Fuse Diagram
Fuse Diagram
Fuse Diagram
Component Locations
1 Relay and fuse arrangements electronics box High, from May 2005
1.1 Relay and Fuse arrangements, overview
1 Fuses (SA) on fuse panel A, on electronics box High
U => tram P a g e ~
2 Fuses (SB) on Electronics Box High, engine compartment, left
CJ => from P a g e ~
3 Position of Relays on Electronics Box High, engine compartment, left
CJ => from Page ~ page 16
4 Position of Relays, Relay Carrier on Vehicle Electrical System Control Module, under instrument
panel, left
CJ => from Page ~ page 15
5 Fuses (SC) (on fuse panel C), under instrument panel, left
CJ => from P a g e ~
6 Relay arrangements and circuit breakers on relay panel below instrument panel, left
CJ => from Page - page 14
No. 205 I 1
Edition 09/2006
Component Locations
1.2 Fuses (SA) on fuse panel A, on electronics box High
1.2.1 Torque Settings
~ Electrical System, Repair Group 97, Removing and Installing Fuse Panel
1.2.2 Fuse Colours
200 A- purple
150 A - grey
125 A - pink
100 A- blue
50 A-red
40A green
No. 205 I 2
N97 0510
Edition 09/2006
Component Locations
No. 205 I 3
No. Designati on in Curren! Flow Diagram Nomina Funclion/Componenl Terminal
I Value
1 - SA 1 - Fuse 1 (on fuse panel A) 150A
- C -Generator (GEN) (90A/120A)
C -Generator (GEN) (1401A)
2 - SA2 - Fuse 2 (on fuse panel A) 80A - J500- Power Steering Control Module
V187-Eiectro-mechanical Power Steering Motor
3 - SA3 - Fuse 3 (on fuse panel A) 50A - J293 -Coolant Fan Control (FC) Control Module
V7 -Radiator Fan
V177 -Coolant Fan 2
4 - SA4 - Fuse 4 (on fuse panel A) 80A - Fuses (on fuse panel C), under instrument panel, left:SC32- SC 37, Driver's
Power Seat Adjustment Circuit Breaker 1 - 30A
5 - SA5- Fuse 5 (on fuse panel A) 100A - J604-Auxiliary Air Heater Control Module
Z35 -Auxiliary Air Heater Heating Element
6 - SA6 - Fuse 6 (on fuse panel A) 80A - Fuses (on fuse panel C), under instrument panel, left: SC18- SC20, SC22- SC28, 30a
100A - SC43 - SC45 Optional Equipment 30a
7 - SA7 - Fuse 7 (on fuse panel A) 50A - Fuses (on fuse panel C), under instrument panel, left:SC22- SC27 30a
Edition 09/2006
Component Locations
1.3 Fuses (SB) on Electronics Box High, engine compartment, left
1.3.1 Fuse Colours
30A green
15A blue
7,5A- brown
SA- beige
3 A- purple
No. 205 I 4
NOT 0583
Edition 09/2006
Component Locations
No. 205 I 5
No. Designati on in Current Flow Diagram Nomina Funclion/Component Terminal
I Value
F1 - SB1 -Fuse 1 (on fuse panel B) 30A - J104 -ABS Control Module (pump) 30a
F2 - SB2 - Fuse 2 (on fuse panel B) 30A - J104 -ABS Control Module (valves) 30a
F3 - SB3 - Fuse 3 (on fuse panel B) 20A - J393 -Comfort System Central Control Module
J217 -Front Passenger's Wiper Motor
F4 - SB4 - Fuse 4 (on fuse panel B) 5A - J519 -Vehicle Electrical System Control Module (measuring cable) 30a
F5 - SB5 - Fuse 5 (on fuse panel B) 15A - J519 -Vehicle Electrical System Control Module (horn) 30a
F6 - SB6 - Fuse 6 (on fuse panel B) 15A - N276 -Fuel Pressure Regulator Valve 87a
F7 - SB7 - Fuse 7 (on fuse panel B) 15A - -Not used
FB - SBB - Fuse 8 (on fuse panel B)
- -Not used
F9 - SB9 - Fuse 9 (on fuse panel B) 10A - N249 -Turbocharger Recirculating Valve 87a
NBO -Evaporative Emission (EVAP) Canister Purge Regulator Valve 1
N75 -Wastegate Bypass Regulator Valve
F10 - SB10- Fuse 10 (on fuse panel B) - - -Not used
F11 - SB11 -Fuse 11 (on fuse panel B) 10A - Z1 9 -Oxygen Sensor (02S) Heater 87a
F12 - SB12- Fuse 12 (on fuse panel B) 10A - Z29 -Oxygen Sensor (02S) Heater 1 (behind Three Way Catalytic Converter 87a
F1 3 - SB12- Fuse 12 (on fuse panel B) 15A - J743-Mot ronic Engine Control Module (ECM) 30a
F14 - SB14 - Fuse 14 (on fuse panel B) - - -Not used
F15 - SB1 5- Fuse 15 (on fuse panel B) 10A - V50-Coolant Pump 30a
F16 - SB16- Fuse 16 (on fuse panel B) SA - J104 -Steering Column Control Module 30a
F1 7 - SB17- Fuse 17 (on fuse panel B) SA - J285-l nstrument Cluster Cont rol Module 30a
F1 8 - SB18- Fuse 18 (on fuse panel B) 30A - R 12 -Amplifier 30a
F19 - SB19 - Fuse 19 (on fuse panel B) 15A - R-Radio 30a
Edition 09/2006
Component Locations
No. 205 I 6
No. Designation in Curren! Flow Diagram Nomina Funclion/Componenl Terminal
I Value
F20 - SB20 - Fuse 20 (on fuse panel B) 5A - J412 -Operating Electronics and Telephone Control Module
J503 -Radio/Navigation Display Control Module
F21 - SB21 - Fuse 21 (on fuse panel B)
- -Not used
F22 - SB22- Fuse 22 (on fuse panel B) - - -Not used
F23 - SB23- Fuse 23 (on fuse panel B) 10A - J623 -Engine Control Module (ECM)
J271 -Mot ronic Engine Control Module (ECM) Power Supply Relay (100)
F24 - SB24 - Fuse 24 (on fuse panel B) 5A - J533-Data Bus On Board Diagnostic Interface 30a
F25 - SB25- Fuse 25 (on fuse panel B) - - -Not used
F26 - SB26- Fuse 26 (on fuse panel B) - - -Not used
F27 - SB27- Fuse 27 (on fuse panel B)
- -Not used
F28 - SB28- Fuse 28 (on fuse panel B) 25A - J623-Engine Control Module (ECM) 30a
F29 - SB29 - Fuse 29 (on fuse panel B) 5A - J496 -Auxiliary Engine Coolant (EC) Pump Relay
J299 -Secondary Air Injection (AIR) Pump Relay
F30 - SB30- Fuse 30 (on fuse panel B) 20A - J485 -Auxiliary Heater Operation Relay 29a
F31 - SB31 -Fuse 31 (on fuse panel B) 30A - V -Windshield Wiper Motor 29a
F32 - SB32- Fuse 32 (on fuse panel B)
- -Not used
F33 - SB33- Fuse 33 (on fuse panel B) - - -Not used
F34 - SB34 - Fuse 34 (on fuse panel B) - - -Not used 29a
F35 - SB35 - Fuse 35 (on fuse panel B) - - -Not used 29a
F36 - SB36 - Fuse 36 (on fuse panel B) - - -Not used 29a
F37 - SB37- Fuse 37 (on fuse panel B)
- -Not used 29a
Edition 09/2006
Component Locations
No. 205 I 7
No. Designati on in Current Flow Diagram Nomina Funclion/Componenl Terminal
I Value
F38 - SB38 - Fuse 38 (on fuse panel B) 10A - J293 -Coolant Fan Control (FC) Control Module 87a
F39 - SB39- Fuse 39 (on fuse panel B) SA - F -Brake Light Switch (through November 2005) 87a
F40 - SB40- Fuse 40 (on fuse panel B) 20A - N70 -I gnition Coil 1 with Power Output Stage
N127 -Igni tion Coil 2 wi th Power Output Stage
N291 -Ignition Coil 3 wi th Power Output Stage
N292 -Igni tion Coil 4 with Power Output Stage
F41 - SB41- Fuse 41 (on fuse panel B)
- -Not used
F42 - SB42 - Fuse 42 (on fuse panel B) SA - J271 - Motronic Engine Control Module (ECM) Power Supply Relay (through
November 2005)
F43 - SB43- Fuse 43 (on fuse panel B) 30A - N70 -I gnition Coil 1 with Power Output Stage 87a
N127 -Ignition Coil 2 with Power Output Stage
N291 -Ignition Coil 3 wi th Power Output Stage
N292 -Igni tion Coil 4 wi th Power Output Stage
N323 -Ignition Coil 5 with Power Output Stage
N324 -Ignition Coil 6 with Power Output Stage
F44 - SB44- Fuse 44 (on fuse panel B)
- -Not used
F45 - SB45- Fuse 45 (on fuse panel B) - - -Not used -
F46 - SB46- Fuse 46 (on fuse panel B)
- -Not used
F47 - SB47- Fuse 47 (on fuse panel B) 40A - J519-Vehicle Electrical System Control Module 30a
F48 - SB48- Fuse 48 (on fuse panel B) 40A - J519-Vehicle Electrical System Control Module 30a
F49 - SB49- Fuse 49 (on fuse panel B) 40A - J681 -Power Supply Relay 2 (terminal 15) 30a
FSO - SBSO- Fuse 50 (on fuse panel B) - - -Not used 30a
F51 - SB51 -Fuse 51 (on fuse panel B) 40A - J299-Secondary Air Injection (AIR) Pump Relay 30a
F52 - SB52- Fuse 52 (on fuse panel B) 40A - J59-Load Reductton Relay 30a
F53 - SB53- Fuse 53 (on fuse panel B) SOA - -Optional Equipment 30a
F54 - SB54- Fuse 54 (on fuse panel B) - - -Not used 30a
Edition 09/2006
Component Locations
1.4 Fuses (SC) in fuse panel instrument panel, left
1.4.1 Fuse Colours
15A blue
7,5A- brown
SA - beige
3 A- purple
No. 205 I 8
NOT 0582
Edition 09/2006
Component Locations
No. 205 I 9
No. Designati on in Current Flow Diagram Nomina Funclion/Componenl Terminal
I Value
1 - SC1 - Fuse 1 (on fuse panel C) 10A - T1 6 -Data Li nk Connector (DLC) (T16/1) 1Sa
J7S7 -Engine Component Power Supply Relay ( 167)
JS38 -Fuel Pump (FP) Control Module
J623 -Engine Control Module (ECM)
2 - SC2 - Fuse 2 (on fuse panel C) SA - J104 -ABS Control Module 1Sa
E 132 -Ant i-Slip Control Switch
E2S6 -ASRIESP Button
E492 -Tire Pressure Monitoring Display Button
3 - SC3 - Fuse 3 (on fuse panel C) SA - J234 -Airbag Control Module 1Sa
4 - SC4 - Fuse 4 (on fuse panel C) SA - E 16-Heater/Heat Out put 1Sa
G65-High Pressure Sensor
J131-Driver's Heated Seat Control Module
J132-Front Passenger's Heated Seat Control Module
J2S5-Ciimatronic Control Module
K216-ASRIESP Control Lamp 2
M17-Back-Up Lamp
E422-Tire Pressure Display Button
G266-0il Level Thermal Sensor
5 - SCS - Fuse 5 (on fuse p:mel C) SA - F47-Bmke Pedal Switch for CCS 1Sa
G476-Ciutch Position Sensor
J431 -Headlamp Range Control Module
J500-Power Steering Control Module
6 - SC6- Fuse 6 (on fuse panel C) SA - J285-Jnstrument Cluster Cont rol Module 1Sa
J533-Data Bus On Board Diagnostic Interface
F1 25-Multi -Funct ion Transmission Range (TR) Swi tch
JS87 -Selector Lever Sensors Control Module
F 189-Tiptronic Swi tch
7 - SC7 - Fuse 7 (on fuse panel C) 5A - Y7 -Automatic Day/Night Interior Mirror 15a
8 - SC8 - Fuse 8 (on fuse panel C) 10A - J345-Towing Recognition Control Module 15a
Edition 09/2006
Component Locations
No. 205/10
No. Designati on in Current Flow Diagram Nomina Function/Component Terminal
I Value
- SC9 - Fuse 9 (on fuse panel C) SA - -Driving school equipment
JS03-Radio/ Navigation Display Control Module (only aftermarket navigation unit)
10 - SC10- Fuse 10 (on fuse panel C) SA - J706 -Seat Occupied Recognition Control Module
J530 -Garage Door Opener Control Module
11 - SC11 - Fuse 11 (on fuse panel C) 10A - J745 -Headlamp Range/Cornering Lamp Control Module, on right head lamp
(from May 2007)
12 - SC12- Fuse 12 (on fuse panel C) 10A - J386-Driver's Door Control Module 30a
J387-Front Passenger's Door Control Module
13 - SC13- Fuse 13 (on fuse panel C) 10A - E 1 -Light Swi tch 30a
T1 6 -Data Link Connector (DLC) (T16/ 16)
F47 -Brake Pedal Switch
14 - SC14- Fuse 14 (on fuse panel C) SA - J217 -Transmission Control Module (TCM) 30a
1S - SC15- Fuse 15 (on fuse panel C) 7.5A - JS19-Vehicle Electrical System Control Module (interior illumination) 30a
16 - SC16- Fuse 16 (on fuse panel C) 10A - E 16 -Heater/Heat Output Switch
J301 -A/C Control Module
J255-Ciimatronic Control Module
R149-Auxi liary Engine Coolant Heating RF Receiver
17 - SC17- Fuse 17 (on fuse panel C) SA - G397-Rain/Light Recognition Sensor
J515-Antenna Selection Control Module
18 - SC18- Fuse 18 (on fuse panel C) SA - J446-Parklng Aid Control Module
JS87 -Selector Lever Sensors Control Module
19 - SC19- Fuse 19 (on fuse panel C) SA - J7S4-Crash Data Recorder 30a
20 - SC20- Fuse 20 (on fuse panel C) SA - J104-ABS/EDL Control Module 30a
21 - SC21 - Fuse 21 (on fuse panel C) - - -Not used
Edition 09/2006
Component Locations
No. 205/11
No. Designati on in Curren! Flow Diagram Nomina Function/Component Terminal
I Value
22 - SC22- Fuse 22 (on fuse panel C) 401A - V2 -Fresh Air Blower (Ciimatronic)
N253 -Battery Interrupt Igniter (battery in luggage
23 - S23 - Fuse 23 (on fuse panel C) 30A - J386-Driver's Door Control Module (window regulator) 30a
J387-Front Passenger's Door Control Module (window regulator)
24 - SC24- Fuse 22 (on fuse panel C) 25A - U 1 -Cigarette Lighter
U9 -Rear Cigarette Lighter
25 - SC25- Fuse 25 (on fuse panel C) 25A - Z1 -Heated Rear Window 30a
J301 -NC Control Module (only with additional water heater)
E16-Heater/ Heat Output (only wi th additional water heater)
N24-Fresh Air Blower Series Resistor (only with additional water heater)
26 - SC26- Fuse 26 (on fuse panel C) 20A - U5 -12 V Socket (luggage compartment) 30a
27 - SC27- Fuse 27 (on fuse panel C) 15A - J538-Fuel Pump (FP) Control Module 30a
G6-Transfer Fuel Pump (FP)
28 - SC28- Fuse 28 (on fuse panel C) 30A - U13-Converter wi th Socket, 12V-230V 30a
29 - SC29- Fuse 29 (on fuse panel C) 10A - G70-Mass Air Flow (MAF) Sensor (AXX)
N79-Positive Crankcase Ventilation (PCV) Heating Element (BUB, BMJ)
30 - SC30- Fuse 30 (on fuse panel C) 20A - N30-Cylinder 1 Fuel Injector
N31-Cylinder 2 Fuel Injector
N32-Cylinder 3 Fuel Injector
N33-Cylinder 4 Fuel Injector
N83-Cylinder 5 Fuel Injector
N04-Cylinder 6 Fuel Injector
31 - SC31 - Fuse 31 (on fuse panel C) 20A - V192 -Brake System Vacuum Pump 15a
Edition 09/2006
Component Locations
No. 205/12
No. Designation in Current Flow Diagram Nomina
I Value
Funct ion/Component Terminal
32 - SC32- Fuse 32 (on fuse panel C) 30A - J388-Left Rear Door Control Module (window regulator) 30a
J389-Right Rear Door Control Module (window regulator)
33 - SC33- Fuse 33 (on fuse panel C) 25A - J245-Power Sunroof Cont rol Module 30a
34 - SC34 - Fuse 34 (on fuse panel C) 15A - V125 -Driver's Seat Lumbar Support Curvature Adjustment Motor
V126 -Front Passenger's Seat Lumbar Support Curvature Adjustment Motor
V129 -Driver's Seat Lumbar Support Height Adjustment Motor
V130 -Front passenger Seat Lumbar Support Height Adjustment Motor
35 - SC35- Fuse 35 (on fuse panel C) 5A - G273-l nterior Monitoring Sensor 30a
G384-Vehicle Inclination Sensor
H12-Aiarm Horn
36 - SC36 - Fuse 36 (on fuse panel C) 20A - V11 -Headlamp Washer Pump 30a
J39 -Head lamp Washer Relay
37 - SC37- Fuse 37 (on fuse panel C) 30A - J131 -Driver's Heated Seat Cont rol Module 30a
J132-Front Passenger's Heated Seat Control Module
38 - SC38- Fuse 38 (on fuse panel C) 10A - J745 -Headlamp Range/Cornering Lamp COntrol Module, on left headlamp (from 30a
39 - SC39- Fuse 39 (on fuse panel C) 20A - J217 -Transmission Control Module (TCM) 75a
40 - SC40- Fuse 40 (on fuse panel C) 40A - E1 6-Heater/Heat Out put Switch (fresh air bower)
J301 -A/C Control Module (fresh air blower)
41 - SC41 - Fuse 41 (on fuse panel C) 15A - V12 -Rear Window Wiper Motor 75a
Edition 09/2006
Component Locations
No. 205/13
No. Designation in Current Flow Diagram Nomina
I Value
Funct ion/Component Terminal
42 - SC42- Fuse 42 (on fuse panel C) 15A - J519-Vehide Electrical System Control Module (Double Washer Pump) (BSG
43 - SC43- Fuse 43 (on fuse panel C) 15A - J345-Towing Recognition Control Module 30a
44 - SC44 - Fuse 44 (on fuse panel C) 20A - J345-Towing Recognition Control Module 30a
45 - SC45- Fuse 45 (on fuse panel C) 15A - J345-Towing Recognition Control Module 30a
46 - SC46- Fuse 46 (on fuse panel C) 5A - Z20-Left Washer Nozzle Heater 75a
Z21-Right Washer Nozzle Heater
E94 -Driver's Heated Seat Adjuster
E95 -Front Passenger's Heated Seat Adjuster
47 - SC47- Fuse 47 (on fuse panel C) 5A - J485 -Auxiliary Heater Operation Relay 30a
48 - SC48- Fuse 48 (on fuse panel C) 10A - -Mag-Lite and portable two-way radio charging station 75a
49 - SC49- Fuse 49 (on fuse panel C) SA - E 1 -Light Switch 75a
Edition 09/2006
Component Locations
1.5 Relay arrangements and circuit breakers on relay panel below instrument panel, left
1 - J13- Fresh Air Blower Relay- (only auxiliary heater) (53)
2- J299 -Secondary Air Injection (AIR) Pump Relay (100)
4 - J39 - Headlamp Washer Relay (53)
5 - J17- Fuel Pump (FP) Relay (449)
5 - J485- Auxiliary Heater Operation Relay (449)
A- Power Seat Adjustment Circuit Breaker 1- 30A (from May 2004)
B- Power Seat Adjustment Circuit Breaker 1- 30A (through April2004)
+ J17 and J485 are mini-relays and can be found, depending on equipment, on a relay connector
No. 205/14
Edition 09/2006
Component Locations
No. 205/15
1.6 Position of Relays, Relay Carrier on Vehicle Electrical System Control Module, under instrument panel, left
61 - J681 -Power Supply Relay 2 (terminal15) (460)
62 - J99 Heated Outside Mirror Relay (449)
B3- Not used
B4 - J689 - Power Supply Relay 2 (terminal30a) (449)
B5 - J9 -Rear Window Defogger Relay (53)
66 - J413 - Hom Relay (449)
67- J729- Dual Washer Pump Relay 1 (404)
68 - J730 - Dual Washer Pump Relay 2 (404)
B9 - J59 Load Reduction Relay (460)
0 c
Edition 09/2006
Component Locations
1.7 Position of Relays on Electronics Box High, engine compartment, left
A1 - J271 - Motronic Engine Control Module (ECM) Power Supply Relay (100)
A2- J496- Auxiliary Engine Coolant (EC) Pump Relay (100)
A3- Not used
A4 - J757 -Engine Component Power Supply Relay (167)
No. 205/16
N97- 0SQJ
Edition 09/2006