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Important Questions With Answers (KOE076)

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Important Questions with Answers

Q1: Explain Feelings of Trust, Respect and Reverence with their

expressed values.
Trust is to be assured of the intention of the people we live with. It is to have the clarity that, deep
down, the other also intends to make me happy. We can see that when we have unconditional,
continuous trust in the intention of others, we don’t get irritated and angry but try to improve their
competence and be complementary to others.

Complementariness is identified as the expressed value of trust. When we are assured of the
intention of each one of us, we learn to cooperate in complementarity. Being assured of each other’s
intention, we are enabled to collaborate with others to participate with equal responsibility. On the
other hand, if we have doubt instead of trust, we waste our time and energy in opposition. Being in a
relationship is manifested in the feeling of cooperation during work and behavior. When we live with
feelings of cooperation, we proceed towards an undivided society.

Respect: The feeling of respect means the right evaluation in a mutual relationship. Right evaluation
means we evaluate a human being based on ‘self’ and not on ‘body’. When we evaluate based on self,
we evaluate his potential and competence. Based on potential, we find that the other is similar to us.
As I want to be happy and prosperous, others also want the same. As I want to understand the concept
of co-existence and live by it, others also want the same. The purpose, program, and potential of
others are the same as mine. The others have the same program to live with happiness and prosperity
as mine. The activities of desire, thoughts, and expectations are in continuity in us and others too, and
the potential to understand all of these is ingrained in every human being.

Transparency is recognized as the expressed value of respect. It comes under dynamic activity. Right
evaluation leads to knowing one with clarity. When we can rightly evaluate each other, there is no
obscurity. In a relationship, we evaluate ourselves and others. Transparency is a situation when my
evaluation of myself is the same as the evaluation by the other. Each of us knows that the other has
the right evaluation regarding me. I know that I have rightly evaluated the other. The other knows that
s(he) has been rightly evaluated by me. This situation is called transparency.

Reverence: Reverence is the feeling of acceptance for excellence.

What we are proposing is that excellence is to be in a state of continuous happiness. This calls for
understanding harmony and living in harmony – at all levels of our being. Once we achieve excellence,
it continues. Excellence is something definite, something absolute. If someone has achieved this state
of excellence, we naturally have an acceptance for such a person. This feeling of acceptance for
excellence is called reverence.

Worship is the expressed value of reverence. When we can see excellence in the other (i.e the other
has the right understanding and lives with the right feeling, right thought), and we can see that the
other is fulfilled within, then we are inspired to work for that excellence, to live with fulfillment within.
To be proactive for learning -understanding, to make effort for excellence is called worship. Thus,
worship is a readiness to take help to develop the right understanding; which starts with imitating,
following, and then progresses to obedience, discipline and finally being self-disciplined and self-
Q2. Explain Birth Ceremony, Gestation ceremony and education
Birth Ceremony: The ceremony’s purpose is to ensure a conducive environment at the time of birth
of a child. This ceremony is about naming a child. A name is essential to address the child. A child is
always curious to know his name’s meaning. If the name is meaningful and based on any reality, the
child’s attention keeps getting drawn to that meaningful thing. Thus, we should be aware while giving
a name to our child.

Gestation Ceremony: This ceremony is for a to-be father and mother (to-be parents). This ceremony
reminds the parents (and the extended family) of their responsibility to make a conducive
environment available for the child, starting with the time it is in the womb. A family is where a child
starts learning everything about feelings, thoughts, behavior, and work. A conducive environment
given by the parents helps children to improve their Sanskaar. The following are the basic
requirements for parents to provide such an environment for their child:

a) The health of the parents: It is important that parents have healthy bodies to participate in
the child’s growth.
b) The conduct of the parents: A child learns many things by imitating their parents. Thus, the
conduct of parents is an important issue. If parents live with human conduct, the child
unconsciously imitates the conduct and learns many good habits aligned to the realities. Later,
parents may help the child to explore human conduct through the process of self-exploration.

Education Ceremony: The education ceremony is at the beginning of formal education, reminding one
of the student’s roles–to make an effort for the right understanding. The initiation ceremony,
conducted at the end of formal education, draws attention toward the right living based on the right
understanding. The education ceremony draws attention to the various activities required to develop
the right understanding, and the initiation ceremony towards living based on the right understanding.
While in an education institution, the main focus is on developing the right understanding (more than
on living with the right understanding), though it is a part of the discipline of the educational
institution. After leaving the educational institution, one has to live in one’s right. The understanding
and commitment to live with the understanding one has developed during education becomes the
basis of one’s living. Thus, at this stage, the initiation ceremony to remind of this commitment to living
with understanding becomes primary. This will prepare an environment for the development of the
right Sanskars in the child.

Q3. Explain Indicators of health, production and education.

Certain indicators for evaluation for the dimension of Health could be-

1. How many people remain healthy and for how long time
2. If someone falls seek, how fast is he able to recover i.e. how strong is his immunity system
3. What is the average life survival period
4. What is the average period over which people remain healthy
5. How good is the lifestyle of the people
6. Whether a medical facility is available to everyone if needed
7. How good is the recovery from illness at the family level etc?
8. A negative indicator could be, lesser numbers of people going to hospital fewer numbers of
We cannot have the indicators of health such as hospitals in every locality and a medical store in every
lane. These may even be an indicator of ill-health of the people.

In the present-day situation, the number of hospitals, medical stores, etc. has become the indicators
of health, whereas they only indicate that if people are unhealthy, they can get the necessary help.
There is no clear indication of whether people are healthy or unhealthy.

Indicators for evaluation for the dimension of Production

Certain indicators for evaluation for the dimension of production could be-

1. Are we able to ensure the production of all physical facilities that are necessary for the
society, by the society itself
2. Is every family engaged in some meaningful production
3. Is every family able to identify its physical needs or is it considered unlimited
4. Is every family able to feel the prosperity or some are accumulating more and more and other
families are feeling deprived
5. Are we able to ensure mutual enrichment with the rest of nature? E.g. is the mother earth
getting more prosperous every day
6. Do people have the willingness and competence to produce
7. Is there work for everybody and is every family assured of its basic needs such as food, cloth,
shelter, etc.

We can not have indicators of Production such as-

1. Higher and higher levels of consumption without having identified the need of physical
facilities required
2. Having more and more products even if the production processes are not cyclic and mutually
3. Producing more with a view of profit maximization even if produce is not very meaningful or
even harmful such as liquor, addiction drugs, etc.

Indicators of dimension of education

Very broadly, indicators for the fulfillment of goals of the Education dimension can be

1. How many persons are able to reach a state of the right understanding, right feeling & right
2. How many persons are having clarity of human goals?
3. How many persons are having the competence to fulfill the requirement of Right
understanding, Relationship, and Physical Facility.

The indicator will not be in terms of whether we are able to get a job, what is the salary, etc.

Similarly, indicators will not be in terms of whether we are able to defeat the other in competition.
Rather, it will be in terms of whether we are able to understand and live with the mutual fulfillment,
as this alone will ensure our fulfillment as well as fulfillment of the others. Education is a dimension
that connects to every other dimension. If education is right, human beings will develop the right
conduct. This will reflect in all his expressions, be it in ensuring relationships in the society or
prosperity in the family
Q4. Define Obligation, duty and ethics

Obligation implies living while sharing the expected feelings like trust, respect, affection, etc.
Certainly, it is necessary to have these feelings in ourselves to express in mutuality. Duty implies
fulfilling the responsibilities and work we have accepted in mutuality with readiness. The follow of
justice means living with justice; education of justice implies developing the understanding of justice
in others so they may start living with just behaviour. The meaning of nurturing justice means the right
fulfilment of expected obligations and duties to run the system properly. So, our living at the national
level is successful through practicing justice, the education of justice, and nurturing abilities in others
to ensure justice. The duties and obligations are fulfilled on the basis of natural identification. Others
get enriched if obligations are fulfilled. The important thing to understand is that by carrying out the
obligation, our own development also takes place along with the other’s development. Living with
obligation and duty implies ethics.

Q5. Explain any one of the formulations:

a. ‘Natural Laws, Wealth, Wishes and Liberation’
b. Non-Accumulation – Affection – Knowledge – Simplicity – Fearlessness
c. Eight-fold path

Formulation 1: Natural Laws, Wealth, Wishes and Liberation

Wealth (Artha), Wishes (Kama), Clarity of natural law (Dharma), and Liberation (Moksha) are identified
as collective human goals. Artha refers to the means that are helpful in achieving the goal. Personally,
freedom from liberation/disillusionment is the goal of human beings. Collectively, the undivided
human society and the universal order are our goals. All the things used to get them are means (Artha).
Wealth (Artha) generally means facilities, physico-chemical goods – which are available to us from the
rest of Nature.

Similarly, the human body is also wealth for the self. It is helpful in achieving the goal. Apart from this,
a human being also invests his Mana, i.e. his self-activities for achieving the goal. In this form, self,
body, and wealth (Physicochemical things) are our wealth (Artha); We have recognized these as
wealth (Artha). Living as a human being means self and body are available to us. Therefore, one of the
goals of human beings, living collectively, is to ensure the physico-chemical facilities (wealth) which
are necessary for meeting our needs. Human’s second goal is to fulfill his desires, needs (which is in
the sense of harmony). Wishes (Kaam) refer to one’s desires. Utilizing facilities to meet our personal,
family, and social needs means fulfilling desires.

In the same way, ensuring Clarity of natural law (Dharma) is to understand the law of Nature
holistically and live according to the laws. Dharma has been identified as the law/rule of Nature, whose
observance ensures the happiness of all human being, which is human innateness. That is, the
essential laws of happiness of every human being have been recognised as Dharma. For the self-
organisation of society, it is necessary to have a solution to fulfil the goal of happiness for all.
Therefore, Dharma is to ensure the laws in a society which are supportive in the sense of happiness
of all human being.

It is necessary to understand now that lawful living is to understand the laws of Nature (natural laws)
accurately to live with mutual fulfillment with nature, to understand necessary laws (social laws) to
fulfil social relationship and to understand laws (intellectual laws) to ensure harmony in all activities
of self and live accordingly. That is, by living according to intellectual laws, our activities of the self are
self-organised; our living (behaviour) with other human beings gets selforganised by following social
laws and by the production through the natural process, through natural laws, we can fulfil the need
of our facilities. Therefore, when we try to ensure the wealth and desires with Dharma, then we take
care of Nature properly; we take care of other’s need and help them while ensuring our needs.
Therefore, when we produce wealth with Dharma, humankind can fulfill their needs and enrich and
preserve the rest of Nature. In the same way, when we ensure wealth and desires with Dharma, our
own desire is fulfilled; at the same time, the desire of others is also fulfilled in mutuality. Therefore,
ensuring desires with Dharma is ‘Let live and live’; where we fulfil our needs and also take care of
other’s need. By living this way, we are able to achieve the social goal of undivided human society and
universal order.

On the other hand, when we ensure wealth and desires without Dharma; then the effort to ensure
wealth turns into profit-maximisation, accumulation/exploitation. When we go to fulfil our desires
without Dharma, the same desires turn into consumption / intense-consumption / unlimited
consumption for ourselves and the exploitation and domination of others in society. This is madness
for consumption and sensual pleasures. Also, to live like this, we also exploit Nature, which causes
pollution. In this way, to ensure wealth and desires with Dharma is necessary from the perspective of
self-organisation in family, society, orderliness and Nature.

Following Dharma, that is, by ensuring the wealth and desires with Dharma, it is also important for all
human beings to become illusion-free, to find the all-encompassing solution. This goal has also been
identified as salvation. Salvation means liberation; that is, being free from all kinds of illusions. It is an
effort of every human being and to make a conducive environment for that, various social systems are
active to provide compatibility, opportunity, means, encouragement and protection. Therefore,
wealth, desires and Dharma are means for achieving the ultimate goal of liberation. The goal of wealth,
desires and Dharma has been identified in order to ensure the goal of liberation (salvation) universally.
Therefore, the Dharma that we have identified as laws, whether correct or not, is decided on whether
following those laws lead us to an all-encompassing solution. In a nutshell, making efforts for salvation
while ensuring wealth and desires with Dharma is a path of excellence.

Formulation 2: Non-Accumulation – Affection – Knowledge – Simplicity – Fearlessness


Non-accumulation literally means lack of accumulation. Accumulation refers to collecting unnecessary

items from the perspective of profit and consumption. Non-accumulation refers to income for
expenditure. That is, we produce and store those physical facilities that we need; which we have to
ensure for the purpose of right utilization and not otherwise. To live with non-accumulation means to
produce facilities only in the sense of right utilisation, right expenditure and putting them to use. If
there is anything extra and is remaining after, this is shared with others and not accumulated. There
are two essential advantages of living with non-accumulation as given below:

(a) There is no unnecessary exploitation of Natural wealth. Under the mindset of accumulation, all
the facilities that we produce, collect unnecessarily, and keep in the house come from the rest
of Nature i.e., from Material Order, Bio-Order, and Animal Order. The more facilities we
accumulate with us, the more our natural resources are exploited. Therefore, by living with non-
accumulation, we do not become an unnecessary burden on natural assets/resources instead,
the rate at which they are produced, we use them in the same proportion.
(b) The other advantage of living with non-accumulation is that facilities are available for the
common people in the society because all the facilities we collect are not available for use for
others. In other words, society is deprived of those resources and facilities. So even from today’s
perspective, it is necessary to have facilities in the society for the economy to run smoothly. If
we store or hold those facilities, then people do not get facilities for use, and the lack of physical
facilities is felt artificially.

Therefore, living with non-accumulation, we are able to provide necessary facilities to the people; in
this form, we live in a mutual relationship. At the same time, we live with the rest of Nature in a self-
organized manner and can fulfill our complementarity with it.

To live with non-accumulation, we need to have production of the physical facilities righteously. The
first step to ensuring non-accumulation is identifying and systematically producing the requirements
according to need. The second step is to ensure the right utilization of the produced physical facilities.
The third step is to offer the rest of the facilities to society for its development. All the formulations
are inter-connected. In short, our life gets organized in terms of physicochemical things by living with


Living affectionately means accepting the other as being related, interrelated, interconnected, and
interdependent and living with the feeling of the relationship. We can see that the other also has the
same needs as I have, the needs of physical things as well as of feelings. The other is also committed
and makes an effort to fulfill his needs, just like I am. The other also feel uncomfortable and unhappy
when there is a lack of fulfillment, just like me. We try to fulfill our needs as well as the needs of others
in the best possible manner. We can easily observe we are not able to live together successfully until
we have the feeling of affection established within. The day we start focusing on the fulfillment of our
needs only, it becomes difficult to live with others. Similarly, if we look for feelings from others only
in a relationship, it becomes difficult to live without complaint in the relationship. Hence, it is
necessary to have the feeling of affection to be established in any kind of relationship.

The basic principle of ascertaining the feeling of affection is to look at others connected to us. In this
sense, instead of accepting the feelings from others, we should primarily focus on ensuring the feelings
within. Furthermore, at the level of physical facilities, we should be as ready to fulfill the needs of our
relatives as we are to fulfill our requirements. Living affectionately makes our living harmonious with
other human beings.

When we practice non-accumulation, we become conscious in terms of living with the rest of Nature.
Again, when we practice affection, our idea of living in a relationship with another human being
becomes self-regulated. In this way, if our conscious activities run on the basis of two – non-
accumulation and affection- we do not think of exploiting the rest of Nature and other human beings;
rather, we become complementary to them.

Right understanding (Vidya)

With such balanced thought and living, we can self-study and practice for understanding reality
correctly, ensuring knowledge in ourselves, develop ourselves, sharpen our talent, and its
achievement is knowledge (vidya). Knowledge refers to seeing reality as it is. We get rid of all kinds of
illusions based on this knowledge; We can see realities in their natural form. Presently, we mix our
incorrect perspective, knowingly or unknowingly, while looking at the realities and evaluate the object
on that basis. On this matter, we had talked about how our perspective affects our perception. Hence,
knowledge means real knowledge of reality; by understanding / seeing the reality as it is. We evaluate
each object correctly when the activities of the self runs on such understanding. In the absence of this,
we keep under evaluating or over evaluating the things. Over-valuation of things means evaluating
more than its importance and purpose. Otherwise-evaluation / under-evaluation refers to the
evaluation less or no use than its importance. We are able to see and understand the realities correctly
while living with non-accumulation and affection. That is knowledge.


The next step of right understanding is identified as simplicity. Simplicity means to get rid of all types
of pride and ego. Based on knowledge, i.e. understanding realities as it is, our living gets self-organised
in that sense. So, living egolessly and with right understanding is simplicity. When we do not see,
understand the realities correctly, then, knowingly and unknowingly, we over-evaluate ourselves
whereas under-evaluate others. Our over-evaluation refers to accepting oneself higher, excellent than
the other. When we live with such an over-evaluation of ourselves, this tendency is recognised as a
tendency of ego. Ego means taking your form, force, wealth and position as superior to others. In the
absence of ego, our living becomes simple and natural. To live with self-organisation based on
knowledge is living with simplicity (saralta). Two indicators exhibit the end of pride and ego. First, the
absence of pride and ego brings a feeling of natural comfort and fulfillment within. Secondly, it results
in the naturally fulfilling behavior in a relationship in which there is no excitement, pride, or ego. Living
with simplicity means organizing every thought and behavior in the light of the right understanding.
Our every expression is established in the sense of right understanding. Being situated in simplicity
eliminates the tendency to consider oneself superior and others inferior.


In combination of knowledge and simplicity, we can see the realities as it is; That is, we can see
Existence as coexistence and, on the basis of simplicity, our life can be self-organized, that is, we
express coexistence in our living also. On this basis, we do not see any cause of fear or problems
because Existence is visible to us as coexistence, and the possibility of such co-existential living is
visible to us every moment. Thus, based on ensuring both knowledge and simplicity, we have a
complete lack of fear, and a continuous trust for coexistence remains in us. This is what fearlessness
implies. In the absence of fearlessness, we suffer from many kinds of fear. In general, these fears are
of four types – fear of (loss of) life, fear of (loss of) post, fear of (loss of) fame & recognition, fear of
(loss of) wealth. The fear of getting the body destroyed or decomposed is called fear of (loss of) life
(prana bhay). That is, the tendency to sustain one’s body continuously is recognised in the form of fear
of (loss of) life. The fear of (loss of) post (pad bhay) refers to the wish that the rights that we have got
with some post to live orderly in society should continue with us. Similarly, the fear of losing our
fame/reputation is termed as fear of (loss of) fame (maan bhay). Similarly, the fear of losing
accumulated wealth/resources is termed as fear of (loss of) wealth (dhan bhay). Fear of (loss of) life,
fear of (loss of) post, fear of (loss of) fame & recognition, fear of (loss of) wealth – we are generally
afflicted with these four types of fear. Based on the understating reality as it is and living in a self-
organised manner accordingly, it is understood, that life (body), post, fame & recognition, wealth all
are temporary. To accept them as permanent is the cause of crisis; because the loss of life,
disassociation or fall of the post, dissolution of fame/position and wealth – this is a natural process in
Nature. That is, it happens naturally, in a natural manner. The activity of decomposition of the body
remains associated along with the activity of the formation. Death is inevitable because every unit of
Bio-Order is destined to die and decompose after a certain time. Our body, which is made up of bio-
cells like a tree-plant, animal-body, has to be deformed one day. But the self does not die.
Understanding this, we get free from the fear of losing a life.
Formulation 3: Eight Fold Path
There are following eight steps told by Buddha:

1. Right View (Samyak Drishti)

2. Right Resolution (Samyak Sankalpa)
3. Right Speech (Samyak Vaak)
4. Right Action (Samyak Karma)
5. Right Livelihood(Samyak Aajeevika)
6. Right Effort (Samyak vyayaam/Parishram)
7. Right Mindfulness/Awareness (Samyak Smriti)
8. Right Vision/Meditation (Samyak Samadhi)
We will try to understand them one by one.

Right View (Samyak Drishti)

The first important step of the ashtanga marg is samyak Drishti. The word ‘Samyak’ means - right.
‘Drishti ‘refers to the point of view. It is explicit that before objectifying/aiming at anything, we need
to evaluate first. If we find anything useful for ourselves, we accept it as a goal. Similarly, if we realize
that ensuring the right understanding and feelings is important for us, these become our goals. The
more we progress towards understanding, the more we can see the realities. As a result, the ability to
evaluate circumstances gets better. It is an iterative process till we reach up to complete

In other words, our vision has to be at least clear enough to make the right evaluation for recognizing
our goal. We should be competent enough to recognize the things that lead to happiness and remain
a source of continuous happiness. It is also equally important to know the sources of unhappiness. In
the present situation, very often we try to derive happiness from things that are a source of
unhappiness. For example- exploiting the others and assuming that it will lead to happiness, assuming
to be prosperous through corruption and thievery, and to be in the state of hatred and jealousy. We
can see that for such desires/ expectations (which are not aligned with reality)- we are unhappy when
we are thinking about it; We are unhappy while doing it and we are also unhappy with the result. This
can be easily verified in one’s life. Complete alignment of our view/ vision with reality is knowledge.

The right view is meant for seeing happiness as happiness and unhappiness as unhappiness. This
philosophy’s most important aspect is understanding the sources of happiness and unhappiness. Once
it is identified, we try to tread on the path despite all the pre-conditioned obstacles. At least, we strive
to go ahead. For example- we even take hard medicines because of their medicinal values. Right vision
(Samyak Drishti) is the first step to be ascertained because we can never be fulfilled in the absence of
the goal determined by the right vision. Thus, the sources of happiness and unhappiness are the
fundamental reality to be known as the stepping stone of the Ashtanga Marg.

Right Resolution (Samyak Sankalpa)

After correctly identifying our aspirations, we must have the right resolve to take up essential activities
responsibly. Right resolve means clarity in thoughts as per right knowledge. Our external expression
in living is first decided within. If we are unable to take up a resolution to pursue our basic aspirations
and make wrong decisions, we deviate from the path for a longer period. For example, we set an alarm
to get up early in the morning, but whether we get up or not when the alarm goes off depends on our
resolve. In the absence of the right resolve, we are unable to wake up.
If we have made the right decision for harmony aligned to reality, our external expression is right and
mutually fulfilling. Our decisions govern our work, behavior, and livelihood. Right resolution is the
basis of the right decisions, leading to a harmonious life. Right resolve refers to all those decisions
which we intend to express or execute in a mutually fulfilling relationship.

Right Speech (Samyak Vachan)

After this, the third step is the right speech, ‘Samyak Vachan’. Right Speech is the most significant part
of our behavior. Right speech means a speech based on the right resolve based and right view
(knowledge). Today, in the absence of right speech, many unethical practices like being untruthful,
using harsh language, criticism, gossip, and fruitless conversation create unhappy situations. Thus, it
is necessary that our speech is right and our expressions are appealing as a part of the right speech.

Right Action (Samyak Karma)

The fourth step, along with the Right View, Right Speech, and Right Resolve, is right action (samyak
karma). Right action means the actions should be based on right resolution and right view. In other
words, we can say that our actions should be aligned with the reality. Actions may be at a mental or
physical level. We can also say that our behavior should ensure mutual happiness, work should ensure
mutual prosperity, and overall our actions should ensure participation in the larger order. These
actions are named as Karma. ‘Karmant’ means the final part of an action, which determines the
expression of behavior. But before the expression of behavior, we make decisions in thoughts, known
as mental action. Mental action is the root cause of physical action. Karmant highlights that the rest
of the action is over, and now physical action will take place.

Right Livelihood (Samyak Aajeevika)

The fifth part of this Ashtanga Marg is the right livelihood (Samyak jeevika). Along with the behavior,
our production process also needs to be corrected for the right livelihood (Samyak Aajeevika). The
methods which we are identifying as the source of income to fulfill the needs of the family must be
with the right means in the right direction. In other words, we can say that the right livelihood would
ensure the following:

(a) Justice with other human beings involved in the livelihood process and
(b) Cyclic and mutually enriching processes while interacting with the rest of Nature.

In a nutshell, we can say that the right livelihood would be human-friendly, i.e., there will not be
exploitation of other human beings, and eco-friendly, i.e., there will not be exploitation of Nature.

Right Effort (Samyak vyayaam/Parishram)

When we decide to get our livelihood through the right means (samyak karmant), our Sanskar may
not be aligned initially. For that, we need to put efforts from both ends- one is to learn the right skills
and right livelihoods; the other is to correct or get rid of the Sanskars, which are opposite to right
living. Therefore, there would be a need to cleanse/purify one’s Sanskars which aren’t in harmony.
This effort has been identified as the right labor (samyak vyayam). Vyayam means to work, to toil, and
it is necessary to invest ourselves in this to reinforce the right Sanskars in the form of right speech and
right behavior.

Right Mindfulness/Awareness (Samyak Dhyaan)

The next step is to have continuous awareness of oneself. Here, awareness does not mean
remembering the things in memory. It means constantly observant of oneself and conscious of the
self’s activities. In such a conscious state, we are always observant to our goals and try to organize all
our activities in an organized way.

Now the next question is - “Is this the result, or is there something more to achieve?” Ultimately, we
want to understand, to see everything as it is with clarity, without distortion. The steps discussed so
far are not the final achievement- they are just the steps. The goal or final achievement is realization,

To ensure this knowledge in the self, it is important to focus on understanding the realities. Even in
our normal life, we can see that whatever we pay attention to, we understand. For example, if we
have focused on understanding computer engineering, we understand computer engineering. On the
other hand, if we try to understand mechanical engineering, we understand mechanical engineering.
We are physically present in the class, but if we have our attention elsewhere, we do not understand
anything discussed in class. Therefore, the eighth step of the Ashtanga Marg has been identified as
Samyak Dhyan /Samadhi. A higher state of meditation is samadhi, in which we are fully focused on
realities, and wisdom is attained as an achievement.

Right Vision/Meditation (Samyak Samadhi)

The achievement of the first seven steps of this Ashtanga Marg is to ensure the right behavior, right
speech, and right livelihood in one’s life. If we follow the steps, we start participating in the social
order. By and large, we become responsible, self-restrained, and self-organized, and expected
participation in society is also fulfilled. With these achievements, working in the Self for knowledge
and understanding is the way to samadhi. The final stage of samadhi is realization.

While working on the eighth step, we see that the more we focus within, the more our vision gets
clarity and the level of wisdom increasingly manifests. With the clarity of the vision, we can ensure the
first seven steps with more accuracy and preciseness. This also helps us to identify our goals to the
point and realize them in totality. Thus, these eight steps are connected within a cyclic process and
are complementary.

All these eight steps have been briefly identified as the Noble Eightfold path. They are identified as
wisdom/knowledge, (Jnana, Pragya), moral values(sheel), meditation (samadhi). The first two steps
are named knowledge/wisdom, the next three are known as moral values, and the last three are
known as meditation. Moral values refer to mutual fulfillment through the right speech, right action,
and right livelihood. Knowledge refers to knowing the realities. Finally, meditation is constantly
striving to achieve the goal through complete awareness. In the light of wisdom, our vision gets all
clear and helps us to see the realities as it is.
Q6. Define Culture, its key goals and mode of communications in any
Sanskaar, Culture, and Civilization are interrelated as shown in the below figure:

Over the ages, various cultures and civilizations have taken shape. At the core of civilization is its
culture. Civilization is the expression of a culture in the form of behavior. Various means of
communication have been used to share our understanding, feelings, and thoughts, such as language,
literature, song, dance, drama, painting, sculpture, etc.

Key goals of culture

The key goal of culture is the development of the right Sanskars (mindset) of every individual and
developing the right feeling and thought. The aim of every culture, is the development of the right
Sanskar, the acceptance, the feeling and thought of everyone.

The basic efforts in any culture are:

a. To organize various events that have an impact on people’s feelings and thought processes.
Events like musical programs, dance performances, skits, plays and dramas, effective
speeches, and lectures significantly influence most people’s feelings, thoughts, and
acceptances in any society. Such role models, incidents, and programs leave deep
impressions on our Sanskar.
b. To organize gatherings at various significant stages of life to inculcate acceptances that would
be helpful toward self-development and self-realization.
c. To develop the competence required in fulfilling roles to be taken up in further stages of life.

As discussed in the next section, various types of communications are used to fill the above goals.

Types of Communications

The second part of the culture shows that we collectively do a lot of activities, which affect our feelings
and thoughts. They play a key role in forming our right and wrong acceptances. For example, a concert,
a dance program, a play, a skit, and even a speech an eminent person gives affect society’s thought
process, resulting in acceptance. Such programs have a deep impact on our values. Even If we are not
experiencing them consciously, they keep gathering in our subconscious mind, and later our behavior
starts to get affected on that basis. From the perspective of understanding, this part of culture is
divided into three types -

a. Verbal communication- Speech is primarily used in this type of communication. e.g.

discussions, lectures, radio programs, etc
b. Audio-visual communication- In this type of communication, sight is used in addition to
speech. e.g. lecture with slides, TV programs, movies, documentaries, etc
c. Publication and Print Media

Publicity and Demonstration- We mainly try to communicate our expressions through language. All
the speeches are mainly part of the campaign. We mainly use the ear to receive it; Use their hearing
abilities. An expression in which language, as well as physical posture, acting, etc. is used to convey
your speech, is called performance. The ears and eyes are used to capture the expression performed
by the display, such as dance, drama, etc.

Verbal and Audio-visual Communication today are both live as well as recorded. E.g. Radio and TV
programs are generally live and recorded/ replayed, whereas movies are generally recorded/

Live - This has to be synchronous, i.e. the performance and the audience must be present
simultaneously. With the ability to transmit in real-time, the performance and audience need not be
in the same place

Recorded - Verbal (audio) or audio-visual performances that are recorded can be curated, stored,
transmitted to various places, and replayed.

Equipment and instruments required for this purpose are necessary to ensure this. Of course, we need
to develop the necessary science and technology for this purpose at the background

Various forms of audiovisual communication have a whole range of possibilities like dance, music,
skits, plays, dramas, movies, documentaries, and so on. All channels are used for verbal and audio-
visual communication- live or recorded.

Publication - The third means of communication is publication through various media;

Presently, there are three predominant media:

• Newspapers, magazines
• Literature, books (printed)
• Internet

In communication and publication, the language, words have primacy.

In audio-visual (multimedia) communication, the ears, as well as the eyes, are used – to hear the words
and to see the form. In multimedia communication, other senses may also be involved. In all these,
there are some overlaps.

These are the three platforms, which play a major role in the progress or deterioration of our culture.
If we could settle the spirit of humanity in the mindset of people, the collective Sanskar gets finer, the
sentiment can be upright. If instead, it promotes inhumanity, then the collective Sanskar gets

In other words, it can be said that these three modes of sharing play a major role in our Sanskar – for
good or for worse.

Advertisement is the main source of impression in society. Radio advertisements are publicity. The
meaningful role of advertisement is that it is understood what is the use of that item/product, its main
purpose is to tell it, not to sell it. Somewhere, if we focus on selling, we promote the culture of
indulgence and accumulation whereas our acceptance is in favor of utilization and right utilization.
With the mindset of indulgence, we are not able to identify our needs. No matter how many facilities
we have, we always feel deficient, because indulgence is no limit. In this form, there is constant anxiety
about getting convenience. The outcome of indulgence appears in the sense of poor health at the
physical level; at the social level, hostility appears in the form of opposition. If we look at the level of
nature, then with the mindset of indulgence the rest of nature is being exploited, which leads to
resource depletion and pollution. Indulgence gives rise to many conflicts within us at the individual
level because the desire to be happy with indulgence is conflicting, creating an internal conflict within
us. This effort fails repeatedly because there is no possibility of continuation of pleasure from over-

The feeling and thought are dependent on the state of Sanskar. One important observation is that for
an impression to be made on the Sanskar, the communication, and publication, to begin with, must
be pleasing to the senses. So, if the content of these is related to justice, harmony and co-existence
and if is served pleasantly, in a manner pleasing to the senses, then the impressions can be made for
developing human Sanskars.

In social media also, the portion of the written part is publication; Whatever the videos are, they are
performances, only where the audio is, it is publicity. If we look at the video, it has both audio and
video - it is a performance.

Literature and library also have an important place in terms of publication. Literature is also written
in the form of prose, verse, or mixed form. There are many styles of writing, even if seen in prose,
such as essays, stories, drama, etc. The poems are literature, which can be recited by singing with
interest. Ramayana, Mahabharata, Ramcharitmanas, Rashmi-Rathi, etc are compositions of the poetic
style. These different styles have their uniqueness.

Culture has an important place in terms of establishing the mindset of people through right Sanskar.
It ensures the feelings of relationship, the mindset of right utilization of things. For this, the cultural
presentation should be interesting and presentable so that it appeals to the common people.

All types of festivals we celebrate in society - are part of the culture. They reflect our food, clothes,
mannerism, thinking, and ways of living. We will talk about this in some detail under the discussion of
Q7. Every one of us wants to live with a healthy body. Define the term

Health of the Body=

1. The Body acts according to the instructions of the Self

2. The parts of the body are in harmony (in order)

As a human being, it becomes important to keep our body and the self healthy to participate in larger
order and to ensure a fulfilling life. Now, we can discuss the indicators of good health in the self and
the body.

The Body is healthy if it is able to perform the instructions of the Self. When you ask the Body to get
up at 5:00 AM, it is able to spring out of bed refreshed. When you ask the Body to play a vigorous
game of football, it is able to run and jump as you instruct it. When you ask the Body to sit for four
hours so you can study for the exams, it is able to sit erect without back support for four hours. That
is a healthy body. On the other hand, if the Body is not able to get up or run and jump or sit up straight
when you ask it to, you say it is an unhealthy body, a sick body. When the body is not able to follow
your instructions, you come to know that there is something wrong with the Body.

Q8. What would be indicators of good health?

Indicators of Good Health in Self and Body
a. The first indicator of the body’s health is that it can act according to the instructions of the Self.
b. The second indicator of a healthy body is that different parts of the body are in harmony with
each other, they are in order. The human body comprises several organ systems (skeletal,
muscular, respiratory, digestive, excretory, circulatory, nervous, endocrine, exocrine, lymphatic,
and reproductive systems). In a healthy body, all these are in harmony. When we place some
food in the mouth, saliva with ptyalin is released. It mixes with the food as we chew and helps to
convert the starch in the food into glucose. Almost half the digestion process is completed before
the food goes down the throat! Like that, every system is doing something and it is finely balanced
with all the other systems.
Q9. Define appropriate programs to ensure the health of the body.
Labour: Ensure sufficient movement of the Body + production of physical facility

Labour can be done in various ways like sweeping and dusting your room / house / hostel, Cycling to
your college and back, Kitchen gardening, Producing things of our daily use which may include grain,
milk, biscuits etc.

Exercise: Exercise means ensuring adequate movement of the Body. For example, jogging, exercise,
cycling in fresh air, etc.
Postures: Proper posture is required for regulating internal and external body organs. For example,

Regulated Breathing: Ensure fresh oxygen in every part of the body. For example: Pranayam

Medicine: Medicine is required for bringing body back to harmony from temporary

Treatment: Treatment can be done using drug / machine to perform proper body function.

Q10. Explain all components of Justice.

There are four components of justice explained below:

• Recognition of a relationship means unconditionally accepting the relationship. Accepting the

other with the full possibility (potential) and with their current level of competence.
• Fulfillment of relationship means
o Ensuring the naturally acceptable feeling in oneself and sharing it with the other.
o Living with responsibility with the other unconditionally. This makes the other
comfortable and assured.
o Making an effort for mutual development, i.e., development of one’s own
competence and being of help to the other in developing their competence.
• Evaluation means verifying that the right feeling has reached the other and that the other can
make out that it is the right feeling.
• Leading to Mutual Happiness Once evaluation is right it leads to mutual happiness.
Q11 Describe the process of mutual interaction and program for
ensuring justice.

Process of Mutual Interaction ensuring Justice

Program for ensuring Justice:

Justice begins in the family with fulfillment in a mutual relationship. Therefore, it becomes necessary
to develop the competence of justice in individuals. It means :

(a) the ability to recognize relationships

(b) ability to ensure the values in oneself and its expression

(c) ability to evaluate values in oneself and in the others

(d) ability to ensure mutual happiness.

The above can be ensured in a family with the help of resolved parents. We can ensure an environment
in a family where a child can grow while focusing on values. It is the time when family members can
help the child to recognize and evaluate innate feelings.

We can see that justice is our natural acceptance, so the undivided society. The competence to live
with the feeling of justice in everyone is required to ensure an undivided society. Thus, a system is
required to facilitate such competence in everyone.
Q12. Every one of us want to live a fulfilling life. List the goals at the level of Individual and Family
to ensure a fulfilling life.

Desire Goals at the level of individual:

The following goals to ensure a fulfilling life, keeping the above discussion in mind, are identified at
the level of individual:

1. Right understanding, right feelings & right thoughts in self.

2. Health in the body.
3. The competence to recognize required physical facilities with the feeling of prosperity and
right skills to produce it while ensuring harmony with the rest of Nature.
4. The competence to right utilize the produced physical facilities along with the ability to
preserve mind, body, and physical facility.
5. Ability to live in a community with right behavior and work collaboratively.
6. The mindset of participation in larger order – at least in the family order (ability to recognize
responsibility in the family system and competence to fulfill that responsibility)

In other words, the above is the basic aspirations that need to be established within us as individuals.
With that, an individual will be fulfilling within oneself and can also participate meaningfully in family
and society.

Human Goals at the level of Family

In the same way, there is a need to ensure the nine established values within ourselves at the level of
family. Ensuring the right feelings is a fundamental requirement for recognizing parent-child
relationships, son-daughter relationships, and siblings’ relationships. In other words, it is necessary to
ensure the right behavior in all these relations through the right thoughts, feelings, and mindset with
the competence of service (Seva) as and when required.

Similarly, as a necessity in the family, we can identify our needs as per our requirements and ensure
eco-friendly and ethical production along with prosperity in the family. At the family level, we can
accurately identify our physical facilities’ needs. Subsequently, through everyone’s participation
according to one’s ability, production becomes smooth, and everyone gets adequate physical facilities.
Parents, children, and elderly members meet the required needs in the form of physical facilities and
service (Seva) by living as an organized family,

There is also a need to ensure care and guidance to the next generation - at the family level. A child is
born in the family and spends most of his childhood there. He relies on his parents and other family
members for his care and guidance. This right upbringing of a child is essential for his physical and
mental development in the form of care and guidance

The fourth need seems to be that all the families can jointly accept the responsibility for the roles that
are to be maintained at the level of society. For example, the system of education at the village level,
the system of justice, etc. is only possible with the joint participation of the village families.

In the same context, the fifth important thing is to understand that to maintain the tradition of
significant achievements at the family or society level. We can pass on the family traditions from
generation to generation. For example, suppose our family has earned merit in Ayurveda, in any
method of production. In that case, we can accept the responsibility of preserving it, generation after
generation, which is also a necessity at the family level.

In essence, the following goals are recognized at the level of a family-

1. Ability to recognize relationships in the family

• Recognizing relationships like father-mother, son-daughter, brother-sister
• Ensuring and Fulfilling the expected feelings in these relationships
• Mindset and competence for service (Seva), as and when required
• Recognizing the need for the physical facility, its production right utilization, etc ensuring
a feeling of prosperity in the family
2. Ability to look after the next generation (in body and mind)
3. Acceptance of expected responsibilities required to fulfill in society, with the collaboration
with other families
4. Preservation of family traditions from generation to generation (related to meaningful family,
societal achievements)

Q12. Explain the purpose of the system of justice.

If there is justice in society, it will lead to trust, and it will lead to fearlessness. This justice leads to
fearlessness in the society. It is desirable to ensure justice from family to world family leading to an
undivided society. In order to ensure justice in society, we need to:

(a) Stop the offender from doing further injustice as well as

(b) Help him/her to develop the competence for ensuring justice. Every human being should be
able to do justice
(c) Ensure Justice at all four levels of living, i.e., Individual, Family, Society, and Nature/ Existence

In the present system, we mostly seem to be restricting ourselves at (a) and not doing (b) and (c);
hence the vicious cycle of injustice continues in society, despite various laws, rules, regulations, and
so on. Of course, we need laws, rules, and regulations, but these need to be in harmony with the
existential laws and not in contradiction with them.

Q13 Explain the objective of the system of justice.

There are two purposes of the dimension of production:

1. To produce or manufacture the physical facilities and materials needed for proper utilization.
2. To make necessary services available for everyone.
Q14. Explain important issues related to production.
There are three important issues related to production.

1. What to produce?
2. How to produce?
3. How much to produce?
What to produce
We have to produce the physical facility or material required for nurturing, protection, and right
utilization of the Body. The other important goal of production is to produce the physical facility
needed for smooth running and maintenance of the system in society.

How to produce
Production should be done according to the Natural Laws- the law of mutual fulfillment in Nature-
there are four most important points to consider –

1. Mutually enriching, Cyclic process of Nature and its resources

2. Rate of production and consumption of the produced facility
3. Mutually enriching, Cyclic process of By-products
4. Evaluation of the appropriateness of the technology before its generalization
according to natural laws, the cyclic and mutually enriching process of earth and its resources should
be ensured while producing anything.

? ? ?

A process is cyclic when it is in accordance with the cycle in nature. In such a process, the resources
utilized can return to their original state in due course of their lifecycle. In such a process, there is no
waste – everything produced is either in the form of a finished product, a by-product, or a co-product
that is used in some other process.
A process is mutually enriching when every unit that is participating in the process is being enriched.
In the jaggery production process, the soil is enriched when the ash of the fired husk is mixed with it,
the air is enriched by the water vapor, and so on. Jaggery, with its various natural minerals and
vitamins, is nurturing for the human body. It is used in many traditional medicines in India. So, for a
production process to be sustainable, eco-friendly, and human-friendly, it has to be: 1. Cyclic 2.
Mutually enriching

• Along with this, justice is also to be ensured with a human being. That is, the production
process should be such that it keeps relationship and mutual behavior in focus. For example,
if every member of the family is participating in the production,
▪ there is no need to take out any extra time for maintaining the relationship and
mutual behavior.
▪ Along with this, the probability of exploitation will also become minimum.
How much to produce

There is a requirement to produce more than our need (what is required for nurturing, protection,
and right utilization of the body). This need is at four levels: for the individual, for family, for society,
and for System. The production of more than required is utilized for fulfillment of the needs in
relationships and for the system. Ensuring more in the society keeps society free from the feeling of
being deprived and develops a mentality to practice the principle of ‘share and give’. It is to be noted
that more than the required product is not for indulgence or misutilization.

Q14. Explain types of production.

Primary Production and Service

▪ Production of physical facilities used for nurturing, protection, and right utilization of body e.g.
food, clothes, shelter, etc.
▪ Service (Seva) for above e.g. cooking, cleaning, care of children, senior care, hair cutting, etc.
Secondary Production and Service

▪ Production of physical facilities used to facilitate primary production e.g., production of

tractors, weaving machinery, building component manufacture, etc.
▪ Services for the above e.g. medical care, tractor repair, etc
Tertiary Production and Service

▪ Production of physical facilities used to facilitate production, services, and human interaction.
E.g., train, TV, mobile, etc.

One can easily see that primary production is the first priority as it is necessary for the basic survival
of human beings. Secondary production gets the second priority as it facilitates primary production
and so on. However, in the present society, the importance given to these is just in the reverse order
priority order
The correct priority order would be:

Primary > Secondary > Tertiary

Q15 Analysis the present state of judiciary system critically
Presently, the judiciary has limited its scope only to the cases where injustice has been done. And
here, too, the judiciary is trying to work primarily through punishment only and focusing very less on

With the above approaches, the following problems can be noticed:

▪ Waiting for 12 years on an average

▪ False witnesses (Perjury)
▪ False medical reports
▪ Corruption at the level of judges and Police department
▪ Many times judges are oblivious to the background of the concerned parties; hence it
becomes difficult for them to place the incident in an overall perspective
▪ The lawyer’s goal is to get fees and make his party win; not justice

The problem of a long waiting period for a hearing in court is very common today. If one’s case goes
to Allahabad High Court or not from any other place, the waiting period is about ten to twelve years.
At least 10 years to open the file is the average time span. There is no guarantee of the witness and
no authentication of his statement; this is the condition today. Many cases are dealt with based on
false statements given by the witness.

If we look at it, there is a lot of corruption at the level of judges and police. Right now, the judges of
the High Court and the Supreme Court are indulging in corruption. Thus there is a need to reform the
judicial system.

Q16. What the is difference between the dimension of Exchange and

Storage? Why it is important in the society? Explain its goals.

The basic difference between exchange and distribution is that we need something in return in the
exchange process, but in distribution, we do not expect the return. When we have something in
excess, we can distribute it. If we do not need something and the other one needs it, we give it under
the relationship feeling, such as - sharing clothes, distributing blankets, etc.

It is not necessary to produce everything for the sake of exchange. Someone will produce a certain
thing, another will be produced by someone else, and in the same way, the rest of the things will be
produced by someone else. Whatever we can get from others comes under the name of the exchange.
The distribution also takes place when someone produces more than the requirement. It has been
seen in the village’s culture that if someone sows a few seeds of gourd and it starts growing and
spreading, it must be distributed; otherwise, it becomes difficult for one person to rightly utilize it.
Therefore, the distribution can take place in the view of the right utilization.
The goal of Distribution and Exchange:

One of the important goals of distribution is to ensure the availability of necessary physical facilities
and required services as per the need of everyone in different regions and times. The goal of the
distribution is to fulfill the needs of everyone in the family- extending up to the world family. This
certainly includes:

• those who are unable to produce and have no family/social support

• those who have been through some accident or natural calamity
• those working full-time for service to the society (who don’t have time and/or opportunity for

Q 17. Critically analyse the discrepancies in exchange prevalent in

the present market system.

A lot of discrepancy between the society and government is going on in society that is not fair. For

1. Market force is a major basis on which the price of goods is decided. This is also called demand and

2. Rules and regulations of the government also play an important role. As to how much wheat will be
sold, depends on the minimum support price fixed by the government. The rate at which a jacket will
be sold depends on the excise duty. The government increases the tax on petrol prices as per the
condition of the international market.

3. A hidden factor works at the third level, which is a corollary of demand and supply. It aims to create
an artificial crisis of essential items in the market. Despite the availability of the goods, people hoard
the things unnecessarily and cause a shortage in the market to avail the maximum price for their

4. Currency comes at the fourth level when there is trade from one country to another. In this trade,
the first currency is changed; therefore, it also plays a role in determining the price of a commodity.
Since this rate varies daily, it is necessary to mention the time and rate in its agreement.

Q18. Explain the importance of the dimension of Right Utilisation in

ensuring a harmonious society.

The purpose of the dimension is to ensure prosperity for human beings and the preservation of the
rest of Nature. There are two dimensions of right utilization – first, preservation and protection of
things that are being used or utilized; second, identification of things being used or utilized. We can
make proper utilization of our physical facilities at these two places, and if we see more, even after
the right utilization, we can share the surplus.

Q19. Explain the right utilization of the self, body and physical facility.
Right Utilization of the Self

Right utilization of the self ensures the right feelings and thoughts for living with mutual fulfilment. If
we look at the priority, the right utilization of the self is the first priority, then the right utilization of
the body, and finally, the right utilization of the physical facility. Suppose we are not able to ensure
the right utilization of physical facilities. In that case, it is an indicator that we are not able to ensure
the right utilization of the self and the body, even though we may be pretending to be.

Right utilization of the body

The right utilization of the body can be ensured for self-study and self-development. It means we can
invest our body with such people or in places where the self can develop. The right utilization of the
body can also be ensured towards obligations and duties towards family and society. There will be
many duties towards family and society which can be ensured through the body. For example, the
feeling of care – nurturing and protection of my relative’s body- can be ensured through physical

Right utilization of the physical facility

As discussed above, the right utilization of physical facilities can be used to nurture and protect our
and our relative’s bodies and ensure participation in society.

Q20 Discuss possible efforts which can be ensured at the level of any
Individual and society to ensure the right utilization of resources.

At the level of individual

It is important to understand what is right utilization and develop the wisdom to discriminate in the
right utilization, misutilization, and indulgence. Then, to have the mindset and commitment to a
lifestyle ensuring the right utilization.

At the level of society

We need to develop a culture and civilization which promotes the right utilization and restrains
misutilization or indulgence and at least does not appreciate it. We must promote the mentality of
right utilization in every festival, rite, ritual, and cultural function. The very design of society has to be
such that it ensures the right utilization and not otherwise. Repair of a facility that gets damaged in
the process of use should be promoted. Designing utilities like machines in parts (modular form) is
better so that if any part is damaged, it can be replaced rather than throwing the whole thing away.
Designing utilities with multiple uses is also important to increase their effective use.

Q21. What do you mean by mis-utilization? Mis-utilization of resources

is not naturally acceptable to us. However, unknowingly we get
involved in mis-utilization. Discuss the root causes of mis-utilisation.
Misutilization of available physical facilities has become an important issue in the present civilization.
The culture of a show-off and use & throw seems prominent nowadays. Misuse of physical facilities is
mainly seen in two forms:

• Indulgence
• Accumulation
Indulgence and accumulation both are misutilization of physical facilities, leading to exploitation of
human beings but also of Nature. Although living in relationships with humans and the rest of Nature
is naturally acceptable to us, on the contrary, we have indulged in an exploitative lifestyle. Let's try to
unfold the reasons behind it.

Materialistic Worldview regarding Happiness and Prosperity

A materialistic worldview has influenced the present civilization and spread worldwide. In such a
worldview, the perception of human happiness has become primarily materialistic – it conceives that
the pleasant sensory interaction with selective material objects is the prime source of happiness. But
since all the sensory interactions are inherently transient in Nature this can never lead to continuous
happiness. In an attempt to make it perpetual, continuous effort is made to maximize and perpetuate
happiness through this mode by trying to evolve and indulge in more and more pleasurable material
interactions of newer kinds. It is also responsible for the widespread modern ethos for profit
maximization and increasing accumulation of enjoyable goods and services.

Further, under the influence of such a perception of happiness, efforts to ensure prosperity (which
essentially implies the feeling of having more than required physical facilities) manifest in triggering
more and more accumulation of enjoyable goods and services. Therefore, one keeps feeling ‘deprived’
and wanting more and more because, inherently no amount of material accumulation can make
happiness continue.

Gross Misunderstanding – Assuming Human Being to be only the body

A gross misunderstanding is assuming the human being is just the Body. As far as the needs of human
being are concerned, they are in terms of happiness and physical facility. The need for happiness is
continuous because it is actually the need of the Self. With the assumption that ‘the human being is
just the Body’, all the efforts for fulfillment of human needs have to take place through physical facility.
We are actually trying to fulfill the needs of the Self through the Body, through physical facility. Of
course, we are also trying to fulfill the needs of the Body through physical facility. We are trying to
fulfill the continuous need for happiness, like respect, through physical facility like clothes and food.
Since the need for happiness is continuous, we think it will come from more clothes, food, etc. Hence,
the need for clothes, food and any other physical facility appears to be undefined or unlimited in

For instance, you can observe people trying to get respect out of clothes. They keep buying and
wearing new clothes to draw attention towards themselves. Do you think that this attention is the
same as respect? Is it possible to get respect based on the clothes you wear? What about continuity
of respect on this basis? Certainly, it does not work! The impact of this assumption is that we keep
accumulating more and more physical facility, without knowing how much is enough; how much will
fetch us continuous happiness. We never feel prosperous. We feel deprived so we try to accumulate
more; that is how we get into a loop.
The gross misunderstanding is to assume the human being to be the Body; therefore, trying to fulfil
all the needs through physical facility alone. Needless to say, there are wide repercussions at every
level of human existence. On the one hand, natural resources are exploited for more and more
physical facilities. On the other hand, human beings are exploited in the process and are made to
compete for the limited physical facility.

Q22. Explain Preservation.

Preservation is the recognition of relationship of human being with the rest of nature, its fulfillment,
and evaluation leading to mutual fulfillment.

Precisely, preservation would mean enrichment, protection, and right utilization of the entire nature.

Preservation ⇒

1. Prosperity in human being

2. Enrichment, protection, and right utilization of nature

Q23. Discuss the purpose of the dimension of Preservation.

The purpose of the dimension of preservation is to enrich and protect natural resources to ensure
mutual fulfillment with the Rest of Nature. Preservation leads to fulfilment of relationship of human
beings with the rest of nature which means it fulfills the fourth goal of co-existence (mutual fulfilment)
with nature.

Precisely, preservation would mean enrichment, protection, and right utilization of the entire nature,
which includes (i) prosperity in human beings and (ii) Enrichment, protection, and right utilization of
Nature. Preservation is required for the following purposes:

• It helps us ensure the continuity of the three orders under the rest of nature is essential for
weather and climate balance.
• It helps us ensure the basic needs of a human being like air, water, physical facilities, etc.
• To ensure raw materials or physical resources for the next generation.
• To ensure ecological balance in Nature. It plays an important role in maintaining a definite
climate and temperature on earth.
• It is also seen that animals and birds help cross-pollinate in plants and trees, help in improving
the quality of soil, and protect plants from diseases. Thus there is a need to preserve animal
• It is important to ensure the preservation of those resources in nature as well which are not
used directly in the process of production, keeping in view the balance of earth and its
• It ensures natural habitat for animals, birds, etc.
Q24. Discuss few steps to preserve water and forest.

Few suggestions to preserve natural resources are elaborated below:

Preservation of Groundwater

The following things can be done at various levels to preserve groundwater:

• Every agriculture field and every house can be designed to work as a rainwater harvesting
• Proper disposal of Factory wastage
• Proper disposal of human excreta
• Proper disposal of non-degradable items like plastics- at least not dumping them in the rivers
or oceans.

Forest Conservation

The following things can be done at various levels to preserve forest:

• Plat trees, cut them only when they are mature

• Ensure its right utilization- avoid indiscriminate use of wood
• Work on Concept of social forestry
• Plantation be done keeping in mind the biodiversity; monoculture plantation be avoided as it
is problematic
• Promote the use of Forest Resources over Mineral Resources- e.g. use of clay, wood, and
bamboo in place of cement and iron

Q25. Explain the purpose of System Service.

Each community has a provision for organizing various festivals where people meet, share, and enjoy
togetherness to ensure interaction and harmonious relations. Such functions aim to ensure
community culture, pass on rituals to the next generations, etc. Though no physical production is
done during these functions, organizing such functions is important to ensure a harmonious society.
Many people work voluntarily to organize such functions and offer their services. Many other activities
like Langar, helping the needy, etc., become easy when people offer their services selflessly.
Therefore, service is an essential component of ensuring harmony in a society.

Q26. Explain the dimension of service at the level of family.

We do these services without any expectation but with satisfaction as an achievement. So, cooking at
home, massaging the family members, and giving water to them is a service. If you see all these things
in the house, then it is not due to the expectation of return. If it starts, then there will be a rift in the
family. We start accounting, “who does more?’’ In many families, the quarrel starts again. There is
also a need for lots of physical help in three cases where only the only feelings won't do – (i) when the
child is young, (ii) when the parents have become old, and (iii) when any member has fallen ill.
Physical facilities are also important in the context of taking care of each other in a family. There are
many other problems other than physical facilities where mental support is needed. For example- the
children who commit suicide by coming under pressure, family, parents, and society will have to be in
harmony. There are many instances in the family which is done with the feelings of service like
cooking, sweeping, etc. These all are not at all production. All this is being done keeping in mind the
service relationship. It is not a service like a hotel industry where if we stay in a hotel and get services,
we give something in return while leaving. Service provided in the family is under the law of natural
acceptance, which gives mental satisfaction and happiness. So, while living in the family, we see the
return of what we do, in terms of satisfaction because this service is a very common thing in the family.
In a society like a hotel industry, if we go and stay, that is a type of business based on exchange. So,
when we expand production further, we will expand that service also. Here, we are talking about
keeping the family relationship, and its nuances can be seen in so many small things which are required
to be done in the house.

Q27. Explain the dimension of service at the level of Production


Another place where we expect something in return is identified as production service. Services like
repair and maintenance in society also fall in the exchange category. Thus, the first category is the
service with the mindset of a relationship in which there is no exchange, but mental satisfaction and
happiness are there. The second one is with the mindset of exchange in terms of currency. Now, the
rest of the services can be seen at two levels (i) service in relation to Society - one which we do at the
social level can be done as a trustee and as an NGO is termed as social effort (ii) service in relation to
participation in the system:

The fourth is what we are doing from the place of the system. If we look at the people participating in
the system, that is also a category of service. So, as long as we keep adding our MLAs, MPs, DMs,
throughout the series, until the last grade, whoever is a part of that administration, will be considered
as the social service unit.

Q28. Explain the dimension of service at the level of Society.

In what we do at the level of society, return is not expected in general. Whatever we do as a trustee,
there is no expected return as a society. We do with the mindset of prosperity, in which return is not

People who are in any kind of service, are not doing production directly. How many people engaging
in service will work to fulfill their daily needs is a matter of question? There are three possible
solutions. Either the rest of the family accepts that responsibility, or the society accepts that
responsibility under social responsibility. Third, it may be that the system gives them some salary. That
means the system accepts its responsibility. Any of them can opt for the people engaged in social
service. In the society, if ‘Saraswati Pooja’(a cultural festival) is to be organized, the society gives
money, termed as ‘Chanda’ today. There are many things, in which the family gives money at the
family level. The best in this is that if the rest of the family members can meet it. Because in the family,
there is no need for account keeping, there is no need to take account from the government or to
collect any tax. If it is not possible then society can do it on a volunteer basis. Finally, it can be run by
several systems and organizations too.
For this, it is also necessary to send only those people who have an attitude to serve. They only need
to go to such services. People with the mindset of profit-making should not be promoted to join social
service. The selfless expression needs to be promoted.

Even more, salary can be provided according to the average lifestyle of the society for the people who
are not directly engaged in production work. It is the sole responsibility of the system to settle a fixed
amount which helps the people engaged in service live smoothly without any hassle. Further, it can
be explained a little more.

Q29 Explain the indicators for evaluation for the dimension of

Certain indicators for evaluation for the dimension of production could be-

• Are we able to ensure the production of all physical facilities that are necessary for the
society, by the society itself
• Is every family engaged in some meaningful production
• Is every family able to identify its physical needs or is it considered unlimited
• Is every family able to feel the prosperity or some are accumulating more and more and other
families are feeling deprived
• Are we able to ensure mutual enrichment with the rest of nature? E.g. is the mother earth
getting more prosperous every day
• Do people have the willingness and competence to produce
• Is there work for everybody and is every family assured of its basic needs such as food, cloth,
shelter, etc.

We cannot have indicators of Production such as-

• Higher and higher levels of consumption without having identified the need of physical
facilities required
• Having more and more products even if the production processes are not cyclic and mutually
• Producing more with a view of profit maximization even if produce is not very meaningful or
even harmful such as liquor, addiction drugs, etc.

Q40 Explain the indicators for evaluation for the dimension of

Certain indicators for evaluation for the dimension of Justice could be-

• How many people are able to ensure mutual fulfillment in their relationships
• How many people, a person feels related to
• How many people come to help other people when they are in need
• Is there an environment of trust, fearlessness in the society, particularly for women and
• Do people offer food and shelter to strangers, in general
• Number of court cases getting reduced
• A person who has undergone some process of punishment, then, there is a visible
improvement in his conduct, and he has become a better member of the society etc.

We can not have the indicators of Justice such as-

1. Having more courts and the judges
2. More number of cases being disposed of and at a faster speed
3. Availability of police force to enforce justice etc.

Q41 Discuss the philosophical aspects and characteristics of the

Jajmani System.

The Philosophical Basis and the Worldview Aspect

The term ‘Jajmani’ is derived from the Sanskrit word ‘Yajman’ which means the performer of ‘Yajna’.
Thus, the development of this system of mutual fulfillment was based on the concept of ‘Yajna’
signifying the inherent interconnectedness as explained in chapter 3. In the ancient vedic perception,
the whole Universe is visualized in the form of a grand ‘Yajna’ where all the mutually dependent
elements of Nature are working in complementarity, in consonance with the order of ‘whole’ and
accordingly human beings are also expected to perform their actions in the same spirit. This has also
been identified as the spirit of ‘sacrifice’ which primarily implies focusing attention on the needs of
other human beings and that of rest of Nature. This worldview propagated that each person or family
has to inculcate the spirit of yajman as an obligation focusing attention on the welfare of the society
as well as enrichment of the natural order. Guided by such a worldview, the salient characteristics of
this system are described below:

Real Need-Based, Mutually Fulfilling Occupations

In the ‘Jajmani’ system, the families of various castes carried out real need-based occupations with
fixed clientele to cater to and with mutually fulfilling relationships. Each caste contributed towards
specific, appropriately identified needs of the community In the ‘Jajmani’ system, the families of
various castes carried out real need-based occupations with fixed clientele to cater to and with
mutually fulfilling relationships. Each caste contributed towards the specific, appropriately identified
need of the community and in this process, all the essential needs were taken care of locally. Also, it
resulted in shifting the focus of every family towards fulfilling the needs of others rather than
concentrating primarily on their own needs. Further, It is also explained by Wiser that;

“Each serves the others. Each, in turn, is the master. Each, in turn, is the servant”.

The gram sabha ensured that everyone could share the common village resources as long as they
carried out their caste duties which resulted in a prosperous and organic society - prosperous in the
sense that each one had enough to satisfy one’s real needs. The diversity of every caste was
harmoniously harnessed towards the welfare of the society as a whole and integrated into the social
and ceremonial functions of the community. In addition, everyone was also given the opportunity to
feel indispensable and proud of one’s contribution through their profession.

Decentralized, Family-Based Production Systems using Tool-Based Technology

The production systems in the jajmani village were primarily decentralized and family-based and each
caste maintained its specialization from generation to generation and also enjoyed a fixed clientele.
Also, there was a close interaction between the producer and the consumer and an attempt to identify
the needs of the consumer appropriately and to fulfill these in the best possible manner. There was
no scope for undue competition while all the needs of the community were taken care of which
provided self-sufficiency to the community. The technologies used in jajmani socio-technological
structure were simple, small and tool-based. Such technologies are conducive for the decentralized
mode of production i.e. production by masses and not mass production. The above-mentioned
characteristics make technology cheap and easy to produce and maintain by local people.

The Livelihood Security for All: Generation to Generation

In the jajmani system, each family works for some other families with whom they are tied with jajmani
relations hereditarily. Accordingly, there was meaningful employment and an ensured clientele for all
the families which continued from generation to generation. The system also permitted employing
the people from outside of the village boundary as per the need but restricted any encroachment on
the livelihood of others. Thus, the Jajmani system was binding the people economically and socially
and also restricted exploitation for personal gains. In a way, Jajmani village was largely self-sufficient
for its economic needs and also provided shelter to all through dedicated employment opportunities.
This situation is described by Wilson as follows (Wiser, 1988);

“In the normal Indian village there are no beggars, no paupers, and there is no need of institutions for
blind or deaf... A village unit is a subsistence unit into which the people can retreat when they felt
want or scarcity, and within which the social bonds, drawn even tighter, bind up in obligations and
secure against want, each member of the village community”.

Relationship-based Economy (The Kinship System)

The village community was heavily laden with relational values which Gould called ‘kinship system’.
People are associated with each other for generations. In short, the kinship system constitutes the
framework within which every family carries on those relationships which from their standpoint,
possess the highest measure of trustworthiness, durability, and meaningfulness. Movement outside
the village is also predetermined by the location of affinal kin.

Certain principles of kinship organizations work knowingly or unknowingly, which leads to the
interaction of different castes based on the needs of the community without contaminating each
other, keeping the economy stable for the whole community. Wiser highlights the relational aspects
as follows; ‘Jajmani tie is personal, face-to-face; that it involves not merely a carefully accounted
exchange between a buyer and a seller, but also a plethora of explicit and implicit commitments
between two families very like in comprehensiveness and effect, the commitments which kins make
to each other within families. Furthermore, like kin relationships, community pressures can reinforce
the Jajmani tie and thereby help assure its preservation.’

In the same spirit, the needy persons were also provided necessary facilities such as free residence,
food, raw materials, etc.

Eco-friendly Use of Local Natural Resources

Motivated by the Yajna philosophy people did nurture a deep sense of reverence for Nature and
engaged in its preservation as well as mutually enriching interaction. Thus, all the activities were
carried out keeping in mind the conservation and efficient use of local natural resources.

Encouraging Collective Contemplation and Community Participation

As brought out by Ravindra Sharma, there is ample evidence to indicate that there used to be a lot of
emphasis on collective contemplation, decision making, and community participation in various social
activities. The art communities were primarily responsible for disseminating among the masses, the
education of ethics and values through informal modes such as stories, songs and dramas etc. thus
continuously entrenching the requisite worldview.

Q42: Explain desired human goals at the level of Individual, Family

and Society to ensure a fulfilling life.
The following goals to ensure a fulfilling life, keeping the above discussion in mind, are identified at
the level of individual:

• Right understanding, right feelings & right thoughts in self.

• Health in the body.
• The competence to recognize required physical facilities with the feeling of prosperity and
right skills to produce it while ensuring harmony with the rest of Nature.
• The competence to right utilize the produced physical facilities along with the ability to
preserve mind, body, and physical facility.
• Ability to live in a community with right behavior and work collaboratively.
• The mindset of participation in larger order – at least in the family order (ability to recognize
responsibility in the family system and competence to fulfill that responsibility)

In other words, the above is the basic aspirations that need to be established within us as individuals.
With that, an individual will be fulfilling within oneself and can also participate meaningfully in family
and society.

Human Goals at the level of Family

In the same way, there is a need to ensure the nine established values within ourselves at the level of
family. Ensuring the right feelings is a fundamental requirement for recognizing parent-child
relationships, son-daughter relationships, and siblings' relationships. In other words, it is necessary to
ensure the right behavior in all these relations through the right thoughts, feelings, and mindset with
the competence of service (Seva) as and when required.

Similarly, as a necessity in the family, we can identify our needs as per our requirements and ensure
eco-friendly and ethical production along with prosperity in the family. At the family level, we can
accurately identify our physical facilities' needs. Subsequently, through everyone's participation
according to one’s ability, production becomes smooth, and everyone gets adequate physical facilities.
Parents, children, and elderly members meet the required needs in the form of physical facilities and
service (Seva) by living as an organized family,

There is also a need to ensure care and guidance to the next generation - at the family level. A child is
born in the family and spends most of his childhood there. He relies on his parents and other family
members for his care and guidance. This right upbringing of a child is essential for his physical and
mental development in the form of care and guidance

The fourth need seems to be that all the families can jointly accept the responsibility for the roles that
are to be maintained at the level of society. For example, the system of education at the village level,
the system of justice, etc. is only possible with the joint participation of the village families.

In the same context, the fifth important thing is to understand that to maintain the tradition of
significant achievements at the family or society level. We can pass on the family traditions from
generation to generation. For example, suppose our family has earned merit in Ayurveda, in any
method of production. In that case, we can accept the responsibility of preserving it, generation after
generation, which is also a necessity at the family level.

In essence, the following goals are recognized at the level of a family-

▪ Ability to recognize relationships in the family

▪ Recognizing relationships like father-mother, son-daughter, brother-sister
▪ Ensuring and Fulfilling the expected feelings in these relationships
▪ Mindset and competence for service (Seva), as and when required
▪ Recognizing the need for the physical facility, its production right utilization, etc ensuring
a feeling of prosperity in the family
▪ Ability to look after the next generation (in body and mind)
▪ Acceptance of expected responsibilities required to fulfill in society, with the collaboration
with other families
▪ Preservation of family traditions from generation to generation (related to meaningful family,
societal achievements)
Human Goals at the level of Society

When we look at the level of society, along with the people in a relationship, we also come in contact
with several human beings whom we do not necessarily know. So, there is also a certain need for the
right behavior from each other. Contact refers to the interaction of many human beings in
complementarity while living in society. We should be able to maintain the right behavior in
relationships as well as in day-to-day contact. At least we can have mutual trust to ensure fearlessness
in society.

The next important need at the level of society appears that the effective implementation of activities
required for a smooth running of system should be done. We will discuss these various system
activities later in this course. The development of a humanistic constitution, policies, methods, and
system would be required for that.

The next need is to create a favorable environment where every family can live with mutual
fulfillment, carry out whatever activities are conducted collectively, and continue with the inherited
traditions in an organized manner.

In essence, the following goals are recognized at the level of society-

• Fulfillment in relationships with relatives, friends, and all those who come in contact
(strangers). At least a feeling of trust and an environment of fearlessness should be
maintained at the level of society.
• Fulfillment of collective responsibilities – those responsibilities that are required for the
societal systems to work smoothly and effectively
• Development of a conducive social environment
- So the family can feel assured and be able to participate joyously
- So that the family can live in a self-organized manner while preserving the family and societal
• Development of a humanistic constitution
• Relationship of mutual fulfillment between all (including various countries)

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