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Excellence in Graduate Education and Research in Paris

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ExcEllEncE in graduatE Education and rEsEarch in Paris

MinEs Paristech
225 years of history, tradition and heritage are an integral part of the identity and durability of MINES ParisTech. It offers graduate and post-graduate education programmes to 1500 students. The Institution holds 15 research centers, 250 talented professor-researchers, and is ranked #1 school for partnership research, a unique link with companies. We are proud to display, to maintain, to share our values built over the years.

a French grande Ecole

MINES ParisTech like other French Grandes Ecoles are devoted to the training of top engineers for industries, services and research. These Schools are relative small structures (about 150 MSc graduates per year, 100 PhD graduates, 200 professors-researchers) focused on top engineering topics. Education, research and business are strongly linked in the academic programmes and research activities. Most of the programmes are designed for graduates students with at least a BSc degree. French Grandes Ecoles can be seen as excellence institute for graduate education and research, among which MINES ParisTech is one of the flagships.

Master in science and Executive Engineering diplme dingnieur

Inspired by the notion of practice and the practical, the training of Mineurs (nickname of our engineering students) is perfectly balanced with 1/3 in engineering sciences, 1/3 in economics and social sciences and 1/3 in projects and practical experience. The students are admitted through a competitive examination, after the classes prparatoires, and are joined, in the graduate 1st year, by externally qualified students from French and foreign universities and the Ecole Polytechnique. They acquire all the skills required for senior positions of responsibility. 84% of them have a job offer before graduation. The Diplme dingnieur is, in France, considered as the most exclusive degree.

1783 Foundation of Ecole Royale des Mines, in Paris 150 number of Master in Science and Executive Engineering degrees awarded per year 140 number of partner universities worldwide 100 number of PhD awarded per year 2 number of Nobel Prize laureatew (Economics & Physics) 1 rank of MINES ParisTech in recent rankings of engineering schools by national media (for the graduates salary, interest for employers, contractual research...)

international opportunities
MINES ParisTech has signed more than one hundred agreements on all continents to cooperate within the frame of the Master degree in Science & Executive Engineering programme; these agreements are signed under our own name, or through the ParisTech or GEM (Groupe des Ecoles des Mines) consortiums. MINES ParisTech is member of the ATHENS Programme and of IDEA League international networks.

Programme Master in Science and Executive Engineering / Diplme dingnieur Master of Science Advanced Master Programme PhD Research internship

degree Degree-seeking Exchange student Degree Degree Degree / Co-supervised degree For BSc or MSc research internship

duration 2 years 6 to 12 months 1 to 2 years 1 to 2 years 3 years 3 to 12 months

requirements 4 years of Higher education BSc degree BSc degree MSc degree MSc degree MEng degree BSc degree

Why French ?
English is no longer a foreign language to be learnt, it will be your daily work language. But with the increase of competition for the best positions, companies are interested more and more in candidates with bonuses. Knowing 3 languages is a bonus on your CV. Moreover, French companies are well known for their technological expertise and their worldwide activities. Mastering French language can provide you some international top positions in French companies or French subsidiaries in Asia, Africa and Europe.

Practical considerations
inscription and tuition fees n The inscription fees are 800 per year. ERASMUS students and students from partner universities are exempted. n The tuition fees are 18 000 per year. A grant is given to international students: these fees are waived. accommodation The students admitted in our Master in Science and Executive Engineering will get a room in the students residence (Maison des Mines), located near the School. The monthly rent is about 200. The visiting students will have a chance to get a room at the Cit international, located in the south of Paris (10 min. per subway from the School). The average monthly rent is about 400. scholarship MINES ParisTech does particular efforts to find scholarships and various financial supports for the international students. In the past years, all the students admitted in the Master in Science and Executive Engineering got a scholarship to cover their living expenses: n form the French government (EIFFEL programme 1100/ month for 2 years, Region Ile-de-France - 700/month for 1 year or Embassies - 700/month for 2 years) n from companies (600 to 700/month for 2 years) n from Home country institutions or bilateral programmes (Brafitec) n from MINES ParisTech Alumni Foundation (600/month for 2 years)

MinEs Paristech Programmes

Master in science and Executive Engineering
The aim of this Master programme is to train high level engineers able to manage complex industrial projects and to become managers of companies. This is implemented through a multidisciplinary programme, with a high technical, scientific and socio-economic content, leading to a strong background of fundamental knowledge and of practical skills thanks to strong participation of lecturers from enterprises and implementation of internships in companies. This programme is taught in French.

graduate 1st year:

focused mainly on engineering sciences

n a basis of fundamental core courses, with modules in applied mathematics and physics, economics and social sciences n choice of specialized courses: approximately 90 courses offered according to the following broad themes: - pure and applied mathematics - physics, mechanics, thermo mechanics, electronics - materials sciences, environment - engineering - economics and social sciences - information management and communication n modern languages (compulsorily 2 foreign languages among the 10 languages offered, French being compulsory for international students) n young engineer placement in industry (3 to 4 months), as assistant executive engineer, with frequent possibility of international placement

graduate 2nd year:

focused mainly on minors

In addition to core courses (accounting and law) and to electives, students have to choose a concentration in a specific engineering field, called minor and to implement a technical project related to an industrial problem under the close supervision of a tutor from one of MINES ParisTech 15 research centres, leading ultimately to an internship of at least 3 months in industry, and concluding by the submission of a master thesis and its oral presentation in the presence of scientific specialists and of the industrial partners. n Biotechnology n Process Engineering n Corporate Law and Economics n Industrial Economics n Quantitative Finance n Nuclear Engineering n Geosciences n Geostatistics n Scientific Management n Engineering Design and Management n Innovation and Entrepreneurship n Mechanical Engineering and Energy n Information Systems Management n MAREVA (Applied mathematics) n Materials Sciences and Engineering n Underground engineering and management n Production Systems and Logistics












Master of science in Energy strategies

Energy procurement was a question of secondary importance until 1974, when it became a central cost factor to be controlled and monitored. With environmental constraints and the liberalisation of markets, it has now turned into a strategic choice and a factor of uncertainty and risk for countries as well as for firms. The Masters in Energy Strategies provides an understanding of energy issues as well as the capacity to define solutions, and choose and implement strategies for energy procurement and management. The objectives are: n To participate in drafting energy policies for their firms or countries. n To succeed at projects involving French firms and institutional players.

advanced Master
The postmaster non doctoral programmes, lasting one year, aim at providing initial or ongoing training, that is to say, high-level training for professional purposes. Each program comprises a series of classes, practicals, laboratory practicals or training periods in the field, visits and lectures, followed by a six-month practical internship, focusing on a problem raised by an employer and usually taking place in a company: English-speaking programmes: n Computational Mechanics (COMPUMECH) n Materials Engineering (MATMEF) n Bioplastics (BIO) n International Environmental Management (EnvIM) n International Energy Management (ALEF) French-speaking programmes: n Environmental Management and Engineering (IGE) n Energy Systems Optimization (OSE) n Gas Engineering and Management (GAZ) n Material Behaviour and Structural Design (COMADIS) n Information Systems Management (MSIT) n Industrial Management and Logistics Systems (MISL) n Renewable Energy (ENR) n Industrial Risk Management (MRI) n Environmental Health Advanced Master (SANTE)

other Masters
n Transportation and sustainable development (Master of Science) n Enterprise Risk Management (MBA)

pascal.podvin@mines-paristech.fr http://www.master.mines-paristech.fr

Doctoral courses at MINES ParisTech have a twofold vocation : training high-level scientific PhDs, ready to join companies and to conduct innovative industrial projects and training future research-academics able to conduct research programmes aimed at academic excellence while developing partnerships with economic and social players, in the public and private sectors alike. Earth and Environmental sciences n Geology for the Engineer n Quantitative Hydrology and Hydrogeology n Subsoil Exploitation Techniques and Economics Sedimentary Basin Dynamics and Resources Energy and chemical Engineering chemical Engineering n Energy Conversion Mechanics and Materials n Materials Science and Engineering o Mechanics n Computational Mechanics Mathematics and systems (applied Mathematics, information technology, control Engineering) Mathematics and control Engineering n Real-time Computer Science, Robotics, Systems and Control n Geostatistics n Mathematical Morphology o Computational Biology Economy, Management, society n Economics and Finance n Engineering and Management n Socio-Economics and Innovation n Science and Engineering of Hazardous Activities

Fields of research
oriented research MINES ParisTech is a Grande Ecole centred on its research activities. It encompasses all fields of scientific knowledge thanks to 15 innovative research centres exploring five major fields. With 260 research academics, 400 doctoral students and 60 post-doctoral students, MINES ParisTech ranks top among the Grandes Ecoles for the volume of contractual research. top-notch laboratories The schools laboratories are partly associated with the CNRS, the Ecole Polytechnique, INSERM, INRIA, Institut Pasteur, etc. Their research, at the intersection of many fields, has led to the emergence of new disciplines (geostatistics, mathematical morphology and automatic control systems) which are now studied by the scientific community and disseminated throughout industry and the services. closely linked teaching and research The range of education programmes (engineer, masters, advanced masters and PhD) are coordinated by research academics working in the laboratories. Consequently, the students are up-to-date with the reality of technical, economic and social issues. a broad international dimension Of the 30 million in research contracts, 30% involve at least one foreign partner. MINES ParisTech collaborates closely with more than 100 different countries and foreign universities. Earth sciences and Environment MINES ParisTech develops competences in geology, geophysics, geostatic, hydrology and hydro-dynamics, geo-mechanics, chemistry, nuclear physics, and system engineering. The activities aim at the mastering of the metrology of phenomena, their modelling and choice of solution. Energy and process engineering The center has developed skills in many fields that are useful for studying the transformation of matter and energy. Attention focuses on complex energy systems, particularly in transient conditions, and on controlling their environmental impacts. n Energy efficiency (building, industry, transport) n Decarbonization of processes and fuels (CO2 capture, alternative fuels) n Renewable energies (resource evaluation and prediction, integration optimization, environmental impacts) Mechanical and Materials engineering The experimental approach combines the study of micro structures and constitution of surfaces and interfaces at all scales, of physical and electrical properties and mechanical characterization under a variety of stresses including the effect of environment and radiations. Processing and shaping aspects consider the rheology and the reactivity of materials at elevated temperatures. Experimental work is combined with numerical modelling activities resting on strong physical bases and linking all scales. Innovations concern materials development along that of associated processes and the development of original commercially available softwares for mechanical behaviour, life prediction and optimized shaping. Mathematics and systems MINES ParisTech is present in automation, robotics, telerobotics, computer integrated manufacturing, logistics, mathematical morphology, image processing, on board systems, real time systems, software technologies (oriented language, constraint programing), broadband data flow analysis, distributed production and cooperative work. Economics, management, society MINES ParisTech is competent in industrial economy, management and organisational sciences, cyndinics and sociology. The topics covered are: n role of the state, regulating policies and markets, n modernisation of public services, n evolution of the organisation of the industry, productive systems, professions, competences, n research and innovation policies, product design, competitivity of companies, n risks, information systems, organisational training, impact resistance, information of the public, n medicine and health, experiments and politics.

corporate relations
MINES ParisTech has long-lasting links with companies, through internship placement, graduate recruitment, contractual research, lecturers from industry and services. This constant and strong links with the economic and social players guarantee employability of the graduates and our #1 rank for partnership research.

You have choices to make as many career opportunities will be open to you after graduating from the School. A variety of professions will be accessible. During your studies, you will have an opportunity to set out your career plan in close harmony with your ambitions. Whether it be industry, the services or research, you will have access to the wide world. n employability, n every student is offered a job before the end of training, n several of the CEOs of the 40 leading French companies (CAC 40) are former graduates of the School, n two Nobel laureates were trained at the School: Georges Charpak (Physics, 1992) and Maurice Allais (Economics, 1988). We carry out a yearly survey to know what our recent graduates are doing. The answer rate for this survey is 100%. Our latest figures show that: n 75% are in professional activity n 5% are preparing their professional activity, through specific programmes (similar to graduate fast-tracks) n 18% are pursuing studies, either for a double-degree, a complementary master, a post-master short programme or a PhD On the international scene: 11% start to work abroad. Considering sectors, the possibilities are vast: 52% work in the industry (with a predominance in energy and manufacturing) 47% work in services (with a predominance in consulting, audit, finance/banking, IT, industrial management, supply-chain, research/development, )

industrial chairs
The chairs are aimed at helping national and international research to progress in innovative and controversial societal fields. Thanks to the chairs, MINES ParisTech also rises to the challenge of attracting some of the finest academics in an increasingly competitive international environment. industrial secrurity AGF, GDF, TOTAL, APAVE, INERIS, SNCF, ARCELOR new energetic strategies KEOLIS, EDF, TOTAL, SUEZ, NATIXIS, SAFRAN Patent reform PHILIPS, SAP, MICROSOFT, AIR LIQUIDE sustainable materials for energy powering EDF, GRT GAZ new and advanced materials for nuclear energy AREVA Bioplastics ARKEMA, LOREAL, NESTLE, PSA, SCHNEIDER ELECTRIC Eco-building design VINCI Prospective modelization and sustainable development SCHNEIDER ELECTRIC, ADEME, EDF, TOTAL, RENAULT theories and methods of innovative design THALES, RENAULT, DASSAULT SYSTEMES, RATP, VALLOUREC Water for everybody SUEZ Media and brands VIVENDI (and soon others) carbon capture, transportation, and storage AIR LIQUIDE, EDF, GDF SUEZ, LAFARGE urban logistics FRELON Metal processing for aeronautics and nuclear DAHER robotics and virtual reality PSA PEUGEOT-CITRON

More information about MinEs Paristech and admission at www.mines-paristech.eu

contact: International Office Julien BOHDANOWICZ (julien.bohdanowicz@mines-paristech.fr) Pierre BALADI (pierre.baladi@mines-paristech.fr)

MinEs Paristech - 60, boulevard Saint-Michel - 75006 Paris - FRANCE - tel: 0033 1 40 51 90 00

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