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A well-kept body is key for the other parts of oneself to thrive. In
these cold days, one should be especially kind to one’s home. Learn to
be a polite host.
The soul is the shining star of all components, yet the soul is just as
dependent on them as they are on the soul. Healing one’s inner child
and being in touch with one’s emotions will surely lead to greatness.
You do not live alone on this earth. You perceive and you are being
perceived. It is of utmost importance that you are weary of how you
present yourself. Though you have no complete control over what
others may think of you, you can certainly exert an influence of some
Knowledge is food for the mind. Do be careful of the quality of that
which you consume and that which you do not.
Your body is made up of dust and sparkles collected from that which
you consume. Water is key, so are vegetables, fruits and proteins. Do
not consume the poison from the bourgeoisie. Avoid treats disguised
as sparkles, which honestly is dust. No more chips, sugar bombs of
drinks and cookies, or the salty noodles of the lazy.
Lemon water (mint, lemon, ginger, honey, cucumber)
Toast with peanut butter
Salad (feta cheese, spinach, tomatoes, olives, nuts)
Soup (pumpkin or vegetables)
The day is simply a preparation for the true metamorphosis
happening at night. Though, if the night is not long enough your
vessel will not return all it could have and potential will be wasted.
For this, a ritual is needed. One should have a night routine.
No more electrics artificial unearthly light. Time to go to the
bathroom to prepare for the night. Brush hair and teeth, make ready
for prayer, put cremes on and pray.
Draw if inspiration, no references needed. Journaling is a must.
Write about your thoughts, feelings, day and gratitude. Read a page
of the Quran or a book. Stretching a bit. All is possible.
Time to enter the welcoming pillows and cloths, they turn into clouds
as your eyes close.
Oh, how I was avoiding this word. Alas, you and I will stumble
across one another again and again. This is not any more fun for me
than you. I think we started of wrong.
Indeed, energy is key and I did not have it. Neither did I have the
mental strength. A weakness lives within me.
May I see you as something to bring peace of mind instead of stress.
Abs workout always seemed so fun. Each day after school, after
eating and having rested a tiny bit. The rule of thumb (change the
starting time, not the in between places)
Arrive at 14.10. Eat meal and read something
14.30 Rest a bit on bed.
15.00 Training
16.00 Learning time.
CHAMBER two: soul
Inner child
You are not annoying. You are simply not giving any light of day to
the past soul still residing alongside you. When you find yourself
upset to something seemingly superficial and simple, try to
understand your reaction and take time with yourself instead of
being mad at your outburst.
Balance and peace
Take care of your soul. To be at peace, contradictions and conflicting
thoughts should be as least as possible. Journal your emotions and in
time you will gain control. Learn what makes you truly happy, who
makes you happy. And those who do not, they are a burden on your
already fragile soul. Crying is welcomed, just mind the pool forming
below your feet and don’t get too comfortable in the water as you
would like to stay in it forever.
To know oneself
One will never truly know oneself, the complete and all. That is not
needed though. Learn the basics about yourself. How you work.
What helps when you are upset and the way you can handle
problems better.
CHAMBER three: aura
The words you speak
Less words are more. Do not immediately answer, take time to think
at least for a moment. And learn to listen more. Things will open up
to you.
Carry this vessel with dignity
Look at that which is your business, walk with ones head up in the
air instead of the stones you walk on and sit correctly instead of
sleeping in class.
CHAMBER four : mind
Oh, to think
When thinking too much, either start reading, lay down and imagine
clouds, write or go outside. Do not stare and talk out loud, not
always. It does not help you it never did. You have no control over
the initial thought, but you decide what you do with it. Whether you
go on the endless path of that though or whether you watch it go
away like a cloud.
You think so much about people who will soon disappear out of your
life forever. You will end up as our beloved Jay Gatsby, my dear.
Throw away hope and do not see this as something sad, it is freedom
for all of you. New hope will arise, for greater and realistic things.