1576217546 Electronic Spreadsheet
1576217546 Electronic Spreadsheet
1576217546 Electronic Spreadsheet
2. Which of the following options when selected deletes all data validation?
(a) Delete formatting (b) Delete all
(c) Delete formula (d) Delete me
8. How can one calculate the total of values entered in a worksheet column
(a) By manual entry (b) By auto-sum
(c) By formula (d) By sum function
4. In a spreadsheet, we can change the column width and row height. True
5. $A1$B2 is an example of mixed referencing. True
3. Cell D5 contains the formula =$B$5+C5 and this formula is copied to cell
E5, what will be the copied formula in cell E5? Ans: E5=$B$5+D5
4. Cell D5 contains the formula =$B5 + C5 and this formula is copied to cell
E5, what will be the copied formula in cell E5? Ans E5=$B5+D5
5. Cell D5 contains the formula =$B5 + C$5 and this formula is copied to cell
E6, what will be the copied formula in cell E6? Ans E6=$B6+D5
Sheet menu: contains commands to insert and delete cell, rows and
columns, insert sheet, rename sheet, fill cell, etc
Ans: The sheet tab shows its default name as Sheet1, Sheet2, Sheet3, …..
We can rename it by right click on the Sheet tab and click on rename. Give
new name
5. Write the steps to insert and delete the worksheet in Calc.
On the sheet tab Right click and Insert
On Insert menu Click on Worksheet
6. What is an active cell? How to delete the contents of an active
Ans: Active cell: In a spreadsheet, cell is the place where we enter the
data. Before entering any data in the cell, it has to be first selected by
placing a cursor on it. When we position the mouse cursor on a cell, it
gets selected, and is ready to take data from the user. This selected or
activated cell is called as active cell. It is always highlighted, with a thick
border. The address of the active cell is displayed in the name box.
(a) Relative Referencing: When the formula is copied from one cell to
other it changes with respect to cell where it is being copied is called
relative referencing for example If formula C2=A2 +B2 is copied to cell D10
then D10=B10+C10
(b)Mixed referencing: When the formula is copied from one cell to other it
partially changes (either row or column) with respect to cell where it is
being copied is called mixed referencing for example If formula C2=$A2
+B$2 is copied to cell D10 then D10=A10+C2
(c) Absolute referencing: When the formula is copied from one cell to
other it does not change with respect to cell where it is being copied is
called relative referencing for example If formula C2=$A$2 +$B$2 is copied
to cell D10 then D10=$A$2 + $B$2
Ans: Formulae: Any expressions that begins with an equals ‘=’ is treated as
formula. In the expression, the ‘=’ followed by values, cell address and
functions are called as formula. When a formula is entered in a cell in a
worksheet the value of the equation is displayed in the cell and the formula
is shown in the formula bar.
The main advantage of entering formula with cell addresses and operators,
works just like a variable. When the values of the cells concerned change,
the results obtained by the formula also get updated accordingly.
12. Give the syntax and example of any three statistical functions
in spreadsheet.
The SUM function is the first must-know formula in Excel. It usually
aggregates values from a selection of columns or rows from your selected
=SUM(number1, [number2], …)
The AVERAGE function should remind you of simple averages of data such as
the average number of shareholders in a given shareholding pool.
=AVERAGE(number1, [number2], …)
The COUNT function counts all cells in a given range that contain only
numeric values.
=COUNT(value1, [value2], …)
COUNTA counts all cells in a given rage. However, it counts all cells
regardless of type. That is, unlike COUNT that only counts numerics, it also
counts dates, times, strings, logical values, errors, empty string, or text.
=COUNTA(value1, [value2], …)
The MAX and MIN functions help in finding the maximum number and the
minimum number in a range of values.
=MIN(number1, [number2], …)
13. Give the syntax and example of any three decision making
functions in spreadsheet.
The IF function is often used when you want to sort your data according to a
given logic. The best part of the IF formula is that you can embed formulas
and function in it.
=IF(logical_test, [value_if_true], [value_if_false])
Formula: =COUNTIF(D5:D12,”>=21″)
These two advanced formulas are great uses of conditional functions. SUMIF
adds all cells that meet certain criteria, and COUNTIF counts all cells that
meet certain criteria.
14. Give the syntax and example of any three date and time
functions in spreadsheet.
For example:
15. Give the syntax and example of any three logical functions in
AND, OR and NOT logical functions work with the logical values. You use
these functions when you want to carry out more than one comparison in
your formula or test multiple conditions instead of just one. As well as logical
operators, Excel logical functions return either TRUE or FALSE when their
arguments are evaluated.
Functio Formula
Description Formula Description
n Example
Returns the
reversed logical
The formula returns
value of its
FALSE if a value in cell
argument. I.e. If the =NOT(A2>=1
NOT A1 is greater than or
argument is FALSE, 0)
equal to 10; TRUE
then TRUE is
returned and vice
16. Give the syntax and example of any three string functions in
The LEFT function returns the specified number of characters in a text string, starting from the
first or left-most character. Use this function to extract a sub-string from the left part of a text
string. Syntax: LEFT(text_string, char_numbers).
RIGHT function can be used both as a worksheet function and a VBA function. The RIGHT
function returns the specified number of characters in a text string, starting from the last or
right-most character. Use this function to extract a sub-string from the right part of a text
string. Syntax: RIGHT(text_string, char_numbers). It is necessary to mention
The worksheet LEN function returns the number of characters in a text string. Use this
function to get the length of a text string. Syntax: LEN(text_string
the text_string argument which is the text string from which you want to extract the specified
number of characters.
2) Data series: This comprises of the various series which are present in a
chart i.e., the row and column of numbers present.
3) Axes: There are two axes present in a chart. They are the x- axis and y-
4)Plot area: The main area of the chart is the plot area.
Ans More than one mathematical operator can be included in the formula.
The order of evaluation can be changed by using brackets. (The expressions
within the brackets are evaluated first).