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Leadership Updated 1.11.21 MK Trainees

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Effective Leadership

Character + Capacity= Effective

what is Leadership?
―Leadership is the capacity and will to rally men and women to
a common purpose and the character which inspires

Leadership is not what you do to people. rather, leadership is

what you do with people.

―Everything rises or falls on leadership.

Is born with leadership qualities.
Has seen leadership modeled throughout life.
Has learned added leadership through training.
Has self-discipline to become a great leader.
People follow a leader

1. when they have confidence in his plans.

2. who effectively communicates his plan to
reach the objective.
3. who gives them responsibility to help reach
the objective.
16-Mar-24 6
Five Levels of Leadership-Collins
Leaders versus Managers
Get the job
Keep everyone
teamwork and
 Innovates
 Develops

Develop team
 Inspires trust
Keep records
Administers skills and
and reports
expand skills  Long range perspective
 Asks ―What? and Why?‖
Relies on
Short term
 Eye on the horizon
 Challenges the status
Does things Accepts the Asks ―How?
and When?‖
right status quo
 Does the right thing

Managers Leaders
The 6 Leadership Pillars(Competencies)


Strategic Capacity

Change Leadership Capacity

Influencing Capacity

Decision Capacity

Organizational Capacity
You can never separate a leader‘s character from his actions.

Talent is a gift, but character is a choice.

―Character is not the result of accident; it is not due to

special favors or endowments of Providence. A noble
character is the result of self-discipline, of the
subjection of the lower to the higher nature--the
surrender of self for the service of love to God and
man. ‖ -Ellen White, Education

Adversity is a crossroads that makes a person

choose one of two paths: character or
My Character as a Leader

Who do people What do I say Does what I How often do I

say ―I am‖?‖; ―I am‖? say and do tell the truth?.

am I disciplined
How humble I Do people trust
and self- Am I faithful?
am? me?

How fair and Do I love what

I am reliable? Am I upright?
just I am? is Good?
Integrity is doing the
Adherence to moral and soundness of moral
right thing when no one
ethical principles; character;
is watching.

Integrity is the practice

of being honest and
Integrity is doing the showing a consistent
the state of being whole,
right thing when no one and uncompromising
entire or undiminished.
is watching adherence to strong
moral and ethical
principles and values.

staying true to yourself

If you have integrity
and your word, even
nothing else matters;
when you're faced with
and if you don't have
serious consequences
integrity nothing else
for the choices that
you're making.
Integrity Traits
Integrity is achieved when a persons, words, actions and beliefs are all congruent

“the quality or state of being complete or undivided”.

Leading with integrity requires a connection to your deepest self. Integrity is telling myself the
Value honesty (integrity is when you care more for the hard truth than the easy lie),
Reliable and trustworthy
Responsible and Accountable for your actions, good or bad
Respect yourself and others
Help those in need
Don‘t abuse your position
Uphold moral standards
Choosing what is right ( over what is convenient)
A man of integrity will never listen to any reason against conscience.
Integrity might take a long time to pay off; but it pays off instantly through inner
How to Lead with Integrity
Examine Examine your moral Principles

Assess Assess the degree to which you adhere to your own moral code

Establish Establish a code of values and behaviors for your group members

Lead by Lead by example

Communicate Communicate authentically

Practice Practice tolerance for divergent views

Speak Speak to your Superiors about interity issue

How to Lead with Integrity
Speak Speak to your superiors about integrity issues

Surround Surround yourself with morally upright people

Study Study the lives of leaders known for their integrity

Examine Examine the mistakes of fallen leaders

Examine Examine how you would have behaved or reacted to each of your mistakes
Honesty is the
Trust takes years to
foundation for trust. You Respect is earned. Trust
build; seconds to ruin,
cannot have one without is gained.
forever to repair.
the other.

Perhaps the surest test

of an individual‘s
integrity is his refusal to Everything Starts with
do or say anything that Trust,
would damage his self

With Trust all things are possible.

• Engagement
• Energy
• Productivity
• ingenuity
• Commitment
• loyalty
• Excellence
• Collaboration
Trust is the foundation of any
successful, healthy, thriving
. Trust happens
relationship and it‘s essential to
your success as a leader.
• Trust has three core drivers: • Trust happens primarily
authenticity, logic, and empathy. between people. It takes not
People tend to trust you when one person, but two to create
they believe they are interacting mutual trust. Mutual trust is
with the real you (authenticity), much more desirable than one-
when they have faith in your sided trust.
judgment and competence • Trust cannot be built simply on
(logic), and when they feel that power, position or expertise.
you care about them (empathy). Much more goes into a trusting
• As soon as a leader earns the relationship than any of these
trust of his team, there are no • The root cause of amazing
limits on what they can company culture is trust.
accomplish together with his
Bracey's Theories on Trust

Trust is never given to Trust involves both ability

Trust comes in different
another person globally and word. You are
degrees or levels, even
and unconditionally. It capable in this area and
as it is always defined
always has to do with a true to your word if you
relative to some area of
specific area of expertise promise to do something
action or behavior.
or action. in that area.

Though trust can be one- Lost trust can also be

Trust can grow between
sided, it is best when it is recovered and
people, or it can erode.
mutual. rehabilitated.

Trust can be built.

Trust Busters-Ways Leaders Erode
Not having or developing the skills required for the role.
Not Following through Commitments
Being unorganized and unresponsive.
Not holding people accountable
Treating people unfairly
Not Recognizing and rewarding the contribution of others.
Not keeping confidences/gossiping.
Hoarding information.
Lack of inclusion.
Perception of vulnerability by team members.
Trust Building
Develop ability,
Be consistent with words
knowledge and expertise Make promises only you
Do what you say you do and deeds-walking the
displaying competence in can keep.
the role.

Be reliable (Experience is
often a necessary
component. Trust can Doi what is right over Commitment during times
Act ethically
only be built through what is easy. of adversity.
appropriate interaction
over time).

Develop open, honest, Show empathy,

Be consistent with your
and transparent sensitivity, concern and Demonstrate justice and
behavior, attitude and
communication. Be caring to the needs of fairness.
explicit. others.

Be willing to be wrong.
Practice Accountability. Deliver results. Be Timely.
Admit mistakes.
What Bible says about…
 it is required of stewards that they be found
trustworthy. 1 Corinthians 4:2
 Whoever walks in integrity walks securely, but he
who makes his ways crooked will be found out..
Proverbs 10:9
 Show yourself in all respects to be a model of good
works, and in your teaching show integrity, dignity,.
Titus 2:7
 Like the cold of snow in the time of harvest is a
faithful messenger to those who send him; he
refreshes the soul of his masters. Proverbs 25:13
 “One who is faithful in a very little is also faithful in
much, and one who is dishonest in a very little is also
dishonest in much.” Luke 16:10
 Jethro to Moses Select
1. capable men,
2. men who fear God,
3. trustworthy men who hate dishonest gain,

• In ―The Neuroscience of Trust‖, which appeared in the

January 2017 Harvard Business Review, Claremont
Graduate University Professor Paul Zak wrote that:
Compared with people at low-trust companies, people at
high-trust companies report:
• 74% less stress,
• 106% more energy at work,
• 50% higher productivity,
• 13% fewer sick days,
• 76% more engagement,
• 29% more satisfaction with their lives,
• 40% less burnout.
How Integrity is compromised
 the innate human ability to rationalize behavior
 ―no big deal,‖
 ―everyone else does.‖
 ―not really cheating,‖
 Everyone defines integrity differently.
 Everyone has their own moral code, decided upon by
taking into account many factors, including upbringing,
religion and experience.
 solely relying on compliance functions, policies, rules, and
audits — the integrity police — is usually inadequate.
These mechanisms guard against gross and clearly illegal
violations of integrity standards, but they do not deal with
the integrity choices that we face every day. These
choices require personal judgment.
 integrity choices are surrounded by dilemmas.
How Integrity is compromised
 The toxic culture
 encourages ―Fake it till you make it‖
 normalized lying even encouraged it for the purpose of
getting ahead. ―it is okay to lie‖ from twisting the truth,
selective truth, self promotion, short cuts,
misrepresentation or deceiving others for personal gain.
 It is never intended about lying but becoming. It is a
means to becoming something- the drive to succeed.
 A person’s integrity develops early in life, once
formed it is difficult to alter , change or improve.
“Direct your children onto the right path, and when
they are older, they will not leave it.” Prov 22:6
 Group Think:
 “I would rather be disliked for having integrity than loved
for being a fool.”
What Bible Says….
Better is a poor person who walks in his
integrity than one who is crooked in
speech and is a fool. Proverbs 19:1
The integrity of the upright guides them,
but the crookedness of the treacherous
destroys them. Proverbs 11:3
 sincerity or truthfulness (a person with
integrity may be honest, not all honest
people may have integrity)
 Speaking what is right
 Speaking the truth (speaking the truth in
 Not speaking deceit
 Not practicing cunning
 Being truthful to self
 Having a clear conscience.
What Bible Says…. Proverbs 12:19
 speaking the truth in love. Ephesians 4:15
 And you will know the truth, and the truth will set
you free.” John 8:32
 Righteous lips are the delight of a king, and he loves
him who speaks what is right. Proverbs 16:13
 A dishonest man spreads strife, and a whisperer
separates close friends. Proverbs 16:28
 Whoever speaks the truth gives honest evidence, but
a false witness utters deceit. Proverbs 12:17
 You shall not bear false witness against your
neighbor. Exodus 20:16
 Truthful lips endure forever, but a lying tongue is but
for a moment.. Proverbs 12:19
Humility exalts God and Others at the expense of self. Pride
exalts self at the expense of God and Others.
• ―In humility count others more significant than others‖ Phil 2:3
• Humility truly is the mother of all virtues.

―the essence of humility is not thinking more of myself or

thinking less of myself, it is thinking of myself less..‖
• Humble people have an accurate self-awareness.
• The secrets of leadership is best seen by the humbles.
• ―If you are humble nothing will touch you neither praise nor disgrace
because you know who you are‖ Mor Teresa.

True humility is characterized by a quiet confidence and a

genuine interest in others.
• If you want the cooperation of people around you make them feel that
they are important..
• The best Leaders are humble enough to recognize their victories
depend on their people
Realize how far you fall short and have
overwhelming sense of their need to grow.
• True humility is staying teachable regardless of
how much you already know.
• A true leader is humble enough to admit his mistakes

Not self-righteous, overly critical and fault

• Looks the best in others. Not look down others.
• Humble leaders are not afraid of their flaws and their
• The strength of humility is the ability to serve
something bigger than self .
What Bible says about…
 Do nothing from rivalry or conceit, but
in humility count others more significant
than yourselves. Let each of you look
not only to his own interests, but also to
the interests of others. Philippians 2:3-
Servant Leader

To Serve not to be served

by Adopting the servant Selfless not self-centered.
philosophy or mindset.

Uses power to serve

others instead of
The servant-leader isn't a
dishonest gain by
sole leader with power, but
removing self-interest and
rather, a power-sharer.
personal glory from your
motivation on the job.
Servant Leader
Sees Leadership as an opportunity
to serve others(true leadership must
be for the benefits of the followers
not to enrich the leader). servant Uses power not to exalt self but to
leaders focus on identifying and serve others with humility.
meeting the needs of others rather
than trying to acquire power, wealth,
and fame for themselves

focus first on the success of your

organization and your team by It begins with the natural desire that
listening more carefully, and actively one wants to serve others first before
value others‘ needs and aspiring to lead.
Servant Leader
Leading by Influence not by
Authority by building
The attitude of Service first. relationships that create
Leading by Example /Role
Life is suffering. But trust, open dialogue, and
Modeling(Not domineering
meaning is found in the transparency as well as by
over those in your charge,
choices you make to explaining the what and why
but being examples),
alleviate human anguish.. instead of why, by valuing,
encouraging and
empowering followers.

To Care for Others- Servant

leaders are attentive to the growth Servant +Boss =―servant‖
and development of those they doesn‘t sound nearly as
work with, including partners,
employees, and customers by To give than to receive powerful as ―boss,‖ but it
showing more curiosity, empathy, has the potential to deliver
vulnerability and compassion as far more.
well with positivity and gratitude.
What Bible says about..
 And Jesus called them to him and said to them, “You
know that those who are considered rulers of the
Gentiles lord it over them, and their great ones
exercise authority over them. But it shall not be so
among you. But whoever would be great among you
must be your servant, and whoever would be first
among you must be slave of all. For even the Son of
Man came not to be served but to serve, and to give
his life as a ransom for many.” Mark 10:42-45
 Not domineering over those in your charge, but
being examples to the flock (exercising oversight, not
under compulsion) . 1 Peter 5:3
What Bible says about..
 When he had washed their feet and put on his outer
garments and resumed his place, he said to them, “Do
you understand what I have done to you? You call me
Teacher and Lord, and you are right, for so I am. If I
then, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet,
you also ought to wash one another's feet. For I have
given you an example, that you also should do just as I
have done to you. John 13:12-15
 Pay careful attention to yourselves and to all the flock
Acts 20:28
 „It is more blessed to give than to receive.‟” Acts 20:35
 Let no one despise you for your youth, but set the
believers an example in speech, in conduct, in love, in
faith, in purity. 1 Timothy 4:12
Why are servant leaders so
 Many leaders achieve their positions by
being self-centered, overconfident,
narcissistic, arrogant, manipulative, and
 Reward for self-orientation- Creating a
sense of personal power and toughness
can have positive outcomes for leaders.
 People are also more likely to be promoted
when they exhibit self-confidence, build
extensive networks, and navigate
organizational politics with ease.
Ethical Leadership
―Ethical Leadership is doing the right thing because it is the right thing to do‖

―The foundation of leadership is your own moral compass. It's their guide for
leaders to make the right decisions.

Ethical leader is one who is committed to set of moral principles or Ethical

Standards, leads with an ethics agenda and focused on the greater good.

Your beliefs become your thoughts, your thoughts become your words, your
words become your actions, your actions become your habits, your habits
become your values, your values become your destiny‖ Mohtarma Gandhi.

Ethical Leaders Commit to something bigger than themselves.

The 6 Cs of Ethical Leadership


Leadership Competency

16-Mar-24 42
Visionary Leaders

They are They are They have They are They are They have a They have
able to see able to innovative realistic on fully collaborativ resilience
beyond the envisage a and creative the tasks focused on e nature. when things
foggy future that ideas and projects the journey They didn‘t go
present isn‘t that can be and the encourage right
hindered by carried out goal and engage
current others on
conditions the journey.
Pros and Cons of Visionary Leadership
Our World View

We like to believe that we see things as they are,

that we are objective. But this is not true.
We see the world, not as it is, but as we are – or, as we are conditioned to see it.
Our World View
 World View is how you see the world.

 James Sire defines worldview as ―a commitment, a fundamental orientation of the

heart, that can be expressed as a story or in a set of presuppositions
(assumptions which may be true, partially true, or entirely false) which we hold
(consciously or subconsciously, consistently or inconsistently) about the basic
constitution of reality, and that provides the foundation on which we live and
move, and have our being‖

 Philip Graham Ryken defines worldview as ―the structure of understanding that

we use to make sense our world. It is our way of looking at life, our interpretation
of the universe, our orientation to reality. It is the ‗comprehensive framework of
our basic belief about things‖

 Everything we think, believe, say, or do reflects our worldview. Therefore the

importance of a worldview cannot be understated.

 Because People have different world views they can see different things when
they look at the same world.
World View-Fundamental Questions
What kinds of things exist? What is the basic nature and structure
of reality? (META PHYISCS)

What can we know? How can we know what we know? How can
we determine which beliefs are true and rationally justified or
warranted? (EPISTLOMOGY)
Life Questions: who am I ? Where do I come from? Why I am here?
Where will I go when I die? Why is the world in the condition it is in?
what can I do to make a difference in the World?
What are the most basic and important goals for a human life?

How should we live our lives? What constitutes a good human

life? (ETHICS)
Our World View
World View
How you see the world depends on
where you sit.

Where the head goes, the body

follows. Perception precedes action.
Right action follows the right

People tend to see what they want to

Religious World View

religions have several dimensions :

• Doctrinal and Philosophical (Religious
• Mythic and Narrative (History)
• Ethical or Legal (moral)
• Ritual or Practical
• Experiential or Emotional (Psychology etc)
• Social or Institutional (Sociology,
Economics, Government , Laws etc)
•Does what you believe line up with Scripture?
Overcoming Limiting Beliefs
Some deeply held beliefs, attitudes, and assumptions we
create about who we are, how the world works, what we
are capable of and deserve, and what is possible.
• Intelligence is fixed.
• Mistakes are failures.
• Knowledge is power. Knowledge combined with action equals power.
• Learning new things is very difficult.
• Genius is born.
• Dynamo Genius: They have amazing creativity and ideas.
• Blaze Genius: They have an extraordinary ability to connect with
• Tempo Genius: They have the ability to see the big picture and stay
on course towards that grand vision.
• Steel Genius: They are great at details.
A positive attitude is
essential to effective
leadership. How you Success comes to those We always have the
think determines how who become success power to choose our
you act. How you act conscious. attitude.
determines how others
react to you.

Your attitude
Who you are is who
determines how you‘ll
you attract.

It‘s much easier to maintain a positive

attitude than it is to change a sour attitude.
• Pay attention to what you consume. Read,
watch, and listen to positive influences.
• Decorate your environment with things
that bring up happy memories and
encourage positivity.
A negative attitude is infectious.
An attitude of victimization prevents you from looking inwardly at where
you have the ability to improve.
The ―Tortured Genius‖ is someone who accepts zero responsibility for
mistakes, makes excuses, and blames everyone else for their failings.
Think success, don‘t think failure. Thinking success conditions your
mind to create plans that produce success
Don‘t let negative thinkers pull you down to their level. Cling to people
who think progressively. Move upward with them.
Ego clouds and disrupts everything.
The Subconscious Mind

The The Your Fill your mind The presence

subconscious subconscious subconscious with positive of a single
mind takes mind takes any mind emotions. negative in
any orders orders given it responds best your
given it in a in a spirit of to the conscious
spirit of absolute faith, language of mind is
absolute faith, and acts upon emotion or sufficient to
and acts upon those orders, feeling. destroy all
those orders chances of
aid from your
Strategic Thinking

 Strategic Thinking – is the ―What‖ and the ―Why‖…that is what

should we be doing and why. It is conscious, explicit, and
proactive and defines competitive domain for corporate strategic
 Strategic thinking is a pre-requisite when visioning for the future.
 Strategy is a key outcome of a relevant strategic thinking
process. Strategic planning is as good as the thinking.
Strategic Thinking Rules
 Seeks hard, fact based, logical information
 Questions everyone's unquestioned assumptions.
 focus on the long-term versus the short term.
 Strategic Thinking requires innovation and creativity
Thinking Big
 A big thinker always visualizes what can be done in
the future. He isn‘t stuck with the present.
 Enlarge your thinking.
 Visualize the possibilities
 How big you think determines the size
of your accomplishments
 Don’t lose sight of the big picture.
 Set clear, meaningful goals.
 Take action proactively.
 Conquer your fears.
Traits of Strategic Thinking
Envisioning needs strategic thinking:

Anticipate:-Constantly scan the environment for signals of change

Challenge: question the status quo

•If we don‘t challenge things as always have been we will never discover
breakthroughs of our future.

Interpret:-zoom in on the details and out to see the big picture

Creativity: It involves intuition and creativity.

Strategic Thinking Steps
Strategic Thinking Steps
1. Defining the current state.
Analytical, linear thinking
2. Imagining a different future desired state.
Visionary, forward-thinking
3. Broadening your understanding of the environment.
Chronological, preventative, wholistic thinking.
4. Articulating the underlying obstacles
• Critical and contradiction.
5. Brainstorming strategic priorities/options.
intuitive around ideas, Aim for both ―tried and true‖
and ―bold and new‖ ideas and actions
6. Developing tactics that fall within realm of one of the
strategic priorities.
Tactical/Sequential. Be as specific as possible. Aim
for S.M.A.R.T. ideas
Critical Thinking
Critical Thinking

 Critical thinking is the ability to objectively analyze information and draw a

rational conclusion.
 It also involves gathering information on a subject and determining which pieces
of information apply to the subject and which do not, based on deductive
1. Analytical thinking: gathering information and interpreting it, but also skeptically
evaluating data.
2. Creative thinking: Being able to discover certain patterns of information and make
abstract connections between seemingly unrelated data.
3. Open-mindedness: Previous education and life experiences leave their mark on a
person‘s ability to objectively evaluate certain situations. By acknowledging these
biases, you can improve your critical thinking and overall decision process
4. Asking thoughtful questions: asking the right questions is a crucial step
The 9 Traits of Critical Thinking
Man‘s only limitation,
Your imagination
Imagination: The within reason, lies in
improves the more you
Workshop of the Mind his development and
use it.
use of his imagination.

Riches do not come by

hard work and honesty
alone. They come in An idea is an impulse
Plans of action must
response to definite of thought that impels
be formed with the aid
demands, based upon action, by an appeal to
of imagination.
the application of the imagination.
definite principles, and
not by chance or luck.

The story of practically

every great fortune Man‘s only limitation,
An idea is an impulse within reason, lies in his
starts with the day
of thought that impels development and use of
when a creator of his imagination. Your
action, by an appeal to
ideas and a seller of imagination improves
the imagination.
ideas got together and the more you use it.
worked in harmony.
Creative thinking is simply finding new and improved
ways to do anything.

All things are created twice. There‘s a mental or

first creation, and a physical or second creation.

Most breakthroughs come from linking information that

is usually not thought of as related.

We learn who we are by doing, by trying new

activities. We learn in practice, not in theory.

Find problems that move you emotionally.


1 2 3 4 5 6
Look for outside Experiment with Produce many Be progressive, Test your own Don‘t let ideas
analogies. Find many alternate different, unlikely not regressive. views in the escape. Write
deep structural solutions. Keep and divergent Think about how form of them down.
similarities to the your options ideas. you can do it questions. Let Memory is a
current problem open. better today than other people weak slave when
in different ones. you did help you smooth it comes to
yesterday. and polish your preserving and
ideas. nurturing brand
new ideas.
Creative Personality Traits

• Creative people are curious

• Creative individuals tend to be smart, yet also naive at the
same time.
• Creative individuals alternate between imagination and
fantasy at one end, and a rooted sense of reality at the other.
• Creative people seem to be both introverted and extroverted.
• Creative people are remarkably humble and proud at the
same time.
• Creative people have respect for tradition but are unafraid to
be rebellious and iconoclastic.
• They are passionate but remain objective about their work.
• Creative individuals often experience suffering and pain yet
also a great deal of enjoyment.
Make time for reflection and relaxation. Constant busyness is not a good
Make prescription for creativity.

Practice shifting from operating with an open mind and receptive to new
Practice ideas, to closed focus and concentration.

Learn and Learn and adjust as you go.


Don‘t be afraid to quit. Quitting isn‘t always an admission of failure. Those

Don‘t be who are afraid of new ideas are doomed before they start.

Excavate Excavate old knowledge but wield it in a new way. Cross-pollinate ideas.
Ideas That Win The New Marketplace

• Ideas that start with something people are already

interested in
• Ideas that invite participation from users
• Ideas that connect people to each other
• Ideas that deliver useful content and experiences
• Ideas that are able to migrate across different
media, across the web
• Ideas that embrace the warp speed of the internet
Ways to Improve your Thinking

Start by Make Time for Observe and Ask the Tough growing the
changing your Thinking Seek Trends Questions skill for
mindset connecting
the dots and
identifying the
ips and
cies, root
cause analysis
and data-
functional and
Ways to Improve your Thinking

make time Develop challenge Practice When the Learn

to the skills you own objectivity: ―facts‖ continuou
reflect bef for and How often seem to sly
ore scenario others‘ do we see dictate a
making planning, biases and what we certain
decisions. consider a assumptio think is outcome,
What is variety of ns there or learn to
involved? perspectiv should be look for
Who is es, there, alternative
involved? instead of narratives
What is at what and
stake? actually is explanation
What is there? s coming
the from
Ways to Improve your Thinking

Get the right You are who you think Our behavior is a Encourage positive
perspective. See things you are. Encourage function of our thoughts and eliminate
for what they are. positive thoughts and decisions, not our fear and doubt.
eliminate fear and conditions. It‘s not what
doubt. happens to us, but our
response to what
happens to us that hurts
us. Reactive people are
often affected by their
physical and social
Ways to Improve your Thinking

Think success, don‘t think failure. Thinking success conditions

Think your mind to create plans that produce success. Failure thinking
conditions the mind to think other thoughts that produce failure.

Eliminate the word ―impossible‖ from your thoughts and

Eliminate vocabulary. The body is what the body is fed. Likewise, your
mind is what the mind is fed.

Remind yourself regularly that you are better than you think you
Remind are. You Are What You Think You Are.
The Right Perspective

Control Control your emotions and keep an even keel

Choose Choose to see the good in the situation

Ignore Ignore what disturbs or limits others

Place Place things in perspective

Revert Revert to the present moment

Focus on Focus on what can be controlled

Things Always Within Your Control

By working on Your emotions Your judgments Your creativity Your attitude

ourselves instead of
worrying about
conditions, we are
able to influence the

Your perspective Your desires Your decisions Your determination

Key Takeaways

Ego clouds Be proactive Think success, A person is the Your mind is a

and disrupts rather than don‘t think product of his thought
everything. reactive. failure. own thoughts. factory. You
Thinking can control
success whether those
conditions thoughts are
your mind to positive or
create plans negative
that produce
conditions the
mind to think
other thoughts
When you believe I-
that produce can-do-it, the how-
failure. to-do-it follows suit.
Doubt, disbelief,
the subconscious
will to fail, the not
really wanting to
succeed, is
responsible for most
Key Takeaways (from the
magic of thinking big)
 How you think determines how you act. How
you act determines how others react to you.
 When our attitude is right, our abilities
reach a maximum of effectiveness and
good results inevitably follow.
 The kind of mental diet we consume
determines our habits, attitudes and
Key Takeaways (from the magic of
thinking big)
Don‘t let negative thinkers pull you down to their level. Cling to people who
think progressively. Move upward with them.

Believe BIG. The size of your success is determined by the size of your belief.

A big thinker always visualizes what can be done in the future. He isn‘t stuck with the present.

A person is the product of his own thoughts.

Key Takeaways (from the
magic of thinking big)
 When you believe I-can-do-it,
the how-to-do-it follows suit.
 Doubt, disbelief, the subconscious
will to fail, the not really wanting to
succeed, is responsible for most
 Your mind is a thought factory. You
can control whether those thoughts
are positive or negative
Key Takeaways (from the magic of
thinking big)
Build Confidence and Destroy Fear. There is always
some kind of action that you can take for any kind of fear.
• Don‘t dwell on unpleasant situations.
• Count your blessings.

5 Exercises to Build Your Confidence

• Sit in the front row. Make it a rule to sit as close to the front as you can.
• Practice making eye contact.
• Walk 25% faster.
• Practice speaking up.
• Smile big.
Key Takeaways (from the magic of
thinking big)
Think Right Toward People

Success depends on the support of other people.

90% of the time, the ―likeability‖ factor is given more

weight than the technical factor.

You are not pulled up to a higher level job. You

are lifted up. Being likeable makes you lighter to lift.
Belief (from thing and
grow rich..)
 Every man is what he is, because of the dominating thoughts which he
permits to occupy his mind.
 Every major achievement begins with the intense belief in one‘s ability to
accomplish it.
 There is a difference between wishing for a thing and being ready to
receive it. No one is ready for a thing, until he believes he can acquire
it. The state of mind must be belief, not mere hope or wish. Open-
mindedness is essential for belief. Closed minds do not inspire faith,
courage, and belief..
 It is essential to encourage positive emotions and eliminate the negative.
When the ―facts‖ seem to dictate a
certain outcome, learn to look for
alternative narratives and explanations
coming from radically different
perspectives to inform your outlook.

Are you always trying to be your

best? Or are you OK with good
The Subconscious Mind

Success comes to
those who become
success conscious.
Failure comes to
those who
indifferently allow
themselves to
become failure
Effective Strategic
 Strategic thinking – envisioning the
Big Picture; exploring options,
clarifying goals and objectives.
 Strategic planning – creating the
structures and processes necessary
to achieve goals and objectives.
 Tactical planning – developing the
implementation plan for allocation of
resources, delivery and evaluation.
 Leaders have to practice foresight,
insight and actions in the VUCA World—
Volatile, Uncertain, Complex, and
What is a Strategic Planning?
Strategic planning is a process to define our direction (strategy) and
allocate our resources to achieve our goals.
Strategic planning is ―A systematic process of envisioning a desired
future, and translating this vision into broadly defined goals or objectives
and a sequence of steps to achieve them.

Strategic Planning – is the ―How‖ and ―When‖ …at a very high level.
Operational Planning – is the specific details of the how and when.

A Strategic Where do we want to be?-Following our sense of God‘s calling, where

we want to be within a reasonable period of time.
Plan must
answer four Why we want to be there? Why do we exist?-why anyone should want to
fundamental be a part of our Church
questions: How will we get there?- specific activities to be critical in making our
vision a reality.

Where are we now?-a factual assessment of current strengths,

weaknesses, opportunities, threats, programs, talents and financial
resources and needs.
Do we need Strategic Planning
The VRIO framework

Value: Is the strategy valuable? Does it increase a firm‘s revenues or reduce

its cost compared to not pursuing the strategy?

Rarity: Does a firm possess unusual skills or other assets that the strategy
would utilize?

Imitate: How long will it take other firms to imitate your strategy? Strategies
that are hard to imitate – assuming they are also valuable and rare – are
more likely to be a source of long-lasting competitive advantages.

Organization: Is a firm organized to execute and protect its sources of

advantage? Things like a firm‘s reporting structure, management controls,
and incentives – enables firms to realize the full potential of its strategies.
The Five Key Questions That Guide Strategy
1. Where are We?
Stakeholders and
2. Who are We? Mission
and Values
3. Where Do We Want to
Be? Vision and Strategic
4. How Will We Get
There? Strategic
Objectives and Action
5. How Will We Know?
Evaluate and Adjust
The traditional strategic
planning process rests on an
―ends-ways-means‖ model:
• establish corporate objectives (ends);
• given those objectives, develop a
strategy (ways) for attaining them;
• then marshal the resources (means)
necessary to implement this strategy.
Planning Model
 sequenced phases

The Dynamics of the Planning Process

As you formulate your plan, three key dynamics of

planning will become evident:
1. It is diagnostic in nature. Participants need to
review the ―today.‖
2. It is strategic in its decisions. As such,
discussion and involvement are of paramount
importance in order to provide full input and
context into recommended decisions.
3. It often requires change
Mission Statement
The fundamental purpose for which
an organization exists and what it
does to achieve its Vision.

How important is it to have A shared understanding of our mission unifies us

a shared understanding of It provides a hedge against mission drift.
our mission? It protects our brand and brand promise.
It sets conditions for leveraged ‗effectiveness and
efficiency‘ initiatives.

A Mission statement is clearly Biblical: ―Go therefore

and make disciples of all the nations.‖
Mission Statement

 Your desired destination should be determined by how

you believe your organization can influence others
(Mission Statement).
 The best leaders are not driven by ego or personal
agendas. They are simply focused on the mission and
how best to accomplish it.
 Other people will believe in you only if you believe in
your cause.
 What are you willing to die for?
 Do you know your life‘s mission?
Traits of Mission
Every mission must clearly state the purpose and the expected outcome.

A broad and ambiguous mission results in lack of focus, ineffective

execution, and mission creep.

A resolute belief in the mission is critical for any team or organization to

win and achieve big results.

You must be a true believer in the mission in order to convince and inspire
others to follow.

Senior leaders need to explain to junior leaders and teams executing the
mission how their role contributes to big picture success.

It‘s possible to have enough to live by but nothing to live for; to have the
means but no meaning.

When personal agendas become more important than the team and the
overarching mission‘s success, performance suffers and failure ensues.
A Personal Mission Statement

A personal mission
statement focuses on what Start with why. Always
you want to be (character) operate with the
and to do (contributions and understanding that you are
achievements) and on the part of something greater
values or principles upon than yourself and your own
which being and doing are personal interests.
The more one forgets
himself—by giving himself to a
cause to serve or another
At the center of our mission person to love—the more
human he is and the more he
statement is our lens through actualizes himself. In some
which we see the world. way, suffering ceases to be
suffering at the moment it
finds meaning, such as the
meaning of a sacrifice.
Vision defines what the organization hopes to do in the future. It is a
picture of how the organization will look in the future as it achieves its

Vision is a long-term view and focuses on:

• What do we want to accomplish?

• Where are we going?
• What do we want to be in the future?

Why is Vision Statement important?

• You Can Seize Only What You Can See

• facilitates decisions among bad, good, better and best objectives.
• Guides strategic planning and related decision making.
 Leaders must identify clear direction for the
 Discontent with the status quo is a great
catalyst for vision.
 What would you like to see change in the
world around you?
 What do you see that isn‘t – but could be?
 What do you dream about?
Characteristics of an Effective Vision

Desirable – appeals
Imaginable – to the long-term
Feasible –
conveys a picture of interests of
comprises realistic,
what the future will employees,
obtainable goals
look like customers,
stakeholders etc.

Flexible – General
Focused – clear
enough to allow Communicable – can
enough to provide
initiative and be fully explained in
guidance in decision
alternative 5 minutes
Personal Vision
Five Cultural conditioning.
Why We Visualization is a skill
with We are afraid
We think the vision has to be perfect

Having the right mental and physical state

A Vision is clearly Biblical: ―Where there is no vision, the
people will perish‖ Proverbs 29:18
―Let them alone: they be blind leaders of the blind. And
if the blind lead the blind, both shall fall into the ditch‖.
Matthew 15:14
Core Values and Guiding Principles
Principles are
Principles are deep, guidelines for
Principles are the
fundamental truths human conduct
territory. Values are
that have universal that are proven to
application. have enduring,
permanent value.

Core Values
Core Values are
Core Values drive provide a
beliefs shared
an organization‘s framework to help
among the
culture and make decisions and
members in an
priorities guide us in
everything we do:

Core Values
Provide boundaries
Differentiate us
on the ways and Enhance coherence
from other
means by which we of our activities.
move forward to
achieve our Vision
Developing Value Statements
who we are…

that which permeates everything…

that which anyone can do without asking permission and that, the
opposite of which is inconceivable…

A misalignment of values:- when what you‘re being asked to do

doesn‘t accord with what you believe in…………?

You create the culture. What you do as the leader will be emulated by
your subordinates.
Where are we today?
A SWOT Analysis focuses on the:
 Internal Factors comprised of Strengths and
 current organizational performance in terms of financial
and human resources (inputs)
 operating methods or strategies (processes)
 results or outcomes (outputs)
 It is often valuable to identify critical success factors for the
 External Factors comprised of Opportunities and
Treats that include socio-cultural shifts,
macroeconomic matters, technological advances,
changes in laws or our environment, etc.

SWOT Analysis Questions
Strengths Questions
• what makes your company unique?
• what does your company do well?
• Which areas are you most successful?
• What resources do you have that gives you an advantage over others?
Weakness Questions?
• What Areas need the most Improvement
• What negative things t your company do you hear from customers?
• Why do potential customers fail to convert?
• What are some common problems you always seem to run into?
• Where do you feel limited?
• What could your business do better?
Opportunity Questions
• Which outside trends have additional positive impacts on you?
• Which upcoming events could prove helpful to grow your company?
• Will your market experience growth in the future?
Threat Questions
• What competitors/Competion will you face in the future?
• Are there recent developments which may create challenges for you?
• Is your market on a downward trajectory?
Environmental scanning
Consider the impact on your organization and
the population it serves.
 changing demographics
 political trends
 community values
 economic trends
 the implications of new or changing laws and
regulations affecting the organization
 communications and other technological
Opportunity or Threat?

16-Mar-24 126
The five forces (To analyze
 The five forces framework does a great job of helping to
identify the competitive threats in an industry. But using
this tool to estimate the overall attractiveness of an
industry is usually not that helpful.
 The five forces are kind of like the wind (high rivalry, high
threat of entry, and so forth)), the direction that
competition within an industry is moving.
 Strategy is about positioning the firm relative to the
prevailing winds and a way to make sure that the firm
gets to where wants to go, no matter what direction the
wind is blowing.
BCG Matrix- To analyze Product Portfolios
Marketing Mix Model- What to sell and how to sell
The Business Model Canvas
Operating Model
The Balanced Scorecard
Theory of Change (TOC) Model

essentially "working
• start by setting a larger,
big-picture goal―
• establishing long-term
• identify the
adjustments and plans
• plan the various short-
term changes
SWOT Analysis
 Merge SWOT Lists

Identify Strategic Issues
A strategic issue is a fundamental policy choice affecting
an organization‘s mandates, mission, values, product or
service level.
Some Questions To Ask…
○ What are the issues.
○ When will they confront you?
○ How broad an impact will the issues have?
○ What are the probable consequences of not addressing
the issue?
○ Is this an issue we can actually do something about?
○ How apparent is the best approach for resolving the

Before developing a strategic goals:
• start with brainstorming on specific strategic items
that could address the Weaknesses, Opportunities and
Threats and is consistent utilizing the Core Values,
focusing on the Mission and achieving the Vision.
• Organize them into Strategic Areas of Focus
• systematically consolidate and address the items in
each Strategic Area
• Develop a reasonable number of the most important
specific SMART Strategic Goals to be achieved in each
Strategic Area
Key Strategic Objectives

Strategic objectives are

 directional in nature and form the structure
for related, shorter-term goals.
 be attainable within a one to five-year
 Each objective will have related goals
Develop Strategic Goals

Each Specific: Is the goal providing enough

goal clarity so that everyone will understand it?
follow Measurable: What metrics will be used to
the gauge the success of each goal?
model Attainable: Is the goal achievable within
the given constraints?
Relevant: Is the goal linked to the
strategic objective(s)?
Timely: Is there a timeline associated to
ensure completion?
Selecting the right Priorities

Every leader must be able to detach from the

Leaders must determine the highest priority
immediate tactical mission and understand
task and execute one at a time
how it fits into strategic goals.

Setting a big list of priorities where you

hedge and try to do ―just a little bit‖ of
everything sounds nice. It might even If you try to do everything at once, you will fail.
make everybody happy. But the problem is
that nothing whatsoever gets done.
Strategies Think of strategy as a
portfolio of options)
In effect, a company‘s focuses on making near-
Strategy is a roadmap of
strategy is the sum of term decisions with the
how to implement the
decisions it effectively longer-term destination in
Vision and achieve the
makes and executes over mind, but it doesn‘t
organization‘s goals.
time. presume that there is only
one path from here to

Core competencies are

activities in the value chain
that create economic value,
The best companies see
that are rare among a firm‘s
strategy less as a plan and Find your one big
competitors, and that
more as a direction and distinctive impact.
competitors find difficult to
agenda of decisions.
imitate., Always play to your
strengths and build upon

Setting a big list of

priorities where you hedge
Focus on opportunities, not
and try to do ―just a little
problems. Problem solving
bit‖ of everything sounds
prevents damage.
nice. It might even make
Exploiting opportunities
everybody happy. But the
produces results.
problem is that nothing
whatsoever gets done.
specific criteria for evaluating and choosing among

Value – Will the strategy contribute to meeting

agreed-upon goals?

Appropriateness – Is the strategy consistent

with the organization's mission, values, and
operating principles?
specific criteria for evaluating and
choosing among strategies
Feasibility – Is the strategy practical, given personnel and financial resources and

Acceptability – Is the strategy acceptable

Cost-benefit – Is the strategy likely to lead to sufficient benefits to justify the costs in
time and other resources?

Timing – Can and should the organization implement this strategy at this time,
given external factors and competing demands?
Competing on Resources
The resource-based view (RBV) sees companies as very different collections
of physical and intangible assets and capabilities.

No two companies are alike because no two companies have had the same
set of experiences, acquired the same assets and skills, or built the same
organizational cultures.

Competitive advantage, whatever its source, ultimately can be attributed to the

ownership of a valuable resource that enables the company to perform
activities better or more cheaply than competitors.
Competing on Resources
For a resource to qualify as the basis for an
effective strategy, it must pass a number of external
market tests of its value.
1. The test of inimitability: Is the resource hard to
physical uniqueness, unique and, therefore, scarce because of all
that has happened along the path taken in their accumulation, brand
loyalty, causal ambiguity, economic deterrence
2. The test of durability: How quickly does this resource
3. The test of appropriability: Who captures the value
that the resource creates?
4. The test of substitutability: Can a unique resource be
trumped by a different resource?
5. The test of competitive superiority: Whose resource
is really better?
Blue Ocean Strategy
 Blue Ocean Strategy outlines six principles that will help any business pivot towards
uncontested domains where the competition is irrelevant and pent-up demand remains
 Stop worrying about what the competition is doing. Make them irrelevant.
 Focus on value innovation = lower cost + increased value
 Use the four-actions framework to differentiate your products/services.
○ Reduce: What factors should be reduced well below the industry‘s standard?
○ Create: Which factors should be created that the industry has never offered?
○ Raise: Which factors should be raised well above the industry standard?
○ Eliminate: Which of the factors that the industry takes for granted should be
 Do not use the competition as your benchmark.
Red Ocean Blue Ocean
Strategy Strategy
Compete in existing Create uncontested
markets market space
Beat the competition Make the competition
Exploit existing
demand Create and capture
new demand

Use Game Theory to Shape Strategy

Game theory provided a

systematic way to understand Von Neumann and rule-based games, players freewheeling games, players
the behavior of players in Morgenstern distinguished two interact according to specified interact without any external
situations where their fortunes types of games. ―rules of engagement.‖ constraints
are interdependent.
• The primary insight of game • To every action, there is a • You cannot take away from
theory is the importance of reaction (unlike Newton‘s the game more than you
focusing on others. Many third law of motion, the bring to it.
people view games reaction is not programmed to • To assess your added value,
egocentrically—that is, they be equal and opposite.). you have to ask not what
focus on their own position. • To analyze how other players other players can bring to you
• To look forward and reason will react to your move, you but what you can bring to
backward, you have to put need to play out all the other players.
yourself in the shoes—even reactions (including yours) to
in the heads—of other their actions as far ahead as
players. possible. You have to look
• Successful business strategy forward far into the game and
is about actively shaping the then reason backward to
game you play, not just figure out which of today‘s
playing the game you find.. actions will lead you to where
• The rewards that can come you want to end up
from changing a game may
be far greater than those from
maintaining the status quo.
• For example, Nintendo
succeeded brilliantly in
changing the video game
business by taking control of
Action Plans

Action plans are intentions,

Once the detailed plan has
not commitments. It should
An action plan must have a been developed, it must be
be revised often because
system for checking the communicated to the entire
every success creates new
results against expectations. team in a simple, clear, and
opportunities. So does every
concise format.

Your planning process

You will be more
should be standardized. The plan must mitigate
effective under pressure
It needs to be identified risks where
if you plan for
repeatable and guide possible.
users with a checklist.
Develop detailed action plan

Develop detailed action plan to achieve each goal that outlined:

 each specific action to be undertaken;
 who was responsible for doing each required action;
 how we would measure the successful achievement of that action; and
 the timetable for the achievement of the action.
Set OUTCOMES (a sentence describing the result(s))with each
target area.
Set INDICATORS for each outcome (indicators describe a future
condition which shows the outcome has happened)
A Leader’s Checklist for Planning

Analyze the mission. Decentralize the Determine a specific

• Understand the higher planning process. course of action.
Identify personnel,
headquarters‘ mission assets, resources, and • Empower key leaders • Lean toward selecting
(what), purpose (why), time available. within the team to the simplest course of
and desired outcome analyze possible action.
(how). course of action. • Focus efforts on the
• Identify your own best course of action.
purpose and expected Delegate portions of the
outcome.key leaders to Plan for likely plan and brief to key
Mitigate risks that can junior leaders.
develop the plan for the contingencies through
be controlled as much
selected course of each phase of the
as possible. • Stand back and be the
action. operation. tactical genius.

Brief the plan to all Conduct post-

Continually check and participants and operational debrief after
question the plan supporting assets. execution.
against emerging
information to ensure it • Emphasize the why. • Analyze lessons
still fits the situation. • Ask questions and learned and implement
engage in discussion them in future
and interaction with planning.
the team to ensure
they understand.
The Three Cs of Strategic

1 2 3
Clarify: Avoid high-level Communicate: Spread Cascade: Translate the
statements that only the message in as many strategy into actions
resonate with the C-suite. ways as you can. through the organization.
Write your strategy in a Connect the strategy to Managers at every level
way that connects with each group's‘ core will be the ones who
front-line employees and purpose. handle this.
5 Changes That Support Successful
People: Train or hire the right (and the right number of) individuals to
implement plans. Ray Mckenzie advises, ―Build a team of people who
are key and can help you move your strategy forward.‖

Resources: Get funding and sufficient time to implement required


Organization: Restructure the company to support the strategic goals.

Systems: Acquire the tools needed to perform the required processes.

Culture: Work to create an environment that prioritizes the actions

needed to reach the stated goals.
The gap between
strategy and Execution
 Tension between short term and long-term
 The need to grow capability versus the
pressure for short term results
 The balance between creativity and
 Top-down control versus democratization
of change or empowerment
The gap between
strategy and Execution
 An inspiring end state versus challenging targets
 The lack of narrative which connects the past to
the future
 Participation and ownership
 The thinking style- of those who created the
strategy (big picture) versus who implemented it
(detail orientation)
 The mismatch between metrics and strategy
4 Ways to Close the Strategy-to-Execution Gap

1. commit to an identity.
• clear-minded about what you do
best 2. Translate the strategic
• developing a solid value
proposition into the everyday.
• building distinctive capabilities
that will last for the long term

3. Don‘t respond to 4. Instead, shape your

external change as rapidly future by creating the
as possible. change you want to see
To be successful, any true Strategic Plan should follow a 4-P approach: (1) use the right Process; (2)
recruit the right People; (3) develop the best and practical Plan; and (4) Perform effectively and fully
implement the plan.
An overall implementation plan and timetable should be developed and shared. the Program Plan

Be developed in cooperation and with input from each goal lead.

Use the dates identified within the action plans as a starting point when creating the timeline.

Be actively communicated using the various communication methods.

Have a quarterly review session to review progress on the plan and make adjustments as necessary
To achieve the Strategic Goals, ―Implementation Task
Forces‖ will be formed preferably one for each of the
Strategic Goals
Every action plan step for all Strategic Goals should
be clearly measurable and has a deadline

There should be regular reporting on progress

Institute multiple feedback and accountability loops to

ensure that you stay on track and are focused on
achieving success
Performance Monitoring
Tracking, measuring, and periodically reviewing progress
Tracking toward results

Reinforcing Reinforcing
activities that achieve results (instituting good

Intervening Intervening to improve progress where needed (taking

corrective action)

Measure how well
you have addressed develop a plan What‘s been
the challenges and update which accomplished over
then reassess where provides status on: the past year
you go from there

Use the measures What could be

originally identified in improved
the original Action What was done well • Review each strategic goal
Plan as the basis for and, for each, determine if
evaluation it‘s still:

Relevant and Attainable and on- Resourced properly

important schedule and led well
 org chart visualizes—coordination and
hierarchy and provide clear lines of
authority from frontline employees up
through layers of management
 Traditional hierarchies or matrix
organizations are mechanistic by
design, built to solve for uniformity,
bureaucracy, and control -goals
that undercut what companies now
prioritize: creativity, speed, and
Leading in a Rapidly Changing

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16-Mar-24 172
Change is Difficult

Change is usually feared because

feared, because it means
there is nothing more difficult to disturbance of the status quo, a
carry out, nor more doubtful of threat to people‘s vested interests in
Complacency success, nor more dangerous to their jobs, and feared, because it Change Resistance
handle, than to initiate a new order means disturbance of the status
of things. quo, a threat to people‘s vested
interests in their jobs, and an upset
to established ways of doing things.
factors that could lead to change


The need for Change
 An organization will always default into complacency if leadership
does nothing. And complacency is an organization‘s single
greatest threat in a world that is in constant flux.
 Make external hazards and opportunities visible
○ Listen closely when you interact with lower-level personnel.
○ Benchmark the competition.
○ Invite consultants, vendors, and customers into the company
to talk and share what they know with your organization
○ Gather data from other sources.
○ Tell a compelling story. You need to appeal not only to the
minds, but also the hearts, of the people in your
Left unattended over time, organizations will become complacent and blind
towards external threats.

Kotter describes four tactics that we can employ to combat complacency and
instill our culture with a true sense of urgency:
• Make external hazards and opportunities visible
• Listen closely, Bring outsiders in, Gather data from other sources..
• Behave with urgency every day
• Acting with urgency has nothing to do with running around being busy
• Find opportunities in crisis:
• A crisis can be a useful opportunity to dispense with the status quo and wake people out of their
lethargic routines.
• To coerce a crisis into an urgency stimulant, it is imperative that you make the crisis visible,
unambiguous, and big enough that it cannot be solved with simple and easy actions.
• Deal with the No-Nos
Types of Organizational Change
Change can
occur in a variety
could transform
Remedial of ways, such as
Change (to through the
address the implementation
organization‘s of a new system,
Transformation is
poor an organization
a major change to
performance) redesign, or
'the way you do
that 'positively
Reform:- To performance' and
understand and
change the system
Reorganization:- is 'sustainable')
and its parts.
Operating Model
Change Management Process
Assess Assess for Change

Scope Scope the Change

Create Create the Vision

Plan Plan for Change

Engage Engage workforce in planning the Change

Implement Implement the Change

Introduce Introduce new tools, technology, systems etc

Measure progress, take corrective actions, demonstrate value,

communicate success, take corrective actions

Sustain Sustain the Change

Lewin's Change Model

16-Mar-24 185
Types of Resistance

Cognitive resistance :- Emotional resistance:- are Behavior resistance is an

Signals of cognitive entrenched in an integration of cognitive and
resistance may include organization's values, emotional resistance.
limited or no willingness to beliefs, and symbols of Signals of behavioral
communicate about or culture. Signals of resistance are the
participate in change. emotional resistance development of rumors and
include a low emotional other informal or routine
commitment to change forms of resistance by units
or individuals.
People are too Change creates
Sometimes the
satisfied with the fear of the
threat is real
way things are. unknown

The purpose of
Loss of Control the change is

The change isn‘t Routine is

self-initiated. disrupted

Change creates The rewards for The leader is afraid of new

fear of failure change don‘t susceptible to ideas
match the effort feelings of
change requires. personal

Mistrust and Poor Unrealistic

Lack Of Communication Timelines
Change requires additional commitment

Narrow-mindedness thwarts acceptance of new ideas

Tradition resists change

Ripple effects. Like tossing a pebble into a pond, change creates ripples,
reaching distant spots in ever-widening circles
Reasons for failure
70% of corporate transformation efforts are doomed to fail.

Under The change

Lacking a Vision communicating proposed is a
the Vision bad idea.

The change
pursue the proposed is
wrong changes based solely on
the past.

The changes
proposed are too
many, happening
too quickly
Reasons for failure
Not Establishing
Resistance from
Flawed a Great Enough
employees and
implementation Sense of
other stakeholders

The change The change The change

proposed is not proposed is not proposed is self-
presented accepted by the serving to the
effectively. influencers. leaders.

How to Make Change a success

Communicate effectively:
Strategize by developing a create a shared
Develop a clear vision strategy and a clear action understanding of change
plan required and how to best
make it happen.

Sway. Influence is about

Change yourself (your Collaborate:-Don‘t go it
gaining not only compliance,
mindset, actions, and alone. Leading change is a
but also the commitment
behaviors.). team activity.
necessary to drive change.

Execute: focus on getting key

Know the signs. Recognize
people into key positions
develop metrics and the early warning signs that
break big projects down into
monitoring systems to indicate an initiative is
small wins to get early
measure progress. starting to derail: negativity
victories and build
and disengagement.
How to Make Change a success
Maintain the ability to
Maintain flexibility and
rapidly adapt to a Be The Change You Want
adapt to changing
constantly changing To See

Learn. successful
Commit: Change is difficult, but leaders change leaders
who negotiated it successfully were
resilient and persistent, and willing to step never assumed
outside their comfort zone. they had all the

Be realistic
Kotter’s 8 steps to change
A Sense of Urgency
Cancel projects that have become distractions.
Delegate, delegate, and delegate some more.

Behave with urgency every day

• In order to operate with a true sense of urgency, you must be relentless

in eliminating low priority items from your planner and calendar.

Find opportunities in crisis

• A crisis can be a useful opportunity to dispense with the status quo and
wake people out of their lethargic routines.
• To coerce a crisis into an urgency stimulant, it is imperative that you
make the crisis visible, unambiguous, and big enough that it cannot be
solved with simple and easy actions

Deal with the No-Nos

A Sense of Urgency
NoNos will do almost anything to maintain the status quo.

They rarely act with rational motives. NoNos typically act based on their own insecurities and anxieties.
Or they act on motives of anger. They may believe that they should be in charge and will do what they
can to see that people in positions of power above them fail to succeed.

There are two mistakes you must avoid when dealing with NoNos. The first is an attempt at co-
optation. While it may seem like either the best or the only realistic thing to do, we must recognize that
it is nearly impossible to convert a NoNo into accepting the new consenting opinion.

The second mistake is to ignore a NoNo. Without your knowing, a NoNo can, and often do, organize an
active resistance movement against your initiative. They work in the margins, slowly building an army
of supporters that can effectively disrupt or derail plans of urgent change.

There are three effective ways to deal with NoNos. Distract them, eliminate them, or use social
pressure to call them out on their behavior.
Mckinsey 7s Framework (To Analyze
how the seven elements should be
• Determining how your business
will achieve targets and goals
• Boosting productivity and
• Putting a proposed strategy into
• Facilitating the complexities of
aligning departments and
processes during mergers or
• Examining the effects of
organizational changes within
the company
• Implementing policies to
improve employee skills and
The 7s model can be used when
organizational design and
effectiveness are at question.
How do you use the McKinsey 7s model?




how to create an atmosphere that will
encourage others to be changed.
The leader must make personal changes before asking
others to change- THE LEADER AS CHANGE AGENT

Show Show the people how the change will benefit them

Develop The leader must develop a trust with people.

Give Give the people ownership of the change

Encourage Encourage the influencers to influence others informally

Mastering the Art of Decision Making

16-Mar-24 205
Effective Decision = Quality X Acceptance
What sets those top performers apart is the quality, speed,
and execution of their decision making.
Decision are often made under great uncertainty, and often
under time pressure. The world is a complex place. There
are too many factors to consider. There are times when you
have to choose between two excellent options.
six reasons that many organizations and leaders make
bad decisions or struggle to make decisions

Analysis Decision
paralysis fatigue

Lack of Multi-
state of
input tasking
Effective Decision Making

Six questions to ask before making a decision:

1. What decision needs to be made?
2. When does it have to be made?
3. Who will decide?
4. Who will need to be consulted prior to making the
5. Who will ratify or veto the decision?
6. Who will need to be informed of the decision?
Effective Decision Making
What sets those top performers apart is the quality,
speed, and execution of their decision making.

Clear understanding of the problem

Clarity about desired outcomes, including

acceptable tradeoffs.

Meaningful information that is reliable, unbiased,

and reflects all relevant uncertainties (look for
missing information).
Effective Decision Making
make tough calls in uncertain times, with incomplete
information, while considering the trade-offs involved, and
taking both short- and long-term goals into account.

Creative, doable alternatives

Seek new insights , expose their hidden implications, see

the big picture (open mind).

Challenge (question the status quo)- What other options do

we have?‖
Decision Styles

‗No thought‘: these could

Emotional: choices and
be routine decisions and Intuitive: inner feeling is
decisions are made on
choices made with little or an important factor in
subjective feelings, rather
no thought. Choices can making choices
than objective decisions
made through impulse too

Compliant: choices and

Hesitant: procrastination, decisions made in a
Logical – selections and
hesitance and postponing passive way, dependent
decisions are made in an
my precede decision on others‘ opinions and
objective way
making expectations but also self-
imposed expectations
Level of Decision
Strategic Decision
how to respond to a competitive threat

How to better integrate an acquisition

Which products to invest more deeply in

Where to reduce a budget.

How to organize a reporting relationships.

Decision Framework-Decisions in
Multiple Contexts
Decision Process
Understand Understand the Situation (identify the issues and its context)

Define Define the Problem

Define Define Objectives

Establish Establish Decision Criteria

Collect Collect Information (involve interested and affected parties)

Diagnose Diagnose the problem (assess risks and benefits)

Develop Develop Alternatives (analyze and identify options)

Evaluate Evaluate Alternatives

Choose Choose best alternative

Implement Implement alternative

Making decisions with incomplete

There are always underlining You must make the best

You will never have perfect assumptions and biases decision that you can based on
information. behind every decision or the immediate information
recommendation. available.

Leaders must be prepared to

Junior leaders must know what
make an educated guess
is within their decision-making You may not always agree with
based on previous experience,
authority. They must also pass the decision. But at the end of
knowledge of how the rival
critical information up the the day, once a decision has
operates, likely outcomes, and
chain so senior leadership can been made, you must execute
whatever intelligence is
make informed strategic the plan as if it were your own.
available in the immediate
Four Styles of Decision Making
Problem Analysis Process

What is going on? What are What do we know What are the
symptoms of the about it? casual factors?

What are the What is the root What could we do? What is the best
issues contributed cause? thing to do?
to the problem?
Pareto Analysis

List Identify Score Group Start

List Problem Areas Identify root cause Score each problem Group those with Start working with
for each problem in terms of same root cause those with highest
Importance score (Pareto
Principle, useful
technique for
prioritizing problem-
solving-20% of the
work you do will
generate 80% of the
results you are
looking for).
Root Cause Analysis: techniques and methods
Brainstorming: The
brainstorming process brings
together a group of people to The 5 whys:: WHY.. WHY..
discuss the issue in a WHY.. WHY.. WHY..
question in a facilitated

Flowcharting (Using a
rectangle for a process step, Fishbone Diagrams: To
an arrow for direction, and a visually map cause and effect
diamond for a decision point.)

Affinity Diagram: Often the

output from a brainstorming
session, can be used to
generate, organize, and
consolidate information
related to the issue in
question. After ideas have
been generated, they can be
grouped according to their
similarity to identify the major
The TEACH process

Try tackling problems

using the TEACH process:
Hit it =
Implement the
Exposure = best solution.
Time = Spend Assistance = Creativity =
Find out what •How do you react
time to Have your Brainstorm when faced with a
others have
discover the team study all multiple difficult problem?
real issue. angles. solutions. •Do you ignore it?
done/tried. Feel powerless?
Or do you tackle
them willingly?
Alternative Options

Decisions are at An effective Unless one has Foster dissension

best a choice executive insists considered and
between ―almost on alternatives of alternatives, one disagreement,
right‖ and measurement – has a closed rather than
―probably wrong‖ so that they can mind. consensus.
choose the
appropriate one
by which to judge
a decision.

People are more likely to accept an order if they

have had a part in the decision that caused the
see opposition order to be issued.
as your means to
think through the
Decision Matrix Analysis Model
WRAP Method
Encounter Encounter a choice – Widen Your Options

Analyze the options – Reality-check Your Assumptions (It can be very difficult to
Analyze overcome confirmation bias on your own.)

Make a decision – Attain Distance Before Deciding (Short-term emotion can

Make cloud judgment)

Live Live with it – Prepare to be Wrong

The Future’s Wheel
When you are planning to make short term and longer
changes to your organization-Foresee the outcomes
through prediction.
•Write your proposed Change
•Go through all the major outcomes you can foresee and list out the
changes that you expect to occur as the result of the change
•go into deeper and deeper levels- From each first-order consequence, try
to find some second and third-order consequences to list as well.
•look at what you have created- How is this change looking overall? Are
there more positive or negative consequences expected if you decide to
go ahead with the change?- how you are going to deal with the negative
consequences that you expect.
•If you decide that the negatives outweigh the positives around the wheel,
it may be best to take a pass on implementing this particular change. Or,
at least, you may need to modify the change you are making up front in
order to take away some of the negative potential. to follow?
The Kepner-Tregoe Matrix

To make best possible choice (not the

perfect choice) from options at hand.
Situational Analysis
Identify the top-level view of the decision
that needs to be made - what is going on,
and why a decision needs to be made in the
first place.

identify the concerns that are involved in

the decision

outline the priorities that you have in this

Problem Analysis
Think through the situation - Don‘t presume
that you know what the cause of a problem
is without digging in

Focus on the specific and the root cause of

the problem
Decision Analysis
risk analysis (what are the risks for each
decision? Are they risks that you are willing
to take, or not? )
Potential Problem Analysis
think about the various issues that may
come up and how they will be dealt with.

Then an element of contingency must be

built into the execution phase o take
account of ‗the unexpected‘ changes that
naturally occur in the real world.
Evaluating Alternatives in Decision
Using Weighted Criteria
Characteristics of good alternatives

Technically Sound, in
developing alternatives Clearly and
for achieving the Consistently Defined,

Able to expose
fundamental trade-offs,
Small in number and they emphasize rather
collaboratively with the
high in quality, than hide difficult but
people most affected,
unavoidable value-
based trade-offs
intuition and logic
 every decision we take, every
judgement we make, is a battle
between intuition and logic: a
struggle between the part of our
mind that analyses a problem then
comes up with a rational solution,
and the part that is responsible for
‗gut feelings‘ and more intuitive.
 Interestingly, no matter how rational
we think we are, most of our
decisions are made by our intuitive
mind, which is faster, more easily
accessed, and tends to override our
slower, logical mind.
 On top of which, our thinking is
riddled with systematic mistakes,
known as ‗cognitive biases‘
• Discernment is the ability to find the root of
the matter, and it relies on intuition as well
as rational thought.
• understanding mind
• discerning the thoughts and intentions of
the heart.
• test everything; hold fast what is good.
• not believe every thing, but test
• Maturity to distinguish good from evil,
• discern what is the will of God, what is good
and acceptable and perfect.
• To approve what is excellent
• do not lean on your own understanding of
the world
• Do not judge by appearances, but judge with
right judgment.
Because there are people
empty deceit, according to human tradition,
Who are deceitful, disguising themselves
according to the elemental spirits.

Leaders need discernment because they often must make decisions with
incomplete information.

People who lack discernment are seldom in the right place at the right time.

Leaders create their own ―luck‖ as a result of discernment


Whoever is slow to anger has

he who has a cool spirit is a man
Insight great understanding, but he who
of understanding
has a hasty temper exalts folly.

darkened in their understanding

because of the ignorance that is
in them, due to their hardness of
do not lean on your own heart.
to turn away from evil is
understanding. search for it as for
understanding. • When faced with complex issues, can you
hidden treasures. readily identify the heart of the matter?
• Are you able to see root causes or difficult
problems without having to get every bit of
1. Do you trust your instinct and rely on it as you do
your intellect?
 To Improve
 Analyze problems that you solved successfully in the
past. Read the biographies of leaders you admire. Learn
how other leaders think and make decisions.
 Read the biographies of leaders you admire. Learn how
other leaders think and make decisions.
 Look for patterns where trusting your gut led to a good
insight :How much better to get wisdom than gold,
to get insight rather than silver! Proverbs 16:16

Prudence: The wisdom of the prudent is to discern his way, but the folly of fools is deceiving. Proverbs 14:8

Intelligence: An intelligent heart acquires knowledge, and the ear of the wise seeks knowledge. Proverbs 18:15

patient :Whoever is patient has great understanding,

but one who is quick-tempered displays folly. Proverbs 14:29

best use of the time :Look carefully then how you walk, not as unwise but as wise, making the best use of the time,
because the days are evil. Ephesians 5:15-17

good life :Who is wise and understanding among you? Let them show it by their good life, by deeds done in the humility
that comes from wisdom. James 3:13

purity: the wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure; then peace-loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy
and good fruit, impartial and sincere. James 3:17

humility : When pride comes, then comes disgrace, but with humility comes wisdom. Proverbs 16:16

Fear of God :fear the LORD :Do not be wise in your own eyes; fear the LORD and shun evil. Proverbs 4:6-7 For the LORD
gives wisdom; from his mouth come knowledge and understanding. Proverbs 4:7
Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. Proverbs 3:5
cool spirit :-Whoever restrains his words has knowledge, and he who has a cool spirit is a man of understanding. Even
fool who keeps silent is considered wise; when he closes his lips, he is deemed intelligent.
Why Braises?
Decisions are not made by starting with the facts. One starts with opinions that must be tested
against reality.

People start with their opinion, and then look for facts that fit the conclusion they already

Even sophisticated financial analysis can be easily swayed by individual biases or corporate

When managers present a point of view, assume their point of view reflects some combination
of how things actually are and how they want things to be. Many managers do an analysis to
reaffirm what they already believe.

An effective executive knows to start with opinions, but then asks, ―What do we have to know
to test the validity of this hypothesis?‖
Other Biases
 Similarity Bias — We prefer what is like us over what
is different
 Expedience Bias — We prefer to act quickly rather
than take time
 Experience Bias — We take our perception to be the
objective truth
 Distance Bias — We prefer what’s closer over what’s
farther away
 Safety Bias — We protect against loss more than we
seek out gain
Indecision- Reasons
1. Decision Fatigue
2. Hard Choices
3. Competing Interests-Which interests to serve?
4. Lack of Information
5. Analysis Paralysis
6. Emotions
7. Steady state of Distractions
8. Dilemmas
9. Procrastination.
10. Responsibility not clearly identified.
11. Over spiritualizing.
Decision Fatigue
the mental fatigue that comes after making multiple decisions
(especially If your work requires you to make hard decisions all day
long) or as the result of having too many options leads to:
 Stuck with analysis paralysis.
 draw biased conclusions
 avoid or postpone decisions.
 chasing a perfect solution instead of making the best
decision under the given circumstances.
 reluctant to approve new ideas
 find it difficult to choose from a number of presented options
and end up making poor choices
 Reluctance to make trade-offs.
 Fall back to easy choices.
 Stick with the status quo.
 React aggressively as your brain‘s regulatory power weakens
causing you to lose control
Decision Fatigue
fatigue the
mental is
not visible
to us.

recognize its symptoms.

What can
we do? Tackle your most challenging task first

find creative ways to save the battery for important decisions.

controlling the number of decisions we make by choice and

dedicating our peak mental energy to those significant decisions.
Identify activities that align with your goals and values and say no
to all inconsequential activities.
Believe you have more will power.
Hard Choices

Hard Choices are

 Equally attractive options , yet differently attractive
 Trade off that require compromise.
 Unique, one off decisions, the outcome of which cannot be
 Deciding whose interests to serve first.
 Avoiding Hard Decisions?
 In an effort not to upset others or lose status?
 trying to avoid fallout?
 concocting sophisticated justifications (quality and accuracy.,
being considerate of others, ambiguity, the anxiety of being
wrong) for putting off difficult decisions?
 Failing to address underperformance or to acknowledge the
great work of your high performers
 Stop Avoiding Hard Decisions
 you should model taking calculated risks and learning from
Power Interest Grid

Deciding whose interests to serve first when

you are working as a manger or leader within
an organization can be a tricky choice.
1. Identify your stakeholders.
2. Make sure every stakeholder in each part
of the grid is getting exactly what they
need to remain happy with the progress
that you and your team are making. act in
the manner that you see fit
3. If the people that fall into the High Interest
/ High Power category are not happy, it is
unlikely that your project will be
considered a success no matter what the
stakeholders in the other parts of the grid
might think.
Decision without Courage
it is wise to ask, ―What will happen if we do nothing?‖

Indecision crystalizes into doubt, the two blend and become fear.

A decision requires courage as much as it requires judgment.

Decision making does not flow from a consensus on the facts. The understanding
that underlies the right decision grows out of the clash and conflict of divergent
opinions and out of the serious consideration of competing alternatives.
Seek out disagreement when making decisions. Make effective decisions. It will
always be a judgment based on ―dissenting opinions‖ rather than on ―consensus
on the facts.‖
Always accept the truth of the problem. Face up to the reality of the situation.

Great Leaders took responsibility for decisions.

Biblical Decision-
Making Principles
1. Over-spiritualizing
2. Relying on worldly wisdom and
devaluing Godly wisdom
3. devaluing walking by faith –relying too
heavily on logic, facts, knowledge,
education, and personal experiences
when making decisions.
Decide How to Decide

Bain‘s RAPID Framework

One of the biggest keys in decision making is understanding
who has responsibility of which parts of the decision.
• R – Recommend: those who are going to be making the recommendations for
the decision at hand.
• A – Agree: who are going to be in agreement with the recommendation that has
been made for the decision. While this group is going to stand behind the
choice that has been made by the people in the Recommend group, those
within the Agree group may also provide their own opinions in order to shift the
recommendation as needed.
• P – Perform:- put the decision into action
• I – Input:-Those who Supply information (eg business analysts and others with
information) to those who make the decision.
• D – Decide: When everything has been completed and all of the opinions are
on the table, a decision will need to be both made and executed
How to Improve Your Decision-Making

Acting sooner
Acting on your
rather than later
awareness is a
may actually
critical step.
save the day.

Another problem Tap into as much

with rational knowledge within
thinking is that of the organization
―trial and error,‖ as you can,

Ensure that those

carrying out the
decisions are
involved in
making them
How to Improve Your Decision-Making

when faced with

take into account a
evidence from the
wide variety of
past, try reversing
views prior to
your cause-and-
setting the context
effect thinking.
People are led
by confirmation
bias. You can Avoid making hard
combat this decisions
tendency by
forcing people to
show the negative.
How to Improve Your Decision-Making

Consider what is Explore prons,

at stake cons and risks

Learn from Remain

experience skeptical

Get others Experiment

perspectives Have options
Argue it out
How to Improve Your Decision-
Creative, doable alternatives

Seek new insights , expose their

hidden implications, see the big
picture (open mind).

Challenge (question the status quo)-

What other options do we have?‖
make tough calls in uncertain times, with incomplete
information, while considering the trade-offs involved,
and taking both short- and long-term goals into

 Make tough trade-

offs and explain
them to others.

How to Improve Your Decision-
 A decision has not been made until people know:
 The name of the person accountable for carrying it out
 The deadline
 The people who will be affected by the decision and
therefore have to know about it
 The names of the people who must be informed, even if
they are not directly affected by it
A Checklist for Making Faster, Better Decisions

Write down five preexisting company goals or priorities that will be impacted by the decision.

Write down at least three, but ideally four or more, realistic alternatives.

Write down the most important information you are missing. We risk ignoring what we don‘t
know because we are distracted by what we do know.

Write down the impact your decision will have one year in the future.

Are you willing to move forward despite the calculated risks? Or are you stuck endlessly analyzing?
Leading A Strong Team

Without a team, there can be no
The only meaningful measure for a leader is whether the team succeeds or fails.No
Bad Teams, Only Bad Leaders

It‘s the leader‘s fault when subordinates aren‘t doing what they should.

To achieve results, one has to use all the available strengths – the strengths of
associates, the strengths of the superior, and one‘s own strengths. These strengths
are the true opportunities.

The leader must own everything in his or her world. Extreme ownership is asking
yourself, ―How can I best get my team to most effectively execute the plan in order
to accomplish the mission?‖

Pointing fingers and blaming others is easy and contagious.

Total responsibility for failure is a difficult thing to accept. It requires extraordinary

humility and courage.
The Maturity Continuum

Dependence: The Independence: The

paradigm of you. You paradigm of I. I can do it.
take care of me. I blame I‘m responsible. I am
you for the results. self-reliant.

Interdependence: The
paradigm of we. We can
do it. We can cooperate.
We can accomplish
something greater
• “Coming together is a beginning, staying together is
progress, and working together is success.” - Henry Ford
• “There is immense power when a group of people with
interests gets together to work toward the same goals.” -
Idowu Koyenikan
“those who learned to collaborate and improvise most
Ability to work in a team..
Characteristics of a Great Team Player

They Embrace
They believe they
Collaboration. ...
can effectively
and demonstrate They are flexible
complete tasks

They trust one

They are
They Delegate another and feel
Characteristics of a Great Team Player

They Are Committed

to Their Team
• Always Ready to Give A They are reliable and
Respectful To Others
Hand responsible

They Understand
Their Role. ...
They Hold Themselves • All team members must be
Accountable. ... on the same page about
their roles, responsibilities,
and the ways they interact
Characteristics of a Great Team Player
They are Great in Coalition
• ድር ቢያብር አንበሳ ያስር
• Networking. Cultivate a broad network of
relationships with the people inside and
• Building Unity in Diversity
• Finding Common Grounds
• A man of Peace and Reconciliation
Great Team Leader
Knows that the output don‘t make excuses.
of a manager is the Instead, they figure
sum of the output of out a way to get it
her team. done and win.

do not take credit for

his or her team‘s
Knows that leader
successes but
can‘t make people
bestows that honor
do things. You have
upon his
to lead them.
subordinate leaders
Knows that and team members.
departments and
groups within the
Realizes that each
team must break
member of the team
down silos, depend
is critical to success
on each other and
understand who
depends on them.
The five dysfunctions of a Team- The Lencioni


The Five Dynamics of Team Work (The LaFasto and
Larson Model)

Team relationships: Team problem solving:

Team member: When you select When there are good
What kind of skills and someone with a great working relationships
characteristics do they attitude, then forming within the team, it can
possess? Are they the good working assist in making group
right fit for the role? relationships won‘t be so decisions easier and
difficult. reduce conflict.

Team leadership: environment:
Having a leader that The likelihood of
encourages and engages commitment from a team
their team is crucial to is increased when there
their success. are the right methods and
company culture in place.
essential conditions that make up a
successful team
Compelling Direction

Enabling conditions (makeup and structure of the teams)

• makeup and structure of the teams
• the right mix and number of member
• a balance of skills
• Diversity in knowledge, views, and perspectives, as well as in age, gender, and
race, can help teams be more creative and avoid groupthink
• optimally designed tasks and processes
• Supportive organizational context

Having the Right Support

The right reward system

The right Information Systems

Resources-funding and technology

Educational system-Training, Cultivate Crucial skills, Expert

Social Relationships: Teams do well when executives invest in
supporting social relationships
Basic Elements of Organizing
Designing Designing Jobs

Grouping Grouping Jobs

Differentiating Differentiating between positions

Establishing Establishing Reporting Relationships

Distributing Distributing Authority

Coordinating Coordinating Activities

Organization Structure
Determining structure
includes deciding who
does what, who
answers to whom,
who has the decision
making power

the ideal structure

would be one that
gives it both the
stability and agility
needed to meet its
objectives in a
continuously changing

Simplify structure to:

enhance growth rather than hinder it
Avoid duplication of responsibility and authority
Avoid bottlenecks
Organization Structure
Quicken the decision-making process

Trust staff to act without prior approval;

Delegate responsibility to the "front lines";

Empower staff yet maintain appropriate accountability.

clearly delineates responsibilities, authority, and lines of

serve your mission rather than having your mission serve
the structure."
Creating Systems

Systems can be viewed as the circulatory systems of an

organization. They are less visible aspects but play a crucial role in
determining behavior and performance.
‖An organization‘s systems answering questions such as:
 How do people relate to one another?
 How are decisions made?
 For what reasons do people come together? •
 How is authority exercised?
 How are people rewarded for value added behaviors?
Team Efficiency

Common Use of mutual trust Interpersona Control and

goal resources and Conflict l procedures
resolution communicati
The T7 Model of Team Effectiveness
Classic Team-Building Advice
 Forming, storming, norming,

Team Life Cycle
Team Building-Tuckman‘s
FSNP Model
 Best suited for:
People who want to
understand the
various stages that
make up team
development within
group projects.
Team Development-Rubin, Plovnick, and
Fry‘s GRPI Model of Team Effectiveness

 Best suited for:

Teams who have
lost their direction
and need to find
their way back into
the swing of things.
Understand the value of Diversity

The more brains working on the hard problems, the

• Synergy means that the whole is greater than the sum
of its parts.
• Sameness is not oneness; uniformity is not unity.
Unity, or oneness, is complementariness, not
sameness. Sameness is uncreative… and boring.
• The essence of synergy is to value the differences. The
mental, emotional, and psychological differences
between people.
Understand the value of Diversity

A common weakness is the habit of measuring everything, and everyone,

by your own impressions and beliefs.
Recognize the fact that the other fellow has a right to be different.
If you let your thinking go uncontrolled, you can find much to dislike in
almost anyone. But if you manage your thinking properly, you can find
many qualities to like and admire about the same person.
Recognize the fact that no person is perfect.
The 5 C’s required for Good Team Building

1. Control
 Trying to control too much might make team members
less creative and innovative which will affect their
productivity in the long run.
 So, assign them just the right amount of authority so that
the team is strong enough to take critical decisions when
required and learns to be more responsible and stronger.
2. Commitment:
 it is the management responsibility to motivate and instill
commitment in the employees.
The 5 C’s required for Good Team Building

3. Clear Expectations:
○ In any organization, every team member of different departments
must be clear about what is expected out of him/her.
○ Lack of clarity is one of the major reasons why teams fail.
○ When each member understands his or her responsibility, there
will be fewer clashes and people will work objectively towards
meeting their individual goals which are later merged to achieve
the project end goals.
The 5 C’s required for Good Team Building

4. Communication:
 Lack of communication often leads to a
misunderstanding of things and
ultimately, bad performances and worse
 The communication channels should be
well defined so that there should not be
any miscommunication.
The 5 C’s required for Good Team Building

5. Co-operation and co-ordination :

 Team members need to understand each other‘s working
styles and bond as well. Moreover, one should be
comfortable working with each other.
 With the sense of teamwork settles in, it becomes easier for
them to face challenges and succeed as a team.
 The New Leader’s Challenges

You don‘t know the team.

You can‘t change the team right away.

The people you need now may not be the

ones you need later.

Three Steps to Team Transformation

 Assess  Reshape  Accelerate

the Team the Team Developme

Giving Feedback- Creating Your
Feedback Message
Receiving Feedback
Strategies to manage sensitivity of the
feedback receiver


Leadership Styles
what level of ‗power‘ is needed to
achieve pre-determined results?

Different situations, different

personalities and different companies
require differing actions and mindsets
to deal with the issues and challenges

By exhibiting the right ‗style‘ of

leadership, depending on the
circumstances and situations faced, a
person can achieve
 better results,
 more engagement,
 higher levels of motivation
 and an increased performance level.
Leadership Styles (Daniel Goleman)

Democratic/Participative Leadership:
Autocratic/Commanding Leadership
Needed when buy-in from team
Style: Needed when fast decision-
members is required to move
making is required, the team trusts
forward. The leader involves more
the leader to make good decisions
people in finding solutions, allowing
and little or no team involvement is
creativity to drive performance

Pacesetter Leadership: Needed when

Affiliative Leadership: this style - a leader needs quick business
creates a harmonious atmosphere results, often associated with sales
when working through stressful and marketing targets. The leader can
conditions and circumstances by drive results through target-setting,
‗building relationships, close faced-paced creative projects and
communication, showing empathy‘. setting the example of the pace to be

Visionary Leadership: With this style,

by its very nature, leaders have
Coaching Leadership: Where the
visions and missions that people buy
leader has an experienced team who
into, inspired by the direction it will
need support to get the tasks done,
take them now and in the future.
relying on the assistance of the
having inspiring, long-term goals that
leader when necessary. This style
take the department and company
helps team members to learn quickly
forward, creating an atmosphere
and effectively, putting ideas into
where team members can build their
action with the leader facilitating the
knowledge and abilities, knowing
growth and development of the team.
they have a mission that allows
progress and development.

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