There are FOUR questions in this section. Ariswer any THREE questions.
Assume any reasonable data, if needed
I. (a) How the rectilinear area is calculated using ordinate method? Differentiate between
the following methods of earthwork volume calculation: by using spot heights and by
successively- (1970
2.250, 3.120 (invert staff), 1.140, 3.650, 2.880 and 2.04 ft. The level was shifted to a
new setup after taking the 4th reading. The I st reading was taken at a temporary bench
mark having a reduced level = 110ft.
(i) Using the rise and fall method, calculate the reduced level (RL) of the
stations. Apply usual checks and draw necessary diagram.
(ii) If the last station is another benchmark (BM) having RL = 109.50 ft,
check the RL calculated by rise and fall method for misclosure error and
do necessary corrections (if there is any misclosure error).
Assume, total level route distance between the start and the end point = 2.8 mile and
misclosure constant C = 12 mm. [1 mile = 1.609 km]
(c) Define: index contour and horizontal equivalent in contour. Draw and show the
2. (a) A road embankment of 10m width at the formation level with SIde slope 1.5 to I
and having a total length of 250 m is planned to set on a hilly area. The formation level
of the road at zero chainage is 100 m and has a falling gradient of I in 200. Consider
the ground is level across the centerline of the road. Determine Volume of earthwork
Given, the ground levels (GL) along the centerline of cross-section at chainage of- 0,
50,100,150,200 and 250 mare -101.8,100.65,101.15,99.25,98.15 and 98.75 m
Contd P/2
CE 103
Contd .... for Q. No.2
amount of error due to refraction for both the lighthouse and observation point. (10)
(d) Write short note on the graphical method used for contour interpolation. (6)
3. (a) A closed-loop traverse ABCDA was run around an area and the following
- .- ,~
Adjust the angular error, if any, and calculate the coordinates of other stations if the
coordinates of the station A are 1000 m East and 1000 m North.
(b) Why is sidereal day shorter than apparent solar day? (12)
Find the magnetic declination at a place if the magnetic bearing of the sun at noon is:
(i) 188°40' and (ii) 354°40'
(c) A star has a declination of 30°8 and Right Ascension 6 h 30 m. Can this star be
seen from' an observatory at latitude 40° N? Determine whether this star is rising and
setting, ne,ver rising, or never setting from the observer's position? (12)
4. (a) A house has a window 15' above the ground. Across the street from this house,
there is a tall building. The angle of elevation and depression of the top and bottom of
this building from the window are 60° and 30° respectively. From the top of the
building, a tower is observed with an angle of elevation of 30° which is 60'7.5" away
(b) The following bearings were observed while traversing with a compass. Only
station C is free from local attraction. Station B must be adjusted by adding 30' and
station D must be adjusted by slibtracting 15' from the erroneous readings. Determine
the correct bearings. Also, determine the missing values in the table. (12)
- -,
-Line- _._- - ,- - .-
Fore Bearing
. '
Back Bearing
AB 46°5' 226°5'
BC ? 110°15'
CD 65°55' ?
I DE 325°40' 144°50'
(c) Show the variation of Equation of Time over the year in a typical graph. Also, show
Note that, for any spherical triangle, cos c = (cos C * sin a * sin b + cos a * cos b)
There are FOUR questions in this section. Answer any THREE questions.
(b) The table below displays the field data for a techeometric survey us 109 a
tacheomeier fitted with an anallactic lens for a vertically held staff. (22)
,. - _ ... - --
Instrument Height of. Staff Vertical Staff Readings
station instrument (meter) station .angle
0 1.40 B (-) 5° 30' 1.76, 1.96, 2.16
0 1.46 P 9°30' 1.49, 1.64, 1.79.
P 1.3 Q 12°00' 1.91,2.07,2.23
- " ~.
Calculate the horizontal distances OP, OB and PQ. Also, calculate the elevations of Q,
P and 0 if the elevation of B is 450 meter.
Assume reasonable values for the tacheometric constants.
sin -+C
D = ks cos 2 8+Ccos8; V = ks-.- 28
sin8 ]
Contd P/4
CE 103
(c) Derive, the equation of an ideal transition curve and hence prove that spiral angle
I (6+6)
(d) A hori~ontal alignment of a rural highway section has the following arrangement:
transition curve
, -> circular curve -> transition curve. (6)
Determin~ the length of each chord and the angle subtended by each chord for setting
out half of the circular curve using Rankine's method. Consider 20 chords and the
following data: radius of the circular curve = 400 m, I::,. = 40°; 1::,.5 = 6°.
6. (a) List the main features of a tacheometer. Briefly describe a method to obtain the
(b) Estimate the polar deflection angles along with the X-V co-ordinates for setting out
a transition curve in the field using the following data: length of transition curve =
120 m; radius of circular curve = 500 m and number of chords = 12. (12)
(c) With neat sketches prove that the transition curve bisects the shift. (10)
(d) A parabolic vertical curve is to be set out connecting two uniform grades of +4.5%
i .
and -2.5%,, Chain age and reduced level of vertical curve (PVC) are 950 meters and
7. (a) What are the important considerations in selecting the stations for Chain Survey?
Distinguish between: (i) Check Line and Tie Line; (ii) Scale of a Map and
Survey" .. (3X5)
. (c) In passing an obstacle in the form of a pond, stations A and D (on the main line)
were taken on the opposite side of the pond. On the left of AD, a 230 m long line AB
was laid down. Another 280 m long second line AC was ranged on the right of AD
with the points B, D and C being in the same straight line. BD and DC were then
chained and found to be 125 m and 137.5 m respectively. Determine the length of AD. (12)
(d) Describe the procedure to overcome an obstacle to ranging if both ends of the line
Contd PIS
CE 103
8. (a) Describe the basic principles of determining the position of an object in global
positioning system (GPS) using neat sketches. Give a list of applications of remote
.,.>-- - ~ --'
• pl. I
25m~ ~---- I------r----
I p. I. lOmm
1: 0am:'
Photograph from station A
(d) The distance from the principal point to an image on a photograph is 6.44 cm, and
the elevation of the object above the datum (sea level) is 250 m. What is the relief
displacement of the point if the datum scale is 1/15000 and the focal length of the
camera is 15 cm. A tower, 50 m high also appears on the same photograph. The
distance of the image of the top of the tower with 10.35 em. Compute the displacement
of the image of the top of the tower with respect to the image of its bottom. The
There are FOUR questions in this section. Answer any THREE.
I. (a) Sketch the slope field of the following differential equation (15)
dy = x2y.
Hence show the solution passing through yeO) = I.
(b) What is the condition for a differential equation to be exact? Determine whether the
given differential equation is exact or not. If it is not, make it exact, then solve it. (20)
(2YSinxcosx- y+2y2exy2 )dx-( x_sin2x_4xye )dY=O
2. (a) What is Bernoulli's equation? In the study of population dynamics one of the most
famous models for a growing but bounded population is the logistic equation (15)
- = P (a - bP),
where a and b are positive constants. Solve it. Also predict the Bangladeshi population in
the year 2100. (Guess all necessary values).
hence sketch the graph of the solutions and compare the results.
1fUs. Find the differential equation that represent the model and hence solve it. Sketch
4. (a) Form the partial differential equation by eliminating the arbitrary functions from (10)
x =j{z) + g(y)
(b) Find the integral surface of the partial differential equation (x - y)p + (y - x -:-z)q = z
passing through the circle z = I, i +/ = I. (10)
(c) Find a complete integral ofpxy + pq + qy = yz. (15)
There are FOUR questions in this section. Answer any THREE.
' 2 2 ' ) x3
(b) (x Dx +2xyDxDy -xDx z=2' (12)
, y
6. (a) Why is central tendency important? Where can we use central tendency in our daily life? (5)
, .
(b) Calculate mean, median, mode and the lower and upper quartiles from the following
distribution of marks obtained by 49 students in a class. Compute also the semi-
interquartile range and the mode. (15)
Marks 5-10 10-15 15-20 20-25 25-30 30-35 35-40 40-45
No. of Students 5 6 15 10 5 4 2 2
(c) A factory produces two types of electric larnps A and B. In an experiment relating to
their life, the following were obtained: (15)
Life in months 20-30 30-40 40-50 50-60 60-70 70-80 80-90
LampA I 15 30 44 60 30 14 7
LampB 25 40 60 35 20 15 5
Compare the variability of the life of the two varieties using coefficient of variation.
No. of employees 4 8 12 20 6 7 3
Calculate the first four moments about assumed mean. Convert the result into moments
about the mean. Using moments calculate the coefficient of skewness and kurtosis and
comment on the shape based on the results obtained.
Contd .... :..... P/3
Contd ... Q. NO.7
(b) The probability that a married man watches a certain TV shows is 0.4 and that a
married woman watches the show is 0.5. The probability that 'a man watches the show,
are from within Dhaka city. What is the probability that at 'least three of the next fice
8. (a) Write short notes on (i) Null and alternative hypotheses, (ii) Level of significance and
degrees offreedom, (iii) Type-I and Type-li errors, (iv) One-tailed and two-tailed tests. (10)
(b) The following table shows the hardness (X) and tensile strength (Y) of 5 samples of
metal: (12)
Y 75 78 77 89 82
Find the regression line of Y on X. Is this linear model adequate for the given data set?
Justify your result.
(c) A manufacturer intends that his, electric bulbs have a life of 1000 hours. He tests a
sample of 20 bulbs, drawn at random from a batch and discovers that the mean life of the
! '
sample bul~s is 990 hours with standard deviation of 22 hours. Does this signify that the
batch is not up to the standard? (Given that v = 19, IO.D1 = 2.539). (13)
\ t.
Sub: PHY 151 (Structure of Matter, Electricity & Magnetism and Modern Physics)
Full Marks: 2 I 0 Time: 3 Hours
The figures in the margin indicate full marks
There are FOUR questions in this section. Answer any THREE questions.
I. (a) Explain the tenn 'Lattice+Basis=Crystal Structure'. Also mention the characteristics
of basis. (6)
(b) What are the 14 Bravais lattices in 3-D crystal system? Mention their unit cell
characteristics and example of each. Draw the unit cells having characteristics
a = /3 = y = 90° . (19)
(c) Define primitive cell. Draw the primitive cell corresponding to the structure of
cesium chloride at room temperature. (10)
2. (a) Define atomic packing factor and calculate this for a body-centered cubic structure. (8)
(b) How to find Miller indices of a crystal plane in space lattice? Draw the planes for
which the Miller indices are (112), (200), and (120) for a cubic system. (12)
(c) Derive the relation between interplanar spacing and Miller indices for a cubic
system. Find the perpendicular distance between the two planes indicated by the Miller
indices (121) and (212) in a unit cell ofa cubic lattice with a lattice constant 'a'. (15)
3. (a) State Bragg's law of X-ray diffraction. Why the X-ray diffraction spectra of KCI is
different from that ofKBr in spite of similar crystal structure? (7)
(b) Write down the importance of crystal defects. Explain Schottky and Frankel defects
in case of ionic crystals. (10)
(c) Deduce an expression for total potential energy at the equilibrium' separation in
case of ionic crystal. Calculate the potential energy per ion in case of NaCI crystal,
where the equilibrium separation between ions is 0.281 nm, Madelung constant is
1.748 and exponent n = 9. (18)
4. (a) What is meant by dielectric constant (k) of the material? Show that Gauss' law for
dielectric is given by Eo 1kE.dS = q, where the symbols have their usual meanings. (12)
(b) What is an electric dipole moment (p)? An electric dipole is placed in a uniform
external electric field (E). Show that (i) the torque exerted on the dipole by the field is
given by '1= PxE and (ii) the potential energy is given by, U = - p.E . (18)
(c) An electric dipole consists of two opposite charges of magnitude 2x10-6 C
separated by a distance of I cm.lt is placed in an external electric field of2xl05 N/C.
What maxi!?1umtorque does the field exert on the dipole? (5)
Contd P/2
PHY 151/CE
There are FOUR questions in this section. Answer any THREE questions.
long does it take for the charge on a capacitor plate to reach 0.8qo? (10)
6. (a) State Faraday's law of induction. Show that the energy stored in an inductor is
(b) What is Lorentz Force? Obtain an expression for the torque acting on a current
(c) Briefly explain the magnetic hysteresis loop with necessary figure. (8)
photon? i (10)
of u2JS
=235.0457 amu, mass of 11=1.0087 amu, mass of Ba'" =140.9177 amu and
There are FOUR questions in this section. Answer Q. NO.1 and any TWO from the rest.
I. (a) Explain with reference to the context any one of the following: (8)
(i) "Capital punishment kills a man at once, but lifelong imprisonment kills him
slowly. Which executioner is the more humane, he who kills you in a few minutes or
he who drags the life out of you in the course of many years?"
(ii) "Oh! ,My poor Matilda! Mine were false. They were not worth over five hundred
(b) Answer any one of the following: (10)
(i) How did fifteen years of imprisonment change the lawyer's perception of life?
(ii) How does "The Garden Party" demonstrate prejudices of elite class against the
HUM 185/CE
3. Give the meanings of and make sentences with any ten ofthe following words: (20)
Vehemence, Transcend, Supersede, Rapport, Prevalent, Obscure, Lament, Intrepid,
Traverse, Litter, Furtive, Equivocal.
There are FOUR questions in this section. Answer Q. NO.5 and any TWO from the rest.
5. Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions that follow: (30)
Language of Ayapaneco has been spoken in the land now known as Mexico for centuries.
It has survived the Spanish conquest, seen off wars, revolutions, famines and floods. But
now, like so many other indigenous languages, it's at risk of extinction. There are just two
people left who can speak it fluently - but they refuse to talk to each other. Manuel
Segovia, 75, and Isidro Velazquez, 69, live 500 meters apart in the village of Ayapa in
the state of Tabasco. It is not clear whether there is a long- buried argument behind their
mutual avoidance, but people who know them say they have never really enjoyed each
other's company. "They don't have a lot in common," says Daniel Suslak, a linguistic
anthropologist from Indiana University, who is involved with a project to produce a
dictionary of Ayapaneco. Segovia, he says, can be "a little prickly" and Velazquez, who
is "more stoic", rarely likes to leave his home. The dictionary is part of a race against
time to revitalize the language before it is too late. "When I was a boy everybody spoke
it," Segovia said. "It's disappeared little by little, and now I suppose it might die with
Segovia, who denied any active animosity with Velazquez, retained the habit of speaking
Ayapaneco by conversing with his brother until he died about a decade ago. Segovia still
uses it with his son and wife who understand him, but cannot produce more than a few
words themselves. Velazquez reputedly does not regularly talk to anybody in his native
tongue anymore. Ayapaneco's demise was sealed by the advent of education in Spanish
in the mid 20th century, which for several decades included an explicit prohibition on
indigenous children speaking anything else. Urbanization and migration from the 1970s
then ensured the break-up ofthe core group of speakers concentrated in the village. "It's a
sad story," says Suslak, "but you have to be really impressed by how long it hung
around." The National indigenous language Institute is planning a last attempt to get
classes going in which the last two surviving speakers can pass their knowledge on to
other locals. Previous efforts have failed to take hold due to lack of funding and limited
enthusiasm. "The classes would start off full and then the pupils would stop coming,"
Segovia said.
Answer the questions
(i) What do we know about the relationship between Segovia and Velazquez?
(ii) What exactly are the two men like? How often do the men use Ayapaneco?
(iii) What factors led to the decline of the language?
(iv) What plans are there to revitalize Ayapaneco? What has happened to plans in the past?
(v) As there is no title ofthe passage, give an appropriate title and justify your answer.
(vi) Give the meanings of the following words as used in the passage:
conquest, revolution, indigenous, extinction, explicit, enthusiasm
Contd P/4
HUM 185/CE
6. (a) As the Deputy Purchase Manager of a Concord Construction Ltd., write a complain
letter to the General Manager of Kaiyo Ceramics Ltd., telling him that most of the
contents of the case of 80 cm x 80 cm tiles were found broken due to heavy load which
you ordered on 10th September, 2022. The cost of broken articles works out to BOT
1250000/- approximately, therefore demand immediate replacement. (Provide other
(b) Give phonetic transcription of the following words: (any five) (10)
Short, Poor, Father, Pull, Total, Bound
7. (a) Write a dialogue between two friends about causes and effects of brain drain. (10)
(b) Write a short composition on anyone of the following topics: (10)
(i) Ensuring Safety in Construction Sites: Prospects and Challenges
(ii) Industrial Visit: A Way of Enriching Pragmatic Knowledge
(iii) Contribution of Civil Engineers in Bangladesh