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Scheme of Studies for BE (Telecom Engineering)

The program of studies has been tailored with the following objectives: To equip the students with fundamental and advanced concepts of Electronics and Telecommunications Engineering with particular emphasis on the application of these concepts to further advance the state of technology and to meet the needs of the Telecommunications industry. To train students in effective verbal and written communication skills. To impart effective leadership and decision-making skills. To impart key principles and skills to enable the students to practice as good and responsible Telecommunication engineers, through courses in professional ethics, engineering management, engineering economics, and entrepreneurship. The graduating students will have the ability to display their professional skills in the rapidly growing and technological advancements in the field of communications. Effort has been made to regularly revise the curriculum in order to meet the requirement of Pakistan Engineering Council/Higher Education Commission.

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Scheme of Studies for BE (Telecom Engineering)

Scheme of Study for BE (Telecom Engineering)

Semester - 1 S.No.
1 2 3 4 5

Nat Sciences Nat Sciences Computing Nat Sciences Humanities

Course Code
MS-111 MS-112 CE-111 MS-113 HUM-111

Calculus & An. Geometry Applied Physics Computing for Engineers Linear Algebra Communication Skills Total

Cr Hrs
3+0 3+1 3+1 3+0 3+0 (15+2)

None None None None None

Semester - 2
6 7 8 9 10 11 Natural Sc Computing Engg. Fdn Humanities Humanities Computing MS-114 CE-112 EE-111 HUM-112 HUM-113 CE-113 Multi Variable Calculus Object Oriented Programming Circuit Analysis History of Pakistan Islamic Studies Computer Aided Drawing Total 3+0 3+1 3+1 2+0 2+0 0+1 (13+3) Calculus & An. G Computing for Engineers Applied Physics None None None

Semester 3
12 13 14 15 16 Nat Sciences Engg Fdn Engg Fdn Humanities ID Elective MS-215 EE-212 EE-213 HUM-214 CE-211 Differential Equations Electronic I Digital Logic Design Technical Report Writing Operating System Total 3+0 3+1 3+1 3+0 3+1 (15+3) Calculus & An. G App Physics None Communication Skills Computing for Engineers

Semester - 4
17 18 19 20 21 Engg. Fdn Engg Fdn Core Depth Core Depth Mgmt Sciences EE-214 EE-215 EE-221 EE-322 MG-211 Probability Methods in Engg Signal & Systems Electronic II Computer Comm. & N/W Engineering Economics Total 3+0 3+1 3+1 3+1 3+0 (15+3) None Diff Equations & MVC ED I Computing for Engineers None

Semester - 5
22 23 24 25 26 Engg Fdn Core Breadth Engg. Fdn Core Breadth Depth Elective EE-311 EE-312 EE-313 EE-314 EE-324 Analog Communications Digital Signal Processing Electromagnetic Theory Microprocessor & Interfacing Digital Electronics Total 3+1 3+1 3+0 3+1 3+1 (15+4) Probability methods Sig & Systems App Physics & MVC DLD ED II

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Scheme of Studies for BE (Telecom Engineering)

Semester 6
27 28 29 30 31 Core Breadth Depth Elective Core Breadth Core Breadth Mgmt Sciences EE-316 EE-430 EE-216 EE-318 MG-312 Digital Communications Digital Image Processing Control Systems Engineering Wave Propagation & Antennas Engineering Management Total 3+1 3+1 3+1 3+1 2+0 (14+4) Analog Comm. DSP Differential Equation EM Theory none

Semester - 7
32 33 34 35 37 Core Depth Core Depth Depth Elective Core Depth EE-425 EE-323 EE-427 EE- 428 TE-499A RF and Microwave Engineering Wireless & Mobile Comm. Optical Fibre communication Transmission & Switching Final Project Total 3+1 3+0 3+1 3+0 0+2 (12+4) EM Theory & Ant Analog Comm.,CCN None Digital Comm. None

Semester - 8
38 39 40 41 Depth Elective Core Depth Social Sc EE-429 EE-431 HUM-421 TE-499B Telecomm Systems Broadband Comm. NW Org Behaviour (Elective) Final Project Total 3+0 3+0 2+0 0+4 (8+4) W& MC/WP & Ant CCN None None

Total Cr Hrs


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Scheme of Studies for BE (Telecom Engineering)

List of Electives
Major Based Core (MBC) Depth Electives
Multimedia Systems Digital Electronics Digital Image Processing Satellite Communication Optical Fiber Communications Telecom Policies and Protocols Telecom Traffic Engineering Spread Spectrum Communications Speech Processing Network Security Broadband Communication Networks Radar System Engineering Telecommunication Management Networks (TMN) Radio and Television Engineering Compression Techniques Telecommunication Systems

ID Electives
Numerical Methods in Engineering Operating Systems VLSI Systems Data Structure and Algorithms Database Management Systems Embedded Systems Artificial Intelligence Reliability in Telecommunication Systems

Social Science Electives

Organizational Behavior Psychology Public Policy Sociology Political Science Pakistani Culture and Society

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Scheme of Studies for BE (Telecom Engineering)

Detailed Course Outline

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Scheme of Studies for BE (Telecom Engineering)

Natural Sciences
Calculus and Analytical Geometry
Credit Hours: 3+0 Course Code: MS-111 Pre-Requisite: None Recommended Books: i. George B. Thomas and Ross L. Finney, Calculus and Analytic Geometry, Latest Edition, Addison-Wesley, ISBN: 0201531747. ii. George F. Simmons, Calculus with Analytic Geometry, Latest Edition, McGraw-Hill, ISBN: 0070576424. iii. Gerald B. Folland, Advanced Calculus, Latest Edition, Prentice Hall calculus and analytical geometry by S.M Yousaf Objective:
Teach the concepts of calculus and analytic geometry and the applications of these concepts to the solution of engineering problems Introduction to functions introduction to limit Derivatives and their applications integral calculus with applications vector algebra vector calculus introduction to analytical geometry straight line in R3 planes cylindrical and spherical coordinates surfaces, cylinders and cones spheres, spherical trigonometry

Course Outline:

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Scheme of Studies for BE (Telecom Engineering)

Applied Physics
Credit Hours: 3+1 Course Code: MS-112 Pre-Requisite: None Recommended Books: i. Electric circuits by J.R Bogart. Latest Edition. ii. University Physics by Hugh D Young, Roger A Freedman. Latest Edition Objective: To provide the concepts of classical Physics, Electricity and Semiconductor Physics (Electronics) in Engineering based
practical applications.

Course Outline:
Wave Motion, Mathematical Concepts of Simple and Damped Harmonic Motion, Analytical Treatments of Superposition of Waves, Concepts and Applications of Diffraction and Polarization of Light and Sound Waves, Thermo dynamical Concepts and Basics of Electrodynamics, Electric Charge, Coulombs Law, Electric Field and Intensity, Electric Potential, Capacitors and Charge Storage Concepts, Magnetism, Magnetic Fields, Faradays and Lenzs Laws, Amperes Law and its Applications, Eddy Currents, Inductance, Induced Current and Their Applications (Transformers, Generators Etc.), AC Signals (Average and RMS Values), Electric and Magnetic Circuits, Electric Current, Resistance, Ohms Law, Simple Resistive Circuits (Series and Parallel), Kirchoff Laws, Network Theorems (DC Analysis), RC and RL Circuits, Linear Coefficient of Expansion of Metals, Specific Heat and Temperature of a Hot Body.

Lab Outline:
Series and Parallel combination of resistance, Inductance, capacitance, Kirchoff Laws, Network Theorems, The Heating Effects of an Electric Current, Electromagnetic Induction, Reflection and Refraction of Light. Diffraction, total internal reflection

Linear Algebra
Credit Hours: 3+0 Course Code: MS-113 Pre-Requisite: None Recommended Books: i. Bernard Kolman and David Hill, Elementary Linear Algebra, Latest Edition National University of Modern Languages 7 | Page

Scheme of Studies for BE (Telecom Engineering)

Prentice Hall, ISBN: 0130457876. ii. Kenneth Hardy, Linear Algebra for Engineers and Scientists Using Matlab, Latest Edition, Prentice Hall, ISBN: 0139067280. iii. Stephen Goode, Differential Equations and Linear Algebra, Latest Edition, Prentice Hall, ISBN: 013263757X. Objective:
Introduce the matrix theory and the use of matrices in the solution of engineering problems Introduction to matrices elementary row operations vector spaces Brief introduction to matrices Symmetric and Hermitian matrices Introduction to elementary row operations Echelon form and reduced echelon form,Rank of a matrix Inverse of a matrix by using elementary row operations Vector spaces, Vector subspaces Linear combination, Linear dependence and basis,linear transformation System of Linear equations: System of non-homogeneous and homogeneous linear Equations Gaussian elimination method,Gauss Jardon method Consistency criterion for solution of homogeneous and non-homogeneous system of linear equations, Applications of system of linear equations Determinants: Introduction to determinants Properties of determinants of order n Axiomatic definition of a determinant Applications of determinants (Cramers Rule). Eigen Values and Eigen Vectors

Course Outline:

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Scheme of Studies for BE (Telecom Engineering)

Multi-Variable Calculus
Credit Hours: 3+0 Course Code: MS-114 Pre-Requisite: Calculus and Analytical Geometry Recommended Books: i. Kreyszig E., Advanced Engineering Mathematics, latest edition ii. Brown J. W. and Churchill R. V., Complex Variables and Applications latest edition Objective:
Laplace transformation, Fourier series and transforms and use of these as a tool in engineering

Course Outline:
Laplace transform definition Laplace transforms of elementary functions, Properties of Laplace transform Periodic functions and their Laplace transforms, Inverse Laplace transform and its properties Convolution theorem Inverse Laplace transform by integral and partial fraction methods Solutions of ordinary differential equations by Laplace transform Applications of Laplace transforms Greens theorem, Stokes theorem Multiple integrals Fourier series, Fourier transforms

Differential Equations
Credit Hours: 3+0 Course Code: MS-215 Pre-Requisite: Calculus and Analytical Geometry Recommended Books: Erwin Kreyszig, Advanced Engineering Mathematics, Latest Edition, International Edition, John Wiley & Sons, ISBN: 0471728977. John Polking, Al Boggess, and David Arnold Differential Equations, Latest Edition, Prentice Hall, ISBN: 0131437380. Stephen Goode, Differential Equations and Linear Algebra, Latest Edition, Prentice Hall, ISBN: 013263757X Objective:
Introduce differential equations and teach methods to solve First and Second Order homogeneous differential equations

Course Outline:
Differential equations of first order: Differential equations and their classification, formation of differential equations, solution of differential equations, initial and boundary conditions. Methods of solution of differential equation of first order and first-degree: Separable equations, homogeneous equations, equations reducible to homogeneous, exact differential equations, integrating factor, linear equations, Bernoulli equations, orthogonal trajectories in Cartesian and polar coordinates, applications of first order differential equations. Non linear first order differential equations. Non linear first order differential equations: Equations solvable for p, for y and for x, Clairauts equations. Higher Order Linear Differential Equations: Homogeneous linear equations of order n with constant coefficients, auxiliary/ characteristics equations. Solution of higher order differential equation according to the roots of auxiliary equation. (Real and distinct, Real and repeated, and Complex).

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Scheme of Studies for BE (Telecom Engineering)

Non-homogeneous linear equations. Working rules for finding particular integral. Cauchy Euler equation.

Computing for Engineers
Credit Hours: 3+1 Course Code: CE-111 Pre-Requisite: None Recommended Books: Brian Williams and Stacey Sawyer.T, Using Information Technology, Latest Edition, McGraw-Hill, TISBN: 0072260718 Introduction To Computers & Information Systems By Larry Long, Nancy Long, Prentice hall, latest edition Objective:
This course is about computers. Students will learn about computers, how they work, their Hardware and Software (Application and System), binary conversions, networking, database, Pseudo coding, Algorithm writing and programming concepts.

Course Outline:
Introduction to Computers The computer & components of a computer system (Computer Hardware & Computer Software) An overview of operating systems Storing and retrieving Information & Input/output media and devices Introduction to Data Communication Data Transmission Network Architecture Introduction to MS Word & Excel Algorithms and flowcharts. Binary conversions Programming fundamentals

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Scheme of Studies for BE (Telecom Engineering)

Object Oriented Programming (C++)
Credit Hours: 3+1 Course Code: CE-112 Pre-Requisite: Computing for Engineers Recommended Books: i. Robert Lafore, Object oriented programming using C++ (Latest Edition) ii. Al Stevens,Teach yourself C++(Latest Edition) iii.C++ How to Program, Dietel & Deitel (Latest edition) Objective:
To build the skills of engineers to use Object Oriented Programming in practical field and final year projects

Course Outline:
Procedural versus object oriented programming languages Object oriented design strategy and problem solving Pointers, File handling, objects and classes Member functions, public and private members. Dynamic memory management, constructors and destructors, Templates, object encapsulation, derived classes, Class hierarchies, inheritance and polymorphism, Operator overloading, stream class, Practical design through Object Oriented Programming

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Scheme of Studies for BE (Telecom Engineering)

Computer Aided Drawing (CAD)
Credit Hours: 0+1 Course Code: CE-113 Pre-Requisite: Computing for Engineers Recommended Books: I. R.S. Rhodes, L.B. Cook, Basic Engineering Drawing II. Bert Bielefeld, Isabella Skiba, Basics Technical Drawing III. Alf Yarwood, An Introduction to AutoCAD 2000 Objective: To introduce engineering drawing & simulation concepts using AutoCAD Course Outline:
Introduction to Engineering Drawing What is a model? Advantages/Disadvantages Drawing instruments and purchasing from market How to fix drawing in drawing board Use of instruments, Lettering Drawing of Circles, angles and other drawing sketches Classification of Lines, application of lines Planes of projection: perspective projection, Orthographic projection How to draw 2D view on drawing sheet Dimensions and Type of Dimensions Hidden features, section views First angle of projection, 3rd angle of projection 2D drawing of 10 Models Introduction to AutoCAD Introduction to GUI and commands to plot Drawing on AutoCAD Modeling in AutoCAD I. II.

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Scheme of Studies for BE (Telecom Engineering)

Engineering Foundation
Circuit Analysis
Credit Hours: 3+1 Course Code: EE-111 Pre-Requisite: Applied Physics Recommended Books: i. Basic Engineering Circuit Analysis by J. David , Irwin, Latest edition ii. Engineering Circuit Analysis by Hayt. Kemmerly, Latest edition Objective:
To provide a detailed overview of circuits and analysis of circuits using different techniques

Course Outline: Types of sources (Dependent & Independent) Source Passive Circuit elements Series, Parallel, and Delta-to-Star Simplifications, Network Theorems, The Sinusoidal Response, Transient & Steady state responses, Complex forcing Functions. Transformations and Network Instantaneous and Complex Power, Balanced Three-Phase Systems, Poles and Zeros of F (s), the Transfer Function, Poles & Zeros, Stability S-plane, Preliminaries of passive Filters,

Digital Logic Design

Credit Hours: 3+1 Course Code: EE 213 Pre-Requisite: None Recommended Books: I. M. Morris Mano, Digital Design & XILINX 6.3 XSE PKG, Prentice Hall, ISBN10: 0131678485, ISBN: 9780131678484, Latest edition II. Roger L Tokheim, Digital Electronics: Principles and Applications, Latest Edition, McGraw-Hill, ISBN: 0078309816 III. R.C. Tocci, Digital Logic Fundamentals. IV. W. Floyd Digital Fundamental Objective:
Introduce the concepts and tools for the design of digital electronic circuits using Sequential and combinatorial logic

Course Outline:
Review of Boolean Algebra, Code Conversions Logic Gates (AND, OR, Not, etc.), truth tables & Equations Simplification of Boolean Functions: Karnaugh Maps, QM Method, SOP and POS simplification Combinational Logic Circuits: Half & Full Adder & Subtractor, Comparator, Encoder, Decoder, Multiplexer, Demultiplexer, Read Only Memory (ROM), Programmable Logic Devices (PLDs) Programmable Logic Arrays (PLAs) Sequential Logic Circuits: Latches, Flip Flops (RS, JK, D, T, Master Slave), State Transition Diagram Counters, Registers, Memories, design procedures

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Scheme of Studies for BE (Telecom Engineering)

Signals & Systems
Credit Hours: 3+1 Course Code: EE-215 Pre-Requisite: Differential Equations Recommended Books: i. Alan V. Oppenheim, et al., Signals and Systems, Latest Edition. ii. Simon Haykin, Signals and Systems, Latest Edition Objective:
To provide the foundation for Signal processing & Telecom systems concepts.

Course Outline:
Introduction to signals and systems Complex Number Applications Time domain Analysis of LTI systems Laplace Transform and its applications Continuous-time Fourier series Discrete-time Fourier series Fourier Transform-Frequency domain Analysis Z-Transform and its application Analogue filter fundamentals

Probability Methods in Engineering

Credit Hours: 3+0 Course Code: EE-214 Pre-Requisite: None Recommended Books: i. J. Devore, Probability and Statistics, Latest Edition, John Wiley & Sons ii. Ronal Walpole, Probabilty methods for engineering and scientists, Latest Edition, McGraw-Hill, iii. Popoulis and U, Pillai, Probability, Random Variable and Stochastic Processes, Latest Edition, McGraw-Hill, ISBN: 0071199810 Objective:
To introduce the concepts of probabilistic methods

Course Outline:
Basic concept of probability, conditional probability, independent events Bayes formula. Concept of random variables, discrete and continuous one and two dimensional random variables Probability distributions, marginal and joint distributions and density functions. Important probability distributions (Binomial, Poisson, Uniform, Normal, Exponentials and Hyper-geometric). Mean, variance, moments and moment generating functions linear regression and curve fitting. Central limit theorem, autocorrelation and cross-correlations Power spectral density functions and stochastic processes

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Scheme of Studies for BE (Telecom Engineering)

Analog Communications
Credit Hours: Course Code:
3+1 EE-311

Pre-Requisite: Signals and systems Recommended Books: Modern Digital and Analog Communication Systems (Latest Edition) by B.P lathi ii. Signals and Systems (Latest Edition) by Simon Haykin and Barry Van Veen iii. Digital communication (Latest Edition) by John G. Proakis Objective: To provide a detailed overview of fundamental of communication systems Course Outline: Introduction to Communication Model, Essential BW of signal, Shannons Equation, Distortion and equalization (With a brief introduction of Fourier analysis, Convolution and correlation concepts, Linear Modulation (AM and its types), Exponential Modulation, Demodulation and Detection techniques Transmission BW for AM &FM signals, Reemphasis and de-emphasis circuits, Pulse code Modulation and Demodulation, Fundament concepts of probability and random processes, Noise and its Treatment, SNR of AM and FM i.

Electronics I
Credit Hours: Course Code:
3+1 EE-212

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Scheme of Studies for BE (Telecom Engineering)

Pre-Requisite: Applied Physics Recommended Books: i. Robert Boylestad and Louis Nashelsky, Electronic Devices and Circuit Theory, Latest Edition, Prentice Hall, ISBN: 0131189050, ISBN-13: 9780131189058 ii. Introductory Electronic Devices and Circuits: Electron Flow Version, Latest Edition, Robert Paynter, Prentice Hall, ISBN10: 0131716395, ISBN-13: 9780131716391 iii. Qurban A. Memon, Irfan A. Halepoto, A Practical Book on Basic Electronics, Latest Edition , Naseem Book Depot, ISBN: 969-8680-14-4 iv. B.S.Chowdhry and Ahsan Ursani, The First Practical Book on Electronic Workshop, Latest Edition, Mehran Infotech Consultants, ISBN: 969-8680-03-9 Objective: To provide the foundation of electronic devices & circuits Course Outline:
Introduction to Electronics, Semiconductor Diodes, Forward & Reverse Characteristics of Diode Equivalent Circuit of a Diode, Diode as a Switch Diode Applications - Half Wave & Full wave rectifiers, Clipper & Clamper circuits, Special Purpose Diodes such as LEDs. Tunnel Diode etc Bipolar Junction Transistor, Transistor Operation, Types of Transistor, Unbiased Transistor, Transistor Biasing Configurations, Common Emitter, Common Base, Common Collector, DC & AC analysis of BJT, Field Effect Transistors, FET Biasing Techniques, Common drain, common source, common gate, Fixed Bias and Self Bias Configuration, Voltage Divider Biasing, Universal JFET Bias Curve. DC & AC analysis of FET.

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Scheme of Studies for BE (Telecom Engineering)

Electromagnetic Theory
Credit Hours: 3+0 Course Code: EE-313 Pre-Requisite: Applied Physics & Multi-Variable Calculus Recommended Books: i. David Kai Cheng, Field and Wave Electromagnetics, Latest Edition. ii. Joseph A. Edminister, Schaums Outline Series on Theory and Problems of Electromagnetics iii. William Hayt Jr., Engineering Electromagnetics, Latest Edition iv. M. Sadiku, Elements of Electromagnetics, Latest Edition v. J. D. Kraus, Electromagnetics vi. Robert S. Elliot, Electromagnetics Objective: Course Outline:
Vector Analysis: Addition, subtraction, product, Orthogonal Coordinate systems , Gradient, Divergence Theorem, Stokes Theorem, Helmholtz's Theorem Static Electric Field: Fundamental Postulates of Electrostatics in Free Space, Coulomb's Law, Gauss's Law and Applications Solution of Electrostatic Boundary Value Problems: Poisson's and Laplace's Equations, Uniqueness of Electrostatic Solutions, Boundary-Value Problems in Cartesian Coordinates Steady Electric Currents: Current Density and Ohm's Law, Electromotive Force and Kirchhoff's Voltage Law, Equation of Continuity and Kirchhoffs Current Law, Power Dissipation and Joule's Law, Boundary Conditions for Current Density Static Magnetic Fields: Fundamental Postulates of Magneto-statics in Free Space Vector Magnetic Potential, The BiotSavart Law and Applications, The Magnetic Dipole, Magnetic Field Intensity and Relative Permeability Introduction of Maxwells Equations Electro + Magneto Dynamics I. I. II. III.

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Scheme of Studies for BE (Telecom Engineering)

Major Based Core (Breadth)
Digital Signal Processing
Credit Hours: 3+1 Course Code: EE-312 Pre-Requisite: Signal and systems Recommended Books: i. John G. Proakis et al. Digital Signal Processing- Principles, Algorithms and Applications ii. Sanjit K. Mitra Digital Signal Processing - Computer Based Approach Latest Edition iii. Schaum's Outline Of Theory And Problems Of Digital Signal Processing, Latest Edition iv. Emmanual C. Ifeachor and Barrie W. Jervis Digital Signal Processing: A Practical Approach Prentice Hall, Latest Edition Objective:
To make students understand the role and importance of Digital signal processing as an engineering application and how to design digital filters used in different systems.

Course Outline:
Introduction to Digital signal Processing Classification of signals Concept of frequency/signals in Continuous and Discrete time domain Analog to Digital conversion Sampling theorem Digital to analog Conversion Discrete Time Signals and Systems: Representation, Classification and Analysis Analysis of Discrete Time systems in Time domain Correlation of Discrete Time Signals Frequency and System response, Interconnection of Systems Fourier Analysis of Discrete time Signals: Fourier Series and Transform Discrete Fourier Transform and Fast Fourier Transform Z-transform and Inverse Z-transform: properties and applications Digital Filter Design : FIR and IIR Filters

Microprocessor & Interfacing Technologies.

Credit Hours: 3+1 Course Code: EE-314 National University of Modern Languages 18 | Page

Scheme of Studies for BE (Telecom Engineering)

Pre-Requisite: Digital Logic Design. Recommended Books: i. Microprocessor & Interfacing Techniques Latest Edition by Douglas V. Hall. ii. The Intel Microprocessors Architecture, Programming and interfacing by Barry B. Brey. iii. Digital Computer Electronics by Albert P. Malvino / Jerald A. Brown, Latest Edition Objective:
To make students understand the role and importance of Microprocessor as an engineering application and how to design different systems using microprocessors.

Course Outline:
Introduction to Microprocessors based Computer systems, Internal Registers of a Microprocessor, memory addressing, Segment and offset addressing, data addressing modes, program memory addressing modes, Stack memory addressing modes, Instruction set of microprocessor, Flow of an assembly language procedures, Programming techniques, hardware specifications of 8086/8088 microprocessor, pin-outs and Pin functions, Clock generator, Bus interfacing, Latching and bus timing. Memory interfacing and address decoding techniques, memory mapped and isolated I/O, Personal computer I/O map, I/O port address decoding, Programmable peripheral interface, programmable interval timer, Analog to Digital Converter interfacing techniques, Basic interrupt processing, hardware and software interrupts, Expanding interrupt structure, programmable interrupt controllers, direct memory access operation and interfacing, Introduction to microcontrollers.

Credit Hours: 3+1 Course Code: EE-221 Pre-Requisite: Electronics-I Recommended Books: i. Thomas Floyd, Electronics Fundamentals: Circuits, Devices, and Applications, Latest Edition, Prentice Hall, ISBN10: 0131111388, ISBN-13: 9780131111387 ii. Thomas Floyd and David Buchla, Basic Operational Amplifiers and Linear Integrated Circuits Latest Edition , Prentice Hall, ISBN10: 0130829870, ISBN-13: 9780130829870 iii. Sidra and Smith, Microelectronics. Latest Edition National University of Modern Languages 19 | Page

Scheme of Studies for BE (Telecom Engineering)


Electronic Principles by A.P Malvino, Latest edition

To introduce the student to the basic concepts of electronic amplification & Oscillation as key building blocks in telecommunication system.

Course Outline:
Amplifier Fundamentals Multistage amplifier with AC and DC analysis Classification of amplifiers on the basis of biasing Class A, B, C, & Push pull amplifiers Classification of Amplifiers on the basis of coupling, RC-coupled amplifier, transformer-coupled amplifier, directcoupled amplifier, Classification of amplifiers on the basis of frequency, Audio frequency amplifier, radio frequency amplifier, tuned amplifier, Differential Amplifier, Op-Amplifier, Feedback Amplifiers, Effect of feedback on frequency response, Input and output impedance, Amplifier loading, impedance matching, Oscillators, Barkhausian criterion, Tank circuit, Damped and un-damped oscillations, RC type oscillator (Phase shift, Weinbridge) and LC oscillator( Hartley, Colpitt, Armstrong), crystal oscillator, special oscillators (OTA-based, OTIbased oscillators Voltage Controlled Oscillator, Phase Lock Loop, Introduction to Filters

Control Systems Engineering

Credit Hours: 3+1 Course Code: EE-216 Pre-Requisite: Differential Equations Recommended Books: i. Modern Control Engineering, by Katsuhiko Ogata, Latest Edition. ii. Control Systems, by Samarajit Ghosh, Latest Edition. iii. R. C. Dorf Control systems, Latest Edition Objective:
Introduce the concepts of open loop and closed loop systems and their transfer function. Teach the methods for the analysis and design of closed loop feedback systems.

Course Outline:
Classification of Open and Closed Loop control, Advantages and disadvantages, Effects of feedback, examples including servomechanism, system model and characterization, Block diagrams and canonical form, Examples of control systems from Telecom applications such as satellite tracking, LNAV/VNAV in aviation, Flight control systems, Heading tracking, Signal flow graphs, DE and Laplace Transforms, Transfer function, poles and zeros,

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Scheme of Studies for BE (Telecom Engineering)

Time domain analysis, steady state error using static error coefecient method, dynamic error constant method, Feedback characteristics of control systems, Senstivity of control systems, Basic action of Controllers (Proportional, Integral, PI and PID controllers), Stability assessment (Routh, Bode,, Nyquist, Nicholes chart), Compensation and compensator design for Telecommunications applications, state space.

Digital Communications
Credit Hours: 3+1 Course Code: EE-316 Pre-Requisite: Communication Systems Recommended Books: i. B. Sklar, Digital Communications, Latest Edition, Prentice Hall ISBN: ii. L. W. Couch II, Digital and Analog Communication Systems, Latest Edition. ISBN: 0135990289. iii. S. Haykin, Communication Systems, Latest Edition, Objective:
Introduce the advance concepts of different Modulation techniques and their performance comparison along with receiver design and coding theory

Course Outline: Significance of Digital Communication, Base Band Modulation. Analogue to Digital Conversion, Sampling Theory and Its Application, Quantization and Its Types (Uniform and Non-Uniform Quantization), Pulse Code Modulation, Differential PCM, Delta Modulation, ADPCM, PCM Pulse Shaping, Inter-Symbol Interference, Equalization, Synchronization, Basic Detection Theory and Optimum Receiver Design, Multiplexing, TDM, FDM, T-1 Systems and Hierarchy, E-1 Systems Hierarchy, Digital Modulation Techniques, Amplitude Shift Keying (ASK), Frequency Shift Keying (FSK), and Phase Shift Keying (PSK,
DPSK, DEPSK, QPSK), Differential Encoding and M-Ary Signaling, Performance of Binary and M-Ary Signaling, Performance comparisons of modulation schemes, Forward Error Correction Codes, Basic concepts of information and coding

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Scheme of Studies for BE (Telecom Engineering)

Wave Propagation & Antenna
Credit Hours: 3+1 Course Code: EE-318 Pre-Requisite: EMT Recommended Books: I. J. D. Kraus, Electromagnetics, Latest Edition, John Wiley & Sons II. Cheng, Field and Wave Electromagnetics, Latest Edition. III. C. A. Ballanis, Antennas, Latest Edition, John Wiley & Sons: Objective:
To make students understand the role and importance of Wave Propagation & Antennas as an engineering application and how to design the require antenna and how to deal with transmission lines.

Course Outline: Standard Line Equation, Distributed Parameters, Characteristic Impedance, Concept of Standing and Travelling Waves On Transmission Line, Reflection (Partial and Total), Standing Wave Ratio, Matching Smith Chart and Its Applications, Isotropic Antenna, Power Radiated From Short Electric Dipole, Voltage Received In Antenna, Half Wave Dipole, Loop Antenna, Radiation Pattern, Intensity and Resistance, Calculation of Antenna Gain and Efficiency, Effective Aperture, Relation between Gain and Aperture, Antenna Impedance, Bandwidth, Polarization, Beam width, Antenna Arrays with Isotropic Antennas, Pattern Multiplications, Width of Major Lobe and Directivity of Antenna Arrays, Binomial and Chebychev Arrays, Folded Dipole Antenna, Yagi Antenna, Log Periodic Antenna, Parabolic Reflector, Horn Antenna, Feed Systems, Lens Antennas, babinets Principle and Slot Antenna,

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Scheme of Studies for BE (Telecom Engineering)

Major Based Core (Depth)
Wireless & Mobile communications
Credit Hours: 3+0 Course Code: EE-323 Pre-Requisite: Analog Communication, CCN Recommended Books: i. Wireless Communications and Networks Latest Edition by Williams Stallings ii. Wireless Communications, Principles and Practice Latest Edition , Theodore S Rappaport iii. Wireless and Mobile Network Architecture Yi-Bing Lin & Imrich chlamtac iv. Wireless and Cellular Telecommunication Latest Edition, William C. Y. Lee Objective:
To provide a detailed overview of Wireless & mobile communication systems and modern technologies deployed in technical field

Course Outline: Part One: Fundamental Concepts

Introduction to Wireless Communication Transmission Fundamentals :Digital Vs Analog transmission, Relationship b/w Data rate and Bandwidth, SNR & Eb/ N0,Classification of Transmission medium, Multiplexing Techniques Communication Networks: Traditional vs High speed N/Ws, OSI model, Networking Devices, TCP/ IP model( IPV4 vs IPV6), ATM,PDH,SDH Antennas and Radio Propagation Radiation Pattern, Antenna types, Gain & Directivity, Propagation modes, Transmission Impairments ,Multipath, Noise etc Fading channels: AWGN, Ricean, Rayleigh Error Compensation mechanism Link budget calculations Part Two: Wireless & Mobile N/Ws Evolution of Mobile Communications Cellular Communications: Principles and Key concepts Spread Spectrum Communications 1G Mobile Networks.(AMPS) 2G Mobile Networks(GSM, IS-95 etc) 2.5G (GPRS, EDGE, HSCSD, CdmaOne) Third Generation Wireless Communication Standards (CDMA2000 and UMTS). Emerging Wireless Communication Technologies.

Computer Communication and Networks

Credit Hours: 3+1 Course Code: EE-322 National University of Modern Languages 23 | Page

Scheme of Studies for BE (Telecom Engineering)

Pre-Requisite: Computing for Engineers Recommended Books: i. Stallings, William, Data and Computer Communications (Latest Edition), Prentice Hall. ISBN 0-13-100681-9 ii. Tanenbaum, Andrew, S. Computer Networks (Latest Edition), Prentice Hall. ISBN 0-13-066102-3 Objective:
Teaching students about the basics of data communication within a computer and over a long distance. Communication models, methods, concepts & protocols (wired and wireless)

Course Outline: Part 1 Basics of communication, transmission, Modulation. Synch and A-synch communications, problems with sync and A-sync communications OSI Model, TCP/IP protocol suit HDLC, ISDN, IP addressing, Line Configurations Modes of transmission ASCII codes and data stream with parity Guided Transmission Media (Twisted Pair, Coaxial Cable and Optical Fiber) Wireless transmission Data Link Control, Flow Control Techniques, Stop & Wait, Sliding Window, Error control techniques, Other
protocols, reverse error detection techniques (parity, CRC, Hamming code) Multiplexing techniques (FDM, TDM and Statistical TDM.) Part 2 Part 3 Network Topologies, LAN Architecture, LAN System & Network Standards Introduction to IEEE 802 Family, Null Modem Ethernet and Fast Ethernet (CSMA/CD), Token Ring and FDDI etc. Broadcast n, Packet Radio Networks, CSMA/CA Resource Sharing, Managing User Accounts and Group, Implementing Security Disaster Recovery, Protecting Data, Recovering From System Failure. Switched networks (circuit switched, message switched, cell switched and packet switched) Packet switching routing and congestion control Switching Routing techniques

RF and Microwave Engineering

Credit Hours: 3+1 Course Code: EE-425 Pre-Requisite: EMT & Wave propagation and Antenna Recommended Books: i. Microwave and RF design for Wireless systems, David M Pozar, ii. B. Sklar, Digital Communications, Latest Edition, Prentice Hall ISBN: National University of Modern Languages 24 | Page

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S. Haykin, Communication Systems, Latest Edition, ISBN: Objective: Course Outline: Resistors, capacitors and inductors at RF frequencies; Resonant Circuits; Passive Filter Design; Impedance Matching, Impedance Matching on Smith chart. Transistor at RF frequencies; Small signal RF amplifier design, RF power amplifier Communication at RF and Microwave frequencies. Transmission lines and waveguides, types of waveguides (rectangular and circular etc.) Strip line, Slot line, Standing Wave Ratio (SWR); Microwave devices and circuits: Directional couplers, isolators, circulators. TWTs, Gunn diode, Impatt diode, PIN diode, Tunnel Diode Microwave mixer sand detectors

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Transmission and switching systems
Credit Hours: 3+0 Course Code: EE-428 Pre-Requisite: Digital Communication, CCN Recommended Books: i. Telecommunications Switching, Traffic and Networks by J.E Flood ii. Digital telephony Latest Edition , John Bellamy iii. Telecommunication Transmission Systems By Robert G. Winch Objective:
To provide a detailed overview of Switching in communication systems, network dimensioning and signaling techniques.

Course Outline: Introduction Telecommunications transmission Evolution of switching systems Space division switching Time division switching Control of switching systems Signalling techniques Packet switching Traffic engineering Telecom networks Management platforms

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Major Based Core (Depth-Elective)
Telecomm Systems
Credit Hours: 3+0 Course Code: EE-429 Pre-Requisite: Digital Communications, Wireless & Mobile Communication Recommended Books: i. Mobile Satellite Communication Networks, Ray E. Sheriff and Y. Fun Hu, JOHN WILEY & SONS, LTD. ii. McGraw Hill, Satellite Communication, Dennis Roddy iii. Maral G., Satellite Communication. iv. Skolnik M.I., Introduction to Radar System, McGraw Hill, Latest Ed. v. Burtan R., Radar Engineering, McGraw Hill, Latest Ed. Objective:
To fulfill the deficiency in the offered program in terms of market demand for particular operational knowledge within a specific area and where time and capacity is not available to deliver two separate courses.

Course Outline: 1. Radar Systems

Introduction: Radar Block Diagram & Operation, Radar Range Equation, Radar Frequencies Radar Parameters: Prediction of Range Performance, Minimum Detectable Signal, Receiver Noise, Signal to Noise Ratio, Integration of Radar pulses, Radar Cross Section, Transmitter Power, Antenna Parameters, System Losses, Propagation Effects, Radar Clutters Components of Radars: Radar Transmitters, Radar Antennas, Receivers, Displays and Duplexers Radar Types: CW and Frequency Modulated Radar, MTI and Pulse Doppler Radar, Tracking Radar


Satellite Communications Principle of Satellite Communication: N/W Architecture, operational Frequencies, Logical Channels, Orbital types Orbits and Launching Methods: Introduction, Keplers first law, Keplers second law, Keplers third law, definitions
of terms for earth orbiting satellites, orbital elements, apogee and perigee heights, orbital perturbations, effects of non-spherical earth, atmospheric drag, the geo-stationary orbit, antenna look angles, polar mount antenna, limits of visibility, earth eclipse of satellite, sun transit outage, launches & launch vehicles. Polarization: Definitions, antenna polarization, polarization of satellite signals, cross polarization discrimination, Ionospheric depolarization, rain depolarization, ice depolarization. Link Budget Analysis Satellite Transponder

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Optical Fiber Communication
Credit Hours: 3+1 Course Code: EE-427 Pre-Requisite: None Recommended Books: Harry Dutton, Understanding Optical Communications, John Senior, Optical Fiber Communications, Latest Edition Govind P. Agrawal, Fiber-Optic Communication Systems, Latest Edition, John Wiley & Sons, ISBN-10: 0-471-21571-6 Joseph Palais, Fiber Optic Communications, Latest Edition, Prentice Hall, ISBN-13: 9780130085108 Objective:
To provide a detailed overview of Fiber optics communication and modern technologies

Course Outline: Introduction to Optical fiber Communications, Basic principles, Optical Communication. Sub-Carrier Multiplexing access (SCMA). Coherent & Incoherent Detection. Snells law, Numerical aperture(NA), fresnel loss, fiber types, single mode and multimode, optical fiber losses, (attenuation,dispersion, polarization), special optical fibres, Light sources (LED, LASER), light detection (pi-n and APD), components and connectors, Link budget calculations (power based and rise time based), Receiver design considerations (IM/DD and Coherent systems), modulation schemes, optical measurement (OTDR e.g) Optical DWDM systems, Examples from commercial Implementations e.g TAT-9 and TAT-14.

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Digital Electronics
Credit Hours: 3+1 Course Code: EE-324 Pre-Requisite: Electronics-II Recommended Books: I. Digital Systems by Thomas Floyd, Latest Edition II. Electronic Circuits: Discrete and Integrated by Schilling and Belove, Latest Edition Objective: Course Outline: A/D and D/A Converters Transistor Inverter Design and Analysis Noise Margin Fan Out Propagation Delay Switching Speed Schmitt Trigger Multi Vibrators Precision Timing Circuits Sweep Generators Digital Logic Families
DTL TTL Finite State Machine Sequential Machines Transfer Characteristics Power Consumption Introduction to Fabrication of Digital Microelectronics PMOS NMOS CMOS Design Methodologies for Combinational and Sequential Circuits Bussing and Sequencing of Control.

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Digital Image Processing
Credit Hours: 3+0 Course Code: EE-430 Pre-Requisite: Digital signal Processing Recommended Books: i. Rafael Gonzalez and Richard Woods, Digital Image Processing, Latest Edition, ii. Anil Jain, Fundamentals of Digital Image Processing, Latest Edition, Prentice Hall, ISBN-13: 9780133361650 Objective: Course Outline: Image formation process, types of images (Infrared, Thermal and Video range etc.) Image segmentation, Hough transform, shape from stereo, motion and shading. Image acquisition techniques, digitization, acquisition flaws, image storage, compression techniques image transformation (translation, scaling, rotation, stereo, 3D modeling , Discrete time description of signals , fast Fourier transform image enhancement Image histogram, contrast enhancement, histogram manipulation , thresh holding, binarization, Grey scale and color images, smoothing, sharpening, edge detection, morphological operators (erosion, dilation, opening, closing) medical axis transform, skeletonization, thinning.

Broadband Communication Networks

Credit Hrs: 3+0 Course Code: EE-431 Pre-Requisite: Computer Communication and Networks

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Recommended Books: i. William Stallings, Data and Computer Communications, Latest Edition, Prentice Hall. ii. William Stallings, Business Data Communications Latest Edition, Prentice Hall. iii. William Stallings, ISDN and Broadband ISDN with ATM and Frame Relay iv. William Beyda, Data Communications From Basics to Broadband Prentice Hall. v. Sveum, Data Communications an Overview Prentice Hall. vi. Raymond Panko, Business Data Communications and Networking Prentice Hall. Objective: Course Outline: X.25, Frame Relay, Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM): Protocol architecture, model planes, logical connections, Control Signaling. ATM cells, Cell format, service categories, adaptation layer protocol. SDH, Broadband Technologies: B-ISDN, Broadband ISDN: Abilities and benefits of B-ISDN, B-ISDN Network elements and structures, reference points,
protocols, Functions of different Layers in B-ISDN model ATM cells using SDH/SONET, ATM layer in B-ISDN. Switched Multimegabit Data Service: SMDS characteristics, network components, layers, Addressing, messages, SMDS interface protocol (Level 1, 2 &3), Distributed Queue Dual Bus (DQDB) protocol Digital Subscriber Line: Digital Subscriber Line (DSL) introduction, architecture, DSL broadband technologies (HDSL, SDSL, ADSL, VDSL), Line Codes (QAM/CAP and DMT) in DSL, Performance issues in DSL, Network solutions based on DSL, a case study, Next generation Digital Loop Carriers. III. IV. V. VI.

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Inter Disciplinary Engineering Electives
Operating Systems
Credit Hours: 3+1 Course Code: CE-211 Pre-Requisite: Computing for Engineers Recommended Books: i. Andrew Tanenbaum and Albert Woodhull, Operating Systems Design and Implementation, Latest Edition, Prentice Hall, ISBN: 0131429388. ii. Andrew Tanenbaum, Modern Operating Systems, Latest Edition, Prentice Hall, ISBN: 0130313580. iii. Operating System by William Stalling, Latest Edition iv. Operating system by Albert Shilber Schatz, Latest Edition Objective:
To expand on the basic concepts for understanding and evaluating operating systems and the most important computer architectural issues impacting on operating system design and implementation.

Course Outline: Introduction to Operating system, Computer system organization Computer hardware review OS structure. Computing environments Types of I/O Controllers in detail. Hardware Protection Issues System calls and device drivers, operating systems structures. Process Management, Intro to processes, the process model Process creation, process termination, process hierarchies. Process states, Implementation of processes. Modelling multiprogramming. Intro to threads. Threads usage, classical thread model, implementing threads. Inter-process communication Scheduling Concepts, Types of Schedulers, CPU Scheduling, Scheduling Algorithms in detail Dead Locks File system Management, Data structures for File Management. FAT, Drive parameter Block, File Control Block. Memory Management, Data structures related to Memory Management. Paging, Segmentation. Security Issues related to Operating systems.

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Humanities and Management Sciences
Communication Skills
Credit Hours: 3+0 Course Code: HUM-111 Pre-Requisite: None Recommended Books: i. Practical English Grammar by A.J. Thomson and A.V. Martinet. Exercises 2. Latest Edition. Oxford University Press ii. Effective Business Communications by Herta Murphy, Herbert W Hildebrandt, Latest Edition iii. Reading. Advanced. Brian Tomlinson and Rod Ellis. Oxford Supplementary Skills. Third Impression 1991. ISBN 0 19 453403 0. Objective:
To enable the students to meet their real life communication needs

Course Outline:
Introduction to communication and the concept of effective communication Oral & Written Communication, Receptive and productive skills Components of communication and their relative importance Components--------Context, Sender & Receiver, Message, Medium & Feedback Presentation Skills-------Introduction & Types of Oral Presentation How to prepare an effective presentation-----4Ps Technique of its preparation Use of A.V Aids in effective presentation Analysis of the audience & the ways to handle Stage-Fright Reading Comprehension----Introduction to the reading Skills, Extensive Reading and Intensive Reading Introduction to different techniques of reading-----Skimming & Scanning Connotations & Denotations, Functional Words & Content Words. Paragraph Writing Techniques/ characteristics and process Types of Paragraph and structure of a paragraph-----topic-sentence, discussion, conclusion Paragraph writing practice----descriptive, argumentative definition paragraph, analytical paragraph, expository paragraph Introduction to letter writing------what type of communication & the skills involved Positive, Neutral & Negative Response letters Different organisational schemes on the basis of the type of letter------direct Plan & indirect plan

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Technical Report Writing
Credit Hours: 3+0 Course Code: HUM-214 Pre-Requisite: Communication Skills Recommended Books: i. Reporting technical information (Latest Edition) by Kenneth W. Houp, Thomas E. Pearsall ISBN: 0024749206/ ISBN-13: 9780024749208 ii. Technical Report Writing Today, Latest Edition by Daniel G. Riordan, Steven E. Pauley ISBN: 978-81-7722-526-6 Objective:
To improve the skills required for technical writing, especially for writing a technical report and to enhance their abilities for critical thinking

Course Outline:
Introduction to TRW and characteristics Difference between technical writing and general writing Report Structure-------long and short report Procedure for report writing Chapter order, appendix material, report sections Writing style------reporter and reader Form---- spellings , grammar and conclusion Justification, rationale, plagiarism Multimedia and visual balance Figs, tables, equations, text Conclusion and bibliography Making an effective oral presentation----- Introduction Types of oral presentation Organisation of selected material and structure of presentation Importance of audio-visual aids and their effective use

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History of Pakistan
Credit Hours: 2+0 Course Code: HUM-112 Pre-Requisite: none Recommended Books: I. Burki, Shahid Javed. State & Society in Pakistan, The Macmillan Press Ltd, 1980 II. Akbar, S. Zaidi. Issue in Pakistans Economy. Karachi: Oxford University Press, 2000 III. Haq, Noor ul. Making of Pakistan: The Military Perspective. Islamabad: National Commission on Historical and Cultural Research, 1993 IV. Sayeed, Khalid Bin. The Political System of Pakistan. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1967 Objective:
To develop vision of Historical Perspective, Government, Politics, Contemporary Pakistan, ideological background of Pakistan. To study the process of governance, national development, issues arising in the modern age and posing challenges to Pakistan.

Course Outline: 1. Historical Perspective

a. Ideological rationale with special reference to Sir Syed Ahmed Khan, Allama Muhammad Iqbal and Quaid-i-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah. b. Factors leading to Muslim separatism c. People and Land i. Indus Civilization ii. Muslim advent iii. Location and Geo-Physical features.

2. Government and Politics in Pakistan

Political and constitutional phases: i. 1947-58 ii.1958-71 1971-77 iii. 1977-88 iv. v. 1988-99 1999 onward vi.

3. Contemporary Pakistan
a. b. c. d. Economic institutions and issues Society and social structure and Ethnicity Foreign policy of Pakistan and challenges Futuristic outlook of Pakistan

Islamic and Religious Studies

Credit Hours: 2+0

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Course Code: HUM-113 Pre-Requisite: none Recommended Books: I. Islamic Studies Compulsory by Rafique Muhammad II. Islamic Education by M.D.Zafar Objective:
Teaching student the in-depth knowledge of our religion and moral values of Islam as exemplified by the life of Holy Prophet (P.BU.H)

Course Outline:
Fazail-E-Quran, Surat Hujraat With Translation, Surat Al-Furgan (Ayat 6360-77), Kitab and Sunnat, Importance of Sunnat, Twenty Selected Hadiths With Translation, Islam in the Light of Quran and Hadiths, Tauheed, Risalat, Aakhrat, Prayer (Salaat), Fasting (Soam), Zakaat, Hajj, Jihad, Seerat-un-Nabi, Study of Seerat-ul-Nabi, Makkah Life of Holy Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him), Birth, Hijrat and Methods of Teaching, Madina Life of Holy Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him), Fatah-e-Makkah and Hajjat-Ul-Wida

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Engineering Economics
Credit Hours: 3+0 Course Code: MG-211 Pre-Requisite: None Recommended Books: i. Engineering Economy, Latest Edition, Leland T. Blank and Anthony J. Tarquin, McGraw Hill, ISBN: 0073205346 Objective:
Introduce the concepts of economics that engineers need to know to carry out Engineering tasks and projects.

Course Outline: Basic concepts, engineering economy defined, Measures of financial effectiveness, monetary values. Consumer and producer goods, Measures of economic worth, Price, Supply, Demand Relationship, Present economy, selection among materials, Techniques, designs, etc. A basic investment philosophy, Alternatives having identical lives. Alternatives having different lives, important cost concepts, Cost-benefit analysis feasibility studies, value analysis in
designing and purchasing. Mathematical statement of linear programming problems, Graphic solution, simplex procedure, Duality problem. Types of Depreciation economic life, profit and interest, Returns to capital, Discrete and continuous compounding, Discounting sinking fund problems Capital Financing and Budgeting: Types of ownership, Types of stock, Partnership and joint stock companies, Banking and Specialized Credit Institution, Factors of production, Laws of Returns, Break-even charts and relationships, Labor problems, labor organizations prevention and settlement of disputes

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Engineering Management
Credit Hours: 2+0 Course Code: MG-312 Pre-Requisite: None Recommended Books: Avraham Shtub, Jonathan F. Bard and Shlomo Globerson, Project Management: Processes, Methodologies, and Economics Latest Edition, Prentice Hall, ISBN: 0130413313. Objective:
Teach the principles of management including the management of human resources as well as Engineering projects.

Course Outline: Basic concepts, engineering economy defined, Measures of financial effectiveness, monetary values. Consumer and producer goods, Measures of economic worth, Price, Supply, Demand Relationship, Present economy, selection among materials, Techniques, designs, etc. A basic investment philosophy, Alternatives having identical lives. Alternatives having different lives, important cost concepts, Cost-benefit analysis feasibility studies, value analysis in
designing and purchasing. Mathematical statement of linear programming problems, Graphic solution, simplex procedure, Duality problem. Types of Depreciation economic life, profit and interest, Returns to capital, Discrete and continuous compounding, Discounting sinking fund problems Capital Financing and Budgeting: Types of ownership, Types of stock, Partnership and joint stock companies, Banking and Specialized Credit Institution, Factors of production, Laws of Returns, Break-even charts and relationships, Labor problems, labor organizations prevention and settlement of disputes

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Organizational Behaviour
Credit Hours: 2+0 Course Code: HUM-421 Pre-Requisite: None Recommended Books: Finchan, R., & Rhodes, P. Principles of Organizational Behavior, Latest Edition. Noe, R., Hollenbeck, J. Gerhart, B., & Wright, P., Human Resource Management, Latest Edition, McGraw Hill. Newstrom John W. , Organizational Behavior, (Latest Edition), McGraw Hill. Luthan Fred, Organizational Behavior, McGraw Hill Inc. Robins, Stephen, Organizational Behavior, McGraw Hill Inc. Objective: Course Outline: Introduction to Organizational Behavior: Organizational Disciplines and topics, Psychological Perspective, Social

Psychological Perspectives Structure and Control in Organization: Introduction, Bureaucracy, Managerial Work, Contingency theory, Organizational Design Individual and Work Learning: Learning Theories, Learning and Work, Stress: Types of Stress and Work, Occupational Stress Management Individual Differences: Personality and its factors, Personality dimensions and social learning, Intelligence Motivation and Job Satisfaction: Needs at Work, Theories of Motivation and job satisfaction, o Correlates of Job satisfaction, Correlates of Job satisfaction Group and Work: Social Interaction, Dramaturgy and impression Management, Social Skill Group and Inter group Behavior: Group Structure & Norms, Group Processes, How throne Studies Leadership: Leadership as an attribute, Leadership Style Patterns of Work: Work-the classical approach, Marx, Weber, & The critique of labor, o Foucault & Disciplinary Power Conflict and Consent in Work: The labor Process debate, Work place control and resistance, Industrial conflict and industrial relations Organizational culture: Organizational culture and strategic management, Exploring organizational culture, Evaluating concept of culture

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