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Syllabus 6 Sem

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Course Code: BTEEC 30601 Credit Units: 04 Course Contents: Module I: Devices and the wire Diode, dynamic and transient behaviour-diffusion capacitance, SPICE diode model Mosfet Static Behaviour: Threshold voltage and its dependence on VSB MOSFET Operation in resistive and saturation region, channel length modulation, Velocity saturation and its impact on sub micron devices, sub threshold conduction, Model for manual analysis, Equivalent resistance for MOSFET in (velocity) saturated region, comparison of equations for PMOS and NMOS, depletion and enhancement device Dynamic Behaviour: Channel capacitance in different regions of operation, junction capacitance, Level 1 SPICE MODELS for MOS transistors The Wire: Interconnect parameters: resistance, capacitance and Inductance, Lumped RC model, Elmore Delay Module II: CMOS Inverter VTC of an ideal inverter, Switching Model of the CMOS inverter: nMOS /pMOS discharge and charge, VTC of CMOS inverter : PMOS AND NMOS operation in various regions including velocity saturation, Switching threshold, (W/L)p/(W/L)n ratio for setting desired VM with and without velocity saturation, Noise Margins, buffer Ratioed logic: Pseudo NMOS inverter and pmos to nmos ratio for performance, tristate inverter, Resistive load inverter Load Capacitance calculations: fan out capacitance, self capacitance calculations: Miller effect, wire capacitance; Improving delay calculation with input slope, Propagation delay: first order analysis, analysis from a design perspective, sizing a chain of inverters for minimum delay, choosing optimum number of stages Power, Energy and Energy Delay: Dynamic power consumption, Static power, Glitches and power dissipation due to direct path currents, power and delay trade off, Transistor sizing for energy minimization Module III: Combinational circuits CMOS Logic: Good 0 and poor 0, Goo1 and poor 1, series and parallel N and P switches, 2 and Higher input NAND and NOR gates, Functions of the type (AB+C(D+E)) and their complements, XOR and XNOR gates, 2 input Multiplexer, Full Adder; Transistor sizing in CMOS logic for optimal delay, Pseudo NMOS NAND NOR and other gates and the transistor sizing, Introduction to DSVCL logic, CPL AND/NAND, OR/NOR, XOR/XNOR gates Logical effort, Electrical Effort, Branching effort, Examples of sizing Combinational logic chains for minimum delay Pass-transistor logic, pass gate configurations for nmos and pmos, 2 input and 4 input MUX, XOR, XNOR and implementation of general functions like AB+AB*C+A*C*, Robust and Efficient PTL Design, Delay of Transmission Gate chain Dynamic CMOS design: Precharge and Evaluation, charge leakage, bootstrapping, charge sharing, Cascading Dynamic Gates, DOMINO Logic, Optimization of Domino Logic Gates, simple example circuit implementations of DOMINO logic Module IV: Sequential Logic circuits Principle of Bistability, NAND and NOR based SR latch, and clocked SR Latch, JK latch, example of master slave flip flop, CMOS D latch, , MUX based Latches, master slave edge triggered register, non ideal clocks, clock overlap, C2MOS register, TSPCR Register, Schmitt Trigger, Pipelining and NORA CMOS Module V: Layout Design Rules Introduction to CMOS Process technology, Layout of CMOS inverter, CMOS NAND and NOR gates, Concept of Euler path, and stick diagrams for functions like (AB+E+CD)


Course Code: BTEEC 30602 Credit Units: 04 Course Objective: The objective of the course in Digital signal processing is to provide the student with significant skills in general aswell as advanced theories and methods for modification, analysis, detection and classification of analog and digital signals. Furthermore the objective is to give the student a broad knowledge of central issues regarding design, realisation and test of analog and in particular digital signal processing systems consisting of hardware and/or software components. The specialization in signal processing makes it possible to study practical or theoretic fields, ranging from mathematics/signal theory over algorithmic design to development of instruments based on hardware and/or software for real time signal Course Contents: Module I: Discrete time signals and systems in time domain Classification of signal, signal processing operations, classification of systems, discrete time systems, examples of types of signal, sampling process, time domain characterization of LTI discrete- time systems, state space representation of LTI discrete time systems. Module II: Discrete time signals in transform domain DTFT, properties, applications, inverse DTFT, DFT, properties, applications, inverse DFT, Z-transform, properties,applications, inverse Z-transform, frequency response, transfer function, Fast Fourier transform algorithms: DIT algorithm, DIF algorithm. Module III Discrete time processing of continuous time signals: sampling, analog filter design, antiliasing filter design. Module IV: Discrete time processing of discrete- time signals Digital filters: Digital filter structure: FIR filter structure, IIR filter structure Digital filter design: Impulse invariance method, bilinear transform method of IIR filter design, FIR filter design.

Course Code: BTEEC 30603 Credit Units: 03 Course Objective: This course deals with the microwaves. Microwaves are important when we are going to the high frequency regime. By studying this course students will be able to know about the microwave components and devices, microwave generators and their characteristics, microwave applications and measurement. Also they will be familier about the rectangular and circular waveguides, their equations and the modes existing in these waveguides. Course Contents: Module I: Introduction Microwave frequencies, standard frequency bands, behaviour of circuits at conventional and microwave frequencies, microwave application. Module II: Waveguide Overview of guided waves, TE, TM and TEM modes, rectangular and cylindrical wave guide resonators, choice of the type of waveguide, waveguide problems. Module III: Microwave Components and Devices Scattering matrix and its properties, coupling probes, coupling loops, windows, waveguide tuners, termination, Eplane Tee, H-plane Tee, Magic Tee, Phase-Shifter, attenuators, Directional Coupler, Gunn diode, Resonator and circulators, IMPATT devices, TRAPATT. Module IV: Microwave tubes Transit-time effect, limitations of conventional tubes, Two-cavity and multi-cavity Klystrons, Reflex Klystron, TWT and Magnetrons.


Course Code: BTEEC 30604 Credit Units: 04 Course Objective: The purpose of this course is to provide a thorough introduction to antenna systems with an in depth study ofvarious types & performance parameters for antenna. Course Contents: Module I: Antenna Antenna Principles: Potential Functions & Electromagnetic Field, Current Elements, Radiation from Monopole &Half Wave Dipole, power radiated by current element, radiation resistance. Network Theorems, Directional Properties of Dipole Antenna. Antenna Gain, Effective Area, Antenna Terminal Impedance, Practical Antennas andMethods of Excitation, Antenna Temperature and Signal to Noise Ratio. Module II: Antenna Arrays Antennas Arrays: Two Element Array, Horizontal Patterns in Broadcast Arrays, Linear Arrays, Multiplication ofpatterns, effect of the earth on vertical patterns, Binomial array Module III: Wave Propagation Modes of Propagation, Plane Earth Reflection, Space wave and Surface Wave, Reflection and refraction waves bythe Ionosphere Tropospheric Wave. Ionosphere Wave Propagation in the Ionosphere, Virtual Height, MUF Criticalfrequency, Skip Distance, Duct Propagation, Space wave Module IV: Practical Antennas VLF and LF transmitting antennas, effect of antenna height, Field of short dipole, electric field of small loop antenna, Directivity of circular loop antenna with uniform current, Yagi-Uda array: Square corner yagi-uda hybrid,circular polarization Rhombic Antenna: Weight and Leg length Parabolic Reflectors: Properties, Comparison withcorner reflectors Horn Antenna: Length and Aperture. Introduction to Turstile Antenna Effect of ground on antenna performance. Broadband Antenna: Frequency independent concept, RUMSEYs Principle, Frequency independent planar log spiral antenna, Frequency independent conical spiral Antenna. Module V: Antenna Measurements Radiation Pattern measurement, Distance requirement for uniform phase, uniform field amplitude requirement, Introduction to phase measurement; Gain Measurement: Comparison method, Near field method, Introduction to current distribution measurement, Measurement of antenna efficiency, measurement of Noise figure and noise temperature of an antenna polarization measurement.


Course Code: BTEEC 30605 Credit Units: 03 Module I: Theory of Measurement Introduction, Unit System, Performance Characteristics: static & dynamic standards, Error analysis: Sources, types and statistical analysis. Module II: Transducers Passive transducers, Active transducers: Classification, selection, Measurement of Pressure, Strain, Resistance, Capacitance and inductance.strain gauges, rossettes, LVDT, interfacing resistive transducers to electronic circuits. Module III: Analog Meters AC analog meter: Average, Peak and RMS voltmeters, sampling voltmeters. Electronics Analog meters: Electronics analog DC and AC voltmeter and ammeters, ohmmeter and multimeter Module IV: Data Acquisition System Introduction to data acquisition systems, Bridges: Wheatstones bridge, Kelvin double bridge; Megger; Andersons Bridge; Schering Bridge; sources and detectors, shielding of bridges. Module V: Digital Meters and Oscilloscopes Display devices: Decimal, BCD and straight binary number, indicating system, numeric & alpha number display using LCD & LED, specification of digital meters: display digit & counts resolution, sensitivity, accuracy, speed & settling time etc. Types of oscilloscopes, Measurement of Frequency.

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