Physics JEE-Advanced DPP (1-6)
Physics JEE-Advanced DPP (1-6)
Physics JEE-Advanced DPP (1-6)
2. A rectangle has length of 2.21101 m and width equal to 2.2 101 m. Its area is
(A) 4.862 102 m2 (B) 4.86 102 m2 (C) 4.8 102 m2 (D) 4.9 102 m2
1 xy 2
3. A physical quantity is calculated by using the formula = , where x, y and z are
10 z1/3
experimentally measured quantities. If the fractional error in the measurement of x, y and z are
2%, 1% and 3%, respectively, then the maximum fractional error in the calculation of is
(A) 0.5% (B) 5% (C) 6% (D) 7%
5. If Q and x, y are absolute errors in the measurement of x and y, then absolute error Q
in Q is
x y x y
(A) Q = n m (B) Q = n m Q
x y x y
x y x y
(C) Q = n m Q (D) Q = n m Q
x y y x
6. Focal length of a lens is determined by the u–v method using the optical bench. A particular
reading was (u = 50 cm; v = + 25 cm). The least count of the optical bench is 1 mm. Find the
maximum permissible percentage error for this measurement.
(A) 2.3/150 (B) 3.7/150 (C) 1.8/150 (D) None of the above
7. If the Planck’s constant h, velocity of light c and time T are taken as fundamental units, then the
dimension of force in the new system will be
(A) hc–1 T–1 (B) hc–1 T2 (C) hc–1 T–2 (D) h–1 c–1 T–2
8. If E = energy, G = gravitational constant, I = impulse and M = mass, the dimension of is
same as that of
(A) Mass (B) Length (C) Time (D) Force
9. Figure shows two vectors a (in y-z plane) and b (in x-y plane)
such that | a | | b | 5 units. What is angle between a and b .
1 12 1 16
(A) cos (B) cos
25 25
1 9
(C) cos (D) = 90°
10. The pitch of a screw gauge is 1 mm and there are 100 divisions on its circular scale. When
nothing is put in between its jaws, the zero of the circular scale lies 4 divisions below the
reference line. When a steel wire is placed between the jaws, two main scale divisions are clearly
visible and 67 divisions on the circular scale are observed. The diameter of the wire is
(A) 2.71 mm (B) 2.67 mm (C) 2.63 mm (D) 2.65 mm
11. When a piece of wire is held diametrically in a screw gauge [pitch = 1 mm, number of divisions
on circular scale = 100]. The readings obtained are as shown:
Now if we measure the same with help of Vernier calipers [1 MSD = 1 mm, 10 divisions of
Vernier coinciding with 9 divisions of main scale] having a negative zero error of 0.5 mm, then
find which of the following figures correctly represents the reading.
(A) (B)
(C) (D)
13. In a Vernier calipers, one main scale division is 1 mm and 20 Vernier scale divisions coincide
with 17 main scale divisions. In an experiment, the zero of Vernier scale lies between 45 th and
46th marks of main scale and 12th of Vernier scale coincides with a main scale mark. Which main
scale mark is it?
(A) 56th (B) 57th (C) 55th (D) 54th
14. Average speed of a bus measured by six different students is given as follows:
Student number 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th
Speed (m/s) 12.5 m/s 12.3 m/s 11.8 m/s 12.4 m/s 12.2 m/s 12.6 m/s
List-I List-II
(P) Mean absolute error (1) 0.2
(Q) Mean value (2) 12.3 m/s
(R) Relative error (3) 0.0163
(S) Percentage error (4) 1.63 %
The correct option is:
(A) P-3; Q-1; R-2; S-4 (B) P-1; Q-2; R-3; S-4
(C) P-1; Q-3; R-4; S-2 (D) P-1; Q-4; R-3; S-4
16. In equation = A sin (t kx), where t is in second and x is in meter, the dimensional formula
(A) is [M0L0T1] (B) k is [M0 L1T0] (C) is [M0LT1] (D) A is [M0LT1]
17. Choose the correct alternative(s) from the following.
(A) The number of significant figures in 0.080 is 2.
(B) The number of significant figures in 3.04 1023 is 25.
(C) The number of significant figures in 0.01020 is 4.
(D) The number of significant figures in 4.06 104 is 3.
18. If each cm of main scale is divided in q equal parts and p Vernier scale divisions coincide with
(p – 1) main scale divisions, then
1 p 1 q
(A) 1Vernier scale division = cm (B) 1 Vernier scale division = cm
q p p
q 1 1
(C) Vernier constant = cm (D) Vernier constant = cm
pq pq
19. The radius of a spherical ball is (10.4 ± 0.4) cm. Select the correct alternative
(A) The percentage error in radius is 3.9%.
(B) The percentage error in radius is 0.4%.
(C) The percentage error in volume is 11.5%.
(D) The absolute error in volume is 1.2 cm3.
20. If the dimensions of length are expressed as Gxcyhz; which G, c and h are the universal
gravitational constant, speed of light and Plank’s constant respectively then
1 1 1 1 1 3 3 1
(A) x , y (B) x , z (C) y , z (D) y , z
2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
21. The equation of a stationary wave is y 2A sin 2ct cos 2x Which of the following is
(A) Unit of ct is same as that of (B) Unit of x is same as that of
2 c 2x c x
(C) Unit of is same as that of (D) Unit of is same as that of
22. A voltmeter has a least count of 0.1 V and an ammeter has a least count of 0.1A. The potential
drop V across a resistance is measured as 10.0V and current through it is measured as 1.0A.
Select the correct alternative
(A) The value of R is (1.0 ± 0.2) × 101 .
(B) The relative error in measurement of current is 1/10.
(C) The accuracy in measurement of potential drop is 1/100.
(D) The value of R is (10 ± 0.2) .
23. In ordinary Vernier calipers, 10th division of the Vernier scale coincides with 9th division of the
main scale. In a specially designed Vernier calipers the Vernier scale is so constructed that 10 th
division on it coincides with 11th division on the main scale. Each division on the main scale
equals to 1 mm. The calipers have a zero error as shown in the figure-I. When the Vernier caliper
is used to measure a length, the concerned portion of its scale is shown in figure II.
Comprehension – 1
The mechanism behind nut and bolt arrangement also works for screw gauge. In case of nut and
bolt mechanism, with rotation of bolt, it has translational movement also. In one complete
rotation of bolt, tip of bolt moves by a linear distance equal to linear distance between two
consecutive threads on the screw, known as pitch. In case of screw gauge, the circular scale is
divided in several parts. The ratio of pitch and total number of divisions on circular scale is
known as least count.
Spherometer is a device used to measure very small distances such as radius of curvature and
thickness of thin plate. The screw gauge can be used to measure diameter of a spherical sample.
A screw gauge has 100 divisions on head scale and in 8 rotations distance covered is 8 mm.
Read the above passage carefully and answer the following questions.
29. If zero of the circular scale does not coincide with reference line, error is zero error. If zero of
circular scale is ahead of reference line, then zero correction is equal to
(A) +(number of divisions crossed) L.C. (B) (number of divisions crossed) L.C.
(C) +(number of divisions crossed) pitch (D) (number of divisions crossed) pitch
Comprehension – 2
In searle’s apparatus for determining the young’s modulus for a wire, a student is taking
measurements of different parameters, when weight W = 20 N is connected to the lower end of
the experimental wire.
Length of the wire, L=30 cm measured with a millimeter scale
Diameter of the wire d=1 mm measured with a screw gauge
Least count of the screw gauge =0.01 mm
Least count of the spherometer attached to the apparatus frame=0.005 mm
Spherometer measured the extension (e) of the wire x = 0.1 mm.
30. The maximum percentage error in the calculation of Young’s modulus of the wire is
22 19 28 34
(A) % (B) % (C) % (D) %
3 3 3 3
31. The maximum error in calculation of Young’s modulus of elasticity of the wire is
(A) 56 108 Nm2 (B) 71.28 108 Nm2
(C) 48.37 108 Nm2 (D) 83.8 108 Nm2
Comprehension – 3
In a new system of units, let the units of force energy and velocity be 10N, 0.1 J and 100 m/s
respectively. In this new system
Comprehension – 4
The major errors in the experiment to determine specific resistance of the material of a wire
using meter bridge are due to the heating effect, end correction introduced due to shift of the
zero of the scale at A and B, stray resistances in gaps of meter bridge and due to non-uniformity
of wire.
36. End correction and can be estimated by including known resistances R1 and R2 in the two
gaps and finding the null point using equations
R1 l1 R l2
(A) , 2
R 2 100 l1 R1 100 l2
R1 l1 R l2
(B) , 2
R 2 100 l1 R1 100 l2
R1 l1 R2 l2
(C) ,
R 2 100 l1 R1 100 l2
R1 l1 R2 l2
(D) ,
R 2 100 l1 R1 100 l2
37. Error due to non-uniformity of meter-bridge wire can be reduced by interchanging the resistances
in the gaps of the meter-bridge.
d dR dr dL dR
Error in specific resistance is given by 2 . Here depends on
R r L R
(A) error in the measurement of resistance in R.B.
(B) error in the measurement of unknown resistance.
(C) error in the measurement of balancing length.
(D) All of the above
38. Match the units of physical quantities, shown in the Column I, with their dimensions shown in
the Column II:
Column I Column II
(A) ; (F- Force, m-mass) (P) ML2A–1T–3
(B) V; (V-voltage) (Q) LT–2
(C) (R) M–1L–3A2T–4
(km-kilometer, h-hour, m-meter)
(D) ; (N-newton, C-Columb) (S) MLA–1T–3
41 The pitch of a screw gauge is 0.5 mm and there are 100 divisions on it circular scale. The
instrument reads + 2 divisions when nothing is put in–between its jaws. In measuring the
diameter of a wire, there are 8 divisions on the pitch scale and 83 rd division of circular coincides
with the reference line of pitch scale.
(a) Calculate the least count of the instrument
(b) Find the diameter of the wire.704.
42. A vernier callipers has 10 divisions on vernier scale coinciding with 9 main scale divisions. Each
main scale division = 1 mm at 0°C. Its material has coefficient of linear expansion 10–3/°C. If an
object, whose length at 0°C is 10 cm & = 10–4/°C. What will be the reading on vernier scale
& main scale at 50°C.
43. Find the relative error in reduction factor of tangent galvanometer (K), where
mass of copper deposited on cathode (m) = 0.375 + 0.001 gm
electrochemical equivalent of copper (z) = constant
time for which current is passed (t) = 1200 + 1 sec
angle rotated by galvanometer needle = 450 + 10
Given: K =
zt tan
44. A glass prism of angle A = 600 gives minimum angle of deviation = 300 with the max. error of
10 when a beam of parallel light passed through the prism during an experiment.
(i) Find the permissible error in the measurement of refractive index of the material of the
45. The length, breadth and thickness of a rectangular sheet of metal are 4.234 m,
1.005 m and 2.01 cm respectively. Find the area and volume of the sheet to correct significant
46. The main scale of a vernier calipers reads in millimeter and its vernier is divided into 10 divisions
which coincide with 9 divisions of the main scale. When the two jaws of the instrument touch
each other the seventh division of the vernier scale coincide with a scale division and the zero of
the vernier lies to the right of the zero of main scale. Furthermore, when a cylinder is tightly
placed along its length between the two jaws, the zero of the vernier division lies left to the 32 nd
division of main scale and fourth division of Vernier coincides with a scale division. Calculate
the measured length of the cylinder.
47. In two systems of units, the relation between velocity, acceleration and force is given by
v1 2 F1
v2 = , a2 = a1 , F2= , where e and t are constants then find in this new system
m2 L
(A) , (B) 2
m1 L1
Where, x 2 0.01 SI unit; y 4 0.02 SI unit; t 2 0.01 SI unit. Find the percentage
error in calculation of P.
50. A voltmeter and an ammeter are connected in the circuit as shown. Resistance of ammeter is
and that of voltmeter is 10 R. Percentage error in the reading of voltmeter (compared to the case
when meters are ideal) is x% then find the value of (approx).
51. In an optical bench experiment to determine the focal length of the concave mirror, the least
count of the bench scale (meter scale) is 0.1 cm. The object needle reading is 10.7 cm and the
image needle reading is 5.7 cm. The mirror is positioned at 15.7 cm. The maximum possible
percentage error in the focal length of the mirror with this set of readings is . Find x.
52. The main scale of a Vernier calipers reads in millimetre and its Vernier is divided into 10
divisions which coincides with 9 divisions of the main scale. The reading for shown situation is
found to be mm. Find the value of x.
53. Time period of a simple pendulum is given by T 2 where l is the length of pendulum and
g is acceleration due to gravity. If percentage increase in the length and acceleration due to
gravity are 69% and 21% respectively then find out percentage increase in time period.
54. The length of a cylinder is measured with a metre rod having least count 0.1 cm. Its diameter is
measured with Vernier calipers having least count 0.01 cm. Given the length is 5.0 cm and
diameter is 2.00 cm. Find the percentage error in the calculated value of volume.
55. Mr. Vivek Taparia performed an experiment to verify Ohm’s law. He connected following
circuit to measure voltage and current.
Here R is the unknown resistance, V the voltmeter, A the ammeter and K is the key. The value
of R from following readings is given by 10 k, then find the value of .
V(volt) 1 2 3 4 5
I(mA) 1.40 2.83 5.68 7.11 8.54
56. A hemispherical bowl of radius R = 0.1 m is rotating about its own axis (which is vertical) with
an angular velocity . A particle of mass 102 kg on the frictionless inner surface of the bowl
is also rotating with the same . The particle is at a height h from the bottom of the bowl. It is
desired to measure ‘g’ using this set up, by measuring ‘h’ accurately. Assuming that R and
are known precisely and that the least-count in the measurement of h is 1 mm, the numerical
value of minimum possible error g in the measured value of g is given by m/s2. Fill the
value of in OMR sheet. [g = 9.8 m/s2]
57. At normal incidence, a beam of light propagating in vacuum reflects off an interface with a
n 1
58. In a Vernier calipers, the zero of Vernier scale is slightly left to the zero of main scale when both
jaws are closely joined to each other. Total number of divisions on Vernier scale is 80 which is
equal to 2.32 cm. 70th division of Vernier is exactly coinciding with 2 nd division of main scale
when jaws are closely joined to each other. Now diameter of cylinder is measured, it is found
that zero of Vernier lies between 6.2 cm to 6.23 cm on the main scale and 50 th division of Vernier
exactly coincides with a main scale. Then what will be the diameter of cylinder (in cm)?
59. In the diagram shown, 12 complete threads of the spindle are visible from every angle. 56 th csd
coincides with the reference line. Initially, 35 complete threads were present and visible on the
spindle. Initially means where there was no object between the stud and screw.
1 msd = 100 csd = 1 mm. Length of the body is _________ mm.
60. Figure shows an experimental set up to find the value of an unknown resistance (Rx) using
ammeter bridge. AB is the uniform meter bridge wire of length L = 100 cm. When the sliding
jockey is placed at J(AJ = x), the galvanometer shows zero deflection. AJ = x is known as
balancing length and is measured using a scale having 1 mm as least count.
(a) In one experiment known resistance R was taken to be 20 and balancing length was
measured as x 20.0 0.1 cm. Find the value of Rx.
(b) Show that fractional error in calculated value of R x is least when x . What shall we do
to ensure that x is close to x .
1. If a particle is projected in a uniform gravitational field with an initial velocity of 10 m/s at an
angle of 60 with the horizontal, then the minimum radius of curvature of the trajectory described
by the projectile is (take g = 10 m/s2)
(A) 2.0 m (B) 2.5 m
(C) 7.5 m (D) 20 m
2H 2H
(A) (B)
g cos g
H 2H
(C) (D)
g cos g sin
5. A rod of length L is sliding on a frictionless surface as shown in the figure. Velocity of end A is
4 m/s along the wall. Find the velocity of end B, when end B makes 30 with wall PQ.
(A) 8 m/s
(B) 2 3 m/s P
30 R
(C) 4 3 m/s A
4 30
(D) m/s
3 Q
6. The equation of velocity of a particle along a straight line is v = 4 + 3t t2. The distance travelled
by the particle in 2nd second is
(A) 6m (B) 6.16 m (C) 8.0 m (D) 7m
7. A block starts moving on a horizontal plane under the influence of horizontal acceleration a.
After t0 sec, the acceleration remains the same in magnitude but reverses in direction. At what
time does it come back to the initial point.
(A) 2 t0 (B) 2t0 (C) (2 2) t 0 (D) (2 2) t 0
9. A particle is moving in a plane with a velocity given by, u 2iˆ 3 cos(3t)ˆj 2k. ˆ If the
particle is at origin at t = 0. Then the magnitude of displacement of the particle from origin at
t sec will be
(A) 1m (B) 2m (C) 3m (D) 5m
10. A boy throws a ball upward with some angle with vertical, with velocity 20 m/s. The wind
imparts a horizontal acceleration of 4 m/s2 to the left. The angle (to the vertical) at which the
ball must be thrown so that the ball returns to the boy’s hand is
(A) tan1(1.2) (B) tan1(0.2) (C) tan1(2) (D) tan1(0.4)
11. In a car race, car A takes time t less than car B and passes the finishing point with a velocity of
12 m/s more than the velocity with which car B passes the finishing point. Assume that the cars
A and B start from rest and travel with constant accelerations of 9 m/s 2 and 4 m/s2, respectively.
If vA and vB be the velocities of cars A and B, respectively, then
(A) t = 2 sec (B) t = 3 sec
(C) vA = 24 m/s, vB = 12 m/s (D) vA = 36 m/s, vB = 24 m/s
12. Suppose that the position function for a particle is given as r(t) x(t)iˆ y(t)jˆ with
x(t) = t + 1 and y(t) = (t2/8) + 1. The ratio of magnitude of average velocity (during time interval
t = 2 to 4 sec) to the speed at t = 2 sec is
(A) 3 : 2 (B) 5 : 2 (C) 5 : 3 (D) 5 : 3
13. A particle is moving along a straight line with uniform acceleration has velocities 7 m/s at P and
17 m/s at Q. R is the mid-point of PQ. Then
(A) The average velocity between R and Q is 15 m/s.
(B) The ratio of time to go from P to R and that from R to Q is 3:2.
(C) The velocity at R is 9.21 m/s approx.
(D) The average velocity between P and R is 10 m/s.
14. Choose the correct statement(s) regarding the motion of a particle.
(A) If instantaneous velocity of a particle is zero, then its instantaneous acceleration will
necessarily be zero.
(B) If instantaneous velocity of a particle is zero, then it can have instantaneous acceleration.
(C) A situation is possible in which instantaneous velocity of a particle is never zero but
average velocity in that interval is zero.
(D) A situation is possible in which the speed of a particle is never zero but average speed
in that interval is zero.
15. A smooth inclined plane has an angle of inclination from the horizontal. From point A on the
inclined plane, body 1 is projected horizontally with speed u and from point B on the inclined
plane, body 2 is released from rest. Distance AB is equal to . If the magnitude of relative
velocity of body 2 w.r.t. body 1 and magnitude of relative acceleration of body 2 w.r.t. body 1
at time t are v and ‘a’, respectively, then which of the following is/are true?
(B) a = zero 2 B
(C) a = g cos x
17. The rain is falling vertically downwards. A man walking on the road holds his umbrella tilted.
Now, suddenly the rain stops and there is afternoon sun just above the head. In order to protect
himself from sun-rays, he holds the umbrella vertical. The reason assigned can be
(A) The speed of light is much higher than the speed of rain drops.
(B) The speed of light is much higher than the speed of man.
(C) Actually, the angle of tilt of umbrella in sun-light is very small in comparison to the angle
of tilt of umbrella in rain.
(D) Light is behaving as a wave, not as a particle here.
18. Read the following statements carefully and select the correct ones.
(A) ax 0, ay = 0, az = 0 is necessarily a case of one-dimensional motion.
(B) vx 0, vy = 0, vz = 0 is necessarily a case of one-dimensional motion.
(C) vx0, ax 0; vy 0, ay 0 ; vz = 0, az = 0 is necessarily a case of motion in one plane.
(D) ax = ay = az = 0 is necessarily a case of one-dimensional motion.
19. An object is moving in three-dimensional space with the position vector r x(t)iˆ y(t)ˆj z(t)kˆ
and velocity vector v vx (t)iˆ v y (t)ˆj vz (t)kˆ . Point O is at r 0 . If the object is always
moving towards O, then
vx v y vz vx v y vz
(A) (B) 0
x y z x y z
vx vy
(C) xvx + yvy + zvz < 0 (D) 0
x y
20. A particle A moves with a velocity v1 and a particle B moves with a velocity v 2 w.r.t ground
and AB is the length of the vector AB , then
d AB
< 0 if v2 v1 (B)
0 if v
d AB
dt dt
0 if v AB v AB
d AB
0 if v v BA 0
d AB
2 1 1 2
dt dt
Comprehension – 1
A swimmer wishes to cross a river 500 m wide flowing at a rate ‘u’. His speed with respect to still water
is ‘v’. For this, he makes an angle with the perpendicular as shown in the figure.
21. For u = 3 km/hr and v = 5 km/hr, the time taken to cross the river in minimum time will be:
(A) 3 min (B) 6 hr (C) 6 min (D) 3 hr
Comprehension – 2
The figure shows position time graph of two riders C and D. Based on the information represented by
the graph, answer the following questions.
23. At t = 0 s
(A) Rider C is ahead of rider D.
(B) Rider D is ahead of rider C.
(C) Rider C and D are at the same position.
(D) Not enough information is given.
24. At t = 0 s
(A) C is moving, and D is at rest. (B) D is moving, and C is at rest.
(C) C and D are both moving. (D) C and D are both at rest.
25. At t = 0 s
(A) C has a greater velocity than D. (B) D has a greater velocity than C.
(C) C and D have the same velocity. (D) C is accelerating.
26. At t = 10 s
(A) C and D are at the same position.
(B) C and D have the same velocity.
(C) The velocity of D is greater than the velocity of C.
(D) C is in front of D.
Comprehension – 3
The following figure shows position time graph of an object moving along x-axis. Based on the
information represented by the graph, answer the following questions.
28. The average velocity for the time interval t=0 to t=4 s is
(A) 1m/s (B) 2m/s (C) 0.5m/s (D) 0.75m/s
29. The average speed and average velocity have same numerical value for the time interval
(A) 0 - 2 s (B) 0 - 5 s (C) 0 - 4 s (D) 0 - 6 s
This section contains 4 Assertion Reason Type Questions. Each Question has four choice (A), (B),
(C) and (D). Select your answer from these options using the codes.
(A) Both Statement - 1 and Statement - 2 are individually true and Statement - 2 is the correct
explanation of Statement - 1
(B) Both Statement - 1 and Statement - 2 are individually true but Statement - 2 is not the
correct explanation of Statement - 1
(C) Statement - 1 is true but Statement - 2 is false
(D) Statement - 1 is false but Statement - 2 is true
31. Statement-1 : Two bodies projected vertically upward with different initial speeds cover same
distances in last second of their upward journey.
Statement-2 : For uniformly accelerated motion, distance travelled in a time interval before
coming to rest does not depend on initial speed.
(A) A (B) B (C) C (D) D
32. Statement-1 : For an observer looking out through the window of a fast moving train, the
nearby objects appear to move in the opposite direction to the train, while the distant objects
appear to be stationary.
Statement-2 : If the observer and the object are moving at velocities v1 and v 2 respectively
with reference to a laboratory frame, the velocity of the object with respect to the observer is
v2 v1 .
(A) A (B) B (C) C (D) D
33. Statement-1 : A food packet is dropped from a rescue plane moving with constant velocity.
Path of the food packet will be straight line for the pilot but parabolic for the person on the
ground if air resistance is negligible.
Statement-2 : Food packet has initial velocity same as that of plane.
(A) A (B) B (C) C (D) D
34. A particle is projected from a horizontal surface with velocity u at an angle with the horizontal.
The particle strikes the same horizontal surface after time T at a distance R from point of
projection. t represents the time at which the velocity of the particle becomes perpendicular to
the initial velocity vector during the flight. h represents the height of the particle at that instant.
H represents the maximum height of the particle.
Column –I Column -II
(A) = 45° (P) t = T, h = 0
gT 2
(B) = 60° (Q) H
2T 8H
(R) t ,h
(C) = 30° 3 9
(D) = 40° (S) t = not possible, h = not possible.
35. A square platform of side length 8 m is situated in x-z plane such that it Y
is at 16 m from the x-axis and 8 m from the z-axis as shown in figure. A
particle is projected with velocity v (v2ˆi 25j)
ˆ m/ s relative to wind g
from origin and at the same instant the platform starts with acceleration X
a (2iˆ 2.5j)m
ˆ / s2 . Wind is blowing with velocity v kˆ . (0,0) 16m
Z 8m 8m
(g = 10 m/s2)
Column –I Column –II
(A) Possible values of v2 (in m/s) so that particle hits the (P) 4
platform is/are
(B) Possible value of v1 (in m/s) so that particle hits the (Q) 6
platform is/are
(C) Possible time of flight (in second) of the particle is/are (R) 8
(D) Displacement (in m) of the particle in (S) 20
y-direction when v2 has its minimum possible value and
particle hit the platform is/are
36. Two particles A and B are projected from a point O on a
horizontal plane, with velocities 20 m/s and 20 2m / s
respectively at angles 30 and 45 with the horizontal
respectively in the same plane. O
Find the maximum separation between the two particles. Assume that the two particles get stuck
to the ground when they fall over it.
Two particles A, B are located at points 10 3, 0 and (0, 0) on
the x-y plane. They start moving simultaneously with velocities VA
= 5 î m/s and VB = 5 3 ˆjm/ s at t = 0. Find the minimum distance A (0, 0)
of separation between them and time at which they are closest to 10 3, 0
each other.
38. A ball is thrown vertically up with a certain velocity from the top of a tower of height
40 m. At 4.5 m above the top of the tower its speed is exactly half of that it will have at 4.5 m
below the top of the tower. Find the maximum height reached by the ball above the ground?
40. A boy throws a ball with speed in a well of depth 14 m as shown. On bounce
with bottom of the well the speed of the ball gets halved. What should be the
minimum value of u/10 (in m/s) such that ball may be able to reach his hand
again? It is given that his hands are at 1 m height from top of the well while
throwing and catching.
41. Two inclined planes OA and OB having inclination (with horizontal) 30° and 60° respectively,
intersect each other at O as shown in figure. A particle is projected from point P with velocity
u 10 3 ms 1 along a direction perpendicular to plane OA. If the particle strikes plane OB
perpendicularly at Q, calculate:
42. A particle is projected from the ground level. It just passes through upper end of vertical poles
A, B, C of height 24 m, 40 m & 36 m respectively. The time taken by the particle to travel from
B to C is double of the time taken A to B. Find the maximum height attained by the particle from
the ground level. [Take: g = 10 m/s2]
43. A shell of mass m = 700 gm is fired from ground with a velocity 40 ms–1. At highest point of its
trajectory, it collides inelastically with a ball of mass M = 1.3 kg, suspended by a flexible thread
of length 1.40 m. If thread deviates through an angle of 120°, Calculate:
(i) Angle of projection of shell,
(ii) Maximum height of combined body from ground and
(iii) Distance between point of suspension of ball and point of projection of shell.
(g = 10 ms–2)
44. A man starts running a race with a velocity 2.5 m/s. When he starts running, he finds the wind
is blowing at an angle of 450 with the track. As he progresses on the straight horizontal track he
finds wind is rotating with uniform angular velocity and by the time he completes the race wind
rotates through an angle 450. If the wind always blows perpendicular to the track and time of
race is s , find the length of the race.
ln 2
45. A terrorist places a bomb at a horizontal distance of 6 m from the foot of building of height 8 m.
When the bomb explodes its fragments fly in all directions with a velocity upto 20 m/s. Find
how long a man on the top of the building will be in danger.
(g = 10 ms–2)
46. A helicopter takes off along the vertical with an acceleration a = 3 m/s2 and zero initial velocity.
In a certain time t1, the pilot switches off the engine. At the point of take-off, the sound dies
away in a time t2 = 30 s. Determine the velocity v of the helicopter at the moment when its engine
is switched off, assuming that the velocity c of sound is 320 m/s.
47. A cannon fires from under a shelter inclined at an angle to the
horizontal as shown. The cannon is at point B at a distance l from the
base of the shelter. The initial velocity of the shell is v0, and its
trajectory lies in the plane of the figure. Determine the maximum A l B
range Lmax of the shell if the shell just touch the shelter.
48. Two rings O and O are put on two vertical stationary rods AB and AB A A
respectively. An inextensible thread is fixed at point A and on ring O and O
is passed through ring O, assuming O moves downward at constant
O v
velocity v. Find velocity u of O when AOO = . u
49. A hoop of radius R rests on a horizontal surface. A similar hoop moves past it at a velocity v.
Determine the velocity vA of the upper point “intersection” of the hoops as a function of the
distance d between their centres, assuming that the hoops are thin, and the second hoop is in
contact with the first hoop as it moves past the latter.
1. A body of mass M is moving along +x-direction with an acceleration ‘a’. The coefficient of
friction between m and M is . The minimum value of ‘a’, so that a mass m can be held stationary
w.r.t. M, will be a
g 1 cos g 1 cot +y
(A) (B) M
cot cot m
g 1 cot g 1 cot
(C) (D) x
1 cot 1 cot
2. For the arrangement shown in figure, the masses of the blocks are
mA = 2 kg, mB = 1 kg, mC = 1 kg. The frictional force between the blocks
A and B and the tension in string connecting A and B are respectively B
(coefficient of friction between any two surfaces is 0.5) A
(A) 0, 5 N
(B) 0, 0 C
(C) 10 N, 5 N
(D) 5 N, 0
3. A block of mass 1 kg start moving at t = 0 with speed 2 m/s on rough horizontal surface with
coefficient of friction 0.2. A horizontal force F is applied in the direction of velocity which varies
with time shown in figure (b). Find the speed of particle at t = 3 s (g = 10 m/s2).
1 kg 2 m/s 2N
=0.2 t
1 2 3
Figure (a) sFigure
s (b) s
4. A block of mass m is to be kept on an inclined wedge of mass M. The angle of inclination of the
wedge is . All the surfaces are frictionless. A horizontal force of magnitude
F is applied horizontally on the small block as shown in the figure. Force
required to keep the block in equilibrium w.r.t. wedge is m
g tan (B) g tan
M m
M m M m m M
(C) g tan (D) g tan
m M
5. A uniform chain is placed at rest on a irregular rough surface of base length
and height h. Then, the minimum coefficient of friction between the chain
and the surface must be equal to h
h h
(A) (B)
3h 2h
(C) (D)
2 3
6. A pulley–block arrangement is shown in the adjacent figure, if accelerations
of m1, m2 and m3 are a1, a2 and a3, respectively, then relation between a 1, a2
and a3 is
(All strings and pulleys are ideal.)
a1 m1
(A) a2 a3 + 10a1 = 0
(B) a3 a2 + 10a1 = 0 a3 m3
(C) a2 2a3 + 10a1 = 0 m2 a2
(D) 2a2 + a3 + 5a1 = 0
7. Two blocks M1 and M2 rest upon each other on an inclined plane. 2=0.2 M1
Coefficient of friction between surfaces are shown. If the angle A M2
is slowly increased, then (M1 < M2)
(A) block A slips first
(B) block B slips first
(C) both slip simultaneously
(D) both remain at rest
8. The system of two weights with masses m 1 and m2 are connected with
weightless spring as shown. The system is resting on support S. The support
S is quickly removed. The accelerations of each of the weights right after the
support S is removed are
(A) a1 0, a 2
m1 m2 g (B) a1 0, a 2
m1 m2 g
m2 m1
(C) a1
m1 m2 g , a 0 (D) a1 = 0, a2 = 0
9. A cylinder of mass 10 kg is resting between two frictionless inclined surface AB and AC, and is
attached to a vertical string PQ whose other end Q is fixed to the ceiling as shown in figure. If
forces, cylinder applies to surface AC and AB are 30 N and 40 N respectively, the tension in the
string is [g = 10 m/s2]
10. Two small balls of mass m and 3m, respectively, are connected by a thin and rigid bar with
negligible mass, and are free to slide on the 45o smooth inclines, as shown. Find the angle of the
bar to the horizontal plane in equilibrium. The angle being negative means that the heavy ball is
above the light ball.
(A) 2.25 m/s (B) 4.5 m/s (C) 5 m/s (D) 2.5 m/s
12. A block of mass M is pressed against a vertical surface by a spring of unstretched length l as
shown in figure. If the coefficient of static friction between the block and the surface is s , the
minimum spring constant k min that will keep M in place is,
Mg 2Mg Mg 3 Mg
(A) (B) (C) (D)
sd sd 2sd 2 sd
13. Two equal blocks of mass M hangs on either side of pulley as shown in figure. A small square
rider of mass m is placed on one block. When the block is released. It accelerates for a distance
H till the rider is caught by a ring that allows the block to pass after then it travels a distance ‘d’.
Then time taken by block to travel the distance ‘d’ is given by
(A) t
2M m d 2 (B) t
2M m d 2
2mHg 4mHg
2 2M m d 2 2M m d 2
(C) t (D) t
mHg mHg
14. The figure shows a plank of mass M kept on a smooth inclined plane of inclination with the
horizontal. A man (mass m) starts running on the rough surface of the plank such that the plank
remains stationary with respect to the ground. rough
15. Two blocks of masses 2 kg and 8 kg are connected through pulleys and
strings as shown in the figure. If all pulleys and strings are ideal, then 2kg
( = 0.6, take g = 10 m/sec2.)
17. Consider the situation shown in the adjacent figure and select the correct
statement(s) from the following. A
18. Two masses of 2 kg and 4 kg are connected through two strings BC and ED, which
pass over a fixed frictionless pulley. The string BC is 10 cm long and has a linear D B
mass density of 10 kg/m while the string ED is massless. If both the strings are
inextensible, then (when the masses are released) the ratio of tension in the string E C
2kg 4kg
(A) At points E and C is 5/4. (B) At points E and C is 4/5.
(C) At points D and E is 1. (D) At points D and E is 1/2.
19. In the diagram shown, the pulleys are massless and frictionless. T is
the tension in the string and the strings are massless. If the speed of
2 kg block is 10 m/s at the position shown, then choose the correct 30
1 kg
(A) v1 kg = 10 m/s. v
(B) Force by string on 2 kg block = 2T 2 kg T
21. Two blocks of masses 2 kg and 4 kg are placed over each other as
s = 0.15
shown in the adjoining figure. The coefficient of kinetic and static k = 0.10
friction are as shown in the figure. A variable force F = 4t starts 2 kg
s = 0.2
k = 0.15 4 kg F
acting on the 4 kg block as shown. Choose the correct option from
the following. (a4 and a2 represent the accelerations of 4 kg and
2 kg blocks, respectively.)
a4 a4 a2 a2
t t t t
22. The linear mass density of a rod length l depends on the distance x from upper end as oe2x .
Rod is moved up by applying a force F. Find the correct statement.
o 2l
(A) The minimum force required to move the rod up is
e 1 g.
(B) The tension at the mid-point of the rod is F / 2.
(C) The acceleration of the rod is g upward if F o e2l 1 g.
(D) The tension at the mid-point will be less if rod moves on a smooth horizontal surface.
23. The relative slipping between the blocks occurs at t =
(A) 6 s (B) 8 s (C) 28/3 s (D) 10 s
Comprehension – 2
In the figure is shown a situation where A and B are blocks of mass 1 kg and 4 kg respectively
and the spring is compressed by 3 cm and is vertical, where its natural length is 15 cm. The
surface on which B is placed is frictionless and horizontal. The spring is attached at one end to
B and other end is attached to fixed support. The blocks are released from rest. (g = 10 m/s 2)
25. If the normal force between B and surface is 46 N, when spring is vertical, the spring constant
of spring will be
(A) 600 N/m (B) 400 N/m (C) 300 N/m (D) 200 N/m
26. The acceleration of the blocks when normal force between surface and B becomes 40 N, is
(A) a A a B 2 m / s2 (B) a A a B 2
(C) a A a B 2 (D) a A 10, a B 0
27. If the blocks are released from that position shown at t = 0, the time when normal force between
surface and block B becomes 40 N, is
(A) t = 0.3 s (B) t < 0.3 s
(C) t > 0.3 s (D) not enough information is given
Comprehension – 3
In the figure shown a long cart moves on a smooth horizontal surface due to an external constant
force of magnitude F. Initial mass of the cart is Mo and velocity is zero. At t = 0 sand starts falling
from a stationary hopper on to the cart with negligible velocity at constant rate kg/s and sticks
to the cart.
28. The velocity of the cart at time t (< t o)
Ft Ft t Ft Ft
(A) et (B) e (C) (D)
M o t Mo Mo M o t
29. In the same model of the above question if the cart is to be moved with constant velocity v, then
the power supplied by external agent applying that force is
1 2
(A) 2v (B) v (C) v 2 (D) v
30. In the above question the rate of increase of the kinetic energy of the cart (with sand) is
1 2
(A) 2v 2 (B) v (C) v 2 (D) v
31. A block is projected with an initial velocity v block on a long conveyor belt moving with velocity
v belt (at that instant) having constant acceleration a belt . Mark the correct option regarding friction
after long time (friction coefficient between block and belt = ). If:
Column–I Column–II
(A) v block 2v belt and a belt 0 (P) Zero
(B) v block 2v belt and a belt g (Q) fs static friction (0 < fs <fL)
32. Column II shows some small objects that are our system. The forces acting are expressed by
vectors F1 , F2 and F3. In all the cases F3 represents force of gravity. Match the situations given
in column I within their appropriate descriptions in column I. All the bodies are in equilibrium
Column–I Column–II
(A) F1 F2 F3 (P)
Ball is system
F1 normal reaction of surface 1
F2 normal reaction of surface 2
(B) F12 F22 F32 (Q)
Ball is system
F1 tension in string 1
F2 tension in string 2
(C) If suddenly F is removed then instantaneous (R)
acceleration of system is zero.
Ball is system
F1 normal reaction
F2 spring force
(D) If force of gravity F is reversed in direction (S)
then the instantaneous acceleration of the
system is upward.
Ball is system
F1 force of spring
F2 force of string
Ball is system
F1 tension in string 1
F2 tension in string 2
34. The arrangement shown in diagram is moving in space with a acceleration a = 4(i + j) m/s 2. An
ideal spring of natural length 0 having spring constant k = 50 N/m is connected to block A.
Block A and B are connected by an ideal string passing through a frictionless pulley. Mass of
block A and B is equal to m = 2kg.
(A) Calculate the minimum value of coefficient of friction so that spring remains in its natural
(B) If is reduced to 9/35th of original value, calculate the maximum extension of the spring.
35. A massless rope of length 100m and of breaking strength 108 N is hanging from the branch of a
tree. A monkey of mass 6kg is trying to climb up the rope starting from rest. Find the shortest
time in which monkey can climb the full length of rope
36. The variation of speed of a train (consisting of an engine and 10
identical passenger coaches of each of mass 3 103 kg) with 4
respect to time is given in the figure. Find the tension in the (m/s
coupling link connecting engine and remaining coaches at t = 11 th
sec, assuming brakes are applied only to engine O 1 2 3 4 6 8 10 11 12
( time)
37. A board is fixed to the floor of an elevator such that the board forms angle =
37° with horizontal floor of the elevator accelerating upwards. A block is placed
on point A of the board as shown in figure. When motion with velocity
1 4 2 ms 1 is given to the block, it comes to rest after moving a distance l =
1.6 m relative to the board. Its velocity was 2 = 4 ms–1 down the board when it
returns to point A. Calculate acceleration a of elevator and co-efficient of friction
between the board and the block. (g = 10 ms–2)
38. A block B of mass 10 kg is resting over a smooth horizontal plane. Distance of B from the wall
is 40 cm and it is held at rest by an inextensible thread BD. Another thread is connected to left
face of B and a block A of mass 2 kg is suspended as shown in figure. Block C of mass 2 kg is
resting against the vertical wall. Blocks B and C are hinged at the ends of a light rigid rod.
Assuming friction to be absent, calculate acceleration of each block when thread BD is burnt.
(g = 10 ms–2)
39. Three identical blocks A, B and C, each of mass m = 7 kg are connected with each other by light
and inextensible strings, as shown in figure. Strings pass over light and frictionless pulleys fixed
to the edges of trolly of mass M = 21 kg. If co-efficient of friction between blocks and trolly
surfaces is = 4/7, calculate maximum possible value of angle so that block B remains
stationary relative to the trolly. Calculate also, the force F to be applied horizontally on the trolly.
(g = 10 ms–2)
40. In the arrangement shown in figure, pulleys are small, light and frictionless, threads are
inextensible and mass of blocks A, B and C is m1 = 5 kg, m2 = 4 kg and m3 = 2.5 kg respectively.
Co-efficient of friction for both the planes is = 0.50. Calculate acceleration of each block when
system is released from rest. (g = 10 ms–2)
41. A board is being moved with a constant velocity v o on a smooth horizontal plane. A small block
is projected on the rough boards. Coefficient of friction between board and block is 0.3.
Block is projected with velocity v1 = 25 m/s at an angle of 37o relative to ground. What is
the velocity of block (in m/s) relative to ground after time t = 10 sec.
42. In the figure shown a plank of length L = 16 m, mass m2 = 5 kg rests on a smooth surface. Upper
surface of plank is rough with coefficient of kinetic friction k 0.5 and static friction s 0.6.
A small block of mass m1 = 2 kg is placed over it. A force F of magnitude 30 N is applied on
block m1. What is displacement of plank (in m) till the small block falls over from plank?
43. Figure shows a ball of mass m connected with two ideal springs of force constant k, kept in
equilibrium on a smooth incline, suddenly right spring is cut. What is magnitude of instantaneous
acceleration (in m/s2) of ball.
44. A wedge can slide frictionlessly on a fixed incline of angle 37o. A girl who is strapped on the
wedge [no relative motion between wedge and girl] pushes a small ball of negligible mass on
the horizontal smooth upper surface of wedge as shown in figure. Ball is pushed at the same
instant as the motion of wedge starts. Initial velocity of ball is 12 m/s relative to wedge. Find the
time (in sec) after which ball returns to girl. Assume that horizontal surface of wedge is very
45. A 45 kg chandeliers is suspended 1.5 m below a ceiling by three identical wires, each of which
has the same tension and the same length of 2.0 m (see the drawing). Find the tension in each
46. 1 kg block moving on horizontal rough surface of friction coefficient 0.6 is pushed with a force
varying with time t in seconds as shown in figure. If initial velocity of block was 4.5 m/s. Find
the velocity (in m/s) at t = 3s.
1. The restoring force of a nonlinear spring is given by F (x) = Kx 2(x) for 0 x , where is
the maximum possible compression in the spring and K is a constant. Then the force required to
press the spring upto x = ‘a’ is maximum when
(A) a = (B) a (C) (D) a
3 3
(C) x2 x3 (D) x1 x4
x1 x4 x x2 x3 x
5. One end of a light spring of natural length d and spring constant k (=mg/d) is m Ring
fixed on a rigid support and the other end is fixed to a smooth ring of mass m k
which can slide without friction on a vertical rod fixed at a distance d from the 37 d
support. Initially, the spring makes an angle of 37 with the horizontal as shown
in the figure. The system is released from rest. The speed of the ring at the same
angle subtended downward will be
(A) 2gd (B) 3gd (C) 4gd (D) gd 2
6. A mass m moves with a velocity v and collides with another mass 2m at rest. After collision the
first mass moves with velocity in a direction perpendicular to the initial direction of motion.
Find the speed of the 2nd mass after collision
2 v
(A) v (B) (C) v (D) 3v
3 3
8. A spring is held compressed so that its stored energy is 2.4 J. Its ends are in contact with masses
of 1 g and 48 g placed on a horizontal frictionless table. The speed of the heavier mass when the
spring acquires its natural length is
2.4 2.4 48 103 106
(A) m/s (B) m/s (C) cm / s (D) cm / s
49 49 7 7
9. A hollow vertical cylinder of radius r and height h has a smooth internal surface. A small particle
is placed in contact with the inner side of the upper rim, at point A, and given a horizontal speed
u, tangential to the rim. It leaves the lower rim at point B, vertically below A. If n is an integer
u 2h h 2r u
(A) n (B) n (C) n (D) n
2r g 2r h 2gh
11. A table fan, rotating at a speed of 2400 revolution per minute is
switched off and the resulting variation of the rpm with time is
shown in the figure. Total number of revolution of the fan before
it comes to rest is
(A) 30000
(B) 3000
(C) 300
(D) 500
12. A ring of mass m slide from rest on the smooth rod as shown
in the figure, due to the block of mass m. Pully and string are
massless. Then find the speed of ring when the string become
straight. (Given 60o )
(A) 4 gh
(B) 2gh
(C) 2 2gh
(D) 8 gh
13. Two particles A and B separated by a distance 2R are moving counter clockwise along the same
circular path of radius R each with uniform speed v. At time t = 0, A is given a tangential
72v 2
acceleration of magnitude a .
6 R
(A) the time lapse for the two bodies to collide is
(B) the angle covered by A after t = 0 and before collision is
(C) angular velocity of A just before collision is
289v 2
(D) radial acceleration of A is
15. Figure shows a massless spring fixed at the bottom end of an inclined of
inclination 370 (tan 370 = 3/4). A small block of mass 2 kg start slipping 2kg
down the incline from a point 4.8 m away from free end of spring. The
block compresses the spring by 20 cm, stops momentarily and then 4.8m
rebounds through a distance 1 m up the inclined, then (g = 10 m/s2)
(A) Coefficient of friction between block and inclined is 0.5.
(B) Coefficient of friction between block and inclined is 0.75.
(C) Value of spring constant is 1100 N/m.
(D) Value of spring constant is 2000 N/m.
16. A simple pendulum of length 1 m hangs at rest. It is suddenly projected with a horizontal velocity
10 m/s. Then (mass of the bob = 0.5 kg.)
(A) Velocity of the bob when string becomes horizontal is 8.97 m/s.
(B) Velocity of the bob when string becomes horizontal is 17.94 m/s.
(C) Tension in the string when string becomes horizontal is 20.1 N.
(D) Tension in the string when string becomes horizontal is 40.2 N.
17. Potential energy function along x-axis in a certain free field is given as
x4 11
U(x) = 2x 3 x 2 6x .
4 2
For the given free field,
(A) The points of equilibrium are x = 1, x = 2 and x = 3.
(B) The point x = 2 is a point of unstable equilibrium.
(C) The points x = 1 and x = 3 are points of stable equilibrium.
(D) There exists no point of neutral equilibrium.
18. Two thin rods AC and BC are tied to a sphere which revolves at a constant speed A
v in the horizontal plane as shown in the figure. Then,
(Given tan 57.38 = ; g = 10 m/s2) 2
16 B
(A) If v > 5 m/s, rod AC will be in compression.
(B) If v < 4 m/s, rod BC will be in compression. C
(C) For any value of v the rod won’t be under compression. 1.6
(D) If 4 < v < 5 m/s, both the rods will be under tension.
19. A rough L-shaped rod is located in a horizontal plane and a sleeve of mass m is inserted in the
rod. The rod is rotated with a constant angular velocity in the horizontal plane. The lengths 1
and 2 are shown in the figure. The normal reaction and frictional force acting on the sleeve when
it just starts slipping are ( = coefficient of static friction between the rod and the sleeve)
20. Figure shows two blocks of masses m1 and m2 connected by light spring which at a certain
instant, is elongated by ‘x’. Heights h1 and h2 are very small compared with radius of earth. Take
the potential energy of normal spring as zero. Choose the correct statement.
21. On a train moving along east with a constant speed v, a boy revolves a bob with string of length
l on smooth surface of a train, with equal constant speed v relative to train. Mark the correct
An elevator car has a mass of 1400 kg and is carrying passengers having a combined mass of
200 kg. A constant friction force of 4000 N opposes its motion.
The elevator cable can withstand a maximum tension of 28000 N. It is being driven by a motor
fixed at the top.
22. How much power must the motor deliver to lift the elevator and its passengers at a constant
speed of 3 m/s.
(A) 6 × 104 W (B) 4.8 × 104 W (C) 1.2 × 104 W (D) 3.6 × 104 W
23. The elevator is moving upwards. What cannot be a possible acceleration of the elevator?
(A) 5 m/s2 (B) 10 m/s2 (C) 14 m/s2 (D) 8 m/s2
(0, 1m)
by the expression F xyiˆ xyjˆ 1N / m2 where x and y are in
meters. Now the particle moves from point O to point C along various O A
Comprehension – 3
A ball of mass m is hung on a thread. The thread is held taut and horizontal, and the ball is
released as shown.
30. At what angle between the thread and vertical will the tension in thread be equal to weight in
2 1
(A) 30° (B) cos 1 (C) cos 1 (D) never
3 3
31. At what angle between the thread and vertical will the net acceleration become horizontal for
mass m?
(A) tan 1 2 (B) cos 1 2 (C) tan 1 (D) cot 1 (1)
In a diatomic molecule the atoms can move relative to one another within certain limits.
According to a simple theory of interatomic forces, the potential energy for the motion of each
atom is
U x U o e2 x xo /b 2e x xo /b
Here e = 2.718…; Uo, xo and b are constants; and x is the distance from the one atom to the
midpoint of the molecule.
According to equation v 2 E U x , v2 is directly proportional to E-U(x); thus, v2 is large
wherever the difference between E and U(x) is large. We can therefore gain some insights into
the qualitative features of the motion by drawing a graph of potential energy on which it is
possible to display the difference between E and U(x). For example, Figure shows the curve of
potential energy for an atom in a diatomic molecule
On this graph, we indicate the value of the energy of the particle by a horizontal line. We will
call this horizontal line the energy level of the particle. At any point x, we can then see the
difference between E and U(x) at a glance.
33. For particle of energy level E in the above graph, choose the incorrect option.
(A) Particle has maximum speed at x = xo
(B) Only region a ' x a is permitted for motion of particle.
(C) Speed gradually increases as particle moves towards right from x = x o
(D) The particle has periodic motion i.e., it repeats again and again whenever the particle
returns to its starting point.
34. In the vicinity of equilibrium position x = x o, for a small displacement, force is proportional to
the displacement. What is the value of proportionality constant k.
3U o 2U o 6U o b2
(A) k (B) k (C) k (D) k
b2 b2 b2 3U o
A vertical frictionless semi-circular track of radius R is fixed on the edge of movable trolley.
Initially the system is at rest and a mass m is kept at the top of the track. The trolley starts moving
to the right with a uniform horizontal acceleration a . The mass slides down the track,
eventually losing contact with it and dropping to the floor h below the trolley.
35. The angle with vertical, at which it losses contact with the trolley is
2 2
(A) 37o (B) 53o (C) cos 1 (D) cos1
3 2 3
37. The time taken by the mass to drop on the floor, after losing contact is
2R 6R 2R
(A) (B) (C) 2 (D) can’t be determined
3g 3g 3g
A point mass m moves horizontally with a velocity of v o from the peak of a smooth
hemispherical surface of radius R.
38. The angle o at which the mass m leaves the spherical surface is-
40. If there is friction on the spherical surface, then it leaves the surface at an angle . Then value
of -
(A) o (B) o (C) o (D) Can’t be determined
(A) (B)
(C) (D)
(A) (B)
(C) (D)
43. If h = 40 m, then find the total time taken by ball to stick on ceiling after the flip of gravity switch
(A) 2 2 2 sec (B) 2 2 sec (C) 2 sec (D) 4 2 2 sec
A block of mass 1 kg is placed on a rough horizontal surface. A spring is attached to the block
whose other end is joined to a rigid wall, as shown in the figure. A horizontal force is applied on
the block so that it remains at rest while the spring is elongated by x, x . Let Fmax and
Fmin be the maximum and minimum values of force F for which the block remains in equilibrium.
For a particular x, Fmax Fmin 2N. Also shown is the variation of Fmax Fmin versus x, the
elongation of the spring.
44. The coefficient of friction between the block and the horizontal surface is:
(A) 0.1 (B) 0.2 (C) 0.3 (D) 0.4
This section contains 4 Assertion Reason Type Questions. Each Question has four choice
(A), (B), (C) and (D). Select your answer from these options using the codes.
(A) Both Statement - 1 and Statement - 2 are individually true and Statement - 2 is the
correct explanation of Statement - 1
(B) Both Statement - 1 and Statement - 2 are individually true but Statement - 2 is not the
correct explanation of Statement - 1
(C) Statement - 1 is true but Statement - 2 is false
(D) Statement - 1 is false but Statement - 2 is true
47. Consider a block of mass m that slides down the different inclined planes having same base
length L and same coefficient of friction.
Statement-1: Work done by force of friction will be same for the motion of the block on the
two inclined planes.
Statement-2: Frictional force is a conservative force.
(A) A (B) B (C) C (D) D
48. A block of mass m is made to move up then incline by a force F
which is directed along the tangent of the trajectory. is the F h
coefficient of friction between the block and the incline. (Assume
constant speed throughout)
Column A Column B
(A) Work done by gravity (P) mg
(B) Work done by frictional force (Q) mg 2 h 2
(C) Work done by the force F (R) mgh
(D) Total work done on the system (S) mg(h + )
(T) Zero
49. A small ring of mass m passes through a smooth wire bent in form of C
horizontal circle. The ring is connected to a spring whose other end is fixed at wire
A on the wire as shown. The natural length of spring is R and spring constant A 60°
is (mg/R) where m is mass of the ring and R is also the radius of circle. Initially
the ring is released from rest from position B and it moves towards C as in the
figure. (N = Normal reaction between wire and ring, v = speed of ring)
Column-I Column-II
(A) N = mg (P) at position B
(B) N = zero (Q) at position C
50. A car moves with constant speed on a track consisting of four circular segments AB, BC, CD
and DE, all in vertical plane. Size of car is negligible as compared to the radius of the tracks.
Column-I Column-II
(A) Segment AB (P) Friction up the slope
(B) Segment BC (Q) Friction down the slope
(C) Segment CD (R) Car cannot leave the track
(D) Segment DE (S) Friction force is maximum at any one end of the segment
(T) Normal reaction is minimum at any one end of the segment.
51. Column-I represents potential energy graph for certain system. Column-II gives statements
related to graphs.
Column-I Column-II
(A) (P) If total energy is E3, it is not possible
for the body to have any turning point
in its motion.
(C) (R) For a small displacement about
position O motion is simple harmonic.
52. A particle of mass ‘m’ moves under a conservative force with potential energy U x
x a2
where c and a are positive constants. Assume that initially particle is on mean position (where
equilibrium is stable). For the given function potential energy v/s position graph is shown below.
Column-I Column-II
(A) Position of unstable equilibrium is (P) c
Less than
(B) For the particle to be confined in the (Q) c
region the velocity of particle must be More than
(C) For particle to reach x , velocity of (R) 2c
particle must be More than
(D) For the particle to reach x , (S) x = –a
velocity of particle must be
(T) x = +a
54. A small, light pulley is attached with a block C of mass 4 kg as shown in figure. A block B of
mass 1.5 kg is placed on the top horizontal surface of C. Another block A of mass 2 kg is hanging
from a string, attached with B and passing over the pulley. Taking g = 10 ms–2 and neglecting
friction, calculate acceleration of each block when the system is released from rest. If initial
height of lower surface of block A is 12.5 cm from bottom of a hole cut in C, calculate kinetic
energy of each block and loss of potential energy of A when it hits the bottom of the hole.
55. A vehicle of mass m starts moving along a horizontal circle of radius R such that its speed varies
with distance s covered by the vehicle as k S where k is a constant. Calculate
(i) Tangential and normal force on vehicle as function of s,
(ii) Distance s in terms of time t and
(iii) Work done by the resultant force in first t seconds after the beginning of motion.
56. A string with one end fixed on a rigid wall, passing over a fixed frictionless pulley at a distance
of 2m from the wall, has a point mass M of 2 kg attached to it at a distance of 1 m from the wall.
A mass m of 0.5 kg is attached to the free so that the string is horizontal between wall and pulley
and vertical beyond the pulley as shown in figure. Find velocity of M when it hits the wall after
57. Two identical beads of m = 100 gram are connected by an inextensible massless string which
can slide along the two arms AC and BC of a rigid smooth wire frame in a vertical plane. If the
system is released from rest, the kinetic energy of the first particle when they have moved by a
distance of 0.1 m is x 10–3 J. Find the value of x. (g = 10 m/s2) (shown situation is at start)
A 0.4m
1 C
58. A small bead of mass m can move on a smooth circular wire (radius R) under the action of a
force F 2 directed (r = position of bead from P and K = constant) towards a point P within
the circle at a distance R/2 from the centre. What should be the minimum velocity (in m/s) of
bead at the point of the wire nearest the centre of force (P) so that bead will complete the circle
(Take 8unit )
59. Two blocks A and B having their masses 1 kg and 5 kg are released from same height at same
time on a fixed inclined path as shown in the figure. The coefficient of friction between the
blocks and surface is 1/6 and coefficient of restitution between two block is 0.5, find the position
of block ‘A’ with respect to position ‘Q’ after the block comes to rest for first time.
37 37
Q 40m R
60. (A) A wheel rotates about a stationary axis so that the rotation angle varies with time as
= at2 where a = 0.2 rad/sec2. Find the magnitude of net acceleration of the point A at a
distance 0.65m from the axis at the time t = 2.5 sec.
(B) The position of a particle moving along a straight line varies with time according to law
x = t2 4t + 4. Draw approximate position-time and acceleration-time graph.
61. An inclined plane is fixed to a rotating turnable. A block rests on the inclined plane of inclination
37o and the coefficient of static friction between the inclined plane and the block is s = 1.4.
The block is to remain at a position 40 cm from the center of rotation of the turnable (figure).
Find the minimum angular velocity (in rad/sec) to keep the block from sliding down the plane
(toward the center) (Round off to the nearest integer).
62. A particle starts moving in a non-uniform circular motion, has angular acceleration as shown in
figure. The angular velocity at the end of 4 radian is given by rad/s then find the value of .
63. Two equal masses m are attached by a string. One mass lies at radial distance r from the center
of a horizontal turntable which rotates with constant angular velocity , while the second hangs
from the strings inside the turntable’s hollow spindle (see figure). The coefficient of static
friction between he turntable and the mass lying on it is s 0.5. The maximum and minimum
values rmax, rmin of r such that the mass lying on the turntable does not slide. Find the ratio of
rmax / rmin ?
64. There are three blocks of masses m1 = m, m2 = 4m and m3 = m. If two block system is kept over
a smooth hemisphere with two different arrangement one by one as shown in figure (i) and (ii)
respectively are connected with massless and inextensible string. In arrangement figure(i), after
5 3
releasing the system from rest acceleration of blocks is found to be a m/s . In second
arrangement block m1 and m2 ae kept symmetrically. Find the acceleration of block (in m/s2 after
releasing the system from rest according to figure (ii).
65. An old record player of 10 cm radius turns at 10 rad/s while mounted on a 30 o incline as shown
in the figure. A particle of mass m can be placed anywhere on the rotating record. If the least
possible coefficient of friction that must exist for no slipping to occur is , find 2 3.
66. A circular platform rotates around a vertical axis with angular velocity 10 rad / s. On the
platform is a ball of mass 1 kg, attached to the long axis of the platform by a thin rod of length
10 cm ( =30o). Find normal force exerted by the ball on the platform (in newton). Friction is
1. Consider a thin stick of length L, standing on one of its ends on a frictionless y
surface. It is slightly pushed at the other end of the rod. Then, path of centre of B
mass of the rod is
(A) x = 0 (B) x 2 y 2 A x
2 2
x y
(C) y = 0 (D) 2 2 1
L /4 L
2. A disc having a groove along the diameter is rotating about its own axis passing
R m2
through the centre of mass and perpendicular to its plane. Two masses m 1 and
m2 are connected with the spring of force constant k and the combination is
placed at the centre of the disc. Distance of centre of mass of the two blocks
from the axis of rotation will be
m m2 m m2 m1R
(A) zero (B) 1 R (C) 1 R (D)
m1 m 2 m1 m 2 m2
direction from the same point with same speed v. The velocity of the centre of
mass of the system of the ring and the particles at time t is
2mv Mv mv
(A) (B) (C) zero (D)
M 2m M
4. Two identical balls A and B are released from the position shown in the figure. They collide
elastically on horizontal position MN. The ratio of the height attained by A and B after collision
will be (neglecting friction)
4h B
6. An impulse 30 Ns is given to the block of mass 2 kg in downward direction
as shown in the figure. As a result of the impulse,
(A) Both the blocks start moving with 5 m/s in opposite directions. 30 Ns
7. The centres of three spheres 1, 2 and 3 lie on a single straight line. Sphere 1 is moving with an
initial speed v1 directed along this line towards sphere 2. Spheres 2 and 3 are initially at rest.
Acquiring some speed after collision, sphere 2 hits sphere 3. Spheres 1 and 3 have masses m 1
and m3, respectively, and all the collisions are perfectly elastic and head on. Then
(A) m3 will acquire maximum speed when m2 m1m3 .
(B) m3 will acquire maximum speed equal to .
m1 m3
m1 m3
(C) m3 will acquire maximum speed when m2 .
(D) m3 will acquire maximum speed equal to 1 3 .
9. Two blocks A and B, each of mass m, are connected by an ideal spring of stiffness K and placed
on a smooth horizontal surface. A ball of mass m moving with a velocity v 0 strikes the block A
and gets embedded to it. Then, A B
v0 k
(A) Velocity of block A just after collision is v0/2. m m m
(B) Velocity of block B just after collision is zero.
(C) The maximum compression produced in the spring is v0 .
(D) The kinetic energy lost during collision is mv02.
10. A projectile is projected with a speed of 202 m/sec and the angle of projection is 45. Before
attaining its maximum height, the projectile burst into two equal masses and, just before the
bursting, the velocity vector of the projectile makes an angle of 37 with the
horizontal as shown in the figure. If one of the fragments moves horizontally
to the right and the other fragment moves vertically upward after explosion, 37
then 45
(C) Velocity of combined mass must be maximum at the instant particle hits the m
block. m
(D) Velocity of combined mass must be maximum at a point lying between old
equilibrium position and natural length.
13. A rod AB of mass m is bent in a shape such that it forms an arc of a circle O X
of radius R. The ends A and B of the wire are attached to point O by
massless inextensible strings OA and OB. If ‘O’ is the origin, (X, Y) are
the coordinates of centre of mass of the system and T represents the time
period of small oscillations of the system in a plane perpendicular to the
plane of OAB, then (Given angle AOB = 60)
3R 3R
(A) X = 0, Y (B) X = 0, Y
3 R 3
3 2 23 2
(C) T 2 (D) T 2
2g 3g
In figure shown on the right, the mass of the trolley is 100 kg, and it can move without friction
on the horizontal floor. Its length is 12m. The mass of the girl is 50 kg. Friction exists between
the shoes of the girl and the trolley’s upper surface, with = 1/3. The girl can run with a
maximum speed = 9 m/s on the surface of the trolley, with respect to the surface. At t = 0 the
girl starts running from rest to the right. The trolley was initially stationary. (g = 10 m/s2)
15. The minimum time in which the girl can acquire her maximum speed, for no
slipping, is
(A) 1.5 s (B) 1.8 s (C) 2 s (D) 3 s
16. The total kinetic energy of system (trolley + girl) at the instant the girl acquires her maximum
relative speed with respect to trolley, is
(A) 1350 J (B) 1250 J (C) 2475 J (D) 2495 J
17. The displacement of the trolley by the time the girl reaches the right end of the
trolley, is
(A) 6 m (B) 12 m (C) 3 m (D) 4 m
18. The minimum time in which the girl can stop from 9 m/s relative speed, to zero relative speed,
without causing her shoes to slip is
(A) 5/3 s (B) 4/3 s (C) 9/5 s (D) 9/6 s
19. At a certain moment when the girl was accelerating, the earth frame acceleration of the trolley
is found to be 1 m/s2. At this moment, the friction force between the girl’s shoes and the trolley’s
surface is
(A) 200 N (B) 150 N (C) 100 N (D) 250 N
Comprehension -2
Two blocks m1 and m2 are connected by an ideal spring of force
constant k. The blocks are placed on smooth horizontal surface. A
horizontal force F acts on the block m1. Initially spring is relaxed,
both the blocks are at rest.
20. What is acceleration of centre of mass of system at the instant of maximum elongation of spring?
F(m1 m 2 ) F F
(A) Zero (B) (C) (D)
m1m 2 m1 m1 m 2
21. Which of the following statements are not true in the context of above system.
(A) Centre of mass frame is an inertial frame.
(B) Kinetic energy of the system is minimum in centre of mass frame.
(C) At the instant of maximum deformation both the blocks are instantaneously at rest in centre
of mass reference frame.
(D) Acceleration of centre of mass is constant in ground frame.
Comprehension -3
Consider that a body of mass m1, moving uniformly with velocity u1 in the direction of x-axis,
collides with another body of mass m 2 at rest (u 2 0) in inertial
frame. After collision, the body m1 gets scattered with velocity v1 u1
m1 m2 x
at an angle 1 while the body m2 moves with a velocity v 2 at an angle 2, both angles measured
with respect to initial direction of motion of m 1. Angles 1 and 2 denote the scattering angles of
the bodies in the inertial frame. The centre of mass (CM) of the system moves along the same
direction as u1 (i.e. x-axis).
m u m2 u 2 m1
So, Vcm 1 1 u1
m1 m2 m1 m2
In the CM-frame, the two bodies initially approach each other along the same axis i.e.
u1 u1 Vcm u1
m1 m2
u 2 u 2 Vcm u1
m1 m2
Hence, m1u1 m2 u 2 [i.e. their momenta are equal and opposite]
After collision, they move with velocities v'1 and v'2 at angles and ( ), respectively, to
initial direction of approach given by u1 .
m1 v1
u1 1 u1
m1 2 m1 u2
m2 m2
v2 CM frame
Hence, from the above information, we get the vector triangle as shown below. Consider the
collision to be perfectly elastic.
v1 v 1
v cm x-axis
(m1 m 2 ) m1 m2 m1 m 2
(A) u1 (B) u1 (C) u1 (D) u1
m1 m 2 m1 m 2 m1 m 2 m1 m 2
27. Consider a one-dimensional collision that involves a body of mass m1 originally moving in the
positive x direction with speed v0 colliding with a second body of mass m2 originally at rest. The
collision could be completely inelastic, with the two bodies sticking together, completely elastic,
or somewhere in between. After the collision, m 1 moves with velocity v1 while m2 moves with
velocity v2. Select the right code which matches the velocities in Column-I with possible values
in Column-II.
Column-I Column-II
(A) If m1 > m2, then v1 (P) – 0.5 v0
(B) If m1 > m2, then v2 (Q) 0.2 v0
(C) If m1 < m2 then v1 (R) 0.9 v0
(D) If m1 < m2 then v2 (S) 1.5 v0
28. In each situation of Column-I, a system involving two bodies is given. All strings and pulleys
are light and friction is absent everywhere. Initially each body of every system is at rest. Consider
the system in all situation of Column-I from rest till any collision occurs. Then match the
statements in Column-I with the corresponding results in Column-II.
Column-I Column-II
(A) The block plus wedge system is m (P) Shifts towards right
placed over smooth horizontal M
surface. After the system is
released from rest, the centre of
mass of system.
(D) Both block of mass m are initially (S) Does not shift
at rest. The left block is given initial
velocity u downwards. Then, the
centre of mass of two blocks m m
system afterwards.
29. Two masses 2m and m are connected by an inextensible light string.
The string is passing over a light frictionless pulley. The mass 2m is
resting on a surface and mass m is hanging in air as shown in the
figure. A particle of mass m strikes the mass m from below and with v0
a velocity v0 and sticks to it. In another case a particle of mass m v0
strikes the mass m with a velocity v0 from top and sticks to it. m
2m 2m
Calculate the ratio of velocities of mass m just after collision in first
and second case.
30. A boy of mass M is standing in the middle of a big ice cube (of wide area), with a ball of mass
in his hand. If he throws the ball with a velocity of 100m/s horizontal to the surface of ice
cube, after 2 seconds, find the distance between ball and boy?
(Assume that there is no gravity).
31. For the arrangement shown in figure, the spring is initially compressed by 3 cm. When the spring
is released the block collides with the wall and rebounds to compress the spring again. There is
no friction between the block and surface. If the coefficient of restitution is 0.7, find the
maximum compression in the spring after collision.
k = 104N/m m = 1kg
32. In the arrangement shown, the pendulum A is pulled aside. It is then released and allowed to
collide with other pendulum B which is at rest. A perfectly inelastic collision occurs and the
system rises to a height . The ratio of the masses of the pendulums A is
h m
4 mB
33. Two identical buggies each of mass 150 kg move one after the other without friction with same
velocity 4 ms–1. A man of mass m rides the rear buggy. At a certain moment the man jumps into
the front buggy with a velocity relative to his buggy. As a result of this process rear buggy
stops. If the sum of kinetic energies of man and front buggy just after collision differs from that
just before collision by 2700 joule, calculate values of m and .
34. Two balls of mass m1 = 100 gm and m2 = 300 gm are suspended from point A by two equal
inextensible threads, each of length l = 32/35 m. Ball of mass m1 is drawn aside and held at the
same level as A but at a distance from A, as shown in figure. When ball m1 is released, it collides
elastically with the stationary ball of mass m2. Calculate:
(i) Velocity u1 with which the ball of mass m1 collides with the other ball and
(ii) Maximum rise of centre of mass of the ball of mass m2.
35. A wooden block of mass 700 gm is suspended by a light rod of length 1 m from A. The rod is
free to rotate in a vertical plane through A, without friction. A bullet of mass 10 gm is fired from
point O on the ground with velocity 100 ms–1 at angle of elevation . At highest point of its
trajectory, it strikes the wooden block. At that instant block was moving in vertical circle with
velocity 7 ms–1 and inclination of rod with vertical was 37° as shown in figure. The bullet gets
embedded into the block and the combined body just completes vertical circle, Calculate:
(i) Velocity of the combined body just after collision,
(ii) Velocity of bullet just before collision, and
(iii) Co-ordinates of A, in reference to co-ordinate system as shown in figure. (g = 10 ms–2)
36. Three identical balls each of mass m = 0.5 kg are connected with each other as shown in figure,
and rest over a smooth horizontal table. At moment t = 0, ball B is imparted a velocity 0 = 9
ms–1. Calculate velocity of A when it collides with ball C.
37. A plank of mass 10kg rests on a smooth horizontal surface. Two blocks A and B of masses
mA = 2 kg and mB = 1 kg lies at a distance of 3 m on the plank as shown in the figure. The friction
coefficient between the blocks and plank are A = 0.3 and B = 0.1. Now a force F = 15 N is
applied to the plank in horizontal direction. Find the
(A) Time after which block A collides with B.
(B) Velocities of the plank, and blocks A and B at the time of collision w.r.t. ground.
A = 0.3
3m B = 0.1
M=10kg F
38. A block A of mass MA = 1 kg is kept on a smooth horizontal surface and attached by a light
thread to another block B of mass MB = 2 kg. Block B is resting on ground and thread and pulley
are massless and frictionless. A bullet of mass m = 0.25 kg moving horizontally with velocity of
u = 200 m/s penetrates through the block A and comes out with a velocity of 100 m/s. Find the
height through which the block B will rise.
m=0.25 kg
B 2kg
39. A trolley having a cannon fixed to it is moving with a velocity v 0 = 12 m/sec in horizontal
direction. The cannon can shoot in vertical direction only. At a certain instant, it is at a distance
of 120m from a balloon which is held on ground and now it is released. At the instant the cannon
is fired the balloon starts moving up with constant velocity 2v0. Calculate the minimum velocity
of cannon ball so that it can hit the balloon.
40. A small ball of mass m hits a smooth floor with a speed of 10 2 m/s making an angle of 45
with the vertical. If the coefficient of restitution is, e = 1/2, then find
(A) The velocity with which the ball rebounds.
(B) The range of the ball, after it rebounds.
41. A sphere of mass m is moving with a velocity (4 ˆi ˆj) m/s when it hits a surface and rebounds
with a velocity (iˆ 3j)
ˆ m/s. find the impulse it receives. Find also the coefficient of restitution
between the sphere and the surface.
42. A uniform solid sphere of radius R = 44 cm is cut into two parts by a plane. Distance of the plane
from centre of the sphere is a = 26.4 cm as shown in figure. Calculate distance of centre of mass
of heavier part from centre O.
43. A particle of mass m is made to move with uniform speed u along the perimeter of a regular
polygon of 2n side. What is the magnitude of impulse applied by the particle at each corner of
the polygon?
44. A smooth ball of mass 1 kg is projected with velocity 7 m/s horizontally from a tower of height
3.5 m. It collides elastically with a wedge of mass 3 kg and inclination 45 0 kept on ground. Ball
collides the wedge at a height of 1 m above the ground. Find the velocity of the wedge and the
ball after collision. (Neglect friction at any contact)
1kg 7m/s
45. A man of mass 50 kg is standing on one end of a stationary wooden plank
resting on a frictionless surface. The mass of the plank is 10 kg, its length is
300 m and the coefficient of friction between the man and the plank is 0.2.
Find the shortest time (in s) in which the man can reach the other end of the
plank starting from rest and stopping at the other end.
46. A particle of initial mass m0 is projected vertically upwards at t = 0 with speed g. At time t,
the mass of particle has increased to m 0 e if the added mass was at rest relative ground when it
is acquired. Find the time when it reaches maximum height.
47. A small ball is projected from point P towards a vertical wall as shown. It hits the
wall when its velocity is horizontal. Ball reaches point P after one bounce on the
floor. The coefficient of restitution assuming it to be same for two collisions is
n/2. All surfaces are smooth. Find the value of n.
48. A small steel ball A is suspended by an inextensible thread of length
l = 1.5 m from O. Another identical ball is thrown vertically downwards such that its B
surface remains just in contact with thread during downward motion and collides
elastically with the suspended ball. If the suspended ball just completes vertical circle
after collision, calculate the velocity (in cm/s) of the falling ball just before collision.
(g = 10 ms-2)
49. A tennis ball with (small) mass m2 rests on top of a basketball with (large) mass
m1. The bottom of the basketball is a height h above the ground, and the bottom
of the tennis ball is at height h + d above the ground. The balls are dropped. To
what height does the tennis ball bounce with respect to ground? (Assume all h
collisions to be elastic)
50. A particle of mass 1 kg moving with a velocity of 5m/s collides elastically with rough ground at
an angle with vertical. What can be the minimum coefficient of friction between the particle
and the ground if the particle rebounds vertically after collision? (Given tan = 2)
51. A body of mass m is projected with a velocity v0 = 10 m/s from the fixed gun at an angle of 37
with the horizontal and strikes a block of mass 10 m (which is placed on a second block of mass
5m) and sticks to it. The coefficient of friction between the two blocks is = 0.2 and that between
the lower block and ground is zero.
Calculate the velocity of two blocks immediately after the collision. It is given and shown in the
figure that point of projection and point where the body hits the block are in same horizontal
plane. (Given sin 370 = 3/5)
v0 = 10 m/s
= 0.2 10m
fixed gun =0
1. Find the ratio of magnitude of angular momentum of a rolling disc about origin O to that about
the point P on the disc, as shown in the figure
M v
2 C v
(A) 2:1 (B) 1:1 (C) 1:3 (D) 4:3
2. Two particles are initially moving with angular momentum L1 and L 2 in a region of space with
no external torque. A constant external torque then acts on one particle, but not on the other
particle, for a time interval t. What is the change in the total angular momentum of the two
(A) L L1 L2 (B) L
L1 L2
(C) L t (D) L is not applicable for this system.
3. The adjacent figure shows a non-uniform metre stick AB having the linear mass density variation
= 0 x, where 0 is a constant and x is the distance from end A, placed on a smooth horizontal
surface. In the first experiment, the rod is pivoted at A and force F is applied perpendicular to
the rod at the other end B and in the second experiment, the rod is pivoted at B and the force is
applied perpendicular to the rod at the end A. If in the first case angular acceleration is A and
in the second case it is B then
4. A cylinder is rolling without slipping on a horizontal plank P. The friction between the plank P
and the cylinder is sufficient for no slipping. The coefficient of friction between the plank and
the ground surface is zero. Initially, P is attached with a string S as shown in the figure. If the
string is now burned, then v
(A) the plank will start motion with a speed v along forward direction
(B) the plank will start motion with a speed r along backward direction v
(C) the plank will remain static S P
(D) linear velocity of the cylinder will decrease and angular velocity will
circumference of disc and is in the same level as the centre of mass of the
disc, will be
(A) (B) v0 (C) v0 2 (D) 2v0
6. A uniform rod of mass m and length 6L lies on a smooth horizontal plane. Two
particles, each of mass m and moving with velocity v0, are moving opposite to mv0
2L L
each other and collide simultaneously with the rod perpendicularly at a distance
L and 2L respectively from the geometrical centre of the rod and stick to it. The 6L
instantaneous axis of rotation will be at a distance from the geometrical centre of
the rod given by
(A) L/2 (B) 2L (C) L (D) 3L/2
7. A uniform disc of moment of inertia 2I rotating about its own axis with an
angular speed 0 is kept gently on another uniform disc of moment of inertia 2I
I. The 2nd disc was initially at rest on the surface. The friction losses due to
the motion of two discs, is
13 2 1 2 7 2
(A) I 0 (B) I 0 (C) I 0 (D) no loss
64 3 8
2g 3g g 2g
(A) (B) (C) (D)
3 2 3 3
12. A hollow sphere is released from rest on a rough inclined plane as shown in
the figure. Find the velocity of point of contact as a function of time. =0.2
(m = mass of hollow sphere, R = radius of sphere)
(A) 2 t (B) 4 t
(C) 6 t (D) 8 t
13. A solid sphere of mass 10 kg is placed on rough surface having coefficient of friction = 0.1. A
constant force F = 7N is applied along a line passing through the centre of the sphere as shown
in the figure. The value of frictional force on the sphere is
(A) 1N (B) 2N (C) 3N (D) 7N
15. Four solid spheres are made to move on a rough horizontal surface. Sphere P is given a spin and
released. Sphere Q is given a forward linear velocity. Spheres R and S are given linear and rotational
motions as shown in the figure. Directions of the friction force on spheres P, Q, R, S are respectively
v v
P Q R S v
(A) Right, Left, Right, Left (B) Right, Left, Left, Right
(C) Left, Right, Left, either Left or Right (D) Right, Left, Left, either Left or Right
16. A thin spherical shell, a solid cylinder and a disc are released from rest at the top of a rough
inclined plane and roll down without sliding. The ratio of their velocities, when reach the bottom,
(A) 0.5 : 1 : 1 (B) 0.9 : 1 : 1 (C) 0.8 : 0.5 :1 (D) 1 : 1 : 1
17. Two discs of moment of inertia I1 and I2 about their respective axis, rotating with angular
velocities 1 and 2, are brought into contact face to face with their axes of rotation coincident.
The angular velocity of the composite disc will be
I11 I2 2 I21 I1 2
(A) (B)
I1 I2 I1 I2
(C) 1 1 2 2 (D) 2 1 1 2
I1 I2 I1 I2
18. A uniform horizontal circular disc of mass M and radius R can freely rotate about a
vertical axis passing through its centre. A particle of mass m is initially placed near M
the centre of the disc in a smooth groove made along the radius of the disc as shown. O
If an initial angular velocity 0 is imparted to the disc, then the angular velocity of
the disc when particle reaches the other end of the groove is (Take M/m = 4)
2 0 4 5
(A) 0 (B) (C) 0 (D) 0
3 3 3 6
19. A hemisphere of radius R and mass 4m is free to slide with its base on a m
smooth horizontal table. A particle of mass m is placed on the top of the
hemisphere and then released. The angular velocity of the particle
relative to the hemisphere at an angular displacement , when the 4m
20. A rigid body is made of three identical thin rods, each of length L,
fastened together in the form of letter H. The body is free to rotate about
a horizontal axis that runs along the length of the legs of the letter H. The
body is allowed to fall from rest from a position in which the plane H is
horizontal. What is the angular speed of the body when the plane of H is
g 1 g 3 g g
(A) (B) (C) (D) 2
L 2 L 2 L L
v0 v
v0 R0
2 1
(A) v (B) v 2v 0 R0
3 3
v0 R0
2 1
(C) (D) 2v 0 R0
3R 3R
22. Four identical rods, each of mass m and length , are joined to form a rigid square frame. The
frame lies in the xy plane, with its centre at the origin and the sides parallel to the x and y axes.
Its moment of inertia about
(A) The x-axis is (2/3) m2.
(B) The z-axis is (4/3) m2.
(C) An axis parallel to the z-axis and passing through a corner is (10/3) m2.
(D) One side is (5/2) m2.
23. The moment of inertia of a semi-circular ring of mass M and radius R about an axis which is
passing through its centre and at an angle with the line joining its ends (as shown) is
24. The system shown in the adjacent figure is released from rest. The pulley is frictionless and
M > m. Then,
(A) The angular momentum of the system about O will remain conserved.
(B) The magnitude of angular momentum of the system about point O at any time O
t will be (M – m) gRt. R
(C) If v be the speed, then magnitude of angular momentum of the system about
O will be (M + m)vR. M m
(D) Speed of the blocks at any time t will be gt .
25. As shown in the figure, an N section is made from three thin rods of equal mass M kg and placed
on a smooth horizontal surface. A particle of mass m, moving with constant horizontal velocity
v, strikes at end A of the ‘N’ section. If after collision the particle comes to rest, then
(Given AB = CD = L) B D
(A) The angular velocity of the N section just after the collision is 5mv/ML. 60
(B) The angular velocity of the N section just after the collision is mv/4ML. A C
(C) Centre of mass of the N section coincides with centre of mass of the rod BC.
(D) The angular velocity of the N section just after the collision is 4mv/ML.
26. A uniform disc and a ring, each of mass m kg, undergo pure accelerated FN 2F
rolling on a horizontal rough surface as shown in figure. Then N
v v
(A) Direction of frictional force on the disc is in the forward direction. Ring Disc
(B) Direction of frictional force on the ring is in the forward direction.
(C) The ratio of magnitude of frictional force on the ring to that on the disc is 1: 2.
(D) The ratio of magnitude of frictional force on the ring to that on the disc is zero.
27. A uniform rod kept vertically on the rough ground falls from rest. Its foot does not slip on the
ground. Then
(A) No part of the rod can have acceleration greater than g in any position.
(B) At any position of the rod, different points on it have different accelerations.
(C) Any point on the rod has different accelerations at different positions of the rod.
(D) The maximum tangential acceleration of any point on the rod, at any position, is 1.5 g.
28. A block of mass m slides on a fixed inclined smooth surface as shown in y
the figure, Choose the correct graph depicting the magnitude of angular
momentum about O w.r.t. time O b
(A) (B) (C) (D)
O t0 time O t0 time O h y O y
29. A ring of radius r is moving without slipping on a circular track of radius R. Angular
speed of the ring about its axis is . Ignoring the fact that the ring axis is inclined,
(A) The angular acceleration of the ring is 2r/R.
R r 2
(B) The angular acceleration of the ring is .
(C) The angular velocity of centre of the ring about vertical axis passing through the centre of
track is r/R.
(D) The angular velocity of centre of the ring about vertical axis passing through the centre of
R r
track is .
30. A thin conducting rod of length is moved such that its end B moves along Y ĵ
the X-axis while end A moves along the Y-axis. A uniform magnetic field A B0
B B0kˆ exists in the region. At some instant, velocity of end B is v and the
X î
rod makes an angle of = 60 with the X-axis as shown in the figure. Then, B
at this instant.
2v 3v
(A) Angular speed of rod AB is . (B) Angular speed of rod AB is .
3 2
(C) e.m.f. induced in rod AB is B/3. (D) e.m.f. induced in rod AB is Bv/23.
31. Consider three solid spheres, Sphere (i) has radius r and mass m, sphere (ii) has radius r and
mass 3m, sphere (iii) has radius 3r and mass m. All can be placed at the same point on the same
inclined plane where they will roll without slipping to the bottom. If allowed to roll down the
incline, then at the bottom of the incline
(A) Sphere (i) will have the largest speed.
(B) Sphere (ii) will have the largest speed.
(C) Sphere (ii) will have largest kinetic energy.
(D) All the spheres will have equal speed.
32. A particle moves with constant speed in a horizontal circular path as shown in the figure. Then
which of the following statements is (are) correct?
33. A half ring of mass M and radius R is lying on a horizontal y
frictionless surface. A particle of same mass M moving
horizontally with v0, strikes the ring as shown and makes M x
34. As shown in the figure, a disc of mass M and radius R, angular velocity
falls on a surface with velocity of centre of mass being v. After the collision R
the vertical component of velocity is v where is a positive constant < 1.
(D) Angular momentum of the disc about point of impact remains unchanged during the
35. A one kg solid rolls without slipping on a rough horizontal surface under the influence of a 7 N
force. The force acts tangentially at the highest point of the sphere. Which of the following is
correct? (7N force acts towards right).
(A) The frictional force on the sphere acts towards right.
(B) The value of frictional force is 3 N.
(C) The acceleration of the centre of the sphere is 9.8 m/s2.
(D) The acceleration of the centre of the sphere is 10 m/s2.
36. A uniform rod of mass M and length L is kept on a horizontal surface. The rod receives an
impulse of ‘J’ at its lowest point, normal to its length as shown in figure. Then, choose correct
statement(s) from the following. P
2J L
(A) Velocity of point P just after impact is . 6
(B) Velocity of point P just after impact is zero. J 2
3J 2
(C) Kinetic energy after impact is .
2J 2
(D) Kinetic energy after impact is .
37. A thin hemispherical shell of uniform density and radius R is placed upside down on a rough
inclined plane. The shell just starts toppling without slipping. Given that centre of mass of the
hemispherical shell lies at a distance of R/2 from its centre, which of the following is true?
(A) Flat surface of the shell should be vertical.
(B) Centre of mass of the shell should be vertically above the lowermost point of the shell.
(C) > 2
38. A hollow cylinder, a spherical shell, a solid cylinder and a solid sphere are allowed to roll on an
inclined rough surface of coefficient of friction and inclination . The correct statements are
(A) If cylindrical shell can roll on inclined plane all other objects will also roll.
(B) If all the object has same mass, then K.E. of all the object will be same at the bottom of
inclined plane.
(C) Work done by the frictional force will be zero if objects are rolling.
(D) Frictional force will be equal for all the objects if having same mass.
39. A solid ball rolls down a parabolic path ABC from a height of 10 m as
shown in the figure. Portion AB of the path is rough while BC is smooth. 10 m
Then, choose correct statement(s) from the following.
(A) At maximum height along portion BC, K.E. of the particle is zero. B
(B) At maximum height along portion BC, K.E. of the particle is not
(C) Maximum height reached by the particle is 10 m because work done by frictional force is
zero in portion AB.
(D) Maximum height reached by the particle is less than 10 m.
Comprehension – 1
A small solid cylinder of radius r and mass M slides down a smooth hill of height h from rest
and gets onto the plank of mass M lying on the smooth horizontal plane at the base of the hill as
shown in the figure. Due to friction between the cylinder and plank, the cylinder slows down
and starts rolling without friction over the plank. While the cylinder is rolling (without sliding)
over the plank, the velocity of the plank is “vP”, the velocity of centre of
mass of the cylinder is “vC” and angular velocity of the cylinder is “”.
The coefficient of friction between the cylinder and plank is , while h
gravity (g) is uniform in the space. [Assume that height of the plank is M
40. The velocity of centre of mass of the cylinder after it starts pure rolling is
2gh 3 2gh gh
(A) (B) 2gh (C) (D)
4 4 2 2
41. The velocity of centre of mass (vcm) of the plank–cylinder system when the cylinder is rolling
over the plank is
(A) Constant and equals to 1 2gh . (B) Variable with vcm max 1
2gh .
(C) Constant and equal to 2gh . (D) Variable with vcm max 2gh .
42. The minimum length of the plank required for pure rolling of the cylinder over the plank is
h 3h h 3h
(A) (B) (C) (D)
4 8 2
43. The fraction of initial mechanical energy that is lost due to friction is
(A) 1/4 (B) 1/16 (C) 3/8 (D) 1/2
44. The net work performed by friction in ground frame and in plank frame
(A) are equal (B) are unequal but both negative
(C) are positive and negative, respectively (D) are negative and positive, respectively
Comprehension – 2
45. When the rope is pulled from below, so that radius of the circle in which the object revolves,
(A) Torque of the tension force is zero and so angular momentum is conserved.
(B) Torque of the tension decreases.
(C) Angular momentum of the particle is not conserved.
(D) Torque of the tension increases.
46. The ratio of the new angular speed 2 to the original angular speed 1,
2 2
r r r r2
(A) 1 (B) 1 (C) 2 (D)
r2 r 2 r 1 r1
47. The ratio is
KE 2
2 2
r r r r
(A) 1 (B) 1 (C) 2 (D) 2
r 2 r2 r1 r 1
48. The ratio of is
2 3 2
r r r r
(A) 1 (B) 1 (C) 2 (D) 2
r 2 r2 r 1 r 1
Comprehension – 3
Consider a gyroscope that is supported at one end as shown in flywheel
the figure. If we hold it with the flywheel axis horizontal and let Rotation of
go, the free end of the axis simply drops owing to gravity - if flywheel axis
the flywheel is not spinning. But if the flywheel is spinning Pivot
Rotation of
about the horizontal axis passing through the centre of the flywheel
flywheel as shown in figure (1), the horizontal axis starts
rotating about the pivot. This motion of the horizontal axis is Fig.1
called precession.
If the flywheel is at rest initially, the torque due to weight W of the z
flywheel is along y-axis as shown in figure (2) and the flywheel tends y r W
to rotate in the direction such that its angular velocity is in y-direction
and finally it hits the table on which it is kept. The angular momentum x
of the flywheel about point O increases and its direction is constantly
along y-axis. The angular momentum and torque due to weight of the W
flight wheel are Fig. 2
respectively as shown in figure (3b). The vector L dL will be at some angle (say d) with X-
axis. So the net effect will be rotation of the axis of spin of the flywheel about Z-axis and so the
axis of the flywheel will remain horizontal and it will not fall down. The rotation of axis of
flywheel is called precession. We define precession angular speed as
d y
dt L dL
From fig. we can write dL
dLi y dt y dt
d = Li x
Li Li Lx
Fig. 3(b)
d y rW
dt Li I
Precession is found in nature as well as in rotating machines such as gyroscopes. Earth itself is
processing; its spin axis (through north and south poles) slowly changes the direction, going
through a complete cycle of precession every 26,000 years.
Now answer the following questions:
A flywheel is spinning about its axis of symmetry has weight W and it rotates with a constant
angular speed . Moment of inertia of the flywheel about the axis of its spin (axis of symmetry)
is I and the distance of the flywheel from the pivot is r.
50. The torque due to weight of the flywheel, when the flywheel is rotating about its axis
(A) Only changes the magnitude of its angular momentum L .
(B) Only changes the direction of angular momentum L .
(C) Changes both direction and magnitude of L .
(D) does not change angular momentum L .
51. If M = 2 kg, I = 5 kg-m2, r = 1 m and = 40 rad/sec, then precession angular speed will be
(A) 1/50 rad/sec (B) 1/20 rad/sec (C) 1/10 rad/sec (D) 1/30 rad/sec
53. If friction decreases the angular speed of the flywheel then its precession angular speed
(A) Decreases
(B) Increases
(C) May increases or decrease depending on moment of inertia of flywheel.
(D) Remains same.
Comprehension – 4
The following set of figures shows components of a mechanical system in fig. (1) and assembled
system in fig. (2). There are two small balls of mass m and 2m, a massless tube of length L, a
spring of natural length l (> L) and an inextensible, massless rope of length L. In the assembly,
the string holds the two balls in position, keeping the spring compressed.
The arrangement lies on a smooth horizontal table (x-y plane) as shown. At this moment, the
velocity of centre of mass of system is v0 î and angular velocity is 0 k̂ . Take this moment
as t = 0.
54. The kinetic energy of the system in centre of mass frame is
3 1
(A) m 02 L2 (B) m 02 L2
2 3
2 4
(C) m 02 L2 (D) m 02 L2
3 3
55. Angular momentum of the system about origin of the table frame (the point where 2m is located
at t = 0) is
(A) 3mL 0 2v0 kˆ (B) mL v0 0 L kˆ
2 3
(C) mL v0 0 L kˆ
3 2
(D) mL v0 0 L kˆ
56. At a time t = t0, the string is suddenly broken and the balls are released to move. Mark the
incorrect statement. Consider the momentum and angular momentum after and before string
(A) Total angular momentum of system is conserved in table reference frame as well as centre
of mass reference frame.
(B) In the centre of mass frame, angular momentum of each of the masses is separately
(C) Total linear momentum of system is conserved in table reference frame.
(D) In the table frame momentum of individual balls is conserved.
Comprehension – 5
A solid cylinder of mass m is kept in balance on a fixed incline of angle = 37° with the help
of a thread fastened to its jacket. The cylinder does not slip.
57. What force F is required to keep the cylinder in balance when the thread is held vertically?
mg 3mg 3mg 5mg
(A) (B) (C) (D)
2 4 8 8
58. In what direction should the thread be pulled to minimise the force required to hold the cylinder?
What is the magnitude of this force?
3mg 3mg
(A) parallel to incline (B) vertical
10 8
(C) horizontal (D) perpendicular to incline
59. The values of minimum coefficient of static friction between cylinder and incline in the cases
mentioned in above two questions are: ______ and _____ respectively:
4 3 4 3 3 3 4 3
(A) , (B) , (C) , (D) ,
3 4 3 8 4 8 5 7
Comprehension – 6
A T shaped rod is hinged at its corner as shown and free to rotate in a vertical plane. The rods
have mass m each and length each.
61. What is the moment of inertia of the system about the hinge?
11 11 11 11
(A) m2 (B) m2 (C) m2 (D) m2
12 24 6 3
This section contains 4 Assertion Reason Type Questions. Each Question has four choice
(A), (B), (C) and (D). Select your answer from these options using the codes.
(A) Both Statement - 1 and Statement - 2 are individually true and Statement - 2 is the
correct explanation of Statement - 1
(B) Both Statement - 1 and Statement - 2 are individually true but Statement - 2 is not the
correct explanation of Statement - 1
(C) Statement - 1 is true but Statement - 2 is false
(D) Statement - 1 is false but Statement - 2 is true
62. Statement-1: For a body under translatory as well as rotational equilibrium, net-torque about
any axis is zero.
Statement-2: When the two equation F1 0 and (ri Fi ) 0 simultaneously hold good, it
implies that (ri r0 ) F 0 .
(A) A (B) B (C) C (D) D
63. Body X may be a solid or hollow cylinder, solid or hollow sphere (each of mass m
and radius R). It is placed on a horizontal smooth platform P, in a carriage moving
with acceleration “a” horizontal leftwards. If platform P is gently removed, body
X rolls down along the rough vertical wall of the carriage.
Column I Column II
64. A sphere of mass m, radius R. Assuming all the surfaces to be frictionless. Find the angular
momentum about origin in each case and match with corresponding values in column B.
Column I Column II
(A) Centre of sphere moving with constant
velocity v î along y = L, z = 0 (P) L0 mvL kˆ
(B) Centre of sphere moving with constant
velocity v ĵ along x = L, z = 0 (Q)
L0 mvL kˆ
65. A sphere of mass m and radius R is left at the top of a rough incline. Initially
with speed v and angular velocity (with v = R) as shown in figure. v
Column I Column II
(A) If v > 0 and is clockwise then (P) direction of friction is up the incline
(B) If v > 0 and is anticlockwise then (Q) direction of friction is down, the incline
small ball of mass m hits the sphere and rebounds elastically as shown in R
the figure. Considering the situation mentioned and match the following. C
Column I Column II
(A) Linear momentum for the sphere is conserved (P) A
along tangent at
Column I Column II
(A) IX MR 2
(B) IY MR 2
(C) IZ MR 2
(R) cos 2
(D) IPQ MR 2
(S) cos 2
69. The free end of a thread wound on a bobbin of inner radius r and outer A
radius R is passed round a nail A hammered into the wall. The thread
is pulled at a constant velocity v. Find the velocity v 0 of centre of
bobbin at the instant when thread makes an angle , assuming that R
bobbin rolls without slipping on surfaces.
71. A bullet of mass 0.02 kg is travelling with speed 100 m/s at an angle m = 0.02 kg
of 30° with respect to the horizontal. The bullet collides with and 30
100 m/s
sticks to the end of a vertical thin rod of length 2.0 m and mass 3 kg
as shown in the figure. The rod then rotates about its end which is
M = 3 kg 2m
hinged to the floor. Find (A) the angular velocity of the rod
immediately after the collision and (B) the angular velocity of the rod
just before when it hits the floor. Treat the bullet as a point mass.
72. A wheel 2 m in diameter rotates about a fixed frictionless horizontal axis, about
which its moment of inertia is 10 kg m 2. A constant tension of T = 20 N is
maintained on a rope wrapped around the rim of the wheel. If the wheel starts
from rest at t = 0 s, find the length (in m) of rope unwounded till t = 3s.
74. The drawing shows the top view of two doors. The doors are uniform
and identical. Door A rotates about an axis through its left edge, while
door B rotates about an axis through the center. The same force F is
applied perpendicular to each door at its right edge, and the force
remains perpendicular as the door turns. Starting from rest, door A
rotates through a certain angle in 3s. How long does it take door B to
rotate through the same angle? Round off to nearest integer.
75. Four massless rods of length are used to make a rigid structure. At each corner
we attach a point particle of mass m = 150 gm. If the system is released from
position shown, what is the initial force (in N) exerted by hinge? The system is
free to move in a vertical plane about the horizontal axis ( to paper plane)
through the hinge.
76. A uniform rod AB of length 3.2 m and mass 12 kg is thrown such that just after the projection
the centre of mass of the rod moves vertically upwards with a velocity 10 m/s and at the same
time it is rotating with an angular velocity rad/sec about a horizontal
axis passing through its mid-point. Just after the rod is thrown it is
horizontal and is as shown in the figure. Find the acceleration
(in m/sec2) of the point A in m/s2 when the centre of mass is at the
highest point. (Take g = 10 m/s2 and 2 = 10)
77. A turn table is free to rotate about a fixed vertical axis and has a smooth groove made on its
upper surface along a radius. The table is rotated about the axis with constant angular velocity
and a particle of mass m is gently placed in the groove at distance a from the axis of rotation.
Calculate magnitude of resultant velocity of the particle as a function of its distance x from axis
of rotation. Calculate also, torque required to keep the angular velocity constant.
78. A uniform solid sphere of mass 1 kg and radius 10 cm is kept stationary on a
rough inclined plane by fixing a highly dense particle at B. Inclination of
plane is 37° with horizontal and AB is the diameter of the sphere which is
parallel to the plane, as shown in figure. Calculate:
(i) Mass of the particle fixed at B, and
(ii) Minimum required coefficient of friction between sphere and and plane
to keep sphere in equilibrium.
79. A ball of radius R = 20 cm has mass m = 0.75 kg and moment of inertia (about its diameter)
I = 0.0125 kg m2. The ball rolls without sliding over a rough horizontal floor with velocity
0 = 10 ms–1 towards a smooth vertical wall. If coefficient of restitution between the wall and the
ball is e = 0.7, calculate velocity of the ball long after the collision. (g = 10 ms–2)
81. A solid ball of diameter d = 11 cm is rotating about its one of that horizontal diameters with
angular velocity 0 = 120 rad/sec. It is released from a height so that it falls h = 1.8 m freely and
then collides with the horizontal floor. Co-efficient restitution is e = 5/6 and co-efficient of
friction between the ball and the ground is = 0.2. Calculate fraction of energy lost during
collision and the distance between the points where the ball strikes the floor for the first and
second time. (g = 10 ms–2)
82. A steel ball of radius R = 20 cm and mass m = 2 kg is rotating about a horizontal diameter with
angular velocity 0 = 50 rad/sec. This rotating ball is dropped on to a rough horizontal floor and
falls freely through a height h = 1.25 m. The coefficient of restitution is e = 1.0 and coefficient
of friction between the ball and the floor is = 0.3. Calculate loss of energy due to friction.
(g = 10 ms–2)
83. A uniform rod of length l and mass M is suspended on two vertical inextensible
string as shown in figure. Calculate tension T in left string at the instant, when
right string snaps.
84. A triangular prism of mass M = 1.12 kg having base angle 37° is placed on
a smooth horizontal floor. A solid cylinder of radius R = 20 cm and mass
m = 4 kg is placed over the inclined surface of the prism. If sufficient friction
exists between the cylinder surface and the prism, so that cylinder does not
slip, calculate acceleration of prism when the system is released. Calculate
also, force of friction existing between the cylinder and the prism.
(g = 10 ms–2)
85. A solid metallic cylinder of mass m = 1 kg and radius R = 20 cm is free to roll (without sliding)
over the inclined surface of a wooden wedge of mass M = 0.28 kg. Surface of wedge is inclined
at 37° with the horizontal and the wedge lies on a smooth horizontal floor. When the system is
released from rest. Calculate, angular acceleration of the cylinder. (g = 10 ms–2)
86. A smooth uniform rod of mass m = 30 kg and length l = 0.80 m is free to rotate about a horizontal
axis O passing through its centre. A particle P of mass M = 11.2 kg falls vertically through a
height h = 36/245 m and collides elastically with the rod at a distance l/4 from O. At the instant
of collision the rod was stationary and was at angle = 37° with horizontal as shown in figure.
Calculate velocity (direction and magnitude) of particle P after collision.
87. A homogeneous rod AB of length L and mass M is hinged at the centre O in such a way that it
can rotate freely in the vertical plane. The rod is initially in horizontal position. An insect S of
the same mass M falls vertically with speed V on point C, midway between the points O and B.
Immediately after falling, the insect starts to move towards B such that the rod rotates with a
constant angular velocity . Calculate angular velocity in terms of V and L.
88. A square frame is formed by four rods, each of length l = 60 cm. Mass of two rods AB and BC
is m = 25/18 kg each while that of rods AD and CD is 2m each. The frame is free to rotate about
a fixed horizontal axis passing through its geometric centre O shown in figure. A spring is placed
on the rod AB at a distance a = 15 cm from B. The spring is held vertical and a
block is placed on upper end of the spring so that AB is horizontal.
(i) If the string is initially compressed by connecting a thread between its
ends and energy stored in it is 76.5 joule, calculate velocity with which
block bounces up when the thread is burnt.
(ii) Calculate also maximum angular velocity of frame during its rotational
motion assuming that the block does not collide with the frame in
subsequent motion. (g = 10 ms–2)
90. A trolley initially at rest with a solid cylinder placed on its bed such that cylinder axis makes
angle with direction of motion of trolley as shown in figure, starts
to move forward with constant acceleration a. If initial distance of
mid-point of cylinder axis from rear edge of trolley bed is d,
calculate the distance s which the trolley goes before the cylinder
rolls of the edge of its horizontal bed. Assume dimensions of
cylinder to be very small in comparison to other dimensions.
Neglect slipping. Calculate also, frictional force acting on the
91. A uniform circular disc of mass M and radius R is free to rotate about a vertical
axis O passing through its rim. An insect of mass m is at point A such that line
OA is the diametre of the disc as shown in figure. The insect describes a
complete circle relative to disc and returns to the starting point A. Calculate
the angle moved by the disc relative to the ground.
93. In the system shown in figure, blocks A and B have mass m1 = 2 kg and
m2 26 / 7 kg respectively. Pulley having moment of inertia
I = 0.11 kg m2 can rotate without friction about a fixed axis. Inner and
outer radii of pulley are a = 10 cm and b = 15 cm respectively. B is
hanging with the initial with the thread wrapped around the pulley, while
A lies on a rough inclined plane. Coefficient of friction being 3 / 10, Calculate:
(i) Tension in each thread and (ii) Acceleration of each block. (g = 10 ms–2)
94. In the arrangement shown in figure, mass of blocks A and B is
m1 = 0.5 kg and m2 = 10 kg, respectively and mass of spool is
M = 8 kg. Inner and outer radii of the spool are a = 10 cm and
b = 15 cm respectively. Its moment of inertia about its own
axis is I0 = 0.10 kg m2. If friction be sufficient to prevent
sliding, calculate acceleration of blocks A and B. (g = 10 ms–2)
96. A wheel of radius R = 10 cm and moment of inertia I = 0.05 kg-m2 is rotating about a fixed
horizontal axis O with angular velocity 0 = 10 rad/sec. A uniform rigid rod of mass m = 3 kg
and length l = 50 cm is hinged at one end A such that it can rotate about end A in a vertical plane.
End B of the rod is tied with a thread as shown in figure,
such that the rod is horizontal and is just in contact with the
surface of rotating wheel. Horizontal distance between axis
of rotation O of cylinder and A is equal to a = 30 cm. If the
wheel stops rotating one second after the thread has burnt,
calculate co-efficient of friction between the rod and the
surface of the wheel. (g = 10 ms–2)
97. A small body A is fixed to the inside of a thin rigid hoop of radius R and
mass equal to that of the body A. The hoop rolls without slipping over a
horizontal plane. At the moment when the body A gets into the lower position
the centre of the hoop moves with velocity v0. At what values of v0 will the
hoop move without bouncing? A
t=2sec t t
61. 0.00 62. 6.00 63. 3.00 64. 3.00 65. 6.00
66. 5.00
77. 2x 2 a 2 , 2m 2 x x 2 a 2
78. (i) 3 kg; (ii) 0.75 79. 2 ms–1
80. (i) 4 2 kg ms 1 ; (ii) zero; (iii) 10 second; (iv) 50 m (Leftward);
(v) 1250 radians (clockwise); (vi) 70 joule
mg 3.75 m/s2 and 12N
81. 0.432, 2.2 m 82. 38.5 joule 83. T 84.
85. 30 rad sec–2 86. 9/7 ms–1 87. 12V/7L 88. (a) 7.2 ms–1 (b) 3 rad/sec.
89. 2 ms–1 90. 3/2 (d cosec2 ); ma sin 2 9cos 2
3M 8m
91. 92. 20 newton
93. (i) Tension in thread connected with A is 17N
(i) Tension in thread connected with B is 26 N
(ii) Acceleration of A = 2 ms–2 (up the plane)
(ii) Acceleration of B = 3 ms–2 (vertically downward)
2vsin 2 ( / 2)
96. 0.2 97. 8gR 98.