Leadership Updated 1.11.21 MK Trainees
Leadership Updated 1.11.21 MK Trainees
Leadership Updated 1.11.21 MK Trainees
Develop team
Inspires trust
Keep records
Administers skills and
and reports
expand skills Long range perspective
Asks ―What? and Why?‖
Relies on
Short term
Eye on the horizon
Challenges the status
Does things Accepts the Asks ―How?
and When?‖
right status quo
Does the right thing
Managers Leaders
The 6 Leadership Pillars(Competencies)
Strategic Capacity
Influencing Capacity
Decision Capacity
Organizational Capacity
You can never separate a leader‘s character from his actions.
am I disciplined
How humble I Do people trust
and self- Am I faithful?
am? me?
Assess Assess the degree to which you adhere to your own moral code
Establish Establish a code of values and behaviors for your group members
Examine Examine how you would have behaved or reacted to each of your mistakes
Honesty is the
Trust takes years to
foundation for trust. You Respect is earned. Trust
build; seconds to ruin,
cannot have one without is gained.
forever to repair.
the other.
Be reliable (Experience is
often a necessary
component. Trust can Doi what is right over Commitment during times
Act ethically
only be built through what is easy. of adversity.
appropriate interaction
over time).
Be willing to be wrong.
Practice Accountability. Deliver results. Be Timely.
Admit mistakes.
What Bible says about…
it is required of stewards that they be found
trustworthy. 1 Corinthians 4:2
Whoever walks in integrity walks securely, but he
who makes his ways crooked will be found out..
Proverbs 10:9
Show yourself in all respects to be a model of good
works, and in your teaching show integrity, dignity,.
Titus 2:7
Like the cold of snow in the time of harvest is a
faithful messenger to those who send him; he
refreshes the soul of his masters. Proverbs 25:13
“One who is faithful in a very little is also faithful in
much, and one who is dishonest in a very little is also
dishonest in much.” Luke 16:10
Jethro to Moses Select
1. capable men,
2. men who fear God,
3. trustworthy men who hate dishonest gain,
―The foundation of leadership is your own moral compass. It's their guide for
leaders to make the right decisions.
Your beliefs become your thoughts, your thoughts become your words, your
words become your actions, your actions become your habits, your habits
become your values, your values become your destiny‖ Mohtarma Gandhi.
16-Mar-24 42
Visionary Leaders
They are They are They have They are They are They have a They have
able to see able to innovative realistic on fully collaborativ resilience
beyond the envisage a and creative the tasks focused on e nature. when things
foggy future that ideas and projects the journey They didn‘t go
present isn‘t that can be and the encourage right
hindered by carried out goal and engage
current others on
conditions the journey.
Pros and Cons of Visionary Leadership
Our World View
Because People have different world views they can see different things when
they look at the same world.
World View-Fundamental Questions
What kinds of things exist? What is the basic nature and structure
of reality? (META PHYISCS)
What can we know? How can we know what we know? How can
we determine which beliefs are true and rationally justified or
warranted? (EPISTLOMOGY)
Life Questions: who am I ? Where do I come from? Why I am here?
Where will I go when I die? Why is the world in the condition it is in?
what can I do to make a difference in the World?
What are the most basic and important goals for a human life?
Your attitude
Who you are is who
determines how you‘ll
you attract.
1 2 3 4 5 6
Look for outside Experiment with Produce many Be progressive, Test your own Don‘t let ideas
analogies. Find many alternate different, unlikely not regressive. views in the escape. Write
deep structural solutions. Keep and divergent Think about how form of them down.
similarities to the your options ideas. you can do it questions. Let Memory is a
current problem open. better today than other people weak slave when
in different ones. you did help you smooth it comes to
yesterday. and polish your preserving and
ideas. nurturing brand
new ideas.
Creative Personality Traits
Practice shifting from operating with an open mind and receptive to new
Practice ideas, to closed focus and concentration.
Excavate Excavate old knowledge but wield it in a new way. Cross-pollinate ideas.
Ideas That Win The New Marketplace
Start by Make Time for Observe and Ask the Tough growing the
changing your Thinking Seek Trends Questions skill for
mindset connecting
the dots and
identifying the
ips and
cies, root
cause analysis
and data-
functional and
Ways to Improve your Thinking
Get the right You are who you think Our behavior is a Encourage positive
perspective. See things you are. Encourage function of our thoughts and eliminate
for what they are. positive thoughts and decisions, not our fear and doubt.
eliminate fear and conditions. It‘s not what
doubt. happens to us, but our
response to what
happens to us that hurts
us. Reactive people are
often affected by their
physical and social
Ways to Improve your Thinking
Remind yourself regularly that you are better than you think you
Remind are. You Are What You Think You Are.
The Right Perspective
Believe BIG. The size of your success is determined by the size of your belief.
A big thinker always visualizes what can be done in the future. He isn‘t stuck with the present.
Success comes to
those who become
success conscious.
Failure comes to
those who
indifferently allow
themselves to
become failure
Effective Strategic
Strategic thinking – envisioning the
Big Picture; exploring options,
clarifying goals and objectives.
Strategic planning – creating the
structures and processes necessary
to achieve goals and objectives.
Tactical planning – developing the
implementation plan for allocation of
resources, delivery and evaluation.
Leaders have to practice foresight,
insight and actions in the VUCA World—
Volatile, Uncertain, Complex, and
What is a Strategic Planning?
Strategic planning is a process to define our direction (strategy) and
allocate our resources to achieve our goals.
Strategic planning is ―A systematic process of envisioning a desired
future, and translating this vision into broadly defined goals or objectives
and a sequence of steps to achieve them.
Strategic Planning – is the ―How‖ and ―When‖ …at a very high level.
Operational Planning – is the specific details of the how and when.
Rarity: Does a firm possess unusual skills or other assets that the strategy
would utilize?
Imitate: How long will it take other firms to imitate your strategy? Strategies
that are hard to imitate – assuming they are also valuable and rare – are
more likely to be a source of long-lasting competitive advantages.
The Dynamics of the Planning Process
You must be a true believer in the mission in order to convince and inspire
others to follow.
Senior leaders need to explain to junior leaders and teams executing the
mission how their role contributes to big picture success.
It‘s possible to have enough to live by but nothing to live for; to have the
means but no meaning.
When personal agendas become more important than the team and the
overarching mission‘s success, performance suffers and failure ensues.
A Personal Mission Statement
A personal mission
statement focuses on what Start with why. Always
you want to be (character) operate with the
and to do (contributions and understanding that you are
achievements) and on the part of something greater
values or principles upon than yourself and your own
which being and doing are personal interests.
The more one forgets
himself—by giving himself to a
cause to serve or another
At the center of our mission person to love—the more
human he is and the more he
statement is our lens through actualizes himself. In some
which we see the world. way, suffering ceases to be
suffering at the moment it
finds meaning, such as the
meaning of a sacrifice.
Vision defines what the organization hopes to do in the future. It is a
picture of how the organization will look in the future as it achieves its
Desirable – appeals
Imaginable – to the long-term
Feasible –
conveys a picture of interests of
comprises realistic,
what the future will employees,
obtainable goals
look like customers,
stakeholders etc.
Flexible – General
Focused – clear
enough to allow Communicable – can
enough to provide
initiative and be fully explained in
guidance in decision
alternative 5 minutes
Personal Vision
Five Cultural conditioning.
Why We Visualization is a skill
with We are afraid
We think the vision has to be perfect
Core Values
Core Values are
Core Values drive provide a
beliefs shared
an organization‘s framework to help
among the
culture and make decisions and
members in an
priorities guide us in
everything we do:
Core Values
Provide boundaries
Differentiate us
on the ways and Enhance coherence
from other
means by which we of our activities.
move forward to
achieve our Vision
Developing Value Statements
who we are…
that which anyone can do without asking permission and that, the
opposite of which is inconceivable…
You create the culture. What you do as the leader will be emulated by
your subordinates.
Where are we today?
A SWOT Analysis focuses on the:
Internal Factors comprised of Strengths and
current organizational performance in terms of financial
and human resources (inputs)
operating methods or strategies (processes)
results or outcomes (outputs)
It is often valuable to identify critical success factors for the
External Factors comprised of Opportunities and
Treats that include socio-cultural shifts,
macroeconomic matters, technological advances,
changes in laws or our environment, etc.
SWOT Analysis Questions
Strengths Questions
• what makes your company unique?
• what does your company do well?
• Which areas are you most successful?
• What resources do you have that gives you an advantage over others?
Weakness Questions?
• What Areas need the most Improvement
• What negative things t your company do you hear from customers?
• Why do potential customers fail to convert?
• What are some common problems you always seem to run into?
• Where do you feel limited?
• What could your business do better?
Opportunity Questions
• Which outside trends have additional positive impacts on you?
• Which upcoming events could prove helpful to grow your company?
• Will your market experience growth in the future?
Threat Questions
• What competitors/Competion will you face in the future?
• Are there recent developments which may create challenges for you?
• Is your market on a downward trajectory?
Environmental scanning
Consider the impact on your organization and
the population it serves.
changing demographics
political trends
community values
economic trends
the implications of new or changing laws and
regulations affecting the organization
communications and other technological
Opportunity or Threat?
16-Mar-24 126
The five forces (To analyze
The five forces framework does a great job of helping to
identify the competitive threats in an industry. But using
this tool to estimate the overall attractiveness of an
industry is usually not that helpful.
The five forces are kind of like the wind (high rivalry, high
threat of entry, and so forth)), the direction that
competition within an industry is moving.
Strategy is about positioning the firm relative to the
prevailing winds and a way to make sure that the firm
gets to where wants to go, no matter what direction the
wind is blowing.
BCG Matrix- To analyze Product Portfolios
Marketing Mix Model- What to sell and how to sell
The Business Model Canvas
Operating Model
The Balanced Scorecard
Theory of Change (TOC) Model
essentially "working
• start by setting a larger,
big-picture goal―
• establishing long-term
• identify the
adjustments and plans
• plan the various short-
term changes
SWOT Analysis
Merge SWOT Lists
Identify Strategic Issues
A strategic issue is a fundamental policy choice affecting
an organization‘s mandates, mission, values, product or
service level.
Some Questions To Ask…
○ What are the issues.
○ When will they confront you?
○ How broad an impact will the issues have?
○ What are the probable consequences of not addressing
the issue?
○ Is this an issue we can actually do something about?
○ How apparent is the best approach for resolving the
Before developing a strategic goals:
• start with brainstorming on specific strategic items
that could address the Weaknesses, Opportunities and
Threats and is consistent utilizing the Core Values,
focusing on the Mission and achieving the Vision.
• Organize them into Strategic Areas of Focus
• systematically consolidate and address the items in
each Strategic Area
• Develop a reasonable number of the most important
specific SMART Strategic Goals to be achieved in each
Strategic Area
Key Strategic Objectives
Cost-benefit – Is the strategy likely to lead to sufficient benefits to justify the costs in
time and other resources?
Timing – Can and should the organization implement this strategy at this time,
given external factors and competing demands?
Competing on Resources
The resource-based view (RBV) sees companies as very different collections
of physical and intangible assets and capabilities.
No two companies are alike because no two companies have had the same
set of experiences, acquired the same assets and skills, or built the same
organizational cultures.
Use Game Theory to Shape Strategy
1 2 3
Clarify: Avoid high-level Communicate: Spread Cascade: Translate the
statements that only the message in as many strategy into actions
resonate with the C-suite. ways as you can. through the organization.
Write your strategy in a Connect the strategy to Managers at every level
way that connects with each group's‘ core will be the ones who
front-line employees and purpose. handle this.
5 Changes That Support Successful
People: Train or hire the right (and the right number of) individuals to
implement plans. Ray Mckenzie advises, ―Build a team of people who
are key and can help you move your strategy forward.‖
1. commit to an identity.
• clear-minded about what you do
best 2. Translate the strategic
• developing a solid value
proposition into the everyday.
• building distinctive capabilities
that will last for the long term
Use the dates identified within the action plans as a starting point when creating the timeline.
Have a quarterly review session to review progress on the plan and make adjustments as necessary
To achieve the Strategic Goals, ―Implementation Task
Forces‖ will be formed preferably one for each of the
Strategic Goals
Every action plan step for all Strategic Goals should
be clearly measurable and has a deadline
Reinforcing Reinforcing
activities that achieve results (instituting good
Measure how well
you have addressed develop a plan What‘s been
the challenges and update which accomplished over
then reassess where provides status on: the past year
you go from there
የለውጥ መሪ
16-Mar-24 172
Change is Difficult
Kotter describes four tactics that we can employ to combat complacency and
instill our culture with a true sense of urgency:
• Make external hazards and opportunities visible
• Listen closely, Bring outsiders in, Gather data from other sources..
• Behave with urgency every day
• Acting with urgency has nothing to do with running around being busy
• Find opportunities in crisis:
• A crisis can be a useful opportunity to dispense with the status quo and wake people out of their
lethargic routines.
• To coerce a crisis into an urgency stimulant, it is imperative that you make the crisis visible,
unambiguous, and big enough that it cannot be solved with simple and easy actions.
• Deal with the No-Nos
Types of Organizational Change
Change can
occur in a variety
could transform
Remedial of ways, such as
Change (to through the
address the implementation
organization‘s of a new system,
Transformation is
poor an organization
a major change to
performance) redesign, or
'the way you do
that 'positively
Reform:- To performance' and
understand and
change the system
Reorganization:- is 'sustainable')
and its parts.
Operating Model
Change Management Process
Assess Assess for Change
16-Mar-24 185
Types of Resistance
The purpose of
Loss of Control the change is
Ripple effects. Like tossing a pebble into a pond, change creates ripples,
reaching distant spots in ever-widening circles
Reasons for failure
70% of corporate transformation efforts are doomed to fail.
The change
pursue the proposed is
wrong changes based solely on
the past.
The changes
proposed are too
many, happening
too quickly
Reasons for failure
Not Establishing
Resistance from
Flawed a Great Enough
employees and
implementation Sense of
other stakeholders
How to Make Change a success
Communicate effectively:
Strategize by developing a create a shared
Develop a clear vision strategy and a clear action understanding of change
plan required and how to best
make it happen.
Learn. successful
Commit: Change is difficult, but leaders change leaders
who negotiated it successfully were
resilient and persistent, and willing to step never assumed
outside their comfort zone. they had all the
Be realistic
Kotter’s 8 steps to change
A Sense of Urgency
Cancel projects that have become distractions.
Delegate, delegate, and delegate some more.
• A crisis can be a useful opportunity to dispense with the status quo and
wake people out of their lethargic routines.
• To coerce a crisis into an urgency stimulant, it is imperative that you
make the crisis visible, unambiguous, and big enough that it cannot be
solved with simple and easy actions
They rarely act with rational motives. NoNos typically act based on their own insecurities and anxieties.
Or they act on motives of anger. They may believe that they should be in charge and will do what they
can to see that people in positions of power above them fail to succeed.
There are two mistakes you must avoid when dealing with NoNos. The first is an attempt at co-
optation. While it may seem like either the best or the only realistic thing to do, we must recognize that
it is nearly impossible to convert a NoNo into accepting the new consenting opinion.
The second mistake is to ignore a NoNo. Without your knowing, a NoNo can, and often do, organize an
active resistance movement against your initiative. They work in the margins, slowly building an army
of supporters that can effectively disrupt or derail plans of urgent change.
There are three effective ways to deal with NoNos. Distract them, eliminate them, or use social
pressure to call them out on their behavior.
Mckinsey 7s Framework (To Analyze
how the seven elements should be
• Determining how your business
will achieve targets and goals
• Boosting productivity and
• Putting a proposed strategy into
• Facilitating the complexities of
aligning departments and
processes during mergers or
• Examining the effects of
organizational changes within
the company
• Implementing policies to
improve employee skills and
The 7s model can be used when
organizational design and
effectiveness are at question.
How do you use the McKinsey 7s model?
Show Show the people how the change will benefit them
16-Mar-24 205
Effective Decision = Quality X Acceptance
What sets those top performers apart is the quality, speed,
and execution of their decision making.
Decision are often made under great uncertainty, and often
under time pressure. The world is a complex place. There
are too many factors to consider. There are times when you
have to choose between two excellent options.
six reasons that many organizations and leaders make
bad decisions or struggle to make decisions
Analysis Decision
paralysis fatigue
Lack of Multi-
state of
input tasking
Effective Decision Making
What is going on? What are What do we know What are the
symptoms of the about it? casual factors?
What are the What is the root What could we do? What is the best
issues contributed cause? thing to do?
to the problem?
Pareto Analysis
Flowcharting (Using a
rectangle for a process step, Fishbone Diagrams: To
an arrow for direction, and a visually map cause and effect
diamond for a decision point.)
Analyze the options – Reality-check Your Assumptions (It can be very difficult to
Analyze overcome confirmation bias on your own.)
Technically Sound, in
developing alternatives Clearly and
for achieving the Consistently Defined,
Able to expose
fundamental trade-offs,
Small in number and they emphasize rather
collaboratively with the
high in quality, than hide difficult but
people most affected,
unavoidable value-
based trade-offs
intuition and logic
every decision we take, every
judgement we make, is a battle
between intuition and logic: a
struggle between the part of our
mind that analyses a problem then
comes up with a rational solution,
and the part that is responsible for
‗gut feelings‘ and more intuitive.
Interestingly, no matter how rational
we think we are, most of our
decisions are made by our intuitive
mind, which is faster, more easily
accessed, and tends to override our
slower, logical mind.
On top of which, our thinking is
riddled with systematic mistakes,
known as ‗cognitive biases‘
• Discernment is the ability to find the root of
the matter, and it relies on intuition as well
as rational thought.
• understanding mind
• discerning the thoughts and intentions of
the heart.
• test everything; hold fast what is good.
• not believe every thing, but test
• Maturity to distinguish good from evil,
• discern what is the will of God, what is good
and acceptable and perfect.
• To approve what is excellent
• do not lean on your own understanding of
the world
• Do not judge by appearances, but judge with
right judgment.
Because there are people
empty deceit, according to human tradition,
Who are deceitful, disguising themselves
according to the elemental spirits.
Leaders need discernment because they often must make decisions with
incomplete information.
People who lack discernment are seldom in the right place at the right time.
Prudence: The wisdom of the prudent is to discern his way, but the folly of fools is deceiving. Proverbs 14:8
Intelligence: An intelligent heart acquires knowledge, and the ear of the wise seeks knowledge. Proverbs 18:15
best use of the time :Look carefully then how you walk, not as unwise but as wise, making the best use of the time,
because the days are evil. Ephesians 5:15-17
good life :Who is wise and understanding among you? Let them show it by their good life, by deeds done in the humility
that comes from wisdom. James 3:13
purity: the wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure; then peace-loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy
and good fruit, impartial and sincere. James 3:17
humility : When pride comes, then comes disgrace, but with humility comes wisdom. Proverbs 16:16
Fear of God :fear the LORD :Do not be wise in your own eyes; fear the LORD and shun evil. Proverbs 4:6-7 For the LORD
gives wisdom; from his mouth come knowledge and understanding. Proverbs 4:7
Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. Proverbs 3:5
cool spirit :-Whoever restrains his words has knowledge, and he who has a cool spirit is a man of understanding. Even
fool who keeps silent is considered wise; when he closes his lips, he is deemed intelligent.
Why Braises?
Decisions are not made by starting with the facts. One starts with opinions that must be tested
against reality.
People start with their opinion, and then look for facts that fit the conclusion they already
Even sophisticated financial analysis can be easily swayed by individual biases or corporate
When managers present a point of view, assume their point of view reflects some combination
of how things actually are and how they want things to be. Many managers do an analysis to
reaffirm what they already believe.
An effective executive knows to start with opinions, but then asks, ―What do we have to know
to test the validity of this hypothesis?‖
Other Biases
Similarity Bias — We prefer what is like us over what
is different
Expedience Bias — We prefer to act quickly rather
than take time
Experience Bias — We take our perception to be the
objective truth
Distance Bias — We prefer what’s closer over what’s
farther away
Safety Bias — We protect against loss more than we
seek out gain
Indecision- Reasons
1. Decision Fatigue
2. Hard Choices
3. Competing Interests-Which interests to serve?
4. Lack of Information
5. Analysis Paralysis
6. Emotions
7. Steady state of Distractions
8. Dilemmas
9. Procrastination.
10. Responsibility not clearly identified.
11. Over spiritualizing.
Decision Fatigue
the mental fatigue that comes after making multiple decisions
(especially If your work requires you to make hard decisions all day
long) or as the result of having too many options leads to:
Stuck with analysis paralysis.
draw biased conclusions
avoid or postpone decisions.
chasing a perfect solution instead of making the best
decision under the given circumstances.
reluctant to approve new ideas
find it difficult to choose from a number of presented options
and end up making poor choices
Reluctance to make trade-offs.
Fall back to easy choices.
Stick with the status quo.
React aggressively as your brain‘s regulatory power weakens
causing you to lose control
Decision Fatigue
fatigue the
mental is
not visible
to us.
Indecision crystalizes into doubt, the two blend and become fear.
Decision making does not flow from a consensus on the facts. The understanding
that underlies the right decision grows out of the clash and conflict of divergent
opinions and out of the serious consideration of competing alternatives.
Seek out disagreement when making decisions. Make effective decisions. It will
always be a judgment based on ―dissenting opinions‖ rather than on ―consensus
on the facts.‖
Always accept the truth of the problem. Face up to the reality of the situation.
Acting sooner
Acting on your
rather than later
awareness is a
may actually
critical step.
save the day.
How to Improve Your Decision-
A decision has not been made until people know:
The name of the person accountable for carrying it out
The deadline
The people who will be affected by the decision and
therefore have to know about it
The names of the people who must be informed, even if
they are not directly affected by it
A Checklist for Making Faster, Better Decisions
Write down five preexisting company goals or priorities that will be impacted by the decision.
Write down at least three, but ideally four or more, realistic alternatives.
Write down the most important information you are missing. We risk ignoring what we don‘t
know because we are distracted by what we do know.
Write down the impact your decision will have one year in the future.
Are you willing to move forward despite the calculated risks? Or are you stuck endlessly analyzing?
Leading A Strong Team
Without a team, there can be no
The only meaningful measure for a leader is whether the team succeeds or fails.No
Bad Teams, Only Bad Leaders
It‘s the leader‘s fault when subordinates aren‘t doing what they should.
To achieve results, one has to use all the available strengths – the strengths of
associates, the strengths of the superior, and one‘s own strengths. These strengths
are the true opportunities.
The leader must own everything in his or her world. Extreme ownership is asking
yourself, ―How can I best get my team to most effectively execute the plan in order
to accomplish the mission?‖
Interdependence: The
paradigm of we. We can
do it. We can cooperate.
We can accomplish
something greater
• “Coming together is a beginning, staying together is
progress, and working together is success.” - Henry Ford
• “There is immense power when a group of people with
interests gets together to work toward the same goals.” -
Idowu Koyenikan
“those who learned to collaborate and improvise most
Ability to work in a team..
Characteristics of a Great Team Player
They Embrace
They believe they
Collaboration. ...
can effectively
and demonstrate They are flexible
complete tasks
They Understand
Their Role. ...
They Hold Themselves • All team members must be
Accountable. ... on the same page about
their roles, responsibilities,
and the ways they interact
Characteristics of a Great Team Player
They are Great in Coalition
• ድር ቢያብር አንበሳ ያስር
• Networking. Cultivate a broad network of
relationships with the people inside and
• Building Unity in Diversity
• Finding Common Grounds
• A man of Peace and Reconciliation
Great Team Leader
Knows that the output don‘t make excuses.
of a manager is the Instead, they figure
sum of the output of out a way to get it
her team. done and win.
Team leadership: environment:
Having a leader that The likelihood of
encourages and engages commitment from a team
their team is crucial to is increased when there
their success. are the right methods and
company culture in place.
essential conditions that make up a
successful team
Compelling Direction
Team Life Cycle
Team Building-Tuckman‘s
FSNP Model
Best suited for:
People who want to
understand the
various stages that
make up team
development within
group projects.
Team Development-Rubin, Plovnick, and
Fry‘s GRPI Model of Team Effectiveness
1. Control
Trying to control too much might make team members
less creative and innovative which will affect their
productivity in the long run.
So, assign them just the right amount of authority so that
the team is strong enough to take critical decisions when
required and learns to be more responsible and stronger.
2. Commitment:
it is the management responsibility to motivate and instill
commitment in the employees.
The 5 C’s required for Good Team Building
3. Clear Expectations:
○ In any organization, every team member of different departments
must be clear about what is expected out of him/her.
○ Lack of clarity is one of the major reasons why teams fail.
○ When each member understands his or her responsibility, there
will be fewer clashes and people will work objectively towards
meeting their individual goals which are later merged to achieve
the project end goals.
The 5 C’s required for Good Team Building
4. Communication:
Lack of communication often leads to a
misunderstanding of things and
ultimately, bad performances and worse
The communication channels should be
well defined so that there should not be
any miscommunication.
The 5 C’s required for Good Team Building
Three Steps to Team Transformation
Giving Feedback- Creating Your
Feedback Message
Receiving Feedback
Strategies to manage sensitivity of the
feedback receiver
Democratic/Participative Leadership:
Autocratic/Commanding Leadership
Needed when buy-in from team
Style: Needed when fast decision-
members is required to move
making is required, the team trusts
forward. The leader involves more
the leader to make good decisions
people in finding solutions, allowing
and little or no team involvement is
creativity to drive performance