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Unit 5A- Time Varing Fields

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Time Varying Fields : 5A

Faraday’s Law
Induced EMF and current

a) When there is no relative motion between the coil of wire and the bar
magnet, there is no current in the coil.
b) A current is created in the coil when the magnet moves toward the coil.
c) A current also exists when the magnet moves away from the coil, but
the direction of the current is opposite to that in ( b).
Faraday’s Law
Faraday’s law states that the induced emf, Vemf (in volts), in any closed circuit
is equal to the time rate of change of the magnetic flux linkage by the circuit.
This can be expressed as
𝑑𝜆 𝑁𝑑𝜓
𝑉𝑒𝑚𝑓 = =−
𝑑𝑡 𝑑𝑡
Where N is the number of turns in the circuit and ψ is the flux through each
turn. The negative sign means the induced voltage will act in such a way as
to oppose the flux producing it. This is know as Lenz’s Law and it
emphasizes the act that the direction of current flow in the circuit in such a
way the induced magnetic field will oppose the original magnetic field.
Faraday’s Law
Stationary loop in time varying B field
Consider a stationary loop in time varying B field as shown. The emf in
this condition is called transformer emf.
𝑉𝑒𝑚𝑓 = − 𝜓 = 𝑩. 𝒅𝑺

Using stoke’s theorem on the LHS

For the two integrals to be equal, integrands must be same

This is one of the Maxwell’s equations for time varying fields. It shows that
the time varying E field is not conservative (𝛻 × 𝐸 ≠ 0).
Faraday’s Law
Moving loop in a static B field
When a conducting loop is moving in a static B field, an emf is induced in
the loop. The force on charge moving with velocity U in a magnetic field
is given by
𝑬𝒎 = = 𝐮 × 𝑩
If we consider the conducting loop, which carry the free electrons,
the emf induced in the loop is

This type of emf is called motional emf or flux cutting emf. It is a kind of
emf found in electrical machines such as motors, generators and alternators
etc. Consider a dc current machine: the working principle is when electric
current flows through a coil within a magnetic field, then the magnetic force
generates a torque which rotates the dc motor.
Faraday’s Law

Applying stoke’s theorem to both sides

DC machine
Moving loop in a time varying B field
The moving conducting loop is in a time varying magnetic field.
Therefore, both transformer emf and motional emf are present.
Displacement Current
From static EM field, we have ampere’s circuital law
Taking the divergence on both sides
𝛁, 𝛁 × 𝐇 = 𝛁. 𝐉 = 𝟎
From the continuity of current equation.
𝜵∙𝑱=− ≠0
These two equations are contradictory in time varying fields. Therefore,
we must modify the 1st equation i.e., the ampere’s circuital law. To do this,
a term is added which should be properly determined and defined.
𝛁 × 𝐇 = 𝐉 + 𝑱𝒅
𝛁, 𝛁 × 𝐇 = 𝟎 = 𝛁. 𝐉 + 𝛁. 𝑱𝒅

𝜕𝑫 The term is called the

𝑱𝒅 =
𝜕𝑡 displacement current density.
Displacement Current
𝜕𝑫 𝜕𝑫
𝛁 × 𝐇 = 𝐉 + 𝑱𝒅 𝑱𝒅 = 𝛁×𝐇=𝐉+
𝜕𝑡 𝜕𝑡
This is Maxwell’s equation (modified Ampere’s Law) for a time varying
field. The insertion of displacement current density was one of the major
contribution of Maxwell. Without that term, electromagnetic wave
propagation for radio or TV waves is impossible. At low frequencies, Jd is
usually neglected compared with J. Based on the displacement current
density, displacement current Id given by

The displacement current is a result of

time varying electric field. A typical
example of such current is the current
through a capacitor when an ac voltage
source is applied to its plates.
Displacement Current
Unmodified form of ampere’s law is.

I is the current through the conductor. S1 is the surface

bounded by L. If we use the surface shaped S2, that
passes between the capacitor, the current enclosed is
zero because no conduction current passes through the
capacitor. This is contradictory to the same closed
path L is used.

If we consider the displacement current, Jd,

then only we can find the current I.

The total current density, J = Jc + Jd. In the first case, Jc =0. In the second
case, Jd =0. The total current through S1 and S2 is therefore, conserved.
Maxwell’s Equation
For Static EM fields: medium is linear, isotropic and
Maxwell’s Equation
For time varying EM fields: medium is linear, isotropic and

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