By Mge Ups Systems: Merlin Gerin
By Mge Ups Systems: Merlin Gerin
By Mge Ups Systems: Merlin Gerin
Dear User, This manual has been designed to provide you with all the information you need to install and use your Comet uninterruptible power supply. Feel free to contact us for any further information you may require concerning special applications beyond the scope of this manual. MGE UPS SYSTEMS
safety recommendations
s warning: every Comet UPS is equipped with its own internal power source,
i.e. the backup battery. Consequently the load may energised even if the AC input power supply has been cut; s the load is supplied with power as soon as the AC input power supply is connected, even if no LEDs are on; s danger: dangerous voltage levels are present inside the Comet system. Any servicing requiring removal of the protection panels must be carried out by qualified personnel certified by MGE UPS SYSTEMS; s Comet must be earthed; s Comet must not be installed near liquids or in an excessively humid environment; s Comet must be protected from penetration by liquids or extraneous objects; s ventilation grates must remain free; s Comet must not be placed in direct sunlight or near a heat source; s Comet contains sealed lead-acid battery cells that must be disposed of in accordance with applicable environmental regulations; s prior to installation, store Comet in a dry location. Storage temperatures must be between: 20C and +45C ; s if Comet must remain unused for a long period, monthly re-energising for a 24-hour period is advised to recharge the battery. Otherwise, the battery may be damaged irreversibly; s in accordance with standard EN 50091-1, Comet UPS users must affix warnings on all primary power isolating devices installed a certain distance from the UPS in order to alert maintenance personnel of the presence of a UPS on the circuit; the warning must display the following text or its equivalent: "an uninterruptible power supply is present and must be isolated before carrying out any work on this circuit"; s warning: this is a product for restricted sales distribution to informed partners. Installation restrictions or additional measures may be needed to prevent disturbances.
c advarsel: Comet er forsynet med indbyggede eller eksternt tilsluttede batterier. Udstyret kan derfor vre strmfrende, selv om det ikke er tilsluttet den almindelige elforsyning; c udstyret er strmfrende s snart det er tilsluttet den almindelige elforsyning, selv om frontpanelets lamper er slukkede; c fare: der er hjspnding i en Comet. Indgreb indenfor beskyttelsespladerne m derfor kun foretages af specielt uddannet personale eller teknikere godkendt af MGE UPS SYSTEMS; c Comet m aldrig benyttes uden jordforbindelse; c Comet m ikke benyttes i nrheden af vsker, eller i omgivelser med hj luftfugtighed; c det skal sikres, at fremmedlegemer og vsker ikke kan trnge ind i udstyret; c det skal sikres, at ventilationsgitrene aldrig er tilstoppede; c Comet m ikke opstilles i strkt sollys eller i varme omgivelser; c Comet er udstyret med lukkede blybatterier. Ved destruktion eller bortskaffelse skal der tages hensyn til den til enhver tid gldende lovgivning for batteriaffald; c oplagring af Comet inden igangsttelsen m kun finde sted i et rent, trt lokale, hvor temperaturen holdes indenfor -20C til +45C; c hvis Comet ikke benyttes gennem en lngere periode, skal batterierne vedligeholdslades ca 24timer en gang om mneden, for at sikre at de ikke bliver delagt; c advarsel: det drejer sig om et produkt, der kun slges til erfarne installatrer eller brugere. For at undg forstyrrelser kan det vre ndvendigt at foretage begrnsninger i forbindelse med installationen eller at gennemfre yderligere forholdsregler.
s obs: Comet er utstyrt med en uavhengig energikilde (batteri). Apparatet kan derfor vre strmfrende selv om det ikke er koplet til strmnettet; s apparatet er strmfrende fra det yeblikk det koples til strmnettet, selv om signallampen ikke lyser; s advarsel: de interne spenningene i apparatet kan vre farlige! Ethvert inngrep som medfrer pning av beskyttelsesdekslene, m derfor utelukkende overlates til spesielt utdannede teknikere som er godkjent av MGE UPS SYSTEMS; s det er absolutt pkrevet at apparatet koples til en jordet stikkontakt; s unng plassere apparatet i nrheten av vsker eller i et sterkt fuktig milj; s pass p at vsker eller fremmede gjenstander ikke trenger inn i apparatet; s unng tette til lufteventilene; s Ikke plassr apparatet i sterkt sollys eller i nrheten av en varmekilde; s Comet er utstyrt med batterier som inneholder vanntett bly. Kastes batteriene eller annet batteriavfall, m det skje i overensstemmelse med gjeldende lov; s lagres apparatet fr bruk, m det plasseres p et trt sted hvor temperaturen ligger mellom 20C og +45C; s dersom apparatet ikke brukes i lengre perioder, tilrdes det kople det til strmnettet ca. n gang i mneden i 24 timer. Dermed opplades batteriet. Unnlater man gjre dette, kan batteriet delegges definitivt; c advarsel: dette produktet skal kun selges til erfarne installatrer eller brukere. For unng forstyrrelser kan begrensninger i.f.m. installasjon eller ytterligere sikkerhetstiltak vre ndvendig.
Merlin Gerin by MGE UPS SYSTEMS
Comet : 6761200XT/FB
recomendaes de segurana
s Ateno: o Comet possui a sua prpria fonte de energia interna (bateria).
Deste modo, a utilizao pode ficar sob tenso, caso a rede elctrica de alimentao seja cortada; s a utilizao fica sob tenso, a partir do momento em que a rede elctrica de alimentao esteja presente, mesmo se no houver sinalizao luminosa activa; s perigo: existem tenses perigosas no interior do Comet. Qualquer interveno que que exija a abertura dos paineis de proteco, s pode ser feita por pessoal qualificado pela MGE UPS SYSTEMS; s o Comet deve ser, imperativamente, ligado terra; s no colocar o Comet prximo de lquidos ou num ambiente demasiado hmido; s evitar a penetrao de qualquer lquido ou objectos estranhos para o interior do Comet; s no obstruir as grelhas de ventilao do Comet; s no colocar o Comet exposio do sol ou junto de uma fonte de calor; s o Comet contm na bateria, elementos em chumbo estanque, cujos detritos devero ser entregues a entidades competentes para a devida reciclagem; s em caso de armazenamento antes da colocao em servio, colocar o Comet num local seco. Limites de tempertura de armazenamento: 20C a +45C; s caso o Comet tenha de ficar desligado durante um perodo de tempo longo, aconselhvel, cerca de uma vez por ms, coloc-lo sob tenso cerca de 24h, de forma a recarregar a bateria e evitar a sua degradao irreversvel; c advertncia: trata-se de um produto para distribuio restrita aos instaladores ou utilizadores experientes. Certas restries na instalao ou certas medidas adicionais podem vir a ser necessrias para evitar as perturbaes.
Comet : 6761200XT/FB
s huomio: Comet omistaa oman sisisen energialhteens (patteristo). Virta voi siis laitteessa olla pll, vaikka shkverkko onkin katkaistu; s virta on pll heti, kun shkverkosto on kytketty, vaikkei merkkivaloa olekaan syttynyt; s varoitus: Cometin sisll on vaarallisia jnnitteit. Ainoastaan MGE UPS SYSTEMSn valtuuttama ptev henkilkunta voi suorittaa suojakilpien avaamista vaativia toimia; s Comet on vlttmtt liitettv maavirtaan; s lk koskaan asettako Cometia ympristn, jossa se voisi joutua kosketuksiin nesteiden tai liiallisen kosteuden kanssa; s lk koskaan antako nesteiden tai vieraiden esineiden pst Cometin sislle; s lk koskaan peittk Cometin ilmanvaihtoristikkoa; s lk asettako laitetta suoraan auringonvaloon tai lmmlhteen lhelle; s Comet sislt patterielementtej vedenpitvst lyijyst. Niiden hvittmisess on noudatettava voimassa olevaa lakia; s mikli ette ota laitetta heti kyttn, on se varastoitava kosteudelta suojattuun paikkaan; ei alle 20C tai yli +45C lmptilaan; s jos Comet joutuu pitkn olemaan kytkemttmn, suosittelemme sen kytkemist noin kerran kuukaudessa 24 tunnin ajaksi, patteriston uudelleen lataamiseksi. Muutoin se voisi turmeltua peruuntumattomasti; c varoitus: tm tuote on tarkoitettu rajoitettuun myyntiin tuotteisiin perehtyneille liikekumppaneille. Asennukseen liittyvt rajoitukset tai muut listoimenpiteet ovat ehk tarpeen hiriiden estmiseksi.
Comet : 6761200XT/FB
s observera: Comet har en egen intern kraftklla (batteri). Apparaten kan drfr
kontrollampa r tnd;
s varning: det finns farliga spnningar i Comet. Ingrepp som krver att
skyddshljet avlgsnas fr endast utfras av kvalificerad, och av MGE UPS SYSTEMS godknd, personal; s Comet mste ovillkorligen anslutas till ett jordat uttag; s placera aldrig Comet i en lokal med hg luftfuktighet eller dr den kan komma i kontakt med vtska; s lt aldrig vtska eller frmmande freml komma in i Comet; s tck aldrig fr Comets ventilationsgaller; s placera aldrig Comet i direkt solljus eller i nrheten av en vrmeklla; s Comet har ett kapslat batteri med blyelement. Dessa fr endast slngas i enlighet med gllande lag; s skall apparaten lagras fre anvndning mste den frvaras i ett torrt utrymme. Apparaten fr ej utsttas fr temperaturer under 20C eller ver +45C; s Om Comet inte skall anvndas under en lngre tid rekommenderar vi att apparaten strmstts ca 1 gng i mnaden under minst ett dygn fr uppladdning av batteriet. Om detta inte sker kan batteriet skadas definitivt; c varning: betrffande en produkt avsedd fr begrnsad distribution till p frhand underrttade installatrer eller konsumenter. Restriktioner vid installationen eller extra tillkommande tgrder kan vara ndvndiga fr att undvika strningar.
Comet : 6761200XT/FB
introduction to Comet
safety information ............................................................................................. identification to Comet ..................................................................................... configuration .................................................................................................... functional diagram ............................................................................................ 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.2
general ............................................................................................................. final positioning ................................................................................................ special precautions .......................................................................................... connections ...................................................................................................... 2.1 2.1 2.2 2.2
preliminary checks ........................................................................................... 4.1 powering up ..................................................................................................... 4.1 inverter start-up ................................................................................................ 4.2
inverter shutdown ............................................................................................. 5.1 powering down ................................................................................................. 5.1
normal operation .............................................................................................. 6.1 operation on battery power .............................................................................. 6.1 overload ........................................................................................................... 6.3
alarm indications table ..................................................................................... 7.1 manual bypass ................................................................................................. 7.3
standard functions ............................................................................................ 8.1 options .............................................................................................................. 8.2
contents (cont')
maintenance and servicing
safety reminder .............................................................................................. preventive maintenance by user .................................................................... maintenance by the local representative certified by MGE UPS SYSTEMS . customer training ........................................................................................... maintenance contracts ................................................................................... 9.1 9.1 9.1 9.1 9.2
extended battery cabinet ................................................................................. emergency off ................................................................................................. full galvanic isolation transformer .................................................................... separate Mains 2 transformer (AC bypass input) ........................................... frequency converter ........................................................................................ hot standby system ......................................................................................... harmonics filter ................................................................................................ combined options ............................................................................................ 10.1 10.3 10.4 10.5 10.6 10.7 10.8 10.9
general characteristics .................................................................................... range characteristics ....................................................................................... Comet series 11 general characteristics ....................................................... Comet series 31 general characteristics ....................................................... Comet series 33 general characteristics ....................................................... selection of cable cross-sections .................................................................... selection of protection devices ........................................................................ connection of cable shielding .......................................................................... 11.1 11.1 11.2 11.3 11.4 11.5 11.6 11.8
........................................................................................................................ 12.1
Comet and the options presented in this manual must be installed only by qualified personnel. Other operations may be carried out by any person having read this manual.
All Comet products are protected by patents. They implement original MGE UPS SYSTEMS technology not available to other manufacturers. Due to evolving standards and technology, products may be modified without notice. Indications concerning technical characteristics and dimensions are not binding unless confirmed by MGE UPS SYSTEMS. This document may be copied only with the prior written consent of MGE UPS SYSTEMS. Authorized copies must be marked "Comet MGE UPS SYSTEMS installation and user manual nr. 6761200XT". 2
Comet installation and user manual: E-6761200XT/FA
Merlin Gerin by MGE UPS SYSTEMS
introduction to Comet
safety information
Danger: high voltages are present inside the Comet system. Any servicing requiring removal of the protection covers may be undertaken only by qualified personnel certified by MGE UPS SYSTEMS.
identification to Comet
Read the label (figure 1) on the back of Comet or inside the door to familiarise yourself with the characteristics of your UPS. Identification plate
comet S.(1)
RESEAU 1 - MAINS 1 - NETZ 1 Mains 1 characteristics (AC input)
load characteristics
serial number
Fig. 1
(1): Comet model number: s S11 (series 11): single-phase input power and single-phase load; s S31 (series 31): three-phase input power and single-phase load; s S33 (series 33): three-phase input power and three-phase load.
A configuration sheet, included with the UPS, indicates all the factory settings. Keep the sheet in a safe place as it may be required by the after-sales support technicians if you wish to modify parameters.
Merlin Gerin by MGE UPS SYSTEMS
AC input
Fig. 7
input power switch, rectifier module, "static bypass" module, battery circuit breaker (switch and fuse for 5 kVA Comet S11 or S31), battery, charger module, inverter module, "manual maintenance bypass" switch, basic control and indication panel, special command and diagnostic display, location of the optional communication ports, fans, connection cover panel, diagnostics and configuration connector (reserved for after-sales support), standard communication port, switchgear cover panel, protection panel, protective cover.
Merlin Gerin by MGE UPS SYSTEMS
and with jacks to immobilize the unit. The jacks must be raised prior to repositioning a cubicle; s operating temperature range: 0 to 30C at rated output. Important: s the battery is of the sealed type. Battery storage or prolonged shutdown of Comet should never exceed 3 months at 20C without recharging, for a battery initially at 100% charge. Battery recharge requires system start-up. The battery warranty is void if the 6 month recharge interval is not respected; s battery life is extended when it is installed in a room with an ambient temperature of 15 to 25C. Above 25C, battery life reduced by 50% for every additional 10C; s heat loss resulting from Comet operation must be taken into account when sizing the ventilation system. See the Appendices; s connections are made through the bottom section in the back or the front, depending on the type of Comet; s warning in compliance with EN 50091-2: this product is sold through limited sales channels to installers or well-informed users. Installation restrictions or additional measures may be necessary to prevent electromagnetic disturbances.
other option
Fig. 8
installation (cont')
Note: For Comet series 31 15/20kVA and Comet series 33 units, a clearance "e" of 5mm is required to the left of the optional cubicles for door opening. s ensure that clearance L1 to the left of Comet is greater than L for access to the battery cells and L2 greater than 100mm (for ventilation); s ensure that clearance P1 in front of Comet is greater than P for servicing via the front; s connection cables must be of th flexible type and sufficiently long to enable forward movement of Comet without disconnection (allow an extra 1.5 meters); s additional cubicles (extended battery, auxiliaries, etc.) must be placed to the right of Comet. If the above installation conditions are not respected, maintenance and servicing of the unit may require system shutdown.
special precautions
s load cables must be run separately from all other cables (power supply or computer system interconnection cables). They should not pass near interference-emitting equipment or sensitive loads; s if Comet is installed with the "Teleservice" option, a telephone connector and power supply must be provided for the modem used with it.
Connection cables should enter at the bottom:
s in the back for Comet series 11 and series 31 5/7.5/10kVA; s in front for Comet series 31 15/20 kVA and series 33 10/15/20/30kVA.
AC input
Fig. 9
Comet installation and user manual: E-6761200XT/FC
Merlin Gerin by MGE UPS SYSTEMS
installation (cont')
Connections for Comet series 11 5kVA
L L+
N L1
XR2 load
L1 N
see the paragraph on "connection of the cable shielding" in the section "appendices"
Fig. 10
L L+
N L1
XR2 load
L1 N
XR1 Mains 1
L3 L2 L1 N
see the paragraph on "connection of the cable shielding" in the section "appendices"
Fig. 11
Connection sequence for Comet other than 5kVA: s remove the connection cover panel 13 that is secured with screws; s connect the AC input cables to Mains 1 terminal block XR1, carefully respecting earth, neutral and phase correspondence as indicated on the label; s connect the load cables to load terminal block XR2 carefully respecting the earth, neutral and phase correspondence as indicated on the label; s connect the various options as indicated in the corresponding sections of this manual; s once the cables have been connected, each cables sleeving must be secured against the horizontal hooping bar located above the terminal block by a hoop in order to protect the conductors from eventual tensile stress; s refit the connection cover panel. Connections for Comet series 11 7.5/10kVA
N L1
N L1
L L+
N L1
XR1 Mains 1
XR2 load
Fig. 12
N L1 L2 L3
N L1
L L+
N L1
XR1 Mains 1
XR2 load
Fig. 13
N L1 L2 L3
N L1 L2 L3
L L+
N L1 L2 L3
XR1 Mains 1
XR2 load
Fig. 14
Fig. 15
18 19
20 21
Fig. 16
20 This orange light indicates: s inverter 7 operation on battery power following an AC input failure or detection of an AC input voltage outside tolerances; s it flashes to indicate that the low battery shutdown warning level has been reached. If the light flashes when the battery is not in self-operating phase, this indicates that the battery status should be checked by an AfterSales representative.
"fault" light
19 This orange light indicates an operating fault or an environment fault. However, the load continues to be supplied by the inverter 7 .
18 This red light indicates: s direct supply of power to the load by AC input power via the "static bypass" 3 due to inverter 7 shutdown (voluntary or following an overload or an internal fault); s battery power is not available because the battery circuit breaker 4 is in "off" position.
17 The buzzer is activated in the following situations: s the load is supplied directly by AC input power via the "static bypass" 3 ; s the inverter is operating on battery 5 power; s operating faults. It beeps softly and slowly for minor faults and during inverter operation on battery power. When the low battery shutdown warning level has been reached, the level and the frequency of the beeps increases. In the event of an inverter shutdown, a continuous load alarm is emitted. A buzzer reset button 24 is provided on the controls and diagnostics display panel 10. Detection of a new fault will set the buzzer off again.
Fig. 17
buzzer reset
24 This button enables the user to stop buzzer 17 operation. Detection of a new alarm will set the buzzer off again.
fault reset
25 This button clears the faults stored in memory. Clearing of alarms in memory is accepted only once the alarm conditions themselves have been cleared.
security button
26 This button authorises forced operation or shutdown of the inverter 7 . Forced shutdown: press simultaneously and for three seconds the security button 26 and the "inverter off" button 23 . Forced operation: press simultaneously and for three seconds the security button 26 and the "inverter on" button 22 . This key also controls a battery manual test: press simultaneously on the safety key 26 and on the buzzer stop key 24 for 3 seconds. Important: this function causes the battery to discharge completely in order to update the battery monitoring parameters. In the event of a network power cut, the uninterrupted battery power supply returns to normal operation. The self-operating time is thus reduced.
diagnostics display
27 Alarm, fault and status messages are displayed as numerical codes. See chapter "alarms" for the meaning of the codes. The alarm-code equivalence table is also displayed on the door or at the back of Comet.
preliminary checks
s check the settings of the protection devices: s input power switch 1 in off (O) position, s battery circuit breaker 4 in off (O) position, s "manual bypass" 8 switch set to "NORMAL" position (see figure 18); s check that nothing can block the ventilation system (air entry through the
bottom and, where applicable, through the side vents); s check that there is a minimum 100mm clearance at the back for ventilation; s check that Comet no longer rests on its 4 wheels (lifting jacks in place); s check that the load-circuit circuit breakers (where applicable) are in off (O) position. "manual maintenance bypass" switch
Fig. 18
powering up to Comet
Caution: As soon as AC input power is supplied to Comet (upstream circuit breaker on the low voltage switchboard in "on" position), the load is supplied via the "static bypass" 3 . No indications are given on the control panel.
s put first the input power switch 1 and then the battery circuit breaker 4 in "on" position: s the buzzer 17 sounds, s the green "load protected" light 21 goes on, s the rectifier 2 and the charger 6 start up, s the inverter 7 automatically starts up, except if the system is in "manual start-up" mode (optional). In this case, press the green "inverter on" button 22 .
start-up (cont')
If the transfer conditions (AC input power within tolerances) are correct, the inverter comes on line and supplies the load, s the green "load protected" light 21 remains on, In the event of a fault, the red "load not protected" light goes on. See the "alarms section".
21 22
inverter shutdown
s s s s s s s
press the "inverter off" button 23 for three seconds: the green "load protected" light 21 goes off, the red "load not protected" light 18 goes on, the buzzer 17 sounds, the inverter 7 stops if the transfer conditions are correct, the load is supplied directly by AC input power via the "static bypass" 3 ; in the event of fault, see the Alarms section.
powering down
It is recommended not to power down Comet for long periods because the battery should remained charged. However, to carry out a power down, proceed as follows: s shutdown the inverter 7 ; s put the battery circuit breaker 4 in "off" position; s turn off the input power switch 1 ; s all the indicating lights on the control panel go off. Caution: The load is still supplied by AC input power via the "static bypass" 3 ; s put the upstream circuit breaker(s) on the low voltage switchboard in "off" position.
normal operation
The AC input power supply is present (figure 19): s the green "load protected" light 21 is on; s the power drawn by the load is supplied by AC input power via the rectifier 2 and inverter 7 modules. The charger 6 float charges or recharges the battery 5 . The DC output voltage of the charger is temperature regulated to ensure an optimal charge voltage.
AC input
2 6 5
Fig. 19
20 21
operation (cont')
AC input
2 6 5
Fig. 20
battery duration
During an AC input power failure, the duration of inverter operation on battery power depends on: s the rated capacity of the battery; s the power drawn by the load; s the battery temperature; s the age of the battery. The rated backup time corresponds to a minimum for a new battery and with the inverter operating at the rated load. The real backup time, which depends on the power drawn, may be greater if the inverter operates at less than full rated load. It is possible, during operation on battery power, to increase the battery backup time by reducing the power drawn by the load (shedding of non-priority circuits). Comet has a battery monitoring function that calculates the remaining backup time. This function may be implemented with a communications option. A low battery shutdown warning signal is available via the standard communication connector 15 for remote indications. It warns the user of upcoming battery shutdown at a user-determined level of remaining power. On the UPS itself, the buzzer 17 beeps louder and more rapidly, and the orange "battery status" light 20 flashes. The end of battery power occurs when the battery is fully discharged. At this point, the inverter 7 shuts down. The recharge time required to restore the battery to its rated backup power varies between 4 and 16 hours depending on the Comet model.
operating status described above (figure 19); s if the end of battery backup power was reached, the rectifier 2 , the charger 6 and the inverter 7 automatically start up (the inverter must be manually started if the system is in manual start mode).
s the battery is periodically checked every month. The message "17" on the
diagnostics display 27 tells the user that the battery is in this operating mode;
s it is recommended to carry out a complete discharge test on the battery once a
year in order to update the battery monitoring parameters. This test is activated by the "battery manual test" control. It calls for a minimum service charge. The message "18" on the diagnostics display 27 tells the user that the battery is in this operating mode. In these operating modes, total battery failure is indicated by the alarm message "15" on the diagnostics display 27 .
s s s s
1 mn 10 s
0,15 s
Fig. 21
operation (cont')
"Static bypass" 3 overload curve
time 10 mn
1 mn 10 s
0,15 s
Fig. 22
alarm indications table
17 18
the "inverter off" button 23 or a major fault; s load supplied via the "static bypass" 3 .
s operation on battery power; s load supplied by Comet. s end of battery power or battery should be
checked (1).
s minor fault:
(1): for standard replacement of batteries, a technician certified by MGE UPS SYSTEMS is required to update the parameters of the new battery so that the user continues to benefit from the "Battery Monitoring" function used to see the available or remaining battery autonomy.
Any state other than normal operation (green "load protected" light 21 on) is considered a fault by the diagnostics system. Before undertaking any servicing or other action, note the status of the different lights and the number(s) of the fault(s) indicated on the diagnostics display 27 . If the "Monitor Plus" option is installed, note as well the messages in the list on the screen. Certain faults may result in the display not functioning. If the load still functions, it is supplied via the "static bypass" 3 , i.e. it is not protected.
Merlin Gerin by MGE UPS SYSTEMS
alarms (cont')
35 41
33 37
39 63 61 62 65 32
21 16 T 51 11
Fig. 23
s "11" - battery circuit breaker in "off" position: indicates that the battery circuit is open (battery circuit breaker 4 is in "off" position). The load is no longer protected because battery power is no longer available in the event of an AC input power failure. In the case of the "battery-free frequency converter" option, it is normal for the "11" message to remain on; s "12" - check battery: indicates that the battery should be checked (see Battery maintenance in the Maintenance and servicing section); s "13" - low battery shutdown warning: indicates that battery power will end after a user-set time period. The user must take the required measures to secure the load (load shedding, file saving and system shutdown, etc.); s "14" - end of battery power; s "15" - battery fault: indicates a problem with the battery (see "battery maintenance" in the "maintenance and servicing" section; s "16" - ambient T fault: this display indicates that the ambient temperature is outside the tolerance range (<0C or > 40C); s "17" - battery periodic test: this message indicates that the battery is in the process of being checked; s "18" - battery manual test: this message indicates that the battery is in the process of being completely discharged in order to update the battery monitoring parameters; s "21" - inverter fault: indicates a fault in the inverter module 7 ; contact the after-sales support department; s "22" - inverter overtemperature: indicates overheating inside the UPS; check that the Comet ventilation system is working and that the ambient temperature is within tolerances (see "appendices"); s "25" - inverter overload: indicates an overload when the load is being supplied via the inverter. Reduce the load; s "31" - Mains 2 voltage outside tolerance range: this display indicates that the Mains 2 power supply voltage of the "static bypass" 3 is outside the tolerance range; 7.2
Comet installation and user manual: E-6761200XT/FA
Merlin Gerin by MGE UPS SYSTEMS
s "32" - phase shift outside tolerance range: this display indicates that the phase between the Mains 2 power supply of the "static bypass" 3 and the "inverter module" 7 is outside the tolerance range; s "33" - phase sequence fault: informs the user that the phase sequence of the three-phase power supply is incorrect; s "34" - frequency of Mains 2 power supply to "static bypass" 3 outside tolerances: the output inverter voltage is no more synchronised with Mains 2. load transfers may be carried out using the following procedure: press, for 3 seconds, simultaneously the security button 26 and: s the green "inverter on" button 22 to force transfer of the load to the inverter 7 . Transfer results in a 0.5 second break in the supply of power to the load, s the grey "inverter off" button 23 to force transfer of the load to the "static bypass" 3 . Transfer results in a 0.5 second break in the supply of power to the load; s "35" - "static bypass" overload: indicates an overload when the load is being supplied via the "static bypass". Reduce the load; s "37" - Mains 1 voltage outside tolerance range: this display indicates that the voltage of the Mains 1 power supply of the "rectifier module" 2 is outside the tolerance range; s "39" - installation fault: indicates an incorrect connection at the frequency converter input; check the connection of the Mains 1 input source to terminal block XR1; s "41" - load supplied via "static bypass" 3 (normal condition for certain configurations): this display indicates that the load is powered by the Mains 2 via the "static bypass" 3 ; s "51" - charger fault: indicates a fault in the charger module 6 ; contact the after-sales support department; s "61" - rectifier or chopper fault: indicates a fault in the rectifier module 2 ; contact the after-sales support department; s "62" - chopper overtemperature: see fault "22"; s "63" - fuses blown on Mains 1 input: indicates that one or more fuses have blown in the rectifier module 2 ; contact the after-sales support department; s "65" - chopper overload: indicates that the active power consumed is too high. Reduce the load; s "71" - internal communication fault: indicates a Comet internal fault; contact the after-sales support department; s "72" - internal communication self-test fault: see fault "71"; s "73" - CPU board self-test fault: see fault "71".
manual bypass
s if the load is no longer supplied, a manual bypass operation enabling supply is possible, while waiting for the after-sales support personnel; s proceed as follows: s turn off the input power switch 1 , s switch the battery circuit breaker 4 to "off" position, s check that all lights are off, s turn the "manual bypass" switch 8 as indicated in figure 24 from the "NORMAL" position to the "BYPASS" position.
alarms (cont')
"Manual bypass" switch
Fig. 24 Note: The TEST 1 and TEST 2 positions are reserved for the after-sales support personnel. Leave the switch set to the "BYPASS" position until the arrival of the after-sales support personnel. Use of the switch other than as indicated above may damage Comet and render void the warranty. This function is not available for frequency converters.
standard functions
The communication connector 15 , positioned on the back for Comet series 11 and series 31 5/7.5/10/15/20kVA and on the front for the other models, supplies the following information: s operation on the "static bypass"; s low battery shutdown warning; s load supplied by the inverter; s operation on battery power. This connector enables communication with the most common computer systems (AS400, NOVELL, etc.). Figure 25 indicates the pin-outs for the SUB-D 15-pin female connector (front view). SUB-D 15-pin connector connection
very low safety voltage signals: PIJO PC board NO NF NO contact switching capacities: P = 2.5VA U = 30V max. I = 0.1A max. NF 6 operation on "static bypass" 5 operation on inverter 8
10 NO NF 9 11 13 NO NF 7 12 14 4 UPS remote shutdown (signal between 3 and 15V DC) low battery shutdown warning operation on battery
Fig. 25 SUB-D 15-pin connector Note: the remote UPS shutdown command is valid when the inverter is supplied by the AC input source or the battery. The inverter shuts down after 2-minute delay.
15 14 13 12 11 10
communication (cont')
Three options may be used simultaneously on Comet, thus enabling communication with a wide number of computers and control devices.
Contact 5
This option offers communication of five different signals via dry relay contacts: s operation on battery; s operation on "static bypass"; s low battery shutdown warning; s load supplied by the inverter; s general alarm; Relay-contact breaking capacities: 250V AC, 125V DC, 1A.
U-TALK (1)
This option manages an RS232 serial interface using an ASCII protocol. This option is supplied with the CD-ROM "Solution Pac" which integrates a range of management software for MGE UPS SYSTEMS Uninterruptible Power Supply under SNMP.
This option provides a link between Comet and a BatiBUS network.
(1): these options can be used with the battery monitoring function which provides information on: s available battery power during normal operation; s remaining battery power during operation on battery power. 8.2
Comet installation and user manual: E-6761200XT/FA
Merlin Gerin by MGE UPS SYSTEMS
safety reminder
Danger: high voltages are present in the Comet system. Any servicing requiring removal of the protection covers may be undertaken only by qualified personnel certified by MGE UPS SYSTEMS.
battery maintenance
Battery status is monitored by Comet. When the orange "operation on battery" light 20 flashes and fault number "12" is indicated on the diagnostics display 27, the battery should be checked. When the red "load not protected" light 18 flashes and fault number "15" is indicated on the diagnostics display 27 , a battery fault is present. To clear these alarms, press the "security" 26 and "fault reset" 25 buttons at the same time. Caution: clearing the alarms in this way disables the battery monitoring and backup time calculation functions (Monitor Plus option); contact the aftersales support department to check the condition of the battery and replace it if necessary. The after-sales support technician will reactivate the battery monitoring and backup time calculation functions.
environmental protection
The battery cells contain substances which are dangerous for the environment. Following replacement, the after-sales support department forwards old batteries to special organizations for recycling and disposal.
customer training
Training courses offered by MGE UPS SYSTEMS enable personnel to monitor the system and undertake basic maintenance. Contact your MGE UPS SYSTEMS distributor for the list of courses offered.
maintenance contracts
Your MGE UPS SYSTEMS contact can supply you with the catalogue of maintenance contracts that indicate out how you can transfer responsibility for maintenance to qualified technicians always on call.
extended battery cabinet
As standard equipment, Comet comes with a battery providing a backup time (at full rated load and a power factor of 0.6) of 8 minutes for the 5 kVA Comet S11 and S31 and 10 minutes for the other Comet models. This time can be increased by installing 1 or 2 additional battery cabinets. If Comet was not factory-set for the additional cabinets, the new configuration must be entered by a MGE UPS SYSTEMS after-sales support technician.
series 33
series 33
options (cont')
connection of an additional battery cabinet
Prior to any operations, check that the protection devices are in the following positions: s upstream circuit breaker off; s input power switch 1 off; s battery circuit breaker 4 off; s "manual bypass" switch set to the "NORMAL" position.
s position the battery cabinet on the right side of Comet; s connect the terminal block in the battery cabinet to the XR3 terminal block in
Comet as follows: s yellow/green cable (earth) to the yellow/green terminal on XR3, s red cable (+ pole) to the L+ terminal on XR3, s blue cable ( pole) to the L terminal on XR3; s position the two enclosures with the front panels aligned; s turn on the circuit breaker in the battery cabinet. Connection of an additional battery cabinet
Comet connection terminal blocks (except for 5 kVA Comet S11 or S31) XR1 Mains XR3 battery L L+ XR2 load
XR3 battery
tie the shielding of the cable to the stud provided on the connection cover panel (see appendices).
emergency off
Installation of an emergency off function must be carried out in compliance with applicable regulations. When an external emergency off function is activated, the AC input to Comet must be cut to ensure protection of life and property. However, this action does not cut the supply of power to the load protected by Comet because the system continues to operate on battery power. To power down the entire installation via an emergency off function, the action must also turn off the following via a single device: s the battery circuit breaker 4 ; s the circuit breaker for the additional battery cabinet(s), if applicable; s and a circuit breaker placed downstream of the UPS, otherwise the UPS output remains live for approximately 3 seconds after the emergency off function has been activated. This requires installation of an MX shunt trip.
s check that the upstream circuit breaker on the low voltage switchboard is in "off"
position; s check that the input power switch 1 and the battery circuit breaker 4 are in "off" position; s remove the connection cover panel 13 from the Comet; s supply the shunt trip coil with AC power across terminals 1 and 4; s terminals 2 and 3 may be used to supply (using a voltage identical to that of the shunt trip) lights indicating the position of the battery circuit breaker 4 (breaking capacity of contacts is 1300VA); s once the connections are made, reposition the connection cover panel.
emergency off button N Ph 220 to 240V 50/60Hz N circuit breaker on light N circuit breaker off light
battery L L+
XR1 XR3 XR3 battery emerg. off Mains 2 (optional) secure the shielding of the cable to the stud provided on the connection cover panel (see appendices).
options (cont')
full galvanic isolation transformer (standard Comet equipment)
This option is required to achieve a downstream neutral system different from the upstream neutral system. The transformer, installed in a cubicle of the same design as the Comet cubicle, must be positioned: s between the low voltage switchboard and the input power switch for Comet series 11 and series 33 (see figure 26); s between the Comet load output terminals and the load for Comet series 31 (see figure 27).
LV switchboard
TR2 transformer
XR2 load
Fig. 26
LV switchboard
Comet series 31
XR5 load
Fig. 27
transformer CB1
This option comprises a high-frequency filter which limits the disturbances transmitted to the AC input power supply and guarantees compatibility with the standards in force. This guarantee is no longer provided if the transformer is used on its own (without a filter). Note: for a 5 kVA Comet S11 or S31, the shielding of the Mains 2 cable must be secured to the stud provided on the connection cover panel (see appendices).
options (cont')
frequency converter
This option can be used to obtain different input and output frequencies. The frequency converter is supplied with a separate Mains 2. This option is delivered either with or without a battery.
XR5 Mains 2
transformer filter
XR1 Comet
Mains 2
Mains 1
XR2 load
options (cont')
harmonics filter
It is possible to install a harmonics filter between the AC input power source and Comet in order to reduce the level of current harmonics absorbed by the source. This option is available only for Comet series 31 and series 33 units with a rated output at least equal to 15kVA.
LV switchboard XR6
XR2 load
This option comprises a high-frequency filter which limits the disturbances transmitted to the AC input power supply.
combined options
full isolation transformer and separate Mains 2 transformer
To implement a power supply via a separate Mains 2 and isolation of Comet from Mains 1, the two options, full isolation transformer and separate Mains 2 transformer, must be combined. Each option requires its own cubicle.
XR1 Mains 1
load Comet
XR1 Mains 1
options (cont')
Example of a Comet series 33 The two options are supplied in the same cubicle. Connection between XR5 and XR6 is inside the cubicle:
LV switchboard D1
XR1 Mains 1
XR1 Mains 1
general characteristics
the Comet range is made up of three types of uninterruptible power supplies: Comet series 11 (single-phase input, single-phase output), Comet series 31 (three-phase + neutral input, single-phase output), Comet series 33 (three-phase + neutral input, three-phase + neutral output); each UPS may be configured in a number of manners via a special interface 14 . On the following pages, standard configuration parameters are indicated in bold type. A modification in the configuration requires on-site servicing by the after-sales support department; s except where indicated, the data provided are typical values corresponding to: s a rated single-phase voltage of 230V and a rated three-phase voltage of 400V, s a linear rated load with a power factor of 0.8.
s s s s s
range characteristics
s standards s design: s product: s safety: s protection: s electromagnetic compatibility:
CEI 146 EN 50091 CEI 950 CEI 529 (IP 215) CEI 801 EN 55011 EN 55022 EN 50091-2 < 25C recommended 0 to 30C permanent 35C up to 24 hours 40C up to 8 hours 0 to 95 < 1000m 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, ...20 automatic or manual internal or external yes / no yes / no RAL 9002
s relative humidity (%): s maximum altitude without derating: s configuration s low battery shutdown warning (minutes): s inverter start-up: s battery charger: s transfer to bypass outside tolerances: s frequency converter: s colour s standard:
(1): for a 5 kVA Comet S11 or S31, see the "overload" section.
appendices (cont')
Comet series 11 general characteristics
s apparent power (kVA): s active power (kW): s efficiency (%): s heat losses (W): s noise level (dBa): s on RL load: s on RCD load: s battery backup time (minutes): s at rated load (power factor 0.6): s maximum leakage current (mA): s directly earthed neutral system (TT): s during a fault with an impedent neutral system: s dimensions and weight s height (mm): s width (mm): s depth (mm): s weight (kg): s AC input s number of phases: s voltage (V): s frequency (Hz): s power factor: s current distortion (%): s inrush current: s AC output s number of phases: s voltage (V): s voltage tolerance (%): s frequency (Hz): s frequency tolerance (free-running) (%): s frequency tolerance (synchronized) (%): s synchronization rate (Hz/s):
3 323 to 444 47 to 63 > 0.95 < 26 < In 1 220 / 230 / 240 1 50 / 60 0.1 1 / 1.5 / 2 / 3 / 4 1/2
appendices (cont')
Comet series 33 general characteristics
s apparent power (kVA): s active power (kW): s efficiency (%): s heat losses (W): s noise level (dBa): s on RL load: s on RCD load: s battery backup time (minutes): s at rated load (power factor 0.6): s maximum leakage current (mA): s directly earthed neutral system (TT): s during a fault with an impedent neutral system: s dimensions and weight s height (mm): s width (mm): s depth (mm): s weight (kg): s AC input s number of phases: s voltage (V): s frequency (Hz): s power factor: s current distortion (%): s inrush current: s AC output s number of phases: s voltage (V): s voltage tolerance (%): s frequency (Hz): s frequency tolerance (free-running) (%): s frequency tolerance (synchronized) (%): s synchronization rate (Hz/s):
3 323 to 444 47 to 63 > 0.95 < 26 < In 3 380 / 400 / 415 1 50 / 60 0.1 1 / 1.5 / 2 / 3 / 4 1/2
series 11
Note 1: when a "separate Mains 2" option is installed on Comet series 31 for the AC bypass input, the values in parentheses correspond to Mains 1 line currents and the others to Mains 2 line currents. Note 2: for Comet series 33, during operation on the "static bypass" at rated output for a non-linear load, the values in parentheses correspond to the current in the AC input line neutral.
For connections to the AC input power supply and to the load, Comet terminal blocks accept the following cable cross-sectional areas:
Comet Comet rated output (kVA) series 11 and 5 series 31 7.5 and 10 series 31 series 33 15 and 20 10 and 15 20 and 30 cross-sectional areas (mm2) flexible cables 0 to 4 0 to 10 16 to 35 6 to 16 16 to 35 rigid cables 0 to 6 0 to 16 16 to 35 6 to 25 16 to 35
appendices (cont')
selection of protection devices
Selection of protection devices installed upstream (CB1) or downstream (CB2) from Comet depends on: s the rated line current; s the required breaking capacity. Schematic diagram for protection devices
Comet CB2
To ensure discrimination during overloads or short-circuits, the following protection devices are recommended:
Comet series 11 Comet rated output (kVA) 5 7.5 10 series 31 5 7.5 10 15 20 series 33 10 15 20 30 Merlin Gerin circuit breaker CB1 C60N 32A (curve D) C60N 40A (curve D) C60N 63A (curve D) C60N 25A (curve D) C60N 40A (curve D) C60N 50A (curve D) NC100H 80A (curve D) NC100H 100A (curve D) C60N 40A (curve D) C60N 40A (curve D) C60N 63A (curve D) NC100H 80A (curve D) Merlin Gerin circuit breaker CB2 C60L 6A (curve Z) C60N 10A (curve B) C60N 10A (curve B) C60L 6A (curve Z) C60N 10A (curve B) C60N 10A (curve B) C60N 25A (curve B) C60N 25A (curve B) C60L 6A (curve Z) or C60N 6A (curve B) C60L 6A (curve Z) or C60N 5A (curve B) C60L 16A (curve Z) or C60N 10A (curve B) C60L 16A (curve Z) or C60N 10A (curve B)
Note: The breaking capacity of the protection devices must be greater than the prospective short-circuit current. Consult the Merlin Gerin Low Voltage Application Guide for further details. Selection of the trip units for the circuit breakers installed upstream of the transformers must take the inrush currents (10 to 14In) into account.
Comet installation and user manual: E-6761200XT/FB
Merlin Gerin by MGE UPS SYSTEMS
If the configuration includes the "separate Mains 2" option, the protection devices recommended for Mains 1 and Mains 2 are the same as those of circuit breaker CB1 in the table above for Comet series 11 and Comet series 33. For Comet series 31, the recommended protection devices are given in the table below: Schematic diagram for protection devices ("separate Mains 2" option)
Merlin Gerin circuit breaker CB1 (Mains 1) C60N 10A (curve D) C60N 16A (curve D) C60N 20A (curve D) C60N 32A (curve D) C60N 40A (curve D)
Merlin Gerin circuit breaker CB1' (Mains 2) C60N 25A (curve D) C60N 40A (curve D) C60N 50A (curve D) NC100H 80A (curve D) NC100H 100A (curve D)
series 31
Note: The breaking capacity of the protection devices must be greater than the prospective short-circuit current. Consult the Merlin Gerin Low Voltage Application Guide for further details. Selection of the trip units for the circuit breakers installed upstream of the transformers must take the inrush currents (10 to 14In) into account.
appendices (cont')
connection of the cable shielding
The battery, emergency off and Mains 2 cables of 5 kVA Comet S11 or S31 UPSs must be shielded. This shielding musts be secured to the studs provided on the connection cover panel, on the back of the UPS (see figure 2). Each connection must be made as follows (see figure below): s introduce the cable wires into the cylinder and keep the cable shielding outside the cylinder, s tie the cable shielding to the cylinder, behind its shouldered part, s connect the wires to the corresponding terminal block, s put the connection cover panel back into place and secure it with screws, s tie the cable(s) to the lower angle bracket of the connection cover panel and to the vertical angle bracket of the other connection cover panel with mains 1 cable and the load cable.
connection cover panel shielding cylinders tie cable shielding connection cable
forced shutdown: user-initiated shutdown of the inverter due to incorrect AC input (Mains 1 or Mains 2) characteristics and resulting in a 0.5 second interruption in the supply of power. backup time: the duration over which Comet can supply full rated load without AC input power. This time depends on the battery. battery: a number of electrolytic cells connected together to supply electrical power. The cell electrodes operate in a liquid or gel type electrolyte. "static bypass": power electronics equipment for switching from one power source to another without an interruption in supply. Example: transfer from inverter to bypass line or back. manual bypass: manual switch enabling supply of power to the load directly from AC input power during maintenance or servicing. cubicle: enclosure housing Comet constituent parts (rectifier, charger, inverter, "static bypass", battery, etc.). charger: device supplying the battery with DC power to recharge and/or maintain the battery at the rated charge level. transfer to inverter: load switching from the "static bypass" to the inverter. transfer to bypass: load switching from the inverter to the "static bypass". battery circuit breaker: DC-power circuit breaker that protects the battery circuit (fused switch for 5 kVA Comet S11 or S31). low battery shutdown warning: signal indicating the upcoming end of battery power and the resulting inverter shutdown and interruption in the supply of power to the load. powered down: no power is present on Comet circuits (battery circuit breaker off, upstream circuit breaker off). rated current In: rated current supplied by Comet (power factor 0.8). input power switch: switching device installed at Comet input and enabling rectifier shutdown. forced operation: user-initiated connection of the load to the inverter with a 0.5 second interruption in the supply of power. inverter: module that transforms input DC power into a virtually perfect sine wave (regulated, no-break current). rated output Pn: apparent power Pn supplied by Comet under given load conditions (power factor 0.8). output Pu: apparent power Pu supplied by Comet under given load conditions. It is less than or equal to the rated output Pn. The ratio Pu/Pn defines the Comet load level. rectifier: device drawing from the power required by Comet from the AC input source. The AC input power is transformed (rectified) into DC power. Mains 1 (AC input power): primary source of power for the rectifier and the inverter.
glossary (cont')
Mains 2 (AC bypass input power): source of power for the load in the event of an inverter shutdown. overload: power drawn by the load in excess of the Comet rated output. LV switchboard: low voltage switchboard upstream from Comet. transfer: load switching from "static bypass" to the inverter or vice versa. load: all devices connected to Comet output terminals. load protected: load is supplied via the inverter, i.e. with battery protection. load not protected: load is supplied via the "static bypass", i.e. without battery protection.
- 6761200XT -
MGE UPS SYSTEMS S.A. 7, Chemin du vieux chne ZIRST 4202 38942 Meylan Cedex FRANCE
MGE UPS SYSTEMS S.A. designs, manufactures and markets Merlin Gerin brand UPSs.
As standard, specifications and designs change from time to time, please ask for confirmation of the information given in this publication. Product names mentioned herein may be trademarks and registred trademarks of their respective companies. This document is printed on environment-friendly paper. Internet: Published by MGE UPS SYSTEMS - 02/99