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Eurotherm 3504 and 3508

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3504, 3508

3504, 3508 Process controllers
Versions 2.9 and later
March 2010
2010 Eurotherm Limited
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3500 series Controllers Engineering Handbook
Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10 CN26100 1
3508 and 3504 Process Controllers
1. CHAPTER 1 INSTALLATION AND OPERATION.............................................................11
1.1 What Instrument Do I Have? ............................................................................................................. 11
1.1.1 Contents of Package................................................................................................................................................ 11
1.1.2 Orderable Accessories ........................................................................................................................................... 11
1.2 3504 and 3508 Ordering Code........................................................................................................ 12
1.2.1 Input and Output Modules..................................................................................................................................... 12
1.3 Configuration Code (Quick Start Code) .......................................................................................... 13
1.4 How to Install the Controller ............................................................................................................. 15
1.4.1 Dimensions ............................................................................................................................................................... 15
1.4.2 To Install the Controller........................................................................................................................................... 16
1.4.3 Unplugging the Controller ..................................................................................................................................... 16
1.5 Electrical Connections........................................................................................................................ 17
1.5.1 Wire Sizes .................................................................................................................................................................. 17
1.6 Standard Connections ....................................................................................................................... 18
1.6.1 PV Input (Measuring Input)..................................................................................................................................... 18
1.6.2 Digital I/O.................................................................................................................................................................. 19
1.6.3 Digital (Logic) Outputs............................................................................................................................................ 19
1.6.4 Digital (Logic) Outputs used to power a remote 2 wire transmitter. .............................................................. 19
1.6.5 Digital (Logic) Outputs used to power a remote 3 wire transmitter. .............................................................. 19
1.6.6 Digital (Logic) Outputs used to power a remote 4 wire transmitter. .............................................................. 19
1.6.7 Relay Output ............................................................................................................................................................. 20
1.6.8 Power Supply Connections .................................................................................................................................... 20
1.7 Plug in I/O Module Connections ...................................................................................................... 21
1.7.1 Relay (2 pin) and Dual Relay Module.................................................................................................................... 21
1.7.2 Change Over Relay.................................................................................................................................................. 21
1.7.3 Triple Logic and Single Isolated Logic Output ................................................................................................... 21
1.7.4 Triac and Dual Triac................................................................................................................................................. 21
1.7.5 DC Control ................................................................................................................................................................ 22
1.7.6 DC Retransmission................................................................................................................................................... 22
1.7.7 Dual DC Output ....................................................................................................................................................... 22
1.7.8 High Resolution DC Retransmission & Transmitter Power Supply .................................................................. 22
1.7.9 Triple Logic Input ..................................................................................................................................................... 22
1.7.10 Triple Contact Input................................................................................................................................................. 22
1.7.11 24V Transmitter Supply........................................................................................................................................... 23
1.7.12 Potentiometer input................................................................................................................................................. 23
1.7.13 Transducer Power Supply....................................................................................................................................... 23
1.7.14 Analogue Input (T/C, RTD, V, mA, mV)................................................................................................................. 24
1.7.15 Analogue Input (Zirconia Probe) ........................................................................................................................... 24
1.7.16 Zirconia Probe Construction.................................................................................................................................. 25
1.7.17 Zirconia Probe Screening Connections ............................................................................................................... 25
1.8 Digital Communications Connections.............................................................................................. 26
1.8.1 Modbus Slave (H or J Module) or EIBisynch ....................................................................................................... 26
1.8.2 DeviceNet Wiring..................................................................................................................................................... 27
1.8.3 Example DeviceNet Wiring Diagram.................................................................................................................... 27
1.8.4 Profibus...................................................................................................................................................................... 28
1.8.5 Ethernet (ModBus TCP)........................................................................................................................................... 29
1.8.6 I/O Expander ............................................................................................................................................................ 30
1.8.7 IO Expander Connections ...................................................................................................................................... 30
1.8.8 Example Wiring Diagram....................................................................................................................................... 31
1.8.9 Snubbers ................................................................................................................................................................... 31
2. CHAPTER 2: GETTING STARTED.....................................................................................32
2.1 Quick Start - New Controller (Unconfigured).................................................................................. 32
2.1.1 To Configure Parameters in Quick Start Mode................................................................................................... 33
2.1.2 Quick Start Parameters............................................................................................................................................ 33
2.2 To Re-enter Quick Start Mode .......................................................................................................... 38
2.2.1 Power up After a Quick Start Configuration........................................................................................................ 38
2.2.2 Power up After a Full Configuration..................................................................................................................... 38
2.3 Normal Operation .............................................................................................................................. 39
2.3.1 Beacon Display and Description........................................................................................................................... 39
2.4 The Operator Buttons ........................................................................................................................ 40
2.5 To Set the Required Temperature (Setpoint).................................................................................. 41
2.6 To Select Auto/Manual Operation ................................................................................................... 42
2.6.1 Bumpless Transfer ................................................................................................................................................... 42
2.7 Alarm Indication ................................................................................................................................. 43
2.7.1 To Acknowledge an Alarm Press


(Ack) together. .................................................................... 43
2.7.2 Sensor Break Indication.......................................................................................................................................... 43
2.8 Message Centre.................................................................................................................................. 44
2.8.1 Summary Pages........................................................................................................................................................ 44
2.8.2 How to Edit Parameters .......................................................................................................................................... 46
2.8.3 Program Status Page............................................................................................................................................... 47
Engineering Handbook 3500 series Controllers
2 Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10
2.8.4 Control Summary Page...........................................................................................................................................52
3. CHAPTER 3 ACCESS TO FURTHER PARAMETERS........................................................ 53
3.1.1 Level 3........................................................................................................................................................................53
3.1.2 Configuration Level .................................................................................................................................................53
3.1.3 To Select Different Levels of Access .....................................................................................................................54
3.2 Access Parameter List ........................................................................................................................ 55
4. CHAPTER 4 FUNCTION BLOCKS .................................................................................... 57
4.1 To Access a Function Block............................................................................................................... 58
4.1.1 Sub-Lists or Instances ..............................................................................................................................................58
4.1.2 To Access a Parameters in a Function Block.......................................................................................................58
4.1.3 To Change the Value of a Parameter....................................................................................................................59
4.2 Navigation Diagram.......................................................................................................................... 60
5. CHAPTER 5 FUNCTION BLOCK WIRING ....................................................................... 61
5.1 Soft Wiring.......................................................................................................................................... 62
5.1.1 Wiring Example........................................................................................................................................................62
5.1.2 Wiring Through the Operator Interface...............................................................................................................63
5.1.3 To Remove a Wire....................................................................................................................................................64
5.1.4 Wiring a Parameter to Multiple Inputs..................................................................................................................65
5.1.5 Wiring Using iTools..................................................................................................................................................65
5.1.6 Wiring Floats with Status Information...................................................................................................................66
5.1.7 Edge Wires................................................................................................................................................................68
5.1.8 Operation of Booleans and Rounding.................................................................................................................69
6. CHAPTER 6 INSTRUMENT CONFIGURATION............................................................... 70
6.1 What Is Instrument Configuration?.................................................................................................. 70
6.2 To Select Instrument Configuration................................................................................................. 70
6.3 Function Block Options..................................................................................................................... 70
6.3.1 To Enable Function Blocks .....................................................................................................................................71
6.4 Instrument Options............................................................................................................................ 73
6.5 Display Formatting ............................................................................................................................ 74
6.5.1 To Customise the Display.......................................................................................................................................74
6.5.2 Bar Graph (3504 0nly) .............................................................................................................................................76
6.6 Instrument information...................................................................................................................... 77
6.7 Instrument Diagnostics...................................................................................................................... 78
7. CHAPTER 7 PROCESS INPUT........................................................................................... 80
7.1 To select PV Input .............................................................................................................................. 80
7.2 Process Input Parameters.................................................................................................................. 80
7.2.1 Input Types and Ranges..........................................................................................................................................82
7.2.2 CJC Type ...................................................................................................................................................................83
7.2.3 Display Units .............................................................................................................................................................84
7.2.4 Sensor Break Value..................................................................................................................................................84
7.2.5 Fallback......................................................................................................................................................................84
7.2.6 PV Input Scaling........................................................................................................................................................85
7.2.7 PV Offset ....................................................................................................................................................................86
7.2.8 Two Point Offset .......................................................................................................................................................87
8. CHAPTER 8 LOGIC INPUT/OUTPUT................................................................................ 88
8.1 To select Logic IO list......................................................................................................................... 88
8.2 Logic IO Parameters .......................................................................................................................... 88
8.2.1 Output State When the Controller is in Standby ................................................................................................90
8.2.2 Cycle Time and Minimum OnTime Algorithms ..................................................................................................90
8.2.3 Example: To Configure a Time Proportioning Logic Output ..........................................................................91
8.2.4 Example: To Calibrate a VP Output .....................................................................................................................91
8.2.5 Logic Output Scaling...............................................................................................................................................92
8.2.6 Example: To Scale a Proportioning Logic Output.............................................................................................92
9. CHAPTER 9 AA RELAY OUTPUT...................................................................................... 93
9.1 To Select AA Relay List ...................................................................................................................... 93
9.2 AA Relay Parameters ......................................................................................................................... 93
9.2.1 Example: To Wire the AA Relay to an Alarm.....................................................................................................95
9.2.2 Relay Output Scaling...............................................................................................................................................95
10. CHAPTER 10 MODULE CONFIGURATION.................................................................... 96
10.1 To Fit a New Module..................................................................................................................... 97
10.2 Module Identification.................................................................................................................... 98
10.3 Module Types ................................................................................................................................ 98
10.3.1 Relay, Logic or Triac Outputs.................................................................................................................................98
10.3.2 Single Isolated Logic Output .................................................................................................................................101
10.3.3 DC Control, Dual DC Control, or DC Retransmission Output..........................................................................102
10.3.4 High Resolution DC Output ...................................................................................................................................103
10.3.5 Analogue Input.........................................................................................................................................................104
10.3.6 Input Types and Ranges..........................................................................................................................................106
10.3.7 Display Units .............................................................................................................................................................106
10.3.8 Triple Logic Input and Triple Contact Input ........................................................................................................107
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Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10 3
10.3.9 Potentiometer Input................................................................................................................................................. 107
10.3.10 Transmitter Power Supply ...................................................................................................................................... 108
10.3.11 Transducer Power Supply....................................................................................................................................... 109
10.4 Module Scaling .............................................................................................................................. 110
10.4.1 Analogue Input Scaling and Offset....................................................................................................................... 110
10.4.2 Two Point Offset....................................................................................................................................................... 111
10.4.3 Relay, Logic or Triac Output Scaling .................................................................................................................... 111
10.4.4 Analogue Output Scaling....................................................................................................................................... 111
10.4.5 Potentiometer Input Scaling .................................................................................................................................. 112
11. CHAPTER 11 IO EXPANDER.............................................................................................113
11.1 To Configure the IO Expander ..................................................................................................... 114
11.1.1 IO Expander Parameters......................................................................................................................................... 114
12. CHAPTER 12 ALARMS.......................................................................................................115
12.1 Further Alarm Definitions.............................................................................................................. 115
12.2 Analogue Alarms............................................................................................................................ 116
12.2.1 Analogue Alarm Types............................................................................................................................................ 116
12.3 Digital Alarms................................................................................................................................. 117
12.3.1 Digital Alarm Types ................................................................................................................................................. 117
12.3.2 Alarm Relay Output ................................................................................................................................................. 117
12.3.3 How Alarms are Indicated...................................................................................................................................... 118
12.3.4 To Acknowledge an Alarm..................................................................................................................................... 118
12.4 Analogue Alarm Parameters......................................................................................................... 119
12.4.1 Example: To Configure Alarm 1........................................................................................................................... 121
12.5 Digital Alarm Parameters.............................................................................................................. 122
12.6 Diagnostic Alarms.......................................................................................................................... 123
12.7 To Set Up Alarms Using iTools ..................................................................................................... 123
13. CHAPTER 13 BCD INPUT...................................................................................................124
13.1 BCD Parameters............................................................................................................................. 124
13.1.1 Example: To wire a BCD Input.............................................................................................................................. 125
14. CHAPTER 14 DIGITAL COMMUNICATIONS ..................................................................126
14.1 Serial Communications.................................................................................................................. 127
14.1.1 EIA232........................................................................................................................................................................ 127
14.1.2 EIA485........................................................................................................................................................................ 127
14.2 Configuration Ports........................................................................................................................ 128
14.2.1 IR Clip......................................................................................................................................................................... 128
14.2.2 CFG Clip.................................................................................................................................................................... 128
14.2.3 Cloning of Configuration Port Settings................................................................................................................ 128
14.3 Digital Communications Parameters........................................................................................... 129
14.3.1 Communications Identity........................................................................................................................................ 131
14.3.2 Protocol ..................................................................................................................................................................... 131
14.3.3 Baud Rate .................................................................................................................................................................. 132
14.3.4 Parity........................................................................................................................................................................... 132
14.3.5 Communication Address........................................................................................................................................ 132
14.3.6 Comms Delay ........................................................................................................................................................... 132
14.3.7 818, 902/3/4 Style Programmer ............................................................................................................................ 133
14.3.8 Status Words............................................................................................................................................................. 133
14.4 Ethernet Protocol ........................................................................................................................... 134
14.4.1 Ethernet Parameters ................................................................................................................................................ 134
14.4.2 Instrument setup ...................................................................................................................................................... 134
14.4.3 MAC address display .............................................................................................................................................. 135
14.4.4 DHCP Settings .......................................................................................................................................................... 135
14.4.5 Network Connection ............................................................................................................................................... 135
14.4.6 Dynamic IP Addressing........................................................................................................................................... 135
14.4.7 Fixed IP Addressing................................................................................................................................................. 135
14.4.8 Additional notes....................................................................................................................................................... 135
14.4.9 iTools Setup .............................................................................................................................................................. 136
14.4.10 Unit Ident Enable ..................................................................................................................................................... 136
14.5 Profibus Protocol ........................................................................................................................... 137
14.5.1 Profibus Parameters ................................................................................................................................................ 137
14.6 DeviceNet Protocol........................................................................................................................ 138
14.6.1 Devicenet Parameters ............................................................................................................................................. 138
14.7 Comms Indirection Table.............................................................................................................. 139
14.8 Broadcast Communications.......................................................................................................... 140
14.8.1 3500 Broadcast Master ........................................................................................................................................... 140
14.8.2 Wiring Connections - Broadcast Communications............................................................................................ 141
14.8.3 Example: To Send SP from the Master to SP in a Slave.................................................................................... 141
14.9 Modbus Master Communications................................................................................................ 142
14.9.1 Wiring connections.................................................................................................................................................. 142
14.9.2 Modbus Master Parameters ................................................................................................................................... 142
14.9.3 Set Up Example........................................................................................................................................................ 145
14.10 Packbit............................................................................................................................................. 146
14.10.1 Packbit Parameters .................................................................................................................................................. 146
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14.11 Unpackbit ....................................................................................................................................... 147
14.11.1 Unpackbit Parameters.............................................................................................................................................147
15.1 Counters ......................................................................................................................................... 148
15.1.1 Counter Parameters.................................................................................................................................................149
15.2 Timers ............................................................................................................................................. 150
15.2.1 Timer Types...............................................................................................................................................................150
15.2.2 On Pulse Timer Mode..............................................................................................................................................150
15.2.3 On Delay Timer Mode.............................................................................................................................................151
15.2.4 One Shot Timer Mode.............................................................................................................................................152
15.2.5 Compressor or Minimum On Timer Mode..........................................................................................................153
15.2.6 Timer Parameters .....................................................................................................................................................154
15.3 Totalisers ........................................................................................................................................ 155
15.3.1 Totaliser Parameters ................................................................................................................................................156
15.4 Real Time Clock............................................................................................................................. 157
15.4.1 Real Time Clock Parameters...................................................................................................................................157
16. CHAPTER 16 APPLICATION SPECIFIC ........................................................................... 158
16.1 Humidity Control ........................................................................................................................... 158
16.1.1 Example of Humidity Controller Connections ....................................................................................................158
16.1.2 Temperature Control Of An Environmental Chamber ......................................................................................159
16.1.3 Humidity Control Of An Environmental Chamber .............................................................................................159
16.2 Humidity Parameters .................................................................................................................... 159
16.3 Zirconia (Carbon Potential) Control ............................................................................................ 160
16.3.1 Temperature Control...............................................................................................................................................160
16.3.2 Carbon Potential Control........................................................................................................................................160
16.3.3 Sooting Alarm...........................................................................................................................................................160
16.3.4 Automatic Probe Cleaning.....................................................................................................................................160
16.3.5 Endothermic Gas Correction .................................................................................................................................160
16.3.6 Clean Probe ..............................................................................................................................................................160
16.3.7 Probe Status..............................................................................................................................................................160
16.4 Zirconia Parameters ...................................................................................................................... 161
16.5 Example of Carbon Potential Control Connections .................................................................. 168
17. CHAPTER 17 INPUT MONITOR ....................................................................................... 169
17.1.1 Maximum Detect ......................................................................................................................................................169
17.1.2 Minimum Detect.......................................................................................................................................................169
17.1.3 Time Above Threshold............................................................................................................................................169
17.2 Input Monitor Parameters ............................................................................................................ 170
18. CHAPTER 18 LOGIC MATHS AND MULTI OPERATORS. ............................................. 171
18.1 Logic Operators............................................................................................................................. 171
18.1.1 Logic 8........................................................................................................................................................................171
18.1.2 Logic Operations......................................................................................................................................................172
18.1.3 Logic Operator Parameters....................................................................................................................................173
18.2 Eight Input Logic Operators......................................................................................................... 174
18.2.1 Eight Input Logic Operator Parameters ...............................................................................................................174
18.3 Maths Operators............................................................................................................................ 175
18.3.1 Math Operations ......................................................................................................................................................176
18.3.2 Math Operator Parameters.....................................................................................................................................177
18.3.3 Sample and Hold Operation..................................................................................................................................178
18.4 Eight Input Analog Multiplexers.................................................................................................. 179
18.4.1 Multiple Input Operator Parameters.....................................................................................................................179
18.4.2 Fallback......................................................................................................................................................................179
18.5 Multi Input Operator ..................................................................................................................... 180
18.5.1 Number of Inputs .....................................................................................................................................................180
18.5.2 Input Status................................................................................................................................................................180
18.5.3 Number of Valid Inputs...........................................................................................................................................180
18.5.4 Cascaded Operation...............................................................................................................................................181
18.5.5 Fallback Strategy for Multi Input Block.................................................................................................................181
18.5.6 Multi Operator Parameters.....................................................................................................................................182
19. CHAPTER 19 INPUT CHARACTERISATION.................................................................... 183
19.1 Input Linearisation......................................................................................................................... 183
19.1.1 Compensation for Sensor Non-Linearities...........................................................................................................184
19.1.2 Input Linearisation Parameters ..............................................................................................................................185
19.2 Polynomial...................................................................................................................................... 186
20. CHAPTER 20 LOAD........................................................................................................... 188
20.1 Load Parameters............................................................................................................................ 188
21. CHAPTER 21 CONTROL LOOP SET UP .......................................................................... 190
21.1 What is a Control Loop? ............................................................................................................... 190
21.2 Control Loop Function Blocks...................................................................................................... 190
21.3 Main Function Block...................................................................................................................... 191
21.3.1 Loop Parameters - Main..........................................................................................................................................191
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21.3.2 Auto/Manual ............................................................................................................................................................. 192
21.4 Loop Set Up Function Block ......................................................................................................... 193
21.4.1 Types of Control Loop ............................................................................................................................................ 193
21.4.2 Loop Parameters - Set up....................................................................................................................................... 195
21.5 PID Function Block......................................................................................................................... 196
21.5.1 Loop Parameters - PID ............................................................................................................................................ 196
21.5.2 Proportional Band.................................................................................................................................................... 198
21.5.3 Integral Term............................................................................................................................................................. 198
21.5.4 Derivative Term........................................................................................................................................................ 199
21.5.5 Relative Cool Gain ................................................................................................................................................... 199
21.5.6 High and Low Cutback............................................................................................................................................ 200
21.5.7 Manual Reset............................................................................................................................................................. 200
21.5.8 Integral Hold............................................................................................................................................................. 200
21.5.9 Integral De-bump..................................................................................................................................................... 201
21.5.10 Loop Break................................................................................................................................................................ 201
21.5.11 Gain Scheduling....................................................................................................................................................... 202
21.6 Tuning Function Block................................................................................................................... 203
21.6.1 Loop Response......................................................................................................................................................... 203
21.6.2 Initial Settings............................................................................................................................................................ 203
21.6.3 Automatic Tuning..................................................................................................................................................... 205
21.6.4 Loop Parameters - Auto-Tune................................................................................................................................ 205
21.6.5 To Auto Tune a Loop - Initial Settings .................................................................................................................. 206
21.6.6 To Start Autotune..................................................................................................................................................... 206
21.6.7 Autotune and Sensor Break ................................................................................................................................... 206
21.6.8 Autotune and Inhibit................................................................................................................................................ 206
21.6.9 Autotune and Gain Scheduling............................................................................................................................. 206
21.6.10 Autotune from Below SP Heat/Cool................................................................................................................... 207
21.6.11 Autotune From Below SP Heat Only .................................................................................................................. 208
21.6.12 Autotune at Setpoint Heat/Cool ......................................................................................................................... 209
21.6.13 Failure Modes........................................................................................................................................................... 210
21.6.14 Manual Tuning.......................................................................................................................................................... 211
21.6.15 Manually Setting Relative Cool Gain .................................................................................................................... 211
21.6.16 Manually Setting the Cutback Values ................................................................................................................... 212
21.7 Setpoint Function Block................................................................................................................ 213
21.7.1 Loop Parameters - Setpoint.................................................................................................................................... 214
21.7.2 Setpoint Limits.......................................................................................................................................................... 216
21.7.3 Setpoint Rate Limit................................................................................................................................................... 216
21.7.4 Setpoint Tracking..................................................................................................................................................... 217
21.7.5 Manual Tracking....................................................................................................................................................... 217
21.8 Output Function Block .................................................................................................................. 218
21.8.1 Loop Parameters - Output...................................................................................................................................... 218
21.8.2 Output Limits ............................................................................................................................................................ 222
21.8.3 Output Rate Limit ..................................................................................................................................................... 223
21.8.4 Sensor Break Mode ................................................................................................................................................. 223
21.8.5 Forced Output.......................................................................................................................................................... 223
21.8.6 Power Feed Forward............................................................................................................................................... 224
21.8.7 Cooling Algorithm................................................................................................................................................... 224
21.8.8 Feedforward ............................................................................................................................................................. 225
21.8.9 Nudge Raise/Lower ................................................................................................................................................. 225
21.8.10 Effect of Control Action, Hysteresis and Deadband.......................................................................................... 226
21.9 Diagnostics Function Block........................................................................................................... 227
22. CHAPTER 22 SETPOINT PROGRAMMER .......................................................................228
22.1 Dual Programmer Modes.............................................................................................................. 229
22.1.1 SyncStart Programmer ............................................................................................................................................ 229
22.1.2 SyncAll Programmer................................................................................................................................................ 229
22.1.3 Single Channel Programmer.................................................................................................................................. 229
22.2 Programmer Types ........................................................................................................................ 230
22.2.1 Time to Target Programmer................................................................................................................................... 230
22.2.2 Ramp Rate Programmer.......................................................................................................................................... 230
22.3 Segment Types............................................................................................................................... 231
22.3.1 Rate............................................................................................................................................................................. 231
22.3.2 Dwell .......................................................................................................................................................................... 231
22.3.3 Step ............................................................................................................................................................................ 231
22.3.4 Time............................................................................................................................................................................ 231
22.3.5 GoBack....................................................................................................................................................................... 231
22.3.6 Wait ............................................................................................................................................................................ 232
22.3.7 Call.............................................................................................................................................................................. 233
22.3.8 End ............................................................................................................................................................................. 233
22.4 Event Outputs................................................................................................................................. 234
22.4.1 PV Event..................................................................................................................................................................... 234
22.4.2 Time Event................................................................................................................................................................. 234
22.4.3 User Values................................................................................................................................................................ 236
22.5 Holdback......................................................................................................................................... 237
22.5.1 Guaranteed Soak ..................................................................................................................................................... 237
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22.6 PID Select ....................................................................................................................................... 238
22.7 Sync Point Goback Interaction ................................................................................................ 238
22.8 PrgIn1 and PrgIn2 ......................................................................................................................... 239
22.9 Program Cycles.............................................................................................................................. 239
22.10 Servo............................................................................................................................................... 239
22.11 Power Fail Recovery...................................................................................................................... 240
22.11.1 Ramp back (Power fail during Dwell segments.) ................................................................................................240
22.11.2 Ramp back (power fail during Ramp segments).................................................................................................240
22.12 Ramp back (power fail during Time-to-target segments) ........................................................ 240
22.13 Sensor Break Recovery ................................................................................................................. 240
22.14 Operating a Program.................................................................................................................... 241
22.14.1 Run..............................................................................................................................................................................241
22.14.2 Reset ...........................................................................................................................................................................241
22.14.3 Hold............................................................................................................................................................................241
22.14.4 Skip Segment............................................................................................................................................................241
22.14.5 Advance Segment....................................................................................................................................................241
22.14.6 Fast .............................................................................................................................................................................241
22.14.7 Run/Hold/Reset Digital Inputs ...............................................................................................................................242
22.15 PV Start ........................................................................................................................................... 243
22.15.1 Example: To Run, Hold or Reset a Program.......................................................................................................244
22.16 Program Set Up ............................................................................................................................. 245
22.17 Program Edit .................................................................................................................................. 249
22.17.1 To Edit a SyncAll Programmer...............................................................................................................................249
22.17.2 To Edit a Syncstart Programmer............................................................................................................................253
22.17.3 Summary of Parameters which appear for different Segment Types .............................................................257
22.17.4 To Edit a Single Channel Programmer.................................................................................................................258
22.17.5 Examples Showing How to Set up and Run Dual Programmers......................................................................261
22.18 Alternative Ways to Edit a Program............................................................................................ 263
22.19 Appendix to Chapter 22: Single Programmer Earlier Versions ............................................ 263
22.19.1 Creating or Editing a Single Program...................................................................................................................264
22.19.2 Sync mode.................................................................................................................................................................266
23. CHAPTER 23 SWITCH OVER............................................................................................ 267
23.1.1 Example: To Set the Switch Over Levels .............................................................................................................267
23.1.2 Switch Over Parameters..........................................................................................................................................268
24. CHAPTER 24 TRANSDUCER SCALING........................................................................... 269
24.1 Auto-Tare Calibration ................................................................................................................... 269
24.2 Transducer Summary Page........................................................................................................... 270
24.2.1 Tare Calibration........................................................................................................................................................270
24.3 Strain Gauge .................................................................................................................................. 271
24.3.1 Calibration Using the Calibration Resistor Mounted in the Transducer.........................................................271
24.3.2 Configure Parameters for Strain Gauge Calibration..........................................................................................272
24.3.3 Configuration Examples .........................................................................................................................................273
24.3.4 Strain Gauge Calibration ........................................................................................................................................275
24.3.5 Calibration Using the Internal Calibration Resistor ............................................................................................275
24.4 Load Cell......................................................................................................................................... 276
24.4.1 To Calibrate a Load Cell .........................................................................................................................................276
24.4.2 Configure Parameters .............................................................................................................................................277
24.4.3 Configuration Examples .........................................................................................................................................278
24.4.4 Load Cell Calibration...............................................................................................................................................279
24.5 Comparison.................................................................................................................................... 281
24.5.2 Configure Parameters .............................................................................................................................................281
24.5.3 Comparison Calibration..........................................................................................................................................282
24.6 Transducer Scaling Parameters ................................................................................................... 283
24.6.1 Parameter Notes.......................................................................................................................................................284
25. CHAPTER 25 USER VALUES............................................................................................. 285
25.1 User Value Parameters.................................................................................................................. 285
26. CHAPTER 26 CALIBRATION............................................................................................. 286
26.1 To Check Input Calibration .......................................................................................................... 286
26.1.1 Precautions................................................................................................................................................................286
26.1.2 To Check mV Input Calibration..............................................................................................................................286
26.1.3 To Check Thermocouple Input Calibration.........................................................................................................287
26.1.4 To Check RTD Input Calibration............................................................................................................................287
26.2 Input Calibration............................................................................................................................ 288
26.3 Precautions..................................................................................................................................... 288
26.3.1 To Calibrate mV Range ...........................................................................................................................................288
26.3.2 To Save the New Calibration Data ........................................................................................................................289
26.3.3 To Return to Factory Calibration ...........................................................................................................................289
26.3.4 Thermocouple Calibration .....................................................................................................................................290
26.3.5 RTD Calibration ........................................................................................................................................................291
26.4 Calibration Parameters ................................................................................................................. 292
26.5 Valve Position Output Calibration............................................................................................... 293
3500 Series Controllers Engineering Handbook
Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10 7
26.6 DC Output and Retransmission Calibration................................................................................ 294
27. CHAPTER 27 CONFIGURATION USING ITOOLS...........................................................295
27.1 Features........................................................................................................................................... 295
27.2 On-Line/Off-line Editing................................................................................................................ 295
27.3 Connecting a PC to the Controller............................................................................................... 296
27.4 To Scan for Connected Instruments............................................................................................. 296
27.5 Parameter Set Up........................................................................................................................... 297
27.6 Device Panel ................................................................................................................................... 298
27.7 User Pages Editor........................................................................................................................... 299
27.7.1 To Create a User Page ............................................................................................................................................ 300
27.7.2 Style Examples.......................................................................................................................................................... 301
27.7.3 Immediate Programmer Setpoint ......................................................................................................................... 303
27.8 Recipe Editor .................................................................................................................................. 304
27.8.1 To Set Up a Recipe .................................................................................................................................................. 304
27.8.2 Recipe Menu Commands ....................................................................................................................................... 305
27.8.3 Watch Recipe............................................................................................................................................................ 305
27.9 To Set up Alarms............................................................................................................................ 306
27.9.1 Example: To Customise Analogue Alarm Messages ........................................................................................ 306
27.9.2 Alarm Summary Page.............................................................................................................................................. 307
27.9.3 To Customise Digital Alarm Messages................................................................................................................. 308
27.10 Graphical Wiring Editor................................................................................................................. 309
27.10.1 Graphical Wiring Toolbar ....................................................................................................................................... 309
27.10.2 Terminology.............................................................................................................................................................. 310
27.10.3 Using Function Blocks............................................................................................................................................. 310
27.10.4 Tooltips ...................................................................................................................................................................... 311
27.10.5 Series 3000 Instruments.......................................................................................................................................... 312
27.10.6 Using Wires ............................................................................................................................................................... 313
27.10.7 Using Comments...................................................................................................................................................... 314
27.10.8 Using Monitors ......................................................................................................................................................... 315
27.10.9 Downloading To Series 3000 Instruments .......................................................................................................... 315
27.10.10 Selections............................................................................................................................................................. 315
27.10.11 Colours ................................................................................................................................................................. 316
27.11 Diagram Context Menu................................................................................................................. 316
27.11.1 Other Examples of Graphical Wiring.................................................................................................................... 317
27.12 Program Editor............................................................................................................................... 320
27.12.1 Analog View.............................................................................................................................................................. 320
27.12.2 The Spreadsheet ...................................................................................................................................................... 321
27.12.3 Event Outputs........................................................................................................................................................... 321
27.12.4 Menu Entries and Tool Buttons ............................................................................................................................. 321
27.12.5 The Context Menu ................................................................................................................................................... 321
27.12.6 Naming Programs.................................................................................................................................................... 322
27.12.7 Entering a Program.................................................................................................................................................. 322
27.12.8 Making Changes to a Program.............................................................................................................................. 322
27.12.9 Saving Programs ...................................................................................................................................................... 322
27.12.10 Moving Programs Around................................................................................................................................. 322
27.12.11 Printing a Program.............................................................................................................................................. 322
27.12.12 To Copy a Program............................................................................................................................................ 323
27.12.13 To Copy a Segment of a Program................................................................................................................... 323
27.12.14 To Name a User Value ....................................................................................................................................... 323
27.13 Cloning............................................................................................................................................ 324
27.13.1 Save to File................................................................................................................................................................ 324
27.13.2 To Clone a New Controller..................................................................................................................................... 324
27.13.3 To Clone Directly from One Controller to Another............................................................................................ 324
27.14 Clone of Comms Port Settings ..................................................................................................... 325
27.15 User Text ......................................................................................................................................... 325
27.16 To Enable User Text....................................................................................................................... 326
27.17 Loop Naming.................................................................................................................................. 327
27.18 Example 1: To Configure Lgc2 Operator 1................................................................................ 328
27.18.1 Example 2: Configure User Text Block 1 ............................................................................................................ 328
27.19 To Name a User Switch ................................................................................................................. 329
27.20 Master Communications Configuration Example...................................................................... 330
28. CHAPTER 28 OEM SECURITY ..........................................................................................335
28.1 Introduction.................................................................................................................................... 335
28.2 Using OEM Security....................................................................................................................... 335
28.3 Step 1 View iTools OPC Server.................................................................................................. 336
28.4 Step 2 Create Custom Tags........................................................................................................ 337
28.5 Step 3 Activate OEM Security.................................................................................................... 339
28.6 Step 4 Deactivate OEM Security................................................................................................ 340
28.7 Erasing Memory ............................................................................................................................. 340
29. CHAPTER 29 USER SWITCHES .........................................................................................341
29.1 User Switch Parameters................................................................................................................. 341
Engineering Handbook 3500 series Controllers
8 Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10
29.2 To Configure User Switches ......................................................................................................... 341
30. CHAPTER 30 MODBUS SCADA TABLE .......................................................................... 342
30.1 Comms Table................................................................................................................................. 342
30.2 SCADA Addresses ......................................................................................................................... 342
30.3 SCADA Table ................................................................................................................................. 343
30.4 Dual Programmers via SCADA comms ....................................................................................... 366
30.5 Parameter Tables........................................................................................................................... 366
30.6 Synchronous Programmers .......................................................................................................... 370
30.7 Asynchronous Programmers........................................................................................................ 371
31. CHAPTER 31 EI-BISYNCH PARAMETERS........................................................................ 372
31.1.1 (SW) Status Word .....................................................................................................................................................374
31.1.2 (OS) Optional Status word......................................................................................................................................374
31.1.3 (XS) Extended Status Word ....................................................................................................................................375
31.1.4 Digital Output Status Word1 (01)..........................................................................................................................375
31.1.5 Digital Output Status Word2 (02)..........................................................................................................................376
31.1.6 Digital Output Status Word1 (03)..........................................................................................................................376
31.1.7 Digital Output Status Word2 (04)..........................................................................................................................376
31.1.8 Digital Output Status Word1 (05)..........................................................................................................................376
31.1.9 Digital Output Status Word2 (06)..........................................................................................................................377
31.1.10 Additional mnemonics, typically from 2400........................................................................................................377
32. APPENDIX A SAFETY AND EMC INFORMATION......................................................... 381
32.1 GENERAL........................................................................................................................................ 381
32.2 Service and repair.......................................................................................................................... 381
32.3 Installation Safety Requirements................................................................................................. 382
32.4 Installation requirements for EMC............................................................................................... 383
33. APPENDIX B TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION.................................................................... 384
34. APPENDIX C PARAMETER INDEX................................................................................... 392
35. DECLARATION OF CONFORMITY.................................................................................... 401

3500 Series Controllers Engineering Handbook
Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10 9
Issue Status of this Handbook
Issue 3.0 of this manual applies to software version 1.2.
Issue 4 of this manual applies to software version 2
The following enhancements now include:-
Second control loop
Dual programmer with the facility to synchronise the two programmers at the start or at every
Programmer enhancements including PV events, guaranteed soak, timed event, wait
segments, Go Back segments, PID set selector, analogue output values, 500 segments
SCADA set up for programmer
Quick Start changes and Quick Start code
Configurable Modbus SCADA table
EI Bisynch compatibility with 818, and 900 series controllers
Default custom page templates
Two point calibration on fixed and analogue input modules
Multi input function block
Summary screens for loop1/loop2/both loops/programmer. Parameter promotion to
summary screen.
Issue 5 applies to software versions 2.30+ and includes:-
Dual Analogue Output module, Profibus D type connector option, ImmSP? parameter added to the
Options list, User Text and Loop Naming.
Issue 6 also applies to software versions 2.30+ and includes:-
Changes to Technical Specification Electromagnetic compatibility section when Devicenet module
Addition of calibration check to Chapter 26
Improved descriptions of Strain Gauge Calibration Chapter 24
Improved descriptions of autotuning and parameters in PID Chapter 21
Issue 7 applies to firmware versions 2.60+ and includes:-
Addition of Chapter 28 OEM Security.
Correction to Cal State parameter, section 10.3.9. Repeat for minimum should read Repeat for
Issue 8 applies to firmware version 2.70+ and includes new function block - User Switches, High
Resloution Retransmission module and additional parameters (Cycle time, Wdog Flag, Wdog Action,
Wdog Timeout, Wdog Recy, Servo to PV, Manual Startup).
Issue 9 applies to firmware version 2.80+ with the following changes. Add more Zirconia block
parameters. Clarify wording of Power Feedback in Diagnostics section 6.7. Correct Fahrenheit ranges
section 7.2.1. Add Calibration procedure for DC outputs.
Issue 10 applies to firmware version 2.90+ includes new sections Modbus Master Communications,
section 14.9; Packbit and Unpackbit section 14.10; Master Communications Configuration Example in
iTools, section 27.20; Cycle Time and Minimum On Time parameters section 8.2.2; changes to
Broadcast Communications, section 14.8; additional description of ImmSP?, section 6.4; additional
description of Nudge Raise/lower, section 21.8.9.

Engineering Handbook 3500 series Controllers
10 Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10
Notes about this handbook:-
1. Chapter 1 Installation and Operation, Part Number HA027987, is essentially the same as the
User Guide, supplied with the product.
2. Further chapters describe configuration of the controller and operation in level 3. The order
of chapters is the same order as the subject headers presented in the controller.
3. Related handbooks, all of which can be downloaded from www.eurotherm.co.uk, may be
useful for further information
a. EMC booklet Part No. HA025464
b. 2000 Series Communications Part No. HA026230
c. DeviceNet Communications Part No. HA027506
d. Profibus Communications Part No. HA026290
e. IO Expander Part No. HA026893
f. ITools Help Manual Part No. HA028838
4. Whenever the symbol appears in this handbook it indicates a helpful hint
3500 Series Controllers Engineering Handbook
Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10 11
1. Chapter 1 Installation and Operation
1.1 What Instrument Do I Have?
Thank you for choosing this Controller.
The 3508 controller is supplied in the standard 1/8 DIN size (48 x 96mm front panel). The 3504
controller is supplied in the standard DIN size (96 x 96mm front panel). They are intended for
indoor use only and for permanent installation in an electrical panel which encloses the rear housing,
terminals and wiring on the back. They are designed to control industrial and laboratory processes via
input sensors which measure the process variables and output actuators which adjust the process
1.1.1 Contents of Package
When unpacking your controller please check that the following items have been included. 3508 or 3504 Controller Mounted in its Sleeve
The 3504 contains up to six plug-in hardware modules; the 3508 has up to three. Additionally digital
communications modules can be fitted in two positions.
The modules provide an interface to a wide range of plant devices and those fitted are identified by an
ordering code printed on a label fixed to the side of the instrument. Check this against the description
of the code given in section 1.2 to ensure that you have the correct modules for your application. This
code also defines the basic functionality of the instrument which may be:-
Controller only
Programmer and controller
Control type Standard PID, valve
Digital communications type
Options Panel Retaining Clips
Two clips are required to secure the instrument sleeve in the panel. These are supplied fitted to the
sleeve. Accessories Pack
For each input a 2.49 resistor is supplied for mA measurement. This will need to be fitted across the
respective input terminals User Guide
Issue 6 of the guide applies to instrument software versions, V2.3+, and explains:-
How to install the controller
Physical wiring to the plant devices
First switch on - out of the box.
Principle of operation using the front panel buttons
Introduction to configuration through iTools PC software
Ethernet adaptor if Ethernet communications has been ordered

1.1.2 Orderable Accessories
The following accessories may be ordered:-
Engineering Manual This may also be downloaded from
2.49 Precision resistor SUB35/ACCESS/249R.1
Configuration IR Clip ITools/None/30000IR
Configuration Clip ITools/None/30000CK
10In,10Out IO Expander 2000IO/VL/10LR/XXXX
20In,20Out IO Expander 2000IO/VL/10LR/10LR

Engineering Handbook 3500 series Controllers
12 Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10
1.2 3504 and 3508 Ordering Code
The controller may have been ordered in accordance with the hardware code listed below.
Alternatively, it may have been ordered by quoting the Quick Code listed in section 1.3. If ordered to
the quick code the controller will be configured in the factory. If it is not ordered using the quick code
then it will be necessary to configure the controller when it is first switched on. This is described in
Chapter 2.
Hardware Coding
Function Supply Voltage Number of Loops Application Programs Recipes Toolkits Fascia

Example (order code)
This code describes a two loop 3504 with 50 programs. Additional modules for dual relay, analogue control, analogue input and
EIA232 communications. English language and manuals with silver fascia.
1.2.1 Input and Output Modules
Slot 1
Slot 2
Slot 3
Slot 4
Slot 5
Slot 6
Warranty Calibration

(2). I/O slots 4, 5 and 6 are only available on the 3504
(3). Only available with the Profibus Controller
Toolkit Wires
XXX Std 30 wires
60 60 wires
120 120 wires
250 250 wires

Model Number
3504 3504 Standard
3508 3508 Standard

Supply Voltage
VH 100-240Vac
VL 20-29Vac/dc

CC Standard
F Profibus

XX Standard
ZC Zirconia
VP Dual Valve Position
X No programs
1 1 prog 20 segments
10 10 prog 500
25 25 prog 500
50 50 prog 500
X No recipe
1 1 recipe
4 4 recipes
8 8 recipes

G Eurotherm green
S Silver

1 One loop
2 Two loops

(1) Provides Valve Position
option in Heat/Cool
applications. Single channel
VP included as standard.

Manuals Language
ENG English
FRA French
GER German
SPA Spanish
ITA Italian
XXX None

XXXXX Standard
WL005 Extended 5
J Comms Slot
XX Not Fitted
A2 232 Modbus
Y2 2-wire 485 Modbus
F2 4-wire 485 Modbus
AE 4-wire 485 Modbus
YE 232 EI-Bisynch
FE 2-wire 485 EI-
M1 4-wire 485 EI-
M2 232 Modbus Master
M3 2-wire 485 Modbus
EX 4-wire 485 Modbus
Product Language
ENG English
FRA French
GER German
SPA Spanish
ITA Italian

Calibration Certificate
CERT1 Cert of
CERT2 Factory
IO Slots 1, 2, 3, 4 (2), 5 (2), 6 (2)

XX None fitted
R4 Change over relay
R2 2 pin relay
RR Dual relay
T2 Triac
TT Dual triac
D4 DC control
DO Dual DC output 4-20mA
OP/24Vdc. Slots 1, 2 and 4
AM Analogue input (not slot 2 or
D6 DC retransmission
TL Triple logic input
TK Triple contact input
TP Triple logic output
VU Potentiometer input
MS 24Vdc transmitter PSU
G3 Transducer PSU 5 or 10Vdc
HR High resolution DC retrans &
Slots 1, 2 and 4 only
LO Isolated single logic output

H Comms Slot
XX Not Fitted
A2 232 Modbus
Y2 2-wire 485 Modbus
F2 4-wire 485 Modbus
AE 232 EI-Bisynch
YE 2-wire 485 EI-
FE 4-wire 485 EI-
M1 232 Modbus Master
M2 2-wire 485 Modbus
M3 4-wire 485 Modbus
ET Ethernet 10base
PB Profibus (3)
PD Profibus with D type
connector (3)
DN Devicenet

Config Tools
XX None
IT Standard iTools (CD

Custom Labels
F1234 Special No.

Non Standard Option
EU1234 Special No.
EC1234 Custom curve
EE1234 Custom config.
ES1234 Custom

3500 Series Controllers Engineering Handbook
Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10 13
1.3 Configuration Code (Quick Start Code)
Loop 1

Config Loop 1
Loop 1
Loop 1
Loop 1
Range Lo
Loop 1
Range Hi

If standard config is selected an instrument without
configuration will be supplied.

Loop 2

Loop 2
Loop 2
Loop 2
Loop 2
Range Lo
Loop 2
Range Hi

(2). If C or F units are selected they must be the same for both loops.
If C or F are not selected for Loop 1 they cannot be selected for Loop 2

Loop 1 units
C Centigrade
F Fahrenheit
% Percent
B Bar
M mBar
X None

STD Standard
config (1)
CFG Factory

Loop 1 Function
PX Single Chan. PID
FX Single Chan. VP with Feedback
VX Single Chan. VP without
NX Single Chan. On/Off
PP Dual Chan. PID
PN Dual Chan. PID/OnOff
FF Dual Chan. VP with Feedback
VV Dual Chan. VP without
PF Dual Chan. PID/VP with
PV Dual Chan. PID/VP without

Loop 1 PV
X Unconfigured
J J Thermocouple
K K Thermocouple
T T Thermocouple
L L Thermocouple
N N Thermocouple
R R Thermocouple
S S Thermocouple
B B Thermocouple
P Platinell II
C C Thermocouple
Z Pt 100
A 4-20mA Linear
Y 0-20mA Linear
W 0-5Vdc Linear
G 1-5Vdc Linear
V 0-10Vdc Linear
Q Custom Curve

Loop 1 Range Low
XXXXX Enter value

Loop 1 Range High
XXXXX Enter value
Loop 2 Function
XX Single Loop Only
PX Single Chan. PID
FX Single Chan. VP with Feedback
VX Single Chan. VP without
NX Single Chan. On/Off
PP Dual Chan. PID
PN Dual Chan. PID/OnOff
FF Dual Chan. VP with Feedback
VV Dual Chan. VP without
PF Dual Chan. PID/VP with
PV Dual Chan. PID/VP without

Loop 2 Units
C Centigrade
F Fahrenheit (2)
% Percent
B Bar
M mBar
X None

Loop 2 PV
X Unconfigured
J J Thermocouple
K K Thermocouple
T T Thermocouple
L L Thermocouple
N N Thermocouple
R R Thermocouple
S S Thermocouple
B B Thermocouple
P Platinell II
C C Thermocouple
Z Pt 100
A 4-20mA Linear
Y 0-20mA Linear
W 0-5Vdc Linear
G 1-5Vdc Linear
V 0-10Vdc Linear
Q Custom Curve

Loop 2 Range Low

Loop 2 Range High

Engineering Handbook 3500 series Controllers
14 Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10
Alarms and Input/Outputs

I/O Slot
I/O Slot
I/O Slot
I/O Slot
4 (3)

I/O Slot
5 (3)
I/O Slot
6 (3)

(3). I/O slots 4, 5 and 6 are only available on the 3504.

Slot Functions 1 6 CH1 = Heat, CH2 = Cool

Alarm 1
XXX Unconfigured
1_ _ Loop 1
2_ _ Loop 2
_FH Full scale high
_FL Full scale low
_DH Deviation
_DL Deviation low
_DB Deviation

Alarm 2
XXX Unconfigured
1_ _ Loop 1
2_ _ Loop 2
_FH Full scale high
_FL Full scale low
_DH Deviation
_DL Deviation low
_DB Deviation
Alarm 3
XXX Unconfigured
1_ _ Loop 1
2_ _ Loop 2
_FH Full scale high
_FL Full scale low
_DH Deviation
_DL Deviation low
_DB Deviation

Alarm 4
XXX Unconfigured
1_ _ Loop 1
2_ _ Loop 2
_FH Full scale high
_FL Full scale low
_DH Deviation
_DL Deviation low
_DB Deviation

Logic LA
XX Unconfigured
1_ Loop 1
2_ Loop 2
_B Sensor Break
_M Manual Select
_H Control Ch1 OP
_C Control Ch2 OP
_R Remote SP
_S Setpoint 2 Enable
A_ Alarm
_A Acknowledge All
_1 Alarm 1 OP
_2 Alarm 2 OP
P_ Programmer
_R Run
_H Hold
_A Reset
_1 Prg Ch1 Event 1
_2 Prg Ch1 Event 2

Logic LB
XX Unconfigured
1_ Loop 1
2_ Loop 2
_B Sensor Break
_M Manual Select
_H Ch1 OP
_C Ch2 OP
_R Remote SP
_S Setpoint 2 Enable
A_ Alarm
_A Acknowledge All
_1 Alarm 1 OP
_2 Alarm 2 OP
P_ Programmer
_R Run
_H Hold
_A Reset
_1 Prg Event 1
_2 Prg Event 2

Relay AA
XX Unconfigured
1_ Loop 1
2_ Loop 2
_H Control Ch1 OP
_C Control Ch2 OP
_B Sensor Break
SB Sensor Break
(any loop)
A_ Alarm
_A Any Alarm
_N New Alarm
_1 Alarm 1 OP
_2 Alarm 2 OP
P_ Programmer
_1 Prg Event 1
_2 Prg Event 2

* For range, select from Table 1
Table 1
A 4-20mA Linear
Y 0-20mA Linear
W 0-5Vdc Linear
G 1-5Vdc Linear
V 0-10Vdc Linear
XXX Unconfigured
1_ _ Loop 1
2_ _ Loop 2
Changeover Relay
_HX Control Ch1 OP
_CX Control Ch2 OP
_BX Sensor Break
2-Pin Relay
_HX Control Ch1 OP
_CX Control Ch2 OP
_BX Sensor Break
Single Logic
_HX Control Ch1 OP
_CX Control Ch2 OP
Single Triac
_HX Control Ch1 OP
_CX Control Ch2 OP
Dual Relay
_HC Ch1 OP & Ch2
_VT VP Ch1
_VR VP Ch2
P12 Prg Event 1 & 2
P34 Prg Event 3 & 3
P56 Prg Event 5 & 6
P78 Prg Event 7 & 8
A12 Alarm 1 & 2 OP
A34 Alarm 3 & 4 OP

HHX Ch1 OP for loops 1 & 2
CCX Ch2 OP for loops 1 & 2
SBR Sensor Break both
Dual Triac
_HC Ch1 OP & Ch2
_VT VP Ch1
_VR VP Ch2
P12 Prg Ch1 Event 1 & 2
P34 Prg Ch1 Event 3 & 3
P56 Prg Ch1 Event 5 & 6
P78 Prg Ch1 Event 7 & 8
A12 Alarm 1 & 2 OP
A34 Alarm 3 & 4 OP
HHX Ch1 OP for loops 1 & 2
CCX Ch2 OP for loops 1 & 2
DC Control
_H_ Ch1 OP
_C_ Ch2 OP
DC Retransmission *
_T_ PV Retransmission
_S_ SP Retransmission
Analogue Input *
2PV Loop 2 PV
_R_ Remote SP

Potentiometer Input *
_RS Remote SP
_VF VP Feedback Ch1
_VG VP Feedback Ch2
Triple Logic Input
_ _ _ Select function below
for each channel
X Unconfigured
M Loop 1 Manual
N Loop 2 Manual
Q Loop 1 Remote SP
V Loop 2 Remote SP
S Loop 1 Setpoint 2
T Loop 2 Setpoint 2
E Acknowledge All
P Program Run
R Program Reset
H Program Hold

Triple Logic OP
_ _ _ Select function
below for each
X Unconfigured
F Loop 1 Ch1 OP
G Loop 1 Ch2 OP
K Loop 2 Ch1 OP
L Loop 2 Control Ch2
A Alarm 1 OP
B Alarm 2 OP
C Alarm 3 OP
D Alarm 4 OP
1 Program Event 1
2 Program Event 2
3 Program Event 3
4 Program Event 4
5 Program Event 5
6 Program Event 6
7 Program Event 7
8 Program Event 8
3500 Series Controllers Engineering Handbook
Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10 15
1.4 How to Install the Controller
This instrument is intended for permanent installation, for indoor use only, and to be enclosed in an
electrical panel.
Select a location where minimum vibrations are present and the ambient temperature is within 0 and
C (32 and 122
The instrument can be mounted on a panel up to 15mm thick.
To assure IP65 and NEMA 4 front protection, use a panel with smooth surface texture.
Please read the safety information, at the end of this guide, before proceeding and refer to the EMC
Booklet part number HA025464 for further information. This and other relevant manuals may be
downloaded from www.eurotherm.co.uk.

1.4.1 Dimensions

Figure 1-1: Controller Dimensions

150mm (5.91in)
Latching ears
Engineering Handbook 3500 series Controllers
16 Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10
1.4.2 To Install the Controller Panel Cut-out
1. Prepare the panel cut-out to
the size shown in the diagram
2. Insert the controller through
the cut-out.
3. Spring the panel retaining
clips into place. Secure the
controller in position by
holding it level and pushing
both retaining clips forward.
4. Peel off the protective cover
from the display

Figure 1-2: Panel Cut out Dimensions Recommended Minimum Spacing

The recommended minimum
spacing between controllers
shown here should not be
reduced to allow sufficient natural
air flow

Figure 1-3: Minimum Spacing Between Controllers

1.4.3 Unplugging the Controller
The controller can be unplugged from its sleeve by easing the latching ears outwards and pulling it
forward out of the sleeve. When plugging it back into its sleeve, ensure that the latching ears click
back into place to maintain the IP65 sealing.
45 mm - 0.0 + 0.6
1.77 in -0.00, +0.02
92 mm - 0.0 + 0.8
3.62 in -0.00, +0.03
3504 3508
92 mm -
0.0 + 0.8

3.62 in -
0.00, +0.03
(0.4 in)
(1.5 in)
(Not to scale)
3500 Series Controllers Engineering Handbook
Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10 17
1.5 Electrical Connections

Figure 1-4: Rear Terminal View 3508 Controller

Figure 1-5: Rear Terminal View 3504 Controller

(1) Polarising keys are intended to prevent modules which are not supported in this controller from
being fitted into the controller. An example might be an unisolated module (coloured red) from a
2400 controller series. When pointing towards the top, as shown, the key prevents a controller, fitted
with an unsupported module, from being plugged into a sleeve which has been previously wired for
isolated modules. If an unisolated module is to be fitted, it is the users responsibility to ensure that it is
safe to install the controller in the particular application. When this has been verified the polarising
key may be adjusted with a screwdriver to point in the down direction.
(2) High or low voltage versions are orderable. Ensure you have the correct version
1.5.1 Wire Sizes
The screw terminals accept wire sizes from 0.5 to 1.5 mm (16 to 22AWG). Hinged covers prevent
hands or metal making accidental contact with live wires. The rear terminal screws should be
tightened to 0.4Nm (3.5lb in).
Polarising Keys (1)
One per module
Live or 24V

Neutral or 24V

Logic I/O A
Logic I/O B
Logic I/O Com



















Fixed Relay
(form C)
PV Input
Live or 24V

Neutral or 24V

Logic I/O A
Logic I/O B
Logic I/O Com







Fixed Relay
(form C)
Polarising Keys (1)
One per module
PV Input






Engineering Handbook 3500 series Controllers
18 Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10
1.6 Standard Connections
These are connections which are common to all instruments in the range.
1.6.1 PV Input (Measuring Input)
1. Do not run input wires together with power cables
2. When shielded cable is used, it should be grounded at one point only
3. Any external components (such as zener barriers, etc) connected between sensor and input
terminals may cause errors in measurement due to excessive and/or un-balanced line resistance
or possible leakage currents
4. Not isolated from logic I/O A and logic I/O B Thermocouple or Pyrometer Input

Use the correct type of thermocouple compensating cable, preferably
shielded, to extend wiring
It is not recommended to connect two or more instruments to one
thermocouple RTD Input

The resistance of the three wires must be the same
The line resistance may cause errors if it is greater than 22
Note: the RTD wiring is not the same as 2400 series instruments. It is the
same as 26/2700 series Linear Input V, mV and High Impedance V
mV range +40mV or +80mV
High level range 0 10V
High Impedance mid level range 0 2V
A line resistance for voltage inputs may cause measurement errors Linear Input mA

Connect the supplied load resistor equal to 2.49 for mA input
The resistor supplied is 1% accuracy 50ppm
A resistor 0.1% accuracy 15ppm resistor can be ordered as a separate

0 20mA
4- 20mA
For 2-wire
this is a
local link
0 2V
0 10V
3500 Series Controllers Engineering Handbook
Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10 19
1.6.2 Digital I/O
These terminals may be configured as logic inputs, contact inputs or logic outputs in any
combination. It is possible to have one input and one output on either channel.

The Digital IO is not isolated from the PV input Logic Inputs
Voltage level logic inputs, 12V, 5-40mA
Active > 10.8V
Inactive < 7.3V Contact Closure Inputs

Contact open > 1200
Contact closed < 480

1.6.3 Digital (Logic) Outputs
The logic outputs are capable of driving SSR or thyristors up to 9mA,
It is possible to parallel the two outputs to supply 18mA, 18V.
Note : The Digital IO terminals are not isolated from the PV.
The fixed digital logic outputs may be used to power remote 2 wire transmitters. The fixed digital I/O
are, however, not isolated from the PV input circuit, so this does not allow the use of 3 or 4 wire
transmitters. An isolated module must be used for the 3 and 4 wire types.

1.6.4 Digital (Logic) Outputs used to power a remote 2 wire transmitter.

The parallel logic outputs supply >20mA, 18V.
Note : The Digital IO terminals are not isolated from the PV.
Connect the supplied load resistor equal to 2.49 for mA input

1.6.5 Digital (Logic) Outputs used to power a remote 3 wire transmitter.

1.6.6 Digital (Logic) Outputs used to power a remote 4 wire transmitter.

Output 1
Output 2
Input 1
Input 2
Input 1
Input 2
Output 1
Output 2
4- 20mA
2 Wire
4- 20mA
4 Wire
Isolated Transmitter
Option module +24V
4- 20mA
3 Wire
Isolated Transmitter
Option module +24V
Engineering Handbook 3500 series Controllers
20 Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10
1.6.7 Relay Output

Relay rating, min: 1V, 1mAdc. Max: 264Vac 2A resistive
Relay shown in de-energised state
Isolated output 240Vac CATII General Note About Inductive Loads
High voltage transients may occur when switching inductive loads such as some contactors or solenoid
For this type of load it is recommended that a snubber is connected across the contact of the relay
switching the load. The snubber typically consists of a 15nF capacitor connected in series with a 100
resistor and will also prolong the life of the relay contacts.

When the relay contact is open and it is connected to a load, the snubber passes a current
(typically 0.6mA at 110Vac and 1.2mA at 240Vac. It is the responsibility of the installer to ensure that
this current does not hold on the power to an electrical load. If the load is of this type the snubber
should not be connected.
See also section 1.8.9.

1.6.8 Power Supply Connections
1. Before connecting the instrument to the power line, make sure that the line
voltage corresponds to the description on the identification label
2. For supply connections use 16AWG or larger wires rated for at least 75
3. Use copper conductors only
4. For 24V the polarity is not important
5. It is the Users responsibility to provide an external fuse or circuit breaker.
For 24 V ac/dc fuse type T rated 4A 250V
For 100/240Vac fuse type T rated 1A 250V

Safety requirements for permanently connected equipment state:
a switch or circuit breaker shall be included in the building installation
it shall be in close proximity to the equipment and within easy reach of the
it shall be marked as the disconnecting device for the equipment
Note: a single switch or circuit breaker can supply more than one instrument
100 to
48 to 62 Hz
24V ac
or dc
3500 Series Controllers Engineering Handbook
Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10 21
1.7 Plug in I/O Module Connections
Plug in I/O modules can be fitted in three positions in the 3508 and six positions in 3504. The
positions are marked Module 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. With the exception of the Analogue Input module, any
other module listed in this section, can be fitted in any of these positions. To find out which modules
are fitted check the ordering code printed on a label on the side of the instrument. If modules have
been added, removed or changed it is recommended that this is recorded on the instrument code
The function of the connections varies depending on the type of module fitted in each position and
this is shown below. All modules are isolated.
Note: The order code and terminal number is pre-fixed by the module number. For example, Module
1 is connected to terminals 1A, 1B, 1C, 1D; module 2 to 2A, 2B, 2C, 2D, etc.
1.7.1 Relay (2 pin) and Dual Relay Module
Hardware Code: R2 and RR
Relays Rating: 2A, 264Vac max or 1mA, 1V min
Typical usage: Heating, cooling, alarm, program
event, valve raise, valve lower
Isolated output 240Vac CATII

1.7.2 Change Over Relay
Hardware Code: R4
Relay Rating: 2A, 264Vac max or 1mA, 1V min
Typical usage: Heating, cooling, alarm, program
event, valve raise, valve lower.
Isolated output 240Vac CATII

1.7.3 Triple Logic and Single Isolated Logic Output
Hardware Code: TP and LO
Outputs Rating - Single: (12Vdc at 24mA max.)
Outputs Rating - Triple: (12Vdc at 9mA max.)
Typical usage: Heating, cooling, program events.
Isolated output 240Vac CATII
Single Logic Output connections are:-
D Common
A Logic Output
1.7.4 Triac and Dual Triac
Hardware Code: T2 and TT
Combined Output Rating: 0.7A, 30 to 264Vac
Typical usage: Heating, cooling, valve raise, valve
Isolated output 240Vac CATII
Dual relay modules may be used in place of dual
The combined current rating for the two triacs
must not exceed 0.7A
Relay Panel
First relay
Second relay
(dual relay
Relay Panel
+ A
Output A
Output B
Output C
SSR or

Panel lamp
Second triac
First triac
Engineering Handbook 3500 series Controllers
22 Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10
1.7.5 DC Control
Hardware Code: D4
Output Rating: (10Vdc, 20mA max)
Typical Usage: Heating, cooling e.g. to a 4-20mA
process actuator
Isolated output 240Vac CATII

1.7.6 DC Retransmission
Hardware Code: D6
Output Rating: (10Vdc, 20mA max)
Typical Usage: Logging of PV, SP, output power,
etc., (0 to 10Vdc or 0 to 20mA)
Isolated output 240Vac CATII

1.7.7 Dual DC Output
Slots 1, 2 and 4 only
Hardware Code: DO
Output Rating: each channel can be 4-20mA or
24Vdc power supply)
Typical Usage: Control output 12 bit resolution

1.7.8 High Resolution DC Retransmission & Transmitter Power Supply
Slots 1, 2 and 4 only
Hardware Code: HR
Output Rating: Channel 1 (15 bit 4-20mA).
Channel 2 (24Vdc)
Typical Usage: Retransmission Channel 1.
Transmitter power supply Channel 2

1.7.9 Triple Logic Input
Hardware Code: TL
Input Ratings: Logic inputs <5V OFF >10.8V ON
Limits: -3V, +30V
Typical Usage: Events e.g. Program Run, Reset,
Isolated output 240Vac CATII

1.7.10 Triple Contact Input
Hardware Code: TK
Input Ratings: Logic inputs >28KO OFF <100O
Typical Usage: Events e.g. Program Run, Reset,
Isolated output 240Vac CATII
To other
Input 1
Input 3
Input 2
Output 1
Output 2
20V 30V 4-20mA
Output 1
Output 2
20V 30V
Input 1
Input 3
Input 2
or Relays
3500 Series Controllers Engineering Handbook
Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10 23
1.7.11 24V Transmitter Supply
Hardware Code: MS
Output Rating: 24Vdc 20mA
Typical Usage: To power an external
Isolated output 240Vac CATII
1.7.12 Potentiometer input
Hardware Code: VU
Rating: 100 to 15K
Typical Usage: Valve position feedback
Remote setpoint
Isolated output 240Vac CATII

1.7.13 Transducer Power Supply
Hardware Code: G3
Rating: Configurable 5V or 10Vdc. Minimum
load resistance 300
Typical Usage: Strain Gauge transducer
power and measurement
Isolated output 240Vac CATII

10Vdc power

mV Input
switch to
connect Rcal

Transducer with External Calibration Resistor
Input if an analogue input module is used in the appropriate slot
mV Input
switch to
Transducer with Internal Calibration Resistor
Engineering Handbook 3500 series Controllers
24 Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10
1.7.14 Analogue Input (T/C, RTD, V, mA, mV)
Slots 1, 3, 4 & 6 only
Hardware Code: AM
Typical Usage: Second PV input, Remote setpoint
Isolated 240Vac CATII

1.7.15 Analogue Input (Zirconia Probe)
The temperature sensor of the zirconia probe can be connected to the Fixed PV input, terminals
V+ and V-, or to an Analogue Input module, terminals C & D. The Volt Source connected to an
Analogue Input module, terminals A & D.

3-wire RTD
C For 2-wire
this is a
local link
0 to 20mA or (4 to 20mA)
(40mV or 80mV)
-3 to 10V or 1.4 to 2V
Analogue Input Module
V- or D
V+ or C
Fixed PV (or an Analogue
Input Module)
3500 Series Controllers Engineering Handbook
Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10 25
1.7.16 Zirconia Probe Construction

Figure 1-6: Schematic of Zirconia Probe

1.7.17 Zirconia Probe Screening Connections
The zirconia sensor wires should be screened and connected to the outer shell of the probe if it is
situated in an area of high interference.

Figure 1-7: Zirconia Probe Wiring

Outer Electrode
Inner Electrode
Ceramic Insulator
Hot End
Zirc. mV
Outer metallic shell of the probe
Outer Electrode
Inner Electrode
Zirc. mV
Screened Cable
Engineering Handbook 3500 series Controllers
26 Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10
1.8 Digital Communications Connections
Digital Communications modules can be fitted in two positions in both 3508 and 3504 controllers.
The connections being available on HA to HF and JA to JF depending on the position in which the
module is fitted. The two positions could be used, for example, to communicate with iTools
configuration package on one position, and to a PC running a supervisory package on the second
Communications protocols may be ModBus, EIBisynch, DeviceNet, Profibus or ModBus TCP.
Note:- In order to reduce the effects of RF interference the transmission line should be grounded at
both ends of the screened cable. However, if such a course is taken care must be taken to ensure that
differences in the earth potentials do not allow circulating currents to flow, as these can induce
common mode signals in the data lines. Where doubt exists it is recommended that the Screen
(shield) be grounded at only one section of the network as shown in all of the following diagrams.
Note:- EIA is sometimes referred to as RS (eg EIA232). 3-Wire and 5-Wire is sometimes referred to as
2-Wire and 4-Wire.
1.8.1 Modbus (H or J Module), EIBisynch, Broadcast and Modbus Master
A further description of ModBus and EIBisynch communications is given in 2000 series
Communications Handbook, Part No. HA026230, which can be downloaded from
See also section 14.8.2 for further details when wiring Broadcast and Modbus Master

Figure 1-8: EIA232 Connections

Figure 1-9: EIA485 3-Wire Connections

Figure 1-10: EIA485 5-Wire Connections
HA or JA
HB or JB
HC 0r JC
HD or JD Common
HE or JE Rx
HF or JF Tx
Local Ground
EIA232 Connections
s module
240Vac CATII
220 termination resistor
EIA232/ EIA 485 2-wire
Daisy Chain to further
220 termination
resistor on last
controller in the line
HA or JA
HB or JB
HC 0r JC
HD or JD Com
HE or JE Rx
HF or JF Tx
The KD485
communications converter
is recommended for
interfacing to EIA485. This
unit is also used to buffer
an EIA485 network when it
is required to communicate
with more than 32
instruments on the same
bus, and may also be used
to bridge 3-wire EIA485 to
5-wire EIA422.
EIA485 3-Wire Connections
module isolated
240Vac CATII
HA or JA
HB or JB Rx+
HC 0r JC Rx-
HD or JD Com
HE or JE Tx+
HF or JF Tx-
Daisy Chain to further
EIA 232 to EIA
422/EIA485 4-wire
The 261 or KD485
communications converter
is recommended for:
Interfacing 5-wire to 3-wire
To buffer an EIA422/485
network when more than
32 instruments on the same
bus are required
To bridge 3-wire EIA485 to
5-wire EIA422.
220 termination
resistor on last
controller in the line
EIA485 5-Wire Connections
module isolated
240Vac CATII
3500 Series Controllers Engineering Handbook
Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10 27
1.8.2 DeviceNet Wiring
It is not within the scope of this manual to describe the DeviceNet standard. For this please refer to
the DeviceNet specification which may be found at www.odva.org.
In practice it is envisaged that 3500 series controllers will be added to an existing DeviceNet network.
This section, therefore, is designed to provide general guidelines to connect 3500 series controllers to
this network. Further information is also available in the DeviceNet Communications Handbook Part
No HA027506 which can be downloaded from www.eurotherm.com.
According to the DeviceNet standard two types of cable may be used. These are known as Thick
Trunk and Thin Trunk. For long trunk lines it is normal to use Thick trunk cable. For drop lines thin
trunk cable is generally more convenient being easier to install. The table below shows the
relationship between cable type, length and baud rate.
Network length Varies with speed. Up to 400m possible with repeaters
Baud Rate Mb/s 125 250 500
Thick trunk 500m (1,640ft) 200m (656ft) 75m (246ft)
Thin trunk 100m (328ft) 100m (328ft) 100m (328ft)

This table shows standard cable connections.
HA V+ Red DeviceNet network power positive terminal. Connect the red wire of the DeviceNet
cable here. If the DeviceNet network does not supply the power, connect to the
positive terminal of an external 11-25 Vdc power supply.
HB CAN_H White DeviceNet CAN_H data bus terminal. Connect the white wire of the DeviceNet cable
HC SHIELD None Shield/Drain wire connection. Connect the DeviceNet cable shield here. To prevent
ground loops, the DeviceNet network should be grounded in only one location.
HD CAN_L Blue DeviceNet CAN_L data bus terminal. Connect the blue wire of the DeviceNet cable
HE V- Black DeviceNet network power negative terminal. Connect the black wire of the DeviceNet
cable here. If the DeviceNet network does not supply the power, connect to the
negative terminal of an external 11-25 Vdc power supply.
HF Connect to instrument earth

1.8.3 Example DeviceNet Wiring Diagram

Figure 1-11: Example of Devicenet Wiring
DeviceNet Power
24Vdc (+/- 1%)
250mV p-p Ripple
The DeviceNet network is powered by an
external independent 24V supply which is
separate from the internal powering of the
individual controllers.

Note: Power taps are recommended to connect
the DC power supply to the DeviceNet trunk
line. Power taps include:
A Schottky Diode to connect the power supply
V+ and allows for multiple power supplies to be
2 fuses or circuit breakers to protect the bus
from excessive current which could damage the
cable and connectors.
The earth connection, HF, to be connected to
the main supply earth terminal at one point only.

DeviceNet Trunk Cable
V- Shield V+

Further Devices
Drop Line
* 121O 1% 1/4W terminating resistor must be connected across the blue
and white wires at each end of the DeviceNet trunk cable.
Note: this resistor is sometimes included in the master or other devices
but should only be switched into circuit on the last device on the trunk
Further Devices

Engineering Handbook 3500 series Controllers
28 Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10
1.8.4 Profibus
A description of Profibus is given in the Profibus Communications Handbook Part No HA026290 which
can be downloaded from www.eurotherm.co.uk.
RS485 is the transmission technology used in 3500 series controllers. Controllers ordered with digital
communications option PD are supplied with a D type connector fitted to terminals HB to HF as shown
in Figure 1-14. Standard Profibus cables have a special 9 pin male connector which allow one or two
cables to be connected into them so that nodes (eg controllers or third party devices) may be daisy
chained. Controller Terminal Connections
Controller Terminal D-type pin Designation Function
HB 1 Shield RF Ground for cable shielding
HC 6 VP +5Vdc Voltage connection for termination network only
HD 3 B/B RXD/TXD positive
HE 8 A/A RXD/TXD negative
HF 5 D Gnd 0 Volts connection for termination network only Example Profibus Wiring

Figure 1-12: Profibus Wiring

Figure 1-13: Profibus Connector
Pin 1: Shield
Pin 3: Tx/Rx +ve
Pin 5: Ground
Pin 6: +5V
Pin 8 : Tx/Rx ve
Pin 9: Spare

HA: Not used
HB: Shield
HC: +5V
HD: Tx/Rx -ve
HE: Tx/Rx +ve
HF: Ground
D Type Connector for rear terminal mounting if
digital communications options code PD is ordered
9 Pin
Rear terminal
The connector assembly
may be ordered
separately Part No
Connections daisy
chained to other
R1 R3 R2
nodes eg
Master, PLC PC,
Controllers, etc
* Terminating
resistors are
required at both
ends of the chain.

R1 R3 R2
* *
3500 Series Controllers Engineering Handbook
Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10 29
1.8.5 Ethernet (ModBus TCP)
When the controller is supplied with the Ethernet communications option a special cable assembly is
also supplied. This cable must be used since the magnetic coupling is contained within the RJ45
connector. It consists of an RJ45 connector (socket) and a termination assembly which must be
connected to terminals HA to HF.

Figure 1-14: Ethernet Cable

View of cable which
may also be ordered
separately as Part
Activity and
transmit data
LED indicators
Cable connected to
terminals HA to HF
Engineering Handbook 3500 series Controllers
30 Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10
1.8.6 I/O Expander
An I/O expander (Model No 2000IO) can be used with 3500 series controllers to allow the number of
I/O points to be increased by up to a further 20 digital inputs and 20 digital outputs. Data transfer is
performed serially via a two wire interface module which is fitted in digital communications slot J.

Figure 1-15: Data Transfer Between IO Expander and Controller
A description of the IO Expander is given in Handbook Part No HA026893 which can be downloaded
from www.eurotherm.co.uk.
The connections for this unit are reproduced below for convenience.

1.8.7 IO Expander Connections

Figure 1-16: IO Expander Terminals

24V Supply
ac or dc
dc polarity
1 to 10
21 to 30
11 to 20
1 to 10
10 IO Expander Board
Additional IO Expander Board
31 to 40
21 to 30
20 Inputs
20 Outputs
IO Expander

3500 Controller
3500 Series Controllers Engineering Handbook
Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10 31
1.8.8 Example Wiring Diagram

Figure 1-17: Example Wiring Diagram
Please refer to the EMC Electromagnetic Compatibility Handbook Part No. HA025464 for details of
good wiring practice. This can be downloaded from www.eurotherm.co.uk.

1.8.9 Snubbers
Snubbers are used to prolong the life of relay contacts and to reduce interference when switching
inductive devices such as contactors or solenoid valves. The fixed relay (terminals AA/AB/AC) is not
fitted internally with a snubber and it is recommended that a snubber be fitted externally, as shown in
the example wiring diagram. If the relay is used to switch a device with a high impedance input, no
snubber is necessary.

All relay modules are fitted internally with a snubber since these are generally required to switch
inductive devices. However, snubbers pass 0.6mA at 110V and 1.2mA at 230Vac, which may be
sufficient to hold on high impedance loads. If this type of device is used it will be necessary to remove
the snubber from the circuit.

The snubber is removed from the relay module as follows:-
1. Unplug the controller from its sleeve
2. Remove the relay module
3. Use a screwdriver or similar tool to snap out the track. The view below shows the tracks in a Dual
Relay Output module.

Figure 1-18: Snubber Removal
Break out
tracks as
required to
the snubber
Controller fuse 2A type T
Heater fuse

Cooling or
Engineering Handbook 3500 series Controllers
32 Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10
2. Chapter 2: Getting Started
A brief start up sequence consists of a self test in which all elements of the display are illuminated and
the software version is shown. What happens next depends on one of two conditions;-
1. Power up out of the box when the controller has no preset configuration and is switched on
for the very first time it will start up in 'QuickStart mode. This is an intuitive tool for
configuring the controller and is described in section 2.1 below.
2. The controller has been powered up previously and is already configured. In this case go to
section 2.3.

2.1 Quick Start - New Controller (Unconfigured)
Quick Start is a tool which enables the controller to be matched to the most common processes
without the need to go to full configuration level described later in this Manual.

Figure 2-1: Start Up Views

Manual mode, section 2.6, is always selected when in Quick Start mode because the controller resets
to cold start when Quick Start is selected.

Incorrect configuration can result in damage to the process and/or personal injury and must be
carried out by a competent person authorised to do so. It is the responsibility of the person
commissioning the controller to ensure the configuration is correct
3504 Display 3508 Display
When the controller is switched on for the very first time it will
display the 'Startup' screen shown below.
3500 Series Controllers Engineering Handbook
Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10 33
2.1.1 To Configure Parameters in Quick Start Mode
With QckStart selected, press

to scroll through the list of parameters
Edit the parameters using the
Each time

button is pressed a new parameter will be presented
This is illustrated by the following example:- (The views shown are taken from the 3504 controller).

From the Startup view, shown in the previous section, you can press
to select
Configuration Mode. To fully configure the controller refer to later sections of this handbook.
Backscroll to scroll back through parameters press and hold

then press
to go back
through the list of parameters. You can also press and hold

to go forward - this has the
same effect as pressing

Do This Display Additional Notes
1. From the Start view press

2. Press
to change the
3. A different parameter is selected each

is pressed.

The first parameter to be configured is
Units. It resides in the PV Input List
because it is associated with the process
When the required choice is selected a
brief blink of the display indicates that it
has been accepted
4. Continue setting up the parameters
presented until the Finished view is
5. If all parameters are set up as required
to Yes

If you wish to scroll around the parameters
again do not select Yes but continue to

When you are satisfied with the selections
select Yes.
The HOME display - section 2.3 is then
The following table summarises all the parameters which can be set up by the above procedure.

2.1.2 Quick Start Parameters
Parameters shown in Bold are defaults.
Group Parameter Value Availability
PV Input
Used to select the engineering units
for the PV. (C, F, K options also
change the displayed units)
C, F, K
V. mV, A, mA, pH, mmHg, psi, Bar, mBar, %RH,
%, mmWG, inWG, inWW, Ohms, PSIG, %O2,
PPM, %CO2, %CP, %/sec, mBar/Pa/T, sec, min,
hrs, None
PV Input
Used to select the required decimal
point position for the PV
PV Input
Range Type
Used to select the linearisation
algorithm required and the input
Thermocouple: J, K, L, R, B, N, T, S, PL2, C,
RTD: Pt100
Linear: 0-50mV, 0-5V, 1-5V, 0-10V, 2-10V, 0-
20mA, 4-20mA
PV Input
IO Type
Only shown if custom curve is
Thermocpl, RTD, Pyrometer, mV40, mV80, mA,
Volts, HIZVolts, Log10

PV Input
Range High/Low
Configures the maximum/minimum
display range and SP limits
Depends on Range type selected. Default
Control Channel 1. Sets the control
type for channel 1 (normally Heat)
PID, VPU, VPB, Off, OnOff Always
Engineering Handbook 3500 series Controllers
34 Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10
Group Parameter Value Availability
Control Channel 2. Sets the control
type for channel 2 (normally Cool)
PID, VPU, VPB, Off, OnOff Always
PV Input
Defines where the PV input is wired
None, FixedPV, Module1 (to 6). Available only
if an analogue input module is fitted.
If a dual loop
The LP1 parameters listed above are repeated for LP2 if the LP2 PV Input is configured

Group Parameter Value Availability
Logic function (input or
The LA Logic I/O port
can be an output or an
input. This parameter is
used to select its
Not Used, Lp1 Ch1, Lp1 Ch2, Lp2 Ch1, Lp2
Ch2, Alarm 1 to 8, Any Alarm, New Alarm,
ProgEvnt1 to 8, LP1SBrkOP, LP2SBrkOP*,
LPsSBrk*, (outputs)
LP1 A-M, LP1 SPsel, LP2 A-M, LP2 SPsel,
AlarmAck, ProgRun, ProgReset, ProgHold
[Note 1]
[Note 2]
* LP2 and LPs (both loops) only
shown if the second loop is
Programmer options only available
if the controller is a
Min On Time
This applies to both LA
and LB inputs
0.01 to 150.00
[Note 2]
[Note 3]
The above two parameters are repeated for the LB Logic I/O (LgcIO LB)
Relay function
This relay is always
Not Used, Lp1 Ch1, Lp1 Ch2, Lp2 Ch1, Lp2
Ch2, Alarm 1 to 8, Any Alarm, New Alarm,
ProgEvnt1 to 8, LP1SBrkOP, LP2SBrkOP*,
[Note 4]
Programmer options only available
if the controller is a
Min On Time Auto
0.01 to 150.00
[Note 2]
[Note 3]

Note 1) Parameters only appear if the function has been turned on, eg If Control Channel 1 =
Off, Chan 1 does not appear in this list. When a control channel is configured for valve positioning,
LgcIO LA and LgcIO LB act as a complementary pair. If, for example, Chan 1 is connected to LgcIO LA
(valve raise) then LgcIO LB is automatically set to Chan 1 (valve lower). This ensures the valve is never
raised and lowered simultaneously.
The same complementary behaviour also applies to dual output modules and channels A and C of
triple output modules
Note 2) If any input function, for example Chan 1, is connected to another input it will not appear
in this list
Note 3) Is available if the Control Channel is not On/Off and is allocated to the LA, LB or AA
output as applicable
Note 4) For valve position control Chan 1 or Chan 2 will not appear in this list. Valve position
outputs can only be dual outputs such as LA and LB or dual relay/triac output modules
3500 Series Controllers Engineering Handbook
Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10 35 Modules
The following parameters configure the plug in I/O modules. I/O Modules can be fitted in any available slot in the instrument
(6 slots in 3504, 3 slots in 3508). The controller automatically displays parameters applicable to the module fitted - if no
module is fitted in a slot then it does not appear in the list.
Each module can have up to three inputs or outputs. These are shown as A, B or C after the module number and this
corresponds to the terminal numbers on the back of the instrument. If the I/O is single only A appears. If it is dual A and C
appears if it is triple A, B and C appear.
Note 1: If a Dual DC Output module is fitted, it cannot be configured using the Quick Start Code. To configure this module
refer to the Engineering Manual part no. HA027988 which can be downloaded from www.eurotherm.co.uk.
Note 2: If an incorrect module is fitted the message Bad Ident will be displayed.

Module type Parameter Value Availability
Change over Relay (R4)
2 pin Relay (R2)
Triac output (T2)
Relay (Triac)
Relay (Triac)
Dual Relay (RR)
Dual Triac output (TT)
Relay function
Not Used
All parameters the same as RlyOP AA, including
Min OnTime if the OP is a relay
Always (if the
module is fitted)
Single Logic Output
Triple Logic Output (TP)
Logic Out function Not Used
All parameters the same as RlyOP AA
Always (if the
module is fitted)
Not Used Module fitted but not configured
LP1 Ch1OP Loop 1 Channel 1 control output
LP1 Ch2OP Loop 1 Channel 2 control output
LP2 Ch1OP Loop 2 Channel 1 control output
Loop 2 Channel 2 control output
LP1 SP Tx Loop 1 setpoint retransmission
LP1 PV Tx Loop 1 PV retransmission
LP1 ErrTx Loop 1 error retransmission
LP1 PwrTx Loop 1 output retransmission
LP2 SP Tx Loop 2 setpoint retransmission
LP2 PV Tx Loop 2 PV retransmission
LP2 ErrTx Loop 2 error retransmission
DC Output function
LP2 PwrTx Loop 2 output retransmission
Range Type 05V, 1-5V, 110V, 210V, 0-29mA, 4-20mA
Display High 100.0
DC Output (D4)
DC Retransmission (D6)

Display Low 0
Always (if the
module is fitted)
Not Used Module fitted but not configured
LP1 A-M Loop 1 Auto/manual
LP1 SPsel Loop 1 SP select
LP1 AltSP Loop 1 Alternative SP select
LP2 A-M Loop 2 Auto/manual
LP2 SPsel Loop 2 SP select
LP2 AltSP Loop 2 Alternative SP select
AlarmAck Alarm acknowledge
ProgRun Programmer run
ProgReset Programmer reset
Triple Logic Input (TL)
Triple Contact Input
Logic In function
ProgHold Programmer hold
A function can only
be allocated to one
input. eg if
AlarmAck is
configured on X*A
it is not offered for
the other inputs
* is the module
LP2 does not
appear if loop 2 is
not configured.

Engineering Handbook 3500 series Controllers
36 Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10
Module type Parameter Value Availability
Not Used Module fitted but not configured
LP1 AltSP Loop 1 alternative setpoint
LP1 OPH Loop 1 remote OP power max
LP1 OPL Loop 1 remote OP power min
LP2 AltSP Loop 2 alternative setpoint
LP2 OPH Loop 2 remote OP power max
LP2 OPL Loop 2 remote OP power min
LP1 V1Pos
LP1 V2Pos
To read valve position from the
feedback potentiometer loop 1
Analogue IP
LP2 V1Pos
LP2 V2Pos
To read valve position from the
feedback potentiometer loop 2
LP1 V1Pos and LP1
V2Pos only appear
if the control
channel 1 or control
channel 2 is set to
Remote SP does not
appear if the
programmer option
is supplied.
LP2 does not
appear if loop 2 is
not configured.
Range Type Thermocouple: J, K, L, R, B, N, T, S, PL2, C.
RTD: Pt100
Linear: 0-50mV, 0-5V, 1-5V, 0-10V, 2-10V, 0-
20mA, 4-20mA
Not shown if
analogue IP
function not used
Display High 100.0
Analogue Input (AM)
Display Low 0.0
These parameters
only appear for
Linear Range
Not Used Module fitted but not
LP1 AltSP Loop 1 Alternative setpoint
LP1 OPH Loop 1 output power
LP1 OPL Loop 1 output power
LP2 AltSP Loop 2 Alternative setpoint
LP2 OPH Loop 2 output power
LP2 OPL Loop 2 output power
LP1 V1Pos
LP1 V2Pos
To read valve position from
the feedback
potentiometer loop 1
Potentiometer Input
Pot Input function
LP2 V1Pos
LP2 V2Pos
To read valve position from
the feedback
potentiometer loop 2
os only appear if
the channel = VPB
Remote SP does not
appear if the
programmer option
is supplied.
LP2 does not
appear if loop 2 is
not configured.
Transducer Power
Supply (G3)
TdcrPSU function 5 Volts
10 Volts
Always (if the
module is fitted)
Transmitter power
supply (MS)
No parameters. Used to show the ID of the module if fitted

3500 Series Controllers Engineering Handbook
Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10 37 Alarms

Group Parameter Value Availability
None No alarm type configured
Abs High Absolute high
Abs Low Absolute low
Dev High Deviation high
Dev Low Deviation low
Alarm 1 to 8
Dev Band Deviation band
None Not connected
PV Input Connected to current process variable does not
appear if Alarm Type = Deviation
LP1 PV Connected to Loop 1 process variable
LP2 PV Connected to Loop 2 process variable
Alarm 1 to 8
Module1 to
Connected to an analogue input module and only
of the Alarm Type is not a deviation alarm
Always if Type None
PV Input and ModX Ip
do not appear if Type
= Deviation
Alarm 1 to 8
Setpoint To adjust the alarm threshold within the range of the source. Always if Type None
None No latching
Auto Automatic latching see 2.7.1
Manual Manual latching see section 2.7.1
Alarm 1 to 8
Event Alarm beacon does not light but any output
associated with the event will activate and a
scrolling message will appear.
Always if Type None

Continue back around the quick configuration list

Finished Exit
Yes Go to normal operation. The loop(s) are set to
Auto on exit from quickstart mode and the
controller re-starts in Level 2.

Engineering Handbook 3500 series Controllers
38 Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10
2.2 To Re-enter Quick Start Mode
If you have exited from Quick Start mode (by selecting Yes to the Finished parameter) and you need
to make further changes, the Quick start mode can be entered again at any time. The action which
takes place depends on one of two previous conditions as follows:-

2.2.1 Power up After a Quick Start Configuration
1. Hold

down then power up the controller. Keep this button pressed until the Quick start
screen as shown in section 2.1 is displayed.
2. Press

to enter the quick start list. You will then be asked to enter a passcode.
3. Use
to enter the passcode default 4 the same as the configuration level
passcode. If an incorrect code is entered the display reverts to the Quick Start view section
It is then possible to repeat the quick configuration as described previously.
The Quick Start view shown in section 2.1 now contains an additional parameter - Cancel. This is now
always available after a power up, and, if selected, will take you into normal operating mode, section

2.2.2 Power up After a Full Configuration
Repeat 1,2 and 3 above.
Full configuration allows a greater number of parameters to be configured in a deeper level of access.
This is described later in this manual.
If the controller has been re-configured in this level, a WARNING message, Delete config? - No or
Yes, will be displayed. If No is selected the display drops back to the GoTo screen.
1. Use
to select Yes
2. Press

to confirm or

to cancel. (If no button is pressed for about 10 seconds the
display returns to the WARNING message).
If Yes is selected the Quick start defaults will be re-instated. All the Quick start parameters must be
3500 Series Controllers Engineering Handbook
Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10 39
2.3 Normal Operation
Switch on the controller. Following a brief self-test sequence, the controller will start up in AUTO
mode (see AUTO/MAN section 2.6) and Operator Level 2 (following Quick Start).
If the controller is configured as a dual loop instrument the start up view shows a summary of the two
loops. This is called the HOME display.

Figure 2-2: HOME Display
Other views may be configured as the HOME display and other summary displays can be selected

button. See Message Centre section 2.8.

2.3.1 Beacon Display and Description
In a single loop controller OP1 and OP2 operate on channel 1 and 2 outputs respectively for the
configured loop.
In a dual loop controller OP1 and OP2 operate on Loop 1 channel 1 and 2 outputs respectively when
any Summary Page (section 2.8) is displayed unless the Summary Page is Loop 2. If the Summary
Page is Loop 2 then OP1 and OP2 operate on loop 2 channel outputs.
These parameters may also be soft wired, see parameters OP1 Beacon and OP2 Beacon in Inst Dis
table in section 6.5.
MAN Illuminates when manual mode active. If the HOME display is showing the dual loop overview, MAN
illuminates if Loop 1 is in manual. If the Loop 1 or Loop 2 overviews are being displayed MAN applies
to the loop being displayed.
REM Illuminates when remote setpoint active
SPX Illuminates when alternative setpoint active
ALM If an alarm occurs the red alarm beacon flashes. This is accompanied by a message showing the
source of the alarm, for example Boiler overheating.
To acknowledge press and . The message disappears. If the alarm condition is still present
the beacon lights continuously. When cleared it will extinguish. Section 2.7 describes alarm
RUN Illuminates when programmer running flashing indicates End
HLD Illuminates when programmer held
J Flashes when J Channel comms active
H Flashes when H Channel comms active
IR Flashes when infra red communications active

In general throughout this handbook instrument views will use the 3504. The displayed information is
similar for the 3508 but in some cases is shortened due to display limitations.
Loop 1 configured Loop 2 configured
If the controller is configured as a single loop the HOME displays will vary as shown below:-
Loop 2 in Auto
and Output

Process Variable (PV2)
Setpoint (SP2)
Indicator beacons
(section 2.3.1)
Current access level
Lev1; Lev2; Lev3

to scroll to parameters on this page including programmer status details
Process Variable (PV1)
Setpoint (SP1) Output (OP)
Loop 2
Loop 1
Engineering Handbook 3500 series Controllers
40 Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10
2.4 The Operator Buttons

This button
can be
Toggles the selected loop between Auto and Manual operation. The action of this button is described in
section 2.6.
Manual operation means that the controller output power is adjusted by the user. The input sensor is still
connected and reading the PV but the control loop is open.
Auto means that the controller is automatically adjusting the output to maintain control, ie the loop is
If the controller is in manual mode, MAN light will be indicated.
If the controller is powered down in Manual operation it will resume this mode when it is powered up
PROG To select the programmer summary page
This button
can be
Press once to start a program. RUN will be indicated
Press again to hold a program. HLD will be indicated
Press and hold for at least two seconds to reset a program.
RUN will flash at the end of a program
HLD will flash during holdback
Programmer operation is fully described in chapter 22 of the Engineering Manual

Press to select new PAGE headings

Press to select a new parameter in the page

Press to decrease an analogue value, or to change the state of a digital value

Press to increase an analogue value, or to change the state of a digital value

Shortcut Key Presses

followed by
. With

held down continue to press
to scroll page headers backwards.

still pressed you can press
to page forward. This action is the same as pressing

When in a list of parameters, press

followed by

held down continue to press
to scroll parameters backwards.

still pressed you can press
to page forward. This action is the same as pressing

Jump to the


Press and when the HOME screen is being displayed to jump to the Acknowledge All alarms

acknowledges all alarms if it can, see section 2.7.1. Pressing

cancels the operation.

Page Scroll Lower Raise
3500 Series Controllers Engineering Handbook
Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10 41
2.5 To Set the Required Temperature (Setpoint)
A parameter value can be changed if it is preceded by v. In the example shown below this is SP1, the
setpoint for loop 1.
To change the value, press
. The output level shown in the HOME display will change to
indicate the source of the setpoint while either of the buttons is pressed, in this example SP 1.

Figure 2-3: Temperature Setting

To change Loop 2 setpoint, press

Loop 2 SP value is preceded by v.
as above to change the value.
The action is then the same as for loop 1.
A momentary press of either button will show the setpoint in use eg SP1.

By default the new setpoint is accepted when the button is released and is indicated by a brief flash of the
setpoint display

The setpoint may be made to operate continuously by enabling the parameter ImmSP? (see section 6.4)

If a single loop is configured (or the individual loop summary is selected see section 2.8.1) pressing
will change the setpoint in the same way as described above.

Press and hold

to raise the setpoint
When the

button is pressed the
setpoint source is
shown, e.g. SP1
Press and hold

to lower the setpoint
3504 View
Loop 1
Loop 1
3508 View
When the

button is pressed the
setpoint source is
shown, e.g. SP1
Press and hold

to raise the setpoint
Press and hold

to lower the setpoint
Engineering Handbook 3500 series Controllers
42 Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10
2.6 To Select Auto/Manual Operation

Press (A/MAN) button.
If two loops are enabled and the
dual loop overview is being
displayed, pressing the A/MAN
button will toggle loop 1
between Auto and Manual. The
beacon MAN will light and the
indication of output power is
preceded by v.

Press and hold
decrease or increase the output

The output power will change continuously while either
is pressed

Figure 2-4: Auto/Manual Selection

To switch loop 2 between Auto and Manual,

to scroll into the loop 2 section, then
press A/MAN.

If loop 1 overview is being displayed, press the A/MAN button to toggle loop 1 between Auto and

If loop 2 overview is being displayed, press the A/MAN button to toggle loop 2 between Auto and

If any other overview is being displayed, the first press of the A/MAN button will select the dual loop
overview and the action is as described above.

Summary pages may be disabled - see section 6.5.
For a dual loop controller, Auto/Manual cannot be selected.
If loop 1 is enabled and loop 2 disabled, pressing A/MAN toggles Auto/Manual for loop 1.
If loop 2 is enabled and loop 1 disabled, pressing A/MAN toggles Auto/Manual for loop 2.

For a single loop controller, Auto/Manual will apply regardless of whether summary pages are
enabled or not.

If the controller is switched off in either Auto or Manual operation it will resume the same mode
when powered up again.
2.6.1 Bumpless Transfer
When changing from Auto to Manual, the power output will remain at the level it was prior to the
change. The power output can then be ramped up or down as described above
When changing form Manual to Auto there will be no immediate change in the power output due the
Integral De-Bump feature (see section 21.5.9). The power output will then slowly ramp to the level
demanded by the controller.
3508 View
The MAN beacon

The SP line
changes to show
output demand.

3500 Series Controllers Engineering Handbook
Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10 43
2.7 Alarm Indication
If an alarm occurs it is indicated as follows:-
The red alarm (ALM) beacon in the top left of the display flashes
Alarm number is indicated together with the flashing
A default or pre-programmed message appears showing the source
of the alarm
Invitation to acknowledge the new alarm

2.7.1 To Acknowledge an Alarm Press


(Ack) together.
The action, which now takes place, will depend on the type of
latching, which has been configured

Non Latched Alarms
If the alarm condition is present when the alarm is acknowledged, the alarm beacon will be
continuously lit. This state will continue for as long as the alarm condition remains. When the alarm
condition disappears the indication will also disappear.
If a relay has been attached to the alarm output, it will de-energise when the alarm condition occurs
and remain in this condition until the alarm is acknowledged AND it is no longer present.
If the alarm condition disappears before it is acknowledged the alarm indication disappears as soon as
the condition disappears.

Automatic Latched Alarms
The alarm continues to be active until both the alarm condition is removed AND the alarm is
acknowledged. The acknowledgement can occur BEFORE the condition causing the alarm is

Manual Latched Alarms
The alarm continues to be active until both the alarm condition is removed AND the alarm is
acknowledged. The acknowledgement can only occur AFTER the condition causing the alarm is

2.7.2 Sensor Break Indication
An alarm condition (S.Br) is indicated if the sensor or the wiring between sensor and controller
becomes open circuit or the input is over-range. The message Sbreak is shown in the message
centre together with the source of the sensor connection. This may be PVInupt or Modx if an
analogue module is fitted.
For a resistance thermometer input, sensor break is indicated if any one of the three wires is broken.
For mA input sensor break will not be detected due to the load resistor connected across the input
For Volts input sensor break may not be detected due to the potential divider network connected
across the input terminals.

Engineering Handbook 3500 series Controllers
44 Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10
2.8 Message Centre
The lower section of the HOME display contains an alpha-numeric set of messages. These messages
change between different controller types and operating modes and are grouped in summary pages.
The 3504 contains more information than the 3508, and generally the parameter descriptions are
longer due to the larger display..
2.8.1 Summary Pages

. A set of pre-defined summary pages are
shown at each press - the following views show
examples. These are typically a summary of
programmer, loops and alarm operation. A further
eight customised pages can be programmed off line
using iTools programming software. The level in
which the Summary Pages are shown may also be
defined using iTools.
If Auto-tune is enabled an alternating message is
shown on this display showing the loop being tuned
and the stage of tuning, eg Loop1 Auto-Tune/ToSP. Loop Summary
If two loops are configured the display shown in
section 2.3 is shown.

to display a summary for Loop1 and again for Loop 2.
The horizontal bar graph shows output power demand for
the loop. For heat/cool the bar graph is bi-directional (+
100%) as shown:-
For valve position control the user interface will display either heat only or heat/cool summary pages.

A timeout to the dual loop overview may be changed in configuration level, see parameter Home
Timeout in section 6.5.1. Program Status
This display is only shown if the Programmer option
has been enabled
SyncAll and single programmers

SyncStart programmer Program Edit
Allows the program to be created or edited.

SyncAll and single programmers

SyncStart programmer

A full list of parameters is given in section 2.8.3

Note:- For a SyncStart programmer it is possible to select between Channel 1 and Channel 2.
3504 3508
At each press a new display will be
3504 3508
3500 Series Controllers Engineering Handbook
Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10 45 Alarm Summary

to scroll through the alarms.
A New Alarm occurs when any new alarm becomes
active. This parameter may be used to activate a
relay output to provide external audible or visual
indication. Alarm Settings
All configured alarms (up to eight) will be listed.

to scroll through the alarms.
to set the threshold values Control
To set parameters which define the operation of
the loops. A full list of parameters is given in
section 2.8.4. Transducer
This display is only shown if the Transducer option
has been enabled.
For further details see Chapter 24.

A further eight customised pages can be configured using iTools configuration package. See chapter
27 for further details.

Engineering Handbook 3500 series Controllers
46 Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10
2.8.2 How to Edit Parameters
In the above summary pages, press

to scroll to further parameters (where applicable).
to change the value of the parameter selected.
Any parameter preceded by v is alterable provided the system is in a safe state to allow the
parameter to be changed. For example, Program Number cannot be changed if the program is
running - it must be in Reset or Hold mode. If an attempt is made to alter the parameter its value is
momentarily replaced by - - - and no value is entered.
Some parameters are protected under a higher level of security Level 2. In these cases it will be
necessary to select Access Level 2. This is carried out as follows:-
1. Press and hold

until the display shows
2. Press
to select Level 2
3. Press
again to enter a security code. This is defaulted to 2. If an incorrect code is entered the
display reverts to that shown in 1 above. If the default of 2 is not accepted this means that the
code has been changed on your particular controller. It will be necessary to refer to the
Engineering Handbook.
4. Pass is displayed momentarily. You are now in Level 2.
3500 Series Controllers Engineering Handbook
Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10 47
2.8.3 Program Status Page
Provided it has been ordered and enabled the 3500 series controllers can program the rate of change
of setpoint. Two program channels are available which can be run as two separate programmers or as
a pair. Up to 50 programs and up to a maximum of 500 segments can be stored and run. Setpoint
programming is explained in more detail in Chapter 22. To Select a Parameter

to scroll through a list of parameters. On the Programmer
Summary shown here, the list of parameters which can be selected

Parameter Name Parameter Description Value Default Available in Level
Program Program number (and name if this has
been configured)
1 to max number of
1 L1 Alterable
when prog in
Segment Segment number (and type on 3504)
Only appears when the programmer is
1 to max number of
1 L1
Seg Time Left Segment Time Left
Only appears when the programmer is
hrs:mins:secs Read
Delayed Start Program will run after a set time has
0:00 to 499:99 0:00 L1 if configured
Status Program Status End
Prog ended
Prog running
Prog held
In holdback (1)
Ch1 PSP (or PSP) Profile setpoint value channel 1 Can be changed in Hold L1
Ch2 PSP Profile setpoint value channel 2 Can be changed in Hold L1
Fast Run This allows the program to be run at a
fast rate and may be used for testing the
program. It can only be selected before
the program is run.
No/Yes No
Rst UsrVal User value to be used in reset state.
Defines the value for UsrValOP. In
segments that specify PVEvent,
UsrValOP is set to this value
Only appears when the program is in
reset mode.

Ch1 Seg Target
(or Segment

Ch2 Seg Target
Requested setpoint at end of segment

Seg. Duration (or
Segment Rate)
Segment time Time to Target
Rate of change of SP Ramp Rate

Cur. Seg Type Single programmer only
Cycles Left Number of repeat cycles left to run
Can only be changed in Hold or Reset
1 to maximum number of
cycles set
L1 R/O in Run

Rst Events
State of the event outputs when the
program is running or when in reset
Event inactive
Event active
PrgTimeLeft Time remaining to end of selected
hrs:mins:secs L1
GoBackCyclesLeft The number of cycles left if Go Back is
configured and active
1 to maximum number of
cycles set

Engineering Handbook 3500 series Controllers
48 Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10
Note 1:- Holdback
Holdback freezes the program if the process value (PV) does not track the setpoint (SP) by more than a
user defined amount. The instrument will remain in HOLDBACK until the PV returns to within the
requested deviation from setpoint. The display will flash the HOLD beacon.
In a Ramp it indicates that the PV is lagging the SP by more than the set amount and that the program
is waiting for the process to catch up.
In a Dwell it freezes the dwell time if the difference between the SP and PV exceeds the set limits.
In both cases it maintains the correct soak period for the product, see also section 22.5.
In addition to the usual PV Holdback, Holdback is also the state when synchronisation is taking place.
For a SyncAll programmer, this occurs if Holdback has caused one PSP to be held back while the
other has progressed to completion.
For a SyncStart programmer, this occurs when Ch1/2 is waiting for the other channel.
In both models, it occurs when a Wait segment has been configured and is active. When one
channel has reached the end of the first cycle and is waiting fro the other channel to complete its
first cycle. Both channels will start cycle 2 only when they have both completed. (Implied Sync
point at the end of each cycle).
3500 Series Controllers Engineering Handbook
Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10 49 To Select and Run a Program

In this example it is assumed that the program to be run has already been entered. Setpoint
programming is described in detail in Chapter 22
Do This The Display You Should See Additional Notes
1. Press
2. Press
to choose
the program number to be run

In this example Program Number 1. It may
also have a user defined name.
In the 3504 Program names can be entered
using the off-line programming package
3. Press again

If a delayed start has been configured the
program will start to run after the delay
period set.. The RUN beacon is
illuminated at the top of the display.
The view shown here shows program
being run, segment number and type and
time left to complete this segment.
4. Repeated pressing of

scroll through parameters
associated with the running
program. The parameters are
listed in the above table

These show current value of channel 1
setpoint and current value of channel 2
setpoint. The target value of channel 1 is
also shown.
5. To Hold a program press

Press again to continue the program.
When the program is complete RUN will
6. To Reset a program press and
hold for at least 3
RUN will extinguish and the controller will
return to the HOME display shown in
section 2.3.

Alternatively, run, hold or reset a program by scrolling to Program Status using

and select Run,
Hold or Reset using

The button (3504 only) provides a short cut to the Program Status page from any view.

When the programmer is running, the controller overview may be
displayed by pressing


WSP is the Working Setpoint and is the current setpoint derived
from the programmer. To change the value of WSP the
programmer must be put into Hold, then it can be adjusted using
the buttons
. By default the new value is entered after
the button is released and is indicated by a brief flash of the value.
However, it is possible to select an option where the value is
entered continuously as the raise or lower button is depressed. This option (ImmSP) is selected in
configuration level as described in section 6.4.

Engineering Handbook 3500 series Controllers
50 Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10 Program Edit Page
A program can be edited in any level. A summary of the Edit Page is given here but for a full
description refer to Chapter 22. A program may be only edited when it is in Reset or Hold. Press

until the Program Edit page is shown. Then press

to scroll through a list of parameters shown in
the following table parameters only appear in this table if the relevant option has been configured:-

Para Name Parameter Description Value
Program Program number (and name if this has been configured) 1 to max number of programs
Displays the number of segments in the program. This value
automatically increments each time a new segment is added
1 to max number of segments
Cycles Number of times the whole program repeats Cont
1 to 999
Repeats 1 to 999
Segment To select the segment number 1 to 50
Defines the type of segment. The type of segment varies depending
on whether the program is Single, SyncAll or SyncStart.
Call only available in single programmer
Rate, Dwell, Step not available in SyncAll programmer
Rate of change of SP
Time to target
Soak at constant SP
Step change to new
Wait for condition
Repeat previous segs
Insert new program
Final segment
Target SP Value of SP required at the end of the segment Range of controller
Rate of change of SP Units/sec, min or hour
Deviation between SP and PV at which the program is put into a hold
condition to wait for the PV to catch up.
Only appears if configured
No holdback

PV Event To set the analogue PV event in the selected segment.
If PV Event None it is followed by PV Threshold which sets the level
at which the event becomes active.
Only appears if configured
Abs Hi
Abs Lo
Dev Hi
Dev Lo
Dev Band
No PV Event
Absolute high
Absolute low
Deviation high
Deviation low
Deviation band
To allow an On Time and an Off Time to be set in the first program
event output. If set to Event1 an On time parameter and an Off Time
parameter follow.
Only appears if configured

UsrVal Sets the value of an analogue signal which can be used in the
Only appears if configured. Using iTools configuration package, it is
possible to give this parameter an 8 character name.
PID Set To select the PID set most relevant to the segment.
Only appears if configured
Set1, Set2, Set3
Defines the state of up to eight digital outputs. 1 to 8 can be
t o
T to
T = Time event:
= event off; = event on
Duration Time for a Dwell or Time segment 0:00:00 to 500.00 secs, mins or
Applies a guaranteed soak in a Dwell segment. If configured is
followed by a G.Soak Value
Off, Low, High, Band
End Type Defines the action to be taken at the end of the program Dwell
Continue at current
3500 Series Controllers Engineering Handbook
Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10 51
Para Name Parameter Description Value
Reset Go to a defined level
Reset to start of prog
Wait For Only appears if the segment is set as Wait. Defines the condition that
the program should wait for.
The first four
parameters are digital
values which can be
wired to suitable
Analogue wait value
A Ch2 segment input
PV Wait Only appears if PVWaitIP is configured and defines the type of alarm
which can be applied.
If this parameter is configured it is followed by Wait Val which allows
the trip level to be set for the condition to become true
Abs Hi
Abs Lo
Dev Hi
Dev Lo
Dev Band
No wait
Absolute high
Absolute low
Deviation high
Deviation low
Deviation band
Only appears if the segment type is GoBack. It defines the segment
to return to to repeat that part of the program
1 to the number of segments
Sets the number of times the chosen section of the program is
1 to 999
Only applies to single program and only if the segment is Call. Enter
the program number to be inserted in the segment
Up to 50 (current program number
Defines the number of times the called program repeats Cont
1 to 999
Once to 999 times

Engineering Handbook 3500 series Controllers
52 Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10
2.8.4 Control Summary Page
On the Control Summary page the following parameters are available:-

Para Name Parameter Description Value Default Availability
SP Select To select SP1 or SP2 Lev1
SP1 To set the value of SP1 Lev1
SP2 To set the value of SP2 Lev1
SP Rate To set the rate at which the setpoints change
Between range
limits set in higher
levels of access

To start self tuning Off, On Off
PB* To set proportional band 0 to 99999
Ti* To set integral time Off to 99999
Td* To set derivative time Off to 99999
R2G* To set relative cool gain 0.1 to 10.0
CBH* To set cut back high Auto to 99999
CBL* To set cut back low Auto to 99999
Output Hi To set a high limit on the control output -100.0 to 100.0% 100.0
Output Lo To set a low limit on the control output -100.0 to 100.0% 0.0
Lev 1
in Lev2

does not
appear if
control is
for On/Off
Ch1 OnOff
Channel 1 hysteresis (Only if configured and for On/Off
0.0 to 200.0
Ch2 OnOff
Channel 2 hysteresis (Only if configured and for On/Off
0.0 to 200.0
Ch2 DeadB Channel 2 deadband. To set the period in which there is
no output from either channel. (This does not appear if
channel 2 is not configured)
Off to 100.0
Ch1 TravelT Motor travel time if valve control output on channel 1 0.0 to 1000.0 sec
Ch1 TravelT Motor travel time if valve control output on channel 1 0.0 to 1000.0 sec
Safe OP To set an output level under sensor break conditions -100.0 to 100.0% 0.0
Lev 1-
in Lev2

3500 Series Controllers Engineering Handbook
Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10 53
3. Chapter 3 Access to Further Parameters
Parameters are available under different levels of security defined as Level 1, Level 2, Level 3 and
Configuration Level. Level 1 has no security password since it contains a minimal set of parameters
generally sufficient to run the process on a daily basis. Level 2 allows parameters, such as those used
in commissioning a controller, to be adjusted. Level 3 and Configuration level parameters are also
available as follows:-

3.1.1 Level 3
Level 3 makes all operating parameters available and alterable (if not read only)
Examples are:-
Range limits, setting alarm levels, communications address.
The instrument will continue to control when in Levels 1, 2 or 3.

3.1.2 Configuration Level
This level makes available all parameters including the operating parameters so that there is no need
to switch between configuration and operation levels during commissioning. It is designed for those
who may wish to change the fundamental characteristics of the instrument to match the process.
Examples are:-
Input (thermocouple type); Alarm type; communications type.

Configuration level gives access to a wide range of parameters which match the controller to the
process. Incorrect configuration could result in damage to the process being controlled and/or
personal injury. It is the responsibility of the person commissioning the process to ensure that the
configuration is correct.
In configuration level the controller will not necessarily be controlling the process or providing alarm
indication. Do not select configuration level on a live process.

Operating Level Home List Full
Configuration Control
Level 1 Yes
Level 2 Yes
Level 3 Yes
Configuration No

Engineering Handbook 3500 series Controllers
54 Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10
3.1.3 To Select Different Levels of Access
Do This The Display You Should See Additional Notes
1. From any display press and

After a few seconds the display will show Goto
vLevel 1.
If no button is pressed for about 2 minutes the
display returns to the HOME display.
This is a view for the 3504, and shows additional
parameters in the list. The 3508 shows these
parameters one at a time
In either controller, press

to scroll through the
list of parameters
2. Press
to choose
different levels of access

The choices are:
Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
3. Press
to enter the
correct code for the level

The default codes are:
Level 1 None
Level 2 2
Level 3 3
Configuration 4

If an incorrect code is entered the display reverts
to the previous view.
4. The controller is now in
configuration level in this


to scroll through the list headers in the
chosen level starting with Access List. The full list
of headers is shown in the Navigation Diagram,
section 4.2.
5. To return to a lower level,
press and hold (if necessary)

to return to the Access
6. Press
to select the

It is not necessary to enter a code when going from
a higher level to a lower level.

When Level 1 is selected the display reverts to the
HOME display
Do not power down while the controller is
changing levels. If a power down does occur an
error message E.Conf - will appear see also
section 12.6 Diagnostic Alarms

A special case exists if a security code has been configured as 0. If this has been done it is not
necessary to enter a code and the controller will enter the chosen level immediately.
When the controller is in configuration level the ACCESS list header can be selected from any view
by pressing


An alternative way to access configuration level is to power up the instrument with

buttons pressed. You will then be asked to enter the security code to take you to configuration
3500 Series Controllers Engineering Handbook
Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10 55
3.2 Access Parameter List
The following table summarises the parameters available under the Access list header

List Header Access Sub-headers: None
to select
Parameter Description Value
or to change
Default Access
Lev.1 Operator mode level
Lev.2 Operator mode level
Lev.3 Operator mode level
Goto To select different levels of access.
Passcodes prevent accidental edit
Config Configuration level
Lev.1 L1
Level2 Code * To customise the passcode to access level
0 to 9999 2 Conf
Level3 Code * To customise the passcode to access level
0 to 9999 3 Conf
Config Code * To customise the passcode to access
configuration level
0 to 9999 4 Conf
IR Mode To activate/de-activate the front panel
InfraRed port. This is normally deactivated.
The IR port is used to link the instrument to
a PC and may be used for configuring the
instrument using iTools when a digital
comms link is not available. It requires an
IR clip, available from Eurotherm, to link
your Instrument to a PC.
Off Conf
Customer ID To set an identification number for the
0 to 9999 0 Conf
A/Man Func This enables or disables the front panel
A/MAN button
On Conf
This enables or disables the front panel
RUN/HOLD button
On Conf
Keylock When set to All no front panel key is
active. This protects the instrument from
accidental edits during normal operation.
To restore access to the keyboard from
operator levels, power up the instrument
with the
buttons pressed.
This will take you directly to the
configuration level password entry.
Front panel keys
All Edits and
Navigation are

None Conf
Standby Set to Yes to select standby mode. In
standby all control outputs are set to zero.
The controller automatically enters standby
mode when it is in Configuration level or
during the first few seconds after switch on.
No Conf

Engineering Handbook 3500 series Controllers
56 Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10

List Header Access Sub-headers: None
to select
Parameter Description Value
or to change
Default Access
No Disabled
App Controller memory
reset but comms
and lin tables
LinTables Custom
linearisation tables
are deleted
InitComms Communications
ports reset to
Wires Clears all wiring
AllMemory Initialises all
memory except
linearisation tables
after firmware
Clear Memory This parameter only appears if Config
Code = 0.
It must be used with care. When selected
it initialises the controller to default values
Programs Clears all programs
No Conf
Raise Key Off
Lower Key
Page Key
Scroll Key
Auto/Man Key
Run/Hold Key
Prog Key
These parameters allow keys to be wired,
for example, to digital inputs so that the
function can be controlled externally
Shows the current
state of the function

The format of this table is used throughout this manual to summarise all parameters in a list.
The title of each table is the list header.
Column 1 shows the mnemonic (Name) of the parameter as it appears on the display
Column 2 describes the meaning or purpose of the parameter
Column 3 the value of the parameter
Column 4 a description of the enumeration
Column 5 the default value set when the controller is first delivered
Column 6 the access level for the parameter. If the controller is in a lower access level the parameter
will not be shown

* When changing passwords please make a record the new password
3500 Series Controllers Engineering Handbook
Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10 57
4. Chapter 4 Function Blocks
The controller software is constructed from a number of function blocks. A function block is a
software device which performs a particular duty within the controller. It may be represented as a
box which takes data in at one side (as inputs), manipulates the data internally (using parameter
settings) and outputs the data. Some of these parameters are available to the user so that they can
be adjusted to suit the characteristics of the process which is to be controlled.
A representation of a function block is shown below.

Figure 4-1: Example of a Function Block

In the controller, parameters are organised in simple lists. The top of the list shows the list header.
This corresponds to the name of the function block and is generally presented in alphabetical order.
This name describes the generic function of the parameters within the list. For example, the list
header AnAlm contains parameters which enable you to set up analogue alarm conditions.
In this manual the parameters are listed in tables similar to that shown in section 3.2. The tables
include all possible parameters available in the selected block but in the controller only those
available for a particular configuration are shown.
Main.Auto Man

Loop (Lp) Function Block

corresponds to
Page Header
Engineering Handbook 3500 series Controllers
58 Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10

4.1 To Access a Function Block
Press the Page button

until the name of the function block is shown in the page header.

Access List Header Instrument List Header PV Input List Header

Figure 4-2: Parameter List Headings

4.1.1 Sub-Lists or Instances
In some cases the list is broken down into a
number of sub-headers to provide a more
comprehensive list of parameters. An example of
this is shown above for the Instrument List. The
sub-header is shown in the top right hand corner
(as vEnb in the diagram). To select a different
sub-header press

Figure 4-3: Sub-Header
4.1.2 To Access a Parameters in a Function Block
Press the scroll button

until the required parameter is located.
Each parameter in the list is selected in turn each time this button is pressed. The following example
shows how to select the first two parameters in the Alarm List. All parameters in all lists follow the
same format.

List Header - Alarm Number (1)

Alarm Type (in this example, Absolute or Full scale High)

Alarm Input level


for further parameters. This list is continuous and will scroll back to the top of the list

to jump back to the top of the list.

Figure 4-4: Parameters
Keep pressing

to select
further list headers
The list is continuous

This may be text (e.g. vOPT = Options)
or numerical (e.g. AnAlm v1 = Analogue Alarm 1
3500 Series Controllers Engineering Handbook
Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10 59
4.1.3 To Change the Value of a Parameter
to raise or lower the value of an analogue (numeric) parameter or to change the
selection of enumerated parameter options.
Any parameter preceded by v is alterable provided the system is in a safe state to allow the
parameter to be changed. For example, Program Number cannot be changed if the program is
running - it must be in Reset mode. If an attempt is made to alter the parameter its value is
momentarily replaced by - - - and no value is entered. Analogue Parameters
When the raise or lower button is first depressed there is a single increment or decrement of the least
significant digit. Either button can be held down to give a repeating action at an accelerating rate. Enumerated Parameters
Each press of the raise or lower button changes the state of the parameter. Either button can be held
down to give a repeating action but not at an accelerating rate. Enumerated parameters are allowed
to wrap around. Time Parameters
Time parameters start with a resolution of 0.1 second mm:ss.s
0:00.0 to 59:59.9
When 59:59.9 is reached the resolution becomes 1 second hh:mm:ss
1:00:00 to 99:59:59
When this limit is reached the resolution becomes 1 minute hhh:mm
100:00 to 500:00 Boolean Parameters
These are similar to enumerated parameters but there are only two states. Pressing either the raise or
lower button causes the parameter to toggle between states. Digital Representation Characters
Parameters whose values are used digitally (i.e. bitfields) are represented by:
- On State or
- Off State
A parameter may be represented by using any number of bits between 1 and 16 inclusive. Scrolling
on to the parameter selects the leftmost bit, and subsequent scroll operations move the selected bit
right by one. Backscroll may be used to move the selected bit towards the left. Raise and lower
buttons are used to turn the selected bit on or off respectively.
Engineering Handbook 3500 series Controllers
60 Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10
4.2 Navigation Diagram
The diagram below shows all the function blocks available in the 3500 series controllers as list
headings in configuration level. A function block will not be shown if it has not been enabled or
ordered, if it is a chargeable option.
Select in turn using


Figure 4-5: Navigation Diagram
See Chapter 16 See Chapter 24

Txdr v1
See Chapter 25

UsrVal v1
User Values
Back to Access

See Chapter 14

Comms vH

Totaliser v1

Mod v1A


Alarm Summary

Inst vOpt
Access List Instrument
See Chapter 6

PV Input
See Chapter 7

Logic IO
See Chapter 8

AA Relay
See Chapter 9
See Chapter 10

BCDIn v1
BCD Input
See Chapter 13

AnAlm v1
See Chapter 12
See Chapter 12 See Chapter 11

See Chapter 10
IO Expander
See Chapter 3

Real Time

Setup & Edit

Poly v1

See Chapter 19

Timer v1

Switch Over

See Chapter 15 See Chapter 23 See Chapter 15 See Chapter 22

Eight Input
Logic Operators
See Chapter 18

Lgc8 v1

See Chapter 18


See Chapter 19

Lin 16 v1

See Chapter 20

Lp1 vMain
Control Loops
Lp1 & Lp2
See Chapter 21

Math2 v1
Maths operators
See Chapter 18

Mux8 v1
Multiple Input
Maths Ops
See Chapter

DgAlm v1
Digital Alarms
See Chapter 12

IPMon v1
Input Monitor
See Chapter 17

Lgc2 v1
See Chapter 18 See Chapter 15

Count v1

See Chapter 14 & 28

CommsTab v1
See Chapter 15

Switch v1
User Switch

See Chapter 29

3500 Series Controllers Engineering Handbook
Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10 61
5. Chapter 5 Function Block Wiring
Input and output parameters of function blocks are wired together in software to form a particular
instrument or function within the instrument. A simplified overview of how these may be
interconnected to produce a single control loop is shown below.

Figure 5-1: Controller Example
Function blocks are wired (in software) using the Quick Start mode and/or full configuration mode. In
the controller example here, the Process Variable (PV) is measured by the sensor and compared with a
Setpoint (SP) set by the user.
The purpose of the control block is to reduce the difference between SP and PV (the error signal) to
zero by providing a compensating output to the plant via the output driver blocks.
The timer, programmer and alarms blocks may be made to operate on a number of parameters within
the controller, and digital communications provides an interface to data collection and control.
The controller can be customised to suit a particular process by soft wiring between function blocks.
The procedure is described in the following sections.
Logic Input
Lgc IO List
Chapter 8
Lp List
Chapter 21
I/O Module
Mod2A List
Chapter 10
Process Input PV
PV Input List
Chapter 7
Lp List
Main/Setup/ Tune
Chapter 21
I/O Module 1
Mod1A List
Chapter 10
AA Relay
RlyAA List
Chapter 9
I/O Module
Mod5A List
Chapter 10
AnAlm List
Chapter 12
Chapter 15
Digital Comms
Chapter 14

Inputs Control Processes
I/O Module
Mod6A List
Chapter 10
I/O Module
Mod3A List
Chapter 10
I/O Module
Mod4A List
Chapter 10
Digital Alarms
DgAlm List
Chapter 12
Application specific
Humidity List
Zirconia List
Chapter 16
Prog Lists
Chapter 22
IO Expander
IOExp List
Chapter 11
BCD Input
BCDIn List
Chapter 13
Logic Operators
Lgc8 List
Chapter 18
Input Linearisation
Lin 16 List
Chapter 19
Math1(2/3) List
Chapter 18
Poly List
Chapter 19
SwOver List
Chapter 23
Transducer Scaling
Txdr List
Chapter 24
User Values
UsrVal List
Chapter 25
Engineering Handbook 3500 series Controllers
62 Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10
5.1 Soft Wiring
Soft Wiring (sometimes known as User Wiring) refers to the connections which are made in software
between function blocks. Soft wiring, which will generally be referred to as Wiring from now on, is
possible through the operator interface of the instrument. This is described in the next section but it is
recommended that this method is only used if small changes are required, for example, when the
instrument is being commissioned.
The preferred method of wiring uses the iTools configuration package since it is quicker and easier.
Wiring using iTools is described in chapter 27.
5.1.1 Wiring Example
In general every function block has at least one input and one output. Input parameters are used to
specify where a function block reads its incoming data (the Input Source). The input source is usually
wired to the output from a preceding function block. Output parameters are usually wired to the input
source of subsequent function blocks.
The value of a parameter which is not wired can be adjusted through the front panel of the controller
provided it is not Read Only (R/O) and the correct access level is selected.
All parameters shown in the function block diagrams are also shown in the parameter tables, in the
relevant chapters, in the order in which they appear on the instrument display (alphabetical).
Figure 5-2 shows an example of how the channel 1 (heat) output from the PID block might be wired to
the logic output connected to terminals LA/LC.

Figure 5-2: Function Block Wiring
Output High
Settings Logic IO function block
To make this connection see
the following example
Loop function block Output list
Lp vOP
Output Low
Ch1 Output
SBrk Mode
Safe OP
Man Mode
Man OP Pff En
Pwr In
Inputs Outputs
3500 Series Controllers Engineering Handbook
Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10 63
5.1.2 Wiring Through the Operator Interface
The example shown in the previous section will be used.
Select configuration level as described in section 3.1.3
Do This The Display You Should See Additional Notes
1. From any display press

locate the page in which the
parameter is to be found. (In
this example LgcIO page)
2. Press
if necessary
to select a sub-header. (In this
example LA)
3. Press

to scroll to the
parameter to be wired TO. (In
this example PV)

Indicates parameter selected
This locates the parameter you want to
wire TO

4. Press

to display

In configuration mode the A/MAN
button is the Wire button.

5. Press

(as instructed) to
navigate to the list header
which contains parameter you
want to wire FROM.

You will also need to use

to select a sub-header, if appropriate,

to scroll to the parameter - in
this example Ch1 Output in the Lp
OP page
6. Press


This copies the parameter to be wired
7. Press

as instructed to
Indicates that the parameter is wired.
If you want to inspect this press


again to go back to the
display above.
This pastes the parameter to PV

Engineering Handbook 3500 series Controllers
64 Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10
5.1.3 To Remove a Wire

Do This The Display You Should See Additional Notes
1. Select the wired parameter eg
LgcIO PV in the above

2. Press


This locates the parameter you want to
wire TO

3. Press Ack to clear the
WireFrom display
This is the quick way to select no wire.
You can also select this by pressing

4. Press


5. Press

to OK

3500 Series Controllers Engineering Handbook
Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10 65
5.1.4 Wiring a Parameter to Multiple Inputs
You can repeat the procedure given in section 5.1.2. but it is also possible to Copy and Paste a parameter. In
configuration level the RUN/HOLD button becomes a copy function. The following example wires Ch1 Output
to both LA and LB PV inputs.

Do This The Display You Should See Additional Notes
1. Select Ch1 Output

2. Press RUN/HOLD

This copies channel 1 output
3. Select the parameter to wire
to. In this case LgcIO LA PV

4. Press


5. Press RUN/HOLD

6. Press


7. Press

to OK

8. Now repeat 3 to 8 but for

5.1.5 Wiring Using iTools
The recommended method of wiring is to use iTools.
A description of how iTools may be used for graphical wiring is given in Chapter 27.

Engineering Handbook 3500 series Controllers
66 Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10
5.1.6 Wiring Floats with Status Information
There is a subset of float values which may be derived from an input which may become faulty for
some reason, e.g. sensor break, over range, etc. These values have been provided with an associated
status which is automatically inherited through the wiring. The list of parameters which have
associated status is as follows:-

Block Input
Loop.Main PV PV
Loop.SP TrackPV
CH1PotPosition Loop.OP
Programmer.Setup PVIn
In Poly
PVOut1 Load
In Lin16
InVal Txdr
IPMonitor In

Parameters appear in both lists where they can be used as inputs or outputs depending on
configuration. The action of the block on detection of a Bad input is dependent upon the block. For
example, the loop treats a Bad input as a sensor break and takes appropriate action; the Mux8 simply
passes on the status from the selected input to the output, etc.
Block Input
Total In
In1..8 Mux8
In1 Lgc2
UsrVal Val Val

CascIn SumOut
In1 to 8 MaxOut

3500 Series Controllers Engineering Handbook
Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10 67
The Poly, Lin16, SwitchOver, Mux8, Multi-Operator, IO.Mod, and IO.PV blocks can be configured to
act on bad status in varying ways. The options available are as follows:-

0: Clip Bad
The measurement is clipped to the limit it has exceeded and its status is set to BAD, such that any
function block using this measurement can operate its own fallback strategy. For example, control
loop may hold its output to the current value.

1: Clip Good
The measurement is clipped to the limit it has exceeded and its status is set to GOOD, such that any
function block using this measurement may continue to calculate and not employ its own fallback

2: Fallback Bad
The measurement will adopt the configured fallback value which has been set by the user. In addition
the status of the measured value will be set to BAD, such that any function block using this
measurement can operate its own fallback strategy. For example, control loop may hold its output to
the current value.

3: Fallback Good
The measurement will adopt the configured fallback value which has been set by the user. In addition
the status of the measured value will be set to GOOD, such that any function block using this
measurement may continue to calculate and not employ its own fallback strategy

4: Up Scale
The measurement will be forced to adopt its high limit. This is like having a resistive pull up on an
input circuit. In addition the status of the measured value will be set to BAD, such that any function
block using this measurement can operate its own fallback strategy. For example, the control loop
may hold its output to the current value.

5: Down Scale
The measurement will be forced to adopt its low limit. This is like having a resistive pull down on an
input circuit. In addition the status of the measured value will be set to BAD, such that any function
block using this measurement can operate its own fallback strategy. For example, the control loop
may hold its output to the current value.
Engineering Handbook 3500 series Controllers
68 Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10
5.1.7 Edge Wires
If the Loop.Main.AutoMan parameter was wired from a logic input in the conventional manner it would
be impossible to put the instrument into manual from the front panel of the instrument. Other
parameters need to be controlled by wiring but also need to be able to change under other
circumstances, e.g. Alarm Acknowledgements. for this reason some Boolean parameters are wired in
an alternative way. These are listed as follows:-

When the wired in value is 1 the parameter is always updated. This will have the effect of overriding
any changes through the front panel or through digital communications. When the wired in value
changes to 0 the parameter is initially changed to 0 but is not continuously updated. This permits the
value to be changed through the front panel or through digital communications.

When the wired in value changes from 0 to 1, a 1 is written to the parameter. At all other times the
parameter is not updated by the wire. This type of wiring is used for parameters which start an action
and when once completed the block clears the parameter. When wired to, these parameters can still
be operated from the front panel or through digital communications.

This type of edge is used for parameters which may need to be controlled by wiring or but should also
be able to be controlled from the front panel or through digital communications. If the wired in value
changes then the new value is written to the parameter by the wire. At all other times the parameter is
free to be edited from the front panel or through digital communications.
3500 Series Controllers Engineering Handbook
Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10 69
5.1.8 Operation of Booleans and Rounding Mixed Type Wiring
Parameters of function blocks are one of the following types shown below. Wires which connect one
type to another cause a type conversion to occur. The values wired may also be rejected or clipped
depending on type and limits.

BOOLEANS (including Edges)
Any value greater than or equal to 0.5 wired to a boolean (or edge) is considered true. When wired to
other values booleans will be considered as 0 or 1.

Values outside the limits of the integer will be clipped to the limits.

Values which are outside the limits of an enumerated parameter or do not have a defined enumeration
will not be written.

A value which exceeds the number of bits used by the parameter will be rejected.

Values outside the limits of a float parameter will be clipped to the limits. Wiring from a float to any
other type will be rounded to the nearest integer. Where the value falls half way between two integers
it will be rounded towards the higher absolute value. I.e. -3.5 rounds to -4 and +3.5 rounds to +4.

Times can only be wired to or from other times or floats. When wired to or from floats the float value is
in seconds.

String values can not be wired.
NOTE: In 3500 Firmware V1.12 and before floats were truncated, rather than rounded and booleans
rejected any value but 0 or 1.

Engineering Handbook 3500 series Controllers
70 Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10
6. Chapter 6 Instrument Configuration
6.1 What Is Instrument Configuration?
Instrument configuration allows you to:-
1. Enable controller function blocks
2. Enable options
3. Customise the display
4. Read information about the controller
5. Read internal diagnostics

6.2 To Select Instrument Configuration
Select Configuration level as described in Chapter 3.

from the Access list. The first view displayed is the header Inst plus the sub-header vEnb.
This allows you to enable or disable instrument options. The v symbol indicates further sub-headers
are available. To select these press

Figure 6-1: Instrument Configuration Displays

6.3 Function Block Options
Function blocks are described in Chapter 5. Function blocks may be enabled or disabled in the Inst
Enb list. If the function block is enabled a list header containing parameters applicable to the feature
will be available as shown in the Navigation diagram, section 4.2. If the option is disabled the list
header will not be shown, thus ensuring that only those parameters which are relevant to the
application are displayed.

Chargeable options can only be enabled if they have been ordered.

1. Press

to scroll to the option required
2. Press
to edit the option. = Disabled = Enabled
3500 Series Controllers Engineering Handbook
Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10 71
6.3.1 To Enable Function Blocks
The following table lists the options which can be enabled in the controller:-

List Header: Inst Sub-header: Enb (Enable)
to select
or to change
Default Access
AnAlm Analogue alarms
All 8 analogue alarms disabled
All 8 analogue alarms enabled
BCDIn BCD switch input
Both inputs disabled
Both inputs enabled
Counter Counters
Both counters disabled
Both counters enabled
PackBitEn Pack bits. Allows
up to 16 booleans
to be packed into
one word
All four blocks disabled
All four blocks enabled
UnpackBitEn Un pack bits. To
remove booleans
from the word
All four blocks disabled
All four blocks enabled
DgAlm Digital alarms
All 8 digital alarms disabled
All 8 digital alarms enabled
Humidity Humidity control
Humidity block disabled
Humidity block enabled
IO Exp IO expander
IO expander disabled
IO expander enabled
IP Mon Input monitor
Both monitors disabled
Both monitors enabled
Logic operators
All 8 logic operators disabled
All 8 logic operators enabled
Lgc8 Logic 8 operator
Both operators disabled
Both operators enabled
Lin16Pt Input linearisation
Both input linearisation tables disabled
Both input linearisation tables enabled
Load Load enable
Load 1/2 disabled
Load 1/2 enabled
As order
Loop Loop enable
Control Loop 1/2 disabled
Control Loop 1/2 enabled
As order
Analogue (Maths)
All 8 maths operators disabled
All 8 maths operators enabled
As order
MultiOper Multi-input
operator block
Multi-operator input disabled
Multi-operator input enabled
Mux8 Multiplexor
All four multiplexors disabled
All four multiplexors enabled
Poly Polynomial
linearisation block
Both polynomials disabled
Both polynomials enabled
Progr Programmer
Programmer 1/2 disabled
Programmer 1/2 enabled
RTClock Real time clock
Real time clock disabled
Real time clock enabled
Engineering Handbook 3500 series Controllers
72 Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10
List Header: Inst Sub-header: Enb (Enable)
to select
or to change
Default Access
Switch User switches
All 8 user switches disabled
All 8 user switches enabled
SwOver Switch over block
Switch over block disabled
Switch over block enabled
Timer Timers
All four timers disabled
All four timers enabled
As order
Totalise En Totalisers
Both totalisers disabled
Both totalisers enabled
TrScale Transducer
Both transducer inputs disabled
Both transducer inputs enabled
UsrText User text
All 8 user values disabled
All 8 user values enabled
UsrVal En1
UsrVal En2
User values
All 8 user values disabled
All 8 user values enabled
Zirconia To enable the
Zirconia function
block. This is only
available if
Zirconia block disabled
Zirconia block enabled

Note:- The left most flag indicates the first instance e.g. Alarm1.
3500 Series Controllers Engineering Handbook
Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10 73
6.4 Instrument Options
This page allows you to set up options as listed in the following table:-

List Header: Inst Sub-header: Opt (Options)
to select
Parameter Description Value
or to change
Default Access

Units Instrument display units

C Conf
SingleChn Single channel
SyncAll All segments of
blocks are
ProgMode To select the type of programmer.

Ensure that two programmers are enabled
(see previous section) otherwise only
SingleChn can be selected).
SyncStart Two
syncronised at
start of run
SyncAll Conf
PVStart? To enable PV Start. See Programmer section
Disabled Conf

Disabled - In
operator level
the new
setpoint is
entered after
the raise/lower
button is
released and is
indicated by a
brief flash in the
ImmSP? When enabled, causes changes to the working
setpoint (WSP) to take effect immediately when
adjusted using the front panel or
buttons. (Note, when adjusted over comms
the change always takes place immediately).
The working setpoint may be derived from
SP1, SP2 or a programmer setpoint - PSP*.

Edits to the active setpoint usually take effect
after the raise/lower button is released. It may
be desirable, in some applications such as
crystal growing, to eliminate this delay. This
option also provides compatibility with other
instruments such as the 818 or the 902 series.

The effect is seen on Summary Pages, User
Pages (when WSP is promoted) and in
Program Status Page (when changing PSP in

* Note: If the working setpoint is derived from
the programmer then the parameter ImmPSP
is shown in the programmer Run list in iTools
only. This parameter can be hidden by
disabling the parameter EnableImmPSP which
is shown in the programmer Setup list in
iTools. These parameters are not shown in the
user interface of 3500.
Yes Enabled - In
operator level
the new
setpoint is
and no flash of
the display is
Disabled Conf

Engineering Handbook 3500 series Controllers
74 Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10
6.5 Display Formatting
The display which will be shown in Operator levels 1 to 3 may be customised.
This is achieved in the Inst configuration list using the sub-header Dis.

6.5.1 To Customise the Display
The controller must be in Configuration level.

Do This The Display You Should See Additional Notes
1. Press

as many times as
necessary until Inst is displayed
2. Press
to select Dis

If a parameter from, say, the previous
display is being shown, then it will be
necessary to press

to return to the top
of the list

3. Press

to scroll to the first
parameter - Home Page
4. Press
to change the

In operator level the instrument, by default,
shows Loop parameters in the HOME
The HOME display may also show:-
Program Programmer parameters
Custx Up to 8 views may be
Cust1 will select the first
Access Access parameters

The following table shows the full list of
parameters available to customise the

3500 Series Controllers Engineering Handbook
Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10 75

List Header: Inst Sub-header: Dis (Display)
to select
Parameter Description Value
or to change
Default Access
Home Page Configures which set of parameters
are shown in the message display of
the HOME view when the controller is
in operator level.
Custom 1 to 8
Loop summary
Program summary
Loop Conf
In operator level the controller can
be made to revert to the HOME
display after a fixed time following
selection of other pages
Off to
0:01 to 1:00
Off = the controller will
not revert to the HOME
(1 min)
A summary of the Loop parameters
are displayed in the message centre
(section 2.8.1.) in the selected
operating level
On Conf
Loop 1
A summary of loop 1 parameters On
On Conf
Loop 2
A summary of loop 2 parameters On
On Conf
A summary of the Program
parameters are displayed in the
message centre (section 2.8.1.) in the
selected operating level
On Conf
Bar Scale Max Upper limit of the vertical bar graph
-99999 to
1372 Conf
Bar Scale Min Lower limit of the vertical bar graph
-99999 to
-200 Conf
Main Bar Val Main bar graph value L3
Aux1 Bar Val First auxiliary bar graph value L3
Aux2 Bar Val Second auxiliary bar graph value
This can be wired to any parameter.
See also section 6.5.2.
Language To select the language (when
English (French, German, Spanish) Conf
Prog Edit Defines the level in which a program
may be edited
Level1 Conf
Control1 Page Defines the level in which the control
page 1 is shown
Control2 Page Defines the level in which the control
page 2 is shown
Alarm Page Defines the level in which the alarm
page is shown
Level1 Conf
Enables/disables the alarm summary
page in operator levels
On Conf
Off Beacon off OP1 Beacon
On Beacon on
Off Beacon off OP2 Beacon
By default the output beacons are
wired to operate when channel 1 or
channel 2 outputs from the selected
loop are active. They can, however,
be wired to operate on any
On Beacon on
Txdr1 Page Defines the level in which the
Transducer 1 Scaling page is visible
Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Level 1 Conf
Txdr2 Page Defines the level in which the
Transducer 2 Scaling page is visible
Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Level 1 Conf

Engineering Handbook 3500 series Controllers
76 Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10
6.5.2 Bar Graph (3504 0nly)
The bar graph shown on the left hand side of the display can be wired to any analogue parameter.
The example shown in section 27.11.1 shows the bar graph wired to the main PV.
Markers can also be placed on the bar graph which can be used to indicate minimum and maximum
points. These points are defined by the parameters Aux1 Bar Val and Aux2 Bar Val respectively. The
markers may be fixed in position by leaving these two parameters unwired and entering an analogue
value. Alternatively, they may be wired in the following example they are wired to low and high
alarm points.

Figure 6-2: Bar Graph Markers
Aux1 Bar Val

Main Bar Value (PV) below both
Aux1 Bar Val

Main Bar Value (PV) between both

Aux1 Bar Val

Main Bar Value (PV) above both
3500 Series Controllers Engineering Handbook
Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10 77
6.6 Instrument information
This list provides information about the controller as follows:-
List Header:
Sub-header: Inf
to select
Parameter Description
Inst Type The type of instrument e.g., 3504, can be used over comms to identify the instrument being
communicated with
Version Num The version of instrument software. Can be used to identify the build of software being used and hence
what features are available.
If an upgrade is performed, this will be updated and the instrument non volatile ram will be re-initialised.
Serial Num The unique serial number of the instrument. This is set at the factory and cannot be changed.
Passcode1 Codes required to remotely upgrade the controller cost options
Passcode2 Codes required to remotely upgrade the controller cost options
Passcode3 Codes required to remotely upgrade the controller cost options
Company ID A Modbus code allocated to Eurotherm
Engineering Handbook 3500 series Controllers
78 Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10
6.7 Instrument Diagnostics
This list provides fault finding diagnostic information as follows:-

List Header:
Sub-header: Dia
to select
Parameter Description
CPU % Free This is the amount of free CPU Time left. It shows the percentage of the tasks ticks that are idle.
CPU % Min A benchmark of the lowest reached value of the CPU free percentage.
Con Ticks This is the number of ticks that have elapsed while the instrument was performing the control Task.
Max Con Tick A benchmark of the maximum number of ticks that have elapsed while the instrument was performing
the control Task
UI Ticks This is the number of ticks that have elapsed while the instrument was performing the user interface Task.
Max UI Ticks A benchmark of the maximum number of ticks that have elapsed while the instrument was performing
the user interface Task
Clear Stats Resets the instrument performance bench marks.
Power FF The measurement of the instrument line voltage.
Power feedforward can be enabled by setting the parameter Pff En in the Loop Output list (section
21.8.1) to Yes. This sets the control loop PFF Value parameter such that the control algorithm can
compensate for mains voltage fluctuations when the instrument is connected to the same phase as the
A/Man Key
Prog Key
Run/Hold Key
The purpose of these parameters is to allow the functions to be wired to, for example, a digital input so
that the function can be controlled from an external source.
Error Count The number of errors logged since the last Clear Log. Note: If an error occurs multiple times only the first
occurrence will be logged, but each event will increment the count.
Error 1 to
Error 8
The first 8 errors to occur See Note 1 below for options
Clear Log Clears the error log entries and count.
String Count Number of User Strings Defined
String Space Space Available For User Strings.
Segments Left Number of Available Program Segments
Gives the number of unused program segments. Each time a segment is allocated to a program, this
value is reduced by one.
Ctl Stack Free Control Stack Free Space (words)
The number of words of un-used stack for the control task
Comms Stack
Comms Stack Free Space (words)
The number of words of un-used stack for the comms task
UI Stack Free HMI Stack Free Space (words)
The number of words of un-used stack for the HMI task
Idle Stack
Idle Stack Free Space (words)
The number of words of un-used stack for the idle (background) task.
Max.Inst Segs Displays the maximum number of program segments 500 (read only)
Segs Per Prog Displays the maximum number of segments available in any program 50 (read only)
Cntr1 Overrun This is a flag which is set if the tick rate exceeds 110ms
Pwr Fail
This counts the number of times that the controller has been powered down
Cust1 to
Cust3 Name
This displays the name of the table downloaded or No tbl if none is loaded

3500 Series Controllers Engineering Handbook
Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10 79
Note 1
0: There is no error
1: Bad or unrecognised module ident. A module has been inserted and has a bad or unrecognised ident, either the module
is damaged or the module is unsupported.
3: Factory calibration data bad. The factory calibration data has been read from an I/O module and has not passed the
checksum test. Either the module is damaged or has not been initialised.
4: Module changed for one of a different type. The configuration may now be incorrect
5: I/O Chip DFC1 communication failure. The onboard generic I/O Chip DFC1 will not communicate. This could indicate a
build fault in the instrument.
6: I/O Chip DFC2 communication failure. The onboard generic I/O Chip DFC2 will not communicate. This could indicate a
build fault in the instrument.
7: I/O Chip DFC3 communication failure. The onboard generic I/O Chip DFC3 will not communicate. This could indicate a
build fault in the instrument.
10: Calibration data write error. An error has occured when attempting to write calibration data back to an I/O module's EE.
11: Calibration data write error. An error occured when trying to read calibration data back from the EE on an I/O module.
13: Fixed PV input error. An error occured whilst reading data from the fixed PV Input EE.
18: Checksum error. The checksum of the NVol RAM has failed. The NVol is considered currupt and the instrument
configuration may be incorrect.
20: Resistive identifier error. An error occured when reading the identifier from an I/O module. The module may be
21: Fixed PV ident has been changed. This may be due to installation of new Power Supply Board.
22: Module 1 changed for one of a different type. The configuration may now be incorrect
23: Module 2 changed for one of a different type. The configuration may now be incorrect
24: Module 3 changed for one of a different type. The configuration may now be incorrect
25: Module 4 changed for one of a different type. The configuration may now be incorrect
26: Module 5 changed for one of a different type. The configuration may now be incorrect
27: Module 6 changed for one of a different type. The configuration may now be incorrect
28: H Module changed for one of a different type. The configuration may now be incorrect
29: J Module changed for one of a different type. The configuration may now be incorrect
43: Invalid custom linearisation table. One of the custom linearisation tables is invalid. Either it has failed checksum tests or
the table downloaded to the instrument is invalid.
55: Instrument wiring invalid or corrupt.
56: Non Vol write to volatile. An attempt was made to perform a checksummed Non Vol write to a non checksummed
58: Recipe load failure. The selected recipe failed to load.
62: Max Wire Limit reached. Using Quick Start the maximum number of wires has been reached
78: Corrupted User Page. A corruption of one or more configured user pages has been detected

Engineering Handbook 3500 series Controllers
80 Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10
7. Chapter 7 Process Input
The process input list characterises and ranges the signal from the input sensor. The Process Input
parameters provide the following features:-
Input Type and
Thermocouple (TC) and 3-wire resistance thermometer (RTD) temperature
Volts, mV or mA input through external shunt or voltage divider, available with
linear, square root or custom linearisation
See the table in section 7.2.1 for the list of input types available
Display units and
The change of display units and resolution will apply to all the parameters related
to the process variable
Input filter First order filter to provide damping of the input signal. This may be necessary to
prevent the effects of excessive process noise on the PV input from causing poor
control and indication. More typically used with linear process inputs.
Fault detection Sensor break is indicated by an alarm message Sbr. For thermocouple it detects
when the impedance is greater than pre-defined levels; for RTD when the
resistance is less than 12.
User calibration Either by simple offset or by slope and gain. See section 7.2.6 for further details.
When the input signal exceeds the input span by more than 5% the PV is shown
as HHHHH or LLLLL. The check is executed twice: before and after user
calibration and offset adjustments. The same indications apply when the display
is not able to show the PV, for example, when the input is greater than 9999.9
with one decimal point.

7.1 To select PV Input
Select Level 3 or Configuration level as described in Chapter 3.
Then press

as many times as necessary until the header PVInput is displayed

7.2 Process Input Parameters
List Header - PV Input Sub-headers: None
to select
Parameter Description Value
or to change
Default Access
ThermoCpl Thermocouple
RTD Platinum resistance thermometer
Log10 Logarithmic
HZ Volts High impedance voltage input
(typically used for zirconia probes)
Volts Voltage
mA milli amps
80mV 80 milli volts
40mV 40 milli volts
IO Type PV input type.
Selects input linearisation
and range
Pyrometer Pyrometer
R/O L3
Lin Type Input linearisation see section
R/O L3
Units Display units used for
units conversion
see section
Resn Resolution XXXXX to
CJC Type To select the cold
junction compensation
Only appears if IO Type =
See description in section 7.2.2. for
further details
Internal Conf
3500 Series Controllers Engineering Handbook
Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10 81
List Header - PV Input Sub-headers: None
to select
Parameter Description Value
or to change
Default Access
Low Sensor break will be detected when
its impedance is greater than a low
High Sensor break will be detected when
its impedance is greater than a high
SBrk Type Sensor break type

Off No sensor break
ManLatch Manual latching
NonLatch No latching
see also the alarm
Chapter 12
SBrk Alarm Sets the alarm action
when a sensor break
condition is detected
Off No sensor break alarm
SBrk Out Sensor break alarm status Off or On L3 R/O
Disp Hi Configures the maximum
displayable reading.
Disp Lo Configures the minimum
displayable reading.
Range Hi Configures the maximum
(electrical) input level.
Range Lo Configures the minimum
(electrical) input level
see also section 7.2.6.
These parameters
only appear for
V, mV, mA
input types

Downscale Meas Value = Input range lo - 5%
Upscale Meas Value = Input range Hi + 5%
Fall Good Meas Value = Fallback PV
Fall Bad Meas Value = Fallback PV
Clip Good Meas Value = Input range Hi/lo +/-
Fallback Fallback Strategy
See also section 7.2.5.
Clip Bad Meas Value = Input range Hi/lo +/-
Fallback PV Fallback value. See also section 7.2.5. Instrument range Conf
Filter Time Input filter time.
An input filter provides damping of the
input signal. This may be necessary to
prevent the effects of excessive noise on
the PV input.
Off to 500:00 (hhh:mm)
m:ss.s to hh:mm:ss to hhh:mm
0:01.6 L3
Emiss Emissivity. Used for Pyrometer input only
to compensate for the different
reflectivity produced by different type of
Off 0.1 to 1.0 1.0 L3
Meas Value The current electrical value of the PV
PV The current value of the PV input after
Instrument range R/O
Offset Used to add a constant offset to the PV
see section 7.2.7.
Instrument range L3
Lo Point
Lo Offset
Hi Point
Hi Offset
Allows a two point offset to be applied to
the controller to compensate for sensor
or connection errors between sensor and
the input to the controller.
See section 7.2.8 for further details
Instrument range L3
CJC Temp Reads the temperature of the rear
terminals at the thermocouple
Only appears if IO Type = Thermocouple
L3 R/O
SBrk Value Sensor break Value
Used for diagnostics only, and displays
the sensor break trip value
Range Lo
Electrical Input
Display Reading
Disp Hi
Disp Lo

Range Hi
Engineering Handbook 3500 series Controllers
82 Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10
List Header - PV Input Sub-headers: None
to select
Parameter Description Value
or to change
Default Access
Lead Res The measured lead resistance on the
Only appears if IO Type = RTD
Cal State Calibration state
Calibration of the PV
Input is described in
Chapter 26.
Idle Conf
L3 R/O
OK (0) Normal operation
StartUp (1) Initial startup mode
Sbreak (2) Input in sensor break
Out Of
Range (3)
PV outside operating limits
Saturated input
Status PV Status
The current status of the
Uncalibrated channel

7.2.1 Input Types and Ranges
Used to select the linearisation algorithm required by the input sensor.
A selection of default sensor linearisations are provided for thermocouples/RTD's and Pyrometers.
If linearisation type is linear a y=mx+c relationship is applied between DisplayHigh/DisplayLow and
Three custom tables may be configured by downloading an appropriate table from an extensive

Input Type Min
Units Min Range Max
J Thermocouple type J -210 1200
C -346 2192
K Thermocouple type K -200 1372
C -328 2502
L Thermocouple type L -200 900
C -328 1652
R Thermocouple type R -50 1700
C -58 3092
B Thermocouple type B 0 1820
C 32 3308
N Thermocouple type N -200 1300
C -328 2372
T Thermocouple type T -200 400
C -328 752
S Thermocouple type S -50 1768
C -58 3215
PL2 Platinell 0 1369

32 2466

C Thermocouple type C
PT100 Pt100 resistance thermometer -200 850
C -328 1562
Linear mV or mA linear input -10.00 80.00
SqRoot Square root
Tbl 1 Customised linearisation table 1
Tbl 2 Customised linearisation table 2
Tbl 3 Customised linearisation table 3
3500 Series Controllers Engineering Handbook
Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10 83
7.2.2 CJC Type
A thermocouple measures the temperature difference between the
measuring junction and the reference junction. The reference
junction, therefore, must either be held at a fixed known
temperature or accurate compensation be used for any temperature
variations of the junction. Internal Compensation
The controller is provided with a temperature sensing device which
senses the temperature at the point where the thermocouple is
joined to the copper wiring of the instrument and applies a
corrective signal.
Where very high accuracy is needed and to accommodate multi-
thermocouple installations, larger reference units are used which can achieve an accuracy of 0.1C or
better. These units also allow the cables to the instrumentation to be run in copper. The reference
units are contained basically under three techniques. Ice-Point, Hot Box and Isothermal The Ice-Point
There are usually two methods of feeding the EMF from the thermocouple to the measuring
instrumentation via the ice-point reference. The bellows type and the temperature sensor type.
The bellows type utilises the precise volumetric increase which occurs when a known quantity of ultra
pure water changes state from liquid to solid. A precision cylinder actuates expansion bellows which
control power to a thermoelectric cooling device. The temperature sensor type uses a metal block of
high thermal conductance and mass, which is thermally insulated from ambient temperatures. The
block temperature is lowered to 0C by a cooling element, and maintained there by a temperature
sensing device.
Special thermometers are obtainable for checking the 0C reference units and alarm circuits that
detect any movement from the zero position can be fitted. The Hot Box
Thermocouples are calibrated in terms of EMF generated by the measuring junctions relative to the
reference junction at 0C. Different reference points can produce different characteristics of
thermocouples, therefore referencing at another temperature does present problems. However, the
ability of the hot box to work at very high ambient temperatures, plus a good reliability factor has led
to an increase in its usage. The unit can consist of a thermally insulated solid aluminium block in which
the reference junctions are embedded.
The block temperature is controlled by a closed loop system, and a heater is used as a booster when
initially switching on. This booster drops out before the reference temperature, usually between 55C
and 65C, is reached, but the stability of the hot box temperature is now important. Measurements
cannot be taken until the hot box reaches the correct temperature. Isothermal Systems
The thermocouple junctions being referenced are contained in a block which is heavily thermally
insulated. The junctions are allowed to follow the mean ambient temperature, which varies slowly.
This variation is accurately sensed by electronic means, and a signal is produced for the associated
instrumentation. The high reliability factor of this method has favoured its use for long term
monitoring. CJC Options in 3500 Series
0: CJC measurement at instrument terminals
1: CJC based on external junctions kept at 0C (Ice Point)
2: CJC based on external junctions kept at 45C (Hot Box)
3: CJC based on external junctions kept at 50C (Hot Box)
4: CJC based on independent external measurement
5: CJC switched off
Engineering Handbook 3500 series Controllers
84 Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10
7.2.3 Display Units
Abs Temp
V, mV, A, mA,
PH, mmHg, psi, Bar, mBar, %RH, %, mmWG, inWG, inWW, Ohms, PSIG, %O2, PPM, %CO2, %CP,
sec, min, hrs,
RelTemp (Relative Temperature) may be used when measuring differential temperatures. It
informs the controller not to add or subtract 32 when changing between
C and

7.2.4 Sensor Break Value
The controller continuously monitors the impedance of a transducer or sensor connected to any
analogue input (including plug in modules). This impedance, expressed as a percentage of the
impedance which causes the sensor break flag to trip, is a parameter called SBrk Trip Imp and is
available in the parameter lists associated with both Standard and Module inputs of an analogue
The table below shows the typical impedance which causes sensor break to trip for various types of
input and high and low SBrk Impedance parameter settings. The impedance values are only
approximate (+25%) as they are not factory calibrated.

PV Input (Also applies to the Analogue Input

mV input (+40mV or +80mV) Volts (+10V)
SBrk Impedance High
SBrk Impedance - Low
~ 12K
~ 3K

Volts input (-3V to +10V) and HZ Volts input (-1.5 to 2V)
SBrk Impedance High
SBrk Impedance - Low
~ 20K
~ 5K

7.2.5 Fallback
A Fallback strategy may be used to configure the default value for the PV in case of an error condition.
The error may be due an out of range value, a sensor break, lack of calibration or a saturated input.
The Status parameter would indicate the error condition and could be used to diagnose the problem.
Fallback has several modes and may be associated with the Fallback PV parameter
The Fallback PV may be used to configure the value assigned to the PV in case of an error condition.
The Fallback parameter should be configured accordingly.
The fallback parameter may be configured so as to force a Good or Bad status when in operation. This
in turn allows the user to choose to override or allow error conditions to affect the process.

3500 Series Controllers Engineering Handbook
Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10 85
7.2.6 PV Input Scaling
PV input scaling applies to the linear mV input range only. This is set by configuring the IO Type
parameter to 40mV, 80mV, mA, Volts or HZVolts. Using an external burden resistor of 2.49, the
controller can be made to accept 4-20mA from a current source. Scaling of the PV input will match the
displayed reading to the electrical input levels from the transducer. PV input scaling can only be
adjusted in configuration level and is not provided for direct thermocouple, pyrometer or RTD inputs.
The graph below shows an example of input scaling, where it is required to display 75.0 when the
input is 4mV and 500.0 when the input is 20mV .
If the input exceeds +5% of the
Range Lo or Range Hi settings,
sensor break will be displayed.
For mA inputs
4-20mA = 9.96-49.8mV with
2.49 load resistor
0-20mA = 0-49.8mV with 2.49
load resistor
mA input will detect sensor
break if mA < 3mA
Use a current source to remove
shunt resistor errors

Figure 7-1: PV Input Scaling Example: To Scale a Linear Input:-

Do This The Display You Should See Additional Notes
1. Select Conf as described in Chapter 3.
Then press

to select PVInput

2. Press

to scroll to IO Type
3. Press
to mA, Volts or

Linearisation type and resolution should
also be set as appropriate.

4. Press

to scroll to Disp Hi
5. Press
to 500.00

Resolution set to XXXX.X in this example
6. Press

to scroll to Disp Lo
7. Press
to 75.00

8. Press

to scroll to Range Hi
9. Press
to 20.000

The controller will read 500.0 for a mA
input of 20.00

10. Press

to scroll to Range Lo
11. Press
to 4.000

The controller will read 75.0 for a mA
input of 4.00

Range Lo
( eg 4 mV)
Electrical Input
Disp Hi
eg 500.0
Disp Lo
eg 75.0
Range Hi
(eg 20 mV)
Engineering Handbook 3500 series Controllers
86 Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10
7.2.7 PV Offset
All ranges of the controller have been calibrated against traceable reference standards. This means
that if the input type is changed it is not necessary to calibrate the controller. There may be occasions,
however, when you wish to apply an offset to the standard calibration to take account of known errors
within the process, for example, a known sensor error or a known error due to the positioning of the
sensor. In these instances it is not advisable to change the reference calibration, but to apply a user
defined offset.
It is also possible to apply a two point offset and this is described in the next section.
PV Offset applies a single offset over the full display range of the controller and can be adjusted in
Level 3. It has the effect of moving the curve up a down about a central point as shown in the example

Figure 7-2: PV Offset Example: To Apply an Offset:-
Connect the input of the controller to the source device which you wish to calibrate to
Set the source to the desired calibration value
The controller will display the current measurement of the value
If the display is correct, the controller is correctly calibrated and no further action is necessary. If
you wish to offset the reading:-

Do This The Display You Should See Additional Notes
1. Select Level 3 or Conf as
described in Chapter 3. Then

to select PVInput

2. Press

to scroll to Offset
3. Press
to adjust the
offset to the reading you

In this case an offset of 2.0 units is applied

Electrical Input
Fixed offset
(e.g. 2)
3500 Series Controllers Engineering Handbook
Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10 87
7.2.8 Two Point Offset
A two point offset enables the controller display to be offset by different amounts at the low end of the
scale and at the high end of the scale. The basic calibration of the controller is unaffected but the two
point offset provides a compensation for sensor or inter-connection errors. The diagrams below show
that a line is drawn between the low and high offsets values. Any readings above and below the
calibration points will be an extension of this line. For this reason it is best to calibrate with the two
points as far apart as possible.

Figure 7-3: Two Point Offsets Example: To Apply a Two Point Offset:-
For this example it is assumed that an input of 0.0 mV produces a reading of 0.0 and an input of
80.0mV produces a reading of 1000.0.
Connect the input of the controller to the source device which you wish to calibrate to
With the source set to its low output set the Lo Point to 0. This defines the low point at which you
wish to calibrate the sensor to the controller. Set Lo Offset until the display reads as required.
With the source set to its high output set the Hi Point to 1000. This defines the high point at
which you wish to calibrate the sensor to the controller. Set Hi Offset until the display reads as

Electrical Input
High offset
Low offset
Electrical Input
High offset
Low offset
Engineering Handbook 3500 series Controllers
88 Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10
8. Chapter 8 Logic Input/Output
There are two logic IO channels, standard on all controllers, which may be configured independently
as inputs or outputs. Connections are made to terminals LA and LB, with LC as the common for both.
Parameters in the LgcIO lists allow each IO to be configured independently under the sub-headers
LA and LB. Note; the two IO are not isolated from each other since they share a common return.
The logic IO channels can also be used as a transmitter power supply as described in section 1.6.2.
8.1 To select Logic IO list
Select Level 3 or Configuration level as described in Chapter 3.
Then press

as many times as necessary until the header LgcIO is displayed
8.2 Logic IO Parameters
List Header - LgcIO Sub-header - LA and LB
to select
Press or to change values
Default Access
Input Logic input
ContactCl Contact closure input
OnOff On off output
Time Prop Time proportioning output
IO Type To configure the
type of input or
See Note 1
Motorised valve position output
raise on LA only
Input Conf
R/O L3
Note 1: LA and LB work in a complementary manner in Valve Positioning (VP) applications. When LA
is set to ValvRais LB is automatically set to ValvLowr. IOType for LB is NOT alterable in VP applications.
Configuration settings applied to LA will be applied to LB automatically.
Summary of parameters which follow IO Type for different configurations of Input or Output:-

Input ContactCl OnOff Time Prop ValvRaise
Invert Invert Invert Cycle Time
PV PV SbyAct Min OnTime

Min OnTime
Meas Val Resn SbyAct
PV Disp Hi Meas Val
Disp Lo PV
Range Hi Inertia
Range Lo Backlash
SbyAct Cal State
Meas Val


Explanation of Logic IO Parameters:-

List Header - LgcIO Sub-header - LA and LB
to select
Parameter Description Value
Press or to change values
Default Access
When configured as an
output, this is the desired
output value
0 to 100 PV
When configured as an
input the current state of
the digital input is
0 to 1

Invert Sets the sense of the logic
input or on/off output.
Does not apply if the IO
Type is Time Prop or

Non inverted.
Output off (logic 0) when PID demand
off. For control this is when PV>SP.
Output on (logic 1) when PID demand
off. For control this is when PV<SP.
This is the normal setting for control.
No Conf
3500 Series Controllers Engineering Handbook
Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10 89
List Header - LgcIO Sub-header - LA and LB
to select
Parameter Description Value
Press or to change values
Default Access
Output off (logic 0). For an alarm this is
when the alarm is active.
Output on (logic 1). For an alarm this is
when the alarm is in-active.
This is the normal setting for alarms.

The next six parameters are only shown when IO Type = Time Prop outputs
Cycle Time

See also
section 8.2.2.
Allows the output to be
switched on and off
within the set time period.
Applies only to an output
type configured as Time
Off or
0.01 to
When Off is selected the Min OnTime
algorithm will run.
When set to any other value the CycleTime
algorithm will run.
Off L3
Min OnTime

See also
section 8.2.2.
The minimum time (in
seconds) that the relay is
on or off.
Applies only to an output
type configured as Time
Proportioning or
ValvRaise and is only
available when Cycle
Time = Off
0.01 to
If set to Auto the minimum on time will be
If the logic is used to control an external
relay, Min OnTime should be set to a
minimum of (say) 10 seconds to prevent
the relay from switching too rapidly.
Auto L3
Display resolution.
This sets the number of
decimal places displayed
by Disp Hi and Disp Lo
No decimal points
One decimal point
Two decimal points
Three decimal points
Four decimal points
Disp Hi The maximum
displayable reading
0.000 to
100.00 L3
Disp Lo The minimum displayable
0.000 to
0.00 L3
Range Hi The maximum (electrical)
input/output level
0.00 to
Range Lo The minimum (electrical)
input/output level
0.00 to
These parameters allow high and low
limits to be applied to the output against a
set limit of the output demand signal from
the PID loop.
See also section 10.4.3 for further
Off The output will drive to 'electrical low'
value regardless of the 'Invert' parameter.
On The output will drive to 'electrical high'
value regardless of the 'Invert' parameter.
Cont The output will assume a status according
to how it is driven
For motor valve outputs the options are:-
Frz Freeze only shown if the output is
configured for valve position control

See also
section 8.2.1.
Standby action.
Determines the action of
an output when the
instrument is in Standby
Cont Continue - only shown if the output is
configured for valve position control
Off Conf
Meas Val The current value of the
output demand signal
On (unless Invert = Yes)
Off (unless Invert = Yes)
The following parameters are additional if IO Type = Valve Rais
Inertia Set this parameter to match the inertia (if any) of the motor 0.0 to 9999.9 secs 0.0 L3
Backlash Compensates for any backlash which may be present in
the linkages
0.0 to 9999.9 secs 0.0 L3
Cal State
See also
section 8.2.4.
Calibration status
This is only applicable to valve position outputs
PV can be wired to the output of a function block. For example if it is used for control it may be wired
to the control loop output (Ch1 Output) as shown in the example in section 5.1.1.
Engineering Handbook 3500 series Controllers
90 Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10
8.2.1 Output State When the Controller is in Standby
The output strategy of all digital outputs may be defined using SbyAct. The strategy depends on the
use to which the output is configured, for example, if it is an alarm it may be required to turn the
output on or to continue normal operation when the controller is in standby. For a control output the
strategy may be to turn the output off when in standby.
There are three possible states:-
Off - The output will drive to 'electrical low' value regardless of the 'Invert' parameter.
On - The output will drive to 'electrical high' value regardless of the 'Invert' parameter.
Continue - The output will assume a status according to how it is driven:
If locally wired, the output will continue to be driven by the wire.
If not wired or driven by communications, the output will maintain the last state written to it
If not wired but written to by communications, the output will continue to be controlled by the
communications messages. In this case care should be taken to allow for the loss of

For motor valve outputs the options are:-
Freeze - The valve outputs will both stop driving in standby.
Continue - The valve outputs will assume a status according to how they are driven:
If locally wired, the output will continue to be driven by the wire.
If not wired or driven by communications, the output will maintain the last state written to it
If not wired but written to by communications, the output will continue to be controlled by the
communications messages. In this case care should be taken to allow for the loss of

8.2.2 Cycle Time and Minimum OnTime Algorithms
The Cycle Time algorithm has been added from firmware version 2.70.
The Cycle Time algorithm and the Min OnTime algorithm are mutually exclusive and provide
compatibility with existing controller systems. Both algorithms apply to time proportioning outputs
only and are not shown for on/off control. The Min OnTime parameter is only displayed when the
Cycle Time is set to Off.
A fixed cycle time allows the output to switch on and off within the time period set by the parameter.
For example, for a cycle time of 20 seconds, 25% power demand would turn the output on for 5
seconds and off for 15 seconds, 50% power demand would turn the output on and off for 10 seconds,
for 75% power demand the output is on for 15 seconds and off for 5 seconds.
Fixed cycle time may be preferred when driving mechanical devices such as refrigeration
The Min OnTime algorithm allows a limit to be applied to the switching device so that it remains on
(or off) for a set minimum time. When set to Auto, the minimum pulse time that can be set is 110ms. A
very low power demand is represented by a short on pulse of 110ms duration followed by a
correspondingly long off time. As the power demand increases the on pulse becomes longer and the
off pulse becomes correspondingly shorter. For a 50% power demand the on and off pulse lengths
are the same (at 220ms on and 220ms off). Setting to Auto is suitable for triac or logic outputs, not
driving a mechanical device.
If the control device is a relay or contactor the minimum on time should be set greater than 10
seconds (for example) to prolong relay life. By way of illustration, for a setting of 10 seconds the relay
will switch (approximately) as shown in the table below:-
Power demand Relay ON time (seconds) Relay OFF time (seconds)
10% 10 100
25% 13 39
50% 20 20
75% 39 13
90% 100 10

The Minimum OnTime algorithm is often preferred for control of switching devices using triac, logic or
relay outputs in a temperature control application. It also applies to valve position outputs - see also
section 21.8.9.
3500 Series Controllers Engineering Handbook
Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10 91
8.2.3 Example: To Configure a Time Proportioning Logic Output
Select configuration level as described in section 3.1.3.
Do This The Display You Should See Additional Notes
6. From any display press

until the LgcIO page is
7. Press
as necessary
to select LA or LB
8. Press

to scroll to IO Type
9. Press
to Time

8.2.4 Example: To Calibrate a VP Output
The Cal State parameter in this list allows you to fully open or fully close the valve when it is required
to calibrate a feedback potentiometer used with a bounded VP control.
Do This The Display You Should See Additional Notes
1. From the LgcIO LA page,

to scroll to Cal
2. Press
to select

The loop is temporarily
disconnected to allow the valve to
drive fully open.

3. Now select the page header which contains the Potentiometer Input module
4. Press

to scroll to Cal State in the Potentiometer list - section 10.3.9.
5. Press
to select Hi. Then Confirm. The controller will automatically calibrate to the potentiometer
position. The messages Go and Busy will be displayed during this time. If successful the message Passed will be
displayed and if unsuccessful Failed will be displayed. A fail could be due to the potentiometer value being out of
range. See also section 10.4.5.
6. Drive the valve fully closed using Lower in the LgcIO page. Then repeat 3, 4 and 5 for the Lo calibration point

Engineering Handbook 3500 series Controllers
92 Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10
8.2.5 Logic Output Scaling
If the output is configured for time proportioning control, it can be scaled such that a lower and upper
level of PID demand signal can limit the operation of the output value.
By default, the output will be fully off for 0% power demand, fully on for 100% power demand and
equal on/off times at 50% power demand. You can change these limits to suit the process. It is
important to note, however, that these limits are set to safe values for the process. For example, for a
heating process it may be required to maintain a minimum level of temperature. This can be achieved
by applying an offset at 0% power demand which will maintain the output on for a period of time.
Care must be taken to ensure that this minimum on period does not cause the process to overheat.
If Range Hi is set to a value <100% the time proportioning output will switch at a rate depending on
the value - it will not switch fully on.
Similarly, if Range Lo is set to a value >0% it will not switch fully off.

Figure 8-1: Scaling a Logic Output

8.2.6 Example: To Scale a Proportioning Logic Output
Select level 3 or configuration level as described in section 3.1.3. Then:-
Do This The Display You Should See Additional Notes
1. From the LgcIO page, press

to scroll to Disp Hi
2. Press
to set the
PID demand limit. This will
normally be 100%
3. Repeat the above for Disp
Lo. This will normally be set
to zero

4. Press

to scroll to Range
5. Press
to set the
upper output limit.
6. Repeat the above for Range
Lo to set the lower switching

In this example the output will
switch on for 8% of the time when
the PID demand signal is at 0%.
Similarly, it will remain on for 90%
of the time when the demand
signal is at 100%

Range Lo = 0%
Output permanently off

Output state
PID Demand signal
Disp Hi
eg 100%
Disp Lo
eg 0%
Range Hi = 100%
Output permanently on

3500 Series Controllers Engineering Handbook

Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10 93
9. Chapter 9 AA Relay Output
A changeover relay is standard on all 3500 series controllers and is connected to terminals AA
(normally open), AB (common) and AC (normally closed).
Parameters in the RlyAA list allow the relay functions to be set up.

9.1 To Select AA Relay List
Select Level 3 or Configuration level as described in Chapter 3.
Then press

as many times as necessary until the header RlyAA is displayed

9.2 AA Relay Parameters
List Header - RlyAA No Sub-headers
to select
or to change
Default Access
OnOff On off output IO Type To configure the
function for the relay
Time Prop Time proportioning output
R/O L3

Parameters available if IO Type is configured as Time Proportioning

List Header - RlyAA No Sub-headers
to select
or to change
Default Access
Cycle Time

See also
section 8.2.2.
Allows the output to
be switched on and
off within the set time
Off or
0.01 to
When Off is selected the Min OnTime
algorithm will run.
When set to any other value the CycleTime
algorithm will run.
Off L3
Min OnTime
Only available
when Cycle
Time = Off

See also
section 8.2.2.
The minimum time (in
seconds) that the
relay is on or off.

0.01 to
If set to 0 - Auto the minimum on time will
be 110mS.
For a relay output this should be set
greater than, say, 10 seconds to prevent
the relay from switching too rapidly.
Auto L3
Display resolution.
This sets the number of decimal
places displayed by Disp Hi and
Disp Lo parameters
No decimal points
One decimal point
Two decimal points
Three decimal points
Four decimal points
Disp Hi The maximum displayable reading 0.000 to
100.00 L3
Disp Lo The minimum displayable reading 0.000 to
0.00 L3
Range Hi The maximum (electrical)
input/output level
0.00 to
Range Lo The minimum (electrical)
input/output level
0.00 to
These parameters allow high
and low limits to be applied
to the output against a set
limit of the output demand
signal from the PID loop.
See also section 10.4.3 for
further information
Off The output will drive to 'electrical low'
value regardless of the 'Invert' parameter.
On The output will drive to 'electrical high'
value regardless of the 'Invert' parameter.
SbyAct Standby action.
Determines the
output action when
the instrument is in
Standby Mode.
See Section 8.2.1.
Cont The output will assume a status according
to how it is driven
Off Conf
R/O L3
Meas Val Status of the digital
On (unless Invert = Yes)
Off (unless Invert = Yes)
L3 R/O
PV The current
(analogue) value of
the output
0 to 100 L3
R/O L3

Engineering Handbook 3500 series Controllers
94 Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10
Parameters available if IO Type is configured as OnOff

List Header - RlyAA No Sub-headers
to select
or to change
Default Access
No Relay de-energised when the output
demand is off
Relay energised when the output demand
is on (normal setting if the relay is used for
Invert To change the normal
operating state of the

Yes Relay energised when the output demand
is off
Relay de-energised when the output
demand is on (normal setting if the relay is
used for alarm)
R/O L3
Off The output will drive to 'electrical low'
value regardless of the 'Invert' parameter.
On The output will drive to 'electrical high'
value regardless of the 'Invert' parameter.
SbyAct Standby action.
Determines the
output action when
the instrument is in
Standby Mode.
See Section 8.2.1.
Cont The output will assume a status according
to how it is driven
Off Conf
R/O L3
Meas Val The current value of
the output demand
On (unless Invert = Yes)
Off (unless Invert = Yes)
L3 R/O
PV The current (digital)
value of the output
R/O L3

PV can be wired to the output of a function block. For example if it is used for control it may be wired
to the control loop output (Ch1 Output) as shown in the example in section 5.1.1.
If it is used for an alarm it may be wired to the Output parameter in an alarm list.

3500 Series Controllers Engineering Handbook
Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10 95
9.2.1 Example: To Wire the AA Relay to an Alarm
In this example the relay will be made to operate when analogue alarm 1 occurs.

Select configuration level as described in section 3.1.3.
Do This The Display You Should See Additional Notes
10. From any display press

until the RlyAA page is
11. Press

to scroll to PV

Set IO Typ to OnOff
Set Invert to Yes
This locates the parameter to be wired
12. Press A/MAN to display

If the parameter is already wired the
display shown below is shown
13. Press

(as instructed) as
many times as necessary to
select the AnAlm page
14. Press
to select 1
15. Press

to scroll to Output

This selects Analogue Alarm 1. The
relay can also be wired to operate on
one or more alarms.
This copies the parameter to be wired
16. Press A/MAN

This pastes the parameter to PV
17. Press

as instructed to

Note the arrow next to the parameter
which has been wired

To remove a wire see section 5.1.3.

9.2.2 Relay Output Scaling
If the output is configured for time proportioning control, it can be scaled such that a lower and upper
level of PID demand signal can limit the operation of the output value.
The procedure for this is the same as logic outputs described in section 8.2.5.

AnAlm 1 RlyAA
Output PV
Engineering Handbook 3500 series Controllers
96 Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10
10. Chapter 10 Module Configuration
Plug in IO modules provide additional analogue and digital IO. These modules can be fitted in any of
six slots. The terminal connections for these are given in Chapter 1 - Installation.
The type and position of any modules fitted in the controller is shown in the order code printed on the
label on the side of the controller. This can be checked against the order code in Chapter 1.
The module part number is printed on the side of the plastic case of the module.
All modules fitted are identified in the controller under the page heading ModIDs.
Modules are available as single channel, two channel or three channel IO as listed below:-

Module Order Code Idents Displayed As Number of
Module Part No.
No module fitted XX No Module
Change over relay
2 pin relay
Dual relay
Form A Relay
Triple logic output TP TriLogic 3 AH025735U002
Isolated single logic
LO SinLogic 1 AH025735U002
Dual triac
DC control D4 DC Output 1 AH025728U003
DC retransmission D6 DCRetran 1 AH025728U002
Analogue input
AM DCInput 1 AH025686U004
Triple logic input
Triple contact input
Potentiometer input VU PotIP 1 AH025864U002
24V transmitter
MS TXPSU 1 AH025862U002
5V or
power supply
G3 TransPSU 1 AH026306U002
Dual DC control
DO DualDCOut 2 AH027249 U002
High resolution DC
HR HFDCOut 2 AH027249 U003

Table 10: I/O Modules

If an incorrect module is fitted (for example, from a 2000 series controller), Bad Ident will be

Parameters for the above modules, such as input/output limits, filter times and scaling of the IO,
can be adjusted in the Module IO pages

3500 Series Controllers Engineering Handbook
Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10 97
10.1 To Fit a New Module
IO modules can be fitted in any of six slots in the 3504 and any of three slots in 3508 controllers.
Communications modules can be fitted in any of two slots
A list of available IO modules is given in Table 10-1
These modules are fitted simply by sliding them into the relevant position as shown below.
When a module has been changed, the controller will power up with the message !:Error M(X) Changed where
(X) is the module number. This must be acknowledged by pressing



Figure 10-1: View of the Plug-in Modules

IO Modules
IO Modules
Engineering Handbook 3500 series Controllers
98 Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10
10.2 Module Identification

until the list header ModIDs is displayed. The type of IO module fitted in any of the six slots
(three if 3508) is shown. The identification of the module fitted is shown in Table 10-1.
10.3 Module Types
The tables in the following pages list the parameters available for the different modules.
10.3.1 Relay, Logic or Triac Outputs
These modules are used to provide an output to a two state output device such as a contactor, SSR,
motorized valve driver, etc.
List Header - Mod Sub-headers: xA (triac, changeover or 2-pin relay);
xA and xC (dual relay, dual triac); xA, xB, xC (triple logic)
x = the number of the slot in which the module is fitted
to select
Parameter Description Value
Press or to change values
Default Access
Ident Channel type Relay
Logic Out
Any relay output
Logic output
Triac or dual triac output
L3 R/O
OnOff On off output
Time Prop Time proportioning output
IO Type To configure the function of
the relay
ValvRais Motor valve position raise. See
note 1.
R/O L3

The following shows a summary of parameters which follow IO Type for different configurations of the
OnOff Time Prop ValvRaise
Invert Cycle Time
SbyAct Min OnTime

Min OnTime
Meas Val Resn SbyAct
PV Disp Hi Meas Val
Disp Lo PV
Range Hi Inertia
Range Lo Backlash
SbyAct Cal State
Meas Val


Explanation of Relay, Logic, Triac Output Module Parameters

List Header - Mod Sub-headers: xA (triac, changeover or 2-pin relay);
xA and xC (dual relay, dual triac); xA, xB, xC (triple logic)
x = the number of the slot in which the module is fitted
to select
Parameter Description Value
Press or to change values
Default Access

Relay de-energised when
output demand off and
energised when output
demand on
Normal setting if the relay is
used for control
Invert To change the normal
operating state of the relay.
This only applies if the output
is configured as OnOff
Yes Relay energised when
output demand off and de-
energised when output
demand on
Normal setting if the relay is
used for an alarm
Conf R/O
3500 Series Controllers Engineering Handbook
Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10 99
List Header - Mod Sub-headers: xA (triac, changeover or 2-pin relay);
xA and xC (dual relay, dual triac); xA, xB, xC (triple logic)
x = the number of the slot in which the module is fitted
to select
Parameter Description Value
Press or to change values
Default Access
Off The output will drive to
'electrical low' value
regardless of the 'Invert'
On The output will drive to
'electrical high' value
regardless of the 'Invert'
Cont The output will assume a
status according to how it is
For motor valve outputs the options
Frz Freeze only shown if the
output is configured for
valve position control

See also
section 8.2.1.
Standby action. Determines
the output action when the
instrument is in Standby

Cont Continue - only shown if the
output is configured for
valve position control
Off Conf
R/O L3
Meas Value Current state of the output 0
Off (if Invert = No)
On (if Invert = No)
L3 R/O

Demand for output to be
off (if Invert = No)
PV Normally wired to the output
of a function block such as
PID output to control a plant
actuator 1
Demand for output to be
on (if Invert = No)
R/O L3
if not
The next seven parameters are only shown when IO Type = Time Prop outputs
Cycle Time

See also
section 8.2.2.
Allows the output to be
switched on and off within
the set time period.
Applies only if the output
type is Time Proportioning.
Off or
0.01 to
When Off is selected the
Min OnTime algorithm will
When set to any other value
the CycleTime algorithm
will run.
Off L3
Min OnTime

See also
section 8.2.2.
The minimum time (in
seconds) that the relay is on
or off.
Applies only to an output
type configured as Time
Proportioning and is only
available when Cycle Time =
0.01 to
If set to 0 - Auto the
minimum on time will be
For a relay output this
should be set greater than,
say, 10 seconds to prevent
the relay from switching too
Auto L3
Display resolution.
This sets the number of
decimal places displayed by
Disp Hi and Disp Lo
No decimal points
One decimal point
Two decimal points
Three decimal points
Four decimal points
Disp Hi The maximum displayable
0.000 to
100.00 L3
Disp Lo The minimum displayable
0.000 to
0.00 L3
Range Hi The maximum (electrical)
input/output level
0.00 to
Range Lo The minimum (electrical)
input/output level
0.00 to
These parameters allow
high and low limits to be
applied to the output
against a set limit of the
output demand signal from
the PID loop.
See also section 10.4.3 for
further information
The following parameters are additional if IO Type = Valve Rais
Inertia Set this parameter to match
the inertia (if any) of the
0.0 to 9999.9 secs 0.0 L3
Engineering Handbook 3500 series Controllers
100 Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10
List Header - Mod Sub-headers: xA (triac, changeover or 2-pin relay);
xA and xC (dual relay, dual triac); xA, xB, xC (triple logic)
x = the number of the slot in which the module is fitted
to select
Parameter Description Value
Press or to change values
Default Access
Backlash This parameter compensates
for any backlash which may
be present in the linkages
0.0 to 9999.9 secs 0.0 L3
Cal State Calibration state Idle
See also section 26.4 for
further details.
Status Module status OK Normal operation
See note 2

Note 1
A triple logic output, a dual relay output or a dual triac output module may be used for a valve position
output. If Valve Raise is configured on channel output A then Valve Lower is automatically allocated to
channel output C. Channel output B (triple logic output) is only available as an on/off or time
proportioning output.
Valve raise/lower is not available on a single isolated logic output.

Note 2
Status appeared in some earlier controllers and displays a message giving the current operating
condition of the module.
These may be:-
0: Normal operation 8: Channel 1 not calibrated
1: Initial startup mode 9: Channel 2 not calibrated
2: Channel 1 sensor break 20: Latched up
3: Channel 2 sensor break 21: Channel 1 open circuit
4: Channel 1 out of range 22: Channel 2 open circuit
5: Channel 2 out of range 23: Channel 1 short circuit
6: Channel 1 saturated input 24: Channel 2 short circuit
7: Channel 2 saturated input 25: No Module
The number is the enumeration of the status.
3500 Series Controllers Engineering Handbook
Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10 101
10.3.2 Single Isolated Logic Output
This provides isolation from other IO and should be used, for example, in applications where the
sensor and the output device may be at supply potential. It is only available as a time proportioning or
on/off output.
List Header - Mod Sub-headers: xA
to select
Parameter Description Value
Press or to change values
Default Access
Ident Channel type Logic Out Logic output L3 R/O
OnOff On off output IO Type To configure the function of the
Time Prop Time proportioning output
Conf R/O
No Non inverted. Output off (logic 0)
when PID demand off. For control this
is when PV>SP.
Output on (logic 1) when PID demand
off. For control this is when PV<SP.
This is the normal setting for control.
Invert Sets the sense of the logic
This only applies if the output is
configured as OnOff
Yes Inverted. Output off (logic 0). For an
alarm this is when the alarm is active.
Output on (logic 1). For an alarm this
is when the alarm is in-active.
This is the normal setting for alarms.
Conf R/O
Off The output will drive to 'electrical low'
value regardless of the 'Invert'
On The output will drive to 'electrical high'
value regardless of the 'Invert'

See also
Standby action. Determines the
output action when the
instrument is in Standby Mode.

Cont The output will assume a status
according to how it is driven
Off Conf
R/O L3
Meas Value Current state of the output 0
Off (if Invert = No)
On (if Invert = No)
L3 R/O
0 Output off (if Invert = No) PV Normally wired to the output of a
function block such as PID
output to control a plant actuator
Output on (if Invert = No)
Alterable if not wired
R/O L3
Status Module status
See note 2 - section 10.3.1
OK Normal operation R/O
The next six parameters are only shown when IO Type = Time Prop outputs
See also
To switch the output on and off
within the set time period.
Applies only to Time
Proportioning outputs.
Off or
0.01 to
When Off is selected the Min OnTime
algorithm will run.
When set to any value the CycleTime
algorithm will run.
Off L3
Min OnTime

See also
The minimum time (in seconds)
that the logic output is on or off.
Applies only to Time
Proportioning outputs and is
only available when Cycle Time
= Off
0.01 to
If set to Auto the minimum on time will
be 110mS.
If the logic is used to control an
external relay, Min OnTime should be
set to a minimum of (say) 10 seconds
to prevent the relay from switching too
Auto L3
Display resolution.
This sets the number of decimal
places displayed by Disp Hi and
Disp Lo parameters
No decimal points
One decimal point
Two decimal points
Three decimal points
Four decimal points
Disp Hi/Lo Maximum/minimum output
demand signal
0.00 to
100.00 L3
Range Hi/Lo Electrical output high/low 0.00 to
These parameters allow high and low
limits to be applied to the output
against a set limit of the output
demand signal from the PID loop.
See also section 10.4.3.
Meas Value The current status of the digital
On (unless Invert = Yes)
Off (unless Invert = Yes)
R/O L3
Engineering Handbook 3500 series Controllers
102 Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10
10.3.3 DC Control, Dual DC Control, or DC Retransmission Output
The DC output module is used as a control output to interface with an analogue actuator such as valve
driver or thyristor unit. The dual DC control output uses two channels xA and xC.
The DC retransmission module is used to provide an analogue output signal proportional to the value
which is being measured. It may be used for chart recording or retransmit a signal to another
controller. This function is often performed through digital communications where greater accuracy is
List Header - Mod Sub-headers: xA (DC Control and DC Retransmission)
xA and xC (Dual DC Control)
x = the number of the slot in which the module is fitted
to select
Parameter Description Value
Press or to change values
Default Access
Ident Channel type DC Out
DC Output (single or dual output)
DC retransmission
L3 R/O
IO Type To configure the output
drive signal

Volts dc
Set the IO Type to Volts to use the
Dual DC Output as a transducer
power supply.
As order
Conf L3

mA milli-amps dc
Resn Display resolution XXXXX to
No decimal points to four decimal
Disp Hi Display high reading 100 L3
Disp Lo Display low reading
-99999 to 99999 decimal points depend on
HHHHH = out of high range
LLLLL = out of low range
0 L3
Range Hi Electrical high input level 10 L3
Range Lo Electrical low input level
0 to 10
0 L3
Meas Value The current output value R/O
Cal State Calibration state Idle
Non calibrating state
Select calibration of the low position
Select calibration of the high position
Confirm the position to calibrate
Start calibration
Abort calibration
Controller automatically calibrating
Calibration OK
Calibration bad
To store the new values
Idle Conf
The above 8 parameters are not available on Dual DC Output module when IO Type is set to Volts.
See note 2
section 10.3.1
Working condition of the
OK Normal operation R/O

3500 Series Controllers Engineering Handbook
Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10 103
10.3.4 High Resolution DC Output
This module (order code HR) can be fitted in slots 1, 2 or 4.
It contains two channels. The first (channel A) provides a high resolution, 15 bit, 4-20mA or 0-10Vdc
retransmission signal. The second (channel C) provides 24Vdc (20 to 30Vdc) transmitter power
supply. The module provides full 240Vac isolation.
Channel A
List Header - Mod Sub-headers: 1A, 2A or 4A (DC Control and DC
to select
Parameter Description Value
Press or to change values
Default Access
Ident Channel type HiRes Out L3 R/O
IO Type To configure the output
drive signal
Volts dc

milli-amps dc
As order
R/O in
Status Working condition of the
See note 2 - section 10.3.1 L3 R/O
The following additional parameters are shown for IO Type = mA
Resn Display resolution XXXXX to
No decimal points to four decimal
Disp Hi The maximum displayable
-99999 to 99999 decimal points depend on
0 L3
Disp Lo The minimum displayable
-99999 to 99999 decimal points depend on
0 L3
Range Hi The maximum (electrical)
input level
Between 4.00 and Range Lo (normally set to
4.00 L3
Range Lo The minimum (electrical)
input level
Between 4.00 and Range Hi (normally set to
4.00 L3
Meas Value Displays the current value
of the output demand
signal in electrical units
PV Requested output signal
-99999 to 99999. This parameter is normally soft
wired to retransmit a selected parameter such as
Cal State Allows the module to be
Unit not being calibrated
Low calibration point for DC output
Confirm the action
Start calibration

High calibration point for DC output
Store user calibration
Abort user calibration
Cal Trim Shown when Cal State is in
Trim mode. It allows a trim
to be applied to the
calibration points
CalStateHi Conf
Shown when the output is
being calibrated

Channel C
List Header - Mod Sub-headers: 1C, 2C or 4C (24V transmitter supply)
Ident Channel type 24V PSU 24V transmitter supply L3 R/O
IO Type Output type Volts Volts Volts Conf L3
Engineering Handbook 3500 series Controllers
104 Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10
10.3.5 Analogue Input
The analogue input module provides additional analogue inputs for multi-loop controllers or other
multi input measurements.
List Header - Mod Sub-headers: xA
x = the number of the slot in which the module is fitted
to select
Parameter Description Value
Press or to change values
Default Access
Ident Channel type Analog IP L3 R/O
ThermoCpl Thermocouple
RTD Platinum resistance
Log10 Logarithmic
HiZV High impedance voltage input
(typically used for zirconia
V Voltage
mA milli amps
80mV 80 milli volts
40mV 40 milli volts
IO Type PV input type Selects input
linearisation and range
Pyrometer Pyrometer
L3 R/O
Lin Type Input linearisation See section 10.3.6 L3 R/O
Units Controller units See section 10.3.7 Conf
Resn Resolution XXXXX to
No decimal points to four
decimal points
CJC Type To select the cold junction
compensation method

See description in section 7.2.2.
for further details
Internal Conf
Low Sensor break will be detected
when its impedance is greater
than a low value
High Sensor break will be detected
when its impedance is greater
than a high value
SBrk Type Sensor break type

Off No sensor break
ManLatch Manual latching
NonLatch No latching
See also
Chapter 12
SBrk Alarm Sets the alarm action when a
sensor break condition is
Off No sensor break alarm
SBrk Out Status of the sensor break
Off or On
Disp Hi Display reading high L3
Disp Lo Display reading low L3
Range Hi Input high value L3
Range Lo Input low value
See section

Downscale Same as PV input
Fall Good
Fall Bad
Fallback Configures the default value in
case of an erroneous condition.
The error may be due an out of
range value, a sensor break,
lack of calibration or a
saturated input.
The Status parameter would
Clip Good
See section 5.1.6. for further
3500 Series Controllers Engineering Handbook
Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10 105
List Header - Mod Sub-headers: xA
x = the number of the slot in which the module is fitted
to select
Parameter Description Value
Press or to change values
Default Access
indicate the error condition and
could be used to diagnose the
Fallback has several modes and
may be associated with the
Fallback PV parameter.
Clip Bad
Fallback PV To set the value of PV during a sensor break Instrument range Conf
Filter Time Input filter time.
An input filter provides damping of the input
signal. This may be necessary to prevent the
effects of excessive noise on the PV input.
Off to 500:00 (m:ss.s)
(hh:mm:ss) or (hh:mm)
0:00.4 L3
Emiss Emissivity. This parameter only appears if the
input is configured for Pyrometer. It is used to
compensate for the different reflectivity
produced by different type of surface
Off 0.1 to 1.0 1.0 L3
Meas Value The current electrical value of the PV input L3 R/O
PV The current value of the PV input in
engineering units
Instrument range L3 R/O
Offset Single offset value applied to the input
see section 7.2.7.
Instrument range L3
Lo Point
Lo Offset
Hi Point
Hi Offset
Allows a two point offset to be applied to the
controller to compensate for sensor or
connection errors between sensor and the
input to the controller.
See section 7.2.8 for further details
Instrument range L3
CJC Temp Reads the temperature of the rear terminals at
the thermocouple connection
SBrk Value Used for diagnostics only, and displays the
sensor break trip value.
L3 R/O
Lead Res The measured lead resistance on the RTD L3 R/O
Idle Non calibrating state
Lo Select low point calibration
Hi Select high point calibration
Confirm Confirm the position to
Go Start calibration
Abort Abort calibration
Busy Automatically calibrating
Passed Calibration OK
Failed Calibration bad
Cal State Calibration state
Accept To store the new values
See note 2
section 10.3.1
The current status for the
0 Normal operation
L3 R/O

Engineering Handbook 3500 series Controllers
106 Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10
10.3.6 Input Types and Ranges

Input Type Min
Units Min Range Max
J Thermocouple type J -210 1200
C -238 2192
K Thermocouple type K -200 1372
C -238 2498
L Thermocouple type L -200 900
C -238 1652
R Thermocouple type R -50 1700
C -58 3124
B Thermocouple type B 0 1820
C 32 3308
N Thermocouple type N -200 1300
C -238 2372
T Thermocouple type T -200 400
C -238 752
S Thermocouple type S -50 1768
C -58 3214
PL2 Thermocouple Platinel II 0 1369

32 2466

C Thermocouple type C
PT100 Pt100 resistance thermometer -200 850
C -328 1562
Linear mV or mA linear input -10.00 80.00
SqRoot Square root
Custom Customised linearisation tables

10.3.7 Display Units
Abs Temp
V, mV, A, mA,
PH, mmHg, psi, Bar, mBar, %RH, %, mmWG, inWG, inWW, Ohms, PSIG, %O2, PPM, %CO2, %CP, %/sec,
Custom 1, Custom 2, Custom 3
sec, min, hrs,
3500 Series Controllers Engineering Handbook
Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10 107
10.3.8 Triple Logic Input and Triple Contact Input
This module may be used to provide additional logic inputs.
List Header - Mod Sub-headers: xA, xB, xC
x = the number of the slot in which the module is fitted
to select
Parameter Description Value
Press or to change values
Default Access
Ident Channel type Logic In Logic input or contact input L3 R/O
IO Type Function of the module Input L3 R/O
PV State of the measured input 0
Demand for output to be off
Demand for output to be on
R/O L3
See note 2
section 10.3.1
Module status OK Normal operation R/O

10.3.9 Potentiometer Input
This module may be connected to a feedback potentiometer fitted to a motorized valve driver, or to
provide a measured value from any other potentiometer input between 100 and 15K. The
excitation voltage is 0.5Vdc.
List Header - Mod Sub-headers: xA
x = the number of the slot in which the module is fitted
to select
Parameter Description Value
Press or to change values
Default Access
Ident Channel type Pot Input Potentiometer input L3 R/O
Units Engineering units. None Conf
Resn Display resolution XXXXX to
No decimal points to four decimal
Low Sensor break will be detected
when its impedance is greater than
a low value
High Sensor break will be detected
when its impedance is greater than
a high value
SBrk type Allows one of three
strategies to be configured
if potentiometer break is
indicated. Same as
analogue input
Off No sensor break Conf
SBrk Alarm To configure the alarm
action should the
potentiometer become
No sensor break alarm
Non latching sensor break alarm
Manual latching sensor break alarm
Fallback Condition to be adopted if
the Status parameter OK
Clip Bad
Clip Good
Fall Bad
Fall Good
See section 5.1.6. for further
Fallback PV -99999 to 99999 Conf
Filter Time To adjust the input filter
time constant to reduce the
effect of noise on the input
Off or 0:00.1 to 500:00 0:00:04 L3
Meas Value The current value in
engineering units
L3 R/O
PV Requested output/current
input signal level (after
linearisation where
L3 R/O
Engineering Handbook 3500 series Controllers
108 Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10
List Header - Mod Sub-headers: xA
x = the number of the slot in which the module is fitted
to select
Parameter Description Value
Press or to change values
Default Access
SBrk Value Used for diagnostics only,
and displays the sensor
break trip value.
L3 R/O
Idle Non calibrating state
Lo Select calibration of the low position
Hi Select calibration of the high position
Confirm Confirm the position to calibrate
Go Start calibration
Abort Calibration stopped
Busy Controller automatically calibrating
Passed Calibration OK
Failed Calibration bad
Accept To start using the new values
Save User To store the new values to EE
memory (For User calibration)
Save Fact To store the new values to EE
memory (For Factory calibration:
password protected)
Cal State This parameter allows the
controller to be calibrated
against the maximum and
minimum positions of the
Adjust the pot to minimum
position, select Lo
followed by Confirm. The
controller will automatically
calibrate to this position.
Repeat for the maximum
position and selecting Hi.
If the potentiometer is part
of the valve positioning
motor it may be difficult to
adjust the pot position. In
this case refer back to
section 8.2.4.
Load Fact Load factory calibration (Save User
required for permanent use of
Factory calibration).
Idle Conf
L3 R/O
See note 2
section 10.3.1
Working condition of the
Potentiometer input broken R/O

10.3.10 Transmitter Power Supply
This module may be used to provide 24Vdc to power an external transmitter.

List Header - Mod Sub-headers: xA, xB, xC
x = the number of the slot in which the module is fitted
to select
Parameter Description Value
Press or to change values
Default Access
Ident Channel type TxPSU Transducer power supply L3 R/O
See note 2
section 10.3.1
Module status OK

Normal operation


3500 Series Controllers Engineering Handbook
Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10 109
10.3.11 Transducer Power Supply
The transducer power supply may be used to power an external transducer which requires an
excitation voltage of 5 or 10V. It contains an internal shunt resistor for use when calibrating the
transducer. The value of this resistor is 30.1K +0.25% when calibrating a 350 bridge.

List Header - PV Input Sub-headers: xA
x = the number of the slot in which the module is fitted
to select
Press or to change values
Default Access
Ident Channel type TransPSU Transducer power supply R/O
Meas Value The current output
PV Requested
output/current input
signal level (after
linearisation where
Normally wired

See note 2
section 10.3.1
The current status for
the channel.
OK Normal operation

Shunt External
Select external calibration resistor
Select internal calibration resistor
External Conf
Voltage To select the output
10 Volts
5 Volts
10 Volts
5 Volts
Engineering Handbook 3500 series Controllers
110 Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10
10.4 Module Scaling
The controller is calibrated for life against known reference standards during manufacture, but user
scaling allows you to offset the permanent factory calibration to either:-
1. Scale the controller to your reference standards
2. Match the calibration of the controller to an individual transducer or sensor
3. To compensate for known offsets in process measurements

10.4.1 Analogue Input Scaling and Offset
Scaling of the analogue input uses the same procedure as described for the PV Input (Chapter 7) and
applies to linear process inputs only, eg linearised transducers, where it is necessary to match the
displayed reading to the electrical input levels from the transducer. PV input scaling is not provided
for direct thermocouple or RTD inputs.
Figure 10-2 shows an example of input scaling. where an electrical input of 4-20mA requires the
display to read 2.5 to 200.0 units.
Offset has the effect of moving the whole curve, shown in Figure 10-2, up or down about a central
point. The Offset parameter is found in the Mod page under the number of the slot position in
which the Analogue Input module is fitted.

Figure 10-2: Input Scaling (Standard IO)

To scale a mA analogue input as shown in the above example:-
(This also applies to V or mV input types).
12. Select Conf as described in Chapter 3. Then press

to select the page header in which the analogue
input module is fitted
13. Press

to scroll to Disp Hi. Then press
to 200.0
14. Press

to scroll to Disp Lo. Then press
to 2.5
15. Press

to scroll to Range Hi. Then press
to 20.0
16. Press

to scroll to Range Lo. Then Press
to 4.00
17. Press

to scroll to Offset. Then Press
to adjust the offset in a positive or negative direction
as required
Range Lo eg 4 mA
Electrical Input
Display Hi
eg 200.0
Display Lo
eg 2.5
Range Hi eg 20 mA

Offset (negative)

Offset (positive)

3500 Series Controllers Engineering Handbook

Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10 111
10.4.2 Two Point Offset
A two point offset applies to Analogue Input Modules in the same way as the PV Input. The procedure
is described in section 7.2.8.
10.4.3 Relay, Logic or Triac Output Scaling
If the output is configured for time proportioning control, it can be scaled such that a lower and upper
level of PID demand signal can limit the operation of the output value.
By default, the output will be fully off for 0% power demand, fully on for 100% power demand and
equal on/off times at 50% power demand. You can change these limits to suit the process. It is
important to note, however, that these limits are set to safe values for the process. For example, for a
heating process it may be required to maintain a minimum level of temperature. This can be achieved
by applying an offset at 0% power demand which will maintain the output on for a period of time.
Care must be taken to ensure that this minimum on period does not cause the process to overheat.
If Range Hi is set to a value <100% the time proportioning output will switch at a rate depending on
the value - it will not switch fully on.
Similarly, if Range Lo is set to a value >0% it will not switch fully off.

Figure 10-3: Time Proportioning Output

The procedure for adjusting these parameters is the same as that given in the previous section.

10.4.4 Analogue Output Scaling
Analogue control or retransmission outputs are scaled in exactly the same way as above except that
Range Lo and Hi corresponds to the electrical output (0 to 10V, 4 to 20mA, etc). For an analogue
retransmission output Disp Lo and Hi correspond to the reading on the display and for an analogue
control output Disp Lo and Hi corresponds to the PID demand output signal from the control block.
Range Lo = 0%
Output permanently off

Output state
PID Demand
Disp Hi
eg 100%
Disp Lo
eg 0%
Range Hi = 100%
Output permanently

Engineering Handbook 3500 series Controllers

112 Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10
10.4.5 Potentiometer Input Scaling
When using the controller in bounded valve position mode, it is necessary to calibrate the feedback
potentiometer to correctly read the position of the valve. The minimum position of the potentiometer
corresponds to a measured value reading of 0 and the maximum position corresponds to 100. This
may be carried out in Access level 3:-

1. Adjust the potentiometer for the minimum required position. This may not necessarily be on the
end stop.
2. Press

to scroll to Cal State. Then press
to Lo and Confirm. The display will show
Go followed by Busy while the controller automatically calibrates to the minimum position.
When complete Passed should be displayed. If Failed is displayed this may indicate that the
potentiometer is outside the range of the input.
3. Adjust the potentiometer for the maximum required position. This may not necessarily be on the
end stop.
4. Repeat 2 above for the Hi position
5. The controller will now use these values until it is powered down. If it required to store these
values, which is the usual case, press
to Accept. The controller will store these values
for future use.

3500 Series Controllers Engineering Handbook
Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10 113
11. Chapter 11 IO Expander
The IO Expander is an external unit which can be used in conjunction with the 3500 series controllers
to allow the number of digital IO points to be increased. There are two versions:-
10 Inputs and 10 Outputs
20 Inputs and 20 Outputs
Each input is fully isolated and voltage or current driven. Each output is also fully isolated consisting of
four changeover contacts and six normally open contacts in the 10 IO version and four changeover
and sixteen normally open contacts in the 20 IO version.
Data transfer is performed serially via an IO Expander module which is fitted in the J serial
communications slot. This module is identified as IOExp in the Comms J parameter list (see
Chapter 14). It should be noted that, when this module is fitted in the J comms slot the remaining
parameters in the Comms J list are not used.

Figure 11-1: IO Expander Data Transfer

Wiring connections and further details of the IO Expander are given in the IO Expander Handbook,
Part No. HA026893.

When this unit is connected to the controller it is necessary to set up parameters to determine its
operation. These parameters can be set up in Level 3 or configuration level.

The IO Expander is enabled in Inst/Options Page, see Chapter 6.
3508 or 3504
IO Expander

10/20 Inputs
10/20 Outputs
It is recommended that a cable length of 10 metres is not exceeded, however, no
shielding or twisted pair cable is required.
Engineering Handbook 3500 series Controllers
114 Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10
11.1 To Configure the IO Expander
Do This The Display You Should See Additional Notes
18. From any display press

until the IOExp page is


to scroll to Type
19. Press
to select

This configured an Io Expander for 10
inputs and 10 outputs.
A further choice is 20In20Out
Remaining parameters in the Analogue Operators list are accessed and adjusted in the same way.
The list of parameters available is shown in the following table

11.1.1 IO Expander Parameters

List Header: IOExp Sub-headers: None
Parameter Name Parameter Description Value Default Access Level
Expander Type Expander type
10In 10Out
20In 20Out
10 inputs 10 outputs
20 inputs 20 outputs
Status IO Expander status
No communications
L3 R/O
In 1-10
Status of the first 10 digital inputs
t o
= Off
= On
L3 R/O
In 11-20
Status of the second 10 digital inputs
t o
= Off
= On
L3 R/O
Status of the first 10 digital outputs.
Press to select outputs in turn. The
flashing underlined output can be
changed using v buttons.
v t o
= Off
= On
Status of the second 10 digital
Press to select outputs in turn. The
flashing underlined output can be
changed using v buttons.
v t o
= Off
= On
Inv21-30 To change the sense of the first 10
= direct
= Inverted
Inv31-40 To change the sense of the second
10 outputs.
= direct
= Inverted
In1 to In 20 State of each configured input
0 or 1

These are normally wired to
a digital source. If not
wired they can be changed
Out21 to Out 40 State of each configured output
0 or 1
Off or On L3

3500 Series Controllers Engineering Handbook
Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10 115
12. Chapter 12 Alarms
Alarms are used to alert an operator when a pre-set level has been exceeded. They are
indicated by a message in the message centre and the red ALM beacon as described in section 2.7.
They may also switch an output usually a relay (see section 12.3.2) to allow external devices to be
operated when an alarm occurs.
Alarms can be divided into two main types. These are:-
Analogue alarms - operate by monitoring an analogue variable such as the process variable and
comparing it with a set threshold.
Digital alarms operate when the state of a boolean variable changes, for example, sensor break.
Number of Alarms - up to eight analogue and eight digital alarms may be configured. Any alarm can
be enabled in the Inst Enb list as described in Chapter 6.

12.1 Further Alarm Definitions
are indication only and do not operate an output.
Events are indication only but can operate an output. They can also be configured, using the
editing tool (iTools), to provide text messages on the display. For the purpose of the
configuration of this controller, alarms and events can be considered the same.
Hysteresis is the difference between the point at which the alarm switches ON and the point at
which it switches OFF. It is used to provide a definite indication of the alarm condition
and to prevent alarm relay chatter.
used to hold the alarm condition once an alarm has been detected. It may be
configured as:-
None Non
A non latching alarm will reset itself when the alarm condition is
Auto Automatic An auto latching alarm requires acknowledgement before it is
reset. The acknowledgement can occur BEFORE the condition
causing the alarm is removed.
Manual Manual The alarm continues to be active until both the alarm condition
is removed AND the alarm is acknowledged. The
acknowledgement can only occur AFTER the condition causing
the alarm is removed.
Event Event ALM beacon does not light but an output associated with this
parameter will activate and a scrolling message will appear if
this has been configured.
The alarm may be masked during start up. Blocking prevents the alarm from being
activated until the process has first achieved a safe state. It is used, for example, to
ignore start up conditions which are not representative of running conditions. A
blocking alarm is re-initiated after a setpoint change.
Delay Applies to analogue alarms. A short time can be set for each alarm which prevents the
output from going into the alarm state. The alarm is still detected as soon as it occurs,
but if it cancels before the end of the delay period then no output is triggered. The
timer for the delay is then reset. It is also reset if an alarm is changed from being
inhibited to uninhibited.

Engineering Handbook 3500 series Controllers
116 Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10
12.2 Analogue Alarms
Analogue alarms operate on variables such as PV, output levels, etc. They can be soft wired to these
variables to suit the process.

12.2.1 Analogue Alarm Types
Absolute High - an alarm occurs when the PV exceeds a set high threshold.
Absolute Low - an alarm occurs when the PV exceeds a set low threshold.
Deviation High - an alarm occurs when the PV is higher than the setpoint by a set threshold
Deviation Low - an alarm occurs when the PV is lower than the setpoint by a set threshold
Deviation Band - an alarm occurs when the PV is higher or lower than the setpoint by a set threshold
These are shown graphically below for changes in PV plotted against time. (Hysteresis set to zero)

Abs Low On

Dev Low
On On

Dev High

Dev Bnd
On On On

Abs High

Figure 12-1: Alarm Output Status for Different Alarm Types

Setpoint (SP)
Abs High
Abs Low
Dev High
Dev Low
Dev Bnd
Process Variable (PV)
Alarm Type
Output State
3500 Series Controllers Engineering Handbook
Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10 117
12.3 Digital Alarms
Digital alarms operate on Boolean variables. They can be soft wired to any suitable Boolean
parameter such as digital inputs or outputs. When the state of the variable changes an alarm message
is shown on the display. This message can be customised as described in Chapter 27.

12.3.1 Digital Alarm Types
Pos Edge The alarm will trigger when the input changes from a low to high condition
Neg Edge The alarm will trigger when the input changes from a high to low condition
Edge The alarm will trigger on any change of state of the input signal
High The alarm will trigger when the input signal is high
Low The alarm will trigger when the input signal is low

12.3.2 Alarm Relay Output
Alarms can operate a specific output (usually a relay). Any individual alarm can operate an individual
output or any combination of alarms, up to four, can operate an individual output. They are either
supplied pre-configured in accordance with the ordering code or set up in configuration level.

Figure 12-2: Attaching an Alarm to Operate an Output

Invert Output
Each source may be
chosen from:-

Analogue Alarms 1 to 8
Digital Alarms 1 to 8
All alarms
Any new alarm
Loop break alarm
Engineering Handbook 3500 series Controllers
118 Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10
12.3.3 How Alarms are Indicated
ALM beacon flashing red = a new alarm (unacknowledged)
This is accompanied by an alarm message. A typical default message will show the source of
the alarm followed by the type of alarm. For example, AnAlm 1 is the default message for
analogue alarm 1.
Using Eurotherm iTools configuration package, it is also possible to download customised
alarm messages. An example might be, Process Too Hot for an analogue alarm or Vent
open for a digital alarm (see section 27.9).
If more than one alarm is present they are listed in the AlmSmry (Alarm Summary) page.
ALM beacon on continuously = alarm has been acknowledged
Further details of alarm indication are shown in section 2.7.

12.3.4 To Acknowledge an Alarm


(Ack) together as instructed on the
The action, which now takes place, will depend on the type
of latching, which has been configured.

Non Latched Alarms
As stated above, when an alarm condition occurs a red flashing alarm beacon is displayed
accompanied by an alarm message. If a relay has been configured to operate when this alarm occurs
(as shown in section 12.3.2.) the relay will relax to the alarm condition (this is the default state for alarm
relay outputs). This state will continue for as long as the alarm condition remains.
If the alarm condition disappears before it has been acknowledged all indication will be cancelled and
the alarm output relay will reset to the energised non-alarm state.
If the alarm condition is present when the alarm is acknowledged, the red alarm beacon will
continuously light, the alarm message will disappear and the output relay will remain in the alarm
condition. If the alarm condition is then removed both the red beacon and the relay output will reset.

Note: If the Invert parameter found in the Output List is set to No the relay will energise in alarm and
be in the de-energised state when no alarm is present. The default setting is Yes.

Automatic Latched Alarms
The alarm continues to be active until both the alarm condition is removed AND the alarm is
acknowledged. The acknowledgement can occur BEFORE the condition causing the alarm is

Manual Latched Alarms
The alarm continues to be active until both the alarm condition is removed AND the alarm is
acknowledged. The acknowledgement can only occur AFTER the condition causing the alarm is

3500 Series Controllers Engineering Handbook
Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10 119
12.4 Analogue Alarm Parameters
Eight analogue alarms are available. Parameters do not appear if the Alarm Type = None. The
following table shows the parameters to set up and configure analogue alarms.
List Header: AnAlm Sub-headers: 1 to 8
to select
Parameter Description Value
Press or to change values
Default Access
Type Selects the type of alarm None
Abs Hi
Abs Lo
Dev Hi
Dev Lo
Dv Bnd
Alarm not configured
Full Scale High
Full Scale Low
Deviation High
Deviation Low
Deviation band
As order
L3 R/O
Input This is the parameter that will be monitored
and compared against the threshold value to
see if an alarm condition has occurred
Instrument range L3
Reference The reference value is used in deviation alarms
and the threshold is measured from this
reference and not from its absolute value.
Instrument range L3
Threshold The threshold is the value that the input is
compared against to determine if an alarm has
Instrument range L3
Output The output indicates whether the alarm is on or
off depending on the alarm condition, latching
and acknowledge, inhibiting and blocking.

Alarm output
Alarm output
L3 R/O
Inhibit Inhibit is an input to the Alarm function. It
allows the alarm to be switched OFF. Typically
the Inhibit is connected to a digital input or
event so that during a phase of the process
alarms do not activate. For Example, if the
door to a furnace is opened the alarms may be
inhibited until the door is closed again.
Alarm not inhibited
Inhibit function active
As order
Hyst Hysteresis is used to prevent signal noise from
causing the Alarm output to oscillate. Alarm
outputs become active as soon as the PV
exceeds the Alarm Setpoint. They return to
inactive after the PV has returned to the safe
region by more than the hysteresis value.
Typically the Alarm hysteresis is set to a value
that is greater than the oscillations seen on the
instrument display
Instrument range L3
Latch Determine the type of latching the alarm will
use, if any. Auto latching allows
acknowledgement while the alarm condition is
still active, whereas manual latching needs the
condition to revert back to safe before the
alarm can be acknowledged.
See also the description in section 12.1
No latching is used
Ack Used in conjunction with the latching
parameter. It is set when the user responds to
an alarm.
Not acknowledged
Block Alarm Blocking is used to prevent alarms from
activating during start-up. In some
applications, the measurement at start-up is in
an alarm condition until the system has come
under control. Blocking causes the alarms to
be ignored until the system is under control (in
the safe state), after this any deviations trigger
the alarm
No blocking
Priority There are three levels of priority, low, medium
and high. When an alarm is triggered a popup
is shown on the instrument display. Higher
level alarms override lower level ones.
Med A medium priority
alarm will cause a
pop-up and
supersedes a low
priority alarm.
Med L3
Engineering Handbook 3500 series Controllers
120 Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10
List Header: AnAlm Sub-headers: 1 to 8
to select
Parameter Description Value
Press or to change values
Default Access
High A high priority alarm
supersedes both low
and medium alarms.
Low A low priority alarm
will cause a pop-up.
Delay Delay between sensing the alarm condition
and displaying it. If in the time between the
two, the alarm goes safe, then no alarm is
shown and the delay timer is reset. It can be
used on systems that are prone to noise.
0:00.0 to 500:00
0:00.0 L3

3500 Series Controllers Engineering Handbook
Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10 121
12.4.1 Example: To Configure Alarm 1
Enter configuration level as described.
Do This The Display You Should See Additional Notes
1. Press

as many times as
necessary to select AnAlm

Up to 8 alarms can be selected using
provided they have been
enabled in the Inst Opt page
1. Press

to select Type
2. Press
to select the
required alarm type

Alarm Type choices are:-
None Alarm not configured
Abs Hi Full Scale High
Abs Lo Full Scale Low
Dev Hi Deviation High
Dev Lo Deviation Low
Dv Bnd Deviation Band
3. Press

to select
4. Press
to set the
alarm trip level

This is the alarm threshold setting for.
In this example the high alarm will be
detected when the measured value
exceeds 100.00.
The current measured value is 50.00 as
measured by the Input parameter. This
parameter will normally be wired to an
internal source such as the PV.
5. Press

to select Hyst
6. Press
to set the

In this example the alarm will cancel
when the measured value decreases 2
units below the trip level (at 98 units)
Continue to select parameters using

and setting their values using

Engineering Handbook 3500 series Controllers
122 Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10
12.5 Digital Alarm Parameters
Eight digital alarms are available. Parameters do not appear if the Alarm Type = None.
The following table shows the parameters to set up and configure digital alarms.

List Header: DgAlm Sub-headers: 1 to 8
to select
Parameter Description Value
Press or to change values
Default Access
None Alarm not configured
The input changes
from low to high
The input changes
from high to low
Edge Any change of the
input condition
High The input signal is
Type Selects the type of alarm. The alarm will
trigger when the condition is reached
Low The input signal is low
As order
L3 R/O
Input The state of the input. This is normally wired to
a source
No alarm
Output The output state of the alarm Off
No alarm
L3 R/O
Inhibit Inhibit is an input to the Alarm function. It
allows the alarm to be switched OFF. Typically
the Inhibit is connected to a digital input or
event so that during a phase of the process
alarms do not activate.
Alarm not inhibited
Inhibit function active
L3 R/O
if wired
Latch Same as analogue alarms L3
Ack Same as analogue alarms L3
Block Same as analogue alarms L3
Priority Same as analogue alarms L3
to High and
Low alarms
Delay between sensing the alarm condition
and displaying it. If in the time between the
two, the alarm goes safe, then no alarm is
shown and the delay timer is reset. It can be
used on systems that are prone to noise.
0:00.0 to 500:00
0:00.0 L3

3500 Series Controllers Engineering Handbook
Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10 123
12.6 Diagnostic Alarms
Diagnostic alarms indicate a possible fault within the controller or connected devices.

Display shows What it means What to do about it
E.Conf A change made to a parameter takes a finite time
to be entered. If the power to the controller is
turned off before the change has been entered
then this alarm will occur.
Do not turn the power off to the controller while
ConF is flashing
Enter configuration mode then return to the
required operating mode. It may be necessary
to re-enter the parameter change since it will not
have been entered in the previous
E.CaL Calibration error Re-instate Factory calibration
E2.Er EEPROM error Return to factory for repair
EE.Er Non-vol memory error Note the error and contact your supplier
E.Lin Invalid input type. This refers to custom
linearisation which may not have been applied
correctly or may have been corrupted.
Go to the INPUT list in configuration level and
set a valid thermocouple or input type

12.7 To Set Up Alarms Using iTools

iTools may be used to configure alarms and enter alarm messages. See Chapter 27 for further details.

Engineering Handbook 3500 series Controllers
124 Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10
13. Chapter 13 BCD Input
The Binary Coded Decimal (BCD) input function block uses a number of digital inputs and combines
them to make a numeric value. A very common use for this feature is to select a setpoint program
number from panel mounted BCD decade switches.
The block uses 4 bits to generate a single digit.
Two groups of four bits are used to generate a two digit value (0 to 99)
The block outputs four results
1. Units Value: The BCD value taken from the first four bits (range 0 9)
2. Tens Value: The BCD value taken from the second four bits (range 0 9)
3. BCD Value: The combined BCD value taken from all 8 bits (range 0 99)
4. Decimal Value: The decimal numeric equivalent of Hexadecimal bits (range 0 255)
The following table shows how the input bits combine to make the output values.
Input 1
Input 2
Input 3
Input 4

Units value ( 0 9)
Input 5
Input 6
Input 7
Input 8

Tens value ( 0 9)

BCD value (0 99)

Decimal value (0 255)

Since the inputs cannot all be guaranteed to change simultaneously, the output will only update after
all the inputs have been stable for two samples.

13.1 BCD Parameters
List Header - BCDIn Sub-headers: 1 and 2
to select
Parameter Description Value
Press or to change values
Default Access
In 1 Digital Input 1 On or Off Off L3
In 2 Digital Input 2 On or Off Off L3
In 3 Digital Input 3 On or Off Off L3
In 4 Digital Input 4 On or Off Off L3
In 5 Digital Input 5 On or Off Off L3
In 6 Digital Input 6 On or Off Off L3
In 7 Digital Input 7 On or Off Off L3
In 8 Digital Input 8 On or Off
Alterable from the
operator interface if not
Off L3
Dec Value Decimal value of the inputs 0 255 See examples below L3 R/O
BCD Value Reads the value (in BCD) of
the switch as it appears on
the digital inputs
0 99 See examples below
Units Units value of the first
0 9 See examples below L3 R/O
Tens Units value of the second
0 9 See examples below L3 R/O

In 1 In 2 In 3 In 4 In 5 In 6 In 7 In 8 Dec BCD Units Tens
1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0
1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 15 9 9 0
0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 240 90 0 9
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 255 99 9 9

3500 Series Controllers Engineering Handbook
Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10 125
13.1.1 Example: To wire a BCD Input
The BCD digital input parameters may be wired to digital input terminals of the controller.
There are two standard digital input terminals which may be used (LA and LB), but it may also be
necessary to use a triple digital input module in addition. The wiring procedure is the same and the
example given below wires BCD input 1 to LA.

Do This The Display You Should See Additional Notes
20. From any display press

until the BCDIn page is
21. Press
to select 1
or 2 as required

In this example BCD block 1 is used.
22. Press

to scroll to In1

23. Press to display

24. Using


select the
parameter which is to be
wired from. In this example
Logic input LA

PV is the parameter required and this
procedure copies the parameter to be
wired from
25. Press

26. Press

to confirm

This pastes the parameter to In1
Note the arrow next to the parameter
which indicates it has been wired

Engineering Handbook 3500 series Controllers
126 Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10
14. Chapter 14 Digital Communications
Digital Communications (or comms for short) allows the controller to communicate with a PC or a
networked computer system or any type of communications master using the protocols supplied. A
data communication protocol defines the rules and structure of messages used by all devices on a
network for data exchange. Communications can be used for many purposes SCADA packages;
plcs; data logging for archiving and plant diagnostic purposes; cloning for saving instrument set ups
for future expansion of the plant or to allow you to recover a set-up after a fault.

This product supports the following protocols:-
Protocol For a full description of these protocols please refer to the relevant published standards but
further details may be found in:-
MODBUS RTU Series Communications Handbook part no. HA026230:
Section 14.3.2 and Appendix A of this handbook.
A full description can be found on www.modbus.org.
DeviceNet DeviceNet Communications Handbook part no. HA027506;
Section 14.3.2 of this handbook
Profibus Profibus Communications Handbook part no. HA026290;
Section 14.3.2 of this handbook
EI-Bisynch Series Communications Handbook part no. HA026230;
800 Series Communications Handbook part no. HA020161;
900 Series Communications Handbook part no. HA023776:
Section 14.3.2 and Appendix B of this handbook
Modbus TCP
Section 14.4 of this handbook. A full description of the Modbus TCP protocol can be found
on www.modbus.org.
There are two communications ports available within the instrument; these are defined as the 'H' and
'J' ports and act as a communications slave. Various communications modules each supporting a
different protocol may be fitted to each port as follows:-

Port ModBus EI-Bisynch DeviceNet Profibus Ethernet



Wiring connections for each of these protocols is given in Chapter 1.

Note:- When using DeviceNet with instrument firmware version 1.10 and greater, the DeviceNet
module must have the part no. AH027179U003
3500 Series Controllers Engineering Handbook
Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10 127
14.1 Serial Communications
ModBus and EI-Bisynch use EIA232 and EIA485 2-wire serial communications. The wiring connections
for these and the other protocols are given in Chapter 1.
14.1.1 EIA232
EIA232 uses a three wire cable (Tx, Rx, Gnd). The signals are single ended, i.e. there is a single wire for
transmit and another for receive. This makes EIA232 less immune to noise in industrial applications.
EIA232 can only be used with one instrument. To use EIA232 the PC will be equipped with an EIA232
port, usually referred to as COM 1.
To construct a cable for EIA232 operation use a three core screened cable.
The terminals used for EIA232 digital communications are listed in the table below. Some PC's use a
25 way connector although the 9 way is more common.

Standard Cable PC socket pin no. PC Function * Instrument
Colour 9 way 25 way Function
White 2 3 Receive (RX) HF or JF Transmit (TX)
Black 3 2 Transmit (TX) HE or JE Receive (RX)
Red 5 7 Common HD or JD Common
Link together 1
Rec'd line sig. detect
Data terminal ready
Data set ready

Link together 7
Request to send
Clear to send

Screen 1 Ground

These are the functions normally assigned to socket pins. Please check your PC manual to

14.1.2 EIA485
The EIA485 standard allows one or more instruments to be connected (multi dropped) using a two
wire connection, with cable length of less than 1200M. 31 instruments and one master may be
connected. The balanced differential signal transmission is less prone to interference and should be
used in preference to EIA232 in noisy environments. EIA485 may be used with Half Duplex
Communications such as MODBUS RTU.
To use EIA485, buffer the EIA232 port of the PC with a suitable EIA232/EIA485 converter. The
Eurotherm KD485 Communications Adapter unit is recommended for this purpose. The use of a
EIA485 board built into the computer is not recommended since this board may not be isolated,
which may cause noise problems or damage to the computer, and the RX terminals may not be biased
correctly for this application.
To construct a cable for EIA485 operation use a screened cable with one (EIA485) twisted pair plus a
separate core for common. Although common or screen connections are not necessary, their use will
significantly improve noise immunity.
The terminals used for EIA485 digital communications are listed in the table below.

Standard Cable Colour PC Function * Instrument Terminal Instrument Function
White Receive (RX+) HF or JF (B) or (B+) Transmit (TX)
Red Transmit (TX+) HE or JE (A) or (A+) Receive (RX)
Green Common HD or JD Common
Screen Ground

* These are the functions normally assigned to socket pins. Please check your PC manual to confirm .

Engineering Handbook 3500 series Controllers
128 Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10
14.2 Configuration Ports
In addition to the above communications the H port also supports infrared (IR Clip) and configuration
(CFG Clip) communications see also Chapter 27. These interfaces always adhere to default settings
regardless of the H port set up. These are:-
ModBus protocol
Instrument address 255
Baud rate 19K2
No parity
14.2.1 IR Clip
An IR Clip, available from
Eurotherm, clips to the front of
the controller as shown. It is
enabled/disabled via the "IR
Mode" parameter within the
"Access" page of the instrument.
When enabled the IR
communications override all
standard 'H' port
communications. None of the
standard communications
detailed above will be responded
to while IR Mode is enabled. 'H'
port activities will not interfere with IR Clip communications.
Fitting of the CFG clip is the only communications mechanism that overrides IR clip communications.

14.2.2 CFG Clip
A configuration clip is also
available from Eurotherm which
interfaces directly with the main
printed circuit board in the
controller. It can be clipped into
position with the controller in or
out of its sleeve. The CFG Clip is
automatically detected when
connected but should not be
used while 'H' port
communications are active.
Note: The CFG clip must be
powered externally to ensure
detection and may be used to
power the instrument or while the instrument is already powered.
The Ethernet and DeviceNet communications module should not be fitted while using the CFG Clip as
communications conflicts will occur. This is because both the DeviceNet and Ethernet
Communications Modules maintain constant messaging between themselves and the instrument even
when no external messages are being received.
The CFG clip may be used while EIA232/EIA485/ProfiBus communications modules are fitted but it is
not recommended that communications are active on these modules while the CFG clip is in use as
conflicts may occur.
Fitting of the CFG clip while the IR clip is in use will result in the IR communications being overridden
and the CFG clip communications accepted.
14.2.3 Cloning of Configuration Port Settings
Full instrument cloning is supported via the CFG clip without the need for instrument power although
errors may be reported with I/O module settings. This is because the modules are not powered so
confirmation of downloaded settings is not possible. If the IR comms port is used during cloning then
parameters associated with both J and H ports are cloned.
If the H port is used then the J port settings are cloned but not the H port settings.
If the J port is used then the H port settings are cloned but not the J port settings.
3500 Series Controllers Engineering Handbook
Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10 129
14.3 Digital Communications Parameters
Digital communications parameters may be found in the Comms page. Communications modules
may be fitted in the H slot or Jslot. The following table shows the parameters available in each

List Header - Comms Sub-headers: H and J
to select
Parameter Description Value
Press or to change values
Default Access
I dent Identifies that the comms
module is fitted in the H or J
See section 14.3.1
No module fitted
IO expander (J slot only)
Communications module
MBUS_M Modbus Master - Firmware
versions 2.90 and above
Profibus Profibus
DeviceNet DeviceNet
Pr ot ocol Digital communications
See section 14.3.2
Ethernet Ethernet
Not available
in J slot
Baud Rat e Communications baud rate
Not applicable to Profibus or
See section 14.3.3
9600 EI-Bi
19K2 Mod
L3 R/O
Par i t y Communications parity
(not applicable to Devicenet or
Profibus). See section 14.3.4
No parity
Even parity
Odd parity
L3 R/O
Addr ess Instrument address
See section 14.3.5
1 to 254 Modbus/EI-Bisynch
0 to 126 Profibus
0 to 63 Devicenet
1 L3
Resol ut i on Comms resolution
(Modbus only)
Full Conf
Ready Profibus or DeviceNet
Network connected and
Offline Network not connected
Running Ethernet connected
Net wor k Network Status, Profibus and
DeviceNet only. Displays status
of the network and connection
Init Profibus or DeviceNet
Del ay
Rx/Tx delay time
(not applicable to Devicenet or
See section 14.3.6
No delay
Fixed delay. This inserts a
delay between Rx and Tx to
ensure that the drivers used
by intelligent EIA232/EIA485
converters have sufficient
time to switch over.
No Conf
L3 R/O
H Act i vi t y Comms activity in H or J
0 or 1
Br oadcast
See section
To enable broadcast master
communications. This is only
applicable for Modbus
Not enabled
Dest Addr


See section
Address of the parameter
being written to slaves. eg, to
write to power output set the
value to 3, the Modbus address
of the parameter being written
0 to 32767
Bcast Val
See section
Value to be sent to instruments
on the network.
Normally wired to a parameter
within the 3500 master
Range of the parameter wired.
In the case of a Boolean the value will be 0 or

Engineering Handbook 3500 series Controllers
130 Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10
List Header - Comms Sub-headers: H and J
to select
Parameter Description Value
Press or to change values
Default Access
Wdog Fl ag Network Watchdog Flag
This flag is ON when the
Network communications have
stopped addressing the
instrument for longer than the
Timeout time.
It will be set by the Watchdog
process and may be cleared
Automatically or Manually
according to the value of the
Watchdog Action parameter.
Off R/O
ManRec Manual Recovery
The Watchdog Flag must be
cleared manually - either by a
parameter write or a wired
ManRec Conf
L3 R/O
Act i on
Network Watchdog Action
The Watchdog Flag may be
cleared Automatically upon
reception of valid messages or
Manually by a parameter write
or a wired value.
AutoRec Automatic Recovery
The Watchdog Flag will be
automatically cleared when
the Network Communcations
resume - according to the
value in the Recovery Timer.

Ti meout
Network Watchdog Timeout
If the Network communications
stop addressing the instrument
for longer than this value, the
Watchdog Flag will become
0.0 to 60.0
A value of 0.0 disables the
0.0 Conf
L3 R/O
WdogRecy Network Watchdog Recovery
This is only shown when the
Watchdog Action is set to Auto.
This timer determines the delay
after resumption of
communications before the
Watchdog Flag is cleared.
A value of 0 will reset the
Watchdog flag upon the first
valid message received.
Other values will wait for at
least 2 valid messages to be
received within the set time
before clearing the Watchdog
0.0 to Wdog
0.0 Conf
L3 R/O

If Protocol is set to Ethernet refer to section 14.4.1. for available parameters.
If Protocol is set to Profibus refer to section 14.5.1 for available parameters.
If Protocol is set to Devicenet refer to section 14.6.1 for available parameters.
If Protocol is set to MBUS_M refer to section 14.9.2 for available parameters.

The watchdog parameters are also included for Ethernet and Devicenet.
3500 Series Controllers Engineering Handbook
Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10 131
14.3.1 Communications Identity
The identity id shows that a communications board is fitted or not.
14.3.2 Protocol Modbus (Jbus) Protocol
MODBUS defines a digital communication network to have only one MASTER and one or more SLAVE
devices. Either a single or multi-drop network is possible. All message transactions are initiated by
the MASTER. Eurotherm instruments communicate using the Modbus RTU binary protocol.
The JBUS protocol is identical in all respects but 1 is added to the MODBUS protocol parameter or
register address. Both use a numeric index but the JBUS index starts at '0' while the MODBUS index
starts at '1'.
Modbus is available in the 'H' or the 'J' port modules. 3500 series instruments have a fixed table of
addresses referred to as the SCADA table which are designed for use with SCADA or PLC packages. A
full list of these addresses is given in Appendix A. In addition there are parameter addresses which
change from controller to controller and software version to software version. These may be obtained
from Eurotherm if the required parameter is not shown in the SCADA address table. Devicenet Protocol
DeviceNet is a cost-effective communications link designed to replace hardwired I/O interconnection
between industrial devices.
Devicenet is simple to use through the application of automated software configuration tools and
simple wiring layouts. Engineering cost and time to design, configure and commission a DeviceNet
installation is significantly less than other comparable networks. Devicenet is an Open Standard and is
now used by a wide range of vendors. Common definition of simple devices allows interchangeability
while making interconnectivity of more complex devices possible. In addition to reading the state of
discrete devices, DeviceNet allows easy access to operating node variables such as process
temperatures, alarm status as well as system diagnostic status.
The DeviceNet communication link is based on a broadcast- oriented, communications protocol the
Controller Area Network (CAN).
The minimum revision for DeviceNet communications module software used with the 3500
instruments is revision 1.6. This is identified by the module part no. AH027179U003. Profibus DP
This fieldbus system allows very high speed digital communications using an enhanced EIA485 wiring
technology, and has become a de facto standard in factory and process automation.
The 3500 series controllers use Profibus DP which is designed for fast, cyclic, transfer of time critical
data from intelligent devices such as temperature controllers, I/O units, drives, etc to a PLC or PC
based controller, with a scan time of around 10mS. Applications are typically in industrial automation,
such as extrusion, bottling, and baking, amongst many others. EI-Bisynch Protocol
EI-Bisynch is a proprietary Eurotherm protocol based on the ANSI X3.28-2.5 A4 standard for message
framing. Despite its name, it is an ASCII based asynchronous protocol. Data is transferred using 7
data bits, even parity, 1 stop bit (this may be changed in the controller).
EI-Bisynch identifies parameters within an instrument using what are known as mnemonics. These are
usually two letter abbreviations for a given parameter, for example, PV for Process Variable, OP for
Output, SP for Setpoint, and so on.
EI-BiSync communications within the 3500 series instruments allows for the reading/writing of a
number of parameters over EIA232 or EIA485 communications using the parameters mnemonic as a
reference and the 818 & 902/3/4 style EI-BiSync communications protocol. This does not include
900EPC controllers.
EI-BiSync is available in the 'H' or the 'J' port modules and has been included in this instrument for
backward compatibility. Where mnemonic conflicts occur, the 818 mnemonic takes priority.
The mnemonics are the same as the 818 & 902/3/4 controllers and these are shown in Appendix B
together with a description of the parameter in both series of controllers. Ethernet (Modbus TCP)
See section 14.4.
Engineering Handbook 3500 series Controllers
132 Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10 Modbus Master (MBUS_M)
See section 14.9.
14.3.3 Baud Rate
The baud rate of a communications network specifies the speed that data is transferred between
instrument and master. A baud rate of 9600 equates to 9600 Bits per second. Since a single character
requires 8 bits of data plus start, stop, and optional parity, up to 11 bits per byte may be transmitted.
9600 baud equates approximately to 1000 Bytes per second. 4800 baud is half the speed approx.
500 Bytes per second.
In calculating the speed of communications in your system it is often the Latency between a message
being sent and a reply being started that dominates the speed of the network.
For example, if a message consists of 10 characters (10msec at 9600 Baud) and the reply consists of 10
characters, then the transmission time would be 20 msec. However, if the Latency is 20msec, then the
transmission time has become 40msec.
14.3.4 Parity
Parity is a method of ensuring that the data transferred between devices has not been corrupted.
Parity is the lowest form of integrity in the message. It ensures that a single byte contains either an
even or an odd number of ones or zero in the data.
In industrial protocols, there are usually layers of checking to ensure that the first byte transmitted is
good. Modbus applies a CRC (Cyclic Redundancy Check) to the data to ensure that the package is

14.3.5 Communication Address
On a network of instruments an address is used to specify a particular instrument. Each instrument on
a network should have a unique address. Address 255 (and address 244 when using Ethernet) is
reserved for factory use. Example:- To Set Up Instrument Address
This can be done in operator level 3:-
Do This The Display You Should See Additional Notes
1. Press

as many times as
necessary to select Comms

2. Press

to scroll to
3. Press
to select
the address for the particular

Up to 254 can be chosen but note that
no more than 31 instruments should be
connected to a single EIA485 link.
For further information see 2000 Series
Communications Handbook Part No.
HA026230 available on

14.3.6 Comms Delay
In some systems it is necessary to introduce a delay between the instrument receiving a message and
its reply. This is sometimes caused by communications converter boxes which require a period of
silence on the transmission to switch over the direction of their drivers.
3500 Series Controllers Engineering Handbook
Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10 133
14.3.7 818, 902/3/4 Style Programmer
Mnemonics have also been included within the protocol to support 818, 902/3/4 style programs.
The functionality of these mnemonics is only assured for use with the programmer when it is
configured for 818 style programs. These consist of 8 x Ramp/Dwell pairs (16 segments - Ramp, Dwell,
Ramp, Dwell etc).
The mnemonics l1-l8 are used to read/set the target set points for the first 8 ramp segments.
Mnemonics r1-r8 are used to read/set the ramp rates for the first 8 ramp segments and the mnemonics
t1-t8 are used to read/set the segment duration for the first 8 dwell segments. Mnemonics 01-06 are
used to poll or configure the digital event outputs per segment.
Configuring the programmer with a non 818 style program will not produce consistent results as
mnemonics l1-l8 represent segments 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13 & 15. Mnemonics t1-t8 represents segments
2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14 & 16. Reading/Setting Segment Types.
The r1-r8 mnemonics can be used to change/read rate segment types (first 8 odd numbered
segments) by using negative values. A value of zero represents a step segment, a value of -1
represents an un-configured segment (within the evolution products this results in a segment type of
dwell with zero time - effectively a non-segment) and values of -2 for an End segment.
The resolution of these mnemonics is again defined by the resolution of Loop-PV. The values are
scaled accordingly so a Loop-PV resolution giving 2 decimal places will show a value of -0.02 for an
end segment (or 0-02 in fixed format mode). Program Selection
Character 'B' (>ABCD) of mnemonic SW (Status word) represents the currently selected program
number. This nibble can be written to, to select the current program, or read from to determine the
currently selected program. This is limited to 15 programs (being a single nibble). If a program
greater than 15 is selected within the instrument then this byte will return a value of 0.

14.3.8 Status Words
818 & 902/3/4 Status words have been made available within this instrument. The bits within these
words are used to read/write to particular parameters within the instrument. As the status words are
used to write to many parameters simultaneously, no errors are reported if a particular bit fails the
write operation. When changing parameters using the status words, the status word should be read-
back to check the required changes occurred.
Please see the appendix for details of the status word bits.

Engineering Handbook 3500 series Controllers
134 Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10
14.4 Ethernet Protocol
If Protocol is set Ethernet the following parameters are available.
14.4.1 Ethernet Parameters

List Header - Comms Sub-header: H only
to select
Parameter Description Value
Press or to change values
Default Access
Ident Identifies that the comms
module is fitted
No module fitted
Communications module fitted
Pr ot ocol Digital communications
Addr ess Instrument address 1 to 253 1
Wdog Fl ag On/Off Off R/O
Wdog Act i on ManRec/AutoRec ManRec
Wdog Ti meout 0.0 to 60.0 seconds 0.0
See section 14.3 for an
0.0 to Wdog Timeout 0.0
Conf L3
Uni t I dent Unit Identifier
See section 14.4.10 for further
Strict Conf
DHCP enabl e See section 14.4.4 Fixed
I P Addr ess 1 0 to 255 192
I P Addr ess 2 0 to 255 168
I P Addr ess 3 0 to 255 111
I P Addr ess 4 0 to 255 222
Subnet mask 1 0 to 255 255
Subnet mask 2 0 to 255 255
Subnet mask 3 0 to 255 255
Subnet mask 4 0 to 255 0
Def aul t GW 1 0
Def aul t GW 2 0
Def aul t GW 3 0
Def aul t GW 4
See section 14.4.2
Pr ef mst r I P 1 0
Pr ef mst r I P 2 0
Pr ef mst r I P 3 0
Pr ef mst r I P 4
See section 14.4.8
Show MAC See section 14.4.3 No; Yes No
Net wor k Status of network Running
Network connected and working
Network not connected or working

14.4.2 Instrument setup
Note1: It is recommended that you setup the communications settings for each instrument before connecting
it to any Ethernet network. This is not essential but network conflicts may occur if the default settings interfere
with equipment already on the network. By default the instruments are set to a fixed IP address of with a default SubNet Mask setting of
Note2: IP Addresses are usually presented in the form "xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx". Within the instrument each element of
the IP Address is shown and configured separately.
"IP address 1" relates to the first set of three digits, IP address 2 to the second set of three digits and so on. This
also applies to the SubNet Mask, Default Gateway and Preferred master IP Address.
3500 Series Controllers Engineering Handbook
Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10 135
14.4.3 MAC address display
Each Ethernet module contains a unique MAC address, normally presented as a 12 digit hexadecimal number
in the format "aa-bb-cc-dd-ee-ff".
In the 3500 instruments MAC addresses are shown as 6 separate hexadecimal values in the "COMMS" page.
MAC1 shows the first pair of digits (example "0xAA"), MAC2 shows the second pair of digits and so on.
The MAC address can be found by powering up the instrument and navigating to the "COMMS" page. At the
bottom of the "COMMS" page you will find a 'Show Mac' parameter. Set this parameter to 'Yes' and the MAC
address of the Ethernet communications card fitted will appear in the list.

14.4.4 DHCP Settings
You need to consult with your network administrator to determine if the IP Addresses for the instruments
should be fixed or Dynamically allocated by a DHCP server.
If the IP Addresses are to be dynamically allocated then all MAC addresses must be supplied to the network
For fixed IP Addresses the Network Administrator will provide the IP address as well as a SubNet Mask. These
must be configured into the instrument during set-up through the "COMMS" page. Remember to note the
allocated addresses.

14.4.5 Network Connection
Screw the "RJ45" adapter into the instrument "H" port, as shown in section 1.8.4. Use standard CAT5 cable to
connect to the Ethernet 10BaseT switch or hub. Use cross-over cable only if connecting one-to-one with a PC
acting as network master.

14.4.6 Dynamic IP Addressing
Within the "Comms" page of the instrument set the "DHCP enable" parameter to "Dynamic". Once connected to the
network and powered, the instrument will acquire its "IP address", "SubNet Mask" and "Default gateway" from
the DHCP Server and display this information within a few seconds.

14.4.7 Fixed IP Addressing
Within the "Comms" page of the instrument ensure the "DHCP enable" parameter is set to "Fixed", then set the IP
address and SubNet Mask as required (and defined by your network administrator).

14.4.8 Additional notes
1. The "Comms" page also includes configuration settings for "Default Gateway", these parameters will be set
automatically when Dynamic IP Addressing is used. When fixed IP addressing is used these settings are
only required if the instrument needs to communicate wider than the local area network i.e. over the
internet see your network administrator for the required setting.
2. The "Comms" page also includes configuration settings for "Preferred Master". Setting this IP address to the IP
Address of a particular PC will guarantee that one of the 4 available Ethernet sockets will always be
reserved for that PC (reducing the number of available sockets for anonymous connections to 3).
Engineering Handbook 3500 series Controllers
136 Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10
14.4.9 iTools Setup
iTools configuration package, version V5.60 or later, may be used to configure Ethernet communications.
The following instructions configure Ethernet.
To include a Host Name/Address within the iTools scan:-
1. Ensure iTools is NOT running before taking the following steps
2. Within Windows, click Start, then Settings, then Control Panel
3. In control panel select iTools
4. Within the iTools configuration settings select the TCP/IP tab
5. Click the Add button to add a new connection
6. Enter a name for this TCP/IP connection
7. Click the Add button to add the host name (details from your network administrator) or IP address of
the instrument in the Host Name/ Address section
8. Click OK to confirm the new Host Name/IP Address you have entered
9. Click OK to confirm the new TCP/IP port you have entered
10. The TCP/IP port configured within the TCP/IP tab of the iTools control panel settings should now be
iTools is now ready to communicate with an instrument at the Host Name/IP Address you have configured

14.4.10 Unit Ident Enable
The Modbus TCP Specification includes the normal Modbus address as part of the packaged Modbus
message where it is called the Unit Identifier. If such a message is sent to an Ethernet to Serial
gateway, the Unit Ident is essential to identify the slave instrument on the serial port. When a stand
alone Ethernet instrument is addressed, however, the Unit Ident is not required since the IP address
fully identifies the instrument. To allow for both situations the Unit Ident Enable parameter is used to
enable or disable checking of the Unit Ident received from TCP. The enumerations produce the
following actions:-
Instr: The received Unit Ident must match the Modbus address in the instrument or there will
be no response.
Loose: The received Unit Ident value is ignored, thus causing a reply regardless of the
received Unit Ident.
Strict: The received Unit Ident value must be 0xFF or there will be no reply

3500 Series Controllers Engineering Handbook
Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10 137
14.5 Profibus Protocol
Profibus DP is an industry standard open network used to interconnect instrumentation and control
devices in, for example, a manufacturing or processing plant. It is often used to allow a central
Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) or PC based control system to use external slave devices for
input/output (I/O) or specialised functions, thus reducing the processing load on the controlling unit
so that its other functions can be carried out more efficiently using less memory.
The Profibus network use a high speed version of the EIA485 standard (see also section 14.1.2), and
permits transmission rates of up to 12M Baud between the host and up to 32 Profibus Stations or
nodes within a single section of a network. The use of repeaters, such as KD485 (each counted as a
node) allows the maximum of 127 nodes (addresses 0 to 127) to be supported.
Profibus DP distinguishes between master and slave devices. It allows slave devices to be connected
on a single bus thus eliminating considerable plant wiring.
Master devices determine the data communications on the bus. A master can send messages without
an external request when it holds the bus access rights (the token). Masters are also called active
stations in the Profibus protocol.
Slave devices are peripheral devices such as I/O modules, valves, temperature controllers/indicators,
and measuring transmitters. 3500 units are intelligent slaves which will only respond to a master when
requested to do so.
Profibus DP is based around the idea of cyclical scan of devices on the network, during which input
and output data for each device is exchanged.
3500 series controllers are configured for Profibus communications using .gsd files. Details of the GSD
editor may be be found in the Profibus Communications Handbook HA 026290 which may be
downloaded from www.eurotherm.com.
It is not within the scope of this document to describe the Profibus standard in detail. This may be
found by reference to www.profibus.com.

14.5.1 Profibus Parameters
If Protocol is set Profibus the following parameters are available.
List Header - Comms Sub-header: H only
to select
Parameter Description Value
Press or to change values
Default Access
Ident Identifies that the comms
module is fitted
No module fitted
Communications module fitted
Pr ot ocol Digital communications
Profibus Conf
R/O in
Addr ess Instrument address 0 to 126 1 L3
Running Network connected and
Init Network initialising
Ready Network ready to accept
Offline Network offline
St at us Comms network status
Bad Network status bad GSD
Wdog Fl ag On/Off Off R/O
Wdog Act i on ManRec/AutoRec ManRec
Wdog Ti meout 0.0 to 60.0 seconds 0.0
See section 14.3 for an
0.0 to Wdog Timeout 0.0
R/O in

Engineering Handbook 3500 series Controllers
138 Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10
14.6 DeviceNet Protocol
DeviceNet has been designed as a low level network for communication between Programmable
Logic Controllers (PLCs) and devices such as switches and IO devices. Each device and/or controller is
a node on the network. 3500 series controllers can be included in a DeviceNet installation using the
DeviceNet interface module plugged into communications slot H. For further information regarding
configuration of 3500 series controllers for a DeviceNet network, refer to the DeviceNet
Communications Handbook HA027506 which may be downloaded from www.eurotherm.com.
It is not within the scope of this manual to describe the DeviceNet standard and for this you should
refer to the DeviceNet specification which may be found at www.odva.org.

14.6.1 Devicenet Parameters
If Protocol is set Devicenet the following parameters are available.
List Header - Comms Sub-header: H only
to select
Parameter Description Value
Press or to change values
Default Access
Ident Identifies that the comms
module is fitted
No module fitted
Communications module fitted
Pr ot ocol Digital communications
Devicenet Conf
R/O in
Baud Rat e Communications baud rate

125K Conf
R/O in
Running Network connected and
Init Network initialising
Ready Network ready to accept
St at us Comms network status
Offline Network offline
Addr ess Instrument address 0 to 63 1 L3
Wdog Fl ag On/Off Off R/O
Wdog Act i on ManRec/AutoRec ManRec
Wdog Ti meout 0.0 to 60.0 seconds 0.0
See section 14.3 for an
0.0 to Wdog Timeout 0.0
R/O in

3500 Series Controllers Engineering Handbook
Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10 139
14.7 Comms Indirection Table
3500 series controllers make a fixed set of parameters available over digital communications using
Modbus addresses. This is know as the SCADA Table. The SCADA Modbus address area is 0 to
16111 (3EEFH). There are three addresses reserved to allow iTools to detect the instrument: 107, 121
and 122 - these cannot be set as a Destination value.
The following Modbus addresses have been reserved for use via the Comms Indirection Table. By
default the addresses have no associated parameters:
Modbus Range (Decimal) Modbus Range (Hex)
15360 to 15615 3C00 to 3CFF
The programmer area (2000h - 27BFh) within the SCADA table is not supported.
When accessed here, the parameter may be presented as scaled integer, minutes or Native format
and may be flagged as read-only.
The Comms Table is used to make additional parameters which are not in the SCADA table available
for specific applications. It is recommended that iTools is used to set up the required table as shown
in section 30.
The following parameters are available in the Comms Table:-

List Header - Commstab Sub-headers: 1 to 250
to select
Parameter Description Value
Press or to change values
Default Access
Dest Modbus destination The Modbus address where the selected parameter
will appear in the SCADA table area.
Range is 0 to 16111.
A value of -1 indicates not used.
Not Used Conf
Sour ce Source parameter The parameter that will be mapped into the
Destination Modbus address.
Note that setting this parameter via iTools will allow
sources that are unavailable to the HMI. If such a
setting is subsequently examined using the front
panel it cannot be edited, only deleted.
Nat i ve Native data format The data format in which the source parameter will
be presented at the destination address.

0 Integer - causes a scaled integer representation of
the value to appear at the modbus address.
1 Native - causes the native format of the value to
appear at the modbus address. Note that if a 32
bit value is returned, it will use two adjacent 16 bit
modbus addresses.
Integer Conf
ReadOnl y Read only
Read/write only if
source is R/W
This parameter may be used to override the normal
alterability rule for the parameter and force it to be
Read Only.
Setting this value to 'ReadWrite' enables the normal
alterability rule(s).

0 ReadWrite - Allow the value's normal alterability
rule to be applied at the selected Modbus address
1 Read-Only- Overrides the parameter's normal
alterability rule to present it as read only at the
selected Modbus address
Mi nut es Time parameter

This allows for Time parameters to be presented in
alternate resolutions, for example 1/10th of minutes
or 1/10th of seconds.
0 Seconds- the Time parameter will be presented as
1 Minutes - the Time parameter will be presented as
Seconds Conf

Engineering Handbook 3500 series Controllers
140 Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10
14.8 Broadcast Communications
Broadcast communications allows 3500 series controllers to send a single value from a master to a
number of slave instruments using the broadcast address 0 with Modbus broadcast function code 6
(Write single value). This allows the 3500 to link through digital communications with other products
without the need for a supervisory PC to create a small system solution.
Example applications include multi-zone profiling applications or cascade control using a second
controller. The facility provides a simple and precise alternative to analogue retransmission.

When using broadcast communications, bear in mind that updated values are sent many times a
second. Before using this facility, check that the instrument to which you wish to send values can
accept continuous writes. Note, that in common with many third party lower cost units, the
Eurotherm 2200 series and the 3200 series prior to version V1.10 do not accept continuous writes to
the temperature setpoint. Damage to the internal non-volatile memory could result from the use of
this function. If in any doubt, contact the manufacturer of the device in question for advice.
When using the 3200 series fitted with software version 1.10 and greater, use the Remote Setpoint
variable at Modbus address 26 if you need to write to a temperature setpoint. This has no write
restrictions and may also have a local trim value applied. There is no restriction on writing to the 2400
or 3500 series.

14.8.1 3500 Broadcast Master
The 3500 broadcast master can be connected to up to 31 slaves if no segment repeaters are used. If
repeaters are used to provide additional segments, 32 slaves are permitted in each new segment. The
master is configured by selecting a Modbus register address to which a value is to be sent. The value
to send is selected by wiring it to the Broadcast Value. Once the function has been enabled, the
instrument will send this value out over the communications link every control cycle (110ms).
1. The parameter being broadcast must be set to the same decimal point resolution in both master
and slave instruments.
2. iTools, or any other Modbus master, may be connected to the same port on which the broadcast
master is enabled. In this case the broadcast is temporarily inhibited. It will restart approximately
30 seconds after iTools is removed. This is to allow reconfiguration of the instrument using iTools
even when broadcast communications is operating.
A typical example might be a multi zone oven where the setpoint of each zone is required to follow,
with digital accuracy, the setpoint of a master controller.

Figure -1: Broadcast Comms

3500 Series Controllers Engineering Handbook
Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10 141
14.8.2 Wiring Connections - Broadcast Communications
The Digital Communications module for the master can be fitted in either Communications Module
slot H or J and uses terminals HA to HF or JA to JF respectively.
The Digital Communications module for the slave is fitted in either slot J or slot H.
The wiring connections and the precautions shown in section 1.8 apply.

EIA422, EIA485 4-wire or EIA232
Rx connections in the master are wired to Tx connections of the slave
Tx connections in the master are wired to Rx connections of the slave

Terminal Function Terminal number Terminal Function Terminal number
Tx+ (TxA) HE or JE Tx HE or JE
Tx- (TxB) HF or JF
Rx+ (RxA) HB or JB Rx HF or JF
Rx- (RxB) HC or JC
Common HD or JD Common HD or JD

Figure -2: Rx/Tx Connections for EIA422, EIA485 5-wire, EIA232

EIA485 2-wire
Connect A (+) in the master to A (+) of the slave
Connect B (-) in the master to B (-) of the slave
This is shown diagrammatically below

Terminal Function Terminal number
B (-) (Tx) HE or JE

A (+) (Rx) HF or JF

Common HD or JD

Figure -3: Rx/Tx Connections EIA484 3-wire

14.8.3 Example: To Send SP from the Master to SP in a Slave
Wire the setpoint in the master to Bcast Val. The procedure for this is shown in section 5.1 or using
iTools section 27.10.
Set Dest Addr in the master to 2. 2 is the modbus value for Target SP *. The value of the master
setpoint will be shown in the lower display on the slave (assuming the slave has been configured for SP
in the lower display).

See Appendix A for the full address list.


B (-)
A (+) Slave 1

B (-)
A (+)
Com Com
Slave 1


Com Com

Tx Slave 1

Com Com
Engineering Handbook 3500 series Controllers
142 Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10
14.9 Modbus Master Communications
The Modbus Master function block has been added from firmware versions 2.90 on controllers
supplied after March 2010. It extends the Broadcast Communications feature, described in the
previous section, by allowing Modbus master communications to be generated from the instrument.
The standard instrument contains one Modbus Master function block but up to twelve blocks are
orderable. Each block can access up to sixteen consecutive parameters which may be read or written
to slaves.
The function block can be configured on either the H or J communications slots but each needs to be
set up separately for Master Communications. Note that, unlike Broadcast Communications described
in the previous section, the Modbus Master function block does NOT allow concurrent use of the
communications port with iTools.
The data items are held in the function block as float values and are converted to the 16 bit Modbus
register value by means of multiplier and offset parameters. There is also the ability to select signed (a
whole number between -32768 and 32767) or unsigned (a whole number between 0 and 65535)
representation in the Modbus register data.
When enabled, Master Communications will run in levels 1, 2 and 3 but not in Configuration level.
14.9.1 Wiring connections
A 3500 Modbus master can be connected to up to 12 slaves. This limit is applied by the number of
Master Comms function blocks available in the 3500 master.
Any Modbus Master block, however, can be configured to broadcast write its parameters. The
number of slaves then supported is only limited by signalling considerations as in section 14.8.1.
Note, the warning shown in section 14.8 applies.

Wiring connections for Modbus Master Communications is the same as shown in the previous section
(14.8.2) and may use EIA232, EIA485 3-Wire or EIA422 5-Wire.

14.9.2 Modbus Master Parameters
If Protocol is set MBUS_M the following parameters are available under the Comms list header.

List Header - Comms Sub-header: H only
Name Parameter Description Value and Description Default Access Level
Press to select parameters
Press or to change values

Ident Identifies that the comms module is
No module fitted
Communications module fitted
R/O in L3 and
Pr ot ocol Digital communications protocol MBUS_M
Baud Rat e Communications baud rate 4800; 9600; 19,200 19200
Par i t y Communications parity None; Even; Odd None
R/W in conf.
R/O in L3
Addr ess Instrument address 0 to 254 1 R/W in L3 and
Ti meout Master Comms Timeout. The time that
the master comms will allow for the
slave to respond. This parameter is
only shown when Protocol = MBUS_M.
Settable between 200mS to 5 seconds 0:00.2 R/W in L3 and
R/W = Read and Write
R/O = Read only
3500 Series Controllers Engineering Handbook
Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10 143
All subsequent parameters are within the Master Comms Function Block - list header Mstrcomms.
Up to 12 Master Comms blocks can be configured.
List Header - Mstrcomms Sub-header: 1 to 12
Name Parameter Description Value and Description
Press to select parameters
Press or to change values
Default Access
Cont Continuous. Master Comms
transactions will be continuous after
the Block Enable parameter rising
edge, while the value remains true.
OneShot One shot. One Master Comms
transaction will be triggered for each
rising edge seen on the Block
Enable parameter. Retries on failure
will be attempted as normal. This
might be used for example to trigger
a transaction from a wired event.
Mode Block mode. Sets the transmission
mode of the block.
Alterable only if the block is not
running (Enable = No)
Demand Demand write. This is the same as
OneShot but also triggers a one shot
transaction when any of the SlvData
values change. Following a power
cycle a transaction will not take place
until a change is seen in the slave
Cont R/W in Conf.
R/O in L3
Yes Each rising edge seen on this
parameter will start Master Comms
transactions according to the setting
of the Mode parameter and reset
diagnostic parameter counts.
Enable To run the Master Comms Block

No The block will not generate any
Master Comms traffic.
If the parameter values and
addresses are dynamic it is
necessary to set the Enable to No
when setting up master comms
No R/W in L3
and Conf.
H The master transactions use the
instrument H port
Port Master Comms Port Select
The selected port will need to be
set up as a Modbus Master in the
Comms list - set Protocol =
J The master transactions use the
instrument J port
R/W in conf.
R/O in L3
R/O when
Enable =
Failure Count Before Suspend
The number of consecutive errors
before a Node is assumed to have
0 to 250 A value of 0 means that master
comms is never suspended by
consecutive failures.
0 R/W in conf.
R/O in L3

Suspend count exceeded.
This parameter is only shown when
Suspend Count 0
If the number of consecutive
message failures exceeds the
SuspendCount value, this status will
be set to 'Yes' and the Block will stop
Susp Retry Suspend retry interval.
This parameter is only shown when
Suspend Count 0
h:m:s:ms Time period before automatically
attempting to restart master comms
to a suspended node.
A value of 0 means that no automatic
retry will be attempted.
R/W in Conf.
R/O in L3
Node Slave instrument node address 0 to 255 A value of 0 will cause a broadcast
message to be generated and limit
the function code to Write (Function
codes 5, 6, 15, 16)
1 R/W in conf.
R/O in L3

Engineering Handbook 3500 series Controllers
144 Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10

List Header - Mstrcomms Sub-header: 1 to 12
Name Parameter Description Value and Description
Press to select parameters
Press or to change values
Default Access
Func01 Read coil status. Read up to 16 bits
from the slave
The SlvData1 parameter will contain
the value received from the slave.
Func02 Read input status. Read up to 16
bits from the slave
The SlvData1 parameter will contain
the value received from the slave.
Func03 Read holding register. Read up to
16 words from the slave
The SlvData1 to 16 parameters will
contain the values received from the
Func04 Read input register. Read up to 16
words from the slave
The SlvData1 to 16 parameters will
contain the values received from the
Func05 Force coil
Write a single bit.
The value in SlvData1 will be written
to the slave.
Func06 Load register
Write a single word.
The value in SlvData1 will be written
to the slave.
Func15 Force multiple coils
Write up to 16 bits.
The value in SlvData1 will be written
to the slave.
Function Modbus function code as defined
by the Modbus standard.
Func16 Load multiple registers
The values in SlvData1 to 16 will be
written to the slave.
R/W in conf.
R/O in L3

Address Slave instrument parameter
0 to
A value of 0 is allowed for
compatibility with JBUS slaves.
1 R/W in L3
and conf. if
Enable =
Count Item count.

1 to 16 For function codes 1, 2, and 15, up
to 16 bits may be read or written into
For function codes 3, 4, and 16, up
to 16 words may be read or written
into SlvData1 to 16 as appropriate.
1 R/W in conf.
R/O in L3

Data to/from the slave.
When set to read the slave, this
parameter will contain the data
When set to write to the slave, this
parameter will contain the data to
be written.
For bit based function codes 1, 2,
5 and 15 all data is transferred
through SlvData1.

Full float
SlvData1 is always available.
SlvData2-16 are not available for bit
functions. Otherwise available
according to item count.
0 R/W in L3 if
Functions 5,
6, 15, 16.

R/O for
Functions 1,
2, 3, 4.
3500 Series Controllers Engineering Handbook
Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10 145
List Header - Mstrcomms Sub-header: 1 to 12
Name Parameter Description Value and Description
Press to select parameters
Press or to change values
Default Access
Sign The slave data is treated as a 16 bit
signed integer. When writing to the
slave the value is clipped to the
limits -32768 to +32767.
Format Data format
The 16 bit data to/from the slave is
interpreted as signed or unsigned
according to the setting of this
This parameter is not available for
bit functions where all values are
treated as Unsigned.
Unsign The slave data is treated as a 16 bit
unsigned integer. When writing to
the slave the value is clipped to the
limits 0 to 65535.
R/W in conf.
R/O in L3

Factor Data factor
Data Factor and Offset parameter
below, have a different effect,
depending upon the Function
code being used:
Read The value read from the
slave is first divided by the value of
the Data Factor, then the Data
Offset is added before being
placed in the SlvDataN float
Write The SlvDataN float value first
has the Data Offset added, then
the result is multiplied by the Data
Factor before being sent to the
Full float
Offset Data offset
See also Data Factor above.
Full float
R/W in L3
and conf.
are not
available for
bit functions
- the Pack
and Unpack
Blocks may
be used
Last Modbus exception code 0 to 255 This value is reset to 0 by the rising
edge of the Block Enable parameter
R/O in L3
and conf.
Total transaction count
This is the count of all transactions
started, whether the outcome is
successful or not.

The value will be reset by the rising
edge of the Block Enable parameter
R/O in L3
and conf.
Successful transaction count
This is the count of successful
Note that Modbus exception
messages are counted as a
successful transaction.

The value will be reset by the rising
edge of the Block Enable parameter.
R/O in L3
and conf.
Message error count
This is the count of message
errors, it includes crc, syntax and
timeout errors

The value will be reset by the rising
edge of the Block Enable parameter
R/O in L3
and conf.
Exception Count
This is the count of Modbus
exception messages.

The value will be reset by the rising
edge of the Block Enable parameter
R/O in L3
and conf.
Note: R/W = Read and Write
R/O = Read only
14.9.3 Set Up Example
Applications may be set up from the front panel of the controller but it is recommended to use iTools
configuration package. An example of how to set up an application is, therefore, given in the iTools
section 27.20.
Engineering Handbook 3500 series Controllers
146 Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10
14.10 Packbit
Packbit consists of four blocks and were added at the same time as the Master Communications block
from firmware versions 2.90.
Each block allows 16 individual bits to be packed into a 16 bit integer.

14.10.1 Packbit Parameters

List Header - packbit Sub-header: 1, 2, 3, 4
Name Parameter Description Value and Description Default Access Level
Press to select parameters
Press or to change values

In1 to In16 Input bit 1 to Input bit 16.
All values less than 0.5 will be treated
as FALSE; all other values will be
treated as TRUE.
Full float
0 R/W in L3 and
Output Output
The inputs are mapped to
corresponding bits within the Output
such that In1 goes to bit0, In2 to bit1 -
In16 goes to bit 15
0 R/O
Status The block Status parameter reflects the
status of the Output parameter: if any
Input is BAD, this Status will be set
according to the Fallback Type.
FallGood If any Input status is BAD, set
the Output status (and Status
parameter) GOOD and set the
Output value as set by the
FallBack parameter.
Fall Type Fallback Type
The Output status (and Status
parameter) if one of the inputs is bad.
FallBad If any Input status is BAD, set
the Output status (and Status
parameter) BAD and set the
Output value as set by the
FallBack parameter.
R/W in Conf.
Fallback Fallback value
The value applied to the Output
parameter when any Input is BAD
0 to
0 R/O

3500 Series Controllers Engineering Handbook
Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10 147
14.11 Unpackbit
Unpackbit consists of four blocks and were added at the same time as the Master Communications
block from firmware versions 2.90.
Unpackbit is the opposite of packbit and allows a 16 bit integer to be unpacked into 16 individual bits.
14.11.1 Unpackbit Parameters

List Header - unpackbit Sub-header: 1, 2, 3, 4
Name Parameter Description Value and Description Default Access Level
Press to select parameters
Press or to change values

Input Input.
The Input bit positions are unpacked
to the outputs as follows: Bit 0 to Out1,
Bit1 to Out2...Bit 15 to Out16
0 R/O
Out1 to Out
Output 1 to Output 16 Off
0 R/O
Status Block Status parameter: if any Input is
BAD, this Status will set according to
the Fallback Type.
FallGood If the Input status is BAD or the
value is out of range, set the
Status parameter GOOD and
set the Output values as
though the FallBack value was
present on the Input.
Fall Type Fallback Type
The Status value if the Input is BAD or
out of range.
FallBad If the Input status is BAD or the
value is out of range, set the
Status parameter BAD and set
the Output values as though
the FallBack value was present
on the Input.

Fallback Fallback value
If the Input is BAD or out of range, this
value is applied to drive the Outputs
as though it was present on the Input.
0 R/O

Engineering Handbook 3500 series Controllers
148 Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10
15. Chapter 15 Counters, Timers, Totalisers, Real Time Clock
A series of function blocks are available which are based on time/date information. These may be
used as part of the control process.
15.1 Counters
Up to two counters are available. They provide a synchronous edge triggered event counter.

Figure 15-1: Counter Function Block
When configured as an Up counter, Clock events increment Count until reaching the Target. On
reaching Target RippleCarry is set true. At the next clock pulse, Count returns to zero. Overflow is
latched true and RippleCarry is returned false.
When configured as a down counter, Clock events decrement Count until it reaches zero. On
reaching zero RippleCarry is set true. At the next clock pulse, Count returns to the Target count.
Overflow is latched true and RippleCarry is reset false
Counter blocks can be cascaded as shown in the diagram below

Figure 15-2: Cascading Counters
The RippleCarry output of one counter acts as an enabling input for the next counter. In this respect
the next counter in sequence can only detect a clock edge if it was enabled on the previous clock
edge. This means that the Carry output from a counter must lead its Overflow output by one clock
cycle. The Carry output is, therefore, called a RippleCarry as it is NOT generated on an Overflow (i.e.
Count > Target) but rather when the count reaches the target (i.e. Count = Target). The timing
diagram below illustrates the principle for the Up Counter.

Figure 15-3: Timing Diagram for an Up Counter
Clear Overflow
Clear Overflow
Block 1
Clear Overflow
Block 1
Count =
Target -1
Count =
Target Count = 0
3500 Series Controllers Engineering Handbook
Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10 149
15.1.1 Counter Parameters
List Header - Count Sub-headers: 1 to 2
to select
Parameter Description Value
Press or to change values
Default Access
Enable Counter enable.
Counter 1 or 2 is enabled in the
Instrument configuration page
but they can also be turned on or
off in this list
Yes L3
Di r ect i on Defines count up or count down.
This is not intended for dynamic
operation (i.e. subject to change
during counting). It can only be
set in configuration level.
Up counter
Down counter
Up Conf
L3 R/O
Ri ppl e
Car r y
Ripple carry to act as an enabling
input to the next counter. It is
turned On when the counter
reaches the target set
Over f l ow Overflow flag is held true (Yes)
when the counter reaches zero
(Down) or passes target (Up)
Cl ock Tick period to increment or
decrement the count. This is
normally wired to an input source
such as a digital input.
No clock input
Clock input present
0 R/O if
Tar get Level to which the counter is
0 to 99999 L3
Count Counts each time a clock input
occurs until the target is reached.
0 to 99999 R/O
Reset Resets the counter No
Not in reset
No L3
Cl ear
O f l ow
Clear overflow No
Not cleared
No L3

Engineering Handbook 3500 series Controllers
150 Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10
15.2 Timers
Up to four timers can be configured. Each one can be configured to a different type and can operate
independently of one another.

15.2.1 Timer Types
Each timer block can be configured to operate in four different modes. These modes are explained

15.2.2 On Pulse Timer Mode
This timer is used to generate a fixed length pulse from an edge trigger.
The output is set to On when the input changes from Off to On.
The output remains On until the time has elapsed
If the Trigger input parameter recurs while the Output is On, the Elapsed Time will reset to zero
and the Output will remain On
The triggered variable will follow the state of the output

The diagram illustrates the behaviour of the timer under different input conditions.

Figure 15-4: On Pulse Timer Under Different Input Conditions
Elapsed Time
Time Time
Elapsed Time
Input Interval > Time
3500 Series Controllers Engineering Handbook
Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10 151
15.2.3 On Delay Timer Mode
This timer provides a delay between the trigger event and the Timer output.

The Output is OFF when the Input is OFF or has been On for less than the delay time
The elapsed time will increment only when the Input is ON and will reset to 0 when the Input goes
With the Input ON and once the Time has elapsed, the Output will be set to ON
The Output will remain On until the Input is cleared to Off.
The Triggered variable will follow the Input

The following diagrams illustrates the behaviour of the timer under different Input conditions.

Figure 15-5: On Delay Timer Under Different Input Conditions
This type of timer is used to ensure that the output is not set unless the input has been valid for a pre-
determined period of time, thus acting as a kind of input filter.

Elapsed Time
When the elapsed time is
less than the set time no
Output is generated
Engineering Handbook 3500 series Controllers
152 Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10
15.2.4 One Shot Timer Mode
This timer behaves like a simple oven timer.
When the Time is edited to a non-zero value the Output is set to On
The Time value is decremented until it reaches zero. The Output is then cleared to Off
The Time value can be edited at any point to increase or decrease the duration of the On time
Once set to zero, the Time is not reset to a previous value, it must be edited by the operator to
start the next On-Time
The Input is used to gate the Output. If the Input is set, the time will count down to zero. If the
Input is cleared to Off, then the Time will hold and the Output will switch Off until the Input is next
Note: since the Input is a digital wire, it is possible for the operator to NOT wire it, and set the Input
value to On which permanently enables the timer.
The Triggered variable will be set to On as soon as the Time is edited. It will reset when the
Output is cleared to Off.

The behaviour of the timer under different input conditions is shown below.

Figure 15-6: One Shot Timer
Time Edited
A+B+C+D = Time
This diagram shows how the Input can be used to gate the Timer as a type of hold
Elapsed Time
Time Edited
Time Edited
A+B = Time
3500 Series Controllers Engineering Handbook
Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10 153
15.2.5 Compressor or Minimum On Timer Mode
This timer has been targeted at guaranteeing that the output remains On for a duration after the input
signal has been removed. It may be used, for example, to ensure that a compressor is not cycled
The output will be set to On when the Input changes from Off to On.
When the Input changes from On to Off, the elapsed time will start incrementing towards the set
The Output will remain On until the elapsed time has reached the set Time. The Output will then
switch Off.
If the Input signal returns to On while the Output is On, the elapsed time will reset to 0, ready to
begin incrementing when the Input switches Off.
The Triggered variable will be set while the elapsed time is >0. It will indicate that the timer is

The diagram illustrates the behaviour of the timer under different input conditions.

Figure 15-7: Minimum On Timer Under Different Input Conditions

Elapsed Time
Time Time
Engineering Handbook 3500 series Controllers
154 Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10
15.2.6 Timer Parameters
List Header - Timer Sub-headers: 1 to 4
to select
Parameter Description Value
Press or to change values
Default Access
Off Timer not configured
On Pulse Generates a fixed length pulse from an
edge trigger
On Delay Provides a delay between input trigger
event and timer output
One Shot Simple oven timer which reduces to zero
before switching off
Type Timer type
Min-On Compressor timer guaranteeing that the
output remains ON for a time after the
input signal has been removed
Off or as
Time Duration of the timer. For
re-trigger timers this
value is entered once and
copied to the time
remaining parameter
whenever the timer starts.
For pulse timers the time
value itself is
0:00.0 to 99:59:59
Timer elapsed time
0:00.0 to 99:59:59
R/O L3
Input Trigger/Gate input. Turn
On to start timing
Start timing
Off L3
Output Timer output Off
Output off
Timer has timed out
Triggered Timer triggered (timing).
This is a status output to
indicate that the timers
input has been detected
Not timing
Timer timing
R/O L3

The above table is repeated for Timers 2 to 4.

3500 Series Controllers Engineering Handbook
Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10 155
15.3 Totalisers
A totaliser is an electronic integrator, primarily used to record the numeric total over time of a
measured value that is expressed as a rate. For example, the number of litres (since reset), based on a
flow rate in litres per minute.
There are two totaliser function blocks in 3500 controllers. A totaliser can, by soft wiring, be
connected to any measured value. The outputs from the totaliser are its integrated value and an alarm
state. The user may set a setpoint which causes the alarm to activate once the integration exceeds the

The totaliser has the following attributes:-
1. Run/Hold/Reset
In Run the totaliser will integrate its input and continuously test against an alarm setpoint. The higher
the value of the input the faster the integrator will run.
In Hold the totaliser will stop integrating its input but will continue to test for alarm conditions.
In Reset the totaliser will be zeroed, and alarms will be reset.
2. Alarm Setpoint
If the setpoint is a positive number, the alarm will activate when the total is greater than the setpoint.
If the setpoint is a negative number, the alarm will activate when the total is lower (more negative) than
the setpoint.
If the totaliser alarm setpoint is set to 0.0, the alarm will be off. It will not detect values above or below.
The alarm output is a single state output. It may be cleared by resetting the totaliser, stopping the Run
condition, or by changing the alarm setpoint.
3. The total is limited to a maximum of 99999 and a minimum of -99999.
4. The totaliser ensures that resolution is maintained when integrating small values onto a large total.

Engineering Handbook 3500 series Controllers
156 Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10
15.3.1 Totaliser Parameters
List Header - Total Sub-headers: 1 to 2
to select
Parameter Description Value
Press or to change values
Default Access
Total The totalised value 99999 t o-19999 R/O L3
In The value to be totalised
-9999.9 to 9999.9.
Note:- the totaliser stops accumulating if the input is
Units Totaliser units None
V, mV, A, mA,
PH, mmHg, psi, Bar, mBar, %RH, %, mmWG, inWG,
inWW, Ohms, PSIG, %O2, PPM, %CO2, %CP, %/sec,
sec, min, hrs,
Resn Totaliser resolution
Alarm SP Sets the totalised value at
which an alarm will occur
-99999 to 99999 L3
Alarm OP This is a read only value
which indicates the alarm
output On or Off.
The totalised value can
be a positive number or a
negative number.
If the number is positive
the alarm occurs when
Total > + Alarm Setpoint
If the number is negative
the alarm occurs when
Total > - Alarm Setpoint
Alarm inactive
Alarm output active
Off L3
Run Runs the totaliser No
Timer not running
Select Yes to run the timer
No L3
Hold Holds the totaliser at its
current value
The Run & Hold
parameters are designed
to be wired to (for
example) digital inputs.
Run must be on and
Hold must be off for the
totaliser to operate.
Timer not in hold
Hold timer
No L3
Reset Resets the totaliser
Timer not in reset
Timer in reset
No L3

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Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10 157
15.4 Real Time Clock
A real time clock is used to provide a daily and weekly scheduling facility and provides two
corresponding alarms. The configuration for an alarm is an On-Day and an On-Time and an Off-Day
and an Off-Time.
The day options supported are:-
Day Option Description
Never Disables the alarm feature
Monday Alarm will only be available on a Monday
Tuesday Alarm will only be available on a Tuesday
Wednesday Alarm will only be available on a Wednesday
Thursday Alarm will only be available on a Thursday
Friday Alarm will only be available on a Friday
Saturday Alarm will only be available on a Saturday
Sunday Alarm will only be available on a Sunday
Mon-Fri Alarm will only be available between Monday to Friday
Mon-Sat Alarm will only be available on between Monday to Saturday
Sat-Sun Alarm will only be available on between Saturday to Sunday
Everyday Alarm always available
For example, it is possible to configure an alarm to be activated at 07:30 on Monday and deactivated
at 17:15 on Friday
The output from the Real Time Clock alarms may be used to place the instrument in standby or to
sequence a batch process.
The Real Time Clock function will set/clear the alarm outputs only at the time of the alarm. Therefore,
it is possible to manually override the alarms by editing the output to On/Off between alarm
The Real Time Clock does not display date or year.
15.4.1 Real Time Clock Parameters

List Header - RTClock Sub-headers: None
to select
Parameter Description Value
Press or to change values
Default Access
Mode This parameter can be used to
set the clock
Normal operation
Allows the clock to be set
Clock stopped (saves battery
Running L3
Day Displays the day or allows the
day to be set when in Edit mode
See table

Time Displays the time or allows the
time to be set when in Edit mode
00:00:00 to 23:59:59
On Day1
On Day2
Days when alarm 1 and 2 are
See table above
On Time1
On Time2
Time of day when alarm 1 and 2
are activated
00:00:00 to 23:59:59
Off Day1
Off Day2
Days when alarm 1 and 2 are de-
See table above
Off Time1
Off Time2
Time of day when alarm 1 and 2
are de-activated
00:00:00 to 23:59:59
Alarm 1 and 2 output
Alarm output not activated
Alarm output activated

Engineering Handbook 3500 series Controllers
158 Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10
16. Chapter 16 Application specific
16.1 Humidity Control
Humidity (and altitude) control is a standard feature of the 3500 controller. In these applications the
controller may be configured to generate a setpoint profile (see Chapter 22 Programmer Operation).
Also the controller may be configured to measure humidity using either the traditional Wet/Dry bulb
method (figure 16.1) or it may be interfaced to a solid state sensor.
The controller output may be configured to turn a refrigeration compressor on and off, operate a
bypass valve, and possibly operate two stages of heating and/or cooling

16.1.1 Example of Humidity Controller Connections

In the above example the following modules are fitted. This will change from installation to

Module 1 Analogue or relay to drive dehumidify valve
Module 3 PV input module for wet bulb temperature RTD
Standard Digital I/O Used as logic outputs for humidify solenoid valve and
temperature control SCR
Standard PV Input

For the dry bulb RTD used for the temperature control and
humidity calculation

Figure 16-1: Example of Humidity Controller Connections
Dry bulb
Wet bulb
SCR for
Drive capability of
digital outputs 1.5mA
using the internal power
supply or 40mA with an
external supply
3500 Series Controllers Engineering Handbook
Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10 159
16.1.2 Temperature Control Of An Environmental Chamber
The temperature of an environmental chamber is controlled as a single loop with two control outputs. The
heating output time proportions electric heaters, usually via a solid state relay. The cooling output operates a
refrigerant valve which introduces cooling into the chamber. The controller automatically calculates when
heating or cooling is required.

16.1.3 Humidity Control Of An Environmental Chamber
Humidity in a chamber is controlled by adding or removing water vapour. Like the temperature control loop
two control outputs are required, i.e. Humidify and Dehumidify.
To humidify the chamber water vapour may be added by a boiler, an evaporating pan or by direct injection of
atomised water.
If a boiler is being used adding steam increases the humidity level. The humidify output from the controller
regulates the amount of steam from the boiler that is allowed into the chamber.
An evaporating pan is a pan of water warmed by a heater. The humidify output from the controller humidity
regulates the temperature of the water.
An atomisation system uses compressed air to spray water vapour directly into the chamber. The humidify
output of the controller turns on or off a solenoid valve.
Dehumidification may be accomplished by using the same compressor used for cooling the chamber. The
dehumidify output from the controller may control a separate control valve connected to a set of heat
exchanger coils.

16.2 Humidity Parameters
List Header - Humidity Sub-headers: None
to select
Parameter Description Value
or to change
Default Access
Resn Resolution of the relative humidity XXXXX
The psychrometric constant at a given
pressure (6.66E-4 at standard
atmospheric pressure). The value is
dependent on the speed of air-flow
across the wet bulb, and hence the rate
of evaporation. 6.66E-4 is for the
ASSMANN ventilated Psychrometer.
0.0 to 10.0
6.66 L3
Atmospheric Pressure 0.0 to 2000.0 1013.0
Wet Bulb Temperature Range units

WetOffs Wet bulb temperature offset -100.0 to 100.0 0.0
DryT Dry Bulb Temperature Range units

RelHumid Relative Humidity is the ratio of actual
water vapour pressure (AVP) to the
saturated water vapour pressure (SVP) at
a particular temperature and pressure
0.0 to 100.0
DewPoint The dew point is the temperature to
which air would need to cool (at constant
pressure and water vapour content) in
order to reach saturation
-999.9 to 999.9

SBreak Indicates that one of the probes is
No sensor break
Sensor break detection


Engineering Handbook 3500 series Controllers
160 Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10
16.3 Zirconia (Carbon Potential) Control
A 3500 controller may be supplied to control carbon potential, order code ZC. The controller is often
a programmer which generates carbon potential profiles. In this section it is assumed that a
programmer is used.
Calculation of PV: The Process Variable can be Carbon Potential, Dewpoint or Oxygen concentration.
The PV is derived from the probe temperature input, the probe mV input and remote gas reference
input values. Various probe makes are supported. In the 3500 Carbon Potential and Dewpoint can be
displayed together.
The following definitions may be useful:-
16.3.1 Temperature Control
The sensor input of the temperature loop may come from the zirconia probe but it is common for a
separate thermocouple to be used. The controller provides a heating output which may be connected
to gas burners or thyristors to control electrical heating elements. In some applications a cooling
output may also be connected to a circulation fan or exhaust damper.
16.3.2 Carbon Potential Control
The zirconia probe generates a millivolt signal based on the ratio of oxygen concentrations on the
reference side of the probe (outside the furnace) to the amount of oxygen in the furnace.
The controller uses the temperature and carbon potential signals to calculate the actual percentage of
carbon in the furnace. This second loop generally has two outputs. One output is connected to a
valve which controls the amount of an enrichment gas supplied to the furnace. The second output
controls the level of dilution air.
16.3.3 Sooting Alarm
In addition to other alarms which may be detected by the controller, the 3500 can trigger an alarm
when the atmospheric conditions are such that carbon will be deposited as soot on all surfaces inside
the furnace. The alarm may be connected to an output (e.g. relay) to initiate an external alarm.
16.3.4 Automatic Probe Cleaning
The 3500 has a probe clean and recovery strategy that can be programmed to occur between batches
or manually requested. At the start of the cleaning process a snapshot of the probe mV is taken, and
a short blast of compressed air is used to remove any soot and other particles that may have
accumulated on the probe. A minimum and maximum cleaning time can be set by the user. If the
probe mV has not recovered to within 5% of the snapshot value within the maximum recovery time set
then an alarm is given. This indicates that the probe is ageing and replacement or refurbishment is
due. During the cleaning and recovery cycle the PV is frozen, thereby ensuring continuous furnace
operation. A flag PvFrozen is set which can be used in an individual strategy, for example to hold the
integral action during cleaning.
16.3.5 Endothermic Gas Correction
A gas analyser may be used to determine the CO concentration of the endothermic gas. If a 4-20mA
output is available from the analyser, it can be fed into the 3500 to automatically adjust the calculated
% carbon reading. Alternatively, this value can be entered manually.
16.3.6 Clean Probe
As these sensors are used in furnace environments they require regular cleaning. Cleaning (Burn Off)
is performed by forcing compressed air through the probe. Cleaning can be initiated either manually
or automatically using a timed period. During cleaning the PV output is frozen.
16.3.7 Probe Status
After cleaning an alarm output, MinCalcT, is generated if the PV does not return to 95% of its previous
value within a specified time. This indicates that the probe is deteriorating and should be replaced.
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Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10 161
16.4 Zirconia Parameters
From firmware versions V2.81 onwards, the Zirconia block contains Probe Types which should be used
in new installations and, for backwards compatibility, Probe Types which are already in use in existing
installations. A new controller defaults to a newer Probe Type e.g. Eurotherm. With the newer probe
types two additional sub-headers - GasRefs and Clean, each containing further parameters, are
The three headers are shown as:
1. Zirconia v For clarity in this manual, parameter tables shown below in this sub-
header are split by probe types as Table 1, Table 2 and Table 3,
although the controller shows them as a single list.
2. Zirconia v GasRefs
3. Zirconia v Clean
To select the required sub-header press or .
Older Probe Type equations are prefixed by x, and if one of these is chosen the two extra sub-
headers are not available. These types are for backward compatibility and are not recommended for
new applications. The parameters applicable to these probes are shown in Zirconia Tables 2 and 3.
Note: If the Probe Type is then changed back to a newer type then it is necessary to press to
reveal v, on the top line, and access to the sub-headers.
In all tables, parameters are available in Level 3 and Configuration level. R/O = Read Only parameters
in both levels.
Zirconia Table 1
For new installations the Probe Types shown in the following table should be used.

List Header - Zirconia Sub-headers: v
to select
Parameter Description Value
or to change
Default Acces
Eurotherm (35) Eurotherm Eurother
AllPrbMv (34) Probe mV
AllFerono (33) Feronova
AllBarber (32) Barber-

AllBosch (31) Bosch

AllMacD (30) MacDhui
AllSSI (29) SSI
AllAccu (28) Accucarb
AllDrayton (27) Drayton
Probe Type Configures the type of probe to be used.

Note: enumerations shown in brackets are
not displayed on the controller user
interface. However, if iTools is used to
configure the controller then the
eumerations are shown in iTools.
AllMMI (25) MMI Carbon
Resoln Resolution of the calculated result
MinCalcTp Minimum temperature at which the
calculation will be valid
-99999 to 99999 720

Tolerance Tolerance of the sooting -9999.9 to 9999.9 1.0

ProcFact Process factor.
Only shown if ProbeTyp = AllMMI
1.0 to 999.0 140.0 L3
OxygenExp The exponent units of the log oxygen type
calculation. Only shown for O2 probes.
-24 to 24 2

TempInput Zirconia probe temperature input value Temp range 0
TempOffs Sets a temperature offset for the probe -99999 to 99999 0
Engineering Handbook 3500 series Controllers
162 Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10
List Header - Zirconia Sub-headers: v
to select
Parameter Description Value
or to change
Default Acces
ProbeIP Zirconia probe mV input -99999 to 99999 0
ProbeOffs Zirconia probe mV offset -99999 to 99999 0
CarbonPot Calculated carbon potential. Not if
ProbeType = xZircoDew

DewPoint Zirconia control process value
The O2 or dew point value derived from
temperature and remote gas reference

Oxygen Calculated oxygen. Only shown for O2
probe types.

No No alarm
SootAlm Probe sooting alarm output. Not if
ProbeType = xZircoDew
Yes In alarm

PVFrozen This is a Boolean which freezes the PV
during a purging cycle. It may have been
wired, for example, to disable control
output during purging

OK Normal
mVSbr Probe input in
sensor break
TempSbr Temperature
input in
sensor break
ProbeStat Indicates the status of the probe
MinCalcT Probe

BalInt Balance Integral. This output goes true
when a step change in the output occurs
which will require an integral re-balance if
the readings are used in a PID control loop
aC_CO_O2 Carbon Activity Between CO and O2.
The carbon activity for the surface gas
reaction between CO and Oxygen
0.0000 R/O
Clean Recovery

PrbState Probe State. The current state of the probe
measurement system. If this is not 'Measure'
then the outputs will not be being updated.
Not Ready
Nernst Nernst
NernstBo Nernst Bosch
NernstCP NernstCP
OxygenTyp Oxygen Type. Selects the oxygen algorithm
to be used
Ferronova Ferronova
Nernst L3

3500 Series Controllers Engineering Handbook
Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10 163
Zirconia Table 2
Probe Type equations shown in Table 2 are no longer recommended and are included for
compatibility with existing installations. Table 2 does not include Oxygen only probes.

List Header - Zirconia Sub-headers: v
to select
Parameter Description Value
or to change
Default Acces
xBarberC (21) Barber-


Probe mV
xZircDew (18) Dewpoint
xMacDhui (14) MacDhui
xSSI (13) SSI
xDrayton (11) Drayton
Probe Type Configures the type of probe to be used.

Values shown here - prefixed by x - are no longer
used but are included for backwards compatibility.
xMMICarb (0) MMI Carbon
Resoln Resolution of the calculated result
Reference value for the hydrogen concentration of
the atmosphere
-9999.9 to 9999.9 20.0
Remote reference value for the hydrogen
concentration of the atmosphere, so that the
hydrogen concentration may be read from an
external source.
-9999.9 to 9999.9 0.0
Allows the remote gas measurement to be
enabled by an external stimuli.
Wr kGas
Working reference gas value 20.0
Mi nCal cTp
Minimum temperature at which the calculation will
be valid
-99999 to 99999 720
Tol er ance
Tolerance of the sooting -9999.9 to 9999.9 1.0
Pr ocFact
Process factor.
Only shown if ProbeTyp = xMMICarb.
1.0 to 999.0 140.0

Cl eanFr eq
The interval between cleaning cycles of the probe. 0:00:00 to 99:59:59 or
100:00 to 500:00
Cl eanTi me
Sets the duration of the clean 0:00:00 to 99:59:59 or
100:00 to 500:00
Mi nRcvTi m
Minimum recovery time after purging 0:00:00 to 99:59:59 or
100:00 to 500:00
MaxRcvTi m
Maximum recovery time after purging 0:00:00 to 99:59:59 or
100:00 to 500:00
TempI nput
Zirconia probe temperature input value Temp range 0
TempOf f s
Sets a temperature offset for the probe -99999 to 99999 0
Pr obeI P
Zirconia probe mV input -99999 to 99999 0
Pr obeOf f s
Zirconia probe mV offset -99999 to 99999 0
Car bonPot
Calculated carbon potential. Not if ProbeType =

DewPoi nt
Zirconia control process value
The O2 or dew point value derived from
temperature and remote gas reference inputs

Engineering Handbook 3500 series Controllers
164 Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10
List Header - Zirconia Sub-headers: v
to select
Parameter Description Value
or to change
Default Acces
No No alarm
Soot Al m
Probe sooting alarm output. Not if ProbeType =
Yes In alarm

Pr obeFl t
Probe Fault. Indicates a sensor break fault. No

PVFr ozen
This is a Boolean which freezes the PV during a
purging cycle. It may have been wired, for
example, to disable control output during purging

Cl eanVal v
Enable the clean valve No

Cl eanSt at
The burn off state of the zirconia probe Waiting

No Do not clean
Cl eanPr ob
Enable clean probe
This may be wired to initiate automatically or if un-
wired can be set by the user Yes Initiate probe

Ti me2Cl n
Time to next clean 0:00:00 to 99:59:59 or
100:00 to 500:00

OK Normal working
mVSbr Probe input in
sensor break
TempSbr Temperature
input in sensor
Pr obeSt at
Indicates the status of the probe
MinCalcT Probe


3500 Series Controllers Engineering Handbook
Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10 165
Zirconia Table 3
Probe Type equations shown in Table 3 are no longer recommended and are included for
compatibility with existing installations. Table 3 includes Oxygen probes only. i.e. xBoschO2 (17),
xLogO2 (16), X%O2 (15).

List Header - Zirconia Sub-headers: v
to select
Parameter Description Value
or to change
Default Acces

xLogO2 (16) Log Oxygen
Probe Type Configures the type of probe to be used.
Values shown here - prefixed by x - are no longer
used but are included for backwards compatibility.
X%O2 (15) Oxygen
Resoln Resolution of the calculated result
Mi nCal cTp
Minimum temperature at which the calculation will
be valid
-99999 to 99999 720
The exponent units of the log oxygen type
calculation. Only shown for O2 probes.
-24 to 24 2

TempI nput
Zirconia probe temperature input value Temp range 0
TempOf f s
Sets a temperature offset for the probe -99999 to 99999 0
Pr obeI P
Zirconia probe mV input -99999 to 99999 0
Pr obeOf f s
Zirconia probe mV offset -99999 to 99999 0
Calculated oxygen. Only shown for O2 probe
Pr obeFl t
Probe Fault. Indicates a sensor break fault. No

PVFr ozen
This is a Boolean which freezes the PV during a
purging cycle. It may have been wired, for
example, to disable control output during purging

OK Normal
mVSbr Probe input in
sensor break
TempSbr Temperature
input in
sensor break
Pr obeSt at
Indicates the status of the probe
MinCalcT Probe


Engineering Handbook 3500 series Controllers
166 Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10
Gas References (only shown for Probe Types NOT prefixed by x)

List Header - Zirconia Sub-headers: vGasRefs
to select
Parameter Description Value
or to change
Default Acces
CO_Local Reference value for the CO concentration of the
0.1 to 100.0 20.0
CO_Remote Remote reference value for the CO concentration
of the atmosphere, so that the CO concentration
may be read from an external source.
0.1 to 100.0 0.1
CO_RemEn CO Remote Enable. Allows the remote gas
measurement to be enabled by an external
Not enabled
CO_Inuse The CO gas measurement value currently being
20.0 R/O
H2_Local Reference value for the hydrogen concentration of
the atmosphere
0.1 to 100.0 40.0
H2_Remote Remote reference value for the hydrogen
concentration of the atmosphere, so that the
hydrogen concentration may be read from an
external source
0.1 to 100.0 0.1
H2_RemEn Hydrogen Remote Enable. Allows the remote gas
measurement to be enabled by an external
Not enabled

H2_InUse The hydrogen gas measurement value currently
being used.
40.0 R/O

3500 Series Controllers Engineering Handbook
Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10 167
Clean (only shown for Probe Types NOT prefixed by x)

List Header - Zirconia Sub-headers: vClean
to select
Parameter Description Value
or to change
Default Acces
CleanFreq Probe clean frequency.
The interval between cleaning cycles of the
0:00:00 to 500:00 4::00:00
CleanTime Probe clean time.
The time for which the zirconia probe is cleaned.
0:00:00 to 500:00 0::03:00
MinRcvTim Minimum recovery time after a purge 0:00:00 to 500:00 0::00:01
MaxRcvTim Maximum recovery time after a purge. 0:00:00 to 500:00 0::01:30
CleanValv Enable the clean valve.
Output which enables the probe cleaning valve.
CleanProb Initiate probe clean.
A rising edge on this input initiates probe
cleaning independant of the cleaning cycle.

Time2Cln Time to next clean.
Calculated from the Clean Freq value and the
time elapsed since last clean.
0:00:00 to 500:00 R/O
ClnEnabl Enable Probe Clean.
Probe cleaning is inhibited unless this input is
set to Yes.
No Op
ClnMaxT Maximum Temperature For Cleaning.
If the probe temperature exceeds this limit when
cleaning is in progress then the clean is aborted.
-99999 to 99999 1100 Op
ClnAbort Abort Clean Cycle.
A rising edge of this input causes the clean to be
No Op
ClnRcovT Last Clean Recovery Time.
The time the probe mV took to recover to 95%
of its original value following the last clean. If the
last clean did not recover within the maximum
clean recovery time then this value will be set to
0.0 R/O
LastCln mV at end of last clean.
The input from the probe when the last clean
ClnMsgRt Clear Cleaning Status.
A rising edge on this input clears the cleaning
related alarms and the probe warning.
No Op
ProbeFlt Probe Clean Recovery Warning.
The probe failed to recover to 95% of its original
reading following a probe clean cycle.
CantClean Cant clean status.
Conditions exist that prevented a clean cycle
from starting.
This status can be reset using the ClnMsgRt
CleanAbort A clean cycle was aborted.
This status can be reset using the ClnMsgRt
CleanTemp A clean cycle was aborted by the temperature
rising above Clean Max Temp.
This status can be reset using the ClnMsgRt

Engineering Handbook 3500 series Controllers
168 Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10
16.5 Example of Carbon Potential Control Connections

In this example the following modules are assumed:-
Module 1Dual relay or logic output.
Module 3 Analogue Input set to HZ Volts 0 2V input.
Module 4Triple Logic Output
Probe clean digital input is on the LB logic input.
The sooting alarm is operated by the AA Relay.
The temperature is measured on the fixed PV input.

Figure 16-2: Example of Carbon Potential Controller Connections
Zirconia Volt
Probe Clean
Dilution Air
Power supply
for valve drive
Zirconia probe
3500 Series Controllers Engineering Handbook
Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10 169
17. Chapter 17 Input Monitor
The input monitor may be wired to any variable in the controller. It then provides three functions:-
1. Maximum detect
2. Minimum detect
3. Time above threshold
17.1.1 Maximum Detect
This function continuously monitors the input value. If the value is higher than the previously recorded
maximum, it becomes the new maximum.
This value is retained following a power fail.
17.1.2 Minimum Detect
This function continuously monitors the input value. If the value is lower than the previously recorded
minimum, it becomes the new minimum.
This value is retained following a power fail.
17.1.3 Time Above Threshold
This function increments a timer whenever the input is above a threshold value. If the timer exceeds
24 hours per day, a counter is incremented. The maximum number of days is limited to 255. A timer
alarm can be set on the timer so that once the input has been above a threshold for a period, an alarm
output is given.
Applications include:-
Service interval alarms. This sets an output when the system has been running for a number of
days (up to 90 years)
Material stress alarms - if the process cannot tolerate being above a level for a period. This is a
style of policeman for processes where the high operating point degrades the life of the machine.
In internal wiring applications in the controller
Engineering Handbook 3500 series Controllers
170 Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10
17.2 Input Monitor Parameters

List Header - IPMon Sub-headers: 1 or 2
to select
Parameter Description Value
Press or to change values
Default Access
Input The input value to be
May be wired to an input source. The range
will depend on the source
L3. R/O
if wired
The maximum measured value
recorded since the last reset
As above
R/O L3
Mi n
The minimum measured value
recorded since the last reset
As above
R/O L3
Thr eshol d
The input timer accumulates
the time the input PV spends
above this trigger value.
As above
Accumulated days the input
has spent above threshold
since the last reset.
Days is an integer count of the 24 hour periods
only. The Days value should be combined with
the Time value to make the total time above

R/O L3
Ti me
Accumulated time above the
Threshold since last reset.
The time value accumulates from 00:00.0 to
23:59.9. Overflows are added to the days

R/O L3
Al m Days
Days threshold for the monitors
time alarm. Used in
combination with the Alm Time
parameter. The Alm Out is set
to true if the inputs
accumulated time above
threshold is higher than the
timer high parameters.
0 to 255 0
Al m Ti me
Time threshold for the monitors
time alarm. Used in
combination with the Alm Days
parameter. The Alm Out is set
to true if the inputs
accumulated time above
threshold is higher than the
timer high parameters.
0:00.0 to 99:59:59 0:00.0 L3
Al m Out
Set true if the accumulated time
that the input spends above the
trigger value is higher than the
alarm setpoint.
Normal operation
time above setpoint exceeded

R/O L3
Resets the Max and Min values
and resets the time above
threshold to zero.
Normal operation
Reset values
I n St at us
Monitors the status of the input Good
Normal operation
The input may be incorrectly wired

R/O L3

3500 Series Controllers Engineering Handbook
Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10 171
18. Chapter 18 Logic Maths and multi Operators.
18.1 Logic Operators
Logic Operators allow the controller to perform logical calculations on two input values. These values
can be sourced from any available parameter including Analogue Values, User Values and Digital
The parameters to use, the type of calculation to be performed, input value inversion and fallback
value are determined in Configuration level. In levels 1 to 3 you can view the values of each input and
read the result of the calculation.
The Logic Operators page is only available if the operators have been enabled in Inst page sub-
header Opt. It is possible to enable any one of 24 separate calculations they do not have to be in
sequence. In the Inst Opts page they are shown in three sets of 8 labelled Lgc2 En1 (enable
operator set 1 to 8), Lgc2 En2 (enable operator set 9 to 16), and Lgc2 En3 (enable operator set 17 to
24). Lgc2 denotes a two input logic operator. When logic operators are enabled a page headed
Lgc2 can be found using the

button. This page contains up to twenty four instances which are
selected using the

Figure 18-1: 2 Input Logic Operators
Logic Operators are found under the page header Lgc2.
18.1.1 Logic 8
Logic 8 operators can perform logic calculations on up to eight inputs. The calculations are limited to
AND,OR,XOR. Up to two 8 input operators can be enabled in Inst page sub-header Opt. They are
labelled Lgc8 to denote eight input logic operators. When Lgc8 operators are enabled a page
headed Lgc8 can be found using the

button. This page contains up to two instances which are
selected using the

Figure 18-2: 8 Input Logic Operators
Logic input 1
Logic input 2
Output Value
(result of calculation)
Logic operator
Logic input 1
Logic input 2
Output Value
(result of calculation)
Logic operator
Logic input 3
Logic input 4
Logic input 5
Logic input 6
Logic input 7
Logic input 8
Engineering Handbook 3500 series Controllers
172 Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10
18.1.2 Logic Operations
The following calculations can be performed:
Oper Operator description Input 1 Input 2
0: OFF The selected logic operator is turned off
Output Invert =
1: AND The output result is ON when both Input
1 and Input 2 are ON
2: OR The output result is ON when either Input
1 or Input 2 is ON
3: XOR Exclusive OR. The output result is true
when one and only one input is ON. If
both inputs are ON the output is OFF.
4: LATCH Input 1 sets the latch, Input 2 resets the

5: == Equal. The output result is ON when
Input 1 = Input 2
6: <> Not equal. The output result is ON when
Input 1 = Input 2
7: > Greater than. The output result is ON
when Input 1 > Input 2
8: < Less than. The output result is ON when
Input 1 < Input 2
9: => Equal to or Greater than. The output
result is ON when Input 1 > Input 2
10: <= Less than or Equal to. The output result
is ON when Input 1 < Input 2
Note 1: The numerical value is the value of the enumeration
Note 2: For options 1 to 4 an input value of less than 0.5 is considered false and greater than or equal
to 0.5 as true.

3500 Series Controllers Engineering Handbook
Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10 173
18.1.3 Logic Operator Parameters

List Header Lgc2 (2 Input Operators) Sub-headers: 1 to 24
to select
Parameter Description Value
Press or to change values
Default Access
Oper To select the type of operator
See previous table None Conf
L3 R/O
I nput 1
Input 1
I nput 2
Input 2
Normally wired to a logic, analogue or user
value. May be set to a constant value if not
0 L3
0: FalseBad The output value is FALSE and
the status is GOOD.
1: TrueBad The output value is FALSE and
the status is BAD
The output value is TRUE and
the status is GOOD
Fal l Type
The fallback state of the output
if one or both of the inputs is
The output value is TRUE and
the status is BAD.

L3 R/O
0: None Neither input inverted
1: Input1 Invert input 1
2: Input2 Invert input 2
I nver t
The sense of the input value,
may be used to invert one or
both of the inputs
3: Both Invert both inputs

L3 R/O
Out put
The output from the operation
is a boolean (true/false) value.
Output activated
Output not activated

St at us
The status of the result value Good


Engineering Handbook 3500 series Controllers
174 Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10
18.2 Eight Input Logic Operators
The eight input logic operator may be used to perform operations on eight inputs. It is possible to
enable two eight input logic operators from the Inst Opt page. When this is done a page headed
Lgc8 can be found using the

button. This page contains up to two instances which are selected
using the

18.2.1 Eight Input Logic Operator Parameters

List Header Lgc8 (8 Input Operators) Sub-headers: 1 to 2
to select
Parameter Description Value
Press or to change values
Default Access
Oper To select the type of operator
0: OFF
1: AND
2: OR
3: XOR
Operator turned off
Output ON when all inputs are
Output ON when one input is ON
Exclusive OR
OFF Conf
L3 R/O
NumI n
This parameter is used to
configure the number of inputs
for the operation
1 to 8
L3 R/O
I nver t
Used to invert selected inputs
prior to operation.
This is a status word with one
bit per input, the left hand bit
inverts input 1.
No inputs inverted
All 8 inputs inverted
When configuring over comms, the invert
parameter is interpreted as a bitfield where:
0x1 - input 1
0x2 - input 2
0x4 - input 3
0x8 - input 4
0x10 - input 5
0x20 - input 6
0x40 - input 7
0x80 - input 8

Out I nver t
Invert the output No
Output not inverted
Output inverted
I n1 t o I n8
Input state 1 to 8 Normally wired to a logic, analogue or user
When wired to a floating point, values less than
or equal to 0.5 or greater than or equal to 1.5
will be rejected (e.g. the value of the lgc8 block
will not change).
Values between 0.5 and 1.5 will be
interpreted as ON when greater than or equal
to 0.5 and OFF when less than 0.5.
May be set to a constant value if not wired.
Off L3
Output result of the operator On
Output activated
Output not activated


3500 Series Controllers Engineering Handbook
Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10 175
18.3 Maths Operators
Maths Operators (sometimes known as Analogue Operators) allow the controller to perform
mathematical operations on two input values. These values can be sourced from any available
parameter including Analogue Values, User Values and Digital Values. Each input value can be scaled
using a multiplying factor or scalar.
The parameters to use, the type of calculation to be performed and the acceptable limits of the
calculation are determined in Configuration level. In access level 3 you can change values of each of
the scalars.
The Math Operators page is only available if the operators have been enabled in Inst page sub-
header Opt. It is possible to enable any one of 24 separate calculations they do not have to be in
sequence. In the Inst Opts page they are shown in three sets of 8 labelled Math2 En1 (enable
operator set 1 to 8), Math 2 En2 (enable operator set 9 to 16), and Math En3 (enable operator set 17
to 24). Math2 denotes a two input math operator. When math operators are enabled a page
headed Math2 can be found using the

button. This page contains up to twenty four instances
which are selected using the

Figure 18-3: 2 Input Math Operators

Output Value
(result of calculation)
Input 1
Input 2
Math operator

Input 1 Scalar
Input 2 Scalar
Engineering Handbook 3500 series Controllers
176 Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10
18.3.1 Math Operations
The following operations can be performed:

0: Off The selected analogue operator is turned off
1: Add The output result is the addition of Input 1 and Input 2
2: Sub Subtract. The output result is the difference between Input 1 and Input 2
where Input 1 > Input 2
3: Mul Multiply. The output result is the Input 1 multiplied by Input 2
4: Div Divide. The output result is Input 1 divided by Input 2
5: AbsDif Absolute Difference. The output result is the absolute difference between Input 1 and 2
6: SelMax Select Max. The output result is the maximum of Input 1 and Input 2
7: SelMin Select Min. The output result is the minimum of Input 1 and Input 2
8: HotSwp Hot Swap. Input 1 appears at the output provided input 1 is good. If input 1 is bad
then input 2 value will appear at the output. An example of a bad input occurs during a
sensor break condition.
9: SmpHld Sample and Hold. Normally input 1 will be an analogue value and input B will be digital.
The output tracks input 1 when input 2 = 1 (Sample).
The output will remain at the current value when input 2 = 0 (Hold).
If input 2 is an analogue value then any non zero value will be interpreted as Sample.
10: Power The output is the value at input 1 raised to the power of the value at input 2. I.e. input
input 2

11: Sqrt Square Root. The output result is the square root of Input 1. Input 2 has no effect.
12: Log The output is the logarithm (base 10) of Input 1. Input 2 has no effect
13: Ln The output is the logarithm (base n) of Input 1. Input 2 has no effect
14: Exp The output result is the exponential of Input 1. Input 2 has no effect
15: 10 x The output result is 10 raised to the power of Input 1 value. I.e. 10
input 1
. Input 2 has no
51: Select Select input is used to control which Analogue Input is switched to the output of the
Analogue Operator. If the select input is true input 2 is switched through to the output. If
false input 1 is switched through to the output. See example below:-

When Boolean parameters are used as inputs to analogue wiring, they will be cast to 0.0 or 1.0 as
appropriate. Values <= -0.5 or >= 1.5 will not be wired. This provides a way to stop a Boolean
Analogue wiring (whether simple re-routing or involving calculations) will always output a real type
result, whether the inputs were booleans, integers or reals.
Note: The numerical value is the value of the enumeration

If Select Input = 1, then An input 2 is selected
If Select Input = 0, then An input 1 is selected
An Op 1
Logic 1
input 1
input 2
Select input
3500 Series Controllers Engineering Handbook
Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10 177
18.3.2 Math Operator Parameters

List Header Math2 (2 Input Operators) Sub-headers: 1 to 24
to select
Parameter Description Value
Press or to change values
Default Access
Operation To select the type of operator
See previous table None Conf
I nput 1
Scal e
Scaling factor on input 1
Limited to max float * 1.0 L3
I nput 2
Scal e
Scaling factor on input 2
Limited to max float * 1.0 L3
Out put
Uni t s
Units applicable to the output
V, mV, A, mA,
PH, mmHg, psi, Bar, mBar, %RH, %, mmWG,
inWG, inWW, Ohms, PSIG, %O2, PPM, %CO2,
%CP, %/sec,
sec, min, hrs,
None Conf
Out put
Res n
Resolution of the output value XXXXX. XXXX.X, XXX.XX, XX.XXX, X.XXXX
Low Li mi t
To apply a low limit to the
Max float* to High limit (decimal point
depends on resolution)
-99999 Conf
Hi gh Li mi t
To apply a high limit to the
Low limit to Max float* (decimal point depends
on resolution)
999999 Conf
Fal l back
The state of the Output and
Status parameters in case of a
fault condition. This parameter
could be used in conjunction
with fallback value
Clip Bad
Clip Good
Fall Bad
Fall Good
Descriptions, see section

Fal l back
Defines (in accordance with
Fallback) the output value
during fault conditions.
Limited to max float * (decimal point depends
on resolution)

I nput 1
Val ue
Input 1 value (normally wired to
an input source could be a
User Value)
Limited to max float * (decimal point depends
on resolution)

I nput 2
Val ue
Input 2 value (normally wired to
an input source could be a
User Value)
Limited to max float * (decimal point depends
on resolution)

Out put
Val ue
Indicates the analogue value of
the output
Between high and low limits
St at us
This parameter is used in
conjunction with Fallback to
indicate the status of the
operation. Typically, status is
used to flag fault conditions
and may be used as an
interlock for other operations.


* Max float in this instrument is +9,999,999,999
Engineering Handbook 3500 series Controllers
178 Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10
18.3.3 Sample and Hold Operation
The diagram below shows the operation of the sample and hold feature.

Figure 18-4: Sample and Hold
3500 Series Controllers Engineering Handbook
Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10 179
18.4 Eight Input Analog Multiplexers
The eight Input analog multiplexers may be used to switch one of eight inputs to an output. It is usual
to wire inputs to a source within the controller which selects that input at the appropriate time or
event. Two multiplexers may be enabled from the Inst Opt page. A page headed Mux8 can then
be found using the

button. This page contains up to two instances which are selected using

18.4.1 Multiple Input Operator Parameters

List Header Mux8 (8 Input Operators) Sub-headers: 1 to 2
to select
Parameter Description Value
Press or to change values
Default Access
Hi gh Li mi t
The low limit for all inputs and
the fall back value.
Low limit to 99999 (decimal point depends on
99999 Conf
Low Li mi t
The high limit for all inputs and
the fall back value.
-99999 to High limit (decimal point depends
on resolution)
-99999 Conf
Fal l back
The state of the Output and
Status parameters in case of a
fault condition. This parameter
could be used in conjunction
with Fallback Val.
Clip Bad
Clip Good
Fall Bad
Fall Good
Descriptions see section 18.4.2.
Fal l back
Used (in accordance with
Fallback) to define the output
value during fault conditions
-99999 to 99999 (decimal point depends on

Sel ect
Used to select which input
value is assigned to the output.
Input1 to Input8
I nput 1 t o 8
Input values (normally wired to
an input source)
-99999 to 99999 (decimal point depends on

Out put
Indicates the analogue value of
the output
Between high and low limits
St at us
Used in conjunction with
Fallback to indicate the status
of the operation. Typically,
status is used to flag fault
conditions and may be used as
an interlock for other

Res n
Indicates the resolution of the
The resolution of the output is
taken from the selected input.
If the selected input is not
wired, or if its status is bad then
the resolution will be set to 1dp

18.4.2 Fallback
The fallback strategy will come into effect if the status of the input value is bad or if the input value is
outside the range of Input Hi and Input Lo.
In this case the fallback strategy may be configured as:-
Fallback Good the output value will be the fallback value and the output status will be Good.
Fallback Bad the output value will be the fallback value and the output status will be Bad.
Clip Good If the input is outside a limit the output will be clipped to the limit and the status will be
Clip Bad If the input is outside a limit the output will be clipped to the limit and the status will be
Upscale the output value will be Output Hi and the output status will be Bad.
Downscale the output value will be Output Lo and the output status will be Bad.
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18.5 Multi Input Operator
The Multi Input Operator function block performs analogue operations on up to eight inputs. The
block will simultaneously output the Sum, Average, Maximum and Minimum values of the valid inputs.
The outputs may be clipped to user defined limits or be replaced by a fallback value as described in
section 18.5.5.
An outline of the block is shown below and there are two instances of the block in 3500 series

Figure 18-5: Multi Input Operator Function Block

18.5.1 Number of Inputs
Num In determines the number of inputs made available for use. This is settable by the user and is
defaulted to two. Take care not to set this number to a value higher than the desired number of inputs
as any unused inputs are seen as valid inputs (zero value by default). Num Casc In and Casc In will
always be available.

18.5.2 Input Status
Input Status gives an indication of the status of the inputs in priority order. Casc in has the highest
priority, In1 the next highest up to In8 the lowest. Should more than one input be bad then the input
with the highest priority is shown as bad. When the highest priority bad status is cleared the next
highest priority bad status is shown. When all inputs are OK a status of OK is shown.

18.5.3 Number of Valid Inputs
Num Valid Ins provides a count of the number of inputs used to perform the calculation within the
block. This is required for cascaded operation as detailed below.
Num Casc In
Casc In
Out Hi Limit
Out Lo Limit
Fallback Val
Fallback Type
Num Valid Inputs
Input Status
Num In
Multi Operator
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Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10 181
18.5.4 Cascaded Operation
The two Multiple Input Operator blocks can be cascade to allow up to 16 inputs. The diagram shows
how the two blocks are configured to find the average of more than eight inputs.

Figure 18-6: Cascaded Multi Input Operators

If Casc In has Good status, and NumCascIn is not equal to zero, it is assumed that the block is in
cascade and these values are used for calculations within the block., and the value given by
NumCascIn is added to NumValidIn. When in cascade the sum, min, max and average outputs treat
Casc in as an additional input to the block. For example, if Casc In is greater than any number on the
rest of the inputs then its value will be output as the maximum.

18.5.5 Fallback Strategy for Multi Input Block
The fallback strategy may be selected in configuration mode as follows:- Clip Good
The status of the outputs is always good
If an output is out of range then it is clipped to limits
If all inputs are Bad, all outputs = 0 (or clipped to limits if 0 is not within the output range) Clip Bad
The status of all outputs is Bad if one or more of the inputs is Bad.
If an output is out of range then it is clipped to limits and the status of that output is set to Bad
If all inputs are Bad, all outputs = 0 and all status are set to Bad (or clipped to limits if 0 is not within
the output range) Fall Good
The status of the outputs is always good
If an output is out of range then it is set to the fallback value
If all inputs are Bad, all outputs = fallback value Fall Bad
The status of the outputs is bad if one or more of the inputs is bad
If an output is out of range then it is set to the fallback value and the status is set to bad
If all inputs are Bad, all outputs = fallback value and all status are set to bad

Num Valid Inputs

Input Status
Num Casc In
Casc In
Num In
Multi Operator 1
Num Valid Inputs
Input Status
Num In
Multi Operator 1
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182 Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10
18.5.6 Multi Operator Parameters

List Header MultOp (Multi Input Operators) Sub-headers: 1 to 2
to select
Parameter Description Value
Press or to change values
Default Access
Num I n
Number of inputs selected to use 1 to 8
2 Conf
Casc Num I n
Number of cascaded inputs from the
previous block
0 - 255
Casc I n
The cascaded input from the
previous block
-99999 to 99999
I n1
Input 1

I n2
Input 2

I n3
Input 3

I n4
Input 4

I n5
Input 5

I n6
Input 6

I n7
Input 7

I n8
Input 8

Uni t s
Selected units for the I/O None, Abs Temp, V, mV, A, mA, pH,
mmHg, psi, Bar, mBar, %RH, %, mmWg,
inWg, inWW, Ohms, psig, %O2, PPM,
%CO2, %CP, %/sec, RelTemp, Vacuum,
sec, min, hrs
Res n
Selected resolution of the outputs XXXXX, XXXX.X, XXX.XX, XX.XXX,

Out Hi Li mi t
Upper limit of the outputs Between Out Lo Limit and maximum
Out Lo Li mi t
Lower limit of the outputs Between Out Hi Limit and minimum
Fal l back
The state of the Output and Status
parameters in case of a fault
condition. This parameter could be
used in conjunction with Fallback Val.
Clip Bad
Clip Good
Fall Bad
Fall Good
Descriptions see section

Fal l back Val
Value to be output depending on
Input Status and fallback type

Num Val i d I n
Number of inputs used in the
calculated outputs

Sum Out
Sum of the valid inputs

Max Out
Maximum value of the valid inputs

Mi n Out
Minimum value of the valid inputs

Aver age Out
Average value of the valid inputs

I n St at us
Status of the inputs Good

3500 Series Controllers Engineering Handbook
Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10 183
19. Chapter 19 Input Characterisation
19.1 Input Linearisation
The Lin16 function block converts an input signal into an output PV using a series of up to 14 straight
lines to characterise the conversion.
The function block provides the following behaviour.
1. The Input values must be monotonic and constantly rising.
2. To convert the MV to the PV, the algorithm will search the table of inputs until the matching
segment is found. Once found, the points either side will be used to interpolate the output
3. If during the search, a point is found which is not above the previous (below for inverted) then
the search will be terminated and the segment taken from the last good point to the extreme
(In Hi-Out Hi) see following diagram.

Figure 19-1: Linearisation Example
1. The linearisation block works on rising inputs/rising outputs or rising inputs/falling outputs. It
is not suitable for outputs which rise and fall on the same curve.
2. Input Lo/Output Lo and Input Hi/Output Hi are entered first to define the low and high points
of the curve. It is not necessary to define all 15 intermediate points if the accuracy is not
required. Points not defined will be ignored and a straight line fit will apply between the last
point defined and the Input Hi/Output Hi point. If the input source has a bad status (sensor
break, or over-range) then the output value will also have a bad status.
Output 1( to 14)
Out Hi
Out Lo
In Hi In Lo
Input 1( to 14)
Ignored data
Engineering Handbook 3500 series Controllers
184 Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10
1. If the input value is outside
the translated range then the
output status will indicate
Bad, and the value will be
limited to the nearest output
2. The units and resolution
parameters will be used for
the output values. The input
values resolution and units
will be specified by the
source of the wire.
3. If the Out Low is higher than
the Out High then the
translation will be inverted.

Figure 19-2: How an Inverted Curve will Terminate its search when it detects non-monatonic data

19.1.1 Compensation for Sensor Non-Linearities
The custom linearisation feature can also be used to compensate for errors in the sensor or
measurement system. The intermediate points are, therefore, available in Level 1 so that known
discontinuities in the curve can be calibrated out. The diagram below shows an example of the type of
discontinuity which can occur in the linearisation of a temperature sensor.

Figure 19-3: Compensation for Sensor Discontinuities
The calibration of the sensor uses the same procedure as described above. Adjust the output
(displayed) value against the corresponding input value to compensate for any errors in the standard
linearisation of the sensor.
First non-
data point
In High In Low
Out High
Out Low
Out Low > Out
Output Hi
eg 1000
Output Lo
eg 0
Output 1( to 14)
Input Hi eg 1000
C Input Lo eg 0
Input 1( to 14)
Cal Point 6
Cal Point 5
Cal Point 4
Cal Point 3
Cal Point 2
Cal Point 1
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Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10 185
19.1.2 Input Linearisation Parameters

List Header Lin16 Sub-headers: 1 to 2
to select
Parameter Description Value
Press or to change values
Default Access
Units Units of the linearised output None
V, mV, A, mA,
PH, mmHg, psi, Bar, mBar, %RH, %, mmWG,
inWG, inWW, Ohms, PSIG, %O2, PPM, %CO2,
%CP, %/sec,
sec, min, hrs,
None Conf
Out Resn Resolution of the output value XXXXX. XXXX.X, XXX.XX, XX.XXX, X.XXXX
Input Input measurement to linearise.
Wire to the source for the
custom linearisation
Range of the source of the input L3
Fal l Type
Fallback type
Clip Bad
Clip Good
Fallback Bad
Up Scale
Down Scale
For an explanation, see Note
1 at the end of section 19.2.

Fal l Val ue
In the event of a bad status, the
output may be configured to
adopt the fallback value. This
allows the strategy to dictate a
safe output in the event of a
fault being detected.
L3 R/O
Out put
The result of the linearisation
I n Low
Adjust to the low input value
L3 R/O
Out Low
Adjust to correspond to the low
input value
L3 R/O
I n Hi gh
Adjust to the high input value
L3 R/O
Out Hi gh
Adjust to correspond to the
high input value
L3 R/O
I n1
Adjust to the first break point
L3 R/O
Out 1
Adjust to correspond to input 1
t o

I n14
Adjust to the last break point
L3 R/O
Out 14
Adjust to correspond to input
Range of the source of the input
St at us
Status of the block. A value of
zero indicates a healthy
Within operating limits
A bad output may be caused by a
bad input signal (perhaps the input
is in sensor break) or an output
which is out of range

The 16 point linearisation does not force you to use all 16 points. If fewer points are required,
then the curve can be terminated by setting the first unwanted value to be below the previous point. If
the curve is a continuously decreasing one, then it may be terminated by setting the first unwanted
point above the previous one.
Engineering Handbook 3500 series Controllers
186 Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10
19.2 Polynomial

List Header Poly Sub-headers: 1 to 2
to select
Parameter Description Value
Press or to change values
Default Access
Input Lin To select the input type.
The linearisation type selects which of
the instruments linearisation curves is
applied to the input signal. The
instrument contains a number of
thermocouple and RTD linearisations
as standard. In addition there are a
number of custom linearisations which
may be downloaded using iTools to
provide linearisations of non-
temperature sensors.
J , K, L, R, B, N, T, S, PL2, C, PT100,
Linear, SqRoot
J Conf
L3 R/O
Units Units of the output None
V, mV, A, mA,
PH, mmHg, psi, Bar, mBar, %RH, %,
mmWG, inWG, inWW, Ohms, PSIG,
%O2, PPM, %CO2, %CP, %/sec,
sec, min, hrs,
L3 R/O
Res Resolution of the output value XXXXX. XXXX.X, XXX.XX, XX.XXX,
L3 R/O
Input Input Value
The input to the linearisation block
Range of the input wired to
Output Output value Between Out Low and Out High
L3 R/O
In High Input high scale In Low to99999
0 L3
In Low Input low scale -99999 to In High
0 L3
Out High Output high scale Out Low to 99999
0 L3
Out Low Output low scale -99999 to Out High
0 L3
Clip Bad
Clip Good
Fall Bad
Fall Good
Fall Type Fallback Type
The fallback strategy will come into
effect if the status of the input value is
bad or if the input value is outside the
range of input high scale and input low
scale. In this case the fallback strategy
may be configured as:
For an explanation, see
Note 1 at the end of this

Fall Value Value to be adopted by the output in
the event of Status = Bad

Good Good indicates the
value is within range
and the input is not in
sensor break.
Status Indicates the status of the linearised
Bad Indicates the Value is
out of range or the
input is in sensor break.
Note: This is also
effected by the
configured fallback

L3 R/O

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Note 1:-
0: Clip Bad
The measurement is clipped to the limit it has exceeded and its status is set to BAD, such that any
function block using this measurement can operate its own fallback strategy. For example the control
loop may hold its output.
1: Clip Good
The measurement is clipped to the limit it has exceeded and its status is set to GOOD, such that any
function block using this measurement may continue to calculate and not employ its own fallback
2: Fallback Bad
The measurement will adopt the configured fallback value. Which has been set by the user. In
addition the status of the measured value will be set to BAD, such that any function block using this
measurement can operate it's own fallback strategy. For example the control loop may hold its output.
3: Fallback Good
The measurement will adopt the configured fallback value. Which has been set by the user. In
addition the status of the measured value will be set to GOOD, such that any function block using this
measurement may continue to calculate and not employ its own fallback strategy.
4: Up Scale
The measurement will be forced to adopt its high limit, this is like having a resistive pull up on an input
circuit. In addition the status of the measurement is set to BAD, such that any function block using this
measurement can operate its own fallback strategy. For example the control loop may hold its output.
6: Down Scale
The measurement will be forced to adopt its low limit, this is like having a resistive pull down on an
input circuit. In addition the status of the measurement is set to BAD, such that any function block
using this measurement can operate its own fallback strategy. For example the control loop may hold
its output.

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188 Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10
20. Chapter 20 Load
There are two load simulation blocks which provide styles of load for each loop. This allows an
instrument configuration to be tested before connection to the process plant. In the current issue of
firmware the simulated loads available are Oven and Furnace.
20.1 Load Parameters
List Header Load Sub-headers: 1 and 2
to select
Parameter Description Value
Press or to change values
Default Access
Type The type of load simulation to use.
Oven is a simple load of 3 first order lags,
providing a single process value for
connection to the control loop.
Furnace consists of 12 interactive first
order lags giving a slave PV, followed by 6
interactive first order lags giving a master

Simulates the
characteristics of a
typical oven
Simulates the
characteristics of a
typical furnace
Oven Conf
Resn The display resolution of the resultant PV

Units The Units of the resultant PV.
See section 10.3.7. Conf
Gain The gain of the load, the input power is
multiplied by gain, before use by the load.
TC1 The time constant of lag 1 in the Oven load
and slave lags (1-12) of the Furnace load.
The time constant has units of seconds.
TC2 The time constant of lag 2/3 of the Oven
load and master lags (13-18) of the furnace
(Furnace load
Attenuation Between PV1 and PV2 Stages.
Used in the advanced furnace load and
defines an attenuation factor between the
slave and master lags
Ch 2 Gain Defines the relative gain when cooling is
requested, applied to the input power
when the power requested is < 0.

No fault conditions.
Fault on the first output
Fault on the second
output (master).
PVFault The load function block provides 2 PV
outputs. Sensor fault can be used to
generate a fault condition on these PV's
such that the bad status is passed along a
wire to be consumed by another block
such as the loop. The sensor fault can be
configured as
A fault on first and
second outputs (master
and slave).
PV Out1 First Process Value
The PV in Process Value an Oven load or
the Slave PV in a furnace load.
L3 R/O
PV Out2
(Furnace load
Second Process Value
Second process value, lagged from
PVOut1, used as a cascade master input.
The Master PV in the Furnace load.
L3 R/O
LoopOP CH1 Loop output channel 1 input.
The output of the loop as wired to the load
simulation, this is the power requested of
the load. This can be used as the heat
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Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10 189
List Header Load Sub-headers: 1 and 2
to select
Parameter Description Value
Press or to change values
Default Access
LoopOP CH2 Loop output channel 2 input.
The output of the loop as wired to the load
simulation, this is the power requested of
the load. This can be used as the cool
Noise Noise Added to PV
This is used to make the PV of the load
appear noisy, and hence more like a real
1 to
The amount of noise is
specified in
engineering units.
Off L3
Offset Process offset
Used to configure an offset in the process.
In a temperature application this could
represent the ambient operating
temperature of the plant.

Engineering Handbook 3500 series Controllers
190 Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10
21. Chapter 21 Control Loop Set Up
Software version 1 contains one loop of control. From version 2 onwards two loops are available.
Each loop contains two outputs, Channel 1 and Channel 2, each of which can be configured for PID,
On/Off or Valve Position (bounded or unbounded) control. In a temperature control loop Channel 1 is
normally configured for heating and Channel 2 for cooling. Descriptions given in this chapter mainly
refer to temperature control but generally also apply to other process loops.
21.1 What is a Control Loop?
An example of a heat only temperature control loop is shown below:-

Figure 21-1: Single Loop Single Channel

The actual measured temperature, or process variable (PV), is connected to the input of the controller.
The PV is compared with a setpoint (SP) (or required temperature). If there is an error between the set
and measured temperature the controller calculates an output value to call for heating or cooling. The
calculation depends on the process being controlled. In this controller it is possible to select between
a PID, On/Off, Boundless or Bounded Valve Position algorithm. The output(s) from the controller (OP)
are connected to devices on the plant which cause the heating (or cooling) demand to be adjusted
resulting in a change in PV which, in turn, is measured by the sensor. This is referred to as closed loop
21.2 Control Loop Function Blocks
The control loop consists of a number of function blocks. The parameters associated with each
function block are presented in sub-headings. Each sub-heading is listed under the overall page
header Lp- (Lp1 for the first loop and LP2 for the second loop).
The function blocks, described in this chapter are:-
Typical Parameters Section
Main Overview of the main parameters such as Auto/Manual select, current
PV, current output demand, selected setpoint value and working
setpoint value
Setup To configure control type for each channel of the selected loop 21.4
Tune To set up and run the Auto-tune function 21.6
PID To set up 3 term control parameters 21.5
SP To select and adjust different setpoints, setpoint limits, rate of change of
OP To set up output parameters such as limits, sensor break conditions 21.8
Diag Diagnostic parameters 21.9

Simplified Control Function Block
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Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10 191
21.3 Main Function Block
The Main function block provides an overview of parameters used by the overall control loop. It
Auto or Manual operation to be selected
To stop the loop from controlling for commissioning purposes
To hold the integral action.
Read PV and SP values
Parameters can be soft wired as part of a control strategy.
21.3.1 Loop Parameters - Main
A summary of the parameters which provide an overview of loop 1 (Lp1) or loop 2 (Lp2) are listed in
the following table:-

List Header Lp1 or Lp2 Sub-header: Main
to select
Parameter Description Value
Press or to change values
Default Access
Auto Automatic (closed loop)
See also
To select Auto or Manual
operation. This performs the same
function as the Auto/Manual button
described in section 2.6.
Man Manual (output power adjusted
by the user) operation
Auto L3
PV The process variable input value.
This is typically wired from an
analogue input.
Range of the input source L3
Inhibit Used to stop the loop controlling.
If enabled the loop will stop control
and the output of the loop will be
set to the Safe output value. Safe
is a parameter found in the Lp1
(or2) OP list. If output rate limit is
set the output will go to Safe at the
rate limit. On exit from inhibit the
transfer will be bumpless.
If tracking is configured (see
sections 21.7.4 and 21.7.5.) Inhibit
will override tracking.
Inhibit may be wired to an external
Inhibit disabled
Inhibit enabled

No L3
Target SP The value of setpoint at which the
control loop is aiming. It may come
from a number of different sources,
such as internal SP and remote SP.
Between setpoint limits L3
WSP The current value of the setpoint
being used by the control loop. It
may come from a number of
different sources, such as internal
SP and Remote SP. The working
setpoint is always read-only as it is
derived from other sources.
Between setpoint limits
Work OP The actual output of the loop
before it is split into the channel 1
and channel 2 outputs.
IntHold Freeze the integral term at its
current value.
See also section 21.5.8
Integral hold disabled
Integral hold enabled
No L3

Engineering Handbook 3500 series Controllers
192 Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10
21.3.2 Auto/Manual
If On/Off control is configured the output power may be edited by the user but will only allow the
power to be set to +100%, 0% or -100%. This equates to heat ON/cool OFF, heat OFF/cool OFF, heat
OFF/cool ON.
For PID control the output may be edited between +100% and -100% (if cool is configured). The true
output value is subject to limiting and output rate limit.
For valve position control the raise and lower buttons in manual will directly control the raise and lower
relay (or triac) outputs. From digital communications it is possible to control the valve by sending
nudge commands. A single nudge command will move the valve by 1 minimum on time. In manual
mode the natural state will be rest.
If sensor break occurs while the controller is in automatic the controller will output the sensor break
output power. However, the user can now switch to manual control. In this case manual will become
active and the user can edit the output power. On leaving manual, i.e. returning to automatic control,
the controller will again check for sensor break.
If autotune is enabled while in manual mode, the autotune will remain in a reset state such that when
the user puts the controller into automatic control the autotune will start.
3500 Series Controllers Engineering Handbook
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21.4 Loop Set Up Function Block
Loop Set Up configures the type of control required for each channel.
21.4.1 Types of Control Loop
Three types of control loop may be configured. These are On/Off control, PID control or control of
motorised valves. On/Off Control
On/Off control is the simplest means of control and simply turns heating power on when the PV is
below setpoint and off when it is above setpoint. As a consequence, On/Off control leads to
oscillation of the process variable. This oscillation can affect the quality of the final product and may
be used on non-critical processes. A degree of hysteresis must be set in On/Off control if the
operation of the switching device is to be reduced and relay chatter is to be avoided.
If cooling is used, cooling power is turned on when the PV is above setpoint and off when it is below.
It is suitable for controlling switching devices such as relays, contactors, triacs or digital (logic) devices. PID Control
PID, also referred to as Three Term Control, is an algorithm which continuously adjusts the output,
according to a set of rules, to compensate for changes in the process variable. It provides more stable
control but the parameters need to be set up to match the characteristics of the process under control.
The three terms are:
P Proportional band
I Integral time
D Derivative time
The output from the controller is the sum of the contributions from these three terms. The combined
output is a function of the magnitude and duration of the error signal, and the rate of change of the
process value.
It is possible to turn off integral and derivative terms and control on proportional only (P), proportional
plus integral (PI) or proportional plus derivative (PD).
PI control might be used, for example, when the sensor measuring an oven temperature is susceptible
to noise or other electrical interference where derivative action could cause the heater power to
fluctuate wildly.
PD control may be used, for example, on servo mechanisms.
In addition to the three terms described above, there are other parameters which determine how well
the control loop performs. These include Cutback terms, Relative Cool Gain, Manual Reset and are
described in the following sections.
Engineering Handbook 3500 series Controllers
194 Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10 Motorised Valve Control
This algorithm is designed specifically for positioning motorised valves. It operates in boundless
(sometimes called Valve Positioning Unbounded) or bounded mode.
Boundless VP control (VPU) does not require a position feedback potentiometer to operate. It is a
velocity mode algorithm which directly controls the direction and velocity of the movement of the
valve in order to minimise the error between the setpoint and the PV. It uses triac or relay outputs to
drive the valve motor.
a potentiometer may be used with boundless mode but it is used solely for indication of the actual
valve position and is not used as part of the control algorithm.
Bounded VP (VPB) control requires a feedback potentiometer as part of the control algorithm.
The control is performed by delivering a raise pulse, a lower pulse or no pulse in response to the
control demand signal via relay or triac outputs. Motorised Valve Control in Manual mode
Bounded VP controls in manual mode by the fact that the inner positional loop is still running against
the potentiometer feedback, so it is operating as a position loop.
In boundless mode the algorithm is a velocity mode positioner. When manual is selected the
algorithm predicts where the valve will move to based on the edit of the manual power. Effectively,
when the raise or lower key is pressed, +100% or 100% velocity is used for the duration of the key
press and the raise or lower output is turned on. In boundless mode it is essential that the motor travel
time is set correctly in order for the integral time to calculate correctly. Motor travel time is defined as
valve fully open valve fully closed - it is not necessarily the time printed on the motor since, if
mechanical stops have been set on the motor, the travel time of the actual valve may be different.
Also, if the travel time for the valve is set correctly, the position indicated on the controller will fairly
accurately match the actual valve position.
Every time the valve is driven to its end stops the algorithm is reset to 0% or 100% to compensate for
any changes which may occur due to wear in linkages or other mechanical parts.
This technique makes boundless VP look like a positional loop in manual even though it is not. This
enables combinations of heating and cooling e.g. PID heat, VPU cool and have the manual mode work
as expected. Motorised Valve Output Connections
The loop output which has been configured as valve position can be wired to the Logic IO (LA and LB)
or to a Dual Output (Relay, Logic or Triac) module. Only one IO Type needs to be configured in the
dual IO output since the second will assume the opposite type. For example, if Loop 1 Channel 1
output is wired to Logic IO LA and the IO Type is configured as Valve Raise then IO Type for Logic IO
LB will be Valve Lower as shown below.

Loop 1


3500 Series Controllers Engineering Handbook
Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10 195
21.4.2 Loop Parameters - Set up
A summary of the parameters used to configure the type of control are listed in the following table:-

List Header Lp1 or Lp2 Sub-header: Setup
to select
Parameter Description Value
Press or to change values
Default Access
Off Channel turned off
OnOff On/off control
PID 3 term or PID control
VPU Valve position unbounded
Ch1 Control
Ch2 Control.
See also
Selects the channel 1/2 control
algorithm. Different algorithms
may be selected for channels 1 and
2. In temperature control
applications, Ch1 is usually
heating, Ch2 is cooling VPB Valve position bounded
L3 R/O
Rev Reverse acting. The output
increases when the PV is below
SP. This is the usual setting for
heating control.
Control Act Sets the direction of control, i.e.
reverse or direct acting
Dir Direct acting. The output
increases when the PV is above
SP. This is the usual setting for
cooling control
Rev Conf
L3 R/O
Eng Engineering units e.g. C or F
PB Units
See also
section 21.5.2
Sets the presentation style of the
Proportional band.

Percent Per cent of loop span (Range Hi
- Range Lo)
Eng Conf
L3 R/O
PV Only changes in PV cause
changes to the derivative
Generally used for process
systems particularly using valve
control where it reduces wear
on valve mechanics.
Deriv Type Selects whether the derivative acts
only on PV changes or on Error
(either PV or Setpoint changes).
Error Changes to either PV or SP will
cause a derivative output.
Derivative on error should be
used with a programmer since
it tends to reduce ramp
overshoot. It is also generally
an advantage to use derivative
on error for temperature
control systems to give a quick
response to small setpoint
L3 R/O
The above two parameters do not appear if either Ch1 or Ch2 are configured for Off or OnOff control
Loop Name Customised name for the loop Configured using iTools see section 27.17 R/O

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21.5 PID Function Block
The PID function block consists of the following parameters:-
21.5.1 Loop Parameters - PID
A summary of the parameters used to optimize the control are listed in the following table:-

List Header Lp1 or Lp2 Sub-header: PID
to select
Parameter Description Value
Press or to change values
Default Access
Off Gain scheduling not active
Set The PID set can be selected
by the operator.
SP The transfer between one
set and the next depends
on the value of the setpoint
PV The transfer between one
set and the next depends
on the value of the process
Error The transfer between one
set and the next depends
on the value of the error
OP The transfer between one
set and the next depends
on the value of the output
Sched Type To choose the type of gain scheduling.
Rem The transfer between one
set and the next depends
on the value of the remote
Off L3
Num Sets

Selects the number of PID sets in the
gain scheduling.
This allows the lists to be reduced if the
process does not require all three PID
1 to 3 1 L3
Remote Input This parameter only appears when
Sched Type = Rem.
Range units L3
Active Set Currently working set.
Set1 R/O
Boundary 1-2

Sets the level at which PID set 1
changes to PID set 2.
Boundary 2-3

Sets the level at which PID set 2
changes to PID set 3.
Range units
The Boundary parameter only applies
when Sched Type = SP, PV, Error,
OP or Rem

The above 6 parameters are associated with Gain Scheduling described further in section 21.5.11.

Proportional band Set1/Set2/Set3.
The proportional term, in display units
or %, delivers an output which is
proportional to the size of the error
See also section 21.5.2.
0.0 to
(0.0 is
not a
Engineering units or % 20 L3

Integral time constant Set1/Set2/Set3.
Removes steady state control offsets by
ramping the output up or down in
proportion to the amplitude and
duration of the error signal.
See also section 21.5.3.
Off or
1 to
Units = seconds
Off = Integral action
360 L3
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Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10 197
List Header Lp1 or Lp2 Sub-header: PID
to select
Parameter Description Value
Press or to change values
Default Access

Derivative time constant
Determines how strongly the controller
will react to the rate of change in the
measured value. It is used to control
overshoot and undershoot and to
restore the PV rapidly if there is a
sudden change in demand.
See also section 21.5.4.
Off or
1 to
Units = seconds
Off = Derivative action
60 L3
Relative cool gain Set1/Set2/Set3.
Only present if cooling has been
configured. Sets the cooling
proportional band, which compensates
for differences between heating power
gain and cooling power gain.
See also section 21.5.5.
0.1 to
1.0 L3
Cutback high Set1/Set2/Set3.
The number of display units, above
setpoint, at which the controller output
will be forced to 0% or -100% (OP min),
in order to modify undershoot on cool
See also section 21.5.6.
Cutback low Set1/Set2/Set3.
The number of display units, below
setpoint, at which the controller output
will be forced to 100% (OP max), in
order to modify overshoot on heat up.
See also section 21.5.6.
Auto or
0.1 to
Auto = 3*PB Auto L3
MR/MR2/MR3 Manual reset Set1/Set2/Set3.
Used to remove PV offsets from the
setpoint. Manual reset introduces a
fixed additional power level to the
output. This is the power required to
eliminate the steady state error from
proportional only control.
The manual reset is applied in place of
the integral component when integral
time is set to Off.
See also section 21.5.7.
0.0 to
% 0.0 L3
Loop break time Set1/Set2/Set3
See also section 21.5.10.
Off or 1
Units = seconds 100 L3
OPHi/2/3 Output high limit for each set
+100 Limits between OPLo and
100 L3
OPLo/2/3 Output low limit for each set
-100 Limits between OPHi and -
-100 L3

Note:- If the control type is set to On/Off, only LBT is shown in the PID list.
Engineering Handbook 3500 series Controllers
198 Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10
21.5.2 Proportional Band
The proportional band (PB), or gain, delivers an output which is proportional to the size of the error
signal. It is the range over which the output power is continuously adjustable in a linear fashion from
0% to 100% (for a heat only controller). Below the proportional band the output is full on (100%),
above the proportional band the output is full off (0%) as shown in Figure 21-2.
The width of the proportional band determines the magnitude of the response to the error. If it too
narrow (high gain) the system oscillates by being over responsive. If it is too wide (low gain) the
control is sluggish. The ideal situation is when the proportional band is as narrow as possible without
causing oscillation.

Figure 21-2: Proportional Action
Figure 21-2 also shows the effect of narrowing proportional band to the point of oscillation. A wide
proportional band results in straight line control but with an appreciable initial error between setpoint
and actual temperature. As the band is narrowed the temperature gets closer to setpoint until finally
becoming unstable.
The proportional band may be set in engineering units or as a percentage of the controller range.
21.5.3 Integral Term
In a proportional only controller, an error between setpoint and PV must exist for the controller to
deliver power. Integral is used to achieve zero steady state control error.
The integral term slowly shifts the output level as a result of an error between setpoint and measured
value. If the measured value is below setpoint the integral action gradually increases the output in an
attempt to correct the error. If it is above setpoint integral action gradually decreases the output or
increases the cooling power to correct the error.
Figure 21-3 shows the result of introducing integral action.

Figure 21-3: Proportional + Integral Control
The units for the integral term are measured in time (1 to 99999 seconds in 3500 controllers). The
longer the integral time constant, the more slowly the output is shifted and results in a sluggish
response. Too small an integral time will cause the process to overshoot and even oscillate. The
integral action may be disabled by setting its value to Off.
Increasingly narrower
proportional band
only control
Proportional +
Integral control
Proportional band
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21.5.4 Derivative Term
Derivative action, or rate, provides a sudden shift in output as a result of a rapid change in error,
whether or not this is caused by PV alone (derivative on PV) or on SP changes as well (derivative on
error selection) see also section 21.4.2. If the measured value falls quickly derivative provides a large
change in output in an attempt to correct the perturbation before it goes too far. It is most beneficial in
recovering from small perturbations.

Figure 21-4: Proportional + Integral + Derivative Action

The derivative modifies the output to reduce the rate of change of error. It reacts to changes in the PV
by changing the output to remove the transient. Increasing the derivative time will reduce the settling
time of the loop after a transient change.
Derivative is often mistakenly associated with overshoot inhibition rather than transient response. In
fact, derivative should not be used to curb overshoot on start up since this will inevitably degrade the
steady state performance of the system. Overshoot inhibition is best left to the approach control
parameters, High and Low Cutback, section 21.5.6.
Derivative is generally used to increase the stability of the loop, however, there are situations where
derivative may be the cause of instability. For example, if the PV is noisy, then derivative can amplify
that noise and cause excessive output changes, in these situations it is often better to disable the
derivative and re-tune the loop.
If set to Off(0), no derivative action will be applied.
Derivative can be calculated on change of PV or change of Error. If configured on error, then changes
in the setpoint will be transmitted to the output. For applications such as furnace temperature control,
it is common practice to select Derivative on PV to prevent thermal shock caused by a sudden change
of output as a result of a change in setpoint.

21.5.5 Relative Cool Gain
The gain of channel 2 control output, relative to the channel 1 control output.
Relative Ch2 Gain compensates for the different quantities of power available to heat, as opposed to
that available to cool, a process. For example, water cooling applications might require a relative cool
gain of 0.25 because cooling is 4 times greater than the heating process at the operating temperature.
(This parameter is set automatically when an Autotune is performed).
Proportional + Integral
Response with derivative
action included
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200 Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10
21.5.6 High and Low Cutback
Cutback high CBH and Cutback low CBL are values that modify the amount of overshoot, or
undershoot, that occurs during large step changes in PV (for example, under start-up conditions).
They are independent of the PID terms which means that the PID terms can be set for optimal steady
state response and the cutback parameters used to modify any overshoot which may be present.
Cutback involves moving the proportional band towards the cutback point nearest the measured
value whenever the latter is outside the proportional band and the power is saturated (at 0 or 100% for
a heat only controller). The proportional band moves downscale to the lower cutback point and waits
for the measured value to enter it. It then escorts the measured value with full PID control to the
setpoint. In some cases it can cause a dip in the measured value as it approaches setpoint as shown
in Figure 21-5 but generally decreases the time to needed to bring the process into operation.
The action described above is reversed for falling temperature.
If cutback is set to Auto the cutback values are automatically configured to 3*PB.

Figure 21-5: High and Low Cutback

21.5.7 Manual Reset
In a full three-term controller (that is, a PID controller), the integral term automatically removes the
steady state error from the setpoint. If the controller is set as a PD controller, the integral term will be
set to OFF. Under these conditions the measured value may not settle precisely at setpoint. The
Manual Reset parameter (MR) represents the value of the power output that will be delivered when
the error is zero. You must set this value manually in order to remove the steady state error.

21.5.8 Integral Hold
If enabled, the integral component of the PID calculation will be frozen. Hence, it will hold at its
current value but will not integrate any disturbances in the plant. Essentially this is equivalent to
switching into PD control with a manual reset value preconfigured.
It may be used, for example, in a situation where the loop is expected to open it may be necessary to
turn heaters off for a short period or switch into manual at low power. In this case it may be an
advantage to wire it to a digital input which activates when the heaters are turned off. When the
heaters are switched on again the integral is at its previous value minimising overshoot.

0% output level
Upper cutback point, CBH
Time t
Lower cutback point, CBL
100% output level
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Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10 201
21.5.9 Integral De-bump
This is a feature included in the controller which is not accessible to the user. When changing from
Manual to Auto control the integral component is forced to:
the output value the proportional component the derivative component (I = OP P D).
This ensures that no change occurs in output at the point of switch over, and is termed Bumpless
Transfer. The output power will then gradually change in accordance with the demand from the PID
algorithm. Bumpless transfer also occurs when changing from Auto to Manual control. At the point of
changeover the output power remains the same as the demand in the auto state. It can then be raised
or lowered by the operator from this level.

21.5.10 Loop Break
The loop is considered to be broken if the PV does not respond to a change in the output in a given
time. Since the time of response will vary from process to process the Loop Break Time (LBT PID list)
parameter allows a time to be set before a Loop Break Alarm (Lp Break - Diag list) is initiated.
The Loop Break Alarm attempts to detect loss of restoring action in the control loop by checking the
control output, the process value and its rate of change. This is not to be confused with Load Failure
and Partial Load Failure. The loop break algorithm is purely software detection.
Occurrence of a loop break causes the Loop Break Alarm parameter to be set. It does not affect the
control action unless it is wired (in software or hardware) to affect the control specifically.
It is assumed that, so long as the requested output power is within the output power limits of a control
loop, the loop is operating in linear control and is therefore not in a loop break condition.
However, if the output becomes saturated then the loop is operating outside its linear control region.
Furthermore if the output remains saturated at the same output power for a significant duration, then
this could indicate a fault in the control loop. The source of the loop break is not important, but the
loss of control could be catastrophic.
Since the worst case time constant for a given load is usually known, a worst case time can be
calculated over which the load should have responded with a minimum movement in temperature.
By performing this calculation the corresponding rate of approach towards setpoint can be used to
determine if the loop can no longer control at the chosen setpoint. If the PV was drifting away from
the setpoint or approaching the setpoint at a rate less than that calculated, the loop break condition
would be met.
If an autotune is performed the loop break time is automatically set to Ti*2 for a PI or PID loop
alternatively 12*Td for a PD loop. For an On/Off controller loop break detection is also based on loop
break time as 0.1*SPAN where SPAN = Range High Range Low. Therefore, if the output is at limit
and the PV has not moved by 0.1*SPAN in the loop break time a loop break will occur.
If the loop break time is 0(off) the loop break time is not set.
If the output is in saturation and the PV has not moved by >0.5*Pb in the loop break time, a loop break
condition is considered to have occurred.

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202 Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10
21.5.11 Gain Scheduling
In some processes the tuned PID set may be very different at low temperatures from that at high
temperatures particularly in control systems where the response to the cooling power is significantly
different from that of the heating power. Gain scheduling allows a number of PID sets to be stored
and provides automatic transfer of control between one set of PID values and another. In the case of
the 3500 the maximum number of sets is three which means that two boundaries are provided to
select when the next PID set is used. When a boundary is exceeded the next PID set is selected
bumplessly. Hysteresis is used to stop scheduling oscillation at the boundaries.
Gain scheduling is basically a look up table which can be selected using different strategies or types.
Auto tune will tune to the active scheduled PID set.
The following Gain Scheduled types are offered using the parameter Sched Type:
The PID set can be selected by the operator.
It is possible to use soft wiring to control the selection of the gain sets. This could be
linked to the programmer segment, changing the PID settings for individual segments or it
could be wired to a digital input so that the working PID set can be set remotely.
SP The transfer between one set and the next depends on the value of the SP
PV The transfer between one set and the next depends on the value of the PV
Error The transfer between one set and the next depends on the value of the error
OP The transfer between one set and the next depends on the value of the OP demand
A remote parameter may be wired into the Scheduler, the PID set is then selected
based on the value of this input. An example, might be to automatically change
feedforward trim limits in a cascade loop.

The 3500 controller has a maximum of three sets of PID values. The parameter Num Sets allows the
number of sets to be limited to one, two or three.

Figure 21-6: Gain Scheduling over a Wide range of Operating Variable
Plant Dynamics e.g. PV
Plant Operating Position
PID Set 1 PID Set 2 PID Set 3
1 / 2 Boundary
2 / 3 Boundary
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Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10 203
21.6 Tuning Function Block
Tuning involves setting the following parameters.
Proportional Band PB, Integral Time Ti, Derivative Time Td, Cutback High CBH, Cutback Low CBL,
and Relative Cool Gain R2G (applicable to heat/cool systems only).
The controller is shipped with these parameters set to default values. In many cases the default values
will give adequate stable straight line control, however, the response of the loop may not be ideal.
Because the process characteristics are fixed by the design of the process it is necessary to adjust the
control parameters in the controller to achieve best control. To determine the optimum values for any
particular loop or process it is necessary to carry out a procedure called loop tuning. If significant
changes are later made to the process which affect the way in which it responds it may be necessary to
retune the loop.
Users have the choice of tuning the loop automatically or manually. Both procedures require the loop
to oscillate and both are described in the following sections.
21.6.1 Loop Response
If we ignore the situation of loop oscillation, there are three categories of loop performance:
Under Damped - In this situation the terms are set to prevent oscillation but do lead to an overshoot of
the Process Value followed by decaying oscillation to finally settle at the Setpoint. This type of
response can give a minimum time to Setpoint but overshoot may cause problems in certain situations
and the loop may be sensitive to sudden changes in Process Value. This will result in further decaying
oscillations before settling once again.
Critically Damped - This represents an ideal situation where overshoot to small step changes does not
occur and the process responds to changes in a controlled, non oscillatory manner.
Over Damped - In this situation the loop responds in a controlled but sluggish manner which will result
in a loop performance which is non ideal and unnecessarily slow.
The balancing of the P, I and D terms depends totally upon the nature of the process to be controlled.
In a plastics extruder, for example, a barrel zone will have a different response to a die, casting roll,
drive loop, thickness control loop or pressure loop. In order to achieve the best performance from an
extrusion line all loop tuning parameters must be set to their optimum values.
Gain scheduling is provided to allow specific PID settings to be applied at the different operating
points of the process.
21.6.2 Initial Settings
In addition to the tuning parameters listed in section 21.6 above, there are a number of other
parameters which can have an effect on the way in which the loop responds. Ensure that these are set
before either manual or automatic tuning is initiated. Parameters include, but are not limited to:-
Setpoint. Before starting a tune the loop conditions should be set as closely as practicable to the
actual conditions which will be met in normal operation. For example, in a furnace or oven application
a representative load should be included, an extruder should be running, etc.
Heat/Cool Limits. The minimum and maximum power delivered to the process may be limited by the
parameters Output Lo and Output Hi both of which are found in the Loop OP list, section 21.8. For
a heat only controller the default values are 0 and 100%. For a heat/cool controller the defaults are -
100 and 100%. Although it is expected that most processes will be designed to work between these
limits there may be instances where it is desirable to limit the power delivered to the process. For
example, if driving a 220V heater from a 240V source the heat limit may be set 80% to ensure that the
heater does not dissipate more than its maximum power.
Remote Output Limits. RemOPL and RemOPHi (Loop OP List). If these parameters are used they
should be set within the Heat/Cool Limits above.
Engineering Handbook 3500 series Controllers
204 Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10
Heat/Cool Deadband. In controllers fitted with a second (cool) channel a parameter Ch2 DeadB is
also available in the Loop OP list, section 21.8, which sets the distance between the heat and cool
proportional bands. The default value is 0% which means that heating will turn off at the same time as
cooling turns on. The deadband may be set to ensure that there is no possibility of the heat and cool
channels being on together, particularly when cycling output stages are installed.
Minimum On Time. If either or both of the output channels is fitted with a relay, triac or logic output,
the parameter Min OnTime will appear in the relevant output list (Logic IO List, AA Relay Output List
or Relay, Triac or Logic Output Module List). This is the cycling time for a time proportioning output
and should be set correctly before tuning is started.
Input Filter Time Constant. The parameter Filter Time is found in the PV Input List.
Output Rate limit. Output rate limit is active during tuning and may affect the tuning results. The
parameter Rate is found in the Loop OP List.
Valve Travel Time. If the output is a motor valve positioner the Ch1 TravelT and Ch2 TravelT (Loop
OP List) should be set as described in section 21.8.1.
Other Considerations
If a process includes adjacent interactive zones, each zone should be tuned
It is always better to start a tune when the PV and setpoint are far apart. This allows start
up conditions to be measured and cutback values to be calculated more accurately.
If the two loops in a 3500 controller are connected for cascade control, the inner loop
may tuned automatically but the outer should be tuned manually.
In a programmer/controller tuning should only be attempted during dwell periods and
not during ramp stages. If a programmer/controller is tuned automatically put the
controller into Hold during each dwell period whilst autotune is active. It may be worth
noting that tuning, carried out in dwell periods which are at different extremes of
temperature may give different results owing to non linearity of heating (or cooling). This
may provide a convenient way to establish values for Gain Scheduling (see section
If an auto tune is initiated there are two further parameters which need to be set. These are High
Output and Low Output. These are found in the Tune List, see also section 21.6.4.

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Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10 205
21.6.3 Automatic Tuning
Auto Tune automatically sets the following parameters:-
Proportional Band PB
Integral Time Ti
Derivative Time Td
If Ti and/or Td is set to OFF, because you wish to use PI, PD or P only
control, these terms will remain off after an autotune.
Cutback High CBH
Cutback Low CBL
If CBH and/or CBL is set to Auto these terms will remain at Auto after an
autotune, i.e. 3*PB.
For autotune to set the cutback values, CBH and CBL must be set to a value
(other than Auto) before autotune is started.
Autotune will never return cutback values which are less than 1.6*PB.
Relative Cool Gain
R2G is only calculated if the controller is configured as heat/cool.
Following an autotune, R2G is always limited to between 0.1 and 10. If the
calculated value is outside this limit a Tune Fail alarm is given. In software
releases up to and including 2.30, if the calculated value is outside this limit,
R2G remains at its previous value but all other tuning parameters are
Loop Break Time LBT Following an autotune, LBT is set to 2*Ti (assuming the integral time is not
set to OFF). If Ti is set to OFF then LBT is set to 12*Td.
Auto tune uses the one-shot tuner which works by switching the output on and off to induce an
oscillation in the process value. From the amplitude and period of the oscillation, it calculates the
tuning parameter values. The autotune sequence for different conditions is described in sections
21.6.10 to 21.6.12.
21.6.4 Loop Parameters - Auto-Tune
A summary of the Autotune parameters is listed in the following table:-
List Header Lp1 or Lp2 Sub-header: Tune
to select
Parameter Description Value
Press or to change values
Default Access
Off Auto-tune not running
Enable To start auto-tune
On Auto-tune running
Off L3
High Output
Low Output
To set a high and low limit to
be imposed when auto-tune is
Between Output Hi and Output Lo overall
limits set in the OP block. Max and Min limits -
100% to 100%.
Off Not running
Running In progress
Complete Auto-tune completed
State Reads the progress of auto-
Error conditions, see section
Off L3 R/O
Settling Displayed during the first minute
To SP Heat (or cool) output on
Wait min Power output off
Wait max Power output on
TI Limit
Stage Progress of auto-tune
R2G Limit

See section 21.6.13
Off L3 R/O
Stage Time Time in current stage of tune
0 to 99999 seconds L3 R/O
Engineering Handbook 3500 series Controllers
206 Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10
21.6.5 To Auto Tune a Loop - Initial Settings
Set parameters listed in section 21.6.2.
Output Hi and Output Lo (OP List section 21.8.1) set the overall output limits. These limits apply at
all times during tuning and during normal operation.
Set High Output and Low Output ( Tune list section 21.6.4). These parameters set the output
power limits during Autotune.
The tighter power limit will always apply. For example if High Output is set to 80% and
Output Hi is set to 70% then the output power will be limited to 70%.
The measured value must oscillate to some degree for the tuner to be able to calculate
values. The limits must be set to allow oscillation about the setpoint.
21.6.6 To Start Autotune
a. Select operator level 3. Auto tune cannot be performed in Configuration level.
b. Press

to select the Lp1 (or Lp2) list header,
c. Press
to select the Tune sub-header
d. Press

to select Enable
e. Press
to select On
A One-shot Tune can be performed at any time, but normally it is performed only once during the
initial commissioning of the process. However, if the process under control subsequently becomes
unstable (because its characteristics have changed), it may be necessary to tune again for the new
The auto tune algorithm reacts in different ways depending on the initial conditions of the plant. The
explanations given in this section are for the following conditions:-
1. Initial PV is below the setpoint and, therefore, approaches the setpoint from below for a
heat/cool control loop
2. Initial PV is below the setpoint and, therefore, approaches the setpoint from below for a
heat only control loop
3. Initial PV is at the same value as the setpoint. That is, within 0.3% of the range of the
controller if PB Units (Setup list) is set to Percent or +1 engineering unit (1 in 1000) if the
PB Units is set to Eng. Range is defined as Range Hi Range Lo for process inputs or
the range defined in section 7.2.1 for temperature inputs.
If the PV is just outside the range stated above the autotune will attempt a tune from
above or below SP.
21.6.7 Autotune and Sensor Break
When the controller is autotuning and sensor break occurs, the autotune will abort and the controller
will output the sensor break output power Sbrk OP set up in the OP List. Autotune must be re-started
when the sensor break condition is no longer present.
21.6.8 Autotune and Inhibit
If the controller is in autotune when inhibit is asserted the tune goes to the OFF state (Stage = Reset).
On inhibit being released the controller will re-start autotune.
21.6.9 Autotune and Gain Scheduling
When gain scheduling is enabled and an autotune is performed, the calculated PID values will be
written into the PID set that is active on completion of the tune. Therefore, the user may tune within
the boundaries of a set and the values will be written into the appropriate PID set. However, if the
boundaries are close, since the range of the loop is not large, then, at the completion of the tune, it
cannot be guaranteed that the PID values will be written to the correct set particularly if the schedule
type is PV or OP. In this situation the scheduler (Sched Type) should be switched to Set and the
Active Set chosen manually.
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Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10 207
21.6.10 Autotune from Below SP Heat/Cool
The point at which Automatic tuning is performed (Tune Control Point) is designed to operate just
below the setpoint at which the process is normally expected to operate (Target Setpoint). This is to
ensure that the process is not significantly overheated or overcooled. The Tune Control Point is
calculated as follows:-
Tune Control Point = Initial PV + 0.75(Target Setpoint Initial PV).
The Initial PV is the PV measured at B (after a 1 minute settling period)
Examples: If Target Setpoint = 500
C and Initial PV = 20
C, then the Tune Control Point will be
If Target Setpoint = 500
C and Initial PV = 400
C, then the Tune Control Point will be
This is because the overshoot is likely to be less as the process temperature is already
getting close to the target setpoint.
The sequence of operation for a tune from below setpoint for a heat/cool control loop is described

Figure 21-7: Autotune - Heat/Cool Process

Period Action
A Start of Autotune
A to B Both heating and cooling power remains off for a period of 1 minute to allow the algorithm to establish
steady state conditions.
B to D First heat/cool cycle to establish first overshoot.
CBL is calculated on the basis of the size of this overshoot (assuming it is not set to Auto in the initial
B to F Two cycles of oscillation are produced from which the peak to peak response and the true period of
oscillation are measured. PID terms are calculated
F to G An extra heat stage is provided and all heating and cooling power is turned off at G allowing the plant to
respond naturally.
Measurements made during this period allow the relative cool gain R2G to be calculated.
CBH is calculated from CBL*R2G.
H Autotune is turned off at and the process is allowed to control at the target setpoint using the new
control terms.
Autotune can also occur when the initial PV is above SP. The sequence is the same as tuning from
below setpoint except that the sequence begins with full cooling applied at B after the first one
minute settling time.
A B = 1 min.
Low Output
Zero Output
High Output
Target Setpoint
Tune Control Point
H - End of
A - Start of
Engineering Handbook 3500 series Controllers
208 Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10
21.6.11 Autotune From Below SP Heat Only
The sequence of operation for a heat only loop is the same as that previously described for a heat/cool
loop except that the sequence ends at F since there is no need to calculate R2G.
At F autotune is turned off and the process is allowed to control using the new control terms.
Relative cool gain, R2G, is set to 1.0 for heat only processes.

Figure 21-8: Autotune from below SP Heat Only

For a tune from below setpoint CBL is calculated on the basis of the size of the overshoot (assuming it
was not set to Auto in the initial conditions). CBH is then set to the same value as CBL.

Note:- As with the heat/cool case, Autotune can also occur when the initial PV is above SP. The
sequence is the same as tuning from below setpoint except that the sequence starts with natural
cooling applied at B after the first one minute settling time.
In this case CBH is calculated CBL is then set to the same value as CBH.

A B = 1 min.
Target Setpoint
Tune Control Point
High Output
Zero Output
F - End of
D to F -
C to D -
A - Start of
3500 Series Controllers Engineering Handbook
Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10 209
21.6.12 Autotune at Setpoint Heat/Cool
It is sometimes necessary to tune at the actual setpoint being used. This is allowable in 3500 series
controllers and the sequence of operation is described below.

Figure 21-9: Autotune at Setpoint

Period Action
A Start of Autotune.
A test is done at the start of autotune to establish the conditions for a tune at setpoint.
The conditions are that the SP must remain within 0.3% of the range of the controller if PB Units (Setup
list) is set to Percent. If PBUnits is set to Eng then the SP must remain within +1 engineering unit (1 in
1000). Range is defined as Range Hi Range Lo for process inputs or the range defined in section
7.2.1 for temperature inputs.
A to B The output is frozen at the current value for one minute and the conditions are continuously monitored
during this period. If the conditions are met during this period autotune at setpoint is initiated at B. If at
any time during this period the PV drifts outside the condition limits a tune at setpoint is abandoned.
Tuning is then resumed as a tune from above or below setpoint depending on which way the PV has
Since the loop is already at setpoint there is no need to calculate a Tune Control Setpoint the loop is
forced to oscillate around the Target Setpoint
C to G Initiate oscillation - the process is forced to oscillate by switching the output between the output limits.
From this the period of oscillation and the peak to peak response is measured. PID terms are
G to H An extra heat stage is provided and all heating and cooling power is turned off at H allowing the plant to
respond naturally.
Measurements made during this period allow the relative cool gain R2G to be calculated.
I Autotune is turned off and the process is allowed to control at the target setpoint using the new control

For a tune at setpoint autotune does not calculate cutback since there was no initial start up response
to the application of heating or cooling. The exception is that the cutback values will never be
returned less than 1.6*PB.

A B =1 min
A - Start of
Low Output
Zero Output
High Output
Target Setpoint
I - End of
Pk to Pk
Engineering Handbook 3500 series Controllers
210 Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10
21.6.13 Failure Modes
The conditions for performing an autotune are monitored by the parameter State. If autotune is not
successful error conditions are read by this parameter as follows:-
Timeout This will occur if any one stage is not completed within one hour. It could be due to the loop being
open or not responding to the demands from the controller. Very heavily lagged systems may
produce a timeout if the cooling rate is very slow.
TI Limit This will be displayed if Autotune calculates a value for the integral term greater than the maximum
allowable integral setting i.e. 99999 seconds. This may indicate that the loop is not responding or
that the tune is taking too long.
R2G Limit The calculated value of R2G is outside the range 0.1 and 10.0. In versions up to and including V2.3,
R2G is set to 0.1 but all other PID parameters are updated.
R2G limit may occur if the gain difference between heating and cooling is too large. This could
also occur if the controller is configured for heat/cool but the cooling medium is turned off or not
working correctly. It could similarly occur if the cooling medium is on but heating is off or not
working correctly.

3500 Series Controllers Engineering Handbook
Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10 211
21.6.14 Manual Tuning
If for any reason automatic tuning gives unsatisfactory results, you can tune the controller manually.
There are a number of standard methods for manual tuning. The one described here is the Ziegler-
Nichols method.
Adjust the setpoint to its normal running conditions (it is assumed this will be above the PV so that heat
only is applied)
Set the Integral Time Ti and the Derivative Time Td to OFF.
Set High Cutback CBH and Low Cutback CBL to Auto.
Ignore the fact that the PV may not settle precisely at the setpoint.
If the PV is stable, reduce the proportional band so that the PV just starts to oscillate. Allow enough
time between each adjustment for the loop to stabilise. Make a note of the proportional band value
PB and the period of oscillation T. If PV is already oscillating measure the period of oscillation T,
then increase the proportional band until it just stops oscillating. Make a note of the value of the
proportional band at this point.
Set the proportional band, integral time and derivative time parameter values according to the
calculations given in the table below:-

Type of control Proportional band
Integral time (Ti)
Derivative time
(Td) seconds
Proportional only 2xPB OFF OFF
P + I control 2.2xPB 0.8xT OFF
P + I + D control 1.7xPB 0.5xT 0.12xT

21.6.15 Manually Setting Relative Cool Gain
If the controller is fitted with a cool channel this should be enabled before the PID values calculated
from the table in section 21.6.14 are entered.
Observe the oscillation waveform and adjust R2G until a symmetrical waveform is observed.
Then enter the values from the table.

Figure 21-10: Setting Relative Cool Gain
R2G is correct

R2G is too large

R2G is too small
Engineering Handbook 3500 series Controllers
212 Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10
21.6.16 Manually Setting the Cutback Values
Enter the PID terms calculated from the table in section 21.6.14 before setting cutback values.
The above procedure sets up the parameters for optimum steady state control. If unacceptable levels
of overshoot or undershoot occur during start-up, or for large step changes in PV, then manually set
the cutback parameters.
Proceed as follows:
Initially set the cutback values to one proportional bandwidth converted into display units. This can be
calculated by taking the value in percentage that has been installed into the parameter PB and
entering it into the following formula:-
PB/100 * Span of controller = Cutback High and Cutback Low
For example, if PB = 10% and the span of the controller is 0 -1200
C, then
Cutback High and Low = 10/100 * 1200 = 120
If overshoot is observed following the correct settings of the PID terms increase the value of CBL by
the value of the overshoot in display units. If undershoot is observed increase the value of the
parameter CBH by the value of the undershoot in display units.

Figure 21-11: Manual Setting of Cutback

Display Units
Initial overshoot
PV approaching SP from
below adjust CBL
PV approaching SP from
above adjust CBH
3500 Series Controllers Engineering Handbook
Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10 213
21.7 Setpoint Function Block
The controller setpoint is the Working Setpoint which may be sourced from a number of alternatives.
This is the value ultimately used to control the process variable in a loop.
The working setpoint may be derived from:-
1. SP1 or SP2, both of which are manually set by the user and can be switched into use by an
external signal or through the user interface.
2. From an external (remote) analogue source
3. The output of a programmer function block. This will, therefore, vary in accordance with the
program in use.
The setpoint function block also provides the facility to limit the rate of change of the setpoint before it
is applied to the control algorithm. It will also provide upper and lower limits. These are defined as
setpoint limits, SP HighLim and SP LowLim, for the local setpoints and instrument range high and low
for other setpoint sources. All setpoints are ultimately subject to a limit of Range Hi and Range Lo.
User configurable methods for tracking are available, such that the transfer between setpoints and
between operational modes will not cause a bump in the setpoint.

Figure 21-12: Setpoint Function Block
Target SP
Programmer SP
Range Max
Range Min
Remote SP
SP High Limit
SP Low Limit
Remote +
Local Trim
SP2 Enab
SP1 Enab
Local Trim
Trim High
Trim Low
Local SP +
Remote only
Other inputs:
Ramp rate
SP changed
Target SP
Enable Rem SP
Engineering Handbook 3500 series Controllers
214 Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10
21.7.1 Loop Parameters - Setpoint
A summary of the parameters used to configure the setpoints are listed in the following table:-

List Header Lp1 or Lp2 Sub-header: SP
to select
Parameter Description Value
Press or to change values
Default Access
Range Hi
Range Lo
The Range limits provide a set of
absolute maximums and minimums for
setpoints within the control loop.
Any derived setpoints are ultimately
clipped to be within the Range limits.
If the Proportional Band is configured as
% of Span, the span is derived from the
Range limits.
-99999 to 99999
SP Select Select local or alternate setpoint
Setpoint 1
Setpoint 2
SP1 L3
SP1 Primary setpoint for the controller
SP2 Setpoint 2 is the secondary setpoint of
the controller. It is often used as a
standby setpoint.
Between SP high and SP low limits
SP HighLim Maximum limit allowed for the local
Between Range Hi and SP LowLim Range
SP LowLim Minimum limit allowed for the local
Between SP HiLim and Range Lo Range
Alt SP En To enable the alternative setpoint to be
used. This may be wired to a source
such as the programmer Run input.
See note 1
Alternative setpoint
Alternative setpoint
Alt SP This may be wired to an alternative
source such as the programmer or
remote setpoint
See note 1
Rate Limits the maximum rate at which the
working setpoint can change.
The rate limit may be used to protect the
load from thermal shock which may be
caused by large step changes in setpoint.
Off or 0.1 to 9999.9 engineering
units per minute
Off L3
RateDone Flag which indicates when the setpoint is
changing or completed
Setpoint changing
Setpoint rate disable. Does not appear if
Rate = Off
ServoToPV Servo to PV Enable
When Rate is set to any value other than
Off and Servo to PV is enabled, changing
the active SP will cause the working SP to
servo to the current PV before ramping
to the new target SP.
No Conf
R/O in
SP Trim Trim is an offset added to the setpoint.
The trim may be either positive or
negative, the range of the trim may be
restricted by the trim limits
Setpoint trims may be used in a
retransmission system. A master zone
may retransmit the setpoint to the other
zones, a local trim may be applied to
each zone to produce a profile along the
length of the machine
Between SP Trim Hi and SP Trim Lo L3
SP Trim Hi Setpoint trim high limit
SP Trim Lo Setpoint trim low limit
3500 Series Controllers Engineering Handbook
Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10 215
List Header Lp1 or Lp2 Sub-header: SP
to select
Parameter Description Value
Press or to change values
Default Access
Man Track Manual track enable.
To allow the Local SP to follow the value
of the current PV.
See also section 21.7.5
Manual tracking disabled
Manual tracking enabled
L3 R/O
SP Track Setpoint track enable.
To allow the Local SP to follow the value
of the Remote SP.
See also section 21.7.4
Setpoint tracking disabled
Setpoint tracking enabled
Track PV The programmer tracks the PV when it is
servoing or tracking.
See also section 21.7.5
L3 R/O
Track SP Manual Tracking Value.
The SP to track for manual tracking.
See also section 21.7.4.
L3 R/O

Note 1:-
Connections to the programmer are made automatically when the loop and programmer are enabled
and there are no existing connections to these parameters.

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216 Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10
21.7.2 Setpoint Limits
The setpoint generator provides limits for each of the setpoint sources as well as an overall set of limits
for the loop. These are summarised in the diagram below.

Figure 21-13: Setpoint Limits
Range Hi and Range Lo provide the range information for the control loop. They are used
in control calculations to generate proportional bands. Span = Range Hi Range Lo.

21.7.3 Setpoint Rate Limit
Allows the rate of change of setpoint to be controlled. This prevents step changes in the setpoint. It is
a simple symmetrical rate limiter and is applied to the working setpoint which includes setpoint trim. It
is enabled by the Rate parameter. If this is set to Off then any change made to the setpoint will be
effective immediately. If it is set to a value then any change in the setpoint will be effected at the value
set in units per minute. Rate limit applies to SP1, SP2 and Remote SP.
When rate limit is active the RateDone flag will display No. When the setpoint has been reached this
parameter will change to Yes. This flag will be cleared if the target setpoint subsequently changes.
When Rate is set to a value (other than Off) an additional parameter SPRate Disable is displayed
which allows the setpoint rate limit to be turned off and on without the need to adjust the Rate
parameter between Off and a value.
If the PV is in sensor break, the rate limit is suspended and the working setpoint takes the value of 0.
On sensor break being released the working setpoint goes from 0 to the selected setpoint value at the
rate limit.
Range Hi
Range Lo
SP Trim Hi
SP Trim Lo
Remote SP1 SP2 TgtSP WSP
SP Trim
3500 Series Controllers Engineering Handbook
Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10 217
21.7.4 Setpoint Tracking
The setpoint used by the controller may be derived from a number of sources. For example:-
1. Local setpoints SP1 and SP2. These may be selected through the front panel using the
parameter SP Select, through digital communications or by configuring a digital input which
selects either SP1 or SP2. This might be used, for example, to switch between normal running
conditions and standby conditions. If Rate Limit is switched off the new setpoint value is
adopted immediately when the switch is changed.
2. A programmer generating a setpoint which varies over time, see Chapter 22. When the
programmer is running the TrackSP and TrackPV parameters update continuously so that
the programmer can perform its own servo (see also section 22.10). This is sometimes
referred to as Program Tracking.
3. From a Remote analogue source. The source could be an external analogue input into an
analogue input module wired to the Alt SP parameter or a User Value wired to the Alt SP
parameter. The remote setpoint is used when the parameter Alt SP En is set to Yes.
Setpoint tracking (sometimes referred to as Remote Tracking) ensures that the Local setpoint adopts
the Remote setpoint value when switching from Local to Remote to maintain bumpless transfer from
Remote to Local. Bumpless transfer does not take place when changing from Local to Remote. Note,
that if Rate Limit is applied the setpoint will change at the rate set when changing from Local to

21.7.5 Manual Tracking
When the controller is operating in manual mode the currently selected SP (SP1 or SP2) tracks the PV.
When the controller resumes automatic control there will be no step change in the resolved SP.
Manual tracking does not apply to the remote setpoint or programmer setpoint.

Engineering Handbook 3500 series Controllers
218 Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10
21.8 Output Function Block
The output function block performs the loop output control algorithms. It selects the correct output
sources to be used, determines whether to heat or cool and then applies limits. Power feed forward
and non-linear cooling are also applied.
It is this block that manages the output in exception conditions such as start up and sensor break. .
The outputs, Ch1 Output and Ch2 Output, are normally connected to an output module where they
are converted into an analogue or time proportioned signal for electrical heating, cooling or valve
21.8.1 Loop Parameters - Output
A summary of the parameters used to configure output are listed in the following table:-

List Header Lp1 or Lp2 Sub-header: OP
to select
Parameter Description Value
Press or to change values
Default Access
Output Hi Maximum output power delivered by
channels 1 and 2.
By reducing the high power limit, it is
possible to reduce the rate of change of
the process, however, care should be
taken as reducing the power limit will
reduce the controllers ability to react to
Between Output Lo and 100.0% 100.0 L3
Output Lo Minimum (or maximum negative) output
power delivered by channels 1 and 2
Between Output Hi and -100.0% 0.0 or
Ch1 Output Channel 1 (Heat) output.
The Ch1 output is the positive power
values (0 to Output Hi) used by the heat
output. Typically this is wired to the
control output (time proportioning or DC
Between Output Hi and Output Lo L3 R/O
Ch2 Output The Ch2 output is negative portion of the
control output (0 Output Lo) for
heat/cool applications. It is inverted to
be a positive number so that it can be
wired into one of the outputs (time
proportioning or DC outputs).
Between Output Hi and Output Lo L3 R/O
Ch2 DeadB Ch1/Ch2 Deadband is a gap in percent
between output 1 going off and output 2
coming on and vice versa.
For on/off control this is taken as a
percentage of the hysteresis.
Off to 100.0% Off L3
The following four parameters only appear if Ch1/2 are configured for valve position control (Ch1/2 Control = VPU/VPB in
Lp Setup page)
Ch1 TravelT Valve travel time for the channel 1 valve
to travel from 0% (closed) to 100%
In a Valve positioner application,
Channel one is connected to both a
Raise and a Lower output.
In a Heat/Cool application Channel 1 is
the heat valve.
0.0 to 1000.0 seconds L3
Ch2 TravelT Travel time for Channel 2 valve to travel
from 0% (closed) to 100% (open).
In a Heat/Cool application, Channel 2 is
the cool valve.

0.0 to 1000.0 seconds L3

3500 Series Controllers Engineering Handbook
Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10 219

List Header Lp1 or Lp2 Sub-header: OP
to select
Parameter Description Value
Press or to change values
Default Access
Nudge Raise Causes the valve to move by one
minimum on time towards the CH1 open
See also section 21.8.9
Nudge Lower Causes the valve to move by one
minimum on time towards the CH1 close
See also section 21.8.9

The following six pot feedback parameters appear if Ch1/2 are configured for VPB valve position bounded mode
PotCal Starts the potentiometer calibration by
selecting which potentiometer to
calibrate. e.g. if a valve is used to control
the cooling of a process, then the ch2
potentiometer must be calibrated.
Note: Potentiometer input modules must
be fitted and wired directly to the loops
Ch1 or Ch2 pot position parameters.
See section 10.3.9 and 8.2.4. for details
on pot calibration
Pot cal disabled
Calibrate channel 1
Calibrate channel 2
Ch1 Pot Pos The position of the channel 1 actuator as
measured by a pot position feedback.
This is used by the bounded VP control
algorithm as the PV of the positional
Note: PotCal can be used to
automatically calibrate the potentiometer
Ch1 Pot Brk Indicates the Channel 1 pot is broken.
This parameter requires that the pot
position is wired from an input channel.
This value is taken from the wire.
Off L3
Ch2 Pot Pos The position of the channel 2 actuator as
measured by a pot position feedback.
This is used by the bounded VP control
algorithm as the PV of the positional loop
Ch2 Pot Brk Indicates the Channel 2 pot is broken.
This value is taken from the wire and is
provided by the pot input module.
Off L3
Raise The valve is opened
Lower The valve is closed
Rest The valve remains in its
current position
PotBrk Mode Defines the action which takes place if
the feedback potentiometer becomes
open circuit.
An alarm message is given whenever the
fault occurs.
Model The controller tracks the
actual position of the
valve and sets up a model
of the system so that it
continues to control when
the potentiometer
becomes faulty

Limits the rate at which the output from
the PID can change. Output rate limit is
useful in preventing rapid changes in
output from damaging the process or the
heater elements.
See also section 21.8.3.

Off to 9999.9 engineering units per
Off L3
Ch1 OnOff
0.0 to 200.0 10.0 L3
Ch2 OnOff
Channel hysteresis - only shown when
the channel is configured as OnOff.
See also section 21.8.10. 0.0 to 200.0 10.0 L3
Engineering Handbook 3500 series Controllers
220 Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10
List Header Lp1 or Lp2 Sub-header: OP
to select
Parameter Description Value
Press or to change values
Default Access
SbrkOP The output will be the
value configured by Sbrk
OP (the next parameter)..
Sbrk Mode

To set the action which takes place in the
event of a sensor break.
See also section 21.8.4.
Hold Freeze the current output
level at the point when
sensor break occurs
SbrkOP L3
Sbrk OP

Sets the level which the output power
goes to in the event of a sensor break,
and SbrkMode is set to SbrkOP.
See also section 21.8.4.
Clipped between Output Hi and
Output Lo
Safe OP Sets the output level to be adopted when
the loop is inhibited.
Clipped between Output Hi and
Output Lo
Track In auto the manual
output tracks the
control output such that
a change to manual
mode will not result in a
bump in the output.
Step On transition to manual
the output becomes the
Man Mode Selects the mode of manual operation.
LastMOP On transition to manual
the output will be the
manual op value as last
set by the operator.
ManOP The output when the loop is in manual.
Note: In manual mode the controller will
still limit the maximum power to the
power limits, however, it could be
dangerous if the instrument is left
unattended at a high power setting. It is
important that the over range alarms are
configured to protect your process.
We recommend that all processes are
fitted with an independent over range
Between Output Hi and Output Lo R/O in
ForcedOP Forced manual output value.
When Man Mode = Step the manual
output does not track and on transition
to manual the target output will step from
its current value to the ForcedOP value.
-100.0 to 100.0 0.0 L3
Off Controller will power
up in automatic or
manual mode as set
when it was powered
Manual start up mode.
On Controller will always
power up in manual
Off Conf
R/O in
No Disabled
Pff En

Power feedforward enable. This adjusts
the output signal to compensate for
changes in voltage to the controller
See also section 21.8.6
Yes Enabled
Pwr In Measured power input
R/O in
Cool Type

Selects the type of cooling channel
characterisation to be used. Can be
configured as water, oil or fan cooling.
See also section 21.8.7.

These are set to match
the type of cooling
medium applicable to
the process
R/O in
FF Type Feedforward type
None No signal fed forward None Conf
3500 Series Controllers Engineering Handbook
Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10 221
List Header Lp1 or Lp2 Sub-header: OP
to select
Parameter Description Value
Press or to change values
Default Access
Remote A remote signal fed
SP Setpoint fed forward
FF Type None
See also section 21.8.8.
PV PV fed forward
FF Gain
See also
Defines the gain of the feedforward
value, the feed forward value is
multiplied by the gain
FF Offset

Defines the offset of the feedforward
value this is added to the scaled
See also section 21.8.8.
FF Trim Lim

Feedforward trim limits the effect of the
PID output.
Defines symmetrical limits around the
PID output, such that this value is applied
to the feedforward signal as a trim.
See also section 21.8.8.

The calculated Feedforward Value.
See also section 21.8.8.
R/O in
Track OP Output track. This is the value for the
loop output to track when OP Track is
Output Track forces the control output to
a defined value.
The PID is kept in AUTO and tracks the
output. The track value is wireable or
user settable. This mode is similar to the
loop entering manual.
-100 to 100% L3
Track En When enabled, the output of the loop
will follow the track output value. The
loop will bumplessly return to control
when tracking is turned off.
RemOPL Remote output low limit.
Can be used to limit the output of the
loop from a remote source or calculation.
This must always be within the main
-100.0 to 100.0 L3
RemOPH Remote output high limit
-100.0 to 100.0 L3

Engineering Handbook 3500 series Controllers
222 Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10
21.8.2 Output Limits
The diagram shows where output limits are applied.

Figure 21-14: Output Limits
Individual output limits may be set in the PID list for each set of PID parameters when gain
scheduling is used.
The parameters Sched OPHi and Sched OPHLo, found in the Diagnostics List, may be set to
values which override the gain scheduling output values.
A limit may also be applied from an external source. These are RemOPH and RemOPLo
(Remote output high and low) found in the Output List. These parameters are wireable. For
example they may be wired to an analogue input module so that a limit may applied through some
external strategy. If these parameters are not wired +100% limit is applied every time the
instrument is powered up.
The tightest set (between Remote and PID) is connected to the output where an overall limit is
applied using parameters Output Hi and Output Lo settable in Level 3.
Wrk OPHi and Wrk OPHLo found in the Diagnostics list are read only parameters showing the
overall working output limits.
The tune limits are a separate part of the algorithm and are applied to the output during the tuning
process. The overall limits Output Hi and Output Lo always have priority.
Sched OPHi
Sched OPLo
PID List
Including Gain
Scheduling output
Wrk OPHi

Wrk OPLo
Read only
Writable NOT
Level 3
Writable NOT
OPL limiting to +ve
Writable AND

RemOPH +100%

RemOPL 100%
Output Hi

Output Lo
Output List
OPHi2 +100

OPLo2 -100
OPHi +100

OPLo -100
OPHi3 +100

OPLo3 -100
Diag List
3500 Series Controllers Engineering Handbook
Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10 223
21.8.3 Output Rate Limit
The output rate limiter is a simple rate of change limiter which will prevent the control algorithm
demanding step changes in output power. It may be set in percent per second.
The rate limit is performed by determining the direction in which the output is changing, and then
incrementing or decrementing the Working Output (Work OP in the Main list) until Work OP = the
required output (Target OP).
The amount by which to increment or decrement will be calculated based on the sampling rate of the
algorithm (i.e. 110ms) and the rate limit that has been set. If the change in output is less than the rate
limit increment the change will take effect immediately.
The rate limit direction and increment will be calculated on every execution of the rate limit.
Therefore, if the rate limit is changed during execution, the new rate of change will take immediate
effect. If the output is changed whilst rate limiting is taking place, the new value will take immediate
effect on the direction of the rate limit and in determining whether the rate limit has completed.
The rate limiter is self-correcting such that if the increment is small and is lost in the floating point
resolution, the increment will be accumulated until it takes effect.
The output rate limit will remain active even if the loop is in manual mode

21.8.4 Sensor Break Mode
Sensor break is detected by the measurement system and a flag is passed to the control block which
indicates sensor failure. On the loop being informed that a sensor break has occurred it may be
configured using Sbrk Mode to respond in one of two ways. The output may go to a pre-set level or
remain at its current value.
The pre-set value is defined by the parameter SbrkOP. If rate limit is not configured the output will
step to this value otherwise it will ramp to this value at the rate limit.
If configured as Hold the output of the loop will stay at its last good value. If Output Rate Limit (Rate)
has been configured a small step may be seen as the working output will limit to the 2 second old
On exit from sensor break the transfer is bumpless the power output will ramp from its pre-set value
to the control value.

21.8.5 Forced Output
This feature enables the user to specify what the output of the loop should do when moving from
automatic control to manual control. The default is that the output power will be maintained and is
then editable by the user. If forced manual is enabled, two modes of operation can be configured.
The forced manual step setting means the user can set a manual output power value and on transition
to manual the output will be forced to that value. If TrackEn is enabled the output steps to the forced
manual output and then subsequent edits to the output power are tracked back into the manual
output value.
The parameters associated with this feature are ForcedOP and Man Mode = Step.
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224 Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10
21.8.6 Power Feed Forward
Power feedforward is used when driving a heating element. It monitors the line voltage and
compensates for fluctuations before they affect the process temperature. The use of this will give
better steady state performance when the line voltage is not stable.
It is mainly used for digital type outputs which drive contactors or solid state relays. Because it only
has value in this type of application it can be switched off using the parameter Pff En. It should also
be disabled for any non-electric heating process. It is generally not necessary when analogue thyristor
control is used since compensation for power changes is included in the thyristor driver.
Consider a process running at 25% power, with zero error and then the line voltage falls by 20%. The
heater power would drop by 36% because of the square law dependence of power on voltage. A
drop in temperature would result. After a time, the thermocouple and controller would sense this fall
and increase the ON-TIME of the contactor just enough to bring the temperature back to set point.
Meanwhile the process would be running a bit cooler than optimum which may cause some
imperfection in the product.
With power feedforward enabled the line voltage is monitored continuously and ON-TIME increased
or decreased to compensate immediately. In this way the process need never suffer a temperature
disturbance caused by a line voltage change.
Power Feedforward should not be confused with Feedforward which is described in section 21.8.8.

21.8.7 Cooling Algorithm
The method of cooling may vary from application to application and is selected using the parameter
Cool Type.
For example, an extruder barrel may be cooled by forced air (from a fan), or by circulating water or oil
around a jacket. The cooling effect will be different depending on the method. The cooling algorithm
may be set to linear where the controller output changes linearly with the PID demand signal, or it may
be set to water, oil or fan where the output changes non-linearly against the PID demand. The
algorithm provides optimum performance for these methods of cooling. Oil Cooling
Being non-evaporative, oil cooling is pulsed in a linear manner. It is deep and direct and will not need
such a high cool gain as fan cooling. Water cooling
A complication with water-cooling comes if the zone is running well above 100C.
Usually the first few pulses of water will flash off into steam giving a greatly increased cooling capacity
due to the latent heat of evaporation.
When the zone settles down, less or even no evaporation is a possibility and the cooling is less severe.
To handle evaporative cooling choose the water cool mode from the controller parameter list.
This technique delivers much shortened pulses of water for the first few percent of the cooling range,
when the water is likely to be flashing off into steam. This compensates for the transition out of the
initial strong evaporative cooling. Fan Cooling
This is much gentler than water cooling and not so immediate or decisive because of the long heat
transfer path through the finned aluminium cooler and barrel.
With fan cooling, a cool gain setting of 3 upwards would be typical and delivery of pulses to the
blower would be linear, i.e. the on time would increase proportionally with percentage cool demand
determined by the controller.
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Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10 225
21.8.8 Feedforward
Feedforward is a value, which is scaled and added to the PID output, before any limiting. It can be
used for the implementation of cascade loops or constant head control. Feedforward is implemented
such that the PID output is limited to trim limits and acts as a trim on a FF value. The FF value is
derived either from the PV or setpoint by scaling the PV or SP by the FF Gain and FF Offset.
Alternatively, a remote value may be used for the FF value, this is not subject to any scaling. The
resultant FF value is added to the limited PID OP and becomes the PID output as far as the output
algorithm is concerned. The feedback value then generated must then have the FF contribution removed
before being used again by the PID algorithm. The diagram below shows how feedforward is

Figure 21-15: Implementation of Feedforward

21.8.9 Nudge Raise/Lower
These parameters may be wired to digital inputs (for example a pushbutton) to allow the valve to be
manually nudged open or closed. The duration of the nudge is determined by the value of the
parameter Min OnTime which will be found in the fixed relay output list AA section 9.2 but more
appropriately for valve postion outputs in the Dual Relay or Triac output modules section 10.3.1.
The minimum on/off time should be set large enough to overcome the inertia of the valve or the slack
in the linkage but not so slow that the valve opens and closes too widely which may cause oscillation of
the output and consequent changes in the temperature. If a relay is used to drive the valve the Min
OnTime should be set in the order of seconds so that the relay does not switch too rapidly which may
cause premature wear. For this reason it is often preferable to switch valve motors using triacs.
To nudge the valve press the pushbutton momentarily. The shortest time that the valve can open or
close is 110ms. If the pushbutton is depressed for longer than 110ms the valve will open or close for
as long as the pushbutton is depressed, until it is fully open/closed, as shown in the diagram below:.

Note, If the digital input signal is held on will drive fully open or closed.
FF Offset
FF Gain
FF Type
FF Type
FF Trim Lim
On pulse to
valve motor
Digital input wired
to nudge raise or
nudge lower
Min OnTime = Auto
Min OnTime = 10 seconds (for example)
On pulse to valve
Digital input wired
to nudge raise or
nudge lower
>10 seconds
On pulse to
valve motor
Digital input wired
to nudge raise or
nudge lower
On pulse to valve
Digital input wired
to nudge raise or
nudge lower
Engineering Handbook 3500 series Controllers
226 Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10
21.8.10 Effect of Control Action, Hysteresis and Deadband
For temperature control Control Act will be set to Rev. For a PID controller this means that the
heater power decreases as the PV increases. For an on/off controller, output 1 (usually heat) will be on
(100%) when PV is below the setpoint and output 2 (usually cool) will be on when PV is above the
Hysteresis applies to on/off control only and is set in the units of the PV. In heating applications the
output will turn off when the PV is at setpoint. It will turn on again when the PV falls below SP by the
hysteresis value. This shown in Figures 21-16 and 21-17 below for a heat and cool controller.
The hysteresis is used to prevent the output from chattering at the control setpoint. If the hysteresis is
set to 0 then even the smallest change in the PV when at setpoint will cause the output to switch. The
hysteresis should be set to a value which provides an acceptable life for the output contacts, but which
does not cause unacceptable oscillations in the PV.
If this performance is unacceptable, it is recommended that you try PID control.
Deadband Ch2 DeadB can operate on both on/off control or PID control where it has the effect of
widening the period when no heating or cooling is applied. However, in PID control its effect is
modified by both the integral and derivative terms. Deadband might be used in PID control, for
example, where actuators take time to complete their cycle thus ensuring that heating and cooling are
not being applied at the same time. Deadband is likely to be used, therefore, in on/off control only.
The second example below adds a deadband of 20 to the first example.

Figure 21-16: Deadband OFF

Figure 21-17: Deadband ON (set at 50% of Cooling).
SP 300
OP1 On
Heating 100%
OP2 On
Cooling 100%
Heating and Cooling
Type both on/off
Setpoint = 300
Control Action =
Heating Hysteresis =
Cooling Hysteresis =
off at SP
Cooling on at
off at SP
Heating on at
SP 300
Heating and Cooling
both on/off
Setpoint = 300
Control Action = reverse
Heating Hysteresis = 8
Cooling Hysteresis =
Deadband set at 50% of
the cooling hysteresis i.e.
off at SP
Cooling on at
Cooling off
Heating on at
OP1 On
Heating 100%
OP2 On
cooling 100%
Power deadband
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Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10 227
21.9 Diagnostics Function Block
These are generally read only parameters which may be used for diagnostic purposes.
They may be wired to produce an application specific strategy. For example, the loop break alarm
may be wired to the PV of the AA Relay or other output module to produce a physical output if the
loop break time is exceeded.
List Header Lp1 or Lp2 Sub-header: Diag
to select
Parameter Description Value
Press or to change values
Default Access
The difference between the setpoint and
the PV.
Range limits L3 R/O
Auto Automatic
Man Manual
Loop Mode Reads the mode of the loop i.e. it is Auto,
Manual or Off mode.
See sections 2.4 and 2.6. Off Loop off
In iTools
Target OP The requested control output, this could
be the target of the active output if an
output rate limit is configured.
L3 R/O
Wrk OPHi Working output high limit. This is the
value used to limit the output power of
the loop and is derived from the gain
scheduled limit, the remote limit and the
safety limit.
Wrk OPLo to 100% L3 R/O
Wrk OPLo Working output low limit. This is the
value used to limit the output power of
the loop and is derived from the gain
scheduled limit, the remote limit and the
safety limit.
-100% to Wkg OPHi L3 R/O
No Loop break not in alarm
Lp Break Loop break alarm. This is active when
the loop break time LBT, set in the PID
list (section 21.5.10) is exceeded
Yes Active
L3 R/O
Prop OP Shows the contribution of the
Proportional term to the control output.
L3 R/O
InOP Shows the contribution of the Integrator
to the control output.
L3 R/O
Deriv OP Shows the contribution of the Derivative
to the control output.
L3 R/O
Off No sensor break alarm
SensorB Indicates the status of the sensor break
On Sensor break
L3 R/O
Sched PB The scheduled proportional band

Sched Ti The scheduled integral time

Sched Td The scheduled Derivative time

Sched R2G The scheduled relative cool gain

Sched CBH The scheduled cutback high

Sched CBL The scheduled cutback low

Sched MR The scheduled manual reset

Sched LpBrk The scheduled loop break time

Sched OPHi The scheduled output high limit

Sched OPLo The scheduled output low limit
These are the current values of the
control time constants as set in the
PID list and determined by Gain


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228 Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10
22. Chapter 22 Setpoint Programmer
The purpose of a setpoint programmer is to vary the setpoint in a controlled manner over a set period
of time.
The resulting Program is divided into a flexible number of Segments - each being a unit of time. The
total number of segments available in 3500 controller is 500 (or a maximum of 50 per program) and it
is possible to store up to 50 separate programs.
It is often necessary to switch external devices at particular times during the program. Up to eight
digital event outputs can be programmed to operate during those segments.
In controllers fitted with software versions 1.XX a single programmer block is provided. This is suitable
for applications such as heat treatment or firing of ceramics materials where a single variable
(temperature) is controlled. Parameters specific to this earlier version are listed in the Appendix at the
end of this chapter.
In controllers fitted with software versions 2 onwards two single programmer blocks are included. The
dual controller allows two process variables to be controlled and is suitable for applications such as
environmental chambers controlling, for example, temperature and humidity.
An example of a dual program and two event outputs is shown below.

Figure 22-1: Simple Two Profile Setpoint Program

Start (Run) 2h 1h 3h 4h 5h 6h 7h 8h Time
Segment 1
Segment 1
Up to 8 Digital Events
Note:- Event 1 may be a Timed
Event, as shown above, whereby an
on and off time can be set in each
segment. See section 22.4.2.
SP profile
Channel 1
SP profile
Channel 2
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Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10 229
22.1 Dual Programmer Modes
There are three modes in which the dual programmer can be configured. These are:-

22.1.1 SyncStart Programmer
In a SyncStart programmer the two profiles will start running together when RUN is initiated. It is
possible to configure a SyncStart programmer for Ch1 to wait for a segment in Ch2 to catch up and
vice versa. Wait is described in section 22.3.6. A SyncStart programmer can operate as a Ramp Rate
programmer or Time to Target programmer (see next section) in each segment in the same way as the
previous single program version.

22.1.2 SyncAll Programmer
In a SyncAll programmer the two profiles automatically synchronize at the end of every segment.
However, in order to simplify its operation, this programmer is only available as a Time to Target
programmer (see next section).

22.1.3 Single Channel Programmer
By default Channel 1 is run and is intended to be used with a single process variable.

The modes are configured in the Instrument Display Configuration Page Inst Opt
described in section 6.4.
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230 Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10
22.2 Programmer Types
22.2.1 Time to Target Programmer
Each segment consists of a single duration parameter and a set of target values for the profiled
1. The duration specifies the time that the segment takes to change the profiled variables from their
current values to the new targets.
2. A dwell type segment is set up by leaving the target setpoint at the previous value.
3. A Step type segment is set up by setting the segment time to zero.

Figure 22-2: All Segments Configured as Time-to-Target

A SyncAll programmer can only be set as a Time to Target programmer

22.2.2 Ramp Rate Programmer
A ramp rate programmer specifies it's ramp segments as maximum setpoint changes per time unit.
Each segment can be specified by the operator as Ramp Rate, Dwell or Step see section 22.3 for a
full listing of segment types.
1. Ramp Rate the setpoint changes at a rate in units/time
2. Dwell the time period is set there is no need to set the target value as this is inherited from the
previous segment
3. Step specify target setpoint only the controller will use that setpoint when the segment is

Figure 22-3: Ramp Rate Programmer

A SyncStart programmer can be set as a Ramp Rate or Time to Target programmer.
4 min 3 min 4 min 2 min
Time Time Time Time
25 per min 3 min 12.5 per min 25 min
Ramp Dwell Ramp Ramp
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22.3 Segment Types
Depending on the type of program configured, a segment may be set as:-

22.3.1 Rate
A Ramp segment provides a controlled change of setpoint from an original to a target
setpoint. The duration of the ramp is determined by the rate of change specified. Two
styles of ramp are possible in the range, Ramp-Rate or Time-To-Target.
The segment is specified by the target setpoint and the desired ramp rate. The ramp
rate parameter is presented in engineering units (
F, Eng.) per real time units
(Seconds, Minutes or Hours). If the units are changed, all ramp rates are re-calculated
to the new units and clipped if necessary

22.3.2 Dwell
The setpoint remains constant for a specified period at the specified target. The
operating setpoint of a dwell is inherited from the previous segment.

22.3.3 Step
The setpoint changes instantaneously from its current value to a new value at the
beginning of a segment. A Step segment has a minimum duration of 1 second.

22.3.4 Time
A time segment defines the duration of the segment. In this case the target setpoint is defined and the
time taken to reach this value. A dwell period is set by making the target setpoint the same value as
the previous setpoint.

22.3.5 GoBack
Go Back allows segments in a program to be
repeated a set number of times. The diagram
shows an example of a program which is
required to repeat the same section a number of
times and then continue the program.
When planning a program it is advisable to
ensure that the end and start setpoints of the
program are the same otherwise it will step to
the different levels.
Goback Seg specifies the segment to go back
Goback Cycles specifies the number of times
the goback loop is executed
Overlapping Goback loops are disallowed

Note 1. If a second or more Go Back segments
are created, they cannot return to a segment
before the previous Go Back segment as
In this diagram a Go Back segment can be
created from 3 to 2 or 1. Go Back segments can
also be created from 7 to 6 or 5 or 4 but not from
7 to 2 or 1
Segment 1 Segment 2 Segment 7 Segments 3 to 6
At this point Go Back To
segment 3
Segment 6 is defined as a
Go Back segment
This section is repeated n
1 2 3 - Go Back 7 - Go Back 4 5 6
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232 Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10
22.3.6 Wait
Wait specifies the criterion for which a segment cannot proceed to the next segment. Any segment
can be defined as Wait in the Program Edit page. The next parameter is then Wait For and here
you define the criterion.
Wait For criteria:-
None No action
PrgIn1 Wait until Input 1 is true
PrgIn2 Wait until Input 2 is true
PrgIn 1&2 Wait until Inputs 1 AND 2 are true
PrgIn 1or2 Wait until Inputs 1 OR 2 is true
PVWaitIP Wait until Wait criteria is true
Ch2Seg Wait if the specified segment in channel B has not reached its target
The above parameters may be wired to configure a Wait strategy. Examples of a simple strategy are,
wait for a digital input or program event to become true or wait for a segment in program channel 1 to
reach a defined PV before allowing Ch 2 to proceed to the next segment.
In a SyncStart programmer synchronization is achieved by selecting Wait For = Ch2Sync in the
Program Edit menu.
Wait criteria for PVWaitIP is that this parameter has reached a specified threshold. This is set by the
parameter WaitVal. The following example shows various settings possible:-

Wait For set to PVWaitIP PSP = 100 WaitVal = 5
PVWait Segment will wait until
Abs Hi PVWaitIP >= 5
Dev Lo PVWaitIP >= 95
Abs Lo PVWaitIP <= 5
Dev Hi PVWaitIP <= 105

If Wait on Segment were offered on both channels without restrictions, it would be possible to set up a
program such that both channels would have to wait for one another. An example is illustrated in the
diagram below. Ch1 Seg 3 is set to wait for Ch2 Seg 1, followed by Ch2 Seg 3 set to wait for Ch1 Seg
2. It will not be possible to set conflicting situations in the controller since the following restrictions are
The Ch2Seg option is only offered in Channel 1
The Ch2Seg must be ascending

Segment 1 2 3
Channel 1

Wait Segment

Channel 2

Wait Segment

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22.3.7 Call
A CALL segment is only available when single programmer mode is configured. Call segments may
only be selected in instruments offering multiple program storage.
The Call segment allows programs to be nested within each other.
To prevent re-entrant programs from being specified, only higher number programs may be called
from a lower program.
i.e. program 1 may call programs 2 through 50, but program 49 may only call program 50.
When a CALL segment is selected the operator may specify how many cycles the called program will
execute. The number of cycles is specified in the calling program. If a called program has a number
of cycles specified locally, they will be ignored.
A CALL segment will not have a duration, a CALL segment will immediately transfer execution to the
called program and execute the first segment of that program.
Called programs do not require any modification, the calling program treats any END segments as
return instructions.

The example shows Prog 50
(Ramp/Dwell/Ramp) inserted in
place of segment 3/Program1.

Prog 50 can be made to repeat
using the Cycles parameter

22.3.8 End
A program may contain one End segment. This allows the program to be truncated to the number of
segments required.
The end segment can be configured to have an indefinite dwell at the last target setpoint or to reset to
the start of the program or to go to a defined level of power output (SafeOP). This is selectable by the
If a number of program cycles are specified for the program, then the End segment is not executed
until the last cycle has completed
Prog50 Seg1 Seg2 Seg3

Prog1 Seg1 Seg2 Seg3 Seg4 Seg5 Seg6
Prog1 Prog50 Prog1
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234 Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10
22.4 Event Outputs
All segments, except GoBack, Wait and End Segments, have configurable events.
Two types of events are provided namely, PV Events and Time Events.

22.4.1 PV Event
PV Events are essentially a simplified analogue alarm per segment based on the programmer PV input.
The PV Event Output (PVEventOP) may be used to trigger the required response.
Each Segment has one PV Event Type (Off, Hi, Lo, Band*)
Each Segment has one PV Event Threshold/User value
Each channel has one PV Event Input (for the monitored variable)
Each channel has one PV Event OP (Off, On)
* Band refers to deviation of the PV parameter from Programmer Setpoint (i.e. there is no reference
If PV Event is set to anything other than None then the following parameter will be PV Threshold.
This sets the level at which the PV Event will be triggered.
Note:- if PV Event is activated in a segment then it is not possible to set a User Value in that segment,
see section 22.4.3.

22.4.2 Time Event
Digital events can simply be the turning on of a digital output for the duration of a segment. An
extension of this is the Time Event. In this case the first digital event can have a delay (On Time) and an
(Off Time) specified. On Time defines when the digital output will turn on after the beginning of the
segment and Off Time defines when the digital output will turn off. The reference point for the On
and Off times is the start of the segment.
Only the first digital event may be configured as a Time Event.
Each segment has one Time Event parameter (OFF, Event1).
The first piano key is replaced by T if a time event is configured (and is not alterable)
Editing of the Time Events follows a number of simple rules to make programming easier for the
operator - These are shown in the diagrams below; assume On Time= Ton, Off Time= Toff
Segment 1 2

Toff = 0
Event Output
Ton = 0
Time Event = On Time Event = Off

Toff = 0
Event Output
Ton = t1
Time Event = On Time Event = Off

Toff = t2

Event Output

Time Event = On

Time Event = Off

3500 Series Controllers Engineering Handbook
Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10 235

Segment 1 2


Event Output

Time Event = On

Time Event = On

Event Output
Ton = 0
Time Event = On

Time Event = Off


Event Output
Time Event = On Time Event = Off

To configure an event which straddles two segments configure Ton in Segment n and Toff in
segment n+1.

Segment 1 2


Event Output Off

Time Event = On

Time Event = Off


Event Output Off

Time Event = On Time Event = Off


Event Output Off

Time Event = On Time Event = Off

Ton and Toff are extended by G.Soak periods. If Ton = 0, the output goes hi at the start of the
segment but Toff is not decremented while Gsoak Wait is applied. Timed event outputs are on a
total of Gsoak Wait + (Toff Ton).
Toff >0
Toff* = 0
Error : Ton = Toff
Event OP = Off
Error : Ton > Toff
Event OP = Off
Error : Toff > segment 1 duration
Error : Ton > seg 1 duration
Event OP = Off
Engineering Handbook 3500 series Controllers
236 Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10
The following additional features are available in dual programmer versions:-
Segment 3


Event Output

Ton = 0
Time Event = On

When Ton > 0, Timed event is On after Gsoak Wait + Ton. This may be seen in the following

Segment 1 2


Event Output


Time Event = On

In the event of a power fail, time events timing will be unaffected.

22.4.3 User Values
User values are general purpose analogue values which may be set up in any Time, Rate, Dwell or Step
segment provided a PV Event is not configured in that segment. When the segment is entered the
analogue value is transferred to the UserValOP parameter. This parameter may be wired to a source
within the controller for use in a particular application dependent strategy. A different value may be
set in each segment in which the UsrVal is called up. One example of its use is to set different output
powers in different segments by wiring the UserValOP to the output power parameter.
Resolution for UsrVal is derived from RstUVal. To adjust resolution, softwire a user value to RstUVal
and configure its resolution as required.
The User Value may be given a customised name using iTools configuration package as described in
section 27.15.

Gsoak Wait
Gsoak Wait
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22.5 Holdback
Holdback freezes the program if the process value (PV) does not track the setpoint (SP) by more than a
user defined amount. The instrument will remain in HOLDBACK until the PV returns to within the
requested deviation from setpoint. The display will flash the HOLD beacon.
In a Ramp it indicates that the PV is lagging the SP by more than the set amount and that the program
is waiting for the process to catch up.
Holdback maintains the correct soak period for the product.
Each program can be configured with a holdback value. Each segment determines the holdback
Holdback will cause the execution time of the program to extend, if the process cannot match the
demanded profile.
Holdback state will not change the user's access to the parameters. The parameters will behave as if in
the RUN state.
The diagram below demonstrates that the demanded setpoint (SP) will only change at the rate
specified by the program when the PV's deviation is less than the holdback value. When the Deviation
between the setpoint and PV is greater than the holdback value (HBk Val) the setpoint ramp will pause
until the deviation returns to within the band.
The next segment will not start until the deviation between Setpoint and PV is less than the holdback
Four types of Holdback are available:-
None Holdback is disabled for this segment.
High Holdback is entered when the PV is greater than the Setpoint plus HBk Val.
Low Holdback is entered when the PV is lower than the Setpoint minus HBk Val.
Band Holdback is entered when the PV is either greater than the Setpoint plus HBk Val or
lower than the Setpoint minus HBk Val

22.5.1 Guaranteed Soak
Guaranteed Soak (guaranteed time work piece stays at SP within a specified tolerance) is achieved in
the previous single programmer version by using Holdback Band during a dwell segment. Since only
one holdback value per program is available, this imposes a limitation where different tolerance values
are required to guarantee the soak.
In the software version 2 programmer (Including single channel), Holdback Type in Dwell segments is
replaced by a Guaranteed Soak Type (G.Soak) which can be set as Off, Lo, Hi or Band. A Guaranteed
Soak Value (G.Soak Val) is available in Dwell segments and this provides the ability to set different
values in any Dwell segment.

Figure 22-4: Effect of Guaranteed Soak
SP as set in the
SP as modified by holdback follows the
rate at which the process is capable
PV lags SP.
Holdback stops the
ramp until SP catches
Set Holdback Type to
Dwell starts when PV
reaches correct value
Dwell held if PV
falls beyond limits
Dwell extended by
t1 t2
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238 Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10
22.6 PID Select
It is possible to set up three sets of PID values, see Chapter 21. Any one of these sets may be activated
in any segment of the program, except if the segment is configured as Wait, Goback or End. There are
two parameters to configure. In the Program Setup page configure the parameter PID Set? to Yes.
In the Program Edit page configure PID Set to the most suitable set for the chosen segment. If PID
Set? = No in the Program Setup page the choice of PID sets is not given in the segments.
The last PID set in the program (SET1 by default) will be applied during these segments. When reset
the usual PID strategy for the loop takes over.

22.7 Sync Point Goback Interaction
Sync. points cause a segment in channel 1 to wait for a segment in Channel 2 and visa versa. To
configure a Sync. Point the Wait For parameter is set to Ch2Sync. Several scenarios are possible
which require clarification:
1) Channel 2 does not have a valid corresponding Go Back:
Channel 1 repeats segments 1 and 2, 11 times the first time (prior to Go Back) the Sync. points are
observed and evaluated as specified. During the Go Back however, as there are no Go Backs
specified in channel 2, the Sync. points are ignored.

2) GoBack in Channel 2 does not cover a sync. point :
In this scenario the first Sync. point is never covered during the GoBack cycles in Channel 2; this Sync.
point will therefore be ignored during the GoBack cycles of Channel 1. The second Sync. point is
covered for 5 GoBack cycles and therefore constitutes a valid Sync. point during the 5 cycles. During
the remaining GoBack cycles of Channel 1, Sync. point 2 will be ignored.

3 : GoBack Seg1 10x
4 : Wait Ch2Seg = 5
3 : GoBack Seg1 10x
6 : GoBack Seg4 5x
4 : Wait Ch2Seg = 5
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Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10 239
22.8 PrgIn1 and PrgIn2
These are events called Program Input 1 and 2 which can be wired to any parameter. They are used in
wait segments to prevent the program continuing until the event becomes true. Example 1 in section
22.17.5 shows how these might be used.

22.9 Program Cycles
If the Program Cycles parameter is chosen as greater than 1, the program will execute all of its
segments (including calls to other programs) then repeat from the beginning. The number of cycles is
determined by the parameter value. The Program Cycles parameter has a range of 0 to 999 where 0 is
enumerated to Cont (continuous).
Program cycles apply to both channels. In the event that one channel completes a cycle before the
second channel has finished the first channel will automatically wait until the second channel has
completed. In other words there is an implied sync. point at the end of each cycle, so, channel 1 will
wait for channel 2 (and visa versa) to complete the first cycle before progressing to the next.

22.10 Servo
Servo can be set in configuration so that when a program is run the setpoint can start from the initial
controller setpoint or from the current process value. Whichever it is, the starting point is called the
servo point. This can be set in the program.
Servo to PV will produce a smooth and bumpless start to the process.
Servo to SP may be used in a Ramp Rate programmer to guarantee the time period of the first
segment. (Note: in a Time to Target programmer the segment duration will always be determined by
the setting of the Segment Duration parameter.)
Engineering Handbook 3500 series Controllers
240 Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10
22.11 Power Fail Recovery
In the event of power fail to the controller, a strategy may be set in configuration level, which defines
how the controller behaves on restoration of the power. These strategies include:

Continue The program setpoint returns immediately to its last value prior to the power down,
then return to the target setpoint at the ramp rate set for that segment. This may
cause full power to be applied to the process for a short period to heat the process
back to its value prior to the power failure.
Ramp back This will servo the program setpoint to the measured value (the PV Input parameter
value), then return to the target setpoint at the ramp rate set for that segment or the
last rate available if in a dwell segment. The setpoint is not allowed to step change
the program setpoint. The outputs will take the state of the segment which was
active before power was interrupted.
Reset The process is aborted by resetting the program. All event outputs will take the reset
The display does not warn the operator that a power interruption has occurred.

22.11.1 Ramp back (Power fail during Dwell segments.)
If the interrupted segment was a Dwell, then the ramp rate will
be determined by the previous ramp segment.
On achieving the Dwell setpoint, the dwell will continue from
the point at which the power was interrupted.
Note: If a previous ramp segment does not exist, i.e. the
first segment of a program is a dwell, then the Dwell will
continue at the "servo to PV" setpoint.

22.11.2 Ramp back (power fail during Ramp segments)

If the interrupted segment was a ramp, then the programmer
will servo the program setpoint to the PV, then ramp towards
the target setpoint at the previous ramp rate. Previous ramp
rate is the ramp rate at power fail.

22.12 Ramp back (power fail during Time-to-target segments)

If the programmer was defined as a Time-to-Target
programmer then when the power is returned the previous
ramp rate will be recovered. The Time remaining will be
recalculated. The rule is to maintain RAMP RATE, but alter

22.13 Sensor Break Recovery
On sensor break, the program state changed to HOLD if the current state is RUN or HOLDBACK.
Sensor break is defined as status bad on the PV Input parameter. If the program state is in HOLD when
PV input status returns to OK, the program state is automatically set back to RUN.
T2 T1
Setpoint T1 + T2 = segment Dwell time
Power Off
Seg n Seg n+1
Power Off Time
Target Setpoint
Servo to new PV
Tgt SP
Power Off Time
Servo to PV level
Ramp Rate
3500 Series Controllers Engineering Handbook
Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10 241
22.14 Operating a Program
The program may be operated from the RUN/HOLD button on the front of the controller or via digital
inputs or via digital communications or via parameters found in the Program Setup lists.

22.14.1 Run
In run the programmer working setpoint varies in accordance with the profile set in the active
program. A program will always run non configured programs will default to a single Dwell end

22.14.2 Reset
In reset the programmer is inactive and the controller behaves as a standard controller. It will:-
1. Continue to control with the setpoint determined by the next available source, SP1, SP2,
Alternative Setpoint.
2. Allow edits to all segments
3. Return all controlled outputs to the configured reset state.

22.14.3 Hold
A programmer may only be placed in Hold from the Run or Holdback state. In hold the setpoint is
frozen at the current programmer setpoint and the time remaining parameter frozen at its last value. In
this state you can make temporary changes to program parameters such as a target setpoint, ramp
rates and times. These changes will only remain effective until the end of the currently running
segment, when they will be overwritten by the stored program values.

22.14.4 Skip Segment
This is a parameter found in the Program Setup List, section 22.16. It moves immediately to the next
segment and starts the segment from the current setpoint value.

22.14.5 Advance Segment
This is a parameter found in the Program Setup List, section 22.16. It sets the program setpoint equal
to the target setpoint and moves to the next segment.

22.14.6 Fast
Executes the program at 10x the normal speed. It is provided so that programs can be tested but the
process should not be run in this state.
Fast is only available in Level 3.
Engineering Handbook 3500 series Controllers
242 Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10
22.14.7 Run/Hold/Reset Digital Inputs
The dual programmer and the single programmer available in version 1 software can have Run, Hold
and Reset wired, for example, to three digital inputs so that these functions can operate the program
externally. The software version 2 programmer has in addition Run/Reset and Run/Hold parameters
which can provide the same functions via two digital inputs. Hold/Run may be implemented by
inverting the Run/Hold input (Hold will only work if already in Run state). The triggering actions are as
follows:- Run/Reset Run/Hold Hold/Run
Invert the Run/Hold input for Hold/Run functionality shown below.

For a SynAll and SyncStart programmer the digital inputs are used to control BOTH program channels.

Hold or Reset can also be operated from
the user interface when in Run
The program can be Reset from the user
interface when in Run or Hold.
Only go into Hold if previously in Run.
It will be possible to Reset from the user
interface when in Hold or Run.
3500 Series Controllers Engineering Handbook
Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10 243
22.15 PV Start
When Run is initiated PV start (for each channel) allows the program to automatically advance to the
correct point in the profile which corresponds to the current PV. For example, if the process is already
at PV3 when run is initiated then the program will start from the third segment as shown in the diagram

The user may specify the start point based on a Rising PV as shown in the diagram above or on a
Falling PV as shown below depending on type of profile being run.

When PV Start is used, the program always servos to PV (i.e. servo to SP will be ignored).
In a SyncAll programmer, PVStart is only configurable in channel 1. Channel 2 will also servo to PV in
the segment determined for PVStart by channel 1. In such cases, Channel 1 PSP and Channel 2 PSP
may reach the end of segment at different times, but Sync will take place prior to execution of the
next segment.
Falling PV
Falling PV
Falling PV


Initial PV
Rising PV
Rising PV
Rising PV


Initial PV
Seg 1
Seg 2
Seg 3
Engineering Handbook 3500 series Controllers
244 Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10
22.15.1 Example: To Run, Hold or Reset a Program
When the controller is ordered as a programmer a Programmer Summary screen is available in
operator mode which allows quick access to the programmer.
The example below uses this screen.

Do This The Display You Should See Additional Notes
4. From any display press

until the Programmer User
Display is shown

5. Press

to Program
6. Press
to choose
the program number to be run

In this example Program Number 2 is
chosen and has been given a user defined
In the 3504 Program names can be entered
using the off-line programming package
7. Press RUN/HOLD button or
select Status and set this to
Run. A pop up is displayed
where the program number
may be selected prior to run.

RUN is displayed in the indicator beacons
section of the main display.
The view shown here shows current
working setpoint, program being run,
current segment number and time left to
complete this segment.

8. To Hold a program press
RUN/HOLD button

Press RUN/HOLD button again to
continue the program.
When the program is complete RUN will
9. To Reset a program press
RUN/HOLD button for at
least 3 seconds

RUN will extinguish and the controller will
return to the HOME display shown in
section 2.3.

1. An alternative way to run, hold or reset the program from this screen, is to scroll to Program
Status using

and select Run, Hold or Reset using

2. If the program number has been previously selected the program can be run, held or reset just by
pressing the RUN/HOLD button

3500 Series Controllers Engineering Handbook
Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10 245
22.16 Program Set Up
Parameters in the Program Setup page allow you to configure and view parameters common to all
programs for both program channels 1 and 2. This page of parameters is only available in
configuration level. Press

as many times as necessary to select the Program Setup page.
The following table lists parameters available.

List Header Program Setup Sub-header: Ch1 or Ch2
to select
Parameter Description Value
Press or to change values
Default Access
Ch1 Program channel 1 Channel To select program channel 1 or 2
(Not shown in Single Channel
Ch2 Program channel 2
Units This parameter will adopt the units of the
parameter to which the programmer PVIn
is wired. For example, Programmer PVIn
could be wired to Loop TrackSP and
Loop MainPV wired to PVInput. The units
will adopt the units set in PVInput list.
See display units list, section 7.2.3. R/O
e if not
Resolution As units the resolution is set by the
parameter it is wired to.
e if not
PV Input The programmer uses the PV input for a
number of functions
In holdback, the PV is monitored against
the setpoint, and if a deviation occurs the
program is paused.
The programmer can be configured to start
its profile from the current PV value (servo
to PV).
The programmer monitors the PV value for
Sensor Break. The programmer holds in
sensor break.
The PVStart feature uses the PV value to
search for the segment in which the
program starts.
The PV Input is normally wired from
the loop TrackPV parameter.
Note: This input is automatically
wired when the programmer and
loop are enabled and there are no
existing wires to track interface
Track interface parameters are
Programmer.Setup, PVInput,
SPInput, Loop.SP, AltSP, Loop.SP,
SP Input The programmer needs to know the
working setpoint of the loop it is trying to
control. The SP input is used in the servo
to setpoint start type.
Note: SP Input is normally wired from the
loop Track SP parameter
SP Input is normally wired from the
loop Track SP parameter as the PV
PV Start program from
current PV value.
Servo The programmer may be configured to
start from either the PV or the working
See also section 22.10.
SP Start program from
the current working
If the program has
been configured to
use PVStart (start
from the segment in
which the PV
resides), servo to SP
will be ignored.

Ramp Ramp back to
program setpoint at
the previous ramp
Reset Reset program
Power Fail Power fail recovery strategy
See also section 22.11.
Cont Continue program

Engineering Handbook 3500 series Controllers
246 Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10
List Header Program Setup Sub-header: Ch1 or Ch2
Rate Res Configures the display resolution of ramp
rates (see Program Edit page).
(Not Shown for SyncAll programmer)

Max Events To set the maximum number of output
events required for the program. This is for
convenience to avoid having to scroll
through unwanted events when setting up
each segment
1 to 8
No PVEvent? Enable PV Event provides an alarm facility
on Programmer's PVInput. PV Event Type
and Threshold are defined in each
Yes PV Event
parameters are
listed in the
Program Edit page.
No TimeEvent? Enables the first Event Output to be
configured as a Time Event - each segment
may then specify an on and an off time,
with respect to the start of the segment, for
the event.
Yes Time Event
parameters are
listed in the
Program Edit page
No User value not
UserVal? Enables a single analogue value to be set
in every segment.
It is only available if Ch1/Ch2PV Event =
None in the Program Edit page.
Yes User value shown in
every segment
No No guaranteed Gsoak? Enable Guaranteed soak ensures that the
work piece remains at the specified dwell
setpoint for a minimum of the specified
This parameter is only shown for SyncStart
Yes Guaranteed soak
parameters are
listed in the
Program Edit page
for all Dwell
No The program will
run immediately
DelayedStart? Enables a time period to be set between
starting Run and the program actually
Yes Delayed start is
listed in the
Program Status
page. It is also
listed in the pop up
associated with the
No PID control is under
the control of loop
PID Set? Enables PID set. The setting configured in
each segment will automatically select the
relevant PID Set for the loop wired to the
Upon completion of the program, PID
setting of the loop will be reset to values
prior to execution of the program

See also section 22.6.
Yes PID Set is listed in
the Program Edit
Prog Reset Program reset is provided so that it may be
wired from digital inputs to reset the
program. RESET is an INPUT only. The
Program is held in RESET while the reset
input is TRUE
Prog Run Program run is an input to the
programmer. When it is switched from
False (0) to True (1) the programmer runs
its program.
Reset will override this input.
At the end of a program, the Program will
not re-run until Program Run has been set
to False and back to True.
Prog Hold Holds the program while the input is true.
Note:- Reset overrides this input.
Can be wired to
logic inputs to
provide remote
program control

3500 Series Controllers Engineering Handbook
Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10 247
List Header Program Setup Sub-header: Ch1 or Ch2
Prog RunHold Program Run Hold is an input to the
programmer. While it is in the True (1)
state, it runs the program. When it is
switched from True(1) to False (0) the
programmer Holds its program.
Reset overrides this input in all states.
Hold overrides this input when in Run state.
At the end of a program, the Program will
not re-run until Program Run Hold has
been set to False and back to True.
Program Run Reset is an input to the
programmer. While it is in the True (1)
state, it runs the program. When it is
switched from True(1) to False (0) the
programmer Resets its program.
Reset and Hold will override this input
when in Run state.
At the end of a program, the Program will
not re-run until Program Run Reset has
been set to False and back to True.
These parameters
can be wired to
provide a Run/Hold
facility. See section

No Ignore Advance Set the program setpoint equal to the
target setpoint and advance to the next
Yes Go to next segment
No Ignore SkipSeg Skip to the next segment and start the
segment at the current program setpoint
Yes Go to next segment
Event 1 to 8 Outputs showing event states On

End of Seg Flag showing end of segment state On

PVEventOP Provides an output for the PV event which
can be wired for use in a control strategy
(Only shown if PVEvent? = Yes)

UserValOP This is a wireable parameter which adopts
the value set by Usr Val in the
Programmer Status list available in
operator levels. In segments that specify
PVEvent UserValOP is set to this value.
(Only shown if UserVal? = Yes)
Sync Input On a Dual Loop Instrument synchronised
start is achieved by wiring the Sync1 output
from the master Programmer to the SyncIP
of the slave Programmer - see Sync1 for
further details
The synchronise input may also be used to
synchronise programs executed on
different instruments. At the end of a
segment the programmer will inspect the
sync. input, if it is True (1) then the
programmer will advance to the next
segment. It is typically wired from the end
of segment output of another programmer.

Sync1 Synchronised start is achieved by wiring
the Sync1 output from the Master channel
(P1) to SyncIn of the Slave channel (P2).
Program control is then fully transferred to
the Master channel where the program
number is selected and Run/Hold/Reset
commands executed. This link is shown
graphically in section 27.10.
By default the 3500 is supplied so that
both programs run together.


Engineering Handbook 3500 series Controllers
248 Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10
List Header Program Setup Sub-header: Ch1 or Ch2
These are events called Program Input 1
and 2 and can be wired to any parameter.
They may be used in a wait segment to
prevent the program continuing until the
event becomes true

PVWaitIP PV wait input for a wait segment.
This analogue input may be used to stop
the execution of the next segment.
This is achieved by using a Wait Segment,
and selecting PVWaitIP for the Wait For
PV Wait may then be configured as
appropriate to determine the criterion for
waiting - see Ch1 (Ch2) PV Wait in the
Program Edit page for further details
Range units
0: No Error
1: Sensor
Due to sensor
break, it is not
possible to run the
Source of the
sensor break is the
PV Input to the
Programmer block.
2: Empty
Program currently
selected for
execution has no
ProgError Provides messages if an invalid entry is
made to a program. The message appears
in the form of a pop up on the controller
display or as a message over digital
3: Over
Program currently
selected for
execution contains
setpoints that
reside outside the
loop setpoint limits.

3500 Series Controllers Engineering Handbook
Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10 249
22.17 Program Edit
To set up or edit a program, use the parameters in the Program Edit lists. Parameters are similar for
each programmer type but are listed individually here for clarity. Use of button will provide a
short cut to the Program Status page in operator levels and Program Setup page in configuration level.

22.17.1 To Edit a SyncAll Programmer
Select the program number to be created or edited. (Press

followed by
Programs can be created and edited in all levels.
This gives access to parameters which allow you to set up each segment of the selected program.
The following table lists these parameters:-

List Header Program Edit (Sync All) Sub-header: 1 to 50. These may also have user defined
program names
to select
Parameter Description Value
Press or to change values
Default Access
Program Program number or program name (If
1 to 50 L3
This value automatically increments when
another segment is added
1 to 50 1 R/O
Ch1PVStart PV Start determines the starting point for
program channel 1.
See also section 22.15.
Ch2PVStart PV Start determines the starting point for
program channel 2.
See also section 22.15.
Channel 1 holdback value. Sets the
deviation between SP and PV at which
holdback is applied to programmer channel
1. This value applies to the whole program.
This parameter only appears if
Minimum setting 0
Channel 2 holdback value. Sets the
deviation between SP and PV at which
holdback is applied to programmer channel
2. This value applies to the whole program.
Minimum setting 0
Cycles Number of times the whole program repeats Cont
1 to 999
Program executes
once to 999 times

Segment To select the segment to set up 1 to 50
End Last segment in the
Time Time duration of
the segment
Wait Wait for event
before progressing
to the next segment
To define the type of segment.
See also section 22.3.

GoBack Go back to a
previous segment
and repeat. See
section 22.3.5.

If Segment Type = Time the following parameters are shown.
Ch1 Target SP The setpoint value required in program
channel 1 at the end of the selected segment
Within the setpoint limits
Engineering Handbook 3500 series Controllers
250 Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10
List Header Program Edit (Sync All) Sub-header: 1 to 50. These may also have user defined
program names
to select
Parameter Description Value
Press or to change values
Default Access
Ch2 Target SP The setpoint value required in program
channel 2 at the end of the selected segment
Within the setpoint limits
Duration Sets the time to execute the segment. 0:00:00 to 500:00
1 sec to 500 hours
Off No holdback
Ch1 Hldbck
Sets the type of holdback applicable to the
selected segment in program channel 1
Low Deviation low
High Deviation high Ch2 Hldbck
Sets the type of holdback applicable to the
selected segment in program channel 2
Band Deviation high and
None No PV event in this
Abs Hi Event is triggered
when the PV
becomes greater
than the threshold.
Abs Lo Event is triggered
when the PV
becomes less than
the threshold.
Dev Hi Event is triggered
when the PV
becomes higher
than the program
setpoint by the
amount of the
Dev Lo Event is triggered
when the PV
becomes lower
than the program
setpoint by the
amount of the
Ch1 PV Event PV Event provides an alarm facility on the
main PV in Ch1.
Each segment may be configured with an
independent threshold value and alarm type.
PVEventOP is set accordingly in each
segment to indicate the state of the PV Event

See also section 22.4
Band Event is triggered
when the PV differs
from the program
setpoint by the
amount of the
Ch1 PV
Channel 1 PV threshold. This only appears if
Ch1 PV Event = None. It sets the trip level at
which the event is true
Range limits 0.0
Off Time Event The first Event Output may be switched on
and off under program control.
See also section 22.4.2.
Event 1
On Time Time at which the Time Event is true. Only
appears if Time Event = Off
See section 22.4.2 for error conditions
0:00:00 to 500.00 0:00:00
Off Time Time at which the Time Event is false. Only
appears if Time Event = Off
See section 22.4.2 for error conditions
0:00:00 to 500.00 0:00:00
UsrVal General purpose user value, only available
when PV Event is not configured.
this parameter may be given a customised
name, see section 27.12.14.
(Note a Reset User Value may be set in the
Programmer Status page in operator level)

Range limits.
Resolution for UsrVal is derived
from RstUVal. To adjust
resolution, softwire a user value
to RstUVal and configure its
resolution as required.
3500 Series Controllers Engineering Handbook
Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10 251
List Header Program Edit (Sync All) Sub-header: 1 to 50. These may also have user defined
program names
to select
Parameter Description Value
Press or to change values
Default Access
Set1 PID set 1
Set2 PID set 2
PID Set PID Set allows automatic selection of the PID
Set (scheduling) used by the loop wired to
the programmer for the selected segment.
The PID parameters for each set are defined
by the loop.
Each segment stores a PIDSet number which
is applied to the loop as the program
Set3 PID set 3
Dwell The program will
remain at last SP
Reset The program will
return to controller
only mode
End Type Only shown if Segment Type = End.
Defines the action to be taken at the end of
the program
SafeOP The output value
goes to a
predefined level.
The value is set in
the list LP OP see
chapter 0.

Event Outs To define the state of up to eight event
outputs in the selected segment
t o
T to
T = Time event:
= event off; = event on
T Time event. This
will be shown in the
first event only
when Time Event =
Event 1. See
section 22.4.2


Engineering Handbook 3500 series Controllers
252 Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10

List Header Program Edit (Sync All) Sub-header: 1 to 50. These may also have user defined
program names
On the next press of

the next Segment is selected.
If Segment Type = Wait the following parameter is shown.
PrgIn1 Wait until input 1 is
PrgIn2 Wait until input 2 is
PrgIn1n2 Wait until input 1
AND input 2 is true
PrgIn1or2 Wait until input 1
OR input 2 is true
Wait For Allows you to select the condition to become
true before proceeding
PVWaitIP Wait segment
concludes when
PVWaitIP satisfies
criterion specified
by ChX PV Wait -
this option is used
to Wait Until a
specified value has
been reached by

The following two or four parameters are shown if Wait For = PVWaitIP
None No alarm type
Abs Hi Absolute high
Abs Lo Absolute low
Dev Hi Deviation high
Dev Lo Deviation low
Ch1 PV Wait
Ch2 PV Wait
Configures the type of analogue event to be
applied to the PVWaitIP parameter for the
selected channel.
See section for an example.
Dev Band Deviation band
Ch1 Wait Val
Ch2 Wait Val
This sets the value at which the Ch1/2 PV
Wait parameter becomes active. It is not
shown if Ch1/2 PV Wait = None
Range units 0
On the next press of

the next Segment is selected.
If Segment Type = GoBack the following two parameters are shown
GoBack Seg This is shown if Segment Type = GoBack. It
defines the segment to go back to.
1 to the number of segments

To set the number of times the section of the
program is repeated. See section 22.3.5
1 to 999 1
On the next press of

the next Segment is selected.

3500 Series Controllers Engineering Handbook
Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10 253
22.17.2 To Edit a Syncstart Programmer
Select the program number to be created or edited. (Press

followed by
Programs can be created and edited in all levels.
This gives access to parameters which allow you to set up each segment of the selected program.
The following table lists these parameters:-

List Header Program Edit (Sync Start) Sub-header: 1 to 50. These may also have user defined
program names
to select
Parameter Description Value
Press or to change values
Default Access
Prg 1 or 2 Program number or program name (If
It is also possible to toggle between Ch1 and
Ch2 programs using . See note 1.
1 to 50 L3
This value automatically increments when
another segment is added
1 to 50 1 R/O
PV Start PV Start determines the starting point for
program channel 1. See also section 22.15.
Off L3
Value at which holdback is applied in those
segments where Holdback Type is
configured. It is deviation between SP and
See also section 22.5
Range units 0
Ramp Units Time unit applied to the segment Sec


Cycles Number of times the whole program repeats
1 to 999 Program executes
once to 999 times

Segment To select the segment to set up. A segment
number can only be selected for editing after
a segment type has been configured.
1 to 50
End Last segment in the
Rate Rate of change of
Time Time duration of
the segment
Dwell Duration at
previous SP
Step Immediate change
to new SP
Wait Wait for event
before progressing
to the next segment
To define the type of segment.
See also section 22.3.

GoBack Go back to a
previous segment
and repeat. See
section 22.3.5.
Target SP To set the desired setpoint value at the end
of the segment. This appears for Rate, Time
or Step segment types
Range units
Ramp Rate To set the rate of change of setpoint. This
only appears if Segment Type = Rate
Duration Only appears if Segment Type = Dwell or
Time. It sets the length of the dwell period
0:00:00 to 500.0 0:00:00
Engineering Handbook 3500 series Controllers
254 Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10
List Header Program Edit (Sync Start) Sub-header: 1 to 50. These may also have user defined
program names
to select
Parameter Description Value
Press or to change values
Default Access
Off No holdback
applied to the
Low Holdback is applied
when PV<SP by the
Holdback Value
High Holdback is applied
when PV>SP by the
Holdback Value
Sets the deviation between SP and PV at
which holdback is applied to programmer
channel 2. The value is set by Holdback
Value and applies to the whole program.
Band Holdback is applied
when PV<>SP by
the Holdback Value

None No PV event
Abs Hi Absolute high
Abs Lo Absolute low
Dev Hi Deviation high
Dev Lo Deviation low
PV Event Only appears if PVEvent? in the Program
Setup table = Yes. It is also not shown if
Segment Type = Wait, GoBack or End.
See also section 22.4.1
Dev Band Deviation band
PV Threshold Only appears when a PV Event is configured.
sets the level at which the PV event becomes
Range units 0

No time event
Time Event To set the type of time event applicable in
the selected segment for program channel 2.
Only appears if TimeEvent? in the Program
Setup table = Yes
See also section 22.4.2.
Event1 Event 1 configured
as a time event
On Time Time wrt the start of the segment at which
the event is true.
Only appears if Time Event = Off
See section 22.4.2 for error conditions.
0:00:00 to 500.00 0:00:00
Off Time Time wrt the start of the segment at which
the event is false.
Only appears if Time Event = Off
See section 22.4.2 for error conditions.
0:00:00 to 500.00 0:00:00
UsrVal General purpose user value, only available
when PV Event is not configured.
this parameter may be given a customised
name, see section 27.12.14
(Note a Reset User Value may be set in the
Programmer Status page in operator level)
Range limits.
Resolution for UsrVal is derived
from RstUVal. To adjust
resolution, softwire a user value
to RstUVal and configure its
resolution as required.

PID Set To select the PID set for the selected

PID set 1, 2 or 3 will
be used in the
selected segment
Set1 L3
Off No guaranteed
soak applied
Low Program is held if
GSoak Type This parameter is only shown if the Segment
Type = Dwell and Gsoak? is enabled in the
Program SetUp page. If the PV deviates by
more than an amount set by the G. Soak
Value then the program will be put into hold
until the deviation becomes less than G. Soak
See also section 22.5.1
High Program is held if
3500 Series Controllers Engineering Handbook
Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10 255
List Header Program Edit (Sync Start) Sub-header: 1 to 50. These may also have user defined
program names
to select
Parameter Description Value
Press or to change values
Default Access
Band Program is held if
G. Soak Value Sets the value for the guaranteed soak Range units
If Segment Type = GoBack the following two parameters are shown
GoBack Seg This is shown if Segment Type = GoBack. It
defines the segment to go back to.
1 to the number of segments

To set the number of times the section of the
program is repeated. See section 22.3.5
1 to 999 1
If Segment Type = Wait the following parameter is shown
PrgIn1 Wait for the
program event 1
PrgIn2 Wait for the
program event 2
PrgIn1n2 Wait for the
program event 1
PrgIn1or2 Wait for the
program event 1
OR 2
PVWaitIP Wait segment
concludes when
PVWaitIP satisfies
criterion specified
by ChX PV Wait -
this option is used
to Wait Until a
specified value has
been reached by
Wait For Only appears if Segment Type = Wait. It
allows you to select the event to become true
before proceeding
Ch2Sync In SyncStart mode,
the two channels of
a program start
simultaneously but
will end as and
when prescribed by
their respective
Select Ch2Sync to
specify points in the
program where the
two channels must
wait for completion
of the segment in
BOTH channels
before moving on.
Only offered in
channel 1, where
Ch2Seg specifies
the synchronisation

The following two parameters are shown if Wait For = PVWaitIP
None No alarm type
Abs Hi Absolute high
Abs Lo Absolute low
Dev Hi Deviation high
Dev Lo Deviation low
PV Wait Configures the type of analogue event to be
applied to the PVWaitIP parameter for the
selected channel
Dev Band Deviation band
Engineering Handbook 3500 series Controllers
256 Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10
List Header Program Edit (Sync Start) Sub-header: 1 to 50. These may also have user defined
program names
to select
Parameter Description Value
Press or to change values
Default Access
WaitVal This sets the value at which the Ch1/2 PV
Wait parameter becomes active. It is not
shown if Ch1/2 PV Wait = None
Range units 0
The following parameter is shown if Wait For = Ch2Sync
Ch2Seg Defines the channel 2 segment to wait for.
Ch2Seg values must be consecutive in any
program, e.g. if Ch1Seg1 is set to wait for
Ch2Seg3 followed by a further wait in
Ch1Seg2 then the segment to wait for in Ch2
must be >3.
1 to 50 1
The following parameter is shown if the Segment Type = End
Dwell The program will
remain at last SP
SafeOP The output value
goes to a
predefined level.
The value is set in
the list LP OP see
chapter 21
End Type Only shown if Segment Type = End.
Defines the action to be taken at the end of
the program
Reset The program will
return to controller
only mode


Event Outs To define the state of up to eight event
outputs in the selected segment
t o
T to
T = Time event:
= event off; = event on
T Time event. This
will be shown in the
first event only
when Time Event =
Event 1. See
section 22.4.2


Note 1:-
When setting up segments in Ch1 and Ch2 you may either set up the same segment, first in Ch1 then
in Ch2, in which case use to switch between the two programmer channels. Alternatively, you
may wish to set up all segments in Ch1 then all segments in Ch2.
3500 Series Controllers Engineering Handbook
Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10 257
22.17.3 Summary of Parameters which appear for different Segment Types

will scroll through the parameters listed in the above table. When the last parameter in a
segment is configured the next press of

will take you to the next segment number. This will always
be an End segment until it is configured differently. The following table shows a summary of the
parameters which appear for different Segment Types (For this summary it is assumed that Holdback
Type, PV Event, and Time Event are set to Off.

Segment 1
Segment Type =
Target SP
Ramp Rate
Holdback Type
PV Event
Time Event
Event Outs
Segment 2
Segment Type =
Target SP
Holdback Type
PV Event
Time Event
Event Outs
Segment 3
Segment Type =
Gsoak Type
PV Event
Time Event
Event Outs
Segment 4
Segment Type =

Holdback Type
PV Event

Event Outs
Segment 5
Segment Type =
Wait For
Segment 6
Segment Type =
GoBack Seg
GoBack Cycles
Segment 7
Segment Type = End
End Type
Event Outs

Engineering Handbook 3500 series Controllers
258 Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10
22.17.4 To Edit a Single Channel Programmer
By default, when the program is configured as a Single Programmer in the Inst Opt page, only
programmer channel 1 can be run.
The parameters shown in the following table apply and are as follows:-

List Header Program Edit Sub-header: 1 to 50. These may also have user defined
program names
to select
Parameter Description Value
Press or to change values
Default Access
Program Program number or program name (If
1 to 50 L3
This value automatically increments
when another segment is added
1 to 50 1 R/O
Allows a value to be entered to activate

Ramp Units Time unit applied to the segment Sec
Cont Repeats continuously Cycles Number of times the whole program
1 to 999 Program executes once to
999 times

Segment To select the segment to set up. A
segment number can only be selected
for editing after a segment type has
been configured.
1 to 50
End Last segment in the
Rate Rate of change of SP
Time Time duration of the
Dwell Duration at previous SP
Step Immediate change to new
Wait Wait for event before
progressing to the next
GoBack Go back to a previous
segment and repeat. See
section 22.3.5
To define the type of segment.
See also section 22.3

Call To insert a new program
into the current program.
See section 22.3.7
Target SP To set the desired setpoint value at the
end of the segment. This appears for
Rate, Time or Step segment types
Range units
Ramp Rate To set the rate of change of setpoint.
This only appears if Segment Type =
Duration Only appears if Segment Type = Dwell
or Time. It sets the length of the dwell
0:00:00 to 500.0 0:00:00
Off No holdback applied to the
Low Holdback is applied when
PV<SP by the Holdback
Defines the type of holdback to be
applied to the segment. See section
High Holdback is applied when
PV>SP by the Holdback

3500 Series Controllers Engineering Handbook
Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10 259
List Header Program Edit Sub-header: 1 to 50. These may also have user defined
program names
to select
Parameter Description Value
Press or to change values
Default Access
Band Holdback is applied when
PV<>SP by the Holdback
None No PV event
Abs Hi Absolute high
Abs Lo Absolute low
Dev Hi Deviation high
Dev Lo Deviation low
PV Event Only appears if PVEvent? in the
Program Setup table = Yes.
See also section 22.4.1
Deviation band
PV Threshold Only appears when a PV Event is
configured. sets the level at which the
PV event becomes active
Range units 0
Time Event To set the type of time event applicable
in the selected segment for program
channel 2.
Only appears if TimeEvent? in the
Program Setup table = Yes
See also section 22.4.2

On Time Time wrt the start of the segment at
which the event is true.
Only appears if Time Event = Off
0:00:00 to 500.00 0:00:00
Off Time Time wrt the start of the segment at
which the event is false.
Only appears if Time Event = Off
0:00:00 to 500.00 0:00:00
UsrVal General purpose user value, only
available when PV Event is not
this parameter may be given a
customised name, see section 27.12.14
(Note a Reset User Value may be set in
the Programmer Status page in
operator level)
Range limits.
Resolution for UsrVal is derived from
RstUVal. To adjust resolution, softwire
a user value to RstUVal and configure
its resolution as required.

PID Set To select the PID set for the selected
PID set 1, 2 or 3 will be
used in the selected
Set1 L3
Off No guaranteed soak
Low Program is held if
PV<SP+G.Soak Value
High Program is held if
PV>SP+G.Soak Value
GSoak Type The parameter is only shown if the
Segment Type = Dwell and Gsoak?
is enabled in Program SetUp.
Guaranteed Soak ensures that the work
piece remains at the specified dwell
setpoint for a minimum of the specified
Guaranteed Soak continuously
monitors the difference between the
PV and the programmer setpoint.
GSoak Type specifies whether the
guaranteed soak tests for deviations
above or below the setpoint.
See also section 22.5.1
Band Program is held if
PV<>SP+G.Soak Value
G. Soak Value Value used in evaluation of Guaranteed
Soak in Dwell segments.
Range units
If Segment Type = GoBack the following two parameters are shown
GoBack Seg This is shown if Segment Type = GoBack. It
defines the segment to.
1 to the number of
segments defined

Engineering Handbook 3500 series Controllers
260 Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10
List Header Program Edit Sub-header: 1 to 50. These may also have user defined
program names
to select
Parameter Description Value
Press or to change values
Default Access
To set the number of times the section of the
program is repeated. See section 22.3.5.
1 to 999 1
If Segment Type = Wait the following parameter is shown.
PrgIn1 Wait for the program event
PrgIn2 Wait for the program event
Wait for the program event
1 AND 2
Wait for the program event
1 OR 2
Wait For Wait For allows you to select the event
to become true before proceeding
Wait segment concludes
when PVWaitIP satisfies
criterion specified by ChX
PV Wait - this option is
used to Wait Until a
specified value has been
reached by PVWaitIP

If Wait For = PVWaitIP the following two parameters are shown
None No alarm type applied
Abs Hi Absolute high
Abs Lo Absolute low
Dev Hi Deviation high
Dev Lo Deviation low
PV Wait Configures the type of alarm to be
applied to the PVWaitIP parameter
Deviation band
WaitVal This sets the value at which the PV
Wait parameter becomes active. It is
not shown if PV Wait = None
Range units 0
If Segment Type = Call the following two parameters are shown
Call Program Enter the program number to be
inserted in place of the selected
segment. Only shown if Segment
Type = Call.
UP to 50 (current program number

Cont Repeats continuously

Call Cycles Defines the number of times the
inserted program repeats. Only shown
if Segment Type = Call.
1 to 999 Program executes 1 to 999

Dwell The program will remain at
last SP indefinitely
SafeOP The power output will go to
a defined level
End Type Only shown if Segment Type = End.
Defines the action to be taken at the
end of the program
Reset The program will return to
controller only mode

Event Outs To define the state of up to eight event
outputs in the selected segment
t o
T to
T = Time event:
= event off; = event on
T Time event. This will be
shown in the first event only
when Time Event = Event
1. See section 22.4.2


3500 Series Controllers Engineering Handbook
Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10 261
22.17.5 Examples Showing How to Set up and Run Dual Programmers
The following sections show some examples of setting up program parameters. Example 1: Configure a Rate followed by a Dwell Segment
This example applies to Single Channel and SyncStart programmers only. For a SyncAll programmer
the procedure is similar except the segments are set up as Time type segments only.

1. In Program Setup select the channel to be set up using t or u. For convenience it is also
possible to toggle between Ch1 and Ch2 using the button. To set Event 1 to be a timed
event press to select TimeEvent? and t or u to Yes. TimeEvent is only available in the
Ch1 list and applies to both channels.
2. In Program Edit select the program number to be set up. Using , scroll through the
parameters setting their values as required using t or u at each parameter
3. At Segment Type, press t to Rate
4. At Target SP, press t to the required target SP
5. At Ramp Rate, press t to the required rate of change of SP
6. Scroll through the remaining parameters and set these as required. At Event Outs set Event
2 to
7. The list then returns to Segment (number 2)
8. At Segment Type, press t to Dwell
9. At Duration, set this to the time required for the Dwell. It is also possible to set up a
guaranteed soak for this segment so that it does not proceed until the segment has been at
SP for the required time
10. At Time Event, set this to Event 1. (Note:- Time Event will only be displayed if TimeEvent?
has been turned on in configuration level in the Program Setup page). Then set the time
delay into the segment at which the event is to turn on, followed by the time when it is to turn

Note: On and Off times are both referenced to the start of the segment please refer to section
22.4.2 for further details.

Segment 1 Rate Segment 2 - Dwell
Event 2

Timed Event 1
Engineering Handbook 3500 series Controllers
262 Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10 Example 2: Configure Segment 3 to Wait For Digital Input LA.
Refer to Chapter 5 for step by step instructions to wire a parameter through the user interface.
1. In configuration level, select Program Setup page and the parameter PrgIn1
2. Press A/MAN, the display will show Wire From
3. Press

until LgcIO LA is shown followed by

to select PV
4. Press A/MAN again and

to OK
5. In the Program Setup page the parameter PrgIn1 will have the symbol displayed to the
left of the parameter name to indicate that it has been wired to a parameter.
6. In Program Edit page select Wait as the Segment Type in the relevant segment
7. Then select Wait For = PrgIn1
8. When the program is run the program will not progress to the next segment until digital input
LA becomes true.
Other strategies may be set up using a similar procedure. Example 3: To Repeat a Section of a Program
This uses a GoBack segment

1. Segments 1 to 5 of the program are set up as described in Example 1
2. At Segment 6 adjust Segment Type = GoBack
3. At GoBack Seg set the value to 3 using t or u
4. At GoBack Cycles set the value to 4 using t or u
5. At Segment 7 continue to set the program as described in Example 1
Segment 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Repeat 4 times
3500 Series Controllers Engineering Handbook
Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10 263 Example 4: To Run a Dual Programmer
Programs can be run in operator level 1, 2 or 3
1. Choose the Summary screen which is most appropriate, see section 2.8.1.
2. Press RUN/HOLD button. Run may also be activated from an external source if a digital input
has been configured, or via digital communications
3. If a delayed start has been configured the display will ask for a time delay to be entered, then
press RUN/HOLD again as prompted. The program will run at the end of the delay time
4. If no program has been set up or other error detected (see section 22.16, Prog error) an error
message is displayed, otherwise the program will start to run
5. Briefly press RUN/HOLD button to hold the program or hold this button down for 3 seconds
to reset the program
6. The beacons on the top banner show the status of the program e.g. RUN, HLD.

Assuming the Program Status screen has been selected as the summary screen the progress of the
program can be read from a list of parameters in this view. These are typically:-

1. Program number or name if a program name has been configured
2. Current segment Number and Type
3. Segment time left
4. Delayed start. Counts down to 0 before starting the program execution. The delay may be
cancelled by setting it to 0 while counting down. Note:- When the delay is 1 minute and as
the resolution is I minute, the delay is decremented and appears to have a value of 0 for 1
5. Current Status (Run, Hold or Reset)
6. PSP the current value of the setpoint
7. Segment Target the value of the SP required at the end of the segment
8. Segment Rate
9. Cycles left
10. Fast run
11. Status of event outputs
12. Program time left
13. Segment time left
14. The above parameters are also available for Ch2. It is possible to toggle between channel 1
and channel 2 using

22.18 Alternative Ways to Edit a Program
iTools may be used to enter or edit programs. See Chapter 27 for a description.
A program may also be set up using SCADA communications. See Appendix A.

If iTools Program Editor is connected then any editable program related parameter cannot be
changed for a period of time (approximately 1 minute). After this period these parameters
are released and they then become alterable.

22.19 Appendix to Chapter 22: Single Programmer Earlier Versions
Software versions 1.XX contained a single control loop and a single programmer block. For reference,
this section lists the parameters which were available in these versions

Engineering Handbook 3500 series Controllers
264 Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10
22.19.1 Creating or Editing a Single Program

as many times as necessary to select the Program page, or, in configuration level, press the
PROG button and this will select the first sub-header - All. This allows you to configure and view
parameters common to all programs in the controller.
The following is a list of the parameters.

List Header Program Sub-header: All (only available in configuration level)
to select
Parameter Description Value
Press or to change values
Default Access
PV Input The programmer uses the PV input for a
number of functions
In holdback, the PV is monitored against the
setpoint, and if a deviation occurs the
program is paused.
The programmer can be configured to start
its profile from the current PV value (servo to
The programmer monitors the PV value for
Sensor Break. The programmer holds in
sensor break.
The PV Input is normally wired
from the loop TrackPV
Note: This input is automatically
wired when the programmer and
loop are enabled and there are
no existing wires to track
interface parameters.
Track interface parameters are
Programmer.Setup, PVInput,
SPInput, Loop.SP, AltSP, Loop.SP,
SP Input The programmer needs to know the working
setpoint of the loop it is trying to control.
The SP input is used in servo to setpoint start.
SP Input is normally wired from
the loop Track SP parameter as
the PV input.
Servo The transfer of program setpoint to PV Input
(normally the Loop PV) or the SP Input
(normally the Loop setpoint).
See also section

Power Fail Power fail recovery strategy Ramp
See section 22.11.
Sync Input The synchronise input is a way of
synchronising programs. At the end of a
segment the programmer will inspect the
sync. input, if it is True (1) then the
programmer will advance to the next
segment. It is typically wired from the end of
segment output of another programmer.
Only appears if SyncMode = Yes
This will normally
be wired to the End
of Seg parameter
as shown in section

Max Events Sets the maximum number of output events
required for the program. This is for
convenience to avoid having to scroll
through unwanted events in every segment
1 to 8
SyncMode Allows multiple controllers to be
synchronised at the end of each segment
Sync output
Sync output

Prog Reset Flag showing reset state No/Yes
Prog Run Flag showing run state No/Yes
Prog Hold Flag showing hold state No/Yes
Can be wired to
logic inputs to
provide remote
program control
Event 1 to 8 Flags showing event states No/Yes
End of Seg Flag showing end of segment state No/Yes

3500 Series Controllers Engineering Handbook
Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10 265
Now select the program number to be created or edited. (Press

followed by
Programs can be created and edited in Level 3 or configuration level.
This gives access to parameters which allow you to set up each segment of the selected program.
The following table lists these parameters:-

List Header Program Sub-header: 1 to 50
to select
Parameter Description Value
Press or to change values
Default Access
This value automatically increments when
another segment is added
1 to 50 1 R/O
Deviation between SP and PV at which
holdback is applied. This value applies to
the whole program.
Minimum setting 0
Ramp Units Time units applied to the segments Sec

Cycles Number of times the whole program repeats Cont
1 to 999
Program executes
once to 999 times

Segment To select the segment to set up 1 to 50
End Last segment in the
Rate Rate of change of
Time Duration to new SP
Dwell Duration at
previous SP
Step Rapid change to
new SP
To define the type of segment.
See also section 22.3
Call To insert a new
program in the
current program
Dwell The program will
remain at last SP
End Type Only shown if Segment Type = End.
Defines the action to be taken at the end of
the program
Reset The program will
return to controller
only mode
Call Program Only shown if Segment Type = Call.
Enter the program number to be inserted in
place of the selected segment
Up to 50 (current program
number excluded)

Cont Repeats
Call Cycles Only shown if Segment Type = Call.
Defines the number of times the inserted
program repeats 1 to 999 Program executes
once to 999 times

Off No holdback
Low Deviation low
High Deviation high
Sets the type of holdback applicable to the
selected segment
Band Deviation high and

Duration Only shown if Segment Type = Dwell or
Sets the time to execute the segment.
0:00.0 to 500:00
0.1 sec to 500 hours
Engineering Handbook 3500 series Controllers
266 Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10
List Header Program Sub-header: 1 to 50
to select
Parameter Description Value
Press or to change values
Default Access
Target SP Only shown if Segment Type = Rate, Time
or Step.
To enter the SP which is to be achieved at the
end of the segment
Ramp Rate Only shown if Segment Type = Rate.
To enter the rate in units/time at which the SP
is required to change
0.1 to 9999.9 units per sec, min
or hour
Event Outs To define the state of up to eight event
outputs in the selected segment
t o
= Off
= On


22.19.2 Sync mode
This mode will allow two or more single loop controller/programmers to by synchronised together.
This means that the start of each segment (excluding the first) will begin at the same time. Two or
more instruments may be synchronised by wiring the end of segment and sync input parameters
between units. (see diagram below).
Set SyncMode to Yes. (Note SyncMode is no longer available in the dual programmer).
Wire instruments as follows :-

At the end of a segment, the program will be put into a temporary hold state (program status will
continue to show that the program is running), the hold beacon will flash, the end_of_segment
parameter will be true. Once all segments have completed, the SyncInput goes high and the next
segment is started.
If the SyncMode is disabled, the End_Of_Segment parameter is guaranteed to be true for 1 tick at
the end of every segment.

Instrument 1

Sync Input
End Of Seg
Instrument 2

Sync Input
End Of Segment
Instrument 3

Sync Input
End Of Segment
3500 Series Controllers Engineering Handbook
Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10 267
23. Chapter 23 Switch Over
This facility is commonly used in temperature applications which operate of a wide range of
temperature. A thermocouple may be used to control at lower temperatures and a pyrometer then
controls at very high temperatures. Alternatively two thermocouples of different types may be used.
The diagram below shows a process heating over time with boundaries which define the switching
points between the two devices. The higher boundary (2 to 3) is normally set towards the top end of
the thermocouple range and this is determined by the Switch Hi parameter. The lower boundary (1
to 2) is set towards the lower end of the pyrometer (or second thermocouple) range using the
parameter Switch Lo. The controller calculates a smooth transition between the two devices.

Figure 23-1: Thermocouple to Pyrometer Switching

23.1.1 Example: To Set the Switch Over Levels
Select Level 3 or configuration level
1. Press

as many times as necessary to display the SwOver header
2. Press

to scroll to Switch Hi
3. Press
to a value which is suitable for the pyrometer (or high temperature
thermocouple) to take over the control of the process
4. Press

to scroll to Switch Lo
5. Press
to a value which is suitable for the low temperature thermocouple to control the

Input 1
Low temperature

Input 2
High temperature
thermocouple or pyrometer
Boundary 2/3
Boundary 1/2
Controller operates entirely
on the higher temperature
Controller operates entirely
on the lower temperature
Controller operates on a
combination of both devices
Engineering Handbook 3500 series Controllers
268 Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10
23.1.2 Switch Over Parameters

List Header SwOver Sub-headers: None
to select
Parameter Description Value
Press or to change values
Default Access
Input Hi Sets the high limit for the switch
over block. It is the highest
reading from input 2 since it is
the high range input sensor.
Input range L3
Input Lo Sets the low limit for the switch
over block. It is the lowest
reading from input 1 since it is
the low range input sensor
Switch Hi Defines the high boundary of
the switchover region
Switch Lo Defines the low boundary of
the switchover region.
Between Input Hi and Input Lo
Input 1 The first input value. This must
be the low range sensor.
R/O if
Input 2 The second input value. This
must be the high range sensor
These will normally be wired to the
thermocouple/pyrometer input sources via
the PV Input or Analogue Input Module. The
range will be the range of the input chosen.
R/O if
Fall Value In the event of a bad status, the
output may be configured to
adopt the fallback value. This
allows the strategy to dictate a
safe output in the event of a
fault being detected
Between Input Hi and Input Lo 0.0 L3
Fall Type Fall back type
Clip Bad
Clip Good
Fall Bad
Fall Good
See section 18.4.2 Clip Bad Conf
Selected IP Indicates which input is
currently selected
Input 1
Input 2
0: Input 1 has been selected
1: Input 2 has been selected
2: Both inputs are used to
calculate the output

0: Assumes the value of a good
If the currently selected input is
BAD the output will assume the
value of the other input if it is
ErrMode The action taken if the selected
input is BAD
ShowBad 1: If selected input is BAD the
output is BAD
UseGood Conf
Switch PV The process variable produced
from the 2 input measurements
Status Status of the switchover block

3500 Series Controllers Engineering Handbook
Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10 269
24. Chapter 24 Transducer Scaling
The 3500 controller includes two transducer calibration function blocks which may be enabled in
configuration level in the Inst Opt page. These are software function blocks which provide a
method of offsetting the calibration of the controller input when compared to a known input source.
This chapter describes the full procedures for setting up fixed parameters and for performing
transducer calibration in Level 3 and Configuration access levels.
Transducer scaling is often performed, however, as a routine operation on a machine to take out
system errors. For this reason a limited set of calibration parameters can be made available in
operator levels 1 and 2 by configuring the parameter Cal Enable (section 24.6) to Yes. The relevant
calibration parameters are found in the Transducer Summary pages, Txdr1 or Txdr2, (section
Transducer scaling can be applied to any input or derived input, i.e. the PV Input or Analogue Input
fitted in one of the module slots. These can be wired in configuration level to the above inputs.
Four types of calibration are explained in this chapter in Level 3 or configuration levels:-
Shunt Calibration
Load Cell Calibration
Comparison Calibration

24.1 Auto-Tare Calibration
The auto-tare function is used, for example, when it is required to weigh the contents of a container
but not the container itself.
The procedure is to place the empty container on the weigh bridge and zero the controller. Since it
is likely that following containers may have different tare weights the auto-tare feature can be made
available in all operator access levels by configuring the parameter Cal Enable to Yes. The
procedure to enter a tare offset is described in section 24.2.1. and is the same in all access levels.
Tare calibration may be carried out no matter what type of transducer is in use.

Figure 24-1: Effect of Auto Tare

Input Low Input High Input at auto-
tare point
New Scale High
Scale High
Tare value
PV at tare point
New Scale Low
Scale Low
Original Scaling
New Scaling
Engineering Handbook 3500 series Controllers
270 Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10
24.2 Transducer Summary Page
If the Transducer function block has been enabled then a transducer summary page is available in
operator level 1 and 2. This means that calibration of the transducers can be done at this level
although with some small limitations.

24.2.1 Tare Calibration
The 3500 controller has an auto-tare function which is used, for example, when it is required to weigh
the contents of a container but not the container itself.
The procedure is to place the empty container on the weighbridge and zero the controller. Since it is
likely that following containers may have different tare weights the auto-tare feature is available in the
controller at access level 1 (provided Cal Enable is set to Yes in configuration level).
The procedure is as follows:-

Do This The Display You Should See Additional Notes
1. Place the empty container on
the weigh bridge

2. Press

until the Txdr1 (or 2)
page is displayed
3. Press

until Start Tare is

4. Press
to select

The controller automatically calibrates
the to the tare weight which is measured
by the transducer and stores this value.
During this measurement the displays
shown here will be shown

If the calibration fails the message Cal
Failed will be shown.
This may be due to the measured input
being out of range

This will also be shown in the parameter

3500 Series Controllers Engineering Handbook
Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10 271
24.3 Strain Gauge
A strain gauge consists of a resistive four wire measurement bridge where all four arms are in balance
when no pressure is being measured. It is energised by the transducer power supply, normally 5Vdc
or 10Vdc, which is a module fitted into any slot. It is calibrated by switching a calibration resistor
across one arm of the four wire measurement bridge. For this reason the calibration is referred to as
Shunt calibration. The value of this resistor is chosen so that it represents 80% of the span of the
Some transducers have the calibration resistor fitted internally in the transducer itself. In this case the
parameter Shunt in the transducer power supply module is set to External. If the transducer does
not have a calibration resistor fitted, set Shunt = Internal. In this case the controller uses its
calibration resistor which is mounted in the power supply module. The value of this resistor is 30.1K.
Consult the data provided by the transducer manufacturer to determine if this resistor is correct for the
transducer in use. If not it will be necessary to fit resistors externally to achieve the correct value.

24.3.1 Calibration Using the Calibration Resistor Mounted in the Transducer.
This is illustrated using the following example:-
Strain Gauge range 0 to 3000 psi, output 3.33mV/V (this figure is quoted by the manufacturer)
Transducer power supply set to 10 Volt excitation (fitted in module position 4). This produces a full
load output of 33.3mV Physical Wiring

Figure 24-2: Pressure Transducer Wiring Diagram

The above example uses the Dynisco model PT420A.
Set the transducer power supply module parameter Shunt to External.

10Vdc power
mV Input
switch to
Black Red
To read the calibrated
value make a link
between controller
terminals C and D. The
PV should read 2400
Input if an analogue input module is used in the appropriate slot
Blue or green
Engineering Handbook 3500 series Controllers
272 Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10
24.3.2 Configure Parameters for Strain Gauge Calibration
Configure the controller as follows:-
Step Description
1 Enable one Txdr block in the controller options page (see example section
IO Type 40mV
Lin Type Linear
Units PSI or as required
Disp Hi 3000
Disp Lo 0
Range Hi 33.30
Range Lo 0
2 PV Input values
(see example section
Fallback Upscale
Voltage 10 Volts 3 Transducer Power Supply module
(see example section Shunt Internal if the calibration resistor is
fitted in the controller
External if the calibration resistor is
fitted in the transducer
Cal Type Shunt
Cal Enable Yes
Range Max 3000
Clear Cal No.
If set to yes this will clear the
previous calibration. It may be
necessary to reset some of the
values in this table. For example,
Input Hi and Scale Hi.
Input Hi 3000
4 Txdr Values
(see example section
Scale Hi 2400 (80% of 3000)
Txdr Input
Value from
PVInput PV
If an analogue input module is used
wire the Txdr Input to the PV of the
5 Internal (Soft) wiring
(see example section
from Txdr
The operation for Shunt calibration
is made fully automatic when this
wire is made

3500 Series Controllers Engineering Handbook
Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10 273
24.3.3 Configuration Examples
The following sections show examples of how these parameters are configured. Skip this section if this
explanation is not required or if the calibration is being carried out in access levels 1 or 2. Enable a Transducer Function Block
In configuration level:-
Do This The Display You Should See Additional Notes
1. Press

as many times
as necessary to select the
Inst vEnb page.
2. Press

to scroll to
TrScale En and
to enable

Both transducer inputs disabled
Both transducer inputs enabled Configure the Input
Set input to 33.3mV where 0mV = reading of 0.0 and 33.3 mV = reading of 3000.0
In configuration level:-
Do This The Display You Should See Additional Notes
1. Press

as many times
as necessary to select the
input to be calibrated

Configure IO Type to 40mV, Lin Type to Linear
and Units as required
2. Use

to scroll to the
required parameter
3. Use
to change
parameter values

Configure Disp Hi and Disp Lo to correspond
to strain gauge range, 0 to 3000
Configure Range Hi and Range Lo to the input
mV range 0 33.30mV Configure the Transducer Power Supply Module
In configuration level:-
Do This The Display You Should See Additional Notes
1. Press

as many times
as necessary to select the
module in which the
Transducer Power Supply
is fitted

In this example Mod 4.
As a single output module only 4A is available
2. Press

to scroll to
Shunt and
change to External
3. Press

to scroll to
Voltage and

to change to 10 Volts

External refers to the calibration resistor RCAL
fitted externally to the controller (internally in the
An excitation of 10V will give an input of
3.33mV/V i.e. 33.3mV

Engineering Handbook 3500 series Controllers
274 Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10 Transducer Values
In configuration level:-
Do This The Display You Should See Additional Notes
1. Press

as many times
as necessary to select the
Transducer to be

In this example transducer 1 is being used.
Configure Cal Type = Shunt
Cal Enable = Yes (this enables cal parameters,
and calibration may be done in operator levels).
Set Range Max and Range Min to the range of
the transducer 0 to 3000 psi
2. Press

to select Scale

Scale Hi should be set to 80% of the maximum
range of the transducer. In this case 2400.0
The controller takes a number of measurements
to determine when the calibration should take
place. Cal Band sets the allowed difference
between two consecutive averages. If set to 0.5
the averages must be within +0.5 before
calibration takes place. A lower setting requires
the controller to settle for a longer period.
Calibration accuracy is not necessarily affected
other than setting at extremes. Internal (Soft) Wiring
Assuming the PV input on terminals V+ and V- are used, internally wire transducer Input Value from
PVInput PV.
In configuration level:-
Do This The Display You Should See Additional Notes
1. From any display press

to select Txdr page
2. Press

to scroll to the
parameter to Input Value

Indicates parameter selected
This locates the parameter you want to wire TO
3. Press

to display

In configuration mode the A/MAN button is the
Wire button.

4. Press

to navigate to
the PVInput list header
5. Press

to scroll to PV

6. Press


This copies the parameter to be wired FROM
7. Press

as instructed to

Indicates that the parameter is
This pastes the parameter
If you want to inspect this press

. Press

again to go back to the display above.

Repeat the above steps to wire TransducerPSU PV from Transducer ShuntState
Internal wiring through the controller front panel is also explained in section 5.1. Internal wiring may
also be created using iTools see section 27.10.
3500 Series Controllers Engineering Handbook
Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10 275
24.3.4 Strain Gauge Calibration
The display views shown below are taken from the configuration level. The calibration can be carried
out in operator levels unless it has been blocked.

Remove all pressure from the transducer
Do This The Display You Should See Additional Notes
1. Press

to select Start
Cal and
to Yes

A pop up message will appear for 1.5 seconds
showing that calibration has commenced

If successful another pop up will be displayed for
1.5 seconds.
If the calibration failed an acknowledge pop up
will appear. This might happen, for example, if
Lo Cal is done with the full load applied.

24.3.5 Calibration Using the Internal Calibration Resistor

Set Shunt = Internal

Figure 24-3: Strain Gauge Wiring Diagram - Internal Calibration Resistor

Connect the transducer as shown above.
Configuration of input and soft wiring is the same as described in the Configuration Examples section
Set the transducer power supply Shunt parameter to Internal
The calibration procedure is the same as described in the previous section.

10Vdc power
mV Input
switch to
connect Rcal

To check calibration,
connect a 30.1K
resistor across
terminals V+ and C
Engineering Handbook 3500 series Controllers
276 Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10
24.4 Load Cell
A load cell provides an analogue output which can be in Volts, milli-Volts or milli-Amps. This may be
connected to the PV Input or Analogue Input.
The method of calibration is performed on load cells using the transducer power supply module. The
unloaded cell is first measured to establish a zero reference.
A known reference weight is then placed on the load cell and a high end calibration is performed.
In practice there may be a residual output from the load cell and this can be offset in the controller.

Figure 24-4: Load Cell

24.4.1 To Calibrate a Load Cell
This is illustrated using the following example:-
Load cell Range 0 to 2000 grams, load cell output 2mV/V (quoted by the manufacturer)
Transducer power supply set to 10 Volt excitation (fitted in module position 4). This produces a full
load output of 20.0mV Physical Wiring

Figure 24-5: Load Cell Wiring Diagram
Load Cell
Reference Weight
Controller under
10Vdc power
Load Cell
Input if an analogue input module is used in the appropriate slot
3500 Series Controllers Engineering Handbook
Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10 277
24.4.2 Configure Parameters
Configure the controller as follows:-
Step Description
1 Enable one Txdr block in the controller options page (see example section
IO Type 40mV
Lin Type Linear
Units None or as required
Disp Hi 2000
Disp Lo 0
Range Hi 20.00
Range Lo 0
2 PV Input values
(see example section 7.2.6)
Fallback Upscale
Voltage 10 Volts 3 Transducer Power Supply module
(see example section 10.3.11) Shunt Not applicable
Cal Type Load Cell
Cal Enable Yes
Range Max 2000
Clear Cal No. If set to yes this will clear the
previous calibration.
Input Hi 2000
4 Txdr Values
(see also section 24.6)
Scale Hi Not applicable
5 Internal (Soft) wiring
(see example section 5.1)
Txdr Input
Value from
PVInput PV
If an analogue input module is used
wire the Txdr Input to the PV of the

Engineering Handbook 3500 series Controllers
278 Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10
24.4.3 Configuration Examples
The following sections show examples of how these parameters are configured. Skip this section if this
explanation is not required or if the calibration is being carried out in access levels 1 or 2. Configure the Input
Set input to 20mV where 0mV = reading of 0 and 20.0 mV = reading of 2000
In configuration level:-

Do This The Display You Should See Additional Notes
1. From any display press

as many times as
necessary to select the
input to be calibrated

Configure IO Type to 40mV, Lin Type to Linear
and Units as required

Configure Disp Hi and Disp Lo to correspond
to load cell range 0 to 2000
Configure Range Hi and Range Lo to input mV
range 0 20mV
2. Use

to scroll to the
required parameter
3. Use
to change
parameter values

Do not set offsets at this stage. Configure the Transducer Power Supply Module
In configuration level:-

Do This The Display You Should See Additional Notes
1. From any display press

as many times as
necessary to select the
module in which the
Transducer Power Supply
is fitted

In this example Mod 4.
As a single output module only 4A is available
2. Press

to scroll to
Voltage and

to change to 10 Volts

An excitation of 10V will give and input of 2mV/V
i.e. 20.0mV.
Shunt has no effect for a load cell.

3500 Series Controllers Engineering Handbook
Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10 279 Transducer Values
In configuration level:-

Do This The Display You Should See Additional Notes
1. From any display press

as many times as
necessary to select the
Transducer to be calibrated

In this example transducer 1 is being used.
Configure Cal Type = Load Cell
Cal Enable = Yes (this enables cal parameters,
and calibration may be done in operator levels).
Set Range Max and Range Min to the range of
the transducer, 0 to 2000 grams

It is not necessary to set Input Hi and Input Lo
or Scale Hi and Scale Lo.
2. Press

to select further

The controller takes a number of measurements
to determine when the calibration should take
place. Cal Band sets the allowed difference
between two consecutive averages. If set to 1.0
the average must be within +1.0 before
calibration takes place. A lower setting requires
the controller to settle for a longer period.
Calibration accuracy is not necessarily affected
other than extreme settings.

24.4.4 Load Cell Calibration

Do This The Display You Should See Additional Notes
1. Remove all load from the load cell
2. Press

to scroll back to
Start Cal and

This starts the low calibration point.
A pop up message will appear for 1.5 seconds
showing that calibration has commenced

If successful a pop up will be displayed for 1.5
If calibration fails an acknowledge pop up will
appear. This might happen, for example, if low
calibration is done with the full load applied.
3. Add a load to the load cell (this would normally be at full scale of the transducer but may be done with lower weights)
4. Press

to scroll to Start
Hi Cal and
to Yes

The controller repeats the same procedure as for
the low Calibration point

During calibration Cal Active = On
Input Value is the PV before scaling
Output Value is the output from the transducer
scaling block.
Engineering Handbook 3500 series Controllers
280 Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10 Offsets
It is possible that a residual output from the transducer exists which means that there is an error in the
span and/or zero reading. The residual output is likely to occur under the no load condition, in which
case it can be compensated for by applying a simple offset as follows:-

Do This The Display You Should See Additional Notes
1. In the PV Input list scroll to
Offset and adjust until the no
load condition reads 0.0

Configure IO Type to 40mV, Lin Type to Linear
and Units as required.
Offset is also described in section 7.2.7.

If a different error occurs at both high and low points a two point offset can be applied as follows:-

Do This The Display You Should See Additional Notes
1. In the PV Input list scroll to
Lo Offset and adjust until the
no load condition reads 0.0

Lo Point should be set to 0 to correspond to the
transducer range
2. In the PV Input list scroll to
Hi Offset and adjust until the
full load condition reads 2000.0

Hi Point should be set to 2000 to correspond to
the transducer range.
High and Low offsets are also described in
section 7.2.8.

3500 Series Controllers Engineering Handbook
Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10 281
24.5 Comparison
Comparison calibration is used to calibrate the controller against a known reference instrument.
The load is removed (or taken to a minimum) from both instruments. The controller low end
calibration is done using the Start Calibration parameter. This enables a CalAdjust parameter which
is a scaling factor on the Output Value to read the same as the reference instrument. The Output
Value may be wired for use in a control strategy and displayed, for example, on a user screen
To calibrate the high end, add a weight to both transducers and when the reading has become stable
select the Start Hi Cal parameter then enter the new reading from the reference instrument into
The Output Value can be internally wired as the measured value in a particular control strategy.

Figure 24-6: Comparison Calibration Physical Wiring
As Load Cell

24.5.2 Configure Parameters
Configure the controller the same as for the load cell except set the Txdr Cal Type to Compare

Device Controller under
Engineering Handbook 3500 series Controllers
282 Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10
24.5.3 Comparison Calibration

Do This The Display You Should See Additional Notes
1. Remove or reduce the load from the load cell to establish a low end reference
2. Press

to scroll to Start
Cal and

This starts the low calibration point.

3. A Cal Adjust parameter
becomes available. Use
to enter the
difference between the
controller measured value
and the reference
instrument reading.

A value must be entered before the controller
will proceed to the next state.
4. Confirm the value

5. Add a load to the load cell (this would normally be at full scale of the transducer but may be done with lower
6. Press

to scroll to Start
Hi Cal and
to Yes

7. Repeat 3 and 4 above for
the high point
The Output Value parameter should now read
the same as the reference instrument

3500 Series Controllers Engineering Handbook
Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10 283
24.6 Transducer Scaling Parameters
The following parameters allow the transducer type to be configured and calibrated:-

List Header Txdr Sub-headers: 1 or 2
to select
Parameter Description Value
Press or to change values
Default Access
0: Off

Transducer type unconfigured

1: Shunt Shunt calibration
2: Load Cell Load Cell
Cal Type Used to select the type of
transducer calibration to
See descriptions at the
beginning of this chapter.
3: Compare Comparison
Off Conf
Cal Enable To make the transducer ready
for calibration.
Must be set to Yes to allow
calibration to be done at L1.
This includes Tare Cal.
Not ready
No Conf
Range Max The maximum permissible
range of the scaling block
Range minimum to maximum display (99999) 1000 Conf
Range Min The minimum permissible
range of the scaling block
Minimum display (-19999) to Range max 0 Conf
Start Tare Begin tare calibration

Start tare calibration
No L1 if Cal
= Yes
Start Cal Starts the Calibration process.
Note: for Load Cell and
Comparison calibration Start
Cal starts the first calibration

Start calibration
No L1 if Cal
= Yes
Start Hi Cal For Load Cell and Comparison
calibration the Start High Cal
must be used to start the
second calibration point.

Start high calibration
No L1 if Cal
= Yes
Clear Cal Clears the current calibration
constants. This returns the
calibration to unity gain

To delete previous calibration
No L3
Tare Value Enter the tare value of the
Range between maximum display and
minimum display
Input Hi Sets the scaling input high
Range between Input Lo and maximum display L3
Input Lo Sets the scaling input low point
Range between Input Hi and minimum display L3
Scale Hi Sets the scaling output high
point. Usually the same as the
Input Hi
Range between Scale Lo and maximum display L3
Scale Lo Sets the scaling output low
point. Usually 80% of Input Lo
Range between Scale Hi and minimum display L3
Cal Band The calibration algorithms use
the threshold to determine if
the value has settled. When
switching in the shunt resistor,
the algorithm waits for the
value to settle to within the
threshold before starting the
high calibration point.
0.0 to 99.999 Conf
Shunt State Indicates when the internal
shunt calibration resistor is
switched in.
Only appears if Cal Type =
Resistor not switched in
Resistor switched in
Cal Active Indicates calibration taking
L1 R/O
Input Value The input value to be scaled.
Minimum display Maximum display (-9999.9
to 9999.9)
Engineering Handbook 3500 series Controllers
284 Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10
List Header Txdr Sub-headers: 1 or 2
to select
Parameter Description Value
Press or to change values
Default Access
Output Value The Input Value is scaled by the
block to produce the Output
Range between Scale Hi and Scale Lo L3
Output Status The sensor break/fault status of
the PV output
Cal Status Indicates the progress of
0: Idle
1: Active
2: Passed
3: Failed
No calibration in progress
Calibration in progress
Calibration Passed
Calibration Failed
L1 R/O

24.6.1 Parameter Notes

Enable Cal This may be wired to a digital input for an external switch. If not wired, then the value may
be changed.
When enabled the transducer parameters may be altered as described in the previous
sections. When the parameter has been turned On it will remain on until turned off
manually even if the controller is power cycled.
Start Tare This may be wired to a digital input for an external switch. If not wired, then the value may
be changed.
Start Cal This may be wired to a digital input for an external switch. If not wired, then the value may
be changed.
It starts the calibration procedure for:
Shunt Calibration
The low point for Load Cell Calibration
The low point for Comparison Calibration
Start Hi Cal This may be wired to a digital input for an external switch. If not wired, then the value may
be changed.
It starts:-
The high point for Load Cell Calibration
The high point for Comparison Calibration
Clear Cal This may be wired to a digital input for an external switch. If not wired, then the value may
be changed.
When enabled the input will reset to default values. A new calibration will overwrite the
previous calibration values if Clear Cal is not enabled between calibrations.

3500 Series Controllers Engineering Handbook
Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10 285
25. Chapter 25 User Values
User values are registers provided for use in calculations. They may be used as constants in equations
or temporary storage in extended calculations. Up to 16 User Values are available provided they have
been enabled in the Inst Enb page (Chapter 6) in configuration level. Each User Value can then be
set up in the UserVal page.
25.1 User Value Parameters

List Header UsrVal Sub-headers: 1 to 16
to select
Parameter Description Value
Press or to change values
Default Access
Units Units assigned to the User
Abs Temp
V, mV, A, mA,
PH, mmHg, psi, Bar, mBar, %RH, %, mmWG,
inWG, inWW, Ohms, PSIG, %O2, PPM, %CO2,
%CP, %/sec,
Custom 1, Custom 2, Custom 3, Custom 4,
Custom 5, Custom 6,
sec, min, hrs,
Resn Resolution of the User Value
High Limit The high limit may be set for
each user value to prevent the
value being set to an out-of-
bounds value.
99999 L3
Low Limit The low limit of the user value
may be set to prevent the user
value from being edited to an
illegal value. This is important
if the user value is to be used as
a setpoint.
-99999 L3
Value To set the value within the
range limits
See note 1 L3
Status Can be used to force a good or
bad status onto a user value.
This is useful for testing status
inheritance and fallback
See note 1 L3

Note 1:-
If Value is wired into but Status is not, then, instead of being used to force the Status it will indicate
the status of the value as inherited form the wired connection to Value.

Engineering Handbook 3500 series Controllers
286 Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10
26. Chapter 26 Calibration
The controller is calibrated during manufacture using traceable standards for every input range. It is,
therefore, not necessary to calibrate the controller when changing ranges. Furthermore, the use of a
continuous automatic zero correction of the input ensures that the calibration of the instrument is
optimised during normal operation.
To comply with statutory procedures such as the Heat Treatment Specification AMS2750, the
calibration of the instrument can be verified and re-calibrated if considered necessary in accordance
with the instructions given in this chapter.
For example AMS2750 states:- "Instructions for calibration and recalibration of "field test
instrumentation" and "control monitoring and recording instrumentation" as defined by the NADCAP
Aerospace Material Specification for pyrometry AMS2750D clause 3.2.5 ( and sub clauses)"
Including Instruction for the application and removal of offsets defined in clause 3.2.4
26.1 To Check Input Calibration
The PV Input may be configured as mV, mA, thermocouple or platinum resistance thermometer.

26.1.1 Precautions
Before checking or starting any calibration procedure the following precautions should be taken:-
When calibrating mV inputs make sure that the calibrating source output is set to less than
250mV before connecting it to the mV terminals. If accidentally a large potential is applied (even
for less than 1 second), then at least one hour should elapse before commencing the calibration.
RTD and CJC calibration must not be carried out without prior mV calibration.
A pre-wired jig built using a spare instrument sleeve may help to speed up the calibration
procedure especially if a number of instruments are to be calibrated.
Power should be turned on only after the controller has been inserted in the sleeve of the pre-
wired circuit. Power should also be turned off before removing the controller from its sleeve.
Allow at least 10 minutes for the controller to warm up after switch on.

26.1.2 To Check mV Input Calibration
The input may have been configured for a process input of mV, Volts or mA and scaled in Level 3 as
described in section 7.2.6. The example described in section assumes that the display is set up
to read 75.0 for an input of 4.000mV and 500.0 for an input of 20.000mV.
To check this scaling, connect a milli-volt source, traceable to national standards, to terminals V+ and
V- using copper cable as shown in the diagram below.

Figure 26-1: Connections for mV Calibration

Ensure that no offsets (see sections 7.2.7 and 7.2.8) have been set in the controller.
Set the mV source to 4.000mV. Check the display reads 75.0 +0.25% + 1LSD (least significant digit).
Set the mV source to 20.000mV. Check the display reads 500.0 +0.25% + 1LSD.

Copper cable
3500 Series Controllers Engineering Handbook
Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10 287
26.1.3 To Check Thermocouple Input Calibration
Connect a milli-volt source, traceable to national standards, to terminals V+ and V- as shown in the diagram
below. The mV source must be capable of simulating the thermocouple cold junction temperature. It must be
connected to the instrument using the correct type of thermocouple compensating cable for the thermocouple
in use.

Figure 26-2: Connections for Thermocouple Calibration

Set the mV source to the same thermocouple type as that configured in the controller.
Adjust the mV source to the minimum range. For a type J thermocouple, for example, the minimum range is -
C. However, if it has been restricted using the Range Low parameter then set the mV source to this limit.
Check that the reading on the display is within +0.25% of reading + 1LSD.
Adjust the mV source for to the maximum range. For a type J thermocouple, for example, the maximum range
is 1200
C. However, if it has been restricted using the Range High parameter then set the mV source to this
limit. Check that the reading on the display is within +0.25% of reading + 1LSD.
Intermediate points may be similarly checked if required.

26.1.4 To Check RTD Input Calibration
Connect a decade box with total resistance lower than 1K and resolution to two decimal places in place of the
RTD as indicated on the connection diagram below before the instrument is powered up. If at any instant the
instrument was powered up without this connection then at least 10 minutes must elapse from the time of
restoring this connection before RTD calibration check can take place.

Figure 26-3: Connections for RTD Calibration

The RTD range of the instrument is -200 to 850
C. It is, however, unlikely that it will be necessary to check the
instrument over this full range.

Set the resistance of the decade box to the minimum range. For example 0
C = 100.00. Check the
calibration is within +0.25% of reading + 1LSD.

Set the resistance of the decade box to the maximum range. For example 200
C = 175.86. Check the
calibration is within +0.25% of reading + 1LSD.

Compensating cable
simulator set to
T/C type +
Matched impedance
copper leads
Engineering Handbook 3500 series Controllers
288 Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10
26.2 Input Calibration
If the calibration is not within the specified accuracy follow the procedures in this section:-
Inputs which can be calibrated:-
mV Input. This is a linear 80mV range calibrated at two fixed points. This should always be done
before calibrating either thermocouple or resistance thermometer inputs. mA ranges are
included in the mV range.
Thermocouple calibration involves calibrating the temperature offset of the CJC sensor only.
Other aspects of thermocouple calibration are also included in mV calibration.
Resistance Thermometer. This is also carried out at two fixed points - 150 and 400.

26.3 Precautions
Observe the precautions stated in section 26.1.1.

26.3.1 To Calibrate mV Range
Calibration of the mV range is carried out using a 50 milli-volt source, connected as shown in the
diagram below. mA calibration is included in this procedure.

Figure 26-4: Connections for mV Calibration
To calibrate the PV Input:-

Do This The Display You Should See Additional Notes
1. From any display press

many times as necessary to
select the input to be

This may be PVInput or a DC Input module.
2. Press

to select Cal State

3. Set mV source for 0mV (or apply a short circuit as indicated).
4. Press
to choose

Confirm will automatically be requested.

Copper cable
50 mV
For best results 0mV should be calibrated by disconnecting the copper wires
from the mV source and short circuiting the input to the controller
3500 Series Controllers Engineering Handbook
Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10 289
Do This The Display You Should See Additional Notes
5. Press
to select Go

The controller will automatically perform the
calibration procedure.

The calibration can be aborted at any stage.
to select Abort. After a
brief flicker of the display Cal State will
return to Idle.

6. Press
to Accept

It is also possible to Abort at this stage.
The controller then returns to the Idle state.
By pressing Accept, this means that the
calibration will be used for as long as the
controller is switched on. When the
controller is switched off the calibration will
revert to that set during manufacture.
To use the new calibration permanently
select Save User as described in the next
7. Set mV source for 50mV (or remove the short circuit).
8. Press
to select Hi-
9. Now repeat 5 and 6 above to
calibrate the high mV range
The controller will again automatically
calibrate to the injected input mV.

If it is not successful then Fail will be

26.3.2 To Save the New Calibration Data

Do This The Display You Should See Additional Notes
10. Press
to select
Save User

The new calibration data will be used
following a power down of the controller

26.3.3 To Return to Factory Calibration

Do This The Display You Should See Additional Notes
11. Press
to select
Load fact

The factory calibration will be reinstated

Engineering Handbook 3500 series Controllers
290 Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10
26.3.4 Thermocouple Calibration
Thermocouples are calibrated, firstly, by following the previous procedure for the mV ranges, then
calibrating the CJC.
This can be carried out using an external CJC reference source such as an ice bath or using a
thermocouple mV source. Replace the copper cable shown in the previous diagram with the
appropriate compensating cable for the thermocouple in use.

Figure 26-5: Connections for Thermocouple Calibration

Set the mV source to internal compensation for the thermocouple in use and set the output for 0mV.

Do This The Display You Should See Additional Notes
1. This example is for PV Input
configured as a type K

2. From the Cal State, press

to select CJC

3. Press
to select Go
4. The remaining procedure is the
same as described in the
previous section

The controller automatically calibrates to
the CJC input at 0mV.
As it does this the display will show Busy
then Passed, assuming a successful
If it is not successful then Failed will be
displayed. This may be due to an incorrect
input mV

Thermocouple Compensating cable
simulator set to
T/C type and
C +
3500 Series Controllers Engineering Handbook
Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10 291
26.3.5 RTD Calibration
The two points at which the RTD range is calibrated are 150.00 and 400.00.
Before starting RTD calibration:
A decade box with total resistance lower than 1K must be connected in place of the RTD as
indicated on the connection diagram below before the instrument is powered up. If at any
instant the instrument was powered up without this connection then at least 10 minutes must
elapse from the time of restoring this connection before RTD calibration can take place.
The instrument should be powered up for at least 10 minutes.

Before using or verifying RTD calibration:
The mV range must be calibrated first.

Figure 26-6: Connections for RTD Calibration

Do This The Display You Should See Additional Notes
1. This example is for PV Input
configured as a Pt100 RTD

2. With Cal State selected,
to select

Set the decade box for 150.00
3. Press
to choose

The controller automatically calibrates to
the injected 150.00 input.
As it does this the display will show Busy
then Pass, assuming a successful
If it is not successful then Failed will be
displayed. This may be due to an
incorrect input resistance
Set the decade box for 400.00
4. Repeat the procedure for

The calibration data can be saved or you
can return to Factory Calibration as
described in sections 26.3.2 and 26.3.3.
Matched impedance copper leads
Decade Box
Engineering Handbook 3500 series Controllers
292 Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10
26.4 Calibration Parameters
The following table lists the parameters available in the Calibration List.

List Header - PV Input Sub-headers: None
to select
Press or to change values
Default Access
Idle Normal operation
Lo-0mv Low input calibration for mV ranges
Hi-50mV High input calibration for mV ranges
Lo-0v Low input calibration for V/Thermocouple
Hi-8V High input calibration for V/thermocouple
Lo-0v Low input calibration for HZ Volts range
Hi-1V High input calibration for HZ Volts range
Lo-150ohm Low input calibration for RTD range
Hi-400ohm High input calibration for RTD range
Load Fact Restore factory calibration values
Save User Save the new calibration values
Confirm To start the calibration procedure when one of
the above has been selected
Go Starting the automatic calibration procedure
Busy Calibration in progress
Passed Calibration successful
Cal State Calibration
state of the
Failed Calibration unsuccessful
Idle Conf
L3 R/O

The above list shows the parameters which appear during a normal calibration procedure. The full list
of possible values follows the number is the enumeration for the parameter.
1: Idle
2: Low calibration point for Volts range
3: High calibration point for Volts range
4: Calibration restored to factory default values
5: User calibration stored
6: Factory calibration stored
11: Idle
12: Low calibration point for HZ input
13: High calibration point for the HZ input
14: Calibration restored to factory default values
15: User calibration stored
16: Factory calibration stored
20: Calibration point for factory rough calibration
21: Idle
22: Low calibration point for the mV range
23: Hi calibration point for the mV range
24: Calibration restored to factory default values
25: User calibration stored
26: Factory calibration stored
30: Calibration point for factory rough calibration
3500 Series Controllers Engineering Handbook
Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10 293
31: Idle
32: Low calibration point for the mV range
33: High calibration point for the mV range
34: Calibration restored to factory default values
35: User calibration stored
36: Factory calibration stored
41: Idle
42: Low calibration point for RTD calibration (150 ohms)
43: Low calibration point for RTD calibration (400 ohms)
44: Calibration restored to factory default values
45: User calibration stored
46: Factory calibration stored
51: Idle
52: CJC calibration used in conjunction with Term Temp parameter
54: Calibration restored to factory default values
55: User calibration stored
56: Factory calibration stored
200: Confirmation of request to calibrate
201: Used to start the calibration procedure
202: Used to abort the calibration procedure
210: Calibration point for factory rough calibration
212: Indication that calibration is in progress
213: Used to abort the calibration procedure
220: Indication that calibration completed successfully
221: Calibration accepted but not stored
222: Used to abort the calibration procedure
223: Indication that calibration failed

26.5 Valve Position Output Calibration
Calibration of the VP output is associated with whichever digital output has been configured to drive
the valve. Suitable outputs are the Logic IO. Relay, Logic or Triac Output Module. The calibration of
the VP output is described in section 8.2.4.
If a feedback potentiometer is being used, the calibration of this is performed in the Potentiometer
Input Module and is described in section 10.4.5.

Engineering Handbook 3500 series Controllers
294 Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10
26.6 DC Output and Retransmission Calibration

Figure 26-7: Calibration of DC Output Module

The following procedure is particularly relevant to retransmission outputs where the absolute value of
the output must correspond with the device (such as a chart recorder) being used to monitor the
retransmitted value.
Connect a voltmeter to the output to be calibrated. The example shown in Figure 26-7 shows position
1 fitted with a DC Output module.
Select Configuration level.
1. Press

to select the list header for the module to be calibrated. In this example Mod 1A
2. Press to scroll to Cal State
3. Press
to select Lo to calibrate the low point. Then Confirm, then Go.
4. Trim will be shown.
5. Press again to scroll to Cal Trim
6. Press
to adjust the value read by the voltmeter to 1.00V. The value shown on the
controller display is arbitrary and has the range -32768 to 32767.
7. Return to Cal State. This can be done by pressing followed by
8. Press
to Accept. The display will return to Idle.
It is now necessary to calibrate the high point.
9. Press
to select Hi to calibrate the high point. Then Confirm, then Go.
10. Trim will be shown.
11. Press again to scroll to Cal Trim
12. Press
to adjust the value read by the voltmeter to 9.00V. The value shown on the
controller display is arbitrary and has the range -32768 to 32767.
13. Return to Cal State. This can be done by pressing followed by
14. Press
to Accept. The display will return to Idle.
15. The above procedure should be repeated for all retransmission outputs.

Copper cable
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Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10 295
27. Chapter 27 Configuration Using iTools
Configuration of the instrument which has been described so far in this manual has been through the
user interface of the controller. iTools provides a software platform for configuring Eurotherm
instruments and also allows additional functions, such as naming of certain parameters and creating
User Pages, to be performed. This chapter gives an introduction to using iTools to configure 3500
series instruments.
Further details are available in the iTools Help Manual Part No. HA028838 which can be downloaded
from www.eurotherm.co.uk.

27.1 Features
Parameter Set up
Device Operation
Device Recipe
Program Editing
Configuration of User Pages
Graphical Wiring

27.2 On-Line/Off-line Editing
If you open the editor on a real device then all the changes you make will be written to the device
immediately. All the normal instrument rules apply so you will be able to make the same changes to
the parameters of a running instrument that you could make using its front panel.
If you open a program file or open the Programmer Editor on a simulation you will need to save the
program or send it to a real device.
Offline programming is actually done using an instrument simulation that can hold as many programs
as a real instrument. If you wish to create a set of programs which will all be used in a single
instrument you can create a new program and then change the program number using the spin
control and edit another program. Each program must be saved separately. If you make a change to
one program and switch to another program you will be prompted to save that program.
Engineering Handbook 3500 series Controllers
296 Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10
27.3 Connecting a PC to the Controller
The controller may be connected to the PC running iTools using the EIA232 or EIA485
communications digital communications ports H or J as shown in section 1.8.1. Alternatively, using
the IR clip or configuration clip as shown in section 14.2

27.4 To Scan for Connected Instruments
Open iTools and, with the controller connected, press on the iTools menu bar. iTools will
search the communications ports and TCPIP connections for recognisable instruments. Controllers
connected with the configuration clip (CPI), will be found at address 255 regardless of the address
configured in the controller.
The iTools Help Manual, part no. HA028838, provides further step by step instructions on the general
operation of iTools. This and the iTools software may be downloaded from www.eurotherm.co.uk.
In the following pages it is assumed that the user is familiar with these instructions and has a general
understanding of Windows.

In the View menu select Panel Views to show the controller fascia.
Press to change the controller between operator and configuration levels.

Figure 27-1: Opening View
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Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10 297
27.5 Parameter Set Up
Allows parameters to be configured.
1. Press or double click the folder in the browser to get this view
2. Open up the parameter list by clicking on the required folder. Double clicking another folder will
open more parameter lists. Right click in the parameter list to reveal or hide columns.
3. To change the analogue value of a parameter, double click the parameter and change its value.
To change the value of an enumerated parameter open the drop down menu and use the pop-up
4. The Access button puts the controller into configuration mode. In this mode the controller can
be set up without its outputs being active. Press Access again to return to operating level.
5. The instrument view is optional. Select Panel Views in the View menu.
6. To find a parameter select the Find tab

Figure 27-2: Parameters in the Alarm 1 Folder

The example above shows how to configure Alarm 1 as an Absolute High with a threshold of 7.00

Note:- Fixed SCADA addresses are displayed for those parameters that are included
in the SCADA table by default. For all other parameters nothing is displayed.
See also Appendix A.
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298 Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10
27.6 Device Panel
Press for this feature. The Panel displays the active instrument panel. This can be
used for remote viewing, diagnostics or Training. iTools can be used OFF-LINE to configure the
product. The panel view gives an indication of how the instrument will appear when the configuration
is downloaded.

Figure 27-3: Instrument Display Simulation
The front panel control buttons, shown in the Device Panel display, are active and clicking on them
with the mouse will cause the display to behave as a real instrument.
Clicking on the Page button,

, with Ctrl pressed emulates pressing the page and scroll buttons

3500 Series Controllers Engineering Handbook
Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10 299
27.7 User Pages Editor
Up to 8 User Pages with a total of 64 lines can be created and downloaded into the controller so that
the controller display shows only the information which is of interest to the user.
Press to select this feature

Figure 27-4: User Pages Editor

Text entered here will be
shown on the instrument
The main display can show any
parameter on a User Page in this
case the Loop 1 Main PV. The
display, however, cannot show all
alpha-numeric characters, for
example the enumeration no will
only be shown as o.
Engineering Handbook 3500 series Controllers
300 Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10
27.7.1 To Create a User Page
1. Press to select the page number, 1 to 8
2. Double click in the first row of the table to the right of the
instrument display
3. The pop up window shows a list of styles
4. Choose the style then select the parameter from the pop up
list. To enter user text (where applicable) either right click or
double click under User Text. If the style is text only you will
be prompted to enter this as soon as the style is selected.
5. Right click in the list to:-
a. Insert an item
b. Remove an item
c. Edit Wire. Allows you to change the parameter selected
d. Edit Text. Allows you to enter your own text for the parameter
e. Edit Style. This is shown in the pop up window
f. Read Parameter Properties
g. Open Parameter Help

6. Select the operator level at which the user page will be displayed
7. If a bar graph is displayed set the low and high graph axes
The format of the user page is shown in the instrument view
The user page can now be saved and downloaded to the instrument.
An alternative way to create a User Page is to drag and drop the required parameter from the
parameter list into the appropriate row. The example in the next section shows this.
3500 Series Controllers Engineering Handbook
Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10 301
27.7.2 Style Examples
The following examples show the controller display produced for each individual style entered.

Select Item Style Action Controller Display
Text entered will appear on the first line of
the controller display. E.g.

Further lines of text may be added. Up to
four lines will be shown on the controller
display at any time.
Use to scroll through the text on the
controller display

Text entered will only be shown if a condition
is true. e.g.

The text only appears when the logic input
on LA is true

The value of the chosen parameter will be
displayed in the first and subsequent rows.

This style does not have user text

The value of a parameter may be displayed
to the left and to the right of the controller
display. The following example shows the
entry set up for digital inputs LA and Lb

The value of the parameter will be displayed
on the right side of the user page. To
customise the text, right click in the field
shown below and select Edit Text

The value of a parameter and a user defined
label may be displayed on two lines of the
controller display. The following example
shows the entry set up for digital inputs LA
and Lb

See Note 1

The description can be up to 20 characters
long and is spread between the first two lines
on the display. The parameter value appears
on the third line.

Engineering Handbook 3500 series Controllers
302 Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10
This places a bar graph to the left of the
display with user text to the right. Keep the
user text length to a minimum.

Do not forget to set up the Graph Low and
High limits

This places a bar graph with centre origin to
the left of the display with user text to the
right. Keep the user text length to a
Do not forget to set up the Graph Low and
High limits

This adds Text, Graph Low and High Limits
only. If this is associated with a parameter
the name of the parameter is used as the
text. The text is truncated if too long
It is necessary to add the bar graph as a
separate item.

This adds centre zero value (0.00) to the bar
graph plus text. The display will show graph
limits, text and the parameter value. If this
takes up too many characters then priority is
given first to the value, then to the text, then
to the limits.

Note 1:- A user page is produced by adding styles one after another. Generally this can be made in
any order. However, the default style of 3500 series displays is to show a heading in the first line of the
alpha numeric section, followed by a list of parameters and their descriptions - the scroll button being
used in operator mode to select parameters. When producing a user page, it is recommended that
this default style is followed avoid confusion during operation.
In the case of a Triple Line display, if this placed as the first item in the user page, the first line (of user
text) takes up the title space. If another Triple Line style follows this you will be unable to scroll to this
in operator mode. To avoid this make the first line a title (using Text style).

3500 Series Controllers Engineering Handbook
Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10 303
27.7.3 Immediate Programmer Setpoint
A parameter ImmPSP is available in iTools which can be promoted to a User Page on the controller
display. It is identical to the normal PSP except that changes using the raise/lower buttons on the front
panel take immediate effect. A typical application is where it required to nudge the setpoint gradually
up or down, for example, in crystal growing applications.
It must first be enabled. Select the Programmer Setup page followed by EnableImmSP.

Figure 27-5: To Enable Immediate Programmer Setpoint

To Promote to a User Page:-
1. Select Programmer Run page.

Figure 27-6: Place Immediate Programmer Setpoint on a User Page
This parameter can now be changed from the User Page on the controller when the programmer is in
2. Drag and drop the
parameter into the
appropriate row
Engineering Handbook 3500 series Controllers
304 Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10
27.8 Recipe Editor
Up to 8 recipes can be stored. They can also be named by the user. Recipes allow the operator to
change the operating values of up to 24 parameters in an instrument for different batches or
processes by simply selecting a particular recipe to load. Recipes are important for reducing error in
setup and they remove the need for operator instructions fixed to the panel next to the instrument.
The Recipe Editor is used during configuration to assign the required parameters and to set up the
values to be loaded for each recipe.
27.8.1 To Set Up a Recipe
1. Press . The view shown below will be seen. Each tag represents a parameter

Figure 27-7: No Recipes Set Up

2. Name the recipe set. Right click in the required Set column. Select
Rename Data Set and enter a name for the recipe
Other commands are:-
Load Access Level. This sets the access level in which the recipe can be
Snapshot values. This selects the currently running parameter values in the selected recipe
Clear data set. This removes the current values from the selected recipe
Copy Data Set. Parameter values are copied from the selected set. The Paste command becomes
3. Select Parameters. Select the tag, right click or click . Select the
parameter from the browser list.
The view below shows four recipes named Blue, Red, Green and Set 4
(which has not been re-named) and is a copy of Green. The values may be
entered individually in the relevant field or snapshot all current values.
The Comment column may be hidden or revealed by selecting Columns in
the pop up. A comment may simply be typed into the field.
Some parameters, such as Target SP, which cannot be wired cannot be put into recipe. In this
case an error message is displayed.

Figure 27-8: Example of Three Simple Recipes
3500 Series Controllers Engineering Handbook
Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10 305
27.8.2 Recipe Menu Commands
Load Recipe Used to load a recipe file into the instrument
Save Used to save the current recipe configuration into a file
Edit Parameter Used to assign a parameter to a Tag. Parameters can also be assigned by
'drag and drop' from the iTools parameter list
Delete Parameter Used to delete an assigned parameter from the recipes
Edit Parameter Value Used to edit the current value of the assigned parameter
Rename Parameter Tag Allows the user to rename the Tag of the associated parameter. This tag is
used on the instrument to identify assigned parameters (default Value1 -
Parameter Properties Used to find the properties and help information of the selected parameter
Copy Parameter Used to copy the currently selected parameter
Paste Parameter Used to assign a previously copied parameter to the selected Tag
Columns Used to hide/show the Description and Comment Columns
Load Access Level Used to configure the lowest access level in which the selected recipe is
allowed to load
Level1 Permitted to load when the instrument is in any of the access levels
Level2 Permitted to load when the instrument is in Level2, Level3 or Config access
Level3 Permitted to load when the instrument is in Level3 or Config access levels
Config Permitted to load when the instrument is in the Config access level
Never Never permitted to load
Note: Over comms, whilst the instrument is in operator mode, recipes that have been configured to load
in Levels 1, 2 and 3 can be loaded. Whilst the instrument is in Config mode all recipes can be loaded.
Edit Data Set Value Used to edit the value of the selected assigned parameter within the selected
recipe. Values can also be edited via double left clicking the value itself
Clear Data Set Value Used to clear the value of the selected assigned parameter within the selected
recipe, thus disabling it from loading when the recipe is selected to load
Rename Data Set Allows the user to rename the selected recipe. This name is used to identify
individual recipes (default Set1 - Set8). Note: Number of recipes dependent
upon features
Clear Data Set Used to clear all values in the selected recipe, thus disabling all from loading
when the recipe is selected to load
Snapshot Values
Used to copy all of the assigned parameters current values into the selected
Copy Data Set Used to copy all values of the selected recipe
Paste Data Set Used to paste all values of a previously copied recipe into the selected recipe

27.8.3 Watch Recipe
The Watch Recipe editor is set up in the same way as the Device Recipe editor. The difference
between the Device Recipe and the Watch Recipe editors is that with the Device Recipe, the
parameters and data sets are stored as parameters on the device, whereas the Watch/Recipe window
is a file-based system. Unlike the Watch/Recipe window, the downloading of data values to their
corresponding parameters can be performed from the device front panel without the need for iTools
to be running.

Engineering Handbook 3500 series Controllers
306 Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10
27.9 To Set up Alarms
27.9.1 Example: To Customise Analogue Alarm Messages
a. Double click on the Alarm folder to display the Parameter Explorer. With the controller in
configuration mode enter a name for the alarm in the Message value, in this case Too Hot.
b. If the alarm has not been set up, then, with the controller in configuration level, double click
on Type and select the alarm type from the pull down menu.
c. Repeat for all other parameters. Parameters shown in blue (in iTools) are not alterable in the
current operating level of the instrument.
d. In the User Page Editor - Text Only Style - select the parameter Message form the Alarm
page. This text will be displayed on the controller when the alarm occurs. This is shown in the
simulation below.

Figure 27-9: To Configure Analogue Alarms
3500 Series Controllers Engineering Handbook
Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10 307
27.9.2 Alarm Summary Page
Click on the folder AlmSummary. A list of alarm states is displayed. In the view below the Limits
column and Comment column have been opened by right clicking in the parameter list and selecting
Columns in the drop down menu.
To add a comment, select Add Parameter Comment from the same drop down and enter the
required text.

Figure 27-10: Alarm Summary Page
Engineering Handbook 3500 series Controllers
308 Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10
27.9.3 To Customise Digital Alarm Messages
In the DigAlarm folder, enter the text which is to appear on the controller display when the digital
event becomes true. In this example the message is Door Open.

Figure 27-11: Digital Alarm Message

The simulation shows how the controller display will appear when the event is true.
Figure 27-12: To Configure Digital Alarms

3500 Series Controllers Engineering Handbook
Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10 309
27.10 Graphical Wiring Editor
Select (GWE) to view and edit instrument wiring. You can also add comments
and monitor parameter values.
1. Drag and drop required function blocks into the graphical wiring from the list in the left pane
2. Click on parameter to be wired from and drag the wire to the parameter to be wired to (do not
hold mouse button down)
3. Right click and choose Edit Parameter Value to change values
4. Select parameter lists and switch between parameter and wiring editors
5. Download to instrument when wiring completed
6. Add comments and notes
7. Dotted lines around a function block show that the function requires downloading

Figure 27-13: Graphical Wiring Editor for a Dual Programmer

27.10.1 Graphical Wiring Toolbar

Figure 27-14: Detail of the Graphical Wiring Toolbar
Click this
button to wire
Pan Tool Zoom Set up IO Modules
Download Wiring to Instrument
Mouse Select Mouse Pan
Delete Undo Redo
Engineering Handbook 3500 series Controllers
310 Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10
27.10.2 Terminology
The following terms are used:- Function Block
A Function Block is an algorithm which may be wired to and from
other function blocks to make a control strategy. The Graphical
Wiring Editor groups the instrument parameters into function
blocks. Examples are: a control loop and a mathematical
Each function block has inputs and outputs. Any parameter may
be wired from, but only parameters that are alterable may we
wired to.
A function block includes any parameters that are needed to
configure or operate the algorithm. Wire
A wire transfers a value from one parameter to another. They are
executed by the instrument once per control cycle.
Wires are made from an output of a function block to an input of a
function block. It is possible to create a wiring loop, in this case
there will be a single execution cycle delay at some point in the
loop. This point is shown on the diagram by a || symbol and it is
possible to choose where that delay will occur. Block Execution Order
The order in which the blocks are executed by the instrument depends on the way in which they are
The order is automatically worked out so that the blocks execute on the most recent data.

27.10.3 Using Function Blocks
If a function block is not faded in the tree then it can be dragged
onto the diagram. The block can be dragged around the
diagram using the mouse.
A labelled loop block is shown here. The label at the top is the
name of the block.
When the block type information is alterable click on the box with
the arrow in it on the right to edit that value.
The inputs and outputs which are considered to be of most use
are always shown. In most cases all of these will need to be wired
up for the block to perform a useful task. There are exceptions to
this and the loop is one of those exceptions.
If you wish to wire from a parameter which is not shown as a
recommended output click on the icon in the bottom right and a
full list of parameters in the block will be shown, click on one of
these to start a wire.
To start a wire from a recommended output just click on it.
Click Select Output to wire new parameters
3500 Series Controllers Engineering Handbook
Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10 311 Function Block Context Menu
Right click in the function block to show a context menu which has the following entries:-
Function Block View Brings up an iTools parameter list which shows all the parameters in the
function block. If the block has sub-lists these are shown in tabs
Re-Route Wires Throw away current wire route and do an auto-route of all wires connected to
this block
Re-Route Input Wires Only do a re-route on the input wires
Re-Route Output Wires Only do a re-route on the output wires
Show Wires Using Tags Adds named tags to wires
Hide Unwired Connections Displays only those parameters which are wired and hides all unwired
Copy Right click over an input or output and copy will be enabled, this menu item will
copy the iTools "url" of the parameter which can then be pasted into a watch
window or OPC Scope
Delete If the block is downloaded mark it for delete, otherwise delete it immediately
Undelete This menu entry is enabled if the block is marked for delete and unmarks it and
any wires connected to it for delete
Bring To Front Bring the block to the front of the diagram. Moving a block will also bring it to
the front
Push To Back Push the block to the back of the diagram. Useful of there is something
underneath it
Edit Parameter Value This menu entry is enabled when the mouse is over an input or output
parameter. When selected it creates a parameter edit dialog so the value of that
parameter can be changed
Parameter Properties Selecting this entry brings up the parameter properties window. The parameter
properties window is updated as the mouse is moved over the parameters
shown on the function block
Parameter Help Selecting this entry brings up the help window. The help window is updated as
the mouse is moved over the parameters shown on the function block. When
the mouse is not over a parameter name the help for the block is shown

27.10.4 Tooltips
Hovering over different parts of the block will bring up tooltips describing the part of the block
beneath the mouse.
If you hover over the parameter values in the block type information a tooltip showing the parameter
description, it's OPC name, and, if downloaded, it's value will be shown.
A similar tooltip will be shown when hovering over inputs and outputs.
Engineering Handbook 3500 series Controllers
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27.10.5 Series 3000 Instruments
The blocks in a series 3000 instrument are enabled by dragging the block onto the
diagram, wiring it up, and downloading it to the instrument
When the block is initially dropped onto the diagram it is drawn with dashed lines.
When in this state the parameter list for the block is enabled but the block itself is
not executed by the instrument.

Once the download button is pressed the block is added to the instrument
function block execution list and it is drawn with solid lines.

If a block which has been downloaded is deleted, it is shown on the diagram in a
ghosted form until the download button is pressed.
This is because it and any wires to/from it are still being executed in the instrument.
On download it will be removed from the instrument execution list and the
diagram. A ghosted block can be undeleted using the context menu.
When a dashed block is deleted it is removed immediately.
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27.10.6 Using Wires Making A Wire Between Two Blocks
Drag two blocks onto the diagram from the function block tree.
Start a wire by either clicking on a recommended output or clicking on the
icon at the bottom right corner of the block to bring up the connection
dialog. The connection dialog shows all the connectable parameters for the
block, if the block has sub-lists the parameters are shown in a tree. If you wish
to wire a parameter which is not currently available click the red button at the
bottom of the connection dialog. Recommended connections are shown with
a green plug, other parameters which are available are yellow and if you click
the red button the unavailable parameters are shown red. To dismiss the
connection dialog either, press the escape key on the keyboard, or click the
cross at the bottom left of the dialog.
Once the wire has started the cursor will change and a dotted wire will be
drawn from the output to the current mouse position.
To make the wire either click on a recommended input to make a wire to that
parameter or click anywhere except on a recommended input to bring up the
connection dialog. Choose from the connection dialog as described above.
The wire will now be auto-routed between the blocks.
New wires on series 3000 instruments are shown dotted until they are downloaded Wire Context Menu
Right click on the wire to show the wire block context menu which has the
following entries:-
Force Exec
If wires form a loop a break point has to be found where the
value which is written to the block input comes from a block
which was last executed during the previous instrument execute
cycle thus introducing a delay. This option tells the instrument
that if it needs to make a break it should be on this wire
Re-Route Wire Throw away wire route and generate an automatic route from
Use Tags If a wire is between blocks which are a long way apart, then
rather than drawing the wire, the name of the wired to/from
parameter can be shown in a tag next to the block. This menu
entry toggles this wire between drawing the whole wire and
drawing it as tags
Find Start Finds the start of the wire
Find End Finds the end of the wire
Delete For series 3000 instruments if the wire is downloaded mark it
for delete, otherwise delete it immediately
Undelete This menu entry is enabled if the wire is marked for delete and
unmarks it for delete
Bring To Front Bring the wire to the front of the diagram. Moving a wire will
also bring it to the front
Push To Back Push the wire to the back of the diagram

Engineering Handbook 3500 series Controllers
314 Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10 Wire Colours
Wires can be the following colours:
Black Normal functioning wire.
Red The wire is connected to an input which is not alterable when the instrument is in operator mode
and so values which travel along that wire will be rejected by the receiving block
Blue The mouse is hovering over the wire, or the block to which it is connected it selected. Useful for
tracing densely packed wires
Purple The mouse is hovering over a 'red' wire Routing Wires
When a wire is placed it is auto-routed. The auto routing algorithm searches for a clear path between
the two blocks. A wire can be auto-routed again using the context menus or by double clicking the
If you click on a wire segment you can drag it to manually route it. Once this is done it is marked as a
manually routed wire and will retain its current shape. If you move the block to which it is connected
the end of the wire will be moved but as much of the path as possible of the wire will be preserved.
If a wire is selected by clicking on it, it will be drawn with small boxes on its corners. Tooltips
Hover the mouse over a wire and a tooltip showing the names of the parameters which are wired and,
if downloaded, their current values will also be shown.

27.10.7 Using Comments
Drag a comment onto the diagram and the comment edit dialog
will appear.
Type in a comment. Use newlines to control the width of the
comment, it is shown on the diagram as typed into the dialog.
Click OK and the comment text will appear on the diagram. There
are no restrictions on the size of a comment. Comments are saved
to the instrument along with the diagram layout information.
Comments can be linked to function blocks and wires. Hover the
mouse over the bottom right of the comment and a chain icon will appear, click on that icon and then
on a block or a wire. A dotted wire will be drawn to the top of the block or the selected wire segment. Comment Context Menu
The comment context menu has the following entries on it.
Edit Open the comment edit dialog to edit this comment
Unlink If the comment is linked to a block or wire this will unlink it
Delete For series 3000 instruments if the comment is downloaded mark it
for delete, otherwise delete it immediately
Undelete This menu entry is enabled if the comment is marked for delete
and unmarks it for delete
Bring To
Bring the comment to the front of the diagram. Moving a
comment will also bring it to the front
Push To Back Push the comment to the back of the diagram. Useful if there is
something underneath it

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27.10.8 Using Monitors
Drag a monitor onto the diagram and connect it to a block input or output or a wire as described in
Using Comments.
The current value (updated at the iTools parameter list update rate) will be shown in the monitor. By
default the name of the parameter is shown, double click or use the context menu to not show the
parameter name. Monitor Context Menu
The monitor context menu has the following entries on it.
Show Names Show parameter names as well as values
Unlink If the monitor is linked to a block or wire this will unlink it
Delete For series 3000 instruments if the monitor is downloaded mark it for delete, otherwise delete it
Undelete This menu entry is enabled if the monitor is marked for delete and unmarks it for delete
Bring To
Bring the monitor to the front of the diagram. Moving a monitor will also bring it to the front
Push To Back Push the monitor to the back of the diagram. Useful if there is something underneath it

27.10.9 Downloading To Series 3000 Instruments
Series 3000 wires have to be downloaded to the instrument together. When the wiring editor is
opened the current wiring and diagram layout is read from the instrument. No changes are made to
the instrument function block execution or wiring until the download button is pressed. Any changes
made using the instrument front panel after the editor is opened will be lost on download.
When a block is dropped on the diagram instrument parameters are changed to make the parameters
for that block available. If changes are made and the editor is closed without saving them there will be
a delay while the editor clears these parameters.
During download, the wiring is written to the instrument which then calculates the block execution
order and starts executing the blocks. The diagram layout including comments and monitors is then
written into instrument flash memory along with the current editor settings. When the editor is
reopened, the diagram will be shown positioned the same as when it was last downloaded.

27.10.10 Selections
Wires are shown with small blocks at their corners when selected. All other items have a dotted line
drawn round them when they are selected. Selecting Individual Items
Clicking on an item on the drawing will select it. Multiple Selection
Control click an unselected item to add it to the selection, doing the same on a selected item unselects
Alternatively, hold the mouse down on the background and wipe it to create a rubber band, anything
which isn't a wire inside the rubber band will be selected.
Selecting two function blocks also selects any wires which join them. This means that if more than one
function block is selected, using the rubber band method, any wires between them will also be
Pressing Ctrl-A selects all blocks and wires.
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27.10.11 Colours
Items on the diagram are coloured as follows:
Red Function blocks, comments and monitors which partially obscure or are partially obscured by other
items are drawn red. If a large function block like the loop is covering a small one, like a math2, the
loop will be drawn red to show that it is covering another function block. Wires are drawn red when
they are connected to an input which is currently unalterable. Parameters in function blocks are
coloured red if they are unalterable and the mouse pointer is over them
Blue Function blocks, comments and monitors which are not coloured red are coloured blue when the
mouse pointer is over them. Wires are coloured blue when a block to which the wire is connected is
selected or the mouse pointer is over it. Parameters in function blocks are coloured blue if they are
alterable and the mouse pointer is over them
Purple A wire which is connected to an input which is currently unalterable and a block to which the wire is
connected is selected or the mouse pointer is over it is coloured purple (red + blue)

27.11 Diagram Context Menu
Right click in the spaces around the wires and function blocks to show the
diagram context menu which has the following entries:-
Throw away current wire route and do an auto-route of all selected
wires. If no wires are selected this is done to all wires on the diagram
Align Tops Line up the tops of all the selected items except wires
Align Lefts Line up the left hand side of all the selected items except wires
This will space the selected items such that their top left corners are
evenly spaced. Select the first item, then select the rest by control-
clicking them in the order you wish them to be spaced, then choose
this menu entry
Delete Delete, or mark for delete (series 3000 instruments) all selected items
Undelete This menu entry is enabled if any of the selected items are marked for
delete and unmarks them when selected
Select All Select all wires
If there is a selection it is copied to the clipboard as a Windows
metafile, if there is no selection the whole diagram is copied to the
clipboard as a Windows metafile. Paste into your favourite
documentation tool to document your application. Some programs
render metafiles better than others, the diagram may look messy on
screen but it should print well
Same as Copy Graphic but saves to a metafile rather than putting it on
the clipboard
Centre Select all wires then Centre. The graphical view will be centred in the
iTools window.

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27.11.1 Other Examples of Graphical Wiring
Simulated Load
This may be useful as a test to show the action of a closed loop PID controller.

Loop/Programmer Wiring

Note: The wires on this diagram are auto generated if the loop and programmer are enabled and
there are no wires connected to the four inputs.
1. Drag across
to add a
2. Move mouse
to right hand
corner and
click chain
3. Move mouse
to the
whose value
you wish to
Value of main PV
Wire Up then
edit parameters
Engineering Handbook 3500 series Controllers
318 Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10

Bargraph with Alarm Values Displayed

3500 Bargraph linked
to the Loop PV
added to
Edit alarm
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Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10 319
Retransmission of Channel 1 Output Value
The most common requirement is to retransmit parameters such as PV, SP, Output 1 or 2 or Error. In
3500 controllers, however, it is possible to re-transmit any wireable parameter. The example below
shows how to do this.
Select Graphical Wiring. The view below shows a simple single channel controller with alarms. The
output is wired to the LA logic output for control purposes.

1. Drag and drop IO.ModIDs block from the IO list. Choose a module (e.g. 1) and select DC
2. Click on the parameter to be retransmitted (in this case OP.Ch1Out). Drag a wire (do not
hold the mouse button down) to in the bottom right hand corner of IO.ModIDs block
3. Select Mod1Ident in the pop up window.
4. The procedure may be repeated if it required to retransmit other parameters via other

When saved the dotted lines become solid
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27.12 Program Editor
ITools provides a convenient method of entering and editing programs directly in the controller.
Setpoint programs can be created graphically, stored and downloaded into the controller.

27.12.1 Analog View
1. Press to edit a program. For a dual programmer shown below select the
Segment Parameters tab. The other tabs display program parameters for each program.
2. Select a program number using
3. Click and enter a name for the program
4. Press in the Programmer Editor to add a segment
5. Select SegType from the drop down and enter the segment details. The event outputs are
displayed using dots in the EventOuts row. Hold the mouse pointer over the EventOuts cell and a
tooltip pops up showing the number, name and value of each of the events.
6. Enter a name for the Target SP if required
7. Repeat for all required segments
8. To insert a segment, click in the segment number where it is to be inserted, then press in the
Programmer Editor. Alternatively right click in the segment to show a pop up.

 Segment Types
Possible segment types are:-
Rate, Dwell, Step, Time, GoBack, Wait, Call and End, all of which are available in a Single Programmer.
In a SyncAll programmer Rate, Dwell, Step are not available.
In a SyncStart programmer Call is not available.

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Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10 321
27.12.2 The Spreadsheet
The segment values are shown in a spreadsheet format. Each cell either contains a set of enumerated
values shown as a drop down list, a numerical value, or a duration.
To change an enumeration either type its numeric value or choose from the drop down list. If the
enumeration is for an event output and so only has the values 'On (1)' and 'Off (0)' you can double
click the cell to change to the other value.
To change a numeric value, click on the cell and type the new value. It is accepted when you move on
to another cell using the 'enter', tab or arrow keys.
To change a duration type it in the format '__h __m __s __ms' where _ is a number. You can leave bits
out but if they appear they must be in the order shown. E.g., '1m 30s' is acceptable but '30s 1m' is not.
If you select and copy spreadsheet cells they are put on the clipboard as tab separated values
which can be pasted into Microsoft Excel.
27.12.3 Event Outputs
These may be set in the previous Analog View by clicking the ellipsis in the relevant segment, then
ticking the required digital output in the pop up view. o Alternatively use Digital View as follows:-
1. Press to select the digital events view.
2. Right click in the blank area to Add Segment
3. Use the pull downs to turn the digital event On or Off in the selected segment

27.12.4 Menu Entries and Tool Buttons
Most of the menu entries documented above have an associated tool button that performs the same
action. Hold the mouse over each button to find out what it does.
27.12.5 The Context Menu
There is a context menu on the spreadsheet that has 'Select All', 'Copy', 'Paste Insert', 'Paste Over',
'Insert' and 'Delete' entries. These perform the same actions as those in the Edit menu.
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27.12.6 Naming Programs
The programs can be given names. These names are saved in the program file and as comments in
any clone file made from the instrument. The program name is also written to the instrument. To
enter a name, either double click the trace label or click the small grey button on it. You can enter up
to 16 characters as the name.

27.12.7 Entering a Program
You can connect to a device or load a clone file as you normally would and then select the
programmer view using the view button on the toolbar or the context menu for the device.
To create a new program, create a new clone file and start the programmer editor using that clone.
Note that if you need to be able to put the device/simulation into configuration mode this can only be
done within iTools.

27.12.8 Making Changes to a Program
There are three tabs along the bottom of the editor, the last one shows the segment data in a graph
and a grid. The others show standard iTools lists which are used to set up programmer related
parameters for the whole instrument and for the current program. You will only see the parameters
that set up instrument wide program parameters if the instrument is in configuration mode.
The 'Segment Parameters' tab is the default and the one where the program itself is edited. To
change a numeric value click in the tab, type the new number and enter. To change an enumerated
value click on the down arrow button and choose the new value. The segment values are edited 'in
place' whereas the iTools parameter lists popup a dialog to change the value.
If you are connected to a device the changes will be written to it immediately. If you created a new
program or opened a saved program you will have to save the changes to a file.

27.12.9 Saving Programs
The stand alone editor has a 'File|Save' menu entry which is used to write the program out to a file.
Each program is saved in a separate file. If you wish to clone all of the programs from one instrument
to another you will have to use the iTools cloning facilities to do this.
When using the editor within iTools, there is an entry on the Programmer menu for saving programs.

27.12.10 Moving Programs Around
The 'File|Send To' menu entry can be used to copy a program to a connected instrument. A dialog
pops up in which you have to select the instrument and the destination program number. You can use
this to copy programs within the same instrument or to open a program file and download it.

27.12.11 Printing a Program
There is no direct printing support in the Programmer Editor, but you can generate a report using
Microsoft Excel as follows:
Right click on the graph and choose 'Copy Chart'.
Open a new spreadsheet in Excel and paste the chart, position to taste.
Go back to the Programmer Editor and Choose 'Edit|Select All' followed by 'Edit|Copy'.
Switch to Excel, choose the top left cell for the segment data and then choose 'Edit|Paste'.
Optionally delete any columns that have no settings and format the cells.
Print the spreadsheet.
The program is listed down rather than across the page so long programs can be printed.

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27.12.12 To Copy a Program
In the display shown above, to copy the complete program, right click in the spreadsheet
section and Select All.
Right click again in the spreadsheet section and Copy.
Select the program number to be copied to, e.g. Program 2.
Right click in the new section and Paste All.
27.12.13 To Copy a Segment of a Program
Right click in the segment to be copied and select Copy.
To add the segment at the end of the program, right click outside the segments and Paste
To insert, right click in the preceding segment and Paste Insert
To over-write a segment, right click in the segment and Paste Over
Segments will be added to the Event Outputs at the same time.
27.12.14 To Name a User Value
The programmer User Value may be given a name.
Open the parameter list for the Programmer Setup page
Select UValName and type in the required text. In this example Power
User Value in the Program Edit page in the controller will be replaced by this text

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27.13 Cloning
The cloning feature allows the configuration and parameter settings of one instrument to be copied
into another. Alternatively a configuration may be saved to file and this used to download to
connected instruments. The feature allows new instruments to be rapidly set up using a known
reference source or standard instrument. Every parameter and parameter value is downloaded to the
new instrument which means that if the new instrument is used as a replacement it will contain exactly
the same information as the original. Cloning is generally only possible if the following applies:
The target instrument has the same hardware configuration as the source instrument
The target instrument firmware (i.e. Software built into the instrument) is the same as or a later
version than that of the source instrument. The instrument firmware version is displayed on the
instrument when power is applied.

It is the responsibility of the user to ensure that the information cloned from one instrument
to another is correct for the process to be controlled, and that all parameters are correctly replicated
into the target instrument.
Below is a brief description of how to use this feature. Further details are available in the iTools

27.13.1 Save to File
The configuration of the controller made in the previous sections may be saved as a clone file. This file
can then be used to download the configuration to further instruments.
From the File menu use Save to File or use the Save button on the Toolbar. Loading a Clone File Using the IR & Config Clips
When iTools is communicating with the instrument via the IR or Config Clips and a clone file is loaded,
ALL parameters are cloned, including communications parameters.
This is possible as the actual communications mechanism will not be altered by changing these
parameters. The communication mechanism will be fixed within the instrument by the use of these
clips, see above.

27.13.2 To Clone a New Controller
Connect the new controller to iTools and Scan to find this instrument as described at the beginning of
this chapter.
From the File menu select Load Values From File or select Load from the toolbar. Choose the
required file and follow the instruction. The new instrument will be configured to this file.

27.13.3 To Clone Directly from One Controller to Another
Connect the second controller to iTools and scan for the new instrument
From the File menu select Send to Device. Select the controller to be cloned and follow the
instructions. The old instrument will be configured the same as the new one.

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27.14 Clone of Comms Port Settings
Assuming that the PC is connected to the H port on the controller then the settings on this port are not
cloned since this would then prevent communications to the controller and hence prevent cloning of
other parameters. However, the J port settings will be cloned.
Similarly, if the PC is connected to the J port of the controller, then the H port setting will be cloned
but not J.
If the PC is connected through the IR port or via the RJ45 clip then both H and J port settings will be

27.15 User Text
User defined text can be applied to selected parameters in controllers from software versions 2.30+.
User text is particularly useful when used in conjunction with User Pages, section 27.7. It is configured
using iTools configuration package it cannot be configured through the controller user interface, and
is implemented in two ways:-
1. A fixed set of boolean parameters, shown in the table below, have dedicated user strings. The
Value of these parameters may be customised and it will then be shown as such in the
enumeration of that parameter.

Function block Default Text Dedicated User String iTools Browser
Two Input Logic Operators, see logic
operators section 18.1.
Lgc2 (1 to 24)
Eight Input Logic Operators, see logic
operators section 18.1.1.
Lgc8 (1 to 2)
Programmer Event Outputs 1 to 8, see
programmer section 22.4.
EO1UsrTxtOff to EO8UsrTxtOff
EO1UsrTxtOn to EO8UsrTxtOn
Programmer (1 to 2)
Programmer PV Event Outputs 1 to 8,
see programmer section 22.4.1.
Programmer (1 to 2)

2. Eight user text blocks are available in which user defined text can be applied to both Boolean and
Analogue parameters. Boolean parameters, not listed in 1 above, may be wired to Two Input
Logic Operator blocks when user text blocks are in full use.
The parameter list for the User Text block is as follows:-

Parameter Upper
Availability Description
Input 32767 -32766 iTools configuration package, or read only in
the controller display but can be wired through
the controller
Input to be
Output 8
- iTools configuration package, or read only in
the controller display but can be wired through
the controller interface.
String from custom
list with a value field
that matches the
current input
Custom list 100
Comma separated list of values and strings Configured by iTools

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326 Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10
27.16 To Enable User Text
This may be done in configuration level, see section 6.3.1. It may also be done in iTools as described
below. The controller must be placed in configuration level by pressing

Select Instrument Enables. Each user text block can be enabled by entering the decimal number
corresponding to the bit map shown in the table. The table shows how to select any one of the first 4
blocks individually followed by all 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 blocks.

Enable block number
8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1
0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 2
0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 3
0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 4
0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 5
0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 6
0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 7
0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 8
0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 15
0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 31
0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 63
0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 127
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 255

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27.17 Loop Naming
An additional parameter LoopName has been added to the Loop Setup page for use controllers
fitted with software versions 2.30+. This parameter is only available in iTools and will allow names to
be given to each loop. The name will show on the loop summary pages only (it is not shown in the
dual loop summary page since there is insufficient space for meaningful text.

In this example the name Top Zone will be applied to loop 1.
The numbers of characters is limited to 11 for both 3504 and 3508 (although truncated to 10 for the
Custom loop names are over written when the loop is being auto-tuned by the default text Loop
1/Loop 2.

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27.18 Example 1: To Configure Lgc2 Operator 1
In this example when either input 1 or 2 is true (OR) the output text will read Open. When neither
input is true it will read Closed
1. Select Lg2 1
2. Select either OutUsrTxtOff or OutUsrTxtOn and enter the required text in the Value column

27.18.1 Example 2: Configure User Text Block 1
In this example the output user text will show Large or Small depending on the state of a digital
input (in this case the LA input). It can also be used to read TwoUnits, 999Units or -1Units
depending on the value of an analogue input i.e. 2, 999 or -1 respectively.

1. Select UsrTxt 1
2. Press the ellipsis button in CustomList.
3. A pop up window is shown
In the pop up, enter a value. 1 and 0 are used for Booleans or Analogue values. Any analogue value
can be entered between 32767 and -32766. Enter text against the chosen value. In this example
when the input is true Large will be displayed. When false, Small is displayed.
The user text can also be wired to a source parameter. In the above example the UsrTxt1 Input is
wired to the LA logic input. When the logic input is true (1) the user text will display Large. When it is
false (0) it will call up Small.
These values may be promoted to a user page. Select in iTools. Use the Style Value
only, Split Row, Single Row, Dual Row or Triple Row.
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27.19 To Name a User Switch
The User Switch function block has been added to 3500 series controllers from software version 2.70.
Refer to chapter 29 for further information.
By default the controller will display On or Off when the User Switch is operated. A customised name
up to eight characters may be applied the switch.
1. In the browser select the Switch number.
2. Highlight the StateUsrTxtOff parameter and type in the appropriate text.
3. Repeat for StateUsrTxtOn

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27.20 Master Communications Configuration Example
Master Communications is described in section 14.9.
This example uses typical features of the Master Comms function blocks to create an application using
a single master - controller type 3508 communicating with 5 slaves as follows:-
Slave 1 - 2404 - address 2
Slave 2 - 2704 - address 3
Slave 3 - ePower - address 4
Slave 4 - 3216 - address 5
Slave 5 - 3504 - address 6
The master in this example uses port H to communicate with the slaves and port J to communicate
with iTools. The screen shots shown in this section are taken from iTools and show the complete lists
of parameters for each instrument.
The wiring may be EIA485/422 as appropriate. See section 14.8.2.

Tab 1 - Master Comms Block 1
Each tab in the iTools view corresponds to a Master Comms block. In Tab 1 the Master is set up to
continuously write Target Setpoint (parameter address 2) to 2404 Slave 1 at instrument address 2
using Function Code 6. The Target Setpoint in this example is wired to the Programmer 1 PSP so that
defined slaves follow a program set up in the master. This data appears in parameter Slave Data 1.
Function code 6 - Write a Single Word is used and the Count parameter is not relevant and is,
therefore, not shown.
Note: The Master Comms Block must be disabled (Enable = No) when setting up. The screen shots
shown in this example show Master Comms running the process (Enable = Yes). In this example,
Master Comms is enabled from a User Value and may be selected from a remote source.

Slave 1
Slave 2
Slave 5
Slave 3
Slave 4
In this example, if 5
consecutive failures
should occur during
operation, master
communications will
be suspended. A
retry will occur after
30 seconds.
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Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10 331
Tab 2 - Master Comms Block 2
2704 Slave 2 is set up in Tab 2. The Master is continuously writing Target Setpoint (parameter address
2) to Slave 2 at instrument address 3 using Function Code 6. The Target Setpoint for slave 2 is wired
to the programmer PSP, Programmer.1.Run.PSP.

Tab 3 - Master Comms Block 3
EPower Slave 3 is set up in Tab 3. The Master is continuously writing Remote Setpoint 1 (parameter
address 1294) to Slave 3 at instrument address 4 using Function Code 6. The Target Setpoint for Slave
3 is wired to the programmer PSP, Programmer.1.Run.PSP.

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Tab 4 - Master Comms Block 4
3216 Slave 4 is set up in Tab 4. The Master is continuously writing Target Setpoint (parameter address
2) to Slave 4 at instrument address 5 using Function Code 6. The Target Setpoint for slave 4 is wired
to the programmer PSP, Programmer.1.Run.PSP.

Tab 5 - Master Comms Block 5
3504 Slave 5 is set up in Tab 5. The Master is continuously writing Target Setpoint (parameter address
2) to Slave 5 at instrument address 6 using Function Code 6. The Target Setpoint for slave 5 is wired to
the programmer PSP, Programmer.1.Run.PSP.

3500 Series Controllers Engineering Handbook
Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10 333
Tab 6 - Master Comms Block 6
The master is set up to read data from 16 consecutive Modbus parameter addresses from 2404 Slave
1 - instrument address 2. The parameters start at parameter address 1 using Function Code 3 (read 16
words from the slave).

SlvData1 is Loop 1 main PV Address 1
SlvData2 is Target SP Address 2
SlvData3 is Target Output power Address 3
SlvData4 Working output power Address 4
SlvData5 is Working SP Address 5
SlvData6 Proportional band set 1 Address 6
Further Modbus addresses for 2404 series instruments may be found in 2000 series
Communications Manual HA026230, which may be downloaded from www.eurotherm.com, or from

Note: In some cases it may be required to access a number of contiguous parameters from the slave.
An example might be the 4 alarm setpoints from the slave. If the slave is 3500 series the alarm
threshold addresses are 10241, 10256, 10273 and 10289 respectively. For 3500 series instruments
these may be set up in the Comms Indirection Table as described in sections 14.7 and 30.
Other slaves may not support this feature.

Engineering Handbook 3500 series Controllers
334 Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10
Tab 7 - Master Comms Block 7
The master is set up to read data from 16 consecutive Modbus parameter addresses from 2704 Slave
2 - instrument address 3. The parameters start at parameter address 1 using Function Code 3 (read 16
words from the slave).

3500 Series Controllers Engineering Handbook
Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10 335
28. Chapter 28 OEM Security
28.1 Introduction
OEM security allows users, typically OEMs or distributors, to be able to protect their intellectual
property by preventing unauthorised cloning of controller configurations.
OEM security is only available as a special order and is identified by special number EU0722 which
appears on the label showing the order code.
The feature provides the user with the ability to enter an OEM Security Password, after which, unless
the password is entered, it inhibits iTools from communicating with the controller in its normal way.
1. When using the controller through its front panel buttons it will not be possible to view or
configure the wiring between blocks (section 5.1) but all HMI parameters will be visible and
alterable as normal.
2. The Setpoint Program Editor in iTools cannot be used while OEM Security is active, neither
can a program be operated (run, held or reset) through iTools. Programs can, however, be
edited and operated through the controller front panel buttons
3. It will still be possible to access communication parameters via the SCADA table.
4. If features such as OPC Scope are required then Custom Tags may be used to access the
SCADA area.

28.2 Using OEM Security
The OEM Security feature enables three new addresses to become active in the SCADA region. These
1. Address 16116, Locked: this is a read only Boolean parameter that returns 1 (TRUE) when
the instrument is OEM secured.
2. Address 16117, Lock Code: this is a write only parameter which will read back as 0. When
the instrument is unlocked, a value entered here will lock the instrument and defines the code
needed to unlock. The code and locked status will be saved in non-volatile memory.
3. Address 16118, Unlock Code: this is a write only parameter which will read back as 0. When
the instrument is locked, a value entered here will be compared with the lock code. If it is the
same, the instrument will be unlocked. If the value is different, this parameter will become
unavailable for a time period. This time will increase for each failed attempt.

These addresses are not available by default in iTools. It is,therefore, necessary to create Custom Tags
in iTools to be able to write or read these parameters. The following procedure shows how to do this
and how to use the OEM security features.

Engineering Handbook 3500 series Controllers
336 Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10
28.3 Step 1 View iTools OPC Server
With iTools open and connected to the target instrument open the iTools OPC server using
Options>Advanced>Show Server.

Click on the OPC Server application on your windows Taskbar to view the server.

3500 Series Controllers Engineering Handbook
Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10 337
28.4 Step 2 Create Custom Tags
Expand the connected instrument to show all folders. Close to the bottom of the tree you will find a
folder called CustTags.

Click on CustTags then click on the Tag icon on the Toolbar. Enter the name of the Tag as Locked
and its address as 16116 then press OK. Repeat for the Lock and Unlock Code addresses

Tag Icon
CustTags Folder
Engineering Handbook 3500 series Controllers
338 Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10
When all three Tags are created you will see the following:-

Minimise (do not close) the OPC server to the taskbar and return to iTools. You can now select
CustTags on the connected 3500 by double clicking on the folder when in the browse tab.

3500 Series Controllers Engineering Handbook
Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10 339
28.5 Step 3 Activate OEM Security
At the same time as viewing the CustTag parameters double click on another folder and position it
show that you can see parameters from both.

Enter a numerical code for the parameter Lock Code and notice that the Locked parameter now
shows true(1) and the parameters in the other folder now show question marks indicating that iTools is
no longer reading them.

Engineering Handbook 3500 series Controllers
340 Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10
28.6 Step 4 Deactivate OEM Security
Enter the code you used in step 3 into Unlock Code to enable full iTools communication.
If an incorrect code is entered this parameter will become unavailable for a time period, indicated by a
warning message Failed to write data to device. This time will increase for each failed attempt limited
to 1 minute. If the correct code is entered while the time delay is in operation it will not be accepted.
It will be necessary to wait until the time delay is no longer operative (up to 1 minute) or to power cycle
the controller.

28.7 Erasing Memory
Since the OEM Lock/Unlock code is retained in normal non-volatile memory, it may be erased by use
of the Access.ClearMemory (Cold Start) parameter, see section 3.2. Using this parameter to erase
AllMemory will not only unlock the OEM Security but it will also erase the application being protected.
Note that the instrument must be in Config mode to accept the ClearMemory command.
This process may also be done via the SCADA area. The Instrument Mode parameter is already in the
SCADA area at address 199 - write a value of 2 to set Config mode. The Clear Memory parameter will
be found at address 16119. Set a value of 5 (AllMemory) to clear the memory.

3500 Series Controllers Engineering Handbook
Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10 341
29. Chapter 29 User Switches
The User Switch Function Block has been added from software version 2.70+.
A User Switch provides a general purpose boolean switch. It is most useful when incorporated in a
User Page where it can perform a specific task suited to the particular application. Eight User Switches
are available and each may be configured as:-
Auto Reset - the switch remains On for a minimum of 110ms after which is is automatically set to Off.
Manual Reset the switch remains On until it is set to Off manually.
The text associated with the State parameter (Off / On by default) may be changed using iTools to suit
the application requirements.

29.1 User Switch Parameters
The parameters are only available if one or more User Switch function blocks are enabled (see section
6.3.1). Use

to page to the Switch heading.

List Header Switch Sub-headers: 1 to 8
to select
Parameter Description Value
Press or to change values
Default Access
the switch remains On until it is
set to Off manually.
Type The selected switch may be
configured as Manual or
Automatic reset
the switch remains On for a
minimum of 110ms after which
is is automatically set to Off.
ManReset Conf
Off * Switch off
State Shows the state of the switch.
It is normal to wire this
parameter to a digital function
within the controller such as a
programmer event. The state
of the switch is then
determined by the event. If it is
not wired then the state may
changed here.
On * Switch on
Off L3

The text associated with the switch may be configured in iTools so that it displays a more
meaningfull message. Examples are, Open/Closed, Up/Down, etc. See section 27.19 for further

29.2 To Configure User Switches

Do This The Display You Should See Additional Notes
1. From any display press

many times as necessary to
select Switch
2. Select the required switch
number using

3. Press

to select switch
Type and
to select
AutoReset or manReset

Repeat 3 to select State. The state may be
changed if not wired.

Engineering Handbook 3500 series Controllers
342 Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10
The SCADA table provides fixed single register Modbus values for use with Third Party Modbus
masters in SCADA packages or plcs. If parameters are not available in this table they can be added
from an indirection table using their Modbus addresses. Scaling of the parameters has to be
configured the Modbus master scaling has to match the 3500 parameter resolution to ensure the
decimal point is in the correct position.
This facility is intended for use by suitably qualified personnel responsible for developing
SCADA or plc interfaces.

30.1 Comms Table
The tables that follow do not include every parameter in the 3500. The Comms Table is used to make
most parameters available at any SCADA address. See also section 14.7.

Folder Commstab Sub-folders: .1 to .250
Name Parameter Description Value Default Access Level
Destination Modbus Destination Not Used; 0 to 16011
Not used Conf
Source Source Parameter Taken from source parameter
Native Native Data Format 0 Integer
1 Native (i.e. Float or long)
Integer Conf
ReadOnly Read Only
Read/Write only if source is
0 Read/Write
1 Read Only
R/W Conf
Minutes Minutes
Units in which time is scaled.
0 Seconds
1 Minutes
Seconds. Conf

It is recommended that iTools should be used to set up the required table. Entering a value in the
Source parameter may be done in two ways:
1 - drag the required parameter into the Source
2 - right click the Source parameter, select Edit Wire and browse to the required parameter.
In the Example below the PV of Loop 1 would be available at addresses 200 and 201 as a two register
floating point number - its native data type.

There are 250 comms table entries available.

30.2 SCADA Addresses
The address field in iTools displays the parameter's Modbus address. These addresses should be
used when accessing parameters over comms. If a parameter has no address the CommsTab feature
can be used to map the parameter to a modbus address, however, it should be noted that the address
field will not be updated. The following Modbus addresses have been reserved for use with the
CommsTab Function Block, by default they have no associated parameter:

ModBus Range Modbus Range (HEX)
15360 to 15615 0x3C00 to 0x3CFF
3500 Series Controllers Engineering Handbook
Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10 343
30.3 SCADA Table
The following table lists the parameters, along with their limits and resolution, which have assigned
Modbus addresses. They are available in scaled integer format.
Wherever possible use an OPC client with the iTools OPCserver as the server. In this arrangement the
parameters are all referenced by name and the values are floating point so the decimal point for all
parameters is inherited.
Some parameters have more than one address, for example Alarm1.Block. The lower number is to
maintain a compatibility with earlier instruments. Either address may be used although the higher
number is specific to 3000 series.
Parameter Low Limit High Limit Resolution
515 0x0203 Access.ConfPasscode 0 9999 0dp
629 0x0275 Access.CustomerID 0 9999 0dp
147 0x0093 Access.Goto 0 3 0dp
199 0x00c7 Access.IM 0 2 0dp
279 0x0117 Access.Keylock 0 4 0dp
514 0x0202 Access.L2Passcode 0 9999 0dp
554 0x022a Access.L3Passcode 0 9999 0dp
10250 0x280a Alarm.1.Ack 0 1 0dp
544 0x0220 Alarm.1.Block 0 1 0dp
10246 0x2806 Alarm.1.Block 0 1 0dp
221 0x00dd Alarm.1.Delay 0 32767 10th of seconds
10248 0x2808 Alarm.1.Delay 0 32767 10th of seconds
47 0x002f Alarm.1.Hysteresis 0 9999999999
Same as
10242 0x2802 Alarm.1.Hysteresis 0 9999999999
Same as
10247 0x2807 Alarm.1.Inhibit 0 1 0dp
540 0x021c Alarm.1.Latch 0 3 0dp
10244 0x2804 Alarm.1.Latch 0 3 0dp
294 0x0126 Alarm.1.Out 0 1 0dp
10249 0x2809 Alarm.1.Out 0 1 0dp
10245 0x2805 Alarm.1.Priority 1 3 0dp
10243 0x2803 Alarm.1.Reference -9999999999 9999999999
Same as
13 0x000d Alarm.1.Threshold -9999999999 9999999999
Same as
10241 0x2801 Alarm.1.Threshold -9999999999 9999999999
Same as
536 0x0218 Alarm.1.Type 0 5 0dp
10240 0x2800 Alarm.1.Type 0 5 0dp
10266 0x281a Alarm.2.Ack 0 1 0dp
545 0x0221 Alarm.2.Block 0 1 0dp
10262 0x2816 Alarm.2.Block 0 1 0dp
222 0x00de Alarm.2.Delay 0 32767 10th of seconds
10264 0x2818 Alarm.2.Delay 0 32767 10th of seconds
68 0x0044 Alarm.2.Hysteresis 0 9999999999
Same as
10258 0x2812 Alarm.2.Hysteresis 0 9999999999
Same as
10263 0x2817 Alarm.2.Inhibit 0 1 0dp
541 0x021d Alarm.2.Latch 0 3 0dp
10260 0x2814 Alarm.2.Latch 0 3 0dp
295 0x0127 Alarm.2.Out 0 1 0dp
10265 0x2819 Alarm.2.Out 0 1 0dp
Engineering Handbook 3500 series Controllers
344 Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10
Parameter Low Limit High Limit Resolution
10261 0x2815 Alarm.2.Priority 1 3 0dp
10259 0x2813 Alarm.2.Reference -9999999999 9999999999
14 0x000e Alarm.2.Threshold -9999999999 9999999999
10257 0x2811 Alarm.2.Threshold -9999999999 9999999999
Same as
537 0x0219 Alarm.2.Type 0 5 0dp
10256 0x2810 Alarm.2.Type 0 5 0dp
10282 0x282a Alarm.3.Ack 0 1 0dp
546 0x0222 Alarm.3.Block 0 1 0dp
10278 0x2826 Alarm.3.Block 0 1 0dp
223 0x00df Alarm.3.Delay 0 32767
10280 0x2828 Alarm.3.Delay 0 32767
10th of seconds
69 0x0045 Alarm.3.Hysteresis 0 9999999999
10274 0x2822 Alarm.3.Hysteresis 0 9999999999
Same as
10279 0x2827 Alarm.3.Inhibit 0 1 0dp
542 0x021e Alarm.3.Latch 0 3 0dp
10276 0x2824 Alarm.3.Latch 0 3 0dp
296 0x0128 Alarm.3.Out 0 1 0dp
10281 0x2829 Alarm.3.Out 0 1 0dp
10277 0x2825 Alarm.3.Priority 1 3 0dp
10275 0x2823 Alarm.3.Reference -9999999999 9999999999
Same as
81 0x0051 Alarm.3.Threshold -9999999999 9999999999
10273 0x2821 Alarm.3.Threshold -9999999999 9999999999
Same as
538 0x021a Alarm.3.Type 0 5 0dp
10272 0x2820 Alarm.3.Type 0 5 0dp
10298 0x283a Alarm.4.Ack 0 1 0dp
547 0x0223 Alarm.4.Block 0 1 0dp
10294 0x2836 Alarm.4.Block 0 1 0dp
224 0x00e0 Alarm.4.Delay 0 32767
10296 0x2838 Alarm.4.Delay 0 32767
10th of seconds
71 0x0047 Alarm.4.Hysteresis 0 9999999999
10290 0x2832 Alarm.4.Hysteresis 0 9999999999
Same as
10295 0x2837 Alarm.4.Inhibit 0 1 0dp
543 0x021f Alarm.4.Latch 0 3 0dp
10292 0x2834 Alarm.4.Latch 0 3 0dp
297 0x0129 Alarm.4.Out 0 1 0dp
10297 0x2839 Alarm.4.Out 0 1 0dp
10293 0x2835 Alarm.4.Priority 1 3 0dp
10291 0x2833 Alarm.4.Reference -9999999999 9999999999
Same as
82 0x0052 Alarm.4.Threshold -9999999999 9999999999
10289 0x2831 Alarm.4.Threshold -9999999999 9999999999
Same as
539 0x021b Alarm.4.Type 0 5 0dp
10288 0x2830 Alarm.4.Type 0 5 0dp
10314 0x284a Alarm.5.Ack 0 1 0dp
10310 0x2846 Alarm.5.Block 0 1 0dp
10312 0x2848 Alarm.5.Delay 0 32767 10th of seconds
10306 0x2842 Alarm.5.Hysteresis 0 9999999999
Same as
10311 0x2847 Alarm.5.Inhibit 0 1 0dp
10308 0x2844 Alarm.5.Latch 0 3 0dp
3500 Series Controllers Engineering Handbook
Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10 345
Parameter Low Limit High Limit Resolution
10313 0x2849 Alarm.5.Out 0 1 0dp
10309 0x2845 Alarm.5.Priority 1 3 0dp
10307 0x2843 Alarm.5.Reference -9999999999 9999999999
10305 0x2841 Alarm.5.Threshold -9999999999 9999999999
Same as
10304 0x2840 Alarm.5.Type 0 5 0dp
10330 0x285a Alarm.6.Ack 0 1 0dp
10326 0x2856 Alarm.6.Block 0 1 0dp
10328 0x2858 Alarm.6.Delay 0 32767 10th of seconds
10322 0x2852 Alarm.6.Hysteresis 0 9999999999
Same as
10327 0x2857 Alarm.6.Inhibit 0 1 0dp
10324 0x2854 Alarm.6.Latch 0 3 0dp
10329 0x2859 Alarm.6.Out 0 1 0dp
10325 0x2855 Alarm.6.Priority 1 3 0dp
10323 0x2853 Alarm.6.Reference -9999999999 9999999999
10321 0x2851 Alarm.6.Threshold -9999999999 9999999999
Same as
10320 0x2850 Alarm.6.Type 0 5 0dp
10346 0x286a Alarm.7.Ack 0 1 0dp
10342 0x2866 Alarm.7.Block 0 1 0dp
10344 0x2868 Alarm.7.Delay 0 32767 10th of seconds
10338 0x2862 Alarm.7.Hysteresis 0 9999999999
Same as
10343 0x2867 Alarm.7.Inhibit 0 1 0dp
10340 0x2864 Alarm.7.Latch 0 3 0dp
10345 0x2869 Alarm.7.Out 0 1 0dp
10341 0x2865 Alarm.7.Priority 1 3 0dp
10339 0x2863 Alarm.7.Reference -9999999999 9999999999
10337 0x2861 Alarm.7.Threshold -9999999999 9999999999
Same as
10336 0x2860 Alarm.7.Type 0 5 0dp
10362 0x287a Alarm.8.Ack 0 1 0dp
10358 0x2876 Alarm.8.Block 0 1 0dp
10360 0x2878 Alarm.8.Delay 0 32767 10th of seconds
10354 0x2872 Alarm.8.Hysteresis 0 9999999999
Same as
10359 0x2877 Alarm.8.Inhibit 0 1 0dp
10356 0x2874 Alarm.8.Latch 0 3 0dp
10361 0x2879 Alarm.8.Out 0 1 0dp
10357 0x2875 Alarm.8.Priority 1 3 0dp
10355 0x2873 Alarm.8.Reference -9999999999 9999999999
10353 0x2871 Alarm.8.Threshold -9999999999 9999999999
Same as
10352 0x2870 Alarm.8.Type 0 5 0dp
10176 0x27c0 AlmSummary.AnAlarmByte 0 65535 0dp
261 0x0105 AlmSummary.AnyAlarm 0 1 0dp
10213 0x27e5 AlmSummary.AnyAlarm 0 1 0dp
10188 0x27cc
0 65535 0dp
274 0x0112 AlmSummary.GlobalAck 0 1 0dp
10214 0x27e6 AlmSummary.GlobalAck 0 1 0dp
260 0x0104 AlmSummary.NewAlarm 0 1 0dp
10212 0x27e4 AlmSummary.NewAlarm 0 1 0dp
10200 0x27d8 AlmSummary.SBrkAlarm 0 65535 0dp
Engineering Handbook 3500 series Controllers
346 Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10
Parameter Low Limit High Limit Resolution
96 0x0060 BCDInput.1.BCDVal 0 255 0dp
105 0x0069 BCDInput.2.BCDVal 0 255 0dp
131 0x0083 Comms.Address 1 254 0dp
8192 0x2000 Comms.ProgNum 1 50 0dp
523 0x020b Comms.Wait 0 1 0dp
11274 0x2c0a DigAlarm.1.Ack 0 1 0dp
11270 0x2c06 DigAlarm.1.Block 0 1 0dp
11272 0x2c08 DigAlarm.1.Delay 0 32767 10th of seconds
11271 0x2c07 DigAlarm.1.Inhibit 0 1 0dp
11268 0x2c04 DigAlarm.1.Latch 0 3 0dp
11273 0x2c09 DigAlarm.1.Out 0 1 0dp
11269 0x2c05 DigAlarm.1.Priority 1 3 0dp
11264 0x2c00 DigAlarm.1.Type 8 13 0dp
11290 0x2c1a DigAlarm.2.Ack 0 1 0dp
11286 0x2c16 DigAlarm.2.Block 0 1 0dp
11288 0x2c18 DigAlarm.2.Delay 0 32767 10th of seconds
11287 0x2c17 DigAlarm.2.Inhibit 0 1 0dp
11284 0x2c14 DigAlarm.2.Latch 0 3 0dp
11289 0x2c19 DigAlarm.2.Out 0 1 0dp
11285 0x2c15 DigAlarm.2.Priority 1 3 0dp
11280 0x2c10 DigAlarm.2.Type 8 13 0dp
11306 0x2c2a DigAlarm.3.Ack 0 1 0dp
11302 0x2c26 DigAlarm.3.Block 0 1 0dp
11304 0x2c28 DigAlarm.3.Delay 0 32767 10th of seconds
11303 0x2c27 DigAlarm.3.Inhibit 0 1 0dp
11300 0x2c24 DigAlarm.3.Latch 0 3 0dp
11305 0x2c29 DigAlarm.3.Out 0 1 0dp
11301 0x2c25 DigAlarm.3.Priority 1 3 0dp
11296 0x2c20 DigAlarm.3.Type 8 13 0dp
11322 0x2c3a DigAlarm.4.Ack 0 1 0dp
11318 0x2c36 DigAlarm.4.Block 0 1 0dp
11320 0x2c38 DigAlarm.4.Delay 0 32767 10th of seconds
11319 0x2c37 DigAlarm.4.Inhibit 0 1 0dp
11316 0x2c34 DigAlarm.4.Latch 0 3 0dp
11321 0x2c39 DigAlarm.4.Out 0 1 0dp
11317 0x2c35 DigAlarm.4.Priority 1 3 0dp
11312 0x2c30 DigAlarm.4.Type 8 13 0dp
11338 0x2c4a DigAlarm.5.Ack 0 1 0dp
11334 0x2c46 DigAlarm.5.Block 0 1 0dp
11336 0x2c48 DigAlarm.5.Delay 0 32767 10th of seconds
11335 0x2c47 DigAlarm.5.Inhibit 0 1 0dp
11332 0x2c44 DigAlarm.5.Latch 0 3 0dp
11337 0x2c49 DigAlarm.5.Out 0 1 0dp
11333 0x2c45 DigAlarm.5.Priority 1 3 0dp
11328 0x2c40 DigAlarm.5.Type 8 13 0dp
11354 0x2c5a DigAlarm.6.Ack 0 1 0dp
11350 0x2c56 DigAlarm.6.Block 0 1 0dp
11352 0x2c58 DigAlarm.6.Delay 0 32767 10th of seconds
11351 0x2c57 DigAlarm.6.Inhibit 0 1 0dp
11348 0x2c54 DigAlarm.6.Latch 0 3 0dp
3500 Series Controllers Engineering Handbook
Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10 347
Parameter Low Limit High Limit Resolution
11353 0x2c59 DigAlarm.6.Out 0 1 0dp
11349 0x2c55 DigAlarm.6.Priority 1 3 0dp
11344 0x2c50 DigAlarm.6.Type 8 13 0dp
11370 0x2c6a DigAlarm.7.Ack 0 1 0dp
11366 0x2c66 DigAlarm.7.Block 0 1 0dp
11368 0x2c68 DigAlarm.7.Delay 0 32767 10th of seconds
11367 0x2c67 DigAlarm.7.Inhibit 0 1 0dp
11364 0x2c64 DigAlarm.7.Latch 0 3 0dp
11369 0x2c69 DigAlarm.7.Out 0 1 0dp
11365 0x2c65 DigAlarm.7.Priority 1 3 0dp
11360 0x2c60 DigAlarm.7.Type 8 13 0dp
11386 0x2c7a DigAlarm.8.Ack 0 1 0dp
11382 0x2c76 DigAlarm.8.Block 0 1 0dp
11384 0x2c78 DigAlarm.8.Delay 0 32767 10th of seconds
11383 0x2c77 DigAlarm.8.Inhibit 0 1 0dp
11380 0x2c74 DigAlarm.8.Latch 0 3 0dp
11385 0x2c79 DigAlarm.8.Out 0 1 0dp
11381 0x2c75 DigAlarm.8.Priority 1 3 0dp
11376 0x2c70 DigAlarm.8.Type 8 13 0dp
13317 0x3405 Humidity.DewPoint -19999 99999
Configured by
13318 0x3406 Humidity.DryTemp -9999 99999
0dp or inherited
from wire
13313 0x3401 Humidity.Pressure 800 1200 1dp
13315 0x3403 Humidity.PsychroConst 0 10 2dp
13316 0x3404 Humidity.RelHumid -19999 99999
Configured by
13320 0x3408 Humidity.Resolution 0 4 0dp
13314 0x3402 Humidity.SBrk 0 1 0dp
13312 0x3400 Humidity.WetOffset -100 100
Same as
13319 0x3407 Humidity.WetTemp -9999 99999
0dp or inherited
from wire
73 0x0049
0 159 0dp
201 0x00c9
0 255 0dp
106 0x006a
0 10 0dp
516 0x0204 Instrument.Display.Units 0 2 0dp
121 0x0079
-32767 32767 0dp
122 0x007a Instrument.InstInfo.InstType 0 65535 0dp
107 0x006b Instrument.InstInfo.Version 0 65535 0dp
133 0x0085 IPMonitor.1.Max -9999999999 9999999999 1dp
4915 0x1333 IPMonitor.1.Max -9999999999 9999999999 1dp
134 0x0086 IPMonitor.1.Min -9999999999 9999999999 1dp
4916 0x1334 IPMonitor.1.Min -9999999999 9999999999 1dp
140 0x008c IPMonitor.1.Reset 0 1 0dp
4919 0x1337 IPMonitor.1.Reset 0 1 0dp
138 0x008a IPMonitor.1.Threshold -9999999999 9999999999 1dp
Engineering Handbook 3500 series Controllers
348 Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10
Parameter Low Limit High Limit Resolution
4917 0x1335 IPMonitor.1.Threshold -9999999999 9999999999 1dp
139 0x008b IPMonitor.1.TimeAbove 0 32767
4918 0x1336 IPMonitor.1.TimeAbove 0 32767
10th of seconds
4920 0x1338 IPMonitor.2.Max -9999999999 9999999999 1dp
4921 0x1339 IPMonitor.2.Min -9999999999 9999999999 1dp
4924 0x133c IPMonitor.2.Reset 0 1 0dp
4922 0x133a IPMonitor.2.Threshold -9999999999 9999999999 1dp
4923 0x133b IPMonitor.2.TimeAbove 0 32767 10th of seconds
4822 0x12d6 Lgc2.1.In1 -9999999999 9999999999
0dp or inherited
from wire
4823 0x12d7 Lgc2.1.In2 -9999999999 9999999999
0dp or inherited
from wire
4824 0x12d8 Lgc2.1.Out 0 1 0dp
4825 0x12d9 Lgc2.2.In1 -9999999999 9999999999
0dp or inherited
from wire
4826 0x12da Lgc2.2.In2 -9999999999 9999999999
0dp or inherited
from wire
4827 0x12db Lgc2.2.Out 0 1 0dp
4828 0x12dc Lgc2.3.In1 -9999999999 9999999999
0dp or inherited
from wire
4829 0x12dd Lgc2.3.In2 -9999999999 9999999999
0dp or inherited
from wire
4830 0x12de Lgc2.3.Out 0 1 0dp
4831 0x12df Lgc2.4.In1 -9999999999 9999999999
0dp or inherited
from wire
4832 0x12e0 Lgc2.4.In2 -9999999999 9999999999
0dp or inherited
from wire
4833 0x12e1 Lgc2.4.Out 0 1 0dp
4834 0x12e2 Lgc2.5.In1 -9999999999 9999999999
0dp or inherited
from wire
4835 0x12e3 Lgc2.5.In2 -9999999999 9999999999
0dp or inherited
from wire
4836 0x12e4 Lgc2.5.Out 0 1 0dp
4837 0x12e5 Lgc2.6.In1 -9999999999 9999999999
0dp or inherited
from wire
4838 0x12e6 Lgc2.6.In2 -9999999999 9999999999
0dp or inherited
from wire
4839 0x12e7 Lgc2.6.Out 0 1 0dp
4840 0x12e8 Lgc2.7.In1 -9999999999 9999999999
0dp or inherited
from wire
4841 0x12e9 Lgc2.7.In2 -9999999999 9999999999
0dp or inherited
from wire
4842 0x12ea Lgc2.7.Out 0 1 0dp
4843 0x12eb Lgc2.8.In1 -9999999999 9999999999
0dp or inherited
from wire
4844 0x12ec Lgc2.8.In2 -9999999999 9999999999
0dp or inherited
from wire
4845 0x12ed Lgc2.8.Out 0 1 0dp
4846 0x12ee Lgc2.9.In1 -9999999999 9999999999
0dp or inherited
from wire
4847 0x12ef Lgc2.9.In2 -9999999999 9999999999
0dp or inherited
from wire
4848 0x12f0 Lgc2.9.Out 0 1 0dp
4849 0x12f1 Lgc2.10.In1 -9999999999 9999999999
0dp or inherited
from wire
4850 0x12f2 Lgc2.10.In2 -9999999999 9999999999 0dp or inherited
3500 Series Controllers Engineering Handbook
Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10 349
Parameter Low Limit High Limit Resolution
from wire
4851 0x12f3 Lgc2.10.Out 0 1 0dp
4852 0x12f4 Lgc2.11.In1 -9999999999 9999999999
0dp or inherited
from wire
4853 0x12f5 Lgc2.11.In2 -9999999999 9999999999
0dp or inherited
from wire
4854 0x12f6 Lgc2.11.Out 0 1 0dp
4855 0x12f7 Lgc2.12.In1 -9999999999 9999999999
0dp or inherited
from wire
4856 0x12f8 Lgc2.12.In2 -9999999999 9999999999
0dp or inherited
from wire
4857 0x12f9 Lgc2.12.Out 0 1 0dp
4858 0x12fa Lgc2.13.In1 -9999999999 9999999999
0dp or inherited
from wire
4859 0x12fb Lgc2.13.In2 -9999999999 9999999999
0dp or inherited
from wire
4860 0x12fc Lgc2.13.Out 0 1 0dp
4861 0x12fd Lgc2.14.In1 -9999999999 9999999999
0dp or inherited
from wire
4862 0x12fe Lgc2.14.In2 -9999999999 9999999999
0dp or inherited
from wire
4863 0x12ff Lgc2.14.Out 0 1 0dp
4864 0x1300 Lgc2.15.In1 -9999999999 9999999999
0dp or inherited
from wire
4865 0x1301 Lgc2.15.In2 -9999999999 9999999999
0dp or inherited
from wire
4866 0x1302 Lgc2.15.Out 0 1 0dp
4867 0x1303 Lgc2.16.In1 -9999999999 9999999999
0dp or inherited
from wire
4868 0x1304 Lgc2.16.In2 -9999999999 9999999999
0dp or inherited
from wire
4869 0x1305 Lgc2.16.Out 0 1 0dp
4870 0x1306 Lgc2.17.In1 -9999999999 9999999999
0dp or inherited
from wire
4871 0x1307 Lgc2.17.In2 -9999999999 9999999999
0dp or inherited
from wire
4872 0x1308 Lgc2.17.Out 0 1 0dp
4873 0x1309 Lgc2.18.In1 -9999999999 9999999999
0dp or inherited
from wire
4874 0x130a Lgc2.18.In2 -9999999999 9999999999
0dp or inherited
from wire
4875 0x130b Lgc2.18.Out 0 1 0dp
4876 0x130c Lgc2.19.In1 -9999999999 9999999999
0dp or inherited
from wire
4877 0x130d Lgc2.19.In2 -9999999999 9999999999
0dp or inherited
from wire
4878 0x130e Lgc2.19.Out 0 1 0dp
4879 0x130f Lgc2.20.In1 -9999999999 9999999999
0dp or inherited
from wire
4880 0x1310 Lgc2.20.In2 -9999999999 9999999999
0dp or inherited
from wire
4881 0x1311 Lgc2.20.Out 0 1 0dp
4882 0x1312 Lgc2.21.In1 -9999999999 9999999999
0dp or inherited
from wire
4883 0x1313 Lgc2.21.In2 -9999999999 9999999999
0dp or inherited
from wire
4884 0x1314 Lgc2.21.Out 0 1 0dp
Engineering Handbook 3500 series Controllers
350 Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10
Parameter Low Limit High Limit Resolution
4885 0x1315 Lgc2.22.In1 -9999999999 9999999999
0dp or inherited
from wire
4886 0x1316 Lgc2.22.In2 -9999999999 9999999999
0dp or inherited
from wire
4887 0x1317 Lgc2.22.Out 0 1 0dp
4888 0x1318 Lgc2.23.In1 -9999999999 9999999999
0dp or inherited
from wire
4889 0x1319 Lgc2.23.In2 -9999999999 9999999999
0dp or inherited
from wire
4890 0x131a Lgc2.23.Out 0 1 0dp
4891 0x131b Lgc2.24.In1 -9999999999 9999999999
0dp or inherited
from wire
4892 0x131c Lgc2.24.In2 -9999999999 9999999999
0dp or inherited
from wire
4893 0x131d Lgc2.24.Out 0 1 0dp
4894 0x131e Lgc8.1.In1 0 1 0dp
4895 0x131f Lgc8.1.In2 0 1 0dp
4896 0x1320 Lgc8.1.In3 0 1 0dp
4897 0x1321 Lgc8.1.In4 0 1 0dp
4898 0x1322 Lgc8.1.In5 0 1 0dp
4899 0x1323 Lgc8.1.In6 0 1 0dp
4900 0x1324 Lgc8.1.In7 0 1 0dp
4901 0x1325 Lgc8.1.In8 0 1 0dp
4902 0x1326 Lgc8.1.Out 0 1 0dp
4903 0x1327 Lgc8.2.In1 0 1 0dp
4904 0x1328 Lgc8.2.In2 0 1 0dp
4905 0x1329 Lgc8.2.In3 0 1 0dp
4906 0x132a Lgc8.2.In4 0 1 0dp
4907 0x132b Lgc8.2.In5 0 1 0dp
4908 0x132c Lgc8.2.In6 0 1 0dp
4909 0x132d Lgc8.2.In7 0 1 0dp
4910 0x132e Lgc8.2.In8 0 1 0dp
4911 0x132f Lgc8.2.Out 0 1 0dp
124 0x007c LgcIO.LA.Backlash 0 9999999999 1dp
123 0x007b LgcIO.LA.Inertia 0 9999999999 1dp
45 0x002d LgcIO.LA.MinOnTime 0 150 2dp
54 0x0036 LgcIO.LA.MinOnTime 0 150 2dp
361 0x0169 LgcIO.LA.PV -100 100
0dp or inherited
from wire
89 0x0059 LgcIO.LB.MinOnTime 0 150 1dp
362 0x016a LgcIO.LB.PV -100 100
0dp or inherited
from wire
618 0x026a Lin16.In -9999999999 9999999999
1dp or inherited
from wire
602 0x025a Lin16.In1 -9999999999 9999999999 Same as Lin16.In
603 0x025b Lin16.In2 -9999999999 9999999999 Same as Lin16.In
604 0x025c Lin16.In3 -9999999999 9999999999 Same as Lin16.In
605 0x025d Lin16.In4 -9999999999 9999999999 Same as Lin16.In
606 0x025e Lin16.In5 -9999999999 9999999999 Same as Lin16.In
607 0x025f Lin16.In6 -9999999999 9999999999 Same as Lin16.In
608 0x0260 Lin16.In7 -9999999999 9999999999 Same as Lin16.In
609 0x0261 Lin16.In8 -9999999999 9999999999 Same as Lin16.In
610 0x0262 Lin16.In9 -9999999999 9999999999 Same as Lin16.In
3500 Series Controllers Engineering Handbook
Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10 351
Parameter Low Limit High Limit Resolution
611 0x0263 Lin16.In10 -9999999999 9999999999 Same as Lin16.In
612 0x0264 Lin16.In11 -9999999999 9999999999 Same as Lin16.In
613 0x0265 Lin16.In12 -9999999999 9999999999 Same as Lin16.In
614 0x0266 Lin16.In13 -9999999999 9999999999 Same as Lin16.In
615 0x0267 Lin16.In14 -9999999999 9999999999 Same as Lin16.In
616 0x0268 Lin16.InHighLimit -9999999999 9999999999 Same as Lin16.In
601 0x0259 Lin16.InLowLimit -9999999999 9999999999 Same as Lin16.In
619 0x026b Lin16.Out -9999999999 9999999999
Set by
622 0x026e Lin16.Out1 -9999999999 9999999999
Same as
623 0x026f Lin16.Out2 -9999999999 9999999999
Same as
624 0x0270 Lin16.Out3 -9999999999 9999999999
Same as
625 0x0271 Lin16.Out4 -9999999999 9999999999
Same as
626 0x0272 Lin16.Out5 -9999999999 9999999999
Same as
627 0x0273 Lin16.Out6 -9999999999 9999999999
Same as
628 0x0274 Lin16.Out7 -9999999999 9999999999
Same as
630 0x0276 Lin16.Out8 -9999999999 9999999999
Same as
631 0x0277 Lin16.Out9 -9999999999 9999999999
Same as
632 0x0278 Lin16.Out10 -9999999999 9999999999
Same as
633 0x0279 Lin16.Out11 -9999999999 9999999999
Same as
634 0x027a Lin16.Out12 -9999999999 9999999999
Same as
635 0x027b Lin16.Out13 -9999999999 9999999999
Same as
636 0x027c Lin16.Out14 -9999999999 9999999999
Same as
637 0x027d Lin16.OutHighLimit -9999999999 9999999999
Same as
621 0x026d Lin16.OutLowLimit -9999999999 9999999999
Same as
116 0x0074
-9999999999 9999999999 0dp
39 0x0027 Loop.1.Diag.Error -9999999999 9999999999
Same as
55 0x0037
-9999999999 9999999999 0dp
263 0x0107
0 1 0dp
214 0x00d6
-9999999999 9999999999 0dp
258 0x0102 Loop.1.Diag.SBrk 0 1 0dp
4 0x0004 Loop.1.Main.ActiveOut -100 100
Same as
273 0x0111 Loop.1.Main.AutoMan 0 1 0dp
268 0x010c Loop.1.Main.Inhibit 0 1 0dp
Engineering Handbook 3500 series Controllers
352 Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10
Parameter Low Limit High Limit Resolution
1 0x0001 Loop.1.Main.PV -9999999999 9999999999
1dp or inherited
from wire
289 0x0121 Loop.1.Main.PV -9999999999 9999999999
1dp or inherited
from wire
2 0x0002 Loop.1.Main.TargetSP -9999999999 9999999999
Same as
5 0x0005 Loop.1.Main.WorkingSP -9999999999 9999999999
Same as
86 0x0056
0.01 200
Same as
85 0x0055 Loop.1.OP.Ch1Out -100 100
Same as
350 0x015e Loop.1.OP.Ch1PotBreak 0 1 0dp
53 0x0035 Loop.1.OP.Ch1PotPosition -9999999999 9999999999 0dp
317 0x013d Loop.1.OP.Ch1PotPosition -9999999999 9999999999 0dp
21 0x0015 Loop.1.OP.Ch1TravelTime 0 1000 1dp
16 0x0010 Loop.1.OP.Ch2Deadband 0 100
Same as
88 0x0058
0.01 200
Same as
126 0x007e Loop.1.OP.Ch2Out -100 100
Same as
318 0x013e Loop.1.OP.Ch2PotPosition -9999999999 9999999999 0dp
319 0x013f Loop.1.OP.Ch2TravelTime 0 1000 1dp
524 0x020c Loop.1.OP.CoolType 0 3 0dp
565 0x0235
0 1 0dp
97 0x0061
0 100 0dp
98 0x0062
-1000 1000 0dp
99 0x0063
-1000 1000 0dp
532 0x0214
0 3 0dp
209 0x00d1 Loop.1.OP.FeedForwardVal -1000 1000 0dp
556 0x022c Loop.1.OP.ManualMode 0 1 0dp
3 0x0003 Loop.1.OP.ManualOutVal -100 100
Same as
84 0x0054 Loop.1.OP.ManualOutVal -100 100
Same as
30 0x001e
-100 100 1dp
31 0x001f Loop.1.OP.OutputLowLimit -100 100
Same as
46 0x002e Loop.1.OP.PotCalibrate 0 2 0dp
210 0x00d2 Loop.1.OP.PotCalibrate 0 2 0dp
37 0x0025 Loop.1.OP.Rate 0 9999999999 1dp
34 0x0022 Loop.1.OP.SafeOutVal -100 100
Same as
553 0x0229 Loop.1.OP.SensorBreakMo 0 1 0dp
3500 Series Controllers Engineering Handbook
Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10 353
Parameter Low Limit High Limit Resolution
127 0x007f Loop.1.OP.TrackEnable 0 1 0dp
128 0x0080 Loop.1.OP.TrackOutVal -9999999999 9999999999
0dp or inherited
from wire
72 0x0048 Loop.1.PID.ActiveSet 1 3 0dp
185 0x00b9 Loop.1.PID.ActiveSet 1 3 0dp
153 0x0099 Loop.1.PID.Boundary1-2 -9999999999 9999999999 0dp
152 0x0098 Loop.1.PID.Boundary2-3 -9999999999 9999999999 0dp
18 0x0012 Loop.1.PID.CutbackHigh 0 9999999999 0dp
118 0x0076 Loop.1.PID.CutbackHigh2 0 99999 0dp
17 0x0011 Loop.1.PID.CutbackLow 0 9999999999 0dp
117 0x0075 Loop.1.PID.CutbackLow2 0 99999 0dp
9 0x0009 Loop.1.PID.DerivativeTime 0 9999999999 0dp
51 0x0033 Loop.1.PID.DerivativeTime2 0 99999 0dp
183 0x00b7 Loop.1.PID.DerivativeTime3 0 99999 0dp
8 0x0008 Loop.1.PID.IntegralTime 0 9999999999 0dp
49 0x0031 Loop.1.PID.IntegralTime2 0 99999 0dp
181 0x00b5 Loop.1.PID.IntegralTime3 0 99999 0dp
83 0x0053 Loop.1.PID.LoopBreakTime 0 9999999999 0dp
28 0x001c Loop.1.PID.ManualReset -9999999999 9999999999 1dp
50 0x0032 Loop.1.PID.ManualReset2 -9999 99999 1dp
182 0x00b6 Loop.1.PID.ManualReset3 -9999 99999 1dp
6 0x0006
0 99999 0dp
48 0x0030
0 9999999999 0dp
180 0x00b4
-9999999999 9999999999 0dp
19 0x0013 Loop.1.PID.RelCh2Gain 0.1 10 1dp
52 0x0034 Loop.1.PID.RelCh2Gain2 0.1 10 1dp
184 0x00b8 Loop.1.PID.RelCh2Gain3 0.1 10 1dp
512 0x0200
0 4 0dp
513 0x0201
0 4 0dp
7 0x0007
0 1 0dp
550 0x0226
0 1 0dp
485 0x01e5 Loop.1.SP.AltSP -9999999999 9999999999
Same as
or inherited from
276 0x0114 Loop.1.SP.AltSPSelect 0 1 0dp
527 0x020f Loop.1.SP.ManualTrack 0 1 0dp
12 0x000c Loop.1.SP.RangeHigh -9999999999 9999999999
Same as
11 0x000b Loop.1.SP.RangeLow -9999999999 9999999999
Same as
35 0x0023 Loop.1.SP.Rate 0 9999999999
Same as
78 0x004e Loop.1.SP.RateDisable 0 1 0dp
277 0x0115 Loop.1.SP.RateDone 0 1 0dp
24 0x0018 Loop.1.SP.SP1 -9999999999 9999999999
Same as
Engineering Handbook 3500 series Controllers
354 Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10
Parameter Low Limit High Limit Resolution
25 0x0019 Loop.1.SP.SP2 -9999999999 9999999999
Same as
111 0x006f Loop.1.SP.SPHighLimit -9999999999 9999999999
Same as
155 0x009b Loop.1.SP.SPHighLimit -9999999999 9999999999
Same as
112 0x0070 Loop.1.SP.SPLowLimit -9999999999 9999999999
Same as
156 0x009c Loop.1.SP.SPLowLimit -9999999999 9999999999
Same as
15 0x000f Loop.1.SP.SPSelect 0 1 0dp
526 0x020e Loop.1.SP.SPTrack 0 1 0dp
528 0x0210 Loop.1.SP.SPTrack 0 1 0dp
27 0x001b Loop.1.SP.SPTrim -9999999999 9999999999
Same as
486 0x01e6 Loop.1.SP.SPTrim -9999999999 9999999999
Same as
66 0x0042 Loop.1.SP.SPTrimHighLimit -9999999999 9999999999
Same as
67 0x0043 Loop.1.SP.SPTrimLowLimit -9999999999 9999999999
Same as
270 0x010e
0 1 0dp
269 0x010d Loop.1.Tune.Stage 0 12 0dp
1140 0x0474
-9999999999 9999999999 0dp
1063 0x0427 Loop.2.Diag.Error -9999999999 9999999999
Same as
1079 0x0437
-9999999999 9999999999 0dp
1287 0x0507
0 1 0dp
1238 0x04d6
-9999999999 9999999999 0dp
1282 0x0502 Loop.2.Diag.SBrk 0 1 0dp
1028 0x0404 Loop.2.Main.ActiveOut -100 100
Same as
1297 0x0511 Loop.2.Main.AutoMan 0 1 0dp
1292 0x050c Loop.2.Main.Inhibit 0 1 0dp
1025 0x0401 Loop.2.Main.PV -9999999999 9999999999
1dp or inherited
from wire
1313 0x0521 Loop.2.Main.PV -9999999999 9999999999
1dp or inherited
from wire
1026 0x0402 Loop.2.Main.TargetSP -9999999999 9999999999
Same as
1029 0x0405 Loop.2.Main.WorkingSP -9999999999 9999999999
Same as
1110 0x0456
0.01 200
Same as
1109 0x0455 Loop.2.OP.Ch1Out -100 100
Same as
1374 0x055e Loop.2.OP.Ch1PotBreak 0 1 0dp
1077 0x0435 Loop.2.OP.Ch1PotPosition -9999999999 9999999999 0dp
1341 0x053d Loop.2.OP.Ch1PotPosition -9999999999 9999999999 0dp
1045 0x0415 Loop.2.OP.Ch1TravelTime 0 1000 1dp
3500 Series Controllers Engineering Handbook
Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10 355
Parameter Low Limit High Limit Resolution
1040 0x0410 Loop.2.OP.Ch2Deadband 0 100
Same as
1112 0x0458
0.01 200
Same as
1150 0x047e Loop.2.OP.Ch2Out -100 100
Same as
1342 0x053e Loop.2.OP.Ch2PotPosition -9999999999 9999999999 0dp
1343 0x053f Loop.2.OP.Ch2TravelTime 0 1000 1dp
1548 0x060c Loop.2.OP.CoolType 0 3 0dp
1589 0x0635
0 1 0dp
1121 0x0461
0 100 0dp
1122 0x0462
-1000 1000 0dp
1123 0x0463
-1000 1000 0dp
1556 0x0614
0 3 0dp
1233 0x04d1 Loop.2.OP.FeedForwardVal -1000 1000 0dp
1580 0x062c Loop.2.OP.ManualMode 0 1 0dp
1027 0x0403 Loop.2.OP.ManualOutVal -100 100
Same as
1108 0x0454 Loop.2.OP.ManualOutVal -100 100
Same as
1054 0x041e
-100 100 1dp
1055 0x041f Loop.2.OP.OutputLowLimit -100 100
Same as
1070 0x042e Loop.2.OP.PotCalibrate 0 2 0dp
1234 0x04d2 Loop.2.OP.PotCalibrate 0 2 0dp
1061 0x0425 Loop.2.OP.Rate 0 9999999999 1dp
1058 0x0422 Loop.2.OP.SafeOutVal -100 100
Same as
1577 0x0629
0 1 0dp
1151 0x047f Loop.2.OP.TrackEnable 0 1 0dp
1152 0x0480 Loop.2.OP.TrackOutVal -9999999999 9999999999
0dp or inherited
from wire
1096 0x0448 Loop.2.PID.ActiveSet 1 3 0dp
1209 0x04b9 Loop.2.PID.ActiveSet 1 3 0dp
1177 0x0499 Loop.2.PID.Boundary1-2 -9999999999 9999999999 0dp
1176 0x0498 Loop.2.PID.Boundary2-3 -9999999999 9999999999 0dp
1042 0x0412 Loop.2.PID.CutbackHigh 0 9999999999 0dp
1142 0x0476 Loop.2.PID.CutbackHigh2 0 99999 0dp
1041 0x0411 Loop.2.PID.CutbackLow 0 9999999999 0dp
1141 0x0475 Loop.2.PID.CutbackLow2 0 99999 0dp
1033 0x0409 Loop.2.PID.DerivativeTime 0 9999999999 0dp
1075 0x0433 Loop.2.PID.DerivativeTime2 0 99999 0dp
1207 0x04b7 Loop.2.PID.DerivativeTime3 0 99999 0dp
Engineering Handbook 3500 series Controllers
356 Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10
Parameter Low Limit High Limit Resolution
1032 0x0408 Loop.2.PID.IntegralTime 0 9999999999 0dp
1073 0x0431 Loop.2.PID.IntegralTime2 0 99999 0dp
1205 0x04b5 Loop.2.PID.IntegralTime3 0 99999 0dp
1107 0x0453 Loop.2.PID.LoopBreakTime 0 9999999999 0dp
1052 0x041c Loop.2.PID.ManualReset -9999999999 9999999999 1dp
1074 0x0432 Loop.2.PID.ManualReset2 -9999 99999 1dp
1206 0x04b6 Loop.2.PID.ManualReset3 -9999 99999 1dp
1030 0x0406
0 99999 0dp
1072 0x0430
0 9999999999 0dp
1204 0x04b4
-9999999999 9999999999 0dp
1043 0x0413 Loop.2.PID.RelCh2Gain 0.1 10 1dp
1076 0x0434 Loop.2.PID.RelCh2Gain2 0.1 10 1dp
1208 0x04b8 Loop.2.PID.RelCh2Gain3 0.1 10 1dp
1536 0x0600
0 4 0dp
1537 0x0601
0 4 0dp
1031 0x0407
0 1 0dp
1574 0x0626
0 1 0dp
1509 0x05e5 Loop.2.SP.AltSP -9999999999 9999999999
Same as
or inherited from
1300 0x0514 Loop.2.SP.AltSPSelect 0 1 0dp
1551 0x060f Loop.2.SP.ManualTrack 0 1 0dp
1036 0x040c Loop.2.SP.RangeHigh -9999999999 9999999999
Same as
1035 0x040b Loop.2.SP.RangeLow -9999999999 9999999999
Same as
1059 0x0423 Loop.2.SP.Rate 0 9999999999
Same as
1102 0x044e Loop.2.SP.RateDisable 0 1 0dp
1301 0x0515 Loop.2.SP.RateDone 0 1 0dp
1048 0x0418 Loop.2.SP.SP1 -9999999999 9999999999
Same as
1049 0x0419 Loop.2.SP.SP2 -9999999999 9999999999
Same as
1135 0x046f Loop.2.SP.SPHighLimit -9999999999 9999999999
Same as
1179 0x049b Loop.2.SP.SPHighLimit -9999999999 9999999999
Same as
1136 0x0470 Loop.2.SP.SPLowLimit -9999999999 9999999999
Same as
1180 0x049c Loop.2.SP.SPLowLimit -9999999999 9999999999
Same as
1039 0x040f Loop.2.SP.SPSelect 0 1 0dp
1550 0x060e Loop.2.SP.SPTrack 0 1 0dp
1552 0x0610 Loop.2.SP.SPTrack 0 1 0dp
1051 0x041b Loop.2.SP.SPTrim -9999999999 9999999999
Same as
1254 0x04e6 Loop.2.SP.SPTrim -9999999999 9999999999 Same as
3500 Series Controllers Engineering Handbook
Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10 357
Parameter Low Limit High Limit Resolution
1090 0x0442 Loop.2.SP.SPTrimHighLimit -9999999999 9999999999
Same as
1091 0x0443 Loop.2.SP.SPTrimLowLimit -9999999999 9999999999
Same as
1294 0x050e
0 1 0dp
1293 0x050d Loop.2.Tune.Stage 0 12 0dp
4750 0x128e Math2.1.In1 -9999999999 9999999999
0dp or inherited
from wire
4751 0x128f Math2.1.In2 -9999999999 9999999999
0dp or inherited
from wire
4752 0x1290 Math2.1.Out -9999999999 9999999999
Set by Math2.1.
4753 0x1291 Math2.2.In1 -9999999999 9999999999
0dp or inherited
from wire
4754 0x1292 Math2.2.In2 -9999999999 9999999999
0dp or inherited
from wire
4755 0x1293 Math2.2.Out -9999999999 9999999999
Set by Math2.2.
4756 0x1294 Math2.3.In1 -9999999999 9999999999
0dp or inherited
from wire
4757 0x1295 Math2.3.In2 -9999999999 9999999999
0dp or inherited
from wire
4758 0x1296 Math2.3.Out -9999999999 9999999999
Set by Math2.3.
4759 0x1297 Math2.4.In1 -9999999999 9999999999
0dp or inherited
from wire
4760 0x1298 Math2.4.In2 -9999999999 9999999999
0dp or inherited
from wire
4761 0x1299 Math2.4.Out -9999999999 9999999999
Set by Math2.4.
4762 0x129a Math2.5.In1 -9999999999 9999999999
0dp or inherited
from wire
4763 0x129b Math2.5.In2 -9999999999 9999999999
0dp or inherited
from wire
4764 0x129c Math2.5.Out -9999999999 9999999999
Set by
4765 0x129d Math2.6.In1 -9999999999 9999999999
0dp or inherited
from wire
4766 0x129e Math2.6.In2 -9999999999 9999999999
0dp or inherited
from wire
4767 0x129f Math2.6.Out -9999999999 9999999999
Set by Math2.6.
4768 0x12a0 Math2.7.In1 -9999999999 9999999999
0dp or inherited
from wire
4769 0x12a1 Math2.7.In2 -9999999999 9999999999
0dp or inherited
from wire
4770 0x12a2 Math2.7.Out -9999999999 9999999999
Set by Math2.7.
4771 0x12a3 Math2.8.In1 -9999999999 9999999999
0dp or inherited
from wire
4772 0x12a4 Math2.8.In2 -9999999999 9999999999
0dp or inherited
from wire
4773 0x12a5 Math2.8.Out -9999999999 9999999999
Set by Math2.8.
4774 0x12a6 Math2.9.In1 -9999999999 9999999999
0dp or inherited
from wire
Engineering Handbook 3500 series Controllers
358 Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10
Parameter Low Limit High Limit Resolution
4775 0x12a7 Math2.9.In2 -9999999999 9999999999
0dp or inherited
from wire
4776 0x12a8 Math2.9.Out -9999999999 9999999999
Set by Math2.9.
4777 0x12a9 Math2.10.In1 -9999999999 9999999999
0dp or inherited
from wire
4778 0x12aa Math2.10.In2 -9999999999 9999999999
0dp or inherited
from wire
4779 0x12ab Math2.10.Out -9999999999 9999999999
Set by Math2.10.
4780 0x12ac Math2.11.In1 -9999999999 9999999999
0dp or inherited
from wire
4781 0x12ad Math2.11.In2 -9999999999 9999999999
0dp or inherited
from wire
4782 0x12ae Math2.11.Out -9999999999 9999999999
Set by Math2.11.
4783 0x12af Math2.12.In1 -9999999999 9999999999
0dp or inherited
from wire
4784 0x12b0 Math2.12.In2 -9999999999 9999999999
0dp or inherited
from wire
4785 0x12b1 Math2.12.Out -9999999999 9999999999
Set by Math2.12.
4786 0x12b2 Math2.13.In1 -9999999999 9999999999
0dp or inherited
from wire
4787 0x12b3 Math2.13.In2 -9999999999 9999999999
0dp or inherited
from wire
4788 0x12b4 Math2.13.Out -9999999999 9999999999
Set by
4789 0x12b5 Math2.14.In1 -9999999999 9999999999
0dp or inherited
from wire
4790 0x12b6 Math2.14.In2 -9999999999 9999999999
0dp or inherited
from wire
4791 0x12b7 Math2.14.Out -9999999999 9999999999
Set by
4792 0x12b8 Math2.15.In1 -9999999999 9999999999
0dp or inherited
from wire
4793 0x12b9 Math2.15.In2 -9999999999 9999999999
0dp or inherited
from wire
4794 0x12ba Math2.15.Out -9999999999 9999999999
Set by
4795 0x12bb Math2.16.In1 -9999999999 9999999999
0dp or inherited
from wire
4796 0x12bc Math2.16.In2 -9999999999 9999999999
0dp or inherited
from wire
4797 0x12bd Math2.16.Out -9999999999 9999999999
Set by
4798 0x12be Math2.17.In1 -9999999999 9999999999
0dp or inherited
from wire
4799 0x12bf Math2.17.In2 -9999999999 9999999999
0dp or inherited
from wire
4800 0x12c0 Math2.17.Out -9999999999 9999999999
Set by Math2.17.
4801 0x12c1 Math2.18.In1 -9999999999 9999999999
0dp or inherited
from wire
4802 0x12c2 Math2.18.In2 -9999999999 9999999999
0dp or inherited
from wire
3500 Series Controllers Engineering Handbook
Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10 359
Parameter Low Limit High Limit Resolution
4803 0x12c3 Math2.18.Out -9999999999 9999999999
Set by Math2.18.
4804 0x12c4 Math2.19.In1 -9999999999 9999999999
0dp or inherited
from wire
4805 0x12c5 Math2.19.In2 -9999999999 9999999999
0dp or inherited
from wire
4806 0x12c6 Math2.19.Out -9999999999 9999999999
Set by Math2.19.
4807 0x12c7 Math2.20.In1 -9999999999 9999999999
0dp or inherited
from wire
4808 0x12c8 Math2.20.In2 -9999999999 9999999999
0dp or inherited
from wire
4809 0x12c9 Math2.20.Out -9999999999 9999999999
Set by Math2.20.
4810 0x12ca Math2.21.In1 -9999999999 9999999999
0dp or inherited
from wire
4811 0x12cb Math2.21.In2 -9999999999 9999999999
0dp or inherited
from wire
4812 0x12cc Math2.21.Out -9999999999 9999999999
Set by Math2.21.
4813 0x12cd Math2.22.In1 -9999999999 9999999999
0dp or inherited
from wire
4814 0x12ce Math2.22.In2 -9999999999 9999999999
0dp or inherited
from wire
4815 0x12cf Math2.22.Out -9999999999 9999999999
Set by
4816 0x12d0 Math2.23.In1 -9999999999 9999999999
0dp or inherited
from wire
4817 0x12d1 Math2.23.In2 -9999999999 9999999999
0dp or inherited
from wire
4818 0x12d2 Math2.23.Out -9999999999 9999999999
Set by Math2.23.
4819 0x12d3 Math2.24.In1 -9999999999 9999999999
0dp or inherited
from wire
4820 0x12d4 Math2.24.In2 -9999999999 9999999999
0dp or inherited
from wire
4821 0x12d5 Math2.24.Out -9999999999 9999999999
Set by Math2.24.
364 0x016c Mod.1.A.PV -9999999999 9999999999
Set by Mod.1.A.
Resolution or
inherited from
365 0x016d Mod.1.B.PV -9999999999 9999999999
Set by Mod.1.B.
Resolution or
inherited from
366 0x016e Mod.1.C.PV -9999999999 9999999999
Set by Mod.1.B.
Resolution or
inherited from
367 0x016f Mod.2.A.PV -9999999999 9999999999
Set by
on or inherited
from wire
368 0x0170 Mod.2.B.PV -9999999999 9999999999
Set by Mod.2.B.
Resolution or
inherited from
369 0x0171 Mod.2.C.PV -9999999999 9999999999
Set by Mod.2.B.
Resolution or
inherited from
Engineering Handbook 3500 series Controllers
360 Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10
Parameter Low Limit High Limit Resolution
216 0x00d8 Mod.3.A.CJCTemp 0 9999999999 2dp
104 0x0068 Mod.3.A.Emissivity 0 1 1dp
103 0x0067
0 32767 10th of seconds
208 0x00d0 Mod.3.A.MeasuredVal -9999999999 9999999999
Set by
142 0x008e Mod.3.A.Offset -9999999999 9999999999 1dp
290 0x0122 Mod.3.A.PV -9999999999 9999999999
Set by Mod.3.A.
Resolution or
inherited from
370 0x0172 Mod.3.A.PV -9999999999 9999999999
Set by Mod.3.A.
Resolution or
inherited from
371 0x0173 Mod.3.B.PV -9999999999 9999999999
Set by Mod.3.B.
Resolution or
inherited from
372 0x0174 Mod.3.C.PV -9999999999 9999999999
Set by Mod.3.B.
Resolution or
inherited from
373 0x0175 Mod.4.A.PV -9999999999 9999999999
Set by Mod.4.A.
Resolution or
inherited from
374 0x0176 Mod.4.B.PV -9999999999 9999999999
Set by Mod.4.B.
Resolution or
inherited from
375 0x0177 Mod.4.C.PV -9999999999 9999999999
Set by Mod.4.B.
Resolution or
inherited from
376 0x0178 Mod.5.A.PV -9999999999 9999999999
Set by Mod.5.A.
Resolution or
inherited from
377 0x0179 Mod.5.B.PV -9999999999 9999999999
Set by Mod.5.B.
Resolution or
inherited from
378 0x017a Mod.5.C.PV -9999999999 9999999999
Set by Mod.5.B.
Resolution or
inherited from
379 0x017b Mod.6.A.PV -9999999999 9999999999
Set by Mod.6.A.
Resolution or
inherited from
380 0x017c Mod.6.B.PV -9999999999 9999999999
Set by
n or inherited
from wire
381 0x017d Mod.6.C.PV -9999999999 9999999999
Set by
n or inherited
from wire
12707 0x31a3 ModIDs.Mod1Ident 0 255 0dp
12771 0x31e3 ModIDs.Mod2Ident 0 255 0dp
3500 Series Controllers Engineering Handbook
Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10 361
Parameter Low Limit High Limit Resolution
12835 0x3223 ModIDs.Mod3Ident 0 255 0dp
12899 0x3263 ModIDs.Mod4Ident 0 255 0dp
12963 0x32a3 ModIDs.Mod5Ident 0 255 0dp
13027 0x32e3 ModIDs.Mod6Ident 0 255 0dp
5017 0x1399 MultiOper.1.AverageOut -9999999999 9999999999
Set by
5006 0x138e MultiOper.1.In1 -9999999999 9999999999
1dp or inherited
from wire
5007 0x138f MultiOper.1.In2 -9999999999 9999999999
1dp or inherited
from wire
5008 0x1390 MultiOper.1.In3 -9999999999 9999999999
1dp or inherited
from wire
5009 0x1391 MultiOper.1.In4 -9999999999 9999999999
1dp or inherited
from wire
5010 0x1392 MultiOper.1.In5 -9999999999 9999999999
1dp or inherited
from wire
5011 0x1393 MultiOper.1.In6 -9999999999 9999999999
1dp or inherited
from wire
5012 0x1394 MultiOper.1.In7 -9999999999 9999999999
1dp or inherited
from wire
5013 0x1395 MultiOper.1.In8 -9999999999 9999999999
1dp or inherited
from wire
5015 0x1397 MultiOper.1.MaxOut -9999999999 9999999999
Set by
5016 0x1398 MultiOper.1.MinOut -9999999999 9999999999
Set by
5014 0x1396 MultiOper.1.SumOut -9999999999 9999999999
Set by
5029 0x13a5 MultiOper.2.AverageOut -9999999999 9999999999
Set by
5018 0x139a MultiOper.2.In1 -9999999999 9999999999
1dp or inherited
from wire
5019 0x139b MultiOper.2.In2 -9999999999 9999999999
1dp or inherited
from wire
5020 0x139c MultiOper.2.In3 -9999999999 9999999999
1dp or inherited
from wire
5021 0x139d MultiOper.2.In4 -9999999999 9999999999
1dp or inherited
from wire
5022 0x139e MultiOper.2.In5 -9999999999 9999999999
1dp or inherited
from wire
5023 0x139f MultiOper.2.In6 -9999999999 9999999999
1dp or inherited
from wire
5024 0x13a0 MultiOper.2.In7 -9999999999 9999999999
1dp or inherited
from wire
5025 0x13a1 MultiOper.2.In8 -9999999999 9999999999
1dp or inherited
from wire
5027 0x13a3 MultiOper.2.MaxOut -9999999999 9999999999
Set by
5028 0x13a4 MultiOper.2.MinOut -9999999999 9999999999
Set by
5026 0x13a2 MultiOper.2.SumOut -9999999999 9999999999
Set by
Engineering Handbook 3500 series Controllers
362 Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10
Parameter Low Limit High Limit Resolution
22 0x0016 Programmer.Run.CurProg 1 50 0dp
56 0x0038 Programmer.Run.CurSeg 0 255 0dp
29 0x001d
0 5 0dp
59 0x003b Programmer.Run.CyclesLeft -1 1000 0dp
57 0x0039 Programmer.Run.FastRun 0 1 0dp
23 0x0017
0 255 0dp
58 0x003a
0 32767 10th of minutes
64 0x0040
0 32767 10th of seconds
163 0x00a3 Programmer.Run.PSP -9999999999 9999999999
Same as
161 0x00a1 Programmer.Run.SegRate 0.1 9999.9 1dp
160 0x00a0 Programmer.Run.SegTarget -9999999999 9999999999
Same as
36 0x0024
0 32767 10th of seconds
63 0x003f
0 32767 10th of minutes
149 0x0095 Programmer.Setup.AdvSeg 0 1 0dp
162 0x00a2
0 255 0dp
558 0x022e
0 8 0dp
518 0x0206
0 2 0dp
520 0x0208 Programmer.Setup.Servo 0 1 0dp
154 0x009a Programmer.Setup.SkipSeg 0 1 0dp
281 0x0119 Programmer.Setup.SyncIn 0 1 0dp
557 0x022d
0 1 0dp
534 0x0216 PV.CalState 0 255 0dp
215 0x00d7 PV.CJCTemp 0 9999999999 2dp
38 0x0026 PV.Emissivity 0 1 1dp
101 0x0065 PV.FilterTimeConstant 0 32767 10th of seconds
202 0x00ca PV.MeasuredVal -9999999999 9999999999
Set by
141 0x008d PV.Offset -9999999999 9999999999 1dp
360 0x0168 PV.PV -9999999999 9999999999
Set by
548 0x0224 PV.RangeHigh -9999999999 9999999999
Set by
549 0x0225 PV.RangeLow -9999999999 9999999999
Set by
578 0x0242 PV.SBrkType 0 2 0dp
315 0x013b Recipe.LastDataset 0 8 0dp
316 0x013c Recipe.LoadingStatus 0 3 0dp
313 0x0139 Recipe.RecipeSelect 0 8 0dp
363 0x016b RlyAA.PV 0 100 0dp
3500 Series Controllers Engineering Handbook
Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10 363
Parameter Low Limit High Limit Resolution
288 0x0120 SwitchOver.SelectIn 0 2 0dp
4927 0x133f SwitchOver.SelectIn 0 2 0dp
286 0x011e SwitchOver.SwitchHigh -9999999999 9999999999
Same as
4925 0x133d SwitchOver.SwitchHigh -9999999999 9999999999
Same as
287 0x011f SwitchOver.SwitchLow -9999999999 9999999999
Same as
4926 0x133e SwitchOver.SwitchLow -9999999999 9999999999
Same as
4995 0x1383 Timer.1.ElapsedTime 0 65535 10th of seconds
4996 0x1384 Timer.1.Out 0 65535 0dp
4994 0x1382 Timer.1.Time 0 65535 10th of seconds
4998 0x1386 Timer.2.ElapsedTime 0 65535 10th of seconds
4999 0x1387 Timer.2.Out 0 65535 0dp
4997 0x1385 Timer.2.Time 0 65535 10th of seconds
5001 0x1389 Timer.3.ElapsedTime 0 65535 10th of seconds
5002 0x138A Timer.3.Out 0 65535 0dp
5000 0x1388 Timer.3.Time 0 65535 10th of seconds
5004 0x138C Timer.4.ElapsedTime 0 65535 10th of seconds
5005 0x138D Timer.4.Out 0 65535 0dp
5003 0x138B Timer.4.Time 0 65535 10th of seconds
237 0x00ed Txdr.1.CalAdjust -19999 99999 0dp
238 0x00ee Txdr.1.CalAdjust -19999 99999 0dp
233 0x00e9 Txdr.1.InHigh -99999 99999
Same as
232 0x00e8 Txdr.1.InLow -99999 99999
Same as
235 0x00eb Txdr.1.ScaleHigh -19999 99999
Same as
234 0x00ea Txdr.1.ScaleLow -19999 99999 0dp
226 0x00e2 Txdr.1.StartCal 0 1 0dp
231 0x00e7 Txdr.1.StartHighCal 0 1 0dp
225 0x00e1 Txdr.1.StartTare 0 1 0dp
236 0x00ec Txdr.1.TareValue -19999 99999 0dp
245 0x00f5 Txdr.2.CalAdjust -19999 99999 0dp
246 0x00f6 Txdr.2.CalAdjust -19999 99999 0dp
241 0x00f1 Txdr.2.InHigh -99999 99999
Same as
240 0x00f0 Txdr.2.InLow -99999 99999
Same as
243 0x00f3 Txdr.2.ScaleHigh -19999 99999
Same as
242 0x00f2 Txdr.2.ScaleLow -19999 99999 0dp
228 0x00e4 Txdr.2.StartCal 0 1 0dp
239 0x00ef Txdr.2.StartHighCal 0 1 0dp
227 0x00e3 Txdr.2.StartTare 0 1 0dp
244 0x00f4 Txdr.2.TareValue -19999 99999 0dp
4962 0x1362 UsrVal.1.Val -9999999999 9999999999
Set by UsrVal.1.
4963 0x1363 UsrVal.2.Val -9999999999 9999999999
Set by UsrVal.2.
4964 0x1364 UsrVal.3.Val -9999999999 9999999999
Set by UsrVal.3.
Engineering Handbook 3500 series Controllers
364 Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10
Parameter Low Limit High Limit Resolution
4965 0x1365 UsrVal.4.Val -9999999999 9999999999
Set by UsrVal.4.
4966 0x1366 UsrVal.5.Val -9999999999 9999999999
Set by UsrVal.5.
4967 0x1367 UsrVal.6.Val -9999999999 9999999999
Set by UsrVal.6.
4968 0x1368 UsrVal.7.Val -9999999999 9999999999
Set by UsrVal.7.
4969 0x1369 UsrVal.8.Val -9999999999 9999999999
Set by UsrVal.8.
4970 0x136a UsrVal.9.Val -9999999999 9999999999
Set by UsrVal.9.
4971 0x136b UsrVal.10.Val -9999999999 9999999999
Set by UsrVal.10.
4972 0x136c UsrVal.11.Val -9999999999 9999999999
Set by UsrVal.11.
4973 0x136d UsrVal.12.Val -9999999999 9999999999
Set by UsrVal.12.
4974 0x136e UsrVal.13.Val -9999999999 9999999999
Set by UsrVal.13.
4975 0x136f UsrVal.14.Val -9999999999 9999999999
Set by UsrVal.14.
4976 0x1370 UsrVal.15.Val -9999999999 9999999999
Set by UsrVal.15.
4977 0x1371 UsrVal.16.Val -9999999999 9999999999
Set by UsrVal.16.
13256 0x33C8 Zirconia.1.CarbonPot -9999999999 9999999999
Set by Zirconia.1.
13251 0x33C3 Zirconia.1.CleanFreq 0 32767 10th of minutes
13248 0x33CO Zirconia.1.CleanProbe 0 1 0dp
13268 0x33D4 Zirconia.1.CleanState 0 2 0dp
13252 0x33C4 Zirconia.1.CleanTime 0 32767 10th of seconds
13263 0x33CF Zirconia.1.CleanValve 0 1 0dp
13274 0x33DA Zirconia.1.DewPoint -9999999999 9999999999
Set by Zirconia.1.
13254 0x33C6 Zirconia.1.GasRef -9999999999 9999999999 1dp
13253 0x33C5 Zirconia.1.MaxRcovTime 0 32767 10th of seconds
13270 0x33D6 Zirconia.1.MinCalTemp -9999999999 9999999999
Same as
13255 0x33C7 Zirconia.1.MinRcovTime 0 32767 10th of seconds
13261 0x33CD Zirconia.1.Oxygen -9999999999 9999999999
Set by Zirconia.1.
13260 0x33CC Zirconia.1.OxygenExp -24 1 0dp
13271 0x33D7 Zirconia.1.ProbeFault 0 1 0dp
13259 0x33CB Zirconia.1.ProbeInput -9999999999 9999999999
0dp or inherited
from wire
13250 0x33C2 Zirconia.1.ProbeOffset -9999999999 9999999999
Set by Zirconia.1.
13262 0x33CE Zirconia.1.ProbeStatus 0 3 0dp
13258 0x33CA Zirconia.1.ProbeType 0 21 0dp
13275 0x33DB Zirconia.1.ProcFactor -9999999999 9999999999 1dp
13272 0x33D8 Zirconia.1.PVFrozen 0 1 1dp
13257 0x33C9 Zirconia.1.RemGasEn 0 1 0dp
13267 0x33D3 Zirconia.1.RemGasRef -9999999999 9999999999
1dp or inherited
from wire
3500 Series Controllers Engineering Handbook
Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10 365
Parameter Low Limit High Limit Resolution
13273 0x33D9 Zirconia.1.Resolution 0 4 0dp
13264 0x33D0 Zirconia.1.SootAlm 0 1 0dp
13269 0x33D5 Zirconia.1.TempInput -9999999999 9999999999
0dp or inherited
from wire
13266 0x33D2 Zirconia.1.TempOffset -9999999999 9999999999
Set by Zirconia.1.
13249 0x33C1 Zirconia.1.Time2Clean 0 32767 10th of minutes
13276 0x33DC Zirconia.1.Tolerence -9999999999 9999999999 1dp
13265 0x33D1 Zirconia.1.WrkGas -9999999999 9999999999 1dp
Engineering Handbook 3500 series Controllers
366 Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10
30.4 Dual Programmers via SCADA comms
It is possible to edit and run programs for either asynchronous or synchronous programmers using
SCADA communications. As programs can be run by any programmer and segments are located in a
free formatted pool, the SCADA addresses of Program/Segment parameters are dependent upon a
number of factors and hence a set procedure must be followed.

30.5 Parameter Tables
The following table lists Programmer/Program parameters that are available over SCADA comms:

Program General Data Table
Offset Parameter Offset Parameter
0 Comms.ProgramNumber 23 Programmer.SyncIn
1 Program.HoldbackVal 24 Programmer.FastRun
2 Program.RampUnits 25 Programmer.AdvSeg
3 Program.DwellUnits 26 Programmer.SkipSeg
4 Program.Cycles 27 Program.Ch2RampUnits
5 Programmer.PowerFailAct 28 Program.Ch2DwellUnits
6 Programmer.Servo 29 Program.PVStart
7 Programmer.SyncMode 30 Program.Ch2PVStart
8 Programmer.ResetEventOuts 31 Program.Ch2HoldbackVal
9 Programmer.CurProg 32 Program.Ch1HoldbackVal
10 Programmer.CurSeg 33 Program.Ch1RampUnits
11 Programmer.ProgStatus 34 Programmer.PrgIn1
12 Programmer.PSP 35 Programmer.PrgIn2
13 Programmer.CyclesLeft 36 Programmer.PVEventIP
14 Programmer.CurSegType 37 Programmer.ProgInvalid
15 Programmer.SegTarget 38 Programmer.PVEventOP
16 Programmer.SegRate 39 Programmer.GoBackCyclesLeft
17 Programmer.ProgTimeLeft 40 Programmer.DelayTime
18 Programmer.PVIn 41 Programmer.ProgReset
19 Programmer.SPIn 42 Programmer.ProgRun
20 Programmer.EventOuts 43 Programmer.ProgHold
21 Programmer.SegTimeLeft 44 Programmer.ProgRunHold
22 Programmer.EndOfSeg 45 Programmer.ProgRunReset

3500 Series Controllers Engineering Handbook
Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10 367
The following table lists Segment parameters that are available over SCADA comms:

Segment Data Table
Offset Parameter Offset Parameter
0 Segment.Type 12 Segment.GobackCycles
1 Segment.Holdback 13 Segment.PVEvent
2 Segment.CallProgNum 14 Segment.PVThreshold
3 Segment.Cycles 15 Segment.UserVal
4 Segment.Duration 16 Segment.GsoakType
5 Segment.RampRate 17 Segment.GsoakVal
6 Segment.TargetSP 18 Segment.TimeEvent
7 Segment.EndAction 19 Segment.OnTime
8 Segment.EventOutputs 20 Segment.OffTime
9 Segment.WaitFor 21 Segment.PIDSet
10 Segment.SyncToCh2Seg 22 Segment.PVWait
11 Segment.GobackSeg 23 Segment.WaitVal

SCADA Address assignment

The following table shows the address ranges set aside for the Programmers:
Area Start Address Start Address hex
Programmer1 Program General Data 5184 0x1440
Programmer2 Program General Data 5248 0x1480
Reserved for future expansion: 5312 (0x14C0) 5375 (0x14FF)
Programmer1 (Sync Ch1) Segment1 5376 0x1500
Segment2 5408 0x1520
Segment3 5440 0x1540
Segment4 5472 0x1560
Segment5 5504 0x1580
Segment6 5536 0x15A0
Segment7 5568 0x15C0
Segment8 5600 0x15E0
Segment9 5632 0x1600
Segment10 5664 0x1620
Segment11 5696 0x1640
Segment12 5728 0x1660
Segment13 5760 0x1680
Segment14 5792 0x16A0
Segment15 5824 0x16C0
Segment16 5856 0x16E0
Segment17 5888 0x1700
Segment18 5920 0x1720
Segment19 5952 0x1740
Segment20 5984 0x1760
Segment21 6016 0x1780
Segment22 6048 0x17A0
Segment23 6080 0x17C0
Segment24 6112 0x17E0
Segment25 6144 0x1800
Programmer1 (Sync Ch1) Segment26 6176 0x1820
Segment27 6208 0x1840
Segment28 6240 0x1860
Engineering Handbook 3500 series Controllers
368 Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10
Area Start Address Start Address hex
Segment29 6272 0x1880
Segment30 6304 0x18A0
Segment31 6336 0x18C0
Segment32 6368 0x18E0
Segment33 6400 0x1900
Segment34 6432 0x1920
Segment35 6464 0x1940
Segment36 6496 0x1960
Segment37 6528 0x1980
Segment38 6560 0x19A0
Segment39 6592 0x19C0
Segment40 6624 0x19E0
Segment41 6656 0x1A00
Segment42 6688 0x1A20
Segment43 6720 0x1A40
Segment44 6752 0x1A60
Segment45 6784 0x1A80
Segment46 6816 0x1AA0
Segment47 6848 0x1AC0
Segment48 6880 0x1AE0
Segment49 6912 0x1B00
Segment50 6944 0x1B20

Area Start Address Start Address hex
Programmer2 (Sync Ch2) Segment1 6976 0x1B40
Segment2 7008 0x1B60
Segment3 7040 0x1B80
Segment4 7072 0x1BA0
Segment5 7104 0x1BC0
Segment6 7136 0x1BE0
Segment7 7168 0x1C00
Segment8 7200 0x1C20
Segment9 7232 0x1C40
Segment10 7264 0x1C60
Segment11 7296 0x1C80
Segment12 7328 0x1CA0
Segment13 7360 0x1CC0
Segment14 7392 0x1CE0
Segment15 7424 0x1D00
Segment16 7456 0x1D20
Segment17 7488 0x1D40
Segment18 7520 0x1D60
Programmer2 (Sync Ch2) Segment19 7552 0x1D80
Segment20 7584 0x1DA0
Segment21 7616 0x1DC0
Segment22 7648 0x1DE0
Segment23 7680 0x1E00
Segment24 7712 0x1E20
Segment25 7744 0x1E40
Segment26 7776 0x1E60
3500 Series Controllers Engineering Handbook
Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10 369
Area Start Address Start Address hex
Segment27 7808 0x1E80
Segment28 7840 0x1EA0
Segment29 7872 0x1EC0
Segment30 7904 0x1EE0
Segment31 7936 0x1F00
Segment32 7968 0x1F20
Segment33 8000 0x1F40
Segment34 8032 0x1F60
Segment35 8064 0x1F80
Segment36 8096 0x1FA0
Segment37 8128 0x1FC0
Segment38 8160 0x1FE0
Segment39 8192 0x2000
Segment40 8224 0x2020
Segment41 8256 0x2040
Segment42 8288 0x2060
Segment43 8320 0x2080
Segment44 8352 0x20A0
Segment45 8384 0x20C0
Segment46 8416 0x20E0
Segment47 8448 0x2100
Segment48 8480 0x2120
Segment49 8512 0x2140
Segment50 8544 0x2160
Reserved for future expansion: 8576 (0x2180) - 10175 (0x27BF)

Engineering Handbook 3500 series Controllers
370 Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10
30.6 Synchronous Programmers

In this configuration Programmer2 is a slave to Programmer1. A program will have two profiles,
Channel1 run by Programmer1 and Channel2 run by Programmer2. The program only needs to be
loaded into the master programmer. To edit the program and to configure the programmers the
following procedure should be followed:
16. Write the program number which is to be edited to the Comms.ProgramNumber parameter
located in the master programmers general data area, in this case the master programmer is
Programmer1 and hence the address to be written to is:
Programmer1 Program General Data Start address (5184) + Comms.ProgNum Offset (0) = 5184
17. It is then possible to configure the other Programmer/Program parameters, for example, the
address to write to change the value of the PowerFailAct is:
Programmer1 Program General Data Start address (5184) + PowerFailAct Offset (5) = 5189
18. To edit Segment1 Channel1 data, use Programmer1 (Sync Ch1) Segment1 Start address plus the
parameter offset, for example, to configure the segment type the address to be written to is:
Programmer1 Segment1 Data Start address (5376) + Segment.Type Offset (0) = 5376
To configure Ch1 TargetSP the address to be written to is:
Programmer1 Segment1 Data Start address (5376) + Segment.TargetSP Offset (6) = 5382
19. To edit Segment1 Channel2 data, use Programmer2 (Sync Ch2) Segment1 Start address plus the
parameter offset, for example, to configure Ch2 TargetSP the address to be written to is:
Programmer2 Segment1 Data Start address (6976) + Segment.TargetSP Offset (6) = 6982
For additional segments repeat steps 3 and 4 using the corresponding segment numbers i.e.:

Ch Segment 1 Segment 2 Segment n
1 Programmer 1 Segment 1 Data Programmer 1 Segment 2 Data Programmer1 Segment n Data
2 Programmer 2 Segment 1 Data Programmer 2 Segment 2 Data Programmer2 Segment n Data

3500 Series Controllers Engineering Handbook
Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10 371
30.7 Asynchronous Programmers

In this configuration each programmer can be loaded with its own program. To edit the separate
programs and to configure the programmers the following procedure should be followed:
1. Write the program number that is to be edited for Programmer1 to the Comms.ProgNumber
parameter located in Programmer1 general data area, the address to be written to is:
Programmer1 Program General Data Start address (5184) + Comms.ProgNum Offset (0) = 5184
2. It is then possible to configure the other parameters for Programmer1/Program, for example, the
address to write to change the value of the PowerFailAct is:
Programmer1 Program General Data Start address (5184) + PowerFailAct Offset (5) = 5189
3. To edit the programs Segment data, use the segment numbers start address plus the parameter
offset, for example, to configure the segment type of Segment1 the address to be written to is:
Programmer1 Segment1 Data Start address (5376) + Segment.Type Offset (0) = 5376
To configure the segment type of Segment2 the address to be written to is:
Programmer1 Segment2 Data Start address (5408) + Segment.Type Offset (0) = 5408

4. To configure Programmer2/Program repeat steps 1 through to 3 using Programmer2 addresses,
for example:
Step1 (this does not affect Programmer1 Program Number):
Programmer2 Program General Data Start address (5248) + Comms.ProgNum Offset (0) = 5248
Programmer2 Program General Data Start address (5248) + PowerFailAct Offset (5) = 5253
Programmer2 Segment1 Data Start address (6976) + Segment.Type Offset (0) = 6976
Programmer2 Segment2 Data Start address (7008) + Segment.Type Offset (0) = 7008

Engineering Handbook 3500 series Controllers
372 Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10
31. Chapter 31 EI-Bisynch Parameters
818, 902/3/4
818, 902/3/4 Parameter 3500 parameter Hex / decimal
PV Measured Value Loop - PV Decimal
SP Working Setpoint Loop - Working Setpoint Decimal
OP Output Loop - Manual Output Decimal
SW See "Status Word Table" below See "Status Word Table" below HEX
OS See "Optional Status Word Table" below See "Optional Status Word Table"
XS See "Extended Status Word Table" below See "Extended Status Word Table"
01 See "Digital output status word 1" below. See "Digital output status word 1"
02 See "Digital output status word 2" below. See "Digital output status word 2"
03 See "Digital output status word 3" below. See "Digital output status word 3"
04 See "Digital output status word 4" below. See "Digital output status word 4"
05 See "Digital output status word 5" below. See "Digital output status word 5"
06 See "Digital output status word 6" below. See "Digital output status word 6"
1A Alarm 1 Alarm - 1 - Threshold Decimal
2A Alarm 2 Alarm - 2 - Threshold Decimal
ER Error Loop - Diag - Error Decimal
SL Local Setpoint (SP1) Loop - Target Setpoint Decimal
S2 Setpoint 2 (SP2) Loop - Setpoint 2 Decimal
RT Local setpoint trim Loop - Setpoint Trim Decimal
MP V.P. Pot Value Loop - Ch1 Valve Position Decimal
RI Remote Input Loop - Scheduler Remote Input Decimal
TM Time remaining in current program
Programmer - Segment time
LR Loops remaining for current program Programmer - Cycles left Decimal
r1-r8 Ramp rate 1-8 Programmer - (Ramp) Segment
l1-l8 Ramp level 1-8 Programmer - (Ramp) Segment
Target setpoints
t1-t8 Dwell time 1-8 Programmer - (Dwell) Segment
Hb Holdback value Programmer - Holdback Decimal
Lc Loop count Programmer - Cycles remaining Decimal
RR Ramp Rate Loop - Setpoint Rate Limit Value Decimal
HO Max.Heat Loop - Output High Limit Decimal
LO Max Cool Loop - Output Low Limit Decimal
RH Remote Heat Limit Loop - Remote Output High Limit Decimal
RC Remote Cool Limit Loop - Remote Output Low Limit Decimal
HS Setpoint 1 maximum Loop - Setpoint Hi Decimal
LS Setpoint 1 minimum Loop - Setpoint Lo Decimal
H2 (TH) Setpoint 2 maximum UserVals - UserVal2 Decimal
L2 (TL) Setpoint 2 minimum UserVals - UserVal3 Decimal
H3 Local setpoint maximum UserVals - UserVal4 Decimal
L3 Local setpoint minimum UserVals - UserVal5 Decimal
2H Remote Max Scalar UserVals - UserVal6 Decimal
3500 Series Controllers Engineering Handbook
Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10 373
818, 902/3/4
818, 902/3/4 Parameter 3500 parameter Hex / decimal
2L Remote Min Scalar UserVals - UserVal7 Decimal
CH Cycle time for channel 1 Mod1 - Chn1 - Min On Time (Same
as MT in 3500)
XP Proportional Band Loop - Proportional Band Decimal
TI Integral time Loop - Integral Time Decimal
MR Manual reset Loop - Manual Reset Decimal
TD Derivitive time Loop - Derivative Time Decimal
HB Cutback High Loop - Cutback High (also
supported as 'Hb' in 3500)
LB Cutback Low Loop - Cutback Low Decimal
RG Relative cool gain Loop - Relative Cool/Ch2 Gain Decimal
P2 Proportional Band 2 Loop - Proportional Band 2 Decimal
I2 Integral time 2 Loop - Integral Time 2 Decimal
R2 Manual reset 2 Loop - Manual Reset 2 Decimal
D2 Derivative tune 2 Loop - Derivative Time 2 Decimal
G2 Relative cool gain 2 Loop - Relative Cool/Ch2 Gain 2 Decimal
AU Approach 2 UserVals - UserVal13 Decimal
HC Heat cool deadband Loop - Channel 2 Deadband Decimal
CC Cool cycle time Mod2 Ch1 - MinOnTime Decimal
C2 Channel 2 cycle time UserVals - UserVal1 Decimal
AL Approach limit UserVals - UserVal8 Decimal
TT Travel time Loop - Ch1 Travel Time Decimal
Tt Travel time down UserVals - UserVal11 Decimal
MT Minimum on time Mod1 - Chn1 - Min On Time (Same
as CH in 3500)
TP Valve update time UserVals - UserVal12 Decimal
HC Deadband Loop - Channel 2 Deadband Decimal
LE Motor low limit UserVals - UserVal13 Decimal
EH Motor high limit UserVals - UserVal9 Decimal
PE Emissivity Standard PV - Emissivity Decimal
BP Power level at sensor break Loop - Safe Output Value Decimal
TR Adaptive tune trigger point UserVals - UserVal10 Decimal
V0 Software version Software version HEX
II Instrument Identity Instrument ID (3508 = E480 / 3504
= E440)
1H Display Maximum Bar graph max Decimal
1L Display Minimum Bar graph min Decimal

Engineering Handbook 3500 series Controllers
374 Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10
31.1.1 (SW) Status Word

Status Word (SW)
Bit 818, 902/3/4 Function (Clear/Set) 3500 Support
0 Data Format (Free/Fixed) Both message format modes
1 Sensor Break (No/Yes) Loop sensor break
2 Key Lock (Enabled/Disabled) Not Supported - Ignored
3 Spare N/A
4 Spare N/A
5 Param changed via keys (No/Yes) Not Supported - Ignored
6 Spare N/A
7 Spare N/A
8 Alarm 2 state (Off/On) Alarm 2 state
9 Spare N/A
10 Alarm 1 state (Off/On) Alarm 1 state
11 Spare N/A
12 Alarm Active (No alarm/New Alarm1 or 2) Alarm 1 OR Alarm 2
13 SP2 Active (SP1/SP2) Loop - Active Setpoint Select
14 Remote Active (Local/Remote) Loop - Alternate Setpoint Enable
15 Manual Mode (Auto/Man) Loop - Auto Manual

31.1.2 (OS) Optional Status word

Optional Status Word (OS)
Bit 818, 902/3/4 Function (Clear/Set) 3500 Support
0 Values of the first nibble (Bits 0-3) represent Supported as described.
1 Program Status. Value of 0=Reset, 2=Run,
2 3=Hold, 4=End, 5=Ramp End, 6=in holdback
3 Value of 1 is not used
4 Hold Logged (R/O). May be cleared over comms but not
5 Skip Current Segment (w/o) Supported as described.
6 Ramp / Dwell Supported as described.
7 Digital Input Lock Not Supported - Ignored - always
returns zero.
8 Segment Number LSB Shows segment number 1-8, read only.
9 Seg No
10 Seg No
11 Segment Number MSB
12 Digital O/P2 (Off/On) Not supported - Ignored - always
returns zero.
13 Digital O/P1 (Off/On) Relay AA status
14 Digital Input 2 (Off/On) Fixed Digital I/O 2
15 Digital Input 1 (Off/On) Fixed Digital I/O 1

3500 Series Controllers Engineering Handbook
Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10 375
31.1.3 (XS) Extended Status Word

Extended Status word (XS)
Bit 818, 902/3/4 Function (Clear/Set) 3500 Support
0 Self Tune (Off/On) Fully supported
1 Adaptive Tune (Off/On) Not supported - Ignored - always returns zero.
2 Spare N/A
3 Spare N/A
4 PID Control (SP+PID/PID Independ't) Not supported - Ignored - always returns zero.
5 Active PID set (PID1/PID2) Supported as described.
6 Digital OP 0 (OP2) (Off/On) Relay AA status
7 Spare N/A
8 This Nibble (bits 8-11) represent Supported as described.
9 program number.
12 Valve positioners Not supported -
13 Values are as follows (0=Outputs Off, 1= This nibble is ignored and always returns zero.
14 Lower Output on, 2=Raise Output on, 3=
15 Lower Nudge, 4=Raise Nudge)

31.1.4 Digital Output Status Word1 (01)

DigOpStat1 (01)
Bit 818, 902/3/4 Function (Clear/Set) 3500 Support
0 Ramp 1 to Output 3 Digital Event bit 3 for segment 1 (ramp 1)
1 Dwell 1 to Output 3 Digital Event bit 3 for segment 2 (dwell 1)
2 Ramp 2 to Output 3 Digital Event bit 3 for segment 3 (ramp 2)
3 Dwell 2 to Output 3 Digital Event bit 3 for segment 4 (dwell 2)
4 Ramp 3 to Output 3 Digital Event bit 3 for segment 5 (ramp 3)
5 Dwell 3 to Output 3 Digital Event bit 3 for segment 6 (dwell 3)
6 Ramp 4 to Output 3 Digital Event bit 3 for segment 7 (ramp 4)
7 Dwell 4 to Output 3 Digital Event bit 3 for segment 8 (dwell 4)
8 Ramp 5 to Output 3 Digital Event bit 3 for segment 9 (ramp 5)
9 Dwell 5 to Output 3 Digital Event bit 3 for segment 10 (dwell 5)
10 Ramp 6 to Output 3 Digital Event bit 3 for segment 11 (ramp 6)
11 Dwell 6 to Output 3 Digital Event bit 3 for segment 12 (dwell 6)
12 Ramp 7 to Output 3 Digital Event bit 3 for segment 13 (ramp 7)
13 Dwell 7 to Output 3 Digital Event bit 3 for segment 14 (dwell 7)
14 Ramp 8 to Output 3 Digital Event bit 3 for segment 15 (ramp 8)
15 Dwell 8 to Output 3 Digital Event bit 3 for segment 16 (dwell 8)

Engineering Handbook 3500 series Controllers
376 Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10
31.1.5 Digital Output Status Word2 (02)
DigOpStat1 (02)
Bit 818, 902/3/4 Function (Clear/Set) 3500 Support
0 End to output 3 Digital Event bit 3 for End segment
1-15 Not used / Spare Not used / Spare

31.1.6 Digital Output Status Word1 (03)
DigOpStat1 (03)
Bit 818, 902/3/4 Function (Clear/Set) 3500 Support
0 Ramp 1 to Output 4 Digital Event bit 4 for segment 1 (ramp 1)
1 Dwell 1 to Output 4 Digital Event bit 4 for segment 2 (dwell 1)
2 Ramp 2 to Output 4 Digital Event bit 4 for segment 3 (ramp 2)
3 Dwell 2 to Output 4 Digital Event bit 4 for segment 4 (dwell 2)
4 Ramp 3 to Output 4 Digital Event bit 4 for segment 5 (ramp 3)
5 Dwell 3 to Output 4 Digital Event bit 4 for segment 6 (dwell 3)
6 Ramp 4 to Output 4 Digital Event bit 4 for segment 7 (ramp 4)
7 Dwell 4 to Output 4 Digital Event bit 4 for segment 8 (dwell 4)
8 Ramp 5 to Output 4 Digital Event bit 4 for segment 9 (ramp 5)
9 Dwell 5 to Output 4 Digital Event bit 4 for segment 10 (dwell 5)
10 Ramp 6 to Output 4 Digital Event bit 4 for segment 11 (ramp 6)
11 Dwell 6 to Output 4 Digital Event bit 4 for segment 12 (dwell 6)
12 Ramp 7 to Output 4 Digital Event bit 4 for segment 13 (ramp 7)
13 Dwell 7 to Output 4 Digital Event bit 4 for segment 14 (dwell 7)
14 Ramp 8 to Output 4 Digital Event bit 4 for segment 15 (ramp 8)
15 Dwell 8 to Output 4 Digital Event bit 4 for segment 16 (dwell 8)

31.1.7 Digital Output Status Word2 (04)
DigOpStat1 (04)
Bit 818, 902/3/4 Function (Clear/Set) 3500 Support
0 End to output 4 Digital Event bit 4 for End segment
1-15 Not used / Spare Not used / Spare

31.1.8 Digital Output Status Word1 (05)
Bit 818, 902/3/4 Function (Clear/Set) 3500 Support
0 Ramp 1 to Output 2 Digital Event bit 2 for segment 1 (ramp 1)
1 Dwell 1 to Output 2 Digital Event bit 2 for segment 2 (dwell 1)
2 Ramp 2 to Output 2 Digital Event bit 2 for segment 3 (ramp 2)
3 Dwell 2 to Output 2 Digital Event bit 2 for segment 4 (dwell 2)
4 Ramp 3 to Output 2 Digital Event bit 2 for segment 5 (ramp 3)
5 Dwell 3 to Output 2 Digital Event bit 2 for segment 6 (dwell 3)
6 Ramp 4 to Output 2 Digital Event bit 2 for segment 7 (ramp 4)
7 Dwell 4 to Output 2 Digital Event bit 2 for segment 8 (dwell 4)
8 Ramp 5 to Output 2 Digital Event bit 2 for segment 9 (ramp 5)
9 Dwell 5 to Output 2 Digital Event bit 2 for segment 10 (dwell 5)
10 Ramp 6 to Output 2 Digital Event bit 2 for segment 11 (ramp 6)
11 Dwell 6 to Output 2 Digital Event bit 2 for segment 12 (dwell 6)
12 Ramp 7 to Output 2 Digital Event bit 2 for segment 13 (ramp 7)
13 Dwell 7 to Output 2 Digital Event bit 2 for segment 14 (dwell 7)
14 Ramp 8 to Output 2 Digital Event bit 2 for segment 15 (ramp 8)
15 Dwell 8 to Output 2 Digital Event bit 2 for segment 16 (dwell 8)

3500 Series Controllers Engineering Handbook
Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10 377
31.1.9 Digital Output Status Word2 (06)
DigOpStat1 (06)
Bit 818, 902/3/4 Function (Clear/Set) 3500 Support
0 End to output 2 Digital Event bit 2 for End segment
1-15 Not used / Spare Not used / Spare

31.1.10 Additional mnemonics, typically from 2400
Mnemonic 3500 parameter Details / Notes Hex / decimal
A1 Alarm 1 - Threshold Value Decimal
A2 Alarm 2 - Threshold Value Decimal
A3 Alarm 3 - Threshold Value Decimal
A4 Alarm 4 - Threshold Value Decimal
A5 Alarm 5 - Threshold Value Decimal
A6 Alarm 6 - Threshold Value Decimal
A7 Alarm 7 - Threshold Value Decimal
A8 Alarm 8 - Threshold Value Decimal
AH Loop - Autotune High Output Power Limit Decimal
AK Alarm Manager - Global Ack Decimal
AT Loop - Autotune Low Output Power Limit Decimal
Aa Alarm 7 - Threshold Value Decimal
Ab Alarm 8 - Threshold Value Decimal
Ag AA Relay - Value Decimal
C1 User Value 1 - Value Decimal
C2 User Value 2 - Value Decimal
C3 User Value 3 - Value Decimal
C4 User Value 4 - Value Decimal
C5 User Value 5 - Value Decimal
C6 User Value 6 - Value Decimal
C7 User Value 7 - Value Decimal
C8 User Value 8 - Value Decimal
C9 User Value 9 - Value Decimal
CJ Std PV - CJC Temperature Decimal
CP Programmer - Current Program Decimal
CR Loop - Setpoint Rate Limit Value Decimal
CS Programmer - Current Segment Decimal
Ca User Value 10 - Value Decimal
Cb User Value 11 - Value Decimal
Cc User Value 12 - Value Decimal
Cd User Value 13 - Value Decimal
Ce User Value 14 - Value Decimal
Cf User Value 15 - Value Decimal
Cg User Value 16 - Value Decimal
Cj Mod2 - Chn1 - CJC Temperature Decimal
E5 Real Time Clock - On Time 1 Decimal
E6 Real Time Clock - On Time 2 Decimal
EE Comms error code Decimal
H1 Options - Display - Bar Graph Max Decimal
HA Alarm 1 Out Decimal
HD Loop - Cutback High 3 Decimal
IM Instrument Mode (Read only - 2400 offers read
/ write)
Engineering Handbook 3500 series Controllers
378 Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10
Mnemonic 3500 parameter Details / Notes Hex / decimal
L1 Options - Display - Bar Graph Min Decimal
LC Loop - Cutback Low 2 Decimal
LD Loop - Cutback Low 3 Decimal
LT Loop - Setpoint Trim Decimal
Lr Programmer - Cycles left Decimal
MU Mod1 - Chn2 - Min On Time Decimal
MV Mod1 - Chn3 - Min On Time Decimal
O1 Loop - Channel 1 Output Value Decimal
O2 Loop - Channel 2 Output Value Decimal
OR Loop - Output Rate Limit Value Decimal
RD Loop - Setpoint Rate Limit Disable Decimal
S1 Loop - Setpoint 1 Decimal
SC Real time clock - Mode Decimal
SR Loop - Working Setpoint Decimal
ST Instrument - Set Instrument Into Standby Decimal
TE Loop - Derivative Time 2 Decimal
TF Loop - Derivative Time 3 Decimal
TH Loop - Remote Output High Limit Decimal
TJ Loop - Integral Time 2 Decimal
TK Loop - Integral Time 3 Decimal
TL Loop - Remote Output Low Limit Decimal
W1 Analogue Operator 1 - Value Decimal
W2 Analogue Operator 2 - Value Decimal
W3 Analogue Operator 3 - Value Decimal
W4 Analogue Operator 4 - Value Decimal
W5 Analogue Operator 5 - Value Decimal
W6 Analogue Operator 6 - Value Decimal
W7 Analogue Operator 7 - Value Decimal
W8 Analogue Operator 8 - Value Decimal
W9 Analogue Operator 9 - Value Decimal
WA Alarm Manager - New Alarm Decimal
WD Programmer - Program Run Decimal
Wa Analogue Operator 10 - Value Decimal
Wb Analogue Operator 11 - Value Decimal
Wc Analogue Operator 12 - Value Decimal
Wd Analogue Operator 13 - Value Decimal
We Analogue Operator 14 - Value Decimal
Wf Analogue Operator 15 - Value Decimal
Wg Analogue Operator 16 - Value Decimal
Wh Analogue Operator 17 - Value Decimal
Wi Analogue Operator 18 - Value Decimal
Wj Analogue Operator 19 - Value Decimal
Wk Analogue Operator 20 - Value Decimal
Wl Analogue Operator 21 - Value Decimal
Wm Analogue Operator 22 - Value Decimal
Wn Analogue Operator 23 - Value Decimal
Wo Analogue Operator 24 - Value Decimal
X2 Loop - Proportional Band 2 Decimal
X3 Loop - Proportional Band 3 Decimal
3500 Series Controllers Engineering Handbook
Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10 379
Mnemonic 3500 parameter Details / Notes Hex / decimal
X5 Real time clock - Off Time 1 Decimal
X6 Real time clock - Off Time 2 Decimal
Z1 Analogue Switch 1 - Status Decimal
Z2 Analogue Switch 2 - Status Decimal
Z3 Analogue Switch 3 - Status Decimal
Z4 Analogue Switch 4 - Status Decimal
a1 Module 1 - Channel 1 - Value Decimal
a2 Module 1 - Channel 2 - Value Decimal
a3 Module 1 - Channel 3 - Value Decimal
a4 Module 2 - Channel 1 - Value Decimal
a5 Module 2 - Channel 2 - Value Decimal
a6 Module 2 - Channel 3 - Value Decimal
as Loop - State of the Autotune Decimal
b1 Module 3 - Channel 1 - Value Decimal
b2 Module 3 - Channel 2 - Value Decimal
b3 Module 3 - Channel 3 - Value Decimal
b4 Module 4 - Channel 1 - Value Decimal
b5 Module 4 - Channel 2 - Value Decimal
b6 Module 4 - Channel 3 - Value Decimal
c1 Module 5 - Channel 1 - Value Decimal
c2 Module 5 - Channel 2 - Value Decimal
c3 Module 5 - Channel 3 - Value Decimal
c4 Module 6 - Channel 1 - Value Decimal
c5 Module 6 - Channel 2 - Value Decimal
c6 Module 6 - Channel 3 - Value Decimal
mA Loop - Auto/Manual Mode Decimal
o1 Std PV - Offset Decimal
o2 Module 1 - Channel 1 - Offset Decimal
rE Loop - Scheduler Remote Input Decimal
td Real time clock - current day Decimal
tm Real time clock - current time Decimal
x4 Alarm Manager - Alarm 1 State Decimal
x5 Alarm Manager - Alarm 2 State Decimal
x6 Alarm Manager - Alarm 3 State Decimal
x7 Alarm Manager - Alarm 4 State Decimal
x8 Alarm Manager - Alarm 5 State Decimal
x9 Alarm Manager - Alarm 6 State Decimal
xa Alarm Manager - Alarm 7 State Decimal
xb Alarm Manager - Alarm 8 State Decimal
xc Alarm Manager - Alarm 9 State Decimal
xd Alarm Manager - Alarm 10 State Decimal
xe Alarm Manager - Alarm 11 State Decimal
xf Alarm Manager - Alarm 12 State Decimal
xg Alarm Manager - Alarm 13 State Decimal
xh Alarm Manager - Alarm 14 State Decimal
xi Alarm Manager - Alarm 15 State Decimal
xj Alarm Manager - Alarm 16 State Decimal
xk Module 1 - Sensor Break Decimal
xl Module 2 - Sensor Break Decimal
Engineering Handbook 3500 series Controllers
380 Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10
Mnemonic 3500 parameter Details / Notes Hex / decimal
xm Module 3 - Sensor Break Decimal
xn Module 4 - Sensor Break Decimal
xo Module 5 - Sensor Break Decimal
xp Module 6 - Sensor Break Decimal
xq Std PV - Sensor Break Decimal
xr Analogue Alarms Summary Byte Decimal

3500 Series Controllers Engineering Handbook
Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10 381
32. Appendix A Safety and EMC Information
This controller is manufactured in the UK by Eurotherm Controls Ltd.

Please read this section carefully before installing the controller

This controller is intended for industrial temperature and process control applications when it will
meet the requirements of the European Directives on Safety and EMC. If the instrument is used in a
manner not specified in this manual, the safety or EMC protection provided by the instrument may be
impaired. The installer must ensure the safety and EMC of any particular installation.
This controller complies with the European Low Voltage Directive 73/23/EEC, by the application of the
safety standard EN 61010.
Electromagnetic compatibility
This controller conforms with the essential protection requirements of the EMC Directive 89/336/EEC,
by the application of appropriate product specific international standards. This instrument satisfies the
general requirements of the commercial and industrial environments defined in EN 61326. For more
information on product compliance refer to the Technical Construction File.
The information contained in this manual is subject to change without notice. While every effort has
been made to ensure the accuracy of the information, your supplier shall not be held liable for errors
contained herein.
Unpacking and storage
The packaging should contain an instrument mounted in its sleeve, two mounting brackets for panel
installation and an Installation & Operating guide. Certain ranges are supplied with an input adapter.
If on receipt, the packaging or the instrument are damaged, do not install the product but contact your
supplier. If the instrument is to be stored before use, protect from humidity and dust in an ambient
temperature range of -10
C to +70
32.2 Service and repair
This controller has no user serviceable parts. Contact your supplier for repair.
Caution: Charged capacitors
Before removing an instrument from its sleeve, disconnect the supply and wait at least two minutes to
allow capacitors to discharge. It may be convenient to partially withdraw the instrument from the
sleeve, then pause before completing the removal. In any case, avoid touching the exposed
electronics of an instrument when withdrawing it from the sleeve.
Failure to observe these precautions may cause damage to components of the instrument or some
discomfort to the user.
Electrostatic discharge precautions
When the controller is removed from its sleeve, some of the exposed electronic components are
vulnerable to damage by electrostatic discharge from someone handling the controller. To avoid this,
before handling the unplugged controller discharge yourself to ground.
Do not use water or water based products to clean labels or they will become illegible. Isopropyl
alcohol may be used to clean labels. A mild soap solution may be used to clean other exterior
surfaces of the product.
Engineering Handbook 3500 series Controllers
382 Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10
32.3 Installation Safety Requirements
Safety Symbols
Various symbols are used on the instrument, they have the following meaning:

Caution (refer to the accompanying documents Protective Conductor Terminal
Installation must only be carried out by suitably qualified personnel.
Enclosure of live parts
To prevent hands or metal tools touching parts that may be electrically live, the controller must be
installed in an enclosure.
Caution: Live sensors
The controller is designed to operate with the temperature sensor connected directly to an electrical
heating element. However you must ensure that service personnel do not touch connections to these
inputs while they are live. With a live sensor, all cables, connectors and switches for connecting the
sensor must be mains rated.
The logic IO is not isolated from the PV inputs.
It is important to connect the controller in accordance with the wiring data given in this guide. Take
particular care not to connect AC supplies to the low voltage sensor input or other low level inputs and
outputs. Only use copper conductors for connections (except thermocouple inputs) and ensure that
the wiring of installations comply with all local wiring regulations. For example in the UK use the latest
version of the IEE wiring regulations, (BS7671). In the USA use NEC Class 1 wiring methods.
Power Isolation
The installation must include a power isolating switch or circuit breaker. The device should be
mounted in close proximity to the controller, within easy reach of the operator and marked as the
disconnecting device for the instrument.
Overcurrent protection
The power supply to the system should be fused appropriately to protect the cabling to the units.
Voltage rating
The maximum continuous voltage applied between any of the following terminals must not exceed
relay output to logic, dc or sensor connections;
any connection to ground.
The controller must not be wired to a three phase supply with an unearthed star connection. Under
fault conditions such a supply could rise above 264Vac with respect to ground and the product would
not be safe.
Conductive pollution
Electrically conductive pollution must be excluded from the cabinet in which the controller is
mounted. For example, carbon dust is a form of electrically conductive pollution. To secure a suitable
atmosphere, install an air filter to the air intake of the cabinet. Where condensation is likely, for
example at low temperatures, include a thermostatically controlled heater in the cabinet.
This product has been designed to conform to BSEN61010 installation category II, pollution degree 2.
These are defined as follows:-

3500 Series Controllers Engineering Handbook
Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10 383
Installation Category II
The rated impulse voltage for equipment on nominal 230V supply is 2500V.
Pollution Degree 2
Normally only non conductive pollution occurs. Occasionally, however, a temporary conductivity
caused by condensation shall be expected.
Grounding of the temperature sensor shield
In some installations it is common practice to replace the temperature sensor while the controller is
still powered up. Under these conditions, as additional protection against electric shock, we
recommend that the shield of the temperature sensor is grounded. Do not rely on grounding through
the framework of the machine.
Over-Temperature Protection
When designing any control system it is essential to consider what will happen if any part of the system
should fail. In temperature control applications the primary danger is that the heating will remain
constantly on. Apart from spoiling the product, this could damage any process machinery being
controlled, or even cause a fire.
Reasons why the heating might remain constantly on include:
the temperature sensor becoming detached from the process
thermocouple wiring becoming short circuit;
the controller failing with its heating output constantly on
an external valve or contactor sticking in the heating condition
the controller setpoint set too high.
Where damage or injury is possible, we recommend fitting a separate over-temperature protection
unit, with an independent temperature sensor, which will isolate the heating circuit.
Please note that the alarm relays within the controller will not give protection under all failure
32.4 Installation requirements for EMC
To ensure compliance with the European EMC directive certain installation precautions are necessary
as follows:
For general guidance refer to EMC Installation Guide, HA025464.
When using relay outputs it may be necessary to fit a filter suitable for suppressing the conducted
emissions. The filter requirements will depend on the type of load. For typical applications we
recommend Schaffner FN321 or FN612.
If the unit is used in table top equipment which is plugged into a standard power socket, then it is
likely that compliance to the commercial and light industrial emissions standard is required. In
this case to meet the conducted emissions requirement, a suitable mains filter should be installed.
We recommend Schaffner types FN321 and FN612.
Routing of wires
To minimise the pick-up of electrical noise, the low voltage DC connections and the sensor input
wiring should be routed away from high-current power cables. Where it is impractical to do this, use
shielded cables with the shield grounded at both ends. In general keep cable lengths7 to a minimum.

Engineering Handbook 3500 series Controllers
384 Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10
33. Appendix B Technical Specification
Environmental performance
Temperature limits Operation: 0 to 50C
Storage: -10 to 70C
Humidity limits Operation: 5 to 95% RH non condensing
Storage: 5 to 95% RH non condensing
Panel sealing IP65, Nema 4X
Shock BS EN61010
Vibration 2g peak, 10 to 150Hz
Altitude <2000 metres
Atmospheres Not suitable for use in explosive or corrosive atmosphere
Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC)

Emissions and immunity
BS EN61326
BS EN61010
Suitable for domestic, commercial and light industrial as well as heavy industrial.
(Domestic/light (Class B) emissions. Industrial (Class A) environmental immunity emissions.
With Ethernet or DeviceNet module fitted product only suitable for Class A emissions.
Electrical safety BS EN61010 Installation cat. II; Pollution degree 2
INSTALLATION CATEGORY II The rate impulse voltage for equipment on nominal 230V mains is 2500V.
POLLUTION DEGREE 2 Normally, only non-conductive pollution occurs. Occasionally, however, a
temporary conductivity caused by condensation shall be expected

Panel mounting 3508: 1/8 DIN
3504: 1/4 DIN
Dimensions and weight 3508 48W x 96H x 150D mm, 400g

3504: 96W x 96H x 150D mm, 600g
Panel cut-out dimensions and
3508: 45W x 92Hmm 0.6kg
3504: 92W x 92Hmm 0.4kg
Operator interface

Type STN LCD with backlight
Main PV display 3508: 4 1/2 digits. green
3504: 5 digits, green
Message display 3508: 8 character header and 3 lines of 10 characters
3504: 16 character header and 3 lines of 20 characters
Status beacons Units, outputs, alarms, program status, program events, active setpoint, manual,
remote SP
Access levels 3 operator plus config. Password protected
User pages

Number 8
Parameters 64 total
Functions Text, conditional text, values, bargraph
Access level User selectable (level 1, 2 or 3)

3500 Series Controllers Engineering Handbook
Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10 385

Power requirements

Supply voltage 85 to 264Vac, 15%, +10%,
48 to 62 Hz, max 20W (3508 15W)
24Vac, -15%, +10%.
24Vdc, -15% +20% 5% ripple voltage max 20W (3508 15W)
Inrush current High Voltage (VH): 30A duration <100S
Low Voltage (VL): 15A duration <100S
Approvals CE, cUL listed (file E57766), Gost
No of ports 2 modules can be fitted
Slot allocation Modbus RTU or I/O expander only in
J comms port
Serial communications option
Protocols Modbus RTU Slave
Profibus DP
EI-Bisync (818 style mnemonics)
Modbus RTU master broadcast (1 parameter)
I/O Expander
Isolation 264Vac, double insulated
Transmission standard EIA232, EIA485, CAN (DeviceNet), Profibus
Ethernet communications option Slot H only
Protocol Modbus TCP, 10baseT
Isolation 264Vac, double insulated
Transmission standard 802.3
Features DHCP client, 4 simultaneous masters, preferred master
DeviceNet Slot H only
Maximum baud rate 500KB
Main Process Variable Input
Calibration accuracy <0.1% of reading 1LSD (1)
Sample rate 9Hz(110ms)
Isolation 264Vac double insulation from the PSU and communication
Input filter Off to 59.9s. Default 1.6s
Zero offset User adjustable over full range
User Calibration 2-point gain & offset
Range Uses 40mV and 80mV ranges dependent on type K, J, N, R, S, B, L, T, C, PL2, custom
download (2)
Resolution 16 bits
Linearisation accuracy <0.2% of reading
Cold junction compensation >40:1 rejection of ambient change
External reference of 0C, 45C and 50C
Cold junction accuracy <1C at 25C ambient
Resistance Thermometer
Range 0-400 (-200C to +850C)
Resistance Thermometer types 3-wire Pt100 DIN 43760
Resolution (C) <0.050C with 1.6sec filter
Resolution 16 bits
Linearity error <0.033% (best fit straight line)
Calibration error <0.310C/C, 0.023% of measurement at 25C
Drift with temperature <0.010C/C, 25ppm/C of measurement from 25C
Common mode rejection <0.000085C/V (maximum of 264Vrms)
Series mode rejection <0.240C/V (maximum of 280mV pk-pk),
Lead resistance 0 to 22 matched lead resistance
Input impedance 100M
Bulb current 200A
40mV Range
Range -40mV to +40mV
Resolution (V) <1.0V with 1.6sec filter
Resolution 16 bits
Linearity error <0.033% (best fit straight line)
Calibration error <4.6V, 0.053% of measurement at 25C
Drift with temperature <0.2V/C, 28ppm/C of measurement from 25C
Engineering Handbook 3500 series Controllers
386 Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10
Common mode rejection >175dB (maximum of 264Vrms)
Series mode rejection >101dB (maximum of 280mV pk-pk)
Input leakage current 14nA
Input impedance 100M
80mV Range
Range <3.3V with 1.6sec filter -80mV to +80mV
Resolution (V)
Resolution 16 bits
Linearity error <0.033% (best fit straight line)
Calibration error <7.5V, 0.052% of measurement at 25C
Drift with temperature <0.2V/C, 28ppm/C of measurement from 25C
Common mode rejection >175dB (maximum of 264Vrms)
Series mode rejection >101dB (maximum of 280mV pk-pk)
Input leakage current 14nA
Input impedance 100M
2V Range
Range -1.4V to +2.0V
Resolution (mV) <90V with 1.6sec filter
Resolution 16 bits
Linearity error <0.015% (best fit straight line)
Calibration error <420V, 0.044% of measurement at 25C
Drift with temperature <125V/C, 28ppm/C of measurement from 25C
Common mode rejection >155dB (maximum of 264Vrms)
Series mode rejection >101dB (maximum of 4.5V pk-pk)
Input leakage current 14nA
Input impedance 100M
10V Range
Range -3.0V to +10.0V
Resolution (mV) <550V with 1.6sec filter
Resolution 16 bits
Linearity error <0.007% of reading for zero source resistance. Add 0.003% for each 10? of source plus
lead resistance
Calibration error <1.5mV, 0.063% of measurement at 25C
Drift with temperature <66V/C, 60ppm/C of measurement from 25C
Common mode rejection >145dB (maximum of 264Vrms allowed)
Series mode rejection >92dB ((maximum of 5V pk-pk allowed)
Input impedance 62.5k to 667k depending on input voltage
(1) Calibration accuracy quoted over full ambient operating range and for all input
linearisation types
(2) Contact Eurotherm for details of availability of custom downloads for alternative sensors
Transmitter PSU (LA and LB)
Rating 24Vdc, 20mA with LA/LB connected in parallel
Isolation 264Vac double insulation from the PSU and communication
Digital IO (LA and LB)
Isolation Not isolated from each other. 264Vac double insulation from the PSU and

Rating Voltage level: Open 0 to 7.3Vdc
Closed 10.8 to 24Vdc
Contact Closure:
Open >1200
Closed <480
Functions Includes program control, alarm acknowledge, SP2 select, manual, keylock, RSP select,
Rating 18Vdc @ 15mA (min 9mA)10
Functions Includes control outputs, alarms, events, status
AA Relay
Type Form C (changeover)
Rating Min 1mA @ 1Vdc, Max 2A @ 264Vac resistive1,000,000 operations with external
3500 Series Controllers Engineering Handbook
Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10 387
Isolation 264Vac double insulation
Functions Includes control outputs, alarms, events, status
Input / Output Modules
IO Modules 3508 3 modules can be fitted
IO Modules 3504: 6 modules can be fitted
Analogue Input Module
Calibration accuracy 0.2% of reading 1LSD
Sample rate 9Hz (110ms)
Isolation 264Vac double insulation
Input filter Off to 59.9s. Default 1.6s
Zero offset User adjustable over full range
User Calibration 2-point gain & offset
Functions Includes process input, remote setpoint, power limit
Range -100mV to +100mV
Types K, J, N, R, S, B, L, T, C, PL2, custom Resolution (V) <3.3V @ 1.6s filter time
Effective resolution 15.9 bits
Linearisation accuracy <0.2% of reading
Cold junction compensation >25:1 rejection of ambient change
External reference of 0C, 45C and 50C
Cold junction accuracy <1C at 25C ambient
Resistance Thermometer
Range 0-400 (-200C to +850C)
Resistance Thermometer types 3-wire Pt100 DIN 43760
Resolution (C) <0.08C with 1.6sec filter
Effective Resolution 13.7 bits
Linearity error <0.033% (best fit straight line)
Calibration error <(0.4C + 0.15% of reading in C)
Drift with temperature <(0.015C + 0.005% of reading in C) per C
Common mode rejection <0.000085C/V (maximum of 264Vrms)
Series mode rejection <0.240C/V (maximum of 280mV pk-pk)
Lead resistance 0 To 22, matched lead resistance
Bulb current 300A
Input impedance 100M
100mV Range
Range -100mV to +100mV
Resolution ((V) <3.3V with 1.6s filter time
Effective resolution 15.9 bits
Linearity error <0.033% (best fit straight line)
Calibration error <10V, 0.2% of measurement at 25C
Drift with temperature <0.2V + 0.004% of reading per C
Common mode rejection >146dB (maximum of 264Vrms)
Series mode rejection >90dB (maximum of 280mV pk-pk)
Input leakage current <10nA
Input impedance >100M
2V Range
Range -0.2V to +2.0V
Resolution (V) 30uV with 1.6s filter time
Effective resolution 16.2bits
Linearity error <0.033% (best fit straight line)
Calibration error <2mV + 0.2% of reading
Drift with temperature <0.1mV + 0.004% of reading per C
Common mode rejection >155dB (maximum of 264Vrms)
Series mode rejection >101dB (maximum of 4.5V pk-pk)
Input leakage current <10nA
Input impedance >100M
10V Range
Range -3.0V to +10.0V
Resolution (V) <300V with 1.6sec filter
Effective resolution 15.4 bits
Linearity error <0.033% (best fit straight line)
Calibration error <(0.4C + 0.15% of reading in C)
Drift with temperature < 0.1mV + 0.02% of reading per C
Engineering Handbook 3500 series Controllers
388 Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10
Common mode rejection >145dB (maximum of 264Vrms)
Series mode rejection >92dB (maximum of 5V pk-pk)
Input impedance >69k
Potentiometer Input
Type Single channel
Resistance 100 To 15k,
Excitation 0.5Vdc supplied by module
Isolation 264Vac double insulation
Functions Includes valve position and remote setpoint
Analogue Control Output
Type Single channel and dual channel (4-20mA only)
Rating 0-20mA <600
0-10Vdc >500
Accuracy 2.5%
Resolution 10 bits
Isolation 264Vac double insulation
Analogue Retransmission Output
Type Single channel
Rating 0-20mA <600
0-10Vdc >500
Accuracy 0.5%
Resolution 11 bits
Isolation 264Vac double insulation

3500 Series Controllers Engineering Handbook
Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10 389

Logic Input Modules
Module types Triple contact closure, triple logic level
Isolation No channel isolation. 264Vac double insulation from other modules and system
Rating Voltage Level: Open -3 to 5Vdc @ <-0.4mA
Closed 10.8 to 30Vdc @ 2.5mA
Contact Closure: Open >28k
Closed <100
Functions Includes program control, alarm acknowledge, SP2 select, manual, keylock, RSP
select, standby
Logic Output Modules
Module types Single channel, triple channel
Isolation No channel isolation. 264Vac double insulation from other modules and system
Rating Single: 12Vdc @ 24mA, source
Triple: 12Vdc @ 9mA, source
Functions Includes control outputs, alarms, events, status
Relay Modules
Module types Single channel Form A, Single channel Form C, dual channel Form A
Isolation 264Vac double insulation
Rating Min 100mA @ 12Vdc, Max 2A @ 264Vac resistive
Min 400,000 (max load) operations with external snubber
Functions Includes control outputs, alarms, events, status
Triac Modules
Module types Single channel, dual channel
Isolation 264Vac double insulation
Rating <0.75A @ 264Vac resistive
Functions Includes control outputs, alarms, events, status
Transmitter PSU Module
Type Single channel
Isolation 264Vac double insulation
Rating 24Vdc @ 20mA
Transducer PSU Module
Type Single channel
Isolation 264Vac double insulation
Bridge voltage Software selectable 5Vdc or 10Vdc
Bridge resistance 300 to 15k
Internal shunt resistor 30.1 @0.25%, used for calibration of 350 bridge at 80%
I/O Expander
Type 20 I/O: 4 Form C relays, 6 Form A relays, 10 logic inputs
40 I/O: 4 Form C relays, 16 Form A relays, 20 logic inputs
Isolation 264Vac double insulation between channels. 264Vac double insulation between
Ratings Relay: Min 100mA @ 12Vdc, Max 2A @ 264Vac resistive
Logic input: Open -3 to 5Vdc @ <-0.4mA
Closed 10.8 to 30Vdc @ 2.5mA
Communications Using EX comms module in comms slot J

Engineering Handbook 3500 series Controllers
390 Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10

Software features Control
Number of loops 2
Control types PID, OnOff, VP, Dual VP
Cooling types Linear, fan, oil, water
Modes Auto, manual, forced manual, control inhibit
Overshoot inhibition High and low cutbacks
Number of PID sets 3, selectable on PV, SP, OP, On Demand, program segment and remote input
Control options Supply voltage compensation, feedforward, output tracking, OP power limiting,
SBR safe output
Setpoint options Remote SP with trim, SP rate limit, 2nd Setpoint, tracking modes
Setpoint programmer
Program function 50 programs, max 500 segments
Program names User defined up to 16 characters
No of profile channels 2 (1 if single loop)
Operation Full or partially synchronised
Events 8 per channel (8 when fully synchronised)
1 timed event, 1 PV event
Segment types Rate, dwell, time, call, goback and wait
Digital inputs Run, Hold, Reset, RunHold, RunReset, Adv Seg, Skip Seg
Servo action Process value or setpoint
Power failure modes Continue, ramp, reset
Other functions Guaranteed soak, holdback, segment user values, wait inputs, PV hot start
Process Alarms
Number 8
Type High, low, devhi, devlo, devband
Latching None, auto, manual, event
Other features Delay, inhibit, blocking, display message, 3 priority levels
Digital Alarms
Number 8
Type PosEdge, negEdge, edge, high, low
Latching None, auto, manual, event
Other features Delay, blocking, inhibit, display message, 3 priority levels
Number 1
Functions Carbon potential, dewpoint, %02 Log02, probe mV
Supported probes Barber Colman, Drayton, MMICarbon, AACC, Accucarb, SSI, MacDhui, Bosch02,
Gas reference Internal or remote analogue input
Probe diagnostics Clean recovery time, impedance measurement
Probe burn-off Automatic or manual
Other features Sooting alarm with tolerance setting, PV offsets
Number 1
Functions Relative humidity, dewpoint
Measurement Psychrometric (wet & dry) inputs
Atmosphere compensation Internal or remote analogue input
Other features Psychrometric constant adjust
Number 8
Parameters 24 per recipe
Length of Name 8 Characters
Selection HMI, comms, strategy

3500 Series Controllers Engineering Handbook
Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10 391

Transducer calibration
Number 2
Type Shunt, load cell, comparison
Other features Autotare
Communication tables
Number 250
Function Modbus remapping (indirection)
Data formats Integer, IEEE (full resolution)
Application Blocks
Soft wiring Orderable options of 30, 60 120 or 250
User values: 16 real numbers with decimal point.
2 Input maths 24 blocks, add, subtract, multiply, divide, absolute difference, maximum, minimum,
hot swap, sample and hold, power, square root, Log, Ln, exponential, switch.
2 Input logic 24 blocks, AND, OR, XOR, latch, equal, not equal, greater than, less than, greater
than or equal to.
8 Input logic 2 blocks AND OR, XOR
8 Input multiplexor 4 blocks. 8 sets of 8 values selected by input parameter
8 Input multiple input 3 blocks, average, min, max sum
BCD Input 2 blocks, 2 Decades
Input monitor 2 blocks, max, min, time above threshold
16 Point linearisation 2 blocks, I6-point linearisation fit
Polynomial fit: 2 blocks, characterisation by Poly Fit table. Switchover: 1 block, smooth transition
between two values
Timer blocks 4 blocks, OnPulse, OnDelay, OneShot, MinOn Time
Counter blocks 2 blocks, Up or down, directional flag
Totaliser blocks 2 blocks, alarm at threshold value
Real time clock 1 block, day & time, 2 time based alarms

Engineering Handbook 3500 series Controllers
392 Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10
34. Appendix C Parameter Index
Below is an alphabetical index of parameters used in the 3500 series controllers.

Parameter Location Section
10 x Math Operators 18.3.1.
A/Man Func Access 3.2
A/Man Key Inst Dia 6.7.
AbsDif Math Operators 18.3.1.
aC_CO_O2 Zirconia 16.4.
AnAlm 12.4.
Active Set Lp PID 21.5.1.
Add Math Operators 18.3.1.
Addr ess
Comms 14.3.
Address Mstrcomms 14.9.2.
Advance Program Setup 22.16.
Alarm OP Total 15.3.1.
Alarm Page Inst Dis 6.5.
Alarm SP Total 15.3.1.
Alarm Summary Inst Dis 6.5.
Al m Days IPMon 17.2.
Al m Out IPMon 17.2.
Al m Ti me IPMon 17.2.
Alt SP Lp SP 21.7.1.
Alt SP En Lp SP 21.7.1.
AnAlm En Inst Enb 6.3.1.
AND Logic operators 18.1.2.
Load 20.1.
Auto/Man Key Access 3.2
AutoMan LP Main 21.3.1.
Aux1 Bar Val Inst Dis 6.5.
Aux2 Bar Val Inst Dis 6.5.
Aver age Out MultiOp 18.5.6.
Backlash Lgc IO 8.2.
Backlash Mod 10.3.
BalInt Zirconia 16.4.
Bar Scale Max Inst Dis 6.5.
Bar Scale Min Inst Dis 6.5.
Baud Rat e
Comms 14.3.
Bcast Val Comms 14.3.
BCD Value BCDIn 12.6.
BCDIn En Inst Enb 6.3.1.
AnAlm 12.4.
Boundary 1-2 Lp PID 21.5.1.
Boundary 2-3 Lp PID 21.5.1.
Broadcast Comms 14.3.
Cal Active Txdr 24.6.
Cal Band Txdr 24.6.
Cal Enable Txdr 24.6.
Cal State PV Input 7.2.
Cal State Lgc IO 8.2.
Parameter Location Section
Cal State Mod 10.3.
Cal State Cal PVInput 26.4.
Cal Status Txdr 24.6.
Cal Trim Mod 10.3.
Cal Type Txdr 24.6.
Call Cycles Prog Edit Sync Start 22.17.2.
Call Cycles Single Program Edit 22.19.1.
Call program Prog Edit Sync Start 22.17.2.
Call Program Single Program Edit 22.19.1.
CalStateHi Mod 10.3.
CalStateLo Mod 10.3.
CantClean Zirconia 16.4.
CarbonPot Zirconia 16.4.
Casc I n MultiOp 18.5.6.
Casc Num I n MultiOp 18.5.6.
CBH/CBH2/ Lp PID 21.5.1.
CBH3 Lp PID 21.5.1.
CBL/CBL2/ Lp PID 21.5.1.
CBL3 Lp PID 21.5.1.
Ch 2 Gain
Load 20.1.
Ch1 Hldbck Type
Prog Edit Sync All 22.17.1.
Ch1 OnOff Hyst Lp OP 21.8.1.
Ch1 Output Lp OP 21.8.1.
Ch1 Pot Brk Lp OP 21.8.1.
Ch1 Pot Pos Lp OP 21.8.1.
Ch1 PV Event
Prog Edit Sync All 22.17.1.
Ch1 PV Thresh
Prog Edit Sync All 22.17.1.
Ch1 Target SP
Prog Edit Sync All 22.17.1.
Ch1 TravelT Lp OP 21.8.1.
Ch1/2 Control LP Setup 21.4.2.
Ch1/2 PV Wait Prog Edit Sync All 22.17.1.
Ch1/2 Wait Val Prog Edit Sync All 22.17.1.
Ch1HldBk Value
Prog Edit Sync All 22.17.1.
Prog Edit Sync All 22.17.1.
Ch2 DeadB Lp OP 21.8.1.
Ch2 Hldbck Type
Prog Edit Sync All 22.17.1.
Ch2 OnOff Hyst Lp OP 21.8.1.
Ch2 Output Lp OP 21.8.1.
Ch2 Pot Brk Lp OP 21.8.1.
Ch2 Pot Pos Lp OP 21.8.1.
Ch2 Target SP
Prog Edit Sync All 22.17.1.
Ch2 TravelT Lp OP 21.8.1.
Ch2HldBk Value
Prog Edit Sync All 22.17.1.
Prog Edit Sync All 22.17.1.
Ch2Seg Prog Edit Sync Start 22.17.2.
3500 Series Controllers Engineering Handbook
Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10 393
Parameter Location Section
Channel Program Setup 22.16.
CJC Temp PV Input 7.2.
CJC Temp Mod 10.3.
CJC Type PV Input 7.2.
CJC Type Mod 10.3.
CleanAbort Zirconia 16.4.
Cl eanFr eq Zirconia 16.4.
Cl eanPr ob Zirconia 16.4.
Cl eanSt at Zirconia 16.4.
Cl eanTi me Zirconia 16.4.
Cl eanVal v Zirconia 16.4.
Clear Cal Txdr 24.6.
Clear Log Inst Dia 6.7.
Clear Memory Access 3.2
Cl ear O f l ow Count 15.1.1.
Clear Stats Inst Dia 6.7.
ClnAbort Zirconia 16.4.
ClnEnabl Zirconia 16.4.
ClnMaxT Zirconia 16.4.
ClnMsgRt Zirconia 16.4.
ClnRcovT Zirconia 16.4.
Cl ock Count 15.1.1.
Cntr1 Overrun Inst Dia 6.7.
CO_Inuse Zirconia 16.4.
CO_Local Zirconia 16.4.
CO_RemEn Zirconia 16.4.
CO_Remote Zirconia 16.4.
Comms Del ay
Comms 14.3.
Comms Stack
Free Inst Dia 6.7.
Company ID Inst Inf 6.6.
Con Ticks Inst Dia 6.7.
Config Code Access 3.2
Control Act LP Setup 21.4.2.
Control1 Page Inst Dis 6.5.
Control2 Page Inst Dis 6.5.
Cool Type Lp OP 21.8.1.
Count Mstrcomms 14.9.2.
Count Count 15.1.1.
Counter En Inst Enb 6.3.1.
CPU % Free Inst Dia 6.7.
CPU % Min Inst Dia 6.7.
Ctl Stack Free Inst Dia 6.7.
Cust1 Name No
tbl Inst Dia 6.7.
Cust2 Name No
tbl Inst Dia 6.7.
Cust3 Name No
tbl Inst Dia 6.7.
Customer ID Access 3.2
Cycle Time Mod 10.3.
Parameter Location Section
Prog Edit Sync All 22.17.1.
Cycles Single Program Edit 22.19.1.
CycleTime Lgc IO 8.2.
Day RTClock 15.4.1.
Days Above IPMon 17.2.
Dec Value BCDIn 12.6.
Def aul t GW 1
Comms 14.4.
Def aul t GW 2
Comms 14.4.
Def aul t GW 3
Comms 14.4.
Def aul t GW 4
Comms 14.4.
Delay AnAlm 12.4.
DelayedStart? Program Setup 22.16.
Deriv OP
Lp Diag 21.9.
Deriv Type LP Setup 21.4.2.
Dest Commstab 14.7.
Dest Addr Comms 14.3.
DewPoint Humidity 16.2.
DewPoint Zirconia 16.4.
DgAlm En Inst Enb 6.3.1.
DHCP enabl e
Comms 14.4.
Di r ect i on Count 15.1.1.
Disp Hi PV Input 7.2.
Disp Hi Lgc IO 8.2.
Disp Hi Mod 10.3.
Disp Hi/Lo RlyAA 9.2.
Disp Lo PV Input 7.2.
Disp Lo Lgc IO 8.2.
Disp Lo Mod 10.3.
Disp Stack Free Inst Dia 6.7.
Div Math Operators 18.3.1.
DryT Humidity 16.2.
Prog Edit Sync All 22.17.1.
Duration Single Program Edit 22.19.1.
E.CaL DiagAlms 12.6.
E.Conf DiagAlms 12.6.
E.Lin DiagAlms 12.6.
E2.Er DiagAlms 12.6.
EE.Er DiagAlms 12.6.
Elapsed Time Timer 15.2.6.
Emiss PV Input 7.2.
Enable Mstrcomms 14.9.2.
Enable Count 15.1.1.
Enable Lp Tune 21.6.4.
End of Seg Program Setup 22.16.
End of Seg Single Program Edit 22.19.1.
End Type
Prog Edit Sync All 22.17.1.
End Type Single Program Edit 22.19.1.
Equal Logic operators 18.1.2.
Engineering Handbook 3500 series Controllers
394 Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10
Parameter Location Section
Equal to or
greater than Logic operators 18.1.2.
Equal to or less
than Logic operators 18.1.2.
SwOver 23.1.2.
Lp Diag 21.9.
Error Count Inst Dia 6.7.
Error Count Mstrcomms 14.9.2.
Error1 Inst Dia 6.7.
Error2 Inst Dia 6.7.
Error3 Inst Dia 6.7.
Error4 Inst Dia 6.7.
Error5 Inst Dia 6.7.
Error6 Inst Dia 6.7.
Error7 Inst Dia 6.7.
Error8 Inst Dia 6.7.
Event 1 to 8 Program Setup 22.16.
Event 1 to 8 Single Program Edit 22.19.1.
Event Outs
Prog Edit Sync All 22.17.1.
Event Outs Single Program Edit 22.19.1.
Exception Code Mstrcomms 14.9.2.
Exception Count Mstrcomms 14.9.2.
Exp Math Operators 18.3.1.
Expander Type IOExp 11.1.1.
Factor Mstrcomms 14.9.2.
Fall Type
packbit 14.10.1.
Fall Type
unpackbit 14.11.1.
Fal l Type
Lgc2 18.1.3.
Fal l Type Lin16 19.1.2.
Fall Type
Poly 19.2.
Fall Type
SwOver 23.1.2.
Fal l Val ue Lin16 19.1.2.
Fall Value
Poly 19.2.
Fall Value
SwOver 23.1.2.
Fallback PV Input 7.2.
Fallback Mod 10.3.
packbit 14.10.1.
unpackbit 14.11.1.
Fal l back Math9 18.3.2.
Fal l back Mux10 18.4.1.
Fal l back MultiOp 18.5.6.
Fallback PV PV Input 7.2.
Fallback PV Mod 10.3.
Fal l back Val Math10 18.3.2.
Fal l back Val Mux11 18.4.1.
Fal l back Val MultiOp 18.5.6.
FF Gain Lp OP 21.8.1.
FF Offset Lp OP 21.8.1.
FF OP Lp OP 21.8.1.
FF Trim Limit Lp OP 21.8.1.
Parameter Location Section
FF Type Lp OP 21.8.1.
Filter Time PV Input 7.2.
Filter Time Mod 10.3.
ForcedOP Lp OP 21.8.1.
Format Mstrcomms 14.9.2.
Function Mstrcomms 14.9.2.
G. Soak Value Prog Edit Sync Start 22.17.2.
Load 20.1.
Gas Ref Zirconia 16.4.
GoBack Cycles
Prog Edit Sync All 22.17.1.
GoBack Seg
Prog Edit Sync All 22.17.1.
Goto Access 3.2
Greater than Logic operators 18.1.2.
GSoak Type Prog Edit Sync Start 22.17.2.
Gsoak? Program Setup 22.16.
H Act i vi t y
Comms 14.3.
H2_InUse Zirconia 16.4.
H2_Local Zirconia 16.4.
H2_RemEn Zirconia 16.4.
H2_Remote Zirconia 16.4.
Hi Offset Mod 10.3.
Hi Point Mod 10.3.
Hi gh Li mi t Math8 18.3.2.
Hi gh Li mi t Mux8 18.4.1.
High Limit UsrVal 25.1.
High Output Lp Tune 21.6.4.
Hold Total 15.3.1.
Holdback Type Prog Edit Sync Start 22.17.2.
Holdback Type Single Program Edit 22.19.1.
Holdback Value Prog Edit Sync Start 22.17.2.
Holdback Value Single Program Edit 22.19.1.
Home Page Inst Dis 6.5.
Home Timeout Inst Dis 6.5.
HotSwp Math Operators 18.3.1.
Humidity En Inst Enb 6.3.1.
AnAlm 12.4.
Ident Mod 10.3.
I dent
Comms 14.3.
Idle Stack Free Inst Dia 6.7.
ImmSP? Inst Opt 6.4.
In Total 15.3.1.
In 1 BCDIn 12.6.
In 1-10 IOExp 11.1.1.
In 11-20 IOExp 11.1.1.
In 2 BCDIn 12.6.
In 3 BCDIn 12.6.
In 4 BCDIn 12.6.
In 5 BCDIn 12.6.
In 6 BCDIn 12.6.
In 7 BCDIn 12.6.
3500 Series Controllers Engineering Handbook
Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10 395
Parameter Location Section
In 8 BCDIn 12.6.
I n Hi gh Lin16 19.1.2.
In High
Poly 19.2.
I n Low Lin16 19.1.2.
In Low
Poly 19.2.
I n St at us IPMon 17.2.
I n St at us MultiOp 18.5.6.
I n1 MultiOp 18.5.6.
I n1 t o 14 Lin16 19.1.2.
In1 to In 20 IOExp 11.1.1.
In1 to In16
packbit 14.10.1.
I n1 t o I n8 Lgc8 18.2.1.
I n2 MultiOp 18.5.6.
I n3 MultiOp 18.5.6.
I n4 MultiOp 18.5.6.
I n5 MultiOp 18.5.6.
I n6 MultiOp 18.5.6.
I n7 MultiOp 18.5.6.
I n8 MultiOp 18.5.6.
Inertia Lgc IO 8.2.
Inertia Mod 10.3.
AnAlm 12.4.
Inhibit LP Main 21.3.1.
Lp Diag 21.9.
AnAlm 12.4.
unpackbit 14.11.1.
Input Timer 15.2.6.
Input IPMon 17.2.
Input Lin16 19.1.2.
Poly 19.2.
Input 1
SwOver 23.1.2.
Input 2
SwOver 23.1.2.
Input Hi
SwOver 23.1.2.
Input Hi Txdr 24.6.
Input Lin
Poly 19.2.
Input Lo
SwOver 23.1.2.
Input Lo Txdr 24.6.
Input Value Txdr 24.6.
I nput 1
Lgc2 18.1.3.
I nput 1 Scal e Math3 18.3.2.
I nput 1 t o 8 Mux13 18.4.1.
I nput 1 Val ue Math11 18.3.2.
I nput 2
Lgc2 18.1.3.
I nput 2 Scal e Math4 18.3.2.
I nput 2 Val ue Math12 18.3.2.
Inst Type Inst Inf 6.6.
IntHold LP Main 21.3.1.
Inv21-30 IOExp 11.1.1.
Inv31-40 IOExp 11.1.1.
Parameter Location Section
Invert Lgc IO 8.2.
Invert RlyAA 9.2.
Invert Mod 10.3.
I nver t
Lgc2 18.1.3.
I nver t Lgc8 18.2.1.
IO Exp En Inst Enb 6.3.1.
IO Type PV Input 7.2.
IO Type Lgc IO 8.2.
IO Type RlyAA 9.2.
IO Type Mod 10.3.
I P Addr ess 1
Comms 14.4.
I P Addr ess 2
Comms 14.4.
I P Addr ess 3
Comms 14.4.
I P Addr ess 4
Comms 14.4.
IP Mon En Inst Enb 6.3.1.
IR Mode Access 3.2
Keylock Access 3.2
Language Inst Dis 6.5.
LastCln Zirconia 16.4.
AnAlm 12.4.
LATCH Logic operators 18.1.2.
LBT/LBT2/LBT3 Lp PID 21.5.1.
Lead Res PV Input 7.2.
Less than Logic operators 18.1.2.
Level2 Code Access 3.2
Level3 Code Access 3.2
En1/En2/En3 Inst Enb 6.3.1.
Lgc8 En Inst Enb 6.3.1.
Lin Type PV Input 7.2.
Lin Type Mod 10.3.
Lin16Pt En Inst Enb 6.3.1.
Ln Math Operators 18.3.1.
Lo Offset Mod 10.3.
Lo Point Mod 10.3.
Load En Inst Enb 6.3.1.
Load Res Mod 10.3.
Log Math Operators 18.3.1.
Loop 1 Summary Inst Dis 6.5.
Loop 2 Summary Inst Dis 6.5.
Loop En Inst Enb 6.3.1.
Loop Mode
Lp Diag 21.9.
Loop Name LP Setup 21.4.2.
Loop Summary Inst Dis 6.5.
LoopOP CH1
Load 20.1.
LoopOP CH2
Load 20.1.
Low Li mi t Math7 18.3.2.
Low Li mi t Mux9 18.4.1.
Low Limit UsrVal 25.1.
Low Output Lp Tune 21.6.4.
Engineering Handbook 3500 series Controllers
396 Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10
Parameter Location Section
LowerKey Access 3.2
Lp Break
Lp Diag 21.9.
Main Bar Val Inst Dis 6.5.
Man Mode Lp OP 21.8.1.
Man Track Lp SP 21.7.1.
ManOP Lp OP 21.8.1.
Manual Startup Lp OP 21.8.1.
Inst Enb
Max IPMon 17.2.
Max Con Tick Inst Dia 6.7.
Max Events Program Setup 22.16.
Max Events Single Program Edit 22.19.1.
Max Out MultiOp 18.5.6.
Max UI Ticks Inst Dia 6.7.
Max.Inst Segs Inst Dia 6.7.
MaxRcvTi m Zirconia 16.4.
Meas Val Lgc IO 8.2.
Meas Val RlyAA 9.2.
Meas Value PV Input 7.2.
Meas Value Mod 10.3.
Meas Value Mod 10.3.
Mi n IPMon 17.2.
Min OnTime Lgc IO 8.2.
Min OnTime RlyAA 9.2.
Min OnTime Mod 10.3.
Mi n Out MultiOp 18.5.6.
MinCalcTp Zirconia 16.4.
Mi nCal cTp Zirconia 16.4.
Mi nRcvTi m Zirconia 16.4.
Mi nut es Commstab 14.7.
Mode Mstrcomms 14.9.2.
Mode RTClock 15.4.1.
MR/MR2/MR3 Lp PID 21.5.1.
Mul Math Operators 18.3.1.
MultiOper En Inst Enb 6.3.1.
Mux8 En Inst Enb 6.3.1.
Nat i ve Commstab 14.7.
Net wor k
Comms 14.3.
Net wor k
Comms 14.4.
Node Mstrcomms 14.9.2.
Load 20.1.
Not equal Logic operators 18.1.2.
Nudge Lower Lp OP 21.8.1.
Nudge Raise Lp OP 21.8.1.
Num I n MultiOp 18.5.6.
Num Sets Lp PID 21.5.1.
Num Val i d I n MultiOp 18.5.6.
NumI n Lgc8 18.2.1.
Off Day1 RTClock 15.4.1.
Parameter Location Section
Off Day2 RTClock 15.4.1.
Off Time
Prog Edit Sync All 22.17.1.
Off Time1 RTClock 15.4.1.
Off Time2 RTClock 15.4.1.
Offset PV Input 7.2.
Offset Mstrcomms 14.9.2.
Load 20.1.
On Day1 RTClock 15.4.1.
On Day2 RTClock 15.4.1.
On Time
Prog Edit Sync All 22.17.1.
On Time1 RTClock 15.4.1.
On Time2 RTClock 15.4.1.
OP1 Beacon Inst Dis 6.5.
OP2 Beacon Inst Dis 6.5.
Lgc2 18.1.3.
Oper Lgc8 18.2.1.
Operation Math2 18.3.2.
OPHi/2/3 Lp PID 21.5.1.
OPLo/2/3 Lp PID 21.5.1.
OR Logic operators 18.1.2.
Out Lgc8 18.2.1.
Out Hi Li mi t MultiOp 18.5.6.
Out Hi gh Lin16 19.1.2.
Out High
Poly 19.2.
Out I nver t Lgc8 18.2.1.
Out Lo Li mi t MultiOp 18.5.6.
Out Low Lin16 19.1.2.
Out Low
Poly 19.2.
Out Resn Lin16 19.1.2.
Out1 RTClock 15.4.1.
Out 1 t o 14 Lin16 19.1.2.
Out1 to Out 16
unpackbit 14.11.1.
Out2 RTClock 15.4.1.
Out21 to Out 40 IOExp 11.1.1.
Out21-30 IOExp 11.1.1.
Out31-40 IOExp 11.1.1.
AnAlm 12.4.
packbit 14.10.1.
Output Timer 15.2.6.
Out put
Lgc2 18.1.3.
Out put Mux14 18.4.1.
Out put Lin16 19.1.2.
Poly 19.2.
Output Hi Lp OP 21.8.1.
Output Lo Lp OP 21.8.1.
Out put Res n Math6 18.3.2.
Output Status Txdr 24.6.
Out put Uni t s Math5 18.3.2.
Out put Val ue Math13 18.3.2.
3500 Series Controllers Engineering Handbook
Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10 397
Parameter Location Section
Output Value Txdr 24.6.
Over f l ow Count 15.1.1.
Oxygen Zirconia 16.4.
OxygenExp Zirconia 16.4.
OxygenTyp Zirconia 16.4.
PackBitEn Inst Enb 6.3.1.
Page Key Access 3.2
Par i t y
Comms 14.3.
Passcode1 Inst Inf 6.6.
Passcode2 Inst Inf 6.6.
Passcode3 Inst Inf 6.6.
PB Units LP Setup 21.4.2.
PB/PB2/PB3 Lp PID 21.5.1.
Pff En Lp OP 21.8.1.
Prog Edit Sync All 22.17.1.
PID Set? Program Setup 22.16.
Poly En Inst Enb 6.3.1.
Port Mstrcomms 14.9.2.
PotBrk Mode Lp OP 21.8.1.
PotCal Lp OP 21.8.1.
Power Math Operators 18.3.1.
Power Fail Program Setup 22.16.
Power Fail Single Program Edit 22.19.1.
Power FF Inst Dia 6.7.
PrbState Zirconia 16.4.
Pr ef mst r I P 1
Comms 14.4.
Pr ef mst r I P 2
Comms 14.4.
Pr ef mst r I P 3
Comms 14.4.
Pr ef mst r I P 4
Comms 14.4.
Pressure Humidity 16.2.
Prg 1 or 2 Prog Edit Sync Start 22.17.2.
PrgIn1 Program Setup 22.16.
PrgIn2 Program Setup 22.16.
AnAlm 12.4.
Probe Type Zirconia 16.4.
Pr obeFl t Zirconia 16.4.
ProbeFlt Zirconia 16.4.
ProbeIP Zirconia 16.4.
ProbeOffs Zirconia 16.4.
ProbeStat Zirconia 16.4.
ProcFact Zirconia 16.4.
Prog Edit Inst Dis 6.5.
Prog Hold Program Setup 22.16.
Prog Hold Single Program Edit 22.19.1.
Prog Key Access 3.2
Prog Key Inst Dia 6.7.
Prog Reset Program Setup 22.16.
Prog Reset Single Program Edit 22.19.1.
Prog Run Program Setup 22.16.
Prog Run Single Program Edit 22.19.1.
Parameter Location Section
Prog RunHold Program Setup 22.16.
Prog RunReset Program Setup 22.16.
Prog Summary Inst Dis 6.5.
ProgError Program Setup 22.16.
ProgMode Inst Opt 6.4.
Progr En Inst Enb 6.3.1.
Prog Edit Sync All 22.17.1.
Program Prog Edit Sync Start 22.17.2.
Prop OP
Lp Diag 21.9.
Pr ot ocol
Comms 14.3.
PsycK Humidity 16.2.
PV PV Input 7.2.
PV Lgc IO 8.2.
PV RlyAA 9.2.
PV Mod 10.3.
PV Mod 10.3.
PV LP Main 21.3.1.
PV Event Prog Edit Sync Start 22.17.2.
PV Input Program Setup 22.16.
PV Input Single Program Edit 22.19.1.
PV Out1
Load 20.1.
PV Out2
Load 20.1.
PV Start Prog Edit Sync Start 22.17.2.
PV Threshold Prog Edit Sync Start 22.17.2.
PV Wait Prog Edit Sync Start 22.17.2.
PVEvent? Program Setup 22.16.
PVEventOP Program Setup 22.16.
PVFault Load 20.1.
PVFrozen Zirconia 16.4.
PVFrozen Zirconia 16.4.
PVStart? Inst Opt 6.4.
PVWaitIP Program Setup 22.16.
Pwr Fail Count Inst Dia 6.7.
Pwr In Lp OP 21.8.1.
R2G/R2G2/ Lp PID 21.5.1.
R2G3 Lp PID 21.5.1.
RaiseKey Access 3.2
Ramp Rate Prog Edit Sync Start 22.17.2.
Ramp Rate Single Program Edit 22.19.1.
Ramp Units Prog Edit Sync Start 22.17.2.
Ramp Units Single Program Edit 22.19.1.
Range Hi PV Input 7.2.
Range Hi Lgc IO 8.2.
Range Hi Mod 10.3.
Range Hi Lp SP 21.7.1.
Range Hi/Lo RlyAA 9.2.
Range Lo PV Input 7.2.
Range Lo Lgc IO 8.2.
Range Lo Mod 10.3.
Range Lo Lp SP 21.7.1.
Engineering Handbook 3500 series Controllers
398 Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10
Parameter Location Section
Range Max Txdr 24.6.
Range Min Txdr 24.6.
Rate Lp SP 21.7.1.
Rate Lp OP 21.8.1.
Rate Res Program Setup 22.16.
RateDone Lp SP 21.7.1.
ReadOnl y Commstab 14.7.
AnAlm 12.4.
RelHumid Humidity 16.2.
RemOPH Lp OP 21.8.1.
RemOPL Lp OP 21.8.1.
Remote Input Lp PID 21.5.1.
Poly 19.2.
Resn PV Input 7.2.
Resn Total 15.3.1.
Resn Humidity 16.2.
Res n Mux16 18.4.1.
Res n MultiOp 18.5.6.
Load 20.1.
Resn UsrVal 25.1.
Reset Count 15.1.1.
Reset Total 15.3.1.
Reset IPMon 17.2.
Res'n Mod 10.3.
Resoln Zirconia 16.4.
Resol ut i on
Comms 14.3.
Resolution Program Setup 22.16.
Ri ppl e Car r y Count 15.1.1.
RTClock En Inst Enb 6.3.1.
Run Total 15.3.1.
Run/Hold Func Access 3.2
Run/Hold Key Access 3.2
Run/Hold Key Inst Dia 6.7.
Safe OP Lp OP 21.8.1.
SBreak Humidity 16.2.
SBrk Alarm PV Input 7.2.
Sbrk Mode Lp OP 21.8.1.
Sbrk OP Lp OP 21.8.1.
SBrk Type PV Input 7.2.
SBrk Type Mod 10.3.
SBrk Value PV Input 7.2.
SBrk Value Mod 10.3.
SBrkAlarm Mod 10.3.
SBrkOut Mod 10.3.
SbyAct Lgc IO 8.2.
SbyAct RlyAA 9.2.
SbyAct Mod 10.3.
Scale Hi Txdr 24.6.
Scale Lo Txdr 24.6.
Sched CBH
Lp Diag 21.9.
Parameter Location Section
Sched CBL
Lp Diag 21.9.
Sched LpBrk
Lp Diag 21.9.
Sched MR
Lp Diag 21.9.
Sched OPHi
Lp Diag 21.9.
Sched OPLo
Lp Diag 21.9.
Sched PB
Lp Diag 21.9.
Sched R2G
Lp Diag 21.9.
Sched Td
Lp Diag 21.9.
Sched Ti
Lp Diag 21.9.
Sched Type Lp PID 21.5.1.
Scroll Key Access 3.2
Prog Edit Sync All 22.17.1.
Segment Single Program Edit 22.19.1.
Segment Type
Prog Edit Sync All 22.17.1.
Segment Type Single Program Edit 22.19.1.
Segments Left Inst Dia 6.7.
Segments Used
Prog Edit Sync All 22.17.1.
Segments Used Single Program Edit 22.19.1.
Segs Per Prog Inst Dia 6.7.
Select Math Operators 18.3.1.
Sel ect Mux12 18.4.1.
Selected IP
SwOver 23.1.2.
SelMax Math Operators 18.3.1.
SelMin Math Operators 18.3.1.
Lp Diag 21.9.
Serial Num Inst Inf 6.6.
Servo Program Setup 22.16.
Servo Single Program Edit 22.19.1.
ServoToPV Lp SP 21.7.1.
Show MAC
Comms 14.4.
Shunt Mod 10.3.
Shunt State Txdr 24.6.
SkipSeg Program Setup 22.16.
SlvData1 to
SlvData16 Mstrcomms 14.9.2.
SmpHld Math Operators 18.3.1.
SootAlm Zirconia 16.4.
Sour ce Commstab 14.7.
SP HighLim Lp SP 21.7.1.
SP Input Program Setup 22.16.
SP Input Single Program Edit 22.19.1.
SP LowLim Lp SP 21.7.1.
SP Select Lp SP 21.7.1.
SP Track Lp SP 21.7.1.
SP Trim Lp SP 21.7.1.
SP Trim Hi Lp SP 21.7.1.
SP Trim Lo Lp SP 21.7.1.
SP1 Lp SP 21.7.1.
SP2 Lp SP 21.7.1.
3500 Series Controllers Engineering Handbook
Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10 399
Parameter Location Section
SPRate Disable Lp SP 21.7.1.
Sqrt Math Operators 18.3.1.
Stage Lp Tune 21.6.4.
Stage Time Lp Tune 21.6.4.
Standby Access 3.2
Start Cal Txdr 24.6.
Start Hi Cal Txdr 24.6.
Start Tare Txdr 24.6.
State Lp Tune 21.6.4.
Status PV Input 7.2.
Status Mod 10.3.
Status IOExp 11.1.1.
packbit 14.10.1.
unpackbit 14.11.1.
St at us
Lgc2 18.1.3.
St at us Math14 18.3.2.
St at us Mux15 18.4.1.
St at us Lin16 19.1.2.
Poly 19.2.
SwOver 23.1.2.
Status UsrVal 25.1.
String Count Inst Dia 6.7.
String Space Inst Dia 6.7.
Sub Math Operators 18.3.1.
Subnet mask 1
Comms 14.4.
Subnet mask 2
Comms 14.4.
Subnet mask 3
Comms 14.4.
Subnet mask 4
Comms 14.4.
Success Count Mstrcomms 14.9.2.
Sum Out MultiOp 18.5.6.
Susp Retry Mstrcomms 14.9.2.
Suspend Count Mstrcomms 14.9.2.
Suspend Exceed Mstrcomms 14.9.2.
Switch Inst Enb 6.3.1.
Switch Hi
SwOver 23.1.2.
Switch Lo
SwOver 23.1.2.
Switch PV
SwOver 23.1.2.
SwOver En Inst Enb 6.3.1.
Sync Input Program Setup 22.16.
Sync Input Single Program Edit 22.19.1.
Sync1 Program Setup 22.16.
SyncMode Single Program Edit 22.19.1.
Tare Value Txdr 24.6.
Tar get Count 15.1.1.
Target OP
Lp Diag 21.9.
Target SP LP Main 21.3.1.
Target SP Prog Edit Sync Start 22.17.2.
Target SP Single Program Edit 22.19.1.
Load 20.1.
Parameter Location Section
Load 20.1.
Td/Td2/Td3 Lp PID 21.5.1.
TempInput Zirconia 16.4.
TempOffs Zirconia 16.4.
Tens BCDIn 12.6.
AnAlm 12.4.
Thr eshol d IPMon 17.2.
Ti/Ti2/Ti3 Lp PID 21.5.1.
Time Timer 15.2.6.
Time RTClock 15.4.1.
Ti me Above IPMon 17.2.
Time Event
Prog Edit Sync All 22.17.1.
Ti me2Cl n Zirconia 16.4.
TimeEvent? Program Setup 22.16.
Timeout Comms 14.9.2.
Timer En Inst Enb 6.3.1.
Tolerance Zirconia 16.4.
Total Total 15.3.1.
Totalise En Inst Enb 6.3.1.
Track En Lp OP 21.8.1.
Track OP Lp OP 21.8.1.
Track PV Lp SP 21.7.1.
Track SP Lp SP 21.7.1.
Transact Count Mstrcomms 14.9.2.
Triggered Timer 15.2.6.
TrScale En Inst Enb 6.3.1.
Txdr1 Page Inst Dis 6.5.
Txdr2 Page Inst Dis 6.5.
AnAlm 12.4.
Type Timer 15.2.6.
Load 20.1.
UI Stack Free Inst Dia 6.7.
UI Ticks Inst Dia 6.7.
Uni t I dent
Comms 14.4.
Units Inst Opt 6.4.
Units PV Input 7.2.
Units Mod 10.3.
Units BCDIn 12.6.
Units Total 15.3.1.
Uni t s MultiOp 18.5.6.
Units Lin16 19.1.2.
Poly 19.2.
Load 20.1.
Units Program Setup 22.16.
Units UsrVal 25.1.
UnpackBitEn Inst Enb 6.3.1.
UserVal? Program Setup 22.16.
UserValOP Program Setup 22.16.
Prog Edit Sync All 22.17.1.
Engineering Handbook 3500 series Controllers
400 Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10
Parameter Location Section
UsrVal En1 Inst Enb 6.3.1.
UsrVal En2 Inst Enb 6.3.1.
Value UsrVal 25.1.
Version Num Inst Inf 6.6.
Voltage Mod 10.3.
Wait For Prog Edit Sync All 22.17.1.
WaitVal Prog Edit Sync Start 22.17.2.
Wdog Act i on
Comms 14.3.
Wdog Fl ag
Comms 14.3.
Wdog Ti meout
Comms 14.3.
Comms 14.3.
WetOffs Humidity 16.2.
WetT Humidity 16.2.
Work OP LP Main 21.3.1.
Wrk OPHi
Lp Diag 21.9.
Parameter Location Section
Wrk OPLo
Lp Diag 21.9.
Wr kGas Zirconia 16.4.
WSP LP Main 21.3.1.
XOR Logic operators 18.1.2.
ZirconiaEn Inst Enb 6.3.1.

3500 Series Controllers Engineering Handbook
Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10 401
35. Declaration of conformity

Engineering Handbook 3500 series Controllers
402 Part No HA027988 Issue 10.0 Feb-10

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