Sheriguda, Ibrahimpatnam
Certified that the Technical Seminar Work entitled “INTELLIGENT TRANSPORTATION
SYSTEM” is a Bonafide work carried out by ATIF ABDUL RAHEEM (20D41A1204) in partial
SICET, Hyderabad for the academic year 2020-2023. The Technical seminar report has been approved as it
satisfies academic requirements in respect of the work prescribed for the IV YEAR, I-SEMESTER of B.
TECH course.
A broad range of diverse technologies, known collectively as intelligent transportation systems (ITS),
holds the answer to many of our transportation problems. ITS is comprised of a number of technologies,
including information processing, communications, control, sand electronics. Joining these technologies to
our transportation system will save lives, save time, and save money.
Intelligent Transportation Systems help meet the transportation challenges:
A broad range of diverse technologies, known collectively as intelligent transportation systems
(ITS), holds the answer to many of our transportation problems. ITS is comprised of a number of
technologies, including information processing, communications, control, sand electronics. Joining these
technologies to our transportation system will save lives, save time, and save money.
The future of ITS is promising. Yet, ITS itself, is anything but futuristic. Already, real systems,
products and services are at work throughout the world. Still, the wide-scale development and deployment of
these technologies represents a true revolution in the way we, as a nation, think about transportation. While
many aspects of our lives have been made more pleasant and productive through the use of advanced
technologies, we have somehow been content to endure a transportation system whose primary controlling
technology is the four-way traffic signal -- a technology that has changed little since it was first invented. It
has taken transportation a long time to catch on, but now the industry is sprinting to catch up.
Traffic accidents and congestion take a heavy toll on lives, productivity, and wastes energy. ITS enables
people and goods to move more safely and efficiently through a state-of-the-art, intermodal
transportation system.
Interest in ITS comes from the problems caused by traffic congestion and a synergy of new
information technology for simulation, real-time control, and communications networks. Traffic congestion
has been increasing worldwide as a result of increased motorization, urbanization, population growth, and
changes in population density. Congestion reduces efficiency of transportation infrastructure and increases
travel time, air pollution, and fuel consumption.
The United States, for example, saw large increases in both motorization and urbanization starting in the
1920s that led to migration of the population from the sparsely populated rural areas and the densely
packed urban areas into suburbs. The industrial economy replaced the agricultural economy, leading the
population to move from rural locations into urban centers. At the same time, motorization was causing
cities to expand because motorized transportation could not support the population density that the
existing mass transit systems could. burbs provided a reasonable compromise between population
densityand access to a wide variety of employment, goods, and services that were available in the more
densely populated urban centers. Further, suburban infrastructure could be built quickly, supporting a
rapid transition from a rural/agricultural economy to an industrial/urban economy.
Recent governmental activity in the area of ITS – specifically in the United States – is further
motivated by the perceived need for homeland security. Many of the proposed ITS systems also involve
surveillance of the roadways, which is a priority of homeland security. Funding of many systems comes
either directly through homeland security organizations or with their approval. Further, ITS can play a role in
the rapid mass evacuation of people in urban centers after large casualty events such as a result of a natural
disaster or threat. Much of the infrastructure and planning involved with ITS parallels the need for homeland
security systems.
In the developing world, the migration of people from rural to urbanized habitats has progressed
differently. Many areas of the developing world have urbanized without significant motorization and the
formation of suburbs. In areas like Santiago, Chile, a high population density is supported by a multimodal
system of walking, bicycle transportation, motorcycles, buses, and trains. A small portion of the population
can afford automobiles, but the automobiles greatly increase the congestion in these multimodal
transportation systems. They also produce a considerable amount of air pollution, pose a significant safety
risk, and exacerbate feelings of inequities in the society.
Other parts of the developing world, such as China, remain largely rural but are rapidly urbanizing
and industrializing. In these areas a motorized infrastructure is being developed alongside motorization of
the population. Great disparity of wealth means that only a fraction of the population can motorize, and
therefore the highly dense multimodal transportation system for the poor is cross-cut by the highly motorized
transportation system for the rich. The urban infrastructure is being rapidly developed, providing an
opportunity to build new systems that incorporate ITS at early stages.
Urban Scenario
In India out of the total population of 1027 million as on 1st March, 2001, about 742 million live in rural
areas and 285 million in urban areas.
The percentage decadal growth of population in rural and urban areas during the 1990-2000 decade was
17.9 and 31.2 percent respectively.
The Ministry of Urban Development is in the process of framing a National Urban Transport Policy
(NUTP) to address the various issues involved in urban transport.
The objective of this policy is to ensure safe, affordable, quick, comfortable, reliable and sustainable
access for the growing number of city residents to jobs, education, recreation and such other needs within
our cities.
According to the 2001 census, there are 35 metropolitan cities with million plus population. There are
eight cities in the country with more than 3 million population, which include Delhi, Mumbai, Hyderabad,
Bangalore and
Kolkata. Among all the States and Union territories, the National Capital Territory of Delhi is most
urbanized with 93 percent urban population and will be hosting the 2010 Commonwealth Games, which is
expected to give a big boost to ITS technologies and services.
Rural scenario
Out of the total 3.3 million km road network in India, approximately 80 % are in rural areas.
Upgradation of about 3,70,000 km Rural Roads is estimated at a cost of Rs.53, 000 Crore (one crore
= 10 million). Cost of New Connectivity is estimated at Rs. 79,000 crore.The total envisaged cost of the
project is about Rs.1,32,000 crore.
As part of the Indian Government’s commitment to develop rural connectivity, the
massive Prime Minister’s Grameena Sadak Yojana (Prime Minister’s Rural Roads Programme)
was launched on
25th December, 2000 to provide all-weather access to unconnected habitations.
The PMGSY is a 100% Centrally Sponsored Scheme with 50% of the Cess on High Speed Diesel (HSD)
earmarked for this Programme.
• Rs 450 crores special package has been set aside for the North Eastern region
• Telecommunications: A provision of Rs.1,200 crore for Universal Service Obligation (USO) Fund in 2005-
06; 1,687 subdivisions to get support for rural household telephones; BSNL to provide public telephones in
the next three years to the remaining 66,822 revenue villages.
• Rural Electrification: To cover 1.25 lakh villages in five years; focus to be on deficient States; creation
of a rural electricity distribution backbone envisaged, with a 33/11 KV substation in each block and at
least one distribution transformer in each village; Rs.1,100 crore provided in 2005-06.
Intelligent transportation systems vary in technologies applied, from basic management systems such
as car navigation; traffic signal control systems; container management systems; variable message signs;
automatic number plate recognition or speed cameras to monitoring applications, such as security CCTV
systems; and to more advanced applications that integrate live data and feedback from a number of other
sources, such as parking guidance and information systems; weather information; bridge deicing systems; and
the like. Additionally, predictive techniques are being developed in order to allow advanced modeling and
comparison with historical baseline data. Some of the constituent technologies typically implemented in ITS
are described in the following sections.
Longer range communications have been proposed using infrastructure networks such as WiMAX
(IEEE 802.16), Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM), or 3G. Long-range communications
using these methods are well established, but, unlike the short-range protocols, these methods require
extensive and very expensive infrastructure deployment. There is lack of consensus as to what business
model should support this infrastructure.
on the road, or surrounding the road (buildings, posts, and signs for example) as required and may be manually
disseminated during preventive road construction maintenance or by sensor injection machinery for rapid
deployment of the embedded radio frequency powered (or RFID) in-ground road sensors. Vehicle- sensing
systems include deployment of infrastructure-to-vehicle and vehicle-to- infrastructure electronic beacons for
identification communications and may also employ the benefits of CCTV automatic number plate recognition
technology at desired intervals in order to increase sustained monitoring of suspect vehicles operating in
critical zones.
Until recent years, most ETC systems were based on using radio devices in vehicles that would
use proprietary protocols to identify a vehicle as it passed under a gantry over the roadway. More
recently there has been a move to standardize ETC protocols around the Dedicated Short Range
Communications protocol that has been promoted for vehicle safety by the Intelligent Transportation
Society of America, ERTICO and ITS Japan.
While communication frequencies and standards do differ around the world, there has been
a broad push toward vehicle infrastructure integration around the 5.9 GHz frequency (802.11.x
Via its National Electronic Tolling Committee representing all jurisdictions and toll road operators,
ITS Australia also facilitated interoperability of toll tags in Australia for the multi-lane free flow tolls
Other systems that have been used include barcode stickers, license plate recognition, infrared
communication systems, and Radio Frequency Identification Tags (see M6 Toll tag).
The minimum set of data contains information about the incident, including time, precise location,
the direction the vehicle was traveling, and vehicle identification. The pan-European eCall aims to be
operative for all new type-approved vehicles as a standard option. Depending on the manufacturer of the
eCall system, it could be mobile phone based (Bluetooth connection to an in- vehicle interface), an
integrated eCall device, or a functionality of a broader system like navigation, Telematics device, or tolling
device. eCall is expected to be offered, at earliest, by the end of 2010, pending standardization by the
European Telecommunications Standards Institute and commitment from large EU member states such as
France and the United Kingdom.
2.3 Cordon zones with congestion pricing
Cordon zones have been implemented in Singapore, Stockholm, and London, where a congestion
charge or fee is collected from vehicles entering a congested city center. This fee or toll is charged
automatically using electronic toll collection or automatic number plate recognition, since stopping the users
at conventional toll booths would cause long queues, long delays, and even gridlock. The main objective of
this charge is to reduce traffic congestion within the cordon area.
Automatic speed enforcement gantry or "Lombada Eletrônica" with ground sensors at Brasilia, D.F.
A traffic enforcement camera system, consisting of a camera and a vehicle-monitoring device, is
used to detect and identify vehicles disobeying a speed limit or some other road legal requirement and
automatically ticket offenders based on the license plate number. Traffic tickets are sent by mail.
Applications include:
Speed cameras that identify vehicles traveling over the legal speed limit. Many such devices use
radar to detect a vehicle's speed or electromagnetic loops buried in each lane of the road.
Red light cameras that detect vehicles that cross a stop line or designated stopping place while a red
traffic light is showing.
Bus lane cameras that identify vehicles traveling in lanes reserved for buses. In some
jurisdictions, bus lanes can also be used by taxis or vehicles engaged in car pooling.
Level crossing cameras that identify vehicles crossing railways at grade illegally.
Double white line cameras that identify vehicles crossing these lines.
High-occupancy vehicle lane cameras for that identify vehicles violating HOV requirements.
Turn cameras at intersections where specific turns are prohibited on red. This type of camera is
mostly used in cities or heavy populated areas.
for the passage of each column. The simulation has shown that, the dynamic sequence algorithm has the
ability to intelligently adjust itself even with the presence of some extreme cases. The real time operation of
the system able to emulate the judgment of a traffic policeman on duty, by considering the number of
vehicles in each column and the routing proprieties.
The operation of standard traffic lights which are currently deployed in many junctions, are
based on predetermined timing schemes, which are fixed during the installation and remain until further
resetting. The timing is no more than a default setup to control what may be considered as normal traffic.
Although every road junction by necessity requires different traffic light timing setup, many existing systems
operate with an over-simplified sequence. This has instigated various ideas and scenarios to solve the traffic
problem. To design an intelligent and efficient traffic control system, a number of parameters that represent
the status of the road conditions must be identified and taken into consideration. Most of the present
intelligent traffic lights are sensor based with a certain algorithm that controls the switching operation of the
system[1,2]. This approach considers the traffic to be moving smoothly and hence does not require any
management or monitoring of traffic conditions. When some unpredictable situation develops, or when
congestion occurs, there is no proper way of dealing with such development. A more elaborate approach has
been introduced to
overcome these problems. It employs real-time traffic flow monitoring with image tracking
Although this method can give a quantitative description of traffic flow[5], it involves several
limitations. The processing in real time on a large scale may present prohibitive requirements. Some common
problems involved in image processing system include False Acceptance Rate (FAR) and False Rejection
Rate (FRR). Normally, in case of jam-packed traffic, the computer vision results in erroneous
detection[3].The sensor based traffic light control on the other hand may require sensors that operate with a
line of sight detection, which may present difficulty in detecting vehicles that pass through blind spots
detection range.
The RFID technology may lead to a revolution in traffic management, when it is properly deployed
as an intelligent system with suitable algorithm. One of its main features is the ability to communicate
operation commands from head-quarters or any other subsidiary command station to any location in the
system via existing infrastructure such as GSM or Internet. This system can enhance the transportation
system of the country, by efficient management. The dynamic management scheme operates in real-time and
emulates the judgment of a traffic policeman on duty. The efficiency of the system may save many man-
hours usually lost in traffic problems. Accidents may also be prevented and lives
can be saved as well as property. Priority emergency tags can be deployed on ambulance, fire, police and
other emergency vehicles. The system saves valuable details in the records of the database, which can
provides ample and valuable information to planners and investigators. However, the integration of the
databases among the local authorities is a challenge that requires decisions at national level. Data sharing and
secure hierarchical access to various levels of databases and protocols must be designed to integrate new
information with existing systems. The issues of integration and collaboration may be a subject for future
work. The legal issues and privacy laws relating to the monitoring of drivers all the time may cause a major
public concern. Such study would need to address subjects relating to civil rights and personal freedom issues
as well as social acceptance.
The intelligent vehicle initiative covers applications for passenger vehicles, commercial trucks, buses and
specialized vehicles such as snowplows. Other special application to emergency response, law enforcement
and highway maintenance vehicle are also included.
Many of these applications are based on ongoing and recently completed research on crash avoidance, in
vehicle safety and automated highway systems. Continuing research on human factor, and advanced driver
warning and vehicle control systems are a major thrust of the intelligent vehicle initiative.
This initiative seeks to bring together public and private stakeholders to ensure that in-vehicle systems are
technologically, socially, institutionally and economically viable.
Partnership with the motor vehicle industry and its suppliers, states, government organizations, academic
institutions and other interested parties are being aggressively pursued.
In-vehicle devices addressing lane-change, rear end and roadway- departure crashes are
estimated to offset crashes per year.
In Urban areas, crashes could be prevented annually by advanced lane- keeping and collision-
avoidance technologies.
Enhancements in night time and bad weather vision applications may significantly improve
driver's ability to stay in lanes and distinguish hazards in the road.
The World Congress and Exhibition on Intelligent Transport Systems and Services, takes place in
Stockholm, Sweden in September 2009. The 16th annual event, which rotates between Europe, the Americas
and the Asia-Pacific region, comes to Sweden for the first time and takes place at Stockholm International
Fairs (Stockholmsmässan), from 21st - 25th September 2009. The theme of this prestigious event is ‘ITS in
Daily Life’, exploring how ITS can improve everyday mobility with strong emphasis on co-modality.
ITS World Congresses gather some 5,000 participants from around the world looking to share
experiences and build networks. As a decision-maker, manufacturer, supplier or consultant within the private
or public sector, the World Congress is an opportunity for you to learn more about what ITS can do to
improve the efficiency of your operations. What’s more, it is an excellent opportunity to show the general
public how ITS can help them in their daily lives. There will also be an opportunity for the public to visit the
Exhibition and demonstration sites on the last day of the World Congress in Stockholm. The ITS World
Congress 2009 in Stockholm will provide an
excellent opportunity to exhibit international ITS solutions, both private and public, to a committed and
influential international audience. With the theme “ITS in Daily Life”, the Congress will explore how
ITS can improve our everyday mobility with a
strong emphasis on co-modality and ITS solutions for all transport modes. This multi-modal theme will also
be reflected in the Exhibition where various commercial exhibitors, public administrations and ITS related
organisations will showcase their technologies and services that are changing the face of transport today.
The Congress will focus on the benefits of ITS for transport and traffic managers, drivers, and
travelers. It will explore how ITS addresses societal challenges and the environment, how to accelerate ITS
deployment and investment in ITS infrastructure. Stakeholders from around the globe will be able to
exchange knowledge and generate further development, as well as exhibit their innovative ITS solutions. The
Exhibition will also be opened to the general public on the last day to show them how ITS can help them in
their daily life.
There is an increasing understanding globally that mobility and transport must be delivered with long-
term responsibility for the environment and climate. The world financial crisis is an extra dimension
increasing the pressure for measures to be efficient and effective. Transport development so far has tended to
be for each mode of transport to act for itself in competition with other modes, seeking to gain market share
and a more prominent place in the national and the international markets. It is now legitimate to question this
and ask whether competition among the modes should not end so that freight shipment or passenger trips can
be brought into focus from a customer perspective with the long-term responsibility for the environment and
climate. ITS is a key tool for such a change and it is paramount that the ITS solutions which emerge offer an
overall multimodal transport benefit and that incentives for implementation are created both nationally and
internationally. This Round Table will discuss what demands political leaders are likely to place on transport
when defining the playing field for multimodal ITS solutions. The Round Table will also review what is
needed for industry; what long-term incentives might be needed; whether rules will be needed to ensure
success; and how to respond to current demands and future expectations
2.ITS for energy efficiency and climate change mitigation:
Across the world the green aspect of transport is becoming more and more a feature of public debate.
ITS potentially has both direct and indirect positive impacts on the demand for transport, energy
consumption and environmental externalities. It also has an important role to play in the deployment of
alternative fuels and propulsion systems and promoting co-modal transport. However, significant results and
quantitative data are still missing. At present, only a few systems specifically address environmental aspects.
Tangible results are needed to support the wider deployment of these «Green ITS» services. This session
will address current actions at an international political and strategic level to meet environmental
requirements with ITS, including possible actions under the European Green Cars Initiative proposed as part
of the European Economic Recovery Plan, the concept of Green Corridors as well as the Japanese and US
initiatives on transport technologies.
3Urban mobility:
Intelligent transport systems can improve traffic flow, safety and public transit in cities. They also
enable informed choices by users. Deployment has been limited given the scale of urban mobility needs,
including reduction of emissions and other environmental concerns. Moreover, some older traffic
management and information systems are often not capable of integrating real- time information on
congestion or traffic incidents. This session will review emerging urban mobility technologies and address
the economic benefit of changes in the navigation, telematics and traffic control industries. It will also
elaborate on how intelligent transportation technologies can support the needs for increased mobility as
well as benefit the environment.
4.Driver distraction:
Driving along intricate networks of roadways with numerous inputs such as road signs, commercial
advertisements, unpredictable pedestrians and other distractions has become a challenge for even the best
drivers. Vehicle infotainment and communications systems present an array of functionalities that also
potentially distract drivers. Older drivers are especially challenged by these operating conditions. While the
driver may be cognitively limited in order to deal with these challenges, it may be possible to use technology
to make the vehicle and infrastructure smarter. This includes reference
to human factor concepts of safety and security, cognitive distraction, overdependence on such systems, and
misunderstanding system functionalities. This session will focus on using ITS and human factors engineering
principles to deal with driver distraction. The benefits and shortcomings of using these technologies as well
as the political
implications of potential deployment will be discussed.
6.ITS techniques to improve local air quality and reduce global Warming:
For many cities emissions from road transport are a difficult problem. The emissions from vehicles
affect citizen’s health but also are a growing cause to global warming. There is a great need for methods and
techniques to calculate and to process emission data to support management strategies. ITS can play an
important role in supporting these efforts. This session will give examples on how new strategies
and methods have been deployed in Stockholm and London. Greenhouse gas reduction strategies
incorporating ITS for congestion charging, mobility management, goods logistics and stimulating more
people to use public transport and clean alternative fuelled vehicles will be described. The session will also
present new high resolution ITS based techniques to collect and to process ambient pollution data for new
approaches to traffic management.
7.Balancing safety, security and efficiency in transport systems- a global challenge:
Global transport systems are characterized by logistic chains that must flow smoothly in order to
secure critical financial and material assets. At the same time, these flows must be protected from external
threats, such as sabotage, while maintaining a sufficient level of safety and efficiency. The concept of
resilience engineering has emerged during the last years as an approach aimed at incorporating capacities for
coping with both internal and external disturbances into a system. Resilience engineering agrees with the
idea that no system can be 100% safe or secure, rather it must have the capacity to cope with both regular
(well known) threats, irregular threats, as well as the unforeseen ones. This session invites scientific as well
as pragmatic contributions to the topic of improving resilience in any mode of the transport domain.
Climate change is rapidly becoming known as a tangible issue that must be addressed to avoid major
environmental consequences in the future. Recent change in public opinion has been caused by the physical
signs of climate change-melting glaciers, rising sea levels, more severe storm and drought events, and hotter
average global temperatures annually. Transportation is a major contributor of carbon dioxide and other
greenhouse gas emissions from human activity, accounting for approximately 14% of total anthropogenic
emissions globally and about 27% in the USA. Fortunately, transportation technologies and strategies are
emerging that can help meet the climate
challenge. These include automotive and fuels technologies, intelligent transportation systems (ITS), and
mobility management strategies that can reduce the demand for private vehicles. This session will explore
the role of each of these key strategies and the interplay among them.
To plan, implement and evaluate ITS in developed countries is a challenging proposition, but these
undertakings are even more daunting in developing countries, which present their own special set of issues.
For example, there is often a lack of funds for ITS infrastructure investment and a lack of training of
personnel to install, operate and maintain the equipment. Electronics equipment installed in the field is
subject to theft by desperately poor people who sell the materials for scrap. Vehicles often have to share the
road with
pedestrians, bicyclists, rickshaws, and animals. But the news isn’t all bad.
Developing countries have the ‘latecomers’ advantage’ over developed countries because they can learn from
the best practices and mistakes of those who have come before. Here the value of evaluation becomes clear as
developing countries benefit from the objective
assessments of the past. In this session, speakers from developing countries from around the world will relate
their experiences in planning for and deploying ITS infrastructure.
5. Reference: