces. China has never been an
aggressive nation, given to wars of conquest. It has indeed
attempted to subdue the tribes of Central Asia, and holds a
weak sway over Turkistan and Thibet while Corea and Loo-

choo and Annam still acknowledge a kind of fealty, now

long since repudiated by Burmah and Siam. But in almost
all cases it has " stooped to conquer," and been satisfied with

a sort of tribute, instead of attempting roughly to enforce

its authority, which would lead to perpetual wars. Thus has
China followed the lesson of Confucius, furnishing the moyt
stupendous example on the face of the earth of the advan-
tage to nations of industry and peace.
The reason for this general respect and obedience to la\¥
may be found in another fact, which is to the immortal honor
of the Chinese. It is the respect and obedience to parents.
In China the family is the foundation of the state and the ;

very law of society, as well as of religion, is " Honor

first :

thy father and mother." In no country in the world is this

law so universally obeyed. The preservation of China amid
the wreck of other kingdoms is largely due to its respect tc

the Fifth Commandment, which has proved literally " a com

mandment with promise " the promise, " that thy days maj

be long in the land which the Lord thy God giveth thee,''
having been fulfilled in the preservation of this country from
age to age.
As a consequence of this respect to parents, which im-
poses an authority over children, and binds them together, the
family feeling in China is very strong. This, however noble
in itself, has some evil effects, as it often separates the peo-
ple of a town or village by feuds and divisions, which are as
distinct, and as jealous and hostile, as the old Highland clans
in Scotland. This interferes with the administration of jus-
tice. If a crime is committed, all of one's clan are in league
to screen and protect the offender, while the rival clan is as
eager to pursue and destroy him. Woe to the man who is
accused, and who has no friend But the disposition to

stand by each other manifests itself in many acts of mutual

helpfulness, of devotion and personal sacrifice.
Carrying out the same idea, the nation is only a larger
family, and the government a patriarchal despotism. There
is no representative government, no Congress or Parliament
and yet there is a kind of local government, like that of our
New England towns. Every village is governed by " elders,"
who are responsible for its police, who look after rascals, and
who also aid in assessing the taxes for the local and general
governments. By this union of a great central power with
local administration of local affairs, the government has man-
aged to hold together hundreds of millions of human beings,
and make its authority respected over a large part of Asia.

This family feeling moulds even the religion of China,

which takes the form of a worship of ancestors. Those who
iiave given them existence are not lost when they have ceased
to breathe. They are still the links of being by which, acd
through which, thfs present living world came from the hand
of the Creator, and are to be reverenced with a devotion next

to that felt for the Author of being himself. Tlieii memorj

is still cherished. Every household has its objects of devo
tion ; every dwelling has its shrine sacred to the memory ol

the dead and no temple or pagoda is more truly holy ground


than the cemeteries, often laid out on hill-sides, where reposes

the dust of former generations. To these they make fre-
quent pilgrimages. Every year the Emperor of China goes
in state to visit the tombs of his ancestors. The poor emi-
grant who leaves for America or Australia, gives a part of
his earnings, so that, in case of death, his body shall be brought
back to China to sleep in the soil that contains the dust of
his ancestors. Thus the living are joined to the dead; and
those who have vanished from the earth, from the silent hilla

where they sleep, still rule the most populous kingdom of

the world.
One cannot leave China without a word in regard to its
relations with other countries. In this respect a great
change has taken place within this generation. The old ex-
clusiveness is broken down. This has come by war, and war
which had not always a justifiable origin, however good may
have been The opium war in 1841 is not a thing

to be remembered by England with pride. The cause of that

war was an attempt by the Chinese government in 1839 to
prevent the English importation of opium. Never did a
government make a more determined effort to remove a
terrible curse that was destroying its population. Seeing the
3vil in all its enormity, it roused itself like a strong man to
shake it off. It imposed heavy penalties on the use of opium,
even going so far as to put some to death. But what could it
do so long as foreigners were opium in Canton, right
before its eyes ? up the trade, to stop the
It resolved to break
Importation. As a last resort, it drew a cordon around the
factories of the foreign merchants, and brought them to
terms by a truly Eastern strategy. It did not attack them,
qor touch a hair of their heads ; but it assumed that it had

at. least fclie right to exercise its authority over its own people,
by forbidding them to have any intercourse with foreigners.
Immediately every Chinese servant left them. No mar
could be had, for love or money, to render them any servicej
or even to sell them food. Thus they were virtually pris-
oners. This state of siege lasted about six weeks. At the
end of that time the British merchants surrendered all the
opium, at the order of their consular chief, Charles Elliot, for
him to hand it over to the Chinese; it amounted to 20,285
chests (nearly three million pounds in weight), mostly on
board ship at the time. The Chinese received it at the
^nouth of the river, near the Bogu-^ Forts, and there destroyed
it, by throwing it overboard, as our fathers destroyed the
tea in Boston harbor. To make sure work of it, lest it
should be recovered and used, they broke open the chests
and mixed it thoroughly with salt water. As it dissolved in
the sea, it killed great quantities of fish, but that opium at
least never killed any Chinamen.
This brought on war. Much has been said of other
causes, but no one familiar with affairs in the East doubts
that the controlling motive was a desire to force upon China
the trade in opium which is one chief source of the revenue
of India.
The war lasted two years, and ended in a complete victory
for the foreigners. The Bogue Forts were bombarded, and
foreign ships forced their way up the river. Canton was
ransomed just as it was to have been attacked, but Amoy,
Ningpo, Shanghai, and Chinkiang were assaulted and cap-
tured. The war was finally terminated in 1842 by a treaty,
by the terms of which China paid to England six millions of
dollars for the opium which had been destroyed, and opened
five ports to foreign trade. This, though a gain to European
and Indian commerce, was a heavy blow to Canton, which^
instead of being the only open port, was but one of five
The trade, which before had been concentrated here, no\r

Spread along the coast to Amoy, FuhchaUj NiLgpo, anc

But the Ruler of Nations brings good out of evil. Wrong
as was the motive of the opium war, it cannot be doubted
that sooner or later war must have come from the attitude
of China toward European nations. For ages it had main-
tained a policy of exclusiveness. The rest of the world were
outside barbarians."' It repelled their advances, not onl}
with firmness, but almost with insult. While keeping thia
attitude of resistance, as foreign commerce was continually
knocking at its doors, a collision was inevitable. Recogniz-
ing this, we cannot but regret that it should hL/e occurred
for a cause in which China was in the right, and England in
the wrong.
Tn the wars of England and France with China, Europe
has fought with Asia, and has gotten the victory. Will it

be content with what it has gained, or will it press still

further, and force China to the wall ? This is the question

which I heard asked everywhere in Eastern Asia. The
English merchants find their interests thwarted by the obsti-
nate conservatism of the Chinese, and would be glad of an
opportunity for a naval or military demonstration —an occa-
sion whicl] the Chinese are very careful not to give. There
is fleet at Hong Kong, a few hours' sail from
an English
Canton. The admiral who was to take command came out
with us on the steamer from Singapore. He was a gallant
seaman, and seemed like a man who would not willingly do
injustice; and yet I think his English blood would rise at
the prospect of glory, if he were to receive an order from
London Canton River, and lay it
to transfer his fleet to the
abreast of the city, or to force his way up the Pei-ho. The
English merchants would hail such an appearance in tht-se
waters. Not content with the fifteen ports which they have
now, they want the whole of China opened to -.rade. Bui
the Chinese think they have got enough of i' and to anj

further invasion oppose a quiet but steady resistance. Th<

English are impatient. They want to force an entrance, and
to introduce not only the goods of Manchester, but all the

modern improvements to have railroads all over China, as
in India, and steamers on all the rivers ; and they think it
very unreasonable that the Chinese object. But -^.here is
another side to this question. Such changes would disturt
the whole internal commerce of China. They would throw
out of employment, not thousands nor tens of thousands, but
millions, who would perish in such an economical and indus-
trial revolution as surely as by the waters of a deluge. An
English missionary at Canton told me that it would not be
possible to make any sudden changes, such as would be in-
volved in the general introduction of railroads, or of labor-
saving machines in place of the labor of human hands, with-
out inflicting immense suffering. There are millions of
people who now keep their heads just above water, and that
by standing on their toes and stretching their necks, who
would be drowned if it should rise an inch higher. The
least agitation of the waters, and they would be submerged.
Can we wonder that they hesitate to be sacrificed, and beg
their government to move slo"s^ly ?
America has had no part in the wars with China, although
it is said that in the attack on the forts at the mouth of the

Pei-ho, when the English ships were hard pressed, American

sailors went on board of one of them, and volunteered to
serve at the guns, whether from pure love of the excitement
of battle, or because they felt, as Commodore Tatnall ex-
pressed it, that " blood was thicker than water," is not re-

corded.* American sailors and soldiers will never be wanting

* As this incident has excited a great deal of interest, I am happy

fco give it as it occurred from an eye-witness. One who was on board
of Commodore Tatuall's ship writes :

I was present at the battle in the Pei-ho in 1859, and know al

in any cause which concerns their country's interest and

honor. But hitherto it has been our good fortune to come
into no armed collision with the Chinese, and hence the Amer-
ican name is in favor along the coast. Our country is rep-

resented, not so much by ships of war

by merchants andas
missionaries. The latter, though few in number, by their
wisdom as well as zeal, have done much to conciliate favor
and command respect. They are not meddlers nor mischief-
makers. They do not belong to the nation that has forced
opium upon China, though often obliged to hear the taunl
that is hurled against the whole of the English-speaking race.
In their own quiet spheres, they have labored to diffuse
knowledge and to exhibit practical Christianity. They have
opened schools and hospitals, as well as churches. In Canton,
a generation ago, Dr. Peter Parker opened a hospital, which
is still continued, and which receives about nine hundred

the particulars. Admhal Hope having been wounded, was urged to

bring up the marines before sunset, and sent his aid down to take
them off the three junks, where they were waiting at the mouth of
the river. The aid came on board the " Toeywan " to see Commo-
dore Tatnall, tell him the progress of the battle, and what he had
been sent down for, adding that, as the tide was running out, it
would be hard work getting up again. As he went on, Tatnall began
to get restless, and turning to me (I sat next), said :
Blood is thicker
than water; I don't care if they do take away my commission.'
Then turning to his own flag-lieutenant
at the other end of the table,
he said aloud :
Get up steam ;
and everything was ready for a start

in double-quick time. When all was prepared, the launches, fuU of

marines, were towed into action by the " Toeywan" and casting;

them off, the Commodore left in his barge to go on board the British
flag-ship, to see the wounded Admiral. On the way his barge was
hit, his coxswain killed, and the rest just managed to get on board

the '• Lee " before their boat sunk, owing their lives probably tc
his presence of mind. It was only the men in this boat's crew who
helped to work the British guns. I suppose Tatnall never meant hit
words to be repeated, but Hope's aid overheard them, and thuF (pe

mortalized them."

every year into its fiftee:i inousand wht

wards, besides some
are treated at the doors.For twenty years it was in charg€
of Dr. Kerr, who nearly wore himself out in his duties and ;

is now succeeded by Dr. Carrow, a young physician who left

a good practice in Jersey City to devote himself to this work.

Hundreds undergo operation for the stone —a disease quite
common in the South, but which Chinese surgery is incom-
petent to treat — and who are here rescued from a lingering
death. That is the way American Christianity should be
represented in China. In Calcutta I saw the great opium
ships bound for Hong Kong. Let England have a monopoly
»f that trade, but let America come to China with healing
In one hand and the Gospel in the other.
Nor is this all which American missionaries have done.

They have rendered a service not yet noticed as it should
be —to literature, and in preparing the way for the intercourse
of China with other nations. An American missionary, Dr.
Martin, is President of the University at Peking, established
by the government. Dr. S. Wells Williams, in the more
than forty years of his residence in China, has prepared a
Chinese-English Dictionary, which I heard spoken of every-
where in the East as the best in existence. In other ways
his knowledge of the language and the people has been of
service both to China and to America, during his twenty-one
years' connection with the Legation. And if American
diplomacy has succeeded in gaining many substantial advan-
tages for our country, while it has skilfully avoided wound-
ing the susceptibilities of the Chinese, the success is due in
no small degree to this modest American missionary.
Do Quincey said if he were to live in China, he should go
mad. No wonder The free English spirit could not be so
confined. There is something in this enormous population,
weighed down with the conseivatism of ages, that oppresses
the intellect. It is a forced stagnation. China is a bound
less and a motionless ocean. Its own people may not feel it.

THE deaD sea stikrino. 39i

but one accustomed to the free life of Europe looks upon it

asa vast Dead Sea, in whose leaden waters nothing can live.

But even this Dead Sea is beginning to stir with life,

rhere is a heaving, as when the Polar Ocean breaks up, and
the liberated waves sweep far and wide

*' Swinging low with sullen roar."

Such is the sound which is beginning to be heard on all the

shores of Asia. Since foreigners have begun to come into
China, the Chinese go abroad more than ever before. There
is developed a new spirit of emigration. Not only do they
come to California, but go to Australia, and to all the islands
of Southern Asia. They are the most enterprising as well as
the most industrious of emigrants. They have an extraor-
dinary aptitude for commerce. They are in the East what
the Jews are in other parts of the world —
the money-changers,
the mercantile class, the petty traders ; and wherever they
come, they are sure to " pick up" and to *'go ahead." Who
can put bounds to such a race, that not content with a quar-
ter of Asia, overflows so much of the remaining parts of the
Eastern hemisphere ?

On our Pacific Coast the Chinese have appeared as yet only

as laborers and servants, or as attempting the humblest in-

dustries. we can regard

Their reception has not been such as
with satisfaction and pride. Poor John Chinaman Patient !

toiler on the railroad or in the mine, yet doomed to be kicked

about in the land whose prosperity he has done so much to
promote. There is something very touching in his love for
his native country — a love so strong that he desires even in
death to be carried back to be buried in the land which gave
him birth. Some return living, only to tell of a treatment
in strange contrast with that which our countrymeii have re
ceived in China, as well as in violation of the solemn obliga
fcions of treaties. We cannot think of this cruel f^rsecution
but with indignation at our couLitry's shame.
596 "the moon shines bright amid the fibs."

No one can visit China without becoming interested in the

country and its people. There is much that is good in thf
Chinese, in their patient industry, and in their strong do
mestic feeling. Who can but respect a people that honoi
and mothers in a way to furnish an example tc
their fathers
the whole Christian world? who indeed exaggerate their
reverence to such a degree that they even worship their an-
cestors ? The mass of the people are miserably poor, but
they do not murmur at their lot. They take it patiently, and
even cheerfully ; for they see in it a mixture of dark and
bright. In their own beautiful and poetical saying ; " The
moon shines bright amid the firs." May it not only shine
through the gloom of deep forests, but rise higher and higher
till it casts a flood of light over the whole Eastern sky 1

We left Hong Kong on the 15tli of May, just one yeai

from the day that we sailed from New York on our journey
around the world. As we completed these twelve months,
we embarked on our twelfth voyage. After being so long
on foreign ships —English andFrench and Dutch Austrian :

Lloyds and Messagerics Maritimes it was pleasant to be at
last on one that bore the flag of our country, and bore it so

proudly as " The City of Peking." As we stepped on her

deck, and looked up at the stars above us, we felt that we
were almost on the soil of our country. As we were now
approaching America, though still over six thousand miles
away, and nearly ten thousand from New York, we thought
it was time to telegraph that we were coming, but found that
"the longest way round was the nearest way home." The
direct cable across the Bay of Bengal, from Penang to Ma-
dras, was broken, and the message had to go by Siberia. It
seemed indeed a long, long way, but the lightning regards
neither space nor time. Swift as thought the message flew
up the coast of China to Siberia, and then across the whole
breadth of two continents, Asia and Europe, and dived under
the Atlantic, to come up on the shores of America.
The harbor of Hong Kong was gay with ships decorated
with flags, and the British fleet was still firing salutes, which
seemed to be its daily pastime, as the City of Peking began
to move. With a grand sweep she circled round the bay,
and then running swiftly into a winding passage among

islands, througli which is the entrance to the harbor, steamed

out on the broad Pacific.
We had intended to go to Shanghai, and through the In-
land Sea of Japan, but we sacrificed even such a pleasure
(or rather left it till the next time) to take advantage of this
noble ship, that was bound direct for Yokohama. Our course
took us through the Channel of Formosa, in full sight of the

island, which has had an unenviable notoriety from the treat-

ment of the crews of ships wrecked on its inhospitable coast.

Leaving it far behind, in six days we were running along the
shores of Japan, and might have seen the snowy head of
Fusiyama, had it not been wrapped in clouds. The next
morning we left behind the long roll of the Pacific, and
entered the Bay of Yedo —a gulf fifty miles deep, whose
clear, sparkling waters shone in the sunlight. Fishing-boats
were skimming the tranquil surface. The Japanese are born
to the sea. All around the coast they live upon it, and are
said to derive from it one-third of their subsistence. The
shores, sloping from the water's edge, are sprinkled with
Japanese villages. Some thirty miles from the sea we pass
Mississippi Bay, so called from the flag-ship of Commodore
Perry, which lay here with his fleet while he was conducting
the negotiations for the opening of Japan ; the headland
above it bears the name of Treaty Point. Bounding this
point, we see before us in the distance a forest of shipping,
and soon cast anchor in the harbor of Yokohama.
Yokohama has a pleasant look from the sea, an impression
increased as we are taken ofl" and landed on the
in a boat,
quay —a sea wall, which keeps out the waves, and furnishes
a broad terrace for the front of the town. Here is a wide
street called " The Bund," on which stand the principal
hotels. From our rooms we look out directly on the harbor,
Among the steamers from foreign ports, are a number of
ships of war, among which is the Tennessee, the flagship of
our Asiatic squadron, bearing the broad pennant of Admira'

ReyDolils, whom we had known in America, and indeed had

bidden good-by at our own door, as we stepped into the carriage
to drive to the steamer. We parted, hoping to meet in
Asia, a wish which was now fulfilled. He was very cour
teous to us during our stay, sending his boat to bring us on
board, and coming often with his excellent wife to see us on
shore. It gave us a pleasant feeling of nearness to home, to
have a great ship full of our countrymen close at hand.
In the rear of the town the hill which overlooks the har
bor, bears the foreign name of " The Bluif." Here is quite
an American colony, including several missionary families,
in which we became very much at home before we left Japan.
Yokohama has an American newness and freshness. It is
only a few years since it has come into existence as a place
of any importance. It was only a small fishing village untij
the opening of Japan, since which it has become the chief
port of foreign commerce. It is laid out in convenient
streets, which are well paved, and kept clean, and altogether
the place has a brisk and lively air, as of some new and
thriving town in our own country.
But just at this moment we are not so much interested to
see American improvements as to see the natives on their own
soil. Here they are in all their glory pure-blooded Asiatics —
— and yet of a type that is not Mongolian or Malayan or
Indian. The Jap is neither a " mild Hindoo " nor a " heathen
Chinee." His hair is shaved from his head in a fashion quite
his own, making a sort of triangle on the crown and no long ;

pigtail decorates his person behind. We recognize him at

once, for never was a human creature so exactly like his por-
trait. We see everyday the very same figures that we have
seen all our lives on tea-cups and saucers, and fans and
boxes. Our first acquaintance with them was as charioteers,
in which they take the place, not of drivers, but of horses
for the jin-riki-sha (literally, a carriage drawn by man power)

Daa no other "team" harnessed to it. The \ehicle is exactly

400 jm-EIKI-SHAS.

like a baby carriage, only made for ^'

children of a largei
growth." It is simply an enlarged perambulator, on two
wheels, drawn by a coolie ; and when one takes his seat in it
he cannot help feeling at first as if he were a big baby, whom
his nurse had tucked up and was takiug out for an airing.
But one need not be afraid of it, lest he break down the
carriage, or tire out the steed that draws it. No matter now
great your excellency may up
be, the stout fellow will take
the thills, standing where the pony or the donkey ought to
be, and trot off with you at a good pace, making about four

miles an hour. At first the impression was irresistibly ludi-

srous, and we laughed at ourselves to see what a ridiculous
figure we cut. Indeed we did not quite recover our sobriety
during the three weeks that we were in Japan. But after all
:t is a very convenient w^ay of getting about, and one at least

is satisfied that his horses will not run away, though he must

not be too sure of that, for I sometimes felt, especially when

going down hill, that they had got loose, and would land me
with a broken head at the bottom.
But Yokohama is only the gate of Yedo (or Tokio, as it is
the fashion to call it now, but I keep to the old style as more
familiar), of which we had read even in our school geogra-
phies as one of the most populous cities of Asia. The access
is very easy, for it is only eighteen miles distant, and there is

a railroad, so that it is but an hour's ride. While on our

way that morning, we had our first sight of Fusiyama.
Though seventy miles distant, its dome of snow rose on the
Ijorizon sharp and clear, like the Jungfrau at Interlachen.
Arrived at Yedo, the s^^tion was surrounded hyjinrikishas,
jfhose masters were kept in better order than the cabmen of
New York. Wishing to appear in the capital with proper
dignity, we took two men instead of one, so that each had a
full team; and fine young bloods they were, full of spirit,

that fairly danced with us along the street, in such gay fash-
ion tliat uiy clerical garb was hardly sufficient to preserve mj
YEDO. 401

clerical diaj-acter. We first trotted off to the American

Minister's, Mr. Bingham's, who received us with all courtesy,
and sent for the interpreter of the Legation, Rev. Mr.
Thompson, an American missionary, who kindly offered to
be our guide about the city, and gave up the day to us. With
such a cicerone, we started on our rounds. He took us first

to what is called the Summer Palace, though it is not a pal-

ace at all, but only a park, to which the Mikado comes once
in a while to take his royal pleasure. There are a few rest-

houses scattered about, where one, whether king or common-

er, might find repose ; or strolling under the shade of trees,

md looking off upon the tranquil sea. Next we rode to the

Tombs of the Tycoons, where, under gilded shrines, beneath
temples and pagodas, sleep the royal dead. The grounds are
fargeand the temples exquisitely finished, with the fine lacquer
work for which the Japanese are famous so that we had to ;

take off our shoes, and step very softly over the polished
floors. Hiding on through endless streets, our friend took us
to a hill, ascended by a long flight of steps, on the top of
which, in an open space, stood a temple, an arbor, and a tea-
house. This point commands an extensive view of Yedo.
It is a city of magnificent distances, spreading out for miles
on every side ; and yet, except for its extent, it is not at all
imposing, for it is, like Canton, a mere wilderness of houses,

relieved —
by no architectural magnificence not a single lofty
tower or dome rising above the dead level. But, unlike
Canton, the city has very broad streets, sometimes crossed
by a river or a canal, spanned by high, arched bridges. The
principal business street is much wider than Broadway, but
ithas not a shop along its whole extent that would make any
sh^w even in " The Boweiy." The houses are built only one
story higli, because of earthquakes which are frequent in
Japan, caused, as the people believe, by a huge fish which
lies under the island, and that shakes it whenever he tosses
his head or lashes his tail. Tlie houses are of such slight
i02 YBIX).

construction that they burn like tinder; and it is not sat

prising that the city is often swept by destructive fires. But
if the whole place were thus swept away, or if it were sliakeu
to pieces by an earthquake in the night, the people would
pick themselves up in the morning and restore their dwell-
ings, with not much more difficulty than soldiers, whoss
tents had been blown down by the wind, would find in pitch-
ing them again and making another camp. Some of the
government buildings are of more stately proportions, and
there are open grounds in certain quarters of the city, adorned
with magnificent trees, like the ancient oaks which cast their
shadows on the smooth-shaven lawns of England, and give
to English parks such an air of dignity and repose.
The Castle of the late Tycoon, which may be said to be the
heart of the city, around which it clusters, is more of a fortress
than a palace. There is an immense enclosure surrounded by
a deep moat (whose sides are very pretty, banked with rich
green turf), and with picturesque old towers standing at inter-
vals along the walls. In the rear of the grounds of the old Cas-
tle is the much less ambitious residence of the Mikado, where

he is duly guarded, though he does not now, as formerly,

keep himself invisible, as if he were a divinity descended from
the skies, who in mysterious seclusion ruled the affairs of men.
By this time we were a little weary of sight-seeing, and
drew up at a Japanese tea-house, to take our tiffin. The
place was as neat as a pin, and the little maids came out to
receive us, and bowed themselves to the ground, touching
the earth with their foreheads, in token of the great honor

that had come to their house homage that we received with
becoming dignity, and went on our way rejoicing.
The pleasantest sights that we saw to-day were two wliicL
showed the awakened intelligence and spirit of progress
among the people. These were the Government College,
with two hundred studuits, manned in part by American
professors (where we found our countryman Dr. Veedei

in hi* lecture-room, performing experiments) and an old ;

Temple of Confucius which has been turned into a library

and reading-room. Here was a large collection of books and
periodicals, many from foreign countries, over which a num-
ber of persons were quietly but studiously engaged. The
enclosure was filled with grand old trees, and had the air of
An academic grove, whose silent shades were devoted to studj'
and learning.
After this first visit to the capital, we took a week for an
excursion into the interior, which gave us a sight of the
country and of Japanese life. This we could not have made
with any satisfaction but for our friends the missionaries.
They kindly sketched the outlines of a trip to the base of
Fusiyama, seventy miles from Yedo. It was very tempting,
but what could we dr. without guides or interpreters ? We
should be lost like babes in the wood. It occurred to us
that such a journey might do them good. Dr. Brown and
Dr. Hepburn, the oldest missionaries in Japan, had been
closely confined for months in translating the Scriptures, and
needed some A little country air would give them

new life ; so we invited them to be our guests, and we would

make a week of it. We finally prevailed upon them to " come
apart and rest awhile," not in a " desert," but in woodland
shades, among the mountains and by the sea. Their wives
came with them, without whom their presence would have
given us but half the pleasure it did. Thus encompassed and
fortified with the best of companions, with a couple of Eng-
lish friends, we made a party of eight, which, with the usual
impedimenta of provisions and a cook, and extra shawls and
blankets, required eleven jinrikishas, with two men bar-
uessed to each, making altogether quite a grand cavalcade,
as we sallied forth from Yokohama on a Monday noon in
"high feather." To our staid missionary frier ds it was an
old story ; but to us^ strangers in the land, it w {is highly ex-
citing to be thus starting off into the interior of Japan. Thf

country around Yokohama is hillj and broken. Our wa^

wound through a succession of vaL{iys rich with fields of
riceand barley, while along the roads shrubberies, which ai
home are cultivated with great care, grew in wild profusion
—the wisteria, the honeysuckle, and the eglantine. The suo-
cession of hill and valley gave to the country a variety and
beauty which, with the high state of cultivation, reminded
us of Java. As we mounted
the hills we had glimpses of
the sea, forwe were skirting along the Bay of Yedo. After
a few miles we came to an enchanting spot, which bears the
ambitious title of the Plains of Heaven, yet which is not
heaven, and is not even a plain —but a rolling country, in
which and valley are mingled together, with the purple

mountains as a background on one side and the blue waters

on the other.
As we rode along, I thought how significant was the simple
fact of such an excursion as this in a country, where a few
years ago no foreigner's was safe. On this very road,

less than ten years since, an Englishman was cut down for

no other crime than that of being a foreigner, and getting in

the way of the high daimio who was passing. And now we
jogged along as quietly, and with as little apprehension, as
if we were riding through the villages of New England.
On our way lies a town which once bore a great name, Kama
kura, where nine centuries ago lived the great Yoritomo, the
Napoleon of liis day, the founder of the military rule in the
person of the Shogun (or Tycoon, a title but lately assumed),
as distinguished Here he made
from that of the Mikado.
his capital, which was afterwards removed, and about three
hundred years since fixed in Yedo and Kamakura is *ft,
; J

like other decayed capitals, to live on the recollections of

its former greatness. But no change can take away iti

natural beauty, in its sheltered valley near the sea.

A mile beyond, we came to the colossal image of Dai-Buts,
or Great Buddha. It is of bronze, and though in a sitting
DAI-BUTS. 40.5

posture^ is forty-four feet high. The hands are crossed upon

the knees. We crawled up into his lap, and five of us sat
side by side on his thumbs. We even went inside, and
climbed up into his head, and proved by inspection tkaf
these idols, however colossal and imposing without, are
empty within. There are no brains within their brazen
skulls. The expression of the face is the same as in all
statues of Buddha that of repose
—passive, motionless — as
of one who had passed through the struggles of life, and at-

tained to Nirvana, the state of perfect calm, which is thn

perfection of heavenly beatitude.
It was now getting towards sunse.t, and we had still five

or six miles to go before we reached our resting-place for the

night. x4.s this was the last stage in the journey, our fleet

coursers seemed resolved to show us what they could do.

They had cast off all their garments, except a cloth around
their loins,and straw sandals on their feet, so that they were
stripped like Roman gladiators, and they put forth a speed
as if racing in the arena. A connoisseur would admire their
splendid physique. Their bodies were tattooed, like South
Sea Islanders, which set out in bolder relief, as in savage
warriors, their muscular development — their broad chests
and brawny limbs. With no stricture of garments to bind
them, their limbs were left free for motion. It was a study
to see how they held themselves erect. With heads and
chests thrown back, they balanced themselves perfectly. The
weight of the carriage seemed nothing to them they had ;

only to keep in motion, and it followed. Thus we came

rushing into the streets of Fujisawa, and drew up before the
tea-house, where lodgings had been ordered for the night.
The whole family turned out to meet us, the women falling
jn their knees, and bowing their heads till they touched the
floor, in homage to the greatness of their guests.

And now came our first experience of a Japanese tea-

bouse. If the Jin riki-sha is like a baby carriage, the tea

hoase is like a baby bouse. It is small, built entirely o'

wood witb sliding partitions, whicb can be drawn, likf
screens, to enclose any open space, and make it into a room
These partitions are of paper, so that of course the " cham
bers " are not very private. The same material is used for
windows, and answers very well, as it softens the light, like
ground glass. The house has always a veranda, so that the
rooms are protected from the sun by the overhanging roof.
The bedrooms are very small, but scrupulously clean, and
covered with wadded matting, on which we lie down to
At Fujisawa is a temple, which is visited by the Mikado
once or twice in the year. We were shown through his
private rooms, and one or two of us even stretched ourselves
upon his bed, which, however, was not a very daring feat, as
it was merely a strip of matting raised like a low divan or

ottoman, a few inches above the floor. The temples are not
imposing structures, and have no beauty except that of posi-
tion. They generally stand on a hill, and are approached bj
an avenue or a long flight of steps, and the grounds are set
out with trees, which are left to grow till they som.etimea
attain a majestic height and breadth. In front of this tem-
ple stands a tree, which we recognized by its foliage as the
Salishuria adiantifolia —
a specimen of whicb we had in
A merica on our own lawn, but there it was a shrub brought
from the nursery, while here it was like a cedar of Lebanon.
It was said to be a thousand years old. Standing here, it
was regarded as a sacred tree, and we looked up to it with
more reverence than to the sombre temple behind, or the
sleepy old bonzes who were sauntering idly about the
The next morning, as we startedon our journey, we came
upon the Tokaido, tlie royal road of Japan, built hundreds
of years agofrom Yedo to Kioto, to connect the politica)
with the spiritual capital — the residence of the T f coon witi'

that of the Mikado. It is the highway along which thf

dainiios came in state to pay their homage to t: e Tycoon at

Vedo, as of old subject-princes came to Rome. It is construci-

ed with a good deal of skill in engineering, w^hich is shown in
carrying it over mountains, and in the biiilding of bridges
Portions of the road are paved with blocks of stone like the
Appian Way. But that which gives it a glory and majesty
all its own, is its bordering of gigantic cedars the Crypto-—

meria Japonica which attain an enormous height, with
gnarled and knotted limbs that have wrestled with the
storms of centuries.
As we advance, the road comes out upon the sea, for we
have crossed the peninsula which divides the Bay of Yedo
from the Pacific, and are now on the shores of the ocean
itself. How beautiful it seemed that day It was the last

of May, and the atmosphere was full of the warmth of

early summer. The coast is broken by headlands shooting
out into the deep, which enclose bays, where the soft, warm
sunshine lingers as on the shores of the Mediterranean, and
the waters of the mighty Pacific come gently rippling up the
beach. So twixt sea and land, sunshine and shade, we sped
gaily along to Odawara —
another place which was once the
residence of a powerful chief, whose castle is still there,
though in ruins ; its stones, if questioned of the past, might
tell a tale like that of one of the castles on the Rhine. These
old castles are the monuments of the same form of govern-
ment, for the Feudal System existed in Japan as in Germany,
The kingdom was divided into provinces, ruled by great dai-
mios, who were like the barons of the Middle Ages, each with
his armed who might be called upon to support
the central government, yet who sometimes made war upon it.
This Feudal System is now completely destroyed. As we
were riding over the Tokaido, I pictured to myself the greal
pageants that had swept along so proudly in the days gone
by. What would those old barons have thought if the;?

could liave seen in the future an irruption of invaders fron

beyond the sea, and that even this king's highway should
ouo day be trodden by the feet of outside barbarians ?
At Odawara we dismissed our men, (who, as soon as they
received tbeir money, started off for Yokohama,) as we had to
try another mode of transportation ; for though we still kept
the Tokaido, it ascends the mountains so steeply that it is

impassable for anything on wheels, and we had to exchange

the jinrikisha for the kago —a kind of basket made of bam-
boo, in which a man is doubled up and packed like a bundle,
and so carried on men's shoulders. It would not answer
badly if he had neither head nor legs. But his head is
always knocking against the ridge-pole, and his legs have to be
twisted under him, or "tied up in a bow-knot." This is the
way in which, criminals are carried to execution in China ;

but for one who has any further use for his limbs, it is not
altogether agreeable. I lay passive for awhile, feeling as if I
had been packed and salted down in a pork-barrel. Then I
began to wriggle, and thrust out my head on one side and the
other, and at last had to confess, like the Irishman who was
offered the privilege of working his passage on a canal -boat
and was set to leading a horse, that "if it were not for the
honor of the thing, I had as lief walk." So I crawled out
and unrolled myself, to see if my limbs were still there, for
they were so benumbed that I was hardly conscious of their
existence, and then straightening myself out, and taking a
long bamboo reed, which is light and strong, lithe and springy,
for an alpenstock, I started off with my companions We all
Boon recovered our spirits, and

*' Walked and in joy

in glory
Along the mountain side,"

till at nightfallwe halted in the village of Hakon6, a moun^

tain retreat much resorted to by foreigners fro iq Yedo and

Here we might have been in the Highlands of Scotland,

for we were in the heart of mountains, and on the border of
a lake. To make the resemblance more perfect, a Scotch
mist hung over the hills, and rain pattered on the roof all
night long, and half the next day. But at noon the clouds
broke, and we started on our journey. Dr. and Mrs. Browp
and Mrs. Hepburn kept to their baskets, and were borne a
long way round, while the rest of us were rowed acrosp
the lake, a beautiful sheet of water, nestled among the hills,
like Loch Katrine. One of these hills is tunnelled for two
miles, to carry the water under it to irrigate the ricf
fields ofsome twenty villages. Landing on the other side of
the lake, we had before us a distance of eight or ten miles.
Our coolies stood ready to carry us, but all preferred the
freedom of their unfettered limbs. The mountain is volcanic,
and on the summit is a large space made desolate by frequent
eruptions, out of which issues smoke laden with the fumes of
sulphur, and hot springs throw off jets of steam, and boil and
bubble, and hiss with a loud noise, as if all the furies were
pent up below, and spitting out their rage through the
fissures of the rocks. The side of the mountain is scarred
and torn, and yellow with sulphur, like the sides of Vesu-
vius. The natives call the place Hell. It was rather an
abrupt transition, after crossing the Plains of Heaven a day
or two before, to come down so soon to the sides of the pit.
Towards evening we came down into the village of Miya-
no-shita (what musif alnames these Japanese have ), where !

our friends were waiting for us, and over a warm cup of tea
talked over the events of the day. This is a favorite resort,
for its situation among the mountains, with lovely walks on
every side, and for its hot springs. Water is brought into
the hotel in pipes of bamboo, so hot that one is able to bear
t only after slowly dipping his feet into it, and thus sliding in
by degrees, when the sensation is as of being scalded alive.

But it takes the soreness out of one's limbs weary with a long

day's tramps ard after being steamed and boiled, we stretcii

ed ourselves on the clean mats of the tea-house, and skpt the

sleep of innocence and peace.
One cannot go anywhere in Japa^i withov^t receiving a
visit from the peoj le, who, being of a thrifty turn, seize the
occasion of a stranger's presence to drivo a little trade. The
skill of the Japanese is quite marvellous in certain directions.
They make everything in 2^€iio, in miniature —the smallest
earthenware j the tiniest cups and saucers. In these moun-
tain villages they work, like the Swiss, in wooden-ware, and
make exquisite and dainty little boxes and bureaus, as if
for dolls, yet with complete sets of drawers, which could not
but take the fancy of one who had little people at home wait-
ing for presents. Besides the temptation of such trinkets,
Tv^ho could resist the insinuating manner of the women who
brought them ? The Japanese women are not pretty. They
--night be, were it not for their odious fashions. We have
teen faces that would be quite handsome if left in their
native, unadorned beauty. But fashion rules the world in
Japan as in Paris. As soon as a woman is married her eye-
brows are shaved oflf, and her teeth blackened, so that she
eannot open her mouth without showing a row of ebony in-
stead of ivory, which disfigures faces that would be otherwise
quite winning. It says a good deal for their address, that
with such a feature to repel, they can still be attractive.
This is owing wholly to their manners. The Japanese men
and wom'^n are a light-hearted race, and captivate by their
gayety and friendliness. The women were always in a merry
LTQOod. As soon as they entered the room, before even a
word w\as spoken, they began to giggle, as if our appearance
were very funny, or as if this were the quickest way to be ou

good terms with us. The effect was irresistible. I defy the
soberest man to resist it, for as soon as your visitor langha,

you begin to laugh from sym])atliy ; and when you have got
Into a hearty laugh together, you are alre}\,dy acjuain^ »d, aiiid

in fri<.'n and the work of buying and selling goes

ily relations,

on easily. They took us captive in a few minutes. We

purchased sparingly, thinking of our long journey but our ;

English friends bought right and left, till the next day they
Lad to load two pack-horses with boxes to be carried over
the mountains to Yokohama.
The next day was to bring the consummation of our jour-
ney, for then we were to go up into a mountain and see the
glory of the Lord. A few miles distant is the summit of
Otometoge, from which one obtains a view of Fusiyama,
looking fidl in his awful face. We started with misgivings,
for ithad been raining, and the clouds still hung low upon
the mountains. Our way led through hamlets clustered to-
gether in a narrow pass, like Alpine villages. As we wound
up the ascent, we often stopped to look back at the valley be-
low, from which rose the murmur of rushing waters, while
the sides of the mountains were clothed with forests. These
rich landscapes gave such enchantment to the scene as rejjaid
us for all our weariness. At two o'clock we reached the
top, and rushed to the brow to catch the vision of Fusiyama,
but only to be disappointed. The mountain was there, but
clouds covered his hoary head. In vain we watched and
waited still the monarch hid his face.
; Clouds were round
about the throne. The lower ranges stood in full outline, but
the heaven-piercing dome, or pyramid of snow, was wrajjped
in its misty shroud. That for v^hich we had travelled seventy
miles, we could not see at last.
Is it not often so in life ? The moments that we have
looked forward to with highest expectations, are disappoint-
ing when they come. We cross the seas, and journey far, to

reach some mount of vision, when lo ! the sight that was to

reward us is hidden from our eyes while our liigliest rar*"

tures come to us unsought, perhaps in visions of the night.

But our toilsome climb was not unrewarded. Below iii
lap a broad, deep valley, to which the rice fields gave a -^ivict
' :


green, dotted with houses and villages, vhicli were scatteret

over the middle distance, and even around the base of Fusi
yama himself. Drinking in the full loveliness of the scene
we turned to descend, and after a three hours' march, footsore
and weary, entered our Alpine village of Miya-no-shita,
The next morning we set out to return. Had the day
shone bright and clear, we should have been tempted to re-
new our ascent of the day before. But as the clouds were
still over the sky, we reluctantly turned away. Taking an-
other route from that by which we came, we descended a deep
valley, and winding around the heights which we had crossed
before, at eleven o'clock reentered Odawara.
And now we had done with our marching and our kagos^
and once more took to our chariots, which drew up to the
door —the men not exactly saddled and bridled, but stripped
for the race, withno burden added to the burden of the flesh
which they had to carry. A crowd collected to see us depart,
and looked on admiringly as we went dashing through the
long street of Odawara, and out upon the Tokaido. Our
way, as before, led by the sea, which was in no tempestuous
mood, but calm and tranquil, as if conscious that the summer
was born. The day was not too warm, for the clouds that were
flying over the sky shielded us from the direct rays of the
sun yet as he looked out now and then, the giant trees cast

their shadows across our path. An American poet sings

" What is so rare as a day in June ? '

Surely nothing could be more rare or fair; but even the

eky and the soft Summer seemed more full of exquisite
sensations to the strangers who were that day rolling along
the shores of the Pacific, under the mighty cedars of the
Once more I was surprised and deliglited at tl e agility and
men who drew our jin-rikl-shas.
swiftness of the As we had
Sut twenty-three miles to go in ^he afternoon, we took i<


easily, and gave them first only a gentle tiot of five miles tc
get their limbs a little supple, and then stopped for tiffin

Some of the men had on a loose jacket when we started, be-

sides the girdle about the loins. This they took off and
wrung out, for they were dripping with sweat, and wiped
their brawny chests and limbs, and then took their chopsticks
and applied themselves to their rice, while we went upstairs
in the tea-house, and had our soup and other dishes served
to us, sitting on the floor like Turks, and then stretched our-
selves on the mats, weary with our morning's walk, and evec
with the motion of riding. While we were trying to get a
little rest our men talked and laughed in the court below as

if it were child's play to take us over the road. As we re-

sumed our and turned out of the yard, I had the curi-
osity to " time " their speed.I had a couple of athletic fel-
lows, who thought me a mere feather in weight, and made
me spin like a top as they bowled along. They started off ai
an easy trot, which they kept up, without breaking, mik
after mile. I did not need to crack the whip, but at the
word, away they flew through villages and over the open
country, never stopping, but when they came to slightly ris-
ing ground, rushing up like mettlesome horses, and down at
full speed. Thus they kept on, and never drew rein till they
came to the bank of a river, which had to be crossed in a
boat. I took out my watch. It was an hour and a quarter,
and they had come seven miles and a half This was doing

pretty well. Of course they could not keep this up all day
jet they will go thirty miles from sunrise to sunset, and even
forty, if spurred to it by a little extra pay. Sometimes, in
deed, they go even at a still greater speed for a short distance.
The first evening, as we came into Fujisawa, I do not doubt
that the last fifteen minutes they were going at a speed of ten
miles an hour, for they came in on a run. This is magnifi-
cent, but I cannot think it very healthful exercise. As gym
nasts and prize-fighters gi-ow old and die before their time.


SO with these human racehorses. Dr. Ilepbiirn says it ex

hausts them very early ; that they break down with disease
of the heart or lungs. They are very liable to rheuma,tism.
This is partly owing to their carelessness. They get heated^^
and then expose their naked bodies to drafts of cold air,
which of course stiffens their limbs, so that an old runner be
comes like a foundered horse. But even with all care, the
fatigue is very exhausting, and often brings on diseases which
take them off in their prime. Yet you cannot restrain their
speed, any more than that of colts that have never been bro-
ken. I often tried to check them, but they "champed at the
bit," and after a few vain remonstrances I had to give it up,

and " let them slide."

We did not stop at Fujisawa, where we had slept before,
for it is a large and noisy town, but pushed on three miles
farther, across a sandy beach to Enoshima, a little fishing
village, which stands on a point of land jutting out into the
sea, so that at high tide it is an island, and at low tide a
peninsula. Indeed, it is not much more than a projecting
rock of a few hundred acres, rising high out of the waters,
and covered thickly with groves of trees, among which are
several Buddhist temples. As we strolled along the top of
the cliffs at sunset, there were a dozen points of view where
we could sit under the shade of trees a hundred feet above
the waves, as on the cliffs of the Isle of Wight, saying with

Tennyson :

" Break, break, break,

At the foot of thy crags, O Sea 1

Tke next morning we rambled over the i.ills again, for it

was a spot where one could but linger. The bay was aliv«

with boats, as

The fishers went sailing out into the West."

On the shore were divers, who plunged from the rocks int-^g
! ;


deep water, to bring up shells and coral for us, and a s'jrt ot

sponge peculiar to this country, with spicules like thr'^.ads

of spun glass. Under the cliff is a long cave, hollowed out by

the waves, with an arch overhead like a vaulted roof. Thus
dnder ground or above ground we wandered hour after hour.
But all must have an end. The week was
things pleasant
gone ;it was Saturday noon and so reluctantly leaving

both the mountains and the sea, and taking to our chariots
once more, we struck into the Tokaido, and in four hours
were rolling along the Bund at Yokohama.
Three days after we made a second visit to Yedo, to visit
an American gentleman who held a position in the Foreign
Office, and spent a night at his pretty Japanese house in the

Oovernment grounds. Here being, as it were, in the interior

of the State Department, we got some European news
among which was the startling intelligence of a revolution in
Turkey, and that Abdul Aziz had been deposed
In our second excursion about the city, as we had long
distances to traverse, we took two prancing bucks to each
who ran us such a rig through the streets of Yedo
as made us think of John Gilpin when he rode to London
town. The fellows were like wild colts, so full of life that
they had to kick it off Sometimes one pulled
at the heels.
in front while the other pushed behind, but more often they
went tandem, the one in advance drawing by a cord over his
shoulder. The was so full of spring that he fairly
bounded over the ground, and if we came to a little elevation,
or arched bridge, he sprang into the air like a catamountj
while his fellow behind, though a little more stiff, as a "^ wheel
horse " ought to be, bore himself proudly, tossing up his head,
and throwing out his chest, and never lagged for an instant.
C was delighted, nothing could go too fast for her ; but
whether it was fear for my character or for my head, I had
Berious apprehension that I sh Duld be " smashed " like Chi'
Hfise crockery, and poked my steeds in the rear with my uiu

brella to signify that I was entirely satisfied wijh their pet

formances, and that they need not go any faster !

While in Yedo we attended a meeting of missionarie&j

English, Scotch, and American, in a distant part of the city,
and in the evening paid a visit to Prof. Verbeck, who haa
been here so long that he is an authority on all Japanese
matters. was eight o'clock when we set out to return to
our friends in the Foreign Office, and we bade our men ta,ke
us through the main streets, that we might have a view of
Yedo by night. The distance was some three miles, the
greater part through the principal street. It was near the
time of the full moon, but fortunately she was hidden to-
night by clouds, for even her soft radiance could not give
such animation and picturesqueness to the scene as the lights
of the city itself. The broad street for two miles was in a
flare of gas-light, like one of the great streets of Paris. The
shops were open and lighted added to which were hundreds

(perhaps thousands) of jin-riki-shas^ each with its Chinese

lantern, glancing to and fro, like so many fireflies on a sum-
mer night, making a scene such as one reads of in the Ara-
bian Nights, but as I had never witnessed before.
But that which is of most interest to a stranger in Japan,
is not Yedo or Fusiyama, but the sudden revolution which
has taken place in its relations with other countries, and in
its internal condition. This is one of the most remarkable
events in history, which, in a few years, has changed a whole
nation, so that from being the most isolated, the most exclu-
sive,and the most rigidly conservative, even in Asia, it has
become the most active and enterprising the most open to

foreign influences ; the most hospitable to foreign ideaa^, and the

most ready to introduce foreign improvements. This change
has taken Japan out of the ranks of the non-progressive
nations, to place it, if not in the van of modern improve-
ment, at least not very far in the rear. It has taken it out
of the stagnant life of Asia, to infuse into its veins the life

of Europe and America. In a word, it has, as it ^ere, un

moored Japan from the coast of Asia, and towed it across the
Pacific, to place it alongside of the New World, to have the
same course of life and progress.
It is a singular fact, which, as it has united cur twa
nations in the past, ought to unite us in the future, that the
opening of Japan came from America. would have come
in time from the natural growth of the commerce of the
world, but the immediate occasion was the settlement of
California. The first emigration, consequent on the discovery
of gold, was in 1849 the treaty with Japan in 1854. As soon

as there sprang up an American Empire on our Western coast,

there sprang up also an American commerce on the Pacific.
Up to that time, except the whalers from New Bedford that
we-ut round Cape Horn, to cast their harpoons in the North
Pacific, or an occasional vessel to the Sandwich Islands, or that
brought a cargo of tea from China, there were few A merican
ships in the Pacific. But now it was ploughed by fleets of
ships, and by great lines of steamers. The Western coast of
America faced the Eastern coast of Asia, and there must be com-
merce between them. Japan lay in the path to China, and it
was inevitable that there must be peaceful intercourse, or
there would be armed collision. The time had come when the
policy of rigid exclusion could not be permitted any longer.
Of course Japan had the right which belongs to any inde-
pendent power, to regulate its commerce with foreign nations.
But there were certain rights which belonged to all nations,
and which might be claimed in the interest of humanity. If
an American ship, in crossing the Pacific on its way to China^
were shipwrecked on the shores of Japan, the sailors who
escaped the perils of the sea had the right to food and shel-
ter —not to be regarded as trespassers or held as prisoners.
Yet there had been instaDces in which such crews had been
up in prison. In one instance
treated as captives, and shut
they were exhibited in cages. If they had fallen amor^


Barbary pirates, they could not have been treated wifcl

greater severity. This state of things must come to an end

and in gently forcing the issue, our government led the way.
As English ships had broken down the wall of China, so did
an American Heet open the door of Japan, simply by an atti-

tude of firmness and justice; by demanding nothing bu

what was right, by an imposing display of
and supporting it

force. Thus Japan was opened to the commerce of America:

and through it of the world, without shedding a drop of
The result has been almost beyond belief A quarter of
a century ago no foreign ship could anchor in these waters.
And now here, in sight of the spot where lay the fleet

of Commodore Perry, I see a harbor full of foreign ships.

It struck me strangely, as I sat at our windows in the
Grand Hotel, and looked out upon the tranquil bay. There
lay the Tennessee, not with guns run out and matches
lighted, but in her peaceful dress, with flags flying, not only
from her mast-head, but from all her yards and rigging
There were also several English ships of war, with Admiral
Ryder in command, from whose flag-ship, as from the Ten-
nessee, we heard the morning and evening gun, and the bands
playing. The scene was most beautiful by moonlight, when
the ships lay motionless, and the tall masts cast their shad-
ows on the water, and all was silent, as in so many sleeping
camps, save the bells which struck the hours, and marked the
successive watches all night long. It seemed as if the angel
of peace rested on the moonlit waters, and that nations
would not learn war any more.
The barrier once broken down, foreign commerce began to
enter the waters of Japan. American ships appeared at the
open ports. As if to give them welcome, lighthouses were buili
at exposed points on the coast, so that they might approach
without danger. A foreign settlement sprung up at Yoko-
hama. By and b/ young men went abroad to see the world,


or to be educated in Europe or America, and cama ba.k -vilh

reports of the wealth and power of foreign nations. Soon a
spirit of imitation took possession of Young Japan. These
students affected even the fashions of foreign coimtries, an(
appeared in the streets of Yedo in coat and pantaloons, insteaa
of tlie old Japanese dress; and ate no longer with chopsticks^
but with knives and forks. Thus manners and customs changed,
to be followed hj a change in laws and in the government
itself. Till now Japan had had a double-headed government,
with two sovereigns and two capitals. But now there was a
revolution in the country, the Tycoon was overthrown, and
-;he Mikado, laying aside his seclusion and his invisibility,

came from Kioto to Yedo, and assumed the temporal power,

and showed himself to his people. The feudal system was
abolished, and the proud daimios —
who, with their clans of
armed retainers, the samourai, or two-sworded men, were
independent princes — were stripped of their estates, which
sometimes were as large as German principalities, and forced
to disband their retainers, and reduced to the place of pen-
sioners of the government. The army and navy were recon-
structed on European models. Instead of the old Japanese
war-j unks, well-armed frigates were seen in the Bay of Yedo
— a force which has enabled Japan to take a very decided
tone in dealing with China, in the matter of the island of For-
mosa and made its power respected along the coast of East-

ern Asia. We saw an embassy from Corea passing through

the streets of Yokohama, on its way to Yedo, to pay homage
to the Mikado, and enter into peaceful relations with Japan.
A new postal system has been introduced, modelled on oui
own. In Yokohama one sees over a large building the sign
The Japanese Imperial Post-Office," and the postman goa^
his rounds, delivering his letters and papers as in England
and America. There is no opposition to the construction of
railroads, as in China. Steamers ply around the coast and
through the Inland Sea; and telegraphs extend from cie eiw?

of the Empire to the other; and crossing the sea, conneol

Japan with the coast of Asia, and with all parts of the world.
Better than all, the government has adopted a general systeiH
of national education, at the head of which is our own Ftot
Murray; it has established schools and colleges, and Lutro-
duced teachers from Europe and America. In Yedo I was
taken by Prof. McCartee to see a large and noble institution
for the education of girls, established under the patronage of
the Empress. These are signs of progress that cannot be
paralleled in any other nation in the world.
With such an advance in less than one generation, what
may we not hope in the generation to come ? In her efforts
at progress, Japan deserves the sympathy and support of the
whole civilized world. Having responded to the demand for
commercial intercourse, she has a just claim to be placed on
the footing of the most favored nations. Especially is she
entitled to expect friendship from our country. As it fell to
America to be the instrument of opening Japan, it ought to
be orr pride to show her that the new path into which we
led her, is a path of peace and prosperity. Japan is our near-
est on the east ; and among
neighbor on the west, as Ireland is

nations, as among individuals, neighbors ought to be friends,

it seemed a good token that the American Union Church in
Yokohama should stand on the very spot where Commodore

Perry made his treaty with Japan the beginning, let us hope,
of immeasurable good to both nations. As India is a part of
the British Empire, and may look to England to secure for
her the benefits of modern civilization, no the duty of stretch-
ing out a hand aci oss the seas to Japan, may fairly be laid on
the American church and the American people.
Our visit was coming to an end. A day or two we spent
in the shops, buying photographs and bronzes, and in paying
farewell visits to the missionaries, who hid shown us so much
kindness. The '*
parting cup " of tea we took at Dr. Hep-
burn's, and from his windows had a full view of Eusiyama, that

(ooked out upon us once more in all his glorj We were tc

embark that evening, to sail at daylight. Mr. John Ballagh
and several ladies of ** The Home," who had made us
welcome in their pleasant circle, "accompanied us to the
ship." We had a long row across the bay just as the moor,
was rising, covering the waters with silver, and making the
great ships look like mighty shadows as they stood up
against the sky. " On such a night " we took our farewell
of Asia.
The next morning very early we were sailing down the bay
of Yedo, and were soon out on the Pacific. But the coast
remained long in sight, and we sat on deck watching the
receding shores of a country which in three weeks had
become so familiar and so dear ; and when at last it sunk
beneath the waters, we left our " benediction " on that beau-
tiful island set in the Northern Seas.
We did not steer straight for San Francisco, although it is

in nearly the same latitude as Yokohama, but turned north,

following what navigators call a Great Circle, on the princi-
ple that as they get high up on the globe, the degrees of
longitude are shorter, and thus they can ** cut across " at the
high latitudes. " It is nearer to go around the hill than to
go over it." We took a prodigious sweep, following the K^uro-
shiwo, or Black Current, the Gulf Stream of the Pacific, which
flows up the coast of Asia, and down the coast of America.
We bore away to the north till we were ofi* the coast of Kam-
schatka, and within a day's sail of Petropaulovski, before we
turned East. Our ship was ** The Oceanic," of the famous
White Star line, which, if not so magnificent as " The City
of Peking," was quite as swift a sailer, cleaving the waters
like a sea-bird. In truth, the albatrosses that came about
the ship for days from the Aleutian Islands, now soaring in
air, and now skimming the waters, did not flopt along more

easily or more gracefully.

As we crossed the 180th degree of longitude, jus' half thf

way around the world from the Royal Observatory at Grean

w^'ch, we "gained a day," or rather, recovered cne that w«

had lost. As we had started eastward, we lost a few minute?

each day, and had to set our watches every noon. We weie
constantly chauging our meridian, so that no day ended
where it began, and we never had a day of full twenty-
four hours, but always a few minutes, like sands, had
crumbled away. By we reached England, fi.vr
the time
hours had thus dropped into the sea and when we had ecu

passed the globe, we had parted, inch by inch, moment oy

moment, with a whole day. It seemed as if this were so

much blotted out from the sum of our being gone in the

vast and wandering air lost in the eternities, from whi<^b
nothing is ever recovered. But these lost moments and
hours were all gathered up in the chambers of the East, and
now in mid-ocean, one morning brought us a day not in the
calendar, to be added to the full year. Two days bore the
same date, the 18th of June, and as this fell on a Sunday,

two holy days came together one the Sabbath of Asia,
the other of America. It seemed fit that this added day
should be a sacred one, for it was something taken, as it
were, from another portion of time to be added to our lives
— a day which came to us fresh from its ocean baptism, with
not a tear of sorrow or a thought of sin to stain its purity ;

and we kept a double Sabbath in the midst of the sea.

Seventeen days on the Pacific, with nothing to break the
boundless monotony In all that breadth of ocean which

separates Asia and America, we saw not a single sail on the

horizon ; and no land, not even an island, till we came in
sight of those shores which are dearer to us than any other
in all the round world.

Here, in sight of land, this story end?. There is no neei

to tell of crossing the continent, which completed our circuit
of the globe, but only to add in a word the lesson and the
moral of this Vng journey. Going abound the worla is am

education. It is nut a mere pastime ; it is often a great

fatigue ; but it is a means of gaining knowledge which can
only be obtained by observation. Charles Y. used to sa}
that " the more languages a man knew, he was so many more
times a man." Each new form of human speech introduced
him into a new world of thought and life. So in some degree
is it in traversing other continents, and mingling with other
races. However America may be, it is '' something "
to add to it a knowledge of Europe and Asia. Unless one be
encased in pride, or given over to **
invincible ignorance," it

will teach him modesty. He will boast less of his own coun-
try, though perhaps he will love it more. He will see the
greatness of other nations, and the virtues of other people.
Even the tirrbaned Orientals may teach us a lesson in dignity
and courtesy —a lesson of repose, the want of which is a de-
fect in our national character. In every race there is some-
thing good —some touch makes the wholo
of gentleness that
world kin. Those that are most strange and far from us
as we approach them, show qualities that win our love anci
command our respect.
In all these wanderings, I have met no rudeness in word
or act from Turks or Arabs, Hindoos or Malays, Chinese
or Japanese ; but have often received kindness from strangers.
The one law that obtains in all nations is the law of kindness.
Have I not a right to say that to know men is to love them,
not to hate them nor despise them?
He who hath made of one blood all nations of men to dwell
on the earth, hath not forgotten any of His children. There
isa beauty in every country and in every clime. Each zone
of the earth is belted with its peculiar vegetation ; and there
Is a beauty alike in the pines on ITorwegiau hills, and the
palms on African So with the diversities of the
human race. Man inhabits aP climes, and though he changes
color with the sun, and has many varieties of form and fea-
ture, yet the race is the same ; all have the same attribi :m

of humanity, and under a white 3r black skin beats the sams

human heart. In writing of peoples far remote, my wish
has been to bring them nearer, and to bind them to us by
closer bonds of sympathy. If these pictures of Asia make
ft a little more real, and inspire the feeling of a common
mature with the dusky races that live on the other side of ihu
globe, and so infuse a larger knowledge and a gentler charity
then a traveller's tale may serve as a kind of lay sermoa
teachiiig peace and good will to men.
JUL 29 1805

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